• Large PE
jugular venous enlargement hepatomegly hepatojugular reflux positive Ewart sign: (Subscapularis area ) vocal fremitus dullness brochovesicular breath sound paradoxical pulse
apex impulse diminution
• palpation
apex beat is palpated uneasily
• percussion
enlargement of the cardiac dullness bilaterally,changed with posture
• Auscultation
The main symptoms and signs of common diseases of circulatory system
Mitral stenosis
• Causes
RHD--rheumatic heart disease senile retrograde congenital heart disease
• Symptoms
right side heart failure: abdominal distention oliguria anorexia nausea and vomiting
• Signs(LHF) • inspection
Tachypnea,cyanosis, to sit up straight. Pink foam sputum,
诊断学英文课件:Clinical Diagnostics
问诊(Inquiry, History Taking )
定义:医生通过对患者或相关人员的系统询问获 取资料,经过综合分析而做出临床判断的一种诊 法。
Contents of inquiry
1. General data(一般项目) 2. Chief complaint:(主诉) 3. Present illness(现病史) 4. Past history(既往史)
Method to learn -2
• 面临大量的临床资料,如何去粗取精、去伪存真地分析 和思考,正确的临床思维有时不是依靠独立思索而形成 的,临床会诊、讨论(MDT)等均可起到互相启发和取 长补短的作用。
单击此处添课程名 • 一个完整的诊断除需要有解剖学、功能学和影象学的诊 断外,在条件许可的情况下要尽可能作出病理学、细胞 学和病原学的诊断。 • 从一个医学生到一个能提出初步诊断的临床医生,是需
What is Clinical diagnostics ?
*是运用医学基础理论、基本知识 和基本技能, 对疾病进行诊断的一门 学科。
Basic theory, basic knowledge, basic skills for making the diagnosis and reach the therapeutic strategies
单击此处添课程名 5. Review of systems(系统回顾)
6. Personal history(个人史) 7. Menstrual history(月经史) 8. Marital history(婚姻史) 9. childbearing history(生育史) 10. Family history(家族史)
What is diagnosis? 什么叫诊断?Diagnosis is investigation and judgment. 诊断就是诊察和判断Investigation is data collecting. 诊察是收集疾病信息Judgment is synthesis and analyze data to determine the nature of illness. 判断是综合分析信息确定所患疾病The diagnosis is taking about the method of data collecting and how to make a correct judgment. 诊断学讲述收集信息和正确判断疾病的方法Steps of Diagnosis诊断步骤Data collecting history intervewing physical examination laboratory examination assistant examinationData analyzingDetermination of the nature of the illness收集信息资料采集病史体格检查实验室检查辅助检查推理分析判断确定所患疾病Classification of Clinical Diagnosis临床诊断的分类Etiologic diagnosis Virus hepatitis Rheumatic heart disease Pathological-anatomic diagnosis Aortic regurgitation Liver cirrhosisPathophysiologic diagnosis Shock Uremia病因诊断病毒性肝炎风湿性心脏病病理解剖诊断主动脉瓣关闭不全肝硬化病理生理诊断休克尿毒症Inquiry问诊Inquiry is one method from the interview between doctor and patient or relative for disease history, and making the clinical determination by analyzing history.通过对患者或相关人员的询问获取病史资料经过综合分析作出临床判断Contents of Questioning 问诊的内容Identifying informationSource and reliabilityChief complaintsPresent illnessPast medical historyPersonal historyMarital history Menstrual and obstetric history in womenFamily history患者个人信息叙述者和可信度主诉现病史既往史个人史婚姻史月经生育史家族史Identifying Information 患者个人信息NameSex and AgeNative placeBirth placeNationalityMarriageAddress Work placeOccupation 姓名性别和年龄籍贯出生地国籍或民族婚姻住址工作地点职业Others Information其他相关信息Chief Complaint主诉Main discomfort and its durationMake sure to be: concise sequential persisting headache for 3 daysMake sure to avoid using: onset time of the disease diagnostic terms dialects主要痛苦+经过时间书写注意要简明扼要要按时间先后顺序持续头痛3天三不要不要用起病时间不要用诊断术语不要用方言土语Present Illness现病史Further description of the main complaint, including the whole disease processOnset and duration and Predisposing factorsCharacters of the main symptom, progression and evolvementAccompany symptomsManagements and effectsEffects on daily life对主诉的进一步阐述起病情况和诱发因素主要症状特点和疾病的演变伴随症状诊疗经过对日常生活的影响Past Medical History既往史Past health statusPast illnessHistory of injuryHistory of surgeryHistory of allergyHistory of blood transfusionHistory of vaccinationSystemic review既往健康状况既往所患疾病既往外伤史手术史过敏史输血史预防接种史系统回顾Personal History个人史Homeplace, inhabitation place, epidemic disease or travel experience to epidemic areaSmoking and alcohol intakeWorkHousing conditionLifestyleSex history出生地居留地是否到过疫区烟酒嗜好职业特点居住条件生活习惯不洁性交史Marital History婚姻史Marriage age 结婚年龄Health status of the spouse 爱人健康状况Marital attachment 夫妻感情Menstrual and Obstetrical History月经生育史Formula for recording menses intermenstrual period (day)Menarche age ————menopause age menstrual cycle or LMPMenses: volume, color, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhealObstetrical: number of pregnancy and delivery, history of operative delivery, difficult labor, abortion月经记录格式行经期(天)初潮年龄————末次月经日期月经周期或绝经年龄行经情况月经量颜色有无白带痛经孕产情况孕次产次有无手术产流产难产Family History家族史Health status of three sequential generationsCauses of deathExisting the same diseaseHereditary diseasesInfectious diseases三代人健康状况父母兄妹子女(几男几女)死亡原因有无同类疾病遗传病传染病Basic Examination Techniques基本检查法视诊inspection 触诊palpation 叩诊percussion 听诊auscultation 嗅诊olfactory Palpation触诊Light palpation 浅部触诊法Deep palpation 深部触诊法Deep slipping palpation 滑行触诊法Bimanual palpation 双手触诊法Deep press palpation 深压触诊法Ballottement 冲击触诊法Percussion Notes叩诊音Tympany: gas Hyperresonance: increased gas in lung tissue Resonance: lung tissueDullness: gas and tissueFlatness: essential organ or fluid 鼓音: 气体过清音: 肺组织含气增多清音: 肺组织浊音: 气体与组织实音: 实质脏器或液体General Examination一般检查Vital signs 生命体征Development 发育Habitus 体型Nutritional status 营养Consciousness 意识Facial features and expressions 面容和表情Vital Sign (T, P, R) 生命征Temperature Normal axillary T: 36~37℃Fever: T>37℃Hypothermia: T<35℃Pulse Frequency: 60~100/min Rhythm: RegularRespiration Normal: 16~18/min体温正常(腋窝)体温: 36~37℃发热: T>37℃体温不升脉搏脉率: 60~100/min节律: 整齐呼吸频率: 16~18/minDisturbance of Consciousness意识障碍Somnolence 嗜睡Confusion 意识模糊Stupor 昏睡Coma 昏迷Delirium 谵妄Facial Features and Expression面容与表情mitral face二尖瓣面容Acute disease expression 急性病容Chronic disease expression 慢性病容Special face 特殊面容Graves Disease甲亢面容Mooned Face Induced by Cushing’s库兴氏满月脸Hippocratic Facies 恶病质Myxedema粘液水肿Acromegaly肢端肥大症Position体位Relaxed position 自主体位Positive position 被动体位in depletion or unconscious patient 极度衰竭意识丧失Compulsive position 强迫体位to relieve discomfort 减轻痛苦被迫采取的体位Gait步态Normal: calm and pithinessAbnormal:Waddling gaitDrunken man gaitAtaxic gaitFestinating gaitsteppage or footdrop gait scissors gaitIntermittent claudicationspastic hemiparesis正常: 平稳有力异常:蹒跚步态醉酒步态共济失调步态慌张步态跨阈步态剪刀步态间歇性跛行划圈步态、Subcutaneous Hemorrhage皮下出血Wine color and won’t fade when pressed 暗红色压之不褪色Petechia: <2mm 瘀点: <2mmPurpura: 3~5mm 紫癜: 3~5mmEcchymosis: >5mm 瘀斑: >5mmHematoma: 血肿: 片状出血伴皮肤隆起Spider Angioma蜘蛛痣Highly branched stellate arterial lesions which pulsate and blanch on pressure. Distributed commonly on face, neck, or chest. May be associated with pregnancy, chronic liver disease, or estrogen therapy, or may be normal.定义: 小动脉末端分支性扩张特点: 中央受压血管消失机制: 雌激素增多部位: 上腔静脉区域面部颈部和胸部病因: 妊娠慢性肝脏病变雌激素治疗Record content记录内容Normal node: 2~5 mm, soft, smooth, no tenderness and adhesion.Record if enlarged: location, size, number, hardness,tender, mobility, adhesion, superficial skin.正常淋巴结2~5mm 质软光滑无压痛无粘连肿大时记录部位大小数目硬度压痛活动度粘连Pupil Size瞳孔大小Normal: 3~4mm Dilation: glaucoma, atropinizationContraction: organophosphorus poisoning, drug reaction, narcotic takingPlatycoria: dying正常: 3~4mm扩大: 青光眼阿托品中毒缩小: 有机磷中毒药物反应安眠药过量双侧散大: 濒死状态Compare Both Pupil比较双侧瞳孔Normal:SymmetryAnisocoria: Pathology anywhere from the reception of light through the optic nerves to the brain stem, the third cranial nerve, sympathetic, or parasympathetic pathwaysCerebral hernia正常:等大等圆不等大视神经至脑干病变动眼神经受压交感神经受压副交感神经受压脑疝表面皮肤情况Sinuses鼻窦Location 部位frontal sinuses 额窦ethmoid sinuses 筛窦maxillary sinus 上颌窦Sphenoid sinuses tenderness & percussion pain: sinusitis 鼻窦区压痛叩击痛: 鼻窦炎Tongue Size舌体Enlarged: inflammation, myxedema, tumor, acromegaly 舌体肿大: 炎症黏液性水肿肿瘤肢端肥大症Shrinked: severe dehydration 舌体干小: 严重脱水Appearance of Tongue 舌象Geographic and wrinkled or fissured tongue: riboflavin deficiencyStrawberry tongue: long feverBeefy tongue: niacin deficiencySmooth tongue: iron or Vit B12 deficiency Black hairy tongue: fungus infection地图舌和裂纹舌: 黄色斑片和横向裂纹提示核黄素缺乏草莓舌: 舌乳头肿胀长期发热牛肉舌: 舌面绛红菸酸缺乏镜面舌: 光滑红色铁或维生素B12缺乏黑毛舌: 黑黄褐色毛真菌感染Pharynx and Tonsil咽和扁桃体Pharynx 咽Turkey red accompanied by swelling: Acute pharyngitis 红肿: 急性咽炎Wine accompanied by follicle: Chronic pharyngitis暗红滤泡: 慢性咽炎Tonsil 扁桃体degree of tonsil swelling Ⅰ°不超过腭咽弓Ⅱ°超过腭咽弓未达中线Ⅲ°达到超过咽后壁中线purulent 化脓性扁桃体炎Palpation of the Trachea触摸气管位置Indicate the location of mediastinum 指示纵隔位置Location: normally in the middle 正常居中Shifting to the health: large pleural effusion, pneumothorax 移向健侧: 大量胸腔积液气胸Shifting to the disaster: emphysema 移向患侧: 肺不张The Degree of Thyroid Gland Swelling甲状腺肿大的分度Ⅰ: invisible but palpable 不能看到能触到Ⅱ: visible and palpable 能看到又能触到Ⅲ: exceeding the out margin of sterno-mastoid muscle 超过胸锁乳突肌外缘Abnormal Intercostal Space肋间隙改变Recessed or narrowed depressed when inspirating: air way obstruction one-side depression: atelectasis, pleural adhesionWide or swelling general intense when expirating: emphysema, bronchial asthma one-side intense: pleural effusion, pneumothorax凹陷或变窄(容积缩小) 吸气时凹陷:大气道阻塞一侧变窄凹陷: 肺不张胸膜粘连膨隆或增宽(容积增大) 呼气时膨隆: 肺气肿支气管哮喘一侧增宽膨隆: 胸腔积液气胸Abnormal Lung Border肺界异常Kronig’isthmus:Widening: emphysemaNarrowing (unilateral): tuberculosis, tumorInferior border:Lowered: emphysemaRised: atelectasis, increased intra-abdominal pressureUndetectable: Pleural effusion, pneumothorax肺上界增宽: 肺气肿变窄: 肺结核肺肿瘤肺下界下降: 肺气肿升高: 肺不张腹压增高叩不出: 胸腔积液气胸、Abnormal Diaphragmatic Excursion肺下界移动范围异常Decreased: <4cm 减弱: <4cmUnilateral: atalectasis, pleural adhension 单侧: 肺不张胸膜粘连Bilateral: emphysema, lung fibrosis 双侧: 肺气肿肺纤维化Abnormal Intercostal Space肋间隙改变Recessed or narrowed depressed when inspirating: air way obstruction one-side depression: atelectasis, pleural adhesionWide or swelling general intense when expirating: emphysema, bronchial asthma one-side intense: pleural effusion, pneumothorax凹陷或变窄(容积缩小) 吸气时凹陷:大气道阻塞一侧变窄凹陷: 肺不张胸膜粘连膨隆或增宽(容积增大) 呼气时膨隆: 肺气肿支气管哮喘一侧增宽膨隆: 胸腔积液气胸Chest shape胸廓形态Normal: Ap : T=1 : 1.5Abnormal:Flat chest and Barrel chestRachitic chest Pigeon chest Rachitic rosary Funnel chest Harrison grooveRegional transfigurationThorax-vertebrae-malformation-induced胸廓正常形态前后径:横径1 : 1.5胸廓形态异常扁平胸和桶状胸佝偻病胸鸡胸串珠胸漏斗胸肋膈沟局部变形胸椎严重畸形Pathological Conditions异常改变Weaken or disappear: Obstructive atelectasis, emphysema, Pleural effusion, pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysemaEnhanced: Consolidation of lung tissue: lobar pneumonia, pulmonary infarction. Large cavity in the lung, esp. near the pleura: lung abscess, cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis.减弱或消失阻塞性肺不张肺气肿胸腔积液气胸皮下气肿增强肺实变: 大叶肺炎肺梗死近胸膜肺空洞: 肺脓肿空洞型肺结核Clinical Significance临床意义Localized crackles: regional diseasesBilateral crackles in lower field of the lungs with rhonchi: bronchitis with lung infectionCrackles in bilateral bases of the lungs: pulmonary congestion caused by heart failureGeneralized coarse crackles in bilateral lung fields: acute pulmonary edema局部湿啰音: 肺局部炎症两下肺散在干湿啰音: 支气管炎并感染两肺底对称性湿啰音: 左心功能不全两肺满布湿啰音:急性肺水肿、Emphysema肺气肿Pathology: air trapping in the lung Inspection: barrel chestPalpation: decreased dynamic events of respiration and tactile fremitusPercussion: hyperresonce; Down-shifting of the inferior border of the lungAuscultation: decreased breath sounds and vocal resonance机制双肺含气增多视诊桶状胸触诊呼吸动度减弱语颤减弱叩诊过清音肺下界下移听诊呼吸音减弱语音共振减弱Atelectasis肺不张Pathology: the airway is obstructed and the lung holds no airInspection: the affected chest wall is flattenedPalpation: decreased dynamic events of respiration and tactile fremitus;The trachea is shifted to the affected sidePercussion: dullness or flatnessAuscultation: breath sounds and vocal resonance disappear.机制气道阻塞肺不含气视诊患侧胸廓凹陷触诊患侧呼吸动度减弱语颤减弱气管移向患侧叩诊患侧浊音或实音听诊患侧呼吸音消失、语音共振消失Lobar Pneumonia 肺炎性实变Pathology: too much fluid in alveoliInspection: normal chestPalpation: decreased dynamic events of respiration, increased tactile fremitus.Percussion: dullness or flatnessAuscultation: tubular breath sound, crackles, increased vocal resonance机制气道通畅肺泡腔充满液体视诊患侧呼吸运动减弱触诊患侧呼吸动度减弱病变区语颤增强叩诊病变区浊音或实音听诊管状呼吸音湿啰音语音共振增强、、Pneumothorax气胸Pathology: air is trapped in pleural cavityInspection: over-inflation of the affected sidePalpation: decreased dynamic events of respiration and tactile fremitus; the trachea is shifted to the unaffected sidePercussion: tympanyAuscultation: breath sounds and vocal resonance disappear 机制胸腔气体存积视诊患侧饱满触诊患侧呼吸动度减弱语颤减弱气管移向健侧叩诊患侧鼓音听诊患侧呼吸音消失语音共振消失Pleural Effusion胸腔积液Pathology: fluid is trapped in pleural cavityInspection: over-inflation of the affected sidePalpation: decreased dynamic events of respiration and tactile fremitus; the trachea is shifted to the unaffected sidePercussion: dullness or flatnessAuscultation: breath sounds and vocal resonance disappear 机制胸腔液体存积视诊患侧饱满触诊患侧呼吸动度减弱语颤减弱气管移向健侧叩诊患处浊音或实音听诊患处呼吸音消失语音共振消失Abnormal Lung Border肺界异常Kronig’isthmus:Widening: emphysemaNarrowing (unilateral): tuberculosis, tumorInferior border:Lowered: emphysemaRised: atelectasis, increased intra-abdominal pressureUndetectable: Pleural effusion, pneumothorax肺上界增宽: 肺气肿变窄: 肺结核肺肿瘤肺下界下降: 肺气肿升高: 肺不张腹压增高叩不出: 胸腔积液气胸Abnormal Diaphragmatic Excursion肺下界移动范围异常Decreased: <4cm 减弱: <4cmUnilateral: atalectasis, pleural adhension 单侧: 肺不张胸膜粘连Bilateral: emphysema, lung fibrosis 双侧: 肺气肿肺纤维化Classify of Breath Sound呼吸音分类Normal and abnormal 正常和异常呼吸音Bronchial breath sounds 支气管呼吸音Vesicular breath sounds 肺泡呼吸音Bronchovesicular breath sounds 支气管肺泡呼吸音Inspection of the Heart心脏视诊precordium shape 心前区外形normal apical impulse 正常心尖搏动abnormal apical impulse 异常心尖搏动precordial abnormal impulse 心前区异常搏动Precordium Shape心前区外形Precordial bulge 心前区隆起Features: bony bulge 特点:骨骼突起Clinical importance: Congenital heart disease with ventricular enlargement 提示:先天性心脏病右室大Precordial satiety 心前区饱满Features: intercostal region sticking out 特点:肋间软组织外突Clinical importance: mass of pericardial effusion 提示:大量心包积液Normal Apical Impulse正常心尖搏动Location: 0.5~1 cm to the left midclavicular line at the 5th ICS outside LSB. Range: 2~2.5cmDirection: outward when ventricular systole begins位置: 第5肋间左锁骨中线内0.5~1cm范围: 2~2.5cm方向: 收缩时向外搏动意义: 提示心尖位置代表收缩期提示心脏大小Abnormal Dullness Heart Border心界叩诊异常(1)heart variation 心脏改变L.V enlargement: boot-shaped heart 左室扩大: 靴形心L.A enlargement: pear-shaped heart 左房扩大: 梨形心B.V enlargement: general enlarged heart 双室扩大: 普大心R.V enlargement: cor pulmonal 右室扩大: 先心肺心Pericardial effusion: flask-shaped heart心包积液: 烧瓶心、Abnormal Dullness Heart Border心界叩诊异常(2)chest and lung diseases 胸肺疾病Pleural effusion or lung consolidation: dullness border undetectable 胸腔积液或肺实变: 叩不出Emphysema: “shrinked”dullness border 肺气肿: 心浊音界缩小abdominal disorders 腹部疾病Diaphragm elevation: acrossing heart 膈升高: 横位心Boot-shaped Heart靴形心Mechanism: L.V enlargementFeatures: the left border extends to the inferior left, waist of the heart is deepened.Causes: aortic insufficiency, hypertensive heart disease机制: 左室扩大特点: 心左界向左下扩大心腰加深病因: 主动脉瓣关闭不全高血压心脏病Pear-shaped Heart梨形心Mechanism: L.A enlargement and distension of pulmonary arteryFeatures: dullness heart border in the 2nd, 3rd ICS on the LSB extends outside, waist of the heart bulges outCauses: mitral stenosis机制: 左房扩大肺动脉扩大特点: 胸骨左缘2, 3肋间心浊音界向外扩大心腰饱满或膨出病因: 二尖瓣狭窄General Enlarged Heart普大心Mechanism: both left and right ventricle are enlargedFeatures: the dullness border extends to both sides, the left border extends to inferior leftCauses: cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, whole heart failure机制: 左右心室扩大特点: 心浊音界向双侧扩大左界向下扩大病因扩张型心肌病克山病重症心肌炎全心衰竭Flask-shaped Heart烧瓶心Mechanism: pericardial effusionFeatures: Sitting position: triangular dullness borderSupine: widened dullness border of the base机制: 心包积液特点:坐位时心浊音界呈三角形仰卧位心底部浊音区增宽随体位心界改变First Heart Sound, S1 第一心音Signaling the beginning of systole. 提示收缩期开始It has characters of low pitch, long duration. 音调低时间长“咚”It can be heard best in the apex area. 在心尖部听诊最清楚Second Heart Sound, S2第二心音Signaling the beginning of diastole. 提示舒张期开始It is high-pitched, low-intensity, shorter and brisker. 高调低强度时间短轻脆“嗒”It can be auscultated best at the base of the heart. 在心底部听诊最清楚S1 第一心音S2 第二心音Pitch 音调Low 低High 高Intensity 强度High 强Low 弱Quality 音质Blunter 低钝Brisker 清脆Duration 持续时间Long 长Short 短Interval 两者间隔S1-S2 长< S2-S1 短Apical impulse 心尖搏动Concomitant 一致Post 之后Best site 最响部位Apex 心尖Base 心底Changes of Quality 心音性质改变Changes of S1 quality: S1 same as S2 (blankness) 第一心音性质改变: 第一心音与第二心音相同(单调)Diastolic phase shorten: same as systolic (single rule) 舒张时限缩短: 收缩期与舒张期时限相同(单律)Characteristic: pendular rhythm, embryocardia 听诊特点: 钟摆律胎心律Clinical meaning: myocardial damage severely, as acute myocardial infarction, severe myocarditis,. 提示: 心肌严重受损如急性心肌梗塞重症心肌炎Wide Splitting顺分裂Typical at the end of inspiration 吸气末分裂明显Physiologic splitting: deep inspiration 生理分裂: 吸气相回右心血量增加General splitting 通常分裂Delayed P2: pulmonary hypertension, mitral stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, right bundle branch block. 肺动脉瓣关闭延迟: 肺动脉高压二尖瓣狭窄肺动脉瓣狭窄右束支阻滞Early A2: mitral insufficiency, IVSD 主动脉瓣关闭提前: 二尖瓣关闭不全室间隔缺损Fixed Splitting固定分裂Splitting is unaffected by respiration分裂不受呼吸影响Mechanism: delayed closure of the pulmonic valve (output of the right ventricle is greater than that of the left) 机制: 肺动脉瓣关闭延迟Blood flow from left atrium to the right passing through septal defects amortized affection of respiration. 房间隔缺损处血液左向右分流缓冲呼吸影响Common diseases: large atrial septal defects and right ventricular failure. 病因: 大的房间隔缺损并右心功能不全Reversed Splitting逆分裂Typical at the end of expiration 呼气末分裂明显Paradoxical Splitting: P2 occurs firstly, followed by A2 反常分裂: 肺动脉瓣第二音出现在主动脉瓣第二音之前Mechanism: closure of the aortic valve is delayed 机制: 主动脉瓣关闭明显延迟Common diseases: Left bundle branch block, Aortic stenosis. 病因: 左束支传导阻滞主动脉瓣狭窄Extra Heart Sounds额外心音systolic extra heart sounds 收缩期额外心音diastolic extra heart sounds 舒张期额外心音Extra Heart Sounds额外心音SystolicEarly systole: ejection soundsMid-/Late systole: clickDiastolicEarly diastole: opening snap, pericardial knock Mid-diastole: third heart soundLate diastole: fourth heart soundgallop rhythm收缩早期喷射音中晚期喀喇音舒张早期开瓣音心包叩击音中期第三心音晚期第四心音奔马律Gallop奔马律Mechanism: decreased compliance of the ventricle caused by severe myocardial damage 机制: 心肌严重受损致室壁顺应性差Classification: 分类Protodiastolic gallop (Ventricular gallop, S3 gallop) 舒张早期奔马律(室性奔马律第三心音奔马律)Late diastolic gallop (atrial gallop, S4 gallop) 舒张晚期奔马律(房性奔马律第四心音奔马律)Quadruple rhythm and summation sound 四音律和重叠奔马律Physical S3 & Pathological S3生理性与病理性第三心音的区分Quadruple Rhythm and Summation Sound四音律和重叠奔马律Mechanism: pathological S3 & S4. 同时出现病理性第三和第四心音During tachycardia, the diastolic filling time shortens and the S3 and S4 move closer together. 心率加速时舒张期缩短第三和第四心音重叠They sound superimposed in mid-diastole, and one loud, prolonged, summated sound can be heard, often louder than either S1 or S2. 特点: 舒张中期较长响亮心音强于第一或第二心音Characterization of Murmurs杂音听诊要点LocationDurationPitch and QualityIntensity and Timing Transmission or radiationEffect murmurs of factor杂音的部位杂音的时期杂音的性质杂音的强度杂音的传导影响杂音的因素Location杂音部位Apical area: mitral valveAortic area: aortic valvePulmonic area: pulmonic valveInferior sternum: tricuspid valve3rd, 4th ICS, LSB: ventricular septal defect2nd, 3rd ICS, LSB: patent ductus arteriosus杂音出现和最响部位与病变部位血流方向传导介质相关心尖部: 二尖瓣主动脉瓣听诊区: 主动脉瓣肺动脉瓣听诊区: 肺动脉瓣胸骨下端: 三尖瓣胸骨左缘 3 4 肋间: 室间隔胸骨左缘 2 3 肋间: 动脉导管Duration杂音时期Systolic murmur (SM)HolosystolicEarlyMidsystolicLateDiastolic murmur (DM)HolodiastolicEarlyMiddiastolicLate (presystolic)Continuous收缩期杂音全收缩期收缩早期收缩中期收缩晚期舒张期杂音全舒张期舒张早期舒张中期舒张晚期连续性杂音Distinguish Duration时期的区分systolic murmur 收缩期杂音appear between S1 and S2, same as apical impulse 在第一心音与第二心音之间出现与心尖搏动一致diastolic murmur 舒张期杂音appear between S2 and S1, nonsame as apical impulse在第2 心音与第1 心音之间出现与心尖搏动不一致Intensity of Systolic Murmur收缩期杂音强度GradeⅠ: barely audible in quiet room 1 级: 仔细听方可听到GradeⅡ: quiet but clearly audible 2 级: 容易听到但不响亮GradeⅢ: moderately loud 3 级: 较响亮GradeⅣ: loud, associated with thrill 4 级: 粗糙且响亮伴传导震颤GradeⅤ: very loud, thrill easily palpable 5 级: 震耳GradeⅥ: very loud, audible with stethoscope not in contact with chest, thrill palpable and visible 6 级: 离开胸壁亦可闻及Functional and Organic Murmurs收缩期杂音的鉴别Functional功能性Organic器质性Age 年龄Young儿童青少年Unlimited 不定Location 部位Pulmonic/apical 肺动脉瓣或心尖部Any area各部位Character 性质Soft, smooth 柔和Coarse, high pitch粗糙高调Duration 时间Short 短Long (whole systole)长(全收缩期)Intensity 强度<3/6 > or =3/6 Thrill 震颤no 无Yes 有Transmission传导Localized 局限extensive 传导Systolic murmur in left sternum intercostal 3~4: ventricular septal defect 胸骨左缘3 4肋间收缩期杂音: 室间隔缺损Continuous machine-like in left sternum intercostal 2: patent ductus arteriosus 胸骨左缘第2肋间连续型杂音: 动脉导管末闭Peripheral Vascular Sign周围血管征Vascular sign: 征象Water-hammer Pulse 水冲脉Carotid artery impulse 颈动脉搏动Nodding spasm 点头运动Capillary pulsation 毛细血管搏动征Pistol shot sound 枪击音Duroziez double murmur 杜氏双重杂音Clinical meaning: aortic insufficiency, hypertension, Hyperthyroidism提示: 主动脉瓣关闭不全高血压甲状腺机能亢进Heart Disease心脏疾病mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄aortic insufficiency 主动脉瓣关闭不全Mitral Stenosis二尖瓣狭窄(1)L.A enlargement Pulmonary artery dilation R.V enlargement 左房增大→肺动脉扩张→右室增大Inspection: Mitral face (malar flush), apical impulse left 视诊: 二尖瓣面容心尖搏动向左移位Palpation: diastolic thrill at the apex area 触诊: 心尖部舒张期震颤Percussion: pear-shaped heart 叩诊: 梨型心Mitral Stenosis Auscultation二尖瓣狭窄(2)Apex area: 心尖部Heart sounds: Accentuation of S1 第一心音亢进Extra sound: opening snaps 开瓣音Murmurs: mid- or late-diastolic rumbling in quality, decrescendo- crescendo, usually localized, heard more clearly with the patient recumbent or on his left side or after moderate exercise. 舒张中晚期隆隆样杂音Pulmonic area: 肺动脉瓣区Heart sounds: Accentuation and splitting of S2 第二心音亢进分裂Murmur: Graham-steell G-S杂音Aortic Insufficiency主动脉瓣关闭不全(1)Inspection: Apical impulse to left inferior 视诊: 心尖搏动向左下移位carotid artery impulse 颈动脉搏动Palpation: lifting apical impulse 触诊: 抬举性心尖搏动water-hammer pulse 水冲脉Percussion: boot-shaped heart 叩诊: 靴型心Aortic Insufficiency Auscultation 主动脉瓣关闭不全听诊(2)Aortic area:主动脉瓣区Heart sounds: S2↓第二心音减弱Murmur: early diastolic, high pitch, blowing, radiating to the apex 舒张期递减型叹气样杂音Apex area: 心尖部Heart sounds: S1↓第一心音减弱Murmurs: Austin-Flint A-F杂音Distension腹部膨隆Abdominal wall disorders 腹壁改变Tumor: appeared clearly in force 肿物: 腹部用力时肿物明显Incrassation: hilum depressed such as obesity 增厚: 脐部凹陷如肥胖Abdominal cavity increase 腹腔增大Full distension: normal pregnancy and abnormal 全腹膨隆: 正常妊娠和异常Local distension 局部膨隆Measure surround of abdomen 测量腹围Around the abdomen through hilum by soft ruler 仰卧位用软尺绕脐一周Common Causes of Distension常见膨隆原因Fat 肥胖Fluid 腹水Feces 粪块Fetus 妊娠Flatus 胃肠胀气Fibroids 子宫平滑肌瘤Fatal tumor 恶性肿瘤.Remember:5FContour: Protuberant Abdomen全腹膨隆Ascites: frog shape of abdomen, accompanied hilum hernia. 腹水: 蛙状腹常伴脐疝causes: hepatocirrhosis, serious heart failure, pericarditis, renal disease syndrome, peirtoneum cancer. 病因: 肝硬化严重心衰缩窄性心包炎肾病综合征腹膜癌Gases distention of the intestines: sphericity of abdomen 肠胀气: 球形腹causes: ileus, intestinal paralysis. 病因: 肠梗阻肠麻痹Organomegaly: enormous ovary cyst and teratoma. 肿瘤: 巨大卵巢囊肿畸胎瘤Local DistensionDirection of the Blood flow血流方向检查Use two fingers on appeared vein 用两手指并拢压在静脉上Two fingers press and dis part 两手指加压分开Loosen superior finger 松开上端手指Faster show blood flow downwards 充盈快示血流向下Repeat above action 重复以上动作Loosen inferior finger 松开下端手指Faster show blood flow upwards 充盈快示血流向上Obstruction of Vena Cava腔静脉阻塞Varicosity on the flanks曲张静脉在侧腹部Obstruction of superior vena cava: blood stream to downwards. 上腔静脉回流受阻血流方向向下Obstruction of inferior vena cava: blood stream to upwards. 下腔静脉回流受阻血流方向向上Rebound Tenderness (Blumberg sign) 反跳痛Examination method: press deeply and slowly, let slip suddenly. 检查方法: 逐渐深压腹壁突然松开Positive finding: pain prick up in loose. 阳性: 松开时疼痛加剧Clinical meanings: inflammation in the parietal peritoneum. 提示: 炎症波及壁层腹膜Peritoneal Irritation Sign腹膜刺激征Three sign same appear:Tenderness Rebound tendernessGuarding 三联征: 压痛反跳痛腹肌紧张Clinical meaning: acute peritonitis 提示: 急性腹膜炎Measure of Enlarged Spleen肿大脾脏的测量The first line: between costal margin and low edge of spleen in left midclavicular line 1 线(甲乙线): 左锁骨中线上肋缘至脾下缘The second line: between the point of the left midclavicul cross costal margin and the point of spleen apoapsis. 2 线(甲丙线): 左锁骨中线肋缘点至脾最远点The third line: between right side of spleen and midline, express with positive or negative 3 线(丁戊线): 脾右缘至正中线以(+)(-)表示Spleen Enlargement Degrees脾脏肿大分度Mild enlargement: <2 cm under the rib 轻度肿大: 肋下<2cmModerate enlargement: not exceed the level of umbilicus 中度肿大: 不过脐Severe enlargement: exceed the level of umbilicus or mid line 高度肿大: 过脐或中线Murphy’s Sign莫非氏征Technique: Hold your fingers under the liver border. 手指放于肝脏下缘Positive sign: As the descending liver pushes the inflamed gallbladder onto the examining hand, the person feels sharp pain and abruptly stops inspiration midway. 阳性: 吸气时肝脏和胆囊下移手指触及炎性胆囊时被检者因剧痛中止吸气Characteristics of Palpation 触诊要点Location: relation to organsSize: diameter in long, wide and thickContour: shape, margin and surfaceTexture: soft, firm and hardTenderness: inflammation, liver swelling Pulsation: dilative and conductive Movability: shift by respiration or hand部位: 所在部位与该处脏器多相关连大小: 纵长横宽深厚可用实物比喻轮廓: 形状边缘表面质地: 柔软中等硬度质硬压痛: 炎症肝肿大搏动: 膨胀性和传导性移动度: 随呼吸移动用手推动Fluid Thrill液波震颤Technique: move flank wall by hand 检查方法: 用手推动一侧腹壁Positive: the other hand feels liquid wave 阳性征象: 对侧手掌感到液体波动Meaning: large volume of ascites, usually >3000ml 临床意义: 大量腹水在3~4升以上Percussion of Ascites腹水叩诊Shifting dullness: 移动性浊音free fluid causes air-containing gut to float up to the most superior position 液体流动使含气脏器位于最高位置volume of ascites usually exceeds 1000ml if detectable 腹水量在1000ml以上Puddle sign: 水坑征free fluid in the most inferior position in elbow-knee posture 肘膝位腹水位于最低位a way to detect small amounts of fluid 用于发现少量腹水腹水和卵巢囊肿的鉴别Signs 征象Ascites 腹水Ovarian cyst 卵巢囊肿Dorsal position仰卧位Umbilicus 脐Percussion sound 叩诊音Shifting dullness 移动性浊音Ruler pressing test 尺压试验Side distension 侧腹膨隆Extrude 突出Middle tympany side dullness 中部鼓音两侧浊音Positive 阳性No jumpiness 无跳动Middle distension 中腹膨隆Flat 平坦Middle dullness side tympany 中部浊音两侧鼓音Negitive 阴性Rhythm jumpiness 有节奏跳动Auscultation of Abdomen腹部听诊bowel sounds 肠鸣音vascular sounds 血管杂音friction rub 摩擦音scratch sound 搔弹音splashing sound 振水音Scratch Sound搔弹音Mechanism: sound wave conductive diversity in differ medium made noise alteration. Aids in static border definition 机制: 声波在不同介质中传导的差异致声响改变有助于确定实质脏器或液体边界Technique: put the stethoscope in central and the hand scratch to it, when sound suddenly increased indicate the border. 方法: 听诊器置于中央手边搔弹边向听诊器移动声响突然增强为其边界Meaning: confirm inferior border of the liver and ascites (<120ml) 意义: 确定肝脏下界和小量腹水范围Cirrhosis of Liver肝硬化Small liver to percussion but a hard edge may be palpable under the xiphoid 剑突下触及边钝质硬缩小的肝脏Spleen palpable 脾脏肋缘下可触及Varicosity and ascites 脐周静脉曲张和腹水征palmar erythema, spider angioma and Gynaecomastia 肝掌蜘蛛痣男性乳房发育Gastrointestinal haemorrhage 消化道出血Ascites Sign腹水征Inspection: frog shape of abdomen in dorsal position, hypogastrium region distension with hilum hernia in stand. 视诊: 仰卧位蛙状腹直立位下腹膨隆脐突出Palpation: fluid thrill (ascites large than 3000 ml) 触诊: 液波震颤(腹水量>3000ml)Percussion: shifting dullness (ascites large than 1000 ml), puddle sign (small amounts of fluid) 叩诊: 移动性浊音(腹水量>1000ml) 水坑征(少量腹水)Auscultation: umbilicus scratch sound in elbow-knee posture (ascites<120ml) 听诊: 脐部搔弹音(腹水量<120ml)Acute Perforated Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer急性胃十二指肠穿孔Suddenly epigastric pain, forced supine position and twin lower limbs flection 突发上腹痛强迫仰卧位双下肢屈曲Acute peritonitis signs, tenderness and rebound pain in epigastrium or round umbilicus quarter 急性腹膜炎征象压痛反跳痛位于上腹部和脐周Hepatic dullness region decrease or disappear 肝浊音区缩小消失shifting dullness in abdomen 腹部移动性浊音Physical Examination Point 急性胃肠穿孔检体要点Gas in abdominal cavity: dullness area of liver disappear 腹腔气体: 肝浊音区缩小消失Liquid in abdomen: shifting dullness 腹腔液体: 腹部移动性浊音Inflammation in abdomen: acute peritonitis sign, serious in epigastric and umbilical region. 腹部炎症反应: 急性弥漫性腹膜炎征象压痛反跳痛位于上腹部和脐周forepart: acute ache face, compulsive supine position, lower limbs flection 早期: 急性痛苦面容冷汗强迫仰卧位双下肢屈曲anaphase: high fever, pulse frequence 后期: 高热失水精神萎靡面色灰白眼球凹陷脉搏频数Acute Peritonitis Signs急性腹膜炎征象Inspection: general depression in abdomen, decreased or disappeared abdominal respiration 视诊: 腹部凹陷腹部呼吸运动减弱消失Palpation: tenderness, rebound tenderness, rigid abdominal wall 触诊: 压痛和反跳痛腹壁呈板状硬Percussion: shifting dullness 叩诊: 可有移动性浊音Auscultation: decreased or absence of bowel sounds 听诊: 肠鸣音减弱消失Intestinal Obstruction肠梗阻Symptom: bellyache, vomiting, no defecate and anus exhaust 症状: 腹痛呕吐无排便和肛门排气Inspection: full distension, intestine form and peristaltic wave 视诊: 腹部膨隆肠型可见肠蠕动波Palpation: rigid abdominal wall, tenderness and rebound pain 触诊: 腹肌紧张压痛及反跳痛Percussion: tympany region increased 叩诊: 鼓音范围增大Auscultation: mechanical ileus accompanied sharp bowel sound and decreased or absence of bowel sounds in paralysis ileus 听诊: 机械性肠梗阻肠鸣音亢进麻痹性肠梗阻肠鸣音减弱或消失Muscle Power肌力Force by muscle contraction produced 肌肉收缩产生的力量Muscle power decreasing or disappearing called partial or complete paralysis 肌力下降或消失称为不完全或完全瘫痪Paralysis divided hemiparalysis, crossed paralysis, paraplegia and single limb paralysis by pathologic position 根据瘫痪的部位分为偏瘫交叉瘫截瘫和单瘫Paralysis divided central and peripheral by location of nervous injury 根据神经损伤位置分为中枢性瘫痪和周围性瘫痪The grading of muscle strength肌力分度Absent (0 degree): no contraction detected. 0 级(不动): 完全瘫痪Trace (1 degree): slight contraction detected. 1 级(肌动): 肌肉可收缩不能产生运动Weak (2 degree): movement with gravity eliminated. 2 级(平动): 床面上可移动不能抬离Fair (3 degree): movement against gravity. 3 级(抬动): 能抬离床面不能抗阻力Good (4 degree): move against gravity with some resistance. 4 级(弱抗动): 能抗阻力但较正常差Normal (5 degree): movement against gravity with full resistance. 5 级(正常): 正常肌力Tremor震颤Static tremor: embitter in whisht and mitigate in movement, seen in paralysis agitans 静止性: 静重动轻见于震颤麻痹Intentional tremor: embitter in movement and mitigate in whisht, seen in cerebel disorders 意向性: 动重静轻见于小脑疾患Senile tremor: nodded and hand tremble, seen in arteriosclerosis 老年性: 点头手抖见于动脉硬化Flutter tremor: flicker in wrist and palm, seen in hepatic coma 扑翼样: 腕掌扑动见于肝昏迷Tremor of fingers: fine twitter, seen in hyperthyroidism 手指细颤: 细小抖动见于甲状腺机能亢进症Physical Reflex生理反射Superficial reflex: induced by the stimulation of mucocutaneous receptors 浅反射: 刺激皮肤粘膜感受器引起反应Included: corneal reflex, abdominal reflex, cremasteric reflex, plantar reflex 包括: 角膜反射腹壁反射提睾反射跖反射Deep reflex: induced by the stimulation of periosteal and tendon receptors 深反射: 刺激骨膜肌腱感受器引起反应Included: biceps reflex, triceps reflex, brachioradialis reflex, patellar reflex, achilles tendon reflex 包括: 肱二头肌反射肱三头肌反射桡骨骨膜反射膝(腱)反射跟腱反射Pyramidal Sign锥体束征Upper limbs pathological reflex: Hoffmann Sign usually seen in cervical region disorders of spinal cord 上肢病理反射: 霍夫曼征多见于颈髓病变Lower limbs pathological reflex: Babinski sign, Chaddock sign, Oppenheim sign, Gordon sing 下肢病理反射: 巴宾斯基征查多克征奥本海姆征戈登征Clonus: rhythmical contraction of the muscle made the limb or foot movement by stimulation 阵挛: 刺激使肌肉有节奏的收缩致肢体运动Meningeal Stimulation Sign脑膜刺激征Definition: signs induced by disorders with meninges such as pathological changes, inflammation, arachnoid low cavity bleeding, encephalic hypertension, etc. 定义: 脑膜病变脑膜炎蛛网膜下腔出血颅内压增高等(除外颈椎疾患) Neck rigidity: resisting in raise neck 颈项强直: 抬颈抵抗Kernig sign: angle of knees joint can be drived up less than 135 degree with bended thigh 克匿格征: 屈腿抬高<135º(正常可达135º)Brudzinski sign: going down on knees when raise neck 布鲁金斯基征: 抬颈时屈膝Grade of Fever发热分度Slight fever 低热37.3~38℃Moderate fever 中等度热38.1~39℃Hyperpyrexia 高热39.1~41℃Ultrahyperpyrexia 超高热>41℃Fever Types高热热型Persistent high feverContinuous feverRemittent feverIntermittent high feverIntermittent feverRecurrent feverUndulant feverIrregular fever持续高热热型稽留热弛张热间断高热热型间歇热回归热波状热不规则热Clinical Types of Edema水肿的临床类型Cardiac EdemaNephritic EdemaHepatic EdemaMalnutritional EdemaDrug-induced EdemaOthers Myxedema Premenarche edema心原性水肿肾原性水肿肝原性水肿营养不良性水肿药物性水肿其他黏液性水肿经前期水肿Clinical Features临床特点Area: related to location of the pathological changesNature: lancinating, drilling, burning, colicOnset: continuous, paroxysmal, intermittentReferred painFactors triggering。
名解:1.症状symptom2.体征sign3.发热fever4.稽留热continued fever5.弛张热remittent fever6.间歇热intermittent fever7.波状热undulant fever8.回归热recurrent fever9.不规则热irregular fever10.水肿edema11.咳嗽cough12.咳痰expectoration13.咯血hemoptysis14.呕血hematemesis15.放射痛或牵涉痛radiating pain P4116.呼吸困难dyspnea17.心源性呼吸困难或心源性哮喘cardiac asthma18.Kussmaul 呼吸19.Saegesser 征20.腹泻diarrhea21.黄疸jaundice22.Gilbert综合征23.Crigler-Najiar综合征24.Rotor综合征25.Dubin-Johnson综合征26.夏科Charcot三联征27.血尿haematuria28.尿频frequent micturition29.尿急urgent micturition30.尿痛odynuria31.尿路刺激征32.神经源性膀胱33.意识障碍disturbance of consciousness34.嗜睡somnolence35.意识模糊confusion36.嗜睡stupor37.昏迷coma38.谵妄delirium39.问诊inquiry40.主诉chief complaint41.现病史history of present illness42.既往史past history 43.系统回顾review of systems44.月经史menstrual history45.体格检查physical examination46.检体诊断physical diagnosis47.视诊inspection48.触诊palpation49.叩诊percussion50.叩诊音percussion sound51.清音resonance52.浊音dullness53.实音flatness54.鼓音tympany55.过清音hyperresonance56.听诊auscultation57.嗅诊olfactory examination58. 生命征vital sign59.无力型asthenic60.超力型sthenic type61.正力型ortho-sthenic type62.营养不良innutrition63.营养过剩excess nutrient64.精神障碍mental disorders65.自知力insight66.二尖瓣面容mitral facies67.甲亢面容thyrotoxic facies68.体位position69.被动体位passive position70.强迫体位compulsive position71.端坐呼吸orthopnea72.间歇性跛行intermittent claudication73.发绀cyanosis74.色素沉着pigmentation75.斑疹maculae76.玫瑰疹roseola77.丘疹papules78.斑丘疹maculopapule79.荨麻疹urticaria80.瘀点petechia81.紫癜purpura82.瘀斑ecchymosis83.血肿hematoma84.蜘蛛痣spider angioma85.肝掌liver palms86.溃疡ulcer87.糜烂erosion88.瘢痕scar89.落日现象setting sun phenomenon90.眼球震颤nystagmus91.集合反射Convergence reflex92.鼻翼扇动nasal ale flap93.麻疹粘膜斑Koplik斑94.肝颈静脉回流征hepatojugular reflux95.胸骨下角infrasternal angle96.剑突xiphoid process97.气管牵曳Oliver征98.皮下气肿subcutaneous emphysema99.三凹征three depression sigh100.橘皮状orange Peel101.胸腹矛盾呼吸paradixic breathing 102.潮式呼吸tidal breathing103.间停呼吸Biots呼吸104.叹息样呼吸sighing breath105.语音震颤vocal fremitus或触觉震颤tactile fremitus106.空瓮音amphorophony107.异常肺泡呼吸音108.齿轮呼吸音cogwheel breath sound 109.异常支气管呼吸音或管样呼吸音110.湿罗音moist rale 或水泡音111.粗/中/细湿罗音coarse/medium/fine rales 112.捻发音crepitus113.干啰音dry rales/rhonchi114.支气管语音bronchophony115.羊鸣音egophony116.胸膜摩擦音pleural friction rub117.心尖搏动apical impluse118.负性心尖搏动inward impulse119.心尖区抬举性搏动120.震颤thrill121.心脏瓣膜听诊区auscultatory valve area 122.二/三联律bigeminal/trigeminal beats 123.大炮音cannon sound124.钟摆律或胎心音125.固定分裂fixed splitting126.反常分裂paradoxical splitting127.奔马律gallop rhythm128.开瓣音opening snap129.心包叩击音pericardial knock 130.肿瘤扑落音rumor plop131.二尖瓣脱垂综合征132.心脏杂音cardiac murmurs133.收缩期杂音systolic murmur134.舒张期杂音diastolic murmur135.心包摩擦音pericardial friction sound 136.Austin-Flint杂音137.Graham-Steel杂音138.脱落脉dropped pulse139.水冲脉water-hammer pulse140.交替脉pulsus alternans141.奇脉paradoxical pulse142.迟脉tardus pulse143.重搏脉dicrotic pulse144.枪击音pistol shot sound145.毛细血管搏动征capillary pulsation sign 146.周围血管征147.Ewart 征148.肋脊角costovertebral angle149.腹部平坦150.腹部膨隆abdominal protuberance 151.舟状腹scaphoid abdomen152.胃型或肠型gastral or intestinal pattern 153.蠕动波peristalsis154.肠鸣音bowel sound155.胃泡鼓音区Traube semilunar space 156.移动性浊音shifting dullness157.板状腹board-like rigidity158.腹膜刺激症peritoneal irritation sign 159.反跳痛rebound tenderness160.Murphy征161.Courvoisier定律162.液波震颤fluid thrill163.振水音succusion splash164.遗忘amnesia165.痴呆dementia166.失语aphasia167.构音障碍dysphonia168.角膜反射corneal reflex169.瘫痪paralysis170.指鼻试验finger nose test171.指指试验finger finger test172.轮替动作alternate motion173.跟膝胫试验heel-knee-tibia test174.昂白征Romberg’s sign175.痉挛spasm176.抽搐tics177.肌阵孪myoclonus178.浅反射179.腹壁反射abdominal reflexes180.提睾反射cremastetic reflexes181.深反射182.肱二头肌反射biceps183.肱三头肌反射triceps184.桡反射radial periosteal185.膝反射patellar186.跟腱反射Achilles187.霍夫曼征Hoffmann’s sign188.踝阵挛ankle clonus189.髌阵挛patella clonus190.巴宾斯基征Babinski’s sign191.奥本汉姆征Oppenheim’s sign192.凯尔尼格征Kernig’s sign193.布鲁津斯基征Brudzinski’ sign194.脑膜刺激征195.心电轴mean QRS axis196.心律失常arrhythmias197.窦性心律不齐sinus arrhythmia198.窦性停播sinus arrest199.病态窦房结综合征sick sinus syndrome SSS200.期前收缩premature beat201.联律间期coupling interval202.代偿间歇compensatory pause203.文氏现象Wenckebach phenomenon 204.预激综合征pre-excitation syndrome 205.WPW综合征206.LGL综合征207.逸搏208.逸搏心律escape rhythm问答:1、发热的病因与分类和热型、伴随症状和体征2、水肿的分类和伴随症状3、心源性水肿和肾源性水肿的比较4、咳嗽咳痰的病因与发生机制、临床表现、伴随症状、问诊要点5、咯血和呕血的比较6、咯血的临床表现7、胸痛的病因与发生机制、临床表现、问诊要点8、呼吸困难的病因与发生机制和分类9、夜间阵发性呼吸困难的机制10、腹痛的原因和临床表现、问诊要点。
•No correct diagnosis •No appropriate treatment
Contents of Clinical diagnostics
单击此处添课程名 5. Review of systems(系统回顾)
6. Personal history(个人史) 7. Menstrual history(月经史) 8. Marital history(婚姻史) 9. childbearing history(生育史) 10. Family history(家族史)
Method to learn -2
• 面临大量的临床资料,如何去粗取精、去伪存真地分析 和思考,正确的临床思维有时不是依靠独立思索而形成 的,临床会诊、讨论(MDT)等均可起到互相启发和取 长补短的作用。
单击此处添课程名 • 一个完整的诊断除需要有解剖学、功能学和影象学的诊 断外,在条件许可的情况下要尽可能作出病理学、细胞 学和病原学的诊断。 • 从一个医学生到一个能提出初步诊断的临床医生,是需
Clinical Diagnostics
General Introduction
• What is Clinical diagnostics ?
• Con单ten击ts o此f c处lini添cal课dia程gn名ostics
• How to learn clinical diagnostics?
③ tidmuilnl,gb:u单drnuirna击gti,oc此non(tse处tmricpt添oivrea,r课eyt,c.程c)ons名tant),
For example: ▲sore throat, high fever for
two days ▲chill, fever, right chest pain,
cough for three days ▲recurrent epigastric pain for
eight years, it has been getting
(2) Features of Chief Symptoms
for example: pain location frequency duration intensity quality (blunt colic distention burning ) radiation alleviating and aggravating
late autumn early spring rhythmicity of epigastric pain pain meal relief duodenal ulcer meal pain relief gastric ulcer
★The contents of inquiry
1 general data ﹡2 chief complaints ﹡3 present illness
Precipitating factors (4) Progression of the illness (5) Accompanied symptoms (6) Previous treatment (7) General condition
(1)Onset and Duration
sudden: acute myocardial infarction acute pancreatitis
Heart disease: palpitation short of breath
疾病诊断过程一般有三个环节: 1、调查研究、收集完整和确实的诊断资 料 2、结合和分析资料,建立初步诊断 3、有需要时作其他有关检查、动态临床 观察、最后验证和修正诊断
• 临床诊断的要求
病因诊断 病理解剖诊断 病理生理学诊断或功能诊断
临床诊断的方法 (运用归纳法与排除法——直接诊断、
目的---收集有关健康的正确资料 定义
( physical examination)
是医生运用自己的 感官或借助于传统 的检查器具来了解 机体健康状况的一 组最基本检查方法
通过体格检查结合 临床表现和实验室 检查的结果,可对 大多数疾病作出临 床诊断
( Labratory examination)
注意点 定义
是通过物理、化学和生物学 等实验室方法对患者的血液、 体液、分泌物、排泄物、细 胞取样和组织标本等进行检 查,从而获得病原学、病理 形态学或器官功能状态等资 料,结合病史、临床症状和 体征进行全面分析的诊断方 法
实验室检查结果 应结合临床考虑
( assistant examination)
如心电图、肺功能和各种内镜检查, 以及临床上常用的各种诊断操作技术 等;这些辅助检查在临床上诊断疾病 时;亦常发挥重要的作用
近 10年诊断技术显著进步
• 计算机体层扫描 CT 磁共振成像装置 MRI 单光子断层照相机 SPECT 正电子断层照相 PET 聚合酶链反应仪 PCR
许多疾病经过详细 的病史来集,配合 系统的体格检查, 即可提出初步诊断
What is Clinical Diagnostics?
• Fundamental theory • Techniques of diagnosing disease • Mode of clinical thinking
What is Clinical Diagnostics?
• Instruct a concise logical approach to recognize the genius of the diseases
• Physical observation or examination
• Laboratory observation
History Taking
• Obtain as much information as needed to diagnose and treat the illness.
• Requirements for the physicians: • A genuine, profound, and absorbing
In 18th century: Nosography
☆ In modern usage:
Identification of a disease by investigation of its signs and symptoms
Medical terminology:
Clinical diagnosis
• 5 components of physical examination: inspection, palpation, percussion ,auscultation and smelling.
Laboratory findings
• To detect pathogenic or functioning information.
Outline of Diagnostics课程名称:Diagnostics授课专业:五年制英文班临床医学专业学分与学时:理论课66学时,见习课68学时一、理论课教学内容及基本要求Introduction【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the basic contents of Diagnostics 掌握诊断学的基本内容2.To understand the ways of learning 理解诊断学学习方法【Instruction contents教学内容】1.Definition of Diagnostics诊断学的定义2.The importance of learning Diagnostics学习诊断学的重要性3.Basic contents of Diagnostics诊断学的基本内容4.The ways of learning学习方法【The times教学时数】 0.5 hour ,0.5小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, multiple media presenting, 讲授,多媒体History collection (Inquisition) 病史采集【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the contents of inquistion掌握问诊的内容2.To understand the inquisition skill理解问诊技巧【Instruction contents教学内容】①general data, ②chief complaint, ③history of the present illness, ④past history,⑤review of systems, ⑥personal history, ⑦Marital history, ⑧Menstrual and reproductive history⑨ family history.一般项目主诉现病史既往史系统回顾个人史婚姻史月经和生育史家族史【The times教学时数】1.5 hour,1.5小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, multiple media presenting, case-presenting 讲授,多媒体,临床实习History record 病史记录【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1. To master how to make a history record掌握怎样记录病史2. To understand the basic requirement for the history record理解病史记录的基本要求【Instruction contents 教学内容】(一)Outline of case record 病史记录提纲1. Biographical data 一般资料2. chief complaint 主诉3. History of present illness (HPI) 现病史4. Past history (PH) 既往史6. Personal history 个人史7. Marital history 婚姻史8. Menstrual history ( for female patients) 月经史9. Childbearing (reproductive) history 生育史10. Family history (FH) 家族史11. Physical examination (PE) 体格检查12. Laboratory tests and instrumental examination 实验室检查和仪器检查13. Primary diagnosis 初步诊断(二)Example of case record 病历示范【The times 教学时数】 2 hours ,2小时【Teaching methods 教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting 讲授,多媒体,临床实习Common symptoms 常见症状Fever发热【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the type of fever and clinical classification掌握发热的类型和临床分类2.To understand the mechanism of fever and etiology理解发热的机制和病因【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Physiology 生理机制2.Mechanism of fever发热的机制3.Etiology 病因4.Clinical classification:临床分类5.Clinical manifestation临床症状6.Type of fever热型(1)Continuous(continued) fever 稽留热(2)Remittent fever弛张热(3)Intermittent (periodic) fever周期性发热(4)Undulant fever波状热(5)Relapsing (recurrent)fever间歇热(6)Irregular fever不规则发热7.Symptoms and signs of fever发热的症状和体征【The times 教学时数】 2 hour 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】 instruction, multiple media presenting, 讲授,多媒体Abdominal pain腹痛【Objective and emphasis目的要求】1.To master the contents of abdominal pain掌握腹痛的内容2.To understand the significance of abdominal pain了解腹痛的意义【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Inquisition technique问诊技巧2.Contents of inquisition for abdominal pain腹痛问诊的内容(1)Where is the pain located? (Site)疼痛的部位?(2)Where does the pain radiate to(referred pain), or does it originate elsewhere and move to the abdomen?疼痛放射到哪里?或疼痛原发于别的部位然后转移至腹部?(3)whar kind of pain is it? (Character)疼痛的性质?(4)How sever is it? (Severity)疼痛的程度?(5)What other symptoms accompany the pain?疼痛伴随哪些症状?(6)What factors bring it about? 什麽原因导致疼痛的发生?(7)What factors cause relief of pain? (Aggravating and Relieving factors) 什麽原因可减轻疼痛?(8)In chronic abdominal pain inquire about the patients’ day. 慢性腹痛的病人要问诊疼痛时间(9)Again in chronic pain it is useful to inquire about the periodicity of the pain. 慢性腹痛的病人问诊疼痛的周期性3.Clinical Significance临床意义【The times 教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, multiple media presenting,讲授,多媒体Cough ,sputum production and dyspnea咳嗽,咳痰和呼吸困难【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the causes and mechanism of sputum production and dyspnea 掌握痰液产生和呼吸西困难的机制和原因2.To understand the clinical significance of sputum and dyspnea理解痰液产生和呼吸西困难的临床表现【Instruction contents教学内容】1.Definition of cough and dyspnea咳嗽和呼吸困难的定义2.Causes and mechanism病因和机制respiratory disorders呼吸疾病pleural diseases胸膜疾病cardiovascular disorders心血管疾病central nervous system disorders中枢神经系统疾病3.Sputum production痰液产生Transudates漏出液Exudates渗出液Mucus黏液Dusts aspirated吸入灰尘Infracted tissues坏死组织4.Causes and significance of dyspnea呼吸困难的病因和临床表现【The times教学时数】2 hours教学时数 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting讲授,幻灯片,病例分析CHAPTER 1. Basic methods for physical examination 体检的基本方法【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the basic methods of physical examination掌握体格检查的基本方法2.To understand the significance of these physical examination理解体格检查的意义【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Inspection: the definition of inspection and give some examples视诊: 视诊的定义并举例2.Palpation: the definition of palpation and the kinds of palpation, to master the maneuver of palpation and their significance.触诊: 触诊的定义和分类,掌握触诊的方法和意义3.Percussion: the definition of percussion and the kinds of percussion, to master the maneuver and the different sounds produced by percussion.叩诊:叩诊的定义和分类,掌握叩诊的方法和意义4.Auscultation: the definition and the significance of auscultation. Know how to use stethoscope.听诊: 听诊的定义意义.掌握怎样使用听诊器5.Olfactory examination: know some special odors that could provide valuable clues in clinic.嗅诊:掌握一些在临床上提供有意义线索的特殊气味.【The times 教学时数】2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 2. General examination 一般检查【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the basic methods and the contents of general examination 掌握一般检查的基本方法和内容2.To master measurement of the temperature, blood pressure and examination of sequence and maneuver of lymph nodes掌握体温测量,血压测量的方法和淋巴结检查的顺序和方法3.To understand the significance of the physical examination and master the normal and abnormal signs and clinical significance理解体格检查的意义,掌握正常和异常体征及临床意义【Instruction contents教学内容】Vital signs: the normal range and abnormal conditions of Temperature, Blood pressure, Pulse, Respiration. To master measurement of the temperature, blood pressure.生命体征:正常范围,体温血压,脉搏,呼吸的异常情况.掌握体温血压的测量方法Sex:know some sex-related disease such as hemophilia, systemic lupuserythematous.性别:知道哪些性别相关性疾病,如血友病,系统猩红斑狼疮Age年龄Development and habitus: know the judgments about the normal development and three types of habitus.发育和姿势:掌握正常发育和三种姿势Nutrition: how to judge the state of nutrition.营养:怎样判定营养状态State of consciousness: the definition of the Somnolence, Confusion, Stupor, Coma.意识状态:嗜睡,昏睡,木僵和昏迷的定义Position and posture: the three types of position including active position, passive position and compulsive position.体位和体态:主动体位,被动体位,强迫体位Gait步态Facial (features) characteristics: know the abnormal sign and clinical significance about the facial面容特征:掌握异常面容的体征和临床意义如急性面容,慢性面容,肝病面容,甲状腺功能减低面容,满月脸,二尖瓣面容feature such as Acute facial feature, Chronic facial feature, Hepatic face, Hyperthyroidism face, Moon face, Mitral face.Skin: to master the definition of spider angioma and its clinical significance.皮肤:掌握蜘蛛痣的定义和临床意义Edema: the definition and kinds of edema and its significance.水肿:水肿的定义和意义Subcutaneous nodules and hair 皮下结节和毛发Lymphatic node: to master examination of sequence and maneuver of lymph node. Significance of lymphatic node if be palpated.淋巴结:掌握淋巴结检查顺序和方法,可触到的淋巴结的意义【The times教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 3. Head and neck 头颈【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the methods and the contents of head and neck examination 掌握头颈检查的方法和内容2.To master the significance of the physical examination: especially measurement of sequence and maneuver of carotid artery, jugular vein, thyroid and trachea掌握体格检查的意义:颈动脉,颈静脉甲状腺和气管检查的顺序和方法3.To understand the examination of sequence and maneuver of head理解头部检查的顺序和方法【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Head: to master the contents of examination of the head and the maneuver of the detection of the cranium, to know certain deformities of the skull, such as头部:掌握头部检查的内容和颅部检查的方法,知道头颅畸形,例如Microcephalus头颅过小Squared skull方型颅Deforming skull畸形颅Oxycephalia (tower skull, steeple skull)尖颅Macrocephalus头颅过大2.Eyes:to master the normal and abnormal signs and their significance in clinic眼:掌握正常和异常体征及其临床意义(1)Eyebrow:眉毛(2)Eyelids眼睑1)Disturbance of closure of the eyelids:眼睑关闭异常2)Ectropion 睑外翻3)Entropin睑内翻4)Eyelid edema 眼睑水肿5)Eyelid ptosis睑下垂(3)Conjunctiva:结膜(4)Eyeball:眼球l)Exophthalmos:眼球突出2)Enophthalmos:眼球内陷3)Eyeball movements眼球运动(5)Sclera:yellow sclera often was seen in jaundice巩膜:巩膜黄染常见于黄疸(6)Cornea:角膜(7)Iris and pupil:虹膜和瞳孔l)Pupillary shape:瞳孔形状2)Pupillary direct and consensual response to light: to master the contents of examination, the maneuver and significance瞳孔光反射:掌握检查的内容,方法和意义3)Convergence and accommodation集合反射4)Functional ocular examinations, including vision (acuity), color sensation:.眼功能检查,包括视力,色觉3.Ears耳4.Nose:to master the examination’s contents, the maneuver and significance of paranasal sinuses鼻:掌握检查内容,方法和意义5.Mouth (Oral cavity)口腔1)Inspect the lips: to know the abnormal signs such as Pallor, Redness, Cyanosis and pigmentation视诊口唇:异常的体征如苍白,紫绀和色素沉着2)Inspect oral mucous membrane: to know the abnormal signs such as Pallor, Redness, Cyanosis and pigmentation视诊口黏膜:掌握异常体征如苍白,红润,紫绀和色素沉着3)Examine the teeth and gingiva (gum): Method for counting the teeth 检查牙齿和牙龈:牙齿的计数方法4)The tongue: 舌5)Pharynx and larynx: Method for examining the Pharynx and larynx. To master the Degree of the enlarged tonsil咽喉:咽喉的检查方法.掌握扁桃体肿大的程度6. Neck: to learn the anatomy of the neck and the contents of physical examinations.颈部:掌握颈部的解剖和检查内容1)Cervical vessels: to master the definition and significance of distended cervical vein颈部血管:掌握颈静脉扩张的定义和意义2)Thyroid gland: to master the palpation of the thyroid gland and the degree of thyroid gland enlargement. Know how to describe the thyroid gland when you palpate and auscultate the thyroid gland甲状腺:掌握甲状腺的触诊方法和肿大程度.掌握甲状腺触诊和听诊的描述3)Trachea: to master the contents of examination, the maneuver and significance气管:掌握检查的内容,方法的意义【The times教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting.讲授,幻灯片,临床实习CHAPTER 4. Abdominal examination 腹部检查【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the markers and the lines of body surface, the areas and important viscera underlying these regions.掌握体表线和体表标志,分区和这些区域的重要内脏器官2.To master inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation of abdomen. Especially palpation of liver and spleen.掌握腹部的视,触,叩听方法,特别是肝脾触诊3.To understand the symptoms and signs of common abdominal diseases 理解常见腹部疾病的症状和体征【Instruction contents 教学内容】1. the markers and the lines of body surface, the areas and inoportant viscera underlying these regions. 掌握体表线和体表标志,分区和这些区域的重要内脏器官2.examination of abdomen腹部检查(1)Inspection: symmetry, abdominal pulsation, shape, scars, sinuses, fistuas, engorged vein, flank haemorrhages, Visible peristalsis.视诊:对称性,腹部搏动,形状,瘢痕,窦道,瘘管,扩张的静脉,胁腹出血,胃肠蠕动波(2)Palpation: direct tenderness and resistance of muscle, reboundtenderness, palpation of liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, atrtributes of masse, fluid trills, succusion splash, tender spots of kidney and ureter.触诊:直接压痛和腹壁紧张度,反跳痛,肝脏,脾脏,胆囊,肾脏,包块,液波震颤,振水音,肾脏和输尿管压痛点(3)Percussion: Traube’s space, regions of liver, spleen, bladder and kidney.叩诊:胃泡鼓音区,肝脾,膀胱和肾脏的区域(4)Ascultation: bowel sound abdominal bruits, friction rubs.听诊:肠鸣音和摩擦音3. The symptom and sings of common abdominal diseases: Peptic ulcer diseases and the complications, hepatic cirrhosis and portal hypertention, intestinal obstruction, acute peritonitis, appendicitis.常见腹部疾病的症状和体征:消化性溃疡和并发症,肝硬化和门脉高压,肠梗阻,急性腹膜炎,阑尾炎【The times教学时数】14 hours (Instruction 6 hours, practice 8 hours) 14小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing ,case-presenting. 讲授,幻灯片,临床实习CHAPTER 5. Physical examination of the thorax 胸部体检【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the methods and the contents of thorax examination 掌握胸部体检的方法和内容2.To master the mechanism and clinical significance of tactile fremitus and abnormal percussion掌握触觉语颤的机制和临床意义3.To understand the physical examination and positive signs of some common pulmonary diseases了解常见肺部疾病体格检查和阳性体征【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.the markers and the lines of body surface, the areas and imoportant viscera underlying these regions.掌握体表线和体表标志,分区和这些区域的重要内脏器官2.examination of thorax胸部检查(1)Inspection of the lung and pleura肺和胸膜的视诊(2)Palpation of the lung and pleura肺和胸膜的触诊(3)Percussion of the lung and pleura肺和胸膜的叩诊(4)Auscultation of the lung and pleura肺和胸膜的听诊3.The symptom and sings of common respiratory diseases: pneumothorax,emphysema,Pleural effusion, pneumonia常见胸部疾病的症状和体征【The times教学时数】 14hours(Instruction 6 hours, practice 8 hours)14小时(讲授6小时,实习8小时)【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing,case-presenting. 讲授,幻灯片,临床实习CHAPTER 6. Cardiovascular system 心血管系统【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the examining sequence and methods of heart,including inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.掌握心脏的检查顺序和方法包括: 视,触,叩,听方法2.To master the producing mechanism of heart murmurs and their clinical significance. Mastering the key points of auscultation of heart murmurs and differential diagnosis of physical and pathological heart murmurs.掌握心脏杂音的产生机制和他们的临床意义.掌握杂音听诊的关键点和生理性杂音和病理性杂音的鉴别诊断3.understand the symptoms and sings of common heart diseases .理解常见心脏疾病的症状和体征【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Heart 心脏Inspection 视诊1)Observing precordium观察心前区2)The location, intensity and scope of normal apical impulse and clinical value of its displacement.正常心尖搏动的部位,强度和范围,异常的临床意义3)Abnormal pulsations in the other areas and their clinical values 其他区域的异常搏动和临床意义Palpation触诊1)The location, intensity and scope of normal apical impulse and clinical value of its displacement.正常心尖搏动的部位,强度和范围. 异常的临床意义2)The precordial pulsation’s location and its amplitude, duration and intensity.心前区搏动的部位,强度,持续时间和强度.3)The producing mechanism of thrills and location, intensity and quality of thrills.震颤的产生机制和部位强度和性质4)Pericardial friction rub心包摩擦感Percussion 叩诊1)The percussion method of the heart. 心脏的叩诊方法2)The heart borders and their constituents. 心界大小3)Normal relative dullness of the heart and changing cardiac dullness.心脏的相对浊音界和绝对浊音界Auscultation 听诊It includes rate, rhythm, heart sound, murmur and pericardial friction sound.包括心率,心律,心音,杂音和心包摩擦音1)Auscultatory Valve Areas 听诊瓣膜区2)The producing mechanism of heart sound and differential diagnosis of normal heart sounds(S1 and S2). 心音产生的机制和正常心音的鉴别诊断3)Heart rate and heart rhythm. 心率和节律4)The producing mechanism and characteristics of heart murmurs (Location, timing, quality, radiation, and intensity).心脏杂音的产生机制和性质(部位,时期,性质,放射和强度)5)The producing mechanism and its clinical values of pericardial friction rub.心包摩擦音的产生机制和临床意义2.Blood Vessels 血压1)The arterial pulse and its rate, rhythm, intensity and tension.动脉脉搏和频率,节律,强度和张力2)The producing mechanism and characteristics of wave forms (Water hammer pulse, Pulsus alternans, Dicrotic pulse, Paradoxical pulse) 波形的产生机制和性质(水冲脉,交替脉,重搏波,奇脉)3)The measurement of arterial pressure and its significance.血压测量的方法和意义4)Pistol-shot sound and Duroziez's sign.枪击音和Duroziez's征3.Common symptoms and signs of cardiovascular diseases: mitral stenosis,mitral imcompetece,aortic incompetence,aortic stenosis,pericardical effusion.心血管疾病的常见症状和体征:二尖瓣狭窄, 二尖瓣关闭不全,主动脉瓣狭窄, 主动脉瓣关闭不全【The times教学时数】14 hours.(Instruction 6 hours, practice 8 hours)14小时(讲授6小时,实习8小时)【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing,case-presenting.讲授,幻灯片,临床实习CHAPTER 7. Physiological and pathological reflex生理和病理反射【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the methods of physiological and pathological reflex掌握生理和病理反射的方法2.To understand the significance of the physical examination理解体格检查的意义【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Superficial reflex: 浅反射(1)corneal reflex,角膜反射(2)plantar reflex,跖反射(3)abdominal reflex, 腹壁反射(4)cremasterie reflex: 提睾反射(5)Eanal reflex2.Deep reflexes: 深反射(1)biceps reflex, 肱二头肌反射(2)triceps reflex, 肱三头肌反射(3)brachioradialis reflex,桡骨膜反射(4)ankle jerk. 跟腱反射(5)knee jerk. 膝腱反射3.Clonus:阵挛(1)Ankle clonus: 踝阵挛(2)Patellar clonus: 髌阵挛4.Pathological reflex病理反射(1)Babinski's sign:.巴氏征(2)Oppenheim's sign: 奥本海姆征(3)Hoffmann’s sign:.霍夫曼征5. Signs of meningeal irritation脑膜刺激征(1)Neck rigidity: 颈项强直(2)Kernig's sign:克氏征(3)Brudzinski's sign: 布氏征【The times教学时数】 1.5 hour 1.5小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing,case-presenting. 讲授,幻灯片,实习Laboratory Examination实验室检查CHAPTER 1. Stool Routine Test 大便常规【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the methods of stool routine test掌握大便常规的方法2.To master the significance of the changes of stool property and the occult blood test掌握大便性状改变的意义和隐血实验的意义3.To understand the significance of microscopic examination理解显微镜检查的意义【Instruction contents教学内容】1.General property of stool大便的一般性状(1)watery stool: 水样便(2)mucus stool: 黏液便(3)pyohemochezia stool:脓血便(4)hematochezia stool: 血便(5)melena or tarry stool: 黑便或柏油样便2.Microscopic examination显微镜检查(1)Cells: 细胞(2)WBC 白细胞(3)RBC红细胞(4)macrophage:normal巨噬细胞(5)tumor cell肿瘤细胞(6)Food residue:食物残渣(7)Ovum of parasite 寄生虫卵3.Occoul blood test隐血实验【The times教学时数】 0.5 hour 0.5小时【Teaching methods教学方法】Instruction, power point showing. 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 2. Urine Routine Test 小便常规【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.Master the methods of urine routine test掌握尿常规的方法2.Master the significance of the changes of urine property掌握尿液性状改变的意义3.Understand the significance of microscopic examination理解显微镜检查的意义.【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Sample’s collection and sending标本采集和送检2.General property一般性状(1)Urine volume尿量(2)Color颜色(3)Smell气味(4)Urine Ph尿PH(5)Urine Specific Gravity尿比重3.Chemical tests化学实验(1)protein test蛋白检测(2)Glucose:糖(3)Ketones酮体(4)Bilirubin胆红素(5)Urobilinogen尿胆原(6)Blood血(7)Urinary Nitrites尿硝酸盐4. Microscopic examination显微镜检查(1)Cells细胞(2)Casts管形(3)Pathogenic organism病原微生物(4)Addis count爱迪计数(5)Cell excretion per hour每小时细胞沉渣【The times教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】Instruction and powerpoint showing. 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 3. Examination of Blood 血液检查【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the methods of red blood cell count (RBC)and hemoglobin(Hb) concentration determination.掌握红细胞计数和血红蛋白浓度测定的方法2.To mater the the methods of white blood cell count(WBC) and differentiate count(DC).掌握白细胞计数和分类的方法3.To master the reference values of RBC,Hb,WBC and DC.掌握RBC,Hb,WBC and DC.的参考值4.To master the singnificance of changes of RBC, Hb, WBC and DC.掌握RBC,Hb,WBC and DC.变化的意义5.To understand the significance of RBC and WBC in some common hematological diseases.理解常见血液疾病的意义【Instruction contents教学内容】1.Blood routine test (BRT)血常规检测(1)Red blood cell count(RBC) and Hemoglobin(HB) concentration determination红细胞计数和血红蛋白浓度测定1)The physiological functions of RBC and HB红细胞和血红蛋白的生理功能2)The referential values of RBC and HB红细胞和血红蛋白的参考值3)The clinical significance of RBC and HB红细胞和血红蛋白的临床意义(2).Total white blood cell count (WBC) and Leukocyte differential count (DC)白细胞计数和分类计数4)The morphology of WBC白细胞的形态5)The referential values of WBC and DC白细胞计数和分类计数的参考值6)The clinical significance of WBC and DC白细胞计数和分类计数临床意义2.Special Investigations in hematological diseases血液病的特殊检查(1)Reticulocyte count (RC)网帜红细胞计数1)The referential values of RC网帜红细胞参考值2)The clinical significance of RC网帜红细胞临床意义(2)Hematocrit (Hct)红细胞比容(3)Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)红细胞沉降率1)The referential values of ESR红细胞沉降率参考值2)The clinical significance of ESR红细胞沉降率临床意义【The times 教学时数】4 hours 4小时【Teaching methods教学方法】 instruction, power point showing. 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 4. Liver Function 肝功能【Objective and emphasis目的要求】1.To master the contents of liver function test掌握肝功能检测的内容2.To master the significance of the liver function test 掌握肝功能检测的意义【Instruction contents教学内容】1.Markers of hepatic synthetic capacity 肝脏合成能力的指标(1)Serum proteins:Serum total protein A, G血清蛋白(2)Electrophoresis of serum protein 血清蛋白电泳(3)Prothrombin time(PT)凝血酶原时间2.Tests of bilirubin metabolism 胆红素代谢的检测3.Markers of cholestasis胆汁淤积的标志(1)Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)碱性磷酸酶(2)Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) 谷光酐酞转移酶4.Markers of hepatocellular necrosis肝细胞坏死的(1)Hepatic enzymes: ALT,AST, 肝细胞酶5.Test for hepatic carcinoma肝癌检测(1)Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)6.Detectiion of hepatic viruses肝病毒检测(1)Hepatitis A:甲(2)Hepatitis B:乙(3)Hepatitis C:丙7.Case analysis病例分析【The times教学时数】 3.5 hours 3.5小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting. 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 5. Renal function 肾功能【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.Master the contents of renal function掌握肾功能的内容2.Master the significance of the renal function tests掌握肾功能检测的意义【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Review of the renal function肾功能2.Endogenous creatinine clearance rate内源性肌酐清除率3.plasma creatinine level血浆肌酐水平4.β2-microglobulin β2微球蛋白5.α1-microglobuliu.α1微球蛋白6.The specific gravity特殊比重【The times 教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods 教学方法】Instruction and powerpoint showing 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 6. Examination of Hemorrhagic Disorders 出血疾病的检测【Objective and emphasis目的要求】1.To master both the the reference values and the clinical significance of platelet count(PC),coagulation time(CT)and prothrobin time(PT).掌握血小板计凝血时间和凝血酶原时间的参考值和临床意义2.To understand both the mechanism and the significance of hemostasis,coagulation and anti-coagulation.理解止血, 凝血和抗凝血的机制和意义【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Mechanism of hemostasis凝血机制(1)Blood vessel血管(2)Platelet 血小板(3)Coagulation factors凝血因子2.Mechanism of coagulation凝血机制3.Anti-coagulation system抗凝血系统4.Tests for hemorrhagic diseases出血疾病(1)Tests of the vascular and platelet phases:Bleeding time (BT),PC 出血时间(2)Tests of coagulation phase:CT,Activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT),PT,Thrombin time(TT)(3)Tests for DIC:The Screening tests,the further tests初筛实验,确诊实验【The times教学时数】2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting. 讲授,幻灯片,实习CHAPTER 7. Examination of bone marrow骨髓的检测【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the regulation of blood cell development.掌握血细胞发育的规律2.To master the significance of the plastic degree of marrow cell and the ratio of myeloid to erythroid(G/E).掌握骨髓细胞和粒红比值3.To understand the clinical application of bone marrow examination.理解骨髓检测的临床运用4.To understand the morphology of bone marrow cells.理解骨髓细胞的形态5.To understand the contents and steps in marrow examination.理解骨髓检查的步骤和内容【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.The clinical application of marrow examination骨髓检查的临床运用2.The development of blood cells血细胞的发育3.The regulation of blood cell development血细胞发育的临床意义(1)The cytobody胞体(2)The cytoplasma胞浆(3)The nucleus核(4)The ratio of nucleus to cytopasm核浆比率4.The morphology of bone marrow cells骨髓细胞的形态(1)The morphology of erthrocytic series红系系列的形态(2)The morphology of granulocytic series粒系系列的形态(3)The morphology of monocytic series单核系系列的形态(4)The morphology of megakaryocytic series巨核细胞系列的形态(5)The morphology of lymphocytic series淋巴细胞系列的形态5.The contents and steps in marrow examination骨髓检查的内容和步骤(1)Microscopy of myelogram骨髓细胞分类计数的显微镜检查(2)Hemogram血细胞分类计数6.Normal myelgram and hemogram正常骨髓细胞分类计数(1)Myelogram骨髓细胞分类计数(2)Hemogram血细胞分类计数7.The common cytochemical stains in marrow examination.骨髓检查的细胞化学染色8.The characters of common blood diseases in microscope常见血液病的特征【The times 教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting.讲授,幻灯片,实习CHAPTER 8. Laboratory test in clinical infection 临床感染的实验室检查【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the contents of laboratory test in clinical infection临床感染的实验室检查内容2.To understand the clinical significance tests in clinical infection 临床感染的临床意义【Instruction contents 内容】1.Introduction简介2.Collection of specimens标本采集3.Laboratory techniques in the diagnosis of infection感染诊断的实验室技术1)Microscopic methods:显微镜2)Culture methods培养方法3)Serological methods:Precipitation test,Slide agglutination,Tube agglutination血清学方法:沉降实验,玻片凝集,管凝集ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay),Western blot(immunoblotting)酶联免疫试验,蛋白印迹试验4.Molecular methods: Nucleic acid assay and PCR are main Molecular methods分子生物学方法:核酸分析和PCR是主要的分子生物学方法5.Antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST)抗微生物特异性实验【The times教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting. 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 9. Immunodiagnostic tests of autoimmune disease 自身免疫疾病的免疫诊断【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To understand serum immunoglobulins test, sellular immunity tests, hepatitis marker test , tumor marker test理解免疫蛋白实验,细胞免疫检测,肝炎病毒标志物实验,肿瘤标志物实验2.To master the clinical significance of the three of serum immunoglobulins(IgG, IgM, IgA ); several hepatitis markers and tumormarkers掌握血清免疫球蛋白,肝炎标志物和肿瘤标志物的临床意义【Instruction contents教学内容】1.review two concept of immunology: antibody-mediated immunity and cell-mediated immunity综述免疫学的两个概念:抗体介导的免疫和细胞介导的免疫2.main topic主题(1)Serum immunoglobulins test: Serum immunoglobulins (Ig) :IgG, IgM, IgA IgD, IgE血清免疫球蛋白实验: 血清免疫球蛋白(2)Cellular immunity tests: T abd B lymphocyte enumeration, Lymphocyte subset analysis细胞免疫实验: T ,B淋巴细胞计数,淋巴细胞亚群分析(3)Hepatitis marker test: Anti-Hav, HbsAg, Anti-HBs, HbcAb, HbeAg, .HBV-DNA, Hepatitis C, HCV-RNA 肝炎标志物实验:(4)Tumor marker test: AFP, CEA,HCG, PSA肿瘤标志物实验【The times教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting. 讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 10. Examination of clinical biochemictry 临床生化检测【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the contents of examination of clinical biochemistry掌握临床生化检测的内容2.To understand the significance of clinical biochemistry掌握临床生化检测的意义【Instruction contents 教学内容】1.Examination of glucose metabolism糖代谢的检测(1)Determination of Fasting blood glucose快速血糖检测(2)Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)口服糖耐量实验(3)Glucose-insulin releasing test糖胰岛素释放实验(4)Glycosylated Hemoglobin糖苷糖蛋白2.Examination of blood lipids血脂的检测(1)Measurement of total cholesterol总胆固醇的测量(2)Measurement of triglyceride:甘油三酯的测量(3)Measurement of high density lipoprotein; (HDL-C)高密度脂蛋白的测量(4)Measurement of low density lipoprotein; (LDL-C)低密度脂蛋白的测量(5)Determination of apolipoprotein A1脂蛋白A1(6)Determination of Apolipoprotein B脂蛋白B3.Examination electrolytes电解质的检测(1)Determination of Potassium钾离子(2)Determination of sodium钠离子(3)Determination of chloride氯离子4.Biochemical markers of myocardial injure肌损伤的生化指标(1)Examination of creatine kinase肌酐酶的检测(2)Examination of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) 乳酸脱氢酶的检测【The times 教学时数】 2 hours 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】instruction, power point showing, case-presenting.讲授,幻灯片CHAPTER 11. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid and serous membrane fluid脑脊液和浆膜积液的检测【Objective and emphasis 目的要求】1.To master the contents of examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serous membrane fluid (SMF)掌握脑脊液和浆膜积液检测的内容2.To master the significance of the changes of cerebrospinal fluid property, chemical and microscopic test掌握脑脊液性状,化学和显微镜检查的意义3.To master the significance of the changes of serous membrane fluid general property, microscopic test, chemical and bacteriologic examination 掌握浆膜积液性状,化学和显微镜检查的意义【Instruction contents教学内容】◇ Examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 脑脊液检测General property: 一般性状Normal CSF正常脑脊液Abnormal status异常脑脊液Chemical examination 化学检测Protein蛋白Glucose糖Chloride氯Microscopic test 显微镜检测Total cell count总细胞计数DC: lymphocyte , neutrophil granulocyte分类计数◇ Examination of serous membrane fluid(SMF) 浆膜积液检测Definition of effusion渗出液的定义General property一般性状Chemical examination化学检测Microscopic test 微生物检测Bacteriology细菌学检测◇ The main differential points of transudate and exudate漏出液和渗出液的主要鉴别点【The times教学时数】 2 hour 2小时【Teaching methods教学方法】 instruction, power point showing. 讲授,幻灯片ELECTROCARDIOGRAM(ECG)心电图。
诊断学英文必背!总的部分:视诊(inspection)、触诊(palpation)、叩诊(percussion)、听诊(auscultation)一、心脏部分:1、疾病:二尖瓣狭窄(mitral stenosis)、二尖瓣关闭不全(mitral insufficiency,mitral regurgitation)、主动脉狭窄(aortic stenosis)、主动脉关闭不全(aortic insufficiency,aortic regurgitation)2、视诊:心前区隆起protrusion of precordium、鸡胸(keeled chest)3、触诊:心尖搏动(apical impulse)、负性搏动(inward impulse)、震颤(thrill)4、叩诊:心浊音界(cardiac dullness border)5、听诊:窦性心律不齐(sinus arrhythmia)、期前收缩(premature beat)、二联律(bigeminal beats)、大炮音(cannon sound)、奔马律(gallop rhythm)、舒张期(diastolic)、收缩期(systolic)开瓣音(opening snap)、喀喇音(ejection click)、增强型杂音(crescendo)、二、呼吸部分:1、疾病:大叶性肺炎(lobar pneumonia)、支气管哮喘(bronchial asthma)、气胸(pneumothroax)、胸腔积液(pleural effusion)、肺气肿(pulmonary、emphysema))2、视诊:腹式呼吸(diaphragmatic)、呼吸困难(dyspnea)、三凹征(depression sigh)、3、触诊:语音震颤(vocal fremitus)4、叩诊5、听诊:moist rale(湿罗音、coarse、medium、fine、crepitus)、dry rales/rhonchi(干啰音、sonorous(低)、sibilant(高))、vocal resonance(语音共振)、支气管语音(bronchophony)、胸语音(pectoriloquy)、羊鸣音(egophony)三、腹部部分:1、疾病:大叶性肺炎(lobar pneumonia)、支气管哮喘(bronchial asthma)、气胸(pneumothroax)、胸腔积液(pleural effusion)、肺气肿(pulmonary、emphysema))2、视诊:腹水(ascites)、水母头(caput medusae)、蠕动波(peristalsis)3、叩诊:移动性浊音(shifting dullness)4、触诊:板状腹(board-like rigidity)、振水音(succusion splash)5、听诊:【下载本文档,可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容,更多精彩文章,期待你的好评和关注,我将一如既往为您服务】精品文档交流。
《诊断学》课程教学大纲(doc 21页)
《诊断学》课程教学大纲(doc 21页)《诊断学》教学大纲课程编号:课程名称:诊断学英文名称:《Diagnostics》课程类型:专业基础课总学时:108学时讲课学时:75学时实习学时:32学时学分:6学分适用对象:医学检验专业、医学影像专业、医学眼视光学专业、口腔医学专业、法医学专业诊断学五年制本科教学大纲基本要求45学时理论讲授和32学时见习学习。
检体诊断教学时间安排问诊、病历书写、诊断方法 1 4 6心电图12 5 17合计45 32 77第一章绪论目的要求:阐述诊断学是研究诊断疾病的基本理论、基本技能和临床思维方法的学科。
• D. Hypochondriac pain blazing of liver fire shaoyang syndrome blood stasis from sprain or falling down damp-heat suspending fluid retention
• E. stomachache stomach cold or heat liver qi stagnation blood stasis spleen yang deficiency spleen yin deficiency
• B. General aching(pantalgia) wind-cold, wind-dampness pestilential toxin Insufficiency and disharmony of qi and blood
• C. Chest pain lung—phlegm-dampness, heat, abscess, yin deficiency heart—qi deficiency and blood stasis, qi stagnation
• Internal classic • Treatise on cold attack • Thousand worthy prescriptions for emergence
• To know the hobby , custom of patient • Onset development of disease • Judge the cause and nature of disease
• C.Alternate chill and fever a.shaoyang syndrome b.malaria
五、个人史 1、 社会经历 2、职业与工作条件 3、习惯与嗜好 4、情志状态与冶游史、吸毒史 5、婚姻史 6、月经及生育史
姓名 刘德华 性别 女 年龄 32岁 民族 汉 婚姻 已 职业 工人 工作单位 上海橡胶公司 住址 上海市蒙古路202号 病史陈述者 本人 入院日期 1999.5.30 病史记录日期 1999.5..30
树立质量法制观念、提高全员质量意 识。20. 11.220. 11.2Mo nday, November 02, 2020
人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。1 5:43:55 15:43:5 515:43 11/2/2 020 3:43:55 PM
安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20. 11.215: 43:5515 :43Nov -202-N ov-20
家族史: 丈夫体健,子、女均健康。父母早 亡,死因不明。一妹患有慢性淋巴细胞性甲状性交谈开始
三、问诊的注意事项: 1、问诊前先拉近医患关系 2、避免暗示性提问和逼问 3、避免使用医学术语 4、避免重复提问 5、其他
1 诊断学的内容包括哪些? 2 问诊的方法与注意事项? 3 问诊包括哪些内容? 4 病史的内容包括哪些?
追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增 创效益 ,凭服 务树立 形象。2 020年1 1月2日 星期一 下午3 时43分5 5秒15: 43:5520 .11.2
严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020 年11月 下午3时 43分20 .11.215 :43Nov ember 2, 2020
作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟除烦恼。2 020年1 1月2日 星期一 3时43 分55秒1 5:43:55 2 November 2020
Abnormal Abdominal Findings and Their Respective Differentiation --- Ascites腹部异常发现及其鉴别---腹水1、Definition of Ascites 腹水的定义free fluid accumulation within the abdominal cavity 腹腔内游离液体积聚little free fluid within the abdominal cavity in normal cases正常情况下腹腔内也有少量游离液体the amount of free fluid is less than 200 ml接上一条,不超过200mlexcessive free fluid accumulates within the abdominal cavity --- ascites腹腔内积聚过量液体即称为腹水2.Etiology of ascites 引起腹水的病因Cardiovascular Diseases 心血管系统疾病√ congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭√ pericarditis(心包炎)√ pericardiac tamponade(心包压塞)√ obstruction of inferior vena cava 下腔静脉梗阻Hepatic and Portal System Diseases 肝脏及门脉系统疾病√ hepatic carcinoma 肝癌√ inflammation of portal vein and the formation of its thrombosis门静脉炎和门脉血栓形成√ rupture of hepatic abscess the most common agents responsible for ascites肝脓肿破裂是引起腹水的最常见病因。
中英X线诊断模板1.头颅骨质未见异常The shape and the size of the skull are normal。
The inner and outer tables,and the diploe of the cranial vault are unremarkable,on the lateral view ,the sizes,the shape and the density of the sella turcica are nothing remarkable。
Impression:plain films of the head are normal.2.头颅正常AP and lateral views of the skull are submitted. The cavarium has normal configuration and appearance. There is no evidence of fracture. The soft tissues are normal.Impression: Normal skull.3.鼻旁窦炎症There is generalized haziness of the frontal, ethmoid and bilateral maxillary sinuses. Findings are consistent with sinusitis.Impression: Frontal,(额窦)ethmoid(筛)and maxillary (上颌)sinusitis.4. 右膝关节正常The bones and joints of the right knee are normal. There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are normal. There is no joint effusion.Impression: Normal right knee.5.右膝退变The bones and joints of the right knee are normal. Mild degenerative changes of the knee joint is present. There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are normal. There is no joint effusion.Impression: Mild DJD of knee joint。