



外文出处:Ellekilde, L. -., & Christensen, H. I. (2009). Control of mobile manipulator using the dynamical systems approach. Robotics and Automation, Icra 09, IEEE International Conference on (pp.1370 - 1376). IEEE.机械臂动力学与控制的研究拉斯彼得Ellekilde摘要操作器和移动平台的组合提供了一种可用于广泛应用程序高效灵活的操作系统,特别是在服务性机器人领域。



该方法是一种二级方法, 是使用竞争动力学对于统筹协调优化移动平台以及较低层次的融合避障和目标捕获行为的方法。






图、1 一台由赛格威RMP200和轻重量型库卡机器人组成的平台这项工作平台用于如图1所示,是由一个Segway与一家机器人制造商制造的RMP200轻机器人。







机械手电气控制系统1.机械手及其应用机械手:mechanical hand,也被称为自动手,auto hand能模仿人手和臂的某些动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置。










1.1 国内外机械工业、铁路部门中机搬运械手主要应用于以下几方面1.热加工方面的应用热加工是高温、危险的笨重体力劳动,很久以来就要求实现自动化。




3. 拆修装方面拆修装是铁路工业系统繁重体力劳动较多的部门之一,促进了机械手的发展。





毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献专业机械设计制造及其自动化课题多自由度机械手机械设计英文原文Automated Tracking and Grasping of a Moving Object with a RoboticHand-Eye SystemAbstractMost robotic grasping tasks assume a stationary or fixed object. In this paper, we explore the requirements for tracking and grasping a moving object. The focus of our work is to achieve a high level of interaction between a real-time vision system capable of tracking moving objects in 3-D and a robot arm with gripper that can be used to pick up a moving object. There is an interest in exploring the interplay of hand-eye coordination for dynamic grasping tasks such as grasping of parts on a moving conveyor system, assembly of articulated parts, or for grasping from a mobile robotic system. Coordination between an organism's sensing modalities and motor control system is a hallmark of intelligent behavior, and we are pursuing the goal of building an integrated sensing and actuation system that can operate in dynamic as opposed to static environments.The system we have built addresses three distinct problems in robotic hand-eye coordination for grasping moving objects: fast computation of 3-D motion parameters from vision, predictive control of a moving robotic arm to track a moving object, and interception and grasping. The system is able to operate at approximately human arm movement rates, and experimental results in which a moving model train is tracked is presented, stably grasped, and picked up by the system. The algorithms we have developed that relate sensing to actuation are quite general and applicable to a variety of complex robotic tasks that require visual feedback for arm and hand control.I. INTRODUCTIONThe focus of our work is to achieve a high level of interaction between real-time vision systems capable of tracking moving objects in 3-D and a robot arm equipped with a dexterous hand that can be used to intercept, grasp, and pick up a movingobject. We are interested in exploring the interplay of hand-eye coordination for dynamic grasping tasks such as grasping of parts on a moving conveyor system, assembly of articulated parts, or for grasping from a mobile robotic system. Coordination between an organism's sensing modalities and motor control system is a hallmark of intelligent behavior, and we are pursuing the goal of building an integrated sensing and actuation system that can operate in dynamic as opposed to static environments.There has been much research in robotics over the last few years that address either visual tracking of moving objects or generalized grasping problems. However, there have been few efforts that try to link the two problems. It is quite clear that complex robotic tasks such as automated assembly will need to have integrated systems that use visual feedback to plan, execute, and monitor grasping.The system we have built addresses three distinct problems in robotic hand-eye coordination for grasping moving objects: fast computation of 3-D motion parameters from vision, predictive control of a moving robotic arm to track a moving object, and interception and grasping. The system is able to operate at approximately human arm movement rates, using visual feedback to track, intercept, stably grasp, and pick up a moving object. The algorithms we have developed that relate sensing to actuation are quite general and applicable to a variety of complex robotic tasks that require visual feedback for arm and hand control.Our work also addresses a very fundamental and limiting problem that is inherent in building integrated sensing actuation systems; integration of systems with different sampling and processing rates. Most complex robotic systems are actually amalgams of different processing devices, connected by a variety of methods. For example, our system consists of three separate computation systems: a parallel image processing computer; a host computer that filters, triangulates, and predicts 3-D position from the raw vision data; and a separate arm control system computer that performs inverse kinematic transformations and joint-level servicing. Each of these systems has its own sampling rate, noise characteristics, and processing delays, which need to be integrated to achieve smooth and stable real-time performance. In our case, this involves overcoming visual processing noise and delays with a predictive filter basedupon a probabilistic analysis of the system noise characteristics. In addition, real-time arm control needs to be able to operate at fast servo rates regardless of whether new predictions of object position are available.The system consists of two fixed cameras that can image a scene containing a moving object (Fig. 1). A PUMA-560 with a parallel jaw gripper attached is used to track and pick up the object as it moves (Fig. 2). The system operates as follows:1) The imaging system performs a stereoscopic optic-flow calculation at each pixel in the image. From these optic-flow fields, a motion energy profile is obtained that forms the basis for a triangulation that can recover the 3-D position of a moving object at video rates.2) The 3-D position of the moving object computed by step 1 is initially smoothed to remove sensor noise, and a nonlinear filter is used to recover the correct trajectory parameters which can be used for forward prediction, and the updated position is sent to the trajectory-planner/arm-control system.3) The trajectory planner updates the joint-level servos of the arm via kinematic transform equations. An additional fixed-gain filter is used to provide servo-level control in case of missed or delayed communication from the vision and filtering system.4) Once tracking is stable, the system commands the arm to intercept the moving object and the hand is used to grasp the object stably and pick it up.The following sections of the paper describe each of these subsystems in detail along with experimental results.П. PREVIOUS WORKPrevious efforts in the areas of motion tracking and real-time control are too numerous to exhaustively list here. We instead list some notable efforts that have inspired us to use similar approaches. Burt et al. [9] have focused on high-speed feature detection and hierarchical scaling of images in order to meet the real-time demands of surveillance and other robotic applications. Related work has been reported by. Lee and Wohn [29] and Wiklund and Granlund [43] who uses image differencing methods to track motion. Corke, Paul, and Wohn [13] report afeature-based tracking method that uses special-purpose hardware to drive a servocontroller of an arm-mounted camera. Goldenberg et al. [16] have developed a method that uses temporal filtering with vision hardware similar to our own. Luo, Mullen, and Wessel [30] report a real-time implementation of motion tracking in 1-D based on Horn and Schunk’s method. Vergheseetul. [41] Report real-time short-range visual tracking of objects using a pipelined system similar to our own. Safadi [37] uses a tracking filter similar to our own and a pyramid-based vision system, but few results are reported with this system. Rao and Durrant-Whyte [36] have implemented a Kalman filter-based decentralized tracking system that tracks moving objects with multiple cameras. Miller [31] has integrated a camera and arm for a tracking task where the emphasis is on learning kinematic and control parameters of the system. Weiss et al. [42] also use visual feedback to develop control laws for manipulation. Brown [8] has implemented a gaze control system that links a robotic “head” containing binocular cameras with a servo controller that allows one to maintain a fixed gaze on a moving object. Clark and Ferrier [12] also have implemented a gaze control system for a mobile robot. A variation of the tracking problems is the case of moving cameras. Some of the papers addressing this interesting problem are [9], [15], [44], and [18].The majority of literature on the control problems encountered in motion tracking experiments is concerned with the problem of generating smooth, up-to-date trajectories from noisy and delayed outputs from different vision algorithms.Our previous work [4] coped with that problem in a similar way as in [38], using an cy- p - y filter, which is a form of steady-state Kalman filter. Other approaches can be found in papers by [33], [34], [28], [6]. In the work of Papanikolopoulos et al. [33], [34], visual sensors are used in the feedback loop to perform adaptive robotic visual tracking. Sophisticated control schemes are described which combine a Kalman filter’s estimation and filtering power with an optimal (LQG) controller which computes the robot’s motion. The vision system uses an optic-flow computation based on the SSD (sum of squared differences) method which, while time consuming, appears to be accurate enough for the tracking task. Efficient use of windows in the image can improve the performance of this method. The authors have presented good tracking results, as well as stated that the controller is robust enough so the use ofmore complex (time-varying LQG) methods is not justified. Experimental results with the CMU Direct Drive Arm П show that the methods are quite accurate, robust, and promising.The work of Lee and Kay [28] addresses the problem of uncertainty of cameras in the robot’s coordinate frame. The fact that cameras have to be strictly fixed in robot’s frame might be quite annoying since each time they are (most often incidentally) displaced; one has to undertake a tedious job of their recalibration. Again, the estimation of the moving object’s position and orientation is done in the Cartesian space and a simple error model is assumed. Andersen et al. [6] adopt a 3rd-order Kalman filter in order to allow a robotic system (consisting of two degrees of freedom) to play the labyrinth game. A somewhat different approach has been explored in the work of Houshangi [24] and Koivo et al. [27]. In these works, the autoregressive (AR) and auto grassier moving-average with exogenous input (ARMAX) models are investigated for visual tracking.Ш. VISION SYSTEMIn a visual tracking problem, motion in the imaging system has to be translated into 3-D scene motion. Our approach is to initially compute local optic-flow fields that measure image velocity at each pixel in the image. A variety of techniques for computing optic-flow fields have been used with varying results includingmatching-based techniques [5], [ 10], [39], gradient-based techniques [23], [32], [ 113, and patio-temporal, energy methods [20], [2]. Optic-flow was chosen as the primitive upon which to base the tracking algorithm for the following reasons.·The ability to track an object in three dimensions implies that there will be motion across the retinas (image planes) that are imaging the scene. By identifying this motion in each camera, we can begin to find the actual 3-D motion.·The principal constraint in the imaging process is high computational speed to satisfy the update process for the robotic arm parameters. Hence, we needed to be able to compute image motion quickly and robustly. The Hom-Schunck optic-flow algorithm (described below) is well suited for real-time computation on our PIPE image processing engine.·We have developed a new framework for computing optic-flow robustly using anestimation-theoretic framework [40]. While this work does not specifically use these ideas, we have future plans to try to adapt this algorithm to such a framework.Our method begins with an implementation of the Horn-Schunck method of computing optic-flow [22]. The underlying assumption of this method is theoptic-flow constraint equation, which assumes image irradiance at time t and t+σt will be the same:If we expand this constraint via a Taylor series expansion, and drop second- and higher-order terms, we obtain the form of the constraint we need to compute normal velocity:Where u and U are the velocities in image space, and Ix, Iy,and It are the spatial and temporal derivatives in the image. This constraint limits the velocity field in an image to lie on a straight line in velocity space. The actual velocity cannot be determined directly from this constraint due to the aperture problem, but one can recover the component of velocity normal to this constraint lineA second, iterative process is usually employed to propagate velocities in image neighborhoods, based upon a variety of smoothness and heuristic constraints. These added neighborhood constraints allow for recovery of the actual velocities u,v in the image. While computationally appealing, this method of determining optic-flow has some inherent problems. First, the computation is done on a pixel-by-pixel basis, creating a large computational demand. Second, the information on optic flow is only available in areas where the gradients defined above exist.We have overcome the first of these problems by using the PIPE image processor [26], [7]. The PIPE is a pipelined parallel image processing computer capable of processing 256 x 256 x 8 bit images at frame rate speeds, and it supports the operations necessary for optic-flow computation in a pixel parallel method (a typical image operation such as convolution, warping, addition subtraction of images can be done in one cycle-l/60 s).The second problem is alleviated by our not needing to know the actual velocities in the image. What we need is the ability to locate and quantify gross image motion robustly. This rules out simple differencing methodswhich are too prone to noise and will make location of image movement difficult. Hence, a set of normal velocities at strong gradients is adequate for our task, precluding the need to iteratively propagate velocities in the image.A. Computing Normal Optic-Flow in Real-TimeOur goal is to track a single moving object in real time. We are using two fixed cameras that image the scene and need to report motion in 3-D to a robotic arm control program. Each camera is calibrated with the 3-D scene, but there is no explicit need to use registered (i.e., scan-line coherence) cameras. Our method computes the normal component of optic-flow for each pixel in each camera image, finds a centurion of motion energy for each image, and then uses triangulation to intersect the back-projected centurions of image motion in each camera. Four processors are used in parallel on the PIPE. The processors are assigned as four per camera-two each for the calculation of X and Y motion energy centurions in each image. We also use a special processor board (ISMAP) to perform real-time histogram. The steps below correspond to the numbers in Fig. 3.1) The camera images the scene and the image is sent to processing stages in the PIPE.2) The image is smoothed by convolution with a Gaussian mask. The convolution operator is a built-in operation in the PIPE and it can be performed in one frame cycle. 3-4) In the next two cycles, two more images are read in, smoothed and buffered, yielding smoothed images Io and I1 and I2.The ability to buffer and pipeline images allows temporal operations on images, albeit at the cost of processing delays (lags) on output. There are now three smoothed images in the PIPE, with the oldest image lagging by 3/60 s.5) Images Io and I2, are subtracted yielding the temporal derivative It.6) In parallel with step 5, image I1is convolved with a 3 x 3 horizontal spatial gradient operator, returning the discrete form of I,. In parallel, the vertical spatial gradient is calculated yielding I, (not shown).7-8)The results from steps 5 and 6 are held in buffers and then are input to alook-up table that divides the temporal gradient at each pixel by the absolute value of the summed horizontal and vertical spatial gradients [which approximates thedenominator in (3)]. This yields the normal velocity in the image at each pixel. These velocities are then threshold and any isolated (i.e., single pixel motion energy) blobs are morphologically eroded. The above threshold velocities are then encoded as gray value 255. In our experiments, we threshold all velocities below 10 pixels per 60 ms to zero velocity.9-10) In order to get the centurion of the motion information, we need the X and Y coordinates of the motion energy. For simplicity, we show only the situation for the X coordinate. The gray-value ramp in Fig. 3 is an image that encodes the horizontal coordinate value (0-255) for each point in the image as a gray value.Thus, it is an image that is black (0) at horizontal pixel 0 and white (255) at horizontal pixel 255. If we logically and each pixel of the above threshold velocity image with the ramp image, we have an image which encodes high velocity pixels with their positional coordinates in the image, and leaves pixels with no motion at zero.11) By taking this result and histogram it, via a special stage of the PIPE which performs histograms at frame rate speeds, we can find the centurion of the moving object by finding the mean of the resulting histogram. Histogram the high-velocity position encoded images yields 256 16-bit values (a result for each intensity in the image). These 256 values can be read off the PIPE via a parallel interface in about 10 ms. This operation is performed in parallel to find the moving object’s Y censored (and in parallel for X and Y centurions for camera 2). The total associated delay time for finding the censored of a moving object becomes 15 cycles or 0.25 s.The same algorithm is run in parallel on the PIPE for the second camera. Once the motion centurions are known for each camera, they are back-projected into the scene using the camera calibration matrices and triangulated to find the actual 3-D location of the movement. Because of the pipelined nature of the PIPE, a new X or Y coordinate is produced every 1/60 s with this delay. While we are able to derive 3-D position from motion stereo at real-time rates, there are a number of sources of noise and error inherent in the vision system. These include stereo triangulation error, moving shadow s which are interpreted as object motion (we use no special lighting in the scene), and small shifts in censored alignments due to the different viewing angles of the cameras, which have a large baseline. The net effect of this is to create a 3-Dposition signal that is accurate enough for gross-level object tracking, but is not sufficient for the smooth and highly accurate tracking required for grasping the object.英文翻译自动跟踪和捕捉系统中的机械手系统摘要——许多机器人抓捕任务都被假设在了一个固定的物体上进行。



密级分类号编号成绩本科生毕业设计 (论文)外文翻译原文标题Simple Manipulator And The Control Of It 译文标题简易机械手及控制作者所在系别机械工程系作者所在专业xxxxx作者所在班级xxxxxxxx作者姓名xxxx作者学号xxxxxx指导教师姓名xxxxxx指导教师职称副教授完成时间2012 年02 月北华航天工业学院教务处制译文标题简易机械手及控制原文标题 Simple Manipulator And The Control Of It作者机电之家译名JDZJ国籍中国原文出处机电之家中文译文:简易机械手及其控制随着社会生产力的持续进步和人们生活节奏的日益加快,人们对生产效率也提出了新要求。








Aluminum multi-degreeof freedom manipulator Design and ImplementationMechanical hand, is also called from begins, auto hand can imitate the manpower and arm's certain holding function, with by presses the fixed routine to capture, the transporting thing 'OR' operation tool's automatic operation installment. It may replace person's strenuous labor to realize the production mechanization and the automation, can operate under the hostile environment protects the personal safety, thus widely applies in departments and so on machine manufacture, metallurgy, electron, light industry and atomic energy.The manipulator is mainly composed of the hand and the motion. The hand is uses for to grasp holds the work piece (or tool) the part, according to is grasped holds the thing shape, the size, the weight, the material and the work request has many kinds of structural styles, like the clamp, the request hold and the adsorption and so on. The motion, causes the hand to complete each kind of rotation (swinging), the migration or the compound motion realizes the stipulation movement, changes is grasped holds the thing position and the posture. Motion's fluctuation, the expansion, revolving and so on independence movement way, is called manipulator's degree-of-freedom. In order to capture in the space the optional position and the position object, must have 6 degrees-of-freedom. The degree-of-freedom is the key parameter which the manipulator designs. The degree-of-freedom are more, manipulator's flexibility is bigger, the versatility is broader, its structure is also more complex. Generally the special-purpose manipulator has 2~3 degrees-of-freedom.The manipulator's type, may divide into the hydraulic pressure type, the air operated according to the drive type, electromotive type, the mechanical manipulator; May divide into the special-purpose manipulator and the general-purpose manipulator two kinds according to the applicable scope; May divide into the position control and the continuous path according to the path control mode controls the manipulator and so on.The manipulator usually serves as the engine bed or other machine's add-on component, like on the automatic machine or the automatic production line loading and unloading and the transmission work piece, replaces the cutting tool in the machining center and so on, generally does not have the independent control device. Some operating equipment needs by the person direct control, if uses in the host who the atomic energy department manages the dangerous goods from the type operator also often being called the manipulator.Robot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems whichare difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development.With the rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly: With the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realized the importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal,The lacunaris plastic is an effective basement for active bacteria adhesion for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding.With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration, electronic, software and hardware. In this article, the mechanical configuration combines the character of direction coordinate and the arthrosis coordinate which can improve the stability and operation flexibility of the system. The main function of the transmission mechanism is to transmit power to implement department and complete the necessary movement. In this transmission structure, the screw transmission mechanism transmits the rotary motion into linear motion. Worm gear can give vary transmission ratio. Both of the transmission mechanisms have a characteristic of compact structure. The design of drive system often is limited by the environment condition and the factor of cost and technical lever. ''''The step motor can receive digital signal directly and has the ability to response outer environment immediately and has no accumulation error, which often is used in driving system. In this driving system, open-loop control system is composed of stepping motor, which can satisfy the demand not only for control precision but also for the target of economic and practicality. On this basis,the analysis of stepping motor in power calculating and style selecting is also given.The analysis of kinematics and dynamics for object holding manipulator is given in completing the design of mechanical structure and drive system. Kinematics analysis is the basis of path programming and track control. The positive and reverse analysis of manipulator gives the relationship between manipulator space and drive space in position and speed. The relationship bet ween manipulator’s tip position and arthrosis angles is concluded by coordinate transform method. The geometry method is used in solving inverse kinematics problem and the result will provide theory evidence for control system. The f0unction of dynamics is to get the relationship between the movement and force and the target is to satisfy the demand of real time control. in thischamfer, Newton-Euripides method is used in analysis dynamic problem of七he cleaning robot and the arthrosis force and torque are given which provide the foundation for step motor selecting and structure dynamic optimal ting.Control system is the key and core part of the object holding manipulator system design which will direct effect the reliability and practicality of the robot system in the division of configuration and control function and also will effect or limit the development cost and cycle. With the demand of the PCL-839 card, the PC computer which has a. tight structure and is easy to be extended is used as the principal computer cell and takes the function of system initialization, data operation and dispose, step motor drive and error diagnose and so on. A t the same time, the configuration structure features, task principles and the position function with high precision of the control card PCL-839 are analyzed. Hardware is the matter foundation of the control. System and the software is the spirit of the control system. The target of the software is to combine all the parts in optimizing style and to improve the efficiency and reliability of the control system. The software design of the object holding manipulator control system is divided into several blocks such as system initialization block, data process block and error station detect and dispose model and so on. PCL-839 card can solve the communication between the main computer and the control cells and take the measure of reducing the influence of the outer signal to the control system.The start and stop frequency of the step motor is far lower than the maximum running frequency. In order to improve the efficiency of the step motor, the increase and decrease of the speed is must considered when the step motor running in high speed and start or stop with great acceleration. The increase and decrease of the motor’s spee d can be controlled by the pulse frequency sent to the step motor drive with a rational method. This can be implemented either by hardware or by software. A step motor shift control method is proposed, which is simple to calculate, easy to realize and the theory means is straightforward. The motor'''' s acceleration can fit the torque-frequency curve properly with this method. And the amount of calculation load is less than the linear acceleration shift control method and the method which is based on the exponential rule to change speed. The method is tested by experiment.A t last, the research content and the achievement are sum up and the problems and shortages in main the content are also listed. The development and application of robot in the future is expected.多自由度铝合金机械手的设计与实现能模仿人手和臂的某些动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置。



毕业设计工业机器人机械手及其控制系统设计Design of industrial robot manipulator and its control system系别:机械与汽车工程系专业名称:机械设计制造及其自动化i毕业设计任务书摘要工业机器人技术是近年来新技术发展的重要领域之一,是以微电子技术为主导的多种新兴技术与机械技术交叉、融合而成的一种综合性的高新技术。










关键词:工业机器人;机械手;驱动;控制AbstractIndustrial robot technology is one of the important fields in the development of new technologies in recent years, is a cross, a variety of emerging technology and mechanical technology integration with microelectronics technology as the leading into a comprehensive high and new technology. This technology has been used more and more in the fields of industry, agriculture, national defense, medical, office automation and service life. Industrial robots play a decisive role in improving the quality of products, to speed up the update products, improve production efficiency, promote manufacturing flexibility, strengthen enterprise and national competitiveness etc. The manipulator is the traditional task execution mechanism of industrial robot system, is one of the key components of the robot; is a product of modern control theory and automation of industrial production practice, and to become an important part of modern mechanical manufacturing system; it is one of the effective ways to improve the production process automation, improve working conditions, to improve the product quality and production efficiency. Especially with a radioactive pollution in high temperature, high pressure, dust, noise and occasions, more widely applied.This topic will be the design of industrial robot with a four degree of freedom, will be used for the automatic feeding device. The main working parts and design focus is manipulator. First, the base, I will design the robot big arm, small arm and gripper actuator structure and model; second, redesign drive, drive mode suitable for the robot, in order to form the structure of platform. Finally, on the basis of the designed control system, consisting of the following steps: the design of data acquisition card and servo amplifier selection, feedback system and the feedback component selection, terminal board circuit design and control software. The key to strengthen the security of operation reliability and robot control software, to achieve the ultimate goals include: Joint servo control and brake problems, real-time monitoring the movement of each joint of robot, robot teaching programming and online modify the program, set the reference point and the reference point return.Key Words:Industrial robot; Manipulator; Drive; Control目录1绪论 (1)1.1工业机器人简介 (1)1.1.1发展史 (1)1.1.2特点 (1)1.1.3构造分类 (2)1.1.4 应用 (3)1.2国内外发展状况 (4)1.2.1 国外发展 (4)1.2.2 国内发展 (5)1.3工业机器人发展趋势 (5)2 工业机器人试验平台及机械手设计 (6)2.1机械手设计 (6)2.1.1机械手简介 (6)2.1.2 机械手分类 (6)2.1.3具体结构设计 (7)2.2工业机器人基座与连杆设计 (9)2.2.1基座的设计 (9)2.2.2大臂设计 (9)2.2.3小臂设计 (10)2.3工业机器人自由度及关节的设计 (10)2.4选择合适的驱动方式 (11)2.4.1电机驱动 (11)2.4.2液压驱动 (12)2.4.3气压驱动 (12)2.4.4驱动方式的确定 (13)2.5选择合适的传动方式 (13)2.6选择合适的制动器 (14)3控制系统硬件的组成 (15)3.1选择合适的控制系统模式 (15)I3.2建立合适的控制系统模型 (16)4控制系统软件的选取和设计 (19)4.1预期实现动作 (19)4.2实现手段 (19)4.2.1 各关节运动控制及监测 (19)4.2.2 直流电机伺服控制 (20)4.2.3 电机自锁 (20)4.2.4 程序的在线修改与示教控制 (22)4.2.5 参考点的设置 (22)5总结 (22)5.1设计经验 (22)5.2 误差分析 (23)5.3 总体评价 (23)致谢 (23)参考文献 (24)1绪论1.1工业机器人简介1.1.1发展史1920年由著名捷克斯洛伐克作家查培克所作剧本《罗萨姆的万能机器人》里第一次出现了“机器人”这个名词,但最初”Robot”一词是苦力的意思,指的是一台类人的且具有特殊功能的机器,为一种人造苦力。



第一章概述1. 1机械手的发展历史人类在改造自然的历史进程中,随着对材料、能源和信息这三者的认识和用,不断创造各种工具(机器),满足并推动生产力的发展。









1. 2机械手的发展意义机械手的迅速发展是由于它的积极作用正日益为人们所认识:其一、它能部分地代替人工操作;其二、它能按照生产工艺的要求,遵循一定的程序、时间和位置来完成工件的传送和装卸;其三、它能操作必要的机具进行焊接和装配。








本科毕业设计外文翻译题目机械手的机械和控制系统姓名谢百松学号20051103006 专业机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师肖新棉职称副教授中国·武汉二○○九年二月机械手的机械和控制系统文章来源:Dirk Osswald, Heinz Wörn.Department of Computer Science , Institute for Process Control and Robotics (IPR).,Engler-Bunte-Ring 8 - Building 40.28.摘要:最近,全球内带有多指夹子或手的机械人系统已经发展起来了,多种方法应用其上,有拟人化的和非拟人化的。















附录About Modenr Industrial Manipulayor Robot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. Modern industrial robots are true marvels of engineering. A robot the size of a person can easily carry a load over one hundred pounds and move it very quickly with a repeatability of 0.006inches. Furthermore these robots can do that 24hours a day for years on end with no failures whatsoever. Though they are reprogrammable, in many applications they are programmed once and then repeat that exact same task for years.At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development. With he rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly; with the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realizedthe importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding. With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plasticholding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration, electronic, software and hardware. In this article, the mechanical configuration combines the character of direction coordinate which can improve the stability and operation flexibility of the system. The main function of the transmission mechanism is to transmit power to implement department and complete the necessary movement. In this transmission structure, the screw transmission mechanism transmits the rotary motion into linear motion. Worm gear can give vary transmission ratio. Both of the transmission mechanisms have a characteristic of compact structure. The design of drive system often is limited by the environment condition and the factor of cost and technical lever. The step motor can receive digital signal directly and has the ability to response outer environment immediately and has no accumulation error, which often is used in driving system. In this driving system, open-loop control system is composed of stepping motor, which can satisfy the demand not only for control precision but also for the target of economic and practicality. On this basis, the analysis of stepping motor in power calculating and style selecting is also given. The analysis of kinematics anddynamics for object holding manipulator is given in completing the design of mechanical structure and drive system.Current industrial approaches to robot arm control treat each joint of the robot arm as a simple joint servomechanism. The servomechanism approach models the varying dynamics of a manipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole arm mechanism. These changes in the parameters of the controlled system sometimes are significant enough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. The result is reduced servo response speed and damping, limiting the precision and speed of the end-effecter and making it appropriate only for limited-precision tasks. Manipulators controlled in this manner move at slow speeds with unnecessary vibrations. Any significant performance gain in this and other areas of robot arm control require the consideration of more efficient dynamic models, sophisticated control approaches, and the use of dedicated computer architectures and parallel processing techniques.In the industrial production and other fields, people often endangered by such factors as high temperature, corrode, poisonous gas and so forth at work, which have increased labor intensity and even jeopardized the life sometimes. The corresponding problems are solved since the robot arm comes out. The arms can catch, put and carry objects, and its movements are flexible and diversified. It applies to medium and small-scale automated production in which production varieties can be switched. And it is widely used on soft automatic line. The robot arms are generally made by withstand high temperatures, resist corrosion of materials to adapt to the harsh environment. So they reduced the labor intensity of the workers significantly and raised work efficiency. The robot arm is an importantcomponent of industrial robot, and it can be called industrial robots on many occasions. Industrial robot is set machinery, electronics, control, computers, sensors, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies in the integration of multidisciplinary important modern manufacturing equipment. Widely using industrial robots, not only can improve product quality and production, but also is of great significance for physical security protection, improvement of the environment for labor, reducing labor intensity, improvement of labor productivity, raw material consumption savings and lowering production costs.There are such mechanical components as ball footbridge, slides, air control mechanical hand and so on in the design. A programmable controller, a programming device, stepping motors, stepping motors drives, direct current motors, sensors, switch power supply, an electromagnetism valve and control desk are used in electrical connection.Robot is the automated production of a kind used in the process of crawling and movin g piece features automatic device, which is mechanized and automated production process d eveloped a new type of device. In recent years, as electronic technology, especially compute r extensive use of robot development and production of hightech fields has become a rapidl y developed a new technology, which further promoted the development of robot, allowing robot to better achieved with the combination of mechanization and automation. Robot can replace humans completed the risk of duplication of boring work, to reduce human labor int ensity and improve labor productivity. Manipulator has been applied more and more widely, in the machinery industry, it can be used for parts assembly, work piece handling, loading a nd unloading, particularly in the automation of CNC machine tools, modular machine toolsmore commonly used. At present, the robot has developed into a FMS flexible manufacturin g systems and flexible manufacturing cell in an important component of the FMC. The mac hine tool equipment and machinery in hand together constitute a flexible manufacturing syst em or a flexible manufacturing cell, it was adapted to small and medium volume production , you can save a huge amount of the work piece conveyor device, compact, and adaptable. When the work piece changes, flexible production system is very easy to change will help e nterprises to continuously update the marketable variety, improve product quality, and better adapt to market competition. At present, China's industrial robot technology and its enginee ring application level and comparable to foreign countries there is a certain distance, applica tion and industrialization of the size of the low level of robot research and development of a direct impact on raising the level of automation in China, from the economy, technical cons iderations are very necessary. Therefore, the study of mechanical hand design is very meani ngful.关于现代工业机械手机器人是典型的机电一体化装置,它综合运用了机械与精密机械、微电子与计算机、自动控制与驱动、传感器与信息处理以及人工智能等多学科的最新研究成果,随着经济技术的开展和各行各业对自动化程度要求的提高,机器人技术得到了迅速开展,出现了各种各样的机器人产品。



附录外文文献原文:Simple Manipulator And The Control Of ItAlong with the social production progress and people life rhythm is accelerating, people on production efficiency also continuously put forward new requirements. Because of microelectronics technology and calculation software and hardware technology rapid development and modern control theory, the perfection of the fast development, the robot technology pneumatic manipulator system because its media sources do not pollute the environment, simple and cheap components, convenient maintenance and system safety and reliability characteristic, has penetrated into every sector of the industrial field, in the industrial development plays an important role. This article tells of the pneumatic control robots, furious manipulator XY axis screw group, the turntable institutions, rotating mechanical parts base. Main effect is complete mechanical components handling work, to be placed in different kinds of line or logistics pipeline, make parts handling, transport of goods more quick and convenient.Matters of the manipulator axial linkage simple structure and action processManipulator structure, as shown in figure 1 below have accused of manipulator (1), XY axis screw group (2), the turntable institutions (3), rotating base (4), etc.Figure 1 Manipulator StructureIts motion control mode is: (1) can rotate by servomotor Angle for 360 °breath control manipulator (photoelectric sensor sure start 0 point); (2) by stepping motor drive screw component make along the X, Y manipulators move (have X, Y axis limit switches); (3) can rotates 360 °can drive the turntable institutions manipulators and bushings free rotation (its electric drag in part by the dc motivation, photoelectric encoder, close to switch etc); (4) rotating base main support above 3 parts; (5) gas control manipulator by pressure control (Zhang close when pressed on, put inflatable robot manipulators loosen) when gas.Its working process for: when the goods arrived, manipulator system begins to move; Stepping motor control, while the other start downward motion along the horizontal axis of the step-motor controller began to move exercise; Servo motor driver arrived just grab goods manipulators rotating the orientation of the place, then inflatable, manipulator clamped goods.Vertical axis stepper motor drive up, the other horizontal axis stepper motor driver started to move forward; rotary DC motor rotation so that the whole robot motion, go to the cargo receiving area; longitudinal axis stepper motor driven down again, arrived at the designated location, Bleed valve,mechanical hand release the goods; system back to the place ready for the next action.II.Device controlTo achieve precise control purposes, according to market conditions, selection of a variety of keycomponents as follows:1. Stepper motor and driveMechanical hand vertical axis (Y axis) and horizontal (X axis) is chosen Motor Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Stone 42BYG250C type of two-phase hybrid stepping motor, step angle of 0.9 ° / 1.8 °, current is 1.5A. M1 is the horizontal axis motor driven manipulator stretch, shrink; M2 is the vertical axis motor driven manipulator rise and fall. The choice of stepper motor drive is SH-20403 type, the drive uses 10 ~ 40V DC power supply, H-phase bridge bipolar constant current drive, the maximum output current of 3A of the 8 optional, maximum fine of 64 segments of 7 sub-mode optional optical isolation, standard single-pulse interface, with offline capabilities to maintain semi-sealed enclosure can be adapted to environmental conditions even worse, provide semi-current energy-saving mode automatically. Drive the internal switching power supply design to ensure that the drive can be adapted to a wide voltage range, the user can according to their circumstances to choose between the 10 ~ 40VDC. Generally the higher rated power supply voltage can improve high-speed torque motor, but the drive will increase the loss and temperature rise. The maximum output drive current is 3A / phase (peak), six drive-panel DIP switch on the first three can be combined 5,6,7 8 out of state, corresponding to the 8 kinds of output current from 0.9A to 3A to meet the different motors. The drive can provide full step, half step improvement, subdivision 4, 8 segments, 16 segments, 32 segments and 64segments of 7 operating modes. The use of six of the drive panel DIP switches 1,2and3 can be combined from three different states.2. Servo motors and drivesManipulator with Panasonic servo motor rotational movement A series of small inertia MSMA5AZA1G, the rated 50W, 100/200V share, rotary incremental encoder specifications (number of pulses 2500p / r, resolution of 10000p / r, Lead 11 lines) ; a seal, no brakes, shaft with keyway connections. The motor uses Panasonic's unique algorithms, the rate increased by 2 times the frequency response, to 500Hz; positioning over the past adjust the scheduled time by Panasonic servo motor products for the V Series of 1 / 4. With the resonance suppression, control, closed loop control, can make up for lack of mechanical rigidity, in order to achieve high positioning accuracy can also be an external grating to form closed loop control to further improve accuracy. With a conventional automatic gain adjustment and real-time automatic gainInterest adjustment in the automatic gain adjustment methods, which also has RS-485, RS-232C communication port, the host controller can control up to 16 axes. Servo motor drives are a series MSDA5A3A1A, applicable to small inertia motor.3. DC machine360 ° swing of the turntable can be a brushless DC motor driven organization, the system is chosen when the profit company in Beijing and the 57BL1010H1 brushless DC motor, its speed range, low-speed torque, smooth running, low noise, high efficiency. Brushless DC motor drive using the Beijing and when Lee's BL-0408 produced by the drive, which uses 24 ~ 48V DC power supply, a start-stop and steering control, over current, overvoltage and locked rotor protection, and there is failure alarm output external analog speed control,braking down so fast.4. Rotary encoderCan swing 360 °in the body on the turntable, fitted with OMRON E6A2 produced incremental rotary encoder, the encoder signals to the PLC, to achieve precise positioning of rotary bodies.5. PLC SelectionAccording to the system design requirements, the choice of OMRON CPM2A produced minicomputer. CPM2A in a compact unit integrated with a variety of properties, including the synchronization pulse control, interrupt input, pulse output, analog set and clock functions. CPM2A the CPU unit is a stand-alone unit, capable of handling a wide range of application of mechanical control, it is built in the device control unit for the ideal product. Ensure the integrity of communications and personal computers, other OMRON PC and OMRON Programmable Terminal communication. The communication capability allows the robot to Axis simple easy integration into industrial control systems.III. Software programming1. Software flow chartPLC programming flow chart is based. Only the design flow, it may be smooth and easy to prepare and write a statement form the ladder, and ultimately complete the process design. So write a flow chart of program design is critical to the task first thing to do. Axis Manipulator based on simple control requirements, drawing flow chart shown in Figure 2.Figure 2 Software flow chart2. Program partBecause space is limited, here only paper listed the first two program segment for readers see.Figure 3 Program partIV. ConclusionAxis simple robot state by the various movements and PLC control, the robot can not only meet the manual, semi-automatic mode of operation required for such a large number of buttons, switches, position detection point requirements, but also through the interface components and Computer Organization PLC industrial LAN, network communication and network control. Axis simple robot can be easily embedded into industrial production pipeline.中文译文:简易机械手及控制随着社会生产不断进步和人们生活节奏不断加快,人们对生产效率也不断提出新要求。



Hand Column Type Power MachineFollow with our country the rapid development of industrial production, rapidly enhance level of automation, implementation artifacts of handling, steering, transmission or toil for welding gun, spraing gun, spanner and other tools for processing, assembly operations for example automation, should cause the attention of people more and more.Industrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots. It features can be programmed to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance advantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intelligence and adaptability. The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad prospects for development. With the development of industrial automation, there has been CNC machining center, it is in reducing labor intensity, while greatly improved labor productivity. However, the upper and lower common in CNC machining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device. The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient; the latter due to design complexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration interference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues. Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a strong anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency. Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology.Current industrial approaches to robot arm control treat each joint of the robot arm as a simple joint servomechanism. The servomechanism approach models the varying dynamics of a manipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole arm mechanism. These changes in the parameters of the controlled system sometimes are significant enough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. The result is reduced servo response speed and damping, limiting the precision and speed of the end-effecter and making it appropriate only for limited-precision tasks. Manipulators controlled in this manner move at slow speeds with unnecessary vibrations. Any significant performance gain in this and other areas of robot arm control require the consideration of more efficient dynamic models, sophisticated control approaches, and the use of dedicated computer architectures and parallel processing techniques.Manipulator institutional form is simple, strong professionalism, only as a loading device for a machine tools, special-purpose manipulator is attached to this machine. Along with the development of industrial technology, produced independently according to the process control to achieve repetitive operation, using range iswide "program control general manipulator", hereinafter referred to as general manipulator. General manipulator used to quickly change the working procedure, adaptability is stronger, so he is in constant transformation in the medium and small batch production of products are widely used.NO.1 The composition of the manipulatorManipulator is in the form of a variety of, some relatively simple, some more complex, but the basic form is the same, generally by the actuators, transmission system, control system and the auxiliary device.The actuator manipulator actuators, by the hand, wrist, arm, pillars. Hand is grasping mechanism, which is used to clamp and release artifacts, as a human finger, can complete staff of similar action. Is connected to the fingers and wrist arm components, can be up and down, left and right sides and rotary movement. Simple manipulator can not the wrist. Prop used to support the arm, can also according to need to make it move.The driving system movement of the actuator by the transmission system to achieve. Common mechanical transmission system of mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission, pneumatic transmission and power transmission etc. Several forms. The control system of manipulator control system main function is to control the manipulator according to certain procedures, movement direction, position, speed, simple manipulator is generally not set special control system, only the stroke switch, relay, control valves and control circuit can realize dynamic transmission system, the executing agency action in accordance with requirements. Action complex manipulator should adopts the programmable controller, microcomputer control. NO.2 Classification and characteristics of the manipulatorRobots generally fall into three categories the first is general manipulator doesn't need manual operation. It is a kind of independence is not attached to a host device. It can according to the need of the task program, the operation of the provisions to complete. It is with the characteristics of common mechanical performance, also has general machinery, memory, intelligence of three yuan. The second is the need to do manually. Called Operating machine. It originated in the atom, military industry, first by Operating machine to complete a specific assignment, later to use radio signal Operating machine to explore the moon and so on. Used in the forging industry Operating machine falls under this category. The third kind is to use special manipulator, mainly attached to automatic machine or automatic line, used to solve machine tool material and workpiece to send up and down. This manipulator in a foreign country is called "the Mechanical Hand", it is in the service of the host, driven by the host; Except a few working procedures generally is fixed, so it is special.NO.3 The application of industrial manipulatorManipulator is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a kind of new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achievebetter with the combination of mechanization and automation.Manipulator although it is not as flexible as manpower, but it can have repeated work and labor, do not know fatigue, is not afraid of danger, snatch heavy weights strength characteristics such as larger than man, as a result, the manipulator has been brought to the attention of the many departments, and have been applied more and more widely.(1) Machine tools machining the workpiece loading and unloading, especially in automatic lathe, use common combination machine tools.(2) Widely used in the assembly operation, it can be used to assemble printed circuit board in the electronics industry, it can be in the machinery industry to assemble parts.(3) Can be in working conditions is poor, repetitive easy fatigue of the work environment, to instead of human Labour.(4) The development of the universe and the ocean.(5) Military engineering and biomedical research and test.Application of robots can replace people in dull, repetitive or heavy manual work, to realize mechanization and automation of production, instead of human in harmful environment of manual operation, improve labor condition, ensure the personal safety. In the late 1940 s, the United States in the nuclear experiments, firstly adopts manipulator handling radioactive materials, people in the security room to manipulate manipulator for various operation and experiment. After the '50 s, robots gradually extended to industrial production department, for use in high temperature, serious pollution of local leave work pieces and the loading and unloading materials, as auxiliary device in the machine tool automatic machine, automatic production line and processing center in the application, complete the material up and down or from libraries take put the knives and replace tool operations such as fixed procedure. Manipulator is mainly composed of hand and motion mechanism. Hand mechanism varies according to the usage situation and operation object, the common are holding, hold and the adsorption type etc. Motion mechanism usually driven by hydraulic, pneumatic, electric devices. Manipulator can be achieved independently of scaling, rotation and lifting movement, generally speaking, there are 2 ~ 3 degrees of freedom. Robots are widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, light industry and atomic energy etc.Manipulator is used in the production process automation with grab and move the workpiece is a kind of automatic device, it is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve better with the combination of mechanization and automation. Robots can replace humans do dangerous, repeat the boring work, reduce human labor intensity and improve labor productivity. Manipulator have been applied more and more widely, it can be used for parts assembled in the machinery industry, processing the workpiece handling, loading and unloading,especially on the automatic CNC machine, combination machine tools more common use. At present, the manipulator has developed into a flexible manufacturing system of FMS and flexible manufacturing cell is an important component of FMC. The machine tool equipment and manipulator of a flexible manufacturing system or flexible manufacturing unit, it is suitable for medium and small batch production, can save a large workpiece delivery device, structure is compact, but also has a strong adaptability. When the workpiece changes, flexible production system is easy to change, is advantageous to the enterprise continuously updated marketable varieties, improve product quality, better adapt to the needs of the market competition. But at present our country's industrial robot technology and its engineering application level and foreign than there is a certain distance, scale and industrialization level is low, research and development of the manipulator has direct influence on raising the automation level of production in our country, from the consideration on the economic and technology is very necessary. Therefore, carries on the research design of the manipulator is very meaningful.NO.4 The development trend of manipulatorCurrent industrial applications of the manipulator gradually expanding, constantly improve the technology performance. Due to the short development time, it has a gradual understanding of process, the manipulator and a technically perfect step by step process, its development trend is:1.To expand the application of manipulator and processing industryAt present domestic robots used in mechanical industry more in cold working operations, while in the hot work such as casting, forging, welding, heat treatment less, and the application of assembly work, etc. So processing work items heavy, complicated shape and high environmental temperature, bring many difficulties to manipulator design, manufacture, it is need to solve the technical difficulties, make the manipulator to better service for processing work. At the same time, in other industries and industrial sectors, also will with the constant improvement of the industrial technology level, and gradually expand the use of the manipulator 2.Improve the work performance of the industry manipulatorManipulator in the working performance of the pros and cons, determines the application and production, it can normal manipulator working performance of the repetitive positioning accuracy and speed of work two indicators, decided to ensure the quality of manipulator can complete the operation of the key factors. Therefore to solve good working stability and rapidity of the manipulator's request, besides from solve buffer localization measures, should also be development meet the requirements of mechanical properties and low price of electro-hydraulic servo valve, servo control system was applied to the mechanical hand.3.Development of modular robotsVariable application manipulator from the characteristics of the manipulator itself, more adapted to the product type, equipment updates, many varieties, small batch, but its cost is high, the special manipulator and cheap, but the scope is limited. Therefore, for some special purpose, you need special design, special processing, thus improving the product cost. In order to adapt to the request ofthe application field of classify, the structure of the manipulator can be designed to the form of combination. Modular manipulator is a common parts according to the requirement of the job, select necessary to accomplish the function of the unit components, based on the base of combination, deserve to go up with adaptive control part, namely the manipulator with special requirements can be completed. It can simplify the structure, take into account the specificity and design on the use of generality, more in the series design and organization of standardization, specialized production, to improve quality and reduce cost of the manipulator, isa kind of promising manipulator4. Has a "vision" and "touch" of so-called "intelligent robots"For artificial has flexible operation and the need for judgment of the situation, industrial manipulator is very difficult to replace human labor. Such as in the working process of the accident, disorders and conditions change, etc., manipulator cannot be automatically distinguish correct, but to stop, after waiting for people to rule out accident can continue to work. As a result, people puts forward higher requirements on mechanical hand, hope to make it a "vision", "touch", etc, make it to the judgment, the choice of object, can be continuously adjusted to adapt to changing conditions, and can perform a "hand - eye coordination. This requires a computer can handle a lot of information, require them to exchange of information with machine "dialogue".This "vision", "touch" feedback, controlled by computer, is one part of the "smart" mechanism is called "intelligent robots". Is the so-called "smart" includes: the function of recognition, learning, memory, analysis, judgment. And recognition is through the "visual", "touch" and "hearing" feel "organ" of cognitive object. Which has the function of sensory robot, its performance is perfect, can accurately clamping arbitrary azimuth objects, determine an object, weight, work over obstacles, the clamping force is measured automatically, and can automatically adjust, suitable for engaged in the operation of the complex, precision, such as assembly operation, it has a certain development prospects.Intelligent robots is an emerging technology, the study of it will involve the electronic technology, control theory, communication technology, television technology, spatial structure and bionic mechanical discipline. It is an emerging field of modern automatic control technology. With the development of science and intelligent robots will replace people to do more work.工业机械手随着我国工业生产的飞跃发展,自动化程度的迅速提高,实现工件的装卸、转向、输送或是操持焊枪、喷枪、扳手等工具进行加工、装配等作业的自动化,应越来越引起人们的重视。






MCGS简介MCGS(Man Machine Graphical System)是一种基于人机界面的可编程控制系统,广泛应用于工业自动化领域。



基于MCGS的机械手控制系统主要由以下几个部分组成:1. 机械手机械手是整个系统的执行部分,它通过电机、传感器和执行器等组件实现对物体的抓取、搬运和放置等动作。


2. 控制器控制器是系统的核心部分,它负责接收用户输入的指令,并将其转换为机械手能够理解的信号。





4. 通信模块通信模块负责控制器与机械手之间的数据交换,它能够实现信号的传递和接收,并保证数据的准确性和实时性。


系统特点基于MCGS的机械手控制系统具有以下几个特点:1. 图形化编程MCGS采用图形化编程方式,使得机械手的控制操作简单便捷。



外文原文:ISSN 1002—4956CN11—2034/T Experimental Technology and M anagement V o1.26 No.2 Feb 2009Design of manipulator experimental system based on control ofconfiguration en SijingAbstract:The configuration software is the area in recent years the rise of industrial automation software development of a new technology, with the development of simple, short development cycles, high universality, high reliability. The article will be applied to manipulator configuration software test system, not only can monitor the robot system, and simulation can be carried out offline, analog control. In the experiment with the use of animation Cooperative Movement in kind, to give the most intuitive display. Not only reduces the learning difficulty, but also improves the efficiency of learning and fun.Key words: Kingview, programmable logic controller, control systemPLC (Programmable Controller, the English abbreviation for the PC, then known as the PLC) is a microprocessor based on a combination of computer technology, semiconductor integration technology, automatic control technology, digital technology and communication network technology developed a common industrial automation devices. It for control of the process of user-oriented to meet the industrial environment, convenient operation, high reliability and modern three pillars of industrial control (PLC, robotics and CAD / CAM) one.Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) from the early development of relay logic control system from. Since the PLC has been since the advent of rapid development, has become a powerful tool for industrial automation, has been widely popularize and promote the application. Experimental teaching is a necessary part of the course, but the traditional high cost of laboratory equipment; not set up this experiment students will affect the absorption of new technologies and innovative capabilities of the play is not conducive to the creation of the capacity of students and ability to practice engineering. Therefore, we have technology and programmable configuration control the combination of experimental apparatus to explore a novel experimental method.1.1 Manipulator Control SystemRobot simulation is a manual operation of the automatic machinery. It can be fixed procedures crawling, handling objects or tools to maintain the completion of certain operations. Application can replace the mechanical hand to engage in monotonous, repetitive or heavy manual labor, production mechanization and automation in place of the harmful environment in the manual to improve the working conditions, to ensure personal safety. 50's, the mechanical hand and gradually extended to the industrial production sector, for high temperature, cause serious pollution of the local pick-and-place and loading and unloading the workpiece material, but also as a machine-assisted device in automatic machine tools, automatic production lines and machining center applications, the completion of the whole material or from the knife tool library and pick-and-place tool, such as the replacement of fixed operating procedures.With the popularity of industrial automation and development of the industrial robot industry, more and more applications, the control of the robot requirements and accuracy are also getting higher and higher. Manipulator control system of the PLC in various institutions in the practice of teaching has been widely used to control the basic requirements: click the Start button devices to work, first of all, do drop in robot movement, to be dropped in place, the mechanical hand with open fingers crawl items (time to pay close attention to items identified by the timer); and machinery have risen to the top (by the switch to determine the upper limit), and then to the right movement; to reach the right side, the robot began to drop in place after the release manipulator, to lay down their articles; then Manipulator increase in extraction of materials such cycle. Manipulator process flow as shown in Figure 1, the system I / O distribution as shown in table 1, some control procedures shown in Figure 2.The original bit Decline Clamping Raise Shifted to rightLeft Raise Release DeclineFigure 1 Process flow chart of the work manipulatorLeft limit switch X5 Clamping motor relay Y3Right limit switch X6 Electric relaxation relay Y2Clamping limit switch X7Figure 2 part ladder system2.1 KingviewIn the PLC-controlled manipulator system, also known as PC software configuration management software, widely used in industrial fields, it provides a flexible configuration tools, man-machine interface, and can be fully realized in various fields of industrial management controls, data acquisition, continuous control and statistical process control. Kingview configuration software is one of the many outstanding representatives of China-made software.2.1.1 Kingview software features(1) a wealth of I / OWill Kingview and drivers together, unified, containing a variety of I / O driver of the PLC with more communication, and reliable communications.(2) alarm and event systemKingview alarm system with convenient, flexible, reliable, easy to extend the features. Distributed Alarm Management Kingview provides a wide range of alarm management functions. Include: event-based alarm, alarm packet management, alarm priority, alarm filtering, a newconcept of dead-zone and delay functions, as well as remote network alarm management. Kingview application can also record events and operational information operator. Alarms and events with a variety of output modes: documents, databases, printers, and window alarms, and control tools can be used to easily browse and print the contents of the police database.(3) security systemsKingview adopting a classification and zoning to protect the double protection strategy for the new user group and security management, 999 different levels of authority and the security zone 64 to form a double protection, while Kingview run to record operating Members of all operations.2.1.2 The establishment of the configuration works1)The establishment of a new running configuration environment configuration worksIn the "King" Project Manager (Proj-Manager) Select menu "File \ New Project" or click "New" button, the dialog box pop-up new construction. Path text box in the works enter a valid path to the project, or click the "Browse ..." button to choose the path in the pop-up dialog box, select a valid path. Name text box in the works enter the name of the project, the project name will be at the same time as the path name of the current project. Works described in the text box description of the project. Project name length should be less than 32 bytes, the length of the project description should be less than 40 bytes. Click "Finish" to complete the works of the new.2) the definition of data variablesDatabase is "King" of the core of the software in the project manager, select "database \ data dictionary", double-click the "New Icon" pop-up "variable attribute" dialog box, create a data manipulator variables, these PLC internal variables and variable-one correspondence, PLC input and output is entirely an internal variable instead of Kingview. This, PI C lose the actual inputAre reflected in the status monitor interface configuration using PLC-CPU communication function, the system can run the real simulation.Data variables constitutes the basic unit of real-time database, the process of establishing real-time database that is the process of definition of data variables. The definition of data variables include: specify data variable name, type, initial value and numerical range of variables and data to determine the parameters of disk-related, such as Save the cycle, save time, such as the scope and the retention period. Data objects are I / O switching, I / O Value type, I / O character, memorytype, such as eight kinds of switching type. Different types of data objects, attributes different purposes are also different.3) The system control interface designKingview platform in a "Robot Control System" window and set up the properties window. Through the mapping tool in the toolbox, set up systems to map out the various components, the system controls the production of call control buttons, the use of text labels corresponding components of the Notes. Finally, the overall animation effects to generate Fig.4) Animation ConnectionUp by the graphic object from the graphical interface system is stationary, and the need for these objects animation graphics design, to describe the true state of the object changes in the outside world, to achieve the purpose of real-time monitoring of the process. Kingview graphic animation is the main user window in 1:3 real-time graphical objects and data objects in the database to establish the relevance of connections, and set the corresponding attribute animation.Part of program design of the system are as follows:if(\\本站点\ Down ==1)\\本站点\Move=\\本站点\Move+20;if(\\本站点\Up==1)\\本站点\Move=\\本站点\Move-25;if(\\本站点\Lay==1)\\本站点\Move2=\\本站点\Move2+20;\\本站点\Move3=\\本站点\Move3+20;if(\\本站点\Lay==1)\\本站点\Move2=\\本站点\Move2+24;\\本站点\Move3=\\本站点\Move3+18;\\本站点\Move4=0;\\本站点\Move5=0;if(\\本站点\Release==1)\\本站点\Move4=\\本站点\Move4+15;\\本站点\Move5=\\本站点\Move5+16;\\本站点\Move2=0;\\本站点\Move3=0;3.1 Concluding remarksManipulator control system in the experimental teaching institutions of all kinds have been widely used, it can be used as electrical and building automation such as PLC and related professional courses in experimental teaching platform. However, due to the actual hardware into a larger teaching, teaching space and more demanding, so to all of the experimental teaching institutions a great deal of distress. Industrial use of configuration software PLC and Host Computer is simple communication. Kingview use the system with simple PLC host PC computer interface in the experiment to achieve teaching and training platform, into less space for teaching do not ask for much, in large quantities suitable for experimental training of students, the majority of institutions of higher learning and the training institutions, teaching requirements. In the PLC, the configuration software application courses such as teaching, with outstanding merits and good value.中文译文:基于组态控制的机械手实验系统的设计摘要:组态软件是近年来在工控自动化领域兴起的一种新型软件开发技术,具有开发简便、开发周期短、通用性强、可靠性高等优点。

机械手 外文文献及翻译

机械手 外文文献及翻译

body dynamic and yields the input current vector of the servovalve, the dynamic gravity term including the gravity of platform, load and hydraulic cylinders is used to compensate the influence of gravity of parallel manipulator platform. 入电流矢量的伺服阀,动态重力项包括重力平台,负载和液压缸,用于补偿重力的影响,对并联机器人平台。

In analytical, the steady state errors converge asymptotically to zero, independent of load variation. 在分析,稳态误差渐近收敛于零,独立的负载变化。

The model-based controller, PD control with gravity compensation, is developed to reduce the effect of load variety of platform and eliminate steady state error of hydraulic driven parallel manipulator. 基于模型的控制器,控制重力补偿,以减少开发影响负载多种平台和消除稳态误差的液压驱动并联机器人。

MATHEMATICAL MODEL 数学模型The 6-DOF hydraulic driven parallel manipulator consist of a fixed base (down platform) and a moveable platform (upper platform) with six cylinders supporting it, all the cylinders are connected with movement platform and base with Hooke joints, as shown in Fig.1. 六自由度液压驱动并联机器人包括一个固定基地(下)和一个可移动的平台(平台)六缸支持它,所有气缸的运动平台和基地连接万向接头,如图1所示。



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Hand Column Type Power MachineFollow with our country the rapid development of industrial production, rapidly enhance level of automation, implementation artifacts of handling, steering, transmission or toil for welding gun, spraing gun, spanner and other tools for processing, assembly operations for example automation, should cause the attention of people more and more.Industrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots. It features can be programmed to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance advantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intelligence and adaptability. The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad prospects for development. With the development of industrial automation, there has been CNC machining center, it is in reducing labor intensity,while greatly improved labor productivity. However, the upper and lower common in CNC machining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device. The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient; the latter due to design complexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration interference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues. Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a strong anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency. Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology.Current industrial approaches to robot arm control treat each joint of the robot arm as a simple joint servomechanism. The servomechanism approach models the varying dynamics of a manipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole arm mechanism. These changes in the parameters of the controlled system sometimes are significant enough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. The result is reduced servo response speed and damping, limiting the precision and speed of the end-effecter and making it appropriate only for limited-precision tasks. Manipulators controlled in this manner move at slow speeds with unnecessary vibrations. Any significant performance gain in this and other areas of robot arm control require the consideration of more efficient dynamic models, sophisticated control approaches, and the use of dedicated computer architectures and parallel processing techniques.Manipulator institutional form is simple, strong professionalism, only as a loading device for a machine tools, special-purpose manipulator is attached to this machine. Along with the development of industrial technology, produced independently according to the process control to achieve repetitive operation, using range is wide "program control general manipulator", hereinafter referred to as general manipulator. General manipulator used to quickly change the workingprocedure, adaptability is stronger, so he is in constant transformation in the medium and small batch production of products are widely used.NO.1 The composition of the manipulatorManipulator is in the form of a variety of, some relatively simple, some more complex, but the basic form is the same, generally by the actuators, transmission system, control system and the auxiliary device.The actuator manipulator actuators, by the hand, wrist, arm, pillars. Hand is grasping mechanism, which is used to clamp and release artifacts, as a human finger, can complete staff of similar action. Is connected to the fingers and wrist arm components, can be up and down, left and right sides and rotary movement. Simple manipulator can not the wrist. Prop used to support the arm, can also according to need to make it move.The driving system movement of the actuator by the transmission system to achieve. Common mechanical transmission system of mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission, pneumatic transmission and power transmission etc. Several forms.The control system of manipulator control system main function is to control the manipulator according to certain procedures, movement direction, position, speed, simple manipulator is generally not set special control system, only the stroke switch, relay, control valves and control circuit can realize dynamic transmission system, the executing agency action in accordance with requirements. Action complex manipulator should adopts the programmable controller, microcomputer control. NO.2 Classification and characteristics of the manipulator Robots generally fall into three categories the first is general manipulator doesn't need manual operation. It is a kind of independence is not attached to a host device. It can according to the need of the task program, the operation of the provisions to complete. It is with the characteristics of common mechanical performance, also has general machinery, memory, intelligence of three yuan. Thesecond is the need to do manually. Called Operating machine. It originated in the atom, military industry, first by Operating machine to complete a specific assignment, later to use radio signal Operating machine to explore the moon and so on. Used in the forging industry Operating machine falls under this category. The third kind is to use special manipulator, mainly attached to automatic machine or automatic line, used to solve machine tool material and workpiece to send up and down. This manipulator in a foreign country is called "the Mechanical Hand", it is in the service of the host, driven by the host; Except a few working procedures generally is fixed, so it is special.NO.3 The application of industrial manipulatorManipulator is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a kind of new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve better with the combination of mechanization and automation.Manipulator although it is not as flexible as manpower, but it can have repeated work and labor, do not know fatigue, is not afraid of danger, snatch heavy weights strength characteristics such as larger than man, as a result, the manipulator has been brought to the attention of the many departments, and have been applied more and more widely.(1) Machine tools machining the workpiece loading and unloading, especially in automatic lathe, use common combination machine tools.(2) Widely used in the assembly operation, it can be used to assemble printed circuit board in the electronics industry, it can be in the machinery industry to assemble parts.(3)Can be in working conditions is poor, repetitive easy fatigue of the work environment, to instead of human Labour.(4) The development of the universe and the ocean.(5) Military engineering and biomedical research and test.Application of robots can replace people in dull, repetitive or heavy manual work, to realize mechanization and automation of production, instead of human in harmful environment of manual operation, improve labor condition, ensure the personal safety. In the late 1940 s, the United States in the nuclear experiments, firstly adopts manipulator handling radioactive materials, people in the security room to manipulate manipulator for various operation and experiment. After the '50 s, robots gradually extended to industrial production department, for use in high temperature, serious pollution of local leave work pieces and the loading and unloading materials, as auxiliary device in the machine tool automatic machine, automatic production line and processing center in the application, complete the material up and down or from libraries take put the knives and replace tool operations such as fixed procedure. Manipulator is mainly composed of hand and motion mechanism. Hand mechanism varies according to the usage situation and operation object, the common are holding, hold and the adsorption type etc. Motion mechanism usually driven by hydraulic, pneumatic, electric devices. Manipulator can be achieved independently of scaling, rotation and lifting movement, generally speaking, there are 2 ~ 3 degrees of freedom. Robots are widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, light industry and atomic energy etc.Manipulator is used in the production process automation with grab and move the workpiece is a kind of automatic device, it is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve better with the combination of mechanization and automation. Robots can replace humans do dangerous, repeat the boring work, reduce human labor intensity and improve labor productivity. Manipulator have been applied more and more widely, it can be used forparts assembled in the machinery industry, processing the workpiece handling, loading and unloading, especially on the automatic CNC machine, combination machine tools more common use. At present, the manipulator has developed into a flexible manufacturing system of FMS and flexible manufacturing cell is an important component of FMC. The machine tool equipment and manipulator of a flexible manufacturing system or flexible manufacturing unit, it is suitable for medium and small batch production, can save a large workpiece delivery device, structure is compact, but also has a strong adaptability. When the workpiece changes, flexible production system is easy to change, is advantageous to the enterprise continuously updated marketable varieties, improve product quality, better adapt to the needs of the market competition. But at present our country's industrial robot technology and its engineering application level and foreign than there is a certain distance, scale and industrialization level is low, research and development of the manipulator has direct influence on raising the automation level of production in our country, from the consideration on the economic and technology is very necessary. Therefore, carries on the research design of the manipulator is very meaningful.NO.4 The development trend of manipulatorCurrent industrial applications of the manipulator gradually expanding, constantly improve the technology performance. Due to the short development time, it has a gradual understanding of process, the manipulator and a technically perfect step by step process, its development trend is:1.To expand the application of manipulator and processing industryAt present domestic robots used in mechanical industry more in cold working operations, while in the hot work such as casting, forging, welding, heat treatment less, and the application of assembly work, etc. So processing work items heavy, complicated shape and high environmental temperature, bring many difficulties to manipulator design, manufacture, it is need to solve the technical difficulties, make the manipulator to better service for processing work. At the same time, in otherindustries and industrial sectors, also will with the constant improvement of the industrial technology level, and gradually expand the use of the manipulator2.Improve the work performance of the industry manipulatorManipulator in the working performance of the pros and cons, determines the application and production, it can normal manipulator working performance of the repetitive positioning accuracy and speed of work two indicators, decided to ensure the quality of manipulator can complete the operation of the key factors. Therefore to solve good working stability and rapidity of the manipulator's request, besides from solve buffer localization measures, should also be development meet the requirements of mechanical properties and low price of electro-hydraulic servo valve, servo control system was applied to the mechanical hand.3.Development of modular robotsVariable application manipulator from the characteristics of the manipulator itself, more adapted to the product type, equipment updates, many varieties, small batch, but its cost is high, the special manipulator and cheap, but the scope is limited. Therefore, for some special purpose, you need special design, special processing, thus improving the product cost. In order to adapt to the request of the application field of classify, the structure of the manipulator can be designed to the form of combination. Modular manipulator is a common parts according to the requirement of the job, select necessary to accomplish the function of the unit components, based on the base of combination, deserve to go up with adaptive control part, namely the manipulator with special requirements can be completed. It can simplify the structure, take into account the specificity and design on the use of generality, more in the series design and organization of standardization, specialized production, to improve quality and reduce cost of the manipulator, is a kind of promising manipulator4. Has a "vision" and "touch" of so-called "intelligent robots"For artificial has flexible operation and the need for judgment of the situation, industrial manipulator is very difficult to replace human labor. Such as in the working process of the accident, disorders and conditions change, etc., manipulator cannot be automatically distinguish correct, but to stop, after waiting for people to rule outaccident can continue to work. As a result, people puts forward higher requirements on mechanical hand, hope to make it a "vision", "touch", etc, make it to the judgment, the choice of object, can be continuously adjusted to adapt to changing conditions, and can perform a "hand - eye coordination. This requires a computer can handle a lot of information, require them to exchange of information with machine "dialogue".This "vision", "touch" feedback, controlled by computer, is one part of the "smart" mechanism is called "intelligent robots". Is the so-called "smart" includes: the function of recognition, learning, memory, analysis, judgment. And recognition is through the "visual", "touch" and "hearing" feel "organ" of cognitive object.Which has the function of sensory robot, its performance is perfect, can accurately clamping arbitrary azimuth objects, determine an object, weight, work over obstacles, the clamping force is measured automatically, and can automatically adjust, suitable for engaged in the operation of the complex, precision, such as assembly operation, it has a certain development prospects.Intelligent robots is an emerging technology, the study of it will involve the electronic technology, control theory, communication technology, television technology, spatial structure and bionic mechanical discipline. It is an emerging field of modern automatic control technology. With the development of science and intelligent robots will replace people to do more work.工业机械手随着我国工业生产的飞跃发展,自动化程度的迅速提高,实现工件的装卸、转向、输送或是操持焊枪、喷枪、扳手等工具进行加工、装配等作业的自动化,应越来越引起人们的重视。

机械手的控制- Control-of- Robotic- Manipulator课件-新版.ppt

机械手的控制- Control-of- Robotic- Manipulator课件-新版.ppt

u(t) KPe KD x
G(s) K s(Ts 1)

K s(Ts 1) Vm (s)
Vm (s) K p (qmd (s) qm (s)) KD sqm (s)
qm (s)

K s(Ts 1)
K P (qmd

qm (s))
轨迹和力的再现 ③运动状态显示、
3.1 机械人系统的组成
3.1.2 机械人框图
3.2 传递函数和方框图
3.2.1 传递函数
Q Ce0 Ri e0 e1
RCe0 e0 e1
RCse0 (s) e0 (s) e1 (s)

K D sqm (s)
GC (s)
qm (s) qmd (s)

KK P / T K精心K整D理) / T}s

3.3 PID控制
3.3.2 实用的PID控制 (1)微分超前型PD控制
qm (s) qmd (s)
y G r 1 GH
3.2 传递函数和方框图
3.2.2 方框图
3.2 传递函数和方框图
3.2.2 方框图
3.3 PID控制
3.3.1 PID控制的基本形式
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本科毕业设计外文翻译题目机械手的机械和控制系统专业机械设计制造及其自动化机械手的机械和控制系统文章来源:Dirk Osswald, Heinz Wörn.Department of Computer Science , Institute for Process Control and Robotics (IPR).,Engler-Bunte-Ring 8 - Building 40.28.摘要:最近,全球内带有多指夹子或手的机械人系统已经发展起来了,多种方法应用其上,有拟人化的和非拟人化的。
















图1.IPR的卡尔斯鲁厄灵巧手Ⅱ图2. IAI开发的流体手2.机器人手的一般结构一个机器人手可以分成两大主要子系统:机械系统和控制系统。







3.1 结构设计结构设计将对机械手的灵活度起很大的作用,即它能抓取何种类型的物体以及能对被抓物体进行何种操作。












3.2 驱动系统指关节的驱动器对手的灵活度也有很大的影响,因为它决定潜在的力量、精度及关节运动的速度。







3.3 传感系统机器手的传感系统可将反馈信息从硬件传给控制软件。


在机器手中使用了3种类型的传感器:1. 手爪状态传感器确定指关节和指尖的位置以及手指上的作用力情况。



2. 抓取状态传感器提供手指与被抓物体之间的接触状态信息。



3. 物体状态或姿态传感器用于确定手指内物体的形状、位置和方向。






3.4卡尔斯鲁厄灵巧手Ⅱ的机械系统为了能够获得如重抓等更加复杂的操作,卡尔斯鲁厄灵巧手Ⅱ(KDH Ⅱ)由4根手指组成,且每根手指由3个相互独立的关节组成。







图3.工业机器人上的KDHⅡ图4. KDHⅡ的顶视图为了感知作用在物体上的手指力量,我们发明了一个六维力扭矩传感器(图6所示)。







图5. KDHⅡ的侧视图图6. 带应变计量传感器的六自由度扭转传感器4. 控制系统机器人手的控制系统决定哪些潜在的灵巧技能能够被实际利用,这些技能都是由机械系统所提供的。


控制系统必须满足以下几个的条件:1. 必须要有足够的输入输出端口。



2. 需具备对外部事件快速实时反应的能力。


3. 需具备较高的计算能力以应对一些不同的任务。


4. 控制系统的体积要小,以便能够将其直接集成到操作系统当中。

5. 在控制系统与驱动器及传感器之间必须要电气短接。


4.1 控制硬件为了应对系统的要求,控制硬件一般分布在几个专门的处理器中。






4.2 控制软件机器人手的控制软件是相当复杂的。













相邻电脑模块(一台电脑最多有8个相邻模块)使用双端口RAM 进行快速通信(图7中暗灰色方块所示)。







图7. KDH II的控制硬件构架图8.控制KDH II的平行主计算机一个关于此手控制系统的三个最高层次的网上计划正在规划。
