Pantum P2500系列维修手册


P2200-2500 Series Spare Parts Manual

P2200-2500 Series Spare Parts Manual

Faulty Phenomenon
USB connection is not recognized
Toner is not recognized. Printing with gibberish Printing with blank paper No power(no indicator lights) Fuser unit adhesion Internal error 000 Internal error 001-002 Internal error 003-014 USB connection is not
Laser Scanning Unit (301022055001)
Faulty Phenomenon
Internal error 001-002 Printing with all white Printing with white lines
Transfer Roller (301022066001) Fuser Unit
P2200-2500 Series Spare Parts Manual
1 Components Summary
Paper tray
பைடு நூலகம்
2 Paper feeder system
The picture of Spare parts
The name of Spare parts
Pick-up Assembly 301022060001
The monitor is shown feed jam
Paper jam after multipage feed
Paper Feed Solenoid Feed jam, paper light indicate red

东芝便携维修手册_凤系列 2505

东芝便携维修手册_凤系列 2505

东芝服务便携手册——凤e-STUDIO2505/2505H/2505FV4.1中国事业总部服务支持统括部东芝泰格信息系统(深圳)有限公司2014-04目录一、基本清单 (2)(一)基本规格清单 (2)(二)耗材清单 (2)(三)常用电路板及零件清单 (3)(四)选购件清单 (4)(五)PM零件清单 (4)二、错误代码及故障排错参考 (5)(一)卡纸类错误代码 (5)(二)维修请求错误代码 (7)(三)E-MAIL相关错误代码 (10)(四)文件共享相关错误代码 (10)(五)其他错误 (10)三、维修模式列表 (11)四、辅助维修模式(3C) (12)五、SRAM清除模式(6C) (12)六、列表打印模式(9S) (13)七、PM支持模式(6S) (14)(一)操作流程 (14)(二)菜单列表 (14)(三)基本操作过程 (15)八、输入测试模式(03) (16)九、输出测试模式(03) (17)十、打印测试模式(04) (17)十一、05/08代码 (18)(一)常用05调整代码 (18)(二)05模式打印测试图 (21)(三)常用08设置代码 (21)(四)图像尺寸相关调整代码表 (30)(五)图像质量调整代码表(复印相关) (30)(六)图像质量调整代码表(打印相关) (31)(七)图像质量调整代码表(扫描相关)(仅2505H/F) (31)(八)ADF相关调整 (31)十二、传真错误代码及排错参考(仅2505F) (32)(一)传真卡电路相关错误代码(仅2505F) (32)(二)传真发送相关错误代码(仅2505F) (32)(三)传真接收相关错误代码(仅2505F) (34)十三、传真相关的自诊断模式(仅2505F) (36)(一)03测试模式(仅2505F) (36)(二)08设置模式(仅2505F) (36)(三)13传真功能模式(仅2505F) (36)(四)1*传真清除模式(仅2505F) (37)十四、F/W升级 (38)(一)使用USB进行F/W (38)(二)使用PC升级工具进行F/W升级 (39)十五、电路板更换 (40)(一)主板更换步骤 (40)(二)主板的EEPROM更换步骤 (40)附录 (41)(一)电器元件布局图 (41)(二)电器元件符号及功能表 (43)(三)纸路布局图 (44)(四)驱动电器布局图 (44)(五)ADF布局图 (45)(六)交流线束图 (45)(七)直流线束图(2505) (46)(八)直流线束图(2505H/F) (47)一、基本清单(一)基本规格清单注意:随机包装的墨粉容量为2K。



INSTALLATION AND SERVICEMANUAL FORLANCER SERIES 2500DISPENSERSFAX ENGINEERING:•210-310-7096"Lancer" is the registered trademark of Lancer •Copyright — 2004 by Lancer, all rights reserved.Please refer to the Lancer web site ( ) for information relating to Lancer Installation and Service Manuals,Instruction Sheets, Technical Bulletins, Service Bulletins, etc.6655 LANCER BLVD. • SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78219 USA • (210) 310-7000FAX SALES• NORTH AMERICA – 210-310-7245 • INTERNATIONAL SALES – 210-310-7242 • CUSTOMER SERVICE – 210-310-7242 •• LATIN AMERICA – 210-310-7245 • EUROPE – 32-2-755-2399 • PACIFIC – 61-8-8268-1978 •iNOTES NOTESiii1.INSTALLATION1.1RECEIVINGEach unit is completely tested under operating conditions and thoroughly inspected before shipment. At time of shipment, the carrier accepts the unit and any claim for damages must be madewith the carrier. Upon receiving units from the delivering carrier, carefully inspect carton for visibleindication of damage. If damage exists, have carrier note same on bill of lading and file a claim withthe carrier.1.2UNPACKINGA.Cut band and remove.B.Remove top portion of carton by lifting up.C.Remove top inner carton pad and corners.D.Lift Unit up by plywood shipping base and remove lower portion of carton.E.Inspect unit for concealed damage and if evident, notify delivering carrier and file a claim againstsame.F.Remove plywood shipping base from unit by moving unit so that one side is off the counter topor table, allowing access to screws on the bottom of the plywood shipping base.G.If Unit is to be installed with optional legs, assemble legs to unit by tilting unit. DO NOT LAYUNIT ON ITS SIDE OR BACK.H.Remove accessory kit of loose parts from drip tray.1.3SELECTING A COUNTER LOCATIONThe dispenser is designed to sit on a flat, supported surface capable of supporting a minimumweight of 400 pounds (182 kg). It may be either counter or leg mounted. A template is furnished tocut and/or drill the necessary holes for mounting. When the dispenser is to be permanently boltedto the counter top, seal dispenser base to counter top with a silicone sealant which provides asmooth and easily cleanable bond to the counter.Locate dispenser to allow approximately 15 inches (380 mm) of unobstructed space above and six (6) inches (160 mm) behind the unit for proper air circulation. Air is drawn in through the backgrill and exhausted out of the top grill.1.4CONNECTING THE DRAINA.Remove cup rest. Lift splash plate up and pull out and down on the bottom to remove.B.Remove the drip tray from the unit and connect the drain tube to the drain fitting located on thebottom. Secure drain tube with clamp provided in accessory kit.C.Route the drain tube to a suitable drain and replace the unit's drip tray.1.5FILLING UNIT WITH WATERA.Remove the bonnet from the unit.B.Remove the yellow plastic plug from the fill a funnel or tube, fill the water bath compartment with water until it flows out of theoverflow tube into the drip tray. Use bottled water where a water problem exists.D.Replace the yellow plug.11.6CONNECTING TO ELECTRICAL POWERA.Check the dispenser serial number plate for unit's correct electrical requirements. Do not pluginto electrical outlet unless unit electrical configuration, located on serial plate, agrees with localavailable power supply.B.Route the power supply cord to a grounded electrical outlet of the proper voltage andamperage rating, and plug in the unit. This will turn on the refrigeration system and allow it tostart cooling while completing the rest of the installation. Approximately three (3) hours arerequired to form a full ice bank.1.7CONNECTING TO PLAIN WATER SUPPLYSee Figure 1.If unit has no plain water circuits, proceed to Section 1.8.A.Valves 4, 5, and 6 through 8 (on 8 valve units) and valves 3, 4, and 5 (on 6 valve units) haveoptional plain water or carbonated water capabilities. Using Figure 1, determine which valvesare to be plumbed with plain proper beverage tubing and fittings, connect to water source [must be 35 PSI (2.4 bar) ormore].C.Flush water supply line thoroughly.D.Route tubing through cutout in counter or through access hole in back of unit.E.Leave 12 inches (300 mm) of extra tubing length below the counter for servicing and movingthe dispenser.F.Connect to desired plain water inlet behind splash plate and secure with Oetiker Clamp.G.Turn on water supply and check for leaks.H.Actuate each valve until all air is expelled.Plumbing Diagram, Carbonated/Plain WaterFigure 1232.SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE2.1DAILYA.Remove the nozzle and diffuser from each valve and rinse well in warm water. Do NOT usesoap or detergent. This will cause foaming and off taste in finished product.B.Remove the cup rest and wash in warm soapy water.C.Pour warm soapy water into the drip tray and wipe with a clean cloth.D.With a clean cloth and warm water, wipe off all of the unit's exterior surfaces. DO NOT USEABRASIVE SOAPS OR STRONG DETERGENTS.E.Replace the cup rest, valve diffusers, and valve nozzles.2.2WEEKLYA.Taste each product for off tastes and/or brix changes.B.Remove the bonnet and check the level of water in the water bath. Replenish as required, andreplace the bonnet.2.3MONTHLYA.Unplug the dispenser from power source.B.Remove the bonnet and clean the dirt from the condenser using a soft brush.C.Replace the bonnet and plug in the unit.2.4EVERY SIX MONTHSA.Clean and sanitize the unit using the appropriate procedures outlined in Section 3 of thismanual.2.5YEARLYA Clean water bath interior, including evaporator coils and refrigeration components.B.Clean the entire exterior of the unit.C.Sanitize syrup lines.3.DISPENSER CLEANING AND SANITIZING3.1AMBIENT PROCESSA.The ambient process is the most common method for cleaning and sanitizing dispenserequipment. The detergent should be caustic-based and the sanitizer should be low pH (7.0)chloride solution.B.Disconnect syrup containers and remove product from tubing by purging with carbon dioxide.C.Rinse the lines and fittings with clean, room temperature water to remove all traces of residualproduct.D.Fill lines with a caustic-based (low-sudsing, non-perfumed, and easily rinsed) detergent solu-tion. The solution should be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations,but should be at least two (2) percent sodium hydroxide. Make sure the lines are completelyfilled and allow to stand for at least ten (10) minutes.E.Flush the detergent solution from the lines with clean water. Continue rinsing until testing withphenolpthalein shows that the rinse water is free of residual detergent.F.Fill the lines with a low pH (7.0) chlorine solution containing at least 50 parts per million (PPM)(50 mg/L) available chlorine. Make sure that lines are completely filled and allow to stand forten (10) minutes.G.Reconnect syrup containers and ready Unit for operation.H.Draw drinks to refill lines and flush the chlorine solution from the dispenser.I.Taste the beverage to verify that there is no off taste.3.2VALVESA.Valves may be cleaned and sanitized in the same manner1.Remove cover and disconnect power so not to activate the valve while cleaning. Removenozzle and diffuser. Wash these parts in cleaning solution, then immerse them in a bath ofsanitizing solution for 15 minutes.42.Visually inspect around nozzle area for syrup residue. This area may be cleaned with warmwater and cloth or with the nozzle brush supplied. Wipe off dispensing lever.3.Wearing sanitary gloves, remove, drain and air dry the nozzle and diffuser.4.Wearing sanitary gloves, replace diffuser and twist nozzle into place.5.Connect power and replace cover. Valve is ready for operation.4.TROUBLESHOOTING575.12500 REFRIGERATION DECK ASSEMBLY, R-134A, LANCER ELECTRONIC ICE BANKCONTROL(EIBC), USA ONLY, PN 82-2669 (CONTINUED)(MANUFACTURED FROM 01/99)910115.22500 REFRIGERATION DECK ASSEMBLY WITH ELECTRONIC ICE BANK CONTROL (EIBC),R-134A; PN 82-2049E, 230V/50Hz; PN 82-2103E, 115V/60Hz; PN 82-2098E, 240V/60Hz (CONTINUED)(INTERNATIONAL ONLY)ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION125.32500 CONTROL HOUSING ASSEMBLY, ELECTRONIC ICE BANK CONTROL(EIBC)INTERNATIONAL ONLY(CONTINUED)13145.42500 CABINET ASSEMBLY (CONTINUED)15ITEMPART NO.DESCRIPTION5.52500 WIRING DIAGRAM AND HOUSING CONNECTIONS, LANCER ELECTRONIC ICE BANKCONTROL, USA ONLY5.62500 WIRING DIAGRAM, ELECTRONIC ICE BANK CONTROL(EIBC), INTERNATIONAL ONLY1718Directory of USA - Canada Offices,International Offices, and Authorized Distributors(Continued)Directory of USA - Canada Offices,International Offices, and Authorized DistributorsCorporate Office6655 Lancer Blvd. • San Antonio, Texas 78219 • 210-310-7000 • 1-800-729-1500 • FAX 210-310-7250。

Pantum P2500系列维修手册

Pantum P2500系列维修手册

Pantum P2500系列维修手册Pantum P2500系列维修手册1、维修手册概述1.1 文档目的1.2 读者对象1.3 修复目标2、产品概述2.1 产品特点2.2 技术规格2.3 外部组件和接口2.4 高级功能和设置3、安全注意事项3.1 产品安全操作指南3.2 电源和电气安全3.3 材料和化学物质安全3.4 使用耗材的安全建议4、维修工具和设备4.1 必备维修工具4.2 预防静电的工具和设备4.3 特殊设备和工具5、维修流程5.1 故障排查步骤5.2 部件的拆卸和替换5.3 调试和测试5.4 重新组装和验证5.5 问题解决技巧和常见故障排除6、故障代码和维修解决方案6.1 一般故障代码6.2 打印质量问题的故障代码6.3 传感器故障代码6.4 打印机硬件故障代码6.5 常见故障的维修解决方案7、维护和保养7.1 日常清洁和维护7.2 预防性维护计划7.3 替换和维护的零件7.4 清理和处理打印机废物8、故障诊断工具和软件8.1 内部诊断工具的使用8.2 外部故障诊断设备的使用8.3 供应商提供的软件9、故障排查故障树和电路图9.1 故障树的使用9.2 电路图的解读和使用9.3 重要部件和信号的跟踪10、保修和客户支持10.1 保修政策10.2 维修服务中心的联系信息 10.3 客户支持常见问题解答附件:- Pantum P2500系列维修工具清单- Pantum P2500系列电路图法律名词及注释:- 保修政策:指供应商针对产品质量和维修服务所做出的文件或规定。

- 维修:对产品进行修复、调试和调整的过程。

- 故障代码:识别和标识产品故障的特定代码。

- 静电:积累在物体表面的电荷,可能导致电子组件损坏。



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V 2.0 PANTUM打印机用户指南中文

V 2.0 PANTUM打印机用户指南中文
5.故障排除 5.1 识别问题............................................................ 23 5.2 指示灯指示.......................................................... 24 5.3 常见故障排除........................................................ 25 5.3.1 一般故障解决 .................................................. 25 5.3.2 软件安装故障解决 ............................................ 26 5.3.3 图像缺陷...................................................... 27 5.4 清除卡纸 ............................................................30 5.4.1 中间卡纸处理.................................................. 30 5.4.2 纸口卡纸处理 ................................................ 31
在激光/扫 描 器 组 件 的 保 护 盖 被 拆 下 时 , 决 不 能 操 作 和 维 修 打 印 机 。 虽 然 反 射 的 激 光 不可 见,但它能损害您的眼睛。使用本款产品时,请遵守这些基本的安全措施,以减少火灾、 电击和人身伤害的危险。



Eaton PDG62P2500E5CMEaton Power Defense molded case circuit breaker, Globally Rated, Frame 6, Two Pole, 2500A, 100kA/480V, PXR20 ARMS LSIG w/ CAM Link and Relays, No Terminals (Metric Tapped Conductors)Eaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDG62P2500E5CM 786679863343247.7 mm 406.4 mm 393.7 mm 61.23 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant CSACCC MarkedUL 489IEC 60947-2Product NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications2500 AComplete breaker 6Two-polePD6 Global Class A PXR 20 LSIG w/ARMSCAM Link600 Vac600 VNo Terminals100 kAIC at 480 Vac 100 kAIC Icu/ 50 kAIC Ics/ 220 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC) 100 kAIC @480/277V (UL)100 kAIC Icu/ 50 kAIC Ics/ 220 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC) 65 kAIC @600/347V (UL) 200 kAIC @240V (UL)85 kAIC Icu/ 40 kAIC Ics/ 187 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC) 35 kAIC Icu/ 18 kAIC Ics/ 73.5 kAIC Icm @690V (IEC)40 kAIC Icu/ 25 kAIC Ics/ 84 kAIC Icm @525V South Africa (IEC)200 kAIC Icu/ 100 kAIC Ics/ 440 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC)2500 AEaton Power Defense PDG62P2500E5CM 3D drawingAmperage Rating Circuit breaker frame type Frame Number of poles Circuit breaker type Class Trip TypeCommunication Voltage rating Voltage rating - max Terminals Interrupt rating Interrupt rating rangeTrip rating 3D CAD drawing packageApplication notesPower Xpert Protection Manager x32Consulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Xpert Protection Manager x64BrochuresPower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense brochurePower Defense technical selling bookletCatalogsPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 6 product aid Power Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuit breakersMolded case circuit breakers catalogCertification reportsPDG6 CB reportPDG6 CCC certificatePower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65PDG6 UL AuthorizationPDG6 CSA certificationPDG5 CCC certificationEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersInstallation instructionsPower Defense Frame 6 bar rear connectors (copper), 2000A - 5000A instructions - IL012256EN H01Power Defense Frame 6 flex shaft handle mech assembly instructions - IL012285ENPower Defense Frame 2/3/4/5/6 voltage neutral sensor module wiring instructions – IL012316ENPower Defense Frame 6 modbus and relay board installation -IL012306ENPower Defense Frame 6 key interlock installation instructions -IL012282ENPower Defense Frame 6 walking beam interlock installation instructions - IL012286ENPower Defense Frame 6 aux, alarm, shunt trip and uvr instructions -IL012202ENPower Defense Frame 6 handle lock hasp installation instructions -IL012292ENInstallation videosPower Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit Replacement Animated Instructions Power Defense Frame 6 Aux, Alarm, ST and UVR Animated Instructions.rh Power Defense Frame 6 Aux and Alarm Trip How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 6 Shunt Trip How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 6 UVR Trip How-To VideoMultimediaPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To VideoPower Defense BreakersPower Defense molded case circuit breakersPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoEaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safetyPower Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Specification Sheet - PDG62P2500E5CMTime/current curvesPower Defense time current curve Frame 6 - PD6White papersMaking a better machineIntelligent power starts with accurate, actionable dataImplementation of arc flash mitigating solutions at industrial manufacturing facilitiesSingle and double break MCCB performance revisitedIntelligent circuit protection yields space savingsMolded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker healthMolded case and low-voltage breaker healthSafer by design: arc energy reduction techniquesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。

奔图 P2500 P2500W 黑白激光单功能打印机 用户指南说明书

奔图 P2500 P2500W 黑白激光单功能打印机 用户指南说明书

Pantum P2500/P2500W黑白雷射單功能印表機建議使用前仔細閱讀本指南前言歡迎您使用奔圖系列產品!對您使用奔圖系列產品我們表示衷心的感謝!為了保障您的切身權益,請認真閱讀下麵的聲明內容。

法律說明商標Pantum 和 Pantum 標示是珠海奔圖電子有限公司的註冊商標。

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第五章 定期维护为避免由于误操作而导致机器损坏, 在维护工作中应按以下要求执行.警告(1) 拆卸打印机内部零件前,必须先关闭电源开关,拔掉电源插头.(2) 打印机运行后,内部有些部件温度很高. 在打开打印机前盖或后盖拆取打印机内部零件时, 千万不要触摸下图中的阴影部分,以免被烫伤.1. 耗材以下所示的耗材,指在机器的无故障周期内由于老化或损耗至少需要更换一次的零部件.1.1 硒鼓当 Drum 灯亮时,表示硒鼓组件已经快接近使用寿命了. 预期寿命:10,000 页注释:决定硒鼓实际使用寿命的因素很多, 例如 温度、 湿度、 纸张类型和所使用的墨粉以及每次打印作业的打印量等等.<耗材更换步骤>(1) 打开打印机前盖,取出硒鼓组件. (2) 将硒鼓组件放平, 然后按下右手边的锁杆,从硒鼓组件中取出墨粉盒. (Fig. 5-1) (3) 打开新硒鼓的包装.Fig. 第五章-1(4) 将墨粉盒装入新硒鼓中,当听到卡嗒的响声表明墨粉盒已经就位,当墨粉盒安装正确时,锁杆会自动抬起.(Fig. 5-2) (5) 将新硒鼓组件装入打印机中. 打开前盖,打开打印机开关,此时 drum 灯和Alarm 灯亮.Fig. 第五章-2(6) 按住控制面板按钮,直到所有的灯都亮. (显示灯从上向下顺序亮.) 此时硒鼓页数计数器既被复位. (7) 关闭前盖, 此时 Drum 灯应关闭.警告:• 必须使用 联想 生产的专用墨粉. 打印机必须在清洁、无尘、通风良好的环境中使用. • 只有当使用时再打开硒鼓组件的包装. 如果开包的硒鼓受阳光或灯光直接照射,会对硒鼓造成伤害. • 用手拿硒鼓和墨粉盒时应特别注意. 如果墨粉粘在手上或衣服上,应立刻用冷水将其清洗干净. • 当仅仅更换墨粉盒时,不要复位计数器.1.2 墨粉盒墨粉低显示: 每隔 5 秒钟 Data 和 Alarm 灯闪一次. 缺粉显示: Data 和 Alarm 灯每秒闪一次.预期寿命: 3,000 页/标准墨粉盒 6,000 页/大容量墨粉盒(打印 A4- 或 Letter-纸, 5% 打印覆盖率)注释:决定墨粉盒实际使用寿命的因素很多, 例如 温度、 湿度、 纸张类型以及每次打印作业的打印量等等.<更换墨粉盒步骤>(1) 打开前盖,取出硒鼓组件.(2) 将硒鼓放平, 按下右手侧的锁杆,取出墨粉盒. (3) 打开新墨粉盒包装,将墨粉盒轻轻的沿水平方向摇动 5 ~ 6 次. (Fig. 5-3)Fig. 第五章-3(4) 取下保护盖. (Fig. 5-4)(5) 将新墨粉盒装入硒鼓中,当听到卡嗒的响声表明墨粉盒已经就位,当墨粉盒安装正确时,锁杆会自动抬起.Fig. 第五章-4(6) 左右拉动电晕丝清洁滑块,清洁硒鼓组件中的电晕丝 (Fig. 5-5) (7) 将清洁滑快归位.(8) 将硒鼓组件装入打印机中,关闭打印机前盖.Fig. 第五章-5警告:• 更换墨粉盒时,应将硒鼓组件水平放置,以避免墨粉漏出.• 用手拿硒鼓和墨粉盒时应特别注意. 如果墨粉粘在手上或衣服上,应立刻用冷水将其清洗干净.• 只有当使用时再打开墨粉盒包装,打开包装的墨粉盒长期不用,也会减少墨粉寿命. • 开包的硒鼓受阳光或灯光直接照射,会对硒鼓造成伤害. • 只有使用本机指定使用的专用墨粉,才能保证打印质量.• 使用杂牌墨粉不仅会降低打印质量,还会降低打印机的使用寿命.• 清洁完电晕丝后,清洁滑快一定要归位否则会造成打印黑道. (Refer to Fig. 5-5.) • 取下保护盖后,应立刻安装墨粉盒.严禁用手触摸显影辊和感光鼓(如图中阴影部分所示);Fig. 第五章-62.定期更换部件定期更换部件是指为保证打印质量需要定期更换的部件. 这些部件一旦失效对打印质量影响非常大,(即使没有完全损坏或从外表看并未有改变)下表所示为需要定期更换部件及其更换周期. 更换方法,参见第四章“拆卸和重新组装”.注释:上表所列数值,为估算值.如有更改,恕不另行通知.3.定期清理为防止打印机故障或打印图象故障,应对下列部件定期进行清理.小心:硒鼓组件和扫描器窗口的清理可由用户直接操作, 打印机内部和硒鼓上的触点和接头应由维修工程师处理. 告戒用户不要触摸这些部位.3.1 清洁打印机外部清洁打印机外部,保证打印机的清洁干净.1)关闭电源开关,拔下电源线.2)用湿布将打印机外部的灰尘和污物擦掉,等打印机干透后再打开电源开关.警告:用水或中性清洁剂进行清洁. 用酒精等挥发性液体会对打印机表面造成伤害.3.2 清洁硒鼓组件当更换硒鼓组件或更换新墨粉盒后,一定要清洁硒鼓.1)关闭打印机开关,拔掉电源线.2)取出硒鼓组件.3)用电晕丝清洁滑块清洁电晕丝清洁滑快位置 (s)Fig. 第五章-74)将清洁滑快归位小心:清洁后,清洁滑快一定要归位,否则会引起打印黑带.5)将硒鼓组件装入打印机中.3.3 清洁激光扫描器窗口当更换新硒鼓或新墨粉盒后,一定要清洁激光扫描器窗口.1)关闭电源开关,拔掉电源线.2)取出硒鼓组件.3)用干净的软布轻轻擦拭激光扫描器窗口 (下图中箭头所指的深色区域) .Fig. 第五章-8警告:•不要用手指触摸激光扫描器窗口.•不要用酒精清洁激光扫描器窗口.3.4 清洁触点更换硒鼓或墨粉后,一定要清洁打印机内的触点.4)关闭电源开关,拔掉电源线.5)取出硒鼓组件.6)用干净的软布(干布)轻轻擦拭触点 (下图中箭头所指的深色区域) .Fig. 第五章-94.平均故障周期 / 平均维修周期本打印机的平均故障间隔周期和平均故障维修时间如下:平均故障周期: 4,000 小时平均维修时间: 大约 30 分钟。

MP1500 2000 2500说明书-V2.0

MP1500 2000 2500说明书-V2.0
3. If the PROT Led goes on steadily while power has been turned on and signal has been fed, there must a trouble of output shorted. Please turn it off and correct the trouble then turn it on again.
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为了减少火灾或触电的危险, 不要将设备放在能被雨淋或潮湿的地方. 广州市迪士普音响科技有限公司 Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co.,Ltd.


第一章:維修保養 前言
1. 前言
此手冊提供理想一體速印機之 RP - 系列機器的技術維修資料。 此手冊發佈為一參考指引,供理想集團使用(理想科學工業株式會社 / 理想中國有限公司 / 珠海理想 科學工業有限公司)驗證在一體速印機維修及服務方面技術展現的熟練性。 同樣此手冊亦提供理想一體速印機 RP - 系列大部份的零件拆卸及安裝步驟,依照此些步驟可使機 器的故障減至最少,本手冊內容和資料可增加技術人員的知識和經驗以滿足用戶的需要。
1. 千萬不要將鋰電池短路
如果鋰電池的正負極接觸或經其它金屬接觸,鋰電池將會短路。如果鋰電池被收集及 不規則地儲藏,或一個疊一個,可能發生以上所述的情形。 - 危險 如果鋰電池短路,它的溫度將會升高,甚至爆炸造成火災。
2. 千萬不要加熱鋰電池 - 危險 如果把鋰電池加熱超過 100 ° C 或放它進火源中,鋰電池可能燃燒和爆炸。
除特別情況下,根據拆卸時相反的程序進行組合或安裝 工序,如過程中發現有輔助定位的凸點和定位孔,對齊 此些凸點和對位孔再鎖固零件,使可得到較準確的定 位。( 凸點和對位孔在本手冊內稱為〝定位點〞 )
不使用下列規格的工具將會損害或損壞螺絲和零件,下 列為在保養維修時需準備的基本工具。
線束連接插頭 壓下兩旁尾部
壓下中間部份 穩固插頭
第一章:維修保養 施工時注意事項
2. 施件,排除其故障或如有需要按步就班地更換的零件。
檢查發生故障的區域,並在同一時間驗證故障的成因和考慮哪些零件需要卸除或分解,下一步再根 據維修技術手冊內陳述的步驟進行拆卸工作。
單元向左側張開 90 o 。 主電路板單元 (3) 卸除主電路板單元上面電路板蓋的 5 顆(M3 x 6)固定螺絲,卸下此主電路板單元的電路板蓋。 (4) 卸除位於主電路板單元左上方的圖像處理電路板連線插頭(CN4)。 (5) 卸除主電路板單元的 5 顆(M4 x 8)固定螺絲,然后向上稍為提起主電路板單元,並將主電路板

Pantum CP2506DN PLUS维修手册

Pantum CP2506DN PLUS维修手册

奔图CP2506DN PLUS 多功能彩色激光打印机目录1—注意事项、约定和安全信息 (1)激光注意事项 (1)惯例 (1)安全信息 (1)一般注意事项 (2)2——一般信息 (3)打印机模型配置 (3)查找序列号 (3)纸托架 (3)支持纸张尺寸 (3)支持纸张类型 (6)支持的纸张重量 (7)检修工具 (9)3——诊断和故障排除 (10)故障排除概述 (10)初始故障排查 (10)修复打印质量问题 (11)初始打印质量检查 (11)解决打印质量问题使用的耗材 (11)模糊打印检查 (13)颜色偏差检查 (15)碳粉易擦除检查 (16)灰色或纯色背景检查 (18)纯彩色或黑色图像检查 (21)空白页检查 (24)I水平彩色线/带检查 (29)文本或图像切断检查 (31)杂点杂斑检查 (33)垂直白线检查 (36)鬼影检查 (38)黑印检查 (41)缺少色彩检查 (45)墨色浓度不均匀检查 (50)重复故障检查 (52)墨迹浅淡检查 (55)打印歪斜检查 (59)碳粉斑点感应检查 (61)自动对齐检查 (65)卡纸 (68)避免卡纸 (68)卡纸位置确定 (70)纸盘卡纸 (71)A门卡纸 (71)标准纸槽卡纸 (74)多功能进纸器卡纸 (74)手动进纸器卡纸 (75)200卡纸 (77)202卡纸 (81)231卡纸 (90)232卡纸 (97)24y卡纸 (98).y信息 (105)II31.y错误 (106)32.y错误 (107)33.y错误 (107)34.y错误 (110)42.y错误 (110)43.y错误 (111)80.y错误 (112)82.y错误 (113)84.y错误 (115)88.y错误 (116)非耗材.y错误 (117)打印机硬件错误 (127)100错误 (127)110错误 (128)120错误 (130)121错误 (132)126错误 (138)142错误 (139)151错误 (141)160错误 (142)161错误 (144)162错误 (146)163错误 (146)166错误 (147)167错误 (147)171错误 (148)600错误 (149)III620错误 (151)642错误 (151)651错误 (152)661错误 (152)662错误 (153)663错误 (153)666错误 (154)667错误 (154)启动9yy维护检查前的步骤 (154)900错误 (156)91y错误 (164)938错误 (167)95y错误 (167)96y错误 (171)97y错误 (172)980-984错误 (175)99y错误 (176)其他症状 (177)基础款打印机症状 (177)输入选件症状 (200)4——维护菜单 (241)控制面板使用 (241)奔图CP2506DN PLUS (241)电源开关和指示灯状态说明 (242)主屏幕使用 (242)配置盖门互锁旁通跳线 (243)“诊断”菜单 (245)IV报告 (245)高级打印质量样页 (245)事件日志 (246)纸盘快速打印 (247)打印机设置 (247)打印机诊断和调整 (249)附加纸盘诊断 (252)配置菜单 (254)维修工程师菜单 (258)进入无效引擎模式 (258)进入维修工程师菜单 (258)总维护工程师 (258)网络维护工程师 (258)5——部件拆卸 (260)数据安全须知 (260)确认打印机内存 (260)擦除打印机内存 (260)拆卸注意事项 (261)操作ESD敏感部件 (261)控制板/控制面板的更换 (262)更换控制板后恢复打印机配置 (262)恢复解决方案、许可证和配置设置 (263)更新打印机固件 (263)备份eSF解决方案和设置 (264)断开带光缆 (265)排线接头 (265)调整 (275)V输入TPS特征数据 (278)拆卸程序 (279)拆卸左侧 (280)拆卸左侧盖板 (280)电机(驱动设备)的拆卸 (281)拆卸EP驱动组件 (282)低压电源的拆卸 (285)拆卸传感器(定影器出口) (287)拆卸右侧 (294)右上盖的拆卸 (294)加粉盖拆卸 (295)电机(定影器驱动)的拆卸 (296)TMC卡的拆卸 (297)传感器(碳粉斑点)的拆卸 (300)详见移除显影组件。

Pantum P2500系列维修手册

Pantum P2500系列维修手册
由于可能出现非专业人员维修而损坏本产品的风险,奔图公司强烈建议:应由经过奔图 公司培训的技术人员来维修。在维修本手册中规定的产品或零部件时,用户必须承担人身伤 害和损坏本产品的风险,因此,在进行维修工作之前,须仔细阅读本维修手册,以便能够正 确的操作和维护本产品。 请妥善保管本维修手册,以备将来维修之用。 警告、注意和注释的说明: * 请遵守警告,以防造成人身伤害。 * 请遵守警告,正确维修打印机,以防损坏。 * 当维修打印机时请注意和相关提示。 * 以下列出的是本手册中的各种“警告”信息。
珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限公司保留对本手册作出更改的权利。如有更改,恕不另行通知。 用户未按手册操作而产生的任何损害,由用户本人承担。同时,珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限 公司除了在产品维修手册或服务承诺作出的明示担保外,未对本手册(包括排版或文字)作 出任何明示或默示的担保或保证。 本产品被用于某些文档或图像的复印、打印、扫描或其他形式时,可能违反您所在地的法律。 您如果无法确定该使用是否符合所在地法律时,应向法律专业人士咨询后进行。
1.1 概观................................................................................................................................1–2
1.1.1 前视图...............................................................................................................1–2

HP Color LaserJet 1500 2500 2550打印机说明书

HP Color LaserJet 1500 2500 2550打印机说明书

Figure . Removing the imaging unit1. Remove one 3-mm panhead screw from the lower hand-hold of the side cover shown in Figure 2, top photo.2. Pull outward slightly at the base to free the side cover at the bot-tom.3. Lift the front edge of the side cover to unhook plastic latches along the top edge of the side cover. Figure 2, bottom photo.Removing I/O cover1. Unhook the plastic latch at theFigure . Removing the right side cover Side Cover Screw Locationtop of the I/O cover as shown in Figure 3, left photo.2. Using your finger, unhook the plastic latch at the inside top I/O position under the rear cover. Figure 3, left photo.3. Pull the I/O cover rearward at the top and lift the cover from the foot at its bottom. Figure 3, right photo.Removing rear cover1. Pry under the plastic latch, one at each upper corner of the rear cover as shown in the upper photo of Figure 4.2. Rotate the top of the rear cover back, then lower the cover from the machine as in the lower photo of Figure 4.Removing top cover1. Open the top cover and unhook the tab on the cover rack gear shown in Figure 5 and removeFigure 3. R emoving t he I /O c over f rom t he HP Color LaserJet 1500/2500/2550.3the gear from below the rack.2. Free the top cover rack from its guide pin.3. Remove three top cover screws, one on the left and two on the right as shown in Figure 6.4. Lift up on the top cover as-sembly and remove it from the machine.Re indexing carousel gears1. Locate the rotary drive assembly solenoid at the top right of the printer, shown in Figure 7.2. Using a small tool as shown in Figure 7, lift and suspend the so-lenoid plate to release the carousel lock.3. While holding the rotary drive as-Figure 5. Tab (arrow) to release for ➡Figure 6. Removing three screws (one shown by the white arrow on the right ➡4move the carousel to the position 4. Under each side of the carousel, observe the indexing marks as shown in Figure 9.NOTE: Each side must be in-dexed according to Figure 9. Chances are one or both are indexed incorrectly based on the original symptoms.Figure 7. Releasing the rotary drive as-➡Solenoid5. Grasp the black carousel gear and pull it inward while push-ing outward on the white gear. When the gears separate enough to skip teeth, rotate the white gear around in the proper direction to correctly index the carousel.6. Repeat Step 5 for the opposite side of the carousel if needed.7. Recheck indexing and repeat Step 5 for correction if needed.8. Reassemble the printer and test.Figure 8. Rough carousel indexing prior Figure 9. Correct carousel indexing for ➡➡➡➡➡➡。



PGX-2500SP 操作说明书第2版2002年08月30日目录1.安全上的注意点 4 2.模式按键 7 3.手柄动作键 8 4.Jog操作动作 8 5.X・Y原点设定键 9 6.投影机键 9 7.NC模式键 9 (1)单一程序 10 (2)试运行 10 (3)程序跳移 10 (4)M功能锁定 10 (5)手动绝对坐标ABS 10 (6)快速移动调节旋钮 11 (7)选择性停止 11 (8)机械锁定 11 (9)自动停止 11 (10)自动全停止 12 (11)回归零 12 8.画面表示键 16 9.LITP・CITP键 17 10.EC重置键 17 11.LED表示 17 (1)运转准备 17 (2)NC出错 18 (3)EC出错 18 (4)OT出错 18 (5)M02/M30 18 (6)M00/M01 18 12.MDI键 19 13.动作指令开关类 20 14.辅助功能(M指令) 23 15.机台出错信息及对策 24 16.关于油路出错的说明 25 18.操作上的注意点 26 19.画面操作说明书 27和井田PGX-2500操作安全注意事项概要:本说明书是为了使购入的机台更安全地使用,我公司对该机台诸多注意事项的说明,根据所使用的机台有些没有的机能相对应的注意事项,敬请谅解。













阅读前言 ................................................................................................. 1 重要安全注意事项.............................................................................. 1 废弃时安全和生态注意事项 ............................................................... 1 激光安全性 ........................................................................................ 2 符号和缩写 .............................................................................................. 3 1. 安装 安装要求 ............................................................................................... 13 环境 ................................................................................................. 13 机器的水平位 ................................................................................... 14 所需的最小空间 ............................................................................... 14 电源要求 .......................................................................................... 15 复印机的安装 ........................................................................................ 16 外围设备的电源插座 ........................................................................ 16 附件检查 .......................................................................................... 16 安装程序 .......................................................................................... 17 压板的安装 ...................................................................................... 22 附件检查 .......................................................................................... 22 安装程序 .......................................................................................... 22 ARDF 的安装 ........................................................................................ 23 附件检查 .......................................................................................... 23 安装程序 .......................................................................................... 24 双纸盘纸盘单元的安装 .......................................................................... 27 附件检查 .......................................................................................... 27 安装程序 .......................................................................................... 27 1-斗纸盘的安装 ..................................................................................... 29 附件检查 .......................................................................................... 29 安装程序 .......................................................................................... 29 桥接单元的安装 ..................................................................................... 32 部件检查 .......................................................................................... 32 安装程序 .......................................................................................... 32 500-张最终加工器 (B792) ..................................................................... 37 附件检查 .......................................................................................... 37 安装程序 .......................................................................................... 38 4

EPSON ET-2500SP 色打印机安装指南说明书

EPSON ET-2500SP 色打印机安装指南说明书

Do not open the ink bottles until you are ready to fill the ink tanks. The ink bottles are vacuum packed to maintain reliability.emove all protective materials from the product.11 P ress thebutton for 3 seconds until the power lightstarts flashing, to begin charging the ink. Ink charging takes approximately 20 minutes. Ink charging is complete when thepower light stops flashing.20 minutesNote: The ink bottles included with the printer are designed for printer setup and not for resale. After some ink is used for charging, the rest is available for printing.Caution: Do not turn off the product or load paper while theproduct is charging or you’ll waste ink.1 M ake sure the product is not charging. Then flip thefeeder guard forward, raise the paper support, and tilt itbackwards slightly.2 S lide the edge guide to the left.3 L4 SMobile printing optionsTo print from a mobile device, your product must be set up forwireless printing or Wi-Fi Direct ®. See the online User’s Guide for instructions.iOS/Android ™Epson Connect™Connect wirelessly from your tablet, smartphone, or computer. Print documents and photos from across the room or around the world./iprint /connectAny problems?Network setup was unsuccessful.• M ake sure you select the right network name (SSID). Theproduct can only connect to a network that supports 2.4 GHz.• I f you see a firewall alert message, click Unblock or Allow to let setup continue.• I f your network has security enabled, make sure you enter your network password (WEP key or WPA passphrase) correctly. Passwords must be entered in the correct case.There are lines or incorrect colors in my printouts.Run a nozzle check to see if any of the print head nozzles are clogged. Then clean the print head, if necessary. See the online User’s Guide for more information.Setup is unable to find my product after connecting it with a USB cable.Make sure the product is on and securely connected as shown:5 P ull out the output tray and raise the paper stopper.Note: If your computer does not have a CD/DVD drive or you are using a Mac, an Internet connection is required to obtain the product software.1 M ake sure the product is NOT CONNECTED to yourcomputer.W indows ®: If you see a Found New Hardware screen, click Cancel and disconnect the USB cable.2I nsert the product CD or download and run your product’ssoftware package:/support/et2500 (U.S.) or (Canada)3 F ollow the instructions on the screen to run the setupprogram.OS X: Make sure you install Software Updater to receive firmware and software updates for your product.4 W hen you see the Select Your Connection screen, selectone of the following:• Wireless connectionIn most cases, the software installer automatically attempts to set up your wireless connection. If setup is unsuccessful, you may need to enter your network name (SSID) and password.• Direct USB connectionM ake sure you have a USB cable (not included).5 W hen software installation is complete, restart yourcomputer.。

奔图Pantum M6550-6600系列维修手册

奔图Pantum M6550-6600系列维修手册


Microsoft、Windows、Windows server和Windows Vista是微软公司在美国和/或其他国家注册的商标和注册商标。





版本:V 1.0免责声明珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限公司保留对本手册作出更改的权利。










警告、注意和注释的说明:* 请遵守警告,以防造成人身伤害。

* 请遵守警告,正确维修打印机,以防损坏。

* 当维修打印机时请注意和相关提示。



ReassemblyThe next 3 images show the unit going back together, and as you have probably noticed I forgot to put all the rubber boots on. So take it all apart and do it all again if you are like me, and need the practice.The two images below show the new brushes and terminal blocks going in place, and, once again you have probably noticed th install the lower brush red boot.Also note the overlap of the left brush screw.This tang for the brush does nothing but hold it in place in spite of the fact that this lug on the rectifier is part of the positive lug. The left most tang on the terminal block that overlaps this goes to one side of a noise filter cap in the terminal block. It needs to brush assembly lug for the brush assembly to sit square to the slip rings. It will cause the left part of the terminal mount to look s but this is just the section that has the filter cap in it.The other two lugs on the right side of the brush assm. go to the two terminals.One terminal lug goes to ground and the other comes from the external regulator once the unit is assembled and installed. One way to reduce regulator noise is to use a shielded wire from the reg.Have the inner conductor go from the reg to one post, and the shield go from the other post back to the reg area, where its then Its important to check that the brushes are well aligned and squared to the slip rings.If they ride slightly high or low this is OK as long as they make full contact.These next few shots show some slight trimming (slots) I had to do to the aft rubber boot and the new brush assm. to make the Note in the right picture the white plastic brush cover half cylinder. This is held in by being trapped between the alt. rear case anThis shows the rear cover modified to fit the terminal block.The following images and drawing show the Prestolite pulley as new and as modified. The aft side has a collar and web that ne removed, then the aft stepped boss needs to have about 5mm removed from it.Inside the front of the pulley there is also a boss step that needs to be cut flush. This should leave about 10mm of depth in the p boss to correctly position the rotor and leave enough room for the nut to engage. Make sure you leave enough of the aft boss s face of the pulley doesn't rub the front alternator case. Use the original pulley as a guide.The key is not needed. In fact all new alternators don't seem to use keys anymore. Use a strap wrench and torque wrench to tighten. I went for 30ft/lbs. I also put some torque seal on this for inspection purposesThese two show the steel Lycoming boss mount with the new bolt and the two shims. These are 1" diameter and 0.135" for the front, 0.475" for the rear, with a 3/8" bore.The rear one needed to have a corner shaved a bit as the mount is angled there.These shims can be different if you have a different boss mount. Its important that the pulleys line up as closely as possible so these measurements..The main bolt is 4.5" x 3/8" NC and the adjust arm is a 8mm x 1.25 x 40mm.This latter length leaves enough room out the back to lock nut the adjustment fastener.These last few show the new alternator installed. I was able to use the same belt and swing arm, but the slot on the arm neede 1/8" upwards. If I had wanted there was plenty of room in the cowl to install the next longer belt.The currently installed main bolt is a 5" and is somewhat long, but the 4" didn't have the grip make it all the way through the alte mounts. It seems a 4.5" x 3/8" grade 8 will take a special order to locate.Its also very important that the tang that goes from the forward mount over to the starter be installed. This is true for any of the bAs stated above this alternator has a greater rating than the typical conversion units do. Toyota rates it at 90 amps intermittent we get caught up I will provide some more data on how well it does during continuous duty tests. You might wonder why I want don't, but I would like 60 amps continuous if I need it.With the Prestolite I was getting a bare 35 amps, which was my load when all is on and xmitting. It is a 36 year old unit that was marginal due to case wear. And these are getting hard to find parts for these days. The new unit has parts that are current stan finally the new weighs one pound less then the old.Total cost to me was $300, but I could have reduced that by about $80 if I had the time to find a good unit in a recycle yard.Any questions ****************Back to Disassemblyreturn to: SDCCD, Miramar, Aviation。



Installation and Maintenance ManualMAXIMATORMPLV SERIESAIR AMPLIFIERSModel #Serial #Order #Mfg. DateWhen ordering spare parts please specify model, serial and order numbers.INTRODUCTIONThe Maximator Air Amplifier described in this manual is a pneumatically operated, gate valve controlled piston type, similar in style to a double-acting pneumatic cylinder.The Amplifier model number indicates the ratio of areas between the pneumatic piston and the high pressure plunger. For example, the MPLV4-1 Amplifier has an area ratio of 4:1 between the pneumatic piston and high pressure plunger.This relates to a maximum air output pressure that is 4 times greater than the pneumatic drive pressure. e.g. With 100 psi air, the outlet would be 400 psi.INSTALLATIONThe Amplifier can, in principle, be installed in any position but maximum service life of the seals is achieved in a vertical installation.Mounting brackets are provided at the top and bottom of the air cylinder, which uses 5/16" bolts.Printed in USA Page 1COMPRESSED AIR SUPPLYDo not use an air lubricator because the Amplifier was lubricated with a silicon free grease when built.(Kluber Lube)A compressed air filter is required and if the air is not dry, a water separator must be used.Air control packages including a filter, regulator, gauge and shut-off valve are available as an option.The air pressure connection is a 1/4" FNPT and is located at the spool valve housing.HIGH PRESSURE PNEUMATIC SECTIONAttention! Never loosen the cap nut in the high pressure seal area of the Amplifier to orient the pump for installation. This nut must always be tight to assure proper operation of the high pressure seals.The suction and discharge piping must be at least the same size or larger, as the Amplifier connections and properly rated for the Amplifier being used.A suction filter with a maximum of 100 mesh should be installed in the suction line.The discharge connection is located at the side and the suction is in the bottom face of the Amplifier head.INITIAL SET-UPThe outlet air pressure can be precisely selected by adjusting the drive air pressure according to the pressure ratio of the Amplifier being used.The Amplifier will stop and maintain pressure for an indefinite period of time, at about 100% to 110% of the ratio, assuming no leaks.For example, an MPLV4-1 Amplifier with an air drive pressure of 100psi, will operate at a pressure of 400 psi and completely stop at about 440psi.Page 2MAINTENANCEUSE ONLY ORIGINAL MAXIMATOR SPARE PARTSThe air drives of all Air Amplifiers are factory pre-treated with silicon free grease (Kluber Lube) and require no further lubrication except during routine maintenance.Amplifiers can be repaired at your local authorized service center or returned directly toyour distributor for quick turn-around service.Amplifiers returned for repair should be accompanied with the Amplifier s model, serial and order numbers as well as mfg. date and description of the problem / symptom.DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONThe automatically operated Amplifier is controlled by a floating slide valve which alternately applies air pressure to the piston and subsequently vents the air again. The control system as such is operated with out springs and arresting fixtures as pressure is alternately supplied to and vented from the front surfaces of the pneumatically operated floating slide valve.The main parts in the high pressure section are the Amplifier body, plunger, seals with thrust rings and inlet and outlet check valves. The check valves are rated for full flow with dynamic sealing. TROUBLESHOOTING - PNEUMATIC DRIVE SECTIONSymptom: Amplifier cannot be operated at low air pressure.Cause: Excessive friction of O-rings on spool valveRemedy: Relubricate or replace the O-ringsSymptom: Amplifier can only be actuated at high air pressure.Cause: Air escapes through the piston guide in the top air cap.Remedy: Replace O-ring on the piston extension.Symptom: Amplifier runs slowly or not at all.Cause: Exhaust or spool valve is icy.Remedy: Stop Amplifier for a short while and clear air line and supply of moisture.Symptom: Amplifier will not run and air escapes through the exhaust muffler.Cause: Pilot valve tappet is not sealing in top cap.Remedy: Clean and grease tappet, check for wear and replace if necessary.Page 3Symptom:Amplifier will not run and air escapes through small holes in the spool valve housing. Cause: Spool valve fails.Remedy: Clean spool valve and sleeve, check O-rings and sleeve, lubricate and/or replace. Symptom: Amplifier will not run and escapes through the small holes in the bottom cap.Cause: Pilot valve tappet is not sealing in the bottom cap.Remedy: Clean and grease tappet, check for wear and replace if necessary.Symptom: Amplifier operates at a high frequency and short strokes.Cause: Pilot valve defective.Remedy: Clean, check and lubricate pilot valve parts or replace if necessary.TROUBLESHOOTING - HIGH PRESSURE SECTIONSymptom: Amplifier does not have flow, operates irregularly or does not maintain pressure. Cause: 1. Air supply pipe size to small.2. Failure of one of the check valves.3. Suction filter is blocked.4. High pressure seal is worn excessively.Remedy: 1. Increase suction pipe size.2. Check both valve assemblies and clean or replace if necessary.3. Clean suction filter4. Replace seal.Symptom: High pressure air escapes through the drive air exhaust.Cause. Worn high pressure seal.Remedy: Lubricate and replace seal.SERVICEFor factory authorized service, contact your local Distributor.Page 4。

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安装与基本操作 ...................................................................................................... 2–1
2.1 包装清单 .......................................................................................................................2–2
由于可能出现非专业人员维修而损坏本产品的风险,奔图公司强烈建议:应由经过奔图 公司培训的技术人员来维修。在维修本手册中规定的产品或零部件时,用户必须承担人身伤 害和损坏本产品的风险,因此,在进行维修工作之前,须仔细阅读本维修手册,以便能够正 确的操作和维护本产品。 请妥善保管本维修手册,以备将来维修之用。 警告、注意和注释的说明: * 请遵守警告,以防造成人身伤害。 * 请遵守警告,正确维修打印机,以防损坏。 * 当维修打印机时请注意和相关提示。 * 以下列出的是本手册中的各种“警告”信息。
P2500 系列 黑白激光打印机
Pantum 和 Pantum 标识是珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限公司注册的商标。 Microsoft、Windows、Windows server 和 Windows Vista 是微软公司在美国和/或其他 国家注册的商标和注册商标。 对于本手册涉及的软件名称,其所有权根据相应的许可协议由所属公司拥有。 本手册涉及的其他产品和品牌名称为其相应所有者的注册商标、商标或服务标志。 版权 本手册版权归珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限公司所有。 未经珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限公司事先书面同意,禁止以任何手段或形式对本手册进行复 印、翻译、修改和传送。 版本:V 1.0
将本设备放置在一个平整、牢固而不易振动和受到撞击的表面上,如桌面。 将设备放 置在标准的、已接地的电源插座附近。 同时还应将本设备安装在温度介于 10°C 至 32.5° C 之间,相对湿度介于 20%至 80%之间的地方。 注意:
避免将本设备装在人流量大的地方。 请勿将本设备放置在加热器、冰箱、空调、流体或化学制品附近。 切勿将本设备暴露在阳光直射、过热、潮湿或多尘的地方。 请勿将本设备连接到由墙上开关或自动定时器控制的插座上。 断电将会导致设备内存中的信息丢失。 请勿将设备连接到与大功率家电或其他可能引起断电的设备共用同一电路的插座上。 避免干扰源,例如:扬声器或无绳电话基座等。 在换气不畅的房间中长时间使用或打印大量文件夹时,请您注意保持室内空气流通。
欧共体 (EC) 指令合规性 本产品符合欧共体理事会 2004/108/EC 和 2006/95/EC 指令的成员国近 似和协调法规中涉及电磁兼容性和电气设备安全性(为在特定电压范围内使 用)的保护要求。 本产品制造商为:中华人民共和国广东省珠海市香洲区明珠北路 63 号珠海 赛纳打印科技股份有限公司。 有关这些指令要求的合规声明,可向授权代表索取。 本产品符合 EN 55022 的 B 级范围和 EN 60950 的安全要求。 本产品完全符合 ROHS 指令 2009/95/EC 及重订指令 2011/65/EU 对有 毒有害物质的管理要求。 本产品仅使用于非热带地区安全使用。
2.2.2 安装出纸托盘 ..................................................................................................2–5
2.3 驱动安装与卸载...........................................................................................................2–6
2.2 安装机器 .......................................................................................................................2–3
2.2.1 安装硒鼓...........................................................................................................2–3
1.1 概观................................................................................................................................1–2
1.1.1 前视图...............................................................................................................1–2
2.3.2 基于 MAC 系统........................................................................................... 2–16 简介........................................................................................................ 2–16
2.3.1 基于 windows®系统......................................................................................2–6 简介...........................................................................................................2–6 LED2 指示灯状态显示............................................................................1–6 LED1、LED2 指示灯状态的组合显示...................................................1–7 安装步骤 ..................................................................................................2–6 驱动程序卸载 ....................................................................................... 2–14
激光辐射对人体有害。为了避免激光辐射,请不要随意拆机! 本机遵循 CFR 标准的 1 类激光产品。本机带有Ⅲb 类的激光二极管,在激光组件中无激光 辐射的外泄。 本机内部的激光组件上贴有如下标签:
此符号表明不能将该产品与其它废物一起随意丢弃。更妥善的做法,您应该 将废弃设备送到指定的收集点,以便回收利用废弃的电气和电子设备。
1.2.3 打印规格...........................................................................................................1–9
1.2.4 耗材规格........................................................................................................ 1–10
1.1.4 指示灯...............................................................................................................1–5 LED1 指示灯状态显示............................................................................1–5
1.2 产品规格 .......................................................................................................................1–8
1.2.1 常规规格...........................................................................................................1–8
珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限公司保留对本手册作出更改的权利。如有更改,恕不另行通知。 用户未按手册操作而产生的任何损害,由用户本人承担。同时,珠海赛纳打印科技股份有限 公司除了在产品维修手册或服务承诺作出的明示担保外,未对本手册(包括排版或文字)作 出任何明示或默示的担保或保证。 本产品被用于某些文档或图像的复印、打印、扫描或其他形式时,可能违反您所在地的法律。 您如果无法确定该使用是否符合所在地法律时,应向法律专业人士咨询后进行。