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baby ['beɪbɪ] n. [C] ①婴儿; ②幼畜

She dressed the baby for me.她替我给婴儿穿衣。

back [bæk]adv.①回原处;②在后,向后‖n. ①背部; ②后面;‖adj.后面的;

He moved the chairs back. 他把这些椅子放回原处。

Face round, please, so that I can cut your hair at the back. 请你转过身去,这样我可以理你后面的头发。

She turned her back to the audience.她转过身背对着观众。

He sits at the back of the classroom.他坐在教室的后部。[at the back of在……的后部]

background ['bækgraʊnd] n. [C, U] 背景,出身,个人背景

He’s always going on about his working class background.他老是谈论自己出身于工薪阶层家庭。

Without knowing the bac kground the case, I couldn’t possibly comment. 因为不了解案件的背景情况,我不可能加以评论。

backpack['bækpæk] n [C]背包,旅行包

What’s in your backpack? 你的背包里有什么?

bad [bæd] (worse, worst) adj.①坏的,不利的;②严重的,厉害的;

He has changed his bad habits. 他已改变了他的坏习惯。

Divorce is bad for children.离婚对孩子不好。[be bad for对……有坏处]



badly ['bædlɪ] (worse, worst) adv. ①坏,差;②非常严重地

I slept very badly last night. 昨天夜里我睡得很不好。

badminton ['bædmɪnt(ə) n]n. [U]羽毛球运动

I like playing basketball and badminton. 我喜欢的篮球和羽毛球。

bag [bæg]n. [C]袋; 包; 囊

She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. 她拎着一个购物袋离开了宾馆。

ball [bɔːl] n. [C] ①球; ②舞会

He asked for the ball and I kicked it over. 他要球,我就把它踢了过去。My Mum and Dad used to have a grand Christmas ball every year. 我妈妈和爸爸以前每年都要办一场盛大的圣诞节舞会。

balloon [bə'luːn] n. [C] ①玩具气球; ②球形容器

The balloon burst with a bang. 气球啪的一声爆炸了。

A balloon floated across the sky. 热气球飘过天空。

bamboo [bæm'buː] n. [U] 竹,竹竿

Do you like bamboo? 你喜欢竹子吗?

banana [bə'nɑːnə] n. [C] 香蕉,香蕉树

Never put your banana in the refrige! 永远也不要把你的香蕉放在冰箱里!band[bænd]n. [C]乐队

He was a drummer in a rock band. 他曾是一支摇滚乐队里的鼓手。

bandage['bændɪdʒ]n. [C] 绷带‖v. 用绷带包扎

Don't tie the bandage too tight. 绷带不要扎得太紧。

I bandaged the leg up and gave her aspirin for the pain.我用绷带把她的腿包扎起来,又给她阿斯匹林镇痛。

bank [bæŋk] n. [C] ○1河岸,滩;○2银行

He works in a bank. 他在一家银行工作。

We walked along the east bank of the river. 我们沿着这条河的东岸北上。


banker 银行家

baseball ['beɪsbɔːl] n. ①[C]棒球; ② [U]棒球运动

In American, most people like playing baseball.在美国,大多数人喜欢玩棒球。[play baseball玩棒球]

basic ['beɪsɪk] adj.基本的,根本的,初级的

That is the first basic view. 那是第一个基本观点。

basket ['bɑːskɪt] n. [C] 篮,篓,筐

We bought a basket of peaches. 我们买了一筐桃子。[a basket of一筐….] basketball ['bɑːskɪtbɔːl] n. ①[C]篮球;. ②[U]篮球运动

Many people in the world like playing basketball. 世界上很多人喜欢打篮球。[play basketball打篮球]

bat[bæt]n. [C] ①球棒,球拍;②蝙蝠

Where is my baseball bat? 我的棒球棒在哪?

bathroom ['bɑːθruːm; -rʊm] n. [C] 浴室,厕所

I want to go to the bathroom. 我想去厕所。[go to the bathroom(委婉语)上厕所] be [biː] (is, am, are) v. ①存在,发生;②位于‖aux.v.

There are very few cars on this street.这条马路上很少有车辆。(与非人称代名词(there)连用,表示存在或发生)

She's my mother.她是我母亲。(用于补充说明主语,表示其身份、性质、品质、位置等)When will the wedding be? 婚礼何时举行?(表示发生)

It is raining now.天正在下雨。(be后接动词的现在分词,构成动词的现在进行时)

Her husband was killed in a car crash.她丈夫在一场车祸中被夺去了性命。)后接动词的过去分词,构成被动语态)


同音词: bee

beach [biːtʃ] n. [C] 海滩,沙滩

They love to run about on the beach.他们喜欢在海滩上跑来跑去。[on the beach在沙滩上]

I like playing beach volleyball. 我喜欢打沙滩排球。[beach volleyball 沙滩排球]

bean [biːn] n. [C] 豆,豆荚

bear [beə] n. [C]熊; ‖vt. ○1忍受;○2承担;③生育,结(果实)

She can't bear him.她对他无法容忍。

Bear and wild pigs range through the forests all day long.熊和野猪整天在森林中来回跑动。

beat [biːt] (beat, beaten) v. ①打,敲打; ②打败;③(心脏,脉搏等)跳动

My wife tried to stop them and they beat her. 我妻子试图阻止他们,他们就猛打她。He could hear the beat of his heart. 他能听到自己的心跳。

I can beat you anytime.我可以随时打败你。

beautiful ['bjuːtɪfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj.美好的,优美的,极好的

She was a very beautiful woman.她是个非常美丽的女人。

It was a beautiful morning.那是个迷人的早晨。
