
关于迪士尼公司的案例分析一、企业概况华特·迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company,简称TWDC),简称迪士尼,是世界上第二大传媒娱乐企业,1923年由华特·迪士尼与兄长洛伊·迪士尼创立。

二战结 束后电 视成为 主要娱 乐方 式,电 视用户 急剧攀 升 1950
动画片票 房收入开 始降低 传统游乐 场业战后 受到严重 打击 1952 1953 1961 1966
公司在Walt Disney的领导下 取得了辉煌的成 功 公司多次引领动 画电影产业革命 许多目前公司的 重要业务和收入 来源在该时期奠 定了基础 著名卡通形 象 对著作权和 授权许可的 管理 游乐场业务
Walt 和Roy Disney 创办迪 士尼公 司,制 作爱丽 丝仙境 动画片
米老鼠 形象首 次出现 第一部 有声卡 通《汽 船威利 号》诞 生
米老鼠 形象被 授权在 学生写 字板上
开始制 作世界 上第一 部动画 电影长 片《白 雪公主 和七个 小矮 人》
公司发 行第一 部真人 电影 公司发 行了第 一部电 视节目
90年代起,美国 娱乐业大宗收购 案不断出现
成功化解 敌意收购 后, Michael Eisner任 CEO 成立试金 石电影
第一家 《美女与 Disney 野兽》上 Store在佛 映 州开张 巴黎迪士 尼乐园计 划启动
公司开 始了数 年的领 导无 方,无 战略重 心的局 面
第二阶段:1967 – 1983:领导无方导致迪士尼业务受损
有线电视发展已 经十年,美国有 超过1000万用 户,市场巨大, 竞争较小

1. 1介绍迪斯尼是一家跨国、跨平台的企业集团,在迪斯尼带给我们的所有奇迹背后,是迪斯尼领导团队的远见卓识,他们努力产生创造力,促进创新,并利用最新的技术。

It‘s something that will never be finished. Something that I can keep developing...and adding to. 迪士尼乐园永远不会完结,因为她激励我不断去发展和丰富我的事业。
感悟: 华特先生对迪士尼公司的感情,是他一生奋斗不息的动力之源。
该部门负责全球迪士尼主题乐园的运营、设计和建造。 除了全球5个迪士尼度假区,11个主题乐园之外, 同样拥有两艘巨型油轮——迪士 尼海上巡航线。 另外迪士尼区域娱乐负责运营 ESPN Zone 主题餐馆,而阿纳海姆运动公 司 ( Anaheim Sports, Inc. )则负责运营迪士尼的NHL冰球队“巨鸭队 (The Mighty Duc ks) ”。
华特曾说过:“我们不用考虑钱的多少,我 们需要考虑的是东西的好坏。我的理论是:只要 东西好,我们就可以把大众吸引过来。” 因此,在建设幻景园过程中,华特始终要求 做到尽善尽美。华特经常仔细检查每一个细节, 有时他会蹲下来,感觉一下儿童是否也能看到园 内的景色。有一次,华特乘火车观看园中各处景 观,发现树木会挡住火车上游客的视线,于是他 决定把已经种好的树木挖起来,并后移50米。幻 景园的设计与建造一直在华特的严格监督下进行, 园区可以说是华特理想中卡通世界的现实版本。 华特不时把幻景园想象为游客可以进去随意 乱逛的一系列主题独特的立体“电影院”,并由 一条叫做“美国大街”的大道串联起来,就在这 不知不觉中,华特创造出一种新型的旅游形态, 丰富了娱乐业、旅游业的内涵。
1、精益求精打造品牌 2、多元化的商业经营


• 正如迪士尼的创始人华特迪士尼先 生曾经说过:只要这个世界仍存幻 想,迪士尼就将永远延续下去。
企业文化是组织成员所共同形成的价值观, 也是思考与行为规范的体系。企业有愿景, 才能筑梦踏实。当每一位员工能体会公司 愿景,才可 万众一心,全力以赴。美国华 特迪士尼公司「梦想‧信念‧果敢‧实践」八 字决,人称《华特魔法》,他认为把梦想 变成信念,下决心贯彻实行,企业一定会 成功,其中「梦想」与「信 念」就是「愿 景」。
• (二)、对外行为识别系统
• 员工教育:作为迪士尼公司的员工可以享有多种 权益和福利,特别是 Disney Silver Pass - 迪 士尼银色通行证等特色权益。 • 组织文化建设:迪士尼的与众不同之处在于运用 独特的创造力给大家讲出精彩的孕育人生哲理的 故事,将人物形象和创造性的故事内容发挥到极 致,给消费者留下深刻的印象,从而树立起自己 的品牌。建立起自己独特的富有梦幻的企业形象。 • 企业行为规范:永远把消费者的心理和需求放在 第一位,这是迪士尼公司自上世纪初建立以来不 变的传统。
• 世界第一的娱乐及影视品牌迪士尼(Disney)
• 影视娱乐(美国最大的电影发行商之一) • 主题乐园及度假区(世界最大的主题乐园集团) 媒体网络(拥有美国三大广播公司之一ABC、体育 品牌ESPN) • 消费品(世界最大的儿童消费品品牌、世界最大 的儿童书籍集团)等
(一)经营理念企业形象来自计华特·迪士尼20100952021 李文斌
. Disney(迪士尼)
• 公司名称:华特迪士尼公司

世博会和巴塞罗那奥林匹克运动会;再加上自身存在的问题。开业两年后,乐园已 经亏损了9亿多美元。游园人数、购物消费都远远低于预期。
与东京相反,欧洲家庭一般都不愿意在乐园一天花上280美元,去享受公园 的经典和包括汉堡包和奶昔在内的美食。很多人对乐园过夜想都不会去想,因 为那儿的房价实在太贵。欧洲迪士尼乐园的一些做法也招致法国民众充满敌意 :在早期广告并没有强调众多诱人的娱乐项目,而是炫耀其规模,这反而激发 了法国人的爱国情结,他们把迪斯尼看成美帝国主义的象征。甚至法国农民走 上街头,抗议法国政府以优惠价格出售当地的土地。法国人对 “迪斯尼构想” 以及美国童话人物的充满嘲讽,因为他们有自己的惹人喜爱的漫画人物。例如 :戴头盔的高卢勇士Asterix.。乐园和公司的管理员态度似乎是横冲直撞、旁 若无人的。一位前迪士尼经理人员认为:“我们的确很傲慢——就想‘我们正 在建造泰姬陵,游客会接踵而至——按照我们的条件’”。迪斯尼管理者确信 自己无所不知,从而导致对当地文化麻木不仁:在园内禁酒;禁止带宠物进入 ;认为欧洲人不吃早餐,导致早餐供应紧张且对食品种类不满意:350个座位的 餐厅,却要接待2500人,没有顾客想要吃的肉和鸡蛋;对去欧洲人的度假习惯 没有考虑到:期望游客会在学期中带孩子来园放松,但事实是除非法定节假日 恰巧在周末,否则,那样的事从来没发生过,还指望美国式的、短期的频繁的 度假方式会改变欧洲人的旅行传统,但法国公司的作息时间并没改变。对乐园 工作人员衣着外表及要求都沿用美、日运作模式,被法国人认为是一种不人道 的“洗脑训练”。
• 法国面临许多意想不到的问题:
1、游客人数比预期少10%; 2、每名游客的人均花费比在日本少一半; 3、法国当地媒体对迪斯尼的负面报道,使公司的公众形象
不佳; 4、一些工作人员抵制迪斯尼的管理风格及服饰规范等等

二、迪士尼公司的品牌广告营销策略1. 故事化营销迪士尼公司善于利用故事来传递品牌价值观和情感共鸣。
2. 跨媒体传播迪士尼的品牌营销善于跨媒体传播,将品牌延伸到各种形式的媒体上。
3. 基于大数据的个性化推荐迪士尼利用大数据分析技术,深入了解消费者的兴趣和喜好,从而能够提供个性化的推荐服务。
三、迪士尼公司的品牌扩张战略1. 全球市场扩张迪士尼公司通过在全球范围内的主题公园、度假村和影视制作等领域的扩张,加强了品牌的全球化影响力。
2. 品牌授权和特许经营迪士尼通过与其他品牌合作,进行品牌授权和特许经营,进一步扩大了自身的品牌影响力。
3. 品牌多元化发展迪士尼不满足于娱乐和传媒领域,还积极拓展新兴领域。

在中国开展的业务可分为以下,电视业务Walt Disney Television International、家庭娱乐业务Buena Vista Home Entertainment International、消费品业务Disney Consumer Products、互联网业务Walt Disney Internet Group、迪斯尼冰上世界Disney On Ice、电影发行Buena Vista International、唱片发行Release、迪斯尼图书Disney Publishing Worldwide、主题乐园度假区Walt Disney Parks and Resorts、软件游戏Software Games、迪士尼英语学习中心Disney English Learning Center2、迪士尼不同业务进入中国的模式迪斯尼消费品业务进入中国主要以授权特许经营为主。

1. 介绍迪士尼作为全球知名的娱乐巨头,其业务范围和影响力迪士尼作为全球领先的娱乐巨头,以其独特的创意和精湛的技术引领着全球娱乐行业的发展方向。

位于上海市浦东新区川沙新镇,地铁2号线、 11号线直达度假区,距上海市中心约1h车程,
规模 开发方
总规划范围占地7平方公里,其中一期建设的 迪斯尼乐园及配套区占地3.9平方公里,投资
集梦幻、想象、创意和探险于一身的家庭亲子 度假主题乐园
试运营40天,期间游客总量达到60万,首年客 流预计1500万人次
370元(平日)499元(高峰日); 两天全票700元(平日)950元(高峰日)
案例1-上海迪斯尼乐园:客源结构 上海本地游客:长三角其他地区游客:国内其他地区游客的比例约为4:3:3
其他地区 28%
长三角(除上 海外) 28%
上海 44%
• 上海本地游客(44%)为主要客群来源,细分数据 显示江苏和浙江是长三角(除上海外)游客最多的 地区,占据总游客的25%;
• 由于排队较长造成的性价比和体验感存在落差,外 省游客的重游预期不高,预计在成熟运营后,本地 消费者的比例会逐渐提升。
家人 69.49%
独自 2.12%
• 对于有迪士尼记忆的21-40 岁年龄段消费者以及 其子女即0-10 岁年龄段的消费者,迪士尼本身 的定位即具有较强的吸引力;
• 而由于青少年受众对于娱乐项目的刺激性有更高 的要求,11-20 岁的青少年段人次显示出低谷。

5.在欧洲迪斯尼开业的管理过程中,迪斯尼 犯了哪些错误?你有何建议?
法国人是一个民族自豪感极强又容易感情激动的民族。当 他们得知迪斯尼要设法以低于市场的价格买下1 590公顷 最好的农田时,法国人怒斥美国佬是文化帝国主义,法国 政府滥用职权仅仅是为了使米老鼠和它的朋友们在法国有 个家,使祖祖辈辈在这片农田上耕作的农民们失去自己的 家园。法国的报界一致责骂美国侵略者,公开表示他们的 愤怒。在迪斯尼公司一片地基没打、一块砖未铺之前,它 就已经与法国这一地区的人民疏远了。 接着,迪斯尼公司在与法国人的谈判过程中又触及了法国 人的敏感区。迪斯尼公司在与法国方面谈判时不是由公司 的执行官出面商谈主题公园的建设和有关合同的事宜,而 是由该公司聘用的律师来出面,这也是引发法方敌意的根 源之一。按照法国人的习惯,当一切商谈手段均告失败之 后,作为最后的手段才聘用律师。法国人认为在所有程序 未进行之前就雇用律师,是不信任和没有诚意的信号。
7.上海迪斯尼乐园为最新的迪斯尼乐园,对 于新乐园来说,以上所讨论的欧洲迪斯尼的 经营历史有何启迪?
启迪: 认真开展营销调研,全面了解市场及其需求的特点,全面 了解各种外部因素及其对拟开发项目的可能性影响,对于 开发决策是何等的重要。
8.既然迪斯尼公司已经成功地使巴黎迪斯尼 乐园起死回生,那么下一个选点将在何处? 何时动工?假设您受聘为迪斯尼的顾问,对 下一个选点及动工时间提出建议,那么请选 择三个地点并从中选出一个您认为对X迪斯尼 乐园(Disneyland X。)来说最合适的地方,请 讨论。
同迪斯尼公司在开发佛州迪斯尼乐园时的规划思想类似, 欧洲迪斯尼乐园的兴建实际上是迪斯尼公司在该地实施的 一项大规模房地产开发项目的一部分。根据迪斯尼公司的 最初规划,一期除了该主题公园之外,还包括兴建若干座 饭店,客房总计5200间。这甚至超过当地原有的住宅总量。 后续各期的工程计划还包括修建大型商用写字楼、 Shopping Mall高尔夫球场、公寓、度假别墅等。从获利 前景上看,后续的房地产开发项目显然比单纯观光性质的 迪斯尼乐园更具优势。从而,分散了迪斯尼公司对乐园本 身经营管理的注意力。这在后来被证明是本末倒置、得不 偿失。因为所有后续项目的实施是以迪斯尼乐园的成功运 营为前提的。如果连迪斯尼乐园的生存都面临危机,其他 方面也就无从谈起。

Analysis Disney CompanyThe Walt Disney Company is an American diversified mass media corporation with touching every aspect of the entertainment industry, including publishing, television networks, educational materials, cable channels and Internet websites (Smith, Clark, 1999). And it also owns the theme parksall around the world. Disney Company became a “world’s best-known company” which was based on a lot of cartoon characters. Today it is one of the largest media corporations in the world (Siklos, 2009).Development of DisneyDisney Company was formed on 16 October 1923, by Walt Disney and his brother Roy Disney in Los Angeles, which was named the Walt Disney Studio. “It all started with a mouse” (Wasko, p.9, 2013). Before the mouse appeared in the film, Walt did two cartoon series which was called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Alice Comedies. However, because of Oswald got involved the problem of copyright, Walt needed to search for a new character. In 1928, the idea of the mouse which was named Mickey came into his mind (Wasko, 2013). And then the great success of Mickey made the company rapidly growing up in Hollywood.During the World War 2, Disney Company has been taken over by US Army troops a lot. However, this situation did not block the development of Disney, at that time, Donald Duck as one of the famous animal characters appeared in short film.After the war, the way that Disney Company developed their films were becoming diversification. Walt started producing television programming with ABC and NBC, which made their characters to show themselves on television. This successful movement let Disney Company goes further — a theme park. The first Disneyland was opened on 1955 (Grover, 1997). Due to these great successful strategies, Disney Company finally becomes a major independent film company in Hollywood (Wasko, 2013).How does The Disney Company grow up?The Disney Company uses diversification strategies to expand its market, which make them to achieve media monopoly and create enormous revenue. Those diversification strategies can be separated into two aspects, horizontal integration and vertical integration.1.Horizontal integrationSince 1993, Disney Company never stopped their footsteps of acquisitions. Disney Company has acquired Miramax Films, Pixar, Marvel Entertainment and Lucas film.“Horizontal integration enables a company to increase market power by cross-promoting or cross-selling a show” (McChesney, p.22, 1999). In 1993, Disney Company acquired Miramax which was a leader in independent film distribution (Wasko, 2013). This move made Disney Company had more market share for adult not only in children market. Through a series of acquisitions, Disney Company obtained more opportunities to distribute different kinds of films, which created new contents to Disney Company.2. Vertical integrationIn 1995, the first Disneyland opened in California. And now, Disney Company already has 7 theme parks around the world which bring Disney Company enormous income. According to the Disney annual report in 2014, Disney parks and resorts contributed $15, profits in 2014.In 1996, Disney Company officially acquired ABC, with this merger, “Disney could acquire the entire ABC television network, key ABC affiliates, ABC radio networks, publishing enterprises, ESPN, A&E and Lifetime” (Smith, Clark, p.171, 1999). This decision combined Disney animated film,television program and radio programming together effectively. It made Disney Company occupied a dominant position in the media industry (Wasko, 2013). And in 2001, the Fox Family Worldwide was sold to Disney by News Corp. which known as ABC Family (Columbia Journalism Review).3. DiversificationDisney Company added diversification activities to expand areas ofDisney’s operation since 1984 (Wasko, 2013). Due to the acquisition, Disney Company had opportunities to take benefits of technologies from Miramax Films, Pixar and others company have been acquiredAccording to the annual report of Disney Company in 2014, “The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide entertainment company with operations in five business segments: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products andInteractive.” Acquisitions and cooperation help Disney to approach new aspect, which lead Disney to permeate in every aspects of life.How wide ranging are its present operations?Disney’s industry distributes in various fields, which include media networks, park and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products, interactive.Figure 1: from Disney annual report 2014Figure 2: the percetage of revenue of Disney Comany, from Disney annual report 2014According to these two graph, the revenue of media network and parks and resorts are most important contributions of Disney Company, which occupy more than half of revenue, almost 74%. And this was due to high programe sales at broadcasting and high quality amenities of theme parks (Disney annual report, 2014).How globalised are its current operations?Disney channels can be a specific example. “The Disney Channels includes over 100 channels available in 34 languages and 164 countries/territories”(Disney annual report, 2014). Therefore, Disney has reached most markets around the world.Figure 3: from Disney annual report 2014Figure 4: the overseas revenue of Disney Comany in 2014, from Disney annual report2014According to figure 4, United States and Canada are the most important markets which contributed $36,769 million in 2014. And from figure 5, we can see that the most income of overseas market is Europe. However Asia as the second market shows a significant increase by compared with the other areas, which shows that Asia market is becoming more important in global market of Disney.In the fields that Disney has apporached, their Theme Parks can be looklike a most useful business method to enlarge their overseas markets. For example, before the Hong Kong Disney land built, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) invested $2.9 billion which included infrastructure improvement and loans to this Disney land and also earned about $780 million from the joint venture (Matusitz, 2009). At the same time, Disney made “four glocalization changes” to adapt Chinesepeople’s preference. “They are (1) reduction of prices; (2) adaptation to local visitors‘ customs; (3) change of décors and settings; (4)adaptation of labor practices” (Matusitz, p.671, 2009). Based on these “four glocalization changes”, Hong Kong Disneyland was more successful.How does Disney influenced by the shareholders and directors?According to Disney Company annual report in 2014, Robert A. Iger is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Disney. And there are the five major shareholders of Disney Company:Figure 5: the ownership sumary of Disney Comany, from NASDAQFigure 6: Top 5 Holders of Institutional Holdings of Disney Comany, from NASDAQ From these two pie chart, we can see that Institutional Shares hold 61% of Disney Company’s stock. And the main shareholder of Disney Company is The Vanguard Group which is an American investment management company.Disney Company can be influenced and developed through cooperation with company from interlocking shareholders and interlocking directorships, which can be distribute in three areas: Financial institutions, food and drink companies and digtial companies. The diversification of cooperation can be found in many ways, like economy, political and cultural networks.The figure 8 can clearly show the interlocking company of Disney Company. As we can see from this table, Langhammer and Lozano are two directors of Disney, at the same time they are the directors of The Shinsei Bank and Bank of America Corporation separately. They can give Disney Company a better financial support and economic security. It is also a stable capital chain of Disney Company.Disney Company and interlocking company cooperation may promote Disney’s market policy. For example, Smith has served as the director of Nike which has a great market share in Chinese market and sponsors many events in China. Therefore, the connection between Disney and Nike may accelerates Disney’s step to enter Chinese market and changes the attitude or policytoward Chinese market. Further more, Disney and Nike have launch sports shoe together ever which played an advocacy role for both brand.Disney Company has its own theme parks and resorts, and those hotels and facilities come from the interlocking companys, like Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide or Deloitte & Touche. Seagram, starbucks and McDonalds companies provide Disney a great convience for food and drinks. Those interlocking companies may in the Disneyland or nearby the Disneyland, which means Disney also gives them a opportunity to achieve the situation of win-win.The interlocking companies of Disney include internet engine, software and social network sites like Google, Facebool, Twitter and Sybase, providing Disney technical support and new platform to branding itself. Taking Google as an example, in 2014, Google and Disney had team up to launch Disney, Pixar and Marvel movies on any device via Google Play(Buhr, 2014).This cooporation can let more people to download Disney movies, no matter what app people are using, they can easily download Disney movies through Google account. Disney and Marvel fans will be able to use any computer or cell phone no matter what software system and watch their movies. This shift satisfys the customer’s need and retain more Disney fans.Advice to Disney Company“ Disney Company covers an extremely wide rang of media/ entertainment activities, from traditional television and film viewing, to theme parkvisits and sport event attendance ” (Wasko, 2013). It is definitely a diversified entertainment company. The success of Disney Company can be related to its diversified activities. At the same time, Disney Company relies on wide as well as high quality range of products, establishing a well industry brand. With the expansion of Disney industry, it merger a lot of competitive companies like Miramax Films, Pixar and ABC, which reduced competition of market, promoted the capability of Disney and enlarge the extent of Disney Company. Therefore, the superior market share is one of the strengths of Disney Company.However, there are still some weaknesses hidden behind the great advantages of Disney Company. The continued growth of high cost of services and products is a problem for Disney. According to the Disney annual report in 2014, the cost of service increased 6% (almost $1.3 billion) compared with 2013, which was because the higher programming costs at ESPN and ABC Television Networks. And the cost of products increased 2% (almost $120 million). Besides the costs of Disney Company, how to overcome the cultural difference and policy issues are quite weakness for Disney to develop new markets. By compared with North America, the revenue from other regions is much less. Taking Asia as an example, the difference of culture background and policy, Disney Company can only has the theme parks or releases films in Asia, the channels like ESPN or ABC cannot have a place. It is an issue for Disney Company to breakthrough.Disney Company still holds many opportunities which can make the company to grow up. The popularity of internet can be seen as a business opportunity. Nowadays, most of people use internet especially social networks more frequently this situation not only happens on adults also on children.Therefore Disney Company can catch this opportunity to branding themselves on internet, which can be like an advertisement or an online game. From market aspect, Asia as the most population in the world has a lot of chances for Disney Company to develop and then Disney may has more market shares. Disney Company will grow further by taking those opportunities.There are some threats that Disney Company need to pay attention to. The economic environment is an uncontrollable risk for Disney Company. “Turmoil in the financial markets could increase our cost of borrowing and impede access to or increase the cost of financing our operations and investments” (Disney annual report, 2014). At the same time, under this condition, it can increases the cost of borrowing and makes it difficult to get financing. Another threat is potential competitors, even after Disney Company acquired many diversified corporations. Disney Company needs a large number to make it run which lead to high costs of wage, medical fees and allowance. Disney annual report stated that there are about,000 employees working in Disney Company. Therefore, the huge expenditure is not a small burden for Disney Company. However, a variety of unpredictable events are a potential threat which may reduce demand for products of Disney.Although there are a lot of weakness and threats, Disney Company has strategies to alter that. In order to avoid the threat of uncontrollable economy, it requires Disney Company to alter the business strategy or restructuring of its business, even this operation may increase the costs. Disney Company needs to attract new investments and expand new businessline (Disney annual report, 2014). Maintaining a low debt ratio is usefulway to avoid the problem of financing. In addition, Disney should limit the increasing of costs to look for cheaper labor in global markets.Disney can improve their level of localization to narrow the cultural difference and reduce competition when they expand their global markets. For example, Happy Valley is a famous amusement park in china which will share the market with Disneyland. Disney can increase the localization of elements and in some extent reduce the price of ticket to promote competitiveness.Nowadays, people have variety ways to use media. Mobile phone is a mainstream in people’s daily life, presenting that Disney should keep pace of technology. The apartment of Disney could develop their own applications for their consumers. As Disney annual report said in 2014, “The media entertainment and internet businesses in which we participate increasingly depend on our ability to successfully adapt to shifting patterns of content consumption through the adoption and exploitation of new technologies.”Therefore, the priority place should be given to keep pace with new media and new technologies for Disney in the future.ReferencesBuhr, S. (2014). Disney And Google Partner Up For Disney Movies Anywhere Access On Google Play. Techcrunch. Retrieved 16 November, 2015 fromhttp://techcrunch./2014/11/03/disney-and-google-partner-up-for-disney-movies-anywhere-access-on-google-play/Columbia Journalism Review. (2013). THE Walt Disney Company Timeline. Retrieved 13 November, 2015 from /resources/?c=disneyGrover, R. (1997). The Disney touch: Disney, ABC & the quest for theworld's greatest media empire. Chicago: Irwin Professional Pub. Matusitz, J. (2011). Disney’s successful adaptation in Hong Kong: A glocalization perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(4),667-681.McChesney, R. W. (1997). The Global Media Giants. Extra, USA.Nasdaq. (2015). Walt Disney Company (The) Ownership Summary. Retrieved 13 November, 2015 from .nasdaq./symbol/dis/ownership-summarySiklo,R. (2009). Why Disney Wants Dreamworks. Fortune. Retrieved 16 November, 2015 fromhttp://archive.fortune./2009/02/09/news/companies/disney_dreamworks.fortune/index.htm?postversion=2009020914Smith, D. and Clark, S. (1999). Disney: The first 100 years. New York: Hyperion Books.The Walt Disney Company, Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Financial Report And Shareholder Letter. Retrieved 16 November, 2015 fromhttp://cdn.media.ir.thewaltdisneycompany./2014/annual/10k-wrap-2014.pdfWasko, J. (2001). Understanding Disney: The manufacture of fantasy. Cambridge: Polity.。

三、迪士尼的竞争优势1. 强大的品牌影响力:迪士尼拥有丰富的知名品牌和角色,如米老鼠、唐老鸭、白雪公主等。
2. 多元化的业务领域:迪士尼公司在电影、电视、主题公园和消费品等领域拥有广泛的业务布局。
3. 创新的技术和内容:迪士尼公司不断引入新的技术和创新内容,如3D电影、虚拟现实和增强现实技术等。
4. 全球化战略:迪士尼公司在全球范围内开展业务,并积极拓展新兴市场。
四、迪士尼的成功案例1. 主题公园:迪士尼乐园是全球最受欢迎的主题公园之一。
2. 电影制作:迪士尼公司的电影制作部门一直以来都非常成功。

迪斯尼,全称The Walt
Disney Company。
是总部设在美国伯班克的大型 跨国公司。 主要业务包括娱乐节目制作, 主题公园,玩具,图书,电子 游戏和传媒网络。
2001年第三季度:比上一季 度锐减68%, 2001年4月裁员4000人。第 三季度股价下跌40%,达到 自1995年以来的最低点。 仅2001年三、四季度的主题 公园收入就分别下降了25%和 17%。
----然而,迪斯尼改革后的又一个 7年过去了,艾斯纳自己说过的“7年一 个坎”的预言又一次应验了。
小朋友心目中的“小懒鸡” “动物园”
• 、 1996年艾斯纳花189亿美元将ABC公司彻底揽入
怀中。迪斯尼并购ABC的主要原因,除了向媒体集 团拓展的考虑,还希望制作像当年华纳集团的 《Friends》那样热门的肥皂剧,然后通过自己的渠 道播放来大笔赚钱。
何大受欢迎的电视连续剧。ABC在2002财年亏损估 计达4亿美元。
拥有多种盈 利点的明星 动漫企业
发行:电影,电视节 目的海内、海外发行
播出:有线电视,百老汇 ,新兴平台 衍生品及衍生品渠道:授权业务, 主题公园,Disney Store,电子 游戏,在线虚拟世界

Analysis Disney CompanyThe Walt Disney Company is an American diversified mass media corporation with touching every aspect of the entertainment industry, including publishing, television networks, educational materials, cable channels and Internet websites (Smith, Clark, 1999). And it also owns the theme parks all around the world. Disney Company became a “ world 's best-known company” which was based on a lot of cartoon characters. Today it is one of the largest media corporations in the world (Siklos, 2009).Development of DisneyDisney Company was formed on 16 October 1923, by Walt Disney and his brother Roy Disney in Los Angeles, which was named the Walt Disney Studio. “ It all started with amouse” (Wasko, p.9, 2013). Before the mouseappeared in the film, Walt did two cartoon series which was called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Alice Comedies. However, because of Oswald got involved the problem of copyright, Walt needed to search for a new character. In 1928, the idea of the mouse which was named Mickey came into his mind (Wasko, 2013). And then the great success of Mickey made the company rapidly growing up in Hollywood.During the World War 2, Disney Company has been taken over by US Army troops a lot. However, this situation did not block the development of Disney, at that time, Donald Duck as one of the famous animal characters appeared in short film.After the war, the way that Disney Company developed their films were becoming diversification. Walt started producing television programming with ABC and NBC, which made their characters to show themselves on television. This successful movement let Disney Company goes further —a theme park. The first Disneyland was opened on 1955 (Grover, 1997). Due to these great successful strategies, Disney Company finally becomes a major independent film company in Hollywood (Wasko, 2013).How does The Disney Company grow up?The Disney Company uses diversification strategies to expand its market, which make them to achieve media monopoly and create enormous revenue.Those diversification strategies can be separated into two aspects, horizontal integration and vertical integration.1. Horizontal integrationSince 1993, Disney Company never stopped their footsteps of acquisitions. Disney Company has acquired Miramax Films, Pixar, Marvel Entertainment and Lucas film.“ Horizontal integration enables a company to increase market power by cross-promoting or cross-selling a show” (McChesney, p.22, 1999). In 1993, Disney Company acquired Miramax which was a leader in independent film distribution (Wasko, 2013). This move made Disney Company had more market share for adult not only in children market. Through a series of acquisitions, Disney Company obtained more opportunities to distribute different kinds of films, which created new contents to Disney Company.2. Vertical integrationIn 1995, the first Disneyland opened in California. And now, Disney Company already has 7 theme parks around the world which bring Disney Company enormous income. According to the Disney annual report in 2014, Disney parks and resorts contributed $15, profits in 2014.In 1996, Disney Company officially acquired ABC, with this merger, “ Disney could acquire the entire ABC television network, key ABC affiliates, ABC radio networks, publishing enterprises, ESPN, A&E and Lifetime ” (Smith, Clark, p.171, 1999). This decision combined Disney animated film, television program and radio programming together effectively. It madeDisney Company occupied a dominant position in the media industry (Wasko, 2013). And in 2001, the Fox Family Worldwide was sold to Disney by NewsCorp. which known as ABC Family (Columbia Journalism Review).3. DiversificationDisney Company added diversification activities to expand areas ofDisney 's operation since 1984 (Wasko, 2013). Due to the acquisition,Disney Company had opportunities to take benefits of technologies fromMiramax Films, Pixar and others company have been acquiredAccording to the annual report of Disney Company in 2014, “The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide entertainment company with operations in five business segments: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products andIn teractive. Acquisiti ons and cooperati on help Disney to approach newaspect, which lead Disney to permeate in every aspects of life.How wide ranging are its prese nt operati ons?Disney ' s industry distributes in various fields, which include media n etworks, park and resorts, studio en terta inment, con sumer products, in teractive.Figure 1: from Disney annual report 2014The major reve nue of DisneyCompa ny segme nts Co nsumer In teractiveFigure 2: the percetage of reve nue of Disney Coma ny, from Disney annual report 2014Accordi ng to these two graph, the reve nue of media n etwork and parks and resorts are most importa nt con tributio ns of Disney Compa ny, which occupy more than half(m millMinsb 1 Rcvenuics. Media Netvrcnks4ii idl ,jKE :rluimiii.i ^lCiPriNLtlllCI E H l4KliJL'GN.S<-[i|T>cnl opcEi in 吕 sneome 1 Tiled ILL NieCivtirkh ;Lind K 匕SI LII J HI I tnlcrEja i nnic nlCiiit^Liniea Pi «id LMJ I^ hiLciiiLCi^c2U132JOI220133QIJ ¥9 2UI2 s 2IJ52J 2UJ56 1 19.4 J 65 %H.OK7 12 9207%9札 7注7W'冲T*3啊* W12%Q 啊hiwLO64Ml22*^36慚 £骞 ^XO4Is 42t 27«S%7唏□ ISI KS % 2JL2U- 1 .W2 1? %Ml I.J 12 722iHlT'n L 」坯 911 扭%19吟”116(S7) (3I«>lltkli M 啊 SIO.7;49.帕421%5% Chagu3%ConsumerProducts 8%Parks and Resorts 31%Studio En terta inment15%Media Network 43%of revenue, almost 74%. And this was due to high programe sales at broadcasti ng and high quality ame nities of theme parks (Dis ney annual report, 2014).How globalised are its curre nt operati ons?Disney cha nn els can be a specific example. “ The Disney Chann els in cludesover 100 cha nn els available in 34 Ian guages and 164 coun tries/territories(Dis ney annual report, 2014). Therefore, Disney has reached most marketsaround the world.201-1 2013 2CI2UnnciJ Slater and Camuii3良时s6,1 AlA ^1^1 PuLTlflL:Laun AifrKLZf E&Ldi dihj <XllLni"冲s s*04 1$42,2 7KUJifejLkXL bL-iLkr^ LUtd f Luowd-L s XK71$1 zuzfupc141L.JhlA^UJ Pirieifk041|+OI61 jtiin and <~Rhe<4M476斗個1JJMK s10.72-*¥0.Q64Figure 3: from Disney annual report 2014overseas reve nueFigure 4: the overseas reve nue of Disney Coma ny in 2014, from Disney annual report2014Accordi ng to figure 4, Un ited States and Can ada are the most importa nt markets which contributed $36,769 million in 2014. And from figure 5, we can see that the most in come of overseas market is Europe. However Asia as the sec ond market shows a sig nifica nt in crease by compared with the other areas, which shows that Asia market is becoming more important in global market of Disn ey.In the fields that Disney has apporached, their Theme Parks can be look like a most useful bus in ess method to enl arge their overseas markets. For example, before the Hong Kong Disney land built, Hong Kong Special Admi nistrative Regi on (HKSAR) in vested $2.9 billion which in cluded infrastructure improvement and loans to this Disney land and also earned about $780 millio n from the join t ve nture (Matusitz, 2009). At the same time, Disney made “four glocalization changes ” to adapt Chinese people ' s preferenee. “They are (1) reduction of prices; (2) adaptation tocustoms; (3) change of d e cors and settings; (4)Europe local visitors■ Asia Pacific岂 Lat in America and Other61%adaptati on of labor practices“ four glocalizati on cha nges” (Matusitz, p.671,2009). Based on these ” ,Hong Kong Disneyland was more successful.How does Disney in flue need by the shareholders and directors?Accordi ng to Disney Compa ny annual report in 2014, Robert A. Iger isChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Disney. And there are the five major shareholders of Disney Compa ny:In stituti onal SummaryNo n- in stituti on al Shares39%Figure 5: the own ership sumary of Disney Coma ny, from NASDAQV In stitution W al Shares[op 5 Halders of IrstiUJtnnal Holdings1 ■VANGUARD GROUP 87,348.806INC2. ■ STATE STREET CORP 64,553.8453. ■ rLIR LLC 45,451.5374. ■ STATE FARM MUTUAL 42,200,016AUTOMOBILEINSURANCE CO5 ■ Bl AGKROCK 斗0.635 576INSTITUTIOM^I1 RUS I COMPANY,NA.Figure 6: Top 5 Holders of Institutional Holdings of Disney Comany, from NASDAQFrom these two pie chart, we can see that Institutional Shares hold 61% of Disney Compa ny' s stock. And the main shareholder of Disney Compa ny is The Van guard Group which is an America n in vestme nt man ageme nt compa ny.Disney Compa ny can be in flue need and developed through cooperati on with compa ny from in terlock ing shareholders and in terlock ing directorships, which can be distribute in three areas: Financial institutions, food and drink compa nies and digtial compa ni es. The diversificati on of cooperati on can be found in many ways, like economy, political and cultural n etworks.Board of Directors In terlock ing Compa nySusa n E. Aron Id The Carlyle Group, McDon alds Corporati onJohn S. Che n Blackberry, Ltd., Sybase Inc.Jack Dorsey Twitter, Inc., Square, Inc.,Robert A. Iger The Walt Disney Compa nyThe figure 8 can clearly show the in terlock ing compa ny of Disney Compa ny.As we can see from this table, Lan ghammer and Loza no are two directors ofDisn ey, at the same time they are the directors of The Shin sei Bank andBank of America Corporatio n separately. They can give Disney Compa ny a better financial support and economic security. It is also a stable capital cha in of Disney Compa ny.Disney Compa ny and in terlock ing compa ny cooperatio n may promote Disney ' s market policy. For example, Smith has served as the director of Nike whichhas a great market share in Chinese market and sponsors many events inChi na. Therefore, the connection betwee n Disney and Nike may acceleratesDisney ' s step to enter Chinese market and changes the attitude or policytoward Chinese market. Further more, Disney and Nike have launch sports shoe together ever which played an advocacy role for both brand.Disney Company has its own theme parks and resorts, and those hotels and facilities come from the interlocking companys, like Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide or Deloitte & Touche. Seagram, starbucks and McDonalds companies provide Disney a great convience for food and drinks. Those interlocking companies may in the Disneyland or nearby the Disneyland, which means Disney also gives them a opportunity to achieve the situation of win-win.The interlocking companies of Disney include internet engine, software and social network sites like Google, Facebool, Twitter and Sybase, providing Disney technical support and new platform to branding itself. Taking Google as an example, in 2014, Google and Disney had team up to launch Disney, Pixar and Marvel movies on any device via Google Play (Buhr, 2014).This cooporation can let more people to download Disney movies, no matter what app people are using, they can easily download Disney movies through Google account. Disney and Marvel fans will be able to use any computer or cell phone no matter what software system and watch their movies. This shift satisfys the customer 's need and retain more Disney fans.Advice to Disney Company“ Disney Company covers an extremely wide rang of media/ entertainment activities, from traditional television and film viewing, to theme parkvisits and sport event attendance ” (Wasko, 2013). It is definitely adiversified entertainment company. The success of Disney Company can be related to itsdiversified activities. At the same time, Disney Company relies on wide as well as high quality range of products, establishing a well industry brand. With the expansion of Disney industry, it merger a lot of competitive companies like Miramax Films, Pixar and ABC, which reduced competition of market, promoted the capability of Disney and enlarge the extent of Disney Company. Therefore, the superior market share is one of the strengths of Disney Company.However, there are still some weaknesses hidden behind the great advantages of Disney Company. The continued growth of high cost of services and products is a problem for Disney. According to the Disney annual report in 2014, the cost of service increased 6% (almost $1.3 billion) compared with 2013, which was because the higher programming costs at ESPN and ABC Television Networks. And the cost of products increased 2% (almost $120 million). Besides the costs of Disney Company, how to overcome the cultural difference and policy issues are quite weakness for Disney to develop new markets. By compared with North America, the revenue from other regions is much less. Taking Asia as an example, the difference of culture background and policy, Disney Company can only has the theme parks or releases films in Asia, the channels like ESPN or ABC cannot have a place. It is an issue for Disney Company to breakthrough.Disney Company still holds many opportunities which can make the company to grow up. The popularity of internet can be seen as a business opportunity. Nowadays, most of people use internet especially social networks more frequently this situation not only happens on adults also on children.Therefore Disney Company can catch this opportunity to branding themselves on internet, which can be like an advertisement or an online game. From market aspect, Asia as the most population in the world has a lot of chances for Disney Company to develop and then Disney may has more market shares. Disney Company will grow further by taking those opportunities.There are some threats that Disney Company need to pay attention to. The economic environment is an uncontrollable risk for Disney Company. “Turmoil in the financial markets could increase our cost of borrowing and impede access to or increase the cost of financing our operations and investments ” (Disney annual report, 2014). At the same time, under this condition, it can increases the cost of borrowing and makes it difficult to get financing. Another threat is potential competitors, even after Disney Company acquired many diversified corporations. Disney Company needs a large number to make it run which lead to high costs of wage, medical fees and allowance. Disney annual report stated that there are about,000 employees working in Disney Company. Therefore, the huge expenditure is not a small burden for Disney Company. However, a variety of unpredictable events are a potential threat which may reduce demand for products of Disney.Although there are a lot of weakness and threats, Disney Company has strategies to alter that. In order to avoid the threat of uncontrollable economy, it requires Disney Company to alter the business strategy or restructuring of its business, even this operation may increase the costs. Disney Company needs to attract new investments and expand new business line (Disney annual report, 2014). Maintaining a low debt ratio is useful way to avoid the problem of financing. In addition, Disney should limit the in creas ing of costs to look for cheaper labor in global markets.Disney can improve their level of localization to narrow the cultural differe nee and reduce competiti on whe n they expa nd their global markets.For example, Happy Valley is a famous amusement park in china which will share the market with Disn eyla nd. Disney can in crease the localizati on of eleme nts and in some exte nt reduce the price of ticket to promote competitive ness.Nowadays, people have variety ways to use media. Mobile phone is a main stream in people' s daily life, prese nting that Disney should keep paceof tech no logy. The apartme nt of Disney could develop their own applicati ons for their con sumers. As Disney annual report said in 2014, “ The mediaen terta inment and internet bus in esses in which we participate in creas in gly depe nd on our ability to successfully adapt to shift ing patter ns of content con sumpti on through the adopti on and exploitati on of new tech no logies. Therefore, the priority place should be given to keep pace with new media and new tech no logies for Disney in the future.Refere ncesBuhr, S. (2014). Dis ney And Google Part ner Up For Dis ney Movies Any where Access On Google Play. Techcru nch. Retrieved 16 November, 2015 fromhttp://techcru nch./2014/11/03/dis ney-a nd-google-part ner-up-for-dis ney-movies-a ny where-access-on-google-play/Columbia Journalism Review. (2013). THE Walt Dis ney Compa ny Timeli ne.Retrieved 13 November, 2015 from /resources/?c=dis neyGrover, R. (1997). The Dis ney touch: Dis ney, ABC & the quest for the world's greatest media empire. Chicago: Irwin Professi onal Pub.Matusitz, J. (2011). Disney' s successful adaptation in Hong Kong: A glocalizati on perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Man ageme nt, 28(4),667-681.McChes ney, R. W. (1997). The Global Media Gia nts. Extra, USA.Nasdaq. (2015). Walt Dis ney Compa ny (The) Own ership Summary. Retrieved 13 November, 2015 from .n asdaq./symbol/dis/ow nership-summarySiklo,R. (2009). Why Dis ney Wan ts Dreamworks. Fortu ne. Retrieved 16November, 2015 fromhttp://archive.fort un e./2009/02/09/news/compa ni es/dis ney_dreamworks.fort une/in dex.htm?postversio n=2009020914Smith, D. and Clark, S. (1999). Dis ney: The first 100 years. New York: Hyperi on Books.The Walt Dis ney Compa ny, Fiscal Year 2014 Ann ual F inancial Report And Shareholder Letter. Retrieved 16 November, 2015 from http://cd n. media.ir.thewaltdis neycompa ny./2014/a nnu al/10k-wrap-2014.pdfWasko, J. (2001). Un dersta nding Disn ey: The manu facture of fan tasy.Cambridge: Polity.。


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Analysis Disney CompanyThe Walt Disney Company is an American diversified mass media corporation with touching every aspect of the entertainment industry, including publishing, television networks, educational materials, cable channels and Internet websites (Smith, Clark, 1999). And it also owns the theme parksall around the world. Disney Company became a “world’s best-known company” which was based on a lot of cartoon characters. Today it is oneof the largest media corporations in the world (Siklos, 2009).Development of DisneyDisney Company was formed on 16 October 1923, by Walt Disney and his brother Roy Disney in Los Angeles, which was named the Walt Disney Studio. “It all started with a mouse” (Wasko, p.9, 2013). Before the mouse appeared in the film, Walt did two cartoon series which was called Oswaldthe Lucky Rabbit and Alice Comedies. However, because of Oswald got involved the problem of copyright, Walt needed to search for a new character. In 1928, the idea of the mouse which was named Mickey came into his mind (Wasko, 2013). And then the great success of Mickey made the company rapidly growing up in Hollywood.During the World War 2, Disney Company has been taken over by US Army troops a lot. However, this situation did not block the development ofDisney, at that time, Donald Duck as one of the famous animal characters appeared in short film.After the war, the way that Disney Company developed their films werebecoming diversification. Walt started producing television programmingwith ABC and NBC, which made their characters to show themselves ontelevision. This successful movement let Disney Company goes further — a theme park. The first Disneyland was opened on 1955 (Grover, 1997). Due tothese great successful strategies, Disney Company finally becomes a major independent film company in Hollywood (Wasko, 2013).How does The Disney Company grow up?The Disney Company uses diversification strategies to expand its market,which make them to achieve media monopoly and create enormous revenue.Those diversification strategies can be separated into two aspects,horizontal integration and vertical integration.1.Horizontal integrationSince 1993, Disney Company never stopped their footsteps of acquisitions.Disney Company has acquired Miramax Films, Pixar, Marvel Entertainment andLucas film.“Horizontal integration enables a company to increase market power bycross-promoting or cross-selling a show” (McChesney, p.22, 1999). In 1993, Disney Company acquired Miramax which was a leader in independent film distribution (Wasko, 2013). This move made Disney Company had more marketshare for adult not only in children market. Through a series ofacquisitions, Disney Company obtained more opportunities to distributedifferent kinds of films, which created new contents to Disney Company.2. Vertical integrationIn 1995, the first Disneyland opened in California. And now, Disney Companyalready has 7 theme parks around the world which bring Disney Companyenormous income. According to the Disney annual report in 2014, Disneyparks and resorts contributed $15, profits in 2014.In 1996, Disney Company officially acquired ABC, with this merger, “Disney could acquire the entire ABC television network, key ABC affiliates, ABCradio networks, publishing enterprises, ESPN, A&E and Lifetime” (Smith, Clark, p.171, 1999). This decision combined Disney animated film,television program and radio programming together effectively. It madeDisney Company occupied a dominant position in the media industry (Wasko,2013). And in 2001, the Fox Family Worldwide was sold to Disney by NewsCorp. which known as ABC Family (Columbia Journalism Review).3. DiversificationDisney Company added diversification activities to expand areas ofDisney’s operation since 1984 (Wasko, 2013). Due to the acquisition,Disney Company had opportunities to take benefits of technologies fromMiramax Films, Pixar and others company have been acquiredAccording to the annual report of Disney Company in 2014, “The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwideentertainment company with operations in five business segments: MediaNetworks, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products andInteractive.” Acquisitions and cooperation help Disney to approach new aspect, which lead Disney to permeate in every aspects of life.How wide ranging are its present operations?Disney ’s industry distributes in various fields, which include medianetworks, park and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products,interactive.Figure 1: from Disney annual report 2014Figure 2: the percetage of revenue of Disney Comany, from Disney annual report 2014 MediaNetwork43%Parks andResorts31%StudioEntertainment 15%Consumer Products 8%Interactive3%The major revenue of DisneyCompany segmentsAccording to these two graph, the revenue of media network and parks andresorts are most important contributions of Disney Company, which occupymore than half of revenue, almost 74%. And this was due to high programesales at broadcasting and high quality amenities of theme parks (Disneyannual report, 2014).How globalised are its current operations?Disney channels can be a specific example. “The Disney Channels includes over 100 channels available in 34 languages and 164 countries/territories”(Disney annual report, 2014). Therefore, Disney has reached most marketsaround the world.Figure 3: from Disney annual report 2014Figure 4: the overseas revenue of Disney Comany in 2014, from Disney annual report2014According to figure 4, United States and Canada are the most importantmarkets which contributed $36,769 million in 2014. And from figure 5, wecan see that the most income of overseas market is Europe. However Asia as the second market shows a significant increase by compared with the other areas, which shows that Asia market is becoming more important in global market of Disney.In the fields that Disney has apporached, their Theme Parks can be looklike a most useful business method to enlarge their overseas markets. For example, before the Hong Kong Disney land built, Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region (HKSAR) invested $2.9 billion which includedinfrastructure improvement and loans to this Disney land and also earnedabout $780 million from the joint venture (Matusitz, 2009). At the sametime, Disney made “four glocalization changes ” to adapt Chinese people ’s preference.“They are (1) reduction of prices; (2) adaptation to local visitors ‘ customs; (3) change ofd écors and settings; (4) 62236181650529903333393012951506160901000200030004000500060007000201220132014overseas revenueEurope Asia Pacific Latin America and Otheradaptation of labor practices” (Matusitz, p.671, 2009). Based on these “four glocalization changes”, Hong Kong Disneyland was more successful.How does Disney influenced by the shareholders and directors? According to Disney Company annual report in 2014, Robert A. Iger isChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Disney. And there are the fivemajor shareholders of Disney Company:Institutional SummaryNon-institutional Shares39%Institutional Shares61%Figure 5: the ownership sumary of Disney Comany, from NASDAQFigure 6: Top 5 Holders of Institutional Holdings of Disney Comany, from NASDAQ From these two pie chart, we can see that Institutional Shares hold 61% ofDisney Company’s stock. And the main shareholder of Disney Company is The Vanguard Group which is an American investment management company. Disney Company can be influenced and developed through cooperation with company from interlocking shareholders and interlocking directorships,which can be distribute in three areas: Financial institutions, food anddrink companies and digtial companies. The diversification of cooperationcan be found in many ways, like economy, political and cultural networks.Board of Directors Interlocking CompanySusan E. Aronld The Carlyle Group, McDonalds Corporation John S. Chen Blackberry, Ltd., Sybase Inc.Jack Dorsey Twitter, Inc., Square, Inc.,Robert A. Iger The Walt Disney CompanyFred H. Langhammer Estée Lauder Companies Inc., The ShinseiBankAylwin B. Lewis Potbelly Sandwich, Starwood Hotels &Resorts WorldwideMonica C. Lozano U.S. Hispanic Media, Inc.,ImpremediaLLC, Bank of America CorporationRobert W. Matshullat Visa Inc., The Seagram Company Ltd.Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated,TheClorox CompanySheryl K. Sandberg Facebook, Inc., Google Inc., StarbucksCorp.Orin C. Smith Starbucks Corporation, Nike, Inc.,Conservation International, Deloitte &ToucheFigure 7: Board of Directors of Disney Company, from The Walt Disney CompanyThe figure 8 can clearly show the interlocking company of Disney Company.As we can see from this table, Langhammer and Lozano are two directors ofDisney, at the same time they are the directors of The Shinsei Bank andBank of America Corporation separately. They can give Disney Company abetter financial support and economic security. It is also a stable capitalchain of Disney Company.Disney Company and interlocking company cooperation may promote Disney’s market policy. For example, Smith has served as the director of Nike whichhas a great market share in Chinese market and sponsors many events inChina. Therefore, the connection between Disney and Nike may acceleratesDisney’s step to enter Chinese market and changes the attitude or policytoward Chinese market. Further more, Disney and Nike have launch sportsshoe together ever which played an advocacy role for both brand.Disney Company has its own theme parks and resorts, and those hotels andfacilities come from the interlocking companys, like Starwood Hotels &Resorts Worldwide or Deloitte & Touche. Seagram, starbucks and McDonalds companies provide Disney a great convience for food and drinks. Thoseinterlocking companies may in the Disneyland or nearby the Disneyland,which means Disney also gives them a opportunity to achieve the situationof win-win.The interlocking companies of Disney include internet engine, software andsocial network sites like Google, Facebool, Twitter and Sybase, providingDisney technical support and new platform to branding itself. Taking Googleas an example, in 2014, Google and Disney had team up to launch Disney,Pixar and Marvel movies on any device via Google Play(Buhr, 2014).This cooporation can let more people to download Disney movies, no matter whatapp people are using, they can easily download Disney movies through Google account. Disney and Marvel fans will be able to use any computer or cellphone no matter what software system and watch their movies. This shiftsatisfys the customer’s need and retain more Disney fans.Advice to Disney Company“ Disney Company covers an extremely wide rang of media/ entertainment activities, from traditional television and film viewing, to theme parkvisits and sport event attendance ” (Wasko, 2013). It is definitely a diversified entertainment company. The success of Disney Company can be related to its diversified activities. At the same time, Disney Companyrelies on wide as well as high quality range of products, establishing awell industry brand. With the expansion of Disney industry, it merger a lotof competitive companies like Miramax Films, Pixar and ABC, which reduced competition of market, promoted the capability of Disney and enlarge the extent of Disney Company. Therefore, the superior market share is one ofthe strengths of Disney Company.However, there are still some weaknesses hidden behind the great advantages of Disney Company. The continued growth of high cost of services and products is a problem for Disney. According to the Disney annual report in 2014, the cost of service increased 6% (almost $1.3 billion) compared with 2013, which was because the higher programming costs at ESPN and ABC Television Networks. And the cost of products increased 2% (almost $120 million). Besides the costs of Disney Company, how to overcome the cultural difference and policy issues are quite weakness for Disney to develop new markets. By compared with North America, the revenue from other regions is much less. Taking Asia as an example, the difference of culture background and policy, Disney Company can only has the theme parks or releases filmsin Asia, the channels like ESPN or ABC cannot have a place. It is an issuefor Disney Company to breakthrough.Disney Company still holds many opportunities which can make the company to grow up. The popularity of internet can be seen as a business opportunity. Nowadays, most of people use internet especially social networks more frequently this situation not only happens on adults also on children.Therefore Disney Company can catch this opportunity to branding themselves on internet, which can be like an advertisement or an online game. From market aspect, Asia as the most population in the world has a lot ofchances for Disney Company to develop and then Disney may has more market shares. Disney Company will grow further by taking those opportunities.There are some threats that Disney Company need to pay attention to. The economic environment is an uncontrollable risk for Disney Company. “Turmoil in the financial markets could increase our cost of borrowing and impede access to or increase the cost of financing our operations and investments” (Disney annual report, 2014). At the same time, under this condition, it can increases the cost of borrowing and makes it difficult toget financing. Another threat is potential competitors, even after Disney Company acquired many diversified corporations. Disney Company needs a large number to make it run which lead to high costs of wage, medical feesand allowance. Disney annual report stated that there are about,000 employees working in Disney Company. Therefore, the huge expenditure is not a small burden for Disney Company. However, a variety of unpredictable events are a potential threat which may reduce demand for products of Disney.Although there are a lot of weakness and threats, Disney Company has strategies to alter that. In order to avoid the threat of uncontrollable economy, it requires Disney Company to alter the business strategy or restructuring of its business, even this operation may increase the costs. Disney Company needs to attract new investments and expand new business line (Disney annual report, 2014). Maintaining a low debt ratio is usefulway to avoid the problem of financing. In addition, Disney should limit theincreasing of costs to look for cheaper labor in global markets.Disney can improve their level of localization to narrow the culturaldifference and reduce competition when they expand their global markets.For example, Happy Valley is a famous amusement park in china which willshare the market with Disneyland. Disney can increase the localization ofelements and in some extent reduce the price of ticket to promote competitiveness.Nowadays, people have variety ways to use media. Mobile phone is amainstream in people’s daily life, presenting that Disney should keep paceof technology. The apartment of Disney could develop their own applicationsfor their consumers. As Disney annual report said in 2014, “The media entertainment and internet businesses in which we participate increasinglydepend on our ability to successfully adapt to shifting patterns of content consumption through the adoption and exploitation of new technologies.”Therefore, the priority place should be given to keep pace with new mediaand new technologies for Disney in the future.ReferencesBuhr, S. (2014). Disney And Google Partner Up For Disney Movies Anywhere Access On Google Play. Techcrunch. Retrieved 16 November, 2015 fromhttp://techcrunch./2014/11/03/disney-and-google-partner-up-for-disney-movies-anywhere-access-on-google-play/Columbia Journalism Review. (2013). THE Walt Disney Company Timeline.Retrieved 13 November, 2015 from /resources/?c=disneyGrover, R. (1997). The Disney touch: Disney, ABC & the quest for the world's greatest media empire. Chicago: Irwin Professional Pub.Matusitz, J. 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