
这是欧美音乐向大家介绍的160种目前能分出的音乐类型......这两天的音乐风格喜好大调查的投票中,有些同学说管理员的分类太业余.欧美音乐希望对目前流行的音乐风格做一个基本的调查,如果像这160种都分下,恐怕大家也很难有耐心看完.音乐分类本来就仁者见仁智者见智.各位同学对音乐有不同的理解和认知.如何分类也是永远讨论不完的问题.那现在欧美音乐就向各位同学列出流行音乐风格160种所有的介绍,文字有些长,不知道各位同学能不能耐心的看完.如果大家对某种音乐类型有一种模糊的概念.大家就积极分享本日志吧!1.Acid Jazz(酸性爵士)这类音乐是成长在爵士、funk、hip-hop之间的音乐。
在80年代中期和90年代初,一些酸性爵士的艺术家们显露出来:出现了一些乐队,如Stereo MCs,Jame Taylor Quartet,the Brand New Heavies,Groove Collective,Galliano和Jamiroquai,以及一些室内音乐设计,象Palm Skin,Productions,Mondo Grosso,Outside 和United Future Organization等等。
2.Acid Rock(酸性摇滚)酸性摇滚是幻觉摇滚的一种激烈、大声的变奏。
它吸取了盛期已过的Cream和Jimi Hendrix即席演奏的精华。

American music major types
Hip Hop(嘻哈) R&B (节奏) Rock&roll(摇滚乐) American country music (美国乡村音乐) Classical(古典) …
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Hip hop is begin about 20 years ago , it’s an American street black culture, also referring to rap. Hip hop includes rhythm (expression to speak), (rhyme, playing and dancing street, crow turntable skill art. So hip hop rap is just a kind of culture - with other elements, dance, clothing, life attitude to constitute a complete hip hop - text.
The best soul/R&B singer
Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖
R&B singer global sales of the best
全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手

Taylor Alison Swift 泰勒· 斯威夫特
American country music female artist, will use acoustic guitar, piano.
Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 Best New Artist 最佳新人奖
Development history 发展历史
Medieval Period 中世纪时期 (1450年前) Major in poetry主要以诗篇为主 Baroque 巴洛克时期 (约为公元1600—1750) Fantasia, overture幻想曲、序曲
Classical古典主义时期(约公元1750—1820) Sonata奏鸣曲 Romanticism浪漫主义时期(约为公元1820—1900) This period of music pay more attention to express one's mental state and subjective feelings, the natural scenery of the performance also increasingly prominent, the creation of ethnic and folk music on the use of more attention and frequent. 这一时期的音乐更注重表达人的精神境界与主观感情,对自然景物的 表现也愈加突出,创作上对民族和民间音乐的利用更加重视与频繁。
R. Kelly是美国R&B 和说唱音乐中最出色的歌 手,制作人和词曲作者之 一,由他制作的音乐总能 很好的把说唱音乐,R&B 音乐以及灵魂乐完美的融 合在一起并创造出优美的 旋律,因而能够得到R. Kelly制作的专辑决不会让 歌迷的耳朵受罪,同时他 本人还是90年代专辑销量 最好的男歌手之一。

美国通俗音乐分类:1.Jazz; 1) traditional jazz---- a) blues, 代表人物:Billy Holiday b)ragtime(切分乐曲): 代表人物:Scott Joplin c)New Orleans jazz (= Dixieland jazz) eg: Louis Armstron d)swing eg: Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, etc. e)bop (=bebop, rebop) eg: Lester Young, Charlie Parker etc. 2)modern jazz ------ a) cool jazz(=progressive jazz)高雅爵士乐。
Eg: Kenny G. b)third-stream jazz. Eg: Charles Mingus, John Lewis. c) main stream jazz. d)avant-garde jazz. e) soul jazz. Eg: Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald f) Latin jazz. 2.gospel music 福音音乐,主要源于Nero spirituals. Eg. Dolly Parker, Mahalia Jackson 3.Country and Western music. Eg. John Denver, Tammy Wynette, Kenny Rogers, etc. 4. Rock music-----------a)rock and roll eg: Elvis Prestley(US) , the Beatles(UK.) b)folk rock Eg: Bob Dylon, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Bruce Springsteen, Lionel Riche etc. c)punk rock d)acid rock e)rock jazz eg: M.J. McLaughlin f) Jurassic rock 5.Music for easy listening (i.e. light music )Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. From the very beginning, music was regarded as an indispensable accompaniment; when the Lumiere films were shown at the first public film exhibition in the United States in February 1896, they were accompanied by piano improvisations on popular tunes. At first, the music played bore no special relationship to the films; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient. Within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.As movie theaters grew in number and importance, a violinist, and perhaps a cellist, would be added to the pianist in certain cases, and in the larger movie theaters small orchestras were formed. For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualification for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces. Since the conductor seldom saw the films until the night before they were to be shown(if indeed, the conductor was lucky enough to see them then), the musical arrangement was normally improvised in the greatest hurry.To help meet this difficulty, film distributing companies started the practice of publishing suggestions for musical accompaniments. In 1909, for example, the Edison Company began issuing with their films such indications of mood as“ pleasant”, “sad”, “lively”. The suggestions became more explicit, and so emerged the musical cue sheet containing indications of mood, the titles of suitable pieces of music, and precise directions to show where one piece led into the next.Certain films had music especially composed for them. The most famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for D.W Griffith’s film Birth of a Nation, which was released in 1915.Note:美国通俗音乐分类:1.Jazz;1) traditional jazz---- a) blues, 代表人物:Billy Holidayb)ragtime(切分乐曲): 代表人物:Scott Joplinc)New Orleans jazz (= Dixieland jazz) eg: Louis Armstrond)swing eg: Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, etc.e)bop (=bebop, rebop) eg: Lester Young, Charlie Parker etc.2)modern jazz ------ a) cool jazz(=progressive jazz)高雅爵士乐。
American Music 美国的音乐介绍PPT

Rock and roll
Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from a combination of African American blues, jump blues, country, jazz, and gospel music. 蓝 调, 跳跃蓝调, 国家, 爵士, 和 福音音 乐 Though elements of rock and roll can be heard in country records of the 1930s,and in blues records from the 1920s,rock and roll did not acquire its name until the 1950s
American Music
Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of a mix of African and European music traditions. Its African pedigree is evident in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swung note. 蓝色笔记, 即兴, 复节奏, 中 略 和 摇摆音符。From its early development until the present day, jazz has also incorporated elements from American popular music.

R. Kelly American R&B and rap music is the most outstanding singer, songwriter and producer, making him one of the music can always very good music rap music, R&B and soul perfect confluence is together and create beautiful melody, thus can get r. Kelly produced album never let the fans, and he himself suffer ear or 1990s album sales of the best male singer.
Happy moment
• Excuse me this three sections of music belong to which kinds of music respectively?
R. Kelly是美国R&B和说唱音乐 中最出色的歌手,制作人和词曲 作者之一,由他制作的音乐总能 很好的把说唱音乐,R&B音乐以 及灵魂乐完美的融合在一起并创 造出优美的旋律,因而能够得到R. Kelly制作的专辑决不会让歌迷的 耳朵受罪,同时他本人还是90年 代专辑销量最好的男歌手之一。

1. 流行音乐(pop music)在英美文化中占据重要地位,它通常包括流行歌曲(pop songs),摇滚(rock)、嘻哈(hip-hop)、电
子(electronic)和乡村音乐(country music)等。
2. 英美乡村音乐(country music)起源于南方农村地区,通常
3. 摇滚(rock)是20世纪50年代诞生于美国的一种音乐类型,其根源可以追溯到布鲁斯(blues)和乡村音乐等风格。
4. 嘻哈(hip-hop)是20世纪70年代在纽约市的黑人社区兴起
5. 电子音乐(electronic music)起源于20世纪50年代,通常是由电子合成器和计算机生成的。
6. 英美音乐也有很多受到古典音乐和爵士(jazz)等传统音乐的影响的音乐类型,如摇篮曲(lullaby)、民谣(folk)等。
7. 在英美音乐中,一些具有代表性的歌手和乐团包括The Beatles、Michael Jackson、Elvis Presley、Madonna、Coldplay等。

260种音乐风格中英对照大全Acid Jazz 酸性爵士Acid Rock 酸性摇滚Acid Techno 酸性数码Adult Alternative 成人另类Adult Alternative Pop/Rock 成人另类流行/摇滚Adult Contemporary 成人时代Album Rock 专辑摇滚Alternative Country-Rock 另类乡村摇滚Alternative Dance 另类舞曲Alternative Metal 另类金属Alternative Pop/Rock 另类流行/摇滚Alternative Rap 另类说唱Aladdin 阿拉丁风格Ambient 氛围音乐Ambient Pop 氛围流行Ambient Techno 氛围数码American Punk 美国朋克American Trad Rock 美国传统摇滚American Underground 美国地下Anarchist Punk 无政府主义朋克Arena Rock 舞台摇滚Art rock 艺术摇滚Argentina 阿根廷(带这个单词,大部分都是指有阿根廷特色的风格)Aussie Rock 澳洲摇滚Baroque Pop 巴洛克流行Ballad 民歌(叙事曲)Ballroom dance 亦称:舞会舞Ballet 芭蕾(源于古代拉丁语 ballo)Band 乐团Beat 拍子(节奏型的拍子特别明显的意思)Be Bop 上乘爵士Beatles 披头四合唱团Beguine 土风舞Big-Band 大乐队Blues 布鲁斯Bluegrass Music 蓝草音乐(20世纪40年代,在肯塔基州的山区还出现了乡村音乐的另一个分支)Blue-Eyed Soul 灵魂乐Blues-Rock 蓝调摇滚Bossa-Nova 波萨诺瓦Bossa 波沙Bolonase 波罗涅兹Boogie 布吉音乐(黑人摇摆)Boree 布雷舞曲Big Beat 重打击乐British Blues 英国蓝调British Folk 英国民谣British Invasion 英国入侵British Metal 英国金属British Psychedelia 英国迷幻British Punk 英国朋克British Rap 英国说唱British Trad Rock 英国传统摇滚Britpop 英伦摇滚Broadway 百老汇Brass Band 管乐队Celtic 凯尔特音乐Celtic Fusion Celtic FusionCeltic New Age 凯尔特新浪潮Celtic Pop 凯尔特流行Celtic Rock 凯尔特摇滚Chamber Pop 会所流行Christmas 圣诞音乐Cha Cha 恰恰舞Club/Dance 舞曲Color Pop 有色彩的流行乐Country 乡村音乐Cool Jazz 酷爵士College Rock 学院摇滚Comedie Ballet 芭蕾喜剧Comedy Rock 喜剧摇滚Computer Music 计算机音乐Contemporary Celtic 当代凯尔特Contemporary Instrumental 工业时代Country 乡村音乐Country-Rock 乡村摇滚Dark Ambient 黑暗氛围Dance-drama 舞剧Dance 舞蹈Death Metal/Black Metal 死亡/黑色金属Detroit Rock 底特率摇滚Disco 迪斯科Dixie 迪克西Doom Metal 厄运金属Dream Pop 梦幻流行East Coast Rap 西海岸说唱Easy Disco 简单的迪斯科Electronica 电子Ethnic Fusion Ethnic FusionEuro-Pop 欧洲流行Experimental 试验音乐Experimental Jungle 试验舞曲Experimental Rock 试验摇滚Experimental Techno 数码试验Foxtrot 狐步舞Kool 酷儿拍子(延续爵士乐风格一贯蓝调与福音诗歌而来,活泼、律动感的伴奏风格)Folk 民谣Folk-dance 民间舞Folk-Jazz 民谣爵士Folk-Rock 民谣摇滚Funk Metal 疯克金属Funk "芬克"或"疯克"(以十六分音符为根基,同时融合了布鲁斯元素,并一向以其夸张的歌词和表演著称)Funky Breaks 骤停打击乐Fusion 融合爵士Funny 滑稽舞蹈Garage Punk 车库朋克Garage Rock Revival 复兴车库摇滚Gavotte 加沃特舞曲German Rock 德国摇滚Glam Rock 迷惑摇滚Glitch 电子脉冲Goth Metal 哥特金属Goth Rock 哥特Gospel music 福音音乐Grindcore 碾核Grunge 车库Group dance 群舞Groove 律动风格就是有节奏、动、有劲的意思!Guitar Virtuoso 吉他鉴赏家Haba Nera 哈巴涅瓦Hair Metal 微金属Hard Rock 硬摇滚Hardcore Punk 硬核朋克Hardcore Rap 硬核说唱Hardcore Techno 硬核数码Harmonic-Bar 多段压缩器Harmonic Bar单元Half Rock 有一半摇滚元素的风格Heavy Metal 重金属/重摇摆乐House 歌剧Indie Pop 独立流行Indie Rock 独立摇滚Industrial 工业Industrial Dance 工业舞曲Industrial Metal 工业金属Instrumental Rock 器乐摇滚Irish 爱尔兰(带这个单词,大部分都是指有爱尔兰特色的风格)Italian 意大利(带这个单词,大部分都是指有意大利特色的风格)JAZZ 爵士Jazz Waltz 爵士圆舞曲Jazz-Combo 小型爵士乐团Jazz-Rap 爵士说唱Jazz-Rock 爵士摇滚Jazz-Band 爵士乐乐团Jive 牛仔舞Jump Blues 跳跃布鲁斯Jungle/Drum ''N Bass 舞曲/鼓与贝斯Kraut Rock 德国摇滚Latin Rock 拉丁摇滚Latin Swing 拉丁摇摆舞L.A. Punk 洛杉朋克Latin Rock 拉丁摇滚Lo-Fi 低保真Listening 聆听的意思,带这个词的曲风大部分都是一种不吵人的音乐的风格March 进行曲Mambo(A)曼波舞Masque 假面舞Madchester 曼切斯特音乐Mexican Shuffle 墨西哥曳步舞(摇曳)Merseybeat 默西之声Minuet 小步舞曲Motown Rock 现代摇滚乐风格Nashville Sound 纳什维尔之声(乡村音乐的一种,20世纪50年代,纳什维尔成了乡村音乐的集中营,著名的乡村音乐家大部分都来自这里)New Romantic 新浪漫New Wave 新浪潮New Wave of British Heavy Metal 英国重金属新浪潮New York Punk 纽约朋克No Wave 无浪潮Noise Pop 噪音流行Old-March 以前的进行曲Old-Latin Rock 以前的拉丁摇滚Old-Blues 以前的布鲁斯Oriental 东方的风格Operetta 轻歌剧风格Party polka 宴会波尔卡舞Pasodoble 斗牛舞Passepied 巴斯皮耶舞曲Pop 流行Pop Underground 地下流行Pop/Rock 流行/摇滚Pop-Metal 流行金属Post-Grunge 后车库Post-Punk 后朋克Post-Rock/Experimental 后摇滚/试验Power Metal 能量金属POLKA 波尔卡POCK 摇滚乐Political Folk 政治民谣Political Reggae 政治雷吉Progressive House 前卫歌剧Progressive Metal 前卫金属Prog-Rock/Art Rock 前卫/艺术摇滚Proto-Punk 原型朋克Psychedelic 迷幻音乐Psychedelic Pop 迷幻流行Pub Rock 酒吧摇滚Punk 朋克Punk Metal 朋克金属Punk Revival 复兴朋克Punk-Pop 流行朋克Queercore 同性恋核QuickStep 快步Rap-Metal 说唱金属Rave 锐舞Reggae 雷格摇摆乐Real Rock 真正的摇滚乐Rhythm Jazz 节奏爵士Rhumba 伦巴Rigaudon 里戈东舞曲Rock & Roll 摇滚Rockabilly 山区乡村摇滚Roots Reggae 根源雷吉Rock‘N’ROLL 摇滚Samba 桑巴舞Salsa 萨尔萨乐Fast Pop 节奏速度比较快的流行风格Scandinavian Metal 斯堪的纳维亚金属Seguine 贝圭英Serenade 小夜曲Shoegazing 自赏摇滚Shuffle 曳步舞(摇曳)Singer/Songwriter 演唱者/歌曲作者Slow 慢摇Slow Rock慢摇滚乐Slow 慢步舞Slowcore 慢核Soft Rock 慢摇滚Social dance 社交舞Swing 摇摆舞Swing-Jazz 摇摆-爵士Soul 灵魂乐Speed 快速进行Speed Metal 速度金属Stoner Metal 石人金属Standard Pop 标准的流行乐SynthPop 流行合成器Sunshine Pop 阳光流行Surf 海浪音乐Swedish Pop/Rock 瑞典流行/摇滚Symphonic Black Metal 黑色交响Synth Pop 合成器流行乐Tango 探戈Techno 数码Thrash 鞭挞金属Trance 迷幻节奏Trip-Hop Trip-HopTwee Pop 矫饰流行Twist 扭扭舞Unplugged 没差电的意思Unplugged Guitar 不插电的木箱吉他的伴奏曲风UK xxxx 在一般时候是指有英国特色的曲风,如(UK Tango)就是"英国探戈"的意思。

“Mariah Carey(流行),Shania Twain(乡村),Gloria Estephan(拉丁),Aretha Franklin (灵歌),乡村、节奏、波普,然后产生合一的摇滚主要有分黑白人两种,黑人: jazz Bruce Soul R&B(节奏布鲁斯) Hiphop rap;白人:流行、摇滚、乡村、电子等等。
十大欧美音乐类型的介绍⒈ R&B(HIP-HOP)R&B的全名是Rhythm & Blues,一般译作"节奏怨曲"。
近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的Hip Hop和Rap都源於R&B,并且同时保存着不少R&B成分。
⒉ RAP<说唱乐>说唱乐的起源可以追溯到黑人音乐根源中吟咏的段落中,到了70年代说唱乐正式确立了自己的风格,其中最主要的功劳要归根于当时流行的迪斯科舞厅中的DJ们,他们将黑人当时正在风行的FUNK节奏混入流行的迪斯科节奏中,并且在唱片机上反复重复同一张的唱片的内容,做自己的LOOPS,随着那些在现在广为人知和DJ们普遍应用的“打碟”法出现,说唱开始被街头黑人文化所流传,并且衍生出相当丰富的分支,诸如西海岸说唱乐(West Coast Rap)、南部说唱乐(Southern Rap)、流行说唱乐(Pop Rap)、老派说唱乐(Old Schold)、中西部说唱乐(Midwest Rap)、拉丁说唱(Latin Rap)、硬核说唱(Hardcore Rap)、黑帮说唱(Gangsta Rap)、外来说唱乐(Foreign Rap)、东海岸说唱乐(East Coast Rap)、过渡说唱乐(Crossover Rap)、喜剧说唱乐(Comedy Rap)、基督教说唱(Christian Rap)、另类说唱乐(Alternative Rap)等等,我们现在所谓的HIP-HOP正是由这些流派综合了当今流行元素而诞生的新词汇。

"I Want to Hold Your
Hand“ "Louie Louie" "Blowin' in the Wind"
• Hip hop first emerged among young urban blacks in New York City during the late 1970’s/early 1980’s.
• By the late 1990’s Hip-hop had become more popular than Rock music in America.
The four elements of hip-hop
• Rapping • DJ-ing
• Break dancing
• Graffiti Art
Pop Music
Pop music is hard to describe because it’s just music that is popular at any given time. Pop music may be very similar to Rap, R&B, Rock or even Country music but it is designed to have mass appeal.
Rock Origins
• Early Rock music actually came from R&B. • Unfortunately, this was a product of racism
Rock Music
• Even though Rock music keeps changing through the years, the drums and electric guitar are always there. • Most Rock fans are white people

Hip hop music 嘻哈音乐
Hip hop music
• Hip hop music, also referred • 嘻哈音乐,也被称
to as rap music, is a music
genre(流派) typically
consisting of a rhythmic vocal style called rap which is accompanied with backing
• Practice is the most important thing RAP bite word and secondly on speed and feeling. Especially English pronunciation clear right, the RAP is especially important. Because the RAP, but not speaking soon despite completely is unclear. The RAP even read English, so if you pay attention to practice English RAP you intend to do, now is the first reading English articles, loudly read, read familiar with! Then slowly and language training pronunciation.
Rock and Roll
•Rock and Roll •摇滚
Your crazy Rock (London) is a 摇滚摇滚是是一一种音种乐音类型乐,起类

Michael Jackson Lady Gaga
Pop music
Who is king of pop? A.Michael jackson, B.michael jordan, C.michael boltonD.Jay-z
smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple.
Taylor Alison Swift 泰勒· 斯威夫特
express emotion rationally Widely accepted for a long time
Groove Coveragehe 1940s and 1950s end of early American pop
Come from R&B
Drum electric guitar
Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of ~, founder of the ~. Bill Haley
~ godfather
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Simple repeated chord Originate: African Am More popular than jazz Root! 3Topic: Being in love Falling out of love sex
Elvis Aron Presley
Recommend repertoire 推荐曲目
Heartbreak Hotel
Moody Blue
Burning Love Way Down
Crazy 疯狂

The best soul/R&B singer
最佳灵魂乐/R&B女歌手 Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖 Global sales of the best female R&B singer 全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手
Rock&roll was originated in the late 1940s of the United States, and became popular in the early 1950s in the world. The young people around the world are attracted by rock&roll with its flexible bold expression and passion music rhythm expression of emotion. 摇滚是一种音乐类型,起源于1940年代末期 的美国,1950年代早期开始流行,迅速风靡全球。 摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音 乐节奏表达情感,被全世界年轻人所吸引。
The classical period古典主义时期(约公元1750—1820) Sonata奏鸣曲
Romanticism浪漫主义时期(约为公元1820—1900) This period of music paid more attention to express one's mental state and subjective feelings.Folk music is used frequently. 这一时期的音乐更注重表达人的民间音乐的利用更加重视与频繁。
Portions(部分) of the culture began spreading into the mainstream during the early 1980s; by the 1990s, hip hop culture had spread all over the world.

这是芝加哥的DJ玩出的音乐,他们将德国电子乐团Kraftwerk的一张唱片和电子鼓(DrumMachine)规律的节奏及黑人蓝调歌声混音在一起,House 就产生啦~一般翻译为"浩室"舞曲,为电子舞曲最基本的型式,4/4拍的节奏,一拍一个鼓声,配上简单的旋律,常有高亢的女声歌唱.DISCO 流行后,一些DJ将它改变,有心将DISCO变得较为不商业化,BASS 和鼓变得更深沈,很多时变成了纯音乐作品,即使有歌唱部分也多数是由跳舞女歌手唱的简短句子,往往没有明确歌词。

Rhythm and Blues is the full translation of “R&B”. Today, R&B music has become the pronoun of black popular, although it is more of a kind of difference in Rap, Soul, Urban song (music by the situation) types of special audience and record circles mentioned.
Ella Fitzgerald 艾拉·费兹杰拉
雅号艾拉夫人(Lady Ella,即爵士乐第一夫人,英文First Lady of jazz),美国歌手,被公认为20世纪最重要的爵士乐歌手之一,与比 莉·霍利戴(Billie Holiday)和莎拉·沃恩(Sarah Vaughan)齐名。
凭借著横跨三个八度音阶的歌喉,她以纯洁的音色、近乎完美无缺的 分节和音准著称。当中,她的拟声吟唱(scat singing),更特显出 像喇叭声一样的即兴表演的才华。她亦被普遍认为是《Great American Songbook》歌曲的最佳演绎者之一。
The best soul/R&B singer 最佳灵魂乐/R&B女歌手 Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖 R&B singer global sales of the best 全球销量最佳R&B女歌手
Rock and Roll 摇滚
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Rap godfather(说唱界教父 )
Real Name(本名) Shawn Corey Carter
American hip-hop music artist, entrepreneur. In April 2008 with Beyonce marriage. Most NBA players are listening to songs of JAY – Z 美国嘻哈音乐艺术家、企业 家,于在2008年4月4日与碧 昂丝结婚。NBA大部分球员 都是听着JAY-Z的歌长大的
R. Kelly是美国R&B 和说唱音乐中最出色的歌 手,制作人和词曲作者之 一,由他制作的音乐总能 很好的把说唱音乐,R&B 音乐以及灵魂乐完美的融 合在一起并创造出优美的 旋律,因而能够得到R. Kelly制作的专辑决不会让 歌迷的耳朵受罪,同时他 本人还是90年代专辑销量 最好的男歌手之一。
R&B的全名是Rhythm & Blues,一般译作 “节 奏布鲁斯”(R&B),时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人 流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别 于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌(Urban)的 音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。
Early in the rock, R&B, it is the basis for the popular music influence "country and western music". R&B is not only in the blues and rock music is a kind of important between the music, it still transition between Bruce and soul music is the most important.
Leonard Bernstein 伦纳德· 伯恩斯坦 (1918~1990)
Drums 鼓
Autoharp 竖琴
Classical 古典乐
Classical music is overcastted test, for all the dust, like music. Classical music is an independent schools, artistic pursuit ", rationally washs practice expressing emotion. 古典音乐是历经岁月考验,久盛不 衰,为众人喜爱的音乐。古典音乐 是一个独立的流派,艺术手法讲求 洗练,追求理性地表达情感。
Taylor Alison Swift 泰勒· 斯威夫特
American country music female artist, will use acoustic guitar, piano.
Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 Best New Artist 最佳新人奖
R&B Rhythm and Blues is full of translation "R&B," (R&B), today, R&B music has become the pronoun of black popular, although it is more of a kind of difference in Rap (Rap), Soul (there), Urban song (music by the situation) types of special audience and record circles mentioned.
Jimmie Rodgers
——Country music's father
Jimmie Rodgers to American country music's influence is huge, although most of his career in the U.S. economy is the weakest, and he spent time and often focus on the performance of the poorest regions, but when we are in his album covers read: "in his heyday, have not bounteous villagers grocery store and bought some necessities, all will have another of his latest album," we won't. He is "the village will sing guy", but also people hero. JimmieRodgers对美国乡村音乐的影响是巨大的,尽 管他的演艺生涯大部分是在美国经济最不景气的时期度过, 而他的演出又常集中在最贫穷的地区,但当我们在他的纪念 专辑封套上读到:“在他的全盛期,手头并不宽裕的村民踏 进商店,买了一些生活必须品之后,全都会再要一张他的最 新唱片”时,我们不会不为之感动.他是“村里会唱歌的小 伙子”,也是老百姓心中的英雄.
The best soul/R&B singer
最佳灵魂乐/R&B女歌手 Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖 R&B singer global sales of the best 全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手
Rock&roll music is a kind of type, originated in the 1940s and 1950s end of early American pop, quickly became popular in the world. Rock with its flexible bold expression and passion music rhythm expression of emotion, the young people around the world. 摇滚是一种音乐类型,起源于1940年代末期 的美国,1950年代早期开始流行,迅速风靡全球。 摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音 乐节奏表达情感,受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱。
Development history 发展历史
Medieval Period 中世纪时期 (1450年前) Major in poetry主要以诗篇为主 Baroque 巴洛克时期 (约为公元1600—1750) Fantasia, overture幻想曲、序曲
Classical古典主义时期(约公元1750—1820) Sonata奏鸣曲 Romanticism浪漫主义时期(约为公元1820—1900) This period of music pay more attention to express one's mental state and subjective feelings, the natural scenery of the performance also increasingly prominent, the creation of ethnic and folk music on the use of more attention and frequent. 这一时期的音乐更注重表达人的精神境界与主观感情,对自然景物的 表现也愈加突出,创作上对民族和民间音乐的利用更加重视与频繁。
早期的摇滚乐就是以R&B为基础的,它是 由受流行音乐影响的“乡村和西部音乐”延 展而来。R&B不仅仅是在布鲁斯和摇滚乐之 间的一种重要的过渡音乐,它还是布鲁斯和 灵魂乐之间最重要的音乐分支。
R. Kelly American R&B and rap music is the most outstanding singer, songwriter and producer, making him one of the music can always very good music rap music, R&B and soul perfect confluence is together and create beautiful melody, thus can get r. Kelly produced album never let the fans, and he himself suffer ear or 1990s album sales of the best male singer.
Heartbreak Hotel
Moody Blue
Burning Love Way金属
Guitar 吉他
Keyboard Bass
键盘 贝斯
Crazy 疯狂
Passion 激情
Country music is a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s, the traditional folk music, integration Gospel music and music, Celtic in music. Country music melody, generally very smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple. 乡村音乐是一种当代的流行音乐,起源于美国南 部与阿帕拉契山区。乡村音乐的根源可追溯至 1920年代,融合了传统民谣音乐、凯尔特音乐、 福音音乐及古时音乐。乡村音乐的曲调,一般都 很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。