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I would like to become strong in place of her,I will be strong to name rang heaven, I will become a strong swordsman the world's first
This is our little zoro, he and his companion Guina, have dreams to become the world's first swordsman, and efforts to this end 这是我们的小zoro,他与同伴古伊娜,都想成为 世界第一剑客,并努力着。但一场意外夺去古伊 娜的生命,zoro为实现他们共同的愿望奋斗着
这是一个关于梦想的故事。 茫茫 无际的大海总是能勾起人们无限 的遐想,海的那一头到底是什么? 对那些勇敢的冒险者而言,大海 的尽头就是自己的梦想,即便是 那些亡命的海贼也有着自己为之 奋斗的梦想。 This is a story about a dream. Boundless sea always evoke an unlimited source of fascination for the people, the sea and that one in the end that? For those brave risk-takers, the sea at the end is his dream, even those desperate for pirates also have their own fight for dreams
东海,西海,北海,南海,就 是这四片海所有鱼类一起存在 的海洋,那就是ALL BLUE 啊,对海砂不过厨师来说是充 满魅力的乐园,那是我的梦想 啊
This is sanji, a sea cook, he want to find a name of all blue sea. All the fish are concentrated in that, there is a cook's paradise 这是sanji,一个海上厨师, 想要找到一片名叫all blue 的海。所有的鱼都集中在 那,那里是厨师的天堂
One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is King of the Pirates - Gold D Roger. Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway. He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea - “do you want the wealth ,you can get. I put everything on there, you go! “As a result, pirates era began! 他拥有世上一切财富、声望和权力,他就是海贼王— —葛鲁多· 罗杰。他把他所有的财富埋在了伟大的航 路 。他临死前说的一句话,驱使全世界的人进入大 海——“想要我的财富吗?可以的。我把一切都放在 那里,你们去找吧!”于是,海贼时代开始了!
一个拥有卓越的测绘技 能的航海士,她有一个 画出世界地图的梦想
I want to be a brave sea warrior
我要成为一个英勇 的海上战士 This is usoppu, a child love to lie has a real dream to be a brave sea warrior 这是usoppu,一个拥 有成为海上勇士这一真 实梦想的爱说谎孩子
Next, let us look at these children's dreams 孩子们的梦想
路飞- Monkey D Luffy 罗洛亚· 索隆—Roronoa Zoro
东尼· 东尼· 乔巴— Tony
Tony Chopper
As he grew up, his dreams are more determined than 随着他的长大,他的梦想更坚定了
“路飞 你听得见吗 让你担心了 我 一定要成为世界第一的剑豪 要不然你会很伤脑筋吧 我 我不 会再输的 在打败他成为大剑豪 之前 我是绝对不会再输的 你有 意见吗 海贼王! ”
I would like to create a map of the world saw their own 我要制造一张自己亲眼看见的世 界地图
a navigator with superior surveying skills and have a dream to make a map of the world
My name is Luffy, I was a man to be One Piece
这是我们的主角路飞,他 受他年少时的’英雄红发 香克斯“的感染,立志要找 到伟大的宝藏,成为新的 海贼王。要做到这点他必 须到达致命危险的海洋: 伟大的航路 This is our leading role - Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line.