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Recently, there is an issue has arouse large numbers of net friends attention, three pupils help a older who fell to the ground and was framed by the falling older that these kids known her over. The older demanded compensation from the kids and even went to their home to live .Most netter sympathize three enthusiastic children and accuse the older make use of children’s kindness to cheat money. they also doubt nobody is going to help others in future.近日,在微博上有一件事引起广大网友的关注,三名小学生扶起一名跌倒在地上的老奶奶,却被这个老奶奶诬陷他们撞倒她,并要求这三个孩子赔偿,甚至还到孩子家住。大部分网友同情这几个热心的孩子,指责这名利用孩子善良的心骗钱的老人家,质疑今后再也不会有人帮助别人。

First of all, not every strangers are cheater, the one who take advantage from others only account for a minority of society. Just image, what if one day you are in trouble and no one wants to help you? Should we be onlookers when other people fall down or get injured in front of us? We should learn from the three kids, it isn’t their wrong of helping the older; their problem is they are unlucky to meet a fraud.


Secondly, helping other is the traditional virtue of China; we can not hesitate of helping others because of a few negative behaviors. We are educated to offer assistant to others from childhood, if everyone afraid of getting trouble and tune a blind eyes to the people in need, the society will become cold and there is only suspicion.


In fact, helping others is helping ourselves, there is an old saying in China, One good turn deserves another, which means to be a good person and keep to help others, rewards will come to nice guys first.。

