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Module 1 Unit1 What's the weather like?

Come on, Amy. Let's go to the park! What's the weather like?

It's hot. And it's sunny. Let's take our hats.

Where's my hat? It's over there. It's on the sofa.

(In the street) It's windy now. Oh, no! my hat! Here it is, Amy! Thank you, Sam. Oh no! It's raining now. Oh, sorry! Look. It's Daming.

Module 1 Unit2 I like swimming.

What's the weather like here in summer? It's hot

What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming.

What's the weather like here in winter? It's cold and it snows.

What do you like doing in window? I like skiing.


It's hot. It's cold. It's hot. It's cold. And it's raining, too.

It's sunny. And it's windy. We don't know what to do.

It's hot. It's cold. It's hot. It's cold. And it's raining, too.

It's sunny. And it's windy. Is this weather true?

Module 2 Unit 1 Sh e's listening to the radio

Look at my photos, Sam. That's your mother.

Yes, it is. She's listening to the radio. And that's your father.

Yes, it is. Look. He's reading a newspaper. Oh yes! Tom's playing with his train. And this is your little brother. And this is my new camera. Smile, please!

Module 2 Unit 2 I'm drawing a picture.

Hi. I'm Becky. I'm eight. I'm writing a letter. And I'm drawing a picture.

I'm colouring the picture. It's for my friend Fangfang in China. Do you like it? Song(歌曲):

I'm listening to music. I'm reading a book. I'm writing a letter. Come here and look.

I'm playing football. I'm talking to you. I'm doing my homework. Are you doing it, too?

Module 3 Unit1 Sam isn't tidying his room.

Sam, please do your homework! And tidy your room!

Mum, Sam isn't tidying his room. Is he doing his homework? No, he isn't. What's he doing? It's a secret. A secret? Sam, what are you doing?

This is for you, Mum. Happy birthday! A birthday card! Thank you, Sam!

Are you tidying your room now? Yes, I am. Good boy.

Module 3 Unit2 Are you doing your homework?

Are you doing your homework, Amy? Yes, Mum.

re not doing your homework!

're drawing a picture! You'Amy, you

Mum, I'm drawing a picture of flowers. It's my Science homework today!


Are you doing your homework? Are you listening to music?

Are you reading a book? Are you tidying your room?

Are you watching TV? Are you drawing a picture?

m coming to you. ' I I'm coming to your room.

What are you doing?

Unit 1 Module 4

m not.

I' No, What's that noise? Are you drinking? Hi, Amy. Hi, Lingling.

m talking to you. ' I So what are you doing? Are you eating? No, I'm not eating.

Oh, that noise! It's Tom. And what' that noise?

s playing with his train. He's he doing? What's he doing?

What'Module 4 Unit 2

with a game 's playing s What'she doing? SheWhere's Lingling, Daming? She's there.

re playing five-stones. They' What game are they playing? Amy and Sam.

(小诗):PoemPlease finish your cake! Hurry up! Hurry up! What are you doing? We're very late.

s no time to lose. 'Please put on your shoes! Hurry up! Hurry up! ThereWhat are you doing?

(It's playing time) Lingling is skipping. Module 5 Unit 1

Yes, no one is playing with me. Lingling is skipping. Fangfang, are you sad?

Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek, Daming is hiding and Dam is seeking.

Yes, I do.

Do you like clapping games? Those girls are playing clapping games.

One, two, three, four. I am opening the door. Well, let's play clapping games together!

Five, six, seven, eight. Hurry up! Don't be late.What are you playing?

Unit 2 Module 5

're playing catch. The girls are running. WeWhat are you playing?

Yes, you can. Can I play with you? The boys are catching them.

(小诗):Poem Some are running races. We're playing in the playground.

Some are playing catch.

We're having lots of fun.

Some are playing football together in a match. Running and skipping together, everyone.

I usually play basketball.

Unit 1 Module 6

s not playing basketball. s Sunday today. But he'On Sundays, I usually play basketball. It's not helping me today. ' I usually help my father. But he But he 's not riding it today. I usually ride my bike.

s not doing his homework now.
