


have/has got to do sth 不得不做某事
It’s raining. I…have got to take an umbrella.
It’s cold. You …have got to put on your coat. Tom is dirty. He …has got to take a bath. It’s late. We …have got to go home. My sister is ill. She …has got to see a doctor. I’m tired, I… have got to have a rest
It’s sunny.
• I like windy days because we can fly big kites.
• I like sunny days because we can swim and ride bikes.
• I like rainy days because we can watch TV and eat snacks.
What’s the weather like today?
It’s windy.
What’s the weather like today?
It’s cloudy.
What’s the weather like today?
•It’s rainy.
What’s the weather like today?
• I like living in the mountain.
• I like living in the fore. st.


A:Shall we go to … ?
B:----- Yes, that’s a good idea.
----No, I want to go shopping
Where did they go last summer ? What did they do in Australia? Have they learnt something from the camp? What will have next year?
toy shop
the teacher’s office
bus stop
post office
A:Which summer camp would you like to go to? B:I’d like to go to… A:Why? B:Because …
Talk about the picture, choose one.
Part 4
Shall we go to the countryside, Going somewhere on a bike?
Let’s chant
Shall we go to the swimming pool,
Taking some water and some food?
• A group of young people went to Australia last summer. They had a summer camp there.
Something about Australia
Koala bear
Which summer camp do you like ?



《剑桥国际少儿英语》第一册教案Unit9 Fun time一、教学内容剑桥国际少儿英语Unit9,Page 57-Page 59.二、目标语言重点语言:can can’t ,/f/的发音补充语言:chant复习:play football/basketball/tennis,Play the guitar,playthe piano,swim,ride a bike.三、教学目标学会can chant这首歌谣,正确掌握/f/的发音,进一步练习can 和can’t。


2. 道具手掌两个。


五、教学过程1、【warm-up 热身】① GreetingT: Good morning !Ss: Good morning !T: How do you feel today?Ss:…② Review1.Fast look. 复习上节课学过的关于衣服的单词。

2.Match the right words.3.Sing a song.4.Review the sentences. “Can you…?”“Yes, I can./No,I can’t.2、【Presentation 呈现】&【Practice 操练】Page 57,Part 7:say a chant 呈现①“Look at the picture. What can he do?”呈现chant相关图片,引出学生说出:“He can play basketball,He can…”②呈现第一段歌谣,带领学生读并比谁读的又准又快。


Page 57,Part 7:say a chant 操练①播放音频,学生跟着录音一起chant并做相应动作。


③Have a competition. The winner can get a star.Page 58,Part 8:Say it with Monty 呈现①展示图片问“What’s this”让学生说出frog。


1.Look and say.
How many children like to sunbathe?
How many children like to swim?
How many children like to play ball games?
How many children like to play with sand?
I like doing…but I don’t like doing…
❖ I like running, but I don’t like jumping. ❖ I like to run, but I don’t like to jump.
How many children like doing…?
I like doing…but I don’t like doing…
❖ I like playing on the beach , but I don’t like playing in the water.
❖ I like to play on the beach , but I don’t
chocolate. ❖ I like rabbits, but I don’t like chick. ❖ I like to drink juice, but I don’t like drink coffee. ❖ I like English, but I don’t like math.
❖ (1)I like sunny days but I don’t like rainy days. ❖ 我喜欢晴天但不喜欢下雨天。 ❖ (2)I like to play on the beach, but I don’t like to play in the water. ❖ 我喜欢在海滩玩,但不喜欢在水里玩。 ❖ (3)How many children like to play with sand? ❖ 多少小孩喜欢玩沙子呢? ❖ (4)Why do you like sunny days? ❖ 你为什么喜欢晴天呢? ❖ (5)On a cold day I watched TV at home. ❖ 在一个寒冷的日子,我在家看电视。



Unit 9 Fun time!
单元目标语言:语词 play football, play basketball, play tennis, play the guitar, play the piano, swim, ride a bike, ride a horse, sing, fish,
dive a car, Freddy Frog发音/f/
结构 I, You, He, She can/can’t…What can you do? Can you (fish)? 单元技能目标: 听能够听懂问候的常用语,教师和课本上的指令语,体育运动和活动的名称,辨别/f/的发音
第一课时 Lesson 1
课堂教学过程(40 mins)
课堂教学过程(40 mins)
课堂教学过程(40 mins)
第四课时 Lesson 4
第五课时 Lesson 5。



剑桥国际少⼉英语1第9单元⽂本剑桥国际少⼉英语1 第九单元⽂本Unit 9 Fun time!1.Listen and point.Alex: Let’s play ‘Simon says’.Everybody:OK.Simon:OK, Simon says put your hands on your head.Simon:OK, good.Simon:Now, play the piano. Oh, sorry, Lenny.Come and stand next to me.Lenny: Oops, yeah, OK.Simon:Simon says play basketball. Good. Simon says play tennis. Very good. Now play the guitar. Oh, dear, Stella. Come and standnext to Lenny.Stella:Ha ha ha! OK!Simon: OK. Meera and Alex. Simon says swim.Great! Now, play football. Oops, Alex!Stand next to Stella. OK, Alex, ‘Simonsays’stand next to Stella.Alex: Thank you!Simon: Great. Meera, Simon says ride a bike. Simon:OK, stop.Meera: Very good, Simon. Now it’s my turn.2.Listen, point and repeat.Play football, swim, play basketball, play tennis, ride a bike, play the guitar3.Sing the song.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Ride a bike.Play tennis, basketball.Play, play, play.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the M askman song.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Now let’s swim.Play football, the guitar.Play, play, play.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.4.Listen and answer.What’s number 1?What’s number 2?What’s number 3?What’s number 4?What’s number 5?What’s number 6?5.Listen and point.Suzy: Look at Mum. She can ride a horse. Can you ride a horse, Simon?Simon:No, I can’t, but I can ride a bike and I can play football and basketball too.Suzy:Ooh! Can you fish, too, Simon?Simon:No, I can’t. Grandpa can fish.Stella: Yes, he can. And grandma can draw pictures. Suzy: Look at Dad. He can sing and play the guitar. Can you play the guitar, Stella?Stella:Yes, I can, but I can’t sing. What can you do, Suzy?Suzy: I can draw and I can sing. Listen. Red and yellow and pink and green…Simon: Yes, Suzy. You can sing. Can you be quiet too?Suzy:No, I can’t…Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow…6.Listen, point and repeat.She can ride a horse.He can ride a bike.She can’t sing.She can draw.He can play the guitar.7.Say the chant.I can chant,I can chant,I can chant the ‘Can chant’.Yeah!I can play basketball,I can play the guitar,I can play football,And I can ride my car.I can’t ride a bike,I can’t swim,I can’t play tennis,And I can’t sing.But I can chant,I can chant,I can chant the ‘Can chant’.Can you chant?Can you chant?Can you chant the ‘Can chant’? Yeah!8.Listen and answer.Who can draw?Who can play basketball? Who can swim?Who can play tennis?Who can ride a horse?Who can play football?Who can play the guitar?9.Say it with Monty.Monty:Freddy frogMonty, boy and girl:Freddy frog Monty:Three friends, six feet, Four frogs, eight feet,Five fish, no feet.Monty, boy and girl:Three friends, six feet,Four frogs, eight feet,Five fish, no feet.10 . Ask and answer⾃由互动10.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Do the Maskman song, do the Maskman song. Let’s all do the Maskman song. Monty:Oooh! Look! There’s Maskman. He can ride a bike and play tennis!Trevor:I know, and he can play basketball.Monty, Trevor and Maskman:Ride a bike. Play tennis, basketball. Play, play, play.Monty: Hello, Marie.Trevor and Maskman:Hello, Marie.Trevor:Marie! Listen to the Maskman song. He can swim and he can play football!Marie:What? Pardon? Oh! Sorry, Trevor.Marie: Yes, Trevor. Maskman can swim and he can ride a bike and he can play football, but…he can’t play the guitar and he can’t sing.11.Act out the story表演故事。



❖ (1)I like sunny days but I don’t like rainy days. ❖ 我喜欢晴天但不喜欢下雨天。 ❖ (2)I like to play on the beach, but I don’t like to play in the water. ❖ 我喜欢在海滩玩,但不喜欢在水里玩。 ❖ (3)How many children like to play with sand? ❖ 多少小孩喜欢玩沙子呢? ❖ (4)Why do you like sunny days? ❖ 你为什么喜欢晴天呢? ❖ (5)On a cold day I watched TV at home. ❖ 在一个寒冷的日子,我在家看电视。
❖ I like running, but I don’t like jumping. ❖ I like to run, but I don’t like to jump.
How many children like doing…?
❖ How many children like eating ice cream? ❖ How many children like watching TV? ❖ How many children like playing with sand?
3.Listen read and answer
❖ 1.On a cloudy day I read a ____(书) ❖ 2.On a windy day I played on my ___(电脑) ❖ 3.On a fine day I took my ___(小狗) for a
walk ❖ 4.On a sunny day I went for a ride on my



第一课时A game第二课时Listening and miming the poem第三课时Playing with partners第四课时Three games第五课时A helicopter第六课时Children in Great BritainUnit 9(3) 第一课时教学内容Playing a game教学目的1.语言技能:复习由How, What以及When引导的问句及其回答,复习句式Can you …?及其回答。




教学重难点1.四会掌握单词game.2.学习并运用句子: Miss a turn. Throw again. Go back to ... Start. Finish.3.学会在实际生活中根据所提供的信息来做出相应反应。


(学生带骰子)教学步骤Step 1 Warm up1.Have dialogs:教师用“what, how, when”各提一问以及“Can you…?”,请学生回答后,让同组学生互相仿例进行对话。

2.Review words:教师说“Name two kinds of colours.”启发学生说出两种颜色名称,接着又说“Name five pets.”学生很快说出五种pets来,以同样的方式复习动物、服饰、房间、星期、月份等类别的单词.Step 2 Presentation1.学习单词,出示一游戏棋问:“What’s this?”学生回答“A game.”教师接着说“Let’s spell the word game, then play a game, ok?”学生拼读并用手书空。



剑桥国际少儿英语 U9

剑桥国际少儿英语 U9

play the piano
play the _________
1.画MASKMAN 的7个动作, 并写上相应的词组。 2.听第三部分的歌曲并表演。
Lesson 1, Unit 9
Warm up:
• play football
• play basketball
• play tennis
• play the guitar
Activity Book, P58
Pupil’s Book P59(11)
Listen and answer
• 1、Who can swim? • Maskman. • 2、Who can ride a bike? • Maskman. • 3、Who can play football? • Maskman.
1.Passing sentences one by one!
I can -----.Can you -----? 2.把写有孩子名字和句子的纸条反贴的 黑板上,让孩子依次揭下,并问纸条 上的孩子Can you------?相应的孩子做 出回答,I can-----.
Can you...?



剑桥少儿英语第二版1第九单元学习文本Unit 9 Fun time!1、ALEX: Let's play ‘Simon says'.SIMON, LENNY, MEERA, STELLA: OK.SIMON: OK, Simon says put your hands on your head. SIMON: OK, good.SIMON: Now, play the piano. Oh, sorry, Lenny. Come and stand next to me.LENNY: Oops, yeah, OK.SIMON: Simon says play basketball. Good. Simon says play tennis.Very good. Now play the guitar. Oh, dear, Stella. Come and stand next to Lenny.STELLA: Ha haha! OK!SIMON: OK. Meera and Alex. Simon says swim. Great! Now, play football. Oops, Alex! Stand next to Stella. OK, Alex, ‘Simon says' stand next to Stella.ALEX: Thank you.SIMON: Great. Meera, Simon says ride a bike.SIMON: OK, stop.MEERA: Very good, Simon. Now it's my turn.2、Play football swim play basketballplay tennis ride a bike play the guitar3、What's number 1? What's number 2?What's number 3? What's number 4?What's number 5? What's number 6?4、Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let's all do the Maskman song.Ride a bike.Play tennis, basketball.Play, play, play.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let's all do the Maskman song.Now let's swim.Play football, the guitar.Play, play, play.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let's all do the Maskman song. 5、SUZY: Look at Mum. She can ride a horse. Can you ride a horse, Simon?SIMON: No, I can't, but I can ride a bike and I can play football and basketball too.SUZY: Ooh! Can you _ sh, too, Simon?SIMON: No, I can't. Grandpa can _ sh.STELLA: Yes, he can. And Grandma can draw pictures. SUZY: Look at Dad. He can sing and play the guitar. Can you play the guitar, Stella?STELLA: Yes, I can, but I can't sing. What can you do, Suzy? SUZY: I can draw and I can sing. Listen. Red and yellow and pink and green …SIMON: Yes, Suzy. You can sing. Can you be quiet too? SUZY: No, I can't … Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow …6、She can ride a horse.He can ride a bike.She can't sing.She can draw.He can play the guitar.7、I can chant,I can chant,I can chant the ‘Can chant'.Yeah!I can play basketball,I can play the guitar,I can play football,And I can drive my car.I can't ride a bike,I can't swim,I can't play tennis,And I can't sing.But I can chant,I can chant,I can chant th e ‘Can chant'.Can you chant?Can you chant?Can you chant the ‘Can c hant'?8、Who can draw?Who can play basketball?Who can swim?Who can play tennis?Who can ride a horse?Who can play football?Who can play the guitar?9、MONTY: Hi, I'm Monty! Repeat after me! /l/ /l/ Lily/l/ /l/ blueLily's got a blue and yellow tail.Lily's got a blue and yellow tail.Lily's got a blue and yellow tail!11、Toys in the toy box,Come alive.Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.MASKMAN: Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let's all do the Maskman song.MONTY: Oooh! Look! There's Maskman. He can ride a bike and play tennis!TREVOR: I know, and he can play basketball.MONTY, TREVOR AND MASKMAN: Ride a bike. Play tennis, basketball. Play, play, play.MONTY: Hello, Marie.TREVOR AND MASKMAN: Hello, Marie.TREVOR: Marie! Listen to the Maskman song. He can swim and he can play football!MARIE: What? Pardon? Oh! Sorry, Trevor.MARIE: Yes, Trevor. Maskman can swim and he can ride a bike and he can play football, but … he can't play the guitar and he can't sing.。

剑桥国际少儿英语一级 第9单元 KB1 unit 9

剑桥国际少儿英语一级 第9单元  KB1 unit 9

She can ride a bike.
Ffffff f
忙啊忙啊忙啊 非诚勿扰
He can…
What can Maskman do? He can…
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
He can’t…
He can’t…
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What can you do? I can…
You can ride a bike.
You can ride a horse.
I can…you can… 哇塞 你看
he can…she can…
吵架!吵吵吵 吵死了!
I can…I can’t I can’t…I can Show me…
He can. Pl现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Fun Time
Simon says…
我喝醉了, 我要Do the mask man song…
What can I do?
You can You can play football. You can play tennis. You can play the guitar. You can play the piano. You can play basketball.
Can you…? Yes I can. No, I can’t.

I can… You can… He can…
. She can…
I can’t. He can’t… She can’t…


1 What can you see in the picture?
I can see … .
2 Who are they?
They are Simon, Suzy and Maskman.
• Listen, •poAinstk aanndd raenpsewaetr.
Have you got
Hat, glasses, shirt and jeans, shirt and jeans.
1 听磁带Unit9一遍 。 2 找出新学习的服饰类单词词卡,读给爸爸妈
Lesson 2, Our clothes
let’s sing a song.
1 听磁带Unit9一遍。 2 把按照自己意愿给男孩女孩穿上衣服的图片
Lesson 3, Our clothes
Warmer Let’s do a guessing game!
Is she wearing…?
Listen and point, sing.
I’ve got a black mask. And a big blue car. I’ve got black glasses, I’m the Maskman star, And I’ve got you, Monty. I’ve got you. Oh, Maskman!
let’s sing a song.



解析:要求考生用英文介绍自己的基本信息,包括姓名、年龄、爱 好等,旨在锻炼考生开口说英语的勇气和表达能力。
解析:给考生一个物品,要求其用英文描述该物品的外观、功能和 特点,旨在提高考生的语言组织能力和细节描述能力。
解析:设置一个日常生活中的情景,如购物、问路等,要求考生与 搭档进行英文对话练习,旨在培养考生的实际交流能力。
题目:写一篇关于你最喜欢的动物的文章,介绍它的特点、习性以及为什 么你喜欢它。
题目:根据所给图片和提示,写一篇关于剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit9的阅 读理解文章。
题目:根据所给话题,写一篇关于环保的短文Байду номын сангаас谈谈你的看法和建议。
题目:根据所给材料,写一篇关于健康饮食的短文,介绍健康饮食的重要 性以及如何保持健康饮食习惯。
口语练习方法: 参加英语角、与 外教交流等,增 加实际口语运用 机会。
剑桥少儿英语二 级上Unit9的阅 读理解和写作训

文 章 标 题 : T h e A d ve n t u re s of To m S a w y e r
文章内容:A brief overview of the plot and main characters of the stor y.
剑桥少儿英语二 级上Unit9的词
词汇量:本单元共有30个重点 词汇,包括动物、颜色、数字 等主题。
词性:涵盖名词、动词、形容 词等常见词性。
词义:单词含义易于理解,适 合少儿学习。
用法:重点词汇在日常生活和 学校学习中经常使用。
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Make sentences:
Do exercises:变疑问句 1.I ___ got a bag. 2.You ____got a black cat. 3.Stella ____got an orange shirt. 4.She ___got a purple dress. 5.She ___got a yellow handbag. 6.He ____got a black shirt. 7.My mother ____got a red hat. 8.My father ____got a blue car.
1.Words four lines
2.Listen to P7.9 twenty minutes.
Has she got a big car?(疑问句)
Yes, she has(肯定回答) No ,she hasn’t.(否定回答)
Sing the song:
以have引导的陈述句,变成否定 句,直接在have的后面+not,变成 疑问句直接把have提前
(当主语是第三人称单数时, have变has)
I’ve got a big house.
I’ve got a good friend. A small toy mouse. I’ve got you ,Monty. I’ve got you. Oh,Marie!
I’ve got a black mask.
And a big blue car. I’ve got black glasses.
I’m the Maskman star. And I’ve got you,Monty. I’ve got you.Oh,Maskman’ve got purple hair And a big,green nose.
And I’ve got you,Monty. I’ve got you.Oh,Trevor!
Jackie jaguar John’s jeans are orange. His giraffe’s jacket’s green.
bridge page cage giant juice June juggle jam gym jet
Sing the song: I’ve got a big garden.

二 级Unit9
He’s wearing a black
shirt. He’s wearing a pair of
1.mask 面具
She has got a car.(肯定句). She has not got a car.(否定句). =She hasn’t got a car. (has not got =hasn’t got)