
• • • • 1 狭义的翻译过程 2 理解活动的基本特征 3 广义的翻译过程 4 文本生命的扩展与延伸
1. 翻译过程的概念
• 狭义的过程:翻译者对具体文本的转换活 动过程,即翻译者选择了一个要翻译的文 本之后,将该文本由出发语向目的语转换 的过程。 • 广义的过程:包括狭义的语言转换活动, 文本的选择、文本的生成和文本生命的历 程等。
2. 狭义的翻译过程
• 2.1 对狭义翻译过程的经验型认识 2.1.1 奈达的基本翻译过程 2.1.2 旅美翻译家思果对翻译的认识 2.1.3 俄罗斯文学翻译家草婴先生的看法 2.1.4 意大利文学翻译家吕同六的翻译与研究 的关系
2.1.1 奈达的基本翻译过程
(1)分析原文 (2)将原语转换成译语 (3)重新调整译文 (4)约请有代表性的读者检验译文
释义学派:释意学派是20世纪60年代末产生 于法国的一个探讨口译与非文学文本笔译 原理与教学的学派。该派认为翻译即释意; 是译者通过语言符号和自己的认知补充对 原文意思所作的一种解释;译者应追求的 不是语言单位的对等,而是原文意思或效 果的等值:这种看法与语言学派(如 George Mounin等人)的观点差别颇大。该 派理论直接来源于口译实践,其观点对于 翻译研究有着独特的启示。
• 具体实际操作可分为8个步骤
(2)初稿应搁置一周左右后再进行修改,以便译者在修改时能够获得全 新感受,并且对自己的译文作出评价 (3)认真检查译文内容,特别着重疑问的准确性和连贯性 (4)修改后译文要再搁置几天 (5)从文体上检查译文 (6)检查译文拼写、标点符号和格式 (7)疑问送交编辑或交出版商审阅 (8)采纳编辑或出版商提出的建议

句法学(研究言内意义) 之间的关系所反映的意义。它在语音、词
语义学(研究指称意义) 词语、句子和篇章反映的客观世界
语言符号与使用者的关系,是语言符号对 人产生的影响
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Байду номын сангаас
音系层面:平仄;双声;叠词;头韵;押韵 语法层面:最不突出,因为可以预见 词汇层面:双关语;一语双叙;词语的前后呼应 句子层面:平行结构;反复;排比;对偶;顶真;回环 篇章层面:篇章的层次、段落的排列组合、句式的变化、
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Thought or Reference (思想或所指关系)概念
Symbol (符号) 语言
Referent (所指)
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关于段落: 应尽量保持原状
语义是判断依据 句子内部的信息点
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从西南开来到南京路口的一路电车正冲着那对头风挣扎;它那全身的 窗子就象害怕了似的扑扑地跳个不住。终于电车在华懋饭店门口那站 头上停住了,当先下来一位年青时髦女子,就象被那大风卷了去似的 直扑过马路,跳上华懋饭店门前的石阶级。
Indian meal 印第安饭---玉米粥;玉米粉 Indian summer 印第安夏天---小阳春 American Beauty 美国佳丽---月月红 German wool 德国毛线---细毛线
《商务英语翻译》第3章 第一节 主语从句的翻译

(Whoever comes to our public reference library) will be welcome.
(Whether she would play the part) is still doubtful.
4. It was reported that he had resigned. 据报道他已辞职。 5. It is well known that the compass was invented by Chinses. 众所周知,中国人发明了指南针。
1. P84-85 1—10 2. P87-88 1—10
这些中国古董为什么保存在英国博物馆内是我们今 天所讲故事的重要内容。
Skill Practice
1. Whatever measures we adopt must be in conformity with the need of the four moderization. 无论我们采取什么措施,都要符合四个现代化的 需要。 2. What he told me was only half-truth. 他告诉我的事情仅仅真假参半。 3. They have definitely decided to pay a visit to China, but when they are to do so hasn’t been made clear yet. 他们已确定要访问中国,何时成行尚未说明。

第三章:相关翻译理论和翻译技巧3.1 相关翻译理论3.1.1翻译转换理论翻译转换(translation shift)是翻译中的普遍现象,指的是原文译为目的语时发生的语言变化。
“翻译转换”作为术语最早出现在英国学者卡特福德(Catford)的《翻译的语言学理论》中,他认为翻译转换是“偏离形式对等的等值翻译”,并将将翻译定义为:“一种语言(SL) 中的语篇材料被另一种语言( TL) 中等值的语篇材料所取代。
卡特福德认为,语言是交际性的,在上下文中发挥功能,而且这些功能的发挥通过不同的语言层次( 如语音、词形、语法及词汇) 和级阶( 句子、分句、片语、词及词素等)。
在对“形式对应”( formal correspondence) 和“文本等值”( textual equivalence) 做了区分后,卡特福德认为,既然这两个概念有很大差异,进行翻译转换就是必然的了,翻译转换因而在从源语到目标语的过程中背离了形式对应。
卡特福德进而提出两种转换: 层次转( level shifts) 和范畴转换( category shifts)。
例如,汉语中的“着”、“了”、“过”等词汇都可以用来英语中的“现在完成时( has/ have done)”和“过去完成时( had done)”这两种时态表达。

无论使用哪种方法,其原则是在忠实原文内容和风格的前提下,摆脱原文结构的束缚,使译文符合汉语的规范直译(metaphrase/literal translation)在不影响译入语的自然流畅并保持原文信息的前提下,在译文中既保持原文的内容信息,又保持原文的形式结构,尤其要保持原文的修辞、文体和文化特质。
to kill two birds with one stoneto shed crocodile tears如果不破坏原文结构,译文也能通顺自然且忠实原意,这是最理想的直译,但逐字对等且保持原文结构和语义的情况微乎其微。
例如:lady-killer talk show mad cow diseasebird flu chain reaction cat walkhumor second-hand car tittuphippy yuppie shock例1原文:There are two types of electric current: alternating current in which the current flows first one way then the other in a forward and backward motion, and direct current which flows the same way all the time.译文:例2原文:Losing one’s independence for Americans is a shameful thing.例3原文:Italian gourmets are protesting against the invasion of foreign foods on the dinner table.译文:例4原文:In short, when employees leave their performance reviews, they should be focusing on what they can do better in the year ahead, not worrying about what went into their files about the past.译文:例5原文:But when I look at the Third World and think “What can I do to solve this?”, my reaction isn’t to say “Let’s bring population down immediately”.译文:例6原句:Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.译文:例7原文:People are always talking about “the problem of yo uth.” I f there is one, then it is older people who create it, not the young people themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings—people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him, and maybe that is where the rub is.译文:直译不等于死译、硬译,直译也需要灵活变通,不能只求形式对等而破坏原文内容。

翻译的过程 第一步:理解原文
↓ 理解原文作者的真正意图→ 语义对等
↓ 用地道、通顺的语言表达原文意义→语用对等
翻译的方法 一、直译(literal translation) 译文(translation)既忠实原文 (source text)的内容(content) 又符合原文的结构形式(form) 二、意译(liberal translation) 在忠实原文内容的前提下,摆脱原 文结构形式的束缚,使译文符合目 的语(target language)的行文规范。
Байду номын сангаас
英文的日期、地点等的排列是从小单位到大 单位;单词连用时是分量轻的在前,分量重 的在后,中文则相反。例如:
Helen was born at 10 p.m. on 3rd March, 1990. 海伦出生于1990年3月3日晚10点。 He came from a small town in South China. 他来自于中国南方的一个小镇。 I have been to Hua Mountain, Shaanxi province,China. 我曾经去过位于中国陕西省的华山。
Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 It will be five years before we can meet again. 五年以后我们才能再见面。
正反翻译 英语从正面表达,汉语译文从反面表达
Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。 All good things must come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席。 He knew he was mortally ill. 他知道自己得的是不治之症。 Excuse me.I’m at a loss in recalling your name. 对不起,我想不起你的名字了。

第3章Unit 3 Geography本单元的课文和练习文章都是描述地理风貌的,在翻译时尽量使用客观性的语言,不参杂个人情感,甚至可用无主句。
在翻译风土人情时往往涉及的知识面较宽,需要译者在帄时多注意积累,这样翻译才能到位,不聊中 啊?BR> 在语言对比方面的重点是:一、动词无论是英语还是汉语,动词是最常用的词了。
如to cut wheat割麦子;to cut cake切蛋糕;to cut finger-nails剪指甲。
例1) He is in trouble. 他有麻烦了。
例2) Helen was so aggressive while talking about her dog.当海伦谈到她的狗时,兴致勃勃。
(省略动词)例3) I saw her wandering in the street wearing sun glasses and a thick jacket. 我看见她戴着太阳镜,穿着厚茄克,在街上闲逛。
例4) Please keep me informed as soon as you got the news. 请你一得到消息就通知我。
1. 英语中具有动作意义的名词或由动词转化过来的名词,汉译时往往可转化为动词。
例1) They went on strike in demand of a 40 per cent wage increase. 他们举行罢工,要求工资增加40%。

原文:In short, when employees leave their performance reviews, they should be focusing on what they can do better in the year ahead, not worrying about what went into their files about the past.
原句:Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.
原文:People are always talking about“the problem of youth.”If there is one, then it is older people who create it, not the young people themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings—people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him, and maybe that is where the rub is.

Chapter Three Translation of Nouns & Articles
名词的翻译 一、直译 所谓直译,就是把原文中名词或名词短语本身的含义翻 译出来。如: A power reactor has no need of air, for the heat generated in the uranium pile is the result of unclear fission, not of combustion. 动力反应堆不需要空气,因为在铀堆中产生的热室核裂 变而不是燃烧的结果。 Differentiation can also be expressed in terms of biochemical activities. 分化也可以用生化活动来表达。
Chapter Three Translation of Nouns & Articles
名词的翻译 三、增译 名词的增译多数是为了使译文更符合汉语的表达方式与习惯。如: Breeding of hummingbirds takes? place in May and June. 蜂鸟生育繁殖的时间是每年的五月和六月。 译文在breeding后增译了“时间”;在in May and June前增译了 “每年”,使整个句子读起来更加通顺,意思表达更准确完整。 A drilled hole can be made accurate and smooth by a? reamer. 钻好的孔可用铰刀加工,使其尺寸精确,表面光滑。 该句在形容词accyrate and smooth前分别增译了名词“尺寸”和 “表面”,译文的意思表达的更明确一些。
Chapter Three Translation of Nouns & Articles

我们的问题是大的,但我们的心更大。我们的挑战是大 的,但我们的决心更大。如果我们的缺点是没完没了的, 上帝的爱是真正的无穷无尽的。
Free translation: 我并非不信任未来; 我并不害怕我们面临的问题。我
极大的抵抗(乱译) ×
Translation Practice:
And I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear what is ahead. For our problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater. And if our flaws are endless. God’s love is truly boundless.
二、意译(liberal / Free translation)
的语(target language)的行文规范
翻译方法的选择: 当保持原作的语言形式,译文仍然流畅
易懂时---直译 当保持原作的语言形式会对译文的质量
In some automated plants, electronic computers control the entire production line.

• Try to translate:
research, have acquired a greater accomplishment in this respect.
• You, whose predecessors scored initial success in astronomical
• It doesn’t matter whether we start now or later. 我们现在开始还是以后开始都没有关系。 • It happened that I had bought the book. • 我碰巧买了这本书。
• I don’t remember whether I cried at that moment, but my sister did. • 译文一:当时我究竟哭没哭,我不记得了。但我妹妹的确 哭了。 • 译文二:我不记得当时我究竟哭没哭,但我妹妹的确哭了。
• Try to translate: • In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involved. • 两国相争,若与之相友好,则力避卷入。
• (四)译成表示“让步”的分句
• They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.
继续 • 他们制定出一种新方案,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。
• After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night.
第三章 翻译常用的八种技巧(中)

试对照每种倒装例句的英文及其译文:l.Interrogative inversion (疑问倒装):What did you do yesterday? (你昨天干什么?)2.Imperative inversion (命令倒装):“Speak you,” said Mr.Black, “speak you,good fellow!” (布莱克先生命令道:“说,说吧!伙计!”) 3.Exclamatory inversion (惊叹倒装):How dreadful is this place! (这地方好可怕啊!)4.Hypothetical inversion (假设倒装):Had you come yesterday,you could have seen him here.(要是你昨天来了,你就会在这里看到他的。
) 5.Balance inversion (平衡倒装):Through a gap came an elaborately described ray.(从一个空洞透出一束精心描绘的光线。
)6.Link inversion (衔接倒装):On this depends the whole argument. (整个争论都以此为论据。
)7.Signpost inversion (点题倒装)By strategy is meant some thing wider. (战略的意义比较广。
Unit 3 英译汉常用的九种技巧

5. She told me that her 20-yearold son was a baby.
她对我说她20岁的儿子是个孩子. 她对我说她20岁的儿子是个孩子. 20岁的儿子是个孩子
6. Her mother is a sister in a hospital.
她妈妈是一家医院的清洁工. 护士长、 她妈妈是一家医院的清洁工. (charge nurse护士长、修女) 护士长 修女)
There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the PC technology.
我们要完全掌握计算机技术,必须经过三个阶段 我们要完全掌握计算机技术,必须经过三个阶段.
graduate from 不能直译成“毕业于”,而应该适当 不能直译成“毕业于” 变通,即做抽象化处理,才能作到译文通畅、地道。 变通,即做抽象化处理,才能作到译文通畅、地道。
3. The white-haired girl's story is miserable.
白毛女的遭遇(故事)真悲惨. 白毛女的遭遇(故事)真悲惨.
4. A young man came to the police station with a story.
一个年轻人来到派出所报案. 一个年轻人来到派出所报案.
2. He satisfied me that he could do the work well.
他使我感到满意,他能把这项工作作好.satisfy sb. that…使相信 他使我感到满意,他能把这项工作作好. 使相信
3. He's unhappy now, because he had a blue with his girlfriend just now.
第三章 翻译的过程

• 4.语用分析( pragmatic analysis ) • 语用分析即通过对语言的交际意义的综合 分析,了解和确定说话人和话语间的关系, 常常表现为说话人的感情、态度、情绪、 意念等。 • (一) 讲话者的情感参与 (1 )请求 :Would you mind lending me 10 yuan? (2 )许诺 :I shall return the book tomorrow. (3 )警告 :Say that again and I'll part with you once and for all. (4 )褒贬:You are stubborn. He is pigheaded. I am strong-willed.
• 1.文本层次( textual level ) • 文本层次指原文的字面意义。译者对原文 负责,就是对原文的字面意义负责。例如: 1 ) You flatter me. 原译: 你拍我马屁。改译:你过奖了。 2 ) He is lying on his back. 3) Beer is the tipple of choice in Holland, where beer consumption follows hot on the heels of that in Germany, where beer is almost a religion, and Belgium, where they drink it for breakfast and feed it to babies and sucklings.
• 2.所指层次( referential level ) —所指意义 • 指译者对原文所指意义的把握。原文中晦 涩、隐含的弦外之音,需要译者透过文字 的迷雾看清楚真实的内涵。例如: 1 ) How to Grow Old (Betrund Russell) 怎样变老;怎样才能活得老 2) I am a perfect stranger to physics. 完全是一个陌生人;一窍不通

无论使用哪种方法,其原则是在忠实原文内容和风格的前提下,摆脱原文结构的束缚,使译文符合汉语的规范直译(metaphrase/literal translation)在不影响译入语的自然流畅并保持原文信息的前提下,在译文中既保持原文的内容信息,又保持原文的形式结构,尤其要保持原文的修辞、文体和文化特质。
to kill two birds with one stoneto shed crocodile tears如果不破坏原文结构,译文也能通顺自然且忠实原意,这是最理想的直译,但逐字对等且保持原文结构和语义的情况微乎其微。
例如:lady-killer talk show mad cow diseasebird flu chain reaction cat walkhumor second-hand car tittuphippy yuppie shock例1原文:There are two types of electric current: alternating current in which the current flows first one way then the other in a forward and backward motion, and direct current which flows the same way all the time.译文:例2原文:Losing one’s independence for Americans is a shameful thing.例3原文:Italian gourmets are protesting against the invasion of foreign foods on the dinner table.译文:例4原文:In short, when employees leave their performance reviews, they should be focusing on what they can do better in the year ahead, not worrying about what went into their files about the past.译文:例5原文:But when I look at the Third World and think “What can I do to solve this?”, my reaction isn’t to say “Let’s bring population down immediately”.译文:例6原句:Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.译文:例7原文:People are always talking about “the problem of yo uth.” I f there is one, then it is older people who create it, not the young people themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings—people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him, and maybe that is where the rub is.译文:直译不等于死译、硬译,直译也需要灵活变通,不能只求形式对等而破坏原文内容。

• 4.She became a poor third in the English-speaking contest. • [译文]她在演讲比赛中获得了第三名,成 绩比第二名差了很多。 • [评析]原文乍看简单,但“poor third”值 得琢磨。译文增加“成绩比第二名差了很 多”不失为成功的手笔。
• 四、增加语气词,通过译文再现原文语气 • 1.The pretty girl on the cover of the periodical is just a sales gimmick. • [译文]画报的封面上印上美女只不过是吸 引顾客的一种噱头而已。 • [评析]汉语的语气需要靠语气词本身来体 现。译文通过增加语气词“不过……而已” 体现了原文本要表达的内在含义。
• 一、增加词语使译文句法完整 • 1.Tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels,restaurants,and taxi drivers, among others,but also many commercial establishments and even the manufacturers of tourist commodities. • (译文)旅游业不仅有利于航空公司、酒店、餐 饮、出租车等行业,而且还有利于许多商业机构, 甚至有利于生产旅游商品的制造业。 • [评析]原文中谓语动词“benefit”后跟了若干个 名词做宾语,若照搬同样结构,译文会显得生硬, 重复“有利于”使译文句法完整,行文紧凑。
• 2. I could have skinned Rupert in front of the whole audience. • [译文]我真恨不得当着观众的面剥了鲁伯 特的皮。 • [评析]英语中的语气常常通过情态动词得 以体现。译文通过增加“真恨不得”惟妙 惟肖地对应了原文情态动词“could have skinned”所内含的语气色彩。
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Translation Practice:
And I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear what is ahead. For our problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater. And if our flaws are endless. God’s love is truly boundless. Literal translation: 而我不是不相信未来;我不害怕即将来临的事情。因为 我们的问题是大的,但我们的心更大。我们的挑战是大 的,但我们的决心更大。如果我们的缺点是没完没了的, 上帝的爱是真正的无穷无尽的。 Free translation: 我并非不信任未来; 我并不害怕我们面临的问题。我 们的问题多,我们的心胸会更宽广。我们面临的挑战严 峻,我们的决心就会更大。如果我们的弊病层出不穷, 那么 21
主、宾语换位 主宾换位是指在翻译时将英语句子 中的主语和宾语换一下位置。 英语句子的主语 ↘ 汉语句子的主语 汉语句子的宾语
英语句子的宾语 介词短语中的宾语
2011-11-29 22
能够进行主宾换位的英语句子并不 多,主要取决于英语句子中所使用的的 谓语动词,当句子中的谓语动词是fail, happen,occur,desert,deny,appeal, come等时,在翻译中就可以使用主宾换 位的方法。
Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有甜有苦。 Victory always goes to the strong. 胜利永远属于强者。 I am busy packing my things for the long journey. 我正在忙者为这次旅行打点行装。 There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his nature. 他的本性既残暴又狡猾。
1)直译 )
In some automated plants, electronic computers control the entire production line. 在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线。 (直译) knowledge economy peace-keeping operations 知识经济 维和运动 It ‘s an old and ragged moon 那是一轮又老又破的月亮(死译) × 那是一轮下弦残月。√
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Conversion of Words 词性转换
They were suspicious and resentful of him. 他们不信任他,怨恨他。 形变动 Are you for or against the plan? 你是赞同还是反对这个计划? 介变动 As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes on. 他跑出去时,忘记穿鞋了。 副变动 He was deeply impressed by what they said. 他们所说的话给他留下了深刻的印象。 副变形 He is physically weak but mentally sound. 他身体虽虚弱但思想很健康。 副变名
His heart failed him. Such a chance denied me. His self-confidence deserted him. The word finally came to me. Good works appeal to everyone. Suddenly a good idea occurred to me. Something has gone wrong with the computer.
↓ 理解原文作者的真正意图→ 语义对等
↓ 用地道、通顺的语言表达原文意义→语用对等
2011-11-29 2
一、直译(literal translation) 译文(translation)既忠实原文 (source text)的内容(content) 又符合原文的结构形式(form) 二、意译(liberal / Free translation) 在忠实原文内容的前提下,摆脱原 文结构形式的束缚,使译文符合目 的语(target language)的行文规范
2)意译与乱译 )
意译指在翻译过程中不拘泥于原文的形式, 意译指在翻译过程中不拘泥于原文的形式,以表达意 义为主。意译强调神似,但不能歪曲原文,否则便是 义为主。意译强调神似,但不能歪曲原文, 乱译。 乱译 To kill two birds with one stone. 直译:一石二鸟。 意译:一举两得,一箭双雕 The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest the greatest. 最好的指挥员极少遇到抵抗,而极差的指挥员会遇到 极大的抵抗(乱译) × 最好的导体电阻最小,而最差的导体电阻最大。√
2011-11-29 3
翻译方法的选择: 当保持原作的语言形式,译文仍然流畅 易懂时---直译 当保持原作的语言形式会对译文的质量 产生影响,或使译文难以理解时---意译 ※ “直译” ≠“死译” “意译” ≠“乱译”
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直译与死译 直译→原文结构与汉语的结构一致, 采用字与字对等的字面译法。 死译→原文结构与汉语的结构不一 致,仍然采用字与字对等的字面译法。 意译和乱译 意译→正确理解原文,调整原文结 构,用规范的汉语加以表达。 乱译→单凭主观臆想来理解原文, 不分析原文结构,只看字面意义,自己 编造句子。
2011-11-29 19
英文的日期、地点等的排列是从小单位 英文的日期、 到大单位;单词连用时是分量轻的在前, 到大单位;单词连用时是分量轻的在前, 分量重的在后,中文则相反。例如: 分量重的在后,中文则相反。例如:
Helen was born at 10 p.m. on 3rd March, 1990. 海伦出生于1990年3月3日晚10点。 I have been to Hua Mountain, Shaanxi province,China. 我曾经去过位于中国陕西省的华山。
cost of living. 请指出引起生活费高涨的因素。 2. Jenny is a girl of great intelligence. 珍妮是个很聪明的女孩。 3. An effective way to learn a language well is to practice it regularly. 学好语言的有效方法是持之以恒地练习。
一国两制 关系网 走后门 三无产品 龙头企业 经济适用房 尊师重教 发展是硬道理。 发展是硬道理。
one country, two systems network of personal connections practice backdoorism unbranded and dateless product by a nameless factory leading enterprise residence houses for low-andmedium wage earners respect teachers and value education Development is the absolute principle. 8
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3)名词的分译 ) The price limits its production. 它价钱昂贵,还不能大量生产。 The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants. 每个帐篷内怎样布置,这要取决于用者的性格。
2011-11-29 12
Division 拆译 分译 拆译/分译
1.单词的分译 单词的分译 1)副词的分译 ) They , not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复, 这是不足为怪的。 2)形容词的分译 ) That region was the most identifiable trouble spot. 那是个麻烦的地方——这是最明显不过的。
2.短语的分译 短语的分译 1) 分词短语 They were at home in the home of the people, moving confidently without fear. 他们在群众家里感到自在,行动时心里塌实,无忧 无虑。 2) 介词短语 1.He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally. 他来到华盛顿,就国际形势来说,时机正合适。
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3) 避免望文生义 )
The bank is open around (round) the clock. 那家银行24小时营业。 Don’t you know Barry is at home in German? 你不知道巴里精通德语吗? Jerry became a bench warmer last year. 去年杰里变成了候补球员。
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3.句子的分译 句子的分译 His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery. 因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。