新概念英语青少版第四册第95课Television Day:Stonehenge

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新概念英语青少版第四册第47课:Television Day:The sea

新概念英语青少版第四册第47课:Television Day:The seaLesson47 Television Day:The sea第47课电视日:海洋If you looked at the Pacific from a space-capsule如果你从宇宙飞船船舱观察太平洋,you might think that the world was all water.你也许会认为地球是一片海洋.You would hardly be able to see any land at all.你几乎看不到一点陆地.Water covers most of the earth's surface.地球表面的绝大部分是由水覆盖着的.The sea contains a large number of substances,besides common salt.海洋还含有大量的其他物质,除了盐以外.If you boiled away some sea-water,如果你把一些海水煮干,you would find over forty different materials.你就能发现有40多种物质.For instance,out of a cubic mile of water举例说,从一立方英里的水中you would get ninety-four tons of silver and three tons of gold.就能提取94吨银子和3吨金子.If it were possible to do this,即使有可能这么做的话,it still wouldn't be worth the trouble.也不值得.It would cost more to obtain these precious metals than they are worth.要获取这些有价值的金属的成本要高于它们自身的价值.But the sea provides us with a great many materials which we can obtain easily不过,海洋为我们提供了大量的物质and which we use a lot.我们易于获取并使用广泛的.For instance,we use huge quantities of sand in industry to make glass,例如,在工业上我们使用大量的沙子制作玻璃、detergents and cement.洗涤剂和水泥.Besides materials like salt and sand,除了诸如盐和沙子这类物质外,we obtain a great deal of food from the sea.我们还从海洋中获取大量食物.One day we may even have undersea farms.有朝一日我们还能有海底农场呢?We have hardly begun to explore the sea.我们尚没有开始探索海洋In some ways it is less familiar than outer space.从某些方面说,海洋比宇宙空间还要陌生.。
新概念第四册 课文【新概念英语青少年版第四册第17课-Television,Day,Computer

新概念第四册课文【新概念英语青少年版第四册第17课:Television,Day,Computers】新概念英语网权威发布新概念英语青少年版第四册第17课:Television Day Computers,更多新概念英语青少年版第四册第17课:Television Day Computers 相关信息请访问新概念英语网。
Lesson 17 Television Day Computers第17课电视日:计算机“...the astronauts are returning to earth at exactly 5.24.”...宇航员将于5:24整回到地球,Splash-down will be in the Pacific,427 miles west of Hawaii.“并将在位于夏威夷西部427英里的太平洋海面上溅落。
”You have often heard announcements like this on television.你常会从电视听到上述的预告。
Scientists can tell us exactly举例说,科学家能准确地告诉我们when a space-capsule will arrive on the moon for instance, 宇宙密封小舱何时抵达月球and exactly when it will return.和何时返回。
They can calculate things like this to the nearest second.对这类事情,他们的计算可精确至秒。
How do they do it?他们是如何做的呢?Well,of course,they use mathematics.当然他们运用了数学。
We can all do simple sums on paper,我们都能在纸上做简单的算术题,but we must use computers for extremely difficult calculations.但必须用计算机进行复杂的运算。
新概念英语青少年版第四册第11课-Television,Day-新概念第四册 课文

新概念英语青少年版第四册第11课:Television,Day|新概念第四册课文新概念英语网权威发布新概念英语青少年版第四册第11课:Television Day,更多新概念英语青少年版第四册第11课:Television Day相关信息请访问新概念英语网。
Revision Lesson 11 Television Day:The American War of Independence 复习课 11 电视日:美国独立战争The American colonists often quarrelled with the British Government 美洲的殖民地居民常与英国政府争吵They had to buy British goods他们必须购买英国货and they had to pay taxes to Britain.又必须向英国纳税In 1767 Britain put customs duty on many goods such as tea.1767年,英国对许多货物征收关税,例如茶叶The Government should have known this would cause trouble.英国政府早该知道这会引起麻烦In 1773,1773年some Americans dressed as Red Indians went on to some British ships in Boston一些化装成北美印第安人的美国人登上停靠在波士顿的几艘英国船and threw …18,000 worth of tea into the sea.把价值18000英镑的茶叶倒入海里This was the famous “Boston Tea Party”.这就是著名的”波士顿茶叶案”The British Government closed the port of Boston.英国政府封闭了波士顿港Then the colonists got ready for war随即殖民地居民作好了战争的准备and George Washington became the commander of their army.乔治.华盛顿成了这支军队的指挥官During the war,战争期间on 4th July 1776,于1776年7月4日the American Congress drew up the Declaration of Independence.美国国会草拟了独立宣言Later,In 1778,后来在1778年France joined the war against Britain and so did Spain in 1779.法国加入了反英战争.1779年西班牙也参战The British fleet surrendered in 1781英国舰队于1781年投降and the Government did not continue the war.英国政府中止了战争It had to recognize the independence of the new United States of America.它不得不承认新的美利坚合众国的独立In 1789 George Washington became the first president of the country. 1789年乔治.华盛顿就任该国的第一任总统。
新概念英语青少版第四册:第83课 Television Day: A great

新概念英语青少版第四册:第83课Television Day:A greatLesson 83 Television Day: A great archaeological discovery.第83课电视日:伟大的考古发现In 1992 a British archaeologist, Howard Carter,1922年英国考古学家霍华德.卡特was working in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.在埃及的国王谷工作.One day he asked his labourers to pull down a small hut which was in his way.有一天,他叫工人把一间挡道的小屋推倒.Carter noticed some steps beneath the hut and asked his men to clear them.卡特看见小屋下有几个台阶,就叫工人清扫干净.The steps led to a stone wall and Carter told his men tocut through it,台阶通往一堵石头墙.卡特叫工人把墙打穿,but to take care not to disturb anything that might be behind it.但要小心别把墙后可能有的东西给弄乱了.There was a passage behind the wall which led to yet another wall.墙后有条通道,它通向另一堵墙.They cut through this one very carefully他们小心翼翼地打穿了这堵墙,and suddenly came into a room full of household furniture and treasure.眼前突然出现一间堆满家具和财宝的房间.Carter spent several months making a list of everyarticle in the room.卡特花了几个月的时间把房间里每一件物品全登记入册.When he had finished,he decided to cut through the opposite wall.完成以后又决定打开对面的墙.Then he found another room full of priceless objects.这时他发现了另一个房间堆满无价之宝,He noticed two black wooden statues which looked like guards还发现了2个黑色木雕看上去像卫士and he made a hole in the wall between them.他在这2个雕像中间的那扇墙上打了个洞.Here he found three wooden chests which fitted inside each other在那儿他发现3个套在一起的木箱,and finally a fourth chest which was,in fact,a coffin 最后又发现了第4个木箱.那实际上是口棺材.Carter had discovered the tomb ofTutankhamen,卡特发现了图顿卡曼的陵墓an Egyptian King who lived more than 3000 years ago.他是生活在3000多年前的埃及国王.On the tomb there was a wreath of wild flowers.陵墓上有只用野花编成的花圈.。
新概念英语青少版第四册第89课:Television Day:Swindle's Ghost

新概念英语青少版第四册第89课:Television Day:Swindle's GhostLesson 89 Television Day: Swindle's Ghost第89课电视日:斯威特尔鬼魂Some people believe that there are houses which arehaunted by ghosts.有人相信有闹鬼的房子.Perhaps there are,perhaps there aren't--it's hard to say.或许有,或许没有--很难说.Today we are going to describe a scientific experiment今天我们要描述一个科学实验,during which a "ghost"was seen.实验过程中见到了"鬼".The "ghost" is really an after-image.此"鬼"实际上是个余像.It is called "Swindle's Ghost"它之所以被称为"斯威特尔鬼魂",because the experiment was first performed by an American psychologist called Swindle.那是因为首次实验是由一位名叫斯威特尔的美国心理学家做的.This is how our own experiment was performed.下面是我们自己的实验过程:A dark,moonless night was chosen and the curtains were drawn选择一个黑暗无月光的夜晚,拉上窗帘,so that no light could enter from outside.使外边光照不进来.Half a dozen people were asked to sit round a table in the middle of the room.请6个人坐在房间中间的桌旁.A table-lamp was placed in the centre of the table.桌子的中央放一盏台灯.When everyone was seated,the lamp was turned off for ten minutes.待每人就座后,熄灯10分钟.Everyone sat in complete darkness and looked towards the lamp大家坐在一片漆黑中朝着灯看,till they got quite used to the darkness.直到完全习惯于黑暗.They sat perfectly still and kept looking in exactly the same direction.大家一动不动地坐着,一直朝同一方向看.Then the lamp was turned on for exactly one second and then off again.然后开灯1秒钟,再关灯.Shortly afterwards,the whole scene became visible in the darkness.不一会整个景象即可在黑暗中见到.It was a very clear "ghost" image which lasted for a few seconds.这是一个非常清晰的"鬼"影,能持续数秒钟.。
新概念英语青少版第四册:第11课 Television Day

新概念英语青少版第四册:第11课 Television DayRevision Lesson 11 Television Day:The American War of Independence复习课 11 电视日:美国独立战争The American colonists often quarrelled with the British Government美洲的殖民地居民常与英国政府争吵They had to buy British goods他们必须购买英国货and they had to pay taxes to Britain.又必须向英国纳税In 1767 Britain put customs duty on many goods such as tea.1767年,英国对很多货物征收关税,例如茶叶The Government should have known this would cause trouble.英国政府早该知道这会引起麻烦In 1773,1773年some Americans dressed as Red Indians went on to some British ships in Boston一些化装成北美印第安人的美国人登上停靠在波士顿的几艘英国船and threw &18,000 worth of tea into the sea.把价值18000英镑的茶叶倒入海里This was the famous "Boston Tea Party".这就是的"波士顿茶叶案"The British Government closed the port of Boston.英国政府封闭了波士顿港Then the colonists got ready for war随即殖民地居民作好了战争的准备and George Washington became the commander of their army.乔治.华盛顿成了这支军队的指挥官During the war,战争期间on 4th July 1776,于1776年7月4日the American Congress drew up the Declaration of Independence.美国国会草拟了独立宣言Later,In 1778,后来在1778年France joined the war against Britain and so did Spain in 1779.法国加入了反英战争.1779年西班牙也参战The British fleet surrendered in 1781英国舰队于1781年投降and the Government did not continue the war.英国政府中止了战争It had to recognize the independence of the new United States of America.它不得不承认新的美利坚合众国的独立In 1789 George Washington became the first president of the country.1789年乔治.华盛顿就任该国的第一任总统。
新概念英语青少版第四册:第23课 Television Day,Right or left?

新概念英语青少版第四册:第23课 TelevisionDay,Right or left?Lesson 23 Television Day:Right or left?第23课电视日:是右还是左?Which of your two hands do you use most?你最常用哪只手?Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well.我们当中很少有人能双手都使用自如Most of us are right-handed.多数人惯用右手Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed.每100人中大约只有5人是左撇子New-born babies can grasp objects with either of their hands,初生婴儿能用任何一个手握东西but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands.但过2年他们通常用右手了Scientists don't know why this happens.科学家不知道这是怎么形成的They used to think that that we inherited this tendency from our animal ancestors过去他们常认为我们从我们的动物祖先那儿继承了这个习性but this may not be true.但这不一定对Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world.猴子是我们在动物世界中关系最近的动物Scientists have found that科学家们发现monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other猴子喜欢用某只手多于另一只手but it can be either hand.但这不过两只手中的任何一只There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones.用右手的猴子与用左手的猴子一样多Next time you visit the zoo,watch the monkeys carefully.下次你去动物园时,仔细观察一下猴子You'll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands你会发现有些猴子用右手荡秋千and others will use their left hands.而另一些猴子则用左手But most human beings use their right hands better.但绝大部分人用右手更为灵活and this makes life difficult for those who prefer to use their left hands.这就使得用左手的人生活较困难些We live in a right-handed world.我们生活在一个惯用右手的世界。
新概念英语青少年版第四册第107课:Television Day:Fire,friend and

新概念英语青少年版第四册第107课:TelevisionDay:Fire,friend andLesson 107 Television Day:Fire,friend and enemy第107课电视日:火--既是朋友又是敌人Who doesn't love sitting beside a cosy fire on a coldwinter's night?谁不喜欢在寒冬夜晚坐在暖暖和和的火炉旁?Who doesn't love to watch flames curling up a chimney?谁不喜欢看火苗沿着烟囱缕缕升起?Fire is one of man's greatest friends,火是人类的朋友之一but also one of his greatest enemies.又是人类最危险的敌人之一.Many big fires are caused by carelessness很多大火因不慎引起的.A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window一个点着的烟蒂从汽车或从火车窗户扔出来or a broken bottle lying on dry grass can start a fire.或者一个干草上的破瓶都可能引起一场火灾.Sometimes,though,a fire can start on its own.不过,有时火灾是自燃引起.Wet hay can begin burning by itself.潮湿的草会自燃.This is how it happens自燃是这么发生的:the hay starts to rot and begins to give off heat which is trapped inside it.先是草腐烂,并开始散发裹在里面的热量.Finally,it bursts into flames.最后草就着火了.That's why farmers cut and store their hay when it's dry.所以农民割完草要等草干才贮藏起来.Fires have destroyed whole cities.火毁掉过整座城市.In the 17th century,a small fire which began in a baker's shop17世纪一场小火从一家面包房开始burnt down nearly every building in London.几乎把伦敦所有楼屋全化为灰烬.Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon.在反抗拿破仑战争时,莫斯科起了火.This fire continued burning for seven days.这场火连续烧了7天.And,of course,in 64 A.D.当然在公元64年,Nero fiddled while Rome burned!当罗马城正大火燃烧时,尼罗却还在拉提琴呢.Even today,in spite of modern fire-fighting methods,即使今天已经有了现代化的灭火方法,fire causes millions of pounds' worth of damage each year每年造成数以百万英镑计的损失both in our cities and in the countryside.在城乡的火灾.It had been wisely said that fire is a good servant but a bad master.有人说得好:火是个好的奴仆也是个坏主人.。

Lesson 95 Television Day:Stonehenge第95课电视⽇:巨⽯阵The circle of stones that can be seen at Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain in England 在英国索尔兹伯⾥平原的巨⽯阵能看到有⽤⽯头围成的圈is one of the oldest and most mysterious monuments in the world这是世界上最古⽼最神秘的纪念碑之⼀.The monument was probably put up between 1800 B.C. and 1400 B.C.这⼀纪念碑很可能建于公元前1800年到1400年之间.When it was completed it consisted of a double circle of stones,建成的时候,它由两层⽯头组成.with two more groups of stones outside the circles.在圈圈外⾯还有2圈⽯头.Many of the stones used in this monument许多⽤来造此纪念碑的⽯头must have been transported over 250 miles to Stonehenge.⼤概是从250英⾥以外运到巨⽯阵的.Single stones,some of them weighing about four tons,有的⽯头⼀块就重达4吨,must have been sent on rivers and rolled over land on tree trunks.⼤概是通过⽔路运来或者⾛陆路通过树⼲滚运⽽来They can't have been carried!它们不可能是搬运来的.The men who moved the stone didn't have wheels or horses.那时,运⽯⼈没有车⼜没有马.Each stone had to be moved by hand and placed in position.每块⽯头都得⽤⼿搬放到它的位置上.They were fitted together with great technical skill这些⽯块很精巧地堆放成形.There are many theories about the purpose of the stones.关于这些⽯块的⽤途有多种说法.Stonehenge was certainly a meeting-place.巨⽯阵肯定是个汇集点.The stones have been arranged in a particular way to mark sunrise and sunset⽯块以特殊⽅式排列起来标志⽇升⽇落at certain times during the year.在1年⾥某些时刻的.This may have been a place of worship of the sun and also an observatory.这可能是朝拜太阳的地⽅也可能是天⽂台.One interesting theory suggests有个有趣的说法:that the stones were some kind of computer这些⽯头是⼀种计算机which was used to predict eclipses of the sun and moon.⽤来预测⽇、⽉蚀的.。

Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write.But there are some parts of the word where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas -- legends handed down from one generation of another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago.But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.参考译文我们从书籍中可读到5,000 年前近东发生的事情,那里的人最早学会了写字。
新概念第四册 课文 [新概念英语青少年版第四册第29课-Television,Day-,Life,o

新概念第四册课文 [新概念英语青少年版第四册第29课:Television,Day:,Life,on,the,sea]新概念英语网权威发布新概念英语青少年版第四册第29课:Television Day: Life on the sea,更多新概念英语青少年版第四册第29课:Television Day: Life on the sea相关信息请访问新概念英语网。
Lesson 29 Television Day: Life on the sea shore电视日:海滨的生活Today our TV cameras visit a rocky sea shore.今天我们的电视摄像机拍摄了一个多石的海滨.The tide is out at the moment.现在潮水退了.You can see the sea bed and there are tiny rock pools everywhere.你能见到海底到处都有小小的岩石潭.With its crabs, shrimps fish and shell fish, a rock pool is a busy place even if it looks quiet and empty.那儿有蟹、虾、鱼,还有壳类动物,使岩石潭成了个繁忙的地方-即使它看上去寂静、空旷.There are limpets on the rocks.岩石上有帽贝They look like snails.他们看上去像蜗牛.When the tide comes in or goes out, it will not wash them away because they cling tightly to the rocks.潮涨潮落时,潮水冲不走他们,因为他们紧紧地粘在岩石上.Some sea creatures, like clams and cockles can not cling to the rocks to avoid the pull of the tide.有些海洋动物,像蛤和鸟蛤,不能粘在岩石上免遭潮水的冲击.They have to dig into the sand.他们不得不钻躲在沙子里.Notice the sea gulls beside the pools.注意看在岩石潭边的那些海鸥They always arrive the moment the tide goes out.他们总在潮退时飞来.They know there is plenty to eat in the pools.他们知道小石潭里有大量食物可吃.The sea comes and goes twice a day, but it never takes the sea creatures by surprise.大海每天涨落两次,但是从不袭击海洋动物It does not disturb their lives.也从不打扰他们的生活.All the creatures by the shore live in special places.海边的所有动物都住在特殊的地方.If you visit the same rock pool several times, you will get to know its inhabitant but you must be very very patient!如果你数次来访同一岩石你会熟悉那儿的”居民” 不过你得极其耐心!。
新概念英语青少版第四册:第101课 Television Day:Lewis Carroll

新概念英语青少版第四册:第101课 Television Day:Lewis CarrollLesson 101 Television Day:Lewis Carroll第101课电视日:路易斯·卡罗尔Which would you rather be?A mathematician or an author?你想当什么,数学家还是作家?Perhaps you will never be faced with this kind of choice.可能你永远不会面临这种选择.Lewis Carroll was both a mathematician and an author.路易斯.卡罗尔既是数学家又是作家.He was a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford University.他是牛津大学数学讲师.But he is better known as the author of two of the most famous不过他更广为人知是作为2本最的children's books that have ever been written.儿童书籍的作者.Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.他写了>和>.The author's real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,这位作家的真实姓名是查理.卢特威治.道奇逊,but he preferred to use the pen-name"Lewis Garroll" when he wrote Alice但他喜欢用他写>时的笔名路易斯.卡罗尔.and this is the name we remember him by.我们也以这个姓名记住了他.Alice in Wonderland was published in 1865,爱丽丝历险记出版于1865年.when its author was 33 years old;那时作家33岁.it was followed by Through the Looking-Glass in 1871.接着于1871年出版了>.Both books were written for a real girl called Alice,这两本书写的均是一个真实的女孩爱丽丝.but they have been read by millions of children since they were first published.但出版以来,数以百万计的儿童读过这两本书.These stories are about a dream world这些故事都是关于一个梦幻世界,in which Alice meets strange creatures and has interesting adventures爱丽丝在那儿遇到奇怪的人物,经历了有趣的事情.I'm sure you know this already,我相信你己经知道了.but if you don't you had better read the stories yourselves但倘若你还不知道,亲自读读这些故事.The poem Jabberwocky which you are learning你正在学的"无稽之谈"这首诗,has been taken from through the Looking-Glass.它选自>.Here is the next verse:下面是"无稽之谈"后面的一首诗:He took his vorpal sword in hand:他手中握着剑,Long time the manxome foe he sought--久久要把敌人来搜寻,So rested he by the Tumtum tree.他憩息在树边,And stood awhile n thought.深思站在一边。
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新概念英语青少版第四册第95课Television Day:
Lesson 95 Television Day:Stonehenge
The circle of stones that can be seen at Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain in England
is one of the oldest and most mysterious monuments in the world
The monument was probably put up between 1800 B.C. and 1400 B.C.
When it was completed it consisted of a double circle of stones,
with two more groups of stones outside the circles.
Many of the stones used in this monument
must have been transported over 250 miles to Stonehenge.
Single stones,some of them weighing about four tons,
must have been sent on rivers and rolled over land on tree trunks.
They can't have been carried!
The men who moved the stone didn't have wheels or horses.
Each stone had to be moved by hand and placed in position.
They were fitted together with great technical skill
There are many theories about the purpose of the stones.
Stonehenge was certainly a meeting-place.
The stones have been arranged in a particular way to mark sunrise and sunset
at certain times during the year.
This may have been a place of worship of the sun and also an observatory.
One interesting theory suggests
that the stones were some kind of computer
which was used to predict eclipses of the sun and moon.