
2020上海市高考英语口语测试模拟试题【附答案】2020 Shanghai r High School English Oral Test SampleTest 1I。
SPEAKINGn Ans: Read out loud the following two XXX seconds to read for each sentence.1.You need to bring your n form back to school by tomorrow.2.Instead of trying to change something that is beyond your control。
focus on changing something that you can control.n Bns: Read out loud the following passage。
You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.XXX。
For a long time。
people XXX to one's health and thus avoided it。
by the 18th century。
doctors started advocating for soap and water as a means of keeping clean。
In the late 19th century。
XXX practice.XXX。
doctors know that XXX。
in the United States。
people XXX essential for good health.ns 1-2:1.What are the specific ns for taking care of your uncle's cat?2.When is your uncle returning from his tour?ns 3-4:1.What was the theme of the painting n?2.Which painting was your classmate's favorite?n D:It was XXX I heard a strange noise coming from outside。

高中英语看图说话练习题In this article, we will explore a series of English conversation exercises that revolve around the theme of "seeing pictures and speaking". These exercises are specifically designed for high school students to enhance their English speaking skills and improve their ability to express themselves fluently. Each exercise is accompanied by a visual aid, allowing students to gain a better understanding of the given topic and practice speaking about it in English. Let's delve into these engaging exercises without further ado!Exercise 1: Describing a PictureThe first exercise focuses on describing a picture. Present students with a visually appealing image and ask them to describe the scene using descriptive language. Encourage them to talk about the colors, objects, people, and actions depicted in the picture. For example:Image description: Show a picture of a serene beach with crystal-clear waters, palm trees, and colorful umbrellas.Student response: "In the picture, I can see a breathtaking beach with shimmering turquoise waters. The sand is golden and soft, and there are palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze. People can be seen relaxing under colorful umbrellas, enjoying the warm sun. Some are playing beach volleyball, while others are swimming in the clear waters."Exercise 2: Expressing OpinionsThe second exercise focuses on expressing opinions about a given picture. Show a thought-provoking image and ask students to share theirthoughts and feelings about it. Encourage them to use opinion phrases such as "In my opinion", "I believe that", or "It seems to me". For example:Image description: Display a picture of a bustling cityscape with skyscrapers, busy streets, and vibrant lights.Student response: "In my opinion, the cityscape in the picture represents the fast-paced and exciting lifestyle of urban dwellers. The tall skyscrapers symbolize modernity and progress, while the busy streets depict the constant hustle and bustle. The vibrant lights illuminate the city, creating a captivating nocturnal atmosphere. It seems to me that living in a city like this would be both exhilarating and exhausting."Exercise 3: Narrating a SequenceThe third exercise focuses on narrating a sequence of events depicted in a picture. Choose an image that illustrates a clear storyline or progression of actions. Students should describe the events in chronological order, using appropriate transition words and phrases. For example:Image description: Show a sequence of images depicting a person planting a seed, watering it, and finally watching it grow into a beautiful flower.Student response: "The first picture shows a person carefully planting a tiny seed in the fertile soil. Next, they gently water the soil to provide the seed with essential nutrients. Over time, with love and care, the seed sprouts into a small plant with leaves. Eventually, the plant grows taller and stronger, transforming into a magnificent flower with vibrant petals. This beautifultransformation reminds us of the wonders of nature and the importance of patience."Exercise 4: Discussing a Problem and SolutionThe fourth exercise prompts students to discuss a problem and offer possible solutions based on a given picture. Show an image that represents a challenging situation and ask students to brainstorm potential solutions while explaining the reasons behind their choices. For example:Image description: Display a picture of a polluted river surrounded by debris and garbage.Student response: "The picture depicts a pressing environmental issue: a polluted river. To address this problem, one possible solution could be implementing stricter regulations on waste disposal to prevent further contamination. Additionally, organizing community clean-up events would help remove debris and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our environment clean. By educating people about the consequences of pollution and taking proactive measures, we can restore the river's health and preserve our natural resources."ConclusionThese English conversation exercises that revolve around "seeing pictures and speaking" are excellent tools for high school students to enhance their language skills. Through describing pictures, expressing opinions, narrating sequences, and discussing problems and solutions, students can improve their vocabulary, fluency, and ability to think critically. By engaging in these exercises regularly, students will become moreconfident in their English speaking abilities and develop a deeper understanding of various topics. So, let the pictures speak, and let the conversations flow!。
同济大学高级口语考试 看图说话 作文 picture talking

A: From the cartoon we can see that a strong man hold abarbell. The left of the barbell is family, and the right issociety. At the daytime, society is heavier than the family,while, at night, the family gives more weight to the man.How do you think about this drawing?B: As we all know, man are suggested to be the newcentury good man nowadays. They should earn moremoney, do more housework, and bear more burden ofthe family. Thus, just as depicted from the picture, theman is forced to compete with his coworkers, peers.Even after getting off work, he is still bearing muchpressure from his family.A: In my opinion, the couple should bear the housework and economic burden together. Do you agree?A: From the first cartoon, we can see an aged man who isdrinking at midnight, with the words that “Man in hisforties is strong as a horse”, while the aged woman isplaying Mahjong, with the words that ” woman in herforties is full of go”.However, the next picture showstheir health forms, with the result that the man gets manydiseases due to his overdrinking, and the woman suffersfrom many diseases owing to her irregular rest.B: Actually, this is a universal phenomenon nowadays.For us students, we always stay late for surfing theinternet or anything else, and then get up late next day. Ithink it’s for us to get rid of delayed sleep-phasesyndrome. For nowadays white collars, they always need to attend Corporate Hospitality, and drink a lot.A: In my opinion, we should not to have overconfidence in our health. If you want to live long, you must live a healthy life style.A: In this cartoon we can see three students puttheir hands into the slot machines, with theirschoolbag hanging on the stools. Even two of themwear red scarf, which means that they are pupils.However, from the drawing we see a slogan withthe words that “No admittance for minor”.B: Absolutely, it’s time to control the phenomenon of the minor playing slo t machine. For many reasons, like, it will make nonages to abandon their studies, waste money and do harm to their physical and mental health.A: Yeah, I think it needs help from parents, teachers, and the boss of playrooms. Especially, the directors of th e playroom should effectively implement the rule “No admittance for minor”.A: From this cartoon we can see a young girl whois chatting on the phone happily, while the pictureon the wall shows that her parents are overhearingthe telephone message. Obviously, her mom anddad are worrying that she has a puppy love. Howdo you think?B: I can understand these parents’ behaviors, forthey are all out of their children. Most of the parents hope their children will have a bright future. And they think puppy love will make a negative effect to their children’s studies. Actually, I don’t support a child to have fall in love at an early age, but I also think taking children’s personal space is not a wise decision. Do you agree with me?A: Absolutely! For the children, their minds are not mature enough to bear the obstacle in their puppy loves, like quarrels or falling love with another person. And thus, it will delay their studies and even do harm to their physical and mental health. Hence, I can understand the parents’ anxiety. But no matter how worried you are, invasion of children’s priva cy is not right. A harmonious family is based on the faith in each other. The parents should give their children correct guidance. Tell them the danger of puppy love and educate them to be responsible for their own future.B: yes! You are right!A: From this cartoon we can see a man is playingmahjong. It is worth mentioning that the man discardsall the tiles named “talents”, ‘experts’, ‘strangers’,‘master-hands’, but keep the tiles marked with ‘wife’,‘friend’, ‘son’, and so on. Obviously, it reflects thatsome people only employ the appliers who have specialrelationships with them, such as relatives, friends. Whatdo you think of this phenomenon?B: This phenomenon in China is very seriously, just as the network popular words saying, ‘the relationship or background is more important than ability, while ability is more important than diploma.’ You know Chinese are especially affectionate.A: This maybe one of the reasons, but it is really unfair to other candidates, especially for the talents, master-hands who lost this opportunity just because they have no relationship.B: Yeah! Absolutely! I think it is not the loss of the talents but also the company. With more and more such examples, the company’s morale will decrease, and thus will be less and less competitive. However, how to improve this problem?A:In my opinion, the government and the corporate should strengthen the management of recruitment and build a perfect hiring system.A: This cartoon depicts a scene that an old manwho splashed a little water on a stylish womanwhile he was watering his flowers. Immediatelyhe apologized to the woman with a smile.However, the woman was very angry, constantlyaccused the poor man, and even raised a hand tothe man. It’s not necessary to get mad about sucha little matter, not to mention that the otherperson is an old man.B: yeah! Especially for us Chinese who are taught to respect the elderly from childhood. What’ more, this woman also represents a group of people who never forgive others who have done them wrong(得理不饶人).I think this is also not necessary. Just as an old saying goes ‘If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow(忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空)’A: I couldn’t agree more.I remember a girl named Manuo had said that sheprefer to crying in BMW rather than smiling onthe bicycle. And many netizens criticized hermoney worship.Last class, teacher Xiong presented a video abouthow much money the man owns you would bewilling to marry him.What gratified is that almost every group gave anpositive attitude towards this matter.In my opinion, content is happiness.And I think marriage should be based on love. The most important is that we should find our Mr. Right. And he could be poor now, but he should be self-motivated and willing to try hard to make me happy. I believe with such a person our life will be better through our concerted efforts.traffic policeman(交警) fine(罚款) pay inadvance(预缴) detain the license plate(扣留车牌) city management officials (城管) rob(抢劫)enforce the law(执法) in the name ofreinforce the managementA: From this cartoon we can see two citymanagement officiers stopped a truck, and ask thedriver to pay the fine in advance. If the driverrefused to pay, they would detain the license plate.I also cannot distinguish whether they were enforcing the law, or robbing. What do you think about this picture?B: These years, we have always heard such negative examples about city inspectors. I remember a picture which depicts several city inspectors are robbing watermelon from vendors in the name of enforcing the law, and many other examples about violent execution.Even I have witness such event with my own eyes. One time, I went to buy fruits on the street, and there are many vendors selling fruits, may be without license. Suddenly, they began to run in different directions. When I was wondering what has happened, I saw many city inspectors off a police car. I think this is not a correct way of managing public order. Actually, it will make the executors infringe folks’ rights and even hurt them.关于食品卫生:A: From this drawing, we can see a granny(老奶奶) who is detecting a fish with a microscope, while his husband get into the door, with the words that “I have brought the vegetables. Check them whether the toxic substance is standard.” This picture mirrors a common phenomenonthough exaggeration.B: yes! There are many toxic food, like poisonous rice, poisonous eggs, poisonous leek(韭菜), illegal cooking oil, and so on. Even some evilminded businessmen want to make money by injuring kids, like Sanlu. Many people feel more and more insecure about this society.A: yeah! I know many parents prefer baby formula(婴幼儿配方奶粉) abroad to domestic. In Chinese, we say clothing, food, clothing and transportation are the four basic necessities of life, but now the food have serious problem. It is urgent to solve this problem. I know government has already taken action on prevent such events, such as the abolition of the exemption(取消免检). However, there are still many toxic or poor quality food. What’s the root reason of this problem?B: I think the root is the moral deficiency of some businessmen. It is necessary to enhance people’s moral. The fulfillment of the socialist honor-dishonor view is a good choice and urgent to realize.A: This picture interprets the meaning of local snacks in anew way. We can see the vendor open a cover and guide theman who is looking for local snacks to sewer(下水道). Inmy perspective, the cartoon is about the illegal cooking oil.How do you think about this picture?B: This is very disgusting. In my daily life, I used to go tothe snack streets near my school for a bite. But with thereports of many such examples, I had to overcome this habit.Whenever I want to eat snacks, a picture of illegal cookingoil will appear in my mind.B: ……参考上一篇A: From this cartoon, we see the house owner paid thedecoration team, and the forman promised there was noproblem. However, only minutes after they went away, manyproblems appeared in the house, such as leak of the waterpipe(水管),uneven wall surface, and so on. What do you thinkabout this picture?B: yes! There are many other instances. My aunt decorated hernew house last year by employ a building decoration company.One day she went to monitor the project quality. She saw theteam did live very crude decoration, which made her veryunsatisfied.A: as we all know, it is very troublesome to decorate ourselves. Nevertheless,employing decoration team is not assured. If you are going to decorate your house, which will you choose?B: By that time, I think I must be occupied on my job, and it is not realistic to ask for a long leave for decorating my house. I will prefer employing a decoration company, and inspect the quality frequently.A: This drawing vividly depicts ascene of picking up kids. In thepicture, these four pupils were talkingabout which vehicles their parentstaken to pick up them. Then, a boysaid his father drives pressurevessel(压路机) to take him. Thephenomenon of compare between thechildren is serious. What do you thinkabout this picture?B: It’s true. I can understand the people’s desire of excelling others. But something in our life cannot be changed. For instance, we are born poor, while others maybe born with a silver in their mouth. There is no choice but to try our best to make our life better, instead of compare with others blindly.A: I can’t agree more. With the growth of economy, many parents will buy their children brand-name clothes, thus make their children pay much attention on their dress. If someone dresses better or more beautiful than others, this kid will feel superior to others, while others may compare with this kid. I think we should educate the children to focus on their studies, instead of pursing famous brand blindly.B: yes! Even if the family can afford designer clothes, they should notice the occasion. In school, school uniform and simple clothes may be best choices.A:As the picture vividly depicted,there is a manbearing piles of books stepping on the staircasewhich is made of money.And all the money to pavethe way to pass the examination comes from theman.This costly road named the way to take part inthe entrance exams for postgraduates.B:Nowadays,numerous students choose to go furtherin study instead of looking for a job so as to be morecompetitive for previously unavailable jobs.So doesthe tutorial agency notice the opportunity from thesituation.A:I also experienced the difficulty exam.To get a high sore in it,I join in the class hold by the tutorial agency.You can’t imagine how tough the atomosp here there.Probably500 students sitting in a small classroom whose capacity is originally 300.B:Under that condition,it’s really hard to concentrating on what the teacher says, I guess students in the rear of the room may not find the teacher’s face.With out eye contact how could the teacher communicate with you all.A:Students there are deprived of querying rights only to be inculcated what the teacher says.After the curricula there I didn’t found any progress.B:How much money will a student hand in.But as I can see,even if the agency charge one for little,so many students been there make them a great deal.But what I care about is the effect of the paid class.Dose it realy help students improve themselves, or just give them a mental comfort.A:At least for me,I regretted for spending 800yuan on the invalid class and waste much time.I kown many others who spend much on the tutorial class didn’t go to their desirous university.B:Maybe they believe everything will be ok under the help of the agency.Being idler than their counterparts lead to the final fail.So, only our insistence and sweat will assure us passing the exam rather than these paid curricula.A:How terrible the drawing depicts,If I were the littleboy in the picture I believe I woud rather not to come tothe world.B:That’s too exaggerating.But he is a really poor boywho becomes shivering and sweating when perceiveweekends coming,imagining much work.A:Yes, and we can judge from the bag which is a littlebig and heavy for him that in the weekdays he also has to finish much homework.Instead of that,my childhood is filled up with laugh and happiness.Why put so much burden on the children today.B:Well,from the parents’ view,maybe it can be comprehended.In the speedily changeable society,competitions exist here and there.No parents would not hope their kids have a happy childhood,but it’s fain to get more competence and knowledge to survive comfortably in the society.A:Though to be omnipotent is indispensable,I mean getting more skills improving oneself now and then to stand out in the couterparts.Is it really imminent to begin from childhood. They deprive the children of their enjoyment just to enforce them to study and study making the whole childhood monotonous and tedious.B:I can’t agree more. Though the society speak highly of universal genius.But the individuals’ personalities should be paid attention to.It is the characteristics from kinds of people which make our sociery miraculous.So the parents should give more time to their kids cultivating their originality.A:The photo describe a common phenomenon inour society that numerous agencies or individualsdeclare they diagnose for free to attract lots ofpatients.B:Yes,then guess what,though the diagnosis isservice,the doctors there will tell you that you getsome serious desease and have to take a further check.Off cause the overhaul will be expensive definitely.Some others will tell you how to keep healthy or to be stronger as the doctor in the picture do.And the deceiver usually choose the old to cheat.A:Right,we can see the old in the picture are so credulous,and even not discover they are cheated when handing in the money happily.The cheaters often utilize that the olds’ desire for health or keeping health.But what I worry about more is what the cheater give to the old.Is it completely beneficial to the old people.Who kowns.B:Oh that’s really a latent peril.We don’t know whether thry have the relevant qualification. However,there’s still some eligible medical age ncies which hold some gratuitous actions to diagnose peoples.The difference between those two is whether it’s really free of just a lure.A:Yeah,but we can’t rely much on the old to distinguish.In my opinion,the usual preparation will effectively prevent the fraud.As children of the old, people should regularly take their parents to hospital to check up.B:Definitely,under that condition,both the old and the children will feel relieved.As a result,the old people would not go out for diagnosis privately and be apart from the potential danger.A:How ridiculous the drawing represents.I can’thelp laughing at the man in the jail who is persist inscrawling on the wall and board even he is arrested.B:In deed,maybe he is taken into custody becausewriting the advertisement here and therecontaminating the environment.A:They deserve the punishment as they makecontribution to the deterioration of the environment.If the executives is guilty, the people order them should also be accused,and be punished more.B:I can’t agree more,when I was in primary school,our school organize an action to clean the street outside our school.How difficulty to tear off the posters on the walls or ones on the telegragh poles.A:With the improvement of science,the posters evolve to be spray paint nowadays,and that may not wipe off at the present.What’s worse,these tracks often appear in thecorridor in the building or on the walls of the community staining the environment. B:Definitely, when I went for a walk after dinner, varieties of these advertisement came to my eyes making me upset.From my view,legislation is indispensable in our real life to arrest the people who scrawls aroud.A:Well,that makes sense,it’s our responsibility to protect the environment.A: This picture lists four examplesof talking oppositely of a man.The first one vividly depicts thatthis man hold a big screentelevision to bribe someone, butwith the words that ’Here is a littletoken of my affection.’Anotherday, the man may want to bribe again, and he take a new car as a gift, but say the car is second-hand. The third drawing shows this guy’s arms are all around a woman, but saying their relationship is innocent. Eventually, he is put into court, but he still insists that all these are others doing. How ridiculous the person is! I think he is incurable.B: Sadly, this kind of person will not only appear on the picture, but also in our daily life. Some senior officials have already embezzled(贪污) a large sum of money but still pretend to be respectable(人格高尚的,道貌岸然).A: yes! The corruption is really serious to some extent. We have seen many such reports in the newspaper. What’s worse is that us common people have less and less confidence in those civil servants(公务员).B: many of my classmates or friends have become public service employees, and I am wondering what’s going on with them. I hope they can resist temptation and truly serve the people.In this drawing, a woman puts on an ancient costume, butwearing high heels. As we all know, this willwomen in ancient times are forced to have footbinding.Wecan know that the woman should be an actress.As is vividly depicted in the first picture, we can see one mansitting and smoking leisurely and the other man carryingbookshelf. However, in the second picture, the smoking manis holding files and interviewed as if he was a wise and justicecelebrity. These two pictures seem to be humorous andridiculous but thought-provoking on second thoughts. Themost striking feature that impresses me deeply is thatunbelievably.Recent few years has witnessed a phenomenon ofhypocritical style of work which seems to be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity. This phenomenon of hypocritical style should be condemned severely. There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.Everyone has masks. When we are faced with the various situations, we should take our best to solve the problems and use our heart to face the people around us. We should take off our masks and communicate with people sincerely. The hypocritical style of work makes the distance between us far and far. It is necessary that some effective measures are taken to prevent the hypocritical style. On the one hand, we should be sensible to strengthen the propaganda to appeal people get rid of the hypocritical style. On the other hand, it is demanding for us to keep people aware of the importance of sincere.However, it is easier said than done. Although the fight against it is long-standing and tremendous one, we will finally succeed. Only when you attention to it can you see a colorful and harmonious future better sooner or later.A: The pictures above describe an ironical story. It’smore than clear that the cartoonist wants us to paymore attention to a serious problem in family life. Thefather’s behavior should be condemned, and what hedid had made an adverse effect on his child, who is stillnot mature enough to distinguish between right andwrong.B: Yeah. Actually this phenomenon can often become much serious than we can imagine at the first sight. As we all know, happy families are beneficial not only to the couples, but also to the growth of the children and to the stability of the whole society.A: Absolutely! If any one of us wants to enjoy a happy life, we have to discipline ourselves. I think the father should consider his family, and enhance the sense of responsibility, which is the key to a harmonious family. He had better get rid of the bad habits. Only when he puts it into practice will all of the family members enjoy higher living quality.B:I strongly believe that family is the most important in life, and obviously the father have not realized that.A: Yeah. We never realize the worth of the best things until they are lost. To understand the true meaning of happiness, we shouldn’t wait until we have lost everything.图片6A:From the picture we can see lots of counseling books withmany mistakes stack together, and the parents are trying hard tocorrect the mistakes, just like two woodpeckers in the tree forinsects. A child is waiting, with confusion written on his face. Thepicture leaves a deep impression on me.B: Yeah, the cartoonist wants to remind us of a serious problemin society. The publishers put economic interests in the first placeand forget the promise to work for the consumers. They find allkinds of excuse to shift blame, which Brings many harmfulconsequences. On the other hand, I think parents give theirchildren too much pressure, and they seem to enjoy getting everything ready for their children.A: Y ou’re right! It is high time to pay more attention to the problem. I think laws should be established to standardize the behavior of publishers, and a supervisory mechanism should be set up.B: Absolutely! What’s more, I strongly hope parents could change their mind, take their children’s feelings into consideration, and give their children more free room. I think if the children choose what he is really interested in, he will be the happiest student who is nearest to his dream.A: To solve this problem, all of us have a long way to go.A:Nowadays,environment pollutionbecomes a major problem to all of us.Justas what we see in the picture,the twofarmers want to grow their crops,but whatahead of them is the smog which isdischarged by the factory.B:Yes,we can clearly see the upset from their expression,because the smog is so strong that blocked the sunshine.As known to all,the crops without sunlight is just like the people without food.Therefore,the crops can't grow up so that the farmers is so worried about it.A:Maybe it exaggerates,but it does reflect a concerning situation.As the development of our country,the price we have to pay for the development is our environment.We win the advancement but lose our green hills, clean river and the like.B:It's really a worrying problem.As far as I'm concerned,it should be paid by more attention,and our government must take some measures to block this trend.If not any steps be taken,maybe in future the "green" could be a luxury.A:Absolutely right.And we,the youth,can do something to contribute to the environment protection.We can educate the public, informing them the importance of the environment conservation.B:Yes,"Don't let the tears be our last water."Environment protection need we all.And also we are happy to see the whole world's effort."Low carbon"is a new and fashion concept which accepted by the globe.It's a satisfing start.We're glad to see more fashion like that.A:I wish this trend lasting and can be more fashionable.B:It's my dream,too.There are certain qualities which we must possess if we are to succeed in life. Study the provided illustration carefully. Please include:1. a detailed description of the picture2.your understanding of the image’s symbolic meaning3.your opinion regarding the statementIn the above illustration we see a young man with the top of his head open, into which he is placing books. The man is carrying an oxygen tank with the word “courage”written on it. He also carries a large adventurer’s backpack. He is dressed in sports’clothes as he climes over a mysterious, sandy landscape. His shirt has a “V”on it, which symbolizes victory.This picture symbolizes the three key factors that are necessary to have if one wants to succeed. Placing books into one’s mind symbolizes the acquisition of knowledge, which is the firstnecessary quality. The backpack and the clothing suggest that one must be physically fit and healthy. Of course, there is also the tank which means that one should muster up courage. By combining these three ideas we can summarize the symbolic meaning as “to be a successful man one must have knowledge, strength and courage.”The three factors are definitely necessary if one hopes to gain success in life. Accumulated wisdom is necessary to out-think one’s opponents. Being physically fit is enables one to out-last the rivals. Finally, courage is indispensable if one hopes to venture into areas his opponents fear to tread. With these three attributes, a person can achieve all of his goals.。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Go shopping.B. Have a rest.C. Go to the cinema.2. What does the man think of the movie?A. Exciting.B. Boring.C. Disappointing.3. What does the woman mean?A. She doesn't like the color.B. She doesn't want to buy the dress.C. She wants to try on another dress.4. What does the man want to do?A. Go to the library.B. Have a cup of coffee.C. Go to the bookstore.5. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Take a taxi.B. Walk to the station.C. Take a bus.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
考点及注意事项第一部分朗读 Reading(10%)测试学生的语音基础、意群停顿、语气转换、自然流畅的连读、失爆等朗读技巧。

(—)In the picture, which describes three images, respectively is primary school, s’ content are almost middle school and university group photo , the picture s’ content same, the difference is some people who with glasses are more and more as pictures’ meaning is that as we the growth of the age in the picture ,these growth, as we learn more and more, the students’ work become more hard. On the other hand, the picture remind us to cherish life, to protect our eyes . Learning is important, but we should pay attention to physical activity, we can have more energy to study only that have a well body .old saying, the body is the capital of revolution, so in more than learning, we should be have more outdoor sports (二) This is a humorous images, this is a recruitment in the picture on the edge of the table writes: we need master, the behind of the table there is a recruitment, there are two men in front of the table, they apply for with their diploma, the one was rejected, so his appearance looked very depressed, another is talking with employer, he said they are overseas students, but the employer told him that they employ people who have the ability rather than a diploma. This picture shows the graduate college students’ embarrassing situation, they had study hard more than ten years, which is for a diploma, they have thought can find a good job when finish learning but employer think them who are lack of ability, and led to many graduate college students can not find a job.。

上海高考英语口语考试专项练习(三)看图说话My mother has just got a call from East-China Hospital。
XXX to the person on the other end of the line。
I can tell that something XXX injured。
I hope everything will be okay and that my mother gets the support she needs.图2.I cannot tolerate some of the rs that I XXX littering。
and being loud and disruptive。
It'XXX.图3.I am going to tell you a XXX。
A man was trying to reach a box of cereal on the top shelf。
but he was too short。
He tried jumping and stretching。
but it was no use。
a little girl walked by and said。
"Excuse me。
Do you need help?" The man was embarrassed but grateful。
and the little girl got the cereal down for him。
It was a arming moment.XXX received a call from East-China XXX arrival。
my grandma was lying in bed。
weak and frail。
XXX visitsher parents。

上海中考英语作文看图说话:描绘城市变迁的画卷In the heart of Shanghai, a city that never sleeps, stands a towering skyscraper, a symbol of the city's rapid development and progress. This is not just a building, but a testament to the hard work and perseverance of the people of Shanghai.A few decades ago, this land was a bustling market, filled with the sounds of bargaining and laughter. Vendors sold their wares from morning till night, attracting customers from all over the city. The atmosphere was lively and full of energy.However, as time passed, the cityscape changed. The old market was demolished, and in its place rose a modern skyscraper. The vendors who once sold their goods here now operate in a new, air-conditioned mall, where they canoffer a wider range of products and services to their customers.The transformation of this area is not just a physical one. It also represents a shift in the mindset of thepeople. They have moved from a traditional way of life to a more modern and advanced one. This change is evident in the way they dress, the food they eat, and the technology they use.The skyscraper is not just a building; it is a symbolof the city's growth and development. It represents the dreams and aspirations of the people of Shanghai, who have come together to create something remarkable. This building stands as a testament to their hard work and perseverance, reminding us that with dedication and unity, we can achieve anything.The view from the top of the skyscraper is breathtaking. One can see the entire city spread out below, with its towering buildings, bustling streets, and bustling life. It is a reminder of how far the city has come and how much it has achieved.As we gaze out at the cityscape, we are reminded of the importance of change. Change is inevitable, and it brings new opportunities and challenges. Just as the old market transformed into a modern skyscraper, so too can wetransform our lives and embrace the changes that come our way.In conclusion, the skyscraper in the heart of Shanghaiis not just a building. It is a symbol of the city's growth, development, and transformation. It represents the dreams and aspirations of the people who have come together to create something remarkable. As we look out at thecityscape below, we are reminded of the importance of change and the opportunities it brings. Let us embrace change, work hard, and together, create a better future.**上海中考英语作文看图说话:描绘城市变迁的画卷** 在上海这座不眠之城的心脏地带,矗立着一座高耸入云的摩天大楼,它见证了上海迅猛的发展与进步。

Directions: Listen and practice. Notice the intonation when saying the following questions. Please read after me.1.Mr. Orwell, would you fill in this form, please?.2.Supposing I got the job abroad, would you come with me?3.Are there any particular facilities you need to ask about?4.Do you remember the exact time when you visited Russia?5.Can you recommend something for a sore throat, please?6.Prince Charles said that newspapers always print the bad news. Is that true?7.Have you seen that awful building they have put up on the comer of Bridge Street?8.Do you agree with the statement C(Not everything that is learned is contained in books”?19.Is it hard to educate your kids to be responsible about money when they grew up with wealth?10.Was it terribly embarrassing that some of the audience got up and left in the middle of the performance?特殊疑问句的朗读特殊疑问句的朗读用降调。

I. SpeakingSection ADirections: Read the following two sentences. For each sentence, you will have thirty seconds to prepare and fifteen seconds to read.1. Excuse me, does the rent include gas, water and electricity2. Many tourists dreamed of owning a small house on a coat to which they return year after year to enjoy the sun and the sea.【能力要求】能运用所学语音知识和朗读技能,用正确的语音和语调朗读句子【知识内容】语言知识/语音Section BDirections: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.For many years I told myself I didn't want a fancy cellphone. It seemed like too much work, always ringing and demanding attention. I was perfectly satisfied with my simple old cellphone, and I didn't expect to change my mind any time soon.However, about a year ago, I found myself envying all those proud iPhone owners, showing their shiny new phones off to all their friends. Eventually I welcomed my new iPhone into my life. I instantly fell in love with it, and could no longer imagine life without it.【能力要求】能运用所学语言知识和朗读技能,用正确的语音和语调朗读语篇【知识内容】语言知识/语音Section CDirections: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each question.Questions 1-2: You are in a book store and see a new type of e-dictionary. You feel interested and ask about it.【能力要求】能运用所学的语言功能意念知识,根据情景要求进行询问以获得所需的信息【知识内容】功能意念/询问相关信息Questions 3- 4: You are talking with your classmate about the oral examination to be held next week. You ask:【能力要求】能运用所学的语言功能意念知识,根据情景要求进行询问以获得所需的信息【知识内容】功能意念/寻求帮助Section DDirections: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the following pictures in at least five sentences. Begin your talk with the sentence given:It was Sunday morning.【能力要求】能在《课程标准》列出的话题范围内,对人物或事件进行口头描述、解释和评述【主题/内容】人际交往II. Listening and SpeakingSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear four sentences. Make quick responses to the sentences you have heard.1 We won the champion in the football match!【能力要求】能听懂日常会话用语,并对此做出应答【知识内容】功能意念/祝贺2 I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation.【能力要求】能听懂日常会话用语,并对此做出应答【知识内容】功能意念/回复道歉3 Where do you suggest we have some drinks【能力要求】能听懂日常会话用语,并对此做出应答【知识内容】功能意念/建议4 Would you like black coffee or white coffee【能力要求】能听懂日常会话用语,并对此做出应答【知识内容】功能意念/回复提供Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear a short passage. The passages will be read twice. After you hear the passage, answer the first question with the information you hear and the second in your own opinion with at least 3 sentences. For the first question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to talk. For the second question, you will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk.Listen to the following speaker talking about a girl who won a prize.In Canada, sixteen- year- old Linda Ho from Vancouver has won the regional ‘Young Poet of the Year’ competition, with her poem titled Whale Song. Linda, from Steveston High School, takes home a prize of $ 1,000.Linda has already written about 30 poems, but she has never entered adidn't competition before now. “It was a big surprise for me, ” she says. “Iexpect to win.”Linda says she thought of the poem when she came out of an elevatorand saw a painting of a whale on a wall. “But sometimes I get ideas for poems when I’mwalking on the sidewalk, or when I’mon the subway, ” she says.Linda has already decided how to spend the prize money. “Aweb camera for my computer, and some books by my favorite poets. ” Linda has just done her school- leaving examinations, and she hopes to go to university to study Linda. “But I’dlike to work in something to do with the sea, for sure. ”Now listen again please.Questions:1 What are the two things Linda wants to buy with the money she has won【能力要求】能根据所听材料回答问题【知识内容】个人信息2 What would you do if you got a prize of 1,000 yuan【能力要求】能结合所听材料,表达个人观点、感受或评论【知识内容】个人信息。

高考英语口试应试技巧范文5份高考英语口试应试技巧 1一、评价标准早知道复试英语口语考试的评价标准是考试给我们设定的衡量标杆,考生必须知道这个衡量标准是什么,才能相应的去准备相关的内容,把各项要求做到最好。
比如:Which kind of professor do you like best?3、话题阐述。
比如,Do you prefer to study in a big city ora small one, and explain why?同学们在进行阐述时,即要表明自己的看法,同时要阐述具体原因。
例如:I do not like the person who e in out of the blue. Out of the blue(出其不意)就是一个习语。

Unit1图1Mr.Dohert managed to spend some hours a week at the typewriter or doing reporting for the freelance articles. At the same time,in addition to her complete routine ,sandy oversees(照料)the garden and the rest。
图2 Recently, Sandy and I had to retile the back roof. Our two little sons will help me make some long-overdue improvements on the outdoor toilet图3 None of us will ever forget our first winter. We were buried under five feet of snow from December through March. we kept warm inside burning our own wood, eating our own apples and loving every minute of it.图4 For various stories of mine, I've crawl ed into black-bear dens for Sports Illustrated, hitch ed up(拉住)dogsled racing teams for Smithsonian magazine, checked out the Lake Champlain(尚普兰)"monster" for Science Digest.图5We continue to dine out once or twice a month, but now we patronize(经常光顾)local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. We still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. We eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies.图6 I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude(荒僻的地方). And the other requirement is energy-a lot of it.Unit2图1A gentle breeze swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house. Alongside me was a slender woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario, was home to a hero in American history.图2In October 2000, President Clinton authorized $16 million for the to honor this first great civil-rights struggle in the U. S. The center is scheduled to open in 2004. And it's about time. 图3John Parker tensed when he heard the soft knock. Peering out his door into the night, he recognized the face of a trusted neighbor. "There's a party of escaped slaves hiding in the woods in Kentucky, twenty miles from the river," the man whispered urgently. Parker didn't hesitate. "I'll go," he said, pushing a pair of pistols into his pockets.图4Crossing the Ohio River on that chilly night, Parker found ten fugitives frozen with fear. "Get your bundles and follow me, " he told them, leading the eight men and two women toward the river.图5、6Parker saw a small boat and, with a shout, pushed the escaping slaves into it. There was room for all but two. As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as thepursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind.Unit3图1Those days are over. In rural areas as well as in cities, doors do not stay unlocked,even for part of an evening.At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over.图2It has been replaced by locks , security chains, electronic alarm system and trip wires hooked up to a police station or private guard firm. Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios,with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open.图3We trust no one.We have become so smart about self-protection that,in the end,we have all outsmarted ourselves.We may have locked the evils out,but in so doing we have locked ourselves in.Unit5图1I decided first to go out on the Murzim's afterdeck for a breath of open air. I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook's hat.图2I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest.图3For instance, something uppermost about my father was how he had impressed that my love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself.图4I reminded my old principal how each morning he would open our little country town's grammar school with a prayer over his assembled students. I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers.图5In the letter to my grandmother, I reminded her of a dozen ways she used to teach me how to tell the truth, to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others. I thanked her for the years of eating her good cooking, the equal of which I had not found since. Finally, I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust.图6Every time the ship's loudspeaker rasped, "Attention! Mail call!" all shipmates were alternately pulling out fistfuls of letters and barking successive names of sailors who were, in turn, shouting back "Here! Here!" amid the pushing.Unit6图1“She has one chance in ten .”he said.”And that chance is for her to want to live.Your little lady has made up her mind that she’s not going to get well.Has she anything on her mind?”“图2Johnsy lay,scarcely making a movement under the bedclothes,with her face toward the window,She was looking out and counting __counting backward.图3“Leaves. On the ivy vine.When the last one falls I must go,too.I’ve known that foe three days. Didn’t the doctor tell you?”“Oh,I never heard of such nonsense. What have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well?Don’t be so silly.Why, the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well soon were ten to one !Try to take some soup now.图4Sue told Behrman of Johnsy’s fancy,and how she feared she would ,indeed,light and fragile as a leaf herself,float away.Old Behrman,with his red eyes plainly streaming ,shouted his contempt for such foolish imaginings.图5Johnsy with dull,wide-open eyes staring at the drawn green shade.“Pull it up;I want to see,”Johsy ordered ,in a whisper. One last leaf still cling to the vine after two night rain and wind .图6Sue told Johnsy that Mr.Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital.and why the last leaf clung to the wall no matter rain or wind, it’s Behrman’s masterpiece---he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.。

3-1图画Directions: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk in at least five sentences about the following pictures. Begin your talk with the sentence given:图1My mother has just got a call from EOstna Hospital.图2.I cannot tolerate some of the behaviors that I see in Zhongshan Park on a sunny day.图3.I am going to tell you a funny thing I saw in a supermarket.阉4I remember once my little sister and I uv«ire playing with a MIL图&Mt>nda, morning Is always the worsi morning of ±e week for me.Li Gang, a gl将g。

专题二十三书面表达之图画式1.【2019·上海】GuidedWritingDirections:WriteanEnglishcompositionin120–150wordsaccordingtotheinstructionsgiv enbelowinChinese.学校即将举办“读书节”,目前正广泛征集“读书节”宣传册图片。
【参考答案】DearSir/Madam,SincetheReadingFestivalisaroundthecorner,I’mwritingtorecommendapicturewhich canbeusedinthebrochuretoremindthestudentsofthepleasureofreading.Inthepicture,threestudentsaresittingatthetable,discussingheatedlywhattheyhav ejustread.Itseemsthattheyhavehadalotoffunthroughthediscussion.Thoughitisadmittedthatreadingismostlyapersonalactivitywhichneedsquietnessandconcentration,asfarasI ’mconcerned,itcanalsobeasharingexperiencewhenthesamebookisbeingappreciated.Just imaginethatyouhavereadaterrificdetectivestorywithfascinatingandintricateplots.Yo uaresoamazedbythegeniusofthewriterandyoucan’thelpsharingitwithyourclassmatesorb estfriends,whoturnouttohavebeendeeplyimpressedaswell.Themomentyoumentionthebook, thepassionandenthusiasmaboutthestorywillexplodewhichcanneverbegainedonyourown.My idealatmosphereofreadingisjustlikethat,throughwhichyoucannotonlyappreciatethecon tentbyyourself,butalsohavethepleasureofsharingtheplotsoropinionswithyourpeers,wh ichwillultimatelyenhanceyourunderstandingofthebook.Tosumup,thereasonofmyrecommen dationisquitesimpleandapparentthatreading,insteadofbeingdullandisolating,canbefu llofparticipationandcommoninterest.Isincerelyhopethatyouwilltakemysuggestioninto considerationandI’mlookingforwardtoyourearlyreply.Yourssincerely,PanYang【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。

上海市高考英语口试训练题(八套)试卷一1.Q: Don't forget to give my best wishes to your parents. A: I will. Thank you.2.Q: I'm really grateful to you for your advice. A: It's my pleasure.3.Q: Excuse me, where is your teachers' office?A: It's on the third floor.4.Q: Why not has a game of ping-pang? A: That's a good idea.5.Q: I'm afraid I've given you too much trouble. A: That's right.试卷二1.Q: Hello, could I speak to Mr. Brown? A: Hold on, please.2.Q: Would you mind if I leave my bicycle here for a while? A: Of course not.3.Q: I'm really grateful to you. A: It's my pleasure./Don't mention it.4.Q: I missed the last bus and had to walk home last night. A: That's too bad./What a pity.5.Q: What do you do to keep fit? A: Take more exercise.试卷三1.Q: Why, it's you. How are you doing? A: Fine, thank you.2.Q: What do you think of my bicycle? A: I think it is very nice.3.Q: Do you mind if I make a phone call here? A: Of course not.4.Q: I apologize for what I said just now. A: That's all right.5.Q: Make sure you lock the door when you leave. A: OK. I will.试卷四1.Q: I really appreciate what you've done for us. A: It's my pleasure.2.Q: I wish you success in the oral exam. A: Thank you very much.3.Q: What would you like to do in your spare time? A: I like to read books.4.Q: How long can I keep these magazines? A: Two weeks.5.Q: I missed passing th exam by only one mark this time. A; Don't worry, take it easy.试卷五1.Q: I hope your work is going well. A: Thank you.2.Q: How do you like the lunch at your school? A: It is delicious.3.Q: Would you mind if I took the book away with me? A: Of course not.4.Q: What about joining us in the game? A: That's a good idea.5.Q: I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. A: That's all right.试卷六1.Q: Please give my regards to your parents. A: OK, I will.2.Q: Look out! There's a truck coming. A: Thank you.3.Q: What's your favourite food? A: Potato4.Q: I wish you wouldn't have your radio on so loud. A: Oh, I am sorry.5.Q: I didn't get the opportunity though I had done my best. A: Don't worry. Take it easy.试卷七1.Q: Hello I'm Steven. White from Cambridge. A: Hello. Nice to meet you.2.Q: You won't be late again, will you? A: No. I won't.3.Q: I don't feel like eating anything these days. A: That's too bad. You should do to see the doctor.4.Q: We're having a party this weekend, would you care to come? A: I would love to come.5.Q: What do you like reading in your spare time? A: Science fictions.试卷八1.Q: Goodbye and thanks again for a wonderful time. A: Goodbye.2.Q: What do you think of the chicken soup here? A: I think it is good.3.Q: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Shanghai Museum? A: Go straight ahead and turn left.4.Q: My god I've left my wallet at home. A: Don't worry. I will lend you some money.5.Q: I have been waiting here for 20 minutes, but the bus hasn't come yet. A: Oh. That's toobad./May be the bus will come soon.模拟题及答案1.Q: Hello I'm Steven. White from Cambridge. A: Hi! Nice to meet you.2.Q: You won't be late again, will you? A: Of course I won't.3.Q: What do you like reading in your spare time? A: I usually read science fictions.4.Q: I don't feel like eating anything these days. A: Neither do I.5.Q: We're having a party this weekend, would you care to come? A: I would love to come.6.Q: Why, it's you. How are you doing? A: Fine, thank you. And you?7.Q: What do you think of my bicycle? A: It's a nice one.8.Q: Do you mind if I make a phone call here? A: Of course not.9.Q: I apologize for what I said just now. A: That's all right.10.Q: Make sure you lock the door when you leave. A: OK. I will.11.Q: I hope your work is going well. A: Thank you very much.12.Q: How do you like the lunch at your school? A: It's very nice.13.Q: Would you mind if I took the book away with me? A: Of course not.14.Q: What about joining us in the game? A: All right.15.Q: I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. A: That's all right.16.Q: Goodbye and thanks again for a wonderful time. A: Goodbye.17.Q: What do you think of the chicken soup here? A: I think it is very good.18.Q: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Shanghai Museum? A: Go straight ahead and turnleft.19.Q: My god I've left my wallet at home. A: Don't worry. Take it easy.20.Q: I have been waiting here for 20 minutes, but the bus hasn't come yet. A: Oh. That's too bad.21.Q: You look wonderful in that sweater. A: Thank you.22.Q: What do you like for breakfast? A: It's very delicious.23.Q: Excuse me but could you please tell me where the nearest bank is? A: Go straight ahead and turn left.24.Q: Why didn't you come to school yesterday? A: Because I had a bad cold.25.Q: I heard that Jack failed his final exam. A: I'm sorry to hear that.26.Q: Thank you for your help. A: Not at all.27.Q: What are you going to do this weekend? A: Go to play the football game.28.Q: I don't believe what Michael said. A: Neither do I.29.Q: You look pale. What is wrong with you? A: I had a bad cold.30.Q: I wonder whether John can finish the work ahead of time. A: I think he can.31.Q: Hello. May I speak to Mary Smith please? A: This is Mary Smith.32.Q: Do you want to go out for lunch tomorrow? A: That's a good idea.33.Q: I feel awful. I've failed my math test again. A: Don't worry.34.Q: I don't want to interrupt you, but could I ask you a question? A: Of course.35.Q: Why don't you travel to Hong Kong during the holiday? A: That's a good idea.第三部分提问1.You are going to buy an English-Chinese dictionary. You go to the bookstore and ask the shopassistant...Q1: Are there any English-Chinese dictionaries in the books tore?Q2: How much does it cost?2.You are going to attend a computer course, so you call the training center. You ask...Q1: When will be the computer course held?Q2: How much does it cost?3.One of your classmates has made great improvements in hie spoken English. Ask him two questionsabout it.Q1: How did you make great improvement in your spoken English?Q2: Is reading helpful to spoken English?4.You are going to write an article on space fight. So you want to borrow some reference booksfrom the library. Ask the librarian to help.Q1: Are there any books on space fight in the library?Q2: How long can I keep the book?5.A new teacher will come to teach your class. Ask your class teacher about him.Q1: Is he kind to students?Q2: What will he teach us?6.You want to buy some books in order to help improve you maths. Ask the shop assistant forhelp.Q1: How much does it cost?Q2: Which book is the most helpful?7.Next Wednesday is your English teacher's birthday. You want to do something for her. You askyou classmates...Q1: Shall we have a party for her?Q2: Which present should I buy for her?8.You've heard your classmates has published a short article in the students' English newspaper.You ask him about it.Q1: What did you write?Q2: How did you write so well?9.Your classmate Li Min has been absent from school for 3 days. Ask you monitor about him.Q1: Why didn't he go to school?Q2: Is he better today?10. Your school will send a group of students to Australia for a summer course.Ask your teacherabout it.Q1: How long will we stay there?Q2: What will we do during the summer course?11.You want to mail a birthday card to your friend in America. You ask the postman.Q1: How much does it cost?Q2: When will mt friend get this card?12.You are doing a survey of the students' life in their spare time. You ask...Q1:What do you prefer to do in your spare time?Q2: Do you often play games in your spare time?13.You are going to invite a friend to have dinner with you. You ask...Q1: Are you free this weekend?Q2: Would you like to have dinner with me this weekend?14.One of your classmates won the first prize in a maths contest. Ask him about it.Q1: Did you feel happy when you won the first prize?Q2: How did you win the first prize?15.Your friend will soon graduate from senior high school. Ask him about his future plan.Q1: What did you plan to do?Q2: Which university are you going to enter?16.Your friend has succeeded in losing 5 kilos. Ask her how she did it.Q1: How much exercise do you take everyday?Q2: Do you eat less than before?17.You are not clear about today's English homework. Ask your classmate about it.Q1: What is today's English homework?Q2: Is it difficult?18.Your friend will give a performance at the May 4th celebration. Ask him two questions about it.Q1: What's your performance?Q2: What do you think of this performance?19.You are talking about thanks giving day with an American student on your school campus. YouAsk...Q1: Is thanks giving day very important to you?Q2: What do you do on thanks giving day?20.The students' union needs some volunteers to help the old people in the neighborhood. Ask forsome information about it.Q1: How many volunteers does it need?Q2: Can I be a volunteer?21.An astronaut gives a lecture in your school after the lecture. You ask him two questions.Q1: How can you be an astronaut?Q2: Do you like this job?22.Your classmate has just played a basketball match again another school. You ask him...Q1: Who won the match?Q2: Did you do your best?23.You're going to buy a birthday present for your Mum. You go to your best friend for advice.You ask...Q1: What should I buy for my Mum?Q2: Is this hat suitable for my Mum?24.Your friend has just come from Japan, and you are interested in Japanese food. You ask him...Q1: What do you think of Japanese food?Q2: Is Japanese food very delicious?25.Your friend is very good skating, and you want him to teach you. You go to him and ask...Q1: How can you be good at skating?Q2: Could you teach me?26.You're going to Suzhou for two days. You call the hotel to book a room. You ask...Q1: Is there any spare room in the hotel?Q2: How much is a single room?上海市高考英语口试试题汇编(12套)第一套Part Two Make quick response1. It's nice of you to show me around your school.2. What about taking bus No.104 to the Shanghai Railway Station?3. I'm sorry. I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus.4. How did you enjoy the concert last night?5. I wonder if I could use your mobile phone.Part Three Ask questions1-2 Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend two questions about it.3-4 You have a toothache and want to make an appointment to see Dr. Brown. The nurse asks you two questions.Part Four Talk on the topicWhat do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai?第二套1. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith?2. I'm sorry but I forgot to bring the book here.3. I'd love you to come to my birthday party.4. Why not have another cup of tea?5. You're busy. Is there anything I can do for you?Part Three Ask questions1-2 You are in your English teacher's office, asking the teacher two questions about English learning.3-4 You have a new deskmate Bob. You want to get to know him. Ask him two questions. Part Four Talk on the topicDo you think examinations are the main source of stress in your life? Why?第三套Part Two Make quick response1. It's really a hot holiday, isn't it?2. What do you think of learning Japanese as a second language?3. Don't forget to buy a hamburger for me.4. Look, what on earth are you're doing? The classroom is so messy.5. I haven't finished my homework, because I felt extremely tried last night.Part Three Ask question1-2 You are not well. You go to see a doctor. The doctor asks you two questions about your problem.3-4 You want to borrow a book from the school library. Ask the librarian two questions about it.Part Four Talk on the topic"What is your opinion of a true friend?" Give an example to illustrate your point.第四套Part Two Make quick response1. What do you think of taking a summer English course in Britain?2. How is your cousin? I haven't seen him for ages.3. I don't know how to use this fax machine?4. Can you tell me what time it is now?5. I regret that I quarreled with my roommate last night.Part Three Ask question1-2 You want to buy a new pair of sports shoes. Ask the shop assistant two questions about the shoes.3-4 Your friend has just transferred to a new school. Ask your friend two questions about the school.Part Four Talk on the topic"Is it good for a high school student to take a part-time job? Why or why not?"第五套1. Sorry to trouble you, but do you happen to know what time the next lecture begins?2. What do you think of the film directed by the young director?3. I will get my doctor degree next week.4. What is Hangzhou most famous for?5. Could you tell me the shopping mall's open hour in the community?Part Three Ask questions1-2 Your former schoolmate is going to see film. He invites you to go with him. You ask him two questions.3-4 Your class has a new corner from another school this term. You ask the new corner two questions.Part Four Talk on the topicDo you agree that teenagers should not be allowed to play in the Internet bar? Why or why not?第六套Part Two Make quick response1. My name is Li Xiao-ming. Nice to meet you here!2. What have you been busy with these days?3. Can you help me move into my new apartment tomorrow?4. I really must be going now, because I have classes early in the morning.5. Children should spend more time outdoors and less time in watching TV.Part Three Ask question1-2 One of your relatives had an accident on her way home. You ask her two questions about it.3-4 Henry wants to further his studies in a vocational school. Ask him two questions about this.Part Four Talk on the topicShould smoking be allowed or forbidden among young students? Why?第七套Part Two Make quick response1. I'm sorry, but you're really making too much noise.2. You look sad and upset, what's the matter with you?3. Mary, I got the first prize in the mini speech contest.4. What do you think of the fairy tale about Beauty and Beast?5. There is not much milk in the refrigerator.Part Three Ask question1-2 You work as a receptionist at a hotel. One customer called to book a room. Ask two questions about it.3-4 You were put in a new class and you trued hard to build up a good relationship with your classmates but failed. Ask your class teacher for help.Part Four Talk on the topicDo you think students should be encouraged to compete with their classmates. Why or why not?第八套Part Two Make quick response1. Would you like to try some of these cakes my mom made?2. I don't think that film is interesting.3. This is nice but too expensive. Could you make it 30 yuan?4. Wendy, come downstairs and help me in the kitchen.5. How often do you usually go shopping?Part Three Ask question1-2 You plan to visit Tibet during your summer vacation and one of your classmates has been There. Ask him for advice on your trip.3-4 You are going to write an article on space flight, so you want to borrow some reference books from the library. Ask the librarian for help.Part Four Talk on the topic"Do you think modern science and technology brings us more good or bad? Why?"第九套Part Two Make quick response1. Could you tell me how to find some books on English grammar?2. What do you prefer, action movies or drama?3. I can't concentrate on my work these days.4. How long is the flight from Shanghai to Beijing?5. You've got a good ear for music?Part Three Ask question1-2 You and your classmate are talking about a robbery, which happened in a bank last night.Ask two questions about it.3-4 Your English teacher is introducing a very good English programme, "Studio Classroom", to you.Ask the teacher two questions about it.Part Four Talk on the topicNowadays it is popular for parents to choose a private junior school for their children. What's your opinion on this?第十套Part Two Make quick response1. Hello, this is Mary speaking. Is Peter there?2. What do you usually have for breakfast?3. Make sure you lock the door when you leave.4. We will have a school excursion to Hangzhou soon.5. Mind you step! The ground is wet.Part Three Ask question1-2 Imagine the famous sportsman Liu Xiang has made a speech in your school. You ask him two questions.3-4 You want to apply for a library card. You ask the librarian two questions.Part Four Talk on the topic"Do you think video games are good for middle-school students? Why or why not?"第十一套Part Two Make quick response1. Thanks you so much for your timely help.2. What are you going to do with these old books?3. Would you mind my talking so loudly in your class?4. What do you like reading in your spare time?5. I failed the final examination and was scolded by my parents.Part Three Ask questions1-2 Your friend Li Ming has just come back from the English Summer Camp in Canada. Ask him two questions about it.3-4 It is your mother's birthday tomorrow and you have no idea about what to buy as a Birthday gift. Ask your friend for advice.Part Four Talk on the topic"What is the best way to keep healthy? Why?"第十二套Part Two Make quick response1. Lucy, you look nice with that blouse today.2. What do you think of my new bicycle?3. Is there anything I can do for you?4. I don't feel fine, I want to go home.5. I think video games are really harmful for a middle-school student.Part Three Ask questions1-2 Your aunt looks young and healthy. Ask her two questions about how to keep young.3-4 John is now at the "Lost & Found". The clerk asks him two questions about his lost Wallet.Part Four Talk on the topicWhat do you think of the social activities in your senior years, such as military training, farm work and social work in the neighbourhoods?附:上海市高考英语口试“一分钟谈话题”1.What's your favourite subject?2.Is it good for you to listen to music while doing your homework?3.Why is fast food popular in China now?4.Is it good for some parents to send their children to private school? Why?5.Is it good for students to have regular tests?6.The importance of students' interests.7.How do you make proper use of your time?8.How to deal with the pollution to the environment.9.The relationship between English study and adventure.10.Say something about the "Super Girl" competition.11.What do you think of having a short-term study abroad during summer or winter vocation?12.Is it good to study abroad?13.What is "cool"? What does "cool" mean?/What do you think is the most "cool"?14.Is it useful to do more exercises to the entrance examination?15.Is it good for students to wear school uniforms?16.The sport of crag climbing.17.How to make friends?/The importance of making friends.18.The importance of friends in your daily life.19.Is it good or not to make friends on the Internet?20.The goodness or badness of video games.21.Forbid young people to smoke.22.How to keep good health? Why?/The importance of keeping fit.23.The importance of social practice.24.Does modern science bring us good or bad?25.Could students go to the net-bar? Why?。

2012级第3学期口语考试题签1Key words and expressions:air pollutionsustainable developmentclassified rubbishplant treesvehiclePicture 1In order to make the earth happy all the time, we should try our best to reduce the air pollution.It can be seen from the picture that in order to reduce the air pollution, we can do the following things. Firstly, plant trees to absorb the harmful air. Secondly, do our best to classify the rubbish. Thirdly, go out by bike instead of taking a vehicle. Fourthly, persuade more people to join the team of protecting the environment, we should start from the small things in our life, start form ourselves. What’s more, we should follow the way of sustainable development.All in all, I believe our life will become better and better and if we do the above things.2Key words and expressions: over-consumebeyond their earningsnecessityresist temptationrealisticfinancial planbe of great help ...rationalPicture 2It can be seen from the picture that nowadays, in order to satisfy themselves, a plenty of people often go shopping and buy a lot of things and it leads to over-consume. What’s worse, the amount of their things is often beyond their earning. However, they feel happy about shopping and claim that they love shopping.Personally, it’s wrong for them to do that. We should do the things before we go shopping. Firstly, think about the value and necessity of the things you want to buy. Secondly, try our best to resist temptation. Thirdly, make a realistic financial plan before you go shopping. All in all, we should go shopping rationally and it will be of great help to us.3,Key words and expressions:tips of stress reductiongo shoppinghave rational managing finances idealisten to light or classical musichave a wonderful mealpay attention to life moderationwrite your internal distress on a piece of paperPicture 3The above pictures reveal some tips of stress reduction. The first picture advises us to have a wonderful meal and control the appetite during it. The second picture suggests us to listen to some light or classical music because the choice of music has a great impact on our emotion. The third picture asks us to go shopping continently. The fourth picture tells us to write our internal distress on a piece of paper and tell us to pay attention to the parts that should be kept secret.In my opinion, the above tips are all useful. However, faced with the great financial stress, we should also do the following things. Firstly, we should have rational managing finances idea when we work. Secondly, pay attention to life moderation. I believe that we can lead a great life if we do the above things.4Key words and expressions:average life spanfamily planning policyattach importance to the problem of aging population duty to support parentsthe only childpressurebear too many responsibilitiesPicture 4It can be seen from the picture that a father and a mother was carrying their parents on the back and they felt tired about it. Their son was shocked by them. What’s more, their parents sighed out that it was not easy for their children to support them.Child, especially the only child, has the duty to support parents. However, with the development of technology, our average life span has been increased and it means that the only children should pay more a bad news for the people who are under great pressure. As far as I’m concerned, the government should do the following things to solve the problem. Firstly, carry out some family planning policies. Secondly, attach importance to the problem of aging population. Thirdly, provide welfare for the family that has the only child. Fourthly, set more bead houses for the old people.All in all, the government should attach importance of the life of old people and help young people reduce their stress.5Key words and expressions: communicate effectively withthe power of wordspositive and negative forcebe mindful ofparent-child relationshipstupidPicture 5It can be seen from the picture that some words a like fool, stupid person and so on act as an invisible hand in our daily life. It does a great harm to us and the society.Personally, words have positive and negative force. If we use the words properly, we can communicate effectively with others. If we use the words improperly, we may hurt others. The power of the words is powerful and we should make good use of it. If we use some good words to communicate with our parents, it may contribute a lot to parent-child relationship.All in all, if we can b mindful of the words, we’ll lead a good life. Otherwise, we may hurt others deeply.Key words and expressions: concern about following generations staring at moneybetter futureeven developmentcultural industryyoungsterstrongpowerful countryIt can be seen from the picture that a father whose left arm was signed “cultural industry”, right arm was signed “economic growth”was training .The radio reported “strive to develop”. His s on asked him to watch foreign cartoon and he told his son that he should train his arm first.In my opinion, to become a powerful country, the government should concern about the following generation. In order to have a better future, the government should do the following things. Firstly, attach importance to even development, make both cultural industry and economy strong. Secondly, enhance the education for the youngsters. Thirdly, stop staring at money blindly and pay attention to the development of soft power.All in all, a country can’t be strong without even development. If we want to lead a better life, the government should attach importance to even development all the time.Key words and expressions: overpopulationlimited resourcesundertakeburdennew resourcesIt can be seen from the picture that a large baby signed “world population”was crying sadly. A bird signed “resource”was trying to hold the baby in the mouth. However, what we can see is the bird felt tired holding the baby in the mouth.As far as I’m concerned, overpopulation is one of the major problems in the world. With limited resources, a plenty of people suffer from starvation, coldness and so on. If we want to change the situation, we should do the fallowing thing. Firstly, try our best to protect the environment. Secondly, reduce the abuse of the existing resources. Thirdly, try to develop new resources and reduce the burden for the world.In a word, if we want to lead a good life under the limited resources, we should undertake more responsibilities and devote ourselves to the development of the world.Key words and expressions: consumption abroadpotential consumersluxury goodsconsumptive powerrational consumptioneconomic developmentwealthy lifestyleIt can be seen from the picture that a man who held a balloon signed ‘the first in the world”was standing on the shoe-shaped gold ingot signed “the consumption of luxury goods” and was showing off his wealth to others. What’s more, the foreigner’s plaint that Chinese people are quite rich.Personally, with the economic development, people gradually form a wealthy lifestyle. However, a plenty of people only buy some luxury goods. Compared with consumption abroad, our consumption is blind. Therefore, before the consumption, we should do the following things. Firstly, take the potential consumers into consideration. Secondly, try to consume rationally. Thirdly, buy some useful things instead of luxury goods. Fourthly, stop show off your wealth to others.All in all, making a plan of rational consumption will be helpful to us.Key words and expressions: stressfulpay mortgage for the houseget promotionraise childrenrun a carhandle stressto ease stressIt can be seem from the picture that nowadays, paying mortgage for the house, getting promotion, raising children, running a car and so on act as an invisible rope and tie us tightly. People always feel stressful dealing with these.As in my opinion, we should use the following ways to handle stress. Firstly, listen to some light or classical music. Secondly, do more exercises to strengthen us. Thirdly, ask others for relief. Fourthly, write down the unhappy things on a piece of paper. Fifthly, try to have a balanced diet. Sixthly, be sure to get enough rest. Seventhly, try to go shopping continently.All in all, nowadays, we live under great pressure. It’s really important for us to learn some ways to ease stress.Key words and expressions: table-hop(餐桌交际)Chinese characteristicsChinese traditions and customs convenientharmonious atmosphereways of communicationIt can be seen from the picture that two men was shaking hands with each other. What’s more, they smiled to each other and their hands were turned into forks. It reminds me of table-top.As far as I’m concerned, table-top can make our communication more convenient and construct a harmonious atmosphere. Table-top has become one of the most special Chinese traditions and customs. Also, Chinese people form a kind of table-top that has Chinese characters. Generally speaking, it’s a big progress of table-top.In a word, table-top plays an important role in our daily life. People may not communicate with others effectively without table-top. I believe that table-top, especially the table-top that has Chinese characters will become an important magic key of communication.。

高三英语图画作文试题答案及解析1. In an English competition, you are required to write an article according to the picture below. Look at the picture carefully and write down how you understand it.注意:1、描述图片主要内容,谈谈你的理解及看法;2、词数不少于120个;3、文中不能出现考生的具体信息。
【答案】One possible version:As we can see from the picture,two people,father and son,are talking to each other.The boy, standing on the ground, is looking up at his father, slightly scared, while his father, seated high on a big Chinese character “fu”, meaning “father”, is shouting to his son.Such a situation seems fairly common in our society. When talking to each other, father and son are not in equal positions. Fathers simply tell their sons what to do rather than listen patiently.Therefore, sons will have few chances to share their own ideas or open up to their fathers.They often look up to their fathers with respect, fearing that they might not live up to fathers’ expectations.I hope our parents will listen to us more instead of just giving us orders.【解析】根据提示可知这是画图式作文。

2020届上海市高考英语口语测试模拟试题Test 1I.SPEAKINGSection ADirections: Read aloud the following two sentences. For each sentence, you will have thirty seconds to prepare and fifteen seconds to read.1.You must bring your application form back to school tomorrow.2.Instead of trying to change something you can't change, focus your energy on changing something that is within your control.Section BDirections: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.Treating diseases by bathmg4ias-been-popular for centuries. For many years, frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s health and was avoided. By the 18th century, doctors began to say that soap and water were good for people to be clean. In the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night became common.Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases. Consequently, in the United States people generally bathe often. They consider a daily bath essential to good health.Section CDirections: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation.Questions 1—2: You are asked to look after your uncle's cat while he is away on a tour. Ask him about the job.Question 1:Question 2:Questions 3—4: Your classmate has just come back from a painting exhibition. Ask him twoquestions about the exhibition.Question 1:Question 2:Section DDirections: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk in at least five sentences about the following pictures. Begin your talk with the sentence given:It was late at night.II. LISTENING AND SPEAKINGSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear four sentences. Make quick responses to the sentences you have heard.l.________________________________________________2.________________________________________________3.________________________________________________4.________________________________________________Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read twice. After you hear the passage, answer the first question with the information you hear and the second question in your own opinion with at least 3 sentences. For the first question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to talk. For the second question, you will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk .Questions:1.Besides the lack of proper time management skills, what are the other two reasons that students delay doing what they should be doing?2.What’s our way to manage time?录音内容II. LISTENING AND SPEAKINGSection A1. Do you have a good park around here to recommend?2. I’ve just gotten my exam results. I failed.3. I still haven’t decided what to get my brother for Christmas.4. Jane, why not go out for a meal tonight?Section BListen to the following speaker talking about not doing things on time.Following a schedule and doing things on time is extremely important in today's busy world. Unfortunately, not everyone is very good at doing this. Many people put off doing things that they need to until it's too late. Students will often put off studying for a test or writing an important paper until the night before. According to recent studies, there are three main reasons that students behave in this way. First, many have poor time management skills and often try to do too much in too little time. In the end, these students often feel overburdened and will put off doing many things they need to. Another reason is that they feel a subject is boring or because they have difficulty concentrating on an assignment. These students will often avoid doing something because they don't like it. A third reason that many students putoff doing things is that they are very anxious about doing assignments well enough. These students often worry that their work will never be as good as it should be and fear failure of any kind. Unfortunately, trying to do everything perfectly can often cause these students to put off doing any work at all.Questions:1.Besides the lack of proper time management skills, what are the other two reasons that students delay doing what they should be doing?2.What’s our way to manage time?2020届上海市高考英语口语测试模拟试题答案推荐答案I.SPEAKINGSection CQuestions 1~2:1.How often should I feed the cat a day?2.What should I do if the cat doesn’t feel well?Questions 3-43. Is the painting exhibition far away from here?4. What do you think of the painting exhibition?Section DIt was late at night. Most people were already sleeping, but a dog kept barking outside Mr. Li’s house. He was awakened and felt so much annoyed that he picked one of his shoes up and threw it at the dog. The dog felt surprised while being ...hit by the shoe. It turned 'round to see where the shoe came from. Suddenly, the dog seemed to find out what happened. So it picked up the shoe and ran up to the window of Mr. Li's house. It seemed that it wanted to return the shoe to Mr. Li. Seeing that, Mr/ Li was completely awake and at a loss.II. LISTENING AND SPEAKINGSection A1.There's one around the corner of the street. / Sorry, the park is far away from here.2.I'm sorry to hear that. / Take it easy.3.Why not get him a tie? / He'll be pleased for anything you buy for him.4.That's a good idea. / Good. I know a nice Japanese restaurant nearby.Section B1.Students feel a subject is boring or because they have difficulty concentrating on an assignment. Students are very anxious about doing assignment well enough.ually, every morning, I will make a plan for what to do in a day. I will choose to do what is urgent and important first. But sometimes I can't help surfing the Internet while doing some boring things. It leads to my failing in accomplishing my plan.评分标准答题分析I.SPEAKINGSection A朗读部分评分标准:(每题1分,共2分)1分能流利朗读命给的句发音清楚;语音语调节奏正确;能正确处理句子重音、意群停顿;并熟练掌握连读、失爆等朗读技巧。
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3-1 图画Directions: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk in at least five sentences about the following pictures. Begin your talk with the sentence given:图1My mother has just got a call from East-China Hospital.图2.I cannot tolerate some of the behaviors that I see in Zhongshan Park on a sunny day.图3.I am going to tell you a funny thing I saw in a supermarket.3-2参考答案:图1My mother has just got a call from East-China Hospital. It is said that the ambulance is sending my grandma to the hospital. Seeing my grandma is very weak, lying in.-bed, .my mother feels so sorry.. She seldom, visits, her parents. I know that she spends all her time at work and taking care of my father and me. What my mother most wants to do now is to spend more time with grandma before it is too late.图2I cannot tolerate some of the behaviors that I see in Zhongshan Park on a sunny day. When I am waiting in the line to buy the tickets, a couple of boys cut the line for the tickets. While I am walking along the path in the park, I see a girl spitting. That’s terrible since spitting will spread diseases. Another woman is littering. When a performance is on in the park, some people are talking loudly so that it is really disturbing for others to enjoy the performance. I am having lunch in a restaurant where many guests are smoking despite the warning sign, "No smoking”. These are the rudest behaviors in my eyes. It is a quite disappointing tour图3.I am going to tell you a funny thing I saw in a supermarket.A woman, who was wearing a loose fitting coat, went into a supermarket. She kept picking up things from the shelves. I was wondering where she put the things she chose since she didn't have a basket or a shopping cart. I followed her, watching more carefully. Then I understood why. I told a security man what I saw and then we waited at the exit of the supermarket.. The .woman went out of the supermarket without paying. When she saw we were waiting for her, she was so shocked that the stolen things dropped on the ground. The woman was caught red-handed.图4.I remember once my little sister and I were-playing with a-ball,The ball rolled and rolled and fell into a hole in the ground. W e knelt on the ground, trying to get the ball ,but the hole was so deep that we couldn’t reach it. My little sister even started crying. Then our father came with a basin full of water. He filled the hole with water and the ball floated, so it was easy to reach it. Why didn't we think of this idea?图5.Monday morning is always the worst morning of the week for me. Last Monday was even worse than usual. When the alarm clock rang, I noticed I had overslept. While I was running out of the door, I dropped my glasses onto the floor and broke them. When 1 got to the bus stop, I saw my school bus leaving and the bus left without me. Desperate, I ran after the bus. Then you know what happened?I fell into a puddle. I was absent from school that Monday.图6.Li Gang, a college student, invited Xiao Ling to visit the library in his college last Sunday. The library stands in the center of the campus. It is a four-storey building with lawn and bushes around it;The windows of the building are huge and bright. Entering the building, they see a counter. Several, librarians work behind the counter. They can answer questions about the information and books. They can also help students with the computer catalog system. In the big hall of the building there are rows of tables and chairs. A lot of students are studying and reading at these tables. In the back of the library, there are so many shelves of books. Signs and posters have been put on the bookshelves, so students can easily find the books they need. Xiao Ling likes the library so much that she hopes she can be a student in this college one day.图7.Li Ming and his boss are both football fans. One day when he read from the newspaper that a very important football match would be held in the afternoon, Li Ming decided to ask for a day off work. He phoned his boss and said he couldn't go to the office because of his sore throat. His boss cared about his staff very much, so he bought some fruit to Li Ming's house. Li Ming lay in bed, pretending he was feeling so bad. Being a football fan, the boss couldn't help watching the match in the afternoon. He watched the match on TV in his office with the curtain down. Unfortunately, he happened to see Li Ming was in the audience on the spot. Li Ming was cheering excitedly. It seemed there was nothing wrong with his throat.图8Mr. Pollman, an old man, was walking on a cold evening. He was carrying a suitcase in one hand and an umbrella in the other. There was nobody else in the street except two men standing on the corner. Suddenly they ran quickly towards Mr. Pollman, The tall man held Mr. Pollman from behind while the short one tried to snatch his suitcase. T o their surprise, Mr. Pollman threw the tall over his shoulder and then crashed into the short man. The two men landed on the ground. They were still sitting on the ground when Mr. Pollman crossed the street towards a door with a lighted sign above it. Mr. Pollman walked into the City Judo Club. He was a judo coach.图9Tom and Mary were just married and were going to Hong Kong for their honeymoon. They were sitting at the airport cafe and waiting for the announcement of their flight. But after some time, they still couldn't hear any information about their flight. They began to worry. So they went to the information desk to inquire about their flight. The person there told them THE PLANE HAS GONE". His wife began to cry. And Tom argued with the staff, 'Why no announcement?" The staff answered, "Why don't you look at the information board? We don't announce the information in this airport." But finally, the staff felt sorry for them and put them in the airport hotel for the night. They were given the tickets for the next day. His wife began to laugh.图10.Tom Black had his most embarrassing experience when he just left the university. Tom became a teacher and started to teach in a secondary school. The headmaster introduced him to the class. The students shouted "Good morning, Mr. Black." As a new teacher, T om felt quite timid. One morning, his alarm clock didn't ring because Tom had forgotten to wind it up before sleeping. He woke up at 8:30 and jumped from the bed. Having put on his suit and changed his slippers in a hurry, Tom rushed to his car. After he ran into the classroom, the students burst out laughing. T om couldn't understand why! Following the students' focus and looking down, T om found that he had one black shoe and one white slipper.。