教师的角色 The Role of Teacher(大学英语作文)

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教师的角色The Role of Teacher


Today is September 10th, which is the Teachers’Day in China. It is a day for people to show their respect to these great educators. They are a large group and company students to grow up, educating these lovely young people to be useful and find their place in the world. They deserve the biggest applause.今天是9月10日,是中国的教师节。这一天的设定是为了让大家向这些伟大的教育家们展示敬意。他们是一个庞大的群体,陪伴着学生的成长,教育这些可爱的年轻人成为有用的人,找到他们在世界上的位置。他们值得拥有最热烈的掌声。When talking about the teachers, most adults will think about these familiar words ”you are the worse class that I have ever taught, and the other class is much better than yours”and so on. Most teachers will stare at the students behind their backs and when students realize, they will be scared by the eye contact. This is the most classic memories for many people, when they look back on those days, making them can’t help laughing out.在谈到教师时,大多数人会想到这些熟悉的话语“你们是我教过的最差的班级,其他班比你们班好太多了”等。大多数教师会在背后盯着学

生,当学生们意识到的时候,他们就会害怕跟老师眼神接触。对于很多人来说在他们回忆起那段时光时,这是最经典的记忆,都忍不住笑了出来。Teachers are the most lovely people in the world. Though they always depreciate their students, they actually give them high comments in other people’s face. They just want the students not to be arrogant and keep making progress.教师是世界上最可爱的人。虽然他们总是轻视自己的学生,但是在别人面前却总是高度赞扬自己的学生。他们只是希望学生不要自满,不断进步。
