• CLASS I 設備(接地电器;符号没有,但是接地端子必
) — 提供接地保護裝置之設備言之,
• CLASS II 設備(双绝缘,符号
接地保護裝置之設備言之, 所以輸入端至少是二條線以
产品的安全规范 防止人體 受到傷害
人體主要會受到那些危險的傷害 ?
• 電殛危險 • 火災危險 • 結構及熱源危險 • 輻射危險 • 化學危險
何謂電殛危險 ?
因為有電流通過人體, 只要有數 毫安培的電流, 即可對正常健康 人造成影響. 一般而言, 在乾 燥情形下, 小於40Vpeak或60Vdc 的電壓, 通常視為不具危險電壓.
如果設備內會釋放某種 形式之輻射, 則針對使 用者及維修者可能造成 一定的傷害, 如高強度 可見光, 離子化輻射, 紫外線……… 等
何謂化學危險 ?
有毒化學物質本身及其 蒸氣, 如果人體直接接 觸到, 則會造成傷害. 所以設計時應避免在正 常及不正常情況下發生 此類之化學危險
對抗電殛的保護方式等級為何 ?
▪第一位数字表示防尘等级(防止人体接近壳内危险部 件;防止固体异物进入壳内设备);
▪第二位数字表示防水等级(防止由于水进入壳内对设 备造成有害影响)。
危險電壓之定義為何 ?
一個電壓超過 42.4Vpk, 或 60V dc者稱之
危險能量標準為何 ?
一個2伏以上 (包含2伏) 潛 在性電壓, 其所儲存能量標 準超過20焦耳以上 (包含20 焦耳)或一個有效連續性功率 標準超過240VA (包含240VA) 者定義之.
3 、12 募穴脏腑之气汇聚于胸腹部的腧穴,称为"募穴” (front Mu point) ,又称为"腹募穴”。
" 募”,有聚集、汇合之意。
六脏六腑各有一募穴,共12 个。
十一募穴两侧正41脏腑募穴脏腑肺中府心包肝期门心胆日月* 冃脾章门三隹肾京门小肠大肠天枢膀胱募穴4、6下合穴六腑之气下合于下肢足三阳经的腧穴,称为"下合穴” (lower He-sea point),又称"六腑下合穴”。
安全通论 第10章 安全对抗的宏观描述
用户集H中,所有用户的钱袋子总数:N(分别编号为1, 2,…,N),N为有限整数。
用户h身上的钱袋子状况:一个N维2进制向量 x=(x1,x2,…,xN),其中,若xi=1,则表示此刻第i个钱袋子仍 然挂在用户h的身上;否则,若xi=0,则表示第i个钱袋子在 别人身上。
用户h∈H给自己预留的攻击费为rh:一个N维向量 其第i个分量的值,表示预算给第i个钱袋子的攻击费
对每个用户h∈H来说,可能拥有多个规模不同、价值不 同、安全度不同的信息系统,比如网银帐号、社交帐号、 电子邮件系统、个人电脑、办公自动化系统、甚至还有 大型的网络应用信息系统等。
(“系统”采用了贝塔朗菲(一般系统论创始人)的定义,即,系统 是相互联系、相互作用的诸元素的综合体;更形象地说,系统是能够 完成一种或者几种功能的多个部分按照一定的秩序组合在一起的结 构。)
早在200多年前,亚当· 斯密就在其《国富论》中指出, 当自由市场经济充分竞争时,总有一只“看不见的手”, 牵引着竞争各方,最终达成互利。
在网络空间中,黑客与红客的竞争对抗非常激烈,而且, 还会越来越激烈。但是,在网络空间的黑客和红客对抗中, 也有一只“看不见的手”,让他们心平气和地休战(当然, 也可以说是为下一场、更惨烈的对抗战做准备)。
但是,如果雇主出价低于攻击成本,那么机器黑客将把 该系统原样归还给原来的主人;如果雇主出价高于攻击 成本,那么机器黑客交付给雇主的也只是一个“装有被 攻破系统的、且定时才能打开的信封”。
如果雇主甲给钱较少,若另一雇主乙却想以高一点的价 来购买“甲刚刚获得的信封”时,机器黑客会重新攻破 雇主甲,把这个信息系统装入另一个“定时才能打开的 信封中”,卖给雇主乙;如此往复,直到所有用户不再 有攻击意愿为止。
经络总论(第二节) - 刘清国_PPT幻灯片
① 交错循行于十二经脉间,沟通十二 经脉的联系,统摄经脉气血、协调阴阳作用。
② 对十二经脉的气血运行起着蓄积和渗灌的调 节作用。
57任督脉分布任脉:循 Nhomakorabea分布于腹、
作用:联缀四肢、约束骨骼、活动关节、 维持正常体姿、调控运动功能。
① 有具体的循行路线,多按十二经脉循行 分布,以十二经脉名称命名。如手太阴经筋。
② 仅布体表、偶进胸腹腔、不属络脏腑。 ③ 均起于四肢末端,结聚于关节骨骼部, 走向头面躯干。 ④ 病候:瘛纵、挛缩、抽搐、肿痛。
手阳明—大肠 手少阳—三焦 手太阳—小肠 足阳明—胃 足少阳—胆 足太阳—膀胱
阴、脏、里 阳、腑、表
阴 手太阴肺经 —— 手阳明大肠经 阳 经 足太阴脾经 —— 足阳明胃经 经 属 手少阴心经 —— 手太阳小肠经 属 脏 足少阴肾经 —— 足太阳膀胱经 腑 络 手厥阴心包经—— 手少阳三焦经 络 腑 足厥阴肝经 —— 足少阳胆经 脏
手太阴肺经 属肺 络大肠
经络理论与脏腑理论,既密切相关,又各有 特点,互补互辅。
太阴肺经,起于中焦,下络大肠——肺与大肠相表里 厥阴肝经,系目系——肝开窍于目 肾开窍于耳…齿为骨之余——少阴肾经与之无关
1、浅谈入侵检测系统在医院信息化建设中安全应用2、医院信息化系统安全与防御措施研究3、移动物联网智能信息终端网络安全技术的研究4、浅谈广播电视计算机网络安全防护5、大数据环境下访问控制模型适用性研究6、计算机数据通信网络安全维护要点分析7、计算机网络信息安全技术探析8、计算机网络安全问题及其防护措施9、计算机网络信息安全及防护措施探析10、基于数据包分析的网络攻击诊断研究11、Web负载均衡在抗DDos攻击中的作用12、大数据环境下的网络安全问题探讨13、智能终端云服务平台安全框架研究14、校园网网络安全隐患及其对策15、基于树型结构的APT攻击预测方法16、计算机网络安全问题的分析与探讨17、虚拟专用网络技术在计算机网络信息安全中的实际应用18、计算机网络安全防范措施探讨19、计算机网络信息安全及防护策略研究20、计算机网络安全防护技术探究21、局域网环境下若干安全问题的研究22、计算机安全问题在网络环境下的分析及对策研究23、浅析企业计算机网络的安全与控制24、计算机网络防御策略求精关键技术研究25、专网通信工作中的网络安全防护策略26、决策树算法在僵尸网络检测中的应用27、网络通信安全与计算机病毒防护探讨28、网络安全隐患的类型、存在原因及维护措施研究29、石油企业网络信息安全现状及解决方案探讨30、网络通信安全技术研究31、计算机无线网络的稳定性与安全性维护方式研究32、校园网络总体防毒措施及客户端的安全细化分析33、LBS检索容灾架构研究34、基于模糊场景关联分析的技术研究与实践35、安全通论(1)——经络篇36、试论网络安全思想的践行路径37、计算机网络对抗策略与技术分析38、浅谈加强石油企业网络信息安全管理体系重要性39、交通运输行业网络信息化安全研究40、我国高校网络安全专业教学与实践探索41、基于互联网的移动应用安全管理研究42、网络安全中建模仿真的应用技术分析43、浅析水电厂网络安全防护的策略44、试谈政府主干网络整合45、基于大数据分析的堡垒思想入侵检测模型46、雨人网安:用创新守护网络安全47、发布《2015网络安全态势报告》成立互联网安全志愿者团体联盟48、互联网安全下的企业责任49、利用全网威胁情报为“互联网+”保驾护航50、移动互联网安全态势与解决方案探索51、黑龙江省网络安全监测数据分析报告52、网络不信任路径的高效搜索模型仿真分析53、基于马尔可夫的网络容忍入侵能力评估建模54、基于改进模糊测试的Web应用漏洞挖掘方法55、计算机网络安全中虚拟网络技术的应用研究56、计算机网络信息安全与防护策略研究57、浅谈计算机网络安全问题及其防范措施58、大数据环境下云数据的访问控制技术研究59、计算机网络防御策略求精关键技术分析60、信息管理技术在现代网络信息安全的应用61、数据加密技术在计算机网络安全中的应用价值分析62、云计算的网络安全问题研究63、网络信息管理的安全策略64、P2P文件共享中的应用安全问题研究65、计算机网络信息技术安全及对策探讨66、计算机网络信息安全及防护策略研究67、IE安全漏洞与安全防范措施68、信息化系统升级改造中虚拟化技术的应用分析69、基于图挖掘的网络钓鱼检测算法70、基于随机森林和加权K均值聚类的网络入侵检测系统71、校园一卡通网络安全设计与实现72、供排水工程中工业网络的安全分析及防护73、智能电网中计算机网络系统的安全作用74、面向智能电网SDN的二进制代码分析漏洞扫描方法研究75、网络打印机的网络安全防护76、电力公司网络安全现状及防御措施探讨77、网络安全事件关联分析与态势评测技术研究78、浅谈企业网安全设计79、现代网络安全技术及其在校园网络中的应用分析80、计算机网络安全数据加密技术的实践应用81、企业云安全问题及解决方案82、局域网络中网络安全与硬件的技术研究83、于计算机网络安全维护方式的探究84、计算机网络通信安全防范解析85、高校校园网络安全的现状分析86、计算机网络安全中数据加密技术的应用分析87、计算机网络的安全及对策88、海量冗余数据干扰下的网络数据捕获和分析系统研究89、基于任意函数地址的ASLR绕过技术研究90、一种用于云计算系统安全强度评估的信任模型研究91、面向工业控制网络的安全监管方案92、2016年5月十大重要安全漏洞分析93、年5月网络安全监测数据发布94、中国智能电网网络安全问题的思考95、RPKI中CA资源分配风险及防护技术96、计算机网络技术发展对互联网新媒体的影响97、基于防火墙技术的网络安全系统模型构建98、基于改进正则表达式规则分组的内网行为审计方案99、基于声誉的移动众包系统的在线激励机制100、石家庄广电IP城域网网络安全防护策略概述101、结合《网络攻击原理与防范技术》课程开展信息道德教育的思考102、大规模拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击的防御与清洗系统103、计算机网络信息安全及防护策略研究104、网络信息安全:一局持续变化的恒久棋局105、网络通讯中信息安全性探索106、基于Selenium的SQL注入漏洞检测系统的研究107、核心技术——信息网络安全的守护神108、数据挖掘在计算机网络安全领域的应用研究109、Hadoop生态体系安全框架综述110、助力“互联网+”行动:解读亚信安全的网络安全111、云环境下针对用户的技术风险的分析与评估112、动态变换技术防御Struts2 S2-032零日攻击研究113、对抗网络威胁演化建立“网络平安城市114、网络空间安全对抗演练模型研究115、网络攻击源监测发布系统的设计与实现116、中国网络政治空间中的话语失序及其原因分析117、从行为信息安全研究到行为网络安全研究118、校园网络安全的研究及防护119、论网络技术背景下的工业网络安全防护120、计算机网络安全管理措施121、基于BP算法的Web攻击溯源技术研究122、做好办公网络安全保密工作的认识与思考123、建立一个更安全的数字世界124、电力IMS网络信息安全防护策略125、美国海军网络战新战略目标及实现方法126、《网络安全技术与应用》教学方法初探127、高校计算机网络安全问题探索128、计算机无线网络安全常见问题及对策浅析129、数据流聚类算法在网络入侵检测中的应用研究130、利用java编程实现网络安全通信131、内存地址泄漏分析与防御132、Web应用防火墙及其检测技术133、P2P网络中的双向信任机制探究134、基于聚类分析的IPv6异常流量识别研究135、计算机网络安全中的数据加密技术136、企业网络信息加密与防护研究137、流过滤和Ndis防火墙技术在文件加密保护中的应用138、新一代互联网生态标准HTML5安全性分析139、强化保密安全管理,提高计算机网络应用安全140、网络安全技术综述141、浅谈完善计算机网络信息安全技术142、大数据时代网络信息安全策略研究143、网络数据存储的安全与传输问题研究144、计算机网络安全隐患及防御策略探讨145、基于蜜网技术的校园网络安全防御研究146、校园网络建设与网络安全设计研究147、现代信息条件下的计算机网络安全管理148、计算机网络信息管理及其安全防护策略149、漏洞扫描平台和未知安全隐患检测方法研究150、设备安全加固案例及网络安全意识浅析151、计算机网络防火墙的安全设计及应用152、一种分级部署主动防御系统可视化展示平台153、中国互联网安全大会召开在即:中美俄共商协同联动154、绿盟科技斩获NWA行业大奖155、新形势下计算机网络信息安全的技术发展问题156、浅谈ARP欺骗类病毒的防治157、新一代IP为网络安全设定高标杆158、试论校园网网络安全存在的问题和应对策略159、探究基于WEB防火墙的校园网络安全解决策略160、校园移动互联网络安全认证及若干关键技术161、论高校计算机网络的安全问题及防范162、网络安全管理平台中数据融合技术研究163、网络安全检测与监控技术的研究164、计算机网络防御策略求精关键技术研究165、提高计算机网络可靠性的方法研究166、计算机网络技术与安全管理维护措施分析167、高校网络安全管理问题分析与对策研究168、关于互联网通信应用发展趋势的几点思考169、计算机信息网络安全体系170、计算机网络安全分析及其对策171、计算机网络安全中的防火墙技术应用分析172、计算机网络中存在的安全问题及预防策略173、局域网安全风险分析与防范174、计算机网络安全及漏洞扫描技术175、高职院校计算机信息网络安全技术和安全防范策略研究176、地市级公安信息网安全风险探析177、计算机网络信息安全及防护分析178、基于WEB资源的未来网络安全服务分析179、计算机网络安全与防御措施180、高校机房网络安全维护策略研究181、计算机安全技术在电子商务中的应用研究182、浅析ARP病毒的攻击原理183、数字化图书馆网络安全策略浅谈184、全国范围关键信息基础设施网络安全检查工作启动185、高校校园网的安全现状与对策分析186、关于加强计算机网络安全管理的几点思考187、计算机网络安全的重要性与优化策略188、家庭网络安全与防范189、网络病毒防护建议研究190、计算机网络安全防范路径及相关问题研究论述191、网络风险及安全防控192、系统安全与计算机网络安全浅析193、基于数据流挖掘的网络边界防护技术研究194、计算机网络安全的管理及其技术研究195、网络安全态势评估若干关键技术研究196、计算机网络信息安全防护策略探索197、基于校园网的IPV6安全问题探索198、基于Rossle混沌平均互信息特征挖掘的网络攻击检测算法199、防火墙技术及其在校园网络安全中的应用200、数字化校园安全体系研究201、IPv6环境的网络蠕虫传播及防御策略研究202、云计算背景下的计算机网络安全技术探讨203、基于模式匹配的网络安全协处理器优化研究204、基于粒子群和模糊数学的入侵检测系统的研究205、我国网络安全现状及因应措施206、一种多层次融合的APT防御模型研究与构建207、计算机网络安全存储系统设计及应用——云计算技术下208、计算机网络安全漏洞及防范探究209、基于VPN技术的校园网络安全体系构建210、网络安全态势系统可视化的设计211、美联储监查银行网络安全212、计算机网络安全与故障的诊断213、基于网站服务器的计算机安全维护214、计算机信息管理技术在网络安全中的运用解析215、基于互联网时代计算机网络安全维护防护对策216、浅谈计算机网络安全漏洞及防范措施解析217、浅析网络安全技术维护管理研究218、浅谈计算机网络的安全问题及防范措施219、互联网安全防御技术的分析220、网络安全技术创新与实践221、基于对网络工程安全防护技术的探究222、网络安全系统的分布式部署浅论223、计算机信息系统DoS攻击和ARP欺骗的解决对策224、ARP攻击实验仿真及防范技术分析225、浅析网络安全及防火墙技术在网络安全中的应用226、基于IDS与防火墙联动的网络安全模式研究227、一种用于网络攻击犯罪防范的数据包分配防护方法228、物理隔断计算机网络间的实时通信设计229、WEB应用安全研究230、缓冲区溢出漏洞攻击初探231、网络工程中的安全防护技术232、安全技术在网络工程中的应用评价233、计算机网络安全问题与防护技术的提高234、计算机网络安全防范技术的提高途径235、计算机网络的网络安全问题及防护措施236、计算机网络安全与硬件防范措施初探237、计算机网络安全现状与分析238、人工免疫技术在网络入侵检测系统中的应用239、计算机网络管理及安全技术探究240、一种基于互信息量的安全监测节点选择算法241、离线数据驱动的防火墙性能优化方法242、云计算环境下的信任评估模型243、高可用性网络入侵预警方法的改进研究244、粒子群特征优选的SVDD入侵检测研究245、构建安全灵活的金融企业办公网络246、入侵数据衰减性变化后的优化检测仿真247、国内外入侵检测新技术介绍——数据挖掘在入侵检测中的应用248、互联网基础设施建模仿真研究进展249、移动互联网环境下的大学生安全教育问题及对策研究250、被入侵网络中的活跃节点检测方法研究251、计算机网络安全问题及其措施分析252、最优网络端口通信选择模型的仿真分析253、信息物理系统攻击与检测研究综述254、无线网络攻击与防范255、计算机网络技术的保密性分析256、噪声环境下的网络异常信号检测方法研究257、计算机网络安全管理258、计算机通信网络安全及其防护对策259、高职校园网网络安全建设260、网络安全性对计算机的影响261、高校校园网络安全管理探讨262、计算机网络安全及应对措施263、网络空间军民融合的中国路径探索264、美国网络安全领域军民融合的发展路径分析265、美国网络空间军民融合的经验与启示266、世界部分国家公务员“断网令”警示我军要走自主可控网络强军梦之路267、完善国家战略体系,推动网络空间军民融合深度发展268、实施网络空间军民融合,推动国防建设跨越发展269、对推进中国特色网络空间军民融合战略的思考270、把握战略创新“四新”特征:新时代、新形势、新探索、新路径271、基于责权边界的网络战军民融合发展问题研究272、美欧网络空间演习的军民融合情况及相关启示273、首届网络空间战略论坛聚焦网络空间军民融合274、上海众人科技助力eID推广275、国家关键信息基础设施安全保护面临的形势和任务276、《关键信息基础设施安全保护办法》亟待制定277、美、日、韩关键信息基础设施保护立法研究278、加强我国关键信息基础设施法律保护问题的探讨279、我国关键信息基础设施保护举措概述280、基于改进模糊C均值聚类算法的云计算入侵检测方法281、SQL Server数据库入侵检测系统的研究282、可视化深入到安全策略基线283、关于常见计算机网络安全防护技术的探讨284、基于DNS技术的桌面终端安全管理系统设计与实现285、计算机网络技术与安全管理维护探析286、计算机网络安全探析287、计算机网络管理及相关安全技术探析288、浅谈计算机网络安全漏洞及防范措施289、基于大数据时代下的网络安全问题探析290、白象的舞步来自南亚次大陆的网络攻击291、国家信息化战略纲要发布网络安全备受关注292、中科网威力推自主可控安全产品293、计算机网络防御策略求精关键技术探析294、计算机网络安全问题及其防范措施分析295、渗透测试技术在校园网中的应用研究296、网络安全防护系统设计及应用分析297、试析计算机通信网络安全维护管理工作298、浅谈企业计算机网络信息安全体系的构建299、“网络空间战略论坛”三载路网络强国理论高地行300、计算机网络信息安全技术探讨301、浅谈分层管控建立集团大厦内部网络权限管理302、信息化时代计算机网络安全防护的技术研究303、互联网时代的网络攻击研究304、目标中心战中信息网络安全防护问题研究305、SQL注入防护——从一款注入工具入侵原理入手306、设备终端的攻击与防御教学实践307、基于K-Means聚类算法入侵检测系统研究308、基于行为语义分析的Web恶意代码检测机制研究309、基于时序距离的AS级Internet动态性测量方法310、计算机网络安全隐患管理与维护311、基于决策树的被动操作系统识别技术研究312、浅谈计算机网络安全及防火墙技术313、大数据时代网络信息安全的研究314、Kerberos网络认证系统的关键技术分析315、WEB应用漏洞攻击及其防护316、大数据时代下计算机网络信息安全问题研究317、云原生安全范式的改变318、基于信息融合的网络安全态势量化评估方法319、影响计算机网络信息安全的因素与防范措施探索320、零知识下的比特流未知协议分类模型321、基于计算机网络安全问题及其对策研究322、计算机网络安全与防御研究323、基于移动IPv6网络的路由优化机制的探讨324、安全生态下的网络安全325、计算机网络风险及控制问题浅谈。
第二章 生产经营单位的安全管理
对可能发生急性职业危害的有毒、 有害场所
• 设置警示标志和警示说明 (说明应载明危害的种类、后果、预防和应急救治措施)
• 应设置报警装置
• 制定应急预案
• 配置现场急救用品、设备 (各防护器具应定点存放在安全、便于取用的地方,并有专
• 主要观点: • 1、考虑改善物的系统可靠性来提高复杂系统的安全性; • 2、所有事物都潜伏着危险元素; • 3、不可能根除危险和危险源,可以减少来自现有危险源
的危险性; • 4、不可能根除危险源,只能把危险降到可接受程度。
注册安全工程师——安全生产管理 知识基本理论笔记(考试必过)
第一章 基本理论
注册知安识全基工本程理师论—笔—记安(考全试生必产过管) 理和分1为0人一以次上死两亡个3~指9人标
第二章 生产经营单位的安全管理
• 《企业安全生产标准化基本规范》(AQ/T 9006-2010),自2010年6 月1日起实施。对加强企业安全生产规范化建设,促进安全生产工作 顺利开展具有重要意义:
• 1、导向功能
• 2、凝聚功能
• 3、激励功能
• 4、辐射和同化功能
注册安全工程师——安全生产管理 知识基本理论笔记(考试必过)
第二章 生产经营单位的安全管理
• 包括安全价值观、安全愿景、安全使命、安全目标。
• 领导者应做到: • 1、提供安全工作的领导力,坚持保守决策,以有形的方
核心:安全工作中心就是防止人的不安全行为,消 除机械的或物的不安全状态,中断事故连锁的进 程,从而避免事故发生。
注册安全工程师——安全生产管理 知识基本理论笔记(考试必过)
依照本法 和有关法律、法规的规定 追究生产安全Leabharlann 故 责任人员的法律责任15
国家鼓励和支持安全生产科学技术 研究和安全生产先进技术的推广应 用,提高安全生产水平
改善安全生产条件 防止生产安全事故 参加抢险救护
安全生产管理机构 安全生产管理人员
降低工资、福利等 待遇或者解除劳动合同
危险物品的生产、储存单位 矿山、金属冶炼单位 安全生产管理人员的任免
主管的负有安全生产 监督管理职责的部门
其他生产 经营单位
1 遵守本法和其他有关法律、法规 2 加强安全生产管理 3 建立、健全安全生产规章制度 4 改善安全生产条件 5 推进安全生产标准化建设
主要负责人 全面负责
依法获得安全 生产保障的权利
依法履行安全 生产方面的义务
山东(shān dōnɡ):重大火灾事故将追究政府主要负责人责任
查管理,就是检查企业的安全生产管理状况,即查安全组织管理网络,全员管理、 目标管理和生产全过程管理的工作。
查隐患,就是深入生产作业现场,查管理上的漏洞,人的不安全行为和物的不安 全状态。
胶济铁路(tiělù)两列车相撞使70人丧生 济南铁路(tiělù)局长被免职审查
于洪新犯失火罪,判处有期徒刑7年,刘文建犯消防责任事故罪,判处有期徒刑6年, 赵平犯消防责任事故罪,判处有期徒刑5年,马春平犯消防责任事故罪,判处有期徒 刑4年,陈忠犯重大(zhòngdà)责任事故罪,判处有期徒刑3年6个月,曹明君犯重大 (zhòngdà)责任事故罪,判处有期徒刑3年,李爱民犯重大(zhòngdà)责任事故罪, 免于刑事处罚。
(2)“五同时”原则。 (3)“三同时”原则。 (4)“四不放过”的原则。
1、权利 (1)对危害因素及其防范、应急措施的知情权。 (2)对安全生产工作的建议权。 (3)对安全问题的批评、检举、控告权。 (4)对违章指挥和强令冒险作业的拒绝权。 (5)直接危及(wēijí)人身安全紧急情况时的紧急避险权。 (6)受到事故损害时的经济补偿权。 生产经营单位不得因从业人员行使(3)~(5)项权利 而降低其工资、福利等待遇和解除劳动合同。
Contents1RITA HAYWORTH AND SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION 2APT PUPIL3THE BODY4THE BREATHING METHOD5AFTERWORDRITA HAYWORTH AND SHAWSHANK REDEMPTIONThere's a guy like me in every state and federal prison in America, I guess - I'm the guy who can get it for you. Tailor-made cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if you're partial to that, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your son or daughter's high school graduation, or almost anything else ... within reason, that is. It wasn't always that way. I came to Shawshank when I was just twenty, and I am one of the few people in our happy little family who is willing to own up to what he did. I committed murder. I put a large insurance policy on my wife, who was three years older than I was, and then I fixed the brakes of the Chevrolet coupe her father had given us as a wedding present. It worked out exactly as I had planned, except I hadn't planned on her stopping to pick up the neighbour woman and the neighbour woman's infant son on the way down Castle Hill and into town. The brakes let go and the car crashed through the bushes at the edge of the town common, gathering speed. Bystanders said it must have been doing fifty or better when it hit the base of the Civil War statue and burst into flames. I also hadn't planned on getting caught, but caught I was. I got a season's pass into this place. Maine has no death penalty, but the district attorney saw to it that I was tried for all three deaths and given three life sentences, to run one after the other. That fixed up any chance of parole I might have, for a long, long time. The judge called what I had done 'a hideous, heinous crime', and it was, but it is also in the past now. You can look it up in the yellowing files of the Castle Rock Call, where the big headlines announcing my conviction look sort of funny and antique next to the news of Hitler and Mussolini and FDR's alphabet soup agencies.Have I rehabilitated myself, you ask? I don't know what that word means, at least as far as prisons and corrections go. I think it's a politician's word. It may have some other meaning, and it may be that I will have a chance to find out, but that is the future ... something cons teach themselves not to think about. I was young, good-looking, and from the poor side of town. I knocked up a pretty, sulky, headstrong girl who lived in one of the fine old houses on Carbine Street. Her father was agreeable to the marriage if I would take a job in the optical company he owned and 'work my way up'. I found out that what he really had in mind was keeping me in his house and under his thumb, like a disagreeable pet that has not quite been housebroken and which may bite. Enough hate eventually piled up to cause me to do what I did. Given a second chance I would not do it again, but I'm not sure that means I am rehabilitated.Anyway, it's not me I want to tell you about; I want to tell you about a guy named Andy Dufresne. But before I can tell you about Andy, I have to explain a few other things about myself. It won't take long.As I said, I've been the guy who can get it for you here at Shawshank for damn near forty years. And that doesn't just mean contraband items like extra cigarettes or booze, although those items always top the list. But I've gotten thousands of other items for men doing time here, some of them perfectly legal yet hard to come by in a place where you've supposedly been brought to be punished. There was one fellow who was in for raping a little girl and exposing himself to dozens of others; I got him three pieces of pink Vermont marble and he did three lovely sculptures out of them - a baby, a boy of about twelve, and a bearded young man. He called them The Three Ages of Jesus, and thosepieces of sculpture are now in the parlour of a man who used to be governor of this state. Or here's a name you may remember if you grew up north of Massachusetts - Robert Alan Cote. In 1951 he tried to rob the First Mercantile Bank of Mechanic Falls, and the hold-up turned into a bloodbath - six dead in the end, two of them members of the gang, three of them hostages, one of them a young state cop who put his head up at the wrong time and got a bullet in the eye. Cote had a penny collection. Naturally they weren't going to let him have it in here, but with a little help from his mother and a middleman who used to drive a laundry truck, I was able to get it to him. I told him, Bobby, you must be crazy, wanting to have a coin collection in a stone hotel full of thieves. He looked at me and smiled and said, I know where to keep them. They'll be safe enough. Don't you worry. And he was right. Bobby Cote died of a brain tumour in 1967, but that coin collection has never turned up.I've gotten men chocolates on Valentine's Day; I got three of those green milkshakes they serve at McDonald's around St Paddy's Day for a crazy Irishman named O'Malley; I even arranged for a midnight showing of Deep Throat and The Devil in Miss Jones for a party of twenty men who had pooled their resources to rent the films ... although I ended up doing a week in solitary for that little escapade. It's the risk you run when you're the guy who can get it.I've gotten reference books and fuck-books, joke novelties like handbuzzers and itching powder, and on more than one occasion I've seen that a long-timer has gotten a pair of panties from his wife or his girlfriend ... and I guess you'll know what guys in here do with such items during the long nights when time draws out like a blade. I don't get all those things gratis, and for some items the price comes high. But I don't do it just for the money; what good is money to me? I'm never going to own a Cadillac car or fly off to Jamaica for two weeks in February. I do it for the same reason that a good butcher will only sell you fresh meat: I got a reputation and I want to keep it. The only two things I refuse to handle are guns and heavy drugs. I won't help anyone kill himself or anyone else. I have enough killing on my mind to last me a lifetime.Yeah, I'm a regular Neiman-Marcus. And so when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked if I could smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I said it would be no problem at all. And it wasn't.When Andy came to Shawshank in 1948, he was thirty years old. He was a short neat little man with sandy hair and small, clever hands. He wore gold-rimmed spectacles. His fingernails were always clipped, and they were always clean. That's a funny thing to remember about a man, I suppose, but it seems to sum Andy up for me. He always looked as if he should have been wearing a tie. On the outside he had been a vice-president in the trust department of a large Portland bank. Good work for a man as young as he was, especially when you consider how conservative most banks are ... and you have to multiply that conservatism by ten when you get up into New England, where folks don't like to trust a man with their money unless he's bald, limping, and constantly plucking at his pants to get his truss around straight Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover.As I believe I have said, everyone in prison is an innocent man. Oh, they read that scripture the way those holy rollers on TV read the Book of Revelations. They were the victims of judges with hearts of stone and balls to match, or incompetent lawyers, or police frame-ups, or bad luck. They read the scripture, but you can see a differentscripture in their faces. Most cons are a low sort, no good to themselves or anyone else, and their worst luck was that their mothers carried them to term. In all my years at Shawshank, there have been less than ten men whom I believed when they told me they were innocent Andy Dufresne was one of them, although I only became convinced of his innocence over a period of years. If I had been on the jury that heard his case in Portland Superior Court over six stormy weeks in 1947-48, I would have voted to convict, too.It was one hell of a case, all right; one of those juicy ones with all the right elements. There was a beautiful girl with society connections (dead), a local sports figure (also dead), and a prominent young businessman in the dock. There was this, plus all the scandal the newspapers could hint at. The prosecution had an open-and-shut case. The trial only lasted as long as it did because the DA was planning to run for the US House of Representatives and he wanted John Q Public to get a good long look at his phiz. It was a crackerjack legal circus, with spectators getting in line at four in the morning, despite the subzero temperatures, to assure themselves of a seat.The facts of the prosecution's case that Andy never contested were these: That he had a wife, Linda Collins Dufresne; that in June of 1947 she had expressed an interest in learning the game of golf at the Falmouth Hills Country Club; that she did indeed take lessons for four months; that her instructor was the Falmouth Hills golf pro, Glenn Quentin; that in late August of 1947 Andy learned that Quentin and his wife had become lovers; that Andy and Linda Dufresne argued bitterly on the afternoon of 10 September 1947; that the subject of their argument was her infidelity.He testified that Linda professed to be glad he knew; the sneaking around, she said, was distressing. She told Andy that she planned to obtain a Reno divorce. Andy told her he would see her in hell before he would see her in Reno. She went off to spend the night with Quentin in Quentin's rented bungalow not far from the golf course. The next morning his cleaning woman found both of them dead in bed. Each had been shot four times.It was that last fact that mitigated more against Andy than any of the others. The DA with the political aspirations made a great deal of it in his opening statement and his closing summation. Andrew Dufresne, he said, was not a wronged husband seeking a hot-blooded revenge against his cheating wife; that, the DA said, could be understood, if not condoned. But this revenge had been of a much colder type. Consider! the DA thundered at the jury. Four and four! Not six shots, but eight! He had fired the gun empty ... and then stopped to reload so he could shoot each of them again! FOUR FOR HIM AND FOUR FOR HER, the Portland Sun blared. The Boston Register dubbed him The Even-Steven Killer.A clerk from the Wise Pawnshop in Lewiston testified that he had sold a six-shot .38 Police Special to Andrew Dufresne just two days before the double murder. A bartender from the country club bar testified that Andy had come in around seven o'clock on the evening of 10 September, had tossed off three straight whiskeys in a twenty-minute period - when he got up from the bar-stool he told the bartender that he was going up to Glenn Quentin's house and he, the bartender, could 'read about the rest of it in the papers'. Another clerk, this one from the Handy-Pik store a mile or so from Quentin's house, told the court that Dufresne had come in around quarter to nine on the same night. He purchased cigarettes, three quarts of beer, and some dish-towels. The county medicalexaminer testified that Quentin and the Dufresne woman had been killed between eleven p.m. and two a.m. on the night of 10-11 September. The detective from the Attorney General's office who had been in charge of the case testified that there was a turnout less than seventy yards from the bungalow, and that on the afternoon of 11 September, three pieces of evidence had been removed from that turnout: first item, two empty quart bottles of Narragansett Beer (with the defendant's fingerprints on them); the second item, twelve cigarette ends (all Kools, the defendant's brand); third item, a plaster moulage of a set of tyre tracks (exactly matching the tread-and-wear pattern of the tyres on the defendant's 1947 Plymouth).In the living room of Quentin's bungalow, four dishtowels had been found lying on the sofa. There were bullet-holes through them and powder-burns on them. The detective theorized (over the agonized objections of Andy's lawyer) that the murderer had wrapped the towels around the muzzle of the murder-weapon to muffle the sound of the gunshots. Andy Dufresne took the stand in his own defence and told his story calmly, coolly, and dispassionately. He said he had begun to hear distressing rumours about his wife and Glenn Quentin as early as the last week in July. In August he had become distressed enough to investigate a bit. On an evening when Linda was supposed to have gone shopping in Portland after her tennis lesson, Andy had followed her and Quentin to Quentin'sone-storey rented house (inevitably dubbed 'the love-nest' by the papers). He had parked in the turnout until Quentin drove her back to the country club where her car was parked, about three hours later.'Do you mean to tell this court that your wife did not recognize your brand-new Plymouth sedan behind Quentin's car?' the DA asked him on cross-examination. 'I swapped cars for the evening with a friend,' Andy said, and this cool admission of how well-planned his investigation had been did him no good at all in the eyes of the jury. After returning the friend's car and picking up his own, he had gone home. Linda had been in bed, reading a book. He asked her how her trip to Portland had been. She replied that it had been fun, but she hadn't seen anything she liked well enough to buy. That's when I knew for sure,' Andy told the breathless spectators. He spoke in the same calm, remote voice in which he delivered almost all of his testimony. 'What was your frame of mind in the seventeen days between then and the night your wife was murdered?' Andy's lawyer asked him.'I was in great distress,' Andy said calmly, coldly. Like a man reciting a shopping list he said that he had considered suicide, and had even gone so far as to purchase a gun in Lewiston on 8 September.His lawyer then invited him to tell the jury what had happened after his wife left to meet Glenn Quentin on the night of the murders. Andy told them ... and the impression he made was the worst possible.I knew him for close to thirty years, and I can tell you he was the most self-possessed man I've ever known. What was right with him he'd only give you a little at a time. What was wrong with him he kept bottled up inside. If he ever had a dark night of the soul, as some writer or other has called it, you would never know. He was the type of man who, if he had decided to commit suicide, would do it without leaving a note but not until his affairs had been put neatly in order. If he had cried on the witness stand, or if his voice had thickened and grown hesitant, even if he had gotten yelling at that Washington-bound District Attorney, I don't believe he would have gotten the life sentence he wound upwith. Even if he had've he would have been out on parole by 1954. But he told his story like a recording machine, seeming to say to the jury: this is it. Take it or leave it. They left it. He said he was drunk that night, that he'd been more or less drunk since 24 August, and that he was a man who didn't handle his liquor very well. Of course that by itself would have been hard for any jury to swallow. They just couldn't see this coldly self-possessed young man in the neat double-breasted three-piece woollen suit ever getting falling-down drunk over his wife's sleazy little affair with some small-town golf pro. I believed it because I had a chance to watch Andy that those six men and six women didn't have. Andy Dufresne took just four drinks a year all the time I knew him. He would meet me in the exercise yard every year about a week before his birthday and then again about two weeks before Christmas. On each occasion he would arrange for a bottle of Jack Daniels. He bought it the way most cons arrange to buy their stuff-the slave's wages they pay in here, plus a little of his own. Up until 1965 what you got for your time was a dime an hour. In '65 they raised it all the way up to a quarter. My commission on liquor was and is ten per cent, and when you add on that surcharge to the price of a fine sippin' whiskey like the Black Jack, you get an idea of how many hours of Andy Dufresne's sweat in the prison laundry was going to buy his four drinks a year.On the morning of his birthday, 20 September, he would have himself a big knock, and then he'd have another that night after lights out. The following day he'd give the rest of the bottle back to me, and I would share it around. As for the other bottle, he dealt himself one drink Christmas night and another on New Year's Eve. Then that one would also come to me with instructions to pass it on. Four drinks a year -and that is the behaviour of a man who has been bitten hard by the bottle. Hard enough to draw blood. He told the jury that on the night of the 10th he had been so drunk he could only remember what had happened in little isolated snatches. He had gotten drunk that afternoon - 'I took on a double helping of Dutch courage' is how he put it -before taking on Linda.After she left to meet Quentin, he remembered deciding to confront them. On the way to Quentin's bungalow, he swung into the country club for a couple of quick ones. He could not, he said, remember telling the bartender he could 'read about the rest of it in the papers', or saying anything to him at all. He remembered buying beer in the Handy-Pik, but not the dishtowels. 'Why would I want dishtowels?' he asked, and one of the papers reported that three of the lady jurors shuddered.Later, much later, he speculated to me about the clerk who had testified on the subject of those dishtoweis, and I think it'i worth jotting down what he said. 'Suppose that, during their chmvmhn fur witnesses,' Andy said one day in the •xwulio yard, 'they stumble on this fellow who sold me the beer that night. By then three days have gone by. The facts of the case have been broadsided in all the papers. Maybe they ganged up on the guy, five or six cops, plus the dick from the attorney general's office, plus the DA's assistant. Memory is a pretty subjective thing, Red. They could have started out with "Isn't it possible that he purchased four or five dishtowels?" and worked their way up from there. If enough people want you to remember something, that can be a pretty powerful persuader.' I agreed that it could.'But there's one even more powerful,' Andy went on in that musing way of his. 'I think it's at least possible that he convinced himself. It was the limelight. Reporters asking himquestions, his picture in the papers ... all topped, of course, by his star turn in court. I'm not saying that he deliberately falsified his story, or perjured himself. I think it's possible that lie could have passed a lie detector test with flying colours, or sworn on his mother's sacred name that I bought those dishtowels. But still ... memory is such a goddam subjective thing.'I know this much: even though my own lawyer thought I had to be lying about half my story, he never bought that business about the dishtowels. It's crazy on the face of it. I was pig-drunk, too drunk to have been thinking about muffling the gunshots. If I'd done it, I just would have let them rip.'He went up to the turnout and parked there. He drank beer and smoked cigarettes. He watched the lights downstairs in Quentin's place go out. He watched a single light go on upstairs ... and fifteen minutes later he watched that one go out. He said he could guess the rest.'Mr Dufresne, did you then go up to Glenn Quentin's house and kill the two of them?' his lawyer thundered.'No, I did not,' Andy answered. By midnight, he said, he was sobering up. He was also feeling the first signs of a bad hangover. He decided to go home and sleep it off and think about the whole thing in a more adult fashion the next day. 'At that time, as I drove home, I was beginning to think that the wisest course would be to simply let her go to Reno and get her divorce.''Thank you, Mr Dufresne.'The DA popped up.'You divorced her in the quickest way you could think of, didn't you? You divorced her with a .38 revolver wrapped in dishtowels, didn't you?''No sir, I did not,' Andy said calmly.'And then you shot her lover.''No, sir.''You mean you shot Quentin first?''I mean I didn't shoot either one of them. I drank two quarts of beer and smoked however many cigarettes that the police found at the turnout. Then I drove home and went to bed.' 'You told the jury that between 24 August and 10 September, you were feeling suicidal.' 'Yes, sir.''Suicidal enough to buy a revolver.''Yes.''Would it bother you overmuch, Mr Dufresne, if I told you that you do not seem to me to be the suicidal type?''No,' Andy said, 'but you don't impress me as being terribly sensitive, and I doubt very much that, if I were feeling suicidal, I would take my problem to you.'There was a slight tense titter in the courtroom at this, but it won him no points with the jury.'Did you take your .38 with you on the night of September?''No; as I've already testified -''Oh, yes!' The DA smiled sarcastically. 'You threw it into the river, didn't you? The Royal River. On the afternoon of 9 September.''Yes, sir.''One day before the murders.''Yes, sir.'That's convenient, isn't it?''It's neither convenient nor inconvenient. Only the truth.''I believe you heard Lieutenant Mincher's testimony?' Mincher had been in charge of the party which had dragged the stretch of the Royal near Pond Bridge, from which Andy had testified he had thrown the gun. The police had not found it'Yes, sir. You know I heard it.'Then you heard him testify that they found no gun, although they dragged for three days. That was rather convenient, too, wasn't it?''Convenience aside, it's a fact that they didn't find the gun,' Andy responded calmly. 'But I should like to point out to both you and the jury that the Pond Road Bridge is very close to where the Royal River empties into the Bay of Yarmouth. The current is strong. The gun may have been carried out into the bay itself.''And so no comparison can be made between the riflings on the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of your wife and Mr Glenn Quentin and the riflings on the barrel of your gun. That's correct, isn't it, Mr Dufresne?''Yes.'That's also rather convenient, isn't it?'At that, according to the papers, Andy displayed one of the few slight emotional reactions he allowed himself during the entire six-week period of the trial. A slight, bitter smile crossed his face.'Since I am innocent of this crime, sir, and since I am telling the truth about throwing my gun into the river the day before the crime took place, then it seems to me decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found.'The DA hammered at him for two days. He re-read the Handy-Pik clerk's testimony about the dishtowels to Andy. Andy repeated that he could not recall buying them, but admitted that he also couldn't remember not buying them.Was it true that Andy and Linda Dufresne had taken out a joint insurance policy in early 1947? Yes, that was true. And if acquitted, wasn't it true that Andy stood to gain $50,000 in benefits? True. And wasn't it true that he had gone up to Glenn Quentin's house with murder in his heart, and wasn't it also true that he had indeed committed murder twice over? No, it was not true. Then what did he think had happened, since there had been no signs of robbery?'I have no way of knowing that, sir,' Andy said quietly.The case went to the jury at one p.m. on a snowy Wednesday afternoon. The twelve jurymen and women came back at three-thirty. The bailiff said they would have been back earlier, but they had held off in order to enjoy a nice chicken dinner from Bentley's Restaurant at the county's expense. They found him guilty, and brother, if Maine had the death penalty, he would have done the airdance before that spring's crocuses poked their heads out of the dirt.The DA had asked him what he thought had happened, and Andy slipped the question -but he did have an idea, and I got it out of him late one evening in 1955. It had taken those seven years for us to progress from nodding acquaintances to fairly close friends -but I never felt really close to Andy until 1960 or so, and I believe I was the only one who ever did get really close to him. Both being long-timers, we were in the samecellblock from beginning to end, although I was halfway down the corridor from him.'What do I think?' He laughed - but there was no humour in the sound. 'I think there was a lot of bad luck floating around that night. More than could ever get together in the same short span of time again. I think it must have been some stranger, just passing through. Maybe someone who had a flat tyre on that road after I went home. Maybe a burglar. Maybe a psychopath. He killed them, that's all. And I'm here.'As simple as that. And he was condemned to spend the rest of his life in Shawshank - or the part of it that mattered. Five years later he began to have parole hearings, and he was turned down just as regular as clockwork in spite of being a model prisoner. Getting a pass out of Shawshank when you've got murder stamped on your admittance-slip is slow work, as slow as a river eroding a rock. Seven men sit on the board, two more than at most state prisons, and every one of those seven has an ass as hard as the water drawn up from a mineral-spring well You can't buy those guys, you can't no, you can't cry for them. As far as the board concerned, money don't talk, and nobody walks. pc other reasons in Andy's case as well ... but that belongs a little further along in my story. There was a trusty, name of Kendricks, who was into me for some pretty heavy money back in the fifties, and it was four years before he got it all paid off. Most of the interest he paid me was information - in my line of work, you're dead if you can't find ways of keeping your ear to the ground. This Kendricks, for instance, had access to records I was never going to see running a stamper down in the goddam plate-shop. Kendricks told me that the parole board vote was 7-0 against Andy Dufresne through 1957,6-1 in '58, 7-0 again in '59, and 5-2 in '60. After that I don't know, but I do know that sixteen years later he was still in Cell 14 of Cellblock 5. By tben, 1976, he was fifty-eight. They probably would have fatten big-hearted and let him out around 1983. They give you fife, and that's what they take - all of it that counts, anyway. Maybe they set you loose someday, but ... well, Listen: I knew this guy, Sherwood Bolton, his name was, and he had this pigeon in his cell. From 1945 until 1953, when they let him out, he had that pigeon. He wasn't any Birdman of Alcatraz; he just had this pigeon. Jake, he called him. He set Jake free a day before he, Sherwood, that is, was to walk, and Jake flew away just as pretty as you could want. But about a week after Sherwood Bolton left our happy little family, a friend of mine called me over to the west corner of the exercise yard, where Sherwood used to hang out, and my friend said: 'Isn't that Jake, Red?' It was. That pigeon was just as dead as a turd.I remember the first time Andy Dufresne got in touch with me for something; I remember like it was yesterday. That wasn't the time he wanted Rita Hayworth, though. That came later. In that summer of 1948 he came around for something else. Most of my deals are done right there in the exercise yard, and that's where this one went down. Our yard is big, much bigger than most. It's a perfect square, ninety yards on a side. The north side is the outer wall, with a guardtower at either end. The guards up there are armed with binoculars and riot guns. The main gate is in that north side. The truck loading-bays are on the south side of the yard. There are five of them. Shawshank is a busy place during the work-week - deliveries in, deliveries out. We have the license-plate factory, and a big industrial laundry that does all the prison wetwash, plus that of Kittery Receiving Hospital and the Eliot Sanatorium. There's also a big automotive garage where mechanic inmates fix prison, state, and municipal vehicles - not to mention the private。
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21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的பைடு நூலகம்卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿
【信息安全】安全通论(1)——经络篇杨义先,钮心忻(北京邮电大学信息安全中心,北京 100876)0引言“安全”与“信息”都是至今还没有严格定义的概念。