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(Subjunctive Mood)


①If I were a white cloud, I would be the most beautiful one.

②If he were indoor, he wouldn't feel so cold.

③If I knew the answer to the questions, I would be a genuis.

④If I had time, I would go to the movies with you.


①If the weather had been fine yesterday, he would have been on a train to Beijing.

②If you had been in my position, what would you have done to settle the dispute?

③If we hadn't made adequate preparations, the conference wouldn't have been so


④If I had left sooner last night, I would have caught the last bus.


①If he were here this evening, we would be wild with joy.

②If I were to to the work, I would do it in a different way.

③If she should know it, she would tell me.

2.结果主句中的 would 常可替换为 should/might/could/must 等,它们的语法功能与 would

相同,不妨将它们视为 would 的“变体”,但它们能够依据语境中的具体情势,更加细致地体现出不同的语气差异。

3.在虚拟条件从句中,可通过不同形式的 be 动词 (be, were, been) 后接 PresP(现分) 构成进


1)If she were living a hard life, her family should@ be responsible for it.

(可将 should 视为 would 的“变体”,用上标“@”表示,文中出现的其它替换词均可依此类推。)

2)If human beings were not killing each other, we would be living a happy life.

3)If you hadn't been studying so hard, you would have failed the exam.

4.当条件句中有 were/had/should/could 时,可以省略 if,同时将 were/had/should/could 放


1)Were it necessary, I might@ resign.

2)Had you informed me earlier, I wouldn't have signed the contract.

3)Should I have time, I would call on her.

4)Could you meet Mary, you should@ not be able to recognize her.


词为 should + V 时,主句往往是祈使句。注意,由于祈使句始终使用 V,故和上表所述状况存在差异,对上表是一种补充。(参考本文第

you be happy?

2)If he had married Alice, how happy he would have been!

3)If you were man enough, don't give up.

4)If you should need help, just tell me.

6.“could have + PP”结构的含义特殊性:在虚拟条件句中使用该结构时,could 是情态动词,

表示“能够”,相当于 have been able to do sth。

1)If you could have prevented/had been able to prevent mistakes, you might@have been

more successful.

2)If I could have earned/had been able to earn enough money, I should@have travelled

over the world.


一致性, 产生语病。(Ref.P647<①>)

1)If he is(×)/were(√) here, he would not let the matter end thid way.

2)If I had the book, I will(×)/should@(√) lend it to you.

8.虚拟条件从句中不可使用 would,否则就会产生语病。但是,如果表示主语的某种愿望,虚拟

条件从句中也可以用 would,相当于 be willing to,常指说话人不相信主语有这种愿望,即不相信主语“愿意”做这件事情等。注意,由于would + V,故和上表所述状况存在差异,对上表是一种补充。(参考本文第 5

they would have (×)/φ(√) had come yesterday, I should@be very much obliged.

2)If he would/is willing to lend me the money, I would buy a car. (But I know he will

be not willing to.)

(判断方法:用 be willing to 替换 would,再分别验证是否存在语法和逻辑错误)




1)Had I taken the umbrella, I should@not be wet now.(过去→现在)

2)If I were you, I wouldn't have missed the film last night.(现在→过去)

3)If you hesitated this moment, you might@ suffer in future.(现在→将来)

4)If Mary should arrived today, she must@ have started 3 days ago.(将来→过去)

5)If they had left home in early morning, they should@ arrive in half an hour.(过


6)If the train had started last night, I would be sitting by the dinning table at




1)I often tell her that if she had made another try, she might@have been successful.

2)I will tell her that ......

3)I have told her that ......


if 或 I wish 等引导的条件从句,但是在其深层结构或上下文语境中还是“有条件”的。最明显的特征就是常有结果主句,而无条件从句。这种条件可通过间接或“跳层”的方式由名词、动词、形容词、代词、介词、连词、现在分词、过去分词、不定式、祈使句、定语从句或上下文等表现出来。常用词有:with, without, only, but for, or, or else, but, otherwise, even, in case of, what if 等。(Ref.P649<3>)

1)With better equipment, we could@ have done it better.(介词短语)

2)They wouldn't have reached the agreement so easily without that common ground.

3)She said she would have come to the party, only she had an urgent matter to attend


4)But for your help we could@ not have successed.

5)We would have made a lot of money but we gave up halfway.

6)She wasn't feeling very well. Otherwise/Or/Or else she wouldn't have left the

meeting so early.(连词)

7) A gentleman wouldn't hav e said so.(名词)

8)I wouldn't be deceived so easily.(代词)

9)Failing this, what would you do?(现在分词)
