
2021国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语阅读》期末试题及答案(试卷号:4050)盗传必究Information for the examinees:This examination consists of three sections. They are:Section One: Grammar and Word Practice (40 points)Section Two: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section Three: Translation (20 points)The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed forcompleting this examination is 90 minutes.Section Onr (•rninmur und Word Prucllcc ( 10 p<»inlw)Pnrt I Qu<a«llon i —10t (20Kuch of (hr brlow It followed hy Ihrcr chnlcrs ninrkcd A t II mid hmmc the CHUTun^wcr that complrlc^ tiiir u-nfencc. (2 rm h>L You iihouhl … any(ippurtuniUv<i you hnvc lo pnicnrr 血A. make fun of H. miikc URC ofailing withhrhounc personnel moy hr highly nn>tivntr<l nnrl (it in but tn«ny trn(l io ________ “hli dr n ikA. roprtMr K reprint(\ rrprnof3. rhe good Chinrwr niAfi»|{<a r lintrnw h) fhr ^urkrra and —_ thedr opinion httunccounteA. RCtR & pUUC. tnke»l. Vhr hrm\ _ covtrn nil the products it <4(rr!» (or wdcA. product line 队product rnUC> product Hk5. Mont prcxiiict fmlurcn rcteult inMdci|iititr product plutiniriM sd drvvlnpTnrnt>A. ofB. inC (mtn6・ By HtudyiiiK bumnrm. you can iKrcumc tn<l invewtar A nd be u betterrtnployec#A. more infortnctl u conMumrr It M more inlorminn conatimrra• fi ninrr infornictl cunsumer7. Wc bcllcvr thm buninmn rnn br R powerful for chnnKnA.aK^ni H. nvcncy(X ngendM8・ I huvr divided tin* tulk thrc< nimn pMtfn.A, into A withC. over(人Srcuritiri exchnriHrh ntc mArkrtpUrm incmbrrs buy nnd nrll H^uriticn for their chctnn,A. how K whatC where10, 1 rnnsnMtioiuil compunic* will in Chinn,A. nmiinur loaning H. confinucn to I UCN I C(L continue io loc/i<cl*ari 2 QurMhm 11—20. (20 point%)(hg thr correct word nr M<ird» frnni the bow tn complete the (ollowlnu *rntcncc«. (2 p<dnu efteb)cnntrAct hbor forcr predict mudy internet technolugirH acconntA roinmiMAton cntrrprrncur^corwrptual rnnnnK er911- Carrying out <hc bumneB* of mich n huge cotnpnny rcquirrn12. «re thone people who neccpt I hr opportunittc» and involved tn crcKting And oprrntinK bn・incwu13. A bookkeeper write* dctAiln of hnAncinl trAnH^irtioru in the .I,A ugrcrnimt m n by which ownernhip IN trAnAlcrrcd from a Heller to abuyer.15・ *killw arr the Abilities tu rhmk in thr . to(liAKm)«r und niinly^cdifferent »itii4ition»i And to »cr beyond the present.16. Ecunurnicii is the of how wealth ii created and dwiribmcttI L Undcfnt/indtnK buying hrKaviar hrlp> nuirkrtt r* how buyers will rspond tu Tnnrkcting RtrAtegiestIH. E biiMtncRM K nbout trnn»forminR businvoex and mtcKratiiiK them with •19. Top nrl pobclrut (ormuktr strati-gir*# police* nnd ded^ioik20. 1( you wnnt to grt ”curn心arrvicctt you hfivr to pay n •Section T**<> Reading Comprehension (40 points)Question 21—30Rend Ihv rollowlnic pu«Migr umi doc id v whether the folhtMing wtulcnirntu nrr true <>r fuUr. ( I point* rnrh |MarketingM/irkciitiK IM thr procrMs cd pbinning «nd executing ihr conrrptiont pricing, promotion! And distribution oi idwand Acrvicrs 10 ( rente cxchnnKcii thm MHtHfy individuftl nndorK*niX4itjonnl ob|ccttvrn. MarkrtinK odds viilue in rhe form <4 ultlity• ur thr jxiwcr ol M pro«luci ur ftervicr to NAtmly a ncecL h crcotcM plnce utiliiy hy rtwikinK product» avuil/iblr wherr cuAtomrrR wnnt them, time utility by mnkinK product* •vaildblr whrti c»iRlornir!i wnnl fhrm« nnd po”5inn utility by trnnsferring the ownership of proihicl* <o bnyrrn> HuMnrnA people focused on I he production(4 gnodn froni thr hidunuinl Rcvoluiion unnl thr rnrly twentieth century« and cm thr nelling of 小MH I A (rum the 1920# to the )05On« Markelinft received little nttrntian up to that point. Alter 19SO• however. buNincun peoph? rccogiiiird that their mtrfprinrh Involved nol only production nnd selling hut nUo ihc Mfiiiliirtion of cuHforuvrn f Thvy hr«nn to iniplcmrnt the mnrkHinR concept • M huwnw philnuophy tlut involves <hc entire l)u»tncs» orgnriixntion in thr diud pnncRB of inii^lyinR euAtomcr nrrds nnd Achieving the urgsnhntion V B IrnplerneniAtion ol thr mnrkctinH concept bcuinb and end* with mnrketltiK infurrtuicioft nbout cuMtotucr^ firnt to determine whoi cuttotnrm nrude nnd Inirr to rvnluntr how well thr firm h fnevung thofio ncedN.?l・ Murkctinu add* value in thr farm 况iitiliiy« of thr potvrr □( a product or M rviir tu ti rirrtl22. IhtUncM people for used on (hr production al gaodfi from thr Induytnul Revolution until thv 19 erntury.:!」. Fmm 1^20w tn 195()s・ mnrkrtiny rcvcivrd n lot of intention from public2!• Buhinc^s (>rop|r btHaii «> implement ihr mnrk< tmn cunecpt t phihmuphy'H MI inKTiIvrfu I hr proc<e«» of MUMfyinK euweamer nrrcl< nnd AclMcviriR thr orMMnix/iti(m9R n()nL 25・ Irnpkfucntiittun of the nirtfkciinn concept begin* nnd end» with ni/trkrtmx inforrnutiofi hbuiit cu>tonicrB. Hvnd the (<»Howin« pmvm好and duxmr the hcM Mutrnirnl ( A.虬nr C) hir cuch qurMiom.(4 IHilntn CNC I I )Factors of ProductionTht bnBir r«M>urrrn a buMtru une» tu produce H(XM I B nnd ?irrvicru arr cnilc<l fuctor* o( production, rhey Include natural rrnuurccs^ lnbi)r< captul# and entrepreneurs.L«n(i< wnlrr# mincrnl deponttRa nnd trre^ ttn good cAnnipIvt uf tintural rewurer^ For cxATiipIr• Kixon Curporotioru the world*Inr^ni oil company« rnnken UAT o| A wide? vurirty ■1 nnturai rrmurEd 11 mu»t nhviomly have vnnt qutintitiew of rrudc oil to prng” mh yeah But Ex son N I BO need® the Inml whm the oil I N located < an well “ Und for Ha r«finerie> nnd ptprline»>丁he peoplr who work for A company rtjpreseni the sccand (actor o( production* hlxin Somethnes called human rt wurceuf lubor I* the mental and physical capAbilirie» of people. Exxon employs avtr 150<000 people worldwide. Currying out thr buxincnK ol Ruch a hunt- rompony rrtpiircsi labor iorcr with A wide vnrtcty ol .kill, ranging from nmrwkm to geologiM* to truck drtvrra.OblaiciifiM and using materi/il resourcrs fltid hlxjr requires oipital* thr hindu needed tu optrnte nn enterprise. (Capitol in nctnlrd to Mart any busitiesa* Caprul in A ho netdrd to keep <hc busincsn opcrntinR and growing- ExxonS nnnual drilling cosu alonr run into rhe billion* of dollar**iunnlly• nmny ucunomic fired cntfr|ircnriirt to function. Entrepreneur^ nrcthonr propk who accrpt the opportiinitirR nnrf ri・k・ involved in rrmltnit flfid opfrutiriK bwinrw They nrr the people who 5lnrt new hutdnm心/ind who rtidkr the drci#ionh ihn! nllow uninll liunincR^cn io gmw tnio bir^rr one*. Exxon (w orpornhon Htnrtnl IIH rm entrrprenrurlnl venture. AhhouKh it <l«l not urquirr it* rnrrrni tinnir until 11)73,lift rx>ni»run hr 11AC cd 10 )X62 whrn John IX Rockefeller nnd Murue B. (Inrk derided to r^tnbliwh u petrolciiiirrrfininK firnu26. F/irtor« n( procbirtion refer to.A. ruitural rewurcew unci cupiulK Iftbar nnd rntrrprcneuriC. both A and B27< Thr lnlx>r force itectle<i in Exxon ('orpomtion «rr•A. people who have M variety of »kilh!t only itnd truck driven*(:. murium to run the compnny28> E MXOU S nnnuiil drilling coM^ alone run into I he billionN of dollnrA. •run into1 here mcAnw.A. divide Hw re<ich(L mrrt2V. 1 In lundn nrrdrd to operfttc an enterprise «rc referred toA. mpiul 此resourcesC lubor3(h They Arc the pmplr *«nrt nrw l)u«inc%» «nd make lhe dcddiomi.Fk whomA. whichC・ whoSection Three Tniniilalinn (20 poinU)rrun<i!atr thr Gillowing pazgr into ("hinesr.31. The typical (good) Chint?se maiiiigrr operates in n very hand-on Mtyle nnd 15 fAmilinr with all aspects of the business. He or she delegates fnr less thnn his or her Wcntem counterpartt spends less time in merting5e ics* rime consulting and more time actually making dedsionoi and implementing policy. Somr revenf survey* havesiiRgrstrd that Chinese nianagrrs believe that traveling and meetings are the lca<<t bn partant a^pret^ of their)D I>MS they would rather spend more time doing denkwork. assessing and evaluoiing information and mnking deciMnn^ It is interesting thnt only 31 percenl of the sample hrlirvrd that scheduled meeiing^ were an important octivify and only t pcrrrm believed that unscheduled meetrntfA werr imnnrtHnt.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Srcthm (>nr Grammar mid Word PrMCticv (10 p<»lnt«)Purl I Viirtlhm* I —1(1. (20 points)Each of the wcnlctKeB lirlnw h followed by three choIccB marked B and G ( hmHc thr <mr Mn»wrr Ihiit iiesl complrtm the sentence. (2 point# each)I.B 2. A 3.C 4. B 5.C6. C7. A «. A 9.C 10. CPart 2 Qtte*tiim 11—20> (20 polnln)C h<Mwe the rurrrel wcircl or wordi fnim the box In cnmplctc lhe following wcntcnccc (2 poin" rurh)I L Inluir forte12. EntrrprcnrumKt »rcounisH. contnirt15. (\inccplunl16. utudy17. |>redirtIR. internet frchnol<»Kic»19. miumRUn20. commiMkmSection I wn Reading Ciimprcbrn^ion Question 21—30 (tO points)Head <hc rollowinc paAfvigr and decide whether the following MtatrmcnU ure true or fahr. { 1points rHch)2hT 22-F 23. F 24. T 25-THwd Ihr following pst'Migt land chuosr the best statcmcnl (A. B f C ) for each question. ( 1 points each) 26-C 27. A 28. H 29. A 30. CSection I hrtr Irnnslation (20 pointi)Irnn^lutv the rollowinu paragraphs into Chinese3!•旅型的(好的)中国管理者以一神串必躬亲的风格进行管理,熟患企业的方方面血・他比他或她的西方"手较少将工作交给下圾.花校少时间开会•花股少时间咨询,实际匕,他花了更暮时间作出决殖.成菊方针.最近的一些示.中国的曾理者们相信先行和会议是他们工作中整不柬要的部分.他们宁可花更多的时间做案头工作道和评估信息并作出决策. 有理的是•仅有31 %的管理者相信脚些安措蚌了时间的会仗是重要活动•而仅占4%的管理者俐信未安排好时间的会议是重要的.。

中央广播电视大学期末考试英语专业文学阅读与欣赏试卷及答案PAPER ONE Reading (110 minutes) (70 points)Ⅰ. Text 1 (Questions 1--4 are based on the following text. )( 15 points) Municipal Gum *By Oodgeroo NoonuccalGumtree in the city street,Hard bitumen(沥青) around your feet,Rather you should beIn the cool world of leafy forest hailsAnd wild bird calls.Here you seem to meLike that poor cart horseCastrated, broken, a thing wronged,Strapped and buckled, its hell prolonged,Whose hung head and listless face expressIts hopelessness.Municipal gum, it is dolorous(忧伤的)To see you thus Set in your black grass of bitumenO fellow citizen,What have they done to us?* An Austalian tree that is considered as a national symbol of Australia.* Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a famous aboriginal(土著) Australian writer. Questions on Text 11. The rhyme scheme for the beginning 5 lines of the poem isb .2. Identify two examples of figures of speech used in the poem.3. Identify two words or phrases in the poem that convey the tone of the poem to the reader.4. What meaning do you think the poet is trying to convey to the reader in the last two lines of the poem? (5 points)Ⅱ. Text 2 (Questions 5--12 are based on the following text. ) (25 points)Ⅰ: Oh, please don"t get up, Mr. Crawley. I was just wondering ifyou meant what you said the other day about showing me the runof things.Frank: Of course, I did,Ⅰ: What are you doing now?Frank: Notifying all the tenants that in celebration of Maxim"s return,with his bride, this week"s rent will be free.Ⅰ: Oh, was that Maxim"s idea?Frank: Oh, yes. All the servants get an extra week"s wages, too.Ⅰ: He didn"t tell me. Oh can"t I help you? I could at least lickthe stamps.Frank: That"s terribly nice of you. Won"t you sit down?Ⅰ: Oh yes, thank you. I was down at the cottage on the beach the other day, and there was a man there, a queer sort of person.Jasper kept barking at him.Frank: Oh, yes--must have been Ben, he"s quite harmless. We give him odd jobs now and then.Ⅰ: That cottage place seeing to be going to rack and ruin. Why isn"t something done about it?Frank: Oh, I think if Maxim wanted anything done about it, he"d tell me.Ⅰ: Are those all Rebecca"s things down there?Frank: Yes, yes they are.Ⅰ: What did she use the cottage for?Frank: The boat used to be moored near there.Ⅰ: What boat? What happened to it"? Was that the boat she was crying in when she was drowned? Frank: Yes, it capsized and sank. She was washed overboard. Ⅰ: Wasn"t she afraid to go out like that, alone? Frank: She wasn"t afraid of anything.Ⅰ: Where did they find her?Frank: Near Edgecomber, about forty miles up channel, about two monthsafterwards. Maxim went up to identify her. It was horrible for him.Ⅰ: Yes, it must have been, Mr. Crawley, please don5 think me morbidlycurious-it isn"t that. It"s just that I feel at such a disadvantage. All the time, whenever meet anyone Maxim"s sister, even the servants, I know they"re all thinking the same tiring. They"re all comparing me with her, Rebecca.Frank: Oh, you mustn"t think that. I can"t tell you bow glad I am thatyou married Maxim. It"s going to make all the difference to his life. And from my point of view it"s very refreshing to find someone like yourself who is not entirely-er-in tune, shall wesay, with Manderley.Questions on Text 25. What literary genre do you think the above piece of writing could come from? Choose the most correct answer from the choices below. (3 points)A. comedyB. romanceC. science-fictionD. drama6. Who do you think the main character of the writing is? (2 points)7. What do you think is the setting for the above conversation? (3 points)8. What (if any) was the relationship between "I" and "Frank"? (2 points)9. What importance/significance could Ben and the cottage have in relation to Rebecca? (3 points)10. What do you think was the purpose of the author in writing the above conversation in the first person point of view "I"? (2 points) 11. How could the story develop based on what you have read? (4 points) 12. Write a sentence to describe each of the following characters: Rebecca; I;Maxim. (6 points)Ⅱ. Text 3 (Questions 13--20 are based on the following text. ) (30 points) Here is an abridged short story, Indian Camp, written by Ernest Hemingway. Read it and answer Questions 13 20 that follow.Please note: This reading task will be relevant to the writing task in Paper Two. Indian CampBy Ernest HemingwayAt the lake shore there was another rowboat drawn up. The two Indians stood waiting. Nick and his father got in the stern(船尾部) of the boat and the Indians shoved it off and one of them got in to row. Uncle George sat in the stern of the camp rowboat. The young Indian shoved the camp boat off and got in to row Uncle George."Where are we going, Dad?" Nick asked."Over to the Indian camp. There is an Indian lady very sick. ""Oh," said Nick.Across the bay they found another boat beached. Uncle George was smoking a cigar in the dark. The other Indian pulled the boat way up on the beach. Uncle George gave both the Indians cigars.They walked up from the beach through a meadow that was soaking wet with dew and followed a logging trail ... They came round a bend and a dog came out barking. Ahead were the lights of the huts of the Indian bark peelers. In the doorway of one of the huts an old woman stood iii the doorway holding a lamp.Inside on a wooden bunk lay a young Indian woman. She had been trying to have her baby for two days. All the old women in the camp had been trying to help her. She screamed just as Nick and the two Indians followed his father and Uncle George into the hut. She lay in the lower bunk, very big under a quilt. Her head was turned Io one side. In the upper bunk was her husband. He had cut his foot very badly with an ax three days before. He wassmoking a pipe and the room smelt very had."This lady is going lo have a baby, Nick," he said.(1) "l know", said Nick."You don"t know," said his lather. "Listen to me. What she is through is called being in labor. The baby wants to be born and she wants it to be born. All her muscles are trying to gel the baby born. That is what is happening when she screams.""I see," Nick said.(2) Just then the woman screamed."Oh, Daddy, can"t you give her something to make her stop screaming?" asked Nick."No. I haven"t any anesthetic," his father said. "But her screams are not important. I don’t hear them because they are not important."The husband in the upper bunk rolled over against the wall.The woman in the kitchen motioned to the doctor that the water was hot. "Those must boil," he said, and began to scrub his hands preparing for the delivery of the baby. When he had made himself ready, he re-entered and went to work."Pull back that quilt, will you George?" be said. "I"d rather not touch it."Later when he started to operate Uncle George and the three Indian men held the woman still. She bit Uncle George on the arm and Uncle George said, "Damn squaw bitch!" and the young Indian who had rowed Uncle George Over laughed at him. Nick held the basin for his lather. It all took a long time.His father picked the baby up and slapped it on the bottom to make it breathe and handed it to the old woman."See, it"s a boy, Nick," he said. "How do you like being a doctor"s assistant?"Nick said, "All right." He was looking away so as not to see what his father was doing."Now," his father said, "there"s some stitches to put in. You can watch this or not,Nick, just as you like. I"m going to sew up the incision I made. "Nick did not watch. His curiosity had long since gone. His father finished and stood up, looked at the woman who seemed so pale and then said, "I"ll be back in the morning to seehow she is, the nurse from town should be here by then.""That"s one for the medical journal, George," he said. "Doing a caesaerian with a jack knife(折叠刀) and tying it up with three metres of nylon fishing line."Uncle George was standing against the wail, looking at his arm."Oh, you"re a great man, all right." he said."Ought to have a look at the proud father. They’re usually the worst sufferers in these little affairs," the doctor said. "I must say he took it all very quietly."He pulled back the blanket from the Indian"s head. His hand came away wet. He mounted the edge of the lower bunk with the lamp in one hand and looked in. The Indian lay with his face towards the wall. His throat had been cat from ear to ear. The blood bad flowed down into a pool where his body sagged the hunk. His head rested on his left arm. The open razor lay, edge up, in the blankets."Take Nick out of the hut, George," the doctor said.There was no need of that. Nick, standing in the door of the kitchen, had a good view of the upper bank when his father, the lamp in hand, tipped the Indian"s head back.It was just beginning to be daylight when they walked along the track leading to the lake."Urn terribly sorry I brought you along, Nickie," said his father, all his post operative exhilaration gone. "It was an awful mess to put you through.""Do ladies always have such a hard time having babies?" Nick asked."No, that was very, very exceptional.""Why did he kill himself, Daddy?""I don"t know, Nick. He couldn"t stand things, I guess.""Do many men kill themselves, Daddy?""Not very many, Nick.""Do many women?""Hardly ever. ""Don"t they ever?""Oh, yes. They do sometimes.""Daddy?""Yes.""Where did Uncle George go?""Hell turn up all right."(3) "Is dying hard, Daddy?""No, I think it"s pretty easy, Nick. it alt depends."They were seated in the boat, Nick in the stern, his father rowing. The sun was coming up over the hills. A bass (fish) jumped, making a circle in the water. Nick trailed his hang in the water. It felt warm in the sharp chill of the morning.In the early morning on the lake sitting in the stern of the boat with his father rowing, he felt quite sure that he would never die.Questions on Text 313. Who was the main character of the story? (2 points)14. Based on the dialogue between Nick and his father in the story, what was then relationship, other than father and son? (2 points)15. What was the most unexpected event that happened in this short story? (3 points) 16, What role did Uncle George play in the story? (3 points)17. Read the first underlined section in the story. Why did Nick say he knew, yet his father said he didn"t know? (5 points)18. Read the second underlined section in the story. Why were the woman"s screams unimportant? (5 points)19. Why do you think the Indian cut his throat? (5 points)20. What reasons can you give for Nick"s father saying that dying was "pretty easy" (in the third underlined section)? (5 points)PAPER TWO: Writing (40 minutes) (30 points)Title: Indian Camp (about 200 words)Instructions:• Imagine you are Nick. Rete ll the story from his point of view.• You should slick to the original story line and keep the basic content of the story.• Use specific words to express your feelings and experiences as you imagine would he true of Nick. [Note! Do not simply copy Nick"s words from the text]答案Ⅰ. Questions 1--4 are based on Text 1. (16 points)1. aabcc(2 points)2.(a) Simile: "You(the trees) seem to me like that cart-horse" (3 points)(b) Personification: "(Municipal gum) whose hung head and listless face..."(3 points)3.(Words similar to imprisoned OR bound/tied up) examples: strapped and buckled; castrated; hell prolonged; listless face(2 points, 1 point for one correct answer, award a maximum of 2 points.) 4.Like the gum tree, bound and encased in black bitumen (symbolism), and bound and controlled like a cart horse (beast of burden) the author feels that black Aboriginal Australians are similarly treated by white Australian society. (OR similar answer) (5 points)Ⅱ. Questions 5--12 are based on Text 2. (25 points)5. D (3 points)6. Rebecca (because there is a mystery aspect to her character) (2 points)7. The home of Maxim (OR large house near the beach) (3 points)8. Frank may have been a friend of Maxim or a servant of the household. He probably had no relationship to "I" other than as a friend. (2 points) 9. Uncertain, but there could have been some link lo Rebecca"s death. The cottage and/or Ben may have bad a role to play. (3 points)10 To emphasize from whose point of view the story is being told. Also to place the focus on a specific character (OR similar answer). (2 points)11. Any answer providing it is relevant lo the extract and characters is plausible.(4 points)12. ( 1 ) Rebecca: Died in a boating accident and was married to Maxim.May bare been a difficult person to understand. People thoughtshe was very nice. (2 points) (2) "I": About to be married to Maxim and was the subject of gossipby relatives and servants. Trying to find out more about Maxim"s firstwife, Rebecca. (2 points)(3) Maxim: Previously married to Rebecca, may have been unhappily marriedand is marrying someone who seems to be quite different in some waysto Rebecca. (2 points) Ⅲ. Questions 13--20 are based on Text 3. (30 points)13. Nick (OR both Nick and his father) (2 points)14. A close loving and understanding relationship. The father is acting as Nick" teacher. (2 points) 15. The Indian husband cutting his throat. This action was unexpected and seemed out of place (surprise element) when he was about to become a father.(3 points)16. A supporting role, giving a relationship depth to Nick and his father. Another focal point for the reader. (3 points)17. Nick was very young and although he understood what having a baby meant, he didn"t understand the difficulties and dangers a woman faces when givingbirth. This is why his father told him he dldn5 know. (5 points)18. Because a doctor delivering a baby bad Io understand tile pain of the woman in giving birth and screaming was expected and he had to shut this out of his mind to concentrate on delivering the baby safely and keeping the mother alive.(5 points)19. Probably because he thought his wife was going through such pain andsuffering that was so hard to bear and thought because of her screaming shewas going to die, so he decided to (or with her. for similar answer) (5 points)20. It was easy to die because the suffering and pain would be totally gone whenone was dead, however to choose lo live was more difficult because the pain,suffering and hardship still had to be endured daily. (5 points)作文:The story happened in a dark night. Nick company with his father to the Indian camp, there is a lady very sick. After arriving at, Nick know that a woman who is being in labor. She can’t give birth to her baby naturally. So Nick watches his father deliver an Indian woman of a baby by Caesarian Section. It is a merciless scene to such a young boy, especially without any anesthetic. The woman’s scremed and pain both influent litter Nick. Ironic, the baby’s father is found kill himself at last. It is another upsurge of this story.During the story, Hemingway doesn’t describe the pain of this lady, but mention the action of other people, such as the husband and the men in village. From other people’s emotion, you can image how terrible the scream is.Hemingway’s style is simple on the surface. Interestingly, it is with this simple style that Hemingway effectively conveys some intense and complex emotions, just like his “tip of iceberg”. These feelings often seem negative.In the story of Indian camp, also a reflection of his style, the heavy topic of “death” is prese nted through the view of a litter child. It makes the “death” have another color of mystery. Hemingway’s view of death is present through the ending of Indian Camp.This story just about the experience of one night, but include some information what author want to show. Each time you read, you can find something new.I think a good fiction should consist of some parts: beautiful content, language, plot and structure. What’s more important is the standpoint. In other word is the sense of worth. It is the starting point of a fiction.。

北京电大大一期末英语试题及答案(1)英语I (1) 考试试题第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,推断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A (Right), 不恰当的选B (Wrong),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
1. “Are you hungry now?” “Yes, a little.”A.Right. B. Wrong.2. “When are they going to get there?” “They’re going to get there by bus.” A.Right. B. Wrong.3. “Would you like to have another cup of tea?”“Yes,I would like to.”A.Right. B. Wrong.4. “When shall we meet?”“Which about a quarter past two? ”A.Right. B. Wrong.5. —Excuse me, where’s the post office, please?—Sorry, I don’t know.—Thank you all the same.A.Right. B. Wrong.其次部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分)6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
6. They are all interested ______ English.A. inB. onC. to7. My sister _____ a letter when I got home last night.A. is writingB. was writingC. wrote8. He asked me if I ______ the play.A. sawB. had seenC. have seen9. _____ is raining now. You'd better stay at home.A. ItB. WeatherC. This10. He will write to you as soon as he ______ there.A. will getB. to getsC. gets11. The bus stop ______ in 1999.A. was builtB. will be builtC. built12. The work must ______ in time.A. be doneB. didC. is doing13. The policeman told us ______ in the street.A. don't playB. not to playC. to not play14. Tom told me that he _____ to England the next week.A. would goB. will goC. is going15. The Blacks ______ in this factory since 1996.A. has workedB. has comeC. have been16. There are about five ______ students in our school.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred of17. Saturday is the ______ day of the week.A. firstB. secondC. last18. Get up early,______ you'll catch the early bus.A. soB. andC. butD. or19. Hurry up,______ you'll be late for class.A. soB. and C or20. The PRC was founded ______ October 1st,1949.A. inB. onC. with21. —Which sweater do you like better?—______.A. Good ideaB. I can’t decideC. Yes, it’s nice22. —How do you like the new film?—______.A. Very kindB. Very deliciousC. Very lucky23. —Could you come, please? I want some help.—______.A. Yes, I couldB. You’re welcomeC. That’s right24. —Don’t pick flowers in the school garden next time, Lili. —______A. I have no ideaB. Sorry, I won’t.C. Is that so?25. —Sorry, mummy. I can’t tie my shoe.—Don’t worry, dear. ______.A. I want to help youB. I’ll help youC. I’d like to help you第三部分句型变换(共计15分,每小题3分)26-30小题:按照括号里的提醒改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题纸上。

国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(1)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2155)2022盗传必究Fart iQuestions 1—10 are based on Passage 1. (30 points, 3 points each)Passage 178 New RoadCanford27th OctoberDear Helen,1.You'll be pleased to hear I'm at home and feeling much better. I still feel rather weak and tired but I'm so glad to be home. Dad has looked after everything really well so the flat was all spick and span when I came back.2.Someone from the office came to see me in hospital. She told me not to go back to work until I feel up to it. They've got a 'temp' in to do my typing.3.It's really nice to get your letters. Thank you for the card you sent me, too.Your father and I are pleased you're settling down at University and that you've got some nice friends.Enjoy yourself — but work hard too.LoveMumQuestions 1—10 :Read Passage 1 and then find a word/phrase which means the same as each of the following. The paragraph in which the word/phrase appears is indicated in the brackets. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1.take care of(paragraph 1)2.clean and tidy(paragraph 1)3.be well enough to (doing things)(paragraph 2)4. a person employed for short periods of time(paragraph 2)5.start living a normal life(paragraph 3)Read Passage 1 again and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.6.This letter was written by Helen's father.7.Helen's parents live in Canford.8.Helen's mother is still very ill.9.Helen's mother doesn't need to go back to work immediately.10.Helen's parents are very pleased to know that Helen is coming home.Part IIRead the following two passages carefully and then choose the best answer to questions 11-20 according to your understanding of the passages. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points each)Passage 2CHENGDU—Chinese scientists have developed a computer software system which can automatically translate Internet files into the Chinese language.The software has the capacity to translate 150,000 Chinese characters per hour, with 80 percent of the total content easily understandable after the translation process.The major problem hindering the development of the Internet in China is the language harrier. Many Chinese users feel that their English is inadequate for operating the Internet, which is predominantly in English,Develo pment o£ translation software is part of a high-tech program introduced by the State Science and technology Commission in the mid-1980s.The software, jointly developed by a research institute and a university in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, runs in the Windows environment. Users can use a mouse to achieve instant translations, while maintaining the original format of documents or pictures.11.The passage is mostly taken from .A. a newspaperB. a magazineC. a novel12.Which of the following phrases can be used to replace the word "hinder” in the sentence "Themajor problem hindering the development o£ the Internet in china is the language barrier. nA.holding onB. holding toC. holding back13.It can be inferred from the passage that Internet is mainly operated through.A.ChineseB. EnglishC. German14.Which of the following statements is NOT true about translation software?A.It is part of a high-tech programme.B.It is developed by a research institute and a university in Beijing.C.It runs in the Windows environment15.The 'mouse' in the last paragraph refers to _ •A.the animal of which the cat is the natural enemyB. a kind of mouse-like toy for childrenC.the device connected to a computer to control the cursor's movementPassage 3Changes in LivelihoodAUTHORITATIVE SCHOLARS place China' s social development at the ' lower medium level' compared to the rest of the world. China has gone through several twists and turns since 1949, and many people's lives have changed for better or worse as a result. However, today a general improvement is evident. Since 1978 in particular, many people's life-styles have improved at a greater pace than in the previous 30 years.Chinese have not only improved on their diet, clothing, housing and the products they use every day, but their disposable income has also grown as well. By the end of June 1995, rural and urban bank savings amounted to 3,545. 8 billion yuan.Figures show that since the 1990s communications equipment, houses, apartments and cars have bugun to replace TV sets, refregerators and washing machines (which in turn replaced bikes, watches and sewing machines at the beginning of the 1980s) as the largest individual consumption items.According to a conservative estimate, China has about 100,000 private cars today. Seven percent of urban residents have installed home phones. The Chinese Post and Telecommunications Ministry plans 120 million new phone lines for the year 2000, or a phone for every urban household. Today fax machines, computers and mobile phones are very common and face a booming market.Questions 16 — 20 are based on Passage 3.16.The passage is mostly taken from.A- a newspaper B. a magazineC. a novel17.The sentence “ China has gone through several twists and turns since 1949" may mean that•A- China has changed for better since 1949B.China has changed for worse since 1949C.China has gone through many ups and downs18.Which of the following is NOT among the list o£ things that Chinese have improved on?A. Diet.B. Schooling.C. Money for saving.19.According to the passage, which of the following appeared the latest as the result of replacement?A. Apartments.B. Washing machines.C. Watches.20. urban residents have installed home phones.A. 100,000B. 120 millionC. Seven percent o£Part IIIDirections:Read passage 4 and then decide whether the statements after it are TRUE or False. On your answer sheet, indicate T for TRUE or F for FALSE against the number for each of items 21—30 for the answers you choose. (20 points, 2 points each)Passage 4How to Use London Telephones1Telephone calls in Britain are in two classes: local calls, and trunk calls. Short distance calls of up to about twenty miles are classed as local calls,and all calls over longer distances are classed as trunk calls.2In London, telephones now have all-figure numbers which do not include an exchange name: for example, 071-222-2870. If you make a local telephone call in London to a subscriber in London, you leave out the 071 and dial only the last seven figures of the number of the person whom you are calling. To make a trunk call to or from London, you dial all the figures of the subscriber's number,3The names, addresses and telephone numbers of subscribers in inner London are at present printed in four directories. There are separate directories for people whose names begin with the letters A to D, E to K, L to R and S to Z. When you look up a person's number in the telephone directory, you will find his name on the left side of the column and his telephone number on the right side.4All call-boxes in London are on the STD system, which has now been extended to all parts of Britain. The letters STD stand for Subscriber Trunk Dialing, and on this type of telephone you can dial many long-distance numbers direct as well as local numbers. An STD telephone is usually free, and the coin-box has slots for coins. To make a call, you pick up the receiver and dial the number before putting any money into the coin-box. When the person whose number you are ringing answers, there will be a special rapid tone called the paytone. As soon as you hear this, you put your money in the box. The paytone then stops, and you can start to speak. To make a trunk call by STD, you dial first the STD code number for the town that you are calling and then t he number o£ the subscriber. For example, the STD code number for trunk calls from London to Bristol is 0272; if you telephone a person living in Bristolwhose number is Bristol 294020, you would dial 0272- 294020. When your time is up the paytone is repeated;if you wish to continue your talk, you must then put more money into the slot. The length of time allowed is doubled between 6 p. m. and 8 a. m. Now pay phones work slightly differently, however.5Besides the STD system, there is also an International Subscriber Dialing service for making telephone calls to most of the countries of Europe, but some calls can only be made from telephones without a coin-box. You can dial direct to many places in France, Belgium, Germany t Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.6 A special recorded telephone information service is provided every day for visitors to London. This service gives visitors details of the main events of the day in and around London. The information is recorded in four languages: English, French, German and Spanish. When you wake up in the morning and you want to know what the weather will be like in London, dial 246-8901 ; and, if you want to know time, dial 123.Questions 21 — 30 are based on Passage 4.21.Telephone calls in Britain can be classified into two types: local calls and internationalcalls.22.If you call from London to a subscriber in London, you need to dial 071 first.23.If you want to know the telephone number of Mr Williams, you need to look it up in thedirectory for people whose name begins with the letters S to Z.24.You can usually find a person's name on the left side of the column in a telephone directory.25.Only the call-boxes in London are now on the STD system.26.To make a call, you need to put money into the coin-box first and then dial the number afterhearing the paytone,27.To make a trunk call by STD, you need to dial STD code number first.28.All calls can be made from telephones with a coin-box.29.If you go to London, you can even get information over telephone in Chinese.30.You can even get information about time in London by dialing 246-8901.Part IVRead Passage 5 and answer the following questions. Make your answers as short and dear as possible* (20 points, 4 points each)Passage 5What would you call your baby?Recently, a couple in New Zealand were forbidden from naming their baby son 4ReaL Even though New Zealand has quite liberal rules about naming children, names beginning with a number are not allowed. They decided to call him Superman instead.In many countries around the world, unusual names for children are becoming more popular, especially since the increasing trend for celebrities to give their children wacky names. In Britain, you can call a child almost anything you like — the only restrictions on parents relate to offensive words such as swear words.Some parents choose names which come from popular culture. For example, there have been six boys named Gandalf after the character in the Lord of the Rings novels and films. Equally, names related to sport are fairly common 一 since 1984, 36 children have been called Arsenal after the football team.Other parents like to make up names, or combine names to make their own unique version, a method demonstrated by Jordan, the British model, who recently invented the name Tidamii for her daughter by combining the names Thea and Amy ( the two grandmothers). She was quoted as saying that the accent and double letters were added to make the name more exotic'.Other countries have much stricter rules when it comes to naming children. Countries including Japan, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Argentina have an approved list of names from which parents must choose. In China, there are some rules about what you may call a child — no foreign letters or symbols are allowed. As a result a couple were recently banned from calling their baby @.Vn Britain, some names which were previously thought of as old-fashioned have become more popular again, such as Maisie or Ella for a girl, or Alfie or Noah for a boy.But the most popular names are not the wacky ones. The top names are fairly traditional — Jack, Charlie and Thomas for boys and Grace, Ruby and Jessica for girls. Questions 31—35 are based on Passage 5.31. Why was the baby boy in New Zealand not allowed to be named 4Rcal?32. In Britain, what kind of names are forbidden?33. Who is Gandalf?34. What are the rules in China about naming a child? (Give one example.)35. What are the most popular names for boys in Britain? (Give at least two examples.)试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Part I: (30 points, 3 points each)2. spick and span 4. temp 6. F Part 111: True or False (20 points, 2 points each) 21. E 22. E 23. T 24. T 25. F26. E 27. T 28. F 29. F30. E 1. look after3. feel up to5. settle down7. T8. F 9. T10. F Part 11 : (30 points, 3 points each.)11. A12. C 13. B14. B 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 15. C 20. CPart IV: Short answer (20 points, 4 points each)31.Because names beginning with numbers are not allowed.s relate to offensive words such as swear words.33. A character in the Lord of the Rings novels and films.3 1. No foreign letters of symbols are allowed.35. Jack* Charlie and Thomas. (Any two of these will be OK.)。

电大高级英语阅读2期末复习资料(考试参考).doc高级英语阅读(2)Section 1 New WordsMatch the words on the left with the meanings on the right.(3 points each)1 ? determine2.afford3.reflect4.nontraditional5.drawback6.statistic7.—一一——discipl ine8.---------- a spect9.10.involvest UltlOnA.unusualB.disadvantagec. side, part, or characteristicD.fact in the form of a numberE.controlF.decide onG? have enough money forH.showI.fees (moneys) for school].includesFill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each) acquire focusing research capacity identicalstructures communication journal percent produceBut is this language? What distinguishes 11 from true language? Do chimps actual lyhave the 12 for language? There is much disagreement about this. Some people arguethat chimps can 13 only the vocabulary of a 2 1 /2-year ?old human. They also point outthat a sentence such as "Lana tomorrow scare snake river monster" is not exactlyShakespearean English .It goes without saying that there is a gap between the languageabi1 ity of chimps and humans. But clearly, this gap is not as wide as we used to think itwas. Recent 14 is now 15 on the 16 and activity of the bTain. Biologists have looked at one smal 1 area of the brain, the planum temporale, which humans use tounderstand and 17 language .In chimps , this is larger on the left side of the brain than onthe right. In the 18 Science, researchers tel 1 us that this is "essential ly19 n to thep lanum temporale in humans. This is not surprising to people who believe that chimps dohave the capacity for language ? After all , they say, 99 20 of the genetic material inchimps and humans is identical, making chimps our closest relative. 1365Section n Reading ComprehensionHRcad the passage. Then answcr 伽questions that follow?(5 points each The Consumers UnionA The Consumers Union (CU) was founded in 1936 to give information and adviceto the public about goods and services? By doing research in laboratories and conducting testson products, scientists were able to rate them, or tell if they were good or bad. They startedby testing food like milk and cereal-and then personal products like soap and stockings. There were three categories in their ratings: Best Buy , Also Accc p table , and N otAcceptable? Later, CU began testing cars and home appliances , such as fans , radios , andother small machinesB In the same year it was founded , the organization began publishing a magazine forits mBmbers , Consumers Union Reports , listing the ratings of products that they tested.In1940 , CU sent out a questionnaire, that is, a list of questions , to its members, asking themto rate the products that they used. This questionnaire became so popular that it hascontinued until today」n 1942. the magazine1 s name was changed to Consumer Reports andsold to the general public?C By the 1950s, the number of people buying Consumer Reports (CR) reached 400 ,000. During this decade, the magazine reported on the dangers of tobacco , the poor quality ofcolor TV sets, the contamination of milk bynuclear testing , and other news that wascontroversial, or caused debate.ln the 1960s, the magazinereported that the price of autoinsurance varied widely, or was different, among companies? In the 1970s, it reported on thepollution of America1 s drinking water by factories. These articles won national prizes becausethey informed the public about problems that needed to be solved?D In the 1980s, CR began publishing special newsletters for different readers oncars , travel , health , and even one for children on how to earn and save money. In the 1990s,the Consumers Union moved to a new testing and research center with 50 modernlaboratories in Yonkers , New York. By this time , CR had over 5 mil lion magazine readersand 1 million online readers. After 70 years , this organization is still protecting consumersfrom the false claims of advertisers and the dangers of unsafe products. 1366For each question , choose the best answer based on the reading passage?Write A, B, C or D onyour Answer Sheet.21 ? The Consumers Union started to publish a magazineA.in 1936B. in 1940C. in the 1980sD. in the 1990s22.The magazine was sold only to members until --------A.1936C.1942B.1940D.196023.In the 1950s, CR didn't report on -------------------A.bad TV setsB. contaminated milkC.tobacco's dangersD. polluted drinking water24.The magazine won prizes because 一一一一一?A.it rated productsB.it told the public about problemsC.some products were not acceptableD.there were so many problems25.After 70 years , people ------- *-------A.are still reading CRB.are tired of reading CRC.believe the false claims of advertisersD.buy unsafe productsThen answer?(3 points each)Elephant CommunicationA Researchers at Stanford and Cornell Universities are studyingcommunicationpatterns of the savannah , or plains elephants , and forest elephants ofsub-SaharanAfrica. They have made many audio and video recordings , matching the sound and behaviorof the elephants in order to understand the meaning from observed patterns.B Their findings are that elephants use many senses tocommunicate: sight, smell ,taste , hearing, and touch? For example, when two female elephants greet each other after along separation, they stand side by side, flapping their ears , touching and smelling each1367other with their trunks , making rumbling sounds? The longer they've been separated, thelouder and more demonstrative they act when they meet again.C Elephant rumbling is a low , infrasonic sound of 12-20 Hertz CHz) that humans cannot hear. C Human range is between 20-20,000 Hz.) Researchers have divided thisrumbling into three main signals: contact, "Let's go," and mating. The contact call is usedby elephants that are miles away to communicate their location to otherherds? All day,female leaders rumble to other groups , who rumble back. They stay far apart to ensureenough food for all the members and later meet at a watering hole and greet each other.D Another type of rumbling is the ”Let's go n signal of a head female when shewants to leave a place after drinking or resting. Facing the direction she wants to go, sherumbles until the others begin to answer and follow her. The third type is the mating rumblethat a male in musth emits. Females in a herd usually answer him , although none of themmay be receptive , because they mate only once every four years. However, when the malehears them , he travels to the group to assess the situation.E A final interesting form of communication among elephants is the way they acttoward their dead .If they come upon elephant bones , they stand around touching the skullsand tusks with their trunks. When researchers left the bones of other large animals, likerhinos or buHaloes, in these places, elephants examined them briefly, but they touched onlythe elephant remains.In India, where elephants are often killed by trains , other elephantscome to the scene to caress and mourn the dead ones?Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write n T n for True and n F n for Falseon the Answer Sheet.26.Researchers are studying elephants in order to understand their communicationpatterns.27.When female elephants greet each other after a long separation, they rumble andwalk away.28.Elephant rumbling has several meanings?29.The word emits in paragraph D probably means produces.30.The word remains in paragraph E is closest in meaning to stays behind.section 1 New wordsMatch the words on meanings on the right. (3 poin each)1.F6.D2.G7.E3.H8.C4.A9.15.B10.1with words from the box below?(3 points each) 11 ? communication13.acquire15.focusing17. produce19. identical12. capacity14.research16.structures。

A New Era of TechnologyThe world is witnessing a rapid development in technology. From smartphones to smart homes, technology is becoming an integral part of our lives. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the latest trends that is connecting everyday objectsto the internet, allowing them to communicate with each other. This has led to the creation of smart cities where traffic management, energy consumption, and public safety are all monitored and controlled through advanced systems.1. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The development of smartphones.B. The integration of technology in daily life.C. The Internet of Things.D. The concept of smart cities.2. According to the passage, what is the role of IoT in our lives?A. It connects people to the internet.B. It connects everyday objects to the internet.C. It controls traffic management.D. It monitors public safety.3. What is a smart city according to the passage?A. A city with advanced systems for traffic management.B. A city where all objects are connected to the internet.C. A city that uses technology for efficient management.D. A city that only focuses on energy consumption.4. What can be inferred from the passage about the future of technology?A. It will become less important in our lives.B. It will be limited to smartphones and smart homes.C. It will continue to grow and impact our lives.D. It will only be relevant in the context of smart cities.答案:1. B2. B3. C4. C二、完形填空(共10分,每题2分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(2)》2026-2027期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156)PartQuestions I —10 are bated on Passage 1.is a short passage about one of the famous kidnappings which happened In ludy in 1973.Police seek Mr Getly^i grandsonI rrmi (Xir Coe心pond cm Rome . July 14Xpobce were searching today for Paul Gcny (II. aged 16. the gradnson of the oil rnuhiniillionnirc t who has been missing since early on Tuscday h is feared that he has been kidnapped.The fl in rm was raised yesterday by Mrs Gail Harris, aged 39. lhe boy's mother, after she received an anonymous telephone call in her Rome flat saying ift Wc have kidnapped your son Get money ready fbr a ninsoni We will call again later ”Police arc not excluding the possibility that it might be some kind of joke, bin the chnnccs that kidnappeni may have set their sights on young Paul arc considerable in view of the success of several recent kidnappings in Italy.Paul t a slim, fair-bained boy with a giA for pninting t mingled with hippies and sold mcml (ririkets he made in Rome s favourite hippy haunts, lhe Piazza di Spagna and lhe Piazza Navona The last time be was seen was in the early boun of fuse day morning when he left n night club with some hippy friends.The Dmes Saturday July 14t 1973 Read Passage 1 and decide whether the following sUitements arv True or False. Write T for True und F for False against the number of each of the statcmenli on your Answer Sheet.L The boy had been kidnapped for 16 days*2. The boy's mother reported the ease to the police on July 13.3. The cnminalB kidnapped the boy probably because there were recently scvcrnlsuccessful kidnappings tn Italy.was a conservative student, and worked hard at his studies.ent to a restaurant before he was kidnapped.1 again and then try to give short answers to Questions 6-10. Write your answers r Sheet. old was the kidnapped boy?ich city did the kidnapping happen?was special about his grandfather?received an anonymous telephone call about the kidnap?re was he last seen?-20 are based on Passage2.Part IIPassage 2:able tennis players have set new records in the past two years. Following a f seven titles at the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships in 1995, Chinese d audiences at the Atlanta Olympics by bagging all four golds. After that, the ';or both the First Women's Singles World Cup and the 17th Men,s Singles ~rent to Deng Yaping and Liu Guoliang, and all four champions of the Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Pro-Tour Finals' 96 were Chinese players. [d, at the same time, however, be aware of hidden troubles behind so much iree top players in the men's team, Kong Linghui, Liu Guoliang and Ding [1 quite young. Kong was indifficulty for all of 1996. In Atlanta, he was 'finally ousted by Taek Sao Kim of the Republic of Korea in the second round singles. Fortunately, he had the chance to redeem himself as world championhe men,s doubles title with his team-mate Liu Guoliang.E Q IE QW Irtlympg,匕心5*亦5。

试卷代号:1354国家开放大学2022年春季学期期末统一考试高级英语阅读(2)试题答案及评分标准(供参考)2J22年7月Section I New WordsI. Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right.(30 points, 3 points each)I. F 2.G 3. H 4. A 5.B6. D7. E8. C9. J 10. III.Fill in the blanks with words fron the boxbelow. (30 points, 3 points each)munication12.capacity13.acquire14.research15.focusing16.structures17.produce18.journal19.identical20.percentSection II Read i ngConprehens ionI.For each question, choose the best answer based on the reading passage. (25 points, 5 points each)21. D 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. CII.Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write "T" for True and“F" for False onthe Answer Sheet. (15 points, 3 points each)26. F 27. T 28. T 29. T 30. F试卷代号:1354国家开放大学2022年春季学期期末统一考试高级英语阅读(2)试题2022年7月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。

国开电大《人文英语2》期末考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?A. She has been to many countries, but she has never gone to Japan.B. He didn't go to the party last night because he was too tired.C. I have finished my homework, but she hasn't finished hers yet.D. They are going to travel around the world next month.答案:C2. What is the meaning of the word "marginal"?A. CentralB. UnimportantC. MainD. Average答案:B3. Which of the following is a true statement about the Great Wall of China?A. It was built by the Chinese people during the Ming Dynasty.B. It is the longest wall in the world.C. It was built to protect China from invaders.D. All of the above.答案:D4. Who is the author of the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?A. Jane AustenB. George OrwellC. Charles DickensD. Emily Brontë答案:A5. What is the main theme of the poem "To an Athlete Dying Young" by A.E. Housman?A. The importance of fameB. The fleeting nature of youthC. The importance of winningD. The value of hard work答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. "The early bird catches the worm" is a well-known __________.答案:proverb7. The __________ is a symbol of peace and freedom.答案:dove8. In the United States, the __________ is the highest military decoration.答案:Medal of Honor9. __________ is the science of studying theEarth's atmosphere, especially in relation to weather and climate.答案:Meteorology10. __________ is the process of learning a second language.答案:Bilingualism三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)Passage 1The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world. It is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe.11. What is the main purpose of the Great Wall of China?A. To protect the Chinese states and empires against invaders.B. To serve as a tourist attraction.C. To mark the historical northern borders of China.D. To provide employment for the Chinese people.答案:APassage 2"Pride and Prejudice" is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in her aristocratic society. Elizabeth is thesecond of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, England.12. Who is the author of "Pride and Prejudice"?A. George OrwellB. Jane AustenC. Charles DickensD. Emily Brontë答案:BPassage 3"To an Athlete Dying Young" is a poem by A.E. Housman, first published in 1896. The poem reflects on the fleeting nature of youth and the importance of living a fulfilling life. The athlete in the poem dies young, but he is remembered for his achievements and the impact he had on those around him.13. What is the main theme of "To an Athlete Dying Young"?A. The importance of fameB. The fleeting nature of youthC. The importance of winningD. The value of hard work答案:B四、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)14. 翻译以下句子:"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."答案:未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。

电大英语考试试题及答案期末复习(3)——阅读理解 Receptionist: Well, all day including the evenings - but 一、阅读下列短文或对话,并判断其后的句子是否符the best time is between 合文中内容。
符合的写T(True),不符合的写F 5.00 pm and 11.00 pm. There are a lot of (False)。
trainers here in the evening. 短文1 Xiaoyan: Thank you very much. Hi Rob! 1 The gym is open from 6.00 am to 11.00 pm on You want to know about my new boyfriend. Saturday and Sunday. F His name is David Manning. He lives in London and he‘s 2 The swimming pool is open every day. British. His parents are from London, but they live in T Oxford. He is 34 years old. He‘s an IT manager and he 3 There aren't any Tai Chi classes at the gym. works for ABHK Bank. F He‘s lovely,of course.4 There are Aerobics classes on Saturday and See you on Thursday. Sunday morning. T Love, Polly 短文4 1. Rob is Polly‘s new boyfriend. F David: Good morning. I‘d like to make an appointment 2. David is British. T to see Mr Bond this morning, please. 3. David‘s parents are British. T Nurse: I‘m sorry. I don‘t have any appointments this 4. David‘s parents live in London. F morning. 短文2 David: Oh, dear. I‘m feeling really ill. David: So, what about seeing this flat, Xiaoyan? Do Nurse: What‘s the matter? you like it? Why don't you call them? David: I feel terrible. I‘ve got a headache, backache and Xiaoyan: Well, I don't know — yes, it is the best. David, a sore throat. could you ring them up, please? I'm sometimes quite Nurse: Have you got a temperature? nervous on the phone. I'm okay with business, but I don't David: I think so. I was hot and cold all night and I was like talking about things I don't understand very well. sick this morning. David: Yes, of course I'll phone them. But how about Nurse: You feel awful, don‘t you? Do you think you‘ve going to an estate agent, thenyou're talking face to face? got flu? Xiaoyan: What do you mean? David:Yes, probably. Or an infection in my throat. David: Why don't you goto an estate agent? They Nurse: OK. I can give you an emergencyappointment. sell flats, but they've usually got flats to rent. Talk toCan you come at the end of the morning? Come at eleven them about whatyou are looking for. I'll help you find a thirty and wait until a doctoris free. good estate agent in the phone book. David: OK. Thank you.Xiaoyan: Yes, that's a good idea. 1. David felthot and cold during the night. 1. Xiaoyan is alwaysnervous on the phone. T F 2. The nurse thinks David hasan infection in his throat. 2. David doesn't want to phone about theflat in the F newspaper. F 3. Mr Bond is free at 11:30.3. David thinks it is a good idea to go to an estate agent. F T二、阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个短文3 正确答案。

国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(2)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156) 2022盗传必究Fart 1Questions 1*10 art based on Passage L (30 points* 3 points each)Passage 1When Betty Burwood won the national lottery, she And her hut(bnnd t Kill, moved into a berautiful big bungalow nnd she bought herself a very expensive pearl necklace«The following summer • the Burwoods decided to throu a party. Enrly on the iiftrrnoon of the party• Beity took her new silk dres> out of the wardrobe and put her expenRivr prnrl nccklflcc on her dresstng-tablc ready to put on in the evening. Then, she went to sec how the prcpsrAtions for the party were going.The caunng company had ju^l arrived R cook. Mrs- Moore♦ and hrr two helpers. Nancy and Harnet. They were nil in the kitchen unpacking the piles of boxes which they had brought with lht?E. Soon, the fourth member of the team, Charlie Chivrrs< arrived on his bicycle.By six o'clock, everything w心ready. The garden looked magniftcent — with small round uble5 and colorful chairs and sun shades- The food and drink was all laid out in the kitchen> ready to be brought out when the guests arnvcd<At ten past sixr Betty went to hrr bedroom to get ready. She showered ond pul on her best silk dress, h WHS when she was brushing hrr hair that she realixed that her [jcnrls were not on the dressinR-tablca she -aid. M have you moved my prorls?° "No・ deart KAnswered Bill. ° where were they?0 H I put them on the dressing table this nfternoon and they're not here now. ” "Arc you Mire?H a^ked Bill. * Maybe you put them down somewhere the. or maybe you1 ve moved them."For a quarter of an hour they searched for thr mif>5ing pearls, but couldn f t find them anywhere. It was then that they decided they must call the police*Soon. InnpertGr Morgan arrived and started to question all the susprclH. •.Raid Passage 1 and then try to give short answers to Questions 1-5. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet1. Why could Brtty afford nn expensive nrcklnce?2. Why did she fuke her necklace out early in the day?3. How many people were there in the catering company?4. Whn: do you think in the boxes brought by the catering company?5* How Ions did thev search for thr nnxsinpRend Passage 1 again and Ihen fill tn the followInK blanks numbered G-10 with the information from the passage. Write yonr answers on the Answer ShcrLHead Passaic I again and ihrn fill In the rollowlnx blanks numbered G-10 with the inrormailun from I he Write ynwr answer* «n the Anwwrr SheetQiM^tkrn* 11-20 iire ba.wd on 2 & 3.Quevtionv I l-20i I herr arc 2 pavui&m In (hh purl thut ure rollowcd by 10 queMionw. For each qiteiillnn.there lire four ・ugKctcd un^wrrt inMrkcd lh < and l>. Krnd the piKNUKc* riirrrully mid then ch«M»e thv bt*t an^Mcr to cnch of I hr quc«li(in«. Write ynur anwert «n the An«wrr Sheet. (30 f)olnt». 3 pnlnU cucli)PuNiiaftr 2China ha* 267 million (aniilirK* About 10 million newlyweds establish new househoid* every year. Many ol fhciic new h()u・thuldn dllfrr significantly from trndninnal (nmihc^.lodny women piny « ntajcir n»lc hi (hr fjimily. The aid putrinrchid Uniily m bcin« r< placed by . more or 时equal •paiiHnl rrluticinfihip. Thi. change WIK not dimply ■ rrnuh <)1 I hinrwr In^M that utiptihtc inrfi nnd women nrc ri|iiaL Chinese women arc receiving more rduruiiunt ntr Adivrly rmployrd and «rr mnkinn MitnifirAnt cantribution* io fnrnily incornrii> I hnr financial contn but ion him increimccl Irorn 20 percent in the 1950> to 4U prrrrnt today* In >ume larnilicu it even hiiihrr.】wo national studies on the status of women reached similar conclu»ionM X Women have more power in lhr family. In cilies, murr women make decisions on family mutter^f M change many Chinese men are hnppy with.The concept of marriage h cbangini: so that people now marry for happiness rather than to airry on the family linc< In choosing A spouse, many will marry someone they loves otherwise they may choose to remain single. Most people hope to find n spouse who is well- rducste'd and considerate^ While they vnlue love in a marringr« most people also consider the mntcnRl well-being of a potential 5iH)use. In both rural and urban orcas* people have more say about who they marry.C hinn l» rapidly chunigins from the Imdilional t>elicf (hat more children inruns more* hupphim to the mcMlcru concept of fewer und hcallhirr 机rlhs. In I CAA thnn two decades• (iHrin9* fertility rntr hnn dropped by more thatn 50 prrcrnt> IncrcAHinKly • young roupIrM nrc poMqH)ning having u child to allow (or their own perMonnl growth und rnjoymrnt. Some couplrj* are declining to hnvr children* In lhr»e cmiCNt women irncrally piny A pivotul rolri thiR witUAtion in riianf common in Inrgc citifR Much AN lk・ijinx・ ShnnghAt nnd Gunngxhoii.Starting ・ new household h replacing the tradition of marrying inin the man's fnmily. In a tMcbminitl fihirringctihr wife l)nAmc n mrmbrr of thr hunlMnd ' n htElly. h wns even stipulated by Inw thut n wilr niunt rnnkr hrrhiiMbnri(r» hornr her Irgnl rrniclcnrre 「hlu niranf ihn! A womun wan tfantiicrrrd from her pnrrti!1 home to her parrntnin lnw 1M home* where M I>C ntcMunird n fiulHirdtnafr po^itii>n«After fhc new l・w WMH enacted in 198(). tr/ulniotuil rnnrrin^c!* brgnn diMppenritiK in citicAt Today# nhoui hnlf ol nil hounchohiM arc nurlrar (AmiheMi thrMc hoiLirhoItU promotr cqtmliiy lie tween men nnd women# In rurnl arcon it in utill common for a woman to move into thr man% home when ahc rnnrncM.Chines,mArnngc* nrr mill rchtivrly *tnble even (hough pco|>lridran nnd conduci hove ilwingrd uignifimnily 夺tut ( hinn 1 w rrfnrm nnd opening io rhe ouftudc world. The nvrrugc oRe *1 which fhirw^r pcoplr hrnt rnurry k hrtwern 22 and 23. this age bcinR ^ornewhot lower in rurnl nre4» and aotnewhMt higher in the cities Chinn1»nmrruigr rate in highi very few people rrm*in mn«lr in th<Mt rntirr lives. Mo»l wutnrn marry between thr agvM of 20 io 2LIn recent yrs the divorce rote has ulowly dimbedt but it Is Mill only onr third to one fifth lluit of developing countries hiwh AM Indin and lluukmcL The divorce rntr in Eumpcan nnd Amrnain countnes is 10 time* that a( Oiimu Thh* tndiotai relative mbilily evr« though Chinese marriages and 新mlk nrr 血w响1L In choottnit their ・poux・people uMially consider•A・ lovr& matenil wraithC aiumitonal backgroundd all ol thr above11 In the Usl two decjulrs. the fertility rate ho dropped ftluirpiy berauie•A« m<Mt couples m unwilling to kive childrenFL the UMbtiofud belief o( more children meantng more (vipptncws h®» changedC> most urban cuuplew c^rr more about their prrwnM happinessd many wiitnen ate k»ecominx eranotniolly independentIX Onr <*( the fraturr* of nuclear families t« lhal•Ae huslwim! A ml wilr arc rqujil to etch other枚thr wife listen* more to her huthindG the wife normally mmre to her husband'• homefl thr wifr down、identify hcrtrlf an • member of the huabund9* f・rmly14. The k>t part of the artirlr Mates that ^ChimS mnrnagr rate i» high" • whkh implies that.A. people in runl areas get married earlier thain people in cttie>H. mo9t people grt mamed at the ngr of 24C mm marry latrr than wamrnFX tnaM people get married wonrr or hter in their liv”15< Hy compurtson* the divorce rale in Chiivi is•A. one o( thr lowest in the world(L ten times that of the European countriesC・ one fifth of the marriaMe rate in the countryD・ ten timm higher than it wa> trn year* agoPiwagc 3Thr UtcM re^eofch by the Wumtn * i and the Institutr of Joiimalwmunder the Chinee Academy ol Social Sciences, uined ftC inveangating rhe relationship* between parenrs And children* disclosed that nearly 60 Tnillion couples throughout the country felt they hid (ailed as parents*1 not very tucces<ftil rn educating my chi!<L If I could livr another life. I9d rather not hiive any children#w a mother declared. Sarh frustration was pTev&lcn« in the answers to dur quest loan*! re^ Some parents feel they lack means of educating • so me find diffkulty tn eommuntoitin< with their children* same feel totally lost at what their children should br taught —traditionAl Chinese momitty such as honesty• modomy. forbearazxe uid earing, or the modem ethos of compet!t>Gn? Educatiocul experts rud the answer* m the qu£stionnAires« arulyMd the prnltlernt. and advised p<rentKAbout 5iL 2 percent of are worried about TV七negative influencer children f iprograms are ukin< up too much homework timet too foreign canooru are neither *i€irntific w nor mtcre«vinxs too nuny exphdt low m^nes and noknce< many TV pUys ate fir removed from reality… Parentu wmt to know how to prrvent these mnueners.About 19. 9 percent of the parents complAined about their children being too orefree wMh money. *「《!•,•, children are spoiletL They will accept nothing bu! brand name commodities. When celebrating birthdays* they like to give luxurious parries and on festivals they expect expensive gifts.' »omr parents said. M*ny parents agree that their children are igocrant of hardship, thrift# turd work, and public ethics.Whh the implementatian of one-child policy* a new problem has became obvious: lonehned (){ the chiMrrn who answered the qgmtmnaire. 1 L S percent said they had no ckwe fnendr and 17. 6 percent often felt lonely.A pr oblem which has bothered parents is *xcx. • *1 don f t know how to talk about •虹x' with my child mAny parents say. •sex* has been uboo tn China (or agn Though people »re now more opcn-tn:nded«i> often cnnAidered ro be related to evil. Oflen when ■ child 心虹bn mother wherr he has come from. hi> mother fetds embarrassetL16. The research »how> that 60 milban couples.A. had theix parentwK d如、want to be parenttC h*d 侦led to become parentsFX dnin、know bow to be good parcnti17< M^ny parents are worried 4bout TV* * A ncgAtivr mfluencc because they thinkA. too m>ny foreign programs on vrtenev are not intrrentmgB- lHere are t*oi enough canoon for children to enjoyI . wmr uf the pretgrams don f t present the true piciure of tbe world to childrenII love and violence art not ckariy presented to themI8・ When parenu complain that w today e % children art spoiledthey mean that _ _ »A. these chddrefi «how no infere«T in money(k they are only miercsted in A luxurious nutenal Itlr(\ no on has taught them the mertt> of the nation(1 they don f t likr brand-name com modi tic* an hirthduy prr^ncs19. According to the research ■A- 1 L 8 percent of parent! are open about "irx RH. 17> 6 percent of children have the problem of lonehneB*C. 19. 9 percent cif children have been bothered AboutIl 5土2 percent af parents agree ih・t their children arc problematic20> Many Chinese {Mrenii don、talk about ■“x" to their children tieciuie•A< they don r« know anything about it themselvoK it ii Mill a taboo topic in Chtmi todayC they don't know how to explain it to thetr chtidrrnH children will teirn about it by them>elve> anywayPart 111 Troe or FateQutsliom 2i*3O are based on Pnsiaft L (20 points. 2 point) e»ch>Passaic 4The Smithtanun Natiorul Musctim recently added a new jrwrl to collecttone The Cuibnan Diamond necklace now un view «t the museum with inoihcr Umou>)rwd t the Hope DuunoncL Though smaller th^n the Hope Diamond# expens uy the Cullinan Diamond rs just as bcAatifuLThe silver ncckluce ha* 251 duitnonck. Nine extremely rare blue diamonds are part of the design* The rare blue diamond* total more than five rAratA. IJke the Hope Diamond • the Cullman Diamond also bo • nch hmtory. It u named Jifrcr Thomas l w ul!inAn< n famous South African explorer* He owned the Premier Diamond Mine in South ?\lncLMr. Culltnan had promised his wife that he would find her the largest <fiamond in the worl(L Hi,worker* found such a diAmond in 1905. It writhed almost 3.107 rarat> before it wa> cut and poli*he<L At that timet it was the biggest (fiamond ever discovered^Thomai Cullinan sold the uncut diamond to th« Traruvail Kovernmrnte It later Riven to Bnlish King Edward VTI on his birthday. The dumond WAS then cut into a number of differeni jewelt which became part of the British Royal Family collection. The most famous of the pieces i・ known an the Star of AfricaMr. ("ullinjiti had thr Culliiuin Diamond Necklace created a special present for his wifr in 1910> The necklace was pasned down to the firMt d^ughfer of each family until it WNS 5old by a great-granddMUghter in the early 1980s.An unidentified perMjn gavr the nrckhce to ihr musrum tn honor of its 100th anniversary*Read Passage 4 and decide whcUicr the following MBtcmcnts arv True or False. Write T for True and F for False agninst the number of each of tbr staten>ents on yonr Answer Sheet.21. The Hope Diamund >3 more lieauliful thun the Cullinan rhamond>22. The silver nccklncc has nine rare blue diamondfu23. The weight of all of the diamonds of the silver npcklnce is Hve carats-24. The diamond is named after Thomns Cullinan• who wa5 the man/iger of the Premier Diamond Minein South Africa-25. Mr. Cullinan didn't keep his promise to his wife. He sold the largest diamond he found.26. The largest diomond in the world weighed almost 3 • 107 csratM after it wax cut and polished.27. The Star of Africa comes from the Cullinan Diamond.28. The Cullinan Diamond Necklace was created as a gift to his granddaughter by Mr. Cullinan.29. Thr nrcklucr wan passed down to the first son of each family^30. The museum clerks knew clrjsrly whu ?irnt the nrekiner to the nuiMcunuPart IV Short AnswerQuestions 3ITS arc based on Passage 5- (20 points. 4 poinU each )Passage 5World AIDS DayDecember first World AIDS Day. The message At events this year is "Livr and Let Live< " [hr nim is toend improper treatment of peuplc with HIV and AIDS Exports !<ay such discriminanon remains n barrier to prevention nnd treatment. The United Nations reported Inst week xhm the spread of AIDS whow^ no signs ol easing. It estimated 10 aiillion people are living with rhe HIV virus. These include 2. 5 million children. Worldwide, ihr report mid that 6 million people became tnfreteti with HIV and 5 million dind in 2010 the mo«i ever.Doctor Pcier Piot hs(U thr United Nations AIDS program. He says AIDS is Hprvaciing fastest in Eastern Europe« especially Russia^ The Caribbean continues to experience high I CVC I M of infection. And. he says there could br major increases in Chiiui and India-()ne out of five adults in southern Airis is living with HIV or AIDS Southern Africa remnins thr worst a (feet cd part of the world. But Doctor Piot says there is A sharp increase in partH of Western Africa • such &5 tn Cameroon and Nigeria, and in parts of Southern Asia and Southeast Asin# such as IndiH «nd Thailand Sexual contact• infected blood nnd the shrtring of injection nrcdlrs can all spread the AIDS virile AIDS was first di^covrml tn the 1980& Nnw f more women thnn rncn tweomr mfectrd with HIV. And FXHtor Piot warns lluii the nbtliiy of countricft to provide services hn» dropped AS mnny hrnlth workers become infected.The UN South Africa had more people with HIV at the end of last year thnn any other country. It had an csttmntrd 5. 3 million cze. nbotn eleven percent of lhe populauone I MI month South Africa Announced A phn to provide anti retrovirnl medicines for free, rhrsr drugM restrain the npre^d of the virus.South Africa nnyM it hopes to have anti AIDS cent cm open in every health district within a year and in rvrry lorn) Arm within five ycnrs< The plan nlno includes money for public education nml (raining for hrnlth care workerju Unul now. the guvemmrnt has Mid the dniK^ cost tcxi much and can cnu»e harm.However• thr ro«t of three AIDS drugx taken na A combniAtion will I M- cut by almost ane-thtnl This will hAppcn under nn ARrt?rmrnt negotiated by the Clinton Fcmndatioa Fomirr Ammain Prmtiknt Bill Clinton says that if the South African progrnm IN 5ucv<Wult other nations mold follow ihRrud Passaic 5 tind then try to give short un^wers lo Qucslions 31・35・ Write your annwem on the Answer Sheri.31. Whatdie oim of thr nt events o( World AIDS D«y fhij» year?32. How ninny peof)le inferred with AIDS died in 2010?33. What doi the word M heads'1 in the second pArngrRph mcHn?34. What can spread the AIDS virus?35< Which rrgion H thr wor<l A!DS-nl(ccted part af the world MrrorcliiiR to lhe pAxnagr?试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)I < 3(* 3 |M H II K CM(I I)[• IhwiMir hficl won I hr tmliniMil loltvry.2. ItrrrtiiM* .h” wjifiu il io h/iw h rrndy to w«nr in I he3. Ihvrv wrn four |>c<>plr in ilk irttctmu nirnpuny4 (They wrre Mf Moore# \nucy. IInirH i ninl < luirlii* I hivir* ){• Foorlt (ihtc^e di・h・f nnd *n on.For M•limner ol IUI hour.th buhHnlow7. throw M pnrty ninunirirmi w/i< liriiwhniK her I IAIF m 6123P«r1 II ( >( pninl^i i rm h1n. i> 12. l\l.le A JLI) Id A16. 1) Purl III ( 2<, i?.cp”hil、each •1H. B IP. B 20. C21. F 22. T 2" 21. 1- 2 12&F 27. 1 w.v川.I-I%irt |\ ( 2" piihtK. I piihit* nuh)3L I hr nirn •>( ilu mzziu,z ro rn*l impnijMT ir< nim< HI nl 时中1「with 111\* nnd All3?. 3 tnllUdft prciplr infertcrd with AIDS died in 201().33. Thv wind H lh Adn w nr mm "|"小” <ir 十in rh/ir«r «»f\3 1. S< x mil com net ♦ itifc ct<(l Llnnd nnd thv ^luirinx <>( inl< itiuri no ilh cun >pnn«l thr AIDS viruMi35« Smith Africxie。

短文1Hi Rob!You want to know about my new boyfriend.His name is David Manning. He lives in London and he’s British. His parents are from London, but they live in Oxford. He is 34 years old. He’s an IT manager and he works for ABHK Bank. He’s lovely,of course.See you on Thursday.Love, Polly1. Rob is Polly’s new boyfriend. F2. David is British. T3. David’s parents are British. T4. David’s parents live in London.F短文2David: So, what about seeing this flat, Xiaoyan? Do you like it? Why don't you call them? Xiaoyan: Well, I don't know — yes, it is the best. David, could you ring them up, please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone. I'm okay with business, but I don't like talking about things I don't understand very well.David: Yes, of course I'll phone them. But how about going to an estate agent, then you're talking face to face?Xiaoyan: What do you mean?David: Why don't you go to an estate agent? They sell flats, but they've usually got flats to rent. Talk to them about what you are looking for. I'll help you find a good estate agent in the phone book.Xiaoyan: Yes, that's a good idea.1. Xiaoyan is always nervous on the phone. F2. David doesn't want to phone about the flat in the newspaper. F3. David thinks it is a good idea to go to an estate agent. T短文3Receptionist: In Shape, good afternoon. Can I help you?Xiaoyan: Hello. Yes, I'd like some information about the gym.Receptionist: Certainly. We are near London Bridge and the gym is open from6.00 am to 11.00 pm from Monday to Friday and between7.00 am and 8.00 pm, on Saturday and Sunday.Xiaoyan: OK. Is the swimming pool open at the same times?Receptionist: Yes it is.Xiaoyan: OK. Am I right - there aren't any Tai Chi classes at the gym?Receptionist: No, actually, we are starting a new Tai Chi class, today. It's on Mondays at 6.00 pm.Xiaoyan: Great! And are there any Aerobics classes at the weekend?Receptionist: Yes, in the daytime, on Saturday and Sunday morning at 10.00 am.Xiaoyan: OK. When can I come in to join?Receptionist: Well, all day including the evenings - but the best time is between5.00 pm and 11.00 pm. There are a lot of trainers here in the evening. Xiaoyan: Thank you very much.1 The gym is open from 6.00 am to 11.00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. F2 The swimming pool is open every day. T3 There aren't any Tai Chi classes at the gym. F4 There are Aerobics classes on Saturday and Sunday morning. T短文4David: Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment to see M r Bond this morning, please. Nurse: I’m sorry. I don’t have any appointments this morning.David: Oh, dear. I’m feeling really ill.Nurse: What’s the matter?David: I feel terrible. I’ve got a headache, backache and a sore throat.Nurse: Have you got a temperature?David: I think so. I was hot and cold all night and I was sick this morning.Nurse: You feel awful, don’t you? Do you think you’ve got flu?David: Yes, probably. Or an infection in my throat.Nurse: OK. I can give you an emergency appointment. Can you come at the end of the morning? Come at eleven thirty and wait until a doctor is free.David: OK. Thank you.1. David felt hot and cold during the night. T2. The nurse thinks David has an infection in his throat. F3. Mr Bond is free at 11:30. F二、阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。
电大 《英语阅读 》国家开放大学历届试题 月 含答案


国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(1)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2155)2022盗传必究Purl IQuctlkm^i I ID urr bnnrd on Paumgc I. (30 polnHi 3 points rsich> Pattagc I78 New RoodCanford27,K OctoberDear Helrnt1. You'll br pleaded ta hrnt I'm «i1 home mid I CC I HIH much belter 1 »nll Irrl rather waik and tired hut I'm 小Kind to be home. D®<! hon looked After rverylhing really well “ the flat wan fill spick und span whenI citmr bmk.2. Someone fr<im the office enmr ta nee me in howpttnL She told tne nof to KO H«CM*<> work until I (rrl up to it They^vr 睥t A•temp1 in to do my typing.3. It really nicr tu x" your IrttwrR. Thnnk you (or the curd you went mj too.Your fiithcr and I are ptc/iHcd you1 re ncttlmH down nt Univermfy find thm you* vrgot»omr nice friendsEnjoy younirU but work hnrd too.I43VCMinnQtic«tl(mi 1 —10 iRead PuftMittr I and then find u word/ phrase which rncunn the “me g each of the followInit The paragrnph In which I he wi>rd/phmtr appear* h indkiilcd In the bruckrU< Write your .n・wE(»n the answrr wheel.1. take care of(pirngraph 1)2« clcnn and tidy __ paragraph 1)3. be well enou|(h to (doing things) _ . _________________ (pamgraph 2 >4t A perRnn rmployed lor whurt period* of time ____ (pafftgraph 2)5t start living A normal life _______________ (p«ngr«ph 3)Kcud PttMURc I nRuin and then decide whether the rollowlnn «tatcmrnt» ure true or Mw.6. Thia IrUrr wnw wntten by Hrlrti1 * lullwr.1. HrlenS parents live in Canfordt8. Helenmother h Mtill very ill.9. Ilrlrn v ii mother ductn1! need to go bock fa work irnrurdmtrlyeIO t Hrirn e» finrrnifi are very P I CMNIM I to know thnt Hrlrn i» coming homePart IIHmd (he fullowinj: two pazgc carefully and thrn cboose the he*t answer to questions【1—20 accordIn >! to your understand inc of the Write your answers on Iht answer sheet. (30 points. 3 points each)IFa好2CHENGDU Chine” scicntints have drveloprd d computer tohwurr <iy»trm which CAR AUtomalically trnn?ilate Inrcrnet hlt-R into the Chinese Inn^iugn1 he jioftwnrr hm thv copacity to tranMlHic 150<000 Chinese characters p«r hour* with 8Q percent of fhr totnl convent cuNily underNUndahlc ufter the translntion proccD«e1 he rnojor problem hintknnH the development of the Internet in Chm<i is the langunKc Iwirrirr. Many ( hmrne users feel thnt their E BR I IM H\» inndEquate for oprrntmg the Intcrnrt t which In prrdnminnntly in Engl^h.Development of translattnn nohwnrr in purl of a high tech program introduced by the State Science /ind technology Cumminaton in the mid-l980»<I hr wftwnrc# jointly developed by a research inwtitute and 4 university in SuuthwrMt China \ Sichunn I^oviftcci runn in the WtndowM environ merit. Uwer* can ime A motinv to uchievc irwtnnt trAntloiionikt while mainuirnnK thr ortgiriAl format of doctirncrit^ or pictures.1 L The M monily uikcn from •A. R nrwjipjiper A ■ miigaxine「• A novel12. Which □( thr following phrnMes cftn he nurd to replace the word M hmder H in the?»eti tenet "The major problrm h indm ng thr dcvrlopmeni of the Internet in chitu in the IwnHunRe burner,”A. holding on H. holding toC< holding buck13. It can be infmni from thr fin usage Thai Inirmrt in mninly operated thmuKh 一.A* Chinrwe B, EnglishC. (termanH< Which of the following Mutrmrntfi is NOT true Nbouf iranshtton software?A. It IA pnrt ol a high tech pEHrAmmcB. h is developed by a reRcnrch inhtitute und a univerntty in BeljinK<「• It runn m the Windows environment15. Thr l mouMr t in the hit pcirugr«ph rrlcr« E •A. thr 侦mid of which thr CAI the HAtural rnrmyIk . kind of tnounc like toy for children(\ ihe device connected TO A enmpufer io control thr curjuirmovementPiigigr 3Change* In MvdlhmxiAllTHOKH A I IVE SC HOLARS place Chmo、wemi drvcloprnenf at the * lower rnnlium level9 compared to the rr?*t of the world, Chinn hn« gone through nrverni twi»ls and furns Aincc 1949. and many people1* livru h«Ve ehnnged lor better or wor«c N> a rrMult. However• today a gcncrfll imptovrmrni i» cvidrnu Siner 1978 in pnrticuUre muny people*n H(r-9tyk!i have improved at ・ gremer |wicr than in thr previous 30 yenrt-ChineM;hnvc not only inipravrd an their dirt• clothing• housing And the produce they UAC every dny. but their <h»pohublr income han aho greywn n«wrlL By thr rnd uf June 1995. rural and urban bunk Mavinga urnuuntcd io 3.545.& billion yunruFigDCT% ,how th*t Mince the 1990s fommimicAtionA equipments hou!ie$< npartnicnts iind rars have bugun to replace 「\‘ refregerntotw and wanhinK machines ( which in turn replaced hikes# watchrn And Mewing mnrhinr*i ni the beginning of the IDHOn) the Uruoi individual consumption According lo A cunKervntivc cstiinfttce Chinn han About 100• 000 privAtr car$ today. Seven ficrcrnl i)f urban rrnidetHA havr inMnllcd home phoncs< Thr Chi nr P OM! A nd rck^ommunivnnonw Minintry plnn^ 120 million new phone lintA for the year 20Q0. or H phone for every urbxn houBcliold. Todny (ax titAcltinrA. compuirrs und mubile phones /ire very common and Ucr a booming murket.Qiic%lhm» 16 一?0 nrc hwwd on 3.16. fhr peBangrmeetly uikrti (rom .A. « newNpMpcr I、n mAKAiineC・a novel17. The bcntenvc " China 屁gone through hevrrnl iwim nnd turns since 1949” m«y mean that .A. China his changed for better wince 1919Ik Chinn hm chnngrcl (nr wnr^c *inn 1949「•「hm/i ho* gonr through mnny upji And down®18. Which of the following 冶NOT amofig the lint of things that Chincne luve improved on?A# DieU B9 SchoolingsC. Money (or win%I9« According to the pAAMixr« which of thr following appeared the htest AA the rrnult of rcplflrrnirnf*A. ApArtmrntn.B. Woxhing machinesCt Watcher20. urban rcMdrntM have instfllled homr phonrs.A. 100.000B. 120 millionC. Seven pererni ofPart 111Directions $Head pnssa” 4 und then dreick whether the wtttlcmciiti uftcr It arc 1 Rlifc or Fal»e. On your answer sheet«Indicate T for TRUE or F for FALSE atnimt the number for each of itemw 21 30 for Che nn^went you choouc. (20 points, 2 polnli each)PafiAAge 4How to Unr London Telephone*1 Telephone CA IU in Britain arc in two clunneM:locul calh• nnd Irunk cu lh. Short divunce calls of up to about twenty milrn urr clnsiskcd HS local eallkt nnd all culh over longer distanceM are classed MM trunk tnlls.2 In Ixindoni telephones now hnvc Hll-fi«urr numbrrh which d<> not include nn cxchnnKc namet for cx/itnplr, O71-222-287O. If you ninkr a I OCA I telephone mil in Ixindon to n subscriber in London> you leave out thr 071 nnd dial only the leant ^cven figures of the number of the person whom you arc calling. To make o trunk adl to or from London• you dial all the fiRtirej i of the subscriber's number.3 The nnnie!i« addnnd telephone numbers of subscribers in inner London nre nt present printed in (our dirertorirSe There are sepnrntr chrectorieji for people whoMe name* begin with the letterfi A to D・E to K. L to R and S to Z. When you look up A pemon 1!i number in fhr telephone directory• you will find hin name on the left *idr of the column and hm telrphonc number on the n«ht 前dr.4 All call I HJXC* in London orr on the STI) which hnt now bi cn rxtcndrd toM H p/irtA of BritAin v I he letiers Sil) mnd for Sub^t ribcr Irunk Di filing. An<l on ihtA type of trlrphonr you can diol mnny long-diRiancc number* direct nn well ■,local numbers An STI) trlcphonr 1st ununlly Irec< and the coin*box ha» Mlr>tn for cottih. Io rnnke n CA IL you pick up the receiver mid dinl thr number beforeputting uny money into the coin baWhen fhr person whone number you ire nriKing Answers• there will be n 叩tml rapid tonr called thr pAytanc. Ai won m you henr ihifit you put your manry in rhe box. Thr pnytonc th en ntop^. ■nd you can «tart to *priik. To mnkr n trunk CA II by STD. you dud find the STD code numbrr (or thr town thnt you arc calling And then the number of the nubocrihcr. For rxAmpItt the SI L) cade number (or trunk calln from Landon tn Hrintol i\ 02721 if you telephone ・ perwn living in Bristol whose number i»Bristol 29402()> you would dial 0272 29402。

国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语阅读(2)》2019-2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:1354)Section I NewWords[Al Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right (3 pointseach)L _________ aMhmatic2. _______ chronic3. _______ indoor pollutants4. _______ inhaler5. _______ injection6. _______ long-haired pets7. _______ outdoor pollutsnts8. _______ respiratory illness9. _______ triggers10> ________ vehicles A. asthmaB. buses and trucksC. cats and dogsD. causes a reactionEL chemicals, dust, and nmogF. cigarette smoke> dirt, insectsG・ conuins medicine for BsthmnticsH. having difficulty brenthingI. medicine given under skin with needle J・ over a long period of timeBj Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)called founded region traditional cultureroutes under experts project technologyToday, there is new intercs! in the history and 11 of the Silk Rond* which the famous Chinese-American musician Yo-Yo Ma has 12 "the Internet of nntiquity11. New13 is helping us to learn more about this ancient "Irnenwt”. Special radar on the space shuttle JI II QWNarchAeologints to: sice ^objects and ruined cities 1-2 meters 14 the dry dcMert sumdt for cxnmplc. Tourists now come from all over rhe world to follow the old trade15 > And 16 want to make *ure that the cuntomK in the vast 17 do not die out as the world modernircs^To this end t Yo-Yo Ma has 18 the Silk Road 19 which encourages the living arts of these 2。

Section J Reading Comprehension (40 points)Read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (5 points each)A Short History of the Changing FamilyPast Definitions of FamilyALike the community, the family is a social institution. Long ago, human beings lived in loosely-related groups. Each group had a common ancestor. But for over a millennium * there have been two main types of families in the world: the extended form and the nuclear form. The extended family may include grandparents, parents, and childrcn-in other words, relatives living in the same house or close together on the same street or in the same area. In contrast, the nuclear family consists of only parents and their biological or adopted children. Because of the industrialization in the nineteenth century, the nuclear family became the most common family structure.BKinds of Families TodayToday there are many different kinds of families around the globe. Some people live in traditional families——that is to say. a stay-at-home mother, a working father, and their own biological children. Others live in two-paycheck families—that is. both parents work outside the home. There are many single-parent families; in other words, only a mother or a father lives with the children. Still others have adoptive or foster families (i. c. , ndults take care of children not biologically theirs) or blended families—in other words, divorced or widowed men and women marry again and live with the children from their previous* or earlier, marriages. Some kids have stepparents—that is, mothers or fathers related to them by marriage instead of biology. In other families, some youngsters under the age of ]8 have to take care of kids—either their own or their younger siblings. In different countries around the world»there are also same-sex partnerships—with or without children—childless marriages, unmarried live-in relationships^ communal living groups, and so on.The Early 20th CenturyWhat caused the structure of the family to change? Here is an example from the Western world. !n the early 1900s in the United States* the divorce rate began to rise, and the birthrate began to decline; in other words, couples stayed married for fewer years, and they had fewer children. Women often chose to get an education and take jobs outside the home. Decades later, the same things began to occur in other industrialized countries—and then developing countries of the world as well.DThe 1930s and 1940sThe decades of the 1930s and 1940s were difficult years in both industrialized and developing countries. Many families faced serious financial problems because the heads of households lost their jobs. During World War II (1939-1945) * millions of women had to take care of their homes and their children al one. Because so many men were at war, thousands of these “war widows"—that is to say, women whose husbands were away at war一had to go to work outside the home. Most women worked long hours at hard jobs. There weren't many "perfect families. " They had problems.EAfter World War IIDuring the next decade the situation changed in many places. There were fewer divorces• and people married at a younger age and had more children than in the previous generation. Men made enough money to support the family, so a mother seldom worked outside the home when her children were small. Children began living at home longer—that is, until an older age, usually after high school or even college. The traditional family was returning in the United States, it seemed—as in many other countries.FThe End of the 20th CenturyIn the years between 1960 or so and the end of the 20th century, however, there were 1020 many new changes in the structure of the family around the globe. From the 1960s to the 1990$, the divorce rate in the Western world greatly increased and the birthrate fell by half.The number of single-parent families rose, and the number of couples living together without marriage went up even more. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries• young adul ts of some economic classes started staying with their parents longer* marrying later, and having kids at an older age. if at ali.The Family of the FutureMany people today would like the traditional two-parent family back—that is to say, they want a man and a woman to marry for lifej they also think the man should support the family and the woman should stay home with the children. However, few families now fail into this category. In fact, if more women decide to have children on their own, the singleparent household may become more typical than the traditional family in many countries. Also, unmarried couples may decide to have more children—or they might take in foster children or adopt. And because people are staying single and living longer (often as widows), there may be more one-person households in the future. On the other hand* some people believe similar events happen again and again in history. If this is true* people may RO back to the traditional extended or nuclear family of the past. Others think the only certainty in history is change:in other words, the structure of the future family could begin to change faster and faster—and in more and more ways.Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B. C. or D. Write A, B. C or D on your Answer Sheet.1.Which of the following is closest in meaning to millennium, as it is used in Paragraph A?A.The past.B. A kind of family.C. A long period of time.D.Relatives living in the same house.10212.Which of the following is closest in meaning to two-pay check family, as it is used in Paragraph B?A. A type of family with two children who have jobs.B. A type of family in which both parents work outside the home.C. A type of family in which two or more generations live together.D. A type of family with biological or adopted children.3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to siblings ・as it is used in Paragraph B?A.Brothers or sisters.B.Husbands or wives.C.Sons or daughters.D.Parents or grandparents.4.Which of the following is closest in meaning to developing . as it is used in Paragraph C?A.With women in the workforce.ing decades later.C.Not industrialized.D.In decline.5.Which of the following is closest in meaning to World War II * as it is used in Paragraph D?A.Something that happened in the late 1930s and early 1940s.B.Something that happened in the early 1900s.C.Something that happened from the 1960s to the 1990s.D.Something that happened during the 10 years after the "war widows”.B] Read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (3 points each)Biomctcorologists and Their ResearchWeather has a powerful impact on the physical world. It also affects people' s personalities. How do wc know about the effects of weather on people? We know from biometeorologists. These scientists study weather. They study how atmospheric conditions 1022affect human health and emotions. The word atmosphere means "the air around the earth."a Atmospheric conditions at a time or place" is a definition of the word weather. Some examples of theseconditions are sun, wind, rain, snow, humidity»and air pressure. The weather conditions of the atmosphere greatly influence people's health, thinking, and feelings.How Wind Can Affect HealthAll over the world♦ winds come down from high mountain areas. The winds fall fasterUKIU・ aiiu inc an wdinici aiiu uricr. ” not uv xy UMVUI IIIV iicaiiii effects of this kind of weather? According to biomctcorologists in Russia* powerful winds from the mountains increase the number of strokes. Also* sometimes strong southern winds blow north over Italy. During these times, researchers say, Italians have more heart attacks. People everywhere have bad headaches during times of forceful winds. And Japanese weather scientists say there is an increase in the number of asthma attacks.Possible Effects of Other Kinds of WeatherDo other kinds of weather influence physical health? Sudden temperature changes in winter are often associated with a cold or the flu. However, colds and flu probably increase because people are in close contact indoors in cold weather. Colds and flu may even lead to pneumonia. Other illnesses also increase during long periods of cold weather. In most places, diseases of the blood and heart attacks are more common in winter. But in some very hot and humid regions♦there are more heart attacks in summer. Many people have high blood pressure. In three out of four people, blood pressure falls in warm weather. But some people have lower blood pressure in the cool or cold times of the year.Weather and MoodThese forces of nature greatly affect people f s moods too. For many people, winter in the northernregions is very depressing. They eat and sleep a lot, bur they usually feel tired. They are nervous and can * t work well. They arc irritable. Biometeorologists even have a name for this condition. The name is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Scientists think the cause of this mood disorder is the long periods of darkness. Even during the day, it is 1023often cloudy or gray. What can people with SAD do about their moods? Naturally, they need more light! On bright days they feel better. But people don't work very well on sunny, hot, and humid days. The best weather for good work and thinking is cool and clear.Decide whether the following statements arc true or false. Write M T M for True and "F" for False on the Answer Sheet.6.Biometeorologists study human responses to academic lectures. A definition of weather is -places on the earth like mountains* countries, and communities.”7.During times of fast, strong winds from high mountain areas, there are more health problems like strokes, heart attacks* headaches, and asthma.8.Sudden winter temperature changes* long cold periods, or heat and humidity canbring illnesses like colds, flu, or pneumonia. 9. The atmosphere and weather don't affect people's moods. People in the northern regions just like to eat and sleep a lot. work bndly, and feel depressed all the time. 10. According to scientists, the cause of health problems and sad moods may be highereducation around the world! Section H New words (60 points) [A ] Questions 11—20Match each vocabulary word on the left with thv correct definition on the right. (3 points each) 11. dishonesta. v erified 12. vehiclesb. m any 13. preventc. t ourists14. requirements d. a test 15. proven e. n ot truthful 16. attend f. a method or way17. travelersnot allow 18. a quizh. n ecessary courses 19. (a) loti. c ars20. a style j* t o go to (a school)1024[B ] Questions 21—30Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each) It's importnnt to be careful when using the Internet as a resource for medical information. Not everyone tells the truth. In fact, some 21 people make a lot of money by lying about their products. They make incredible 22 about their miracle 23 .They say that their remedies can help people with all kinds of different illnessesBut most of the things they say aren't 25to be true. Andsometimes« the 26 of their herbal remedies with prescription drugs can do a lot of97* ■■J, 4rVimportant medical 29 _________ with your doctor. Your doctor will help you decide which claims arc 30 .一 _____ a nd which are not accepted by the medical field.1025试卷代号:1353国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2018年秋季学期“开放本科”期末考试高级英语阅读(1)试题答题纸2019年I 月Section 1 Reading Comprehension (40 points)Read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (5 points each)座位号匚口A ; Questions 】-5Questions 21 — 30Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.30.1027Section (I New Words (60 points)[X: Questions 11一试卷代号:1353国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2018年秋季学期“开放本科”期末考试高级英语阅读(1)试题答案及评分标准(供参考)2019年1月Section I Reading Comprehension (40 points)[A] Questions 1—5Read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (5 points each)I. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A回Questions 6—10Read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (3 points each)6. F7.T8. T9.F 10. FSection fl New Words(60 points)[A| Questions 11—20Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right. (3 points each) II. e 12. i 13. R14. h 15. a[B] Questions 21—30Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)2】.dishonest 22. claims 23. cures 24. diseases25. proven 26. combination 27. damage 28. patients29. decisions 30. valid1028。
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例1:Hillary Rodham Clinton released the first television spot of her Senate campaign this morning, a 30-second commercial that will begin airing statewide on Thursday. The spot, titled “First,”uses numerous still photos to highlight landmarks in Mrs. Clinton's career, while the voiceover says she is “more than a fist lady.”There is no mention of Mrs. Clinton's rival for New York's Senate seat, New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson said the ad was “positive”and “biographical,”instead of focusing on the first lady's opponent.Mrs. Clinton has previously aired radio ads, but has generally stayed with a strategy of making extensive campaign appearances instead of using television spots, while Giuliani has already run statewide TV ads.Text of Hillary Commercial:First she became a lawyer, named one of the top hundred in America.Her first cause was children, fighting abuse and chairing the board of the Children's Defense Fund.Her first priority was public schools, helping to establish teacher testing.More than a first lady. For 30 years, she's fought for children and families.As New York's senator, she'll fight for better schools and heath care for children.Hillary, Put her to work for all of us.1. What does the word “air” in the first sentence mean?A. dryB. expressC. breatheD. broadcast2. What does “more than first lady” in the first paragraph suggest?A. Hillary is not a first lady.B. Hillary does much more than what a first lady is expected to do.C. There are more women in America who does better than Hillary does.D. Hillary is doing better than her husband.3.Which of the following statement is true regarding the Senator campaign according the passage?A. Hillary has appeared on TV shot for mumerous times.B. Hillary rarely makes her public appearance.C. Giuliani has made TV advertisement for himself.D. Hillary has a bigger chance to win the campaign.4. Hillary's campaign focuses on all the flooowing except_____.A. children's health careB. school education for childrenC. combating child abuseD. family planning policy5.Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage?A. First Lady's Senator CampaignB. Hillary's TV AdvertisementC. A Rivalry for New York's Senate SeatD. The Focuses of Hillary Campaign例2:America is in no immediate danger of “running out of water”. People in the West have been aware that water is a precious commodity and must be conserved. In the damp East, an excess of water led to complacency until two factors created concern over our water supply. First, the periods of drought from the 1961 to 1966 in the Northeast affected crop production and used up the surface and ground water supplies. Second, attention was called to rapid increases in the rates of pollution of these waters resulting from increased urban and industrial growth. As a result, there is an increasing awareness of the need for conserving the quantity and quality of our nation's water supplies.Water is a renewable resource, but it is not exhaustible. When used for municipal, industrial, or agricultural purposes, it is not destroyed, but generally finds its way back into our water supply. This used water now carries some waste materials. These dirty waters are often dumped into large bodies of water or are disposed of on land. In the latter instance, evaporation concentrates some of the wastes on the soil surface. On the other hand, water moving through the soil will eventually carry some of the wastes down into the ground water supplies, Eventually, all water evaporates and later returns to the earth as rain or snow in a relatively purer state.Through this never-ending cycle, there is just as much water in this country now as there ever was. The amount, however, does not increase. Our rapid population growth and our agricultural and industrial expansion have caused our water needs to soar. By withdrawing water from streams too quickly, we have in some instances upset the balance of nature's built-in renewal processes for conserving water. As a result, some of our streams and lakes have become “wet deserts.”There is still plenty of water in them, but its water is so polluted that it supports almost no life at all.1.The passage is mainly about_____.A. water resources of the United StatesB. the renewal processes of water in matureC. the importance of water conservationD.water pollution in America2. The word “drought” in the sentence “First, the periods of drought——ground water supplies.” Most probably means_____.A. catastrophe of too much rainB. danger of running out of waterC. calamity dry weatherD. damage caused by typhoon3. Water is relatively purer in_____.A. fast moving streams and riversB. underground water suppliesC. mountainous areasD. rain and snow4. When theauthor says that lakes have become “wet deserts”,._____A. he is being angryB. he is being optimisticC. he is being sadD. he is being humorous5. It is implied in the passage that______A. water can be polluted by desertsB. there are many water conservation programs in AmericaC. water keeps evaporating from the earth's surfaceD. water is not polluted by waster maberials[例3:In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the early postwar era, there was a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction.Obviously, there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone awry. Questioning and routine double checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the following warning: for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.1.What is the main purpose of this passage?A. To look back to the early days of computers.B. To explain what technical problems may occur with computers.C. To discourage unnecessary investment in computers.D. To warn against a mentally lazy attitude towards computers.2.According to the passage, initial concerns about computers were that they might_____A. lead us into the post-war eraB. be quite widespreadC. take controlD. take over routine tasks3.The passage recommends those dealing with computers to_____A. be reasonably skeptical abort themB. check all their answersC. substitute them for basic thinkingD. use them for business purposes only4.An “internal computer” is_____A. a computer uses exclusively by one company for its own problemsB. a person's store of knowledge and the ability to process itC. the most up-to-date in-house computer a company can buyD. a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable5.The passage suggests that the present-day problem with regard to computers is_____A. challengingB. psychologicalC. dramaticD. malfunctioning请您删除一下内容,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Many people have the same mixed feelings when planning a trip during Golden Week. With heaps of time, the seven-day Chinese请您删除一下内容,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!National Day holiday could be the best occasion to enjoy a destination. However, it can also be the easiest way to ruin how you feel about a place and you may become more fatigued after the holiday, due to battling the largecrowds. During peak season, a dream about a place can turn to nightmare without careful planning, especially if you travel with children and older people. As most Chinese people will take the holiday to visit domestic touristdestinations, crowds and busy traffic are inevitable at most places. Also to be expected are increasing transport and accommodation prices, with the possibility that there will be no rooms available. It is also common thatyou'll wait in the line for one hour to get a ticket, and another two hoursat the site, to only see a tiny bit of the place due to the crowds. Last year, 428 million tourists traveled in China over the week-long holiday in October.Traveling during this period is a matter that needs thorough preparation. If you are short on time to plan the upcoming "Golden Week" it may not be a bad idea to avoid some of the most crowded places for now. There is always a place so fascinating that everyone yearns for. Arxan is a place like this. The beauty of Arxan is everlasting regardless of the changing of four seasons. Bestowed by nature, its spectacular seasonal landscape and mountains are just beyond word. Arxan is a crucial destination for the recommended travelling route, "China Inner Mongolia Arxan — Hailar —Manzhouli". It is also the joint of the four prairies across the Sino-Mongolian border, where people gravitate towards the exotic atmosphere mixed with Chinese, Russian, and Mongolia elements. As a historic site for the Yitian Battle, Arxan still embodies the spirit of Genghis Khan. Walking into Arxan, you will be amazed by a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colors all the year round -- the Spring azaleas blooming red in the snow, the Summer sea wavering blue in the breeze, the Autumn leaves painted in yellow covering volcanic traces, and the Winter woods shining white on the vast alpine snowscape. Hinggan League Arxan city is situated in the far eastern area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Its full name "Haren Arxan" means "hot holy water" in the Mongolian language. Arxan is a tourism city in the northern frontier with a blend of large forest, grand prairies, vast snowfield, heaven lake cluster, thermium, as well as volcanic cluster. It is a rare and unique ecotourism base filled with healthy sunshine, clean air and unspoiled green. Nestled close to the country's largest virgin forest, and known for its spring and ecological environment, Arxan is marveled at by many tourists as the purest land on earth. You cannot miss out the Autumn of Arxan. It is definitely the best with brightly-colored scenery full of emotions. Autumn inthe northern part of the country comes earlier than the South. A September rain followed by the footprints of Autumn brings more colors to the once emerald green mountain and blooming grassland. Shutterbugs flock to see for themselves the marvelof splendid colors around the mountains and waters, many of whom have travel a long distance and even camp here only to capture a moment of the nature wonder. The silver birch turns golden, while the larch is still proudly green. You will find yourself drowned in the intoxicating red of the wild fruits as well as the glamour of flowers in full blown. And your heart will be lingering on the woods as it's time for the wild fruits to ripe. The picturesque Arxan in Autumn is indeed a fairyland only exists in a dream that satisfies all your fantasies. If it rains heavily on Saturday night, some elderly Chinese will say it is because Zhinu, or the Weaving Maid, is crying on the day she met her husband Niulang, or the Cowherd, on the Milky Way. Most Chinese remember being told this romantic tragedy when they were children on Qixi, or the Seventh Night Festival, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, which is usually in early August. This year it falls on Saturday, August 2. Folklore Story As the story goes, once there was a cowherd, Niulang, who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. But she disliked and abused him, and the boy was forced to leave home with only an old cow for company. The cow, however, was a former god who had violated imperial rules and was sent to earth in bovine form. One day the cow led Niulang to a lake where fairies took a bath on earth. Among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful fairy and a skilled seamstress. The two fell in love at first sight and were soon married. They had a son and daughter and their happy life was held up as an example for hundreds of years in China. Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Deity in Taoism, marriage between a mortal and fairy was strictly forbidden. He ordered the heaven troop to catch Zhinu back. Niulang grew desperate when he discovered Zhinu had been taken back to heaven. Driven by Niulang's misery, the cow told him to turn its hide into a pair of shoes after it died. The magic shoes whisked Niulang, who carried his two children in baskets strung from a shoulder pole, off on a chase after the empress. The pursuit enraged the empress, who took her hairpin and slashed it across the sky creating the Milky Way which separated husband from wife. But all was not lost as magpies, moved by their love and devotion, formed a bridge across the Milky Way to reunite the family. Even the Jade Emperor was touched, and allowed Niulang and Zhinu to meet once a year on the seventh night of the seventh month. This is how Qixi came to be. The festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). Traditionally, people would look up at the sky and find a bright star in the constellation Aquila as well as the star Vega, which are identified as Niulang and Zhinu. The two stars shine on opposite sides of the Milky Way. Customs In bygone days, Qixi was not only a special day for lovers, but also for girls. It is also known as the "Begging for Skills Festival" or "Daughters' Festival." In this day, girls will throw a sewing needle into a bowl full of water on the night of Qixi as a test of embroidery skills. If the needle floats on top of the water instead of sinking, it proves the girl is a skilled embroiders. Single women also pray for finding a good husband in the future. And the newly married women pray to become pregnant quickly. Tradition transformed The love story of Niulang and Zhinu, and the Qixi Festival have been handed down for generations. Yet these ancient traditions and customs are slowly dying out. Many modern Chinese, particularly youngsters, seem to know more about St Valentine's Day on February 14, characterized by bouquets of roses, chocolates and romantic candlelight dinners, than they do about their home-grown day for lovers. Even Qixi is nowadays referred to as the "Chinese Valentine's Day." More and more young Chinese people begin to celebrate this day in a very similar way as that in western countries. Fewer people than ever will gaze at the heavens on Saturday to pick out the two stars shining bright on either side of the Milky Way, that is, if people even know on which day Qixi falls. There are ready reminders dotted about, in the form of big ads saying "Sales on Chinese Valentine's Day!" in shops, hotels and restaurants. But few young women will mark the festival with their boyfriends, or take part in traditional activities to pray for cleverness. A large-scale of exhibition on the Silk Road opened to the public in the National Museum on Thursday. The exhibition displays more than 400 treasures from Shaanxi province, Gansu province and 14 other regions. It is largest scale exhibition that shows the history of the Silk Road in recent years. As APEC is going on in Beijing, the exhibit aims to show the world this brilliant section of history. The Silk Road is a series of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent. It connected the West and East by linking traders, merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time. I met my dear hubby in 2009 the second year I was in my school and it was the first year when he came here. We became colleagues. And there was nothing special happening during that year. He was just a kind and humble brother graduated from the same college as me. But we did not know each other till he became my colleague and his office desk was just in front of me. There was only a glass between us. So actually we could see each other when we both look up. But it is not the main reason that really draws us close. How we become close to each other was something seems quite natural. We went out to play badminton with other colleagues and we sometimes chatted for a while. He is a man of few words but somehow sometimes will say something really humorous. Then one day, to my great surprise, I found a pot of beautiful flower on my desk. It was just the flower I had talked about with my colleague the other day, and I thought it was her who put the flower there. But the truth is not. It was the humble guy sitting in front of me. He just simply said ,”well, I caught sight of this flower and thought that it’s beautiful and you may like it”. I wonder why I was moved because of these simple words and present. Maybe it is the sincerity and the true self that impress me. I thanked him and some colleagues walked past my desk would appreciate the beautiful flower and they noticed that something romance happened there. Then later on, there were some little surprises once in a while. Once, there was something wrong with my drawer and I had complained about it unconsciously. And he fixed it for me. Then the other day, he placed several pink diamond roses besidethe flower with a piece of paper saying” I love you more than I can say! Diamond stands for marriage, rose stand for love. I hope youare mine, become my wife. You are the only girl who I really want to spend the rest of my life to stand by.” Although there were some grammar errors but I got what he meant. He meant so clear and so direct. And actually, I accepted him some days earlier. I was just waiting for him to break the ice. So finally, the common interests and the common understanding brought us together. Some people saythe relationship and the feeling will change after getting hitched. You will find that love is no longer strong and there is always lack of passion and what’s worse you may find out many bad habits of your partner, which never appear when you are first in love before the marriage. It seems that many faults turn up after you truly living together and see each other’s face the moment you open your eyes in the early morning. But after almost 4 years from now, I do not feel any negative change in our relationship. During all these years, we know each other better and we become more tolerant about each other and I realize that if you really love a person you will accept his imperfect. And what is the qualification of a good husband? Once I was chatting with my colleague about this issue. And one of the qualifications I thought was that he must be a good cook. But to my surprise, my colleague said that a good husband must be someone who makes big money. What made her think so was quite beyond me. Maybe I am not sophisticated enough and what I want is just simple life style. The most enjoyable thing is that we go to the market to buy vegetables and other daily stuffs if we both have time. Maybe he is a housebound husband and I love housebound man. And there is another reason why We love going to the market. That is because we sometimes will get some surprises. The surprise is saving little fish which are disserted by the fish mongers. Because these fish are swellfish. Then we will collect them and set them free into the river. Swellfish are lovely creature. When they look like a little submarine when they are swimming in the water and look like a meat ball when you hold them in your hand. And if they are scared, they will swell and look like a little ball. Every time we see them swim away and we feel their happiness of returning home and this also make us cherish life. Maybe some will consider these behavior as something childish. Well, that is fine with us. We love doing these together and feel happy that is what it is all about. My dear hubby is a kind hearted man and he love animals just as I do. I am lucky to have someone who can be both my intimated soul mate and my forever friend.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。