Unit10-A+B Gynecological Diseases 妇科疾病翻译

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Unit 10 Gynecological Diseases


Pre-reading Activitiesang预习工作

. Read the following clinical situation and decide what kind of intervention you will suggest and what disease the patient might be suffering from.


A 55-year-old woman comes to the outpatient office complaining of pelvic pressure and ab-dominal fullness. Her last menstrual period (LMP) was 3 years ago.



Try to understand the following terms before you read the text.

gynecological [ igainiks'bc^ikal] adj. of or relating to or practicing gynecology $3产科医



ovarian [ ou'vesrisn] adj. of or involving the ovaries [解音I门卵巢的malignancy [ ms'lignsnsi]

( medicine) a malignant state ;progressive and resistant to treatment and tending to cause "death 恶性(肿瘤等)

salpingectomy [ iS2elpin'd3ekt3mi J surgical removal of one or both Fallopian tubes [妇产]输卵管切除术hysterectomy [ ihista'rektsmi] n. surgical removal of the uterus 子宫切除

Text A Ovarian Gancor

t Focus

About Ovarian Cancer i

Signs and Symptoms

t Causes

| Diagnosis


Staging | Treatment

+ Prevention

主题A 卵巢癌







About Ovarian Cancer关于卵巢癌

Ovarian cancer is a cancerous growth arising from the ovary. Ovarian Cancer is the second most

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• 2 •新编临床实用医学英语

commonly diagnosed gynecologic malignancy,the deadliest gynecologic malignancy,and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women in the USA. About 1 in 70 women eventually develop ovarian cancer,and 1 in 100 women dies of it. Ovarian cancer affects pre-dominantly perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.


Etiology and pathology incidence is higher in industrialized countries in which dietary fat intake is high. A history of infertility,late childbearing and delayed menopause increases risk. Use of oral contraceptives significantly decreases risk.


A personal or family historyof endometrial, breast, or colon cancer increases risk. Probably<5% of ovarian cancer cases are related to an inherited autosomal dominant gene, the BRCA 1 gene. Females with XY gonadal dysgenesis are predisposed to ovarian malignant germ cell tumors.


Ovarian tumors are the most histologically diverse group of tumors. At least 80% of malignant ovarian tumors arise from the coelomic epithelium. Germ cell tumors, which arise from the primary germ cells of the ovary, occur in young women and are uncommon in women> 30 years. Malignant germ cell tumors include dysgerminomas,immature teratomas, endodermal sinus tumors,embryonal carcinomas,choriocarcinoma,and polyembryomas 1•Stromal ma-lignancies include granulosatheca cell tumors and Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors


Ovarian cancer spreads by direct extension,by intraperineal implantation via exfoliation of cells into the peritoneal cavity,by lymphatic dissemination in the pelvis and para-aortic re-gion ,and, less commonly, hematogenously to the liver or lungs.

Signs and Symptoms症状和体征

Most women ( 75% ) present with advanced-stage disease,and most have vague,nonspecific symptoms, such as dyspepsia, bloating, early-satiety anorexia, gas pains, and back-ache. The most common early finding is an adnexal mass, which is often solid, irregular, and fixed. A patient may be asymptomatic until an abdominal mass is discovered during routine pel-vic examination or until the disease is advanced. Occasionally, a patient presents with severe ab-dominal pain secondary to torsion of the ovarian mass. Late in the course,pelvic pain,anemia, cachexia, and abdominal swelling due to ovarian enlargement or accumulation of ascetic fluid usually occur. Nodular implants noted on the rectovaginal examination suggest extensive pelvic malignant disease. If these symptoms recently started and occur more than 12 times per month the diagnosis should be considered.

