


Their most important goal, they say, is to create social value. They organize and support programs that _a_im__t_o_ improve conditions in communities.
• The men in the third picture are Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google Inc.
Picture Description
2. What personality traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common?
But an entrepreneurial spirit does not have to _b_e_l_im__it_e_d__to_ the business world.
To be continued
Listen to a short passage concerning entrepreneur and fill in the missing information.
There are many historical examples of people who might be called social entrepreneurs. Susan B. Anthony, for example, _fo_u_g_h__t _fo_r_ women's rights in the United States. Vinoba Bhave created the Land Gift Movement to help India's poor and _la_n_d_l_e_s_s_.


Text A Get the Job You Want text can be divided into three parts
Parts Part One
Part Two Part Three
Paragraphs Paras.1-6
Paras.7-27 Paras.28-31
Find out the way before the interview, tboFleooaclauavtotrietoidhno,gnaCenthtdheleohcaksdvtaoeoyurtotfhe thmeoicnkteinrvteiervwie. wHsave a mock interview, it will reflect your performance in the interview from multiple perspectives and help you know the problems existing in the interview
Second, collect the Information of interviewers
We know some information, this will help to give a good impression on the interviewers. It can also match up to create a common topic and win the chance to practice.
First,to gather information about recruitment
Unaware of the company which you will interview for is a very serious matter. When the interviewers ask you, you say nothing. It not only shows you do not attach importance to this interview, but also shows you do not attach importance to this company. What’s worse, they will think that you're not a down-to-earth person.

新视野大学英语第三版第一册读写教程课件Unit4-Para. III

新视野大学英语第三版第一册读写教程课件Unit4-Para. III

Language focus
Para 7 原句译文
Functional patterns
在过去,“英雄”一词仅限于称呼那些做 出超乎职责范围的特别英勇的行为的人们。
It used to be that the word hero was reserved for those who performed acts of distinct courage beyond the call of duty.
distinct 1 (usu. before noun) definite and obvious 确实的;显著的 After the principal talked with her, there was a distinct change in her attitude. 2 separate and different in a way that is clear 有区别的;不 同的;单独的 3 able to be clearly seen, heard, smelt, or tasted 清晰的;清 楚的;明显的 The outline of the ship became more distinct.
Language focus
15.It used to be that the word hero was reserved for those who performed acts of distinct courage beyond the call of duty.(Para. 7)
Meaning: In the past, the word hero was used to particularly to refer to those who acted with remarkable courage and who did something they did not have duty to do.


• The man in the first picture is Steve Jobs, cofounder and former chairman and CEO of Apple Inc.;
• The man in the second picture is Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, the world’s largest social networking website;
But an entrepreneurial spirit does not have to _b_e_l_im__it_e_d__to_ the business world.
Listen to a short passage concerning entrepreneur and fill in the missing information.
But social entrepreneurs say they are not g_u__id_e_d_ by a desire for profits.
Listen to a short passage concerning entrepreneur and fill in the missing information.
Their most important goal, they say, is to create social value. They organize and support programs that _a_im__t_o_ improve conditions in communities.
A Section
Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world


2. What did the young Chinese man do?
The young Chinese man cycled alone around Europe, with just a bike and a frisbee equipped. He took the paths from mountains to forests, from rugged roads to creeks. The journey was often strenuous with a new challenge waiting at every turn.
Tips A building that provides cheap and simple
accommodations and meals especially to young people who are traveling.
2. What do Youth Hostels provide?
B Section Tr ave l i n g s o l o — A b l e s s i n g ove r a l l !
Warming-up Reading Skills Text Study Comparative Study Unit Project
B Section Tr ave l i n g s o l o — A b l e s s i n g ove r a l l !
3. How has he benefited from the experience?
The solo travel has made a difference in his life. He didn't even know how to fix a bike before he started his tour. He set out on his journey armed with his passion for sports and his taste for a challenge but as he finished his trek, he discovered something much deeper. He reckons that to be oneself is important and his trip is doing what he loves. He hopes to inspire those like him to start living out their dreams.



Unit Theme: This unit focuses on the theme of "Globalization and its Impact on Culture and Identity." It explores how globalization has shaped the way we view culture and identity, and how these concepts have been influenced by the process of globalization.
The text is mainly about the theme of love and relationships. It explores the complexities and challenges that come with being in a relationship.
Reflection on Learning Difficulties
Cultural Differences: Many students may find it challenging to understand the cultural differences and perspectives presented in the texts. They may need to reflect on their own cultural background and how it compares to the cultures represented in the readings.
Notable works
John Smith is best known for his novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", which is considered a classic in American literature.


1. What do you know about these people and their companies?
2. What ul entrepreneurs have in common?
Picture Description
1. What do you know about these people and their companies?
3 UNIT Being entrepreneurial
Fred Smith and FedEx:
Section A The vision that changed the world
To talk about the entrepreneurial spirit To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill
• The man in the first picture is Steve Jobs, cofounder and former chairman and CEO of Apple Inc.;
• The man in the second picture is Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, the world’s largest social networking website;
Listen to a short passage concerning entrepreneur and fill in the missing information.
The _t_r_a_d_it_io_n_a_l_ definition of an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and accepts the risks of a new business. Entrepreneurs may have a new product or service to _o_f_fe_r_. Or they may have ideas for new ways to do business.


Find out the way before the interview, tboFleooaclauavtotrietoidhno,gnaCenthtdheleohcaksdvtaoeoyurtotfhe thmeoicnkteinrvteiervwie. wHsave a mock interview, it will reflect your performance in the interview from multiple perspectives and help you know the problems existing in the interview
Part One(paras.1-6)
employee 职员,员工 employer老板,雇主
(1). I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself.
Second, collect the Information of interviewers
We know some information, this will help to give a good impression on the interviewers. It can also match up to create a common topic and win the chance to practice.
First,to gather information about recruitment
Unaware of the company which you will interview for is a very serious matter. When the interviewers ask you, you say nothing. It not only shows you do not attach importance to this interview, but also shows you do not attach importance to this company. What’s worse, they will think that you're not a down-to-earth person.



02 Analysis of Text Content
Analysis of Text Structure
This part aims to help students understand the overall structure of the text, including the introduction, body, and conclusion.
exercises • Text Summary and Reflection • Related expansion materials
Introduction to the
01 background of the text
Introduction of the text author
John Smith
John Smith is a renowned English author and educator, known
for his works in the field of language education arks
Answer to Text 2
The correct answer is C. The text emphasizes the importance of "continuous learning" for personal and professional development.
Answer Analysis
Introduction to the background of the text
Publication date


我们坚信,命运掌握在人类自己手中;我们坚信,人类能创造一个比过 去、现在都更加美好的未来。
“With grain in our hands there is no need to panic,” according to China’s prime minister, Wen Jiabao.
“手中有粮,心中不慌。” 中国总理温家宝如是说。
Last, psychological adjustment before the interview
Keeping a good peace of mind is important. Sorting out clothes, gives a decent impression on others.
the interview.
He said he'd read something about us somewhere.
(4).Had he checked with his university to see if there were any graduates working at Mackay whom he could interview?
beforehand 事先
Ntoellobneefoerxepheacntedd预th言is beforehand. Tbhee bbeefsotreahpapnrodawchithis预to先ta,ke提o前ut some money beforhand and then leave your card at home.
Third, prepare for your own information
In addition to making a perfect and excellent personal resume, we need to pay attention to the content of the resume listed whether meet the job requirements .



Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use
Video Watching & Discussion on It
Text Reading
Extr. & App.
Essay Writing
Further Dev.
A. Background Information
3 4
Writing Model & Practice
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Further Development
Text Reading
Extr. & App.
Essay Writing
Further Dev.
1. Warming-up Activities
Getting Familiar with Background Information
Frederick Wallace Smith and FedEx (1)
Born August 11, 1944, Frederick Wallace Smith is the founder, chairman, president and CEO of FedEx Corp., the first and most successful overnight express delivery service in the world. The company is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.
Word Study Video Watching
Text Reading
Extr. & App.



a child beggar, 7 years old, no chance to go to school
Pre-reading Activities a six-year-old child, disabled in walking, begging for money on the road
a teenage worker, 15 years old, parents died , working in a small coal mine
Pre-reading Activities a three-year-old child, severely ill, no money for medical treatment
Pre-reading Activities
Social Welfare
Public assistance programs, commonly called “welfare”, provide cash or benefits for particular categories of the financially needy.
Pre-reading Activities
2. Why just 10%? Who pays the rest for you?
— It’s a part of the social welfare system.
The government pays the rest for you.
Байду номын сангаас
6. liberal n.



Topic discussion of the text
Topic 1 Discussion
这一主题主要围绕大学教育对个人和社会的重要性展开讨论。它强调了大学教育 在培养批判性思维、创新能力和终身学习能力方面的关键作用,以及这些能力在 个人职业发展和国家经济发展中的重要性。
学生应掌握有效的记忆和应用词汇的方法,如 分类记忆、联想记忆等,以提高词汇学习的效 率。
Related sentence pattern extension
学生应理解所学句型在不同语境中的意义 和用法,以便更准确地表达自己的思想。
Related vocabulary extensions
本单元课程中,学生将学习到更多与主题相 关的词汇,包括专业术语、常用表达等,以 增强英语表达能力。
除了词汇的基本意义,学生还应理解 词汇在特定语境中的意义和用法,以 更好地理解和运用所学词汇。
Topic 2 Discussion
这个主题从多个角度探讨大学生活的各个 方面,包括学术、社交、文化活动等。它强 调了大学生活不仅仅是学术研究,还包括与 同学、教授和校园社区建立联系,参与校园 活动,以及探索和体验不同的文化背景和价
Topic 3 Discussion



Unit 1 book 4The Temptation of a Respectable WomanPeriod:2 periodsT eaching Objectives:1.Words, Phrases and Expressions of the Text ( stress on the word-formation, and the usage ofthe phrases and the expressions).2.Sentence Structure ( the usage of “might have done or could have done”; and “So +Subject+V or So + V +Subject”).3.Text Structure (story-writing in chronological order).T eaching Procedure:A. Pre-reading Activity(10minutes)What does it mean by the word “temptation” and “respectable”? What does it mean by the title “The Temptation of a Respectable Woman”? (Group work)B. While-reading Activity1.Ask students some sign post questions to each paragraph to see how well the studentsunderstand each paragraph. (Some of the questions are on P.8 Comprehension of the text)nguage Points: (refer to teachers’ book)1). Mrs. Baroda was a little annoyed to learn…Please note that “ annoyed: is modified by “ a little”. “ annoyed” can also be modified by other adverbs, like “ somewhat/ very/ a bit/ pretty/ much/rather/ quite”, etc.e.g. I was a bit annoyed, for I forgot to put your name on .2). … she could understand him no better than at first.Here “ no” mans “not at all”, and can be used as an adverb before comparatives.e.g. The exam is no more difficult than the tests you’ve been doing in class.3). … she imposed her company upon him,…impose one’s company/oneself/upon/on sb.; force one’s company or oneself on sb.e.g. Don’t impose your company/yourself on people who don’t like you.4)“ Y ou are full of surprises,” he said to her.Be full of surprises: do unexpected thingse.g. She’s always full of surprises.6). … the last thing he would desire or expect.The last thing: ( 1). sth. that is desired in the leaste.g. The last thing he needed right then was more bad news about his son.(2) sth. that is taken as the last onee.g. My feeling was that if this was the last thing I was going to do, I wanted to be ofsome value.7). But the poor fellow is run dow n by too much work now.Run down: (cause to) decline in physical condition; weaken or exhaust in mind or vigore.g. His health ran down to a dangerous level.…made some routine observations upon the unhealthy effect…8). …. A meaningless succession of verbs nouns, adverbs and adjectives…a succession of: a number of people or things following each other closelye.g. The reason is that a succession of statistics suggest a rapidly weakening economy.9). She wanted reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him ___ which she mighthave done if she had not been a respectable woman.Note the structure “might have done: is used to say that if a particular thing had happened, then there was a possibility of something else happening. The structure “could have done” can also be used in this way.e.g. She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been good.He could have got tickets if he had arrived there earlier.10). But she did not yield to the temptation.Yield to: give in to; decide to do sth. because one cannot resist the temptation.e.g. Plenty of mysteries have lasted for centuries and finally yielded to explanation.11). … she was also a very sensible one.sensible: reasonable, practical and able to judge things welle.g. I think it’s a very sensible suggestion.Compare: sensitive: (of people) easily upset, esp. by things that are said or done; (of things) causing people to be upset or producing a difficult or embarrassing situatione.g. Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism.12). …truly he did not deserve it.Deserve:(not used in the progressive tenses) if sb,/sth. deserves sth., it is right that they should have it, because of the way they have behaved or because of what they aree.g. The report deserves careful consideration.One player in particular deserves a mention.He deserves to be locked up forever for what he did.C. Post-reading Activity1.Ask students to sum up the main idea of the text and to analyze the writing techniques of thetext.Text Structure AnalysisWriting in chronological order is common in narrative, where events are presented according to time sequence. This kind of writing is much used in telling stories, in brief biographical and autobiographical sketches. This reading passage is made up of several episodes arranged according to time sequence even though the author employs many different writing techniques, especially cause-and-effect in developing the episodes. Look at the following chart and you will find that the story is structured according to time sequence as a whole. 1. The first part o f the passage is Paragraph 1, which is the general situation of the story and also the starting point of the story. Mrs. Baroda was a little annoyed that her husband’s friend, Gouvernail, was to spend a week or two on their plantation. 2. The second part consists of 9 paragraphs, from Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 10, telling us what happened and informing us about Mrs. Baroda's impressions of her guest — Gouvernail. The descriptions are presented in chronological order. Paragraph 2 deals with Mrs. Baroda’s impression of her guest — she was feeling puzzled, not being able to penetrate her silent guest. Paragraphs 3 to 10 are about a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Baroda concerning their guest —Gouvernail. Mrs. Baroda was troubled to find Gouvernail a terrible nuisance — not a man of wit, but a dull man difficult to understand. Time markers: after a few days, then, one day, in the morning, until, etc. 3. The third part is made up of 9 paragraphs,from Paragraph 11 to Paragraph 19, concentrating on what happened “that night”. The author uses a succession of verbs and adverbs to describe what happened that night in chronological order. In this part, the author also describes some sort of emotional change in Mrs. Baroda but all this came along with a succession of actions. Time markers: that night, the next morning, then, when, etc. 4. The fourth part is Paragraph 20 only. Paragraph 20 is about what happened the day after “that night”. The next morning, Mrs. Baroda took an e arly train without even saying farewell. She did not return until Gouvernail was gone. Time markers: the next morning, not return until 5. The fifth part is Paragraph 21. Paragraph 21 describes what happened during the time after “that night”. Durin g the summer that followed, Mr. Baroda greatly desired that his friend should come to visit them again but this was vigorously opposed by Mrs. Baroda. Time marker: during the summer that followed 6. The sixth part consists of Paragraph 22 to Paragraph 24, which is the continuing part of the story, still, according to time sequence. Before the year ended, Mrs. Baroda proposed to have Gouvernail visit them again as she had overcome everything. Time marker: before the year ended2.Homework: Learn the words and phrases by heart and next week there will be a dictation; Do all the exercises on the book with translation done on the exercise book.(2)Period:2 periodsT eaching Material:New Horizon College EnglishT eaching Procedure:1.Dictation of the words and phrasesment on and appraise the exercises.3.Reading Skills (Section B) The Obligations and Responsibilities to MarriageReading between the lines: using context clues, common sense and your knowledgeof the world to guess the possible answers to the questions between the paragraphs.1)Introduction of the skill (P. 16)2)Reading the samples ( P. 16)3)Practice the skill and (P.17)4)Doing the exercise on it (P.23)Note:There are three levels among the students. The students are given the tasks in terms of their levels.Unit 2, book 4Charlie Chaplin (Section A )Period:2 periodsT eaching Objectives:The students will be able to:T eaching Objectives1.Words, Phrases and Expressions of the Text ( stress on the word-formation, and theusage of the phrases and the expressions).2.Sentence Structure ( a: inversion of the sentence; b: It is + adj. to do…).3.Text Structure (a central topic/idea supported by different aspects/details).T eaching Procedure:A. Pre-reading Activity(10minutes)What do you know about Charlie Chaplin?What do you want to know about Charlie Chaplin? (Pair work)B. While-reading Activity1Ask students some sign post questions to each paragraph to see how well the students understand each paragraph and train Ss skimming ability. (Some of the questions are on P.37 Comprehension of the text)2Language Points: (refer to teachers’ book)1). cut down: reduce the size of (sth. such as clothing, writing, etc.)e.g.I could cut your father's trousers down for the boy.Y our article will have to be cut down to fit into the book.They've cut her hours down at work so she doesn't have much money.If an article is too long for the space allocated, you have to cut it down.2). . for good: permanently; forevere.g.This time she's leaving for good. 这一次她将是永远地离开了。


Ask a few appropriate questions. Think before answering. Remain calm and alert to answer
all the questions. Thank the interviewer for his/her
Send a thank you note.
• 4. The letter should go on to state, in
summary fashion, why you want the job and
why you qualify for it. ——second part of the
body of the letter.

Firstly, state your education and
Lead-in Activity
How to Prepare for a Job Interview Application letter and Resume Information on the company (company
executives, products or services) A list of questions likely to be asked How to answer these questions .
• 6. Acknowledgement: thank you so much for your consideration. ——the fourth part
• 7. Signature. (full name) handwriting, and typed.
Lead-in Activity

新视野大学英语_读写4第一单元课件unit 3 Section B

新视野大学英语_读写4第一单元课件unit 3 Section B
1. How many American multinational corporations do you know? Can you introduce some briefly in class?
PepsiCo was formed in 1965 with the merger of
Lead-in Background Information
1. Have you ever gone to Starbucks for coffee? What coffee do you like best?
2. What impresses you most when you drink beverage in Starbucks?
Video Watching
1. Have you ever gone to Starbucks for coffee? What coffee do you like best?
Tips CaffèMocha Caramel Macchiato CaffèAmericano CaffèLatte Cappuccino Espresso
comprises the global snack and food brands of the
formerKraft Foods Inc., manufacturing and marketing
chocolate, biscuits, gum, confectionery, coffee, and
manufacturing, marketing and distribution of grain-



3. Questions about your previous employment.
4. Questions about your motivation and commitment.
5. Questions about your ability to fulfill
specific job requirements
Unit Three
Job Interview
Teaching Objectives:
Students will be able to : Learn some knowledge about job interview grasp the main idea of the structure of the text master the key language points and
Lead-in Activity
Arrive 10 minutes early. Go alone to the interview.
Greet the interviewer with a warm, confident "Hello" and a firm handshake.
Four pieces of advice on being II 7-27 a successful interviewee.
Everyone should make his or
her own tracks in whatever he or she does.
Most interview questions can be grouped into five basic categories:




通过使用这份课件,学生将能够掌握以下知识和技能:- 理解并运用第三单元中的重要词汇和短语- 分析和理解与旅行相关的文章和对话- 提高听力和口语能力,通过模仿并参与对话活动知识点一:重要词汇和短语本单元涵盖了一些与旅行相关的重要词汇和短语,包括但不限于以下内容:- passport(护照)- visa(签证)- customs(海关)- luggage(行李)- departure(离开)- arrival(到达)- boarding pass(登机牌)- baggage claim(行李提取处)- currency exchange(货币兑换)知识点二:文章和对话分析本单元包含了一些与旅行相关的文章和对话,通过阅读和分析这些材料,学生将能够理解旅行过程中的各个环节,如机场、航班、海关等的常见对话和情景。












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Unit 3 Job Interview
Introduction Text A-Get the Job You Want
Opportunities will always be the people who are prepared
What Should we do before the interview?
PyHiforohouwsehpwawevceeetrlilvewpetrroietetmepcnaap.lrlloeoydenwrsaolpuikrledotstohpsiseeecptewirvhseaotn be
customer for us? 未来的老板愿意看你所写过的东西。 I already knew the answer.
Prospective 可能成为的;预期的
prospective customer 潜在顾客 prospective oil石油储量 prospective earnings 预期收益
Wp(th6ee)er.iTmrsehaecemnetaie.vne:snpworoe. srptoecetivveerryeqsuuletsstiniotnheweaxs 我Th们at在le实ft验m中e w得i到th了on预ly期o的ne结o果th。er question:
First,to gather information about recruitment
Unaware of the company which you will interview for is a very serious matter. When the interviewers ask you, you say nothing. It not only shows you do not attach importance to this interview, but also shows you do not attach importance to this company. What’s worse, they will think that you're not a down-to-earth person.
Second, collect the Information of interviewers
We know some information, this will help to give a good impression on the interviewers. It can also match up to create a common topic and win the chance to practice.
hand-delivered 亲手送交,专人送递
Last year, when she moved back to Los Angeles, Ms. Jarvis handdelivered the last package to her friend. 去年,当她搬回洛杉矶时,嘉维斯女士 把最后一封包裹亲手交给了她的朋友。
Third, prepare for your own information
In addition to making a perfect and excellent personal resume, we need to pay attention to the content of the resume listed whether meet the job requirements .
the interview.
He said he'd read something about us somewhere.
(4).Had he checked with his university to see if there were any graduates working at Mackay whom he could interview?
in our hands 在某人手中,为某人所拥有
•out of hand无法控制,托收,告终,立即
We see that we can take our fates in our hands and create a future for humanity that will be better than the past, or the present.
in advance previously pre-arranged
follow up 采取进一步行动
After asking this, you can follow up with other questions.
Find out the way before the interview, tboFleooaclauavtotrietoidhno,gnaCenthtdheleohcaksdvtaoeoyurtotfhe thmeoicnkteinrvteiervwie. wHsave a mock interview, it will reflect your performance in the interview from multiple perspectives and help you know the problems existing in the interview process.
Main Ideas
An ill-prepared college graduate failed his
Four pieces of advice on being a successful interviewee.
Everyone should make his or her own tracks in whatever he or she does.
I like talking to potential salespeople, because they're our link to customers.
(2).When a recent college graduate came into (3)m.Hyadofhfiececanloletdtoaonyloonnge aagt oMlaocokkaiyngEnfovrealospaeles Cojropbo,ration to find out more about us? No. HaIdashkeecdahlliemd wouhratsuhpephlaiedrsd?onOeurtocupsretopmareersfo?r No.
The Mission says China is evaluating the report, and will follow up in accordance with the dispute settlement process. 代表团称,中国正在评估该份报告,而 Job You Want
The text can be divided into three parts
Parts Part One
Part Two Part Three
Paragraphs Paras.1-6
Paras.7-27 Paras.28-31
Part One(paras.1-6)
employee 职员,员工 employer老板,雇主
(1). I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself.
Last, psychological adjustment before the interview
Keeping a good peace of mind is important. Sorting out clothes, gives a decent impression on others.
我们坚信,命运掌握在人类自己手中;我们坚信,人类能创造一个比过 去、现在都更加美好的未来。
“With grain in our hands there is no need to panic,” according to China’s prime minister, Wen Jiabao.
“手中有粮,心中不慌。” 中国总理温家宝如是说。
剪下; 修剪毛发(或羊毛) ;缩短,削减,删去,削弱(影响等)
Words and phrases :
at a clip 一次 video clip 视频剪辑;视讯片段 hair clip 发夹 Clip joint 黑店;夜总会
They clipped their visit by three days.
他们把访问时间缩短了三天。 He clipped his words when speaking. 他说话时把一些词语省略了。
(5).Did he write a letter beforehand to tell us about
himself,what he was doing to prepare for the interview and why he'd be right for the job?
Had he asked any friends
to grill him in a mock
Did he go to the library to
find newspaper clippings
on us?
So when you fry, bake, grill, or roast potatoes y ou could be generating potentially harmful carcinogens. [kɑ:'sinədʒən]