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p class=txt>unit 1

p2 a2e 3a 4b 5f 6d 7j 8g 9k 10i 11l 12h

b andrew called to confirm the flight plans. becky stopped the mail delivery.

becky gave the keys to a friend and gave away the fresh foods. becky changed the voice mail message. andrew paid the bills. andrew got the traveler’s checks. andrew watered the plants. becky unplugged the electrical items. andrew turned off the lights. becky emptied the trash.

p3 a water the plants b 2l 3p 4l 5p 6p,l

p4 b mina can’t remember where she put her passport.

p8 optional listening1

a . flew four three b. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8,

optional listening2


a .1. i haven’t finished 2. i’ve canceled 3. i’ve picked up

4. i haven’t taken

5. have you washed

6. i haven’t cleaned

7. i’ve watered 8. i’ve given9.have you packed

b.1. no, he didn’t. 2. he confirmed all the flights.

3. they wanted him to come in and water the plants for them.

4. because the dog always looks scared.

5. they want to use it again on their next vacation.

optional listening3


a . 1.pre-trip planning2. tagging luggage 3. saving space

4. your carry-on bag

5. other ideas

b. 1,3,6,9,bad 2,4,5,7,8,10, good

optional listening 4 p11

a . 1. theadvantages of traveling alone b.3, 4,6

c. 1. vacation college / research teamvolunteer

3. tours for: women only/ people over 60/ singleslooking for romance/fine


p13 a 1.abd 2.bd 3.abcd b 2.false;her hands ,not an interpreter 3. false;

second, not first4. false; didn’t have ,not had5. false; flight attendant,

notpassenger 6.true

p14 b cbabc

p15 541 236

p16 (1) oh my gosh! (2) are you sure? (3) so strange (4) got it (5) get

traveler’s checks (6)whew(7) pay the electricity and phonebills(8) change my voice mailmessage(9) i don’t remember (10) howtrue(11) don’t forget to unplug yourtv and electrical stuff(12) done

p17 a 2.boarding pass 3. check-in counter4.overhead compartment 5.flight attendant6. oxygen mask 7.carry-on luggage8. baggage claim

b a. when you arrive at the airport for yourflights, you go to the check-in counter first.

b. when your departing flight is announced,pick up your carry-on luggage and to the


c. before you get on the plane, you mustshow your boarding pass.

d. when you enter the plane, you put yourluggage in the overhead compartment. you may need to ask a flight attendant forhelp.

e. before takeoff, you learn about safety.they show you how to use an oxygen mask in an emergency.

f. during the flight, you are served drinkson your tray table.

g. after the flight is over, you go to thebaggage claim area to get your luggage. optional listening5


1. vacation

2. have some trouble preparing

3.totally relaxed

4. finished getting ready

5. confirm her flight

6. message

7. pay thebills

8 are ready to go 9.checks to be sure 10. comes running back in

unit 2

p19 a dgcai jefkbh

p20 1.1 2.2 3.1 4.2 5.1 6.2 7.2 8.1
