

卡萨帝家用燃气快速热水器 JSQ25-13CA1(12T)说明书

卡萨帝家用燃气快速热水器 JSQ25-13CA1(12T)说明书

JSQ24-12CS(12T)(白)/(银)/(金)JSQ26-13CS(12T)(白)/(银)/(金)JSQ24-12CS1(12T)JSQ25-13CS1(12T)JSQ24-12CM1(12T)JSQ25-13CM1(12T)JSQ31-16CM1(12T)JSQ24-12CD2(12T)JSQ25-13CD2(12T)JSQ31-16CD2(12T)家用燃气快速热水器使用说明书扫描二维码,即刻体验产品精致工艺和前端科技JSQ24-12CA1(12T)JSQ25-13CA1(12T)JSQ31-16CA1(12T)此图仅供参考,以实物为准关于本产品的安全注意事项 (3)本产品的安装方法 (5)热水器安装示意图 (5)安装注意事项 (5)一、主机的安装 (6)二、燃气管的安装 (6)三、冷水管的安装 (6)四、热水管的安装 (7)五、排烟管的墙式安装 (7)六、排烟管的窗式安装 (7)本产品外观及部件介绍 (8)内部结构图 (8)电气原理图 (9)本产品的主要功能介绍 (10)控制屏 (10)1. 启动/停止热水器 (11)2. 温度设定 (11)3. 浴缸注水功能 (12)4. 50℃安全锁功能 (12)5. NOCO专利技术 (12)6. 厨宝洗功能 (13)7. ECO小智功能 (13)8. 其他功能 (13)本产品的日常保养与维护 (13)热水器的清洁 (13)有疑问?先看这儿! (14)(若对热水器有疑问,请先按本章内容检查处理。

)保修说明 (15) (17)23尊敬的卡萨帝用户:您好!感谢您使用卡萨帝产品,为了您能更好的阅读本说明书和使用本产品,防止人身伤害及物品损坏事故,请务必仔细阅读并遵守本说明书中有以下标志符号的内容。


务必使用220V ~50HZ 的独立电源。








二、万和热水器分类1、万和燃气热水器? 万和燃气热水器怎么样?万和燃气热水器为广东万和新电气股份有限公司亚丁旗下品牌,多年来专注燃气具的研究和专业打造。


? 万和燃气热水器的价格万和燃气热水器的性价比。


? 万和燃气热水器产品万和户外式燃气热水器:w24a 、w16a 万和平衡式燃气热水器:g12v1凝炼冷凝恒温型、2c 超薄智能万和强排式燃气热水器:q24bv107 万和烟道式燃气热水器:d8c 2、万和电热水器? 万和电热水器怎么样?万和电热水器是万和集团主营业务的重要组成部分。

氣霸牌熱水器HY-12TWN HY-12GWN使用說明書说明书

氣霸牌熱水器HY-12TWN HY-12GWN使用說明書说明书
high or too low caused by irregular water flow; 7. Digital display for outlet water temperature and service time. Outlet water
temperature can be set, which makes the operation easier and more convenient.
Safety devices
1. 防堵塞、倒風保護裝置(風壓開關)
1. Anti-downdraft and anti-clogging
2. 防過熱保護裝置(溫控器)
protection device
3. 熄火保護裝置(火焰感應器)
2. Over heating protection device
1. Complete combustion, high efficiency and energy saving; 2. Automatic adjustment of water temperature: advance electricity & gas ratio adjustor
to keep water temperature at the prearranged value automatically (36℃-60℃); 3. Water flow controlled automatic continuous pulse ignition and super low water
May we take this opportunity to thank you for purchasing this“TRIUMPHAL”




2、燃气热水器JSQ**--**A型机当设定出水量用完后,会不会停止工作,并发出蜂鸣声?(不会)3、、燃气热水器JSQ32-16M1及JSQ32-16M1 按住“下降”键,给热水器通电,显示“PP”代码,然后释放“下降”键进入控制器参数调整模式。


5、燃气热水器JSQ32-16M参数调整时, PL、PH、DH、FL、FH分别表示最小二次压、最大二次压、点火电流、最小风速、最大风速,根据不同的需求调整不同的参数。

6、JSQ**--** HM 燃气热水器使用的水箱是纯无氧紫铜的材质。





11、热水器安全阀低压性能要求: 单向进水水压达到0.02 Mpa时应顺畅进水.安全泄压要求:水压达到__0.75Mpa __时必须泄压. 12、一台普通的强排机温度传感器出现故障,热水器会如何表现可以正常启动,但很快显示故障代码。



一般情况下是燃气通道堵塞或火排积碳16、安装燃气热水器要求自来水的压力不小于 0.03 Mpa。

卡萨帝家用燃气快速热水器 LJSQ22-13CN1(12T)( 红)说明书

卡萨帝家用燃气快速热水器 LJSQ22-13CN1(12T)( 红)说明书



1说明书目录关于本产品的安全注意事项 (3)本产品的安装方法 (5)热水器安装示意图 (5)安装注意事项 (5)一、主机的安装 (6)二、燃气管的安装 (6)三、冷水管的安装 (6)四、热水管的安装 (7)五、排烟管的墙式安装 (7)六、排烟管的窗式安装 (7)本产品外观及部件介绍 (8)内部结构图 (8)电气原理图 (9)本产品的主要功能介绍 (10)控制屏 (10)1. 启动/停止热水器 (10)2. 温度设定 (11)3. 浴缸注水功能 (11)4. 50℃健康锁功能 (12)5. CO 安防功能 (12)6. 其他功能 (12)本产品的日常保养与维护 (12)热水器的清洁 (12)有疑问?先看这儿! (13)(若对热水器有疑问,请先按本章内容检查处理。

)保修说明 (14)技术数据•装箱单 (16)23尊敬的卡萨帝用户:您好!感谢您使用卡萨帝产品,为了您能更好的阅读本说明书和使用本产品,防止人身伤害及物品损坏事故,请务必仔细阅读并遵守本说明书中有以下标志符号的内容。


务必使用220V ~50HZ 的独立电源。











目录功能与特点 (1)各部分零件名称 (2)使用前准备 (5)使用方法 (6)使用注意事项 (10)防冻注意事项 (12)安装 (13)试运行 (19)日常检查及保养 (19)故障、异常的判断及处理方法 (20)规格表 (21)配线图 (22)一.功能与特点一. 功能与特点采用静电喷涂处理,可搭配各款现代厨房设计,结构紧凑,机身小巧,大大节省了安装空间。

操作简单双低压启动缓点火设计操作面板显示水温调节方便可拆式过滤装置瞬间停电或降压的安全保护设计1外型美观12345678多重安全保护装置,使用更放心10● 自动熄火保护装置, 使用过程中发生意外熄火时,本机会自动关闭气源,防止燃气外泄,安全可靠。

● 超时使用安全装置,连续使用30分钟后,热水器自动停机,若要继续使用,只需关上热水阀,数秒后再开启即 可重新点火。

● 强制鼓风燃烧方式设计,采用高效能风机将烟气全部排放室外,确保使用安全。

●另配有过热保护装置,水过压泄压装置,风机停转安全保护装置,防止空烧安全保护装置,排烟管堵塞保护装 置,防冻保护装置(仅限防冻机型)等,确保热水器在正常状态下工作。


●Pb1机型提供使用48°安全锁保护的选项,使用此选项可确保热水器在出水温度不高于48°的火力分段下燃烧, 确保您的安全使用。




P1/Pa1/Pb1面板操作器可以自由调控升位大小,燃烧指示灯显示工作状态;Pa2 LED数码显示屏显示出水温度、升位大小及工作状态,一目了然 。

林内JSQ20-D31 JSQ22-D31 家用快速热水器说明书

林内JSQ20-D31 JSQ22-D31 家用快速热水器说明书

上海林内有限公司Shanghai Rinnai Co., Ltd.公司地址:上海市奉贤区团青公路4500号 电话:(021)67583500 传真:(021)67583555 邮编:201411上海林内有限公司售后服务中心地址:上海市奉贤区团青公路4500号 传真:(021)67583555 邮编:201411上海林内有限公司展示厅地址:上海市南京西路499号 电话:(021)63590262 邮编:200003全国服务热线:4006990606
SU164-920-J×022022年10月版SX 敬告: 由于产品的改进,本说明书中的某些内容,插图可能与产品不完全一致,恕不另行通知,产品规格以器具铭牌为准,请谅解。




商用燃气容积式热水器说明书本说明书适用于自由能商用冷凝燃气容积式热水湿背式多回程火管 换热系列产品,具体型号请参见适用型号说明。

商用冷凝燃气容积式热水器是指采用燃气作为能源,通过燃气燃烧 产生热量进行初次热交换及二次冷凝高效利用烟气温度将贮存在大容量内 胆里的冷水加热,等内胆里的水达到预定温度后保温储存,以达到生活、 采暖、生产工艺等热水要求的设备,功率在42KW —99KW ,排烟温度在 70摄氏度以内,是一种新型热水节能设备。

该技术主要特点:容积式燃气热水器 正面1、高效节能,减少运行能耗费用。








7、温度/压力安全阀:当热水器的水温如意外达到9CTC或水压超过O.SMPa ,安全阀均会自动打开,泄放过高温度或过高压力。




(KW Models) l 10 Year Limited Heat Exchanger Warranty
(KS Models)
Featuring Color Touch Screen Display
l Large Color Touch Screen Display l Cascade up to 8 Units for a Capacity of 4,800 MBH l Modbus Protocol Included for BAS Integration l Indirect Water Heater Priority l Outdoor Reset
KW 500 T
38" x 25" x 38"
KW 600 T
38" x 25" x 38"
KW 750 T
1 - 1/2"
51" x 25" x 38"
KW 850 T
1 - 1/2"
55" x 25" x 38"
Heat Exchanger
- Modulation down to 10% of full fire (10:1 Turndown) - Full fire efficiencies as high as 97% - Stainless steel heat exchanger with


用户姓名 产品名称 产品型号 购买日期 购买平台
警示!为了您的使用安全,请确认您的安装条件符合以下要求 (仅适用于热水器产品)
! 热水器的供电电源应具有可靠接地,并且具备漏电保护装置,以防电路意外漏电。 ! 应采用安装位置固定的专用三眼电源插座,而且相线、零线、地线连接正确。 ! 若电源插座有可能被喷溅到水,则采用防溅型电源插座。 ! 配备漏电保护插头的热水器不得使用带开关的电源插座。 ! 燃气热水器(户外式除外)应安装排烟管,将废气排出室外,以防一氧化碳中毒。 ! 燃气热水器应安装在浴室外空气流通的地方。
E0 温度探头故障
E1 火焰故障 请检查燃气是否正常供给,检查正常后再使用
E2 伪火故障
E3 温控器保护
E5 风机保护 请确认烟管出气口是否被堵住或室外刮大风,检查正常
E6 超温保护 请检查供水压力是否过低,检查正常后再使用
E7 电磁阀故障
En 定时保护 热水器使用时间达到设置保护时间,重新开机即可
1.水控自动点火:只需打开出水阀,脉冲点火器自动点火,随即流出热水。 2.水温调节:可在35~65℃间任意调节不同水温。 3.强制排气:强制将废气排出室外,保持室内空气新鲜。 4.低水压启动:启动水压低,适用范围广。 5.熄火保护:热水器在使用过程中意外熄火时,能自动切断气源,确保燃气不会 泄露。 6.水气联动控制:当自来水供应中断或关闭出水阀时,热水器会自动停止燃烧, 并关机。 7.过 压 保 护 : 在 供 水 压 力 过 高 时 , 热 水 器 安 全 阀 能 自 动 泄 压 , 以 避 免 热 水 器 损 坏。 8.防止冻结保护:在寒冷的地区使用时, a .设 有 机 械 式 防 冻 装 置 的 热 水 器 , 当 外 界 温 度 低 于0℃ 时 , 可 有 效 防 止 冷 风 从 热 水器的烟管进入热水器内部,造成热水器内博水路系统的积水结冰,损坏热水 器。 b .设 有 防 冻 排 水 阀 , 寒 冷 地 区 ( 室 外 温 度 低 于0℃ ) 使 用 热 水 器 后 , 将 热 水 器 内 部积水放净,可避免积存在热水器管道内的水结冰而损坏热水器。 c.设 有 电 加 热 防 冻 装 置 的 热 水 器 , 当 热 水 器 内 部 的 水 管 表 面 温 度 低 于4℃ ±2℃ 时,电加热防冻装置自动加热,当水管表面温度为10℃~16℃时,电加热防冻装 置 自 动 防 止 工 作 , 可 有 效 防 止 水 管 内 的 积 水 结 冰 损 坏 热 水 器 。(部 分 机 型 有,详 见 机身标贴) 9.过 热 保 护 : 当 热 水 器 流 出 的 热 水 温 度 过 高 时 , 热 水 器 自 动 切 断 气 源 , 停 止 工 作。 1 0 .定 时 保 护 : 热 水 器 连 续 运 行4 0分 钟 后 , 自 动 切 断 气 源 停 机 , 重 新 启 动 方 可 继 续使用。

海尔 Q-B-J-1-150 2.50 0.05-W E6 150升真空管太阳能热水器 使用说明书

海尔 Q-B-J-1-150 2.50 0.05-W E6 150升真空管太阳能热水器 使用说明书

热水器使用说明书型号Q-B-J-1-150/2.50/0.05-W/E6• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 产品部件1 1.1.1. 外观及部件介绍1 1.2. 技术数据11.2.1. 技术数据12. 使用说明2 2.1. 注意事项2 2.1.1. 使用方面2 2.1.2. 维护方面2 2.2. 安装指南2 2.2.1. 装箱单2 2.2.2. 安装注意事项2 2.2.3. 安装方法4 2.3. 使用方法92.3.1. 使用方法93. 售后服务12 3.1. 用户须知12 3.1.1. 用户须知12 3.2. 疑难解答13 3.2.1. 疑难解答13 3.3. 清洗保养13 3.3.1. 清洗保养13 3.4. 保修说明13 3.4.1. 保修说明13 3.5. 一键报修14 3.5.1. 一键报修141. 产品介绍1.1. 产品部件1.1.1. 外观及部件介绍外观及部件介绍本示意图仅供参考,请以实物为主。

1.2. 技术数据1.2.1. 技术数据该系列太阳热水器执行标准:GB/T 19141-2011 GB 26969-2011 以上采光面积偏差≤3%,容积偏差≤5%本公司注重科技更新,技术参数更改后,恕不另行通知。

型号Q-B-J-1-150/2.50/0.05-W/E6Q-B-J-1-180/3.00/0.05-W/E6Q-B-J-1-240/4.02/0.05-W/E6Q-B-J-1-270/4.52/0.05-W/E6真空管规格Φ58mm×1800mmΦ58mm×1800mmΦ58mm×1800mmΦ58mm×1800mm支架形式平置38度平置38度平置38度平置38度真空管数量20支24支32支36支采光面积 2.50 3.00 4.02 4.52可用水量150L 180L 240L 270L 总容水量200L 240L 320L 355L 能效等级1级1级1级1级能效系数0.500.500.500.502. 使用说明2.1. 注意事项2.1.1. 使用方面放置环境 • 玻璃真空管安装后,应避免长期空晒, 否则会缩短使用寿命。



INTRODUCTIONThe Carlin Technical Support Team developed this OEM specification book. It is the result of extensive laboratory testing in cooperation with the listed original equipment manufacturers. We feel this will be perhaps your most valuable reference guide when servicing today's modern oil fired heating equipment. Before making any change to the setup outlined in this book, we recommend that you contact the Carlin Technical Service Hot Line or the appliance manufacturer.This book is intended to be a setup guide. The air settings listed are only a starting point. It is critical that all oil fired heating equipment be installed using combustion efficiency test equipment and the burners be set to the appliance manufacturers recommended settings.For your convenience this guide was compiled in alphabetical order. This book is updated on an annual basis. However, application approvals are being added on a weekly basis currently. As a result, if the application you are looking for is not listed in this book, please call the Carlin Technical Service Hot Line for assistance.The Carlin Technical Support Team is committed to providing the finest customer service in the industry. If you should have any questions regarding this book or any Carlin product PLEASE give us a call.** Note: OEM burners sent with the Carlin PSC motor may be equipped with a standard blank air shutter.You can reach the Carlin Technical Support Team on the Carlin Technical Service Hot Line at 1-800-989-2275.HAGOB-SOLID ES -SOLID H -HOLLOW P -SOLID SS -SEMI SOLID W -ALL PURPOSEH -HOLLOW B -SOLID AR -SPECIAL SOLID NOZZLE MANUFACTURERS AND SPRAY PATTERNSDELAVANA -HOLLOW DANFOSSSTEINENAB -SEMI SOLID MONARCHR -SOLIDNS -HOLLOW PLP -SEMI SOLIDSS -SEMI SOLIDS -SOLID AS -SOLIDAH -HOLLOW W -ALL PURPOSE*Discontinued1/8"1/8"3/16"'T'1/16" 13/64"3/64"3/64"ENGINEERING INFORMATIONWhen you clean or replace a burner blower wheel it's important that you maintain the proper gap between the motor rabbet and the blower wheel rim.The diagram and chart below are designed to help you maintain the proper gaps.Correct Spacings for Motor/ Blower WheelFor example, if you install the blower wheel incorrectly, two things may happen: (1) on the EZ and 99FRD, you may come in contact with the pressure augmenter and create other damage or noise when the burner is operating; and (2) on all models, you may alter the burner's designed air flow.G3B EZ-Gas Oil Burner Model Elite EZ-1, 2, 399FRD, CRD*Gas Burner Model'T'100CRD 102CRD 3/8"200CRD*201GAS 7/16"301GAS 601GAS 1/8"3/16"11/16" of shaft protruding beyond fan hub201, 301CRD 500, 501CRD* 600*, 601CRD 702GAS 702G/O700*, 701CRD 3/16"3/16"1/8"3/16"3/16"800*, 801CRD 1050, 1150FFD 702CRD 3/64"3/16"3/64"40Electrode SettingsCoupling Length for Current and Discontinued BurnersCombustion Air Requirements for #2 Fuel1. Ventilation Air for Unconfined Spacesa.In unconfined spaces in buildings of conventional frame, brick, or stone construction, infiltration normally is adequate.b.If the unconfined space is within a building without sufficient air because of tight construction, the air for ventilation shall be obtained from outdoors. Under these conditions a permanent opening to the outside having a total free area of at least one square inch per 5000 Btu per hour (28 sq. in. per gallon per hour).2.Ventilation Air for Confined Spacesa.All air from inside the building. The confined space must have two openings, one near the top and one near the bottom. Each opening must have at least 1 sq. in. of free area per 1000 Btu per hour (140 sq. in. per gallon per hour).b.Taking ventilation air from inside and combustion air from outside the building. The confined space must have two openings, one near the top and one near the bottom. Each opening must have at least 1 sq. in. of free area per 1000 Btu per hour (140 sq. in. per gallon per hour). In addition, there must be one opening connecting to the outdoors. This opening must have at least 1 sq. in. per 10,000 Btu per hour (14 sq. in. per gallon per hour).c.All air from outside the building. The confined space must have two openings, one near the top and one near the bottom. Each opening must have at least 1 sq. in. of free area per 4000 Btu per hour (35 sq. in. per gallon per hour) if vertical ducts are used. If horizontal ducts are used, each opening must have at least 1 sq. in. of free area per 2000 Btu per hour (70 sq. in. per gallon per hour).3.Louvers, Grilles, and Screensa.In calculating free area consideration must be given to the blocking effect of louvers, grilles and screens that protect these openings.b.Screens used cannot be smaller than ¼ inch (6.3 mm) mesh and easily accessible for cleaning.c.If louvers and grilles are used and the free area through them is known it must be used in calculating the size of the opening. If the free area is not known, it may be assumed that wood louvers will have 20-25% free area and metal louvers have 60-70% free area.INTRODUCTIONThe Carlin Application Engineering Team has developed this OEM Specification Guide to assist you in the selection,set-up and servicing of Carlin Power Gas Burners.It is the result of considerable laboratory and/or field testing with the appliances listed.We hope you will find this material to be a valuable reference tool when servicing today's modern gas-fired equipment.Before making any changes to the set-up outlined in this booklet, we strongly recommend that you contact the Carlin Technical Service Hotline. Note:This data is intended to be a set-up guide only.The air settings listed are only a starting point.It is critical that all gas-fired heating equipment be installed using combustion efficiency test equipment and the burners be set to the appliance manufacturers' recommended settings.For your convenience,this guide is arranged by heat exchanger manufacturers in alphabetical order.This book is updated periodically as reprinting is needed.However, new application data is being added on a regular basis.As a result,if the application you are looking for is not listed in this book,please call the Carlin Technical Service Hot Line for assistance.The Carlin Technical Support Team is committed to providing the finest customer service in the industry.If you should have any questions regarding the set-up data contained in this book or have a question on any Carlin products, PLEASE give us a call. You can reach the Carlin Technical Support Team on the Carlin Technical Service Hot Line at 1-800-989-2275.。

Bosch WH-CEX9-M-15(2) 即熱式電熱水器 使用說明書说明书

Bosch WH-CEX9-M-15(2) 即熱式電熱水器 使用說明書说明书

Instantaneous Water Heater即熱式電熱水器即熱式電熱水器CEX9/CEX9-Uby在使用之前請詳細閱讀「使用說明書」及「保用條例」,並妥為保存。


Please read these instructions and warranty information carefully before use and keep them handy for future reference.使用說明書使用說明書O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S歐盟A級能源效益認證•歐盟A級能源效益認證EU ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS AContents1. OverviewWhen ordering spare parts, please always specify the appliance model and serial number.Hood valve ElectronicsInlet pipeFlow sensorterminalGrommetpanel Bottom partTemperature sensor setHeating element with SDBCold and hot water connectionSafety thermal cut-out3. Description of Appliance2. Safety Instructions• Do not use the appliance until it has been correctly installed and unless it is in perfect working order.• The appliance is only suitable for domestic use and similar applications inside closed rooms, and must only be used to heat incoming water from mains supply.• The appliance must never be exposed to frost.• The appliance must be earthed at all times.• Do not remove the front cover under any circumstances before switching off the mains electrical supply to the unit.• Never make technical modifications, either to the appliance itself or the electrical leads and water pipes.• Pay attention to the fact that water temperatures in excess of approx. 43°C are perceived as hot, especially by children, and may cause a feeling of burning. Please note that the fittings and taps may be very hot when the appliance has been in use for some time.• This appliance can be used by children aged 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance.• Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be performed by children without supervision.• The values stated on the rating plate must be observed.• In case of malfunction, disconnect the fuses immediately. In case of leaks, cut off the mains water supply instantly. Repairs must only be carried out by the customer service department or an authorised professional.Please read these instructions carefully before installing or using the appliance! Keep the instructions handy with the appliance for future use!Instruction manuals are intended for the specialist who is responsible for the installation of the appliance. Operation manuals are for the end user.The latest version of the instructions can be found online at .The instantaneous water heater CEX9/CEX9-U is a microprocessor-controlled, pressure-resistant hot water heater for a decentralised hot water supply to one or more outlets.Its electronic control regulates the heating power consumption depending on the selected outlet temperature, the respective inlet temperature and the flow rate, thus reaching the set temperature exactly to the degree and keeping it constant in case of pressure fluctuations. The required outlet temperature can be entered on a keypad and can be read off the digital display.The maximum inlet temperature can be up to 70 °C so that operation in connection with solar heating systems is possible.4. Technical Specifications6. Typical Installation5. DimensionsDimensions in mmExample of an open-outlet installation with special tap:Example of a closed-outlet installation:6. Typical Installation7. InstallationThe following regulations must be observed:• EN 806• Installation must comply with all statutory regulations, as well as those of the local electricity and water supply companies.• The rating plate and technical specifications • Only intact and appropriate tools must be used.Installation site• Appliance must only be installed in frost-free rooms. Never expose appliance to frost.• The Appliance is designed for undersink installation and has to be installed with water connectors upward.• The appliance complies with protection type IP 24.• In order to avoid thermal losses, the distance between the instantaneous water heater and the tapping point should be as small as possible.• For maintenance work, a shut-off valve should be installed in the supply line. The appliance must be accessible for maintenance work.• Copper or steel connecting pipes may be used. Plastic pipes may only be used if they conform to DIN 16893, Series 2. The hot water pipes must be thermally insulated.• The specific resistance of the water must be at least 1100 Ωcm at 15 °C. The specific resistance can be asked for with your water supply company.CEX 9 at direct connection: CEX 9 with wall mounted mixer: Supply for one sink7. InstallationMounting the appliance1. Thoroughly rinse the water supply pipes before installation to remove soiling from the pipes.2. Hold the appliance on the wall, and mark the drill lines at top and bottom, right and left,corresponding to the small notches at the edge of the appliance hood (see bottom figure). The alignment template (located on the back inside cover of this manual) may be used for this purpose alternatively.3. Connect the top and bottom marks vertically with each other (A-A).4. Connect the right and left marks horizontally with each other (B-B).5. The intersections of these lines are the drill points.6. Drill the holes using a 6 mm drill. Insert theincluded dowels and screws. The screws have to protrude 5 mm.7. Hang up the appliance into the rear hanging openings until it clicks into place.Installing the appliance1. Attach the water connection pipes to the appliance’s water connection. Use the ½ inch seals.2. Open and close the hot water tap until no more air emerges from the pipe and all air has been eliminated from the water heater.8. Electrical Connection23Only by a specialist! Please observe:• VDE 0100• The installation must comply with current IEC or national local regulations and any particular regulations, specified by the local electricity supply company • The rating plate and technical specifications • The unit must be earthed!Structural prerequisites• The appliance must be installed via a permanent connection. Heater must be earthed! A maximum cable size must be observed: 10 mm 2.• The electric wiring should not be injured. Aftermounting, the wiring must not be direct accessible.• An all-pole disconnecting device (e.g. via fuses) with a contact opening width of at least 3 mm per pole should be provided at the installation end.• To protect the appliance, a fuse element must be fitted with a tripping current commensurate with the nominal current of the appliance.Electrical connectionCheck that the power supply is switched off prior to electrical connection!Electrical connection with preinstalled power cable The appliance is to be connected with the pre-installed power cable to a terminal box. If necessary, use one of the three predetermined breaking points for the cable entry (at the right, left or bottom).Alternative:Electrical installation to a permanent connection If, in case of particular local circumstances,connecting to a permanent connection is the only possibility, continue as follows.1. Disassemble the pre-installed power cable.2. Dismantle off the power cable so that you can insert the cable with the cladding through the water splash protection sleeve up to the cord grip into the appliance.3. Lead the cable through the water splash protection sleeve into the appliance so that one can securely fix the cladding of the cable with the cord grip. If necessary, use one of the three predetermined breaking points for the cable entry (at the right, left or bottom). The protective sleeve prevents water from entering the appliance alongside the connection line. The protection sleeve has to be used!4. Mount the cord grip. The cord grip must be used!5. Strip the cables and plug them in the connecting terminals according to the wiring diagram. The appliance must be earthed.6. After successful electrical connection, fit the hood of the unit. Make sure not to jam any cables between the appliance hood and the base part of the appliance.2. Heating element3. Safety pressure cut-out4. Terminal strip5. Safety thermal cut-outWiring diagram9. Initial OperationMultiple Power System:The rated capacity (max. power consumption) is 8.8 kW / 230 V and can be reduced to 6.6 kW.Before making the electrical connection, fill the mains and the appliance with water by carefully opening and closing the hot water tap in order to vent completely. After every draining (e.g. after work on the plumbing system or following repairs to the appliance), the heater must be re-vented in this way before starting it up again.If the water heater cannot be put into operation, the temperature cut-out or the pressure cut-out may have tripped during transport. If necessary, reset the cut-out.Selection of power ratingOnly by authorised specialist, otherwise lapse of guarantee!Upon first connection of the appliance to the supply voltage, select the maximum power rating. Only after having set the power rating, the heater provides its standard operation mode.The maximum allowable power rating at installation site depends on the local situation. It is imperative to observe all data shown in the table “Technical specifications”, in particular the required cable size and fuse protection for the electrical connection. Moreover, the electrical installation must comply with the statutory regulations of the respective country and those of the local electricity supply company (Germany: DIN VDE 0100).1. Switch on the power supply to the appliance. The digital display on the appliance must light up.2. When switching on the supply voltage for thefirst time, the value “88“ flashes in the display.If not, please carefully read the below note “Reinstallation”.3. Select the maximum allowable power rating depending on the local situation via the up and down arrow keys: 8.8 or 6.6 kW (display: “66”) 230 V.4. Press key to confirm the setting. The appliance starts operating.5. Mark the set power rating on the rating plate.6. Open the hot water tap. Check the function of the appliance.7. After having set the maximum allowable power rating, the heating element will be activated after approx. 10 seconds of water flow.9. Initial OperationRemote controlThe water heater’s temperature must be limited to 55 °C, if it is connected to a shower and controlled with a remote control system. The service menu parameter “Temperature Limit “(“tL”) must be set to a value less or equal 55 °C, in consultation with the customer and the lock level must be activated.When the device is operated with preheated water, it must be ensured that this temperature is limited to 55 °C as well.ReinstallationIn case the appliance will be commissioned again under different installation conditions than duringits initial operation, it may be necessary to adapt the maximum power rating. A temporary short-circuit of the two pins, e.g. with a screwdriver acc. to EN 60900 (see figure), will reset all heater parameters to works setting and lock the heating.Value “88“ flashes in the display until the maximum power rating has been selected. This condition will maintain when activating and deactivating the supply voltage.Lock LevelThe operating mode of the appliance can be restricted. The service menu can be used to configure the appliance.Activation of the lock level1. Set required lock level in the service menu (refer to chapter “Service menu” in this installing instructions).2. Disconnect the appliance from the power supply(e.g. by switching off the fuses).3. Move the jumper on the power electronics from pin 2 to pin 1 (see figure).4. Put the appliance into operation again.Deactivation of the lock level1. Disconnect the appliance from the power supply(e.g. by switching off the fuses).2. Move jumper from pin 1 to pin 2.3. Put the appliance into operation again.As soon as you open the hot water tap, the instantaneous water heater switches onautomatically. When the tap is closed, the appliance automatically switches off.Temperature settingYou can set the required temperature gradually to a lower or higher value with the arrow keys and .The temperature changes by 1°C, in the convenience zone between 35°C and 42°C by 0.5°C, if key is pressed shortly one time. Pressing a key for a longer time changes the temperature continuously.Note: If temperature is set below 20°C with arrow key the display shows “- -” and the appliance switches off the heating function.Note: If the water heater supplies a shower and is connected to a remote control system, the maximum temperature was reduced during initial operation. This limitation cannot be exceeded.Programme buttonsThe two programme buttons allow to quickly select the preset temperature. When pressing a programme key, the preset temperature is selected and displayed. The factory setting for programme is 35°C and for programme it is 48°C. You can assign your own settings for the programme keys:• Prolonged pressing of the programme key stores the previously selected temperature. The display changes from “P1” or “P2” to the newly stored temperature value. This newly set temperature is now available to you each time you press the corresponding program key.MADE IN GERMANYDisplay of new value (e.g. 43 °C)Temperature limitationThis instantaneous water heater is equipped with an optional temperature limiting function. This scalding protection is deactivated in the factory setting.• Switch on: Select the limit temperature, then pressand simultaneously for at least 3 sec. The display briefly confirms the activation by “HI“.• Switch off: press program key andsimultaneously for at least 3 sec. The display briefly confirms the deactivation by “- -“.Note: By activation of the temperature limit also the programme keys are affected. Therefore, the fixed values of the programme keys must be checked after changing the temperature limitation.Reset to factory settingAll factory settings can be recalled:• Press and and simultaneously. The display now counts backwards from “10“ to “00“ in second intervals. The appliance is reset at value “00“ - if you stop pressing the keys earlier, you will cancel the process.Reset completedHow to save energySet the exact temperature you need on the appliance and open the hot water tap. Once you feel that the water is too hot, do not add any cold water and,instead, enter a lower temperature on the appliance. If you were to add cold water, the water already heated would cool down again and valuable energy would be wasted. Moreover, the cold water added in the tap is not covered by the control range of the electronic circuitry, with the result that temperature constancy is no longer guaranteed.ECO mode The symbol shows that the appliance works in an energy saving mode (i.e. the momentary energy consumption is subject to the selected temperature and to the flow rate in the energy saving mode.Power limitIf the full output of the instantaneous water heater does not suffice to heat the tapped quantity of water,this will be indicated byon the LCD (e.g. in winter time, when opening several taps at once). When youreduce the hot water flow rate,stops lighting because the output of the appliance is sufficient to reach the set temperature again. You can now use the full output to fill larger containers, for instance.Operation with solar systemsWhen operating with solar systems, e.g. an automatic mixing tap must ensure that the maximum inlet temperature is not exceed. If the inlet temperature exceeds the setpoint, the iconon the digital displayindicates that the heating power is switched off.Power limitVenting after maintenance workThis instantaneous water heater features an automatic air bubble protection to prevent it from inadvertently running dry. Nevertheless, the appliance must be vented before using it for the first time. Each time the appliance is emptied (e.g. after work on the plumbing system, if there is a risk of frost or following repair work), the appliance must be re-vented before it is used again.1. Disconnect the instantaneous water heater from the mains (e.g. via deactivating the fuses).2. Unscrew the jet regulator on the outlet fitting and open the cold water tap valve to rinse out the water pipe and avoid contaminating the appliance or the jet regulator.3. Open and close the hot water tap until no more air emerges from the pipe and all air has been eliminated from the water heater.4. Only then should you re-connect the power supply again (e.g. via activating the fuses) to the instantaneous water heater and screw the jet regulator back in.5. The appliance activates the heater after approx. 10 seconds of continuous water flow.Cleaning and maintenance• Plastic surfaces and fittings should only be wiped with a damp cloth. Do not use abrasive or chlorine-based cleaning agents or solvents.• For a good water supply, the outlet fittings (special tap aerators and shower heads) should be unscrewed and cleaned atregular intervals. Every three years, the electrical and plumbing components should be inspected by an authorised professional in order to ensure proper functioning and operational safety at all times.Your product was manufactured from high-quality, reusablematerials and components. Please respect in case of discarding that electrical devices should be disposed of separately from household waste at the end of their service life. Therefore, please take this device to a municipal collection point that acceptselectronic scrap. Disposing it correctly will support environmental protection and will prevent any potential negative effects on human beings and the environment that could arise frominappropriate handling of these devices at the end of their service life. Please contact your local authority for further details of your nearest designated collection point or recycling site.Business customers: If you wish to discard electronic equipment,please contact your dealer or supplier for further information.11. Environment and RecyclingThe service menu offers an overview of system parameters and is used for diagnostics.Press key and key simultaneously for at least 2 seconds to call up the service menu, the display confirms by “FL ” and by a flashing point. Using the arrow keys and , you can switch between the individual menu items.Press key to see the value of the currently selected menu. The value flashes in the display. (The values of some menus can be switched over by using the arrow keys and .) You will get back to the drop-down-menu when pressing key again. With key you will get back to the standard display (nominal value). After two minutes without any key stroke the system automatically switches back to the standard display.Individual menu items as follows:“FL”: FlowIndication of current flow rate given in l/min.“Po”: PowerIndication of current power consumption (kW).“t1”: Temp inIndication of inlet temperature (°C).“t2”: Temp outIndication of outlet temperature (°C).“CA”: Control valueIndication of calibration value of the control system. Regular range: 40 – 60. “PL”: Power limitInforms about the current maximum power rating (kW) of the appliance.“Er”: DiagnosticsIndication of the last ten diagnostic messages.The error code is indicated by the first displayed value after pressing key 1 (refer to “Abstract for Trouble-Shooting & Diagnostics” in the hood). By using the arrow keys and the last 10 error codes are displayed chronologically. Thereby the display indicates in turns the error numbers from “0” to “9” and the corresponding error. The last error will be recorded at position “0” and the former ones each shifted 1 position backwards.“LL”: Lock levelThe operating mode of the a ppliance can be restricted.Setting Options:“0” no restriction (factory setting)“1” factory reset via key (countdown) not possible, parameters can be seen,but not be modified in setup menu“2” same as “1”, additionally the setup menu cannot be opened“3” same as “2” additionally nominal value memory 1 and 2 not changeable “4” same as “3”, additionally nominal value not changeableNote: When the setting 1, 2, 3 or 4 was chosen, the system parameters can no longer be modified in the s ervice menu. In order to modify these system parameters, it is necessary to remove the jumper on the power electronics, as specified in thechapter “Deactivation of the lock level”.Flow Power Temp in Temp out Control value Power limit Diagnostics Lock level Software version Radio channel Received strength Temperature limit SignalMenu item order of “Service menu“:Menu item order of “Service menu“:“nr”: Software versionInformation about installed software version.“Ch”: Radio channel(with wireless module only)Information about the current radio channel of the water heater and its remote control.“rS”: Received strength (with wireless module only)Information about the current signal quality of the remote control as percentage. Depending on the distance between remote control and water heater the value varies between 10% and 100%.“tL”: Temperature limitThe maximum setable temperature can be reduced to any value within the temperature limit.The Lock Level must be activated by placing the jumper to enable the limitation.“IIC”: SignalInformation about the quality of the radio contactwhen a diagnostic display is connected.Flow Power Temp in Temp out Control value Power limit Diagnostics Lock level Software version Radio channel Received strength Temperature limitSignal13. Trouble-shooting and ServiceThis instantaneous water heater was manufactured conscientiouslyand checked several times before delivery. Should malfunctionsnevertheless occur, it is usually only due to a bagatelle. First attemptto switch the house fuses off and on again in order to reset theelectronics. Next, try to remedy the problem with reference to thefollowing table. In doing so, you will avoid unnecessary expense ofcustomer service assistance.Repairs must only be carried out by authorised professionals.If a fault in your appliance cannot be rectified withthe aid of this table, please contact the service organisation of your importer or the Central Customer Service Department. Please have the details of thetypeplate at hand.MADE IN GERMANYIf the connection cable is damaged, it must be replaced withan original spare cable from the manufacturer by an authorisedtechnician in order to avoid any hazards.If you cannot rectify the fault with the aid of the troubleshootingtable, please contact the customer service.Arrow key downArrow key upProgramme button 1Programme button 2Power limitReset completedUnit provides no outputDisplay of new value (e.g. 43 °C)目錄訂購零部件時,務請說明熱水器型號和序列號。




那么可不可以将这个过程反过来进行,将温度较低的空气中的能量向热水中转移呢, 热力学第二定律指出:不可能把热从低温物体传到高温物体而不引起其他变化。








额定产热水能力(10Kg/min):热水器工作 在最大热负荷状态下,供水压力为0.1MPa ,温升折算到△t=25K时每分钟流出的热 水量。 额定热负荷(20KW)(额定热流量): 在额定燃气压力下,热水器使用基准气 在单位时间内放出的热量。该值是产品 铭牌的标称值,单位kW(1kW=3.6MJ/h).
水气联阀:控制水和气体流 量开启度的器件。水从水阀 通过,产生一推力,推动启 动杆产生一位移,开启水气 联阀开关,同时拨动电源启 动杆,开启微动开关,接通 电路,从而使控制器点火并 开启电磁阀使气路畅通的部 件。 材料:水阀铜件部分,用 H62黄铜锻压成型,防锈、 耐用、密封性好。气阀部分, 用ZL102压铸成型,密封性好。
热交换器(水箱):燃气燃 烧产生的热量与水之间 进行辐射换热和对流换 热的部件。
材料:用纯紫铜,换热性 能好,加工性能好;再 表面挂锡处理,防腐蚀 性好。
燃烧器:燃气与空 气混合,燃烧并 产生高温烟气 的部件。
材料:0.4mm厚 SUS304不锈钢, 防锈且耐烧。 分气杆用ZL102 压铸成型,密封 性好。
第一部分 气源
第二部分 燃气热水器基本知识
第三部分 燃气热水器基本原理
第四部分 主要零部件介绍
第五部分 08年燃气热水器新品介绍
第一部分 燃气气源
天然气(T): 燃气种类
液化石油气(Y): 燃气种类
液化石油气 人工煤气(R):


漏电保护插头: 当电路发生漏电时会立即切断电源, 以有效地保证热水器的安全使用。
水箱的顶部,装有集烟罩,用于收集燃 烧后的废气,防止废气四处逃散。
热水器工作时风机以一定流速将烟气强 制排出,同时使燃烧室与室外之间形成稳定压 差,保证适量新鲜空气进入燃烧室,使燃气完 全燃烧。
JSQ20-10H1使用的风机具有两档变速 功能,中央控制器根据燃烧状态自动调节风机 的转速。
显示出水温度,在设置温度时显示设置温度; 显示水流情况,亮起并闪烁表示已通水; 显示风机运转情况,亮起表示风机已运转; 显示燃烧情况,亮起表示已点着火并正常燃烧。
面壳上印有安全注意事项说明,为用户安全使用热水器提供更加直观 有效的安全信息。 同时采用了中英文对照,使热水器的档次得到提高。
中央控制器是热水器大脑,它承 担着接收、发出指令的重任。中央控 制器的主要作用包括:接收用户设定 的温度、检测水流信号、检测水温感 应器、开关电磁阀、开关强排风机、 检测风压、检测温控器、开关点火控 制器、检测火焰等。
JSQ20-10H1作为一款宽频自动恒温热水器,所以中央控制器还有一个重要的功能, 实时检测水温传感器信号,并且根据用户设定的温度即时向百得智能恒温电机发出信号, 调节燃气量大小,实现恒温功能。
工作时可提供压差信号给风压开关,风压开关一旦检测到风机停止工作或者外界从 烟管倒灌风,整机停止工作。
出风口处设有止回阀,热水器停止工作后,止回阀自动关闭,阻止外界倒灌风经过 排烟管进入室内。
控制面板采用睿智黑色,突显热水器智能高效。 两条波浪形的线条在控制面板穿行而过,寓意H1系列热水器安全舒适。 整个控制面板只有三个按钮,简单明了,操作方便。塑料薄膜按钮,手感舒适。
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20kW 10kg/min
JSQ30-16C1A JSQ24-12B1A JSQ30-16C1B
液化石油气 2800Pa
JSQ26-13C1A 26kW
天然气 2000Pa
人工煤气 1000Pa
控制方式 排烟方式 点火方式 适用水压
1.水控自动点火:只需打开出水阀,脉冲点火器自动点火,随即流出热水。 2.水温调节:可在35~65℃间任意调节不同水温。 3.强制排气:强制将废气排出室外,保持室内空气新鲜。 4.低水压启动:启动水压低,适用范围广。 5.熄火保护:热水器在使用过程中意外熄火时,能自动切断气源,确保燃气不会 泄露。 6.水气联动控制:当自来水供应中断或关闭出水阀时,热水器会自动停止燃烧, 并关机。 7.过 压 保 护 : 在 供 水 压 力 过 高 时 , 热 水 器 安 全 阀 能 自 动 泄 压 , 以 避 免 热 水 器 损 坏。 8.防止冻结保护:在寒冷的地区使用时, a .设 有 机 械 式 防 冻 装 置 的 热 水 器 , 当 外 界 温 度 低 于0℃ 时 , 可 有 效 防 止 冷 风 从 热 水器的烟管进入热水器内部,造成热水器内博水路系统的积水结冰,损坏热水 器。 b .设 有 防 冻 排 水 阀 , 寒 冷 地 区 ( 室 外 温 度 低 于0℃ ) 使 用 热 水 器 后 , 将 热 水 器 内 部积水放净,可避免积存在热水器管道内的水结冰而损坏热水器。 c.设 有 电 加 热 防 冻 装 置 的 热 水 器 , 当 热 水 器 内 部 的 水 管 表 面 温 度 低 于4℃ ±2℃ 时,电加热防冻装置自动加热,当水管表面温度为10℃~16℃时,电加热防冻装 置 自 动 防 止 工 作 , 可 有 效 防 止 水 管 内 的 积 水 结 冰 损 坏 热 水 器 。(部 分 机 型 有,详 见 机身标贴) 9.过 热 保 护 : 当 热 水 器 流 出 的 热 水 温 度 过 高 时 , 热 水 器 自 动 切 断 气 源 , 停 止 工 作。 1 0 .定 时 保 护 : 热 水 器 连 续 运 行4 0分 钟 后 , 自 动 切 断 气 源 停 机 , 重 新 启 动 方 可 继 续使用。
膨胀螺钉 自攻螺钉 卡箍 进气嘴及螺母 进气嘴胶圈 绿色胶粒
1个 2个 2个 1个 1个 2个
1 1 .恒 温 控 制 技 术 : 热 水 器 采 用 了 燃 气 比 例 阀 , 精 确 地 控 制 燃 烧 器 变 化 , 燃 烧 所 需 的 空 气 量 由 性 能 优 良 的 交 流/直 流 风 机 供 给 。 微 电 脑 运 用 模 糊 控 制 技 术 , 通 过 水温传感器对设置温度与出水温度进行瞬时计算,确定燃气量和所需的空气 量;快速升降温,达到所需的出水温度,同时通过对水温度的检测,随时做出 调节,以保证出水温度的恒定。 12.操 作 简 单 : 微 电 脑 智 能 控 制 系 统 控 制 热 水 器 的 全 过 程 , 按 键 启 动 热 水 器,设定所需的温度后,打开热水器,微电脑智能控制系统自动检测机器处于 安全的工作状态后,自动打开气阀接通气源,便自动点燃燃烧器,就可以享用 源源不断的恒温热水。 13.出水温度显示:特有出水温度显示功能。 1 4 .烟 道 堵 塞 或 风 机 故 障 保 护 : 出 现 烟 道 堵 塞 或 者 风 机 故 障 时 , 热 水 器 能 自 动 关 机,并不能自动开启。 15.掉电记忆动能:断电后,设定温度参数不会丢失,避免重复设定。 1 6 .故 障 自 动 诊 断 及 故 障 代 码 显 示 动 能 : 智 能 微 电 脑 实 时 监 控 各 种 安 全 装 置,燃 气 比 例 阀 等 部 件,发 现 故 障 及 时 安 全 停 机 。 先 进 的 故 障 代 码 显 示 功 能 , 使 用 , 维 修 更方便。 17.高 能 效 等 级 : 能 效 等 级 符 合 国 家 能 效 标 准 (GB20665- 2006) 要 求 ,1级 能 效 的 热 效 率 ≥9 6 %,2级 能 效 的 热 效 率 ≥8 8 %,3级 能 效 的 热 效 率 ≥8 4 %。 详 见 机 身 能 效标签。
B.用户自行购买材料,没有从服务商 处购买。
尊敬的用户: 感谢您使用力科产品,我公司将按照《中华人民共和国消费者保护法》的相关 规定为您提供优质的服务。 1.为确保您的利益,请仔细填写保修卡。本保修须知仅适用于力科燃气热水器产 品。 2.凡购买中山市力科电器有限公司产品的用户,如产品因质量问题发生故障,可 凭有效购买证明,到我司进行保修,我公司各产品保修期限为(以购机证明开 具日期起计算):强排机包修一年,终身维修。 3.请勿用于营业等非家用用途,这样会缩短产品的使用寿命。用于营业等非家用 用途的产品修理时,即使在保修期内也要收费。 4.下列情况,不属于免费保修服务范围,我公司可向您提供产品有偿服务。 a.超过我公司规定的三包有效期,经修复仍可继续使用; b.由于用户自身原因运输、保管不善而损坏或未按说明书要求进行操作而损坏的 产品; c.未经我公司许可,自行拆动或维修、经非本厂保修点修理后的产品; d.没有有效购机证明的产品; e.有效购机证明经涂改的产品; f .由 于 电 压 不 稳 定 或 超 出 正 常 电 压 范 围 (1 8 7 V - 2 4 2 V) , 或 电 源 线 路 安 装 不 符 合 国家电气安装要求而造成损坏的产品; g.说明书指定不宜使用及使用方法不对而造成损坏的产品。 5 .根 据 国 家 相 关 标 准 的 规 定 , 人 工 煤 气 型 燃 气 热 水 器 使 用 年 限6年 , 天 然 气 , 液 化 气 机 型 热 水 器 使 用 年 限 为8年 , 产 品 已 超 过 国 家 规 定 的 使 用 寿 命 的 发 生 性 能 故 障后,我公司不再提供相关修理服务,请参照国家相关废旧家电报废规定或政 策对产品进行更新换代,旧机应进行报废处理不得再流向市场销售,以免引起 安全事故。
待正常供水供气供电才使用 热水器启动后稍等片刻再使 用 调高出水温度
出水温度太低 出水温度太高
检查并调整燃气的供给 把燃气阀门全开或更换大的 燃气管道 调低出水温度 调大水量
故障处理: 当热水器发生故障时,显示窗口会显示故障代码,同时蜂鸣器会连续发出 “哔”的报警声,请按下表进行相应处理。
阶段标记 重 量 比 例
共 张 第 页
家用燃气快速热水器 强制排气式
中山市力科电器有限公司 广东省中山市火炬开发区国家健康科技产业基地健康路23号 电话:4009924888 传真:0760-88582018 网址:
用户姓名 产品名称 产品型号 购买日期 购买平台
警示!为了您的使用安全,请确认您的安装条件符合以下要求 (仅适用于热水器产品)
! 热水器的供电电源应具有可靠接地,并且具备漏电保护装置,以防电路意外漏电。 ! 应采用安装位置固定的专用三眼电源插座,而且相线、零线、地线连接正确。 ! 若电源插座有可能被喷溅到水,则采用防溅型电源插座。 ! 配备漏电保护插头的热水器不得使用带开关的电源插座。 ! 燃气热水器(户外式除外)应安装排烟管,将废气排出室外,以防一氧化碳中毒。 ! 燃气热水器应安装在浴室外空气流通的地方。
尊敬的用户,感谢您使用本公司的家用燃气快速热水器。本产品按照 国 家 标 准GB6932-2001/GB20665-2006生 产 制 造 。 正 确 安 装 和 使 用 本产品,将为您美好生活增添新的享受。请您在安装和使用此热水器前 详细阅读本说明书并保存好,以备日后查阅。
安装所需增加的材料由用户自行购买或者向服务商购买。我司负责服务商所提供 材料的三包责任,质保期一年。用户自备材料的,我司不承担因材料质量问题导致事 故的赔偿责任。
如出现以上代码,如果检查一切正常,且断电重 启也无法恢复正常使用,请通知售后服务人员维修
发生以下状况时并非故障 现象
排气口会冒白烟 室外温度过低,排出的烟气遇到室外的冷空气凝结成白色雾状
由于热水器工作时,燃气燃烧要消耗大量的氧气并产生一氧化碳气体,而 吸入过量的一氧化碳气体会对人体健康造成危害,严重的会造成死亡。因此, 本公司真诚告诫所有用户:
禁止将热水器安装在浴室内使用; 严格按照说明书的要求安装和使用热水器,必须安装烟管,将废气排到室外; 安装热水器的房间必须保证有足够的新鲜空气,并保证房间内通风良好; 确定安装部位为不可燃材料建造,热水器周边150mm范围内无可燃物。
E0 温度探头故障
E1 火焰故障 请检查燃气是否正常供给,检查正常后再使用
E2 伪火故障
E3 温控器保护
E5 风机保护 请确认烟管出气口是否被堵住或室外刮大风,检查正常
E6 超温保护 请检查供水压力是否过低,检查正常后再使用
E7 电磁阀故障
En 定时保护 热水器使用时间达到设置保护时间,重新开机即可