入园须知Notes of the Park

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Notes of The People’s Park

The Park is open to the public and free of charge. The park is a public place of healthy and cultured entertainments for everybody; it is our duty to keep the place clean and tidy. To provide tourists and citizens a joyful visit, please observe the following Tourism Etiquette Rules and be a polite visitor:

1. Observe Tourism Etiquette Rules during visit. Preserve the ecological environment. Stay off public lawns, and refrain from picking flowers or fruits. Protect historical sites and cultural relics.

2. Without permission, vehicle is no allowed to enter the park, except baby carriage, wheelchair for the elder and the disable and other special vehicle for people with disabilities. Car of the inner institution’s staff should entry from the gate of Yuanhu Road.

3. Any guns, explosives, knives or other items that affect social order and public security are forbidden. Any pet animals that hazardous to personal safety and affect the environment are no allowed to entry. Ice skates and scooter is banned in the park area.

4. Organized recreational activities in tidy and quiet, stay away from the lawn and sidewalk, in order not to disturb other visitors and residents around. Do not inscribe anything or scrawl graffiti on buildings or the floor.

5. Prohibit unlawful assembly, trouble making, excessive drinking, stay over night in park. Say no to feudal superstitious activities. Stay away from fighting pornography, gambling and drugs.

6. Please be aware of your own personal safety and belongings during sightseeing. For the safety concern, the little children and elders should be accompanied by their parents or guardians during trip.

7. Street venders are not allowed to sell on the way of entry and exit gate.
