
Matlab编程与工程应用〔第二版习题解答第一章:MATLAB简介1.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;2.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;3.>> namelengthmaxans =634.>> format bank>> 1/3ans =0.335.>> format rat>> 5/6 + 2/7ans =47/426.25 19 4.3333 9 97.>> pounds = 100;>> kilos = 2.2 * poundskilos =220.00008.>> R1 = 20; R2 = 30; R3 = 40;>> RT = <R1\1 + R2\1 + R3\1>\1RT =9.23089.>> ftemp = 90;>> ctemp = <ftemp - 32> * 5 / 9ctemp =32.222210. 略11.>> sind<90>ans =112.>> sita = 2 * pi / 3;>> r = 2;>> x = r * cos<sita>x =-1.0000>> y = r * sin<sita>y =1.732113.>> t = 100;V = 50;>> wcf = 35.7 + 0.6 * t - 35.7 + 0.16 * V + 0.43 * t * 0.16 * Vwcf =41214.Fix<3.5> = 3; Floor<3.5> = 3;Fix<3.4> = 3; Fix<-3.4> = -3;Fix<3.2> = 3; Floor<3.2> = 3;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Floor<-3.2> = -4;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Ceil<-3.2> = -3;15.Sqrt<19>3 ^ 1.2Tan<pi>16.Intmin<‘int32’>; intmax<‘int32’>; intmin<‘int64’>;intmax<‘int64’>;17.Realmin<‘double’>; Realmax<‘double’>;18.>> DblNum = 33.8;>> int32Num = int32<DblNum>int32Num =3419.>> A1 = rand;A2 = 20*rand;A3 = 30 * rand + 20;A4 = round<rand * 10>;A5 = round<rand * 11>; /A6 = round<rand * 50> + 50;>> A4 = randi<10>;>> A5 = randi<11>;>> A6 = randi<50> + 50;20. 略21.Double〔‘A’ < Double<‘a’>; 所以大写在前,小写在后;22.>> CharNum = 'xyz';>> CharNum = char<CharNum - 2>CharNum =vwx23.>> vec = [3 : 1 : 6]vec =3 4 5 6>> vec2 = [1.0000:0.5000:3.0000]vec2 =1.0000 1.50002.0000 2.50003.0000>> vec3 = [5 : -1 :2]vec3 =5 4 3 224.>> vec1 = linspace<4,8,3>vec1 =4 6 8>> vec2 = linspace<-3,-15,5>vec2 =-3 -6 -9 -12 -15>> vec3 = linspace<9,5,3>vec3 =9 7 525.>> vec = [1 : 1 : 10]vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec = linspace<1,10,10>vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec2 = [2:5:12]vec2 =2 7 12>> vec = linspace<2,12,3>vec =2 7 12>> myend = randi<4> + 8;>> vec1 = [1 : 3 : myend]vec1 =1 4 7 1027.>> vec = [-1:0.2:1]'vec =-1.0000-0.8000-0.6000-0.4000-0.20000.20000.40000.60000.80001.000028.>> vec = [0 : 1 : 15];>> n = [1 : 2 : numel<vec> - 1];>> vec2 = vec<n>vec2 =0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 29.function [a b] = PI_CONT<x>%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes heren =1 : 1 : fix<numel<x> / 2>;a = x<n>;n = 1+fix<numel<x>/2> : 1 : numel<x>;b = x<n>;endrem<numel<vec>,2>30.rand<2,3>10*rand<2,3>5 + round<15 * rand<2,3>>randint<2,3,[5 15]>31.rows = randi<5>;cols = randi<5>;y = zeros<rows,cols>;>> mat = [ 7 8 9 1012 10 8 6];>> A1 = mat<1,3>>> A2 = mat<2,:>>> A3 = mat<:,1:2>33.>> mymat = [2 3 4;5 6 7]>> mymat1 = fliplr<mymat>>> mymat2 = flipud<mymat>>> mymat3 = rot90<mymat>34.>> mymatzero = zeros<4,2>>> mymatzero<2,:> = [3,6]35.>> x = linspace<-pi,pi,20>;>> y = sin<x>;36.>> randmat = randint<3,5,[-5 5]> >> sign<randmat>37.>> randmat = randint<4,6,[-5 5]>;>> randmat2 = abs<randmat> 38.>> randmat = rand<3,5>>> randmat<3,:> = []39.>> vec = 1 : 1:1000;>> vec<end>>> vec<numel<vec>>>> [a b ] = size<vec>;>> vec<a * b>40.同上41.>> mat = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,1> = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,2> = zeros<3,5>; 42.>> myc = clock>> today = myc<1:3>>> now = myc<4:6>>> now = fix<now>第二章 MATLAB程序设计概述1.ri = 2; % Radius internalro = 4; % Radius outerV = 4 * pi / 3 * <ro ^ 3 - ri ^ 3> % calculate volume2.% Calculate Atomic Weight H2O2Weight_O = 15.9994;Weight_H = 1.0079;AtomicWeight = Weight_O * 2 + Weight_H * 2 % Calculate H2O2 Atomic Weight 3.fprintf<'Length of The character string is : %d\n',…length<input<'Please input character string :\n','s'>>>;4.NewNumber = input<'please input a Number :\n'>;fprintf<'Number with 2 decimal is :%0.2f\n',NewNumber>;5.>> vec = input<'Enter a matrix: '>Enter a matrix: [1:1:10;1:1:10]6.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.678900>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.2f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.68>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %6.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %2.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.67897.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %5d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %8d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %3d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 123458.>> x = 12.34;>> y = 4.56;>> fprintf<'x is %.3f\n',x>x is 12.340>> fprintf<'x is %0.0f\n',x>x is 12>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f\n',y>y is 4.6>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f !\n',y>y is 4.6 !9.% Calculate Area of the squarenessfprintf<'The Area of The Squareness is %.2f',…<input<'Please input the Length of the Squareness \n'>> …* <input<'Please input the Width of the Squareness \n'>>>;10.NewName = input<'What is your name? ','s'>;fprintf<'Wow,your name is %s!\n',NewName>;11.NewString = input<'Enter your string : ','s'>;fprintf<'Your String was : ''%s''\n',NewString>;12.WaterSpeed = input<'Enter the folw in m^3/s : '>;WaterSpeedft = 0.028 \ WaterSpeed;fprintf<'A flow rate of %.3f meters per sec \n',WaterSpeed>;fprintf<'is equivalent to %.3f feet per sec\n',WaterSpeedft>;13.IncomeY = input<'Input your income every year?'>;FoodCostY= [IncomeY * 8 / 100 IncomeY*10 / 100];FoodCostM = 12\FoodCostY;fprintf<'Food Cost in every year is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostY<1>,FoodCostY<2>>; fprintf<'Food Cost in every Month is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostM<1>,FoodCostM<2>>;14.Weight = input<'Please input the Weight of the plan \n'>Area = input<'Please input the area of the plan wing \n'>fprintf<'Charge of Plan Win is %.2f \n',Weight / Area>15.x = 10;y = 10;plot<x,y,'g+'>;16.clfx = -2 : 0.1 : 2;y = exp<x>;plot<x,y,'g'>;xlabel<'X'>;ylabel<'Y'>;legend<'Exp<x>'>;Title<'Exp Example'>;17.clfx = 1 : 5 : 100;y = sqrt<x>;plot<x,y,'go'>;hold on;bar<x,y>;18.clfy = randint<1,100,[0 100]>;x = 1 : 1 : length<y>;plot<x,y,'ro'>;hold onplot<x,y,'g+'>;figure<2>;plot<x,y,'k'>;figure<3>;bar<x,y>19.clfx = linspace<0,pi,10>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'r'>;figure<2>;x = linspace<0,pi,100>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'b'>;20.load TimeTemp.datx = TimeTemp<:,1>';y = TimeTemp<:,2>';plot<x,y>;Xlabel<'Height'>;Ylabel<'Temperature'>;Title<'Height - Temperature'>;legend<'TEMP'>21.>> randint<3,6,[50 100]>;>> save RandInt.bat ans -ascii;>> randint<2,6,[50 100]>>> save RandInt.bat randint -ascii –append >> load RandInt.bat>> RandInt22.>> load testtan.bat>> tan<testtan>23.>> load hightemp.dat>> hightemp<:,1> = hightemp<:,1> .+ 1900>> save y2ktemp.dat hightemp –ascii24.function [ fn ] = fn< x >%Calculate y as a function of xfn = x^3 - 4 * x^2 + sin<x>;end25.function [ mwh] = mwh_to_gj<x>%convers from MWh to GJmwh = 3.6 * x;end26.function [ output_args ] = miletometer< x >%Conver mile to meterMile = input<'mile per hours number :'>;meter = Mile * 5280 * 0.3048 / 3600;output_args = meter;fprintf<'Meter of the mile is : % .2f',meter>; end27.function [ Tn ] = Interest< p,i,n >%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTn = p * <1 + i> * n;end28.略29.function [ V ] = SpeedConv<pi,ps>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1.016 * sqrt<pi - ps>end30. function [ THR ] =Cal_rate<A>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTHR = <220 - A> * 0.6;end31.function [ nJ ] =STL_calc<n>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes herenJ = sqrt<2 * pi * n> * <n / exp<1>>^n;end32.function [ output_args ] = costn< n >%UNTITLED5 Summary of this function goes hereoutput_args = 5 * n ^ 2 - 44 * n + 11;endn = input<'Enter the number of units :'>;Cn = costn<n>;fprintf<'The cost for 100 units will be $%.2f\n',Cn>;33.略〔仿造32题34.function [ V ] = oblong< length >%UNTITLED8 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1/12*sqrt<2>*length^3;endfprintf<'The volume of oblong is : %.2f\n ',oblong<input<'Enter the length of the oblong:\n'>>>35.function [ y ] = pickone< x >%pickone<x> returns a random element from vector xn = length<x>;y = x<randi<n>>;end36.function [ y ] = vecout< x >%UNTITLED11 Summary of this function goes herey = x : 1 : x+5;end37.b = input<'Enter the first side :'>;c = input<'Enter the second side :'>afa = input<'Enter the angle between them :'>y = sqrt<b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos<afa *<pi/180>>>;fprintf<'The third side is %.3f\n',y>;38.略39.load floatnums.datfloatnums = round<floatnums>;floatnums = floatnums';save intnums.datfloatnums-ascii;40.load costssales.datn = length<costssales<:,1>>;fprintf<'There were %d quarters in the file ',n>;n = 1 : 1 : n;costs = costssales<:,1>;sales = costssales<:,1>;plot<n,costs,'ko'>;hold onplot<n,sales,'b*'>;legend<'COSTS','SALES'>;xlabel<'COST'>;ylabel<'SALE'>;title<'COST-SALE'>;costssales = costssales'costssales = flipud<costssales>;save newfile.datcostssales-ascii;第三章选择语句2. if <input<'please Enter a x :\n','s'> ~= 'x'>disp<'sorry the char not x'>;end3. function y = Test3<x>if <x == 12>y = 1;elsey = x + 1;end;4. disp<'The program will calculate the volume of a pyramid'>;a = input<'Enter the length of the base :'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?','s'>;if< c == 'c'>a = a/2.54;end;b = input<'Enter the width of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>b = b/2.54;end;d = input<'Enter the length of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>d = d/2.54;end;fprintf<'The Volume of the Pyramid is %.3f cubic inches.',a * b * d / 3>;5.if<input<'Are you an engineer?<Y/N>','s'> == 'Y'>disp<'You are the best!'>;elsedisp<'oh~ soga'>;end;6.Fenzi = input<'Please input enter the FENZI: '>;Fenmu = input<'Please input enter the FENMU: '>;if<Fenmu == 0>disp<'Sorry The Fenmu can not be zero!'>;elsefprintf<'The result is %.2f.\n',Fenzi/Fenmu>;end;7.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes hereResult = sqrt<1 - b^2/a>;EndFunction:a = input<'Please Enter the a : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the b : '>;if <a == 0>disp<'Error 0001'>;elsefprintf<'The Result is %.2f \n',Test3_Func<a,b>>;end;8.a = input<'Please Enter the Shousuo : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the Shuzhang : '>;if <a<120 && b<80>disp<'you are the best choice !'>;elsedisp<'Sorry you can not do this!'>;end;9.A1 = input<'Enter the First Area: '>;A2 = input<'Enter the Second Area: '>;if<A1 > A2>disp<'UP!'>;elseif <A1 < A2>disp<'Down!'>;elsedisp<'Keep!'>;en10.a = input<'Enter the PH number : '>;if <a < 7>disp<'Suan'>;elseif <a > 7>disp<'Jian'>;elsedisp<'Zhong'>;end;11.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes hereif <a < b>Result = a : 1 : b;elseResult = a : -1 : b;end12.function Result = Test3_Func< x >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here[a b] = size<x>;if <<a ~= 1 && b ~= 1> || <a == 1 && b == 1>> Result = x;elseif<a == 1>Result = fliplr<x>;elseResult = flipud<x>;end13.letter = input<'Enter your answer :','s'>;if <letter == 'Y' || letter == 'y'>disp<'OK,continuing'>;elseif<letter == 'N' || letter == 'n'>disp<'OK,halting'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end14.switch lettercase {'Y''y'}disp<'OK,contining'>case {'N''n'}disp<'OK,halting'>otherwisedisp<'Error'>end15.Mahe = input<'Enter the Speed of Plan : '>/input<'Enter the Speed of Voice: '>; if<Mahe > 1>disp<'supersonic speed'>;elseif<Mahe < 1>disp<'subsonic speed'>;elsedisp<'transonic speed'>;end;16.X = input<'Enter the temp in degrees C : \n'>;switch <input<'Do you want F or K?','s'>>case'F'fprintf<'The temp in degrees F is %.1f',<9/5>*X + 32>;case'K'fprintf<'The temp in degrees K is %.1f',X + 273.15>;otherwisedisp<'Enter Error!'>;end;17.%function y = Test3<x>X = randi<100>;if rem<X,2> == 0fprintf<'%d ÊÇżÊý\n',X>;elsefprintf<'%d ÊÇÆæÊý\n',X>;end18.function y = Test3<x>switch rem<x,4>case 0y = true;otherwisey =false;end;19.function y = Test3<innum>if innum == int32<innum>y = true;elsey =false;end;20.function y = Test3<a,b,c>if a^2 == b^2 + c^2y = true;elsey =false;end;21.Re = input<'Enter the Re Value :\n'>;if Re <= 2300 disp<'Laminar region'>;elseif Re > 2300 && Re <= 4000 disp<'Transition region'>; else disp<'Turbulent region'>;end;22.d1 = input<'Enter d1 : \n'>;d2 = input<'Enter d2 : \n'>;if d1 <= 0 || d2 <= 0disp<'Error!'>;elsefprintf<'%.2f',Test3_Func<d1,d2>>;end;function y = Test3_Func<a,b>y = a * b / 2;23.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing: '>;if V <= 38 disp<'tropical depression '>;elseif V >= 73 disp<'typhoon'>;else disp<'revolving storm'>;end;24.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing :'>;if V >74 && V <= 95disp<'1 : 4-5'>;elseif V > 95 && V <= 110disp<'2 : 6-8'>;elseif V > 110 && V <= 130disp<'3 : 9-12'>;elseif V > 130 && V <= 155disp<'4 : 13-18'>;elseif V > 155disp<'5 : 18'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end25.略26.H = input<'Enter the hight of the cloude :'>;if H < 6500 && H > 0disp<'Low'>;elseif H >= 6500 && H < 20000disp<'Middle'>;elsedisp<'High'>;27.if letter == 'x'disp<'Hello'>;elseif letter == 'y'||letter == 'Y'disp<'Yes'>;elseif letter == 'Q'disp<'Quit'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end;28.switch numcase {0 1 2}f2<num>;case {-2 -1}f3<num>;case 3f4<num>;otherwisef1<num>;end;29.switch menu<'menu','1.Cylinder','2.Circle','3.Rectangle'>case 1R = input<'Please enter the radius of buttom circle:'>;H = input<'Enter the height of the Cylinder:'>;A = 2 * pi * R * H + 2 * pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 2R = input<'Please enter the radius of circle:'>;A = pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 3a = input<'Please enter the long of Rectangle:'>;b = input<'Please enter the with of Rectangle :'>;A = a * b;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;end30.同2931.同2932.x = input<'Enter the Value X :'>;Y = menu<'Menue Choose','Sin','Cos','Tan'>;switch Ycase 1output = sin<x>;case 2output = cos<x>;case 3output = tan<x>;end;33.略34.function output = Test3_Func<x>Y = menu<'Menue Choose','ceil','round','sign'>;switch Ycase 1output = ceil<x>;case 2output = round<x>;case 3output = sign<x>;end;35.略36.略37.略第四章循环1.>> for i = 1.5:0.2:3.1i = iend2.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 0;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output + i;end;3.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 1;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output * i;end;4.5.>> for i = 32 : 1 : 255char<i>end;6.>> vec = [5.5 11 3.45];>> for i = 1 : length<vec>fprintf<'Element %d is %.2f .\n',i,vec<i>>;end;7.n = randi<4> + 1;sum = 0;for i = 1 : nsum = sum + input<'Enter the value'>;end;fprintf<'Sum = %.1f\n',sum>;8disp<'Please enter the threshold below which samples will be considered to be invalid :'>;Value1 = input<'Considered to be invalid :\n'>;Value2 = input<'Please enter the number of data samples to be entered :\n'>; Sum = 0;num = 0;for i = 1:Value2data = input<'Please enter a data sample :'>;if data > Value1Sum = Sum + data;num = num + 1;endendif num == 0disp<'Data Error !'>;elsefprintf<'The average of the %d valid data samples is %.2f volts.',num,Sum/num>; end9.load MaxTemp.mat[a b] = size<MaxTemp>;for i = 1 : a;Matix1 = zeros<size<MaxTemp>>;Matix1<i,:> = MaxTemp<i,:>end10.sum = 0;for i = 1 : length<pipe>sum = sum + <pipe<i,1> < 2.1 || pipe<i,1> > 2.3>;sum = sum + <pipe<i,2> < 10.3 || pipe<i,2> > 10.4>;endfprintf<'There were %d rejects.\n',sum>;11.略12.略13.x = randint<1,5,[-10,10]>;x2 = 0;for i = 1 : length<x>x1<1,i> = x<1,i> - 3;if x1<1,i> > 0x2 = x2 + 1;end;x3<1,i> = abs<x1<1,i>>;if i > 1x4 = max<x1<1,i>,x1<1,i-1>>;end;end16.17.略18.19.20.略22.略23.略24.10略略第五章向量化代码1.Mat.*2;2.Result = vec;3.cumprod<vec>;4.>> vec = randint<1,6,[0 20]>;>> maxvec = max<vec>;>> minvec = min<vec>;>> cumsumvec = cumsum<vec>5.Sum<vec>6.>> clear>> vec = randint<1,5,[-10 10]>;>> vec_3 = vec - 3;>> ZhengshuNum = length<find<vec > 0>>;>> vec_abs = abs<vec>;>> vec_max = max<vec>;7.max<vec,[],1>max<vec,[],2>max<max<vec>>;8.function output = Test3_Func<r,n>vec = [];for i = 0 : nvec = [vec r.^i];end;output = sum<vec>;>> vec1 = Vec<[1 3 5]>;>> vec2 = Vec<[2 4 6]>;>> CheckSum = vec1.*vec2;11.>> vec = 1 : 1 : 1000;>> Result = sum<1./<vec.^2>>;>> Check = pi.^2/6;>> diff = check – result13.略14.略15.clear;clf;vec_temp = 0 : 0.5 : 10;x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;while<all<vec_temp - x1>>x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;end;disp<x1>16.略17.ticif x==21disp<x>end;tocticswitch xcase 21disp <x>;end;toc18.Ones<3>19.If find<r > 0> == [] && fin<h > 0> == 0V = pi .*<r.^2>*hEnd;第六章 MATLAB 程序1~20 略21.function S = Test3_Func<n>P = 10000;i = 0.05;vec = 1 : 1 : n;S = P * <<1 + i>.^vec>;plot<vec,S>;n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;while ~<n >0 && int32<n> == n>n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;end;Test3_Func<n>;22.Function lenf = lenprompt<>;Lenf = input<‘Enter the length By inches: ’>; Function Leni = covert_f_to_i<lenf>Leni = …<英尺转英寸>Function printlens<lenf,leni>Disp<lenf>;Disp<leni>;23.略24.。

第一章:Matlab基础1.1 基本操作1. a = 3; b = 4; c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2); disp(c);2. x = linspace(-pi, pi, 100); y = sin(x); plot(x, y);3. A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; B = [9 8 7; 6 5 4; 3 2 1]; C = A + B; disp(C);1.2 控制结构1. for i = 1:10disp(i);end2. n = 0; sum = 0; while sum < 100n = n + 1;sum = sum + n;enddisp(n);3. x = 5; if x > 0disp('x is positive');elseif x < 0disp('x is negative');elsedisp('x is zero');end第二章:向量和矩阵运算2.1 向量运算1. A = [1 2 3]; B = [4 5 6]; C = A .* B; disp(C);2. A = [1 2 3]; B = [4 5 6]; C = A ./ B; disp(C);3. A = [1 2 3]; B = [4 5 6]; C = dot(A, B); disp(C);2.2 矩阵运算1. A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; B = [7 8; 9 10; 11 12]; C = A * B; disp(C);2. A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; B = [7 8; 9 10; 11 12]; C = B * A; disp(C);3. A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; B = [7 8; 9 10; 11 12]; C = A .* B; disp(C); 第三章:函数和脚本文件3.1 函数1. function y = myfunc(x)y = x^2 + 3*x + 2;end2. function [y1, y2] = myfunc(x1, x2)y1 = x1^2 + 3*x1 + 2;y2 = x2^2 + 3*x2 + 2;end3. function [y1, y2] = myfunc(x)y1 = x^2 + 3*x + 2;y2 = sin(x);end3.2 脚本文件1. x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); y = sin(x); plot(x, y);2. x = linspace(-10, 10, 100); y = x.^2 + 3*x + 2; plot(x, y);3. x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); y1 = sin(x); y2 = cos(x); plot(x, y1, x, y2);通过以上习题的答案,读者可以对Matlab程序设计的基本语法和常用函数有一个初步的了解。
MATLAB程序设计与应用第二版课后题答案 2

第二章3.设矩阵A为A=[24 23 9 21 6;65 74 24 11 21;34 5 98 75 21;8 42 42 53 121;43 21 45 64 21];(1)B=A(2:5,1:2:5)B =65 24 2134 98 218 42 12143 45 21(2)A(7)=[]A =24 65 34 8 43 23 5 42 21 9 24 98 42 45 21 11 75 53 64 6 21 21 121 21(3)A+30(4)size(A);ndims(A)(5)题目有误(6)reshape(x,3,4)(7)abs(x)(8)char(x)4. L1 =0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0L2 =1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0L3 =0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0L4 =4 5 65.(1)B=A(1:3,:)C=A(:,1:2)D=A(2:4,3:4)E=B*CB =23.0000 10.0000 -0.7780 041.0000 -45.0000 65.0000 5.000032.0000 5.0000 0 32.0000C =23.0000 10.000041.0000 -45.000032.0000 5.00006.0000 -9.5400D =65.0000 5.00000 32.000054.0000 3.1400E =1.0e+003 *0.9141 -0.22391.20802.71231.1330 -0.2103(2)E<Dans =0 10 00 1E&Dans =1 10 11 1E|Dans =1 11 11 1~D|~Eans =0 01 00 0find(A>=10&A<25)ans =156.all(A)ans =any(A)ans =1isnan(A)ans =0 1 0 0 0 0 0isinf(A)ans =0 0 1 1 0 0 0isfinite(A)ans =1 0 0 0 1 1 17.A(1).x1=’学号’;A(1).x2=’姓名’;A(1).x3=’专业’;A(1).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(2).x1=’学号’;A(2).x2=’姓名’;A(2).x3=’专业’;A(2).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(3).x1=’学号’;A(3).x2=’姓名’;A(3).x3=’专业’;A(3).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(4).x1=’学号’;A(4).x2=’姓名’;A(4).x3=’专业’;A(4).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(5).x1=’学号’;A(5).x2=’姓名’;A(5).x3=’专业’;A(5).x4.x41=’成绩1’;……….8.(1)size(B)ans =2 2ndims(B)ans =2(2)B(2)ans =[3x3 doubleB(4)ans ={3x3 cell}(3)B(3)=[]B =[1] [3x3 double] {3x3 cell}B{3}=[]B =[1] [3x3 double] []第三章1.(1)A=eye(3)(2) A=100+100*rand(5,6)(3)A=1+sqrt(0.2)*randn(10,50)(4)B=ones(size(A))(5)A+30*eye(size(A))(6)B=diag(diag(A))2.B=rot90(A)C=rot90(A,-1)3.B=inv(A) ;A的逆矩阵C=det(A) ;A的行列式的值D=A*BE=B*AD=E 因此A与A-1是互逆的。

实验一:T1:%%第一小题z1=2*sin(85*pi/180)/(1+exp(2))%%第二小题x=[2,1+2i;,5];z2=1/2*log(x+sqrt(1+x.^2));z2%%第三小题a=::;z3=1/2*(exp*a)-exp*a)).*sin(a++log(+a )/2)%%第四题t=0::z4=(t>=0&t<1).*(t.^2)+(t>=1&t<2).*(t. ^2-1)+(t>=2&t<3).*(t.^2-2*t+1)T2:A=[12,34,-4;34,7,87;3,65,7]B=[1,3,-1;2,0,3;3,-2,7]disp ('A+6*B=');disp(A+6*B);disp('A-B+I=');disp(A-B+eye(3));disp('A*B=');disp(A*B);disp('A.*B=');disp(A.*B);disp('A^3=');disp(A^3);disp('A.^3=');disp(A.^3);disp('A/B=');disp(A/B);disp('B\A=');disp(B\A);disp('[A,B]=');disp([A,B]);disp('[A([1,3],:);B^2]=');disp([A([1,3],:);B^2]);T3:z=1:25;A=reshape(z,5,5)';B=[3,0,16;17,-6,9;0,23,-4;9,7,0;4,13,11];C=A*BD=C(3:5,2:3)T4-1:a=100:999;b=find(rem(a,21)==0);c=length(b)T4-2:a=input('请输入一个字符串:','s');b=find(a>='A'&a<='Z');a(b)=[];disp(a);实验二:T1:E=eye(3),R=rand(3,2),O=zeros(2,3),S=d iag([1,2]);A=[E,R;O,S]disp('A^2=');disp(A^2);disp('[E,R+RS;O,S^2]');B=[E,R+R*S;O,S^2]T2:H=hilb(5)P=pascal(5)Hh=det(H)Hp=det(P)Th=cond(H)Tp=cond(P)a=abs(Th-1);b=abs(Tp-1);if a>bdisp('帕萨卡矩阵P性能更好'); elseif a<bdisp('希尔伯特矩阵H性能更好'); elsedisp('两个矩阵性能相同');endT3:a=1:25;A=reshape(a,5,5)disp('行列式的值:');disp(det(A));disp('矩阵的秩:');disp(rank(A));disp('矩阵的迹:');disp(trace(A));disp('矩阵的范数:');disp(norm(A));T4:A=[-29,6,18;20,5,12;-8,8,5][V,D]=eig(A)T5:A=[1/2,1/3,1/4;1/3,1/4,1/5;1/4,1/5,1/ 6]B=[,,]'X1=A\BB(3)=X2=A\Bdisp('系数矩阵A的条件数:');disp(cond(A));T6:a=1:25;A=reshape(a,5,5)disp('B1=sqrtm(A)');B1=sqrtm(A)disp('B2=sqrt(A)');B2=sqrt(A)disp('B1*B1');B1*B1disp('B2.*B2');B2.*B2实验三:T1:x=:2:for i=1:length(x);if (x(i)<0)&(x(i)~=-3)y(i)=x(i)^2+x(i)-6;elseif(x(i)>=0)&(x(i)<5)&(x(i)~=2)&(x(i)~=3 );y(i)=x(i)^2-5*x(i)+6;elsey(i)=x(i)^2-x(i)-1;endendyT2-if:s=input('please enter the score:');while (s<0||s>100)disp('the score is not reasonable'); s=input('please enter the score:'); endif (s>=90&s<=100);disp('A');elseif(s>=80&s<90);disp('B');elseif(s>=70&s<80);disp('C');elseif(s>=60&s<70);disp('D');elsedisp('E');endT2-switch:s=input('please enter the score:'); while (s<0||s>100)disp('the score is not reasonable'); s=input('please enter the score:'); endswitch fix(s/10)case{9,10}disp('A');case{8}disp('B');case{7}disp('C');case{6}disp('D');case{0,1,2,3,4,5}disp('E');endT3:t=input('请输入工时time=');if t>120w=120*84+(t-120)**84;elseif t<60w=t*84-700;elsew=84*t;enddisp('应发工资为:');disp(w);T4:a=10+floor(rand(1)*89)b=10+floor(rand(1)*89)s=input('请输入+或-或*或/','s');while(s~='+'&&s~='-'&&s~='*'&&s~='/') disp('输入的符号错误,请重新输入'); s=input('请输入+或-或*或/','s'); endswitch scase{'+'}c=a+b;case{'-'}c=a-b;case{'*'}c=a*b;case{'/'}c=a/b;endcT5:A=rand(5,6)n=input('请输入n:');while (n<1)disp('输入的n有误,请重新输入'); n=input('请输入n:');endif n>5B=A(5,:)elseB=A(n,:)End实验四:T1:n=input('请输入n:');m=0;for i=1:n;m=m+1/i^2;endpii=sqrt(6*m)T1-2:n=input('请输入n:');m=1./(1:n).^2;s=sum(m);pii=sqrt(6*s)T2:n=1000;y=0;for i=1:n;y=y+1/(2*i-1);if y>=3disp('最大n值为:');i-1disp('对应的y值为:');y-1/(2*i-1)break;endendT3:format longa=input('请输入a:');b=input('请输入b:');x(1)=a/+b);i=1;x(2)=a/(x(i)+b);while (abs(x(i+1)-x(i))>&i<500)i=i+1;x(i+1)=a/(x(i)+b);endr1=(-b+sqrt(b^2+4*a))/2;r2=(-b-sqrt(b^2+4*a))/2;disp(['x',num2str(i+1),'=',num2str(x( i+1),8)]);disp(['x',num2str(i),'=',num2str(x(i) ,8)]);disp(['r1=',num2str(r1,8),',r2=',num2 str(r2,8)]);format shortT4:f(1)=1;f(2)=0;f(3)=1;i=4;while(i<=100)f(i)=f(i-1)-2*f(i-2)+f(i-3);i=i+1;endfmax=max(f)fmin=min(f)fsum=sum(f)fp=length(find(f>0))fn=length(find(f<0))f0=length(find(f==0))T5:j=0;s=0;for i=3:50m=i*(i-1)-1;if isprime(m)==1ms=s+m;j=j+1;endenddisp(['亲密数的对数:',num2str(j)]); disp(['所有亲密素数之和:',num2str(s)]);实验五:fn1:function f=fn1(n)f=n+10*log(n.^2+5);fn2:function f=fn2(n)f=0;for i=1:nf=f+i*(i+1);endfx:function f=fx(x)f=1./((x-2).^2++1./((x-3).^4+;T1:x=input('请输入一个复数:');fe=exp(x)flg=log(x)fsin=sin(x)fcos=cos(x)T2:m1=input('请输入m1:');m2=input('请输入m2:');t=input('请输入theta:');A=[m1*cos(t),-m1,-sin(t),0;m1*sin(t), 0,...cos(t),0;0,m2,-sin(t),0;0,0,-cos(t),1 ]B=[0,m1*,0,m2*]'disp('[a1,a2,N1,N2]=');disp([A\B]');T3:j=1;n=1;k=1;for i=10:99 % 挑选出10~99中所有的素数if isprime(i)==1m(j)=i;j=j+1;endendfor t=1:length(m);s(n)=10*rem(m(t),10)+fix(m(t)/10); %挑选出的素数进行位置交换if isprime(s(n))==1 %再挑选出交换绝对素数r(k)=m(t);k=k+1;endn=n+1;enddisp(['所有两位绝对素数:',num2str(r)])T5:y1=fn1(40)/(fn1(30)+fn1(20)) %函数调用y2=fn2(40)/(fn2(30)+fn2(20))实验六:T1:x=linspace(0,2*pi,101);y=+3*sin(x)./(1+x.^2)).*cos(x);plot(x,y);T2:x=linspace(0,2*pi,100);y1=x.^2;y2=cos(2*x);y3=y1.*y2;subplot(2,2,1);plot(x,y1,'r:',x,y2,'y-',x,y3,'b-.'); subplot(2,2,2);plot(x,y1,'r:');subplot(2,2,3);plot(x,y2,'y-');subplot(2,2,4);plot(x,y3,'b-.');T2-3:x=linspace(0,2*pi,10);y1=x.^2;y2=cos(2*x);y3=y1.*y2;subplot(3,4,1);bar(x,y1,'r');axis([0,7,0,40]); subplot(3,4,2);stairs(x,y1,'y');axis([0,7,0,40]); subplot(3,4,3);stem(x,y1,'b');axis([0,7,0,40]); subplot(3,4,4);fill(x,y1,'g');axis([0,7,0,40]); subplot(3,4,5);bar(x,y2,'r');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); subplot(3,4,6);stairs(x,y2,'y');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); subplot(3,4,7);stem(x,y2,'b');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); subplot(3,4,8);fill(x,y2,'g');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); subplot(3,4,9);bar(x,y3,'r');axis([0,7,-30,50]); subplot(3,4,10);stairs(x,y3,'y');axis([0,7,-30,50]); subplot(3,4,11);stem(x,y3,'b');axis([0,7,-30,50]); subplot(3,4,12);fill(x,y3,'g');axis([0,7,-30,50]);T3:x=linspace(-5,5,100);y=[];for x0=x;if x0<=0;y=[y,(x0+sqrt(pi))/exp(2)]; elsey=[y,1/2*log(x0+sqrt(1+x0^2))];endendsubplot(1,2,1);plot(x,y);for i=1:length(x)if x(i)<=0y(i)=(x(i)+sqrt(pi))/exp(2); elsey(i)=1/2*log(x(i)+sqrt(1+x(i)^2)); endendsubplot(1,2,2);plot(x,y);T4:a=input('请输入a:');b=input('请输入b:');n=input('请输入n:');theta=0::2*pi;y=a.*sin(b+n.*theta);polar(theta,y);T5:x=linspace(-5,5,21);y=linspace(0,10,31);[x,y]=meshgrid(x,y);z=cos(x).*cos(y).*exp(-sqrt(x.^2+y.^2 )/4);subplot(1,2,1);surf(x,y,z);subplot(1,2,2);contour3(x,y,z);T6:s=0:pi/2;t=0:3*pi/2;[s,t]=meshgrid(s,t);x=cos(s).*cos(t);y=cos(s).*sin(t);z=sin(s);surf(x,y,z);shading interp;实验八:T1:A=rand(1,30000);disp('均值为:');mean(A)disp('标准方差为:');std(A)disp('最大元素为:');max(A)disp('最小元素为:');min(A)k=find(A>;b=length(k);disp('大于的随机数个数占总数的百分比:');sprintf('%f%%', b/300)T2:P=45+50*rand(100,5)disp('最高分及序号:');[Y,U]=max(P,[],1)disp('最低分及序号:');[Y1,U1]=min(P,[],1)disp('每门课平均分:');mean(P,1)disp('每门课的标准方差:');std(P,0,1)s=sum(P,2);disp('总分最高分:');[Y2,U2]=max(s,[],1)disp('总分最低分:');[Y3,U3]=min(s,[],1)[zcj,xsxh]=sort(s,1,'descend') %desc end降序T3:h=6:2:18;t1=[,,,,,,];t2=[,,,,,,];t=:2:;T1=interp1(h,t1,t,'spline')T2=interp1(h,t2,t,'spline')T4:x=1:10:101;y=log10(x);p=polyfit(x,y,5)x1=1::101;y1=log10(x1);y2=polyval(p,x1);plot(x1,y1,'r-',x1,y2,'b-.');T5:P1=[1,2,4,0,5];P2=[0,0,0,1,2];P3=[0,0,1,2,3];P4=conv(P2,P3);sp1=length(P1);sp2=length(P4);P=[zeros(1,sp2-sp1),P1]+P4x=roots(P)A=[-1,,;,2,;0,5,];Ax=polyval(P,A)AA=polyvalm(P,A)实验九:T1:f=inline('det([x x^2 x^3;1 2*x 3*x^2;0 2 6*x])');i=1;x=1;while x<=g(i)=f(x);i=i+1;x=x+;enddx=diff(g)/;dx(1)dx(101)dx(length(g)-1)T2:f1=inline('sqrt(cos(t.^2)+4*sin(2*t). ^2+1)')f2=inline('log(1+x)./(1+x.^2)')I1=quad(f1,0,2*pi)I2=quad(f2,0,2*pi)T3:A=[6,5,-2,5;9,-1,4,-1;3,4,2,-2;3,-9,0 ,2];B=[-4,13,1,11]';x1=A\B[L,U]=lu(A);x2=U\(L\B)[Q,R]=qr(A);x3=R\(Q\B)fun:function F=fun(X);x=X(1);y=X(2);z=X(3);F(1)=sin(x)+y^2+log(z)-7;F(2)=3*x+2^y-z^3+1;F(3)=x+y+z-5;T5:f=inline('3*x+sin(x)-exp(x)');fzero(f,X=fsolve('fun',[1 1 1]',optimset('Display','off'))实验十:T1:x=sym('6');y=sym('5');z=(x+1)/(sqrt(3+x)-sqrt(y))T2:syms x y;t=sym('5135');factor(x^4-y^4)factor(t)T3:syms beta1 beta2 x;simplify(sin(beta1)*cos(beta2)-cos(be ta1)*sin(beta2))simplify((4*x^2+8*x+3)/(2*x+1))T4:syms a b c d e f g h k;p1=[0,1,0;1,0,0;0,0,1];p2=[1,0,0;0,1,0;1,0,1];A=[a,b,c;d,e,f;g,h,k];B=p1*p2*AB1=inv(B)B1*B;tril(B)det(B)T5:syms x t a yf1=(x*(exp(sin(x))+1)-2*(exp(tan(x))-1))/sin(x)^3;limit(f1,x,0) %(1)f2=(sqrt(pi)-sqrt(acos(x)))/sqrt(x+1) ;limit(f2,x,-1,'right') %(2)f3=(1-cos(2*x))/x;diff(f3,x,1) %(3)diff(f3,x,2)A=[a^x,t^3;t*cos(x),log(x)];diff(A,x,1) &(4)diff(A,t,2)diff(diff(A,x,1),t,1)f5=(x^2-2*x)*exp(-x^2-y^2-x*y);yx=-diff(f5,x,1)/diff(f5,y,1) %(5) fxy=diff(diff(f5,x,1),y,1)x=sym('0');y=sym('1');eval(fxy)T6:x=sym('x');f1=1/(1+x^4+x^8);int(f1,x)f2=1/(asin(x))^2/sqrt(1-x^2);int(f2,x)f3=(x^2+1)/(x^4+1);int(f3,x,0,inf)f4=exp(x)*(1+exp(x))^2;int(f4,x,0,log(2))实验十一:T1:syms n x ;S1=symsum(1/(2*n-1),n,1,10)S2=symsum(n^2*x^(n-1),n,1,inf)S3=symsum(n^2/5^n,n,1,inf)T2:x=sym('x');f=log(x);taylor(f,x,6,1)T3:x1=solve('log(1+x)-5/(1+sin(x))=2')x2=solve('x^2+9*sqrt(x+1)-1=0')x3=solve('3*x*exp(x)+5*sin(x)=0')[x4,y4]=solve('sqrt(x^2+y^2)-100=0',' 3*x+5*y-8=0')T4:dsolve('D2y+4*Dy+29*y=0','y(0)=0','Dy (0)=15','x')T5:[x,y,z]=dsolve('Dx=2*x-3*y+3*z','Dy=4 *x-5*y+3*z','Dz=4*x-4*y+2*z','t')。

Matlab课后实验题答案实验一 MATLAB运算基础1. 先求下列表达式的值,然后显示MATLAB工作空间的使用情况并保存全部变量。
(1)0 122sin851ze =+(2)21ln( 2z x=+,其中2120.455i x+⎡⎤=⎢⎥-⎣⎦(3)0.30.330.3sin(0.3)ln, 3.0, 2.9,,2.9,3.0 22a ae e az a a--+=++=--(4)2242011122123t tz t tt t t⎧≤<⎪=-≤<⎨⎪-+≤<⎩,其中t=0:0.5:2.52. 已知:1234413134787,2033657327A B --⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦求下列表达式的值:(1) A+6*B 和A-B+I (其中I 为单位矩阵) (2) A*B 和A.*B (3) A^3和A.^3 (4) A/B 及B\A(5) [A,B]和[A([1,3],:);B^2] 解:3. 设有矩阵A 和B123453166789101769,111213141502341617181920970212223242541311A B ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥==-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦(1) 求它们的乘积C 。
(2) 将矩阵C 的右下角3×2子矩阵赋给D 。
(3) 查看MATLAB 工作空间的使用情况。
4. 完成下列操作:(1) 求[100,999]之间能被21整除的数的个数。
(2) 建立一个字符串向量,删除其中的大写字母。
解:(1) 结果:(2). 建立一个字符串向量 例如:ch='ABC123d4e56Fg9';则要求结果是:实验二 MATLAB 矩阵分析与处理1. 设有分块矩阵33322322E R A O S ⨯⨯⨯⨯⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦,其中E 、R 、O 、S 分别为单位矩阵、随机矩阵、零矩阵和对角阵,试通过数值计算验证22E R RS A OS +⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦。

^2—2*t+1)T2:A=[12,34,-4;34,7,87;3,65,7]B=[1,3,-1;2,0,3;3,—2,7]disp ('A+6*B=’);disp(A+6*B);disp('A-B+I=’);disp(A—B+eye(3));disp('A*B=’);disp(A*B);disp('A.*B=’);disp(A。
^3=’);disp(A.^3);disp(’A/B=’);disp(A/B);disp(’B\A=');disp(B\A);disp(’[A,B]=');disp([A,B]);disp(’[A([1,3],:);B^2]=');disp([A([1,3],:);B^2]);T3:z=1:25;A=reshape(z,5,5)’;B=[3,0,16;17,-6,9;0,23,-4;9,7,0;4,13,11];C=A*BD=C(3:5,2:3)T4—1:a=100:999;b=find(rem(a,21)==0);c=length(b)T4-2:a=input('请输入一个字符串:’,’s’);b=find(a〉='A’&a〈=’Z’);a(b)=[];disp(a);实验二:T1:E=eye(3),R=rand(3,2),O=zeros (2,3),S=diag([1,2]);A=[E,R;O,S]disp(’A^2=');disp(A^2);disp('[E,R+RS;O,S^2]’);B=[E,R+R*S;O,S^2]T2:H=hilb(5)P=pascal(5)Hh=det(H)Hp=det(P)Th=cond(H)Tp=cond(P)a=abs(Th—1);b=abs(Tp-1);if a>bdisp('帕萨卡矩阵P性能更好');elseif a<bdisp(’希尔伯特矩阵H性能更好’); elsedisp(’两个矩阵性能相同’);endT3:a=1:25;A=reshape(a,5,5)disp(’行列式的值:’);disp(det(A));disp('矩阵的秩:’);disp(rank(A));disp('矩阵的迹:');disp(trace(A));disp(’矩阵的范数:');disp(norm(A));T4:A=[—29,6,18;20,5,12;—8,8,5][V,D]=eig(A)T5:A=[1/2,1/3,1/4;1/3,1/4,1/5;1/4,1/5,1/6] B=[0.95,0。

Matlab编程与工程应用〔第二版习题解答第一章:MATLAB简介1.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;2.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;3.>> namelengthmaxans =634.>> format bank>> 1/3ans =0.335.>> format rat>> 5/6 + 2/7ans =47/426.25 19 4.3333 9 97.>> pounds = 100;>> kilos = 2.2 * poundskilos =220.00008.>> R1 = 20; R2 = 30; R3 = 40;>> RT = <R1\1 + R2\1 + R3\1>\1RT =9.23089.>> ftemp = 90;>> ctemp = <ftemp - 32> * 5 / 9ctemp =32.222210. 略11.>> sind<90>ans =112.>> sita = 2 * pi / 3;>> r = 2;>> x = r * cos<sita>x =-1.0000>> y = r * sin<sita>y =1.732113.>> t = 100;V = 50;>> wcf = 35.7 + 0.6 * t - 35.7 + 0.16 * V + 0.43 * t * 0.16 * Vwcf =41214.Fix<3.5> = 3; Floor<3.5> = 3;Fix<3.4> = 3; Fix<-3.4> = -3;Fix<3.2> = 3; Floor<3.2> = 3;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Floor<-3.2> = -4;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Ceil<-3.2> = -3;15.Sqrt<19>3 ^ 1.2Tan<pi>16.Intmin<‘int32’>; intmax<‘int32’>; intmin<‘int64’>;intmax<‘int64’>;17.Realmin<‘double’>; Realmax<‘double’>;18.>> DblNum = 33.8;>> int32Num = int32<DblNum>int32Num =3419.>> A1 = rand;A2 = 20*rand;A3 = 30 * rand + 20;A4 = round<rand * 10>;A5 = round<rand * 11>; /A6 = round<rand * 50> + 50;>> A4 = randi<10>;>> A5 = randi<11>;>> A6 = randi<50> + 50;20. 略21.Double〔‘A’ < Double<‘a’>; 所以大写在前,小写在后;22.>> CharNum = 'xyz';>> CharNum = char<CharNum - 2>CharNum =vwx23.>> vec = [3 : 1 : 6]vec =3 4 5 6>> vec2 = [1.0000:0.5000:3.0000]vec2 =1.0000 1.50002.0000 2.50003.0000>> vec3 = [5 : -1 :2]vec3 =5 4 3 224.>> vec1 = linspace<4,8,3>vec1 =4 6 8>> vec2 = linspace<-3,-15,5>vec2 =-3 -6 -9 -12 -15>> vec3 = linspace<9,5,3>vec3 =9 7 525.>> vec = [1 : 1 : 10]vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec = linspace<1,10,10>vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec2 = [2:5:12]vec2 =2 7 12>> vec = linspace<2,12,3>vec =2 7 12>> myend = randi<4> + 8;>> vec1 = [1 : 3 : myend]vec1 =1 4 7 1027.>> vec = [-1:0.2:1]'vec =-1.0000-0.8000-0.6000-0.4000-0.20000.20000.40000.60000.80001.000028.>> vec = [0 : 1 : 15];>> n = [1 : 2 : numel<vec> - 1];>> vec2 = vec<n>vec2 =0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 29.function [a b] = PI_CONT<x>%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes heren =1 : 1 : fix<numel<x> / 2>;a = x<n>;n = 1+fix<numel<x>/2> : 1 : numel<x>;b = x<n>;endrem<numel<vec>,2>30.rand<2,3>10*rand<2,3>5 + round<15 * rand<2,3>>randint<2,3,[5 15]>31.rows = randi<5>;cols = randi<5>;y = zeros<rows,cols>;>> mat = [ 7 8 9 1012 10 8 6];>> A1 = mat<1,3>>> A2 = mat<2,:>>> A3 = mat<:,1:2>33.>> mymat = [2 3 4;5 6 7]>> mymat1 = fliplr<mymat>>> mymat2 = flipud<mymat>>> mymat3 = rot90<mymat>34.>> mymatzero = zeros<4,2>>> mymatzero<2,:> = [3,6]35.>> x = linspace<-pi,pi,20>;>> y = sin<x>;36.>> randmat = randint<3,5,[-5 5]> >> sign<randmat>37.>> randmat = randint<4,6,[-5 5]>;>> randmat2 = abs<randmat> 38.>> randmat = rand<3,5>>> randmat<3,:> = []39.>> vec = 1 : 1:1000;>> vec<end>>> vec<numel<vec>>>> [a b ] = size<vec>;>> vec<a * b>40.同上41.>> mat = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,1> = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,2> = zeros<3,5>; 42.>> myc = clock>> today = myc<1:3>>> now = myc<4:6>>> now = fix<now>第二章 MATLAB程序设计概述1.ri = 2; % Radius internalro = 4; % Radius outerV = 4 * pi / 3 * <ro ^ 3 - ri ^ 3> % calculate volume2.% Calculate Atomic Weight H2O2Weight_O = 15.9994;Weight_H = 1.0079;AtomicWeight = Weight_O * 2 + Weight_H * 2 % Calculate H2O2 Atomic Weight 3.fprintf<'Length of The character string is : %d\n',…length<input<'Please input character string :\n','s'>>>;4.NewNumber = input<'please input a Number :\n'>;fprintf<'Number with 2 decimal is :%0.2f\n',NewNumber>;5.>> vec = input<'Enter a matrix: '>Enter a matrix: [1:1:10;1:1:10]6.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.678900>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.2f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.68>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %6.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %2.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.67897.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %5d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %8d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %3d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 123458.>> x = 12.34;>> y = 4.56;>> fprintf<'x is %.3f\n',x>x is 12.340>> fprintf<'x is %0.0f\n',x>x is 12>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f\n',y>y is 4.6>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f !\n',y>y is 4.6 !9.% Calculate Area of the squarenessfprintf<'The Area of The Squareness is %.2f',…<input<'Please input the Length of the Squareness \n'>> …* <input<'Please input the Width of the Squareness \n'>>>;10.NewName = input<'What is your name? ','s'>;fprintf<'Wow,your name is %s!\n',NewName>;11.NewString = input<'Enter your string : ','s'>;fprintf<'Your String was : ''%s''\n',NewString>;12.WaterSpeed = input<'Enter the folw in m^3/s : '>;WaterSpeedft = 0.028 \ WaterSpeed;fprintf<'A flow rate of %.3f meters per sec \n',WaterSpeed>;fprintf<'is equivalent to %.3f feet per sec\n',WaterSpeedft>;13.IncomeY = input<'Input your income every year?'>;FoodCostY= [IncomeY * 8 / 100 IncomeY*10 / 100];FoodCostM = 12\FoodCostY;fprintf<'Food Cost in every year is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostY<1>,FoodCostY<2>>; fprintf<'Food Cost in every Month is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostM<1>,FoodCostM<2>>;14.Weight = input<'Please input the Weight of the plan \n'>Area = input<'Please input the area of the plan wing \n'>fprintf<'Charge of Plan Win is %.2f \n',Weight / Area>15.x = 10;y = 10;plot<x,y,'g+'>;16.clfx = -2 : 0.1 : 2;y = exp<x>;plot<x,y,'g'>;xlabel<'X'>;ylabel<'Y'>;legend<'Exp<x>'>;Title<'Exp Example'>;17.clfx = 1 : 5 : 100;y = sqrt<x>;plot<x,y,'go'>;hold on;bar<x,y>;18.clfy = randint<1,100,[0 100]>;x = 1 : 1 : length<y>;plot<x,y,'ro'>;hold onplot<x,y,'g+'>;figure<2>;plot<x,y,'k'>;figure<3>;bar<x,y>19.clfx = linspace<0,pi,10>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'r'>;figure<2>;x = linspace<0,pi,100>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'b'>;20.load TimeTemp.datx = TimeTemp<:,1>';y = TimeTemp<:,2>';plot<x,y>;Xlabel<'Height'>;Ylabel<'Temperature'>;Title<'Height - Temperature'>;legend<'TEMP'>21.>> randint<3,6,[50 100]>;>> save RandInt.bat ans -ascii;>> randint<2,6,[50 100]>>> save RandInt.bat randint -ascii –append >> load RandInt.bat>> RandInt22.>> load testtan.bat>> tan<testtan>23.>> load hightemp.dat>> hightemp<:,1> = hightemp<:,1> .+ 1900>> save y2ktemp.dat hightemp –ascii24.function [ fn ] = fn< x >%Calculate y as a function of xfn = x^3 - 4 * x^2 + sin<x>;end25.function [ mwh] = mwh_to_gj<x>%convers from MWh to GJmwh = 3.6 * x;end26.function [ output_args ] = miletometer< x >%Conver mile to meterMile = input<'mile per hours number :'>;meter = Mile * 5280 * 0.3048 / 3600;output_args = meter;fprintf<'Meter of the mile is : % .2f',meter>; end27.function [ Tn ] = Interest< p,i,n >%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTn = p * <1 + i> * n;end28.略29.function [ V ] = SpeedConv<pi,ps>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1.016 * sqrt<pi - ps>end30. function [ THR ] =Cal_rate<A>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTHR = <220 - A> * 0.6;end31.function [ nJ ] =STL_calc<n>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes herenJ = sqrt<2 * pi * n> * <n / exp<1>>^n;end32.function [ output_args ] = costn< n >%UNTITLED5 Summary of this function goes hereoutput_args = 5 * n ^ 2 - 44 * n + 11;endn = input<'Enter the number of units :'>;Cn = costn<n>;fprintf<'The cost for 100 units will be $%.2f\n',Cn>;33.略〔仿造32题34.function [ V ] = oblong< length >%UNTITLED8 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1/12*sqrt<2>*length^3;endfprintf<'The volume of oblong is : %.2f\n ',oblong<input<'Enter the length of the oblong:\n'>>>35.function [ y ] = pickone< x >%pickone<x> returns a random element from vector xn = length<x>;y = x<randi<n>>;end36.function [ y ] = vecout< x >%UNTITLED11 Summary of this function goes herey = x : 1 : x+5;end37.b = input<'Enter the first side :'>;c = input<'Enter the second side :'>afa = input<'Enter the angle between them :'>y = sqrt<b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos<afa *<pi/180>>>;fprintf<'The third side is %.3f\n',y>;38.略39.load floatnums.datfloatnums = round<floatnums>;floatnums = floatnums';save intnums.datfloatnums-ascii;40.load costssales.datn = length<costssales<:,1>>;fprintf<'There were %d quarters in the file ',n>;n = 1 : 1 : n;costs = costssales<:,1>;sales = costssales<:,1>;plot<n,costs,'ko'>;hold onplot<n,sales,'b*'>;legend<'COSTS','SALES'>;xlabel<'COST'>;ylabel<'SALE'>;title<'COST-SALE'>;costssales = costssales'costssales = flipud<costssales>;save newfile.datcostssales-ascii;第三章选择语句2. if <input<'please Enter a x :\n','s'> ~= 'x'>disp<'sorry the char not x'>;end3. function y = Test3<x>if <x == 12>y = 1;elsey = x + 1;end;4. disp<'The program will calculate the volume of a pyramid'>;a = input<'Enter the length of the base :'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?','s'>;if< c == 'c'>a = a/2.54;end;b = input<'Enter the width of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>b = b/2.54;end;d = input<'Enter the length of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>d = d/2.54;end;fprintf<'The Volume of the Pyramid is %.3f cubic inches.',a * b * d / 3>;5.if<input<'Are you an engineer?<Y/N>','s'> == 'Y'>disp<'You are the best!'>;elsedisp<'oh~ soga'>;end;6.Fenzi = input<'Please input enter the FENZI: '>;Fenmu = input<'Please input enter the FENMU: '>;if<Fenmu == 0>disp<'Sorry The Fenmu can not be zero!'>;elsefprintf<'The result is %.2f.\n',Fenzi/Fenmu>;end;7.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes hereResult = sqrt<1 - b^2/a>;EndFunction:a = input<'Please Enter the a : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the b : '>;if <a == 0>disp<'Error 0001'>;elsefprintf<'The Result is %.2f \n',Test3_Func<a,b>>;end;8.a = input<'Please Enter the Shousuo : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the Shuzhang : '>;if <a<120 && b<80>disp<'you are the best choice !'>;elsedisp<'Sorry you can not do this!'>;end;9.A1 = input<'Enter the First Area: '>;A2 = input<'Enter the Second Area: '>;if<A1 > A2>disp<'UP!'>;elseif <A1 < A2>disp<'Down!'>;elsedisp<'Keep!'>;en10.a = input<'Enter the PH number : '>;if <a < 7>disp<'Suan'>;elseif <a > 7>disp<'Jian'>;elsedisp<'Zhong'>;end;11.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes hereif <a < b>Result = a : 1 : b;elseResult = a : -1 : b;end12.function Result = Test3_Func< x >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here[a b] = size<x>;if <<a ~= 1 && b ~= 1> || <a == 1 && b == 1>> Result = x;elseif<a == 1>Result = fliplr<x>;elseResult = flipud<x>;end13.letter = input<'Enter your answer :','s'>;if <letter == 'Y' || letter == 'y'>disp<'OK,continuing'>;elseif<letter == 'N' || letter == 'n'>disp<'OK,halting'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end14.switch lettercase {'Y''y'}disp<'OK,contining'>case {'N''n'}disp<'OK,halting'>otherwisedisp<'Error'>end15.Mahe = input<'Enter the Speed of Plan : '>/input<'Enter the Speed of Voice: '>; if<Mahe > 1>disp<'supersonic speed'>;elseif<Mahe < 1>disp<'subsonic speed'>;elsedisp<'transonic speed'>;end;16.X = input<'Enter the temp in degrees C : \n'>;switch <input<'Do you want F or K?','s'>>case'F'fprintf<'The temp in degrees F is %.1f',<9/5>*X + 32>;case'K'fprintf<'The temp in degrees K is %.1f',X + 273.15>;otherwisedisp<'Enter Error!'>;end;17.%function y = Test3<x>X = randi<100>;if rem<X,2> == 0fprintf<'%d ÊÇżÊý\n',X>;elsefprintf<'%d ÊÇÆæÊý\n',X>;end18.function y = Test3<x>switch rem<x,4>case 0y = true;otherwisey =false;end;19.function y = Test3<innum>if innum == int32<innum>y = true;elsey =false;end;20.function y = Test3<a,b,c>if a^2 == b^2 + c^2y = true;elsey =false;end;21.Re = input<'Enter the Re Value :\n'>;if Re <= 2300 disp<'Laminar region'>;elseif Re > 2300 && Re <= 4000 disp<'Transition region'>; else disp<'Turbulent region'>;end;22.d1 = input<'Enter d1 : \n'>;d2 = input<'Enter d2 : \n'>;if d1 <= 0 || d2 <= 0disp<'Error!'>;elsefprintf<'%.2f',Test3_Func<d1,d2>>;end;function y = Test3_Func<a,b>y = a * b / 2;23.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing: '>;if V <= 38 disp<'tropical depression '>;elseif V >= 73 disp<'typhoon'>;else disp<'revolving storm'>;end;24.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing :'>;if V >74 && V <= 95disp<'1 : 4-5'>;elseif V > 95 && V <= 110disp<'2 : 6-8'>;elseif V > 110 && V <= 130disp<'3 : 9-12'>;elseif V > 130 && V <= 155disp<'4 : 13-18'>;elseif V > 155disp<'5 : 18'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end25.略26.H = input<'Enter the hight of the cloude :'>;if H < 6500 && H > 0disp<'Low'>;elseif H >= 6500 && H < 20000disp<'Middle'>;elsedisp<'High'>;27.if letter == 'x'disp<'Hello'>;elseif letter == 'y'||letter == 'Y'disp<'Yes'>;elseif letter == 'Q'disp<'Quit'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end;28.switch numcase {0 1 2}f2<num>;case {-2 -1}f3<num>;case 3f4<num>;otherwisef1<num>;end;29.switch menu<'menu','1.Cylinder','2.Circle','3.Rectangle'>case 1R = input<'Please enter the radius of buttom circle:'>;H = input<'Enter the height of the Cylinder:'>;A = 2 * pi * R * H + 2 * pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 2R = input<'Please enter the radius of circle:'>;A = pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 3a = input<'Please enter the long of Rectangle:'>;b = input<'Please enter the with of Rectangle :'>;A = a * b;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;end30.同2931.同2932.x = input<'Enter the Value X :'>;Y = menu<'Menue Choose','Sin','Cos','Tan'>;switch Ycase 1output = sin<x>;case 2output = cos<x>;case 3output = tan<x>;end;33.略34.function output = Test3_Func<x>Y = menu<'Menue Choose','ceil','round','sign'>;switch Ycase 1output = ceil<x>;case 2output = round<x>;case 3output = sign<x>;end;35.略36.略37.略第四章循环1.>> for i = 1.5:0.2:3.1i = iend2.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 0;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output + i;end;3.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 1;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output * i;end;4.5.>> for i = 32 : 1 : 255char<i>end;6.>> vec = [5.5 11 3.45];>> for i = 1 : length<vec>fprintf<'Element %d is %.2f .\n',i,vec<i>>;end;7.n = randi<4> + 1;sum = 0;for i = 1 : nsum = sum + input<'Enter the value'>;end;fprintf<'Sum = %.1f\n',sum>;8disp<'Please enter the threshold below which samples will be considered to be invalid :'>;Value1 = input<'Considered to be invalid :\n'>;Value2 = input<'Please enter the number of data samples to be entered :\n'>; Sum = 0;num = 0;for i = 1:Value2data = input<'Please enter a data sample :'>;if data > Value1Sum = Sum + data;num = num + 1;endendif num == 0disp<'Data Error !'>;elsefprintf<'The average of the %d valid data samples is %.2f volts.',num,Sum/num>; end9.load MaxTemp.mat[a b] = size<MaxTemp>;for i = 1 : a;Matix1 = zeros<size<MaxTemp>>;Matix1<i,:> = MaxTemp<i,:>end10.sum = 0;for i = 1 : length<pipe>sum = sum + <pipe<i,1> < 2.1 || pipe<i,1> > 2.3>;sum = sum + <pipe<i,2> < 10.3 || pipe<i,2> > 10.4>;endfprintf<'There were %d rejects.\n',sum>;11.略12.略13.x = randint<1,5,[-10,10]>;x2 = 0;for i = 1 : length<x>x1<1,i> = x<1,i> - 3;if x1<1,i> > 0x2 = x2 + 1;end;x3<1,i> = abs<x1<1,i>>;if i > 1x4 = max<x1<1,i>,x1<1,i-1>>;end;end16.17.略18.19.20.略22.略23.略24.10略略第五章向量化代码1.Mat.*2;2.Result = vec;3.cumprod<vec>;4.>> vec = randint<1,6,[0 20]>;>> maxvec = max<vec>;>> minvec = min<vec>;>> cumsumvec = cumsum<vec>5.Sum<vec>6.>> clear>> vec = randint<1,5,[-10 10]>;>> vec_3 = vec - 3;>> ZhengshuNum = length<find<vec > 0>>;>> vec_abs = abs<vec>;>> vec_max = max<vec>;7.max<vec,[],1>max<vec,[],2>max<max<vec>>;8.function output = Test3_Func<r,n>vec = [];for i = 0 : nvec = [vec r.^i];end;output = sum<vec>;>> vec1 = Vec<[1 3 5]>;>> vec2 = Vec<[2 4 6]>;>> CheckSum = vec1.*vec2;11.>> vec = 1 : 1 : 1000;>> Result = sum<1./<vec.^2>>;>> Check = pi.^2/6;>> diff = check – result13.略14.略15.clear;clf;vec_temp = 0 : 0.5 : 10;x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;while<all<vec_temp - x1>>x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;end;disp<x1>16.略17.ticif x==21disp<x>end;tocticswitch xcase 21disp <x>;end;toc18.Ones<3>19.If find<r > 0> == [] && fin<h > 0> == 0V = pi .*<r.^2>*hEnd;第六章 MATLAB 程序1~20 略21.function S = Test3_Func<n>P = 10000;i = 0.05;vec = 1 : 1 : n;S = P * <<1 + i>.^vec>;plot<vec,S>;n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;while ~<n >0 && int32<n> == n>n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;end;Test3_Func<n>;22.Function lenf = lenprompt<>;Lenf = input<‘Enter the length By inches: ’>; Function Leni = covert_f_to_i<lenf>Leni = …<英尺转英寸>Function printlens<lenf,leni>Disp<lenf>;Disp<leni>;23.略24.。

Matlab 程序设计与应用第二版刘卫国课后实验答案实验一: C=A*BT1: D=C(3:5,2:3)T4-1: %%第一小题z1=2*sin(85*pi/180)/(1+exp(2)) a=100:999; %% 第二小题b=find(rem(a,21)==0); x=[2,1+2i;-0.45,5]; c=length(b)z2=1/2*log(x+sqrt(1+x42)); T4-2:z2 a=input(' 请输入一个字符串:','s'); %% 第三小题b=find(a>='A'&a<='Z'); a=-3.0:0.1:3.0; a(b)=[];z3=1/2*(exp(0.3*a)-exp(-0.3*a)).*sin(a+0.3)+ldisp(a);og((0.3+a)/2) 实验二:%%第四题T1:t=0:0.5:2.5 E=eye(3),R=rand(3,2),O=zeros(2,3),S=diag([1,2z4=(t>=0&t<1).*(t.A2)+(t>=1 &t<2).*(t.A2-1)+(t]);>=2&t<3)*(t.A2-2*t+1) A=[E,R;O,S]disp('A A2='); T2: disp(A A2); A=[12,34,-4;34,7,87;3,65,7] disp('[E,R+RS;O,S A2]'); B=[1,3,-1;2,0,3;3,-2,7] B=[E,R+R*S;O,SA2] disp ('A+6*B='); T2:disp(A+6*B); H=hilb(5)disp('A-B+I='); P=pascal(5) disp(A-B+eye(3)); Hh=det(H)disp('A*B='); Hp=det(P)disp(A*B); Th=cond(H) disp('A.*B='); Tp=cond(P) disp(A.*B);a=abs(Th-1); disp('AA3='); b=abs(Tp-1); disp(AA3); if a>bdisp('A43='); disp(' 帕萨卡矩阵P 性能更好');disp(A43); elseif a<bdisp('A/B='); disp(' 希尔伯特矩阵H性能更好');disp(A/B); elsedisp('B\A='); disp(' 两个矩阵性能相同'); disp(B\A); end disp('[A,B]='); T3:disp([A,B]); a=1:25;disp('[A([1,3],:);B A2]='); A=reshape(a,5,5) disp([A([1,3],:);B A2]);disp(' 行列式的值:'); T3: disp(det(A)); z=1:25; disp(' 矩阵的秩:');A=reshape(z,5,5)'; disp(rank(A)); B=[3,0,16;17,-6,9;0,23,- 4;9,7,0;4,13,11]; disp(' 矩阵的迹:');1disp(trace(A)); enddisp(' 矩阵的范数:'); if (s>=90&s<=100);disp('A'); disp(norm(A));T4: elseif(s>=80&s<90); A=[-29,6,18;20,5,12;-8,8,5] disp('B'); [V,D]=eig(A)elseif(s>=70&s<80); T5: disp('C'); A=[1/2,1/3,1/4;1/3,1/4,1/5;1/4,1/5,1/6]elseif(s>=60&s<70); B=[0.95,0.67,0.52]' disp('D'); X1=A\B elseB(3)=0.53 disp('E'); X2=A\B enddisp('系数矩阵A的条件数:');T2-switch:disp(cond(A)); s=input('please enter the score:');T6: while (s<0||s>100) a=1:25; disp('the score is not reasonable');A=reshape(a,5,5) s=input('please enter the score:');disp('B1=sqrtm(A)'); endB1=sqrtm(A) switch fix(s/10) disp('B2=sqrt(A)'); case{9,10}B2=sqrt(A) disp('A');disp('B1*B1'); case{8}B1*B1 disp('B');disp('B2.*B2'); case{7}B2.*B2 disp('C');实验三: case{6}T1: disp('D');x=-5.0:2:5.0 case{0,1,2,3,4,5} for i=1:length(x); disp('E');if (x(i)<0)&(x(i)~=-3) endy(i)=x(iF2+x(i)-6; T3:elseif t=input(' 请输入工时time=');(x(i)>=0)&(x(i)<5)&(x(i)~=2)&(x(i)~=3); if t>120 y(i)=x(i)A2-5*x(i)+6; w=120*84+(t-120)*1.15*84;else elseif t<60y(i)=x(i)A2-x(i)-1; w=t*84-700;end elseend w=84*t; y endT2-if: disp(' 应发工资为:'); s=input('please enter the score:');disp(w);while (s<0||s>100) T4:disp('the score is not reasonable'); a=10+floor(rand(1)*89)s=input('please enter the score:'); b=10+floor(rand(1)*89)2s=i nput('请输入+ 或-或* 或/','s'); for i=1: n;while(s~='+'&&s~='-'&&s~='*'&&s~='/') y=y+1/(2*i-1);if y>=3 disp(' 输入的符号错误,请重新输入');s=input('请输入+ 或-或*或/','s'); disp(' 最大n 值为:');end i-1switch s disp(' 对应的y 值为:');case{'+'} y-1/(2*i-1)c=a+b; break;case{'-'} endend c=a-b;T3: case{'*'}c=a*b; format longa=input(' 请输入a:'); case{'/'}b=input(' 请输入b:'); c=a/b;x(1)=a/(1.0+b);i=1;x(2)=a/(x(i)+b);end while (abs(x(i+1)-x(i))>0.00001&i<500)i=i+1; cx(i+1)=a/(x(i)+b); T5:A=rand(5,6) endn=input('请输入n:'); r1=(-b+sqrt(b A2+4*a))/2;r2=(-b-sqrt(b A2+4*a))/2; while (n <1)disp(['x',num2str(i+1),'=',num2str(x(i+1),8)]); disp(' 输入的n 有误,请重新输入');n=input(' 请输入n:'); disp(['x',num2str(i),'=',num2str(x(i),8)]);end disp(['r1=',num2str(r1,8),',r2=',num2str(r2,8)])if n>5 ;B=A(5,:) format shortelse T4:B=A(n,:) f(1)=1;f(2)=0;f(3)=1;i=4; End while(i<=100) f(i)=f(i-1)-实验四: 2*f(i-2)+f(i-3);T1: i=i+1;n=input(' 请输入n:'); endm=0; fmax=max(f)for i=1:n; fmin=min(f)m=m+1/i A2; fsum=su m(f)end fp=length(find(f>0)) pii=sqrt(6*m) fn=length(find(f<0)) T1-2:f0=length(find(f==0)) n=input(' 请输入n:'); T5:m=1./(1:n).A2; j=0;s=0;s=sum(m); for i=3:50pii=sqrt(6*s) m=i*(i-1)-1; T2: if isprime(m)==1 n=1000;y=0; m3s=s+m; s(n)=10*rem(m(t),10)+fix(m(t)/10); %j=j+1; 挑选出的素数进行位置交换if isprime(s(n))==1 % 再挑选出交换endend 绝对素数disp([' 亲密数的对数:',num2str(j)]); r(k)=m(t);disp([' 所有亲密素数之和:',num2str(s)]); k=k+1;实验五: endfn1: n=n+1;function f=fn1(n) endf=n+10*log( n. A2+5); disp(['所有两位绝对素数:',num2str(r)]) fn2: T5: function f=fn2(n) y1=fn1(40)/(fn1(30)+fn1(20)) % 函数调用f=0;y2=fn2(40)/(fn2(30)+fn2(20)) for i=1:n 实验六:f=f+i*(i+1); T1:end x=linspace(0,2*pi,101); fx: y=(0.5+3*sin(x)./(1+x.A2)).*cos(x);function f=fx(x) plot(x,y);f=1./((x-2).A2+0.1)+1./((x-3).A4+0.01); T2:T1: x=linspace(0,2*pi,100); x=input(' 请输入一个复数:'); y1=x.A2;fe=exp(x) y2=cos(2*x);flg=log(x) y3=y1.*y2;fsin=sin(x) subplot(2,2,1);fcos=cos(x) plot(x,y1,'r:',x,y2,'y-',x,y3,'b-.'); T2: subplot(2,2,2);m1=input(' 请输入m1:'); plot(x,y1,'r:');m2=input(' 请输入m2:'); subplot(2,2,3);t=input(' 请输入theta:'); plot(x,y2,'y-');A=[m1*cos(t),-m1,-sin(t),0;m1*sin(t),0,... subplot(2,2,4);cos(t),0;0,m2,-sin(t),0;0,0,-cos(t),1] plot(x,y3,'b-.');B=[0,m1*9.8,0,m2*9.8]' T2-3:disp('[a1,a2,N1,N2]='); x=linspace(0,2*pi,10); disp([A\B]'); y1=x.A2;T3: y2=cos(2*x);j=1;n=1;k=1; y3=y1.*y2;for i=10:99 % 挑选出1 0~99中所subplot(3,4,1);有的素数bar(x,y1,'r');axis([0,7,0,40]);if isprime(i)==1 subplot(3,4,2);m(j)=i; stairs(x,y1,'y');axis([0,7,0,40]);j=j+1; subplot(3,4,3);end stem(x,y1,'b');axis([0,7,0,40]); end subplot(3,4,4);for t=1:length(m); fill(x,y1,'g');axis([0,7,0,40]);4subplot(3,4,5); theta=0:0.001:2*pi; bar(x,y2,'r');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); y=a.*sin(b+n.*theta);polar(theta,y); subplot(3,4,6);stairs(x,y2,'y');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); T5:subplot(3,4,7); x=linspace(-5,5,21); stem(x,y2,'b');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); y=linspace(0,10,31); subplot(3,4,8); [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y);fill(x,y2,'g');axis([-1,7,-1,1]); z=cos(x).*cos(y).*exp(- sqrt(x.A2+y.A2)/4);subplot(3,4,9); subplot(1,2,1); bar(x,y3,'r');axis([0,7,-30,50]); surf(x,y,z);subplot(3,4,10); subplot(1,2,2); stairs(x,y3,'y');axis([0,7,-30,50]); contour3(x,y,z); subplot(3,4,11); T6:stem(x,y3,'b');axis([0,7,-30,50]); s=0:pi/2;subplot(3,4,12); t=0:3*pi/2; fill(x,y3,'g');axis([0,7,-30,50]);[s,t]=meshgrid(s,t); T3: x=cos(s).*cos(t); x=linspace(-5,5,100);y=cos(s).*sin(t); y=[]; z=sin(s);for x0=x; surf(x,y,z);if x0<=0; shading interp;y=[y,(x0+sqrt(pi))/exp(2)]; 实验八:else T1:y=[y,1/2*log(xO+sqrt(1+xOA2))]; A=ra nd(1,30000);end disp(' 均值为 :');end mean(A)subplot(1,2,1); disp(' 标准方差为 :'); plot(x,y); std(A) disp(' 最大元素为 :'); max(A)disp(' 最小元素为 :'); for i=1:length(x) min(A) if x(i)<=0 k=find(A>0.5); y(i)=(x(i)+sqrt(pi))/exp(2); b=length(k);else disp(' 大于 0.5 的随机数个数占总数的百分y(i)=1/2*log(x(i)+sqrt(1+x(i)A 2)); 比:');end sprintf('%f%%', b/300) end T2:subplot(1,2,2); P=45+50*rand(100,5) plot(x,y); disp(' b=input(' 请输入 b:'); [Y1,U1]=min(P,[],1) n=input(' 门课平均分 :');mean(P,1) i=i+1;disp(' 每门课的标准方差 :'); x=x+0.01;end std(P,0,1)s=sum(P,2); dx=diff(g)/0.01; disp(' 总分最高分 :'); dx(1)[Y2,U2]=max(s,[],1) dx(101)disp(' 总分最低分 :'); dx(length(g)-1) [Y3,U3]=min(s,[],1) T2:[zcj,xsxh]=sort(s,1,'descend') %descend f1=i nli ne('sqrt(cos(t42)+4*si n(2*t)42+1)')序 f2=i nli ne('log(1+x)丿(1+X.A2)')T3: I1=quad(f1,0,2*pi) h=6:2:18; I2=quad(f2,0,2*pi) 最高分及序号 :');T4: [Y,U]=max(P,[],1) a=input(' 请输入 a:'); disp(' 最低分及序号 :'); 请输入 n:'); disp(' 每t1=[18.0,20.0,22.0,25.0,30.0,28.0,24.0]; T3:t2=[15.0,19.0,24.0,28.0,34.0,32.0,30.0]; A=[6,5,-2,5;9,-1,4,- 1;3,4,2,-2;3,-9,0,2];t=6.5:2:17.5; B=[-4,13,1,11]'; T1=interp1(h,t1,t,'spline') x1=A\BT2=interp1(h,t2,t,'spline') [L,U]=lu(A); T4: x2=U\(L\B)x=1:10:101; [Q,R]=qr(A); y=log10(x); x3=R\(Q\B)p=polyfit(x,y,5) fun:x1=1:0.01:101; function F=fun(X); y1=log10(x1); x=X(1); y2=polyval(p,x1);y=X(2);plot(x1,y1,'r-',x1,y2,'b-.'); z=X(3);T5: F(1)=si n(x)+yA2+log(z)-7; P仁[1,2,4,0,5]; F(2)=3*x+2A y-z A3+1;P2=[0,0,0,1,2]; F(3)=x+y+z-5; P3=[0,0,1,2,3]; T5:P4=conv(P2,P3); f=inline('3*x+sin(x)-exp(x)');sp1=length(P1); fzero(f,1.5) sp2=length(P4); X=fsolve('fun',[1 11]',optimset('Display','off'))P=[zeros(1,sp2-sp1),P1]+P4 实验十:x=roots(P) T1:A=[-1,1.2,-1.4;0.75,2,3.5;0,5,2.5]; x=sym('6'); Ax=polyval(P,A)y=sym('5'); AA=polyvalm(P,A) z=(x+1)/(sqrt(3+x)-sqrt(y)) 实验九: T2: T1: syms x y;f=inlin e('det([x x A2 x A3;1 2*x 3*x A2;0 2 t=sym('5135'); 6*x])'); factor(x A4-y A4) i=1;x=1; factor(t)while x<=3.01 T3:g(i)=f(x); syms beta1 beta2 x;6simplify(sin(beta1)*cos(beta2)-cos(beta1)*sinsyms n x ;(beta2)) S1=symsum(1/(2*n-1),n,1,10)S2=symsum(nA2*xA(n-1),n,1,inf) simplify((4*xA2+8*x+3)/(2*x+1))T4: S3=symsum(nA2/5An,n,1,inf) syms a b c d e f g h k; T2:p1=[0,1,0;1,0,0;0,0,1]; x=sym('x');p2=[1,0,0;0,1,0;1,0,1]; f=log(x);A=[a,b,c;d,e,f;g,h,k]; taylor(f,x,6,1)B=p1*p2*A T3:B1=inv(B) x1=solve('log(1+x)-5/(1+sin(x))=2') B1*B;x2=solve('xA2+9*sqrt(x+1)-1=0') tril(B) x3=solve('3*x*exp(x)+5*sin(x)- 78.5=0') det(B) [x4,y4]=solve('sqrt(xA2+yA2)-100=0','3*x+5*y-T5: 8=0')syms x t a y T4:f1=(x*(exp(sin(x))+1)-2*(exp(tan(x))-1))/sin(x)dsolve('D2y+4*Dy+29*y=0','y(0)=0','Dy(0)=15'A3; ,'x')limit(f1,x,0) %(1) T5:f2=(sqrt(pi)-sqrt(acos(x)))/sqrt(x+1); [x,y,z]=dsolve('Dx=2*x- 3*y+3*z','Dy=4*x-5*y+limit(f2,x,-1,'right') %(2) 3*z','Dz=4*x-4*y+2*z','t') f3=(1-cos(2*x))/x;diff(f3,x,1) %(3)diff(f3,x,2)A=[a A x,t A3;t*cos(x),log(x)];diff(A,x,1) &(4)diff(A,t,2)diff(diff(A,x,1),t,1)f5=(xA2-2*x)*exp(-xA2-yA2-x*y);yx=-diff(f5,x,1)/diff(f5,y,1) %(5)fxy=diff(diff(f5,x,1),y,1)x=sym('0');y=sym('1');eval(fxy)T6:x=sym('x');f1=1/(1+xA4+xA8);int(f1,x)f2=1/(asin(x))A2/sqrt(1-xA2);int(f2,x)f3=(xA2+1)/(xA4+1);int(f3,x,0,inf)f4=exp(x)*(1+exp(x))A2;int(f4,x,0,log(2))实验十一:T1: 7。

第二章3.设矩阵A为A=[24 23 9 21 6;65 74 24 11 21;34 5 98 75 21;8 42 42 53 121;43 21 45 64 21];(1)B=A(2:5,1:2:5)B =65 24 2134 98 218 42 12143 45 21(2)A(7)=[]A =24 65 34 8 43 23 5 42 21 9 24 98 42 45 21 11 75 53 64 6 21 21 121 21(3)A+30(4)size(A);ndims(A)(5)题目有误(6)reshape(x,3,4)(7)abs(x)(8)char(x)4. L1 =0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0L2 =1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0L3 =0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0L4 =4 5 65.(1)B=A(1:3,:)C=A(:,1:2)D=A(2:4,3:4)E=B*CB =23.0000 10.0000 -0.7780 041.0000 -45.0000 65.0000 5.000032.0000 5.0000 0 32.0000C =23.0000 10.000041.0000 -45.000032.0000 5.00006.0000 -9.5400D =65.0000 5.00000 32.000054.0000 3.1400E =1.0e+003 *0.9141 -0.22391.20802.71231.1330 -0.2103(2)E<Dans =0 10 00 1E&Dans =1 10 11 1E|Dans =1 11 11 1~D|~Eans =0 01 00 0find(A>=10&A<25)ans =156.all(A)ans =any(A)ans =1isnan(A)ans =0 1 0 0 0 0 0isinf(A)ans =0 0 1 1 0 0 0isfinite(A)ans =1 0 0 0 1 1 17.A(1).x1=’学号’;A(1).x2=’姓名’;A(1).x3=’专业’;A(1).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(2).x1=’学号’;A(2).x2=’姓名’;A(2).x3=’专业’;A(2).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(3).x1=’学号’;A(3).x2=’姓名’;A(3).x3=’专业’;A(3).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(4).x1=’学号’;A(4).x2=’姓名’;A(4).x3=’专业’;A(4).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(5).x1=’学号’;A(5).x2=’姓名’;A(5).x3=’专业’;A(5).x4.x41=’成绩1’;……….8.(1)size(B)ans =2 2ndims(B)ans =2(2)B(2)ans =[3x3 doubleB(4)ans ={3x3 cell}(3)B(3)=[]B =[1] [3x3 double] {3x3 cell}B{3}=[]B =[1] [3x3 double] []第三章1.(1)A=eye(3)(2) A=100+100*rand(5,6)(3)A=1+sqrt(0.2)*randn(10,50)(4)B=ones(size(A))(5)A+30*eye(size(A))(6)B=diag(diag(A))2.B=rot90(A)C=rot90(A,-1)3.B=inv(A) ;A的逆矩阵C=det(A) ;A的行列式的值D=A*BE=B*AD=E 因此A与A-1是互逆的。

e an dAl l th i ng si nt he i rb ei n ga re go od fo r矩阵和对角阵,试通过数值计算验证。
22E R RS A OS +⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦解: M 文件如下;由ans,所以22E R RS A O S +⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦2. 产生5阶希尔伯特矩阵H 和5阶帕斯卡矩阵P ,且求其行列式的值Hh 和Hp 以及它们的条件数Th 和Tp ,判断哪个矩阵性能更好。
为什么?解:M 文件如下:an dAl l t h i ng si nt he i rb ei n ga re go od fo r因为它们的条件数Th>>Tp,所以pascal 矩阵性能更好。
3. 建立一个5×5矩阵,求它的行列式值、迹、秩和范数。
解: M 文件如下:4. 已知2961820512885A -⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦求A 的特征值及特征向量,并分析其数学意义。
解:M 文件如图:b ei n ga re go od f数学意义:V 的3个列向量是A 的特征向量,D 的主对角线上3个是A 的特征值,特别的,V 的3个列向量分别是D 的3个特征值的特征向量。
5. 下面是一个线性方程组:111⎡⎤e an dAl l t h i ng si nt he i rb ei n ga re go od fo rs o 输出结果:由结果,X 和X2的值一样,这表示b 的微小变化对方程解也影响较小,而A 的条件数算得较小,所以数值稳定性较好,A 是较好的矩阵。
6. 建立A 矩阵,试比较sqrtm(A)和sqrt(A),分析它们的区别。
解:M 文件如下:分析结果知:sqrtm(A)是类似A 的数值平方根(这可由b1*b1=A 的结果看出),而sqrt(A)则是对A 中的每个元素开根号,两则区别就在于此。
e an dAl l t h i ng si nt he i rb ei n ga re 实验三 选择结构程序设计1. 求分段函数的值。
Matlab程序设计与应用(刘卫国 第二版)答案

%y1 蓝色实线,y2 红色虚线,y3 绿色点画线
%分四个子图(先画 2 行 2 列第 1 块)
%y1 的四种图形
%y2 %条形图 %阶梯图 %杆图 %填充图,注意必须加填充颜色 %y3
subplot(3,4,11); stem(x,y3); subplot(3,4,12); fill(x,y3,'b'); 3 clear; x=-5:0.1:5; if x<=0 y=(x+sqrt(pi)/exp(2)); else y=0.5.*log(x+sqrt(1+x.^2)); end plot(x,y); 4 M 文件,假设文件名为 Untitled6 a=input('a='); b=input('b='); %b 单位为 pi/4 b=b*pi/4; n=input('n='); q=linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,100); p=a*sin(b+n*q); plot(q,p); hold on; %保持图形 命令窗口调用情况 >> Untitled6 a=1 b=1 n=1 >> Untitled6 a=2 b=2 n=2
n=input('n='); m=1:n; y=(6*sum(1./m.^2))^(1/2) 2:y=0; k=0; while 1 k=k+1; y=y+1/(2*k-1); if y>=3 break end end format long y=y-1/(2*k-1) k=k-1 3:a=input('a='); b=input('b='); n=1; x0=1; x1=a/(x0+b); while abs(x0-x1)>=10^(-5)|n<=500 k=a/(x1+b); x0=x1; x1=k; n=n+1; end x1 4:f(1)=1; f(2)=0; f(3)=1; for n=4:100 f(n)=f(n-1)-2*f(n-2)+f(n-3); end zuidazhi=max(f) zuixiaozhi=min(f) sn=sum(f) a=find(f>0); b=find(f<0); c=find(f==0); zhengshu=length(a) fushu=length(b) ling=length(c)

Matlab编程与工程应用〔第二版习题解答第一章:MATLAB简介1.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;2.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;3.>> namelengthmaxans =634.>> format bank>> 1/3ans =0.335.>> format rat>> 5/6 + 2/7ans =47/426.25 19 4.3333 9 97.>> pounds = 100;>> kilos = 2.2 * poundskilos =220.00008.>> R1 = 20; R2 = 30; R3 = 40;>> RT = <R1\1 + R2\1 + R3\1>\1RT =9.23089.>> ftemp = 90;>> ctemp = <ftemp - 32> * 5 / 9ctemp =32.222210. 略11.>> sind<90>ans =112.>> sita = 2 * pi / 3;>> r = 2;>> x = r * cos<sita>x =-1.0000>> y = r * sin<sita>y =1.732113.>> t = 100;V = 50;>> wcf = 35.7 + 0.6 * t - 35.7 + 0.16 * V + 0.43 * t * 0.16 * Vwcf =41214.Fix<3.5> = 3; Floor<3.5> = 3;Fix<3.4> = 3; Fix<-3.4> = -3;Fix<3.2> = 3; Floor<3.2> = 3;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Floor<-3.2> = -4;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Ceil<-3.2> = -3;15.Sqrt<19>3 ^ 1.2Tan<pi>16.Intmin<‘int32’>; intmax<‘int32’>; intmin<‘int64’>;intmax<‘int64’>;17.Realmin<‘double’>; Realmax<‘double’>;18.>> DblNum = 33.8;>> int32Num = int32<DblNum>int32Num =3419.>> A1 = rand;A2 = 20*rand;A3 = 30 * rand + 20;A4 = round<rand * 10>;A5 = round<rand * 11>; /A6 = round<rand * 50> + 50;>> A4 = randi<10>;>> A5 = randi<11>;>> A6 = randi<50> + 50;20. 略21.Double〔‘A’ < Double<‘a’>; 所以大写在前,小写在后;22.>> CharNum = 'xyz';>> CharNum = char<CharNum - 2>CharNum =vwx23.>> vec = [3 : 1 : 6]vec =3 4 5 6>> vec2 = [1.0000:0.5000:3.0000]vec2 =1.0000 1.50002.0000 2.50003.0000>> vec3 = [5 : -1 :2]vec3 =5 4 3 224.>> vec1 = linspace<4,8,3>vec1 =4 6 8>> vec2 = linspace<-3,-15,5>vec2 =-3 -6 -9 -12 -15>> vec3 = linspace<9,5,3>vec3 =9 7 525.>> vec = [1 : 1 : 10]vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec = linspace<1,10,10>vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec2 = [2:5:12]vec2 =2 7 12>> vec = linspace<2,12,3>vec =2 7 12>> myend = randi<4> + 8;>> vec1 = [1 : 3 : myend]vec1 =1 4 7 1027.>> vec = [-1:0.2:1]'vec =-1.0000-0.8000-0.6000-0.4000-0.20000.20000.40000.60000.80001.000028.>> vec = [0 : 1 : 15];>> n = [1 : 2 : numel<vec> - 1];>> vec2 = vec<n>vec2 =0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 29.function [a b] = PI_CONT<x>%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes heren =1 : 1 : fix<numel<x> / 2>;a = x<n>;n = 1+fix<numel<x>/2> : 1 : numel<x>;b = x<n>;endrem<numel<vec>,2>30.rand<2,3>10*rand<2,3>5 + round<15 * rand<2,3>>randint<2,3,[5 15]>31.rows = randi<5>;cols = randi<5>;y = zeros<rows,cols>;>> mat = [ 7 8 9 1012 10 8 6];>> A1 = mat<1,3>>> A2 = mat<2,:>>> A3 = mat<:,1:2>33.>> mymat = [2 3 4;5 6 7]>> mymat1 = fliplr<mymat>>> mymat2 = flipud<mymat>>> mymat3 = rot90<mymat>34.>> mymatzero = zeros<4,2>>> mymatzero<2,:> = [3,6]35.>> x = linspace<-pi,pi,20>;>> y = sin<x>;36.>> randmat = randint<3,5,[-5 5]> >> sign<randmat>37.>> randmat = randint<4,6,[-5 5]>;>> randmat2 = abs<randmat> 38.>> randmat = rand<3,5>>> randmat<3,:> = []39.>> vec = 1 : 1:1000;>> vec<end>>> vec<numel<vec>>>> [a b ] = size<vec>;>> vec<a * b>40.同上41.>> mat = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,1> = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,2> = zeros<3,5>; 42.>> myc = clock>> today = myc<1:3>>> now = myc<4:6>>> now = fix<now>第二章 MATLAB程序设计概述1.ri = 2; % Radius internalro = 4; % Radius outerV = 4 * pi / 3 * <ro ^ 3 - ri ^ 3> % calculate volume2.% Calculate Atomic Weight H2O2Weight_O = 15.9994;Weight_H = 1.0079;AtomicWeight = Weight_O * 2 + Weight_H * 2 % Calculate H2O2 Atomic Weight 3.fprintf<'Length of The character string is : %d\n',…length<input<'Please input character string :\n','s'>>>;4.NewNumber = input<'please input a Number :\n'>;fprintf<'Number with 2 decimal is :%0.2f\n',NewNumber>;5.>> vec = input<'Enter a matrix: '>Enter a matrix: [1:1:10;1:1:10]6.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.678900>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.2f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.68>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %6.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %2.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.67897.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %5d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %8d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %3d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 123458.>> x = 12.34;>> y = 4.56;>> fprintf<'x is %.3f\n',x>x is 12.340>> fprintf<'x is %0.0f\n',x>x is 12>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f\n',y>y is 4.6>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f !\n',y>y is 4.6 !9.% Calculate Area of the squarenessfprintf<'The Area of The Squareness is %.2f',…<input<'Please input the Length of the Squareness \n'>> …* <input<'Please input the Width of the Squareness \n'>>>;10.NewName = input<'What is your name? ','s'>;fprintf<'Wow,your name is %s!\n',NewName>;11.NewString = input<'Enter your string : ','s'>;fprintf<'Your String was : ''%s''\n',NewString>;12.WaterSpeed = input<'Enter the folw in m^3/s : '>;WaterSpeedft = 0.028 \ WaterSpeed;fprintf<'A flow rate of %.3f meters per sec \n',WaterSpeed>;fprintf<'is equivalent to %.3f feet per sec\n',WaterSpeedft>;13.IncomeY = input<'Input your income every year?'>;FoodCostY= [IncomeY * 8 / 100 IncomeY*10 / 100];FoodCostM = 12\FoodCostY;fprintf<'Food Cost in every year is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostY<1>,FoodCostY<2>>; fprintf<'Food Cost in every Month is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostM<1>,FoodCostM<2>>;14.Weight = input<'Please input the Weight of the plan \n'>Area = input<'Please input the area of the plan wing \n'>fprintf<'Charge of Plan Win is %.2f \n',Weight / Area>15.x = 10;y = 10;plot<x,y,'g+'>;16.clfx = -2 : 0.1 : 2;y = exp<x>;plot<x,y,'g'>;xlabel<'X'>;ylabel<'Y'>;legend<'Exp<x>'>;Title<'Exp Example'>;17.clfx = 1 : 5 : 100;y = sqrt<x>;plot<x,y,'go'>;hold on;bar<x,y>;18.clfy = randint<1,100,[0 100]>;x = 1 : 1 : length<y>;plot<x,y,'ro'>;hold onplot<x,y,'g+'>;figure<2>;plot<x,y,'k'>;figure<3>;bar<x,y>19.clfx = linspace<0,pi,10>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'r'>;figure<2>;x = linspace<0,pi,100>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'b'>;20.load TimeTemp.datx = TimeTemp<:,1>';y = TimeTemp<:,2>';plot<x,y>;Xlabel<'Height'>;Ylabel<'Temperature'>;Title<'Height - Temperature'>;legend<'TEMP'>21.>> randint<3,6,[50 100]>;>> save RandInt.bat ans -ascii;>> randint<2,6,[50 100]>>> save RandInt.bat randint -ascii –append >> load RandInt.bat>> RandInt22.>> load testtan.bat>> tan<testtan>23.>> load hightemp.dat>> hightemp<:,1> = hightemp<:,1> .+ 1900>> save y2ktemp.dat hightemp –ascii24.function [ fn ] = fn< x >%Calculate y as a function of xfn = x^3 - 4 * x^2 + sin<x>;end25.function [ mwh] = mwh_to_gj<x>%convers from MWh to GJmwh = 3.6 * x;end26.function [ output_args ] = miletometer< x >%Conver mile to meterMile = input<'mile per hours number :'>;meter = Mile * 5280 * 0.3048 / 3600;output_args = meter;fprintf<'Meter of the mile is : % .2f',meter>; end27.function [ Tn ] = Interest< p,i,n >%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTn = p * <1 + i> * n;end28.略29.function [ V ] = SpeedConv<pi,ps>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1.016 * sqrt<pi - ps>end30. function [ THR ] =Cal_rate<A>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTHR = <220 - A> * 0.6;end31.function [ nJ ] =STL_calc<n>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes herenJ = sqrt<2 * pi * n> * <n / exp<1>>^n;end32.function [ output_args ] = costn< n >%UNTITLED5 Summary of this function goes hereoutput_args = 5 * n ^ 2 - 44 * n + 11;endn = input<'Enter the number of units :'>;Cn = costn<n>;fprintf<'The cost for 100 units will be $%.2f\n',Cn>;33.略〔仿造32题34.function [ V ] = oblong< length >%UNTITLED8 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1/12*sqrt<2>*length^3;endfprintf<'The volume of oblong is : %.2f\n ',oblong<input<'Enter the length of the oblong:\n'>>>35.function [ y ] = pickone< x >%pickone<x> returns a random element from vector xn = length<x>;y = x<randi<n>>;end36.function [ y ] = vecout< x >%UNTITLED11 Summary of this function goes herey = x : 1 : x+5;end37.b = input<'Enter the first side :'>;c = input<'Enter the second side :'>afa = input<'Enter the angle between them :'>y = sqrt<b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos<afa *<pi/180>>>;fprintf<'The third side is %.3f\n',y>;38.略39.load floatnums.datfloatnums = round<floatnums>;floatnums = floatnums';save intnums.datfloatnums-ascii;40.load costssales.datn = length<costssales<:,1>>;fprintf<'There were %d quarters in the file ',n>;n = 1 : 1 : n;costs = costssales<:,1>;sales = costssales<:,1>;plot<n,costs,'ko'>;hold onplot<n,sales,'b*'>;legend<'COSTS','SALES'>;xlabel<'COST'>;ylabel<'SALE'>;title<'COST-SALE'>;costssales = costssales'costssales = flipud<costssales>;save newfile.datcostssales-ascii;第三章选择语句2. if <input<'please Enter a x :\n','s'> ~= 'x'>disp<'sorry the char not x'>;end3. function y = Test3<x>if <x == 12>y = 1;elsey = x + 1;end;4. disp<'The program will calculate the volume of a pyramid'>;a = input<'Enter the length of the base :'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?','s'>;if< c == 'c'>a = a/2.54;end;b = input<'Enter the width of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>b = b/2.54;end;d = input<'Enter the length of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>d = d/2.54;end;fprintf<'The Volume of the Pyramid is %.3f cubic inches.',a * b * d / 3>;5.if<input<'Are you an engineer?<Y/N>','s'> == 'Y'>disp<'You are the best!'>;elsedisp<'oh~ soga'>;end;6.Fenzi = input<'Please input enter the FENZI: '>;Fenmu = input<'Please input enter the FENMU: '>;if<Fenmu == 0>disp<'Sorry The Fenmu can not be zero!'>;elsefprintf<'The result is %.2f.\n',Fenzi/Fenmu>;end;7.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes hereResult = sqrt<1 - b^2/a>;EndFunction:a = input<'Please Enter the a : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the b : '>;if <a == 0>disp<'Error 0001'>;elsefprintf<'The Result is %.2f \n',Test3_Func<a,b>>;end;8.a = input<'Please Enter the Shousuo : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the Shuzhang : '>;if <a<120 && b<80>disp<'you are the best choice !'>;elsedisp<'Sorry you can not do this!'>;end;9.A1 = input<'Enter the First Area: '>;A2 = input<'Enter the Second Area: '>;if<A1 > A2>disp<'UP!'>;elseif <A1 < A2>disp<'Down!'>;elsedisp<'Keep!'>;en10.a = input<'Enter the PH number : '>;if <a < 7>disp<'Suan'>;elseif <a > 7>disp<'Jian'>;elsedisp<'Zhong'>;end;11.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes hereif <a < b>Result = a : 1 : b;elseResult = a : -1 : b;end12.function Result = Test3_Func< x >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here[a b] = size<x>;if <<a ~= 1 && b ~= 1> || <a == 1 && b == 1>> Result = x;elseif<a == 1>Result = fliplr<x>;elseResult = flipud<x>;end13.letter = input<'Enter your answer :','s'>;if <letter == 'Y' || letter == 'y'>disp<'OK,continuing'>;elseif<letter == 'N' || letter == 'n'>disp<'OK,halting'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end14.switch lettercase {'Y''y'}disp<'OK,contining'>case {'N''n'}disp<'OK,halting'>otherwisedisp<'Error'>end15.Mahe = input<'Enter the Speed of Plan : '>/input<'Enter the Speed of Voice: '>; if<Mahe > 1>disp<'supersonic speed'>;elseif<Mahe < 1>disp<'subsonic speed'>;elsedisp<'transonic speed'>;end;16.X = input<'Enter the temp in degrees C : \n'>;switch <input<'Do you want F or K?','s'>>case'F'fprintf<'The temp in degrees F is %.1f',<9/5>*X + 32>;case'K'fprintf<'The temp in degrees K is %.1f',X + 273.15>;otherwisedisp<'Enter Error!'>;end;17.%function y = Test3<x>X = randi<100>;if rem<X,2> == 0fprintf<'%d ÊÇżÊý\n',X>;elsefprintf<'%d ÊÇÆæÊý\n',X>;end18.function y = Test3<x>switch rem<x,4>case 0y = true;otherwisey =false;end;19.function y = Test3<innum>if innum == int32<innum>y = true;elsey =false;end;20.function y = Test3<a,b,c>if a^2 == b^2 + c^2y = true;elsey =false;end;21.Re = input<'Enter the Re Value :\n'>;if Re <= 2300 disp<'Laminar region'>;elseif Re > 2300 && Re <= 4000 disp<'Transition region'>; else disp<'Turbulent region'>;end;22.d1 = input<'Enter d1 : \n'>;d2 = input<'Enter d2 : \n'>;if d1 <= 0 || d2 <= 0disp<'Error!'>;elsefprintf<'%.2f',Test3_Func<d1,d2>>;end;function y = Test3_Func<a,b>y = a * b / 2;23.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing: '>;if V <= 38 disp<'tropical depression '>;elseif V >= 73 disp<'typhoon'>;else disp<'revolving storm'>;end;24.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing :'>;if V >74 && V <= 95disp<'1 : 4-5'>;elseif V > 95 && V <= 110disp<'2 : 6-8'>;elseif V > 110 && V <= 130disp<'3 : 9-12'>;elseif V > 130 && V <= 155disp<'4 : 13-18'>;elseif V > 155disp<'5 : 18'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end25.略26.H = input<'Enter the hight of the cloude :'>;if H < 6500 && H > 0disp<'Low'>;elseif H >= 6500 && H < 20000disp<'Middle'>;elsedisp<'High'>;27.if letter == 'x'disp<'Hello'>;elseif letter == 'y'||letter == 'Y'disp<'Yes'>;elseif letter == 'Q'disp<'Quit'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end;28.switch numcase {0 1 2}f2<num>;case {-2 -1}f3<num>;case 3f4<num>;otherwisef1<num>;end;29.switch menu<'menu','1.Cylinder','2.Circle','3.Rectangle'>case 1R = input<'Please enter the radius of buttom circle:'>;H = input<'Enter the height of the Cylinder:'>;A = 2 * pi * R * H + 2 * pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 2R = input<'Please enter the radius of circle:'>;A = pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 3a = input<'Please enter the long of Rectangle:'>;b = input<'Please enter the with of Rectangle :'>;A = a * b;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;end30.同2931.同2932.x = input<'Enter the Value X :'>;Y = menu<'Menue Choose','Sin','Cos','Tan'>;switch Ycase 1output = sin<x>;case 2output = cos<x>;case 3output = tan<x>;end;33.略34.function output = Test3_Func<x>Y = menu<'Menue Choose','ceil','round','sign'>;switch Ycase 1output = ceil<x>;case 2output = round<x>;case 3output = sign<x>;end;35.略36.略37.略第四章循环1.>> for i = 1.5:0.2:3.1i = iend2.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 0;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output + i;end;3.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 1;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output * i;end;4.5.>> for i = 32 : 1 : 255char<i>end;6.>> vec = [5.5 11 3.45];>> for i = 1 : length<vec>fprintf<'Element %d is %.2f .\n',i,vec<i>>;end;7.n = randi<4> + 1;sum = 0;for i = 1 : nsum = sum + input<'Enter the value'>;end;fprintf<'Sum = %.1f\n',sum>;8disp<'Please enter the threshold below which samples will be considered to be invalid :'>;Value1 = input<'Considered to be invalid :\n'>;Value2 = input<'Please enter the number of data samples to be entered :\n'>; Sum = 0;num = 0;for i = 1:Value2data = input<'Please enter a data sample :'>;if data > Value1Sum = Sum + data;num = num + 1;endendif num == 0disp<'Data Error !'>;elsefprintf<'The average of the %d valid data samples is %.2f volts.',num,Sum/num>; end9.load MaxTemp.mat[a b] = size<MaxTemp>;for i = 1 : a;Matix1 = zeros<size<MaxTemp>>;Matix1<i,:> = MaxTemp<i,:>end10.sum = 0;for i = 1 : length<pipe>sum = sum + <pipe<i,1> < 2.1 || pipe<i,1> > 2.3>;sum = sum + <pipe<i,2> < 10.3 || pipe<i,2> > 10.4>;endfprintf<'There were %d rejects.\n',sum>;11.略12.略13.x = randint<1,5,[-10,10]>;x2 = 0;for i = 1 : length<x>x1<1,i> = x<1,i> - 3;if x1<1,i> > 0x2 = x2 + 1;end;x3<1,i> = abs<x1<1,i>>;if i > 1x4 = max<x1<1,i>,x1<1,i-1>>;end;end16.17.略18.19.20.略22.略23.略24.10略略第五章向量化代码1.Mat.*2;2.Result = vec;3.cumprod<vec>;4.>> vec = randint<1,6,[0 20]>;>> maxvec = max<vec>;>> minvec = min<vec>;>> cumsumvec = cumsum<vec>5.Sum<vec>6.>> clear>> vec = randint<1,5,[-10 10]>;>> vec_3 = vec - 3;>> ZhengshuNum = length<find<vec > 0>>;>> vec_abs = abs<vec>;>> vec_max = max<vec>;7.max<vec,[],1>max<vec,[],2>max<max<vec>>;8.function output = Test3_Func<r,n>vec = [];for i = 0 : nvec = [vec r.^i];end;output = sum<vec>;>> vec1 = Vec<[1 3 5]>;>> vec2 = Vec<[2 4 6]>;>> CheckSum = vec1.*vec2;11.>> vec = 1 : 1 : 1000;>> Result = sum<1./<vec.^2>>;>> Check = pi.^2/6;>> diff = check – result13.略14.略15.clear;clf;vec_temp = 0 : 0.5 : 10;x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;while<all<vec_temp - x1>>x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;end;disp<x1>16.略17.ticif x==21disp<x>end;tocticswitch xcase 21disp <x>;end;toc18.Ones<3>19.If find<r > 0> == [] && fin<h > 0> == 0V = pi .*<r.^2>*hEnd;第六章 MATLAB 程序1~20 略21.function S = Test3_Func<n>P = 10000;i = 0.05;vec = 1 : 1 : n;S = P * <<1 + i>.^vec>;plot<vec,S>;n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;while ~<n >0 && int32<n> == n>n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;end;Test3_Func<n>;22.Function lenf = lenprompt<>;Lenf = input<‘Enter the length By inches: ’>; Function Leni = covert_f_to_i<lenf>Leni = …<英尺转英寸>Function printlens<lenf,leni>Disp<lenf>;Disp<leni>;23.略24.。

Matlab课后实验题答案实验一 MATLAB运算基础1. 先求下列表达式的值,然后显示MATLAB工作空间的使用情况并保存全部变量。
(1)0 122sin851ze =+(2)21ln( 2z x=+,其中2120.455i x+⎡⎤=⎢⎥-⎣⎦(3)0.30.330.3sin(0.3)ln, 3.0, 2.9,,2.9,3.0 22a ae e az a a--+=++=--(4)2242011122123t tz t tt t t⎧≤<⎪=-≤<⎨⎪-+≤<⎩,其中t=0:0.5:2.52. 已知:1234413134787,2033657327A B --⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦求下列表达式的值:(1) A+6*B 和A-B+I (其中I 为单位矩阵) (2) A*B 和A.*B (3) A^3和A.^3 (4) A/B 及B\A(5) [A,B]和[A([1,3],:);B^2] 解:3. 设有矩阵A 和B123453166789101769,111213141502341617181920970212223242541311A B ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥==-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦(1) 求它们的乘积C 。
(2) 将矩阵C 的右下角3×2子矩阵赋给D 。
(3) 查看MATLAB 工作空间的使用情况。
4. 完成下列操作:(1) 求[100,999]之间能被21整除的数的个数。
(2) 建立一个字符串向量,删除其中的大写字母。
解:(1) 结果:(2). 建立一个字符串向量 例如:ch='ABC123d4e56Fg9';则要求结果是:实验二 MATLAB 矩阵分析与处理1. 设有分块矩阵33322322E R A O S ⨯⨯⨯⨯⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦,其中E 、R 、O 、S 分别为单位矩阵、随机矩阵、零矩阵和对角阵,试通过数值计算验证22E R RS A OS +⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦。

第二章3.设矩阵A 为A=[24 23 9 21 6;65 74 24 11 21;34 5 98 75 21;8 42 42 53 121;43 21 45 64 21];(1)B=A(2:5,1:2:5)B =65 24 2134 98 218 42 12143 45 21(2)A(7)=[]A =24 65 34 8 43 23 5 42 21 9 24 98 42 45 21 11 75 53 64 6 21 21 121 21(3)A+30(4)size(A);ndims(A)(5)题目有误(6)reshape(x,3,4)(7)abs(x)(8)char(x)4. L1 =0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0L2 =1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0L3 =0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0L4 =4 5 65.(1)B=A(1:3,:)C=A(:,1:2)D=A(2:4,3:4)E=B*CB =23.0000 10.0000 -0.7780 041.0000 -45.0000 65.0000 5.000032.0000 5.0000 0 32.0000C =23.0000 10.000041.0000 -45.000032.0000 5.00006.0000 -9.5400D =65.0000 5.00000 32.000054.0000 3.1400E =1.0e+003 *0.9141 -0.22391.20802.71231.1330 -0.2103(2)E<Dans =0 10 00 1E&Dans =1 10 11 1E|Dans =1 11 11 1~D|~Eans =0 01 00 0find(A>=10&A<25)ans =156.all(A)ans =any(A)ans =1isnan(A)ans =0 1 0 0 0 0 0isinf(A)ans =0 0 1 1 0 0 0isfinite(A)ans =1 0 0 0 1 1 17.A(1).x1=’学号’;A(1).x2=’姓名’;A(1).x3=’专业’;A(1).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(2).x1=’学号’;A(2).x2=’姓名’;A(2).x3=’专业’;A(2).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(3).x1=’学号’;A(3).x2=’姓名’;A(3).x3=’专业’;A(3).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(4).x1=’学号’;A(4).x2=’姓名’;A(4).x3=’专业’;A(4).x4.x41=’成绩1’;………. A(5).x1=’学号’;A(5).x2=’姓名’;A(5).x3=’专业’;A(5).x4.x41=’成绩1’;……….8.(1)size(B)ans =2 2ndims(B)ans =2(2)B(2)ans =[3x3 doubleB(4)ans ={3x3 cell}(3)B(3)=[]B =[1][3x3 double] {3x3 cell}B{3}=[]B =[1] [3x3 double] []第三章1.(1)A=eye(3)(2) A=100+100*rand(5,6)(3)A=1+sqrt(0.2)*randn(10,50)(4)B=ones(size(A))(5)A+30*eye(size(A))(6)B=diag(diag(A))2.B=rot90(A)C=rot90(A,-1)3.B=inv(A) ;A 的逆矩阵C=det(A) ;A 的行列式的值D=A*BE=B*AD=E 因此A 与A-1 是互逆的。
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1 -1 2 3
0 1 -4 2
0 0 5 2
0 0 0 9
ans =
1 0 0 0
5 1 0 0
3 0 5 0
11 15 0 9
ans =
ans =
ans =
43 45 21
A =
24 65 34 8 43 23 5 42 21 9 24 98 42 45 21 11 75 53 64 6 21 21 121 21
ans =
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
ans =
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
ans =
1 0 0 0 1 1 1
ans =
2 2
ans =
ans =
[3x3 double
ans =
{3x3 cell}
B =
[1] [3x3 double] {3x3 cell}
B =
[1] [3x3 double] []
A=[24 23 9 21 6;65 74 24 11 21;34 5 98 75 21;8 42 42 53 121;43 21 45 64 21];
B =
65 24 21
34 98 21
8 42 121
C=det(A) ;A的行列式的值
A=[4 2 -1;3 -1 2;12 3 0];
x =
ans =
2.a=input('请输入a: ');
b=input('请输入b: ');
c=input('请输入c: ');
A=[1 1 0.5;1 1 0.25;0.5 0.25 2]
A =
1.0000 1.0000 0.5000
1.0000 1.0000 0.2500
0.5000 0.2500 2.0000
V =
0.7212 0.4443 0.5315
-0.6863 0.5621 0.4615
32.0000 5.0000 0 32.0000
C =
23.0000 10.0000
41.0000 -45.0000
32.0000 5.0000
6.0000 -9.5400
D =
65.0000 5.0000
0 32.0000
54.0000 3.1400
E =
1.0e+003 *
0.9141 -0.2239
B=inv(A) ;A的逆矩阵
4.L1 =
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
L2 =
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
L3 =
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
L4 =
4 5 6
B =
23.0000 10.0000 -0.7780 0
41.0000 -45.0000 65.0000 5.0000
1.2080 2.7123
1.1330 -0.2103
ans =
0 1
0 0
0 1
ans =
1 1
0 1
1 1
ans =
1 1
1 1
1 1
ans =
0 0
1 0
0 0
ans =
ans =
ans =
-0.0937 -0.6976 0.7103
D =
-0.0166 0 0
0 1.4801 0
0 0 2.5365第四章1.a=input('请输入一个4位数:');
while (a<1000|a>9999)