
非洲是咖啡的故乡。咖啡树很可能就是在埃塞俄 比亚的卡法省(KAFFA)被发现的。 后来,一批批的奴隶从非洲被贩卖到也门和阿拉 伯半岛,咖啡也就被带到了沿途的各地。可以肯 定,也门在15世纪或是更早既已开始种植咖啡了。 阿拉伯虽然有着当时世界上最繁华的港口城市摩 卡,但却禁止任何种子出口!这道障碍最终被荷 兰人突破了,1616年,他们终于将成活的咖啡树 和种子偷运到了荷兰,开始在温室中培植。
目录 次飞过,都会给我留下痒痒的感觉,不知是它的脚还是
翅膀碰到了我。有时它冷不防给我来上一口。我只得用 被子把自己裹起来,只露出口鼻呼吸,并留一只手在被 子外随时准备杀敌狡猾的家伙,它专叮我的那只手臂,
CONTENTS 等我将藏在被里的那只手轻轻抽出时,它却悄然飞走了。
咖啡的起源文化 2 咖啡的情怀
二、古巴咖啡:古巴水晶山著名的“Cubita”为代 表,坚持着做完美咖啡的原则。水晶山与牙买加的 蓝山山脉地理位置相邻,气候条件相仿,可媲美牙 买加蓝山咖啡。后来成为古巴大使馆指定咖啡。被 称为“独特的加勒比海风味咖啡”。
3 咖啡种类和成分
4 喝咖啡有哪些好处
5 咖啡带来的时尚
难耐,于是掀掉被子,继续在中对付讨厌的蚊子。如此 反复多次,我的思维渐渐模糊,我的头脑渐渐沉重。睡 着了就好了,我这样安慰自己!迷迷糊糊中,身体的某 一部位忽又有针刺般的感觉。于是,我又醒了,我又听 到那讨厌的嗡嗡声,同时感到身体各部位不时有忍无可 忍了:蚊子不除,今欣开蚊帐,下床,开灯,再钻进然 后细细地搜寻蚊子,终于在蚊帐的一角看到了一只吃得 肚子鼓鼓的蚊子,我刻就血肉模糊了,但,那是我的血。 却找不出第二只了。于是,我又下床,掖好蚊帐,准备 安安稳稳睡觉。经过这番折腾,我睡意全消,虽然已经

1 espresso 0.5 foam milk
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Kopi--coffee luwak--genet coming from Indonesia the least production
50g coffee beans for 3-4 cups--about 400-500RMB for a cup
rich-flavour,fascinating & the oldest,exoctic
low acidity
Fancy Coffee
Cappcino Malor of friar’s coif
Caramel Macchiato
espresso coffee,vanilla and caramel containing three different flavors
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Kopi--coffee luwak--genet coming from Indonesia the least production
50g coffee beans for 3-4 cups--about 400-500RMB for a cup
rich-flavour,fascinating & the oldest,exoctic
low acidity
Fancy Coffee
Cappcino Malor of friar’s coif
Caramel Macchiato
espresso coffee,vanilla and caramel containing three different flavors

Introduction Kinds of coffee Latte art
History Table manner Tableware
Tableware for coffee
Introduction Kinds of coffee Latte art
coffee pot coffee cup milk pot
• Variation coffees
Single -origin • Variation
Single-origin coffees
• Characteristics: • pure 1、single-origin coffee beans 2、without milk and sugar and any other things
• • • • • Espresso 浓缩咖啡 Macchiato 玛奇朵 Latte 拿铁 Cappuccino卡布奇诺 Cappuccino卡布奇诺 Mocha 摩卡
Introduction Kinds of coffee Latte art
Single -origin • Variation
Plant Protection College Wang jue
A note:
If I am not at home I am in a coffee shop. If I am not in a coffee shop,I am on the way to it.
• Part One:Introduction • Part Two:Two main kinds of coffees • Part Three:latte art
The history of coffee
咖啡 英文PPT

The Origin about coffee
Coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush. After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual. He disseminated the news about the wonderful berry, and soon monks were hailing it as an elixir and drinking the brew to stay awake during evening prayers.
Get the water temperature right
Don’t use boiling water.
Brew your coffee for the correct length of time
between 3 and 5 minutes
These are just the fundamentals of how to make coffee. There's plenty more to learn. But if you get these right, you'll be making a better brew than most people.
Hawaiian Kona
It’s only grown on a few select slopes of the Hawaiian island,and it's one of the finest coffee in the world.

1 espresso 0.5 foam milk
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Leisure and Enjoyment
Contposition and tools
The history of coffee
Composition of coffee
relieving tiredness or caffeinism
Tannic acid Fat Protein
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Leisure and Enjoyment
Contposition and tools
The history of coffee
Composition of coffee
relieving tiredness or caffeinism
Tannic acid Fat Protein

1 espresso 0.5 foam milk
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Tannic acid Fat Protein
tools of making coffee
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Bluemoutain Mocha Kopi Luwak Brazil Coffee
Elephant Poop Coffee Mandheling Coffee Colombian Coffee Fancy Coffee
Manners of drinking coffee
1.How to use coffee cup thumb and index pinch the handle,holding the cup
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Tannic acid Fat Protein
tools of making coffee
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Bluemoutain Mocha Kopi Luwak Brazil Coffee
Elephant Poop Coffee Mandheling Coffee Colombian Coffee Fancy Coffee
Manners of drinking coffee
1.How to use coffee cup thumb and index pinch the handle,holding the cup

• Day three cups of coffee can prevent gallstones. • Often drink coffee can prevent radiation damage. • Coffee medical care function. Coffee has antioxidant and protect the heart. • Coffee influent the emotions .
Main ingredients
• Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system. • Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid. • Fat : one of the main is acidic fat and volatile fat. • Protein : the main source of calories, the proportion is not high.
• In addition, because caffeine can make gastric acid increased, the continued high dose intake can lead to chronic peptic ulcer, erosive esophageal inflammation and gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, because whether normal coffee or decaffeinated coffee, can stimulate the gastric mucosa, increase the gastric acid secretion, so caffeine may not coffee only ingredients.

Sugar : Coffee beans contains sugar born after about 8 percent, after baking most sugar will transform into the caramel, make coffee, and formed brown tannins with each other produce sweet taste.
Main ingredients
Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system.
Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid. Fat : one of the main is acidic fat and volatile fat. Protein : the main source of calories, the proportion is not
For skin beneficial coffee. Coffee can promote metabolization function, loose, digestive organs have great effect of constipation.
Coffee has the function of the wine. Coffee can eliminate fatigue. In order
Fiber : born after roasting the beans will carbonized fiber with caramel with each other, formed coffee tonal
Sugar : Coffee beans contains sugar born after about 8 percent, after baking most sugar will transform into the caramel, make coffee, and formed brown tannins with each other produce sweet taste.
Main ingredients
Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system.
Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid. Fat : one of the main is acidic fat and volatile fat. Protein : the main source of calories, the proportion is not
For skin beneficial coffee. Coffee can promote metabolization function, loose, digestive organs have great effect of constipation.
Coffee has the function of the wine. Coffee can eliminate fatigue. In order
Fiber : born after roasting the beans will carbonized fiber with caramel with each other, formed coffee tonal

Can also put some sugar into Caramel Latte
Italy Coffee
As famous as machiato
In Italian, Con means ‘and’ ,Panna means whipped cream
维也纳咖啡 (Viennese)
Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. It is one of the main beverages in the world with cocoa and tea. First consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highland of Ethiopia. Today, trade in coffee has a large economic value. Coffee is an important export commodity for many countries; in 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was among the world's top fifteen legal agricultural exports in value.
In general, the taste is heavier than the latte
摩卡咖啡(Café Mocha)
Italy Coffee
As famous as machiato
In Italian, Con means ‘and’ ,Panna means whipped cream
维也纳咖啡 (Viennese)
Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. It is one of the main beverages in the world with cocoa and tea. First consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highland of Ethiopia. Today, trade in coffee has a large economic value. Coffee is an important export commodity for many countries; in 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was among the world's top fifteen legal agricultural exports in value.
In general, the taste is heavier than the latte
摩卡咖啡(Café Mocha)
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• Life just like a cup of coffee. • Let‟s remember the words------
• Sweet are the uses of adversity.(苦尽甘来)
• Although,coffee tastes very well ,you‟d better not drink it as much as you want.Becaus we are teenagers, • too much coffee is bad for our body,we may lose sleep • (失眠)and can„t concentrate on our study .
Delicious coffee
coffee is one of the famous drinks in the world, but how much do you know about it?
The history of coffee
The word “Coffe” means “Power and warmth(热情)”. We drink it in our life,it‟s made of coffee cherry(咖啡豆).Coffee is born in Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚).And it became famous in the world quickly. Especially in Europe in 16th century.French and Briton(不列颠人) are Crazy about it.
• A perfect cap of Latte should be made of 10% of coffee, • 20% of milk foam(奶泡) and 70% of milk.However,milk • must be boiling(沸腾的). It„s very mellow(香醇的).
• • • • • Caoouccino has 1/3 of milk,1/3 of coffee and 1/3 of milk foam.When you drink it,first you well feel bitter(苦涩的) and acerbic(酸的), then you feel sugary(甜的).So some people say it like our life------Sweet are the uses of Adversity(逆境).
White coffee(白咖啡)
• White coffee tastes very soft.It‟s made of milk and coffe. • Milk is its main ingredient(成分).It‟s golden.How tempting • (诱人的)!
• Knowing diferent kinds of coffee is important for a coffee lover(咖啡爱好者).If you can‟t say several classical(经典 的)coffee,you may not really like it. Now let me show you some kinds of coffee,I hope these can help you.
• Macchiato is very simple.You only need add two tablespoons(两勺) of milk foam to coffee.But you • Must drink it quickly,or you can‟t know its real taste.
Mocha(ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ卡)
• • • • Some people say Mocha has the most atractive taste.Mocha tastes like red wine(红酒),blueberry (蓝莓),nut(坚果)or chocolate. Its mouthfeel (口感)is special.Many people like it.