




英 [t??n]

美 [t?n]

vt. 转动,使旋转;转弯;翻过来;兑换

vi. 转向;转变;转动

n. 转弯;变化;(损害或有益于别人的)行为,举动,举止

n. (Turn)人名;(德、匈)图恩





turn 1

/t??n,t?n/ v. S1 W1

英 [t??n]




[I,T] to move your body so that you are looking in a different direction



?Ricky turned and walked away. 里基转身走了。

?She turned her head in surprise. 她惊讶地转过头来。

?Brigitte glared at him, turned on her heel (= turned away suddenly because of anger ) , and stomped out of the room. 布丽吉特瞪了他一眼,猛地一转身,噔噔噔地走出了房间。

[+ around/round/away]

?Dan turned away, hiding the fear in his eyes. 丹扭过头去,掩饰着眼中的恐惧。

turn (your head/face) to do sth

?He turned around to look at Kim. 他转过身看着金。

?‘No,’ she said, turning her head to see David’s reaction. “不。”她说着,转过头来看看戴维的反应。



[T usually + adv/prep] to move something so that it is pointing or aiming in a different direction 转动对准

turn sth around/over/upside down etc

?You m ay turn over your exam papers now. 现在你们可以把考卷翻过来。

turn sth on sth/sb

?The firemen turned their hoses on the blaze. 消防队员把水龙带对准熊熊烈火。

turn sth to face sth/sb

?Could you turn your chairs to face this way ? 你们把椅子转过来朝着这边好吗?

turn a/the page (=move a page in a book over so that you can read the next page)翻页

turn sth down/up

?He turned down the corner of the sheet to peep at the baby. 他折起被角以便看一眼婴儿。3.


[I,T] to go in a new direction when you are walking, driving etc, or to make the vehicle you are using do this 转弯;(使)改变方向

?I watched until he turned the corner . 我看着他,直到他转过街角。

?Turning the car around, we headed home. 我们把车掉了个头,朝家的方向开去。

turn left/right

?Turn left at the church. 到了教堂向左拐。

[+ into/onto/down etc]

?She cycled up the street and turned into Long Road. 她沿街向前骑去,拐进了朗路。

[I] if a road, river etc turns, it curves and starts to go in a new direction 〔道路、河流等〕转向,转弯

?Further on, the river turns east. 再往前,这条河就折向东流。

?The road turns sharply at the top of the hill. 到了山顶道路急转。



[I,T] to move around a central or fixed point, or to make something move in this way


?The wheels turned slowly, then picked up speed. 轮子慢慢转动,然后开始加速。

?For some reason, the key wouldn’t turn. 不知为什么,钥匙转不动。

turn the handle/knob/key/tap etc

?She gently turned the handle of the bedroom door. 她轻轻转动卧室门上的把手。



[linking verb, T,连系动词] to start to have a different quality, or to make something do this




turn (sth) red/blue/white etc

?Rose’s hair was already turning grey. 罗丝的头发已经开始花白了。

?In October the leaves turn orange and yellow. 到了10月份,树叶有的变成了橘红色,有的变成了黄色。

?The sun had turned the sky a glowing pink. 太阳把天空染得一片绯红。

the weather turns cold/nasty etc

?Then it turned co ld and started to rain. 然后天气变冷,开始下雨。

turn nasty/mean/violent etc (=suddenly become angry, violent etc)变得恶毒/小气/凶暴等

?The police are worried that the situation could turn violent. 警方担心这一局势可能会演变成暴力。



[I,T] to start to think about, deal with, look at etc a particular person, thing, or subject, instead of what you were thinking about etc before


?Phil turned his gaze towards the older man. 菲尔把目光转向那个较年长的男子。

?Now is the time of year when thoughts turn in the direc tion of summer holidays. 现在又到大家考虑夏季度假的时候了。

?Next the Senator turned to education. 接着参议员谈起了教育。

turn your attention/thoughts/efforts etc to sth/sb

?Many investors have turned their attention to opportunities abroad. 很多投资者把注意力转向了国外的机会。

turn to/towards etc sth

?As usual, the conversation turned back to her children. 同往常一样,谈话的内容又回到她的孩子身上了。


turn your back (on sb/sth)

to refuse to help, support, or be involved with someone or something 对(某人/某事)置之不理,对(某人/某事)撒手不管

?How can you turn your back on your o wn mother? 你怎么可以对自己的母亲不闻不问呢??In his twenties he turned his back on his Catholic faith. 他二十几岁时背弃了天主教的信仰。

to turn so that your back is pointing towards someone or something, and you are not looking at them 转身背对〔某人或某物〕

?Angrily, she turned her back on hi m. 她生气地转过身背对着他。


AGE/TIME 年龄/时间

[T] to become a particular age, or to reach a particular time


sb turns 15/20/40 etc

?My son’s just turned 18. 我的儿子刚满18岁。

it’s turned 2 o’clock/5/midday etc

?It’s just turned three. 现在刚到3点。


turn sth inside out

to pull a piece of clothing, bag etc so that the inside is facing out 把〔衣服、包等〕里朝外翻?Turn the sweater inside out before you wash it. 把毛衣翻过面来洗。

to search everywhere for something, in a way that makes a place very untidy 到处寻找某物,把某物翻个底朝天

?Thieves had turned the house upside down. 小偷把房子翻了个底朝天。

to completely change the way that something is done, organized, thought about etc 彻底改变

?New approaches to marketing turn old practices upside down. 新的营销方式彻底改变了以前的做法。

?Her opinion of him had been t urned on its head. 她对他的看法彻底改变了。


have turned the corner

to start to improve after going through a difficult period or experience


?The manager of the hotel chain claims that they have turned the corner. 那家连锁酒店的经理声称他们已渡过了难关。



[T] to make or let someone or something go out from where they are


?There are some criminals who cannot be turned loose onto the streets. 有些罪犯是不能放任街头不管的。

turn sb/sth out/outside/into etc (sth)

?Turn the dough out onto a lightly flour ed board. 把面团拿出来,放在撒过薄薄一层面粉的板上。



[I] if the tide turns, the sea starts to come in or go out again




[I,T] if something such as a war, situation, game of sport etc turns, or someone turns it, something happens to change the way it is developing


?Mills turned the game by scoring twice. 米尔斯两度进球,扭转了比赛的局势。

?The victory turned the tide of the war in North Africa. 这场胜利扭转了北非的战局。


turn traitor

to be disloyal to a person, group, or idea that you have strongly supported before



turn your ankle

to twist your ankle in a way that injures it



?Wright turned his ankle in the first minutes of the game. 赖特在比赛开始几分钟里就扭伤了脚踝。


an actor turned politician/a housewife turned author etc

someone who has done one job and then does something completely different


→at 见poacher


turn sb’s head

to be attractive in a romantic or sexual way


?She turned heads when ever she walked into a room. 只要她走进一个房间,就能吸引很多目



turn (people’s) heads

if something turns people’s heads, they are surprised by it


?It did turn some heads when he moved back to the village. 他搬回到村里居住,确实让有些人很吃惊。


turn a profit

to make a profit



turn a phrase

to say something in a particular way


?Cohen knows how to turn a phrase in his lyrics. 科恩作词时知道如何措辞。



[T] to break up soil so that it is ready for growing crops


?a distant tractor turning t he soil 远处正在翻土的拖拉机



[T] to shape a wooden or metal object using a special tool




[I] if milk turns, it becomes sour



→at 见blind →turn a blind eye (to sth)at 见blind3 →at 见cheek →turn the other cheek at 见cheek4 →at 见circle →turn full circle at 见circle6 →at 见grave →sb would turn in their grave at 见grave3 →at 见hair →not turn a hair at 见hair11 →at 见hand →turn your hand to (doing) sth at 见hand26 →at 见leaf →turn over a new leaf at 见leaf3 →at 见nose →turn your nose up (at sth)at 见nose5 →at 见stomach →turn your stomach at 见stomach4 →at 见table →turn the tables (on sb)at 见table6 →at 见tail →turn tail at 见tail9

PHRVB 短语动词

turn ( sb ) against sb/sthphr v


to stop liking or supporting someone or something, or to make someone do this


?Many people had turned against the war. 很多人转而反对那场战争。

?Dave felt she was deliberately turning the kids against him. 戴夫感觉她是故意让孩子们与他作对。

turn aroundphr v


if a business, department etc that is not successful turns around, or if someone turns it around, it starts to be successful


?The company turned around from losses of £1.4 million last year to profits of £26,800. 公司由去年的亏损140万英镑扭转为赢利2.68万英镑。

turn sth ←→ around

?At Rockwell International he had turned around a badly performing division.在洛克威尔国际有限公司,他使一个业绩糟糕的部门有了起色。



if a situation, game etc turns around, or if someone turns it around, it changes and starts to develop in the way you want


?After I met him, my whole life turned around. 我遇见他后,我的整个人生都发生了改变。turn sth ←→ around

?Fender’s battin g could turn matches around in half an hour.芬德的击球能让比赛在半小时内扭转局势。


turn around and say/do etc sth to say or do something that is unexpected or that seems unfair or unreasonable

反过来说〔出人意料或不公正、不合理的话〕;反过来做〔出人意料或不公正、不合理的事〕?You can’t just turn around and say that it was all my fault. 你不能反过来说这全是我的错。4.

turn sth ←→ around to consider an idea, question etc in a different way, or change the words of

something so that it has a different meaning


?Let’s turn the whole idea around and look at it from another angle. 让我们换个角度来考虑这个观点。


turn sth ←→ around to complete the process of making a product or providing a service


?We can turn around 500 units by next week. 到下周我们能完成500台。


every time sb turns around very often or all the time


?Every time I turn around he seems to be checking up on me. 我每次回头他都好像是在监督我。

turn awayphr v


turn sb ←→ away to refuse to let someone enter a place or join an organization, for example because it is full


?The show was so popular police had to turn people away. 演出过于火爆,警察只能把人们打发走。

?Thousands of applicants are turned away each year. 每年都有几千名申请者被拒。


turn sb ←→ away to refuse to give someone sympathy, help, or support


?Anyone who comes to us will not be turne d away. 不管谁来找我们,都不会遭到拒绝的。

?The insurance company has promised not to turn away its existing customers. 保险公司承诺说不会对其现有的客户置之不理。


turn (sb) away from sb/sth to stop supporting someone, or stop using or being interested in something, or to make someone do this

(使某人)停止支持某人;(使某人)停止使用某物,(使某人)不再对某人/某物感兴趣?Consumers are turning away from credit cards. 消费者对信用卡逐渐失去了兴趣。?events that turned Henry away from his family 使亨利疏远家人的一些事

turn backphr v


to go back in the direction you came from, or to make someone or something do this


?It’s getting late – maybe we should turn back. 天晚了,也许我们该返回了。

turn sb/sth ←→ back

?The UN convoy was turned back at the border.联合国车队在边境被拦了回来。


to return to doing something in the way it was done before


?We’ve promised to help, and there’s no turning back (= you cannot change this ) ! 我们已经答应要帮忙,不能反悔!

?The people are turning back to natural resources to survive.人们又在回归于依靠自然资源生存。

turn sb/sth ←→ downphr v


to turn the switch on a machine such as an oven , radio etc so that it produces less heat, sound etc


?Can you turn the TV down? I’m trying to work. 你能把电视的声音关小一点吗?我要工作。


to refuse an offer, request, or invitation


?They offered her the job but she turned it down. 他们要给她那份工作,但她拒绝了。

?I’m not going to turn down an invitation to go to New York! 我不会拒绝去纽约的邀请!

?Josie’s already turned him down (= refused his offer of marriage ) . 乔茜已经拒绝了他的求婚。turn inphr v


turn sth ←→ in to give something to a person in authority, especially an illegal weapon or something lost or stolen


?The rebels were told to turn in their weapons and ammunition. 叛乱分子被要求交出武器和弹药。

?My wallet was turned in to the police two days later.两天后我的钱包被人交到了警察那里。


turn sth ←→ in to give back something you have borrowed or rented


?When do the library books have to be turned in? 图书馆的还书期限是什么时候?


turn in sth to produce a particular profit, result etc


?Bimec turned in net profits of £2.4 million. Bimec 公司创造了240万英镑的净利润。

?Last night the team turned in another dazzling performance. 昨晚这支球队又奉献了一场令人目眩的精彩表演。


turn sb ←→ in to tell the police who or where a criminal is


?Margrove’s wife finally turned him in. 马格洛夫的妻子最终告发了他。


to go to bed


?I think I’ll turn in e arly tonight. 我想今晚我要早点睡觉。


turn sth ←→ in to give a piece of work you have done to a teacher, your employer etc


?Have you all turned in your homework assignments? 你们的家庭作业都交了没有?

turn ( sb/sth ) into sthphr v


to become something different, or to make someone or something do this


?The sofa turns into a bed. 这沙发可以变成一张床。

?A few weeks later, winter had turned into spring. 几周过后,冬去春来。

?Hollywood discovered her and turned her into a star. 好莱坞发掘了她,把她变成了明星。


to change by magic from one thing into another, or to make something do this


?In a flash, the prince turned into a frog. 转眼之间,王子变成了青蛙。

?The witch had turned them all into stone. 女巫把他们都变成了石头。


days turned into weeks/months turned into years etc used to say that time passed slowly while you waited for something to happen


?Weeks turned into months, and still there was no letter. 几个星期过去了,几个月过去了,还是没有信来。

turn offphr v


turn sth ←→ off to make a machine or piece of electrical equipment such as a television, engine, light etc stop operating by pushing a button, turning a key etc


?Don’t forget to turn the lights off when you leave. 走时别忘了关灯。


turn sth ←→ off to stop the supply of water, gas etc from flowing by turning a handle


?They’ve turned the gas off for a couple of hours. 他们已把煤气切断几个小时了。


turn off (sth) to leave the road you are travelling on and start travelling on another road


?I think we should have turned off at the last exit.我想我们在上一个出口就应该出去的。

turn off the road/motorway etc

?Mark turned off the highway and into Provincetown.马克驶离公路,进入了普罗温斯敦镇。



turn sb ←→ off to make someone decide they do not like something


?Any prospective buyer will be turned off by the sight of rotting wood. 任何潜在的买主看到腐朽的木头,都会失去兴趣。



turn sb ←→ off to make someone feel that they are not attracted to you in a sexual way


?Men who stink of beer really turn me off. 满身啤酒味道的男人实在让我没那兴趣。


turn onphr v


turn sth ←→ on to make a machine or piece of electrical equipment such as a television, engine, light etc start operating by pushing a button, turning a key etc


?Jake turned on his computer and checked his mail. 杰克打开电脑查看电子邮件。


turn sth ←→ on to make the supply of water, gas etc start flowing from something by turning a handle


?He turned on the gas and lit the stove. 他打开煤气,点燃炉子。

?‘I’m thirsty,’ she said, turning on the tap . “我渴了。”她说着,打开了水龙头。


turn on sb to suddenly attack someone, using physical violence or unpleasant words


?Peter turned on Rae and screamed, ‘Get out of my sight!’ 彼得突然冲着雷尖叫起来:“从我面前滚开!”


turn on sth if a situation, event, argument etc turns on a particular thing or idea, it depends on that thing


?As usual, everything turned on how much money w as available. 照例,一切都取决于有多少钱可以用。


turn sb on to make someone feel sexually excited


?The way he looked at her really turned her on. 他那样地看着她,把她的性趣大大地逗了起来。



turn sb on to interest someone, or to make someone become interested in something


?Science fiction just doesn’t turn me on. 科幻小说根本提不起我的兴趣。

?It was Walter who turned me on to veget arian food.是沃尔特让我喜欢上素食的。


turn on the charm to suddenly start to be very nice, amusing, and interesting, especially in a way that is not sincere


?Simon was good at turning on the charm at parties. 西蒙很会在聚会上施展魅力。

turn outphr v


to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expect


?To my surprise, it turned out that I was wrong. 让我吃惊的是,结果竟是我错了。

?(= used to say what happened in the end ) , he passed the exam quite easily. 最后,他轻而易举地通过了考试。

turn out well/badly/fine etc

?It was a difficult time, but eventually things turned out all right.那段时期很困难,不过最后还是好起来了。

turn out to be sth

?That guy turned out to be Maria’s second cousin.那家伙原来是玛丽亚的远房表兄。


turn the light out to stop the flow of electricity to a light by pressing a switch, pulling a string etc 关灯

?Don’t forget to turn out the lights when you go! 走时别忘了关灯!


if a lot of people turn out for an event, they go to watch it or take part in it


?About 70% of the popu lation turned out for the election.大约有70%的人口参加了选举投票。

turn out to do sth

?Thousands turned out to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.成千上万的人前去观看了昨天对爱尔兰队的比赛。



turn sb ←→ out to force someone to leave a place permanently, especially their home


?If you can’t pay the rent, they turn you out. 你要是付不出房租,他们就会把你赶出去。


turn sth ←→ out to produce or make something


?The factory turns out 300 units a day. 这家工厂一天生产300台。


well/beautifully/badly etc turned out dressed in good, beautiful etc clothes


?elegantly turned-out young ladies 衣着雅致的年轻女士们


turn sth ←→ out

to empty something completely by taking out the contents


?The policeman made him turn out his pockets.

BrE to take out everything in a room, drawer etc and clean the room etc thoroughly


?Lea decided to turn out the attic.

turn overphr v


turn sth over to sb to give someone the right to own something, or to make someone responsible for dealing with something


?He’ll turn the shop over to his son when he retires. 他退休后将把商店交给儿子经营。

turn the matter/problem/responsibility etc over to sb

?I’m turning the project over to you.我要把项目交给你负责。


turn sth over to sth to use land, a building etc for a different purpose


?There is a new plan to turn the land over to wind farming. 有一个新的计划,要把这块土地进行改造用于风力发电。


turn sb over to sb to take a criminal to the police or another official organization


?Suspected terrorists are immediately turned over to the law. 恐怖分子疑犯会被立即送交法办。


turn over sth if a business turns over a particular amount of money, it earns that amount in a particular period of time



2. 职务的误译 在翻译职务时, 最容易误译的是翻译“副”职时, 因为表示 “副……”的有“deputy”“vice”、“associate”、“assistant”、 “under”、“sub”等, 且迄今为止, 我国还没有就汉语“副职”的英 译建立起一个统一的标准, 致使英译的形式多样, 缺少章法, 使得外国听众不知所云, 有时甚至引起误解。其实经过调查分 析, 表示“副”意思的英语词素与其它词汇在搭配时具有特定 的语法规则和语用规则。 2.1 Deputy 有人认为“deputy”经常和一些表示职位相对较低的词连 用, 这种说法不一定正确。和它搭配频率较高的词汇有: minister,leader,chairman,director,mayor,editor,manager,secretary –general,等。可以看出, deputy 主要用来表示企业、事业、行政 部门的副职。 2.2 Vice- 有人认为Vice- 常和Chairman 这样的表示职位相对高 的词连用。但是, 并不意味着vice- 不能和表示一般职位的词 连用, 例如, 我们也可以说: vice- manager( 副经理).同时, Vice 与表示“正职”名词搭配的方式比较固定, 它常和President, Chairman, Chancellor 等连用。 所以, 我们认为, Vice- 不一定只与表示职位相对较高的 词连用, 同样的道理,Deputy 不只是与所谓表示职位相对较低 的词连用。 2.3 Associate Associate 在大多数情况下用作名词, 表示“助理”的意思。 在用作“副”的意思时, 它主要用来表示立法和执法部门的副 职。但是, Assistant Manager 不是我们通常所指的“经理助理”, 因为“经理助理”只是经理的一般帮手, 他可能没有头衔. Assistant Manager 可以理解翻译为“助理经理”或“副经理”因为当经理不在时, Assistant Manager 通常可以代替经理处理日 常事务。 2.4 Under- 表示职务的名词和under- 搭配的只有secretary- general 和secretary,指的是联和国、部、厅等机关的副秘书长、次长等。 2.5 Sub- 与sub- 搭配表示副职的词较少, 只有sub dean( 大学的副 教务长、副系主任) 、sub- agent( 副代理人) 、sub prefect( 副县 长) 、sub deacon( 副助祭) "副"字在英语中可以用vice、deputy、assistant、associate、under、sub等词表示。 副总裁Vice President


turn用作名词时可以和不少介词构成介词短语,使用时须注意各短语意义上的细微差别。 l. at every turn每次,总是,到处,主要表示事情发生的频率。例如: ①Because of his drinking,the man was refused a job at every torn. 由于酗酒,那个人每次找工作都遭到拒绝。 ②Life holds new adventures al every torn. 生活中处处有新的风险。 2.by turn交替地,轮流地,一会儿……一会儿,其含义为:有规律地轮换,根据一个重复性的计划而一个接一个或一个替换另一个。通常位于句末.turn为复数。例如: ①His condition is critical;we have to look after him by toms. 他的病情极为严重,我们得轮流看护他。 ②When John had a fever,he felt cold and hot by turns. 约翰发烧时,他一会儿发冷,一会儿发热。 3.in one's turn轮到某人(做事)。例如: They,in their torn,rejected that. 轮到他们时,他们也拒绝了。 4.in turn依次地,一次一个地,轮流地,其含义为:按照一个固定的顺序依次进行。in turn 在句中位置较灵活,只有在表示“轮流”时才可和by turns换用,但它表示的时间范围要大些。in turn还可表示“回报”。例如: ①They rowed in turn/by toms. 他们轮流划船。 ②The children went on the bus in torn. 孩子们依次上了公共汽车。


论旬空的用法 1、空而有用 动不为空,空逢冲则实不为空,逢生旺为不空,动化空为不空,空逢合不为空,逢月令填实不为空。 旺不为空:爻虽目下不力,但得生扶。仅是不利暂时! 动不为空:本身发动有释放本钱,处于待发之状。 合不为空:因得月合日合动爻合,受上层保护提拨、同事帮助支持而免受它爻克害。自然因这层关系而“有空之名无空之实”。 空亡是一种时间概念,从空到不空是一个“动”的过程。这其间从无到有、从假到真、从虚到实、从弱到强!无不折射出大干世界万事万物从弱小到壮大、从有用到成功之努力、奋斗、发展的阶段及过程。 2、空而无用 安静旬空休囚,受日、月之克或逢月破为空:书云:“春土夏金秋木冬火为真空。”此论大致是对的,如秋占木爻空,无日或动爻生助的静爻,木爻旬空为真空;若卦中有水爻动或水日占卦,木爻有原神生助,虽空不空,待时之用。 3、空的吉凶 书云:“无故勿空。”即若卦中无忌神动克用神,用神旬空,为有病之爻:若卦中忌神动,用神空,为避克,反主吉;如用空有生旺之气,虽出空受制,也无大害;如用

空无气,出空必受克应凶。 原、用两神不宜空,忌神宜空。 4、空亡种类: 1、静空:卦爻安静逢空,逢冲之日有一半力量应事;也就是要视此爻力量之大小而论成事程度。 2、动空:因本身发动自旺而空,有能量释放权力!谓“动不为空”逢冲实即可一竟全功。 3、化空:动爻发动但化出空爻、力量从有至无。病在变爻;待变爻填实、“完全”着力方能明显成事。 4、空化空:动变皆空、根基全无。一般难成其事!除非二者皆填实,否则因冲而无力、难使双方能量尽显!故冲空无用。 5、飞伏空:飞空有利伏神引拨!对占事有利无害。伏神空要临日透出才可应事。冲伏要视伏神力量旺衰大小而定应事之吉凶。 6、令空:即司令空亡。比如占卦之日原象为寅月令, 但寅在日处旬空!此月之寅令并不能解日辰旬内之空。。 以上所言,均指假空。有救之空方为假,无救之空可论“亡”。 5、空亡的信息之象 空亡的总体含义:“空”与“实”相对,空有不实、落空、虚伪、虚假、心里没底、不踏实、没有、不存在、不在、发挥不出来、躲避、虚无、,若有若无、死亡、灭亡等等信息之象。比如测钱币真假,财爻逢空就意味着是假;如测合伙生意,应空主对方不实,世空主自己不实,或者心里没底。 空者空无、空间、空地、空灵也,内中无物也。卦爻空亡,指日之旬空。空有真空无用与空而有用之分。


助动词的用法 一、助动词do的用法 在英语中,助动词本身没有意义,只是帮助实义动词完成某些语法功能,如构成否定句、疑问句、简略答语等。 do 有两种形式 原形 现在时第三人称单数 do的基本用法: 构成否定句 构成一般疑问句及回答 构成特殊疑问句 1.原形 肯定式: do 否定式: do not 缩略否定式: don’t 用法:do用在第一人称单复数(I,we…)、第二人称单复数(you…)和第三人称复数(they…)做主语,且时态为一般现在时的句子中,构成否定句、一般疑问句及回答、特殊疑问句。 Examples: I like this red hat. 我喜欢这顶红色的帽子。 否定句:我不喜欢这顶红色的帽子。 I don’t like this red hat. 一般疑问句及回答:你喜欢这顶红色的帽子吗? 是的,我喜欢。∕不,我不喜欢。 Do you like this red hat? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 特殊疑问句: 你喜欢哪一顶帽子?Which hat do you like? Lily and I want to go to Beijing. 莉莉和我想去北京。

否定句: Lily and I don't want to go to Beijing. 莉莉和我不想去北京。 一般疑问句及回答: Do Lily and you want to go to Beijing? Yes, we do. ∕No, we don't. 莉莉和你想去北京吗? 是的,我们想去。∕不,我们不想去。 特殊疑问句:Where do Lily and you want to go? 莉莉和你想去哪儿? 练习:1、我不喜欢狗。 Idon't like dogs. 2、你喜欢什么颜色? What color do you like? 3、你有词典吗?是的,我有。 Do you have a dictionary? Yes, I do. 2.现在式第三人称单数 肯定式: does 否定式: does not 缩略否定式:doesn’t 用法:does用在第三人称单数做主语,且时态为一般现在时的句子中。注意:当does出现时,句子中用动词原形。 Examples: She likes that red dress. 否定句:She doesn’t like that red dress. 一般疑问句及回答:Does she like that red dress? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. 特殊疑问句:Which dress does she like? 课堂练习:


turn的用法 一、turn 用作名词时,意为“轮流”“依次轮流的顺序”。例如: Now it’s your turn to read the text、现在轮到您读课文了。 It's my turn to use the bike、该轮到我用自行车了。 You must stand in line and wait for your turn、您必须排队等候。 含turn 的短语有: take turns 意为“替换”“轮流”; by turns 意为“轮流地”。例如: Please take turns to ask questions、请轮流提问。 We looked after the little boy by turns、我们轮流照瞧这个小男孩。 We take turns to make dinner、我们轮流做晚饭。(=We make dinner by turns、) 注:take one's turn to do sth、 = do sth、 in turn =do sth、 by turns轮流做某事 =take turns to do sth、=take turns at doing sth、=take turns doing sth、 The nurses attended the patient in turn / by turns、 =The nurses took turns to attend the patient、The twins take turns to make dinner、 =The twins take turns at making dinner、 =The twins take turns making dinner、 二、turn 用作系动词时,意为“变得”。例如: In spring the trees turn green and the flowers start to come out、春天,树变绿了,花儿开了? In autumn the leaves turn yellow、秋天树叶变黄。 She turned pale、她的脸变得苍白。 三turn 用作不及物动词时,意为“转向”“翻转”、 turn right / left = turn to the right / left 例如: Turn right、At the end of the road you’ll see the hospital、向右拐,在路的尽头就就是那家医院? Just go straight and turn left、一直往前走,然后向左拐? Turn to Page 12 in your workbook、翻到练习册第12页? He turned his face to the wall、她转过脸面向墙壁。 The road turns south outside town、此路在城外转弯向南。 turn to sth、 / sb、 (for help) When I am in difficulty, I always turn to him for help、我有困难时总就是找她帮忙。 四、转动,旋转 The wheel turns when its axis moves、轮轴动时,轮子也跟着转动。 He turned the key in the lock、她旋动插进锁里的钥匙。 五、使倒置,使颠倒;倾倒[O] He turned the glass upside down、她将玻璃杯子倒置。 六、turn 可以与介词或副词一起构成短语动词,表达不同的意思?常见的这些短语动词有: 1、turn over 意为“翻过来”例如: Tom turned over the note and read, “Come and look for me in the study、” 汤姆把便条翻过来读


以为的几种用法 邢台市第五中学李敬华 “以为”在古汉语中使用频率很高。因为“以”和“为”都有多种用法,所以两个字搭配在一起就有了多种含义,“以为”可以是连用,也可以是“以……为……”。现对课本中出现的几种形式作一简单总结: 一“以为”等于现代汉语中的“认为” 例: (1)“老臣窃以为媪之爱燕后,贤于长安君。” (我私下认为您疼爱燕后就超过了疼爱长安君。) (2)故以为其爱不若燕后。(因此我认为您疼爱他(长安君)比不上疼爱燕后。) (3)闻道百,以为莫己若者,我之谓也。(听到了上百条道理,便认为天下再没有谁能比得上自己’的,说的就是我这样的人了。) 二“以……为……”中“以”是介词“把”,“为”是动词“作为”或“当作” 例:(1)必以长安君为质,兵乃出。(一定要把长安君来做人质,援兵才能派出。”)

(2)然后以六合为家,崤函为宫。(然后将天下作为一家私产,把崤山、函谷关作为宫墙) 三“以……为……”中“以”是动词“认为”,“为”是介词“替” 例:老臣以媪为长安君计短也。(我认为您替长安君打算得太短了) 四“以为”连用,却相当于“以……为……”“以为”中间省略“之” 例:(1)若舍郑以为东道主,行李之往来,共其乏困。(假如放弃灭郑的打算,而让郑国作为您秦国东道上的主人,秦国使者往来,郑国可以随时供给他们所缺乏的东西)(2)收天下之兵,聚之咸阳,销锋镝,铸以为金人十二,以弱天下之民。(收缴天下的兵器,集中在咸阳,去掉刀刃和箭头,把它铸成十二个金人,以便削弱百姓的反抗力量。) (3)南取百越之地,以为桂林、象郡。(向南攻取百越的土地,把它划为桂林郡和象郡) 五“以……为……”实际上相当于“以为”,译作“认为” 例:以天下之美为尽在己。(认为天下一切美好的东西全都聚集在自己这里。)


论文: 几种标点符号的用法小结 在教学中,我经常会遇到学生不会使用破折号、省略号、书名号。现在我将他们的用法加以小结,帮助老师教学和学生理解。 (一)破折号用来标明行文中解释说明的语句,或表示语义的转换、递进、中断、延长等。破折号和括号用法不同:破折号引出的解释说明是正文的一部分,括号里的解释说明不是正文,只是注释。 其作用主要有: 1、表示注释。如:(61)迈进金黄色的大门,穿过宽阔的风门厅和衣帽厅,就到了大会堂建筑的枢纽部分——中央大厅。 2、表示意思的转折及转换。如:(62)到山上打柴的记忆至今都是幸福而快乐的——尽管那是童年十分辛苦的一种劳作。(54)“好香的菜,——听到风声了吗?”赵七爷站在七斤的后面说。 3、表示意思的递进。如:(63)自然是读着,读着,强记着——而且要背出来。 4、用于标明语句间的因果关系,破折号前是果,后是因。如:(64)他首先指出早恋并不可耻——这是一种十分自然、正常的现象……早恋并不可爱——早结的果不甜,早开的花早谢。 5、表声音的延长、中断或停顿。 6、表分项列举。 7、用于副标题前。 ●【提示】破折号与逗号都有强调的作用,前者强于后者,逗号强调前面的内容,破折号强调后面的内容。如:(65)我,是第一个跑到终点的。(66)那就是我——一名普通的中学教师。当语句容易引起误解时要用两个破折号。破折号前可用点号以示强调突出。(67)如:我有四年多,曾经常常,——几乎是每天出入于质铺和药店。 (二)省略号前后使用标点的规定是:省略号前面是完整的句子,句末标点

应保留,如果不是完整的句子,只是句内停顿,则句末不保留标点;省略号后面一般不用标点,只有需要表示不跟下文连接才可以使用句尾标点。书刊中省略号前后使用标点也易出错,例如: (68)至今还保存在岛上的水井、碑石、各种建筑物……,这一切铁的事实都雄辩地证明,南海诸岛自古就是我国领土不可分割的组成部分。(69)“夫日月之有蚀,风雨之不时,…….是无世而不常有之。” 例句(68)中省略号后逗号应去掉;(69)省略号前之逗号也应去掉。 ●【特别提示】当列举的各项和省略的部分共同充当某一词语的修饰限制成分时,省略部分只能用“等”或“等等”表示,不能用省略号。如:(69)“新时期文学”以来,小说、散文、诗歌、报告文学等评奖活动,从国家到地方评过几次?(70)对于有志于文学的后来者们,除了继续关注文本语言风格幽默荒诞等等之外,也应该是大有启迪的啊!省略号前后标点的使用。省略号前的句子语义表达完整可在句子末尾加句末点号,否则不加。省略号后一般不加标点,如果省略号后还有文字,为表示其不与省略号前的文字相连,可在省略号前加句末点号。如:(71)现在创作上有一种长的趋向:短篇向中篇靠拢,长篇呢?一部,两部,三部……。当然,也有长而优、非长不可的,但大多数是不必那么长,却有“水分”可挤。 (三)书名号使用书名号时注意 1、名和篇名同时出现时,只用一个书名。书名写在前面,篇名写在后面,中间用间隔号隔开。如:(72)《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》。 2、词牌名和题名同时出现时,要用书名号。前面是词牌名,后面是题名,中间用间隔号隔开。如:(73)《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》。 3、书名号里还要用书名号时,外面用双书名号里面用单书名号。如:(74)《新时期〈金瓶梅〉研究评述》一书已出版。 4、影视作品的名称应用书名号,但电视栏目、报社及杂志社名称不用书名号。如:(75)“焦点访谈”是我们大家都喜欢看的栏目。(76)语文报社出版的《语文报》,我们大家都爱看

【精选】turn 用法

Turn 英音:[t?:n] 美音:[t?n] 及物动词vt. 1. 使转动,使旋转 He turned his head and saw a figure approaching in the darkness. 他转过头,看见在黑暗中有个人影走过来。 2. 旋动,拧动 He turned the key in the lock. 他旋动插进锁里的钥匙。 3. 翻,翻转[(+over)] She turned a page. 她翻过一页。 4. 使转向;使对着[O] He turned his face to the wall. 他转过脸面向墙壁。 5. 使倒置,使颠倒;倾倒[O] He turned the glass upside down. 他将玻璃杯子倒置。 6. (精神上)使错乱 Too much praise turned his head. 表扬太多使他昏了头。 7. 移动,挪动 He did not turn a finger to help. 他连举手之劳的忙也不肯帮。 8. 使变化;改变[O][(+from/into)] The barren land has been turned into fertile fields. 贫瘠的土地已改成良田。 9. 使变得;使成为[O8][(+into)] Cold turned their ears pink. 他们的耳朵冻得发红了。 10. 使变酸;使变质;使(树叶等)变色 Fall turned the leaves. 秋天树叶发了黄。 11. 把(注意力等)转向;把...用于;把...对准[O][(+to/on)] Please turn your attention to something more important. 请把你的注意力放到更重要的事情上。 12. 兑换;翻译;改写[(+into)] Turn this sentence into English. 将这句话译成英文。 13. 驱赶;打发[O] I'll turn you out of the house. 我要把你赶出门去。 14. 阻挡,击退 They turned the enemy's attack. 他们击退了敌人的进攻。 15. 赚取,挣得 He's doing odd jobs to turn an honest penny. 他打零工老老实实挣钱。16. 使具有优美形式 She has a knack for turning a phrase. 她善于辞令。 17. 拐过,绕过 He turned the street corner. 他拐过街角。

have got的详细用法回顾.doc

Module 4 &5需要掌握的重点语法和词组: 复习:have的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have的意思是:________,它的单数形式是:_______。have是_______词。 例如:我有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends.他有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends. ②把下列两道题改为否定句: 1、I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:have 的句子改为否定句要_______________________________________________________________ 2、He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:has的句子改为否定句要_____________________________________ 同样的道理:请将下列两道题改为一般疑问句: I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:______________________________________ He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:________________________________________________________ 练习: 一、用have的正确形式填空: 1、He_____two brothers. 2、I_____a beautiful picture. 3、Betty_____ a lovely dog. 4、They_____some friends here. 二、请将下列的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。 1-3题改为否定句:1、He has two brothers. ___________________________________________________ 2、I have a beautiful picture. ___________________________________________________ 3、Betty has some friends here. ___________________________________________________ 4-6题改为一般疑问句: 4、They have a good teacher. _________________________________肯定回答:_________________ 5、I have some cards. __________________________________________否定回答:____________________ 6、Tony has a sister. __________________________________________否定回答:____________________ 三、请用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、I _________ (have)a brother,but I_________ (not have)a sister. 2、He _________ (have)a beautiful pen. _________ you_________(have)a pen? 3、Lingling _________ (have)an English dictionary. 4、_________ Tony_________(have)a car? have got 的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have got 表示_________________________________ 例:我有一只猫。I have got a cat. have got 的第三人称单数形式是:____________________________ ②have got可以缩写为:_______________ 例如:I have got a cat = ________________________ has got 可以缩写为:_______________ 例如:He has got a cat = ________________________ 练习:请用has got或have got填空。 1、I a bike. 2、He a bike. 3、You a bike.


at all的四种用法 一、用于否定句 at all 用于否定句,主要是加强否定的语气,意思是:根本不,一点也不。如: It wasn’t difficult at all. 这一点也不难。 There was nothing to eat at all. 根本没什么可吃的。 That kind of belief is not at all unusual. 那种看法极为常见。 I haven’t got any idea at all about what happened. 我根本不知道出了什么事。 It’s quite extraordinary;I can’t understand it at all. 这件事太不寻常了,我根本没法理解。 Mike doesn’t enjoy classical music (very much) at all. 迈克根本就不(是很)喜欢古典音乐。 有时与hardly, few, seldom, scarcely 等半否定词连用。如: It hadly rained at all last summer. 去年夏天没怎么下雨。 It scarcely mentions women at all. 它几乎一点都未提及妇女。 注:在否定句中,at all 可位于句末,也可跟在否定词后。如: He’s not at all stupid. 他一点儿都不傻。 He isn’t tired at all. /He’s not at all tired. 他一点也不累。 另外,在口语中单独说not at all, 可用来回答感谢或道歉。如: A: Thank you very much. 多谢你了。 B: Not at all. 不客气。 A: I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 B: Oh, not at all. 噢,没关系。 二、用于疑问句 at all 用于疑问句,主要加强疑问的语气,意思是:到底,究竟,难道不。如: Did you know him at all? 你究竟认识他还是不认识他? Are you at all worried about it? 你难道对此不担心吗? Have you read any of the report at all? 那份报告你到底有没有读一点? Did it play any role at all in the presidential campaign? 这件事在总统选举中到底起作用没有? 三、用于条件句 at all 用于条件句,主要用于加强if的语气,意为:假若,既然,即使,反正。如:If you do it at all, do it well. 既然要做,就把它做好。 He’ll come before supper if he comes at all. 他要是来,准在晚饭以前。 If you want to consult me at all, give me a ring. 如果你确实要和我商量,可以给我打个电话。 四、用于肯定句 at all 用于肯定句(较少见),意为:不管怎样,竟然。如: I was surprised at his coming at all. 我很奇怪,他竟然来了。 It’s a miracle that you returned at all. 你竟然回来了真是奇迹。 That he was rescued at all was a matter of coincidences. 他的获救实属巧合。 在肯定句中,尤其见于前面有any的场合,即用于强调any的意思。如: I’ll do any job at all—even road-sweeping. 什么工作我都干——扫街都行。 You can come whenever you like---any time at all. 你什么时候想来就来——无论什么时候都行。


h a v e_g o t的详细用 法

复习:have的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have的意思是:________,它的单数形式是:_______。have是_______词。 例如:我有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends.他有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends. ②把下列两道题改为否定句: 1、I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:have 的句子改为否定句要 _______________________________________________________________ 2、He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:has的句子改为否定句要 _____________________________________ 同样的道理:请将下列两道题改为一般疑问句: I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结: ______________________________________ He has a dog:_________________________ 总结: ________________________________________________________ 练习: 一、用have的正确形式填空: 1、He_____two brothers. 2、I_____a beautiful picture. 3、Betty_____ a lovely dog. 4、They_____some friends here. 二、请将下列的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。 1-3题改为否定句:1、He has two brothers. ___________________________________________________ 2、I have a beautiful picture. ___________________________________________________ 3、Betty has some friends here. ___________________________________________________ 4-6题改为一般疑问句: 4、They have a good teacher. _________________________________肯定回答:_________________ 5、I have some cards. __________________________________________否定回答: ____________________ 6、Tony has a sister. __________________________________________否定回答: ____________________ 三、请用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、I _________ (have)a brother,but I_________ (not have)a sister. 2、He _________ (have)a beautiful pen. _________ you_________(have)a pen? 3、Lingling _________ (have)an English dictionary. 4、_________ Tony_________(have)a car? have got 的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。


引号的用法及举例 引号主要用法有四种:①表示行文中直接引用的话。②表示需要着重论述的对象。③表示具有特殊含义的词语。④引号里面还要用引号时,外面一层用双引号,里面一层用单引号。从以上四种用法中,我们可以明显的看出,第四种用法实际上是形式上(格式上)的差别,而不是意义上的差别。 这样引号的用法主要只有三种:①表示行文中直接引用的话。②表示需要着重论述的对象。③表示具有特殊含义的词语。 (一)表示行文中直接引用的话。这是引号最基本的用法,即在行文中直接引用他人的话,包括格言、诗词、歌词等。 例如:卢沟桥事变的第二天,中国共产党就通电全国,大声疾呼:“平津危急!华北危急!中华民族危急!”(《卢沟桥烽火》)这句话中引号的用法就是引用他人说的话。但引号不会引用单个的词语。 不过有一种情况比较特殊,那就是象声词和音译外来词加引号,也是表示直接引用。例如:1.“嗒嗒嗒……”密集的机关枪子弹倾泻在卢沟桥桥面上。(《卢沟桥烽火》)2.一片静寂中,我隐约听见“哗——哗——”的声音,颇有节奏地从岭下的竹丛中传来。(《天游峰的扫路人》) 3.科学家借用一名乡村歌手的名字,给这只克隆羊起名为“多利”。(《克隆之谜》) (二)表示需要着重论述的对象。在行文时,有时为了强调、突出论述的对象,也需要加上引号。例如:1.我想跟大家谈一谈“合作”的话题。(《学会合作》) 2.世界上许多地方都在闹“能源危机”。(《海洋——21世纪的希望》)在这些句子中,“合作”、“能源危机”都是这些句子所着重论述的对象。 这里也有一种特殊情况,表示节日、纪念日的数字部分和重大历史时间加引号,表示地名加引号,专用名词加引号,以前的说法引号都是表示特定称谓。例如: 1.“九一八”事变后,日本帝国主义侵占了我国东北三省。(《卢沟桥烽火》) 2. 原来,蝙蝠靠喉咙发出人耳听不到的“超声波”。(《夜晚的实验》)3. 是您,和我们一起参加“雏鹰假日小队”活动。(《明天,我们毕业》)现在看来这些都应该归结到“表示需要着重论述的对象”这种用法中来。因为给这些词语加上引号就是为了起一个突出、强调的作用。因而判断这种用法的标准就是看是否起强调、突出的作用。 (三)表示具有特殊含义的词语。在行文时,有的词语加上引号就不再表示它原来的意思,而是具有了新的含义。 例如: 1.那几只蝙蝠眼睛全被他蒙上了,都是“瞎子”呀。(《夜晚的实验》)说明:“瞎子”本来的意思是指双目失明的人,在这里是指被蒙上眼睛的蝙蝠。2. 蝙蝠的耳朵又怎么能“穿透”黑夜,“听”到没有声音的物体呢?(《夜晚的实验》)说明:耳朵怎么能“穿透”黑夜?怎么能“听”到物体呢?在这里是说蝙蝠的耳朵没有“视线”,却能像视线那样“穿透”黑暗,去发现黑暗中的物体;耳朵只会听声音,在这里蝙蝠却能像“听”声音一样,感受到前方的物体,所以“穿透”“听”



破折号一般有以下几种用法:1、表示破折号后面是解释说明的部分。 (1)各国政府——无论专制政府或共和政府都驱逐他。 (2)带工老板或者打杂的拿着一叠叠的名册,懒散地站在正门口——好像火车站剪票处一般的木栅子前面 2、表示意思的递进。 每年——特别是水灾、旱灾的时候,这些在日本厂里有门路的带工…… 3、表示意思的转换、跳跃或转折。 (1)“今天好热啊!——你什么时候去上海?” (2)我本来不想去,可是俺婆婆非叫我再去看看他——有什么看头啊! 4、表示语音的延长 (1)“小林——,我来了!”他大喊着 (2)“呜——呜——呜”小男孩大声哭起来。 (3)我们在天安门前深情的呼唤:周——总——理—— 5、表示语音较大的停顿或中断。 那个时候在无锡的人,我倒问过,可是——(表示说话中断) 破折号作用主要有: 1、表示解释说明。 例句:迈进金黄色的大门,穿过宽阔的风门厅和衣帽厅,就到了大会堂建筑的枢纽部分——中央大厅。 2、表示意思的转折及转换。 例句:到山上打柴的记忆至今都是幸福而快乐的——尽管那是童年十分辛苦的一种劳作。 例句:“好香的菜,——听到风声了吗?”赵七爷站在七斤的后面说。 3、表示意思的递进。 例句:自然是读着,读着,强记着——而且要背出来。 4、用于标明语句间的因果关系,破折号前是果,后是因。 例句:他首先指出早恋并不可耻——这是一种十分自然、正常的现象……早恋并不可爱——早结的果不甜,早开的花早谢。 5、表示声音的延长、中断或停顿。 6、表示分项列举。 7、用于副标题前。 ● 【提示】破折号与逗号都有强调的作用,一般逗号强调的是前面的内容,而破折号强调的是后面的内容。 例句:我,是第一个跑到终点的。 那就是我——一名普通的中学教师。 当语句容易引起误解时要用两个破折号。破折号前可用点号以示强调突出。 如:我有四年多,曾经常常,——几乎是每天——出入于质铺和药店 1,他们的脸却恒常浮着——像晴空,在整个雨季中我们不见它,却清晰地记得它。 2,有一个女老师——我连她的脸都记不起来了,但好象觉得她是美的。3,我立刻快乐得有有如肋下生翅一般——我平生似乎再也没有出现那么自豪的时刻。 4,泥土的大地可以成为那么美好的纸张,尖锐的利石可以成为那么流利的彩笔——我第一次懂得。 ① 语意的跃进; ② 话题的转换;③解释说明; ④ 时间或声音的延续


turn 的相关用法: *turn in—give sth. to the person who is in charge; give a piece of work one has done to a teacher, employer, etc. 上交 e.g. Everybody turn the report in before Friday. Have all the students turned in their homework assignment? 1)To hand in; give over:交还;上交:e.g. turned in the final exam.上交期末 考试试卷 2)To inform on or deliver:检举,陈述:e.g. The criminal turned herself in.罪犯自 首了 3)To produce:完成:e.g. turns in a consistent performance every day.每天的表现都 很一致 4)Informal 【非正式用语】To go to bed:上床睡觉: 我昨晚很早就上床睡觉了 1)To send away; dismiss:把…打发走;解雇: 解雇了推销员 2)To repel:驱逐:e.g. The poor location of the condominium turned away many prospective buyers. 公寓房偏僻的位置赶跑了许多很有希望的买主 3)To avert; deflect:挡开;使转向:e.g. turned away all criticism.挡开了所有的批 评 1)To reverse one's direction of motion: 折回,往回走掉转某人的运动方 向: e.g. stopped on the road and had to turn back.在公路上停了下来,只好往回走 2)To drive back and away:使折回,赶回去: e.g. turned back the uninvited comers.把不速之客赶了回去 3)To halt the advance of:使停止前进,挡住: e.g. managed to turn back the advancing army.设法挡住了向前推进的军队 4)To fold down:翻起,折转: e.g. Turn back the corner of the page to save your place in the book. 1)To diminish the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of: 降低,减弱调低 速度、音量、强度或流量:e.g. Turn down the radio, please.请把收音 机的音量调低 2)To reject or refuse, as a person, advice, or a suggestion: 拒绝拒绝某人、建议或 忠告: e.g. We politely turned down the invitation.我们有礼貌地拒绝了邀请 3)To fold or be capable of folding down: 翻下折转或能够被翻下: 翻下衣领;能翻下的衣领 1)To stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off: 关闭,停止终止运转、 行为或流动;关掉:e.g. turned off the television.关掉电视 2)Slang 【俚语】To affect with dislike, displeasure, or revulsion: 讨厌,厌恶使 不喜欢,讨厌或厌恶:e.g. That song really turns me off.我一点也不喜 欢那首歌 3)To affect with boredom:使厌烦:
