2020届重庆市高三上学期第一次诊断性考试英语试题 Word版含答案 听力

1.Why does the woman refuse the invitation for tonight?A.She doesn’t like the man.B.She has another appointment.C.She is too busy with her work.2.What does the man think of classical music?A.He does not like it at all.B.He prefers it to other music.C.He enjoys it at bedtime.3.What did the two girls do yesterday?A.They went to the English Evening.B.They went to meet Jeff.C.They became friends at the English Evening.4.What time is it now?A.9:00.B.9:10.C.9:40.5.What do we know about the man?A.He saw off his father at the airport yesterday.B.He was late for class yesterday morning.C.He went to meet his cousin yesterday morning.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。

第五句删除 in
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 )
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6—10 ACCBA11—15 ABCAB16—20 BACAB

AEnglish teachers needed immediately for schools in China About UsShenzhen Cambridge Culture International Education is an education solution provider that was founded in 2014 and its main office is in Shenzhen and is contracted by education departments across China to hire and manage foreign teachers for schools.We are not an agency. We hire and manage you from the start (getting on the plane) to finish (returning home )! We offer visa support, teacher training, lesson planning guidance and the chance to meet other participants before you go to China. And our programmes are designed toensure you arrive in China feeling confident, prepared and supported, so that you can make the most of this incredible opportunity.Benefits*TEFL Certificate course assistance*Work visa(Z visa) sponsored*Flight allowance*Pre-arrival training and orientation*Airport pickup, bank, phone card, and apartment rental assistance*Accident insurance*Three nights’ free hotel on arrival*Salary range: 11,000RMB ( 1,608USD) - 18,000RMB (2,631USD) per month ( 150% - 200% above local average)*Performance bonus*Teaching hours being less than 13 hours per week*Chinese public holidays & Summer vacation*Ongoing teacher mentoring and assessment ( classroom observations, seminar and monthly training sessions)*Chinese Lesson (2 hours/week)*Part-time opportunities (We use our large and knowledgeable alumni community to help our teachers connect and find new opportunities so you can develop your skills and career path outside the classroom ! )Position● Student Ages: kinderga rten (3 -6 years old); Primary (6 -12 years old); Middle School (13 -19 years old)● Classroom fully equipped with computer, projector, board, and microphone● Curriculum and teaching materials provided● Local teacher assistantRequirements● 10 - 12 mont hs’ contract● Bachelor’s Degree(学士学位) or above in any field● 120-hour TEFL certificate required● Native-English speaking level● Hold a passport from the U. S. A. , Canada, Australia, U. K. , South Africa, New Zealand, or Ireland● Age from 20 years old to 55 years old (visa requirement)Living and working in China will be a wonderful opportunity. Come and join us!Company Website: http ://www. cambridgeculture. com1. What can we know about Shenzhen Cambridge Culture International Education?A. It has a history of more than a decade.B. It has the Chinese government as a sponsor.C. Its main task is to train foreign teachers for Chinese schools.D. It provides a service package for foreign teachers to work in China.2. What benefit can teachers get from working with the organization?A. One week’ s free hotel.B. Medical insurance.C. Higher salary than local average.D. Legal aid during public holidays.3. Who may be qualified for the position?A. A Canadian who hasn’ t got the TEFL certificate.B. An experienced English teacher who is 65 years old.C. A professor who can only work in China for half a year.D. A native English speaker who has a Doctor’ s Degree in education.【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D【解析】这是一篇应用文。

高三英语上学期第一次诊断试题注意事项:1. 本试卷共150分。
2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上。
3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
4. 考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。
1. How did the woman get to Baltimore?A. By train.B. By bus.C. By taxi.2. What does the woman think about the course?A. Too hard.B. Too easy.C. Worth taking.3. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a bookstore.B. In a library.C. In a classroom.4. When will Mr John come back?A. On Wednesday night.B. On Friday night.C. On Saturday morning.5. When would the man like to visit the Great Wall?A. In spring.B. In winter.C. In autumn.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

1. What does the man probably do?A. A station worker.B. A taxi driver.C. A traffic policeman.2. What is Jenny worried about?A. Her family.B. Her salary.C. Her job.3. How soon will the man be able to buy the book?A. In three weeks.B. In two weeks.C. In three days.4. What happens to the novel?A. It is missing.B. Some pages are lost.C. Some pages are broken.5. What’s the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Coach and player.C. Mother and son.第二节:(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)听下面几段对话或独白。
6. What sport does the woman like?A. Basketball.B. Badminton.C. Tennis.7. What musical instrument does the man play?A. The guitar.B. The violin.C. The piano.8. What are the speakers talking about?A. Sports.B. Music.C. Hobbies.听下面一段材料,回答第9至11题。

202()年兰州市崗三诊断考试英语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓•名、考号填寫在答题冷J应的位置上2.作答时,将答案4在答题卡上、、吗在本试卷上无效.、3.孝试结束后,将本试卷和答题R…并交冋,第一部分阅读理解(共两节•满分40分) 笫一节(共15小题;每小题2分,満分30分)阅读下列短!文,从每题所给的A、B、C利D"U个选项中•选出故佳选睨.AWhile WC arc burning hot here, it is WintCr ir South America. The AndeS MOlmtainS arc SitUatCd along the Argentina-Chile border. OnCC the first SnOW falls Of early JUne Starl to drop, Skierii are ready to enjoy Ihe Ilightlife Of Ski towns all along UIC border,CaViahUeMearing SSi【e Of gathering and CelebratiOn,∖ this SPOt draws PCOPIC With its IOng Ski SeaSOIh natural beauty, and hot springs.Season: June 15th to SePtember 30thTel/Fax: (011)4314-8212/9180Wcbsitc: IlttP:八VwW.CaviahuicomCeI r rU CinlUFThe newest Ski resort in Argentina, (his Winter PIaygrOUnd is near Ushuaia-Ihe WOrkrS SOUthernInOSt city. ThC StabIe and COId temperatures Of CClSIOr allow it to Offer the IOngCSt Ski SCaSOnS in SOUth AmeriCa.Season: JUnC 17th to OCCObCr 16thPhone: 54 290-1499301Fax: 54 290-143068CW⅛bsi(e: http://www.cerrocasto匸COrnPerito MOrCnoThiS resυrl IeaIUreS 11 Skiitble kilometers IliVided into 9 (racks, a double 1, 000-mcter-long Chairiift Iine that JOinS the 900-meter-high and the 1,35O-Ineter-IIigh areas, WhCre SnOW is guaranteed IhrOUglloUt the WiHtUr,Season: FrOln JUne 15th to OCtObCr 5thFax: 54 294-440900C, int. 118Website: http:// ∖s∙τ202!) i⅛三诊版英语第i页(共g贞)CerrO CatCclralCerrO Catedral WaS One Of die first Ski resorts in /Xrgcntina, CCrrO Catedral IlaS continued to gain a reputation IbI itself-all the While UPdating its facilities. ThC resort has 39 lifts. WhiCh allow access ιo 600 hectares (公顷)Of SkiabIC SUrfaCe divided into 53 Well-Signaled runs Of VariOUS difficulties.Season: From JUnC 18th to OCtOber IorhTel/Fax : (012) 4672-2947/7672Website: http:// VVWWxaISdra 1 1 ∙ WhiCh number ShoUld you Call if you Want to take a hot SPrilIg bath ?A. 54 294-4409000B. 54 290-1499301C. (012)4672-2947/7672D. (OlI) 4314-8212/9180 WhiCII Of the following OfierS the IOngeSt Ski season? A ∙ CaViahUe B. Cerro CaStoI C ∙ PeritO MOfenOWharS the feature Of Csrro Catedral? A. CuItUral appeal,B. Eeairty and comfort.1 WallIed to be a journalist. BIIt Triy ParentS reminded me that math makes money, SO Off to engineering SChOOI I Went In my POSt-UniVCrSity young-adult life, Γve managed to bec ome ^traditionally SUCCeSSfU1√,AS a female engineer. I WOrkCd for a big Oil COmPany and OWned a home. My IifC WaS Iaid OUt in front Of me, and I didn't Iike What 1 saw.SOe I did What any respectable 24・year-old WOUld do and le∩ my Iile behind. 1 Said goodbye to my boyfriend and PUlIed Out my SUitCaSe- I threw ITlySelf alone into the WOrId With the grace and beauty Of a baby deer taking ItS first StCPS With SkatCtoardS Under its feet. I bloodied my knees moυn1ain hiking through the red rocks Of Utah. I SPC nt four ClayS StmggIing through YeiIOWStOne With 50 PaUndS On my back ・ TWO PerUVian WOnIen along my AlIdean journey UUght IlIe how to roast COllee and helped Ine PraCtiUe SPanibh ・ Il WaSrrt Vienna's CUkUral museums; it WaS a SUnny PiCCe Of grass beside 山已 DanUbe river With SOtneOne from my hostel (青年⅛⅛补) WhO quickly became a friend. It WaSlft YellOWSIOne ,s OId FailhfUl geyser (间歇喷泉)IaUnChiIlg IntO the air; iι WaS Charging through MonIana )S Ordinary IandiiCaPe PIaying music SO IOUd that the Car WindOVVS ShOOk ・ The IrUIlI is 、I (Iidrfl actually need to be abroad to have almost any Of my favoriteD. CClIU Calrdial B. BeaUty and comfort. D∙ HiStOriCal significance.experiences- They Were just Small CVCrYday moments that happened to happen abroad, Ieading me to TealiZC that the rruc VaIUC Of my flight rickets Were not the IandmarkS・but rather becoming an active PartJCIPant In Iny OWn lite.I now SPCnd ICSS UmC Online SIloPPing and more time Iying alone On the floor IiStening to an album COVCr-to-cover. I ask my friends how Ihey5re CiOing. SOnIetimeS 1 SllrPriSe them With flowers to See them smile. L tell everyone to have a good day.4・λλ7hat CalI We Ieam about the author from ParagraPh Γ?A.. ShC toaxid her WOrk ChallengIng・B.She WaS dissatisfied WHh her lii⅛.C.ShC PrCfCrrCd math to journalism・D.She dared not talk back to ħer parents,5・Why docs the author InCntlOn the joυmsys She has taken in the text?2 TO PrOVC the impςιrtancc Of travel,B.TO express her joy With new friends.C.Γo ShoW What ShC ICarned Irom the travelling・D.Γo introduce Ihe IandmarkS She WaS interested in.6・ HOW has the :ravel PrObabIy Changed the author?A.Sbe has become ικ>re independent.B.She begins to eιyoy her daily Iife more.C∙ ShC begins to VaIUC her family's opinion.D.She has become more interested in foreign cultures.7∙ What message docs the author try to COnVey In the text?A.We shouldn't think Iife is better elsewhere・B.Iικerest is ±e best teacher in ChOOSingjObS AC∙ TraVel is tħe best Way to SPend your holidays.D. We shouldn't Pay attention to What OlherS say-CAntS know When ail earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered- Thelr bchεvior ChangCS SignifiCantly PnOr to the quake and they resume normal functioning Only a day ιi∩er it GUbrieIe BCTbeTiCh Of the UniVersi:Y DlIiSbUrg-Essen In GCrmany PrCSCntCd these findings On ThUrSday at the EUrOPean GeOSCienCeS IJniOn annual meeting in VienJla according to LiveScience-BerberiCh and her COlleagUeS CiiSCOVereci that red WOOd ants Preferred to build their COlonieS right along active faults in GCrmany ThCy COUntCd 15.000 mounds (土堆)Iining the faults. TheSe faulιs are the PIaCeS Where Ihe earth ViOIenIly bursts in earthquakes.USing a SPeCial CaInera that tracked ChangeS in activity. BerberiOh and her CClIeagUeS IraCked the ants round the clock for three years. 2016 to 2019. ThCy found that the ants, behavior ChangCd OnIy WhelI the quake WaS OVer magnitude (级数)2. There Were 10 earthquakes between magnitude 2r0 Urld 3.2 during this period, and many SIrallCr ones・ HUmanS Can a.so SCnSC quakes Of OVer magnitude 2 only.ACCOrding to Bcrbcrich, normal ant activity COnSiStS Of going about ColIeCting food etc. during (he day and resting in the Iligh仁BUt before an CarthquakC W the ants didn't go back to their mound in the night and moved around outside it. ThiS Strange and abnormal behavior COntinUCd till U day after the earthquake. BCrbCriCh told a news conference, according to LiVOSCienJC・HOW do ants know an earthquake is coming? BerberiCh SUggeSted that they CoUld CithCr bePiCking UP Changing gas emissions Or notng Iiny chεnges in the EarthM magnetic fields (磁场)∙U RCd WoOd ants have SPCCial CCllS WhiCh Can detect ChangeS in CarbOn dioxide levels. They also have SPeCial CellS Ibr detecting electromagnetic nelds?' ShC said. BerbCriCh and her COlIeagUeS are PlanIIing to COIltmUe Ihe research in areas Where there are more and bigger earthquakes8・ What,s the IneaEing Of the Ilnderlined WOrd ςi resunιc'9 in ParagraPh 1?A.FOrm.B. AVOid・C・ ReCOVer、D- improve.9・ What,s Ihe fιιnction Of the first paragraph?A.TO Iead to the Tnain topic.B. Tb describe a new SPeCieS Of ant,C.Tb introduce a famous rcscarcħcED. To tell how to PrediCt an earthquake.10 ・ What happens to the ants before an earthquake?Λ, They have no appetite.B・ They are too excited to rest.C.丁hey get IOSt On (heir Way home.D∙ They reiiιse to go inside their nests.I 】・Wiυvt Can We COnClUde from the IaSt paragraph?A.AntS Can only detect SnlalIer earthquakes,B.The result Of the research is COmPIetely IeIiabIe・Cl AntS may have two WayS to PrCdiCt Caithquakes・D.ReSeaTCherS don't know how ants PrediCt earthquakes,DMOre than 11.000 SCientiStS are Waming that the Earth, in their words, fck cIcady and UneqIIiVOCaIIy (明确』也)faces a CIimatC emergency/ The SCientiStS represent SeVeral fields Of Sndy and COme from 150 COUnlrieS around Ihe world. Γhey approved a report that appeared in the PubliCatiOn BiosCienCe earlier this ITIontlι. It WanlS that tnc WOrld WOUld face fc untold human suffering M if il does not Inake deep and IaSting ShiftS in IrJman activities that influence CliInaIe Change. Γhree IeaderS Ot tlιe StUdy are from Ihe United SIaIe SΛ They WDrked on the StUdy WiTh SCiCnt1st5 from UniVCrSitiCS in SOUfb AfliCa and AUStralia・ TlIiS is the first time a Iarge group Oi e SCientiStS have jointly (共 |口[地]USed Ihe WOrd U emergenCy M When Ialking about Clilnate change."Despife 40 years Of global CliTnate negotiations …WC have generally COndUCtCd business as USUal CInd have Ialgely ∩ιilcd tυ address IhiS Wonying SitUaIi□n∕5 the study said. 4i Cliniate ClIaDgC has aιτived and is accelerating faster Ihan many SCientiStS CXPCetCdTΓhe report identi∩ed five areas that the world needs to deal With immediately ThC SCientiStS appealed to nations to USe energy more efficiently and CUt 止<≡ir USe Of fossil Riels. They SUggCSted that lawmakers approve taxes On the bummg Of CarbOn-based ⅛ds, SUCh as coal. OiI and natural gas. The report UrgeS PeOPIe to move toward InOre Ofa PIanI-based diet. Olher areas Of COnCCm include PrCVCnting the destruction OftbrCStS and Permanent IOSS Of SOme Plant and animal SPeCieS・The report noted that it Will mι>st IikeIy take StTOng actions by the Pur)IiC to move POlitiCianS to approve IaSting POliCy changes.The SciendStS added, 'i We Relieve that the ProSPeCtS (丽景)Will be greatest if decision-makers and all Of humanity quickly respond to ThiS Waming and declaration Of a CIinIate emergency, and act Io SUPPOII Iife on PIanet Eadlb OIlr Ollly honιc.τ,12.W f hat Will happen to PeOPIe if they don't StOP the activities that influence the CIinIate change?A.They Win have no PIaCeS to IiVe in.B.ThCy WiIl be fined and IOSe their jobs.C.TheV Will become bored With tlιcir lik・D.They WiII go through a IOt Of SUffCnngs.13.What have PeOPle done WbCn facing the ClimatC ChangC in the PaSt 40 years?A.They have ignored ThC scientists' WamIng rB.They have SOlVed the PrObletn successfully.C.They have talked too much but done too little.D.They have realized the PrOblem isn't Ihat SerioUS・14∙In WhiCh PIIragraPh Can We find Ihe advice from tlιe SCien tiStS about WayS to COntrOl theCIiInate ClIaage ?A. ParagraPh 1 ・B・ ParagraPh 2. C. ParagraPh 3・ D. ParagraPh 4・15∙ What is the best title for the text?Λ, Scientists' Hard WCrk Of SaVingthe EarthB Γhe IInPortant KCaSOnS Of CIlmatC ChangCC,The TmPaCt OfHUman ACtiVitieS On ClimlteD,SCiendsis' Waming Of a CIiInate EmergenCy笫二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分IO分)眾据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选巩:,LearlIing to GiVe a PCP TaIk (打气)EVCryOnC WantS to be the type Of PCrSOn Who gives the CritiCaI talk that turns around a Inftrd∖ niillonk. HnWeYer> βivi∏β 力good PftP talk i.ςn't ensy. 16 . Yal) need to not only IiStCn and UnderStand t but also StreSS the Other PerSOrrS strengths, Tdu also need to know When to StOP talking.U A IOt Cf PeOPle think they are giving a PeP taJk, but they are just Saying What they WOuld Want to hear/ SayS Stacy KaiSCL a PSyChOthCraPiSt (心理治疗师)in LoS Angeles.Instead Of instantly IelIinlg SOnleOne What to do, ask him What actions he has thought about taking and Why he thinks they WiIl be beneficial・U DOn,t jump right in and insist 'Yoifll be fine,'' SiiyS KaiSer 17 . RePeat the person's COnCemS OUt loud, SO he feels heard. Then5 ShOW your friend that you believe in him and that he has What it takes to get through this hard lime. StreSS his StrCngths.IX ∙ YOU Carfl gu?Iranlee success, but you cεn remind thePerSOn that he has been through a tough time before and has gotten tlirough it.At last, KaiSer SayS you must know When to stop. 19 , DOn l t argue if the PerSOn disagrees With What you are saying. Instead, tell him ζI an SOny you are having SUCh a hard time? And then back down,"KaiSer SayS he IIaS learned to give good PeP talks by giving bad ones. He IOSt a number OfIOVed OneS during a ShOrt PeriOd・“Timing is CYCryrhing: There is a time to give a PeP talk, and Lhere is a time to just listen. 20 ・A< Let your friend have his momentB.GiVe your PeP talk and then ShUt UPC.Arguing With your friend makes no SenSeD.ShOW your friend That you UnderStaTId Why he is SadE.He isn,t interested in What his best friends reallv needE It requires an UnderStaiIding Of What your audience needsG. It is also important to remember that PeP talks are about hope第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第-节(•共2D小题;每小题】.5分.满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和L)四个选项小,选出町以填人空白处的最佳选项。

例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.答案是C。
1.What do the speakers need to buy?A.A fridgeB.A few chairs.C.A dinner table.2.Where are the speakers?A.In a restaurant.B.In a hotel.C.In a school.3.What does the woman mean?A.Cathy won’t be invited.B.Cathy is sure to come.C.Cathy will be invited.4.Why does the woman plan to go to town?A.To pay her bills in the bank.B.To buy books in a bookstore.C.To get some money from the bank.5.What is the woman trying to do?A.Finish some writing.B.Print an article.C.Find a newspaper.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。

AWhile we are burning hot here, it is winter in South America. The Andes Mountains are situated along the Argentina-Chile border. Once the first snow falls of early June start lo drop, skiers are ready to enjoy the nightlife of ski towns all along the border.CaviahueMeaning “site of gathering and celebration”, this spot draws people with its long ski season, natural beauty, and hot springs.Season: June 15th to September 30thTel/Fax: (011)4314-8212/9180Website: Cerro CastorThe newest ski resort in Argentina, this winter playground is near Ushuaia—the world's southernmost city. The stable and cold temperatures of Castor allow it to offer the longest ski seasons in South America.Season: June 17th to October i 6thPhone: 54 290-1499301Fax: 54 290-1430680Website: http://www.cerrocastorcomPerito MorenoThis resort features 11 skiable kilometers divided into 9 tracks, a double 1, 000-mcter-long chairlift line that joins the 900-meter-high and the 1,350-meter-high areas, where snow is guaranteed throughout the winter.Season: From June 15th to October 5thPhone: 54 294-4409000Fax: 54 294-4409000, int. 118Website: http:// Cerro CatedralCerro Catedral was one of the first ski resorts in Argentina. Cerro Catedral has continued to gain a reputation for itself-all the while updating its facilities. The resort has 39 lifts, which allow access to 600 hectares (公顷)of skiable surface divided into 53 well-signaled runs of various difficulties.Season: From June 18th to October 10thTel/Fax: (012)4672-2947/7672Website: http:" 1. Which number should you call if you want to take a hot spring bath?A.54 294-4409000B. 54 290-1499301C (012)4672-2947/7672 D. (011)4314-8212/91802. Which of the following offers the longest ski season?A. CaviahueB. Cerro CastorC. Perito MorenoD. Cerro Catedral3. What's the feature of Cerro Catedral?A. Cultural appeal.B. Beauty and comfort.C. Advanced equipment.D. Historical significance.BI wanted to be a journalist. But my parents reminded me that math makes money, so off to engineering school I went In my post-university young-adult life, I've managed to become ^traditionally successful." As a female engineer, I worked for a big oil company and owned a home. My life was laid out in front of me. and I didn't like what I saw.So, I did what any respectable 24-year-old would do and left my life behind. I said goodbye to my boyfriend and pulled out my suitcase. I threw myself alone into the world with the grace and beauty of a baby deer taking its first steps with skateboards under its feet. I bloodied my knees mountain biking through the red rocks of Utah. I spent four days struggling through Yellowstone with 50 pounds on my back. Two Peruvian women along my Andean journey taught me how to roast coffee and helped me practice Spanish. It wasn't Vienna's cultural museums; it was a sunny piece of grass beside the Danube river with someone from my hostel (青年旅社)who quickly became a friend. It wasn't Yellowstone's Old Faithful geyser (间歇喷泉)launching into the air; it was charging through Montana's ordinary landscape playing music so loud that the car windows shook. The truth is, I didn't actually need to be abroad to have almost any of my favorite experiences. They were just small everyday moments that happened to happen abroad, leading me to realize that the true value of my flight tickets were not the landmarks, but rather becoming an active participant in my own life.I now spend less time online shopping and more time lying alone on the floor listening to an album cover — to — cover. I ask my friends how they're doing. Sometimes I surprise them with flowers to see them smile. I tell everyone to have a good day.4. What can we learn, about the author from Paragraph 1 ?A. She found her work challenging.B. She was dissatisfied with her life.C. She preferred math to journalism.D. She dared not talk back to her parents.5. Why does the author mention the journeys she has taken in the text?A. To prove the importance of travel.B. To express her joy with new friends.C. To show what she learned from the travelling.D. To introduce the landmarks she was interested in,6. How has the travel probably changed the author?A. She has become more independent.B. She begins to enjoy her daily life more.C. She begins to value her family's opinion.D. She has become more interested in foreign cultures.7. What message docs the author try to convey in the text?A. We shouldn't think life is better elsewhere.B. Interest is the best teacher in choosing jobs.C. Travel is the best way to spend your holidays.CAnts know when an earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered. Their behavior changes significantly prior to the quake and they resume normal functioning only a day after it. Gabriele Berberich of the University Duisburg-Essen in Germany presented these findings on Thursday at the European Geosciences Union annual meeting in Vienna according to LiveScience.Berberich and her colleagues discovered that red wood ants preferred to build their colonies right along active faults in Germany. They counted 15,000 mounds (土堆))lining the faults. These faults are the places where the earth violently bursts in earthquakes.Using a special camera that tracked changes in activity. Berberich and her colleagues tracked the ants round the clock for three years, 2016 to 2019. They found that the ants' behavior changed only when the quake was over magnitude (级数)2. There were 10 earthquakes between magnitude 2.0 and 3.2 during this period, and many smaller ones. Humans can also sense quakes of over magnitude 2 only.According to Berberich, normal ant activity consists of going about collecting food etc. during the day and resting in the night. But before an earthquake, the ants didn't go back to their mound in the night and moved around outside it. This strange and abnormal behavior continued till a day after the earthquake, Berberich told a news conference, according to Livescience.How do ants know an earthquake is coming? Berberich suggested that they could either be picking up changing gas emissions or noting tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic fields (磁场)."Red wood ants have special cells which can detect changes in carbon dioxide levels. They also have special cells for detecting electromagnetic fields." she said. Berberich and her colleagues are planning to continue the research in areas where there are more and bigger earthquakes8. What's the meaning of the underlined word "resume" in Paragraph 1?A. Form.B. Avoid.C. Recover.D. Improve.9. What's the function of the first paragraph?A. To lead to the main topic.B. To describe a new species of ant,C. To introduce a famous researcherD. To tell how to predict an earthquake.10. What happens to the ants before an earthquake?A. They have no appetite.B. They are too excited to rest.C. They get lost on their way home.D. They refuse to go inside their nests.11. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?A. Ants can only detect smaller earthquakes.B. The result of the research is completely reliable.C. Ants may have two ways to predict earthquakes.D. Researchers don't know how ants predict earthquakes.DMore than 11,000 scientists are warning that the Earth, in their words, "clearly and unequivocally (明确地)faces a climate emergency.” The scientists represent several fields of study and come from 150 countries around the world. They approved a report that appeared in the publication Bioscience earlier this month. It warns that the world would face "untold human suffering" if it does not make deep and lasting shifts in human activities that influence climate change. Three leaders of the study are from the United States. They worked on the study with scientists from universities in South Africa and Australia. This is the first time a large group of scientists have jointly (共同地)used the word "emergency" when talking about climate change."Despite 40 years of global climate negotiations ...we have generally conducted business as usual and have largely failed to address this worrying situation,” the study said. “Climate change has arrived and is accelerating faster than many scientists expected."The report identified five areas that the world needs to deal with immediately. The scientists appealed to nations to use energy more efficiently and cut their use of fossil fuels. They suggested that lawmakers approve taxes on the burning of carbon-based fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. The report urges people to move toward more of a plant-based diet. Other areas of concern include preventing the destruction of forests and permanent loss of some plant and animal species. The report noted that it will most likely take strong actions by the public to move politicians to approve lasting policy changes.The scientists added, "We believe that the prospects (前景)will be greatest if decision-makersand all of humanity quickly respond to this warning and declaration of a climate emergency, and act to support life on planet Earth, our only home.”12. What will happen to people if they don't stop the activities that influence the climate change?A. They will have no places to live in.B. They will be fined and lose their jobs.C. They will become bored with their life.D. They will go through a lot of sufferings.13. What have people done when facing the climate change in the past 40 years?A. They have ignored the scientists’ warning,B. They have solved the problem successfully.C. They have talked too much but done too little.D. They have realized the problem isn’t that serious.14. In which paragraph can we find the advice from the scientists about ways to control theclimate change ?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Scientists' Hard Work of Saving the EarthB. l he Important Reasons of Climate ChangeC. The Impact of Human Activities on ClimateD. Scientists* Warning of a Climate Emergency第二节(共5小题;每小题2分.满分1()分)根据短文内容.从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项Learning to Give a Pep Talk (打气)Everyone wants to be the type of person who gives the critical talk that turns around a friend's outlook. However, giving a good pep talk isn't easy. 16 . You need to not only listen and understand, but also stress the other person's strengths. You also need to know when to stop talking."A lot of people think they are giving a pep talk, but they are just saying what they would want to hear," says Stacy Kaiser, a psychotherapist (心理治疗师)in Los Angeles.Instead of instantly telling someone what to do, ask him what actions he has thought about taking and why he thinks they will be beneficial. “Don't jump right in and insist 'You'll be fine,'" says Kaiser. 17 , Repeat the person's concerns out loud, so he feels heard. Then, you’re your friend that you believe in him and that he has what it takes to get through this hard time. Stress his strengths.___18___ . You can't! guarantee success, but you can remind the person that he has beenthrough a tough time before and has gotten through itAt last, Kaiser says you must know when to stop. “___19 ___. Don't argue if the person disagrees with what you are saying. Instead, tell him 'I am sorry you are having such a hard time,' And then back down."Kaiser says he has learned to give good pep talks by giving bad ones. He lost a number of loved ones during a short period. “Timing is everything." There is a time to give a pep talk, and there is a time to just listen. 20 .A. Let your friend have his momentB. Give your pep talk and then shut upC. Arguing with your friend makes no senseD. Show your friend that you understand why he is sadE. He isn't interested in what his best friends really needF. It requires an understanding of what your audience needsG. It is also important to remember that pep talks are about hope第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.I'm standing in a class of wild 14-year-old girls as they throw paper and howl (大喊)with laughter. They won't 21 me. I was 23 and I didn't know what I was doing. I never wanted to ___22 .I wanted to be a writer. But when I arrived in London, they were short of teachers.My efforts at teaching were 23 . When the bell finally rang, I rushed to the staff room, red with anger. The other teachers weren't 24 . "That's 4B, the worst class in school," one said.I dreaded (害怕)our next 25 , but I couldn't give up. I needed the job. So. I 26___ formal lessons. Instead, I brought 27 for class discussions. One of the liveliest talks was about the arguments they had with their parents. They paid attention and shared about their lives. I was 28 . So I had them write about themselves. Most wrote about families with little money and big problems. As time went on, their essays became a 29 between us. I admired their humor, toughness and insight, and I think they 30 my interest in their lives.The musical My Fair Lady was playing in the West End, but they had never seen a 31___ stage performance. They lived just a few subway stops from the West End, but none had ever been.1 asked if they'd like to see the musical. They thought I was 32 . No teacher had ever ___33 taking them out. A few weeks later. 4B and I were sitting in a 34 . They loved the music, the costumes and the characters. It was the 35 of their year, and they talked about it for days.Near the end of the semester, someone knocked on the door of the staff room. The two most rebellious(叛逆的)girls in 4B were there - with flowers. I was proud to know I had 36___ their lives. I enjoyed teaching and getting along with 37 .When I returned to Australia several years later, I still wanted to be a 38 . For the first time in my life, I stopped 39 and started writing. My first story was titled. My Fair Ladies. Teaching wasn't the 40 of my writing career; it was the beginning.21. A. listen to B. hear about C. catch up with D. take care of22. A. communicate B. teach C. discuss D. work23. A. successful B. persistent C. unforgettable D. hopeless24. A. embarrassed B. happy C. surprised D. worried25. A. appointment B. meeting C. task D. performance26. A. abandoned B. designed C. took D. hated27. A. papers B. rewards C. topics D. assistants28. A. fascinated B. disappointed C. puzzled D. relaxed29. A. deal B. bridge C. guide D. secret30. A. praised B. understood C. ignored D. appreciated31. A. good B. familiar C. famous D. live32. A. lying B. guessing C. joking D. promising33. A. admitted B. disliked C. minded D. suggested34. A. school B. theater C. library D. classroom35. A. highlight B. goal C. story D. achievement36. A. found B. touched C. created D.saved37. A. teachers B. parents C. teenagers D. players38. A. teacher B. writer C. performer D. listener39. A. dreaming B. teaching C. travelling D. learning40. A. idea B. part C. end D. plan第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文.在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

1.Why does the woman refuse the invitation for tonight?A.She doesn’t like the man.B.She has another appointment.C.She is too busy with her work.2.What does the man think of classical music?A.He does not like it at all.B.He prefers it to other music.C.He enjoys it at bedtime.3.What did the two girls do yesterday?A.They went to the English Evening.B.They went to meet Jeff.C.They became friends at the English Evening.4.What time is it now?A.9:00.B.9:10.C.9:40.5.What do we know about the man?A.He saw off his father at the airport yesterday.B.He was late for class yesterday morning.C.He went to meet his cousin yesterday morning.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。
2020届高三英语上学期第一次模拟考试试题 第 I 卷

2020届高三英语上学期第一次模拟考试试题第I卷注意事项:1.答第 I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What is Joe like in the speaker s’ eyes?A. He is a bad cook.B. He is not easy-going.C. He loves holding parties.2. Where is the woman?A. In the office.B. At the airport.C. At home.3. When does the store close late?A. On Thursdays andFridays. B. OnTuesdays andFridays.C. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.4. What will the woman probably do?A. Give up the job.B. Rent the apartment.C. Tell the man the news.5. What might the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Fine.第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1---5 CABCA
6 --- 10 BCCBB 11---15ACBAC 16---20 CABAA
第一节(共15小题:每小题2分24---27 ADBC28---31 BDAC32 ---35 CBDB
第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)36---40 FGACB
wewentto school together, hand in hand, enjoyingthemselvesall the way. Our dream is to
go ourselves
keepsthe friendship forever.
However, my friend didn’t appear at the busstopsthis morning and it seemedpossiblythat
41---45 ADCDB46---50 CABDB51---55 CDAAC56---60 DBBCA
61. to develop;62. in;63. so;64. fully;65. attending;
66. energetic;67. took;68. was spent;69. decision;70. who;

1.Why does the woman refuse the invitation for tonight?A.She doesn’t like the man.B.She has another appointment.C.She is too busy with her work.2.What does the man think of classical music?A.He does not like it at all.B.He prefers it to other music.C.He enjoys it at bedtime.3.What did the two girls do yesterday?A.They went to the English Evening.B.They went to meet Jeff.C.They became friends at the English Evening.4.What time is it now?A.9:00.B.9:10.C.9:40.5.What do we know about the man?A.He saw off his father at the airport yesterday.B.He was late for class yesterday morning.C.He went to meet his cousin yesterday morning.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。

四川省绵阳南山中学2020届高三英语上学期一诊模拟考试试题(无答案)第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.Why is Ann so upset?A.S he failed one of her exams.B.S he is worrying about other lessons.C.S he has no time to do her math homework.2.What type of food does the woman eat?A. Junk food.B. Healthy food.C. Delivered food.3. What will the man probably do to stay warm?A. Use a blanket.B. Turn on the heater.C. Drink some hot chocolate.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.T he man’s career.B.T he man’s travel plan.C.T he man’s plan after graduating.5.What are the speakers’ opinions about the painting?A. It’s simple.B. It’s colorful.C. It’s complex.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

高三第一次诊断考试英语(考试时间:听力 30 分钟,其余 100 分钟;试题满分 150 分)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面5 段对话。
每段对话有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.What is Peter probably going to do?A.Wash clothes.B. Buy new trousers.C. Help his mum.2.Where are the speakers probably?A.In a museum.B. In a shop.C. In a hospital.3.What will be used to deal with the mosquitoes?A.Spray.B. Beer.C. Water.4.What's the relationship between the speakers?A.Boss and employee.B.Manager and customer.C.Interviewer and interviewee.5.Why does Rick want to buy a bicycle?A.To train for a race.B.To join a bicycle club.C.To get some exercise,第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面5 段对话或独白。

2020届高三英语第一次质量检测试卷一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1. 阅读理解Some Popular RestaurantsParsley &Thyme RestaurantDaryl Cheong is a young chef who has recently taken over the running of Parsley&Thyme Restaurant. Since his graduation from At Sunrice GlobalChef Academy, Daryl has worked in a couple of leading European restaurants before taking over Parsley & Thyme Restaurant. Daryl serves popular dishes such as French Onion Soup, Braised Beef Cheek and 100% Grass-Fed New Zealand Tenderloin.Liquids Cafe Pte LIdHaving a decade of experience, we let our customers experience an explosion of American and Italian cuisine in a cafe atmosphere with affordable prices. Having both indoor and outdoor dining area, we are known for our welcoming atmosphere of romance. Customers simply bathe themselves in a range of magazines over a cup of caffeine. Our kitchen offers pastes, baked rice and main courses.The RotisserieSitting in the center of the downtown, the Rotisserie brings you a casual and affordable dining experience that is simply satisfying, We offer numbers of specialties on the menu that have been perfected to arouse your taste desires.From the award-winning coffee to our signature roasted chicken and mouth watering salads, we are committed to bringing you the best ingredients for a truly memorable affair.The Mind CafeThere can be no good fun without good food. The cafe aims to provide our customers with a pleasant session with something to fill their appetite. Light snacks, a warm coffee or hot chocolate serve the customers’ needs just well. With over 2, 000 games on shelf across our outlets, the cafe eaters to people from all walks of life. You will never get bored from a lack of choice. It is suitable for a family outing, company gathering, or simple friends’ get-together. We provide the games suitable for almost all ages to play together.(1)What is special about Liquids Cafe Pte Ltd?A . The prices of its food are affordable.B . The food in it is only suitable.C . It offers many magazines for customers to read.D . It offers customers coffee to spend their spare time.(2)In which place can customers enjoy roasted chicken?A . The RotisserieB . The Mind CafeC . Liquids Cafe Pte LtdD . Parsley & Thyme Restaurant,(3)What can customers do at the Mind cafe?A . Have dinner outside.B . Have fun with children.C . Make chocolate with friends.D . Hold a graduation ceremony.2. 阅读理解On August 5 just after 7.30 pm, Mike Estepasuffered a massive heart attack. The crazy cyclist was 40 kilometres into hisSunday ride when he sto pped by the side of the road to text his family sayinghe’d be home in about 30 minutes. Moments later, he was lying in the ditch,unconscious.LarissaArthur was driving back to Calgary from a hike in Field, B. C. with a friend.It was a warm and sunny day, and the two were chatting when a flush of yellowcaught Arthur’s eyes. She immediately pulled off the road.As Arthurapproached the figure, she feared the worst: Estepa was covered in ants andexhibited no signs of life. There was no pulse and he wasn’t breathing.”says Arthur. A bystander called 911 and Arthur, a registered nurse, startedchest compressions. She and two other drivers took turns carrying out CPR forthe next 15 minutes before medical teams arrived and whisked Estepa away.Two dayslater, when Estepa woke up in the hospital, he was shocked to learn he had goneinto cardiac arrest . How did this happen, and, whywas he lucky enough to have survived? He was full of gratitude and needed tospeak with the woman who had saved him, whom he named his “angel”.“Itwas emotional,” says Arthur of her meeting with Estepa a few weeks later.Saving his life had extra importance for her: the bike she was returning fromthat day was one of 100 she’s planned to honour her father, who died in 2017after he fell during a hike that Arthur was meant to be on. “I couldn’tsave my father’s life.” Arthur says, “but this was a chance for me tosave someone.”(1)Why did Mike Estepn stop while riding?A . He suffered a heart attack.B . He wanted to send a message.C . He would like to lie in the ditch.D . He was too far away from his home.(2)What do we know about Arthur?A . She was an amateur nurse.B . She was scared of ants.C . She knew how to do CPR.D . She went cycling with a friend.(3)What did Arthur think of her saving Estepa?A . Grateful.B . Lucky.C . SignificantD . Natural.(4)What’s the best title of the text?A . A Miracle to Return to LifeB . An Angel on the RoadsideC . A Risky Cycling AloneD . A Chance to Save Life3. 阅读理解Spotify can tell if you’re sad. Here’s why that should scareyou. Want to figure out if someone is a patient with a mental disability: Askthem what their favorite song is. A New York University study last year foundthat people who loved Eminem’s Lose Yourself and Justin Bieber’s What Do YouMean? were more likely to have trouble with mental disabilities than people whowere into Dire Straits.Over the past few years, Spotify has been improving theability to analyze information to help businessmen target consumers withadvertisements made specially for their needs. They conclude this from the sortof music you’re listening to, combined with where and when you’re listening toit, along wit h third-party data that might be available.Now, to be clear, there’s nothing significantly illegalabout what Spotify is doing with your information. I certainly don’t think thatthey are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads selling aculture struggle while you’re listening to music that suggests you might be ina terrible situation. However, I find it disappointing that our personal,private moments with music are increasingly being turned into informationpoints and offered to advertisers.You can see where this could go, can’t you? As ad targetinggets ever more accurate, businessmen will have the ability to target ourfeelings in potentially improper ways. According to one study, you are morelikely to spend more on a product if you’re feelin g sad. You can imagine somecompanies might take advantage of that. And on that note, I’m feeling a littledown about all this. Head off to treat myself to something expensive.(1)What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?A . To introduce a new song.B . To draw readers’ attention.C . To help more patients.D . To promote a new medium.(2)Spotify improves its ability to analyze information to .A . provide services for the governmentB . work with shadowy consulting firmsC . get listeners’ personal informationD . help businessmen attract consumers(3)What’s the author’s attitude towards Spotify?A . Uncertain.B . Supportive.C . Positive.D . Dissatisfied.(4)Who is the text probably designed for?A . Internet users.B . Officials.C . Researchers.D . Managers.4. 阅读理解Learning is so complex that there are many differentpsychological theories to explain how people learn. A psychologist named AlbertBandura suggested a social learning theory which shows that observation,imitation , and modeling play a primary role in this process.In AlbertBandura’s opinion, people can learn through observation. Observational learningdoesn’t even necessarily require watching another person join in an activity.We can also learn by reading, hearing, or watching the actions of characters inbooks and films. However, just observing someone else’s actions isn’t alwaysenough to lead to learning. Your own mental state also plays an important rolein determining whether a behavior is learned or not. In addition, though inmany cases, learning can be seen immediately when the new behavior isdisplayed, yet sometimes we can learn things even though that learning mightnot be immediately obvious, which means people can learn new informationwithout showing new behaviors.Not allobserved behaviors are effectively learned. Certain requirements need to berelated to the observational learning process. For example, you need to bepaying attention. Also your retention is an important part ofobservational learning as you need to pull up information later and act on itduring the process. Once you’ve paid attention to the model and kept theinformation, it’s time to actually perform the behavior you observed. Furtherpractice of the learned behavior leads to improvement. Finally, youhave to bemotivated to imitate the behavior that has been modeled.Sociallearning theory have many real-world applications. For example, researchersemploy it to look into and understand ways that positive role models can beused to encourage desirable behaviors. Besides, it’s also applied in the fieldof education, and today, both teachers and parents recognize how important itis to model appropriate behaviors.(1)What can we infer about observational learning from Paragraph 2?A . Its effects on a person tend to be very obvious.B . Its effectiveness is determined by the mental state.C . Its most useful means should be careful watching.D . It doesn’t necessarily lead to a change in behavior.(2)What does the un derlined word “retention” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?A . Curiosity.B . Creativity.C . Memory.D . Imagination.(3)What should you do to make observational learning successful?A . Learn to be judgmental.B . Look for a motivator.C . Try to be imaginative.D . Focus on the process.(4)According to the text, the social learning theory .A . was doubted at firstB . remains to be testedC . is of practical useD . is based on experiments二、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.What did happen to John last night?A.He was ill. B.He looked pale. C.He didn’t sleep.2.What does the woman plan to do this summer vacation? A.Travel to the desert. B.Go to the seaside. C.Cli mb the mountain.3.What does the woman feel?A.Upset. B.Dissatisfied. C.Angry.4.Where is the woman going?A.To the dining hall. B.To the library. C.To the c lassroom.5.What does the man want to do?A.Repair shopping carts. B.Buy some goods. C.Ge t one shopping cart.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.Where are the speakers probably?A.At home. B.At office. C.At school. 7.What’s the relationship between the speakers probably? A.Husband and wife. B.Teacher and student. C.Close friends.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

1. Who will travel with David next weekend?A. Dianna.B. Flora.C. Lucy.2. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Fiction.B. Homework.C. Relaxation.3. What's the possible relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Mother and son.C. Classmates.4. Why do people make mistakes?A. They are careless.B. They are misled.C. They have poor eyesight.5. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In the library.B. In the coffee shop.C. In the town square.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和1. What do the speakers need to buy?A. A fridgeB. A few chairs.C. A dinner table.2. Where are the speakers?A. In a restaurant.B. In a hotel.C. In a school.3. What does the woman mean?A. Cathy won’t be invited.B. Cathy is sure to come.C. Cathy will be invited.4. Why does the woman plan to go to town?A. To pay her bills in the bank.B. To buy books in a bookstore.C. To get some money from the bank.5. What is the woman trying to do?A. Finish some writing.B. Print an article.C. Find a newspaper.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。
6. What is the man doing?A. Changing seats on the plane.B. Asking for a window seat.C. Trying to find his seat.7. What is the woman’s seat number?A. 6AB. 7AC. 8A听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. Why doesn’t the woman take the green T-shirt?A. It’s too small.B. It’s too dark.C. It’s too expensive.9. What does the woman buy in the end?A. A yellow T-shirt.B. A blue T-shirt.C. A pink T-shirt.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10. How long has the man been in London?A. One year.B. A few years.C. A couple of months.11. Why did the woman leave her hometown?A. To lead a city life.B. To open a restaurant.C. To find a job.12. Where did the woman come from?A. London.B. Arnside.C. Lancaster.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. What is a daypack?A. box.B. A bag.C. A lock.14. What surprises the girl at school?A. A lot of discussions in class.B. Teachers giving little homework.C. Few students asking questions in class.15. At what time of the term might the conversation take place?A. At the end of it.B. In the middle of it.C. At the beginning of it.16. What do we know about the girl?A. She is new to the school.B. She seldom asks questions in class.C. She writes for the school newspaper.听第10 段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. What does this text mainly talk about?A. North America.B. Pets.C. Health.18. What are the two most popular pets?A. Dogs and cats.B. Dogs and birds.C. Birds and fish.19. Why are people with pets healthier than those without pets?A. Because pets can make people feel good.B. Because pets are healthier than human beings.C. Because people with pets may often feel lonely.20. How do people treat their pets in North America?A. They treat their pets like friends.B. They don’t let their pets sleep in their beds.C. They treat them like members of their own family.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AThe Garden of Dreams was the peaceful site in Kathmandu, Nepal. The four-acre Garden of Dreams was designed by landscape architect Kishore Narshingh. Most especially, the site was characterized by six pavilions, which symbolized the “six seasons” of Nepal: spring, early summer, the summer monsoon season, early autumn, late autumn, and winter. In its most powerful time, the garden was considered one of the most remarkable feats of landscape design in the country.Today, visitors will only find three pavilions on just over an acre of land, but the 74,000 square-foot space remains a fresh and green attraction. Through the garden’s original gates are pretty and old-fashioned fountains and ponds, isolated gardens of varying sizes, and the Kaiser Café Restaurant & Bar. Pathways are lined with grass, trees, and flowers from all over the world.While the Garden of Dreams has been transformed into a public space, it remains a quiet and peaceful escape in the center of Kathmandu, and a popular hangout for sunbathers, wanderers, residents, and tourists alike.Know Before You GoThe Garden of Dreams is open daily from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. It’s located in the Kaiser Mahal complex in the busy Thamel neighborhood of Kathmandu. Admission to the garden costs Rs. 200 per person for tourists and Rs. 100 for Nepali residents. Wifi is available throughout the garden for Rs. 50 an hour.21. Which item can tourists enjoy in the Garden of Dreams now?A. Six seasons there.B. A feast with plentiful meals.C. Beautiful gardens of different sizes.D. Fishing in the pretty and old-fashioned ponds.22. What is the admission for a local of Nepal and a foreign tourist?A. Rs.350.B. Rs.300.C. Rs.200.D. Rs.100.23. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. A Trip to NepalB. The Garden of DreamsC. Nepal, A Beautiful CountryD. A Country with Six SeasonsBAmong the more colorful characters of Leadville’s golden age was H.A.W. Tabor. His history is fast becoming one of the legends of the Old West. Perhaps he was lured by rumors of fortunes to be made in Colorado mines. A few years later he moved west to the small Colorado mining camp known as California Gulch. “Great deposits of lead(铅) are sure to be found here.” he said.Tabor opened a store, which sold everything from boots to salt, flour, and tobacco. It was his custom to “grubstake” miners, in other words, to supply them with foodand supplies while they looked for ore (矿石), in return for which he would get a share in the mine if one was discovered.One day in 1878, two miners came in and asked for “grub”. Tabor had decided to quit supplying it because he had lost too much money that way. These were continued, however, and Tabor was too busy to argue with them. “Oh help yourself. One more time won’t make any difference,” He said and went on selling shoes and hats to other customers. The two miners took $17 worth of supplies, in return for which they gave Tabor a one-third interest in their findings. They picked wasteland on the mountain side and began to dig. After nine days they struck silver. Tabor bought the shares of the other two men, and so the mine belonged to him alone. This mine, known as the “Pittsburgh Mine,” made 1,300,000 for Tabor in return for his $17 investment.Later Tabor bought the Matchless Mine for $117,000. This turned out to be even more incredible than the Pittsburgh, yielding $35,000 worth of silver per day at one time. Leadville grew. Tabor became its first mayor, and later became vice-governor of the state.24. Tabor went to Colorado________.A. to seek fortune.B. to sell supplies.C. to open a mine company.D. to look for ore.25. What is Tabor’s custom in his shop?A. Sharing wasteland with miners.B. Helping the miners to look for ore.C. Supplying everything to miners for free.D. Exchanging items for minerals interests with miners.26. Why didn’t Tabor give up the “grub” with the two miners?A. Because he was specialized in business.B. Because they insisted on making a deal with him.C. Because the other customers prevented him then.D. Because he had earned too much money before.27. What is the intention of the passage?A. To introduce Tabor’s successful experience.B. To encourage people to start a business.C. To discuss Tabor’s life planning.D. To tell of the gold rush.CSome developed countries in the world have begun to shorten working hours. Japan, on the other hand, has been in the culture of overwork. The problem is so severe that the country has even created a term for it: karoshi, which means death by overwork from stress-induced illnesses or severe depression. If the system of four-day workweek is tested in Japan, what will happen?A growing number of smaller companies are adopting a four-day workweek. Now the results of a recent trial at Microsoft (MSFT) suggest it could work even for thebiggest businesses.The company introduced a program this summer in Japan called the “Work Life Choice Challenge,”which shut down its offices every Friday in August and gave all employees an extra day off each week.The results were promising: While the amount of time spent on work was cut dramatically, productivity — measured by sales per employee — went up by almost 40% compared to the same period the previous year, the company said in a statement last week.In addition to reducing working hours, managers urged the staff to cut down on the time they spent in meetings and responding to emails.They suggested that meetings should last no longer than 30 minutes. Employees were also encouraged to cut down on meetings altogether by using an online messaging app (Microsoft’s, of course).The effects were widespread. More than 90% of Microsoft’s 2,280 employees in Japan later said they were impacted by the new measures, according to the company. By shutting down earlier each week, the company was also able to save on other resources, such as electricity.28. Why is the idea four-day workweek tested in Japan?A. Because overwork has caused serious problems.B. Because the offices must be shut down on Friday.C. Because the staff can get extra days to rest easily.D. Because smaller companies have taken the measure.29. What’s the result of adopting a four-day workweek?A. It is a waste of energy.B. The workers earned less money.C. The working efficiency increases greatly.D. Japan’s unemployment rate is bare ly rising.30. How can the time the staff spent on meetings be reduced?A. By cancelling meetings.B. By using emails to respond.C. By cutting down working hours.D. By using a certain online messaging app.31. What is the staff’s attitude to the new meas ures?A. Supportive.B. Negative.C. Critical.D. Indifferent.DSYDNEY —Australian scientists have designed a system which uses microwaves to break down plastic into an environmentally friendly by-product.Head of Electrical Engineering at Austra lia’s James Cook University, Prof. Mohan Jacob revealed on Thursday that by using microwaves, plastic waste can be converted into biochar(生物炭), charcoal that can be used as a soil conditioner.“We are developing a processing room, which could process many kinds of plastic materials, up to 5 kilograms of waste,” Jacob said.“It will be a typical example system for the development of biochars from different types of plastics under variousconditions.”Jacob explained that microwave energy is used to heat the plastic waste above 600 degrees centigrade within the custom-made room, where it ends up as a biochar, which can then be used to improve the properties of soil.Currently underway is step one of the project, testing the room, after which, step two will involve improving the energy efficiency of the system and maximizing the yield of by-products. If all goes to plan, step three will be to construct a medium scale waste processing system which is customizable and can be installed remotely.Jacob said that with the average person using 130 kg of plastic every year, there is an urgent need for developing better ways of processing it.“Perhaps contrary to popular opinion, plastic is an indispensable material in modern life. It is cheap, competent, lightweight, and has many benefits like maintaining food quality and safety and preventing waste,” he said.However, “abandoned plastics endanger our marine wildlife, and have begun to enter the food chain. There is an urgent need for developing technologies to recover plastic waste.”32. How does the system function?A. Microwaves are used to produce plastic.B. Plastic waste is heated in the microwaves.C. Plastic waste is cut into pieces and buried into the soil.D. Microwaves change plastic waste into biochar by heating.33. Which statement is true according to Jacob?A. Plastic consumption now is acceptable.B. Plastic should be abandoned in our life.C. The system of processing plastic has come into use.D. Finding better ways to deal with plastic waste is urgent.34. What does “recover” in the last paragraph mean?A. Make up for a loss in time.B. Find or regain lost possession.C. Extract or recycle an energy source for reuse.D. Return to a normal state of health, mind or strength.35. What does the passage mainly tell about?A. 3 steps of processing plastic waste.B. A way of producing plastic products easily.C. A new system of breaking down plastic waste.D. A program designed for plastic use in the daily life.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。