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6. They missed the scenery of the Qutang Gorge. T
瞿塘峡是长江第一峡,长八公里,以雄著称,瞿塘 峡是三峡中最短的一个峡
巫峡 三峡第二峡,全长42公里,巫峡以秀著
称天下.巫山十二峰,是巫峡风光中的 胜景,其中俏丽动人的神女峰最为迷人
西陵峡 以险为特色,全长126公里。以宜昌市的西陵
Ocean in the ______.
(a) south
(b) north
(c) east
(3)The world’s biggest dam was opened on the Yangtze
River in ________.
(a) 2001
(b) 2003
(c) 2005
the map of the Three Gorges
4. (a) sunny
(c) evening
4. When the boat went through the first gorge. Peter and his friend _____. (a) took lots of photographs (b) spent most of the time on deck (c) were asleep
They were from America.
3. Where did they start their trip?
The town of Fuling.
4. When did they start their trip?
On a beautiful afternoon.
1. Peter and his friend went downstream _____. 2. (a) to see the dam 3. (b) to see the Three gorges 4. (c) to get to Fuling
2. He choose the Jiangyou boat because _____. 3. (a) it was crowded 4. (b) it didn’t stop at temples 5. (c) it didn’t usually carry foreigners.
3. When they started the trip it was ______.
Reading & Vocabulary
Complete the definitions of the words in the box.
1 Ac_o__n_s_t_r_u__c_t_io__n__s_it_eis the place where sth is being built. 2 To ___t_r_a__d_e_ means to buy and sell things. 3. If you ___r_u_s_h_ somewhere you go there quickly. 4. __D__i_s_t_a_n_tis the opposite of near. 5. __G__o__o_d_sare things you can buy or sell. 6. A ___le_g__e_n_d__ is a very old story which is probably not
cave shore slope plain
shore plain
Fill in the blanks.
1. A _v__a_ll_e_y__ is the low ground between the sides of
2. 2.
to make furniture.
Match the words with their definition.
characters deck
dock detour
pagoda raft
1. a place where boats load and unloaddock
2. a simple boat made of pieces of wood tied
west 丰都
瞿塘峡 巫山
Wu Shan
大 宁 河
t h e 湘江
the Xiang River 西陵峡 the Wu Gorge the Xiling Gorge
the Daning River The Qutang Gorge
the Three Gorges Dam
River, home of QuYuan.
Language points:
1.bank/ beach /coast/ seaside/shore
3.bank “河岸,堤岸”,指河流两旁高出水面的地 方
4.The old man used to sit on the river bank to fish.
sense of ______.
(a) power
(b) history (c) danger
Read the text carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. Peter Hessler and his colleague took boats
4. There were many more foreigners in the town of Fuling besides Peter Hessler. F
5. The ships like the Jiangyou boat are mainly for goods and people who trade along the river. T
They __s_le__p_t__ when they went through the first gorge, __W__h_i_c_h___ is called the Qutang Gorge. The gorge _n_a__r_r_o_w__s__t_o__ 350 feet as the river _r_u__s_h_e__s__ through the two-mile-high mountains.
Find out the answers to the following questions.
1. Who took a trip along the Three Gorges?
Peter Hessler and his colleague.
2. Where were they from?
Do the quiz about the Yangtze.
(1) The Yangtze River is the __T__h_eriTvehrrienethGe owrogrleds.
(a) longest (b) second longest
(c) third longest
(2) It flows from the Himalayas in the west to the Pacific
7. The sun rises in the east and __s_e__ts_ in the west. 8. A ___p_o__e_t is someone who writes poems. 9. A _c_o_l_l_e_a_g__u_eis someone who works with you. 10. __B_a__m__b_o__ois a plant which grows quickly and is used
5.beach“海(湖,河)滩,水滨”,指由于受潮 水冲刷而形成的由细沙或卵石覆盖的平缓的斜坡。
6.coast“海岸,海岸线”,是地理上的专业名词, 指海洋与陆地的分界线,有清晰的边界概念。它
Many English people like to go to the seaside for their holidays and lie on the beach in the sun.
Fill in the blanks.
Peter and his colleague _g__o_t__o_n___ the boat at Fuling. The sun was shining brightly _a__s___ they sailed _d_o_w__n_s__t_re__a_m__ through a hilly region. As the sun __s_e_t___ they _d_o__c_k_e_d__ at Fengdu.
because they could stop at the temples. F 2. The words “two more” in the third
paragraph refer to the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge. T 3. The home of Qu Yuan, the 3rd century BC poet, is located on the Daning River. F
sea. of a
7. A ___la__k_e__ is an area of water surrounded by land.
8. A __w__o_o_d__ is a small forest. 9. A ___c_a_v_e__ is a large hole in a cliff or a mountain. 10. A __p_l_a_t_e_a_uis a large area of flat high ground..
高中英语外研版必修四 module5课件
What can you see from the picture?
lake wood
cliff lake wood valley
cliff valley
cave slope
At Wushan they made a detour __u_p___the Daning River __t_o__s_e__e___ some smaller
gorges. The next day they _w__e__n_t_t_h__r_o_u_g__h__ the Wu Gorge. They _p__a_s_s_e__d__ the Xiang
3. The __s_h_o_r__e_ is the area where the land meets the
sea or a lake.
4. A __s_l_o_p_e__ is the side of the mountain. 5. _C__li_f_f_s_ are the steep sides of mountains at the
3. a Buddhist temple
4. a change of route
5. a floor on a boat
6. marks or signs used in writing characters
7. to use or take advantage of exploit
5. When they reached the site of the dam _______ came to look. (a) everyone (b) no one (c) only thewk.baidu.comforeigners
6. Peter was impressed by the Yangtze River’s