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李清照(1084年3月13日,1155年5月12日),宋代(南北宋之交)女词人,号易安居士,济南章丘(今属山东济南)人。她生于神宗元丰七年二月初五日(公元1084年3月13日),卒于高宗绍兴二十五年四月初十日(公元1155年5月12日)。她出生于书香门第。早期生活优裕。其父李格非藏书甚富,她小时候就在良好的家庭环境中打下文学基础。出嫁后,与丈夫赵明诚共同致力于金石书画的搜集整理,共同从事学术研究。志趣相投,生活美满。金兵入据中原后,流落南方,赵明诚病死,李清照境遇孤苦。一生经历了表面繁华、危机四伏的北宋末年和动乱不已、偏安江左的南宋初年。李清照是中国古代罕见的才女,她擅长书、画,通晓金石,而尤精诗词。她的词作独步一时,流传千古,被誉为“词家一大宗”。她的词分前期和后期。前期多写其悠闲生活,多描写爱情生活、自然景物,韵调优美。如《一剪梅?红藕as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under
normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure
that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 香残玉簟秋》等。后期多慨叹身世,怀乡忆旧,情调悲伤。如《声声慢?寻寻
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e recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronicshoul ystem technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch positionshall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and scuits h the system cable and terminal block o
f the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe cirutiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wirin
g right firm; (2) check