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B achelor’s Thesis


A Brief Analysis of Gulliver’s Travels







A Brief Analysis of Gulliver’s Travels

(黎洁,class1106 Foreign studies,Hubei Normal University ,Huangshi ,435002 )


1.The introduction of author and Gulliver’s Travels

1.1 about the author

1.2 about the book

2.The experience in Lilliput

2.1 his experience

2.2 comments about the experience

3.The characteristic about Brobdingnag

3.1 some trues about Brobdingnag

3.2 character analysis

4.His voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbububdrib,and Japan

5.A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnms


Abstract:Jonathan Swift(Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745)is a famous British great novelist. His work the "Gulliver's travels" is a great satire, take an important role in the history of the development of the English novel. Swift dissolved the fantasy and reality as a whole in the novel, using small metaphor, by observation, to use the past the present, beast ridiculed people irony, he shows outstanding creative skills and superb cynicism, has a profound ideological content and unique artistic effect

Key words:Gulliver travel irony character

Introduction:Because of some reasons,the author enjoy voyaging and like the life live on the sea .so, he is addicted to traveling.Regardless of the disagree of his family,he start his first voyage. At last he gets safe on shore in the country of Lilliput

where he like a tower in others eyes.and he make contribute to the country,because of the envy ,some people want to kill he,ha return home at the end. When he travels again, He is also unlucky that the storm attacked him again. He was brought to a strange land. There, people are very taller like a tower but he is small like mouse. They use him make money and consider him as a toy. The author, by a lucky accident, finds means to leave,and after some difficulties, he returned safe to his native country. In the next few years, Gulliver went through a few times of risks, but also, in the end he comes back to his native country.

1.The introduction of author and Gulliver’s Travels

Swift is the founder of the British Enlightenment of democratic radical faction, he wrote many satirical article representative in his whole life.He called the outstanding political satirist in British eighteenth Century . The representative of "Gulliver's travels",is an outstanding travels of satirical novels.In the book,the hero Gulliver was a British surgeon who promoted to captain at last; he is educated and very proud of his motherland.He is well-informed in many aspect, but he is a mediocre person in essence, while Swift is using this limited hero at the full effect of satire 2.The experience in Lilliput

The first voyage,Gulliver survive on an island called lilliput.In lilliput,Gulliver is so huge that he likes a tower in others eye.To win the king and people's affection for him, he became familiar with the customs of the country. In Gulliver's help, Lilliput country become more stronger.He make more contribution to the country that more people want to kill he. At this time Gulliver heard a news that someone wants to kill he, so he wants to escape from Lilliput., finally returned safely to England.

What the author describe is the epitome of the British Empire.British Tories and Whigs endless struggle and the foreign war all the year, but politicians in some beneficial to the people's livelihood irrelevant details of intrigue.Moreover,the Lilliput government customs and institutions are similar to British.In the "A voyage to Lilliput" of Gulliver’s experience of life, the author use of exaggeration, contrast, irony and subtle variety of practices, for these evils to expose and irony the British government in that time.
