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1. map__________ girl__________ pen__________ bag_____ car__________

2. bus__________ brush__________ watch__________ box__________

3. baby__________ city__________ country__________

4. hero__________ potato__________ zoo_________ tomato_________ photo__________

5. knife__________ leaf_______ wolf________ wife__________ life__________ 二.可数名词复数不规则变化

6. child_____ _____foot__________ tooth__________ mouse__________ man__________ 三.国人单复数变化

7. German__________ Englishman__________ Chinese______ ___


8. deer__________ sheep__________ yuan__________


1. There are two__________ over there. (watch)

2. I like taking __________. (photo)


3. l can see a __________and two __________ standing there. (man, woman)

4. There are two baskets of__________ on the floor. (apple)

5. Look at those__________. (child)

6. He doesn't like these__________. (glass)

7. How many __________can you see (radio)

8. There are more and more __________ drivers in Shanghai now. (woman)

9. Give me some __________, please. (water)



( )1. There are twenty __________ in our hospital.

A. woman doctors

B. women doctor

C. women doctors

D. woman doctor

( )2. __________ are usually careful in doing exercises.

A. Girl students

B. Girls students

C. Girls’students ’s students


( )1. ----What are these --They are __________.

A. deers

B. radios

C. Radioes

( )2. How many __________ are there in these __________

A. tomatos, photos

B. tomatoes, photos

C. tomatoes, photoes ,photoes

( )3. Mr. Chen has two __________.

A. tooths

B. teeth

C. teeths

( )4. Here are __________ for you, Sue.

A. potatos

B. some potatoes

C. three tomatos

D. some tomato

( )5. Then the __________ began to eat the green __________ of young trees.

A. deer, leafs

B. deer, leaves

C. deer, leaf

D. deers, leafs



( )1. I met some __________ in the park and talked with them the other day.

A. Japanese

B. American

C. Chineses

D. English

( )2. --- Excuse me, are you __________ --- Yes, I’m from __________.

A. Japan, Japanese

B. China, Chinese

C. England, English , America

( )3. A group of __________are talking with two__________ over there.

A. Frenchmen, Germans

B. Frenchmen, Germen

C. Frenchmen, German

D. Frenchmanes, Germans ( )4. Yesterday a few __________ came to visit some__________ in Shantou.

A. German, places of interest

B. Germans, places of interests

C. Germans, places of interest

D. Germen, places of interest。

( )5. Two __________ and five __________ are studying Chinese at Beijing University.

A. German, English

B. Germans, English

C. Germans, Englishmen

D. Germen, Englishmen


( )1. The delicious dishes are cooked by __________.

A. women cookers

B. women cooks C .woman cooks D. woman cookers

( )2. Julie went to the __________ to buy a pair of shoes.

A. shoes store

B. shoe’s store

C. shoe store

D. shoes’store



( )1. After moving to their new house, the Lees bought some ______ in the mall nearby. (08上海)

A. furniture

B. chair

C. table

D. shelf

( )2. We haven’t got much __________ for our picnic. Will you go and get some (07上海)

A. apple

B. tomato

C. bread

D. biscuit

( )3. He knows __________ Chinese and has __________ Chinese friends.

A. much, many

B. many, much

C. much, much

D. many, many

( )4. I’m thirsty. I think I’ll buy some __________.


A. water

B. bread

C. eggs

D. apples

( )5. ---Would you like some __________ --Oh, yes, just(只)a little.

A. pears

B. oranges

C. milk

D. grapes

( )6. Look ! There are some __________on the floor.

A child

B boxes

C water

D girl

( )7. There are many __________ in the fridge.

A. fish

B. fruit

C. eggs

D. bread
