电动液压助力转向泵总成ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC POWER STEERING PUMP ASSEMBLY使用说明书艾克生汽车电器地址:省经济技术开发区滨海园区十二路五道355号: 00:00一、产品简介电动液压助力转向泵总成〔以下简称“转向泵〞〕是纯电动物流车、客车、混合动力客车的转向动力源,为汽车提供可靠的转向助力,是转向系统的关键部件。
二、产品特点●体积小●重量轻●噪音低●高安全性能●可靠稳定性高●整体防护等级IP67●独立的双重绝缘设计●三、使用围●电动中巴车●电动大客车●电动卡车●电动牵引车●电动物流车●电动环卫车等四、产品示意图五、技术参数1.永磁同步电机转向泵总成〔不带控制器〕型号额定功率〔kW〕额定电压〔VAC〕最大压力〔MPa〕流量〔L/min〕BTZ125A01/02 0.8 220/380 8 7BTZ125B01/02 1.5 220/380 10 8 BTZ125B01-01/02-01 1.5 220/380 11 11 BTZ125C01/02 2.2 220/380 13 12BTZ160A01/02 3 220/380 14 162.永磁同步电机转向泵总成型号额定功率〔kW〕额定电压〔VDC〕最大压力〔MPa〕流量〔L/min〕AKSTZ-A01/02 0.8 240-420/420-720 8 7 AKSTZ-B01/02 1.5 240-420/420-720 10 8 AKSTZ-B01-01/02-01 1.5 240-420/420-720 11 11 AKSTZ-C01/02 2.2 240-420/420-720 13 12 AKSTZ-D01/02 3 240-420/420-720 14 16注:1、泵头默认朝向为水平朝上,客户可根据需求按上图选择泵头朝向;2、进油口为光杆的泵头外形可参见永磁同步电机转向泵示例图中的泵头3、各型号流量可通过调整转速进展微调,微调围:±2L/min3、接线定义(2).标配插座定义:21〕、红:外接12V正控制电源正极。
②将驱动控制器与压缩机和电源按原状态连接好,保证各插接见连 接牢固,注意:各插接件对接前检查其内部接头端子是否松脱,保证连 接完好。
故障 液压泵 不通电
控制器 不工作
液压 泵不 工作
液压 泵启 动运 行前 后声 音有 变化
没有 开关 门及 刹车 时气 压下 降明 显
1.液压泵技术参数 功率:3KW 电压 输入:AC380V 额定转速:1450r/min 流量:13L/min
2.控制器技术参数 功率:4KW 电压输入:DC400V~750V 输出:AC380V
4、 注意事项
1、 当汽车启动时,无油压报警才能启动汽车。 2、汽车长时间停止,车下液压泵位置是否有明显油污,有则说明有漏 油情况。
产品概述 1.产品构成
本电动液压助力转向泵总成由电动液压泵泵及变频器两部分组成,其 中电动液压泵为骆驼倍能自制,变频器为外购安瑞吉变频器
电机的动能来自高压电气系统,该系统符合国家标准。当控制器接到转 向信号时及车速信号时,控制器启动,带动液压泵电机转动。
重新连接接触件或 更换导线;调整接 线的顺序。
首先检查安装部位 安装情况等是否符 合要求,若果是电 机及内部零件的运 转或摩擦造成的声 音则属于正常的。
请专业人员检测判 定,如果是液压泵 泄露,清洗液压 泵:更换液压泵液 压油,更换管路连 接处的密封圈;如 果助力转向能达到 标准,经检测设备 检验不漏,但液压 泵表面有油迹则为 压缩机正常渗漏, 不许进行更换。
令,电机不工作 原因:①接插件接触不良;②断路;③控制器
电机的实际电流比期 方法:电机电流不在正常值范围内 45
望电流差较大 原因:①短路;②控制器检测电路故障
1、电源线(正极、红色)与汽车电源线连接(12v-14V); 2、电源线(负极、黑)搭铁; 3、车速信号线(蓝)接表盘车速信号线;(需 7Hz/10km/h 的方波信号;低速车不用) 4、转速信号线(黄)接表盘转速信号线;(电动车没有) 5、点火线(红)接点火开关 key on 档;(+12V/红色) 6、传感器线束插件(绿色)与控制器插好 7、电机线束插件与控制器插好。
6. 应用范围广,既可以用于燃油车,也可以用于混合动力汽车,更是纯电
5、线束的安装与连线:1、把线束中红/黑线接入点火开关(Key ON)中;2、线束中黑/黄线(粗线)接入电瓶正极上;3、把线束中黑色线(粗线)接入转向管柱总成的安装螺丝上进行搭铁;4、把线束中粉红线并接到车速信号线中;5、把线束中黄色线并接到转速信号线中。
100FEMPa时 , 请 检 查 工 作 压 力 为100FEMPa, 否 则 会 损 坏 所 连 接 设 备); 7.7.2 系统需要调压时,请停泵泄压,使千斤顶回缩,系统无压力;
7.7.3 调整: 请拧松溢流阀(压力调节阀)的锁紧螺母,逆时针调出溢流阀,再顺时针微量调进溢流阀,
开启泵站,观察压力表;指针未达到要求压力时,停泵泄压,重复上述步骤,直至调到所需压力, 锁紧螺母,完成调压过程; 7.7.4 锁紧螺母必须拧紧,否则泵站工作中的震动会造成溢流阀的松动,系统压力输出会不准确。
欢 迎 来 到 WREN 液 压 工 具 世 界
7.1 诊断故障代码(DTC)的显示 1) 将诊断端子 B2 与电源(蓄电池)负极端子用维修导线连接。 2) 用木楔楔住左右车轮(轮胎),拉起停车制动。 3) 起动发动机(发动机未起动,将显示 DTC22)。 4) EPS 指示灯开始显示所有故障代码,故障代码(DTC)总是从最小的代 码号开始依次显示,每种代码显示 3 次。
2.1.5 方向盘转动速度:10 周/分 ~ 15 周/分
2.2 总成机械性能
2.2.1 动摩擦力矩:≤1.0 N·m
2.2.2 动摩擦力矩波动: ≤0.85N·m
2.3 输入力矩-输出力矩特性(零车速)
1.输入力矩-电机电流特性(图 1) (5.9±0.7)N·m-25A 符合合格值;
正常状况下浮空,接电源负极有效 正常状况下浮空,接电源负极有效 电压为 12VDC 的电平信号,高电平有效 峰峰值为 12V 的方波信号或脉冲信号 峰峰值为 12V 的方波信号 电压为 12VDC 的电平信号,高电平有效 电压为 12VDC 的持续供电电源(蓄电池)正 极
B8 电源-
电压为 12VDC 的持续供电电源(蓄电池)负 极
点火线圈上的信号(或电喷 ECU 上的信号),作为发动机转速信号,通过 抑躁器(或其它的电子部件)被传递到 EPS 控制器。 1.5 汽车电动助力转向器有如下优点:
1)效率高。传统液压助力转向系统为机械和液压连接,效率低,一般为 60%~70%;而电动助力转向系统为机械与电机连接,效率较高,可达 90%以上。
的旋转方向产生角向位移,使滑块在轴向方向产生移动。这些偏差使滑块在轴 向移动,这些轴向的移动转换为电位器的旋转角度,通过电位器再将旋转角度 信号转变为电压信号并传递到 P/S 控制器。控制器即可接受到方向盘上操作力 大小和方向的信号。 1.3 VSS(汽车速度传感器)
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR KLW4100 Automatic Electrical PumpWREN HydraulicIt is operating manual of KLW4100 Automatic Electrical Pump, please read carefully follow instructions、warnings and cautions before using the tools.Safety GuideThe hydraulic torque wrench pump's safe usage requires correct operation and regular inspect. And the user is requested to follow always and carefully .▲precaution to avoid direct loss in economic or property.▲warning to avoid personal injury.Please follow herein before!When using, if something abnormal happens, please shut off the power immediately, and then consult WREN or WREN`s agent.1.When using, do not permit any person stand at the oil output in order to avoid personal injury and equipment damage. Please put the pump far away from the fire.2.Make sure that the hose and quick coupler be connected before building up the pressure in order to avoid hydraulic fluid spurting out to cause personal injury.3.The maximum operating pressure of this pump is 70Mpa(10,000Psi),WREN has set up the pressure to 70Mpa before selling this pump. Please do not adjust to a pressure higher than the maximum pressure which WREN has not set.4.If this pump is used for operating other equipments, make sure the maximum operating pressure of the equipments will be less than 70Mpa. Please adjust the pressure to which the equipment need, or else the equipment would be damaged.5.Make sure the power of the pump is shut off before repairing it.6.Please shut off the switch before starting power; if the switch is on, the pressure may increase.7.Make sure the equipment be connected with ground to avoid electric shock.8.Please do not change any part of the pump; if it must be changed, please inform WREN or Wren's agent for help. Without allowance of WREN or its agent, any refit of it will be out of our warranty range.9.Please do not fill the pump reservoir with too much oil, otherwise, the pressure of the reservoir will increase and the oil will spill over, so the reservoir will be broken and the environment will be polluted.10.Automatic operation button is pressed, the automatic cycle start button switch bounce, automatic program stop. Under a state of emergency, you must first cut off the power supply of a motor.11.Make sure the quick coupler is tightened; if the quick coupler is not tightened enough, the equipment will not work normally; if it is a synchronic system, the problem may cause one or several pieces of equipment out of order and the quick coupler may be broken and it may cause personal injury or equipment damage.12.Please stand away from the position where the hydraulic oil may be spurt out; hydraulic oil may penetrate your hand and hurt you.13.If the hydraulic oil splashed in your eyes, please immediately wash your eyes about 15 minutes with clean water, then you must go to hospital for help right now.14.Electrical box with flashing lights. If the bright lights, the circuit fault. Usually the indicator does not work. If there is light to timely repair15.The wrench and power pump are connected by a 700 BAR operating pressure, twin-line hose assembly. Each end of the hose will have one male and one female connector to assure proper interconnection between pump and wrench.16.Please do not touch the pressurized hose; if the hydraulic oil splashed out, it will cause serious injury.1.Only WREN hydraudic special oil available.2.Do not use pressure regulate valve as relief valve.3.The used hydraulic oil should be put away according to the antipollution ordinance.PRECAUTIONMotor Switch(Control the Motor)Button for manual operation (Control by hand)Button for automatic operation (Press down the button till operation finished)1.This pump is used for hydraulic torque wrench and fitted in integrated way, it is an independent hydraulic unit that mainly consists of pump, control valve, oil reservoir, motor, meter, control-line fitting, it has the peculiarity of small volume, light weight, simple composition, convenient operation, high working pressure. The pump can supply oil with one high and one low oil outlet at the same time, which could make a large quantity of oil outputting. On high pressure, the low pressure pump will automatically let oil return through the release flow valve, which can reduce power consumption, and the pressure of the outlet can be arbitrarily adjusted from 70 to 700 bar.2.Hydraulic oil for this pump:46# anti-wear hydraulic oil.3.Environmental temperature for using this pump:-10~60 ℃4.Please use Wren's high pressure hose, high pressure coupler, and so on. The maximum operation pressure of high pressure hose for this pump is 100Mpa; please choose suitable system for it.5.If you need to use attached hydraulic product for pump, please contact WREN's engineers.6.Please do not use this pump around the fire.7.Please do not adjust the pressure valve arbitrarily to avoid personal injury or equipment damage due to high pressure.8.Please confirm that the voltage for this pump is the same as the voltage of using on the spot.9.You'd better use the pump indoors, please protect the pump from rain if it is used outdoors.1.Oil reservoir: to store hydraulic oil, make sure there is enough oil to keep the pump working normally.2.Bolt: to connect motor and oil reservoir.3.Air Motor: provide power, 4~8MPa4.Oily water separator : separator the oill and woter from the air.5.The air input valve: to let the low preasure air into system.6.Radiator: to exclude the heat, ensure the operating time and life of the pump.DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONS OF PARTSEXTERNAL DIMENSION AND DESCRIPTION OF PARTS KLW4100ITEM ITEM NAMENAME123456121314151678910Oil R eservior Bolt MotorOily water separator The air input valveSolenoid valvePressure gauge Frame For Protecting Quick couplerOil level guage Oil leak port Screw C over plate Oil portA djusting pressure regulator 117.Solenoid valve: its function is output oil when the pressure is very high, control the flow when oil return, and so on. It can be uset to the maximum pressure and protect system to work normally at the set up pressure. The threads of oil output port is NPT 1/4`.8.Pressure gauge: its range is 0~70Mpa(0~10,000psi), in other words, the maximum operating pressure of this pump is 70Mpa(10,000psi).9.Frame for protecting: it is fixed on motor for carrying conveniently.10.Quick coupler: its effect is for oil output or oil returning, also it can help people connect pump and tool with the hose quickly.11.The adjusting pressure regulator: it can control the maximum operating pressure for this pump or set up the pressure for operating the tool.prohibrt to adiust this valve arbitrarily.12.Oil level measurer: it can help us know the oil level, when the oil less than the 1/3 of total, please fill the especial oil for hydraulic tools of WREN.13.Release oil port: G1/4` thread, discharging the hydraulic oil from oil reservoir(when changing hydraulic oil)14.Hex head screw: tight coupling oil reservoir.15.Cover plate: air-tight seal of the oil reservoir.16.Oil filter port: before you fill the oil in the oil reservoir, please loosen down the cover. There is a filter inside the port for keeping oil in the oil reservoir cleanness. Also there is an operating on the cover for releasing the air from oil reservoir.CHARACTERISTIC1.KLW4100 is three-stage pump. Pressure relief valve is asslembled in the high pressure port .the rated pressure in the low pressure port is 5-7Mpg,And the flow is 0.8L/M undcr 70Mpa.2.Max operating pressure:70Mpa3.Flow:three-stage,can simultaneity use 2 torque wrenches4.Motor:220V/50Hz5.Environmental temperature:-10~80°C6.Rerervoir dimension:448×428×281mm7.Weight(No oil):26.5Kg8.Hydraulic oil:ISO VG 46#WARNING1.When operating, do not permit anyone stand at the oil output,The oil output must connect other components when adjusting the pressure.2.When using, do not overpass the max operating pressure.3.If need to check motor, please shut off the pump.4.When working, the oil back to oil reservoir may add the pressure. If open the cover plate, unnecessary injury and damage will happen.5.Proihbit to operate without oil6.Keep the clean of the pump,clean especially the oil inlet, quick couplers.7.Suggestion: in the condition of not using the pump always, please remember to replace the hydraulic oilMAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION1.The inspection before operating(1).Please shut off the pump and inspect whether the position of the power connection is loose or not. If it is loose, please tighten it.(2).Please inspect whether the hydraulic oil in the oil reservoir is enough or not, if it is not enough, please fill the oil in time.(3).The pump is still working when the direction of the air valve is changed, please build up pressure and inspect whether the whole equipment is normal or not.(4).Please inspect whether the house and other equipments are leaky or not, if this happened, please inspect to find the reason and repair it or replace it.2.The inspection in operationWhen inspecting the following items, if there is abnormal situation, please shut off the pump and repair it.(1)Please inspect whether there are abnormal condition or not in the course of raising the pressure.(2)Please inspect whether the houses and other equipments are leaky or not.(3)Please inspect whether there is some abnormal noise, rocking and smell or not during the operation of the motor.(4)Please inspect whether the temperature of hydraulic oil is too high or not.3.The inspection after finishing the operation of the pump.(1)Making sure the pump must be turn down.(2)Please inspect whether there are leaky or abnormal condition or not. If there is abnormal situation,please inspect to find the reason and repair it(3)Please clean it after using the pump.4.Refer to changing the hydraulic oilThe oil should be replaced once a year principally. If there are following abnormal conditions, please replace the oil immediately.(1)If dust mixes with the oil, please replace the oil.(2)If there is abnormal smell, please replace the oil.(3)If the water mixes with the oil, the colour of the oil has been changed into milkiness, please replace the oil.(4)If the colour of the oil has been changed into black-brown, please replace the oil.5.The way replacing the hydraulic oil(1)Please loosen the oil filler port of oil reservoir.(2)Please take down the screw on the flank of the oil reservoir, let hydraulic oil out.(3)Please clean the inner and filter of the oil reservoir.(4)Please install the screw and fill the oil reservoir with the hydraulic oil.WARNING: If the oil splashes into your eyes, please wash with clean water for at least 15 minutes, and Then see doctor immediately. If the oil splashes to your skin, please wash it with clean water and soap.WARNING: Waste hydraulic oil bellows to industrial waste, it should be dealt with by special companies.1.The first tank filled with standard of clean hydraulic oil, hydraulic oil should be used GB32# ( winter ) or 46# ( summer ), when filling the hydraulic oil to hydraulic pump on oil tank oil window shows the warning line, immediately stop charging, while tightening the fuel tank at the top of the gas hole cover.2.Cxamination and connect the oil inlet and the oil return rubber hose. Check the tubing and pump body, between the tubing and work between mechanical joint is intact, tightly.3.Check and connect the main power line, check the power lines and various electrical components,is in good condition. Such as: pressure gauges, electrical, automation of electrical control box, to prevent damage in transit.4.The power switch, press the switch of the motor, so that the whole pumping station in a work situation automatic running 2-3minutes. At this time, pumping station is the internal internal air, at the same time please watch whether the motor running, the pump body has no abnormal noise or vibration.5.After the above preparations, such as was not found to have any abnormal phenomenon is the basic work of pumping station is normal. The handle is manually operated button press, repeated several times in the air discharged high pressure hose.6.press the manual button time to observe the pressure gauge pointer is upward, otherwise the pressure pump station work is not normal, please check the troubleshooting.7.Press the manual button, regulating the regulator valve to the set pressure.OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSTROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE OF HYDRAULIC PUMPThe pump can't be startedThe v oltage isn't suitableChecked the switch and distribution box and so on, and connect the power.Confirming whether the v oltage is suitable for the pump's needThe power hasn't be connected The system has no pressureThe quick coupler hasn't beconnected to the correct positionTake down and reinstall it No oil in the oil reser v oir Fill in oil Not enough oil in the oil reser v oir Fill in oilIf the system has a throttle and hand single-direction valve, please check if the valve are openOpen the throttle and hand single-direction valve, andmake sure the system is a circle After reinstalling the quick coupler,the system has no pressureThe quick coupler can't be connected to the correct position, which causes no pressure in the systemTake down the quick coupler, check if the boll is elastic with a rod, if it can't move, please knock it with a hammer to eliminate the mist hydraulic oil Leakage in the quick couplerThe o ring and escape have worn outReplace the quick couplerThe pressure can't reach to the set pressure The relief v al v e is ad j ustedtoo lowCheck with the gauge, and ad j ust therelief v al v e to the system set pressure Oil is mixed with water Change oilNot enough oil in the reser v oir Fill in oilRepeat operating the system with noload for se v eral times to eliminate the air Suck in air to the systemThe throttle and hand single-directionv al v e ha v en't been tightenedLocking v al v eThe throttle and hand single-directionv al v e ha v en't been ad j usted to thecorrect positionAd j ust to the correct positionThe throttle and hand single-directionv al v e ha v e brokenReplace the v al v eThere is foreign matter inthe oilWash the pump v al v e andchange clean oilWhen using under static pressure, the pressure reduces slowly The seal is out of control, pleasecheck all the sealReplace the sealEXPLOSION OF KLW4100 ELECTRIAL PUMP ITEM1 2 3 4 5 6The tank modulePump moduleOil return pipe(1)Petroleum Pipeline(1)Petroleum Pipeline(2)Oil return pipe(2)The cooler moduleElectric control valveHydraulic control valve module789101112NAME NAMEITEMEXPLOSION OF THE PUMP MODULEITEM2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 2.9.5 2.10 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.10.4 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28SealDeep groove ball bearingBearingScrewPump flangeThe pump body setUnloading valve(1)Unloading valve bodyRingO RingO RingOverpressure valveCheck valveThe one-way valve bodyRingO RingO RingRingUnloading valve(2)Unloading valve bodyRingO RingO RingFilter plateScrewSeparation type pump bodyPlugDeep groove ball bearingThe circlip for shaftEmpty of elastic ringDeep groove ball bearingPlunger 1Plunger 2Plunger 3PinBearing end plateElastic washerScrewConnecting pieceScrewFitter11141111/11/11/11/1121/11/11/11/11/111/11/11/11/111110111142211111161NAMENUME X P L O S I O N OF T H E T Y P E W E V A L V E S E T M O D U LE序号名称数量备注不可拆卸件不可拆卸件注:件堵头,允许更换为快速接头。
A、汽车电动助力转向器简介电动转向系统(EPS,Electrie Power Steering)是未来转向系统的发展方向。
该技术发展最快、应用较成熟的当属TRW转向系统和Delphi Saginaw(萨吉诺)转向系统,而Delphi Saginaw(萨吉诺)转向系统又代表着转向系统发展的前沿。
现在,Delphi 转向系统又领导了汽车转向系统的一次新革命电动转向系统。
VPP 755 V.2 V.3 电动泵连接指南说明书
VPP 755 V.2/V.3Connecting the pump - Anschluss der Pumpe - Branchement de la pompe1 electrical connection3 Pin to read rotationalspeed4 Pin to adjust rotational speed2 choose one plug3 connect one plug to your mainboardElectrical connection: connectStromanschluss: Molexstecker mitConnexion électrique: Connectermolex plugs to power supply Netzteil verbindenfiche Molex à l’alimentationChoose only one of the following plug:Wählen Sie einen der folgenden Anschlüsse :Sélectionnez l'un des connecteurs suivants:3 -Pin plug: Only use, if you are controlling3-Pin Stecker: Nur verwenden, wennFiche 3-Pin: Utiliser que si vous souhaitiezthe rotational speed manually through the pump.The rotational speed can be read, but is not controllable through the fan control. Sie die Drehzahl manuell über die Pumpe steuern. régler la vitesse manuellement à la pompe. Die Drehzahl kann ausgelesen werden, ist aber nicht über die Lüftersteuerung regelbar. 4-Pin Stecker: Nur verwenden, wenn Sie die Drehzahl über eine Lüftersteuerung stufenlos regeln wollen.La vitesse peut être lu, mais non pas réglé par le régulateur de ventilateur.Fiche 4-Pin: Utiliser que si vous souhaitiez réguler la vitesse de manière continue par le régulateur de ventilateur.4 -Pin plug: Only use, if you are controlling the rotational speed continuously through a fan control.Manually setting rotational speed - Drehzahl manuell einstellen - Régulation manuelle de la vitesse1800 2500 3200 3900 4500 0,70 m 1,30 m 2,20 m 3,00 m 4,00 mThe chart gives you an overview of the pump’s power at various settings. Set the Die Tabelle gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über Le tableau vous donne une vue d’ensemble die Leistung der Pumpe, bei verschiedenen sur la puissance de la pompe par des réglag - power level to suit the requirements of your Einstellungen. Passen Sie die Leistungsstufe es différents.Adaptez le niveau de puissance system.entsprechend den Anforderungen in Ihrem selon les besoins de votre système. System an.Regulating rotational speed with PWM - Drehzahl über PWM regeln - Régulation de la vitesse par PWM2 5 7 8 5 % 0 % 0 % 5 % 1900 2500 3200 3900 45000,80 m 1,30 m 2,20 m 3,00 m 4,00 m1 00 %Connect the 4-Pin PWM cable toSchließen Sie das 4-Pin PWM Kabel an, um Connectez le câble PWM 4-Pin pour pou- continuously control the pump through your die Pumpe stufenlos, über ihr Mainboard voir régler de manière continue la vitesse mainboard or fan control. Make sure that oder ihre Lüftersteuerung, zu regulieren. de la pompe par votre carte mère ou the manual pump control is set to level 5 in Achten sie darauf, dass die manuelle régulateur de ventilateurs. Faites attention, order to reach the full rotational speed of Steuerung an der Pumpe auf Stufe 5 steht, que le réglage manuel de la pompe soit sur le the pump. If the control is set to another um die volle Drehzahl der Pumpe level, the rotational speed will increase by erreichenzukönnen.StehtderRegleraufeiner maximale de la pompe. Si le niveau est réglé percentage corresponding to the power level.anderen Stufe, wird die Drehzahl prozentual, différemment,la vitesse maximale s’y adaptera.entsprechend der Leistungsstufe, erreicht.Alphacool International GmbH Marienberger Str. 1 General Manager:WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: Trade Register:Fabian Noelte DE 54464644Amtsgericht Braunschweig HRB 202390 3 8122 Braunschweig+ 49 (0) 531 28874 - 0Fax: E-Mail: +49 (0) 531 28874 - 21 ******************VAT.ID.Nr.: Tax number: DE27058421 13/207/02047。
电动液压助力转向泵总成ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC POWER STEERING PUMP ASSEMBLY使用说明书艾克生汽车电器地址:省经济技术开发区滨海园区十二路五道355号: 00传真: 00一、产品简介电动液压助力转向泵总成(以下简称“转向泵”)是纯电动物流车、客车、混合动力客车的转向动力源,为汽车提供可靠的转向助力,是转向系统的关键部件。
二、产品特点●体积小●重量轻●噪音低●高安全性能●可靠稳定性高●整体防护等级IP67●独立的双重绝缘设计●三、使用围●电动中巴车●电动大客车●电动卡车●电动牵引车●电动物流车●电动环卫车等四、产品示意图五、技术参数1.永磁同步电机转向泵总成(不带控制器)型号额定功率(kW)额定电压(VAC)最大压力(MPa)流量(L/min)BTZ125A01/02 0.8 220/380 8 7BTZ125B01/02 1.5 220/380 10 8 BTZ125B01-01/02-01 1.5 220/380 11 11 BTZ125C01/02 2.2 220/380 13 12BTZ160A01/02 3 220/380 14 162.永磁同步电机转向泵总成型号额定功率(kW)额定电压(VDC)最大压力(MPa)流量(L/min)AKSTZ-A01/02 0.8 240-420/420-720 8 7 AKSTZ-B01/02 1.5 240-420/420-720 10 8 AKSTZ-B01-01/02-01 1.5 240-420/420-720 11 11 AKSTZ-C01/02 2.2 240-420/420-720 13 12 AKSTZ-D01/02 3 240-420/420-720 14 16注:1、泵头默认朝向为水平朝上,客户可根据需求按上图选择泵头朝向;2、进油口为光杆的泵头外形可参见永磁同步电机转向泵示例图中的泵头3、各型号流量可通过调整转速进行微调,微调围:±2L/min3、接线定义(2).标配插座定义:1)、红:外接12V正控制电源正极。
本产品执行Q/MKYX 16213—2005标准。
目录1. 适用范围................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2. 型号含义................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3. 主要技术参数............................. 错误!未定义书签。
4. 钻机结构简介............................. 错误!未定义书签。
5. 液压系统工作原理......................... 错误!未定义书签。
6. 钻机的稳装及管路连接..................... 错误!未定义书签。
3A6850HZH安装 - 零件E-Flo ®SP 电动泵用于密封剂和黏合剂用于单组分密封剂和粘结材料。
有关的型号资料,包括最大工作压力和核准使用情况,请参见第 3 页。
相关手册23A6850H目录相关手册 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3系统压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4警告 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5部件辨认 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7带 100 cc Check-Mate CS 下缸体的电动泵 . . . . 7高级显示模块 (ADM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9定位和安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9接地 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9电源要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9连接电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10连接独立变压器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11在设备使用之前安装开口机油盖 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12流体软管的连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12连接多个泵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14湿杯 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14冲洗泵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14泄压步骤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16关闭并维护泵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16驱动器维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17零配件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18带 Check-Mate 下缸体的电动泵 . . . . . . . . . . . .18带 Dura-Flo 下缸体的电动泵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22单向阀 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25套件及附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28高级显示模块配件包 25E439 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28通信网关模块 (CGM) 配件包 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29入口压力传感器配件包,24Y245 . . . . . . . . . . .30泵架式机架,253692 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31壁式安装支架,255143 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31地板安装适配器,223952 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32CAN 电缆 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32灯塔配件包,255468 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32I/O 电缆,122029 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33E-Flo SP 泵尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33泵机架安装孔图表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34地板支脚安装孔图表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35电动驱动器安装孔位置图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35变压器安装孔图表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36泵性能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37E-Flo SP 性能图表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38技术规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43美国加州第 65 号提案 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44Graco 标准保修 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46相关手册这些手册可以从 网站获取。
电动泵使用说明书使用说明书1. 产品概述电动泵是一种通过电力驱动的设备,用于将液体或气体从一个地方输送到另一个地方。
2. 安全须知- 在使用电动泵之前,请确保您已经详细阅读并理解了本使用说明书中的所有内容。
- 在操作电动泵时,请务必穿戴适当的防护装备,如手套、护目镜等,以保护自己的安全。
- 在连接电动泵之前,请确保电源已经断开,以避免电击危险。
- 在清洁电动泵之前,务必将电源断开,并等待泵停止运转后再进行清洁工作。
- 请勿将电动泵置于潮湿或易燃的环境中使用,以防发生意外事故。
3. 使用步骤3.1 连接电源- 首先,将电动泵的电源线插入交流电插座,并确保电源线的连接牢固。
- 在通电之前,请检查电源线是否有损坏或裸露的情况,必要时请更换电源线。
3.2 准备工作- 在使用电动泵之前,请先确定泵的输送介质和输送距离,并选择合适的配件和管道连接。
- 将配件和管道正确连接到电动泵的进出口,确保连接紧固,避免泄漏。
3.3 启动电动泵- 确保电动泵的电源已经连接,并打开电源开关,启动电动泵。
- 在启动电动泵之后,您可以调整相应的参数,如流量、压力等,以满足您的实际需求。
4. 维护保养- 定期检查电动泵的运行状况,确保其正常工作。
- 在使用过程中,如发现异常或异常声音,请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务部门进行检修。
- 定期清洁电动泵,以保持其良好的工作状态。
- 升级电动泵的软件或固件,以获取更好的性能和功能。
5. 故障排除- 如果电动泵出现故障或异常情况,请先检查电源是否接触良好,是否存在电源故障。
- 检查电动泵的输送介质是否正常,是否有堵塞或泄漏等问题。
- 如有必要,请联系售后服务部门进行维修或更换配件。
6. 其他注意事项- 请勿将电动泵用于其它用途,以免引起安全事故。
- 在不使用电动泵时,请将电源断开,并妥善保存设备。
安装使用手册湖南益阳电厂二期2×600MW机组工程由电动机驱动的锅炉给水泵泵型号: CHTD5/6+SQ250-560上海凯士比合同编号: 38-0609-9058-01/02/05/06售后服务地址当地售后服务地址中国联系人(售后服务部门):·上海凯士比泵有限公司包玉成先生上海市闵行区江川路1400号谢卫刚先生200245电话:+86 (21) 64 30 28 88 26 09+86 (21) 64 30 28 88 26 10+86 (21) 64 30 28 88 26 01传真:+86 (21) 64 30 15 04+86 (21) 64 62 24 34·KSB有限公司香港铜锣湾摩利臣山道39号庄士城市大厦17楼电话:+852 21 47 12 20传真:+852 21 47 12 30德国售后服务地址·KSB售后服务有限公司 Hans Messerig 67225 FrankenthalFrankenthal Johann-Klein 路9号67227 FrankenthalTel. +49 (6233) 86 27 36Fax +49 (6233) 86 34 20欲查询最新的信息请登陆我们的网站:电泵附件图纸清单编号名称图号图幅页数1 给水泵性能曲线A4 12 给水泵变速曲线A4 13 零件清单A4 54 电泵组测点清单JZCHTD5/6-000I A4 75 汽泵组阀门清单JZCHTD5/6-000V A4 96 过渡段A4 47 逻辑图3800057-L00A4 68 设备冷却水及润滑油参数表A4 19 电动给水泵组轴偏移图JZCHTD5/6-H101(益阳) A4 110 坡口图3800057-PK A3 111 给水泵总装图5177942701A3 112 机组布置图M3206099058H00A3 113 接管载荷及热膨胀值图M3206099058H01A3 114 电泵组系统图P&ID JZCHTD5/6-PID A2 115 粗滤网外形图SRY400-25A3 116 精滤网外形图SRY300-40 A3 117 流量喷嘴计算书及外形图A4 218 冷却器组图GLL-70/GLL-160 A3 119 电动前置泵-电机联轴器TDP6-470-00T20(Z) A3 120 液力偶合器-电机联轴器TDP8-8400-00T23(Z) A3 121 液力偶合器-给泵联轴器TD8-1700-00T10(Z) A3 1108.02中段210/515*143 1.4006+QT3 108.03中段210/515*143 1.4006+QT1 108.04中段210/545*135 1.4021+QT8001 130泵体部件132/485*77 1.4021+QT8001 131.01进水室187/518*91 1.4021+QT8001 139进水弯管 1.45711 145连接件150/310*30S235JRG21 160.01泵盖213/870*430 1.4021+QT8001 160.02盖155*45S235JRG21 171.02导叶DIA410 1.40085 171.03导叶DIA250/420*87 1.40081 210轴115*2521 1.4313.091 230.01叶轮303*20-36 1.4008.091 230.02叶轮303*20-36 1.4008.091 230.03叶轮303*20-36 1.4008.091 230.04叶轮303*20-36 1.4008.091 230.05叶轮303*20-36 1.4008.091 230.06叶轮303*20-36 1.4008.091 350.01轴承座130/420*340JL10401 350.02轴承座130/500*452JL10401 361轴承端盖DIA 316*160JL10401 370.01轴承瓦块100/168*90C15-TEGO V7381 370.02轴承瓦块100/168*90C15-TEGO V7381 384推力轴承座78/213*45C45N1 387.01推力轴承瓦块ST-LGSN16 392.01瓦块座105/232*56C45N1 400.01平垫262/310*0.3DPAF21 400.02平垫237/316*0.3DPAF21 410.01翼形垫圈520/545*28N.HERST/TO MAN1 410.02翼型密封112/125*14.5N.HERST/TO MAN1 410.03翼形垫圈510/541*9.5N.HERST/TO MAN1 410.04翼形垫圈396/415*15N.HERST/TO MAN1 410.05翼形垫圈250/262*9.5N.HERST/TO MAN1 410.06翼形垫圈550/575*26N.HERST/TO MAN1 411密封圈C18*22ST-ASBFREI3 411密封圈C27*32ST-ASBFREI1 411密封垫圈18/6.5*12NBR801 411密封垫圈27/18*22NBR801 411密封圈C33*39ST-ASBFREI1 411.01密封圈C21*26ST-ASBFREI2 411.02密封圈C21*26ST-ASBFREI2 411.03密封圈C21*26ST-ASBFREI2 411.04密封圈C21*26ST-ASBFREI2 411.10密封环43/57*10CC483K-GZ1 411.30密封圈C27*32ST-ASBFREI1 411.31密封垫圈18/6.5*12NBR804411.32密封垫圈27/18*22NBR801 411.33密封圈C33*39ST-ASBFREI1 411.9密封圈C21*26ST-ASBFREI3 411.99密封圈C27*32ST-ASBFREI2 411.99密封圈C18*22ST-ASBFREI6 411.99密封圈A21*26ST-ASBFREI2 411.99密封圈C27*32ST-ASBFREI1 411.99密封圈C33*39ST-ASBFREI1 411.99密封圈C18*22ST-ASBFREI10 411.99密封圈C27*32ST-ASBFREI3 411.99密封圈A21*26ST-ASBFREI8 411.99密封圈A27*32A42 411.99密封圈A21*26A42 411.99密封圈A27*32A41 412.01O型圈440*4EPDM(浸渍过氧化物)1 412.03O型圈103*4N NBR802 412.05O型圈206*4N EPDM1 412.09O型圈150*4N NBR802 412.09O型圈150*4N NBR801 412.12O型圈220*3NBR802 412.13O型圈109*3N NBR802 412.15O型圈100*4N NBR803 420.01轴封圈90/120*10CC483K-GC2 423.01迷宫环112/192*32CC483K-GC2 423.01迷宫环112/192*32CC483K-GC1 423.02迷宫密封LSM 0450-0850PTFE-FPM2 433机械密封SAPV1/133-ET1N.HERST/TO MAN2 441密封腔190/275*83 1.4021+QT8001 441密封腔190/275*83 1.4021+QT8001 500.04环155/230*60C45N1 500.05环85/160*35S235JRG21 501.01分半环90/145*45 1.4057+QT8001 501.02分半环103/123*101Cr17Ni26 502.01泵体密封环200/220*25 1.4024.091 502.02泵体密封环200/220*25 1.4024.093 502.02泵体密封环200/220*25 1.4024.091 502.02泵体密封环200/220*25 1.4024.091 504.01挡环78/100*14C45N1 504.02间隔环111/145*15RWA3501 505.01轴肩挡圈133/200*45ZS 15V1 507.01挡油圈100/143*46 1.45713 523轴套102/164*225 1.4021+QT8002 523轴套99/167*231 1.4021+QT8001 523轴套99/122*160 1.4021+QT8001 541级间密封衬套145*164*22RWA3505 542.02节流衬套280/360*80RWA3501544螺纹衬套18/33*4511SMNPB30+C1 544.01螺纹衬套18/33*4511SMNPB30+C1 550垫圈ST1 550.02垫片25*44*4-300HV ST ATR12 550.03垫片25*44*4-300HV ST ATR16 550.05垫片21*37*4-300HV ST ATR8 550.11垫片17*30*3-300HV ST ATR8 550.13垫片12-200HV ST2 550.13垫片12-200HV ST2 550.14垫片6-200HV140HV4 550.14垫片6-200HV140HV4 550.30垫圈ST2 550.99垫片12-200HV ST1 550.99垫片12-200HV ST1 560.02锥形销钉12*85ST2 560.03锥销12*120ST1 562.02销钉3M6*6 1.40352 562.03圆柱销钉8 M6*22A42 562.05圆柱销H11*16A46 562.16销钉10 M6*24ST2 562.17圆柱型销8 M6*12 1.43051 563螺栓DIA72*89 1.4021+QT7001 580罩N.HERST/TO MAN1 602.02平衡盘座185/298*177RWA3501 603.02平衡鼓112/280*248 1.4024.091 623.02转子指示器22/100*151 680.03内衬1*76*220 1.43011 680.03内衬1*76*220 1.43012 720.01特制管件13/35*140CRNIMOST2 720.02特制管件13/52*140CRNIMOST2 720.04特殊管制件13/52*380CRNIMOST2 720.05特殊管制件M16*1/35*25PVC-U1 720.99特殊管制件9/20*135C45N4 731罩T 1-1ZN-A1 731.03罩T 1-1ZN-A1 824管路H07V-K1G 2.5*140CU-PVC1 900.02螺钉M5*12A24 900.02螺钉M5*12A24 900.03固定螺栓AM10-M8190ST16 901.05螺钉M12*16022H4 901.09螺钉M8*128.84 901.09螺钉M8*128.82 901.10螺钉M16*20022H3 901.12螺钉M6*108.81 901.12螺钉M6*108.81 902.01螺柱M20*70 5.88902.03双头螺柱M24*90 1.677216 902.05螺柱M24*150 1.677212 902.11螺栓M16*110 5.88 902.99螺柱M12*35 5.84 902.99螺栓M12*45 5.84 903螺钉M18*1 19*22C45+C1 903.99螺塞M20*1.5ST3 903.99螺塞M18*1.5ST3 903.99螺塞3/4-14NPT ST2 903.99螺塞G1/2A ST2 903.99螺塞G3/4A ST1 903.99螺塞G1A ST1 903.99螺塞M18*1.5ST10 903.99螺塞3/4-14NPT ST3 903.99螺塞G3/4A A42 903.99螺塞G1/2'A A42 903.99螺塞EG3/4A A41 903.99螺塞G3/4A A41 904沉头螺钉M6*8451 904螺钉M6*8A4-21H9 904螺钉M6*8A4-21H3 904螺钉M6*8A4-21H3 904.04螺钉M6*8A4-21H3 904.04螺钉M6*8A4-21H15 904.05销钉M5*6459 904.06销钉M8*88.83 904.06销M8*1245H3 904.30沉头螺钉M6*8454 914.01螺钉M12*258.812 914.10圆柱头螺钉M10*50C3-804 914.12螺钉M16*458.86 914.12螺钉M16*458.86 914.13螺钉M8*208.84 914.14螺钉M16*35C3-8018 914.15螺钉M16*35C3-804 914.16螺钉M10*168.84 914.16螺钉M10*168.84 914.17螺栓M8*308.85 914.18螺钉M8*808.8镀锌4 916护罩DN65/A.1PE-LD1 916.99管堵B40PTFE1 916.99管堵A23PTFE2 916.99管堵A18.2PTFE3 920.03螺母M24 1.7709+QT16 920.03专用管件13/35*3800Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti2 920.04螺母M2088920.05螺母M24812 920.11螺母M1688 920.14螺母M1284 920.14螺母M1282 920.17螺母M16*1CUZN1 920.18六角螺母M681 920.99螺母M1284 920.99螺母M1284 920.99螺母M20*1.5A44 930.14防松垫圈17A414 932.01安全环72*2.5 1.4122+QT75012 932.03安全环125*4FST PHR2 932.10止推环A30 1.43112 932.12防护环22*1.2FST PHR1 932.13弹簧垫圈A8FST PHR4 940.01键A28*16*150C45N2 940.02键A16*10*63 1.4057+QT800+C7 940.04键A12*8*90 1.4057+QT800+C1 940.05键14*9*40C45+C1 940.08键A5*5*10 1.4057+QT800+C1950盘型弹簧70/30.5*2.5 1.431144测量仪器制造测量点编号测量点介质数量件/台类型供应范围测量范围管径联接螺纹探头长度直径(mm)关联表示方式图号标准号备注PDS CP001 前置泵吸入过滤器前后压差水1 差压开关 0.2~2.1bar1/4NPT(F)报警:压差>=0.3bar 101NN-EE3-M4-C1A上海KSB供SORPI LP101 前置泵进水压力水1 不锈钢压力表25bar(0~2.5Mpa)100 G1/2就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂PI LP102 前置泵出水压力水1 不锈钢压力表0~40bar(0~4MPa)100 G1/2就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂PI LP103 前置泵润滑油进油压力油1 不锈钢压力表0~6bar(0~0.6MPa)100 G1/2就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂TAZ CT101 前置泵驱动端径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=65D=8报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=100℃上海KSB供TAZ CT103 前置泵非驱动端径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=65D=8报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=100℃上海KSB供TAZ CT105 前置泵非驱动端推力轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=30D=8报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=100℃上海KSB供TI LT113 前置泵进水温度水1 温度计 0-300℃G1/2L=200D=8就地 WSS-461上海KSB供PI LP201 给泵进水压力水1 压力表0~40bar(0~4Mpa)100G3/4就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂批准施永涛2007.5.16校对孙刚2007.5.16 KSB No.01 准备叶亚丽2007.5.16 上海JZCHTD5/6-000I电动机驱动泵机组测量点清单益阳电厂二期2X600MW机组工程专用版本姓名日期第 1 页共7页测量点编号测量点介质数量件/台类型供应范围测量范围管径联接螺纹探头长度直径(mm)关联表示方式图号标准号备注PILP202 给泵抽头压力水1 压力表0~160bar(0~16Mpa)100G1/2就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂PILP203 给泵出水压力水1 压力表0~500bar(0~50Mpa)100G1/2就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂PILP204 给泵平衡回水压力水1 压力表0~40bar(0~4Mpa)100G1/2就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂PILP205 给泵润滑油进油压力润滑油1 压力表0~6bar(0~0.6Mpa)100G1/2就地Y-100B-FZ 上海KSB供自仪四厂PDS CP003 给水泵吸入过滤器前后压差水1 差压开关 0.2~2.1bar1/4NPT(F)报警:压差>=0.5bar 101NN-EE3-M4-C1A上海KSB供SORSSA CS201 给泵出水端转轴速度监测 1 非接触脉冲传感器+变送器4-20mA0-8000r/minM18×1传感器 CS-2变送器QBJ-3C2上海KSB供江阴三仪SSA CS202 给泵出水端转轴转向监测 1 非接触脉冲传感器0-8000r/minM18×1反转:报警传感器 CS-2 上海KSB供江阴三仪VISV201/202 给泵驱动端轴承体振动 1 测振装置 M10×1.5×深10mm 报警:≥7.1mm/s停机:≥11.2mm/sSDJ-3BSG-2上海KSB供江阴三仪批准施永涛2007.5.16校对孙刚2007.5.16 KSBNo.01 准备叶亚丽2007.5.16 上海JZCHTD5/6-000I电动机驱动泵机组测量点清单益阳电厂二期2X600MW机组工程专用版本姓名日期第 2 页共7页测量点编号测量点介质数量件/台类型供应范围测量范围管径联接螺纹探头长度直径(mm)关联表示方式图号标准号备注VISV203/204 给泵非驱动端轴承体振动 1 测振装置 M10×1.5×深10mm 报警:≥7.1mm/s停机:≥11.2mm/sSDJ-3BSG-2上海KSB供江阴三仪TAZCT201/202 给泵进水端径向轴承温度(顶部)金属2 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=120D=8报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=100℃上海KSB供TAZCT203/204 给泵出水端径向轴承温度(顶部)金属2 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=120D=8报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=100℃上海KSB供TAZCT205/206 给泵推力轴承温度金属2 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=75D=8报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=100℃上海KSB供TAZCT207/208 给泵推力轴承温度金属2 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=78D=8报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=100℃上海KSB供TAZ CT209 给泵进水端机械密封循环液体温度水1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=67.5D=8报警:T>=80℃跳闸:T>=90℃上海KSB供TAZ CT211 给泵出水端机械密封循环液体温度水1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线0-200℃M18×1.5L=67.5D=8报警:T>=80℃跳闸:T>=90℃上海KSB供TI LT211 给泵进水端径向轴承温度润滑油1 温度计 0-150℃G1/2L=100D=10就地WSS-461 上海KSB供批准施永涛2007.5.16校对孙刚2007.5.16 KSB No.01 准备叶亚丽2007.5.16 上海JZCHTD5/6-000I电动机驱动泵机组测量点清单益阳电厂二期2X600MW机组工程专用版本姓名日期第 3 页共7 页测量点 编号 测量点 介质数量 件/台 类型 供应范围测量范围 管径 联接螺纹探头 长度 直径(mm) 关联 表示方式图号 标准号 备注TI LT212 给泵出水端径向轴承温度 润滑油1 温度计 0-150℃G1/2L=100 D=10 就地 WSS-461 上海KSB 供TI LT213 给泵推力轴承温度 润滑油1 温度计 0-150℃G1/2L=100 D=10 就地 WSS-461 上海KSB 供TI LT214 给泵进水端机械密封循环液体温度 水1温度计 0-150℃G1/2 L=120 D=10 就地WSS-461上海KSB 供TI LT215 给泵出水端机械密封循环液体温度 水 1温度计 0-150℃G1/2 L=120 D=10就地WSS-461上海KSB 供TB2(M) TB3(M) 主泵接线盒2 接线盒WPX-24上海KSB 供主泵进水端1只 主泵出水端1只 TB1(M) 前置泵接线盒 1 接线盒 WPX-18 上海KSB 供批 准 施永涛 2007.5.16 校 对 孙刚 2007.5.16 KSB No.01 准 备 叶亚丽 2007.5.16上海 JZCHTD5/6-000I 电动机驱动泵机组测量点清单益阳电厂二期2X600MW 机组工程专用版 本姓 名日 期第 4 页 共7页测量点编号测量点介质数量件/台类型供应范围测量范围管径联接螺纹探头长度直径(mm)关联表示方式图号标准号备注TE 34.1 偶合器B1径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃停机:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.2 偶合器B2径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.3 偶合器B3推力轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.4 偶合器B4推力轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.5 偶合器B5径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.6 偶合器B6径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.7 偶合器B7径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.8 偶合器B8推力轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITH批准施永涛2007.5.16校对孙刚2007.5.16 KSB No.01 准备叶亚丽2007.5.16 上海JZCHTD5/6-000I电动机驱动泵机组测量点清单益阳电厂二期2X600MW机组工程专用版本姓名日期第5 页共7页测量点编号测量点介质数量件/台类型供应范围测量范围管径联接螺纹探头长度直径(mm)关联表示方式图号标准号备注TE 34.9 偶合器B9推力轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.10 偶合器B10径向轴承温度金属1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=90℃跳闸:T>=95℃正常:T<90℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.22 润滑油冷却器进口油温度油1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=65℃跳闸:T>=70℃正常:T<65℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.23 润滑油冷却器出口油温度油1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=55℃跳闸:T>=60℃正常:T<55℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.25 工作油冷却器进口油温度油1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=110℃跳闸:T>=130℃正常:T<110℃42035240 偶合器VOITHTE 34.28 工作油冷却器出口油温度油1 双支铂电阻PT100 3线G1/2D=5.8L=50mm报警:T>=75℃跳闸:T>=85℃正常:35<T<75℃42035240 偶合器VOITHPI 36.1 过滤器下游侧油压油1 压力表0~6barG1/2100正常:2.5~3.5barT5500SW 偶合器VOITHPS 36.2 过滤器下游侧油压油1 压力开关0.034~5.5bar1/4NPT大于1.7bar 正常连锁,小于0.8bar停机正常:2.5~3.5barD2T M80SS 偶合器VOITHBarksdale有两个独立可调设定值10 A 250 VAC批准施永涛2007.5.16校对孙刚2007.5.16 KSB No.01 准备叶亚丽2007.5.16 上海JZCHTD5/6-000I电动机驱动泵机组测量点清单益阳电厂二期2X600MW机组工程专用版本姓名日期第 6 页共7 页测量仪器 制造 测量点 编号 测量点 介质数量 件/台 类型 供应范围测量范围 管径 联接螺纹探头 长度 直径(mm)关联 表示方式图号 标准号备注PS 36.3过滤器下游侧油压 油1压力开关0.034~5.5bar 1/4NPT主电机启动后计时器计时一段时间,油压大于2.2bar 辅助油泵关闭, 小于 1.5bar 报警,辅助油泵开启 正常:2.5~3.5barD2T M80SS 偶合器VOITH Barksdale 有两个独立可调设定值10 A 250 VACPDS PDI 37.1油过滤器差压 油1差压开关G1/4大于0.8bar 报警 清理过滤器 正常:<0.8barOE1.1.2.G.1.P.-2偶合器VOITH 230 V AC; 0,5 A;10 W175 V DC; 1,0 A;20 WLI 40.1 油箱油位 油1油位开关 300mm G2 1/2 正常:最大油位和最小油位之间42588580 偶合器VOITH44.0VOITH 电液式执行机构(VEHS ) 1IP65 输入4-20mA 输出4-20mA 24VDC 最大允许电流2.5A 偶合器VOITH60.1 工作油泵油压 油1 测试接口M1正常:1.5-2.5bar 偶合器VOITH 60.2 控制阀上游侧油压 油1 测试接口M2正常:1.8±0.5bar 偶合器VOITH 60.3 勺管下游侧油压 油1 测试接口M3正常:<3bar 偶合器VOITH 60.4过滤器下游侧油压 油1测试接口M4正常:3.5±0.5bar偶合器VOITH批 准 施永涛 2007.5.16 校 对 孙刚 2007.5.16 KSB No.01 准 备 叶亚丽 2007.5.16上海 JZCHTD5/6-000I 电动机驱动泵机组测量点清单益阳电厂二期2X600MW 机组工程专用版 本姓 名日 期第7 页 共7页注:电机由用户自备,电机测点由兰州电机厂提供,偶合器资料以Voith 提供的原版资料为准。
EZ-8 12V 电动手动泵说明书
Rev. D 921803-0105/09GENERAL INFORMATIONThese instructions will help you operate and maintain your pump. This owner’s manual covers the EZ-8, 12-Volt electric gear pump with manual nozzle.Do not leave the system running without fluids. “Dry running” can damage the pump. If the system fails to deliver fuel after 15 to 20 seconds, turn the system off and refer to the Troubleshooting Section.Do not pump the tank completely dry, as contaminants from the bottom of the tank may enter the pump.Observe all safety precautions concerning safe handling of pe-troleum fuels.To ensure safe operation, all fuel transfer systems must be properly grounded. Proper grounding means a continuous metal-to-metal contact from one component to the next, including tank, bung, pump, meter, filter, hose, and nozzle. Care should be taken to ensure proper grounding during initial installation and after any service or repair procedures. For your safety, please take a mo-ment to review the warnings below.To prevent physical injury, observe precautions against fire or explosion when dispensing fuel. Do not operate the system in the presence of any source of ignition including running or hot engines, lighted cigarettes, or gas or electric heaters.Observe precautions against electrical shock when operating the system. Serious or fatal shock can result from operating electrical equipment in damp or wet locations.Inspect external pump wiring regularly to make sure it is correctly attached to the battery. To avoid electrical shock, use extra care when connecting the pump to power.Avoid prolonged skin contact with petroleum fuels. Use protective goggles, gloves, and aprons in case of splashing or spills. Change saturated clothing and wash skin promptly with soap and water.Notice : This pump is not intended to be used with an automatic nozzle.An automatic bypass valve prevents pressure build up when the pump is on with the nozzle closed. To avoid motor damage, do not run the pump more than 5 minutes with the nozzle closed.The rated duty cycle of this pump is 15 minutes ON and 30 minutes OFF . Allow the pump to cool for 30 minutes.This pump is designed for use only with gasoline (up to 15% alcohol blends such as E15), diesel fuel (up to 20% biodiesel blends such as B20) and kerosene. Do not use this pump for dispensing any fluids other than those for which it was designed. To do so may damage pump components and will void the warranty.This pump is designed to operate on a typical 12-volt DC auto-motive electrical system. The pump is designed to operate with 12-volts DC at the motor leads and the ratings are determined at this voltage. Performance may vary due to length of power cord, battery condition or output from vehicle charging system that will affect system voltage.Observe precautions against electrical shock when servicing the pump. Always disconnect power before repairing or servicing. Never apply electrical power to the system when any of the coverplates are removed.If using solvent to clean pump components or tank, observe the sol-vent manufacturer’s recommendations for safe use and disposal.This pump is designed to self-prime with dry gears.Make sure all threaded fuel connections are wrapped with three to four turns of Teflon ® tape or a pipe thread sealant approved for use with petroleum fuels.Clean and bond the suction pipe top and bottom as necessary. Thread the suction pipe into the inlet fitting and tighten snugly. Trim the suction pipe as necessary to leave approximately 1/2 in. (1.2 cm) clearance from the bottom of the tank. Clean the tank interior of all dirt and debris. Insert the suction pipe into the tank opening. Tighten the pump into the tank opening until snug. Do not cross thread.Make sure the tank is vented. A vent cap rated at 3 psi or less is recommended.Install Electrical ConnectionsA grounding connection is provided. It is identified as a green colored binding head screw in the electrical cavity. Connect these pumps only to a 12-volt DC power source. Do not attempt connec-tion to a 24-volt DC, 115-volt AC or 230-volt AC power source.For installation in unclassified areas, the supplied power cord, fuse and strain relief grip may be used.NOTE: These components have not been evaluated as part ofthe UL Listed Equipment and are not intended for use in a Hazardous (Classified) Location.To install the power cord, remove the electrical coverplate. If necessary, trim the power cord to the desired length. Strip 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) of outer insulation from the power cord end. Then strip 1/2 in. (1.3 cm) of insulation from the power cord wires. Slide the strain relief grip onto the power cord so that the threaded end of the strain relief grip faces the stripped power cord wires. Insert the power cord through the 1/2 inch NPT connection on the back of the pump. Using wire nuts, connect black wire to black and red wire to red in the pump’s electrical cavity. Position the wires inside the electrical cavity and tighten the strain relief grip securely. Make sure surfaces are clean. Install the coverplateand tighten securely.Install Hose and NozzleAfter sealing threads, tighten the hose into the pump outlet and the nozzle on the hose. The nozzle can be placed in the nozzle holder only when the pump is off.ALWAYS FOLLOW SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WHEN OPERAT-ING THIS EQUIPMENT. REVIEW THE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. Before each use, repair leaks around seals or connections. Make sure hoses are in good condition and connections are tight. Make sure the work area is dry. MAKE SURE THE PUMP IS PROPERLY GROUNDED. Repair any corroded or damaged wiring before use. Ensure the tank contains enough fuel. Make sure the fuel is not contaminated with debris. Tighten loose tank lids regularly.To Dispense FuelTurn on the pump by removing the nozzle from the holder and push-ing up the switch lever. Insert the nozzle into the receiving tank and squeeze the handle to start fuel flow. When done, release the nozzle handle, turn the pump off, and return the nozzle to its holder.This pump is designed to be self-priming. If fuel is not delivered within 15 to 20 seconds, turn the pump off and refer to priming information in the Troubleshooting Section.An automatic bypass valve prevents pressure build up when the pump is on with the nozzle closed. To avoid pump damage, do not run the pump more than 5 minutes with the nozzle closed.After running the pump for a maximum of 15 minutes, allow it to cool for 30 minutes.Auxiliary Temperature-Limiting DeviceThe motor is provided with an internal auxiliary temperature-limiting device. Excessive motor heat can trip the device. It resets automatically after the motor has cooled.This pump is designed for minimum maintenance. Motor bear-ings are sealed and require no lubrication. Inspect the pump and components regularly for fuel leaks and make sure the hose and power cord are in good condition. Keep the pump exterior clean to help identify leaks.Do not use this pump for water, chemicals or herbicides. Dispens-ing any fluid other than that listed in this manual will damage the pump. Use of the pump with unauthorized fluids will void the warranty.If pump is to be installed in a Hazardous (Classified) location, it must be installed by a licensed electrician and conform to Carefully route the power cord to the battery, protecting the power cord from hot surfaces, sharp edges or anything that A 20-amp fuse is provided to protect the motor and power cord. Install fuse in the red wire of the power cord adjacent to the battery. Connect the red wire of the fuse to the positive (ungrounded) side of the battery. Connect black wire to the negative (grounded) side of the battery.WARNINGALWAYS DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE REPAIRING OR SER-VICING THE PUMP. NEVER APPLY POWER TO THE SYSTEM WHEN ANY COVERPLATE IS REMOVED.A. MOTOR DOES NOT RUN1. Auxiliary temperature-limiting device tripped. Turn pumpswitch off. Allow motor to cool. Device resets automatically. Try again.2. Switch defective. Remove electrical coverplate and inspectswitch. Replace if necessary.3. Motor burned out. Inspect and replace as necessary.4. Switch or electrical connection faulty. Inspect for defec-tive wiring or switch, or improper electrical connections. Replace as necessary.5. Fuse blown. Inspect fuse in fuse holder. If blown, replace.B. MOTOR RUNS BUT DOES NOT PUMP FLUID1. Suction pipe clogged, damaged, or missing. Remove pumpfrom tank. Inspect suction pipe. Clean or replace, as necessary. 2. Gear coverplate or O-ring damaged. Remove and inspectthe coverplate and O-ring. Replace as necessary.3. Strainer clogged or defective. Inspect and clean asrequired.4. Bypass poppet O-ring worn, missing or dirty. Inspectthe O-ring. Replace as necessary.5. Bypass poppet binding or damaged. Remove the bypasspoppet, spring, and O-ring. Clean cavity. Inspect and replace as necessary.6. System air leak. Tighten all pump fittings and connections.Inspect suction pipe for leaks or damage.7. Poor connections or low voltage. Make sure electricalconnections are secure. Also check battery voltage. 8. Fuel level low. Fill tank.9. Motor running backwards due to incorrect polarity.Connect red wire to positive (+) ungrounded side of battery.C. LOW FLOWRATE1. Poor connections or low voltage. Make sure electricalconnections are secure. Also check battery voltage. 2. Strainer partially clogged. Inspect and clean as required. 3. Suction pipe clogged or damaged. Remove pump fromtank. Inspect suction pipe. Clean or replace. 4. Fuel tank empty. Fill tank.5. System air leak. Tighten all pump fittings and connec-tions. Inspect suction pipe for leaks or damage. Replace as necessary.6. Suction pipe too close to tank bottom. Suction pipe musthave at least 1/2 in. (1.2 cm) clearance from bottom of tank.D. MOTOR STALLS WHEN OPERATING IN BYPASS MODE 1. Gears locked. Remove gear coverplate and inspect gearsand drive key. Make sure gears turn freely with the key removed. Replace, if worn.2. Wiring defective. Use instructions in the Installation Sec-tion to ensure proper electrical connections.3. Bypass poppet binding or damaged. Remove the bypasspoppet, spring, and O-ring. Clean cavity. Inspect compo-nents and replace as necessary.4. Motor defective. Inspect and replace as necessary.E. SWITCH FAILS TO OPERATE MOTOR1. Motor burned out. Inspect and replace as necessary.2. Switch or electrical connections faulty. Inspect for blownfuse, defective wiring or switch, or improper electrical con-nections. Replace as necessary.F. RAPID OVERHEATING OF MOTOR1. Duty cycle too long. Pump operation should not exceedthe standard duty cycle of 15 minutes on and 30 minutes off. Allow the pump to cool for 30 minutes.In order to preserve the UL Listing for the motor, do not attempt to service the motor. For products serviced outside the factory, the UL nameplate must be defaced to indicate that the equipment may no longer meet the requirements for UL Listing. This does not apply to products serviced outside the factory under the UL program for Rebuilt Motors for Use in Hazardous Locations.For warranty consideration, parts, or other service information, please contact your local distributor or the GPI Customer Service Department in Wichita, Kansas, during normal business hours at:1-800-835-0113To obtain prompt, efficient service, always be prepared with the model number of your pump, the serial number or manufacturing date code of your pump, and part descriptions and numbers.For warranty work, always be prepared with your original sales slip or other evidence of purchase date.Please contact GPI before returning any parts. GPI can inform you of special requirements you will need to follow.CAUTION: Do not return the pump or parts without authority fromthe Customer Service Department. Due to strict government regulations, GPI cannot accept parts unless they have been drained and cleaned.Applications:The EZ-8 Fuel Pump is designed to safely transfer low viscosity petroleum fuels such as gasoline (up to 15% alcohol blends such as E15), diesel fuel (up to 20% biodiesel blends such as B20) and kerosene. The pump is designed for permanent mounting on vented storage tanks.Pump Housing:Lightweight, corrosion-resistant, cast aluminum body.Performance:Pump Rate: Up to 8 GPM (30 LPM) Duty Cycle: 15 min. ON, 30 min. OFFSuction Lift: Manual nozzle: Up to 5.5 ft. (1.7 m)Operating Temperature:-20°F to +125°F (-29°C to +52°C)Operating Pressure: 15 PSI Electrical Specifications: Input: 12-volt DC Current Draw: 11 ampMotor: 2100 RPM, UL Listed to UL and Canadian Standards 1/10 HP (75 watts)Mechanical Connections:Bung: 2 in. NPT Inlet: 3/4 in. NPT Outlet: 3/4 in. NPT Accessories:5/8 in. x 10 ft. (3.0m) Buna-N Electrically Conductive discharge hose.Standard 3/4 in. manual unleaded nozzle Cord: 15 ft. (4.6 m) of 14/2 gauge Fuse: 20 amp Strain Relief GripShipping Weight:16.0 lbs. (7.5 kg) with manual nozzle2. Strainer clogged. Inspect and clean as required.3. Suction pipe clogged or damaged. Remove pump from tank. Inspect suction pipe. Clean or replace as necessary.4. Fuel level low. Fill tank.5. Running too long in bypass mode. Limit bypass operation to 5 minutes.GPI and the electric gear pump are registered trademarks of Great Plains Industries, Inc. U.S. Design Patent D543,217© 2009 GREAT PLAINS INDUSTRIES, INC., Wichita, KS Printed in U.S.A. 05/09Great Plains Industries, Inc. 5252 E. 36th Street North, Wichita, KS USA 67220-3205, hereby provides a limited warranty against defects in material and workmanship on all products manufactured by Great Plains Industries, Inc. This product includes a 2 year warranty from date of purchase as evidenced by the original sales receipt. A 30 month warranty from product date of manufacture will apply in cases where the original sales receipt is not available. Reference product labeling for the warranty expiration date based on 30 months from date of manufacture. Manufacturer’s sole obligation under the foregoing warranties will be limited to either, at Manufacturer’s option, replacing or repairing defective Goods (subject to limitations hereinafter provided) or refunding the purchase price for such Goods theretofore paid by the Buyer, and Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of any such warranties will be enforcement of such obligations of Manufacturer. The warranty shall extend to the purchaser of this product and to any person to whom such product is transferred during the warranty period.This warranty shall not apply if:A. the product has been altered or modified outside the warrantor’s duly appointed representative;B.the product has been subjected to neglect, misuse, abuse or damage or has been installed or operated other than in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.To make a claim against this warranty, contact the GPI Customer Service Department at 316-686-7361 or 800-835-0113. Or by mail at:Great Plains Industries, Inc.5252 E. 36th St. North Wichita, KS, USA 67220-3205GPI will step you through a product troubleshooting process to determine appropriate corrective actions.GREAT PLAINS INDUSTRIES, INC., EXCLUDES LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCURRED IN THE USE OR LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT WARRANTED HEREUNDER.The company herewith expressly disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose other than for which it was designed.This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also have other rights which vary from U.S. state to U.S. state.Note: In compliance with MAGNUSON MOSS CONSUMER WARRANTY ACT – Part 702 (governs the resale availability of the warranty terms).Limited Warranty PolicyELECTRIC MOTOR FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS。
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BTZ125A01/02 0.8 220/380 8 7 BTZ125B01/02 1.5 220/380 10 8 BTZ125B01-01/02-01 1.5 220/380 11 11 BTZ125C01/02 2.2 220/380 13 12 BTZ160A01/02 3 220/380 14 16
型号额定功率(kW)额定电压(VDC)最大压力(MPa)流量(L/min)AKSTZ-A01/02 0.8 240-420/420-720 8 7 AKSTZ-B01/02 1.5 240-420/420-720 10 8 AKSTZ-B01-01/02-01 1.5 240-420/420-720 11 11 AKSTZ-C01/02 2.2 240-420/420-720 13 12 AKSTZ-D01/02 3 240-420/420-720 14 16
3、各型号流量可经过调整转速进行微调,微调范围:±2L/min 3、接线定义
SNTOODC1002PH-YT 2芯插座标配
SNT06DC1208PH-YT 8芯插座标配中航光电C10514N1-02-3-1 G004 2芯插座
CT63-1208ZJ(XX)-01 8芯插座
A 红电源正
C 黑电源负