


论 文 的署 名是一 个很 重要 的问题 。署 名 一 则是 分享 成果 的荣 誉 ,二则是 一种 责任 。 实验 的实 施者 和执 笔者为 第一 作者 。实验 的 设 计者 (指 导者 )等 (如 导师 或 科研 团队 的 领 队 )可 为 通讯 作者 ,列 在 排 名 的 最 后 一 位 。
2.4 Abstract一摘 要 是 对 论 文 内 容 的 简 短 陈 述 ,为 读 者 阅 读 、信息检 索提 供方便 ,不宜 太详尽 ,也 不 宜太 简短 ,100~250个 英文 单词 。 摘要主 要有 两大 类 : 说 明性 摘要 —— 只 向读 者指 出论 文的 主 要议 题是 什 么,不涉 及具 体的 研究 方法和 结 果 。一 股适用 于综 述性 文章 ,也用 于讨 论 、 评论 性 文章 ,以介 绍某 学科近 期 发展动 态的
2.2 Author(s)一作 者姓 名 按 照 欧 美 国 家 的 习 惯 , 名 字 (fi rst name) 在 前 ,姓 氏(surname / family name / last name) 在后 ,逐一 写 出各 自 的姓 名 ,以下 几种 写法都 可以 。
Luxin Yang/Yang Luxin/ZHANG hong Jun
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8972 2013.05.038
基金项 目:中国医科大学 “十二五 ”第一批医学教育科学研究立项课题 ,课题批准号 YDJK201 1066,课题名称 :SCI医学英语论文写作教学改革研究与实践
李 岩 中 医科 大 学 ,辽 宁 沈 阳 1 1 000
论文 结构是 重 点 ,医 学英语 论文 写作有 着 自己的一 套规 则和 格式 ,在 文章结 构和 文 字表 达上 都有 其特 点 ,只有严 格遵循 国际标 准和 相应 刊物 的规定 ,才 能提 高所投 稿 件的 录用 率 。


is e ot n e t a s e,rp r ,i s gt )一 ( : 文 ( 告 ) 述 ( 究 、 s v i e 即 本 报 描 研 报
dm. o只兔 随机 分成 2组 ) o ( 3 。 除 上 述外 , eamt 鲳e8 i d sbe t upc i 像 vl o t ,a 宴, l , u jc n ,sseL d— aa s,ue esr,dt m n 等等 ; 类 动 词 多用 其 一 般 goe s,m aue ee ie x r 这 过去时的被动语态 , 少数 情 况 下 也 用 其现 在 完 成 时 的被 动 语
为 的主 体 , 这 是不 言而 喻 的 , 有 必 要指 出 , 以一 般 均 不 但 没 所 出现 在摘 要 中 , 无 须 用 w t 或 b l 也 i1 l y 出该 主体 。
③在结论 部分, 多用 一般 现在 时的主动语态。比如 ,l Il e
rs l u g s t t . 果 提 示 … ) A tos b l v a… . e u s sg e t h … ( t a 结 ; uh r e i e t t e h
s n n o nee n i s e c u tr d i ma u ci t o nsr  ̄ p
[ e r s O i n lat l K y wo d ] r ia r c g ie
* r c Di t e b n og i v Ha Zh n q
E g s bt c nl has at i r

告 、 究) … ) 研 … 。在结 掏 式 摘 要 中 , “ het e 后 . 接 用 接 O ii 直 cv
动词 不 定 式 的 一 般 式 主动 语 态 , T x l e ” “ o po e 如 o e po … ,T rb r



作者姓名一般出现在题目之下,作者姓名 的拼写方式应按照《汉语拼音方案》的要 求拼写,姓在前,名在后,姓和名之间空 一格。
姓的每个字母均需大写;名的第一个字的 拼音首字母大写,其余字母均小写。如果 名为两个字,中间需要加连字符,如 “ZHAO Liang”,“WANG Xin-hua”。
一篇论文如果由多位作者共同完成,不同 作者拼音姓名间用逗号隔开,最后一名作 者姓名后无需加任何标点。
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy Children with Hearing Difficulties
(二)表示“某种方法对特定对象或成分 的作用或影响”的常用英文题目表达方式:
1)Effect /Influence of +治疗方法+on+受 到影响的成分或对象
Proliferation of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells of Rats Affected by Shenqi Pills
肾气丸对SD大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞增殖 的影响
表示“某种药物制剂成分含量测定”的常 用英文题目表达方式: 1)Determination of +受测定成分 +Content+from (of)+ 药物制剂
题目字数不宜太长,否则易使读者抓不 住重点。在能准确反映论文特定内容的 前提下,字数越少越好,最好在12个单 词以内,最多不超过16个单词。对较长 的题目,可采取增加副标题进行补充说 明以缩短主题目的长度。
浅议马钱子研究进展 活血降纤汤对肝纤维化指标的影响 针药配合治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛22例
浅议马钱子研究进展 Research Progress of Nux Vomica



How to write an abstract
1) 本文的目的或要解决的问题(What I want to do?) 2) 解决问题的方法及过程(How I did it?) 3) 主要结果及结论(What results did I get and what
conclusions can I draw?) 4) 本文的创新、独到之处(What is new and original
然而在一般箔况下,摘要并不一定都包括以上四个部分,也可能只包含 其中的某几个项目。其中研究过程与结果以及作者的结论是最关键的内容。 大多数摘要一般都包括这两个方面。至于研究目的与背景以及对未来的展 望,则较为次要,写亦可,不写亦可。
资料-指示性摘要(InfoFra bibliotekmative-indicative abstract)
这是一种综合性的摘要,即在资料性摘要的写作中搀杂 有通报性摘要的某些写作手法,从而简化了摘要内容中 某些部分的叙述,使其具有一定的通报性。事实上在摘 要的写作中,各种写作手法及格式并非泾渭分明,而是 相互渗透,综合使用的。若要严格区分,也仅仅是孰轻 孰重的问题。
传统式摘要格式不固定,层次不够分明,作者( 尤其是非编辑 出身、不经常写摘要者) 不能反应文章的主要思想,遗漏主要信 息,也不利于二次文献的整理加工。
Research direction; Medical English teaching and translating
Teaching and translating experiences
Requirements: attendance; class performance



• Ethical issues are of vital importance in today’s research climate
• 动物实验 • 人体试验
• whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followffice, Chinese Medical Journal Chinese Medical Association 42, Dongsi Xidajie Beijing, 100710, China. Dear Editor,

英语医学论文投稿信Cover letter示例

英语医学论文投稿信Cover letter示例

医学论文Cover letter写作示例写在前面的话:医学论文投稿,需要Cover letter。

Cover letter有相对固定格式,以下举例,仅供参考。

原创:wenkookoo 2020/3/28Cover LetterDear Editor,The paper entitled“ABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” is now submitted to be considered for publication as an article in your journal. If the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal, we will feel greatly honored. Please accept it as a candidate for publication in your journal.Derived from aaa, bbb, as a saponin, has been found to exert multiple pharmacological activities, including a robust anti-cancer impact both in vitro and in vivo. Our major findings concerning aaa are as follows: (1) aaa inhibits proliferation, induces cell apoptosis, and arrests cells at the ddd; (2) aaa disrupts migration and invasion of cancer cells without compromising cell viability;(3)aaa inhibits the ccc process in cervical cancer cells via the ddd signaling pathways.The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript thatis enclosed.We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the following address aaabbbccc@.Thank you very much for your attention to our paper.Best regards,zzz。


老外的计算机操作系统可能识别为乱码或者为非法程序) • 空格是否恰当? • 注意缩写的格式,时间表示的格式,希腊字母的格式 • 该斜体的地方是否是斜体(in vitro,in vivo等) • 材料与方法中试剂后的厂家是否该杂志的要求(有的不但要标明公司名字和
国家,还要城市名,货号) • 稿件一定要连续编写页码 • 前后一致:缩略语,分组及组的名称 • 字数是否符合杂志要求(有的杂志对字数也有要求。比如最多8个版面。他一
• Ethical issues are of vital importance in today’s research climate
• 动物实验 • 人体试验
• whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed










1 英文标题翻译应注意的几个问题1.1 标题要体现文章的重点标题是读者了解文章内容以决定是否阅读全文的首要信息,是文章内容的高度概括[2 ]。



医学论文的英文标题长短在一般的医学杂志中没有硬性规定,有些杂志,如美国的Journa l of the National Cancer Institute明文规定不得超过14个词;Archives of Intern al Medicine规定标题,包括副标题不得超过两行(每行为42个印刷符号)。


1.2 英文标题常用词的译法及介词搭配在国内期刊中,标题经常使用“探讨”、“体会”、“总结”、”初步”、“问题”、“报告”、“调查”、“观察”等。

①表示“探讨”的英语翻译及介词搭配:discuss on, an evaluation of, an approach t o, study on/ a study of,investigation of。



高质量英文学术论文的要素和写作注意事项十大要素:(1)原创性(2)创新性(3)题目合适(4)好的摘要(5)论文组织论证严密(逻辑性强)(6)图表清晰可靠(7)英语表达好,语法拼写等错误少(8)精选参考文献(9)LETTER 要求投的文章要适合该期刊(10)可读性,好的文章通俗易懂,有影响力现在来谈谈英文文章的写作和注意事项:(1)题目:概括性强、体现创新性、精炼题目写作注意事项:英文题目以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语最常见,即题目基本上由一个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。

例如:The fabrication of …。
















医学议论文英语作文模板Medical Discourse Writing Template。

Introduction:The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and its significance. It should also state the purpose of the paper and the main points that will be discussed.Body:The body of the paper should consist of several paragraphs, each of which addresses a specific point related to the topic. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that clearly states the main idea of the paragraph. Supporting sentences should provide evidence to support the main idea, and transitional sentences should be used to link the paragraphs together.Conclusion:The conclusion should summarize the main points of the paper and restate the thesis statement in a new way. It should also provide some final thoughts or recommendations related to the topic.Medical Discourse Writing Sample。
















作者. 文章标题. 期刊名称. 年份, 期刊卷号(期号): 页码范围.
1. Smith, J. The effects of exercise on cardiovascular health. Journal of Cardiology, 2019, 5(3): 12-19.
2. Zhang, L., Li, M., Wang, Y. et al. The prevalence of diabetes in China. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice,
2020, 107(2): 233-239.





也称资料性摘要,内容比较具体,一般要 列举关键数据。大多数医学论文的摘要为 报道性摘要。这类摘要属于传统型摘要。 一般包括: 1 简介(Brief Introduction):介绍研究背景 (Background)、目的(Objective/Purpose/Aim) 或解题性说明(Explanation)。 2 研究的过程与结果(Procedure and Result of the Research) 3 结论(Conclusion) 4 对未来的展望(Future Prospects)

Malignant Hypertension and Cigarette Smoking The smoking habit of 48 patients with malignant hypertension was compared with those of 92 consecutive patients with nonmalignant hypertension. Thirty-three of the patients with malignant and 34 of the patients with non-malignant hypertension were smokers when first diagnosed. This difference was significant, and remained so when only men or black and white patients were considered separately. Results suggest that malignant hypertension is yet another disease related to cigarette smoking.
















如何发表医学SCI论文写作及技巧英文医学论文(medical papers)的定义医学论文是对整理和发表医学研究成果的一种特殊文本的总称,就其内容和文体特点而言科分为以下几种:1.医学科研论文(scientific papers)2.调查报告(survey)3.综述(review)4.学位论文(theses)5.医学科研论文(scientific papers)医学科研论文定义国际生物学编辑委员会对医学科研论文的定义为:必须是首次公布的应提供足够的资料,使同行们能够进行:①评价所观察到的结果;②评价其推理过程;③重复实验。

分为以下两种:①临床研究(clinical study);②基础研究或实验研究(experimental study)医学科研论文的格式(1)标题(title)(2)摘要(abstract)(3)引言(introduction)(4)材料和方法(materials and methods)(5)结果(results)(6)讨论(discussion)(7)致谢(acknowledgement)(8)参考文献(references)一、标题(一)要求1.简明扼要(short and concise)(1)尽量控制在一行,但不是一个句子(2)不超过25个单词或120-140个字母(3)除DNA、RNA、CT等不用缩写2.信息丰富(informative)3.便于索引(indexing)4.较长标题可采用副标题(二)标题写作中常用词组和表达方式1.用…(方法/手段)对…进行研究/分析/观察/评价:Study(analysis/observation/evaluation/assessment) of (on) …(by) using 方法/with工具)2.A对B的作用Effort of A on BProtective effect of omeprazole on endothelin-induced gastric mucosal injury3.A与B的关系Correlation (relation/relationship) between A and BCorrelation of A with B and C常用修饰词:positively/negatively/significantly/insignificantly4.用…治疗…Use of …in the treatment of …(病)in …(生物)Use of omeprazole in the treatment of gastric ulcer in the elderly5.A是B A as B二、著录部分书写(一)姓名标准式:WANG aobang,HUANG aobang,GUO Xiao’an (二)地址800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China(三)资助A project funded by the National “863” Program三、摘要的分类与格式摘要是作者要给读者的精华,分两大类:(一)指示性摘要(二)资料性摘要1.非结构式摘要缺点:段落不明,给编辑、审稿、阅读和计算机处理带来诸多不便2.全结构式摘要(8要素摘要)(1)目的(2)设计(3)地点(4)对象(5)处理(6)主要测定项目(7)结果(8)结论全结构式摘要的优点(1)观点更明确(2)信息量更大(3)差错更少(4)符合计算机数据库建立和使用的要求全结构式摘要的缺点:烦琐、重复、篇幅过长3.半结构式摘要(四要素摘要)(1)目的(objective/purpose/aim)(2)方法(methods)(3)结果(results)(4)结论(conclusion)目的:是作者想要介绍的关键问题一、目的格式(一)单表目的(二)背景+目的二、目的常用时态(一)背景:现在时(一般现在时、完成时和进行时)(二)目的:一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时举例:(1)To evaluate the effects on 24-hour intragastric pH levels of infusions with omeprazole and H2 receptor antagonists in bleeding duodenal ulcer patients.(2)The role of omeprazole in triple therapy and the impact of Helicobacter pylori resistance on treatment outcome are not established. This study investigated the role of omeprazole and influence of primary H. pylori resistance on eradication and development of secondary resistance.三、介绍目的常用句型主要用动词不定式to表达1.直接用to do短语表达举例:To determine if use of omeprazole protects against the gastric mucosal injury2.The purpose/aim/objective/goal(of present study is)was to举例:The aim of this study was to determine the protective function of omeprazole on gastric mucosal injury3.The present study is /was designed/devised/intended to举例:The present study was designed to establish whether there might be a genetic predisposition to an altered pattern of anti-inflammatory cytokine produced in patients with irritable bowel syndrome4.This study was performed/conducted/carried out/undertaken to举例:An experimental study was conducted using a canine mode toelucidate …5.We aimed/sought to/attempted to举例:We sought to assess whether there is an increased risk of tuberculosis among individuals who work in certain industries occupations.四、介绍目的常用动词1.研究:study, investigate, examine, observe, explore举例:Our objective in this report is to examine the clinical feature, pathology and treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer.2.评价:evaluate, validate举例:To evaluate sonography as a tool for initial diagnosis in emergency room patients with abdominal trauma.3.确定:determine, decide, confirm, support, define, characterize4.证实:prove, demonstrate, document, test, support, testify, verify5.阐明、搞清:explain, elucidate, clarify, illustrate, delineate, find out, contribute to the knowledge of6.介绍:describe, present, report7.建立:establish, develop, set out8.寻找:search for, look for, seek, find9.识别、区分:identify, differentiate, discriminate10.优选:optimize11.比较:compare12.回顾:review13.相关:correlate A with B方法部分(1)研究设计(2)研究对象的特性(3)干预或处理方法(4)测定或观察方法一、研究对象的选择、来源及标准1.纳入研究:were entered into/enrolled in/selected (randomly)举例:A total of 169 patients were included in the study, 83 of whom received……2.排除或退出研究:were excluded from participation,withdrew from the study due to/because to举例:……Patients with significant aortic valvular diseases were excluded.二、研究对象的分组1.……were divided into/classified/grouped into2.……were divided randomly/randomized into3.……were divided equally into举例:Patients were divided into three groups: Group 1……Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4 groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole, ……三、年龄1.某一年龄举例:A 50-year-old patient. Patients (age 26±3 years).2.在某年龄范围内及平均年龄举例:Patients range in age from …to…, with a mean of (50 years).3.在某一年龄以上或以下举例:Patients more than 50 years. Patients under/less than 50 years.四、性别、时间1.性别twelve patients (7 male and 5 female )The male-to-female ratio was 1:42.时间Body weight was measured weekly, and liver biopsy was obtained at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. ……五、诊断与治疗1.诊断be diagnosed as having …be diagnosed as …by …/with …®be suspected as …2.治疗be treated with…(alone or in combination with …)be treated on outpatient/inpatient basis举例:(1)Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole,…(2)50 patients with active bleeding duodenal ulcer were randomly assigned to receive one of the four treatment regimens. …结果部分1.是文章结论的根据2.应记录真实的科研数据3.除指示性说明外,一般用过去时表示一、常用句型1.结果表明:The results showed / demonstrated / revealed / documented / indicated/suggested…that…®It was found that…举例:The results showed that high thigh cuff Doppler technique was 79 percent sensitive, 56 percent specific and 63 percent accurate.2.与…有关:A was related / correlated /associated with B. There was a relationship /correlation between A and B. There was a relation of A with B and C举例:Insulin sensitivity index was negatively with blood velocity (r=0.530,P<0.05), body mass index (r=o.563, P<0.01) and baseline insulinemia (r=0.489,P<0.05)3.增加或减少(1)表示数值增加的动词:increase, rise, elevate(2)表示数值增加的名词:increase, increment, elevation(3)表示数值减少的动词:decrease, reduce, fall, drop, decline, lower(4)表示数值减少的名词:decrease, decrement, reduction, fall, drop, decline, lowering(5)从…增加到…,平均增加…:increase from …to …, with a mean/average (increase) of …(6)从…增加到…,总的增加…:increase from …to …, with an overall increase of …(7)增加了10%:increase by (10%)4.倍数比较(1)增加或减少3倍:increase by 3 fold (times). a 3-fold increase(2)A 是B的3倍:A is 3 fold (times) as…as B. A is 3 fold (times) B5.结果的统计学意义(1)明显不同(significant difference)(2)很明显不同(very/highly significant difference)(3)区别不明显(insignificant difference)(4)无区别(nonsignificant difference/no difference)6.统计学意义常用句型(1)There was/is significant difference in…between A and B(2)The difference in …between A and B was/is significant(3)A was/is significant difference from B in …(4)No significant difference was found / observed / noted in …between A and B“in”表示区分的性质或内容举例:①There were no significant difference between treatment groups in symptoms and lung function (P>0.05).②Significant difference were not noted in the level of HDL cholesterol, and LDL peak particle diameter before and after treatment.结论部分:是作者发表观点和见解,给读者的精髓部分1.归纳性说明研究结果或发现2.结论性说明结果的可能原因、机理或意义3.前瞻性说明未解决的问题一、结论部分时态1.过去时(1)涉及本研究的内容(2)涉及他人研究过程的内容(3)作者认为只适用于本研究环境和条件的结论2.现在时(1)指示性说明(2)普遍接受的思想、理论或结论(3)作者认为本研究结论具有普遍意义(4)前瞻性说明举例:Our findings indicate that hepatitis C is a progressive disease [指示性说明-现在时],but only a few died during the average 20.4 years after the initiation of injection drug use [本试验过程中发生的事-过去时]. Antiviral treatment to eradicate the virus and halt the progression of diseases is indicated in this group of patients [作者认为具有普遍意义的结论-现在时].二、结论部分常用句型1.结果提示…:These results suggest that…举例:These data confirm the presence of at least two major HCV genotypes in Nigeria.2.结果支持或反对某种观点:These results support the idea that…;These results fail to support the idea that…举例:These results do not support the idea that treatment to lower cholesterol concentration cause mood disturbance.3.表示观点的确定或不确定性:There is no evidence that…;It is likely/unlikely that …举例:There is no evidence that NIDDM produce any change in bone metabolism or mass.4.具有…意义:Be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance in…to …举例:The detection of p53 gene is of great clinical significance in tumor diagnosis.5.前瞻性说明:…remain to be further studied;It is remains to be proved that …举例:However, the relation of insulin resistance to hypertension remains to be further studied.6.插入语:This is the first case of pancreas divisum.举例:This is the first case, to our knowledge, of pancreas divisum.小结中文是关键符合英语习惯不用简单句注意词语的用法注意时态。

















细胞免疫 格雷夫眼病细胞和体液 Nhomakorabea疫功能研究
2. What is the evidence that tumors are angiogenesis dependent (?)
一、表述研究对象的比较、选择、相关性 二、表述研究对象的应用、利用 三、表述研究对象的影响、作用、效果、价值、特
二、双部句 标题中含有谓语动词,但句末没有句号。较 少见,见于某些英、美医学杂志。
Insulin resistance is the most important risk factor of deteriorating glucose['glu:kəus] tolerance in subjects with normal glucose tolerance
A comparison between computerized tomography(CT) and plain radiographs (X-ray) in assessment of articular fragment displacement in acetabular fractures
胰岛素抵抗是糖耐量正常人群糖耐量恶化的最重要危险因 素。
三、疑问句 也分为单、双部。
1. Cell-mediated or humoral['hju:mərəl] immunity in Graves’ ophthalmopathy[ɔf'θæl'mɔpəθi ] ?
Cell-mediated Immunity



1.1 生物医学论文的基本格式
根据国际医学杂志编辑委员会(ICMJE)2010年修订 的《生物医学期刊投稿的统一要求》,生物医学 科研论文包括: 标题页( Title Page) 摘要与关键词 (Abstract and Key Words) 引言 (Introduction) 材料 与方法 (Materials and Methods) 结果 (Results) 讨论 (Discussion) 致谢 (Acknowledgements) 参考文献 (References)
• • • • • • • •
• • • • •
图例 (Legends) 插图 (Figures) 表格 (Tables) 照片和说明 (Plates and Explanations) …
1.2 标题页 (Title page)
• 标题页是投稿论文的一部分,一般放在论文之前 单独成页。主要包含(根据《生物医学期刊投稿的 统一要求》) : • (1)论文标题(the title of the article); • (2)每位作者的姓名及其最高学位、所属单位 (the name by which each author is known, with his or her highest academic degree and institutional affiliation); • (3)研究工作的归属部门或单位名称(the name of the department and institution to which the work should be attributed); • (4)弃权者(若有)(disclaimers, if any);
(2) 突出研究重点
糖尿病:新的诊断标准 Diabetes : New diagnostic criteria


Detection of Creatine Kinase [ˈkri:ətin ˈkineis] Isoenzymes In Heart Disease; 严重脑外伤患者大断面骨折接骨Osteosynthesis时间选择:
Timing of Osteosynthesis of Major Fracture in Patients with Severe Brain Injury。
Case fatality in the pediatric unit of Chengdu First Hospital from 2007 to 2016
4. 不同医学高校学报英文参考文献的比较与分析 Comparison of English references from journals of different medical colleges and universities
标题中含有谓语动词,但句末没有句号。较少见, 见于某些英、美医学杂志。
英文题名中的冠词有简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均 可不用。
英文题名开头第一个字不得用The, And, An和A。
汉英论文标题功能相同,但还是存在着诸多差异,其中的 突出表现就是由语用体系不同引起的表达方式上的差异, 即是中国人习惯使用谦辞,而英文没这样的习惯。例如, 即使是权威性很强的文章,汉语标题也习惯使用“初 探”“浅谈”“粗谈”“也论”等表示自谦的字眼,这在 汉语中十分简练自然,也符合读者阅读期望。但英语论文 标题则没有此类的习惯用语,一旦把这些字眼译成英文, 不仅与英语论文标题新信息突出、结构清晰简洁的模式相 悖,还容易引起读者对文章质量的误解。
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除了综述(review)或述评(comments)、编者按(editorials)和个例报告(case reports)外,大量的是医学科研论文,即原始报告(original articles)。


I.格式根据国际医学杂志编辑委员会 (The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE) 制定的《生物医学杂志投稿统一要求》(The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 5th Ed., 1997,URMSBJ)(国际——温哥华格式1979年创建, 2006年2月最新版本)*, 一篇生物医学科研论文(以下简称"论文")应包括以下12个部分:1.标题(Title) 7.致谢(Acknowledgements)2.摘要(Abstract)8.参考文献(References)3.引言(Introduction)9.插图说明(Legends)4.材料与方法(Materials and Methods ) 10.插图(Figures)5.结果(Results)11.表格(Tables)6.讨论(Discussion) 12.照片和说明(Plates and Explanations)以上除7、9、10、11、12部分因实际情况不需要外,其他各部分是一篇论文必不可少的内容。


II.要求1.标题A. 标题的要求Titles are to be written to be understood by those in your field, telling them exactly what you have done in your work.(告诉你的同行确切研究了什么)要求:(1) Short and concise(简明扼要):Write in one line (not a sentence); not containing an active verb; not exceeding 25 words or 120-140 letters and spaces; no abbreviations or chemical symbols except those that are generally accepted, e.g. DNA, RNA, AIDS, CT, etc.; 中文标题常见的“试论”,“浅谈”,“初探”等词在英文标题中一般不用。


例:Association between Duration of Obesity and Risk of Non-insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus 肥胖期与非依赖胰岛素糖尿病之关系(2)Informative(信息丰富):State exactly what you want the reader to know about your paper and your work;(3)Indexing(便于索引):Pack as many key words or indexing terms as possible into the title without overloading it; key words not in the title will be in the abstract or can go in the "Key Words" section of the paper; key words are usually in the beginning or ending place of the title. 标题是读者检索文献的重要标识,是著录题录和索引等第二次文献的重要内容。


要求尽量把关键词(索引词)安排在标题最前面或最后面的位置上(4)Highlighting the head word. (突出中心词): 每条标题都有中心词,它们是能高度概括论文中心内容和主题的单词,要将其放在最显著突出的位置。


例:Knowledge-based Technology in the Service of Health 论卫生事业中的知识技术Cognitive Impairment and Intracranial Calcification in Chronic Hyparathyroidism 鉴别力受损与颅内钙化——甲状旁腺功能逐渐减退B. 标题的结构标题的结构一般都用名词作主干的名词短语型,这类标题结构中作为主干词的名词一般带有动词意义,有时也用完整句,以陈述句较多,偶尔也用疑问句。

例:Resolution of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome after Recovery from Fulminant Hepatic Failure 治疗成年人突发性肝衰竭康复后呼吸窘迫综合症Using a Title Table to Evaluate Syncope 列表诊断晕厥1)表示诊断,治疗方式或药物治疗的标题结构这类标题中的diagnosis, treatment, therapy 等作主干的名词都带有动词意义,后跟for, in, to, with 等引导的介词短语引出病名或接受诊治的部位及所使用的药物。

例:Adjunctive Therapy with Aspirin in Vernal Conjunctivitis 用阿司匹林辅助治疗春季结膜炎Basic Approach in the Management of Intraocular Foreign Bodies 眼内异物的基本处理方法2)表示研究,分析,实验调查,观察,评估等的标题结构study (analysis /trial/appraisal/ observation / evaluation / assessment/survey/estimation/test) of (on) … (by) using (by 方法 / with工具)…Assessment of Liver Function 肝功能的鉴定Presurgical Evaluation of Eyes with Opaque Media 用不透明介质进行眼术前检查3)表示关系,相关,比较,对照等的标题结构这类标题结构一般用 (the) correlation, relationship, association, comparison, contrast等词为主体词干,加of…and, of…with, of…with…and, between…and 等表示范围,比较对象等。

例:Correlation of Histology and Sensibility after Nerve Repair神经修补后组织结构与感官能力间的关系A Comparison of Digoxin and Dobutamine in Patients with Acute Infarction and Cardiac Failure 用DIGOXIN 和DOBUTAMINE治疗急性梗塞和心衰之比较常用修饰词: positively (正) / negatively (负) / significantly (明显) / insignificantly (不明显) / strongly (很大) / little (很小)e.g. Positive correlation of CD44v6 expression with invasion and metastasis of human gastric cancer4)表示技术,使用,特点,结果,方法,模式,证据,测定,介绍等的标题结构这类标题结构一般用(A或The)technique, use, properties, characteristics, introduction, method, result, evidence, essay 等词,加for, in, to, in 等介词引导的短语,或带to不定式短语,表示方面,范围,类型等。

例:Use of sulphamethizole in the treatment of urinary tract infection in the elderly 用磺胺甲噻二唑治疗老年泌尿道感染Biological Properties of the Human Colonic Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines SW620结肠腺癌细胞系SW620 的生物特征5)标题中分词短语的用法医学英语论文中分词短语一般作定语,大多放在被修饰词的后面,必要时与名词一起构成复合分词作定语。

例:Analysis of Surface Protein of Mouse Lung Carcinoma Using Monolconal Antibiotics 分析使用单克隆抗生素的鼠肺癌表面蛋白C.标题页根据URMSBJ要求,论文标题及有关著录内容应单独双行打印,称为"标题页"(Title page),其内容包括:1)标题(the title of the article);2)所有作者的姓名及其最高学位、所属单位(the name by which each author is known, with his or her highest academic degree(s) and institutional affiliation);3)研究工作的归属部门或单位名称(the name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed);4)弃权者(若有)(disclaimers, if any);5)负责通讯和校稿作者的姓名能够和详细地址(the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence and proof about the manuscript);6)申请副本联系人姓名和地址(the name and address of the author to whom requests for reprints should be addressed);7)资助、设备、药品来源(sources of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these);8)不超过40个字母(包括间隔)的页眉标题(a short running head of no more than 40 letters and spaces at the foot of the title page);D.著录部分写法示例1) 标题:Use of steroid in the treatment of clinical septic shockUnstable angina pectoris: Clinical, angiographic and myocadial scintigrapgic observations2) 姓名:标准式:Yang Jianguo, Guo Xiao'an *, Ouyang Kunpeng, and Lin Li变式:YANG Jianguo;OUYANG Kunpeng; Yang, Jianguo, Jiangguo Yang3) 单位:(From)Microbiology Department of Second Military Medical University, Shanghai许多英美医学刊物中,单位置于标题页下方以脚注形式表示,这时工作单位前一般要用from4) 地址:800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P. R. China5) 副本联系:Address reprint requests to: Cai Guangwen, Microbiology of Second Military Medical University, 800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P. R. China 6) 资助:Supported / funded / granted / sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation (标书号、合同号等)// A projected funded by the National "863" Program 7) 页眉标题:angina pectoris [原标题Unstable angina pectoris: Clinical, angiographic and myocardial scintigraphic observations] 对不稳定心绞痛的临床,血管造影和心肌闪烁法观察2. 引言部分总的要求是:The purpose of an introduction is to bring the reader into the general area of your study and then state the specific area of study (move from the general to the specific). The introduction shows the scope of your investigation efforts.** 即:说明研究的总体范围和目的。
