



基于深度学习的图像去噪技术优化研究IntroductionWith the increasing use of digital images in various fields including healthcare, security, telecommunication, and robotics, the task of image denoising has become essential. Image denoising refers to the process of removing the noise component from an image to obtain a clear and enhanced version. One of the most popular approaches to image denoising is the use of deep learning techniques. This article explores the optimization of image denoising techniques using deep learning.Image Denoising TechniquesThere are various image denoising techniques that have been developed over the years. These techniques range from traditional statistical approaches to more advanced deep learning methods. Traditional methods include median filtering, Wiener filtering, and wavelet-based approaches. However, these methods are not effective in removing complex noise patterns such as non-uniform noise and they tend to blur image details.Deep Learning techniques for Image DenoisingRecently, deep learning techniques have emerged as a powerful approach for image denoising due to their ability to learn complex patterns in data. Deep learning methods for image denoising can be broadly classified as unsupervised, supervised, and semi-supervised.Unsupervised learning methods utilize autoencoder models to learn the image representation without the use of labeled data. Whereas, supervised learning involves training the network with labeled data. Semi-supervised techniques combine supervised and unsupervised learning methods.Optimization of Deep Learning Techniques for Image DenoisingOne of the most challenging aspects of using deep learning methods for image denoising is optimizing the network to achieve maximum performance. Optimization involves fine-tuning the hyperparameters of the network including learning rate, batch size, and number of hidden layers. The choice of hyperparameters is a critical factor that determines the success of the network. Optimal hyperparameters can help improve the accuracy of the network and reduce the error margin.In recent years, several techniques have been proposed to optimize the performance of deep learning models for image denoising. These techniques include:1. Incorporation of data augmentation techniques such as rotation, flipping, and zooming to increase the size of the training dataset.2. The use of ensemble techniques to combine the results of multiple models to enhance the prediction accuracy.3. Fine-tuning of pre-trained models to improve the accuracy of the network.4. The use of non-linear activation functions such as Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) and leaky ReLU to improve the convergence speed of the network.5. The implementation of regularization techniques such as dropout to reduce overfitting of the network.Advantages of Deep Learning Techniques for Image DenoisingDeep learning techniques have several advantages over traditional methods for image denoising. These advantages include:1. Ability to learn complex representations of data.2. High accuracy in handling complex noise patterns.3. Reduced computation time due to parallel processing of data.4. Better generalization ability compared to traditional methods.ConclusionIn conclusion, deep learning techniques provide a powerful approach for image denoising. The optimization of these techniques is necessary for improving the accuracy of the network and reducing the error margin. Several optimization techniques have been proposed to enhance the performance of deep learning models for image denoising. These techniques include data augmentation, ensemble techniques, fine-tuning of pre-trained models, and regularization techniques. Withthese techniques, deep learning methods are becoming the preferred approach for image denoising in various applications.。































1. 图像去噪技术概述图像去噪是指从被噪声污染的图像中去除噪声,以提高图像的质量和清晰度。



2. 基于小波变换的去噪方法小波变换是利用窗口函数对信号进行分析与处理的一种变换方法,可以将信号分解成不同尺度的子带信号。





3. 基于局部自适应滤波的去噪方法局部自适应滤波是一种根据像素周围局部区域内像素的差异性对噪声进行判断和过滤的滤波方法。



4. 基于稀疏表示的去噪方法稀疏表示是指将一个信号表示为其他信号的线性组合,使组合系数尽可能少。






基于Matlab的几种图像去噪方法研究赛地瓦尔地·买买提【期刊名称】《河南科学》【年(卷),期】2013(31)9【摘要】In order to research on the quality of denoising algorithms,the paper introduces the principle and methods of eliminating imagenoise,using the tradition methods such as linear,nonlinear and frequency domain to eliminate image noise,and their results of eliminating image noise are compared. Finally,better denoising effect of averaging filteringon Gaussian noise and good denoising effect of median filtering on salt and pepper noise are demonstrated by simulation using Matlab. Through Wiener filtering,the Gaussian noise is inhibited obviously,and denoising effect of the wavelet transform method on the low amplitude noise and unwanted image noise is satisfactory.%为了研究几种图像去噪方法的优劣,在介绍图像去噪的基本方法与原理的基础上,应用传统的线性、非线性以及频域的方法对含高斯噪声,椒盐噪声的图像进行去噪,然后对去噪效果进行分析比较和仿真实现。

图像去噪 英文文献及翻译

图像去噪 英文文献及翻译

New Method for Image Denoising while Keeping Edge InformationEdge information is the most important high- frequency information of an image, so we should try to maintain more edge information while denoising。

In order to preserve image details as well as canceling image noise,we present a new image denoising method:image denoising based on edge detection。

Before denoising, image’s edges are first detected, and then the noised image is divided into two parts: edge part and smooth part。

We can therefore set high denoising threshold to smooth part of the image and low denoising threshold to edge part. The theoretical analyses and experimental results presented in this paper show that, compared to commonly—used wavelet threshold denoising methods,the proposed algorithm could not only keep edge information of an image, but also could improve signal-to-noise ratio of the denoised image。

remove noise翻译

remove noise翻译

remove noise翻译remove noise的翻译是"去除噪声",它可以应用在各种领域,包括音频、图像和数据处理。

下面是一些关于去除噪声的用法和中英文对照例句:1. In audio processing, advanced algorithms can effectively remove noise from recordings.在音频处理中,先进的算法可以有效地从录音中去除噪声。

2. Image denoising techniques can be used to remove noise from digital photographs.图像去噪技术可以用于去除数字照片中的噪声。

3. Data scientists often apply filters to remove noise from datasets, ensuring accurate analysis.数据科学家经常使用滤波器从数据集中去除噪声,以确保准确的分析。

4. The noise removal feature in this video editing software allows users to enhance the audio quality.这个视频编辑软件中的去噪功能可以帮助用户提升音频质量。

5. High-quality headphones can effectively remove background noise, providing a better listening experience.高品质的耳机可以有效地去除背景噪声,提供更好的听音体验。

6. The noise-canceling feature on this microphone eliminates unwanted background noise during recording.这款麦克风上的降噪功能可以在录音过程中消除不必要的背景噪声。



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Complex Ridgelets for Image Denoising 1 IntroductionWavelet transforms have been successfully used in many scientific fields such as image compression, image denoising, signal processing, computer graphics,and pattern recognition, to name only a few.Donoho and his coworkers pioneered a wavelet denoising scheme by using soft thresholding and hard thresholding. This approach appears to be a good choice for a number of applications. This is because a wavelet transform can compact the energy of the image to only a small number of large coefficients and the majority of the wavelet coeficients are very small so that they can be set to zero. The thresholding of the wavelet coeficients can be done at only the detail wavelet decomposition subbands. We keep a few low frequency wavelet subbands untouched so that they are not thresholded. It is well known that Donoho's method offers the advantagesof smoothness and adaptation. However, as Coifmanand Donoho pointed out, this algorithm exhibits visual artifacts: Gibbs phenomena in the neighbourhood of discontinuities. Therefore, they propose in a translation invariant (TI) denoising scheme to suppress such artifacts by averaging over the denoised signals of all circular shifts. The experimental results in confirm that single TI wavelet denoising performs better than the non-TI case. Bui and Chen extended this TI scheme to the multiwavelet case and they found that TI multiwavelet denoising gave better results than TI single wavelet denoising. Cai and Silverman proposed a thresholding scheme by taking the neighbour coeficients into account Their experimental results showed apparent advantages over the traditional term-by-term wavelet denoising.Chen and Bui extended this neighbouring wavelet thresholding idea to the multiwavelet case. They claimed that neighbour multiwavelet denoising outperforms neighbour single wavelet denoising for some standard test signals and real-life images.Chen et al. proposed an image denoising scheme by considering a square neighbourhood in the wavelet domain. Chen et al. also tried to customize the wavelet _lter and the threshold for image denoising. Experimental results show that these two methods produce better denoising results. The ridgelet transform was developed over several years to break the limitations of the wavelet transform. The 2D wavelet transform of images produces large wavelet coeficients at every scale of the decomposition.With so many large coe_cients, the denoising of noisy images faces a lot of diffculties. We know that the ridgelet transform has been successfully used to analyze digital images. Unlike wavelet transforms, the ridgelet transform processes data by first computing integrals over different orientations and locations. A ridgelet is constantalong the lines x1cos_ + x2sin_ = constant. In the direction orthogonal to these ridges it is a wavelet.Ridgelets have been successfully applied in image denoising recently. In this paper, we combine the dual-tree complex wavelet in the ridgelet transform and apply it to image denoising. The approximate shift invariance property of the dual-tree complex wavelet and the good property of the ridgelet make our method a very good method for image denoising.Experimental results show that by using dual-tree complex ridgelets, our algorithms obtain higher Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) for all the denoised images withdi_erent noise levels.The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we explain how to incorporate the dual-treecomplex wavelets into the ridgelet transform for image denoising. Experimental results are conducted in Section 3. Finally we give the conclusion and future work to be done in section 4.2 Image Denoising by using ComplexRidgelets Discrete ridgelet transform provides near-ideal sparsity of representation of both smooth objects and of objects with edges. It is a near-optimal method of denoising for Gaussian noise. The ridgelet transform can compress the energy of the image into a smaller number of ridgelet coe_cients. On the other hand, the wavelet transform produces many large wavelet coe_cients on the edges on every scale of the 2D wavelet decomposition. This means that many wavelet coe_cients are needed in order to reconstruct the edges in the image. We know that approximate Radon transforms for digital data can be based on discrete fast Fouriertransform. The ordinary ridgelet transform can be achieved as follows:1. Compute the 2D FFT of the image.2. Substitute the sampled values of the Fourier transform obtained on the square lattice with sampled values on a polar lattice.3. Compute the 1D inverse FFT on each angular line.4. Perform the 1D scalar wavelet transform on the resulting angular lines in order to obtain the ridgelet coe_cients.It is well known that the ordinary discrete wavelet transform is not shift invariant because of the decimation operation during the transform. A small shift in the input signal can cause very di_erent output wavelet coe_cients. In order to overcome this problem, Kingsbury introduced a new kind of wavelet transform, called the dual-tree complex wavelet transform, that exhibits approximate shift invariant property and improved angular resolution. Since the scalar wavelet is not shift invariant, it is better to apply the dual-tree complex wavelet in the ridgelet transform so that we can have what we call complex ridgelets. This can be doneby replacing the 1D scalar wavelet with the 1D dualtree complex wavelet transform in the last step of the ridgelet transform. In this way, we can combine the good property of the ridgelet transform with the approximate shift invariant property of the dual-tree complex wavelets.The complex ridgelet transform can be applied to the entire image or we can partition the image into a number of overlapping squares and we apply the ridgelet transform to each square. We decompose the original n _ n image into smoothly overlapping blocks of sidelength R pixels so that the overlap between two vertically adjacent blocks is a rectangular array of size R=2 _ R and the overlap between two horizontally adjacent blocks is a rectangular array of size R _ R=2 . For an n _ n image, we count 2n=R such blocks in each direction. This partitioning introduces a redundancy of 4 times. In order to get the denoised complex ridgelet coe_cient, we use the average of the four denoised complex ridgelet coe_cients in the current pixel location.The thresholding for the complex ridgelet transform is similar to the curvelet thresholding [10]. One difference is that we take the magnitude of the complex ridgelet coe_cients when we do the thresholding. Let y_ be the noisy ridgelet coe_cients. We use the following hard thresholding rule for estimating the unknown ridgelet coe_cients. When jy_j > k_~_, we let ^y_ = y_. Otherwise, ^y_ = 0. Here, ~It is approximated by using Monte-Carlo simulations. The constant k used is dependent on the noise . When the noise is less than 30, we use k = 5 for the first decomposition scale and k = 4 for other decomposition scales. When the noise _ is greater than 30, we use k = 6 for the _rst decomposition scale and k = 5 for other decomposition scales.The complex ridgelet image denoising algorithm can be described as follows:1. Partition the image into R*R blocks with two vertically adjacent blocks overlapping R=2*R pixels and two horizontally adjacent blocks overlapping R _ R=2 pixels2. For each block, Apply the proposed complex ridgelets, threshold thecomplex ridgelet coefficients, and perform inverse complex ridgelet transform.3. Take the average of the denoising image pixel values at the same location.We call this algorithm ComRidgeletShrink,while the algorithm using the ordinary ridgelets RidgeletShrink. The computational complexity of ComRidgeletShrink is similar to that of RidgeletShrink by using the scalar wavelets. The only di_erence is that we replaced the 1D wavelet transform with the 1D dual-tree complex wavelet transform. The amount of computation for the 1D dual-tree complex wavelet is twice that of the 1D scalar wavelet transform. However, other steps of the algorithm keep the same amount of computation. Our experimental results show that ComRidgeletShrink outperforms V isuShrink, RidgeletShink, and wiener2 _lter for all testing cases. Under some case, we obtain 0.8dB improvement in Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) over RidgeletShrink. The improvement over V isuShink is even bigger for denoising all images. This indicates that ComRidgeletShrink is an excellent choice for denoising natural noisy images.3 Experimental ResultsWe perform our experiments on the well-known image Lena. We get this image from the free software package WaveLab developed by Donoho et al. at Stanford University. Noisy images with di_erent noise levels are generated by adding Gaussian white noise to the original noise-free images. For comparison, we implement VisuShrink, RidgeletShrink, ComRidgeletShrink and wiener2. VisuShrink is the universal soft-thresholding denoising technique. The wiener2 function is available in the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox, and we use a 5*5 neighborhood of each pixel in the image for it. The wiener2 function applies a Wiener _lter (a type of linear filter) to an image adaptively, tailoring itself to the local image variance. The experimental results in Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) are shown in Table 1. We find that the partition block size of 32 * 32 or 64 *64 is our best choice. Table 1 is for denoising image Lena, for di_erent noise levels and afixed partition block size of 32 *32 pixels.The first column in these tables is the PSNR of the original noisy images, while other columns are thePSNR of the denoised images by using di_erent denoising methods. The PSNR is de_ned as PSNR = 10 log10 Pi;j (B(i; j) A(i; j))2 n22552 : where B is the denoised image and A is the noise-free image. From Table 1 we can see that ComRidgeletShrink outperforms VisuShrink, the ordinary RidgeletShrink, and wiener2 for all cases. VisuShrink does not have any denoising power when the noise level is low. Under such a condition, VisuShrink produces even worse results than the original noisy images. However, ComRidgeletShrink performs very well in this case. For some case, ComRidgeletShrink gives us about 0.8 dB improvement over the ordinary RidgeletShink. This indicates that by combining the dual-tree complex wavelet into the ridgelet transform we obtain signi_cant improvement in image denoising. The improvement of ComRidgeletShrink over V isuShrink is even more signi_cant for all noisy levels and testing images. Figure 1 shows the noise free image, the image with noise added, the denoised image with VisuShrink, the denoised image with RidgeletShrink, the denoised image with ComRidgeletShrink, and the denoised image with wiener2 for images Lena, at a partition block size of 32*32 pixels. It can be seen that ComRidgeletShrink produces visually sharper denoised images than V isuShrink, the ordinary RidgeletShrink, and wiener2 filter, in terms of higher quality recovery of edges and linear and curvilinear features.4 Conclusions and Future WorkIn this paper, we study image denoising by using complex ridgelets. Our complex ridgelet transform is obtained by performing 1D dual-tree complex wavelet onto the Radon transform coe_cients. The Radon transform is done by means of the projection-slice theorem. The approximate shift invariant property of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform makes the complex ridgelet transform an excellent choice for image denoising. The complex ridgelet transform provides near-ideal sparsity of representation for both smooth objects and objects with edges. This makes the thresholding of noisy ridgelet coe_cients a near-optimal method of denoising for Gaussian white noise. We test our new denoising method with several standard images with Gaussian white noise added to the images. A very simple hard thresholding of the complex ridgelet coe_cients is used. Experimental results show that complex ridgelets give better denoising resultsthan VisuShrink, wiener2, and the ordinary ridgelets under all experiments. We suggest that ComRidgeletShrink be used for practical image denoising applications. Future work will be done by considering complex ridgelets in curvelet image denoising. Also, complex ridgelets could be applied to extract invariant features for pattern recognition.复杂脊波图像去噪1.介绍小波变换已成功地应用于许多科学领域,如图像压缩,图像去噪,信号处理,计算机图形,IC和模式识别,仅举几例。


• 如基于硬件加速的降噪方法、分布式降
• 针对多模态图像(如RGB-D图像、红
• 结合不同图像模态的信息进行降噪,提
• 如非线性高斯滤波,引入非线性函数,
双边滤波(Bilateral Filter)及其改进算法
• 结合空间域和频域信息进行
• 如自适应双边滤波(ABF),
• 保护图像边缘信息,去除椒
• 如非局部双边滤波(NLBF),
• 图像传感器的固有噪声
• 成像过程中的随机噪声
• 图像传输、存储过程中的噪声污染

基于Contourlet变换的图像去噪算法研究 文献综述

基于Contourlet变换的图像去噪算法研究 文献综述


















复杂脊波图像去噪作者:G. Y. Chen and B. Kegl ,刊名:Pattern Recognition,出版日期:2007摘要脊波变换是在小波变换的基础上提出的多尺度分析方法,对于图像中直线状和超平面的奇异性问题,脊波变换比小波变换有更好的处理效果,应用数字复合脊波变换去除嵌入在图像中的白噪声,并使用一个简单的复合脊波系数的硬阈值来实现,实验结果表明,种算法比VisuShrink算法、普通脊波算法和Wiener2滤波器图像去噪的去噪效果更好,同时复合脊波算法也能应用于图像去噪和模式识别特征提取。










脊波是常数,其方程式为x1 cosØ+x2cosØ=c。














随着技术的发展,小波包分析 (Wavelet Packet Analysis) 方法产生并发展起来,小波包分析是小波分析的拓展,具有十分广泛的应用价值。


小波包分析 (wavelet packet analysis) 能够为信号提供一种更加精细的分析方法,它将频带进行多层次划分,对小波分析没有细分的高频部分进一步分解,并能够根据被分析信号的特征,自适应地选择相应频带 , 使之与信号频谱相匹配,因而小波包具有更广泛的应用价值。





例如在医学领域中,核磁共振(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)等影像噪声非常严重,会使图像失真,同时会影响医生的判断和诊断。




而深度学习算法中的卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)具有出色的图像处理能力,因此在图像去噪领域也引起了广泛研究与应用。








二、卷积神经网络的去噪处理卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)作为深度学习领域的代表性模型被广泛地应用于图像去噪任务中。



















该重建的成功取决于这个叫做受理的常数,受理满足以下条件:公式2受理条件方程这里 psi^hat(xi) 是 FT 的psi(t),方程2意味着psi^hat(0) = 0,这是:公式3如上所述,公式3并不是一个非常严格的要求,因为许多小波函数可以找到它的积分是零。



小波分析和STFT 的分析方法类似,在这个意义上说,就是信号和一个函数相乘,{它的小波},类似的STFT的窗口功能,并转换为不同分段的时域信号。









常用的基于频域的方法有快速傅里叶变换(FFT)、小波变换(Wavelet Transform)、离散余弦变换(DCT)等。

基于时域的方法则有中值滤波、小波阈值去噪(Wavelet Thresholding)、非局部均值去噪(Non-Local Means)、总变差去噪(Total Variation Denoising)等。

二、图像去噪技术的应用1. 医学影像处理医学影像在临床医学中应用广泛。


2. 通信领域信号传输过程中,由于信道噪声的影响,信号质量会受损。



3. 安防领域在安防领域中,人脸识别、车辆识别、物体商标识别等都是基于图像处理技术实现的。

















随着技术的发展,小波包分析(Wavelet Packet Analysis)方法产生并发展起来,小波包分析是小波分析的拓展,具有十分广泛的应用价值。


小波包分析(wavelet packet analysis)能够为信号提供一种更加精细的分析方法,它将频带进行多层次划分,对小波分析没有细分的高频部分进一步分解,并能够根据被分析信号的特征,自适应地选择相应频带,使之与信号频谱相匹配,因而小波包具有更广泛的应用价值。






1. 图像去噪技术的发展历程自电视技术发明以来,噪声便是给图像处理带来极大挑战的难点,如何清晰地显示图像,始终是技术人员持续探索的问题。





2. 常见的图像去噪算法(1)高斯滤波算法:高斯滤波算法是一种经典的去噪算法,其基本思想是利用高斯函数对图像进行滤波。











3. 图像去噪技术的应用(1)医学影像:医学影像在临床上是一种常见的诊断工具,如CT、MRI、PET等。




近年来,基于深度学习(Deep Learning )的去噪方法被成功应用于合成噪声,但对真实噪声的泛化性能较差[1-4]。






分析了深度学习图像去噪方法;依据网络结构详细分析了图像去噪方法的思想,并对优缺点进行梳理总结;通过在DND 、PolyU 等数据集上的实验结果,对比分析基于深度学习去噪方法的性能;对图像去噪研究的关键问题进行总结,并讨论该领域未来研究的发展趋势。

关键词:图像去噪;真实噪声;合成噪声;深度学习文献标志码:A中图分类号:TP399doi :10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2011-0341Overview of Image Denoising Methods Based on Deep LearningLIU Di 1,2,JIA Jinlu 1,2,ZHAO Yuqing 1,2,QIAN Yurong 1,2,31.College of Software,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830046,China2.Key Laboratory of Signal Detection and Processing in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi 830046,China3.Key Laboratory of Software Engineering,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830046,ChinaAbstract :Image denoising is a kind of technology that uses the context information of image sequence to remove noise and restore clear image.It is one of the important research contents in the field of computer vision.With the development of machine learning,deep learning has been widely used in the field of image denoising,and has become an effective solution for image denoising.Firstly,the deep learning image denoising method is analyzed.Secondly,the idea of image denoising method is analyzed in detail according to the network structure,and the advantages and disadvantages are summarized.Then,through the experimental results on DND,PolyU and other data sets,the performance of deep learning based image denoising methods is compared and analyzed.Finally,the key issues of image denoising research are summarized,and the future development trend of the research of this field is discussed.Key words :image denoising;real noise;synthetic noise;deep learning基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61966035);自治区研究生创新项目(XJ2019G069);新疆维吾尔自治区教育厅创新团队项目(XJEDU2017T002)。





这篇⽂章的⽬的是研究多种阈值技术,例如SureShrink,V isuShrink和BayeShrink等等,同时找出最适合于图像去噪的阈值技术。



⼩波变换,由于其出⾊的定位性能, 已迅速成为⼀个不可或缺的信号和图像处理⼯具,他可以为各种应⽤程序进⾏信号和图像处理,其中包括压缩和去噪[1,2,3)。



⼩波阈值(⾸先由Donoho [1, 2, 3]中提出)是⼀种信号的评估⽅法和功能,它探索了基于⼩波变换的图像去噪的能⼒。




2.1引⾔在图1中的⼩波系数的的绘图显⽰⼩系数被噪声能量所左右, 同时有⼀个很⼤的系数绝对值携带更多的信号信息噪⾳。






基于各向异性扩散滤波的图像去噪研究莫绍强【摘要】采用各向异性扩散滤波方法,研究图像处理中的去噪问题,通过分析扩散函数和扩散常数对滤波效果的影响,利用图像压缩中判别压缩质量好坏的峰值信噪比作为迭代终止条件,在有效去除图像噪声的同时,能够保持图像的边缘信息不被过度滤除.%An anisotropic diffusion filtering method is used to research the denoising problem in image processing.By analyzing the influence of diffusion function and diffusion constant on the filtering effect,the peak signal to noise ratio in image compression is used as the iteration termination condition.This algorithm can keep the edge information of the image from being excessively filtered while effectively removing the noise.【期刊名称】《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》【年(卷),期】2017(046)001【总页数】4页(P19-22)【关键词】图像去噪;各向异性扩散;边缘信息;迭代准则;扩散函数【作者】莫绍强【作者单位】重庆电子工程职业学院,重庆 401331【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41图像滤波和去噪是图像处理中非常基础和重要的技术,常用的方法是采用一种滤波器,在滤除图像噪声的同时,尽可能地保留图像中的结构和纹理等信息不被破坏.传统方法中的高斯、中值等滤波,虽然能够去除噪声,但是图像的细节如边缘信息等也被同时滤除.双边滤波[1]虽然可以兼顾去噪和保留边缘的特性,但是计算极其耗时,制约了它的实用性.各向异性扩散滤波[2]是一种兼顾去噪和保留图像边缘的方法,它模拟热量传递原理,在同质区域热量可以扩散,而在非同质区域(存在边缘的位置)热传递减弱.但是该方法需要设置一个迭代次数的参数,判定何时终止扩散处理.如果迭代次数过少,噪声滤除不完全,迭代次数过多,容易导致图像本身的边缘细节信息丢失.因此,如何得到一个自动选择迭代终止的条件,对滤波效果非常重要.文献 [3] 利用梯度阈值,构建了一个随着时间变化逐渐递减的函数作为迭代终止准则,但为了得到自适应参数,每次迭代时需要保留边缘信息; 文献 [6-7] 利用原始图像和去噪图像之间的保真程度作为终止条件,但去噪不充分.本文通过分析各向异性扩散滤波中,扩散函数和扩散常数对滤波效果的影响,利用压缩图像中判别压缩质量好坏的峰值信噪比作为迭代终止条件,在有效去除图像噪声的同时,能够保持图像的边缘信息不被过度滤除,为图像滤波和去噪研究提供参考.Perona等[2]提出的各向异性扩散滤波,采用的是一种扩散处理的方式,即在同质平坦区域使噪声逐步平滑,当遇到非同质的边界区域时,则抑制平滑,其数学表达为(,t)=·(c(,t)I(,t))其中: I(,t)是待处理的图像; t表示迭代次数; c是一个关于图像梯度的单调递减扩散函数:c(,t)=f().(2)式可以根据图像的局部信息控制扩散强度,图像的边缘保留以及噪声滤除就是通过扩散函数来控制的.常用的两个扩散函数如下:c1(,t)(α>0),c2(,t)=exp ,其中K为扩散常数.从扩散函数的表达式可以看出,K值在很大程度上决定了同质区域和非同质区域的界线,对滤波效果的影响很大.令Φ表示扩散函数和梯度的乘积关系,有Φ(,t)=c(,t)I(,t).选择不同的扩散函数,Φ的处理效果也会不同.如图1所示,虚线和实线分别是取c1和c2为扩散函数时Φ的分布,可以看出,当K≫时,Φ值趋于0,可以将平坦区域平滑; 当K≪时,可以保留图像的边缘信息; 当噪声梯度约等于K时,可以噪声滤除.所以,根据图像噪声引起的梯度强弱选择合理的K值,就可以很好地将噪声去除.对于二维图像滤波,可以使用4邻域上的扩散滤波,分别代表在东南西北4个方向上扩散,滤波过程的表达式为(x,y,t)=≈ (,y,t)(I(x+Δx,y,t)-I(x,y,t))- c(,y,t)(I(x,y,t)-I(x-Δx,y,t))(x,,t)(I(x,y+Δy,t)-I(x,y,t))- c(x,,t)(I(x,y,t)-I(x,y-Δy,t))Δx=Δy=1.2.1 扩散函数和扩散常数扩散函数c是关于图像梯度的函数.图2是扩散常数K=0.05时,采用不同扩散函数的图像处理效果,其中第1排图像采用扩散函数c1,第2排图像采用扩散函数c2,迭代次数从左到右分别为2,8,64,128次.从对比效果可以看出,采用扩散函数c2对图像进行处理,得到的对比度大于扩散函数c1.从对比实验发现,K取较大值时,只有大的轮廓边缘保留下来,更多的细节边缘被滤除,这是因为梯度较小的区域被认为是噪声部分,只有梯度远远大于K的轮廓被部分保留下来.因此,参数K的选择,决定了哪些区域属于同质区域,哪些属于非同质区域. 图3是扩散函数和扩散常数对滤波结果的影响,可以看出,K值相同时,以c1作为扩散函数保留下来的边缘梯度弱于c2扩散函数,但是同质区域更平滑,这可以作为处理不同图像时,预计达到某种效果的参考依据.2.2 迭代终止条件从图2和图3可以看出,随着迭代次数的不断增多,图像细节信息会逐渐减少,因此只有设置一个终止迭代的条件,才能得到最佳滤波效果.本文利用图像压缩中判断压缩质量好坏的峰值信噪比PSNR[6]作为迭代终止条件,PSNR=10 log10(MAXI)-10 log10(MSE),其中: 2,称为均方误差(mean squared error); MAX是图像的灰度级,一般取值255; I是上一次迭代的图像,K是当前迭代处理后的图像.由于多次迭代后噪声已被去除,所以PSNR的变化率会很小.图4是各向异性扩散的去噪迭代过程,图中从左至右分别为原始噪声图和迭代56,148,280次后的效果.其中噪声图像是在原始图像上加了均值为0、标准偏差为0.02的高斯噪声.本文取迭代前后差异小于阈值T时为迭代终止条件,通常取T=0.01.图4中,迭代终止在第148次,这时图像噪声被滤除,且细节保持较好,而迭代56次时噪声保留太多,迭代280次时图像的边缘被过度滤除.因此本文设置的迭代终止条件得到了比较理想的结果.基于各向异性扩散滤波的图像处理方法,不仅可以去除噪声,而且能更好地保护边缘信息不被滤除,较之传统的高斯、中值等滤波方法有很大的优势,在图像增强方面有很好的应用前景.本文提出的迭代终止条件简单易实现,为滤除噪声和避免边缘被过度滤除提供了一种平衡方法.另外,影响图像滤波效果的因素除了迭代次数外,还有扩散参数K,该参数往往与图像噪声梯度相关,如何估算图像的噪声梯度信息,合理设置参数K的大小,是需要进一步研究的内容.【相关文献】[1] TOMASI C,MANDUCHI R. Bilateral filtering for gray and color images [C]//ICCV,1998:839-846.[2] PERONA P,MALIK J. Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion [J]. IEEE TPAMI,1990,12(7):629-639.[3] X Li,T Chen. Nonlinear diffusion with multiple edginess thresholds [J]. Pattern Recognition,1994,27(8):1029-1037.[4] Gilboa G,Sochen N,Zeevi Y Y. Forward-and-backward diffusion processes for adaptive image enhancement and denoising [J]. IEEE Transactions on ImageProcessing,2002,11(7):689-703.[5] Weickert J. Applications of nonlinear diffusion in image processing and computer vision [J]. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae,2001,70:33-50.[6] Huynh-Thu Q,Ghanbari M. Scope of validity of PSNR in image/video quality assessment [J]. Electronics Letters,2008,44(13):800-801.。



一种基于小波的眼伪影校正的脑电图去噪技术毕业论文外文翻译A WA VELET BASED DE-NOISING TECHNIQUE FOROCULAR ARTIFACT CORRECTION OF THEELECTROENCEPHALOGRAMTatjana Zikov, Stéphane Bibian, Guy A. Dumont, Mihai Huzmezan Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of BritishColumbia, BC, CANADA.Abstract –This paper investigates a wavelet based denoising of the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal to correct for the presence of the ocular artifact (OA).The proposed technique is based on an over-complete wavelet expansion of the EEG as follows: i) a stationary wavelet transform (SWT) is applied to the corrupted EEG; ii) the thresholding of the coefficients in the lower frequency bandsis performed; iii) the de-noised signal is reconstructed. This paper demonstrates the potential of the proposed technique for successful OA correction. The advantage over conventional methods is that there is no need for the recording of the electrooculogram (EOG) signal itself. The approach works both for eye blinks and eye movements. Hence, there is no need to discriminate between different artifacts. To allow for a proper comparison, the contaminated EEG signals as well as the corrected signals are presented together with their corresponding power spectra.Keywords-stationary wavelet transform (SWT), electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), ocular artifact (OA).I. INTRODUCTIONThe electroencephalogram (EEG) gives researchers a non-invasive insight into the intricacy of the human brain. It is a valuable tool for clinicians in numerous applications, from the diagnosis of neurological disorders, to the clinical monitoring of depth of anesthesia. For awake healthy subject, normal EEG amplitude is in the order of 20-50μV.The EEG is very susceptible to various artifacts, causing problems for analysis and interpretation. In current data acquisition, eye movement and blink related artifacts are often dominant over other electrophysiological contaminating signals (e.g. heart and muscle activity, head and body movements), as well as external interferences due to power sources. Eye movements and blinks produce a large electrical signal around the eyes (in the order of mV), known as electrooculogram (EOG), which spreads across the scalp and contaminates the EEG. These contaminating potentials arecommonly referred to as ocular artifact (OA).The rejection of epochs contaminated with OA usually leads to a substantial loss of data. Asking subjects not to blink or move their eyes or to keep their eyes shut and still, is often unrealistic or inadequate. The fact that the subject is concentrating on fulfilling these requirements might itself influence his EEG. Hence, devising a method for successful removal of ocular artifacts (OA) from EEG recordings has been and still is a major challenge.Widely used time-domain regression methods involve the subtraction of some portion of the recorded EOG from the EEG [1, 2]. They assume that the propagation of ocular potentials is volume conducted, frequency independent and without any time delay. However, Gasser et al. in [3] argued that the scalp is not a perfect volume conductor, and thus, attenuates some frequencies more than others. Consequently, frequency domain regression was proposed. In addition, no significant time delay was found, which was in consistency with the EOG being volume conducted.In [4]it was reported that, in reality, the frequency dependence does not seem to be very pronounced, while the assumption of no measurable delay was confirmed. Thus, while some researchers support the frequency domain approach for EOG correction [3, 5], others disputed its advantages [4, 6, 7]. However, neither time nor frequency regression techniques take into account the propagation of the brain signals into the recorded EOG. Thus a portion of relevant EEG signal is always cancelled out along with the artifact. Further, these techniques mainly use different correction coefficients for eye blinks versus eye movements. They also heavily depend on the regressing EOG channel.In addition, Croft and Barry [7]demonstrated that the propagation of the EOG across the scalp is constant with respect to ocular artifact types and frequencies. They proposed a more sophisticated regression method (the aligned-artifact average solution) that corrects blinks and eye movement artifacts together, and made possible the adequate correction for posterior sites [6]. They claim that the influence of the EEG-to-EOG propagation has been minimized in their method.In an attempt to overcome the problem of the EEG-to-EOG propagation, a multiple source eye correction method has been proposed by Berg and Scherg [8]. In this method, the OA was estimated based on the source eye activity ratherthan the EOG signal. The method involves obtaining an accurate estimate of the spatial distribution of the eye activity from calibration data, which is a rather difficult task.Due to its decorrelation efficiency, the principal component analysis (PCA) has been applied for OA removal from the multi-channel EEG and it outperformed the previously mentioned methods. However, it has been shown that PCA cannot fully separate OA from the EEG when comparable amplitudes are encountered [9].Recently, independent component analysis (ICA) has demonstrated a superior potential for the removal of a wide variety of artifacts from the EEG[10, 11], even in a case of comparable amplitudes. ICA simultaneously and linearly unmixed multi-channel scalp recordings into independent components, that are often physiologically plausible. Also, there is no need for a reference channel corresponding to each artifact source. However, ICA artifact removal is not yet fully automated and requires visual inspection of the independent components in order to decide their removal.Other attempts have been based on different adaptive signal processing techniques [12-16]. The performance of these methods also relies on a cerebral activity to minimally contaminate the EOG reference.The EEG may contain pathological signals, which resemble OA. Thus, these signals are most likely to be removed from the EEG recordings, leading to erroneous diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between artifacts and pathological EEG signals prior to artifact removal. Artificial intelligence techniques prove to be somehow helpful in achieving this goal [17].Our aim is to present a real-time OA removal technique, based on stationary wavelet transform (SWT) de-noising of a single frontal channel EEG. The proposed technique is based on an over-complete wavelet expansion of the EEG as follows: i) a stationary wavelet transform is applied to the corrupted EEG; ii) the thresholding of the coefficients in the lower frequency bands is performed; iii) the de-noised signal is reconstructed. No reference EOG channel is needed and the same approach is used for both the blinks and eye movement artifacts.The time and frequency characteristics of OA are addressed in Section II, while Section III discusses the proposed method. Results are further presented in Section IV.II. OCULAR ARTIFACTSThere are two different originating phenomena for ocular potentials [1, 18, 19]. There is a potential difference of about 100 mV between a positively charged cornea and negative retina of the human eye, thus forming an electrical dipole (i.e. corneo-retinal dipole). Firstly, the rotation of the eyeball results in changes of the electrical field across the skull. Secondly, eye blinks are usually not associated with ocular rotation; however, the eyelids pick up the positive potential as they slide over the cornea. T his creates an electrical field that is also propagated through the skull. Hence, ocular potentials spread across the scalp and superimpose on the EEG.The mechanism of origin (eye movements versus eye blinks) and the direction of eye movements determine the resulting EOG wave shape. Vertical, horizontal and round eye movements usually result in square-shaped EOG waveforms, while blinks are spike-like waves.Fig.1 Uncontaminated Baseline EEG andVarious Artifacts(a) Uncontaminated baseline EEG (b) EEGcontaminated with slow blink artifact (c) EEG contaminated with fast blink artifact (d) EEG contaminated with vertical eye movement artifact (e) EEG contaminated with horizontal eye movement artifact (f) EEG contaminated with round eye movement artifactOcular artifacts decrease rapidly with the distance from the eyes [18]. Therefore, the most severe interference occurs in the EEG recorded by the electrodes placed on the patient's forehead. Yet, this is the most convenient region for their placement. Thereto, the frontal and prefrontal lobes, which are at the origin of higher cognitive functions, are located directly behind the forehead. Therefore, the task of EOG correction for frontal channels is challenging.For the purpose of this paper, we have acquired EEG data from an awake healthy male subject. A single frontal channel was recorded, corresponding to the Fpz electrode placement in the nomenclature of the International 10-20 System. The baseline EEG and five various artifacts were recorded in the following fashion. For each artifact, the subject was first instructed to keep his eyes shut and still. Sixty seconds of presumably uncontaminated baseline EEG was thus recorded. Then, for the next 60 seconds, the subject was instructed to blink or move his eyes in a predetermined fashion. Finally, another resting period of 60 seconds with no EOG activity was recorded. Five ocular artifacts were recorded in this fashion: slow blinks (1 blink per 2 seconds), fast blinks (2 blinks per second), vertical, horizontal and round eye movements. The signal was notch filtered at 50-60 Hz and sampled at 128 Hz.Fig.2 Power Spectra of UncontaminatedBaseline EEG and Various Artifacts (a)Uncontaminated baseline EEG and other resting periods (b) EEG contaminated with slow blink artifact (c) EEG contaminated with fast blink artifact (d) EEG contaminated with vertical eye movement artifact (e) EEG contaminated with horizontal eye movement artifact (f) EEG contaminated with round eye movement artifactFig. 2 clearly shows that OA are large, transient slow waves. They occupy the lower frequency range; from 0 Hz up to 6-7 Hz for the eye movement artifacts, and typically up to the alpha band (8-13 Hz), excluding very low frequencies, for the eye blinks. This is a well-known and documented result [3], which our experiments proved consistent with. Clearly, OA amplitudes are of a much higher order than those of the uncontaminated EEG and have a characteristic pattern of changes. Vertical eye movement artifacts (Fig. 2.d) also seem to produce a rise in the higher frequencies. However, this is most likely due to the increased muscle activity, and it is also present to a lesser degree for the other two eye movements (horizontal - Fig. 2.e, and round - Fig. 2.f).III. WA VELET-BASED DE-NOISINGA.Problem StatementAs previously mentioned, the EOG is the non-cortical activity that contaminates the EEG recordings. Thus, since the brain and eye activities have physiologically separate sources, we will assume the recorded EEG is a superposition of the true EEG and some portion of the EOG signal. Thus, we have:offest true rec dc t EOG k t EEG t EEG +⋅+=)()()( (1)Where rec EEG is the recorded contaminated EEG , true EEG is due to thecortical activity, and EOG k ⋅is the propagated ocular artifact at the recording site. The dcoffset takes into account the zero mean value of the cortical EEG , since this might not be true for the recorded EEG due to the process of data acquisition.We are interested in estimating the ocular artifact based on the analysis of the recorded EEG . By subtracting it from the contaminated EEG , we will then obtain a corrected EEG , which minimizes the effect of the ocular artifact and gives an appropriate representation of the true cortical EEG .The true EEG is a noise-like signal. We can not observe any clear patterns within it, nor can we simply correlate the particular underlying events with its wave shape [20].Furthermore, in the awake, conscious state, neurons are firing in a more independent fashion. As a result of this resynchronizations, the awake EEG signal is even more random-appearing. The EOG removal can be approached by recovering the regression function (EOG k ⋅ ) from the recorded data. For this purpose, in the last decade, wavelet thresholding has emerged as a simple, yet effective technique for de-noising [21].B. Wavelet ThresholdingThe main statistical application of wavelet thresholding is a nonparametric estimation of the regression function f , based on observations i s at time points i t . The i s observations are modeled as:)2(,2,1,)(n i i i N N i t f s ==+= ε (2)Where i εare independent and identically distributed ),0(2σN random variables at equally spaced time points i t .Due to the orthogonality of the wavelet transform, we are allowed to perform filtering in the space of wavelet coefficients. The procedure for suppressing the noise involves: i) finding the coefficients of the wavelet transform of {si}; ii) comparing each wavelet coefficient against an appropriate threshold;iii) keeping only those coefficients larger than a threshold; and iv) applying an inverse wavelet transform to obtain an estimate of f. The assumption is that large coefficients kept after thresholding belong to the function to be estimated, and those discarded belong to the noise. This is a fair assumption due to the good energy compaction of the wavelet transform. Some of the function coefficients might eventually be discarded since they are of the same level as the noise coefficients. Thus, this denoising technique works well for functions whose wavelet transform results in only a few nonzero wavelet coefficients, like e.g. functions that are smooth almost everywhere, except for only a few abrupt changes [22].Special care has to be taken when choosing an appropriate threshold, which always involves the estimation of the noise variance 2σbased on the data.一种基于小波的眼伪影校正的脑电图去噪技术一、导言脑电图(EEG)使研究人员对复杂的人类大脑进行非侵入性的深入了解。

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