1011 1012 数字式万用表 使用说明
![1011 1012 数字式万用表 使用说明](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/53e31f1953ea551810a6f524ccbff121dc36c544.png)
IEC 61010-1过电压CAT III 300V污染度2IEC 61010-031IEC 61326本说明书包含警告和安全规则,记载了避免人身伤害事故和保持仪器能在长期良好状态下使用的注意事项。
IEC 61010-1 过电压CAT III 300V污染度2IEC 61010-2-031 (对手持型探棒的要求事项)●采用可正确测试变形波的真有效值整流回路(True RMS)设计。
(KEW 1012C)●温度测试功能(KEW 1011C)●确认测量值的差的REL机能。
●防止不必要电池消耗的自动关机功能●数据保留功能●二极管和导通测试功能●自动量程功能●频率测试功能●DUTY(脉冲幅/ 脉冲周期用%显示)测量功能●电流功能由保险丝保护。
3.规格KEW 1011C测量范围和精确度(温湿度23±5℃、45~75%RH)注意:量程的*表示自动量程的初始值。
KEW 1012C测量范围和精确度(温湿度23±5℃、45~75%RH)注意:量程的*表示自动量程的初始值。
功率因数(CF )≤3 ●安全规格 IEC 61010-1 CAT. III 300V 污染度2 / CAT.II 600V 污染度2IEC 61010-031 IEC 61326● 工作方式方式● 显示 液晶,最大6000(ACV/A,DCV/A,Ω,)/最大9999(Hz )/最大4000(F ) 单位,记号 ● 输入过量显示 OL 显示(Ω量程及手动量程设定时超过测试范围) ● 自动量程 显示值6040以上时上升一个量程 显示值560以下时下降一个量程● 采样率 约400ms● 使用环境 室内使用,海拔2000m 以下 ● 精确度保证温湿度范围 23℃±5℃ 相对湿度75%以下 ● 使用温湿度范围 0℃~+40℃ 相对湿度80%以下 ● 保存温湿度范围 -20℃~+60℃相对湿度90%以下● 绝缘电阻 电气回路和外箱间100MΩ以上/DC 1000V ● 耐电压 电气回路和外箱间AC3700V/分钟 ●过负荷保护(过电压保护)电压 720V (RMS.)10秒 电阻 600V (RMS.)10秒 电容 600V (RMS.)10秒 频率 600V (RMS.)10秒电流 μA ,mA 600V 0.8A 保险丝保护 A 600V 10A 保险丝保护 ● 外形尺寸 约161(L )× 82(W )× 50(D )mm (含软套) ●重量 约280g (含电池,软套)●电源单3干电池R6P(AA)1.5V×2或等量电量●附件测试线×1 单3干电池R6P(AA)×2使用说明书×1 K型温度探棒× 1(KEW 1011C)●使用保险丝 F 600V/800mA(速断型)φ6.3×32mmF 600V/10A(速断型)φ6.3×32mm本仪器的过负荷保护(过电压保护)为以上记载的电压。
CL1011 使用说明书
按格测试:先设定被检表量程(电压或电流值) ,按确认后,自动弹出满格设置, 确认后,显示 00.0000 格。 方法 1:利用数字键键入输出格数,按“确认”键直接输出,设定值视为示值。 使用左移、右移、上升、下降四个键,对位光标所指的数字进行升降调节,以调 节输出大小,获取实际值,误差跟随变化。 方法 2:使用 10%、50%,100%确定输出格数(视为示值) ,再使用左移、右移、 上升、下降四个键,对位光标所指的数字进行升降调节,以调节输出大小(获取 实际值) ,误差跟随变化。
量程测试:先设定被检表量程(电压值或电流值) ,使用 10%、50%,100%确定输 出值,再使用左移、右移、上升、下降四个键,对位光标所指的数字进行升降调 节,以调节输出大小。 方法 1:利用数字键键入测试点,按“确认”键直接输出,设定值视为示值。使 用左移、右移、上升、下降四个键,对位光标所指的数字进行升降调节,以调节 输出大小,获取实际值,误差跟随变化。电流项目设定测试点时,默认单位 mA。 方法 2:使用 10%、50%,100%确定输出值(视为示值) ,再使用左移、右移、上 升、下降四个键,对位光标所指的数字进行升降调节,以调节输出大小(获取实 际值) ,误差跟随变化。
实际值 100% 量程
γA-- 示值误差
示值 实际值 100% 示值 示值 实际值 100% 量程
γm-- 引用误差
提示 – 超载、高压、钳表 6.4 按键 项目键:DCV、ACV、Ω、DCI、ACI 设置键:0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、小数点、A 移动键:左移、右移 升降键:上升、下降 量程键:量程、10%、50%、100%
因为中星9升级后,其更改了是固件中频道节目号/PMT 视频PID 音频PID,因此除了更改固件,几乎没有其它办法的。
要读取接收机的固件BIOS,需要一台25 SPI芯片编程器,耗子没有下载线,因此不知道是否使用下载线也可完成操作,具体网友可实际测试。
耗子使用的是一台业余的25 SPI通用串行编程器,联接如下:/speprom/spieprom.htm,目前中星9号卫星接收机使用的BIOS 芯片都是25系列SPI 串行芯片。
如耗子的机器使用的是MX 25L8005 8M的SPI芯片。
编辑软件需要Ultraedit32 16进制编辑软件,可从BIOS维修网站下载:/biosfiles/ultraedit.zip25通用SPI编程器图如下:本例以使用Haier HI2023EC HI3102E MXI8211A音频芯片的接收机“山寨”卫星接收机主板(注意,为测试方便,将芯片使用数据线接出,以方便测试)图如下:首先取下卫星接收机的固件BIOS芯片,其是SOIC8封装的SPI 25L8005芯片,由于是贴片芯片,因此需要使用热风拆焊台,取下芯片后,用编程器读出数据内容,然后将读出的文件保存成BIN文件,这里耗子保存为25L8005.BIN(文件名可以随意)。
(1)五个主功能键与屏幕上的五个主功能图表相对应, 从左到右分别是: VTEST表示为直流电压测试按纽,测量范围为:0~400V DC; RTEST表示为电阻测试按纽,测量范围为0~4M Ω; FTEST表示为频率测试按纽,测量范围为1~15KHZ; Vsimulate表示为直流电压模拟按纽,电压模拟范围为 0~12V; Fsimulate表示为频率测试模拟按纽,频率模拟范围为 1~15KHZ. (1)三个附加功能键:[↑]、[↓],用来增减模拟的 电压及频率值,它只能增减小数点后面的一位数数值。 (每次增减都为0.1);
1)电压测量的方法及步骤: 连接好电源线及测试线,电源线两夹子夹在直流 12V电压上,此时仪器打开会发出“嘀。。。。” 约1秒钟,然后仪器进行自检。 按下“VTest”电压测试功能键,这时显示屏上将 出现“电压测试”的目标选择框和电压单位V。 把测试夹夹在需测电压的两端(红,黑夹应与电 源的“+”“—”), 从显示屏上读出电压值,也可以从动态显示条上 看出1~40V的电压。
4)V表示直流电压测量的档位 量程范围:200mV、2V、20V、200V量程范 围:200mV、2V、20V、200V、750V 6)A:表示直流电流测量的档位 量程范围:2mA、20mA、200mA、10A 7)A~:表示交流电流测量的档位 量程范围:2mA、20mA、200mA、10A 8)CX 表示电容的测量档位,电容的单位为F 。 量程范围为:200UF、2UF、200nF、20nF、 2nF。
X-431故障诊断仪可以读取不同车型发动机电 控系统(EECS)的有关传感器参数,了解汽 车运行状态,通过测试故障码操作,可以测试 发动机的故障码,帮助寻找汽车故障,并对自 动变速器系统(AT)、防抱死系统(ABS) 、安全气囊系统(SRS)等测试;测试功能包 括系统读取故障代码、消除故障代码、测试执 行元件、动态数据流读取、测试结果打印等。
106 107 数字万用表用户手册说明书
![106 107 数字万用表用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/56630ac3b8d528ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2b21.png)
June 2013, Rev. 1, 10/15 © 2013-2015 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.106/107 Digital MultimetersTable of ContentsTitle Page Introduction (1)How to Contact Fluke (1)Safety Information (2)Instrument Overview (8)Terminals (8)Display (9)Auto Power Off (10)Auto Backlight Off (11)Measurements (11)Data Hold (11)Measure AC and DC Voltage (12)Measure AC or DC Current (14)Measure Resistance (16)Test for Continuity (16)Test Diodes (107 Only) (18)i106/107 Users ManualiiMeasure Capacitance (19)Measure Frequency and Duty Cycle (107 Only) (19)Maintenance (20)General Maintenance (21)Test the Fuse (22)Replace Batteries and the Fuse (22)Service and Parts (24)General Specifications (25)Accuracy Specifications (28)Digital Multimeters Safety Information3WarningTo prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury:• Carefully read all instructions.• Read all safety information before you use the Product. • Use the Product only as specified, or the protection supplied by the Product can be compromised.• Do not use the Product around explosive gas, vapor, or in damp or wet environments.• Do not use the Product if it is damaged.• Disable the Product if it is damaged.• Do not use the Product if it operates incorrectly.• Examine the case before you use the Product. Look for cracks or missing plastic. Carefully look at the insulation around the terminals.• Use only correct measurement category (CAT), voltage, and amperage rated probes, test leads, and adapters for the measurement.• Measure a known voltage first to make sure that the Product operates correctly.106/107 Users Manual4 •Do not use test leads if they are damaged. Examine the test leads for damaged insulation and measure a known voltage.•Do not apply more than the rated voltage, between the terminals or between each terminal and earth ground.•Do not use the HOLD function to measure unknown potentials. When HOLD is turned on, the display does not change when a different potential is measured. •Do not touch voltages >30 V ac rms, 42 V ac peak, or 60 V dc.•Keep fingers behind the finger guards on the probes.•Remove all probes, test leads, and accessories before the battery door is opened.•Do not exceed the Measurement Category (CAT) rating of the lowest rated individual component of a Product, probe, or accessory.•Remove the input signals before you clean the Product.•Have an approved technician repair the Product.•Remove the batteries if the Product is not used for an extended period of time, or if stored in temperatures above 50 °C. If the batteries are not removed,battery leakage can damage the Product.Digital Multimeters Safety Information 5• Replace the batteries when the low battery indicator shows to prevent incorrect measurements.• Use only specified replacement parts.• Use only specified replacement fuses.• Limit operation to the specified measurement category, voltage, or amperage ratings.• Do not use test leads if they are damaged. Examine the test leads for damaged insulation and measure a known voltage.• Do not use in CAT III or CAT IV environments without the protective cap installed. The protective cap decreases the exposed probe metal to <4 mm. This decreases the possibility of arc flash from short circuits.106/107 Users Manual6Table 1 is a list of the symbols used on the Product and in this manual. Table 1. SymbolsConsult user documentation. WARNING. RISK OF DANGER. Static awareness. Static discharge can damage part(s). WARNING. HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE.Risk of electric shock.AC (Alternating Current) EarthDC (Direct Current) CapacitanceBoth direct and alternating current DiodeBattery FuseConforms to relevant South KoreanEMC Standards Certified by TÜV SÜD Product Service. Conforms to European Union directives. Certified by CSA Group to North Americansafety standards.Digital Multimeters Safety Information 7 Table 1. Symbols (cont.)Measurement Category II is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected directly to utilization points (socket outlets and similar points) of the low-voltage MAINS installation.Measurement Category III is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected to the distribution part of the building’s low-voltage MAINS installation. Measurement Category IV is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected at thesource of the building’s low-voltage MAINS installation.This product complies with the WEEE Directive marking requirements. The affixed label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste. Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is classed as category 9 "Monitoring and Control Instrumentation" product. Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste.8Digital Multimeters Instrument Overview9DisplayFigure 1 and Table 2 show the items on the Product display.hhc02.epsFigure 1. Display106/107 Users Manual10 Table 2. DisplayItem Description Item DescriptionHighvoltage Frequency is selected Display Hold is enabled FaradsContinuityselected MillivoltsDiode test is selected Amps or voltsDuty Cycle is selected Dc or ac voltage or currentDecimalprefix Auto Range mode is enabled Ohmsisselected Low battery. Replace battery. Auto Power OffThe Product automatically powers off after 20 minutes of inactivity.To restart the Product, turn the rotary switch back to the OFF position and then to a necessary position.To disable the Auto Power Off function, hold down the YELLOW button when turning on the Product, until PoFF shows on the display.Digital Multimeters Auto Backlight Off11Auto Backlight OffThe backlight automatically turns off after 2 minutes of inactivity.To disable the Auto Backlight Off function, hold down when turning on the Product, until LoFF shows on the display.NoteTo disable both the Auto Power Off function and the Auto Backlight Off function, hold down the YELLOW button and at the same time, until both PoFF and LoFF show on the display.MeasurementsData HoldWarningTo prevent possible electrical shock, fire or personal injury, do not use the HOLD function to measure unknown potentials. When HOLD is turned on, the display does not change when a different potential is measured.To hold the present reading, push . Push again to continue normal operation.106/107Users Manual12Measure AC and DC Voltage To measure ac and dc voltage:1. Choose ac or dc by turning the rotary switch to or .2. Connect the red test lead to the terminal and the black test lead to the COMterminal. 3. Measure the voltage by touching the probes to the correct test points of the circuit. 4. Read the measured voltage on the display.Digital MultimetersMeasurements13Figure 2. Measure AC and DC Voltage106/107Users Manual14Measure AC or DC CurrentWarningTo prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury, remove circuit power before you connect the Product in the circuit when you measure current. Connect the Product in series with the circuit. 1. Turn the rotary switch to .2. Push the YELLOW button to toggle between ac or dc current measurement.3. Connect the red test lead to the A terminal to be measured and connect the black testlead to the COM terminal. 4. Break the circuit path to be measured.5. Connect the test leads across the break and apply power.6. Read the measured current on the display.Digital MultimetersMeasurements15Figure 3. Measure AC and DC Current106/107Users Manual 16Measure Resistance1. Turn the rotary switch to (106 does not have ). Make sure power is disconnectedfrom the circuit to be measured. 2. Connect the red test lead to the terminal and the black test lead to the COMterminal. 3. Measure the resistance by touching the probes to the desired test points of the circuit. 4. Read the measured resistance on the display. Test for ContinuityWith the resistance mode selected, push the YELLOW button once to activate the continuity mode. If the resistance is <70 Ω, the beeper sounds continuously, designating a short circuit. If the Product reads , the circuit is open.Digital MultimetersMeasurements17Figure 4. Measure Resistance/Continuity106/107Users Manual18Test Diodes (107 Only) 1. Turn the rotary switch to .2. Push the YELLOW button twice to activate the diode test mode.3. Connect the red test lead to the terminal and the black test lead to the COMterminal. 4. Connect the red probe to the anode and the black test lead to the cathode of the diodebeing tested. 5. Read the forward bias voltage value on the display.6. If the polarity of the test leads is reversed with diode polarity, the display reading shows. This can be used to distinguish the anode and cathode sides of a diode.Digital MultimetersMeasurements19Measure Capacitance 1. Turn the rotary switch to .2. Connect the red test lead to the terminal and the black test lead to the COMterminal. 3. Touch the probes to the capacitor leads. 4. Let the reading stabilize (up to 18 seconds). 5. Read the capacitance value on the display. Measure Frequency and Duty Cycle (107 Only)The Product can measure frequency or duty cycle while making either an ac voltage or an ac current measurement.1. Pushto change the Product to frequency or duty cycle. 2. When the Product is in the required function (ac voltage or ac current), push . 3. Read the frequency on the display.4. To make a duty cycle measurement, push again.5. Read the percent of duty cycle on the display.106/107Users Manual20MaintenanceBeyond replacing the batteries and fuse, do not attempt to repair or service the Product unless you are qualified to do so and have the relevant calibration, performance test, and service instructions. The recommended calibration cycle is 12 months.WarningTo prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury: • Remove the input signals before you clean the Product. • Use only specified replacement parts. • Use only specified replacement fuses.• Have an approved technician repair the Product.For safe operation and maintenance of the Product, repair the Product before use if the batteries leak.Digital MultimetersMaintenance21General MaintenancePeriodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use abrasives or solvents. Dirt or moisture in the terminals can affect readings. To clean the terminals:1. Turn the Product off and remove the test leads.2. Shake out any dirt that may be in the terminals.3. Soak a new swab with isopropyl alcohol and work around the inside of each inputterminal. 4. Use a new swab to apply a light coat of fine machine oil to the inside of each terminal.106/107Users Manual 22Test the Fuse1. Turn the rotary switch to (106 does not have ).2. Plug a test lead into the terminal and touch the probe to the A terminal.• A good A terminal fuse is indicated by a reading less than 0.1 Ω. • If the display reads , replace the fuse and test again.• If the display shows any other value, have the Product serviced. See Service andParts . Replace Batteries and the FuseTo replace the batteries or the fuse, see Figure 5.CautionBe sure to observe Electro Static Discharge precautions.Digital Multimeters Service and Parts23Figure 5. Replace Batteries and the Fuse106/107Users Manual24Service and PartsIf the Product fails, first check the batteries and fuse. Then, review this manual to make sure you are operating the Product correctly. Replacement parts are:ItemFluke Part NumberBatteries 2838018Battery door 4319659 Test leads TL1754306653Fuse 803293 Screws 4320657Digital Multimeters General Specifications25General SpecificationsMaximum voltage between any terminaland Earth Ground ............................................................ 600 VFuse protection for A input ............................................ 11 A, 1000 V, IR 17 kA Display (LCD)................................................................... 6000 counts, updates 3/sec Battery Type .................................................................... 2 AAA, NEDA 24A, IEC LR03 Battery Life ...................................................................... 200 hours minimum TemperatureOperating ...................................................................... 0 °C to 40 °C Storage ......................................................................... -30 °C to 60 °C Relative HumidityOperating Humidity ....................................................... Non-condensing when <10 °C;≤90 % at 10 °C to 30 °C; ≤75 % at 30 °C to 40 °C Operating Humidity, 40 M Ω Range ............................... ≤80 % at 10 °C to 30 °C;≤70 % at 30 °C to 40 °C AltitudeOperating ...................................................................... 2000 m Storage ......................................................................... 12,000 m106/107Users Manual26Temperature Coefficient ................................................. 0.1 X (specified accuracy) / °C (<18 °C or>28 °C) Size (HxWxL).................................................................... 142 mm x 69 mm x 28 mm Weight .............................................................................. 200 gIP Rating ........................................................................... IEC 60529: IP 40 SafetyGeneral ......................................................................... IEC 61010-1: Pollution Degree 2 Measurement ................................................................ IEC 61010-2-033: CAT III 600 V Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)International .................................................................. IEC 61326-1: Portable, IEC 61326-2-2CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A Group 1: Equipment has intentionally generated and/or uses conductively-coupled radio frequency energy that is necessary for the internal function of the equipment itself.Class A: Equipment is suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to a low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted and radiated disturbances.Digital Multimeters General Specifications27Emissions that exceed the levels required by CISPR 11 can occur when the equipment is connected to a test object. The equipment may not meet the immunity requirements of this standard when test leads and/or test probes are connected.Korea (KCC) ................................................................. Class A Equipment (Industrial Broadcasting &Communication Equipment) Class A: Equipment meets requirements for industrial electromagnetic wave equipment and the seller or user should take notice of it. This equipment is intended for use in business environments and not to be used in homes.USA (FCC) ................................................................... 47 CFR 15 subpart B. This product is consideredan exempt device per clause 15.103.106/107Users Manual28Accuracy SpecificationsAccuracy is specified for 1 year after calibration, at operating temperatures of 18 °C to 28 °C, relative humidity at 0 % to 75 %. Accuracy specifications take the form of: ±([% of Reading] + [Number of Least Significant Digits]).Function Range Resolution Accuracy 106 107 AC Volts(40 Hz to 500 Hz) [1]6.000 V 60.00 V 600.0 V 0.001 V 0.01 V 0.1 V 1.0 % + 31.0 % + 3DC Volts6.000 V 60.00 V 600.0 V 0.001 V 0.01 V 0.1 V 0.5 % + 3 0.5 % + 3AC Millivolts600.0 mV0.1 mV3.0 % + 3 3.0 % + 3Diode Test [2]2.000 V 0.001 V N/A 10 %[1] All AC, Hz, and duty cycle are specified from 1 % to 100 % of range. Inputs below 1 % of range are not specified. [2] Typically, open circuit test voltage is 2.0 V and short circuit current is <0.6 mA.Digital MultimetersAccuracy Specifications29FunctionRange Resolution Accuracy106 107 Resistance400.0 Ω 4.000 k Ω 40.00 k Ω 400.0 k Ω 4.000 M Ω 40.00 M Ω 0.1 Ω 0.001 k Ω 0.01 k Ω 0.1 k Ω 0.001 M Ω 0.01 M Ω 0.5 % + 3 0.5 % + 2 0.5 % + 2 0.5 % + 2 0.5 % + 2 1.5 % + 3 0.5 % + 3 0.5 % + 2 0.5 % + 2 0.5 % + 2 0.5 % + 2 1.5 % + 3 Capacitance [1]50.00 nF 500.0 nF 5.000 µF 50.00 µF 500.0 µF 1000 µF0.01 nF 0.1 nF 0.001 µF 0.01 µF 0.1 µF 1 µF2 % + 5 2 % + 5 5 % + 5 5 % + 5 5 % + 5 5 % + 52 % + 5 2 % + 5 5 % + 5 5 % + 5 5 % + 5 5 % + 5106/107 Users Manual30Function Range ResolutionAccuracy106 107Frequency [2]Hz(10 Hz to 100 kHz)50.00 Hz500.0 Hz5.000 kHz50.00 kHz100.0 kHz0.01 Hz0.1 Hz0.001 kHz0.01 kHz0.1 kHzNA 0.1 % + 3 Duty Cycle [2] 1 % to 99 % 0.1 % NA 1 % typical [3][1] Specifications do not include errors due to test lead capacitance and capacitance floor (may be up to 1.5nF in the50nF range).[2] All AC, Hz, and duty cycle readings are specified from 1 % to 100 % of range. Inputs below 1 % of range are notspecified.[3] Typical means when the frequency is at 50Hz or 60Hz and the duty cycle is between 10 % and 90 %.Digital MultimetersAccuracy Specifications31Function Range ResolutionAccuracy 106 107 AC Current (40 Hz to 200 Hz)[1]4.000 A 10.00 A 0.001 A 0.01 A 1.5 % + 31.5 % + 3DC Current[1]4.000 A 10.00 A0.001 A 0.01 A1.5 % + 3 1.5 % + 3[1] 10 A duty cycle <7 minutes on, 20 minutes off, 25 °C to 40 °C.106/107 Users Manual32Function OverloadProtectionInput Impedance(Nominal)Common ModeRejection RatioNormal ModeRejection Ratio AC Volts 600 V [1] >10MΩ <100 pF [2]>60 dB at dc,50 Hz or 60 Hz_AC Millivolts 600 mV >1 M, <100 pF>80 dB at dc,50 Hz or 60 Hz_DC Volts 600 V [1] >10MΩ <100 pF>100 dB at50 Hz or 60 Hz>60 dB at50 Hz or 60 Hz[1] 6 x 105 V Hz Max.[2] For mV (AC), input impedance is approximately 1MΩ.。
1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)The Model 2110 5½-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter combines a compelling price with a comprehensive set of capabilities, superior measurement accuracy, and high speed for a broad range of applications. It features 15 measurement functions and 7 math functions and has dual-line display capability, which allows it to display two different measurements concurrently. The Model 2110 is an unbeatable value for production, R&D, and test engineers, scientists, and students making a wide variety of measurements in portable, bench, and system applications.High Accuracy, Abundant Capabilities, Low CostThe Model 2110 provides precision and a rich set of capabilities at a value price. It has 0.012% one-year basic DC voltage accuracy and 0.020% one-year basic resistance accuracy up to the 100k W range.The Model 2110 provides a wide number of measurement ranges and functions:• DC voltage: 0.1V, 1V, 10V, 100V, and 1000V • AC voltage: 0.1V, 1V, 10V, 100V, and 750V • DC current: 10mA, 100mA, 1A, 3A, and 10A • AC current: 1A, 3A, and 10A• Two- and four-wire resistance: 100W , 1k W , 10k W , 100k W , 1M W , 10M W , and 100M W • Frequency: From 10Hz to 300kHz• Capacitance measurement: 1nF, 10nF, 100nF, 1µF, 10µF, 100µF• Thermocouple measurement: J-, R-, S-, T-, E-, N-, B-, C-, and K-type thermocouples • Temperature (RTD and NTC Thermistor) measurements• Diode measurement • Continuity test• Programmable A-D converter and filter settings for signal to noise optimization. Additionally, seven mathematical operations can be performed on measurement readings: percentage, average, min/max, NULL, limits, mX+b, dB, and dBm testing.SpeedAt 5½ digits, the Model 2110 delivers up to 200 readings/s via the USB remote interface. At the fast 4½-digit setting, it reads up to 50,000 readings/s and up to 30,000 readings/s into the buffer, making it ideal for production and monitoring applications in which speed is c ritical.5D I G I T A L M U L T I ME T E R S & S Y S T E M S1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)SimplicityThe Model 2110 is operational and intuitive to use right out of the box. The functions on the front panel are user friendly and easy to read. Its KI-Tool and KI-Link software allow users to quickly con-trol the instrument over GPIB (if equipped) or USB, record measurements, and display time-series L o w -c o s t 5½-d i g i t D M M f o r s y s t e m , b e n c h , o r p o r t a b l e a p p l i c a t i o n s All accessories, such as start-up software, USB cable, power cable, and safety test leads, are included with the Model 2110.KI-Tool simplifies basic measurement applications through every setup and graphical data representation.1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)SpecificationsDC CHARACTERISTICSDC VOLTAGEAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°C Range Resolution InputResistance 100.000 mV 1 µV 10 M W 0.012 + 0.0040.001 + 0.00051.00000 V 10 µV 0.012 + 0.0010.0009 + 0.000510.0000 V 0.1 mV 0.012 + 0.0020.0012 + 0.0005100.000 V 1 mV 0.012 + 0.0020.0012 + 0.00051000.00 V10 mV 0.02 + 0.0030.002 + 0.0015DCI (DC CURRENT)Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution ShuntResistance 10.0000 mA 0.1 µA 5.1 W 0.05 + 0.0200.005 + 0.002100.000 mA 1 µA 5.1 W 0.05 + 0.0100.005 + 0.0011.00000 A 10 µA 0.1 W 0.150 + 0.0200.008 + 0.0013.0000 A 100 µA 0.1 W 0.200 + 0.0300.008 + 0.00110.0000 A 100 µA 5 m W 0.250 + 0.0500.008 + 0.001RESISTANCE 2Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 100.000 W 1 m W 1 mA 0.020 + 0.0200.003 + 0.0005 1.00000 k W 10 m W 1 mA 0.020 + 0.0030.003 + 0.0005 10.0000 k W 100 m W 100 µA 0.020 + 0.0020.003 + 0.0005 100.000 k W 1 W 10 µA 0.020 + 0.0020.003 + 0.00051.00000 M W 10 W 1 µA 0.030 + 0.0040.005 + 0.000510.0000 M W 100 W 0.1 µA 0.200 + 0.0040.05 + 0.0005100.000 M W 1 k W0.1 µA2.000 + 0.0050.5 + 0.0005DIODE TESTAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 1.0000V 10 µV1 mA0.020 + 0.0300.002 + 0.0005CONTINUITYAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 1000W 10 m W1 mA0.020 + 0.0200.002 + 0.00051. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up.a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.b. Input bias current <30pA at 25°C.c. Measurement rate set to 10 PLC.2. Specifications for 4W ohms mode. For 2W ohms, use zero null or subtract lead resistance from displayed reading.a. Maximum lead resistance 10% of range per lead for 100W and 1k W ranges; add 1k W per lead for all other ranges.MEASUREMENT NOISE REjECTION DC (60Hz/50Hz) at 5.5 DIGITS CMRR: 120dB for 1k W unbalance in LO lead.NMRR: 60dB for line frequency ±0.1%.TEMPERATURE (THERMOCOUPLE) CHARACTERISTICSThermocoupleType Range Accuracy 1 ±°C1 Year, exclusive of lead accuracyB 600 to 1800°C 1.5C 0 to 2300°C 1.5E –250 to 1000°C 1.5J –200 to 1200°C 1.0K –200 to 1350°C 1.0N –200 to 1300°C 1.0R 0 to 1750°C 1.5S 0 to 1750°C 1.5T–250 to 400°C1.51. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up; a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.RTD and NTC Thermistor Measurements: Accuracy ±0.8˚C, 1 year, exclusive of leadaccuracy. PT100, D100, F100, PT385, PT3916, SPRTD (R-Zero, A4, B4, Ax, Bx, Cx, and Dx), NTCT (A, B, and C), and user-definable RTD.CAPACITANCE CHARACTERISTICSRange Test Current Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C1.000 nF 10 µA2.0 + 0.801. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up.a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.b. Null enabled.2110Model 2110 rear panel.。
2. 操作说明
注:分频系数范围: 2 ~ 9999
即标准输出频率范围:2.5MHz ~ 500Hz
c.设置好频率后,一直按 键,让画面进入设置测试晶振脉冲数目的界面,如下:
按 键可设置当前光标处的数值,按 键确认所更改的分频系数,并
且返回到上一界面。按 键放弃所更改的分频系数,并且返回到上一界面。
按 键后,此时,前面板标准输出的频率为:5MHz÷500=10KHz
106 107 数字万用表 用户手册说明书
![106 107 数字万用表 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f4e0f46ae3bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0a7956d505.png)
P 符合欧盟指令。
警告。 危险。
警告。 危险电压。 触电危险。
接地 电容 二极管 保险丝 通过 TÜV SÜD Product Service 认证。 经 CSA Group 认证符合北美安全标准。
数字万用表 安全须知
表 1. 符号(续)
II 类测量适用于测试和测量与低电压电源装置的用电点(插座和相似点)直接连接的电路。
探头的裸露金属部分减少至不到 4 mm。这样就降低了因短路产生弧闪的可能性。
106/107 用户手册
表 1 列出了本产品以及本手册中使用的符号。
表 1. 符号
注意静电。 静电放电可能会损坏部 件。
符合相关的韩国 EMC 标准
电池电量不足, 请更换电池。
本产品会在处于非活动状态 20 分钟后自动关机。 如要重启本产品,请先将旋钮调回 OFF 位置,然后再调至所需位置。 如要禁用自动关机功能,请在本产品开机时按下黄色按钮,直至显示屏上显示 。
数字万用表 背照灯自动关闭
背照灯会在本产品处于非活动状态 2 分钟后自动关闭。 如要禁用背照灯自动关闭功能,请在本产品开机时按住 ,直至屏幕上显示 。
数字万用ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 安全须知
• 当显示电池电量不足指示时请更换电池,以防测量不正确。 • 仅使用指定的备件。 • 请仅使用指定的替换保险丝。 • 请仅按照规定的测量类别、额定电压或电流进行操作。 • 请勿使用已损坏的测试导线。 检查测试导线是否绝缘不良,并测量已知的电压。 • 请勿在未安装保护帽的情况下在 CAT III 或 CAT IV 环境中使用探头。 保护帽能够将
在工业中,应用最为广泛的是三相桥式全控整流电路(Three Phase Full Bridge Converter),它是由两个三相半波可控整流电路发展而来。
(一)整流电路1、整流的概念把交流电变换为直流电的变换称为整流(Rectifier),又叫AC-DC变换(AC-DC Converter)。
日本共立KEW 1051万用表中文使用说明书
![日本共立KEW 1051万用表中文使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ab7ca48683d049649b665875.png)
DC 1000V 100MΩ 以上 AC 6.88kVrms AC / 5 秒(输入端口和外箱间) 约 192(L)×90(W)×49(D)mm 约 560g(含电池) IEC 61010-1 IEC61010-031 CAT.III (最大输入电压:AC/DC1000V) CAT.IV(最大输入电压:AC/DC 600V )污染度 2,室内,海拔 2000m 以下
4.1 测试前注意事项 z 检测包装 打开包装后,请在使用前检查产品。若交货产品有错,有遗漏,产品表面有裂痕,请与经销商联系。 z 操作和保存的注意事项
频率测试 Hz 量程 10.00~99.99Hz 90.0~999.9Hz 0.900~9.999kHz 9.00~99.99kHz
分辨率 0.01 Hz 0.1 Hz 0.001 kHz 0.01 kHz
精确度 0.02+1
AC 结合,最大读数 9999 输入电压 0.02~600V rms
0.1~600V rms 0.8~100V rms
-30℃~+70℃ 相对湿度 70%以下,无结露
约 300 小时(直流电压测试中使用碱性干电时)注意:电池寿命取决于操作条件。
绝缘电阻 耐电压 外形尺寸 重量 安全规格
10A/1000V 保险丝 保护 10A
DC 电流测试
50/60Hz 40Hz~1kHz
600µA 0.1µA
1 固定电容器的检测
A 检测10pF以下的小电容
B 检测10PF~0 01μF固定电容器是否有充电现象,进而判断其好坏。万用表选用R×1k挡。两只三极管的β值均为100以上,且穿透电流要小。可选用3DG6等型号硅三极管组成复合管。万用表的红和黑表笔分别与复合管的发射极e和集电极c相接。由于复合三极管的放大作用,把被测电容的充放电过程予以放大,使万用表指针摆幅度加大,从而便于观察。应注意的是:在测试*作时,特别是在测较小容量的电容时,要反复调换被测电容引脚接触A、B两点,才能明显地看到万用表指针的摆动。
所造成的误差。3458A 使用 2 线和 4 线 电阻测量功能,提供通过未知电阻的 电流,测量电压降,把电流设置为零, 然后再次测量电压降。从而减小电阻 测量的误差。
突破速度 和精度的 性能壁垒!
Agilent 3458 A 数字多用表
5 个量程:0.1 V 至 1000 V 8.5 位至 4.5 位分辨率 高达 100,000 读数 / 秒(4.5 位) 最高灵敏度:10 nV 0.6 ppm 24 小时精度 8 ppm(4 ppm可选)/年电压基准稳 定度
快速的系统多用表在生产测试中的 价值是显而易见的。而易于掌握多用表 在新系统中的使用也极为重要,Agilent 多用表语言(ML)为多用表用户提供一 套易于理解的标准命令。更容易的编程 和更清楚的技术文档也缩短了系统的开 发时间。
现在您可以拥有用于快速和精确测 量的系统数字多用表。3458A 具有最好 的精度、分辨率和速度,能使您得到最 佳测量结果。3458A 适合从 100,000 次 / 秒的 4.5 位直流电压测量至 6 次 / 秒的 8.5 位直流电压测量,或两者间以 100ns 步进的任何地方。
显示 明亮和易于读出的真空荧光显示器 16字符显示,易于阅读数据、消息和 命令
标准功能 / 量程键 使用简单,易于在工作台上进行直 流电压、交流电压、电阻、频率和周 期测量 可选择自动或手动量程
菜单命令键 立即访问 8 种常用命令 可用移位键容易地访问全部命令 菜单
福禄克 F15B+数字万用表参数介绍本文将介绍福禄克 F15B+数字万用表的主要参数,包括测量范围、分辨率、准确度等,帮助用户更好地了解这款产品的性能。
下面是本店铺为大家精心编写的4篇《福禄克 F15B+数字万用表参数介绍》,供大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
《福禄克 F15B+数字万用表参数介绍》篇1福禄克 F15B+数字万用表是一款广泛应用于电子、电气领域的测试工具,具有许多优秀的性能参数。
以下是该万用表的主要参数介绍: 1. 测量范围:福禄克 F15B+数字万用表可以测量多种电量,包括电压、电流、电阻、电容和电感等。
其测量范围如下:- 电压:1000V AC/DC- 电流:10A AC/DC- 电阻:0Ω~10MΩ- 电容:10pF~100μF- 电感:10μH~1H2. 分辨率:福禄克 F15B+数字万用表具有高精度的测量能力,其分辨率如下: - 电压:0.1mV- 电流:0.1mA- 电阻:0.1Ω- 电容:0.1pF- 电感:0.1μH3. 准确度:福禄克 F15B+数字万用表在正常工作条件下,其准确度可以保证在规定的范围内。
具体准确度如下:- 电压:±(0.5%+50mV)- 电流:±(0.5%+50mA)- 电阻:±(0.5%+50Ω)- 电容:±(0.5%+50pF)- 电感:±(0.5%+50μH)4. 显示:福禄克 F15B+数字万用表采用液晶显示屏,可以清晰显示测量结果。
显示屏规格如下:- 显示屏尺寸:40mm x 32mm- 显示屏分辨率:128 x 64- 显示更新速度:每秒更新 4 次5. 电源:福禄克 F15B+数字万用表使用 4 节 AAA 电池供电,电池寿命约为 400 小时。
此外,该万用表还具有自动关机功能,当仪器静置 10 分钟后,会自动关闭电源,以节省电池寿命。
6. 尺寸与重量:福禄克 F15B+数字万用表的设计轻巧便携,尺寸为 186mm x 89mm x 46mm,重量约为 300 克,方便用户携带。
仪表采用26mm 字高LCD 显示器、读数清晰;背光显示及过载保护功能,更加方便使用。
整机以双积分A/D 转换为核心,是一台性能优越的工具仪表,是实验室、工厂、无线电爱好者及家庭的理想工具。
二、 安全事项该仪表在设计上符合IEC1010条款(国际电工委员会颁布的安全标准),在使用之前,请先阅读安全注意事项。
⒈ 测量电压时,请勿输入超过直流1000V 或交流750V 有效值的极限电压;⒉ 36V 以下的电压为安全电压,在测高于36V 直流、25V 交流电压时,要检查表笔是否可靠接触,是否正确连接、是否绝缘良好等,以避免电击;⒊ 换功能和量程时,表笔应离开测试点;⒋ 选择正确的功能和量程,谨防误操作,该系列仪表虽然有全量程保护功能,但为了安全起见,仍请您多加注意; ⒌ 测量电流时,请勿输入超过20A 的电流。
⒍ 安全符号说明“”存在危险电压,“”接地,“”双绝缘, “”操作者必须参阅说明书,“”低电压符号 三、操作面牌说明1. 液晶显示器:显示仪表测量的数值及单位;2. POWER 电源开关:开启及关闭电源;3. LC 开关:按下“LC ”开关,进行电容电感测试。
4. LIGHT 背光开关:开启及关闭背光灯;5. 电容(Cx )或电感(Lx)插座;6.hFE 测试插座:用于测量晶体三极管的hFE 数值大小;7.旋钮开关:用于改变测量功能及量程;8.电压、电阻及温度插座、小于2A 电流及温度测试插座、20A 电流测试插座、公共地; 四、 特性 ⒈一般特性1-1 显示方式:液晶显示;1-2 最大显示:1999(3 1/2)位自动极性显示; 1-3 测量方式:双积分式A/D 转换; 1-4 采样速率:约每秒钟3次;1-5 过量程显示:最高位显示“1”或“-1”; 1-6 低电压显示:“”符号出现; 1-7 工作环境:(0~40)℃,相对湿度<80%; 1-8 储存环境:(-10~50)℃,相对湿度<80%; 1-9 电源:一只9V 电池; 1-10 体积(尺寸):190×88.5×27.5mm(长×宽×高); 1-11 重量:约320g (包括9V 电池);1-12 附件:使用说明书一本,合格证一张,防震套、外包装盒各一个,表笔一对,测温探头一付,9V 电池一只。
2引用文件本规范引用了下列文件:JJF 1071—2010 国家计量校准规范编写规则GB/T 8170 数值修约规则与极限数值的表示和判定GB/T 14342—2015化学纤维短纤维比电阻试验方法凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本规范;凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本规范。
3 概述纤维比电阻仪是用于测定各种化学纤维比电阻值的仪器。
4 计量特性4.1 电阻示值误差:电阻≤1012 Ω时,最大允许误差为±5%;电阻>1012 Ω,最大允许差误为20%。
4.2 测试电压分别为:1V、50V和100V,最大允许误差为±3%。
4.3 测试盒内电极板尺寸:长为(60±2)mm;宽为(40±2)mm;两极板间隔为(20±2)mm。
4.4 测试时间:(60±1)s。
5 校准条件5.1 环境条件5.1.1 校准环境:温度(20±5)℃,相对湿度<70%。
5.1.2 工作电压:AC(220±22) V 。
5.1.3 纤维比电阻仪周围应清洁,无腐蚀性介质,无影响仪器正常工作的电磁干扰和机械振动。
5.2 测量标准及其他设备测量标准及其他设备见表1。
表1 测量标准及其他设备注:主要测量标准器可选本表所列,也可以选用其他引入的测量不确定度(k=2)不大于被校准参数最大允许误差绝对值的1/3。
6 校准项目和校准方法6.1 校准前准备6.1.1 外观检查(1)纤维比电阻仪应在适当部位装有永久性铭牌。
图5 电位相同,电流就不流动
如图6所示,用泵把B槽的水吸到A槽就能使水继续流 动。同样,要使电流继续流动,就需要经常形成电位差。 这个力就叫做电动势。总之,在电池内部,利用化学作 用,在电极之间形成电位差。 利用电动势形成电能的供给源,即电源。此外,产生 电动势的还有靠电磁感应作用的发电机,靠光的太阳能 电池。
电压、电流和电动势 灯泡与干电池相连,电流产生流动是由于电池的阳极电 位比阴极电位高,电流必定从阳极流向阴极。这样,两个 电极之间产生高低之差,该差称作电位差。 如图4所示,电流就像水一样,水从高处向低处流,电流 也从高电位方向向低电位方向流动。另外,落差(电位差) 越大水流动越佳,电流流动也越佳。从这个角度可把电位 差考虑成为使电流流动的电的压力,也称作电压。 总之,如图5所示没有落差,水就不流动,没有电位差, 电流则不流动。
交流电压的检测 不考虑正负极性,试棒与检测部位相应,呈并联连 接进行检测。 测电力线,即AC100V、200V时,应充分注意安全 以防触电。图5是电力线的交流电压检测例。
电阻的检测 检测前先调0 。每次改变量程时,都应调0 。
(图6) 即使调零也不指示0 时,说明电池电压不足,应
换 电池。图7是电阻的检测例。 13/1
直流电压的检测 调节量程开关钮,与指示盘的DCV量程重合。 已知值的场合,在能够测该值的量程范围检测,未 知的场合,从最高量程开始测。 红色试棒触及正极,黑色试棒触及负极进行检测。 图3是干电池电压的检测例。
图2 求电压值 图3 求电阻值
图4 电压
图5 电阻串联的电压
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