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1. Frank rented a car and drove to Dallas.
2. I saw her practicing the violin.
3. He came over to our house just the other day.
4. Sidney has a tooth removed.
5. How on earth can you believe that?
6. The shop's closed for the night.
7. I thought you wouldn't come to class today.
8. Don failed physics and had to take it over.
9. No sooner had the storm started than all the lights went out.
10. He's planning a graduation party for his sister on the 20th of the next month.
11. The bookstore is out of textbooks for French 102.
12. I really need to brush up on my math.
13. There is nobody on campus who doesn't know Irene.
14. He has a job on the side, preparing the laboratory every day for the next experiment.
15. I can't deny that I was awful in the play.
16. Gloria has been knocking herself out on the project.
17. You are going to finish school this semester, aren't you?
18. Prof. Denkins suggested that I use her name as a reference.
19. Shouldn't we be thinking about leaving for work?
20. Lorraine's family was pleased by her thoughtful gift.
21. M: It's almost midnight, why don't we leave those dishes until tomorrow?
W: A good idea, I'm beat.
Q: How does the woman feel?
22. W: I don't think you can build your model in less than a week.
M: Catherine made he's in three days.
Q: What does the man say about Catherine?
23. M: These oranges are good.
W: Good? They are the best I've ever had.
Q: What does the woman mean?
24. M: Are men's suits on the seventh floor?
W: No, they are here on the sixth. Seventh is house-ware's.
Q: Where does this conversation take place?
25. W: Have you made any plans yet for summer vacation, Brad?
M: Not really. What I'd like to be able to do is to find a decent job.]
Q: What does Brad mean?
26. M: I hope I haven't made this chili too hot for you.
W: Too hot for me, it couldn't be. I love spicy food.
Q: What does the woman mean.
27. M: Have you run up against any problems in getting your visa renewed.
W: Not yet.
Q: What does the woman say about her visa.
28. W: Kari, did you turn in your locker key?
M: No, I got Sam to do it.
Q: What does Kari say about the key?
29. M: Can you see the lake today?
W: You could if this fog would only clear.
Q: What does the woman mean?
30. M: I don't think Jim particularly likes his cousin.
M: There have been hard feelings between them for years.
Q: What does the woman say about Jim and his cousin?
31. W: All of your classmates seem so enthusiastic about running in the race.
M: But in the end only three of them actually took part.
Q: What does the man say about his classmates.
32. M: I'm no surprised you didn't care much for horror movies as a rule?
W: I did too. I don't care much for horror movies as a rule?
Q: What does the woman mean?
33. W: Did you find the tie you wanted?
M: No, I didn't have any luck at all.
Q: What does the man mean?
34. M: Should I buy this new exercise record fo

r Linda for her birthday?
W: She already has the cassette.
Q: What does the woman mean?
35. W: What's this I hear about your appearing on the six o'clock news.
M: Oh that, Some people were filming something on campus and I just happened to pass in front of the camera.
Q: What does the man mean?
Hi, I'm Roris Rily, and I'm the president of the college environmental awareness Club. Before we get started, I'd like to thank everyone for coming down to the lake today to help with the cleaning up project. As you probably know, we're going to be cleaning up all of the garbage here at the lake area. We'll begin by dividing into two ten-person teams, one team will pick up litter in the picnic are and jogging trail, and one will dig out garbage found in the shallow waters of the lake itself. We'll be putting the litter in these plastic trash bags. Toss any aluminum cans you find into these boxes, and we'll take them to the recycling center later. A local business has donated these "Do Not Litter" signs to the club. So we'll need a couple of people to place them around the lake when we are through. Ok, everyone who wants to clean up around picnic tables and along the jogging path, raise your hands.
36. How will the club members work to clean up the area?
37. Where will the club members put litter?
38. What will the club members do with the aluminum cans?
39. Where will the club members put up the "Do Not Litter" signs?

W: David, you play the cello, don't you?
M: I did it for about six years. But I haven't practiced much since I came to college. Why do you ask?
W: I'm, signing up for a non-credit string ensemble course that meets once a week on Wednesday night. We have several violist, violas and two bass players, but only on cello.
M: Who's directing the group?
W: Janit Hanson. Maybe you've heard of her. She plays violin in the city orchestra, and she also directs three other small local music groups.
M: Mh, I have my cello here, but I think I would need to do a lot of work before my playing would sound any good at all.
W: Miss Hanson will give individual instruction as well as teach us as a group. There are only ten of us now. Try to join us. We are all on the intermediate level. And anyway you won't get a grade for the course.
M: I'll tell you what. I'll play a little this evening and see how it goes.
W: I'm sure you'll be fine, I'll expect to see you at seven o'clock tomorrow in room 14 at the fine arts building. I hope you can come to our regular meeting.
40. Why does the woman want David to sign up for the course?
41. Why is David not sure that he wants to sign up?
42. How often will the group meet?
43. What instrument does the director of the group play in the city orchestra?
44. What is the level of musical proficiency of the most of the group members?
45. What will David do this evening?

Today, I'll be talking about the invention of the camera and photography. The camera if often thought to be a modern inv

ention. But as early as 1727, a German physicist discovered that light darkened silver salt, a chemical compound. Using as a camera, a big box with a small hole to let the light in, he made temporary images on the salt. Silver salt is still the base of film today. Then a French scientist made the first permanent picture by using a special piece of metal sensitized with silver salt. A photography he made in 1826 still exists. The painter Dagera improved on the process by placing common. Salt, the kind we eat, on the metal. This was in 1839, the official date of the beginning of photography. But the problem was the printing of the photographs. And it wasn't until other scientists developed the kind of paper we now use that good printing was possible and photography became truly modern. In 1860's, Matthew Brady was able to take his famous pictures of the American Civil War, thus making portrait poses very popular. In the 20th century, George Eastman of the United States simplified film developing, and Edwards Land invented the so-called instant camera with self-developing film. If we say that the photography came into existence in 1839, it follows that it has taken more than one hundred years for the camera to reach its present condition of technical refinement.
46. What discovery was the basis of photography?
47. How was the first prominent picture made?
48. What does the speaker regard as the official date of the beginning of photography?
49. According to the speaker, why was Matthew Brady remembered today?
50. What did Doctor Edwards Land invent?
