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跟随“恺撒” 学英文

尤斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒( Julius Caesar 前102年7月12日-前44年3月15日),或称凯撒大帝,罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家。


但与庞培相比,凯撒更好更强大. 所以只用了5天的时间,就平定了庞培部下本都王子的叛乱。他用最简洁的拉丁文字写了捷报送回元老院:




veni= vent = come

invent = in(into) + vent(come) →走进来

→[词义] (某事物,如:电灯)走进人们的生活来→vt.发明,创造

I find out what the world needs, then I go ahead and try to invent it.(爱迪生)

inventory = in(into) + vent(walk) + ory(地点) →原始词义:走入一个地点→派生词义:

[词义] (商品的名字)走入的一个地点→n. (商品) 详细目录, 存货清单

event = e(ex=out) + vent →原始词义:走出来→派生词义:

[词义] 重要事情走出来→n.大事件

小翻译: [谚]事后聪明不难; 作事后诸葛亮容易。

It is easy to be wise after the event.

prevent = pre(before提前) + vent(come) →原始词义:提前走→派生词义:

[词义] 提前走采取措施→v. 防止,制止= stop

小翻译: 布什的7000亿美元的救市计划难以阻止美国经济进入衰退。

Bush’s proposal of 700-billion financial bailout will hardly prevent the US economy from going into recession.

prevention = prevent + ion(名词后缀)

小翻译: 正如俗语所讲“一分预防胜似十分治疗”,因此政府应该采取预防措施来防治土地的荒漠化。

As a saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, government, therefore, should adopt preventive measures against the desertification of the land.

advent = ad(to) + vent(come) →原始词义:走过来→派生词义:

[词义1] 一个人走过来→n.到达= arrival

With the advent of the new CEO, the near-bankrupt company begins to prosper.


[词义2] 一种事物走过来→n.出现= appearance

小翻译: 现在, 随着因特网的来临和普及, 它的优缺点已经成为人们讨论的热门话题。Nowadays, with the advent and popularity of the Internet, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of heated discussion.

优点:很好很强大v.s. 缺点:很黄很暴力

so good, so powerful v.s. so porn, so violent.

ventilate = vent + ilate (动词后缀) →原始词义:走来

[词义1] 让风走来→v.通风= air

小翻译: 许多民工还在通风不畅的血汗工厂里工作。

Some migrant workers are still working in badly-ventilated sweatshops.

[词义2] 让观点走来→v.发表观点= air


Internet has become a global community where opinions can be freely ventilated.

ventilator = ventilat + or(名词后缀:表示人或物品) →原始词义:能让风走动的装置→

[词义] n. 通风设备,送气机

ven= come

venue = ven + ue(名词后缀) →原始词义:走来→派生词义:

[词义] 走来集会的场所→n.(比赛)场所;【律】案件发生地, 审判地点

小翻译: 国家体育场, 也被称为鸟巢,它可容纳8万人,是举行开(闭)幕式、田径比赛、足球决赛等活动和赛事的场地。

The National Stadium, or Bird Nest, with a seating capacity of 80,000 people, it will be the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies, athletics and football finals.

avenue = a(to) + ven(walk) + ue →原始词义:去走→派生词义:

[词义1] 人去走的路→n.大街,林荫大道= way, street

[词义2] 走向某一目的的方法→n. 途径,方法= approach, method


revenue = re(back) + ven(walk) + ue →原始词义:走回来→派生词义:

[词义] 走回到政府或公司口袋里的钱→n.公司收益,财政收入

intervene = inter(between两者之间) + vene (walk)→原始词义:走入两者之间→派生词义:

[词义1] 人或国家走入两者之间→vi.干涉,介入

USA oftentimes brutally intervenes in the internal affairs of other countries.


[词义2] 一个件事情走入两者之间→vi. 干扰,阻止

Don’t let such trifles intervene between us.


intervention=intervene(介入) + tion(名词后缀) →原始词义:介入→派生词义:

[词义] n.介入,干涉

小翻译: 在处理全球性金融性危机或全球变暖时,政府的介入至关重要。

In coping with the global financial crisis or global warming,governmental intervention is of great importance.

convene = con(together) + vene(walk) →原始词义:走到一起来→派生词义:

[词义1] 走到一起来→vi.集会

[词义2] 让群众走到一起来开会→vt.召开会议

Convene a press conference 召开媒体见面会

convention=conven(集会)+ tion(名词后缀) 原始词义:集会→派生词义:

[词义1] 全体集会→n.大型会议

[词义2] 开会成了人们生活中的重要→n.传统,习俗

[词义3] 会议中达成了→n. 正式协议= official agreement

故事串记: On 4th July, 1776, governors of 13 Colonized states of North America convened at
