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1.What can I do for you?

Would you like me to help you ? 需要我帮忙吗?

Can/May I help you? 你买什么?Yes, please.

2. I'd like to buy/ I want to buy/ I'm looking for a pair of shoes . 我想买……

3. What size/ color (shoes) do you want? 你要哪个型号/颜色的?

I’m sorry. We have sold out the shoes in your size/color.

4.What’s your/her favorite color?/What color do you(does she) like best?

Do you like this one/pair? 你喜欢这个吗?

What/How about this one/pair? 你喜欢这个吗?

Which one/pair do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个?

What do you think of it/them/ this one?= How do you like this one? 你认为这件怎么样?5.It/They look(s) nice. 它看上去很漂亮

I'm afraid it's too expensive. 我想这个太贵了。

Have you got a cheaper one?

Do you have a cheaper/longer/shorter/bigger one(pair)?

Do you have anything cheaper? 有便宜的吗?

6.Anything else?

Do you have any other kind/size/color? 还有别的种类/尺码/颜色吗?

7.Can I try it /them on? Yes, please.

Sure./Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。

The changing room is over there./This way ,please.

8.Is that all? 没有什么再买的了吧?

9.How much / many do you want? 你想买多少?

10.How much is it / are they? 这个(些)多少钱?

How much does it/ do they cost? 多少钱?

What’s it(are they) made of ?

Where is it made?

11.OK. I’ll take it/them/this pair. 我买了。

Here you are.

Here is the money. 给你钱。

Here’s your change.


1. Where’s the library ?

2. How can I get to the library?

Excuse me. 3. Can / Could you tell me the way to the library?

4. Could you tell me how to get to the library?

5. Is there a library near here? Yes,there is. It’s on ZhongShan Street.

6. Which is the way to the library?


不知道Sorry, I don’t know. I am newhere .You can ask that man over there .

He may know.

Thank you all the same/anyway.


1. It’s over there on the left/right.

2. It’s at the end of the street.

3. Turn left/ right at the second crossing/the traffic

lights./ take the second turning on the left/right.

4. Go along this road to the end.

5. Go across the bridge.

6. Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights.

7. Walk /Go along /down the road /the street.

8. At the end of the road you’ll see the library. It will take you about half an hour.

9. It’s next to/ in front of /behind the/ between… and/ across from/ at the corner of

10. You can’t miss it. / You’ll find it easily. / You’ll see it on the left.


1. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?

2. How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远?

It’s about 15 minutes’ walk/ride.

It’s about 100 meters along on the right..


3.You’d better take a bus.

4. Which bus can take me to the …? 哪路车能带我去…?

Which bus can/should I take? 我可以坐哪路车?

Which number do I need? 我需要哪路车?

5. The No.3 bus will take you there.

You’d better take the No.3 bus to the park.

Take the No. 3 bus and it will take you there.

三. 假期/周末活动 1. 计划

What do you usually do on weekends?

What are you going to do this weekend / for vacation?

Where are you going for your vacation?

I am going to Sanya.

When will you leave for Sanya? / When are you going to Sanya? When are you leaving for sanya?

Who are you going with?

How will you get there? /How are you going there ?

How long are you staying there? / How long will you stay there?

When shall we meet?

Let’s meet at 6:00 p.m. /Let’s make it 6:00 p.m.

Where shall we meet?
