【英语】初三英语完形填空 阅读理解测试卷(有答案)经典1

【英语】初三英语完形填空 阅读理解测试卷(有答案)经典1
【英语】初三英语完形填空 阅读理解测试卷(有答案)经典1




There have been many great inventions that change the way we live. The first great 1 was one that is still very important today-the wheel. This made it easy for man 2 heavy things and to travel long distances. For hundreds of years after that, there were 3 inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800's the world started to change 4 . There was little unknown land left in the world. People did not have to explore much anymore. In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. 5 them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These have all become

a big part of our life today.

The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909. Movies 6 sound in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new 7 was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.

Of course new inventions continued to be made. Man began looking 8 ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took another. Since then other countries,including China and Japan, 9 their steps into space. In 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth. 10 first walked on the moon. This was certainly just a beginning. New inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.

1. A. scientist B. artist C. musician D. invention

2. A. carry B. carrying C. to carry D. carried

3. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

4. A. largely B. differently C. greatly D. freely

5. A. Between B. Among C. Before D. After

6. A. in B. of C. on D. with

7. A. mistake B. product C. world D. material

8. A. for B. out C. after D. around

9. A. made B. were made C. have made D. hade made

10. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Americans D. Russians




(2)句意:这使得人们很容易携带重物和长途旅行。make it+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.对




可数名词;D.一点,修饰不可数名词。根据后句Then in the early 1800's the world started to




(5)句意:其中包括照相机、电灯和收音机。A.在......和......之间,指的是两者间;B.在......其中,指的是三者或者三者以上;C.在......之前;D.在......之后。根据the camera, the electric light and the radio可知数量是三者,所以用among,故选B。




据后句Nylon came out in 1935.可知发明了尼龙,是一种材料,故选D。

(8)句意:人们开始寻找进入太空的方式。look for寻找;look out小心;look after照顾;look around环顾四周。寻找方式,故选A。

(9)句意:从那时起,包括中国和日本在内的其他国家已经踏上了太空之旅。since then







Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of 1 .

They feel stressed because they have 2 homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams 3 .And parents usually send them 4 different classes at weekends. As a result, so many of them almost become bookworms(书虫). During the holidays, they could hardly have 5 time to do what they are interested in. Now more and more teenagers 6 short-sighted. They often read in bed or keep 7 for a long time without having a rest. Some of them are crazy about playing computer games. Some 8 too much time watching TV. 9 serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat. They eat too much junk food, but they take little exercise.

I think teenagers should think of ways to 10 the problems. They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible.

1. A. adult B. adults C. teenagers

2. A. too many B. too much C. much too

3. A. join B. to be taken C. to take

4. A. to B. for C. of

5. A. our own B. their own C. his own

6. A. is getting B. are getting C. got

7. A. red B. read C. reading

8. A. pay B. cost C. spend

9. A. Another B. Other C. Others

10. A. doing with B. do with C. deal with




(2)句意:他们感觉有压力的,因为他们在家里和在学校有太多的作业要做。A.太多,修饰可数名词复数;B.太多,修饰不可数名词;C.太,修饰形容词或者副词。homework是不可数名词,所以用too much修饰,故选B。

(3)句意:他们参加许多考试。A.加入;B.被参加;C.参加。take exams参加考试,to take做exams的定语,故选C。

(4)句意:父母通常在周末送他们去上不同的课。send sb. to+地点名词,把某人送到……,故选A。

(5)句意:在假期期间,他们几乎不能有他们自己的时间做他们感兴趣的事情。A.我们自己的;B.他们自己的;C.他自己的。主语是they,所以用their own他们自己的,故选B。

(6)句意:现在越来越多的青少年正在变近视。主语是复数teenagers,排除A。now表明时态是现在进行时,结构是be doing,所以be用are,故选B。

(7)句意:他们经常在床上读书或者没有休息一直读很长时间。keep doing sth.一直做某事,故选C。

(8)句意:一些花费太多时间看电视。A.支付,主语是人,pay+金钱+for sth.为某物支付多少钱;B.花费,主语是物;C.花费,主语是人,spend+时间或者金钱+doing sth.做某事花费多少时间或者金钱。spend too much time watching TV花费太多时间看电视,故选C。(9)句意:青少年中另一个严重的问题是他们中许多正变得肥胖。A.另一个,后面接可数名词单数;B.其他的,后面接可数名词复数;C.其他的人或者事物。problem是单数,所以用another,另一个,故选A。

(10)句意:我认为青少年应该思考处理问题的方法。A.处理;B.处理;C.处理。ways to do sth.,做某事的方法,故选C。



A teenage boy couldn't stand his parents' family rules, so he left home.

He wanted to be 1 , but he had poor education and several years later, he had to ask for

food in the street for a living. Now his mother has died. His father is an old man, but he is still looking 2 his son. He has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere he goes, he 3 a big photo of himself on the wall. At the lower part of the photo he writes, "I still love you 4 back home!"

One day, the son saw one of the photos. The face was familiar. "Is that my father?" He moved closer and read the 5 ,"I still love you." He cried. When he got home, it was early morning. He 6 at the door. The door opened itself. He rushed to his father's 7 . His father was sleeping. He woke his father up. "It's me! Your 8 is back home!" The father and the son held each other, full of 9 tears. The son asked, "Why is the door unlocked? A thief could get in." The father answered 10 ,"The door has never been locked since you left."

The door of parents' love to their children will never be closed.

1. A. famous B. poor C. different

2. A. through B. after C. for

3. A. looks at B. puts up C. finds out

4. A. come B. go C. run

5. A. photos B. words C. posters

6. A. pulled B. unlocked C. knocked

7. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. kitchen

8. A. son B. daughter C. friend

9. A. sad B. worried C. happy

10. A. politely B. exactly C. softly



(1)句意:他想出名,但他受教育程度很低,几年后,他不得不在街上乞讨食物谋生。A. famous著名的,B. poor 可怜的,C. different不同的,根据he had poor education and several years later, he had to ask for food in the street for a living可知他文化程度很低,


(2)句意:他的父亲是个老人,但他仍然在寻找他的儿子。A. through通过,B. after 在……之后,C. for 为了,根据he left home离家出走可知父亲走遍城市寻找他的儿子,look for,寻找,故选C。

(3)句意:无论他走到哪里,他都把自己的大照片贴在墙上。A. looks at 看……,B. puts up举起,C. finds out 查出,由on th e wall“在墙上”可推知是“张贴”照片,故选B。

(4)句意:我仍然爱你,回家吧。A. come 来,B. go 去,C. run 跑,由下文中的When he got home可知儿子在父亲的亲情感召下“回家来”,故选A。

(5)句意:他走近一点,读那些字,“我仍然爱你。A. photos 照片,B. words 话,单词,C. posters 海报,由上文中的At the lower part of the photo he writes, “I still love you…可知父


(6)句意:他敲了敲门。A. pulled拉,B. unlocked解开,C. knocked 敲,由下文The door opened itself可知当儿子“敲门”的时候,门自动打开了,故选C。

(7)句意:他冲到他父亲的卧室。A. bathroom洗澡间,B. bedroom 卧室,C. kitchen 厨房,由His father was sleeping可知父亲正在睡觉,故可推知父亲在卧室里,故选B。

(8)句意:你的儿子回来了。A. son 儿子,B. daughter 女儿,C. friend 朋友,根据上下文



(10)句意:爸爸温柔地说。A. politely 有礼貌地,B. exactly确实的,C. softly 温柔地,由

下文The door has never been locked since you left“自从你离开以来,门从来都没锁过!”可





4.根据短文理解, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

Many years ago there lived two brothers in London. They were both very rich. They had 1 ideas about money. They were quarrelling about what would happen if a poor fellow could 2 a million pound note(钞票). One thought that anyone with such a note would have whatever

he wanted; the other thought that it would be 3 for him to get anything with the note. They couldn't agree with each other. So they 4 to make a bet(打赌).

It happened that a young man named Henry was wandering through the street that day, who had come to Britain only by chance. Without home and job, he looked 5 and hungry. Suddenly he saw an apple 6 away by a child. The man was so hungry that he was thinking

of 7 it up to eat. Just as he was reaching out his hand, he heard a 8 calling him. He looked up and saw the two 9 . They gave him an envelope. They told him not to open

it until two o'clock. They said. ‘'Nothing but 10 in it.” Then they left.

1. A. similar B. good C. different

2. A. get B. make C. find

3. A. able B. impossible C. easy

4. A. decided B. failed C. wished

5. A. happy B. pale C. rich

6. A. thrown B. left C. picked

7. A. eating B. picking C. looking

8. A. noise B. sound C. voice

9. A. apples B. letters C. gentlemen

10. A. postcards B. money C. letters



⑴句意:他们对钱有不同的看法。根据下文quarrelling about what would happen可知观点




⑷句意:所以他们决定打赌。decide to do sth决定做某事。fail to do未能做到;wish希望。故选A。


⑹句意:突然他看见一个男孩扔掉的苹果。throw away扔掉;故选A。

⑺句意:那个人如此饿以至于他正考虑捡起来吃。pick up捡起;eat up吃光;look up查找,故选B。







Anne is a newspaper reporter. She chose this 1 so she could travel around the world. The work has taught her many 2 lessons. She has seen wars, earthquakes and death. But she has also seen courage, hope and happiness.

Last year, she won an award for her reporting in Africa. She was very 3 of it. At first, she thought she got the award because of her good work. But then she realized that she should 4 many other people for their help.

Anne was born in Jamaica. Her family was not poor, but it was not 5 , either. Her parents had to 6 hard so that she could go to school. At school. Anne was not a good student, but she 7 writing because what her English teacher said, “Anne, you are a wonderful 8 .” The teacher encouraged her all the time.

Later, Anne went to university in Canada and then 9 for a job. It was very difficult. Then, one day, she went to see the editor of a newspaper in Ottawa. The editor gave her a job. “Eve ryone needs a 10 at first.” he said.

1. A. book B. job C. sweater

2. A. useless B. unforgettable C. enjoyable

3. A. careful B. proud C. afraid

4. A. give B. teach C. thank

5. A. rich B. new C. big

6. A. study B. walk C. work

7. A. enjoyed B. stopped C. forgot

8. A. farmer B. nurse C. writer

9. A. looked B. made C. joined

10. A. ticket B. hobby C. chance











⑹句意:她父母不得不努力工作,这样她才能上学。work hard努力工作,故填C。



⑼句意:后来,安娜去加拿大上大学,然后找到一份工作。look for寻找。故选A。





Have you heard of Zhou Yang? She is now well known 1 an excellent short track speed skater (短道速滑运动员).

Zhou Yang is not an overnight 2 . She was born in a poor family in Changchun on June

9th, 1991 and started 3 at the age of 8.She fell in love with the 4 at once when she put on her skates to train for the first time. Soon her talent (天赋) for short track speed skating was 5 . Zhou Yang trained hard and made her way into the national team

6 .

In the world championships (锦标赛) in 2008, Zhou Yang set a world record in the 1, 500m event. Zhou Yang 7 herself again in the 2010 Winter Olympics. Her performance gave China the 8 gold medal in the women's 1, 500 meters in the Winter Olympics — China had never won the event before.

"Winning the event is my dream, 9 I still have one more dream, winning the relay (接力赛)," Zhou Yang said.

Her "one more dream" 10 when she and her teammates won the women's 3, 000m short track relay with a new world record.

1. A. as B. like C. for D. with

2. A. problem B. fan C. success D. prize

3. A. skiing B. swimming C. running D. skating

4. A. season B. sport C. movie D. book

5. A. noticed B. refused C. received D. forgotten

6. A. sometimes B. as well C. at first D. at last

7. A. taught B. proved C. allowed D. accepted

8. A. first B. second C. third D. last

9. A. so B. but C. or D. if

10. A. saw off B. grew up C. came true D. ran away



(1)考查介词辨析及语境理解。句意:她现在是众所周知的优秀短道速滑选手。be well known as以......(身份)而出名; be well known for 因......而出名;这里后面是短道速滑运动员,是什么,故答案为A。

(2)考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:周洋并非一夜成名。problem问题;fan 粉丝;迷;success 成功;prize奖励;结合语境和上下文可知是名词成功;故答案为C。

(3)考查动名词辨析及语境理解。句意:她8岁时开始滑冰。skiing滑雪;swimming 游泳;running跑步;skating滑冰;周洋是滑冰选手,故答案为D。

(4)考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:当她第一次穿上溜冰鞋训练时,她立刻爱上了这项运动。season 季节;sport运动;movie电影;book 书;由上下文可知她是爱上了滑冰这个运动,故答案为B。

(5)考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:不久,她在短道速滑方面的天赋就被人注意到了。noticed注意; refused拒绝; received收到; forgotten 忘记;由下文可知是她的天赋被人注意到,故答案为A。

(6)考查固定搭配及语境理解。句意:周洋刻苦训练,终于进入了国家队。sometimes有时候; as welll 也,同样;at first 起初;at last最后,终于;结合句子可知她经过努力的训练最后进了国家队,故答案为D。


教;proved证明; allowed 允许;accepted 接受;她用实际行动证明了自己,故答案为B。(8)考查序数词辨析及语境理解。句意:她的表现为中国赢得了冬季奥运会女子1500米的第一枚金牌,这是中国在此之前从未获得过的。first 第一;second 第二;third第三;last 最后;根据下文句子China had never won the event before. 可知是第一枚金牌,故答案为A。

(9)考查连词辨析及语境理解。句意:“赢得比赛是我的梦想,但我还有一个梦想,就是赢得接力赛,”周洋说。so ,因此,所以;but 但是;or或者,不然;if如果;结合上下文可知这里是表示转折的,故答案为B。

(10)考查动词短语辨析及语境理解。句意:当她和队友们以新的世界纪录赢得女子3000米短道接力比赛时,她的“又一个梦想实现了”。saw off 锯下; grew up 长大;came true变成现实;ran away 逃跑;结合上文可知这里是指获得接力赛奖牌的梦想成真了;故答案为C。



Everyone changes in his or her life. 1 these changes take place because of an experience. 2 me, high school was such an experience. High school has taught me about myself, and that is the most 3 lesson I have ever learned. It has taken 4 from what I used to be to what I am now.

I used to be quiet and 5 , not wanting to show my inner self (内在自我). I would never talk about 6 was in my mind. I was afraid that someone would criticize (批评)me or tell me I was wrong. I 7 too much about what others thought of me.

Now I am no longer afraid to tell others my 8 , and let them know how I feel. I have changed a lot with the 9 of my teachers and friends. They put their confidence (信任)

in me and told me that I could 10 in doing anything. They taught me that it is not a big deal to fail in 11 , as long as I have learned from my mistakes. By 12 the courage to believe in myself, I have become much 13 in mind. The thought of a challenge used to make me feel afraid, 14 now I want to work even harder to 15 the difficulties that stand in my way. I have realized that the ideas I hid in the past can now be contributed (贡献) to the world.

1. A. Recently B. Luckily C. Mostly D. Suddenly

2. A. In B. Around C. With D. For

3. A. important B. interesting C. expensive D. difficult

4. A. you B. me C. her D. him

5. A. shy B. happy C. old D. clever

6. A. where B. what C. how D. when

7. A. knew B. asked C. cared D. studied

8. A. money B. worries C. time D. changes

9. A. exercise B. work C. laugh D. help

10. A. fail B. waste C. succeed D. spend

11. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something

12. A. finding B. losing C. buying D. passing

13. A. fatter B. weaker C. stronger D. smaller

14. A. and B. but C. so D. because

15. A. look up B. agree with C. deal with D. give up



(1)句意:大部分情况下,这些改变会因为一次经历而发生。根据上文每个人在他或她生活中都会有变化和下文中自己因为一次经历而发生的变化,可知这种情况很普遍,所以用Mostly,大多数情况下。Recently ,最近地;Luckily ,幸运地:Suddenly ,突然地;均不符合语境,故选C。

(2)句意:对于我来说,高中生活就是这样的一次经历。根据固定搭配,for sb,对于某人来说,故选D。


(4)句意:这个重要的一课使我从过去到现在的样子。根据后半句 from what I used to be to what I am now,可知主语是作者自己,故选B。


半句not wanting to show my inner self (内在自我),可知作者性格较为内向,所以用shy,害喜的。happy,快乐的;old,老的;clever,聪明的,故选A。


(7)句意:我太在乎别人是怎么看我的。根据固定搭配care about,关心,所以用cared。knew,知道;asked,问;studied,学习,研究,均不符合语境,故选C。

(8)句意:现在,我不再害怕去告诉别人我担忧的事情,而是让他们知道我是怎么想的。根据后半句let them know how I feel,可知应该填想法,担忧的事情。money,金钱;time,时间;change,变化;均不符合句意,故选B。

(9)句意:在老师和朋友们的帮助下,我已经改变了许多。根据固定搭配 with the help of sb在某人的帮助下,故选D。

(10)句意:他们非常信任我,告诉我我可以成功地做任何事情。根据固定搭配succeed in doing sth,成功的做某事,所以用succeed ;fail to do sth,做某事很失败;waste,浪费;spend,花费,均不符合语境,故选C。


(12)句意:通过找到自己的勇气去相信自己,在脑海中我已经变得更加强大。根据to believe in myself ,可知前半句是找到勇气。finding,找到,发现;losing,失去;buying,买;passing,通过,均不符合题意,故选A。

(13)句意:通过找到自己的勇气去相信自己,在脑海中我已经变得更加强大。根据前半句finding the courage to believe in mysel,所以用stronger,更强大的。fatter,更胖的;weaker,更虚弱的;smaller,更小的,均不正确,故选C。

(14)句意:挑战的想法使我感到害怕,但是现在我想要更努力学习克服阻挡我前进的困难。根据空格前后表达的意思相反,可知要用表示转折的词,所以用but,故选B。(15)句意:但是现在我想要努力工作去克服阻挡我前进的困难。根据固定搭配deal with the difficulties,处理困难,所以用deal with。look up,查找;agree with,同意;give up,放弃,均不合题意,故选C。



A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling(奋力前进)with a large box. It was half in and half 1 of her car. He was a helpful and kind man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let me give you a hand with that box. It looks very 2 .”“That's very kind of you,” the woman said. “I'm having a lot of 3 with it. I think it's stuck (卡住).”“Together we'll soon move it,” the man said. He 4 into the back seat of the car

and took hold of the other end of the box. He said, “I'm ready.” And he began to 5 hard.

For several minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box. Soon they were 6 in the face.“Let's rest for a minute,” the man said. “I'm sorry, but it 7 stuck.” A few minutes later, the man said,“Let's try again. Are you ready?” 8 of them took hold of the box again. “One,two,three!” the man said,and they went on with their struggle.

At last, when they were very tired, the man said,“You are 9 . It is really stuck. I don't think there's 10 we can get it out of the car.” “Get it out of the car?” the woman cried, “I'm trying to get it in!”

1. A. in B. out C. on D. off

2. A. heavy B. strong C. dear D. new

3. A. trouble B. questions C. matter D. accidents

4. A. got B. stepped C. came D. walked

5. A. pull B. carry C. push D. lift

6. A. white B. tired C. red D. hurt

7. A. goes B. falls C. grows D. seems

8. A. Every B. All C. Either D. Both

9. A. ready B. right C. clever D. sure

10. A. anything B. anywhere C. any one D. any way





(1)句意:箱子一半在车外一半在车内,前面是half in,所以后面应是half out,故答案为B。



(3)句意:“你真好”,女人说,“我对它烦死了。”trouble麻烦;question问题;matter问题;麻烦事;accident事故。从文章第二段I think it's stuck.可知女士认为箱子被卡住了,所

以应该是有些麻烦,固定短语have trouble with...。故答案为A。

(4)句意:他进了车后座,握住箱子的另一端。get into the car上车。故答案为A。

(5)句意:他开始使劲往外推箱子。pull“拉”, carry“搬”, push“推”, lift“抬/举”。根据下文可






(9)男士说It is really stuck,可知他认为前面女士说的“箱子被卡住了”是对的,所以他说女士







I didn't cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled child. I just sat still and didn't say anything.

When Jenny was old enough, I sent her to a kindergarten. On the first morning, Jenny spent hours 1 herself. It seemed that she felt very lonely. However, to my joy, Jenny's classmates always 2 her, "You got all your spelling words right today!" In fact, her spelling list was the 3 .Later, she faced a very painful problem-at the end of the term, there was a game which had something to do 4 physical education, but Jenny was behind in it.

My husband and I were 5 about the day. I wanted to let my child stay home, but my heart wouldn't let me off that easily. Therefore, I 6 a pale, unwilling Jenny onto the school bus.

At the kindergarten, I was quite worried 7 her slow action. Jenny would probably hold

up her team. The game went well 8 it was time for the sack(麻袋) race. Surely Jenny would find 9 difficult to play the game by herself. Each child had to climb into a sack, jump to the finishing line, return and climb out of the sack. I noticed Jenny standing near the end

of her line of players.

As it was Jenny's turn to join, a change took place in her 10 .The tallest boy behind Jenny placed his hands on her waist(腰). Two 11 boys stood in front of her. The moment the player before Jenny stepped out from the sack, the two boys 12 the sack suddenly and kept it open while the tall boy lifted Jenny and put her into it. A girl nearby took her hand and supported her until Jenny got her balance. Then she 13 forward, smiling and proud. In the cheers of the teachers, schoolmates and parents, I silently thanked the warm, understanding people in life who made it 14 for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings. Then I finally 15 .

1. A. laughing B. crying C. playing D. talking

2. A. greeted B. expected C. encouraged D. followed

3. A. easiest B. longest C. smallest D. tidiest

4. A. at B. in C. for D. with

5. A. relaxed B. anxious C. interested D. excited

6. A. dropped B. pushed C. knocked D. fixed

7. A. because of B. according to C. instead of D. in the way of

8. A. when B. until C. after D. unless

9. A. this B. that C. it D. one

10. A. school B. family C. team D. heart

11. A. another B. the other C. others D. other

12. A. picked up B. gave up C. cut up D. made up

13. A. jumped B. ran C. walked D. stayed

14. A. popular B. special C. necessary D. possible

15. A. smiled B. laughed C. shouted D. cried



(1)句意:第一天早上,珍妮哭了好几个小时。A 笑;B 哭;C 玩;D 说话。根据下文的语句It seemed that she felt very lonely. 可以推测,Jenny在哭,故选B。

(2)句意:然而,令我高兴的是,珍妮的同学总是鼓励她:“你今天拼写的单词都对了!”A 欢迎;B 期望;C 鼓励;D 跟随。由to my joy和Jenny的同学对她所说的话,她的同学总是在鼓励她,故选C。

(3)句意:事实上,她的拼写表是最简单的。A 最简单;B 最长;C 最小;D 最整洁。由前一句You got all your spelling words right today和In fact可知,Jenny的拼写列表是最简单的,故选A。

(4)句意:后来,她在学期末遇到了一个非常痛苦的问题,有一场与体育有关的游戏,但珍妮却落后了。固定短语have something to do with与…有关,有一个与体育有关的游戏,故选D。

(5)句意:我和丈夫为这一天而焦虑。A放松;B 焦虑;C 感兴趣;D 兴奋。根据前文的语句 Jenny was behind in it.可知,我和丈夫是很焦虑的,故选B。

(6)句意:所以我的脸色是苍白的,不情愿把珍妮推上了校车。A 降低;B 推;C 敲击;

D 修理。固定短语push…on,把……推向……,故选B。

(7)句意:因为她的动作迟缓,"我"很担心。A 因为;B 依照;C 代替;D 挡道。根据下文语句Jenny would probably hold up her team.可知,这是我担心Jenny的主要原因,故选A。

(8)句意:比赛进行得很顺利,直到到了进行麻袋比赛的时候。A 当……时候;B 直到;C 之后;D 除非。根据语句Surely Jenny would find it difficult to play the game by herself. 可知,只有到了这个时候,Jenny才发现自己做这个游戏很困难,故选B。

(8)句意:珍妮肯定会觉得自己很难玩这个游戏。A 这个;B 那个;C 它;D 一。固定句型结构,sb find it+形容词+to do sth,某人发现做某事怎样,故选C。

(10)句意:当轮到珍妮加入时,她的队伍发生了变化。A 学校;B 家庭;C 团队;D 心脏。根据后面语句The tallest boy behind Jenny placed his hands on her waist……的描述,可知这些都是发生在他们团队的事情,故选C。

(11)句意:另外两个男孩站在她面前。A 另外一个;B 其他的;C 其他的人;D 另外的。根据题干中的two与boys可知,要用other,另外两个男孩,故选D。

(12)句意:这两位男孩是突然把麻袋拿起来.A 拿起,捡起;B 放弃;C 切碎;D 编造。根据下文语句kept it open while the tall boy lifted Jenny and put her into it. 可知,这两个


(13)句意:然后她跳上前去,骄傲地微笑着。A 跳跃;B 跑;C 走;D 呆在。固定短语jump forward,向前跳,故选A。


一样生活成为可能。A 流行;B 特殊;C 必须;D 可能的。故选D。

(15)句意:最后我终于哭了。A 微笑;B 大笑;C 大喊;D 哭泣。根据题干中的I silently thanked the warm, understanding people in life……可知“我”激动地哭了,故选D。




Once an Arab was traveling in the desert. When the sun went down in the west, he stopped and 1 his tent, made a fire and had a simple meal. When night fell, he 2 down to sleep.

He had already fallen asleep when he felt a soft 3 on his elbow. He woke up to find that his camel had put his head inside the tent. The camel said," Would you please let me 4 my head in the tent to get warm. It's so cold outside. I won't take up too much 5 ."

The Arab was a kind-hearted man. "All right, do as you 6 ,"he said. Then he turned on his side and back to sleep.

It wasn't long 7 he felt a push on his shoulder. It was the camel again. "Dear master," the camel said," my head is quite warm now, but my neck is still cold. Do you mind 8 I keep it inside the tent, too?"

"No, not at all," the man said. But this time he felt a bit 9 , as the camel had such a long neck. No sooner had he closed his eyes 10 he got a harder push in his side. This time the camel said, "Will you please allow me to bring my front legs inside and warm them up a little?"

The Arab 11 over to one side of the tent. He made himself as small as he could. It wasn't 12 comfortable, and sleep was now out of the question.

Soon after that the camel gave him a rough push and said, "The tent is too small for the two of us. 13 , my two back legs are still left in the cold. It is only 14 that you should leave the whole tent to me."

And with that,the camel 15 the poor man out.

1. A. built B. made C. put up D. set

2. A. laid B. lay C. lied D. went

3. A. touch B. beat C. kick D. bite

4. A. hold B. place C. keep D. reach

5. A. place B. tent C. room D. blanket

6. A. please B. alike C. are like D. want

7. A. after B. before C. since D. then

8. A. whether B. as C. that D. if

9. A. crowded B. comfortable C. warmer D. narrower

10. A. than B. then C. when D. after

11. A. went B. walked C. climbed D. moved

12. A. very B. much C. a bit D. a little

13. A. Except B. Besides C. After all D. But

14. A. bad B. wrong C. sorry D. right

15. A. pulled B. touched C. kicked D. let




(3)句意:当他感到手肘轻轻地碰了一下,他已经睡着了。A触摸;B击打;C踢;D 咬。根据下文骆驼把头伸了进来碰到了他的手肘,故选A。

(4)句意:骆驼说:“请你让我把头放在帐篷里取暖好吗?A抓住;B地方;C 保持;D到达。固定短语keep sth in,让某物呆在里面,故选C。


(6)句意:“好吧,随你的便,”他说。然后他转过身来,又睡着了。A 高兴;B相像;C 像;D想要。Please作为动词表示“高兴”,故选A。

(7)句意:没过多久他就感到肩膀被推了一下。固定句型结构It be+一段时间before从句;一段时间以后某事才发生,故选B。


(9)句意:但这一次他感到有点拥挤,因为骆驼的脖子很长。A拥挤;B舒服;C更温暖;D更狭窄。根据下文语句as the camel had such a long neck. 可知,帐篷内变得拥挤了,故选A。

(10)句意:他一闭上眼睛就感觉自己被推到一边。固定结构,no sooner…than…,一……就……;故选A。

(11)句意:阿拉伯人移到帐篷的一边。A去;B步行;C登山;D移动。固定短语,move to,挪到;故选D。

(12)句意:现在他感觉一点也不舒服。固定短语,not a bit,一点也不;故选C。(13)句意:帐篷太小了,而且我的两条腿还在外面,你把帐篷留给我才对。A 除此之外;B 并且;C 毕竟;D 但是;根据下文my two back legs are still left in the cold.提示,表示进一步说明,要用副词besides而且,故选B。

(14)句意:你把帐篷留给我才对。A坏;B错误的;C 抱歉;D正确。根据下文语句you should leave the whole tent to me可知,这样做才正确,故选D。

(15)句意:就这样,骆驼把那个可怜的人踢了出去。A推;B 接触;C踢;D让。根据上文语句 you should leave the whole tent to me 可知,这个骆驼将主人踢出帐篷外,故选C。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。



Some parents are always comparing their children with themselves when they were young, or with other people when they were children.

"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year. And I knew what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals. You are always at the bottom of your class, and you have no goals."

The man's son said nothing. He had heard this from his father many times.

"And when your mother was your age," the boy's father went on, "she had a good job and she was earning money. You don't even have a part-time job. You earn nothing."

The man's son still said nothing. He had heard this before, too.

"And when your older brother was your age," the boy's father went on, "he studied hard. You just waste your time."

And the man's son still said nothing.

Finally, the boy's father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."

This time the son could not stay silent.

"And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, Father," he said, "he was the President of the United States. What are you?"

His father had no answer to this.

(1)The father compared his son with the following people EXCEPT ________.

A. himself

B. the boy's brother

C. Abraham Lincoln

D. the boy's classmates (2)How did the boy probably feel?

A. Happy.

B. Afraid.

C. Angry.

D. Surprised.

(3)What can we infer from the passage?

A. Some parents like comparing their children with other children.

B. The boy's father studied very well when he was young.

C. The boy was the youngest child in his family.

D. The father wanted his son to become President of the USA

(4)What is the passage mainly about?

A. A happy family on vacation.

B. A father complaining about his son.

C. A son lying to his father.

D. Abraham Lincoln as a child.






(1)细节题。根据"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year.可知爸爸把儿子和自己比较;根据"And when your older brother was your age," the boy's father went on, "he studied hard. You just waste your time."可知爸爸把儿子和男孩的哥哥比较;根据Finally, the boy's father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."可知爸爸把儿子和Abraham Lincoln比较,没有把儿子和同学比较,故选D。


(3)细节题。根据"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year.可知爸爸小时候在班级里是好学生,即学习好,故选B。




In ancient China, a woman told the best stories. She married an emperor(皇帝).Sadly, one day, this woman became ill and died. Everyone thought the emperor would soon find another

favourite among his wives, but the emperor was very sad. He spent more and more time in his garden, and less and less time caring for the needs of his people. Everyone in the kingdom was worried.

One day, a priest(牧师)passed when some children were playing with their dolls. The dolls made dancing shadows on the wall. This gave the priest an idea. He knew the stories the emperor's wife used to tell. What if he could bring those stories to life?

The priest made a puppet(木偶)out of bits of clay(黏土).He painted the puppet to look somewhat like the emperor's wife. When the puppet was finished, the priest silently walked into the emperor's garden, carrying his puppet, a candle and a curtain. He placed the curtain near the emperor's chair. He placed his candle, his puppet and himself behind the curtain. He waited for the emperor to appear.

The emperor did not even notice the curtain at first. The dancing shadow drew his eyes. As the priest moved the puppet behind the curtain, he told wonderful stories as the emperor's wife. It seemed as if his wife had been spending time with him. The emperor was no longer sad. At the end of each busy day, the emperor went into his garden to visit his shadow wife and hear her stories once again. That is how shadow puppets first began.

(1)Why did everyone in the kingdom feel worried?

A. Because the emperor was too sad to care about his country.

B. Because the emperor couldn't hear the stories any more.

C. Because the emperor's wife died.

D. Because the emperor always stayed in his garden.

(2)How did the priest get a good idea?

A. From the curtain.

B. From the wall.

C. From the shadow of dolls.

D. From the dance.(3)What did the priest do to make the emperor NOT sad?

A. He played the puppet to draw the emperor's attention.

B. He told the stories that the emperor's wife had told by playing the puppet.

C. He could tell wonderful stories like the emperor's wife.

D. He could tell more wonderful stories than the emperor's wife.

(4)Which of the following is NOT needed to play a shadow puppet?

A. The priest.

B. The candle.

C. The curtain.

D. The clay.






(1)推理题。根据He spent more and more time in his garden, and less and less time caring for the needs of his people. Everyone in the kingdom was worried.他花越来越多的时间在他的花园里,越来越少的时间照顾他的人民的需要。王国里的每个人都很担心可知,王国里的每个人都感到担心因为皇帝太悲伤了,不关心他的国家,故选A。

(2)细节题。根据One day, a priest(牧师)passed when some children were playing with their dolls. The dolls made dancing shadows on the wall. This gave the priest an


(3)细节题。根据he told wonderful stories as the emperor's wife. The emperor was no longer sad他作为皇帝的妻子讲了一些精彩的故事,皇帝不再悲伤可知,牧师通过扮演木偶而讲述了皇帝的妻子让皇帝不难过,故选B。

(4)细节题。根据When the puppet was finished, the priest silently walked into the emperor's garden, carrying his puppet, a candle and a curtain木偶完成后,牧师带着木偶、蜡烛和窗帘默默地走进皇帝的花园可知,玩皮影戏不需要黏土,故选D。



John and Jack met at the old bench every afternoon. Then they played football. But they didn't have enough money to buy a real football. So Jack made a ball out of old socks covered with a piece of plastic, Every time, the two friends didn't stop kicking and running until very late.

On Monday afternoon, John and Jack met again at the old bench. Soon the home-made ball was running across the grass. The boys laughed and shouted happily. The ball was stopped by a boy wearing a nice pair of sports shoes. John was upset when he saw the boy was Steven.

The next morning, John's mother gave him a bill." Your uncle sent you a birthday present, she smiled. John's eyes grew big when he saw the $100 bill. Later that day,his mother bought a new pair of sports shoes and a real football.

That afternoon Steven invited John to play football. Steven did not want Jack to join them only because Jack's sports shoes were dirty. When the game was over, John and Steven walked past the old bench where Jack was sitting. Steven picked up a stone and threw it at him. John, holding his new football in his hands, walked on and did not look back.

Several days later. As John walked. Past the old bench, he saw something lying under it. He looked closer and saw it was the home made ball, John was full of sadness when he saw the ball. As his sadness turned to anger, he picked up his new football and kicked it into the air. Then he walked to the bench, sat down and waited.

(1)When John and Jack were. Playing with their home- made ball, they felt______.

A. sad

B. glad

C. unfair

D. angry

(2)What present did John get from his uncle?

A. A bill.

B. A football.

C. A home-made football.

D. A new pair of shoes,

(3)Why didn't Jack play football with John and Steven?

A. Because he was ill.

B. Because he hated Steven,

C. Because he didn't wear sports shoes.

D. Because he wasn't invited by Steven.

(4)John sat on the bench and probably waited for______.

A. his mother

B. Jack

C. Steven

D. his uncle


九年级英语Unit1单元测试题 (笔试部分) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单项选择 ( )1. Mary was born in 2003 and she began to play __ guitar at the age of seven. A. a B.an C.The D./ ( ) 2.-Mary, how far is it from your home to school? -About 20 _____ walk. A. Minutes’ B. minute’s C. minute’ D. minute ( )3. You should make a wish on your birthday before you the candles? A. put out B. blow out C. take out D. go out ( )4. the dinner was over, everyone helped wash the dishes. A. How B. When C. Before D. Why ( )5.-Why would you like to walk ____ the forest? -Because I want to try _____. A. Across; exciting something B. through; exciting something C. Across; something exciting D. through: something exciting ( )6. -Mr. Li will check our homework this afternoon. _____ you ______ it? -Not yet. I m doing it right now A.Do; finish B. Did; finish C. Will; finish


新目标英语第8单元测试题 ? 一、根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词。 1. I am very a_____. Give me some food, please. 2. It’s Friday today. Don’t p____ off it any more. 3. He is a v_______, and he often treats some animals. 4. My computer is broken. He is r_____ it for me. 5. His father is able. He can s_____ this problem by himself. 6. There is a s_____. It says“No Smoking!”. 7. His grandfather can’t walk and has to sit in a w______. 8. I love dogs because they never c______ and they’re grateful. 9. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s_____ in many ways. 10. He is my best friend. We all t_____ in him. 二、试试你的判断力,选择正确答案。 1. It’s your turn to _____ the room, Wang Fang. A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off 2. I’m thirsty. I’d like _____ a glass of water. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 3. A: Must I go out for a walk now B: No, you _____. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not 4. Ask him _____ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesn’t D. isn’t 5. It’s twelve now. Let’s have _____ lunch together. A. a B. an C. the D. x 6. I am a League Member. I volunteer my time _____ others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped 7. I don’t know _____ kind of work I can do. A. how B. what C. who D. why


Unit 1 完形填空 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项钟选择可以填入空白处的正确答案。 How to learn a foreign language 1) Spend the time! The more time you spend on the language, the 1 you will learn. This means listening, reading, writing, speaking, and studying words and phrases. This does not mean sitting in class and 2 the window, listening to other students who don’t speak well. This means you can 3 your time happily on the language you are learning. 2) Listen and read every day! Listen to your MP3 player wherever you are. Read what you are listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, that you can 4 understand, or even partly understand. If you 5 listening and reading, you will get used to the language. 3) Focus on(集中在) words and phrases! Build up your vocabulary. Start to notice words and 6 they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases 7 your listening and reading. Read online, use online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary 8 for review. Later on, you will be able to use them. 4) Relax and enjoy yourself! Do not focus on what you cannot remember or understand. It wo n’t help. You are learning and 9 . The language will become clearer in your brain(大脑). Just 10 you spend enough time with the language. That is the greatest guarantee(保证) of success. ()1. A.faster B.less C. harder ()2. A.taking out of B.less C. harder ()3. A.cost B.pay C. spend ()4. A.finally B.mostly C. slowly ()5. A.like B.hate C.keep ()6. A.why B.what C.how ()7. A.with B.through C. between ()8. A.numbers B.answers C.lists ()9. A. losing B.improving C. moving ()10. A.take part https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e11990841.html,pare with C. make sure Unit 2 完形填空 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项钟选择可以填入空白处的正确答案。 My biggest problem is that I don't have free time any more. When I was a little child, I could go to a concert, play sports, ___1__ online or watch TV. Om weekends, my parents used to __2 me out to play. What a happy life! Things have changed __3_ I started junior high school. I’m much 4 than I was in primary school. I used to 5 at 7:00, but now I have to make it an hour earlier ---6:00, because I need to 6 Chinese or English. After school, I have to rush(冲) home because I can’t ___7 time . Before going to bed, there is no time for me to watch TV or do 8 else. I used to go to bed at 21:00, but now I can’t go to bed 9 23:00. What about weekends? I almost have no “weekends”at all! I


九年级Unit1 1. by + doing通过……方式如:by studying with a group by 还可以表示:“在…旁”、“靠近”、“在…期间”、“用、”“经过”、“乘车”等如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o’clock. The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus. 2. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论 如:The students often talk about movie after class. 学生们常常在课后讨论电影。 talk to sb. === talk with sb. 与某人说话 3. 提建议的句子: ①What/ how about +doing sth.? 如:What/ How about going shopping? ②Why don’t you + do sth.?如:Why don’t you go shopping? ③Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping? ④Let’s + do sth. 如:Let’s go shopping ⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.?如:Shall we/ I go shopping? 4. a lot 许多常用于句末如:I eat a lot. 我吃了许多。 5. too…to 太…而不能常用的句型too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:I’m too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说。 6. aloud, loud与loudly的用法 三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。 ①aloud是副词,重点在出声能让人听见,但声音不一定很大, 常用在读书或说话上。通常放在动词之后。aloud没有比较级形式。 如: He read the story aloud to his son. 他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。 ②loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级,须放在动词之后。 如: She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点。 ③loudly是副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,但往往含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,可位于动词之前或之后。 如: He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不当众大声谈笑。 7. not …at all 一点也不根本不 如:I like milk very much. I don’t like coffee at all. 我非常喜欢牛奶。我一点也不喜欢咖啡。 not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾 8. be / get excited about sth.= be / get excited about doing sth. = be excited to do sth. 对…感兴奋如: I am / get excited about going to Beijing.= I am excited to go to Beijing. 我对去北京感到兴奋。 9. ①end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事如: The party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束。 ②end up with sth. 以…结束如: The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。 10. first of all 首先 to begin with 一开始later on 后来、随 11. also也、而且(用于肯定句)常在句子的中间 either也(用于否定句)常在句末 too也(用于肯定句) 常在句末 12. make mistakes 犯错如:I often make mistakes. 我经常犯错。 make a mistake 犯一个错误如:I have made a mistake. 我已经犯了一个错误。


李阳疯狂英语VIP初三英语测试题 一、单项填空(20分) 21. Jack bought a _________ in a shoe shop yesterday. A.pair of shoes B.pairs of shoes C.pair of two shoes D.pair of shoe 22. If you _________ at home and miss the lecture, you’ll feel sorry. A.stay B.will stay C.stayed D. stays 23. _________ I go shopping with my mother on Sundays. A. Some time B. Sometime C. Sometimes D. Some times 24. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing ________ your real friends are. A.that B.who C. which D. what 25. —Remember, boys and girls. ________ you work, ________ result you will get. —We know, Miss Gao. A.The better, the harder B.The harder, the better C.The hard, the better D.The hard, the good 26. —How long have you been skating today? —__________. A. Three miles B.Thirty circles C. Three feet D.Three hours 27. Who can tell me _______ at the meeting? A.what he said B.he said what C.what did he say D.how he said 28. It’s polite to wait __________ line. A.on B. in C. at D. to 29. I spent two hours _________ English every day. A. to speak B. speak C.on speaking D.speaking 30. Doing it well can make my mother __________. A.happily B.happy C. sad D. sadly 31. Most boys like to play _________ football, but he likes to play ___________ piano. A.a, a B. 不填,不填 C.不填,a D. 不填,the 32. We’ve _________ room to store my books. A.ran out of B. ran out C. run out of D. run out from 33. My shoes are worn out, I want to buy a new __________.


初三英语完形填空十篇(含答案) 1. When learning new vocabulary, don’t just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to ___1___five sentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can ___2___day you learn it. This ___3___you will remember new words much longer. Practicing sounds, you know, is ___4___ —the “th” sound for example. Choose words that begin ___5___ “th” and repeat them over and over again ___6___you are comfortable with them. Let’s try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thi ck… Read, read, read—in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary ___7___improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be ___8___to choose topic or books you are interested in. When someone is speaking in English, ____9____the main point. If you hear a word you don’t understand, ignore (忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will ___10___everything else the person is saying. Always remember—Practice makes perfect. ( )1. A say B. make C. remember D. speak ( )2. A. the first B. the second C. each D. some ( )3. A. day B. time C. way D. word ( )4. A. difficult B. terrible C. funny D. easy ( )5. A. with B. from C. at D. in ( )6. A. when B. after C. until D. since ( )7. A. but B. so C. or D. and ( )8. A. quick B. sure C. important D. necessary ( )9. A. look for B. see C. listen for D. hear ( )10. A. miss B. guess C. get D. catch 1-5 B A C A A 6-10 C D B C A 2. When Billy came to class one morning, he noticed that something was different. Mrs. Green was not in her 51_____ place. She was standing in the middle of the classroom, and 52______ was hiding behind her. "Class," she said. "This is Fritz from 53____. Please say hello to him. " The class were in silence. Mrs. Green said again, "Say hello to our new friend. " But still, 54 _____said a word. " All right, then. " said Mrs. Green. "Billy, please 55______ Fritz to his new desk beside yours." "Hi, Fritz," said Billy. "Please come with me. " But Fritz would 56_____. He was holding on to 57_____. He said something, 58_____ nobody could understand. Some of the boys started to laugh. Billy felt 59 _____for him. Then, Billy said something no one else could un derstand 60 ____ Fritz. Fritz smiled and shook Billy's hands(握手'). "Wow!" everyone was surprised. Billy was proud. He said "I said," Hello' in German. I heard it once on TV." ( )1. A. only B. usual C. good D. comfortable ( )2. A. a new teacher B. a new girl C. a new boy D. Billy ( )3. A. England B. America C. France D. Germany ( )4. A. no one B. Billy C. a student D. Fritz


中考英语完形填空专项训练 (附带答案解析) 1 Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night. One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ mid dle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!” Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his li brary. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?” “I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man. “Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?” “No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!” 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday 3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run 4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories 5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates 6. A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met 7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled 8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad 9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers 10.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at 11.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can

九年级英语上Unit 1测试

九年级英语上Unit 1测试 (一)学习目标(Language Goal) 1. Talk about how to study . 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。(二)语言结构(Language Structures) 1. Verb + by with gerund by+动名词短语表示“通过…途径,方法” 2. How questions have引导的特殊疑问句 (三)目标语言(Target Language) 1. How do you study for tests? 你是怎样准备考试的? Well, I study by working with my classmates. 哦,我和同学们一起学习。 2. Have you ever studied with a group? 你曾经参加过学习小组吗? Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. 是的,参加过。通过这种方式我学了许多。 3. I don’t have a p artner to practice English with.我没有同伴可以练习英语。 Maybe you should join an English club. 或许,你应该参加一个英语俱乐部。 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 大声朗读来练习发音怎么样? Why don’t you join an English l anguage club? 你为什么不参加一个英语俱乐部呢? (四)Key words and phrases (重点词汇) 1. flashcard n. 抽认卡 2. frustrating a. 令人沮丧的 3. memorize v. 记忆,背诵 4. aloud adv. 出声地、高声地 5. comma n. 逗号 6. pronunciation n. 发音 7. solution n. 解决办法 8. end up 结束,告…终 9. not at all 根本(不)全然(不) 10. make mistakes 犯错 11. later on 以后;随后 12. be afraid to 害怕去做 13. laugh at sb. 笑话;取笑(某人) 14. take notes 做笔记,做记录


李阳疯狂英语 VIP 初 三 英 语 测 试 题 一、单项填空( 20 分) 21. Jack bought a _________ in a shoe shop yesterday. A.pair of shoes B.pairs of shoes C.pair of two shoes 22. If you _________ at home and miss the lecture, you ’ll feel sorry. A.stay B.will stay C.stayed D. stays 23. _________ I go shopping with my mother on Sundays. A. Some time B. Sometime C. Sometimes 24. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing ________ your real friends are. A.that B.who C. which D. what D.pair of shoe D. Some times 25. —Remember, boys and girls. ________ you work, ________ result you will get. —We know, Miss Gao. A.The better, the harder C.The hard, the better B.The harder, the better D.The hard, the good 26. —How long have you been skating today? —__________. A. Three miles 27. Who can tell me _______ at the meeting? A.what he said B .he said what B.Thirty circles C. Three feet D.Three hours D.how he said C.what did he say 28. It ’s polite to wait __________ line. A.on B. in C. at 29. I spent two hours _________ English every day. A. to speak B. speak C.on speaking D. to D.speaking D. sadly 30. Doing it well can make my mother __________. A.happily B.happy C. sad 31. Most boys like to play _________ football, but he likes to play ___________ piano. A.a, a B. 不填,不填 C.不填, a D. 不填, the 32. We ’ve _________ room to store my books. A.ran out of B. ran out C. run out of 33. My shoes are worn out, I want to buy a new __________. D. run out from


I. 单选选择(20分) 1.Most students study English by the textbook. A.to read B.read C.reading 2. you ever English with a foreigner? A.Did,speak B.Have,speak C.Have,spoken 3.It’s hard work out the math problem. A.so,that B.too,to C.enough,to 4.I don’t know how commas. A.to use https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e11990841.html,e https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e11990841.html,ing 5.----Your spoken English is pretty good. ---- . A.No,just so so B.Thank you C.You’re welcome 6.Why don’t yo u join a sports club to practise ? A.swimming B.swim C.to swim 7. the words of pop songs is a good way to learn English. A.Memorize B.Memorizing C.Memorizes 8.Most people in the world speak English a second language. A.for B.in C.as 9.We dead with our problems learning to forget. A.by B.of C.to

10.Falling down at the party made Jim . A.frustrating B.frustrated C.frustrate 11.If you don’t know the words ,you can in the dictionary. A.look them up B.look up them C.look up it 12.I found interesting to watch English-language TV. A.that B.this C.it 13.He doesn’t have a partner to practice English . A.to B.with C.for 14.---- do you study for a test? ----I usually go over my notes and do more exercise. A.What B.Why C.How 15.---- My written English is poor. I couldn’t make complete sentences. ----Me, . A.too B.either C.also 16.The little girl was afraid ____at the meeting. A.at speaking B.to speak C.of speak 17.Don’t make so much _____.The boy is sleeping. A.mistakes B.voice C.noise 18.It’s a bad manner to ____others’ mistakes. A.make up https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e11990841.html,ugh at C.take notes


初三英语综合测试模拟试题 一、单项选择 1. Usually soft colors make people _______. A relaxing B relaxed C exciting D excited 2. Someone_______ you know might really need the money. A which B what C that D who 3. The old thing _______are all three _______years old. A on show, hundred B for showing, hundreds of C on show, hundreds D for showing, hundred 4. We could eat later if you _______ do that first. A would rather B had better C want D are found 5. You have to learn _______your mistakes. A about B of C from D for 6. there are many students playing on the playground._______ are playing basketball, and_______ are playing football. A Some, other B Some; others C Some, the others D Some, the other 7. The teachers are always comparing me _______my brother. A with B by C at D for 8. He was _______to see an old friend of_______ in the street. A surprising, him B surprised, him C surprising, his D surprised, his 9. My uncle paid us a(n) _______ visit yesterday. A annoy B surprised C annoyed D surprise 10. the foreign visitors _______ Nantong for more than three weeks. A have arrived in B have got to C have been in D have come to 11.-Have you done most of your jobs? -Not_______ .I will do it in the bag. A Neither B never C already D yet 12. Our teacher has_______ Australia for a week. A gone to B been in C arrived D been to 13. In last two years, we _______ twenty songs. A were learning B had learned C have learned D learned 14.-How long has he had that nice car? -_______ 1988.Oh, my car was bought_______ 1989. A In, in B since, since C since, in D in, since 15. I have_______ things to do. A so much B so many C too much D much too 16. He has worked in this school for many years, _______ he? A. has B. hasn’t C. is D. isn’t 17. She is going to do it________ a minute. A. in B. after C. during D. within 18. I _____you success in your new job. A. wish B. hope C. want D. would like


完形填空 1. When learning new vocabulary, don’t just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to ___1___five sentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can ___2___day you learn it. This ___3___you will remember new words much longer. Practicing sounds, you know, is ___4___ —the “th” sound for example. Choose words that begin ___5___ “th” and repeat them over and over again ___6___you are comfortable with them. Let’s try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick… Read, read, read—in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary ___7___improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be ___8___to choose topic or books you are interested in. When someone is speaking in English, ____9____the m ain point. If you hear a word you don’t understand, ignore (忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will ___10___everything else the person is saying. Always remember—Practice makes perfect. ( )1. A say B. make C. remember D. speak ( )2. A. the first B. the second C. each D. some ( )3. A. day B. time C. way D. word ( )4. A. difficult B. terrible C. funny D. easy ( )5. A. with B. from C. at D. in ( )6. A. when B. after C. until D. since ( )7. A. but B. so C. or D. and ( )8. A. quick B. sure C. important D. necessary ( )9. A. look for B. see C. listen for D. hear ( )10. A. miss B. guess C. get D. catch 2. When Billy came to class one morning, he noticed that something was different. Mrs. Green was not in her 51_____ place. She was standing in the middle of the classroom, and 52______ was hiding behind her. "Class," she said. "This is Fritz from 53____. Please say hello to him. " The class were in silence. Mrs. Green said again, "Say hello to our new friend. " But still, 54 _____said a word. " All right, then. " said Mrs. Green. "Billy, please 55______ Fritz to his new desk beside yours." "Hi, Fritz," said Billy. "Please come with me. " But Fritz would 56_____. He was holding on to 57_____. He said something, 58_____ nobody could understand. Some of the boys started to laugh. Billy felt 59 _____for him. Then, Billy said something no one else could un derstand 60 ____ Fritz. Fritz smiled and shook Billy's hands(握手'). "Wow!" everyone was surprised. Billy was proud. He said "I said," Hello' in German. I heard it once on TV." ( )1. A. only B. usual C. good D. comfortable ( )2. A. a new teacher B. a new girl C. a new boy D. Billy ( )3. A. England B. America C. France D. Germany ( )4. A. no one B. Billy C. a student D. Fritz ( )5. A. ask B. carry C. put D. take ( )6. A. come B. not move C. not say D. speak ( )7. A. another student's book B. Billy's hand C. Mrs. Green's skirt D. the teacher's desk ( )8. A. but B. so C. because D. still ( )9. A. happy B. excited C. afraid D. sorry ( )10. A. with B. except C.. of D. about
