
天然有机化学、生物有机化学、元素及金属有机化学、合 成有机化学等)的研究成果及阶段性成果,综述当前有机 化学的研究热点和前沿课题,报道重要研究工作的最新进 展。主要栏目有综述与进展、研究论文、研究通报、研究 简报、学术动态等。 • 读者对象为国内外有机化学工作者、高等院校相关专业师 生。有英文目次和摘要。
中Ch文in版es:epJ《ohu中arn国arl科mo学f Ca引hcr文oem数au据totg库irca》pah、yl《a中n国d学p术期e刊st网ic》i、d《a中l 国re科s学e文a献r数c据h库e》s、a《t中p国r数e字se化n期t刊.》W等.ith the
solvent-free reaction in heterocyclic synthesis have been The synthetic method is one of the focused fields concerning pharmaceutical and pesticidal researches at present.

化学类核心期刊表1.化学总论类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of the America n Chemica l Society美国化学会志540B0003-1 美国2 Chemica l reviews化学评论540B0010 美国3 Angewan dte Chemie应用化学547E0002 德国4 Chemica l communi cation s 化学通讯540C0007-D 英国5 Account s of chemica l researc h 化学研究述评540B0059 美国6 Chemica l Society reviews化学会评论540C0005 英国7 Chemist ry 化学540E0070 德国8 The Journal of physics and chemist ry of solids固体物理学与固体化学杂志538C0003 英国9 Bulleti n of the Chemica l Society of Japan 日本化学会通报540D0005 日本10 Canadia n journal of chemist ry 加拿大化学杂志540NA001 加拿大11 Journal of chemica l educati on 化学教育杂志540B0053 美国12 Pure and applied chemist ry 理论化学与应用化学540B0005 美国13 Chemica l & pharmac eutica l bulleti n 化学与药学通报633D0008 日本序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国14 Journal of chemica l researc h 化学研究杂志540C0010 英国15 Chemist ry world 化学世界540C0004 英国16 Chemist ry letters化学快学540D0060 日本17 Current medicin al chemist ry 当今医药化学633JM001 阿联酋18 Theoche m 分子结构杂志540LB057 荷兰19 CALPHAK相图计算542C0062 英国20 Journal of compute r-aided molecul ar design计算机辅助分子设计杂志542LB010 荷兰21 Journal of computa tional chemist ry 计算化学杂志540B0023 美国22 Neuroch emistr y interna tional国际神经化学595C0001 英国23 New journal of chemist ry 化学新志540C0077 英国24 Journal of chemica l informa tion and compute r science s 化学信息与计算机科学杂志540B0052 美国25 Helveti ca chimica acta 瑞士化学学报540E0011 德国2.无机化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Inorgan ic chemist ry 无机化学543B0001-1 美国2 Daltontransac tions道尔顿汇刊540C0007-A 英国3 Inorgan ica chimica acta 无机化学学报543LD002 瑞士4 Polyhed ron 多面体543C0001 英国5 Carbon碳812C0052 英国6 Europea n journal of inorgan ic chemist ry 欧洲无机化学杂志540E0001 德国7 Journal of radioan alytic al and nuclear chemist ry 放射分析化学与核化学杂志542LB013 荷兰8 Journal of biologi cal inorgan ic chemist ry 生物无机化学杂志540E0068 德国3.有机化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of organic chemist ry 有机化学杂志545B0002-1 美国2 T etrahe dron letters in organic chemist ry 四面体通讯545C0003 英国3 Macromo lecule s 大分子545B0012-1 美国4 T etrahe dron 四面体545C0002 英国5 Organom etalli cs 有机金属化合物545B0014-1 美国6 Organic & biomole cularchemist ry 有机与生物分子化学540C0017 英国7 Advance s in organom etalli c chemist ry 有机金属化学进展545B0019 美国8 Synlett合成化学快报545E0052 德国9 Synthes is 合成545E0002 德国10 Europea n journal of organic chemist ry 欧洲有机化学杂志540E0002 德国11 Biopoly mers 生物聚合物545B0006 美国12 Aldrich imicaacta 奥尔德里奇化学公司学报545B0067 美国13 Journal of organom etalli c chemist ry 有机金属化学杂志545LD002 瑞士14 Advance s in polymer science聚合物科学进展823B0007 美国序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国15 Progres s in lipid researc h 脂类研究进展545C0006 英国16 Organic letters有机快报545B0079 美国17 Natural prodrct reports天然报告540C0066 英国18 Journal of polymer science. Part A, polymer chemist ry 聚合物科学杂志. A 辑,聚合物化学545B0001*1 美国19 Synthet ic communi cation s 合成通讯545B0057 美国4.物理化学、理论化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 The Journal of chemica l physics化学物理学杂志542B0003 美国2 Chemica l physics letters化学物理学快报542LB001 荷兰3 Langmui r 兰格缪尔542B0068 美国4 The Journal of physica l chemist ry. A, Molecul es, spectro scopy,kinetic s, environ ment & general theory物理化学杂志.A辑,分子、光谱学、动力学、环境与普通理论542B0006-1A 美国5 Journal of physica l and chemica l referen ce data 物理与化学参考数据杂志530B0010 美国6 The journal of physica l chemist ry. B, Condens ed matter, materia ls, surface s, interfa ces & bio-physica l 物理化学杂志.B辑,凝聚态、材精神病、表面、界面与生物物理542B0006-1B 美国7 Surface science表面科学538LB002 荷兰8 Advance s in catalys is 催化作用进展542B0022 美国9 Physica l chemist ry chemica l physics物理化学化学物理学542C0059 英国10 Journal of the Electro chemic al Society电化学学会志542B0005 美国11 Thin solid films 固体薄膜712LD003 瑞士12 Catalys is reviews催化评论542B0012 美国13 Journal of membran e science膜科学杂志542LB009 荷兰14 Coordin ationchemist ry reviews配位化学评论543LD003 瑞士15 Electro chimic a acta 电化学学报542C0001 英国16 Journal of colloid and interfa ce science胶体与界面科学杂志542B0004 美国17 Journal of catalys is 催化杂志542B0007 美国18 Radiati on physics and chemist ry 辐射物理学与化学542C0003 英国19 Colloid s and surface s. A, physico chemic al and enginee ring aspects胶体与表面. A辑,物理化学问题和工程问题537LB053-A 荷兰20 Interna tional reviews in physica l chemist ry 国际物理化学评论542C0068 英国21 Thermoc himica acta 热化学学报542LB005 荷兰22 Photoch emistr y and photobi ology光化学与光生物学582B0150 美国23 Progres s in solid state chemist ry 固体化学进展540C0009 英国24 Faraday discuss ions of the Chemica l Society化学学会法拉第论坛540C0055 英国25 Theoret ical chemist ry account s 理论化学报道542E0004 德国26 Chemphy schem物理化学542E0009 德国5.分析化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Analyti cal chemist ry 分析化学546B0001 美国2 Journal of chromat ograph y. A 色谱法杂志.A辑546LB002-A 荷兰3 Analyti ca chimica acta 分析化学学报546LB003-B 荷兰4 The Analyst分析化学家546C0001-A 英国5 Electro phores is 电泳546E0052 德国6 Journal of separat ion science分离科学杂志546E0003 德国7 Journal of chromat ograph y. B, Analyti cal tech-nologie s in the biomedi cal and life science s 色谱法杂志.B辑,生物医学与生命科学应用611LB054 荷兰8 Journal of electro analyt ical chemist ry 电解化学杂志546LD002-B 瑞士9 Journal of the America n Society for Mass Spec-trometr y 美国质谱学会志546B0075 美国10 Analyti cal and bioanal ytical chemist ry 分析化学和生物分析化学546E0001 德国11 Rapid communi cation s in mass spectro metry质谱学快讯546C0065 英国12 LC GC North America北美液相色层法和气相色层法546B0068 美国13 Trendsin analyti cal chemist ry 分析化学趋势546LB011 荷兰14 Journal of mass spectro metry质谱测定法杂志546C0007 英国15 T alanta塔兰塔546LB005 荷兰16 Chromat ograph ia 色层法546E0002 德国17 Separat ion and purific ationreviews分离与提纯评论810B0090 美国18 Surface and interfa ce analysi s 表面与界面分析538C0062 英国6.晶体学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of crystal growth晶体生长杂志549LB001 荷兰2 Acta crystal lograp hica. Section D, Biologi cal crystal lograp hy 结晶学报. D辑,生物结晶学549KD001-D 丹麦3 Journal of non-crystal line solids非晶性固体杂志549LB002 荷兰4 Acta crystal lograp hica. Section A, Foundat ions of crystal lograp hy 结晶学报. A辑,结晶学基础549KD001-A 丹麦5 Journal of applied crystal lograp hy 应用结晶学杂志549KD002 丹麦。

化学类核心期刊表1.化学总论类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学会志 540B0003-1 美国2 Chemical reviews 化学评论 540B0010 美国3 Angewandte Chemie 应用化学 547E0002 德国4 Chemical communications 化学通讯 540C0007-D 英国5 Accounts of chemical research 化学研究述评 540B0059 美国6 Chemical Society reviews 化学会评论 540C0005 英国7 Chemistry 化学 540E0070 德国8 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 固体物理学与固体化学杂志 538C0003 英国9 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 日本化学会通报 540D0005 日本10 Canadian journal of chemistry 加拿大化学杂志 540NA001 加拿大11 Journal of chemical education 化学教育杂志 540B0053 美国12 Pure and applied chemistry 理论化学与应用化学 540B0005 美国13 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 化学与药学通报 633D0008 日本序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国14 Journal of chemical research 化学研究杂志 540C0010 英国15 Chemistry world 化学世界 540C0004 英国16 Chemistry letters 化学快学 540D0060 日本17 Current medicinal chemistry 当今医药化学 633JM001 阿联酋18 Theochem 分子结构杂志 540LB057 荷兰19 CALPHAK 相图计算 542C0062 英国20 Journal of computer-aided molecular design 计算机辅助分子设计杂志 542LB010 荷兰21 Journal of computational chemistry 计算化学杂志 540B0023 美国22 Neurochemistry international 国际神经化学 595C0001 英国23 New journal of chemistry 化学新志 540C0077 英国24 Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 化学信息与计算机科学杂志540B0052 美国25 Helvetica chimica acta 瑞士化学学报 540E0011 德国2.无机化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Inorganic chemistry 无机化学 543B0001-1 美国2 Dalton transactions 道尔顿汇刊 540C0007-A 英国3 Inorganica chimica acta 无机化学学报 543LD002 瑞士4 Polyhedron 多面体 543C0001 英国5 Carbon 碳 812C0052 英国6 European journal of inorganic chemistry 欧洲无机化学杂志 540E0001 德国7 Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 放射分析化学与核化学杂志 542LB013 荷兰8 Journal of biological inorganic chemistry 生物无机化学杂志 540E0068 德国3.有机化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of organic chemistry 有机化学杂志 545B0002-1 美国2 Tetrahedron letters in organic chemistry 四面体通讯 545C0003 英国3 Macromolecules 大分子 545B0012-1 美国4 Tetrahedron 四面体 545C0002 英国5 Organometallics 有机金属化合物 545B0014-1 美国6 Organic & biomolecular chemistry 有机与生物分子化学 540C0017 英国7 Advances in organometallic chemistry 有机金属化学进展 545B0019 美国8 Synlett 合成化学快报 545E0052 德国9 Synthesis 合成 545E0002 德国10 European journal of organic chemistry 欧洲有机化学杂志 540E0002 德国11 Biopolymers 生物聚合物 545B0006 美国12 Aldrichimica acta 奥尔德里奇化学公司学报 545B0067 美国13 Journal of organometallic chemistry 有机金属化学杂志 545LD002 瑞士14 Advances in polymer science 聚合物科学进展 823B0007 美国序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国15 Progress in lipid research 脂类研究进展 545C0006 英国16 Organic letters 有机快报 545B0079 美国17 Natural prodrct reports 天然报告 540C0066 英国18 Journal of polymer science. Part A, polymer chemistry 聚合物科学杂志. A 辑,聚合物化学 545B0001*1 美国19 Synthetic communications 合成通讯 545B0057 美国4.物理化学、理论化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 The Journal of chemical physics 化学物理学杂志 542B0003 美国2 Chemical physics letters 化学物理学快报 542LB001 荷兰3 Langmuir 兰格缪尔 542B0068 美国4 The Journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory 物理化学杂志.A辑,分子、光谱学、动力学、环境与普通理论 542B0006-1A 美国5 Journal of physical and chemical reference data 物理与化学参考数据杂志 530B0010 美国6 The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & bio-physical 物理化学杂志.B辑,凝聚态、材精神病、表面、界面与生物物理542B0006-1B 美国7 Surface science 表面科学 538LB002 荷兰8 Advances in catalysis 催化作用进展 542B0022 美国9 Physical chemistry chemical physics 物理化学化学物理学 542C0059 英国10 Journal of the Electrochemical Society 电化学学会志 542B0005 美国11 Thin solid films 固体薄膜 712LD003 瑞士12 Catalysis reviews 催化评论 542B0012 美国13 Journal of membrane science 膜科学杂志 542LB009 荷兰14 Coordination chemistry reviews 配位化学评论 543LD003 瑞士15 Electrochimica acta 电化学学报 542C0001 英国16 Journal of colloid and interface science 胶体与界面科学杂志 542B0004 美国17 Journal of catalysis 催化杂志 542B0007 美国18 Radiation physics and chemistry 辐射物理学与化学 542C0003 英国19 Colloids and surfaces. A, physicochemical and engineering aspects 胶体与表面. A 辑,物理化学问题和工程问题 537LB053-A 荷兰20 International reviews in physical chemistry 国际物理化学评论 542C0068 英国21 Thermochimica acta 热化学学报 542LB005 荷兰22 Photochemistry and photobiology 光化学与光生物学 582B0150 美国23 Progress in solid state chemistry 固体化学进展 540C0009 英国24 Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society 化学学会法拉第论坛 540C0055 英国25 Theoretical chemistry accounts 理论化学报道 542E0004 德国26 Chemphyschem 物理化学 542E0009 德国5.分析化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Analytical chemistry 分析化学 546B0001 美国2 Journal of chromatography. A 色谱法杂志.A辑 546LB002-A 荷兰3 Analytica chimica acta 分析化学学报 546LB003-B 荷兰4 The Analyst 分析化学家 546C0001-A 英国5 Electrophoresis 电泳 546E0052 德国6 Journal of separation science 分离科学杂志 546E0003 德国7 Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical tech-nologies in the biomedical and life sciences 色谱法杂志.B辑,生物医学与生命科学应用 611LB054 荷兰8 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry 电解化学杂志 546LD002-B 瑞士9 Journal of the American Society for Mass Spec-trometry 美国质谱学会志 546B0075 美国10 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 分析化学和生物分析化学 546E0001 德国11 Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 质谱学快讯 546C0065 英国12 LC GC North America 北美液相色层法和气相色层法 546B0068 美国13 Trends in analytical chemistry 分析化学趋势 546LB011 荷兰14 Journal of mass spectrometry 质谱测定法杂志 546C0007 英国15 Talanta 塔兰塔 546LB005 荷兰16 Chromatographia 色层法 546E0002 德国17 Separation and purification reviews 分离与提纯评论 810B0090 美国18 Surface and interface analysis 表面与界面分析 538C0062 英国6.晶体学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of crystal growth 晶体生长杂志 549LB001 荷兰2 Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography 结晶学报. D辑,生物结晶学 549KD001-D 丹麦3 Journal of non-crystalline solids 非晶性固体杂志 549LB002 荷兰4 Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography 结晶学报. A辑,结晶学基础 549KD001-A 丹麦5 Journal of applied crystallography 应用结晶学杂志 549KD002 丹麦。

化学类核心期刊表1.化学总论类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学会志540B0003-1 美国2 Chemical reviews 化学评论540B0010 美国3 Angewandte Chemie 应用化学547E0002 德国4 Chemical communications 化学通讯540C0007-D 英国5 Accounts of chemical research 化学研究述评540B0059 美国6 Chemical Society reviews 化学会评论540C0005 英国7 Chemistry 化学540E0070 德国8 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 固体物理学与固体化学杂志538C0003 英国9 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 日本化学会通报540D0005 日本10 Canadian journal of chemistry 加拿大化学杂志540NA001 加拿大11 Journal of chemical education 化学教育杂志540B0053 美国12 Pure and applied chemistry 理论化学与应用化学540B0005 美国13 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 化学与药学通报633D0008 日本序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国14 Journal of chemical research 化学研究杂志540C0010 英国15 Chemistry world 化学世界540C0004 英国16 Chemistry letters 化学快学540D0060 日本17 Current medicinal chemistry 当今医药化学633JM001 阿联酋18 Theochem 分子结构杂志540LB057 荷兰19 CALPHAK 相图计算542C0062 英国20 Journal of computer-aided molecular design 计算机辅助分子设计杂志542LB010 荷兰21 Journal of computational chemistry 计算化学杂志540B0023 美国22 Neurochemistry international 国际神经化学595C0001 英国23 New journal of chemistry 化学新志540C0077 英国24 Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 化学信息与计算机科学杂志540B0052 美国25 Helvetica chimica acta 瑞士化学学报540E0011 德国2.无机化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Inorganic chemistry 无机化学543B0001-1 美国2 Dalton transactions 道尔顿汇刊540C0007-A 英国3 Inorganica chimica acta 无机化学学报543LD002 瑞士4 Polyhedron 多面体543C0001 英国5 Carbon 碳812C0052 英国6 European journal of inorganic chemistry 欧洲无机化学杂志540E0001 德国7 Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 放射分析化学与核化学杂志542LB013 荷兰8 Journal of biological inorganic chemistry 生物无机化学杂志540E0068 德国3.有机化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of organic chemistry 有机化学杂志545B0002-1 美国2 Tetrahedron letters in organic chemistry 四面体通讯545C0003 英国3 Macromolecules 大分子545B0012-1 美国4 Tetrahedron 四面体545C0002 英国5 Organometallics 有机金属化合物545B0014-1 美国6 Organic & biomolecular chemistry 有机与生物分子化学540C0017 英国7 Advances in organometallic chemistry 有机金属化学进展545B0019 美国8 Synlett 合成化学快报545E0052 德国9 Synthesis 合成545E0002 德国10 European journal of organic chemistry 欧洲有机化学杂志540E0002 德国11 Biopolymers 生物聚合物545B0006 美国12 Aldrichimica acta 奥尔德里奇化学公司学报545B0067 美国13 Journal of organometallic chemistry 有机金属化学杂志545LD002 瑞士14 Advances in polymer science 聚合物科学进展823B0007 美国序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国15 Progress in lipid research 脂类研究进展545C0006 英国16 Organic letters 有机快报545B0079 美国17 Natural prodrct reports 天然报告540C0066 英国18 Journal of polymer science. Part A, polymer chemistry 聚合物科学杂志. A 辑,聚合物化学545B0001*1 美国19 Synthetic communications 合成通讯545B0057 美国4.物理化学、理论化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 The Journal of chemical physics 化学物理学杂志542B0003 美国2 Chemical physics letters 化学物理学快报542LB001 荷兰3 Langmuir 兰格缪尔542B0068 美国4 The Journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory 物理化学杂志.A辑,分子、光谱学、动力学、环境与普通理论542B0006-1A 美国5 Journal of physical and chemical reference data 物理与化学参考数据杂志530B0010 美国6 The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & bio-physical 物理化学杂志.B辑,凝聚态、材精神病、表面、界面与生物物理542B0006-1B 美国7 Surface science 表面科学538LB002 荷兰8 Advances in catalysis 催化作用进展542B0022 美国9 Physical chemistry chemical physics 物理化学化学物理学542C0059 英国10 Journal of the Electrochemical Society 电化学学会志542B0005 美国11 Thin solid films 固体薄膜712LD003 瑞士12 Catalysis reviews 催化评论542B0012 美国13 Journal of membrane science 膜科学杂志542LB009 荷兰14 Coordination chemistry reviews 配位化学评论543LD003 瑞士15 Electrochimica acta 电化学学报542C0001 英国16 Journal of colloid and interface science 胶体与界面科学杂志542B0004 美国17 Journal of catalysis 催化杂志542B0007 美国18 Radiation physics and chemistry 辐射物理学与化学542C0003 英国19 Colloids and surfaces. A, physicochemical and engineering aspects 胶体与表面. A辑,物理化学问题和工程问题537LB053-A 荷兰20 International reviews in physical chemistry 国际物理化学评论542C0068 英国21 Thermochimica acta 热化学学报542LB005 荷兰22 Photochemistry and photobiology 光化学与光生物学582B0150 美国23 Progress in solid state chemistry 固体化学进展540C0009 英国24 Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society 化学学会法拉第论坛540C0055 英国25 Theoretical chemistry accounts 理论化学报道542E0004 德国26 Chemphyschem 物理化学542E0009 德国5.分析化学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Analytical chemistry 分析化学546B0001 美国2 Journal of chromatography. A 色谱法杂志.A辑546LB002-A 荷兰3 Analytica chimica acta 分析化学学报546LB003-B 荷兰4 The Analyst 分析化学家546C0001-A 英国5 Electrophoresis 电泳546E0052 德国6 Journal of separation science 分离科学杂志546E0003 德国7 Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical tech-nologies in the biomedical and life sciences 色谱法杂志.B辑,生物医学与生命科学应用611LB054 荷兰8 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry 电解化学杂志546LD002-B 瑞士9 Journal of the American Society for Mass Spec-trometry 美国质谱学会志546B0075 美国10 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 分析化学和生物分析化学546E0001 德国11 Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 质谱学快讯546C0065 英国12 LC GC North America 北美液相色层法和气相色层法546B0068 美国13 Trends in analytical chemistry 分析化学趋势546LB011 荷兰14 Journal of mass spectrometry 质谱测定法杂志546C0007 英国15 Talanta 塔兰塔546LB005 荷兰16 Chromatographia 色层法546E0002 德国17 Separation and purification reviews 分离与提纯评论810B0090 美国18 Surface and interface analysis 表面与界面分析538C0062 英国6.晶体学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of crystal growth 晶体生长杂志549LB001 荷兰2 Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography 结晶学报. D辑,生物结晶学549KD001-D 丹麦3 Journal of non-crystalline solids 非晶性固体杂志549LB002 荷兰4 Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography 结晶学报. A辑,结晶学基础549KD001-A 丹麦5 Journal of applied crystallography 应用结晶学杂志549KD002 丹麦。

The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 (n.→v.) The continuous process can ordinarily be handled in the less space. 连续过程通常能节省操作空间。 (adj.→v.)
本书共分为三部分: 第一部分为“科技英语翻译方法”; 第二部分为“专业文章阅读与翻译”; 第三部分为“科技论Exam (1): close-book exam, covering all nomenclature, dictionary NOT allowed Exam (2): open-book, comprehensive, dictionary allowed
科技著作、科技论文及报告、实验报告及方 案; 各类科技情报及文字资料; 科技实用手册的结构描述和操作规程; 有关科技问题的会谈、会议; 有关科技的影片、录像及光盘等有声资料的 解说词等。
科技英语要求其客观性、准确性及 严密性,注意叙事逻辑上的连贯及表 达上的明晰、畅达,避免行文晦涩。 科技英语力求平易和精确,避免使用 旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各 种修饰词,以免使读者产生行文浮华, 内容虚饰之感。
1.据语言学家统计,物理、化学、工程类的教科书里, 约有1/3的动词用于被动语态句。 2. 这是因为科技人员最最关心的是行为、活动、事实 本身,至于谁做的,无关紧要,而且运用被动语态显 得文章所描述的内容更客观,可减少一些主观印象。 例如: Mathematics is used in many different fields. people use mathematics in many different fields.

what is chemistry and why is it important
Figure n. 数字;算术;人物;身材 vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色 vt. 计算在内;估计; 推测;认为
1 An organizational chart showing the relationship of the scientific discipline
content(英 ['kɒntent] 美 [ˈkɑ:ntent] n. 内容;(书等的)目录;满足;容量 [kənˈtent]
adj. 满足的,满意的;愿意的;心甘情愿的 ) is both information and
entertaining(entertainment 英 [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt] 美 [ˌentərˈteɪnmənt] n. 娱乐,消遣;
Every article is carefully selected so that students can relate to their previous chemistry knowledge and learn new things during the study of English. Finally, an article entitled “Chemistry's Golden Age” and its Chinese translation are included for stimulating students interest in future chemistry.

The Roots Of ChemistryChemistry can be broadly defines as the science of molecules and their transformations.化学可以广泛地定义为科学的分子和他们的转换。
In contrast to mathematics,chemistry is older than people. 与数学不同,化学比人类更久远。
The appearance of life and people on our planet (earth) is most probably the end result of specific chemical processes .生命的出现和人类生活在我们地球上都最可能是特殊化学过程的结果。
Chemical processes have been present in the lives of people from the dawn of history until the present time .化学过程存从古至今存在人们的生活中。
Initially ,these processes were not under our control 最初,这些过程不受我们的控制,,for instance ,the fermentation of fruit juice,the rotting of meat and fish ,and the burning of wood .例如,果汁的发酵,肉和鱼的腐烂,木材的燃烧。
Later on we learned to control chemical processes and to use them to prepare a variety of different products such as food ,metals ,ceramics and leather .后来,我们学着控制化学过程,用它们来准备一系列不同的产品例如食物。

应用化学专业英语(课后答案和课文翻译)Unit 1 The Roots of Chemistry I. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 �Delements‖ whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1. The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2. Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3. Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4. People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5. Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6. Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1. (a)化学过程; (b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique ofdistillation 2. 正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。

Unit 1 The Rootsof Chemis tryI. Compre hensi on.1.It can be inferred from this articl e whichone of the followi ng itemsi s not mainly basedon practi c al use C. Greekchemis try2. It was B. Empedo cless who firsti ntrod ucedthe idea that all things are not formed from just one elemen t.3. In the develo pment of Greekchemis t ry, D. Democri tus was the first one defini tingthe ultimatelyconsti tuent s of matter?4. Accord i ng to Plato, thereare B. 4 ―elemen ts‖ whosefacesare consti tuted by regula r polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors thinkthat experi ment DD.can deal with the reacti ons by whichone substa n ce is converted into anothe rII. Make a senten ce out of each item by rearra nging the wordsin bracke ts.1.The purifi catio n of an organi c compou nd is usuall y a matter of consid erabl e diffic ulty, and itis necess ary to employ variou s method s for this purpos e.2.Scienc e is an ever-increa singbody of accumu lated and system atize d knowle dge and is also anactivi ty by whichknowle dge is genera ted.3.Life, afterall, is only chemis try, in fact, a smallexampl e of chemis try observ ed on a si nglemundan e planet.4.People are made of molecul es; some of the molecul es in people are rather simple wherea sothers are highly comple x.5.Chemist ry is ever presen t in our livesfrom birthto deathbecause withou t chemis t ry therei sneithe r life nor death.6.Mathem atics appears to be almost as humanki nd and also permea tes all aspect s of humanlife,althou gh many of us are not fullyawareof this.III. Transl ation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemic al proces s (b) natura l science (c) the techni que of distil latio n2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。


Unit 1 Scientific Paper and LiteratureLesson 1Writing a Scientific Paper这一章节是写科学论文一个总的指导。
Introduction to Science Paper一篇研究论文是学术交流的书面形式,它可以用来传播有用的信息并且可以和别人分享有用的学术见解。
Features of Academic Papers 学术论文的特色学术论文的第一个特色就是内容。
Getting Started尽管学术论文不想食谱配方或者实验流程一样有一套固定的写作规矩,但是一些指导方针也是很有帮助的。
Lesson 1 Introduction to Chemistry The Central, Useful, and Creative Science

※ Thus we see chemistry as “central” to the human effort to move above the brutish existence of our caveman ancestors into a world where we can exist not only in harmony with nature, but also in harmony with our own aspirations.
• 化学是最古老的科学之一,它无疑是改善人类生活的最有成效的科学之 一。使用化学制造产品的工业-化学加工工业-是先进社会中最大的制造 业部门。例如,在美国,它们占所有制造业的30%以上。
• This statistic does not include the output of related industries, such as electronics, automobiles, or agriculture, that use the products of the chemical process industries.
它涉及到自然的变化 - 被闪电击中的树的燃烧,生命的中心 化学变化-也与化学家发明和创造的新转变有关。
【第二段】Chemistry has a very long history. In fact, human activity in chemistry goes back to prerecorded times.
※ 因此,我们认为化学是人类努力的“中心”,目的是超越我们的穴居人祖 先的野蛮存在,进入一个我们不仅可以与自然和谐相处,而且也可以与我 们自己的愿望和谐相处的世界。ancestor [ˈænsestə(r)] 、[ˌæspəˈreɪʃn]


Ensure language is precise, objective, and free of grammar and spelling errors Use appropriate chemical termination
Experimental report writing
Literature reading skills
Analyze the structure of the article
Skim through the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections to get a general understanding of the article
Identify the main points
Pay attention to the main findings, conclusions, and experimental design to understand the significance of the article
Take notes
Special Considerations
Include raw data, tables, figures, and any deviations from the protocol Follow the institutional reporting guidelines
Summary and Introduction Writing
Academic paper writing
To communicate chemical research findings to other disciplines and professionals

主要内容包括基本有 机合成、高分子合成、 生化合成及无机合成 等方面的基础研究和 应用研究的中文或英
文研究论文 本刊旨在报道化学学 科的理论和应用研究 成果,促进学术交流
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
该刊被SCI收录; IF:41.456(2014) 40.783 (近五年平均影响因子)
二、科学 Science 美国
创刊时间:1883年,周刊,美国科学促进协会(American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS)出版。
• 自然 Nature (英) • 科学 Science(美) • 美国化学会志 Journal of American Chemical Society
(美) • 化学评论 Chemical Reviews (美) • 化学会评论 Chemical Society Reviews (英) • 化学通讯 Chemical Communications (CC) (英) • 绿色化学 Green Chemistry (英) • 化学Chemistry (德) • 应用化学Applied Chemis整tr理y课件(美)
• 《美国化学会志》(the Journal of the American Chemical Society,常缩写为 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 或JACS)是美国化学会发行 的学术期刊,于1879年创刊至今。 该期刊已经吸纳了另外两个期刊: the Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry(于1893年七 月)和 the American Chemical Journal(于1914年一月)。该期 刊涉及化学领域的所有内容。根据 ISI的统计数据,JACS是化学领域 内引用最多的期刊,其影响因子为 11.444(2014年)11.015(近五年 平均影响因子)[1]。目前该期刊的 编辑是犹他大学的 Peter J. Stang。

应用化学专业英语第二版课后练习题含答案Chapter OneMultiple Choice Questions1.The scientific method of problem solving consists of___________. A. observation, experimentation, hypotheses, theory B.experimentation, observation, theory, hypotheses C. observation, hypotheses, theory, experimentation D. hypothesis, theory,experimentation, observationAnswer: A2.Which of the following is NOT one of the key steps involvedin the scientific method? A. Formulating hypotheses B. Building experiments C. Rejecting hypotheses D. Proving hypothesesAnswer: D3.Which of the following is a physical property? A. Density B.Flammability C. Reaction with acid D. RustingAnswer: A4.Which subatomic particle carries a positive charge? A.Proton B. Neutron C. Electron D. AtomAnswer: A5.Which of the following is NOT a chemical change? A. Burningof wood B. Digestion of food C. Melting of ice D. Rusting of ironAnswer: CShort Answer Questions1.What is the difference between a chemical and physicalchange? Answer: A physical change is a change in the physicalproperties of a substance, whereas a chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance.2.What is an atom? Answer: An atom is the smallest particle ofmatter that retns the chemical properties of an element.3.What is a molecule? Answer: A molecule is a group of two ormore atoms that are chemically bonded together.4.What is an element? Answer: An element is a pure substancethat cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.5.What is a compound? Answer: A compound is a pure substancemade up of two or more elements that are chemically bondedtogether.Essay Questions1.What is the scientific method and how is it used to solveproblems in science? Answer: The scientific method is a logical and systematic approach to problem solving in science. It consists of several key steps including observation, hypotheses,experimentation, and theory. Scientists use the scientific method to answer questions and solve problems by gathering data through observation and experimentation, forming hypotheses based on that data, testing those hypotheses through experimentation, andfinally developing theories to expln the results of those experiments.2.Describe the properties of matter and how they are used to differentiate between substances. Answer: Properties of matter can be either physical or chemical. Physical properties include mass, volume, density, color, melting point, boiling point, and solubility. These properties can be used to differentiate between substances by comparing their physical properties. Chemical properties include reactivity, flammability, and toxicity. These properties are used to differentiate between substances based on their chemical behavior under certn conditions.3.Describe the structure of an atom and the role that subatomic particles play in determining chemical behavior. Answer: Atoms have a central nucleus that contns protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit around the nucleus in shells or orbitals. Protons carry a positive charge, electrons carry a negative charge, and neutrons carry no charge. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element to which the atom belongs, while the number of electrons in the outermost shell determines the chemical behavior of the atom.4.Expln the difference between a mixture and a pure substance. Give examples of each. Answer: A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded together. Mixtures can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A homogeneous mixture is a uniform mixture where the composition is the same throughout, such as saltwater. A heterogeneous mixture is a non-uniform mixture where the composition varies, such as oil and water. A pure substance is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Examples of pure substances include elements such as gold and silver, and compounds such as water and carbon dioxide.5.Expln the difference between a physical change and a chemical change. Give examples of each. Answer: A physical change is a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as shape, size, or state of matter, without changing its chemical composition. Examples of physical changes include melting ice, boiling water, and cutting paper. A chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance, resulting in the formation of a new substance or substances. Examples of chemical changes include burning of wood, digestion of food, and rusting of iron.。