中国结婚证英文翻译-版本4 Translation of Marriage Cert - Version 4
结婚证英文翻译第一篇:结婚证英文翻译P1中華人民共和國結婚證People's Republic of China Marriage CertificateP2 Left中華人民共和國民政部結婚證(印章)People's Republic of China Ministry of Civil AffairsMarriage Certificate(Seal)中華人民共和國民政部監製Produced by People's Republic of China Ministry of Civil AffairsP2 right結婚申請,符合《中華人民共和國婚姻法》規定,予以登記,發給此證。
.Marriage application, Consistent with the “PRC Marriage Law” provisions, Be registered and Issued this certificate.登記機關:單縣民政局婚姻登記專用章Registration authority: Shan County Civil Affairs Bureau Marriage Registration Seal婚姻登記員:簽名Marriage Registrar: SignatureP3 Left持證人:Marriage Certificate Holder:登記日期:2011年1月5日Registration Date: 01-05-2011結婚證字號:Marriage Certificate number:備註:Remarks:P3 Right姓名:Name:性別:女Gender: Female國籍:中國Nationality:China出生日期:Date of Birth:身份證號碼:ID number:姓名:Name:性別:男Gender: Male國籍:中國Nationality:China出生日期:Date of Birth:身份證號碼:ID number:P4婚姻法規定要求結婚的男女雙方必須親自到登記機關結婚登記。
THE PE OPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATEMinistry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(The Special Seal of Management of Marriage Certificate)This application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We hereby give them the permission to register and issue this m arri ag e certificate. Authorized by: Special Seal for Marriage Register of XX District, Civil Affairs Bureau of BeijingUndertaker (signature): XX XXXCertificate Holder: X XXRegistration Date: xx xxx 2009Marriage Certificate No.: Jing Chao Jie Zi 050920381Note:Name: X XX Sex: FemaleNationality: Chinese Date of Birth: xx xxx 1980ID No.: 110105xxxxxxxxxxxxName: X X Sex: MaleNationality: Chinese Date of Birth: xx xxx 1978ID No.: 120104xxxxxxxxxxxxTHE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE*** and *** applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate. Ministry of Civil Affair of the People’s Republic of China (seal)Special Seal for Marriage Register of Tianhe District, Guangzhou Civil Affairs BureauMarriage Register: (signature) XXXCertificate Holder: ***Registration Date: DD/MM/YYMarriage Certificate No. *****Name:Sex:Date of Birth:Nationality:ID Card:Name:Sex:Date of Birth:Nationality:ID Card:。
精品word.1 / 5Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People ’s Republic of China (seal)Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of thePeople ’s Republic of ChinaThe application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People ’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued.Registration Authority: Department of Civil Affairs of XXX City XXXXXXX Province (special seal for marriage registration) Marriage Registrar: (signature) (unclear )精品word.2 / 5Certificate Holder XXXXXXXXRegistration Date xxx. xxth, xxxxMarriage Certificate Zi No. XXXXXXXXXRemark NoName Xxx xxxxxx Sex MaleNationality ChinaDate of Birth xxx,xx 19xxID card No. 0123456789900000000Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex FemaleNationality ChinaDate of Birth xxx,xx 19xxID card No. 0123456789900000000According to the Marriage Law, both parties applying for marriagemust be present at marriage registration authority to complete marriage registration. Applicants conforming to the law will be allowed to register and granted Marriage Certificate. Once Marriage Certificate is gained, conjugal relation is defined. Department of Civil Affairs of the XXXXXX Province (seal)No.: 000000000000003 / 54 / 5Marriage CertificateCivil Administrationof the People's Republic of China (seal)Supervised by Ministry of Civil Affairs of P.R.CHolder: XXXMarriage Certificate No. XXXName :Gender : MaleDOB : XXXX/XX/XXID: Name:Gender: FemaleDOB: XXXX/XX/XXID:They applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issuing Authority:XXXXX Civil Affairs Bureau (sealed) Date:XXXX/XX/XX 最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本--------------------- 方便更改赠人玫瑰,手留余香。
Marriage CertificateMinistry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(Special Seal for Marriage Certificate Administration)Supervised by Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRCBinhui Hu and Dongna Wang applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Authorized by :Special Seal for Marriage Register, Shanghai Civil Affairs BureauMarriage Register: Qi ChenCertificate Holder: BinHui HuRegistration Date: 06/12/2010Marriage Certificate No. J310000-2010-002095Name: BinHui HuSex: MaleNationality: ChineseDate of Birth: 09/11/1976ID Card: G3*******Name: Dongna WangSex: FemaleNationality: ChineseDate of Birth: 30/04/1981ID Card: 3302522Marriage CertificateMinistry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(Special Seal for Marriage Certificate Administration)Supervised by Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRC****and*** applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Authorized by :Special Seal for Marriage Register, Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau Marriage Register:Certificate Holder:Registration Date:Marriage Certificate No.Name:Sex: FemaleNationality: ChineseDate of Birth:ID Card:Name:Sex: MaleNationality: ChineseDate of Birth:ID Card:。
婚姻登记员:郑莹莹Marriage Register: Yingying Zheng
持证人:XXCertificate Holder:XX
出生日期:XXXX年XX月XX 0Birth Date: XXXX-
身份证号码:12345678911ID Number: 12345678911
姓名:李四Name: Si Li
性别:女Gender: Female月XX a Birth Date: XXXX-
身份证号码:12345678911ID Number: 1234567891
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婚姻法规定,要求结婚的男女双方必须亲自到婚姻登记机关进行结婚登记。 符合本法规定的,予以登记,发给结婚证。取得结婚证,即确立夫妻关系。
The marriage law has prescribed that the man and the woman who wish to be married must go to the marriage registration office to register・ A marriage certificate shall be issued after registration in line with the provisions of this law. The husband-and-wife relationship shall be established as soon as they acquire the marriage certificates・
THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE父亲名+姓首字母大写and 母亲名+姓首字母大写applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.M inistry of Civil Affair of the People’s Republic of China (Sealed)Special Seal for Marriage Register of 结婚证领取单位(当地的民政局)(Sealed)Marriage Register: 婚姻登记人名+姓(民政局工作人员)(Sealed)Certificate Holder: 结婚证持有人Registration Date: 结婚注册日期日日-月月-年年年年Marriage Certificate No. 结婚证件号Name: 结婚证持有人名+姓首字母大写Sex: 结婚证持有人性别Male Female (选择)Date of Birth: 结婚证持有人生日日日-月月-年年年年Nationality: ChineseID Card: 结婚证持有人身份证号Name: 另一方名+姓首字母大写Sex: 另一方性别Male Female (选择)Date of Birth: 另一方生日日日-月月-年年年年Nationality: ChineseID Card: 另一方身份证号。
封面:中华人民共和国People’s Republic of China结婚证Marriage Marriage CertificateКитайская Народная РеспубликаСвидетельство о заключении бракаP1:中华人民共和国民政部(印章)Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (Special Seal for Marriage Certificate Administration)中华人民共和国民政部监制Supervised by Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRCГербовое изображение: Министерство гражданской администрацииСвидетельство о заключении бракаВыдано Министерством гражданской администрации结婚申请,符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,予以登记。
Marriage application comply with Marriage Law of the P.R.C., in confirmation of marriage registration the marriage certificate was distributed.Заявление о вступлении в брак соответствует положениям Закона о бракеКитайской Народной Республики, принято к регистрации, о чем выданонастоящее Свидетельство.登记机关(stamp)湖北民政厅婚姻登记专用章Registration authority (seal) The special seal of Hubei Civil Affairs Department of the marriage registration.Регистрирующий орган Круглая печать: Отдел гражданской администрации провинции XXXспециальная печать для регистрации брака婚姻登记员XXXThe marriage registrarРегистратор браковXXX第二面P2持证人Holder PhotoДержательФОТО登记日期Registration DateДата регистрации结婚证字号Marriage Certificate No.Номер Свидетельства备注Особые отметки姓名Fullname 性别GenderИмяПол国籍Nationality出生日期Date of BirthНациональностьДата рождения身份证件号ID NumberДокумент, удостоверяющий личность姓名Fullname 性别GenderИмяПол国籍Nationality出生日期Date of BirthНациональностьДата рождения身份证件号ID NumberДокумент, удостоверяющий личностьP3婚姻法规定,要求结婚的男女双方必须亲自到婚姻登记机关进行结婚登记。
THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE(With the seal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, P.R.C.) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Formulated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, P.R.C.The following applicants’ marriage application complies with the provisions of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, and their marriage is registered. This certificate is hereby issued.Registered by: (With the special seal for marriageregistration of Civil Affairs, HumanResources and Social Security Bureau ofAA District, AA City)Marriage Registrar:Deng Jiguan (signature)Certificate Holder: Mou Mounan Array Date of Registration: December 0, 2015Certificate Serial No.:Remarks:Name: Mou Mounan Sex: FemaleNationality: Chinese Date of Birth: December 00, 1990 ID Card No.: 000000000000000Name: Mou Mounv Sex: MaleNationality: New Zealander Date of Birth: December 00, 1990 ID Card No.: G0*******As stipulated in the Marriage Law, the bridegroom andthe bride must go to the marriage registration organ formarriage registration by themselves. If their marriageapplication complies with the provisions of the MarriageLaw, their marriage will be registered, and the certificate ofmarriage will be issued. Once the certificate of marriage isissued, the conjugal relation is established.No.0000000000THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE(With the special seal for marriage certificate administration of the Mi nistry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China)Formulated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’sRepublic of China(With the embossing special seal for marriage registration of Subdistrict Office of AA District, AA City)Certificate holder: Mou MounanY. 2000 Z. H. Zi. No.000Name: Mou Mounan Sex: MaleDate of birth: December 0, 1990 Nationality: ChineseID Card No.: 000000000000000Name: Mou Mounv Sex: FemaleDate of birth: December 00, 1990 Nationality: ChineseID Card No.: 000000000000000The applicants’ marriage application complies with the provisions of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China through investigation, and their marriage is registered. This certificate is hereby issued.Issued by:Subdistrict Office of AA District, AA City(With the special seal for marriage registration of Subdistrict Office of AA District, AA City)Issued on: December 00, 2000Note:1.Which indicates where the picture should be inaccordance with the requirements of a picture and affixed with the special seal (embossing seal) for Marriage Registration of the local marriage registration authority. 2.This Certificate will become valid only when affixedwith the special seal of the local marriage registration authority.THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE(With the seal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, P.R.C.) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Formulated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, P.R.C.The following applicants’ marriage application complies with the provisions of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, and their marriage is registered. This certificate is hereby issued.Registered by: (With the special seal for marriageregistration of AA Civil Affairs, Religion,Foreign and Overseas Chinese AffairsBureau of AA City)Marriage Registrar: Deng Jiguan (signature)Certificate Holder: Mou Mounan Array Date of Registration: December 00, 2000Certificate Serial No.:Remarks:Name: Mou Mounan Sex: FemaleNationality: China Date of Birth:December 00, 1990ID Card No.:000000000000000Name: Mou Mounv Sex: MaleNationality: The Netherlands Date of Birth: December 00 00, 1990 ID Card No.: Z0000000As stipulated in the Marriage Law, the bridegroom andthe bride must go to the marriage registration organ formarriage registration by themselves. If their marriageapplication complies with the provisions of the MarriageLaw, their marriage will be registered, and the certificate ofmarriage will be issued. Once the certificate of marriage isissued, the conjugal relation is established.No. 0000000000。