

2019年中考英语母题题源系列专题20 阅读理解说明文(解析版)

2019年中考英语母题题源系列专题20 阅读理解说明文(解析版)

专题20 阅读理解说明文【母题来源1】【2019 •重庆市中考】【母题原题】Cinyee Chiu, an artist from Taiwan, is always happy to try something new. Her amazing works won lots of prizes. Among them, "24 Solar Terms(节气)"is the most popular.Ancient Chinese divided a year into 24 part s according to the changes of the weather. It’s the 24 solar terms. But not everyone knows them well. Cinyee Chiu put the 24 solar terns in pictures to help people understand them better.Cinyee turned each solar term into an animal. But these animals are not just animals. You can also find seasonal fruits, vegetables or beautiful flowers on them.When spring comes, water gets warm and fish start to swim around. So Cinyee chose fish as a symbol of Start of Spring. Also, she drew spring vegetables, Chinese chives on the back of the fish.White Dew falls on about Sept. 8. It shows the beginning of the cool autumn. There are colorful leaves and cooler nights at this time of year. As the temperature falls, white dew(露珠) is often seen on the grass and trees at night. For White Dew, Cinyee chose a raccoon—a small animal with thick hair. She drew white spots(小圆点) on the raccoon to show dew. And she used the dragon fruit to show the rich colors in autumn.The young artist really gave the ancient Chinese culture a new look.1. The writer gave ___________ examples to show Cinyee’s "24 Solar Terms".A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five2. From Paragraph 5, we know that ___________.A. a raccoon likes fishB. Start of Spring falls on about Dec. 8C. White Dew shows the end of the autumnD. Cinyee used white spots to show dew3. According to the passage, Picture ___________ can’t be from Cinyee’s "24 Solar Terms".A. B. C. D.4. The writer mainly wants to talk about ___________.A. why Cinyee made herself knownB. who divided a year into 24 partsC. how Cinyee showed the 24 solar termsD. what Start of Spring and White Dew mean【文章大意】本文介绍了来自台湾的艺术家Cinyee Chiu是如何用动物来展示24节气的。



I’m secretly relieved because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities
a2m(on2g01m9a年ny全. T国he2u卷nw阅il读lin理g p解areBn篇t o)rganizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects
There was a bit of me that didn't want to love this when everyone else on the planet did, but the horror story is brilliant. There's tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust. It's a real whodunit and the frustration when you realise what's going on is horribly enjoyable.
The Stand Stephen King
This is an excellent fantasy novel from one of the best storytellers around. After a serious flu outbreak wipes out 99.4% of the world's population, a battle unfolds between good and evil among those left. Randall Flagg is one of the scariest characters ever.



屠呦呦坚信青蒿提取物有效且对人体无毒害,于是她 主动要求在自己身上做试验。接下来那几天医生对她 进行试药观察并逐渐增加剂量。她亲自试药,感觉良 好。而最重要的是,医生一直在观察她内脏器官的各 项指标,心脏、肝脏、肾脏全都没有任何问题。
If you measure greatness in terms of the number of human lives saved, then there is no doubt at all that Tu Youyou is one of the greatest scientists of all time.
Artemisia (艾)was a plant Tu had tested before without success. Then she had anepiphany by heating the plant to extract ( 提 取 ) the compound. She might have been damaging the drug in the process. Instead, she decided to try extracting it at a lower temperature, mimicking compound ['kɒmpaʊnd ](配方). (模仿) the original formula
如果要用拯救了多少人的生命来衡量一个人伟 大的程度,那么毫无疑问屠呦呦是人类历史上 最伟大的科学家之一。
屠呦呦参与的项目旨在寻找治疗疟疾的方法。 她受到一篇中国古文的启发,文中写道,公元 400 年左右时青蒿被用来治疗间歇性发热(疟 疾的一种症状)。
With half the world’s population at risk from malaria, Tu and artemisinin’s (青蒿素) vast impact cannot be underestimated. As her Nobel Prize summary states her work has “led to the survival and improved health of millions of underestimate [ˌʌndər'estɪmeɪt] people”. vt. 低估;看轻


由乌拉尔斯克的一家铬厂生产的化学品被指导 致了这种现象,这是一系列环境问题的最新消 息,这些担忧被认为会损害弗拉基米尔 ·普京 在民众中的受欢迎程度。
Protests have also been held over a Siberian coal processing plant(煤炭加工厂) blamed for
Novemberl.aunch [l??nt?] blankvett.[发'b起l??,k?发t]动 vt. 覆盖
西伯利亚的一家煤炭加工厂也遭到抗议,被指 责造成黑雪现象。而西贝的居民已经开始对烟 雾采取法律行动,该烟雾自去年 11月以来一直 覆盖了乌拉尔南部城镇。
Parents in Pervouralsk, a city in the central Russian Sverdlovsk region, told local media their children had fallen ill after green snow fell near their nursery. “Theyhad a cough and their skin turned red, rashes(发疹 ) on their face,”NatalynaurSsoelroyve['ynt?o?lsd(?N)rD]?News.
n. 托儿所
俄罗斯斯维尔德洛夫斯克市中心城市乌拉尔斯 克的一对父母告诉当地媒体,他们的孩子在幼 儿园附近下绿雪之后生病了。“他们咳嗽,皮 肤变红,脸上出现皮疹,”纳塔利娅告诉 《ND 新闻》。
The chrome factory has denied the chemical poses a health risk.
Chemicals pumped out by a chrome(铬) factory in Pervouralsk have been blamed for the phenomenon, the latest in a string of environmental concerns thought to be damaging Vlavdt.imp用ui抽rmPp水u[t机pin?抽'ms p…]o一…pau系lsat列rrii,tnyg.一of串



Wind 风言风语
__w_i_n_d____风 _t_y_p_h_o_o_n__台风
__b_l_o_w____刮风 __w_h_i_p____鞭打
__b_r_e_e_ze___微风 _h_u_r_r_ic_a_n_e_飓风 __s_t_o_rm____暴风雨
Thunder boomed like a thousand drums, shaking the very foundations of the earth. 7. 雨倾盆而下,每一滴都像锤子一样敲打着屋顶和地面。
The rain came down in torrents, each drop a hammer pounding the roof and the ground.
(二)高分句式 关于风的句子: 1.温暖的风轻抚着他的头,似乎驱散了他的疲惫。 The warm wind stroked his head, as if comforting all his tiredness. 2.春风轻轻吹拂,好像在对我耳语。
The spring wind blew gently, as if whispering to me. 3. 寒冷的风怒号着,像刀一样刺痛着我的脸。
Snowflakes drifted down gently, as if nature was sowing a field of white dreams. 3. 我凝视着闪闪发光的雪地,这景色既令人惊叹又宁静。 I gazed upon the glistening expanse of snow, a sight both breathtaking and serene.




AMyFavouriteBooksJoUsmarisawriterforCosmopolitanandco-authoroftheThisBookWillseries(系列)oflifestylebooks.Hereshepickshertopreads.MatildaRoaldDahlIoncewroteapaperontheinfluenceoffairytalesonRoaldDahl''s writinganditgavemeanewappreciationforhisstrangeanddelightful words.Matilda''sbattleswithhercruelparentsandthebossyheadmis tress,MissTrunchbull,arequallyfumyandfrightening,butthey''realsoaspirational.AfterDarkHarukiMurakamiIt’sabouttwosisters—Eri,amodelwhoeitherwon’torcan’tstopsleeping,andMari,ayou ngstudent.Intryingtoconnecttohersister,Maristartschangingherlif eanddiscoversaworldofdiverse"nightpeople"whoarehidingsecret s.GoneGirlGillianFlynnTherewasabitofmethatdidn''twanttolovethiswheneveryoneel seontheplanetdid,butthehorrorstoryisbrilliant.There''stensionand anxietyfromthebeginningasNickandAmybattleforyourtrust.It''sar ealwhodunitandthefrustrationwhenyourealisewhat''sgoingonish orriblyenjoyable.TheStandStephenKingThisisanexcellentfantasynovelfromoneofthebeststorytellersa round.Afteraseriousfluoutbreakwipesout99.4%oftheworld''spop ulation,abattleunfoldsbetweengoodandevilamongthoseleft.Ran dallFlaggisoneofthescariestcharactersever.21.Whodoes"I"refertointhetext?A.StephenKing.B.GillianFlynn.C.JoUsmar.D.RoaldDahl.22.WhichofthefollowingtellsaboutMariandEri?A.Cosmopolitan.B.Matilda.C.AfterDark.D.TheStand.23.WhatkindofbookisGoneGirl?A.Afolktale.B.Abiography.C.Alovestory.D.Ahorrorstory.B"Youcanusemeasalastresort(),andifnobodyelsevolunteersthenIwilldoit."Thiswasanactualre plyfromaparentafterIputoutarequestforvolunteersformykids''lacr osse()club.Iguessthatthere''sprobablysomedemandingworkschedule,or socialanxietyaroundsteppinguptohelpforanunknownsport.Shem ayjustneedalittlepersuading.SoItryagainandtugattheheartstrings .ImentionthesingleparentwithfourkidsrunningtheshowandItalka boutthedadcoachingateamthathiskidsaren’tevenon…Atthispoi nttheunwillingparentspeaksup,"Alright.Yes,I’lldoit."I’msecretlyrelievedbecauseIknowthere’srealpowerinshari ngvolunteerresponsibilitiesamongmany.Theunwillingparentorga nizesthemealschedule,sendsoutemails,andcollectsmoneyforend-of-seasongifts.Somewherealongtheway,thesameparentendsupbecominganinvaluablememberoftheteam.Thecoachisabletofocusont hekidswhiletheotherparentsarerelievedtobeoffthehookforanoth erseason.Handingoutslicedorangestobloodthirstykidscanbeasex citingaswatchingyourownkidscoreagoal.Still,mostofusvolunteersbreatheasighofreliefwhentheseason comestoaclose.Thatreliefiscoupledwithadeepunderstandingofw hythesamepeoplekeepcomingbackformore:Connectingtotheco mmunity(社区)asyoufreelygiveyourtime,money,skills,orservicesprovidesarealjoy .Volunteeringjustfeelssogood.Inthatsense,I’mprettysurevolunteeringismoreofaselfishac tt hanI’dfreelyliketoadmit.However,ifothersbenefitintheprocess,a ndIgetsomerewardtoo,doesitreallymatterwheremymotivationlies?24.Whatcanweinferabouttheparentfromherreplyinparagraph l?A.Sheknowslittleabouttheclub.B.Sheisn''tgoodatsports.C.Shejustdoesn''twanttovolunteer.D.She''sunabletomeetherschedule.25.Whatdoestheunderlinedphrase"tugattheheartstrings"inp aragraph2mean?A.Encourageteamwork.B.Appealtofeelings.C.Promotegooddeeds.D.Provideadvice.26.Whatcanwelearnabouttheparentfromparagraph3?A.Shegetsinterestedinlacrosse.B.Sheisproudofherkids.C.She’llworkforanotherseason.D.Shebecomesagoodhelper.27.Whydoestheauthorlikedoingvolunteerwork?A.Itgivesherasenseofduty.B.Itmakesherveryhappy.C.Itenableshertoworkhard.D.Itbringshermaterialrewards.CMarianBechtelsitsatWestPalmBeach’sBarLouiecounterbyhe rself,quietlyreadinghere-bookasshewaitsforhersalad.Whatisshereading?Noneofyourbusin ess!LunchisBechtel’s"me"time.AndlikemoreAmericans,she’sno talone.Anewreportfound46percentofmealsareeatenaloneinAmerica .Morethanhalf(53percent)havebreakfastaloneandnearlyhalf (46percent)havelunchbythemselves.Onlyatdinnertimeareweeatingtogethera nymore,74percent,accordingtostatisticsfromthereport."Iprefertogooutandbeout.Alone,buttogether,youknow?"Bec htelsaid,lookingupfromherbook.Bechtel,whoworksindowntown WestPalmBeach,haslunchwithcoworkerssometimes,butlikemanyofus,toooftenworksthroughlunchatherdesk.Alunchtimeescapeall owshertokeepabossfromtappingherontheshoulder.Shereturnsto workfeelingenergized."Today,Ijustwantedsometimetomyself,"she said.Justtwoseatsover,AndrewMazoleny,alocalvideographer,isfini shinghislunchatthebar.Helikesthathecansitandcheckhisphoneinp eaceorchatupthebarkeeperwithwhomhe''sonafirst-namebasisifhewantstohavealittleinteraction(交流)."Ireflectonhowmyday''sgoneandthinkabouttherestofthewee k,"hesaid."It''sachanceforself-reflection,Youreturntoworkrechargedandwithaplan."Thatfreedomtochooseisonereasonmorepeopleliketoeatalon e.Therewasatimewhenpeoplemayhavefeltawkwardaboutaskingf oratableforone,butthosedaysareover.Now,wehaveoursmartphon estokeepuscompanyatthetable."Itdoesn''tfeelasaloneasitmayhav ebeforealltheadvancesintechnology,"saidLaurieDemeritt,whosec ompanyprovidedthestatisticsforthereport.28.Whatarethestatisticsinparagraph2about?A.Foodvariety.B.Eatinghabits.C.Tablemanners.D.Restaurantservice.29.WhydoesBechtelprefertogooutforlunch?A.Tomeetwithhercoworkers.B.Tocatchupwithherwork.C.Tohavesometimeonherown.D.Tocollectdataforherreport.30.WhatdoweknowaboutMazoleny?A.Hemakesvideosforthebar.B.He’sfondofthefoodatthebar.C.Heinterviewscustomersatthebar.D.He’sfamiliarwiththebarkeeper.31.Whatisthetextmainlyabout?A.Thetrendofhavingmealsalone.B.Theimportanceofself-reflection.C.Thestressfromworkingovertime.D.Theadvantageofwirelesstechnology.DBacteriaareanannoyingproblemforastronauts.Themicroorga nisms(微生物)fromourbodiesgrowuncontrollablyonsurfacesoftheInternational SpaceStation,soastronautsspendhourscleaningthemupeachweek .HowisNASAovercomingthisverytinybigproblem?It’sturningtoa bunchofhighschoolkids.Butnotjustanykids.ItdependingonNASA HUNCHhighschoolclassrooms,liketheonescienceteachersGeneG ordonandDonnaHimmelbergleadatFairportHighSchoolinFairport ,NewYork.HUNCHisdesignedtoconnecthighschoolclassroomswithNAS Aengineers.Forthepasttwoyears,Gordon’sstudentshavebeenstudyingwaystokillbacteriainzerogravity,andtheythinkthey’recloset oasolution(解决方案).“Wedon’tgivethestudentsanybreaks.Theyhavetodoitjustli keNASAengineers,”saysFlorenceGold,aprojectmanager."Therearenotests,"Gordonsays."Thereisnogradedhomework. Therealmostarenogrades,otherthan''Areyouworkingtowardsyour goal?''Basically,it’s''I’vegottoproducethisproductandthen,atth eendofyear,presentittoNASA.''Engineerscomeandreallydoanin-personreview,and...it’snotaverynicethingattimes.It’sahardbusi nessreviewofyourproduct."GordonsaystheHUNCHprogramhasanimpact(影响)oncollegeadmissionsandpracticallifeskills."Thesekidsaresoabsor bedintheirstudiesthatIjustsitback.Idon’tteach."Andthatannoyin gbacteria?GordonsayshisstudentsareemailingdailywithNASAeng ineersabouttheproblem,readyingaworkablesolutiontotestinspac e.32.WhatdoweknowaboutthebacteriaintheInternationalSpace Station?A.Theyarehardtogetridof.B.Theyleadtoairpollution.C.Theyappearindifferentforms.D.Theydamagetheinstruments.33.WhatisthepurposeoftheHUNCHprogram?A.Tostrengthenteacher-studentrelationships.B.Tosharpenstudents’communicationskills.C.Toallowstudentstoexperiencezerogravity.D.Tolinkspacetechnologywithschooleducation.34.WhatdotheNASAengineersdoforthestudentsintheprogra m?A.Checktheirproduct.B.Guideprojectdesigns.C.Adjustworkschedules.D.Gradetheirhomework.35.Whatisthebesttitleforthetext?A.NASA:TheHomeofAstronautsB.Space:TheFinalHomeworkFrontierC.Nature:AnOutdoorClassroomD.HUNCH:ACollegeAdmissionReform第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



Unit 4 Global warming话题素材——全球变暖[话题词汇]1.atmosphere n. 大气;气氛2.recycle v. 回收利用3.unbearable adj. 难以忍受的4.decline vi. 减少;降低;下降5.undertake vt. 承担;从事;负责6.raise people's awareness of environmental protection 提高人们的环保意识7.bring ... under control 控制……8.die out 灭绝9.white pollution 白色污染10.from bad to worse 每况愈下11.be faced with 面临12.do what we can 做我们能做的一切13.reduce pollution 减少污染14.throw away 丢弃15.in harmony with nature 与自然和谐相处[经典佳句]1.There_is_no_doubt_that the earth is becoming warmer and thatit_is_human_activities_that have caused this global warming.毫无疑问,地球正变得更加暖和,全球变暖正是人类活动所致。

2.We'll have nowhere to live in the future unless we take_action_to_protect the earth now.如果我们现在不采取措施来保护地球,将来我们会无处生存。

3.It_is_well-known_that the global water shortage is becoming increasinglysevere mainly due_to global warming.众所周知,由于全球变暖,全球水资源短缺问题正变得日益严重。



岩画揭秘“绿色撒哈拉”The Atbai Desert, a part of the Sahara Desert, is one of the driest 1_________(place) on Earth, with a sandy and barren landscape that averages zero millimeters of rainfall each year. So, archaeologists (考古学家) were surprised when they recently discovered rock art 2__________(show) boats and cattle in an area that is 60 miles away from the closest body of water.“It was surprising to find cattle 3___________(carve) on desert rock walls as they require plenty of water and wide-open grassland, and would not survive in the dry and barren environment of the Sahara today,” said Julien Cooper, an archaeologist from Macquarie University. “The discovery of boat images in the rock art this distant from the Nile or Red Sea was also surprising.”Archaeologists believe the discovery of ancient rock art in the Sahara Desert provides clear evidence that this harsh landscape was once a far 4____________( hospitable)grassland, supporting the theory of a once “Green Sahara” around 3,000 B.C.E. During this period, the area was a grassy plain with lakes and rivers, sustaining a 5_____________(various) of wildlife and human activities such as cattle herding.6__________, changes in African monsoon (季风) patterns transformed the Sahara into the barren desert we know today. Now, only hardy animals like camels and goats can survive there.The rock art’s detailed carvings suggest that the creators 7_________(spend) plenty of time in the area, further indicating that the region was once supportive of human life. The transition from a “Green Sahara” to a barren desert changed not only the physical landscape but also the cultural and social structures of the time. As the climate grew drier, many residents were forced to migrate closer to the Nile, contributing to the formation of early urban states and culture in Egypt and Nubia.The discovery offers valuable insight into the changes that 8____________(occur) in the Sahara over thousands of years. It highlights the 9_____________(important) of studying ancient artifacts to better understand the history of our planet and the impact of climate change 10_______human civilization.参考答案:1 places 2 showing 3 carved 4 more hospitable 5 variety 6 However 7 spent 8 have occurred 9 importance 10 on超忆症:从不遗忘的能力Do you remember what you had for dinner two weeks ago today? What about two years ago? For most people, 1___________(recall) such details is a challenge, but it’s a different story for individuals with hyperthymesia (Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, HSAM). This rare condition allows them 2_____________(remember)numerous life experiences clearly, including specific dates, times, locations and even small details from many years ago. As of 2021, only 62 people worldwide have been identified with this3___________(able).However, memories 4________( recall) by HSAM individuals are highly self-centered: they can only remember past experiences and details about themselves. Yet their ability tomemorize impersonal information, such as random lists of words, appears to be no better than average. Unlike others with exceptional memory, HSAM individuals do not rely on specific memory strategies to remember information. Their recall is often described as an “involuntary” process, 5__________memories come to mind without effort or conscious awareness.While HSAM may seem like a desirable ability, it can also be a liability for those who possess it. People with HSAM may find 6_______ difficult to forget painful or negative experiences, which can potentially lead to 7___________(anxious) and depression. They may also struggle to remain focused 8_______ the present moment, as their minds are 9__________(constant) flooded with memories from the past.Despite brain scans 10 ____________(fail) to reveal significant physical differences, researchers believe people with HSAM possess distinct thinking patterns and habits that contribute to their remarkable memory abilities. Specifically, they show high concentration levels and a tendency for fantasy, allowing them to think about past experiences repeatedly and thereby strengthening their ability to recall memories. Unlike the average person who may experience this process after significant events, HSAM individuals do so day in and day out throughout their lives.参考答案:1 recalling 2 to remember 3 ability 4 recalled 5 where 6 it 7 anxiety 8 on 9 constantly 10 failing哥本哈根“绿色出游”新体验This summer, Europe’s most popular attractions are fighting back against overtourism (过度旅游). As many destinations move to restrict, fine, ban, charge and protest tourists for bad behavior, Copenhagen is trying a different approach to 1 _____________(turn) tourism from a negative force to a positive one.Tourism officials in Copenhagen introduced CopenPay, a new pilot project 2 ______will provide various gifts and benefits to travelers who engage 3 ______ climate-friendly behaviors, such as taking public transport or volunteering in clean-up4 ____________(effort) . These include free coffee or a lunch 5 ____________( make) rom locally sourced food, free museum tours and kayak rentals. Green actions have become a currency for enjoying Copenhagen’s free food and cultural experiences.Mikkel Aarø-Hansen, CEO of Wonderful Copenhagen, says the initiative (倡议) is not meant 6 ____________(increase) tourism but merely promotes a better way to go about it. It aims to help transform tourism from “an environmental burden” into a “force for positive change.” An important step in this transformation, he said, “is to change how we move around on the destination, what we consume, and how we interact with the locals.”According to a 2023 sustainable report by Kanter, a London-based market research group, 81% of consumers say they want to act more sustainably, 7 ________only 22% have changed their behavior. Mikkel Aarø-Hansen views CopenPay as an experimental step to bridge the gap between the desire to act 8 ______________( sustainable) and actual behavior. “Our vision isto create a ripple effect (连锁效应). We hope that by showing the success of this and other initiatives, other cities around the globe will 9 ____________(inspire) to find their way to encourage more sustainable tourism behavior, ultimately 10 ___________(lead) to a more sustainable future for everyone.”Will Copenhagen’s strategy work? Only time will tell. Still, Randy Durband, chief executive of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, believes it “deserves some credit for not shaking a fist at bad behavior but trying to make it fun and have some rewards and benefits.”参考答案:1 turning 2 that 3 in 4 efforts 5 made 6 to increase 7 but 8 sustainably 9 be inspired 10 leading。



2019高考英语阅读理解专题选编(5)李仕才AGrey clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The day is June 10.It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains. Wayne Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail-95 miles from Lolo Montana to Weippe in Idaho, across the roughest country in the West. Lewis and Clark were nearly defeated 200 years ago by snowstorms on the Lolo. Today Fairchild is nervously checking the weather reports. He has agreed to take me across the toughest, middle section of the trail.When Lewis climbed on top of Lemhi Pass,140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug.12,1805,he was astonished by what was in front of him; "high mountain chains still to the West of us with their tops partially covered with snow." Nobody in what was then the US knew the Rocky Mountains existed, with peaks twice as high as anything in the Appalachians back East.Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is an evidence to the character of two cultures: the explorers who braved its hardships and the Native Americans who prize and conserve the path as a sacred (神圣的)gift. It remains today the same condition as when Lewis and Clark walked it.The Lolo is passable only from July to mid-September. Our luck is holding with the weather, although the snow keeps getting deeper. As we climb to Indian Post Office, the highest point on the trail at 7,033 ft, we have covered 13 miles in soft snow, and we hardly have enough energy to make dinner. After a meal of chicken, I sit on a rock on top of the ridge (山脊).There is no light visible in any direction, not even another campfire. For four days we do not see another human being. We are occupied with the things that mix fear with joy. In our imagination we have finally caught up with Lewis and Clark.1. We learn from the text that before 1805 .A. The Rocky Mountains were wholly covered with snowB. there were no people living in the western part of AmericaC.no Americans knew of the existence of the Rocky MountainsD. the Appalachians were the western frontier of the United States2.We learn from the text that the Lolo Pass .A. has changed a lot since 1805B.is the meeting point of three culturesC. remains much the same as it was 200 years agoD. now attracts a large number of tourists to visit3.Judging from the text, Lewis and Clark were most probably .A. two native IndiansB. explorers of the early 19th centuryC. merchants who did business with the IndiansD. travelers whose curiosity took them over the Lolo Pass4.We can infer from the text that when crossing the Lolo Pass the author .A. was attempting the impossibleB. was trying to set a world recordC. was following the trail of Lewis and ClarkD. was fighting with weather and taking unnecessary risks【文章大意】本文纪录的是一次追寻前人足迹的探险,尽管天气、路程等的艰难,但是在作者看来却是已经赶上了以前的探险者。

《高考真题》2019年高考英语母题题源系列专题06 阅读理解环保类(解析版)

《高考真题》2019年高考英语母题题源系列专题06 阅读理解环保类(解析版)

专题06 阅读理解(环保类)【母题来源一】【2019·北京卷,D】环保类By the end of the century,if not sooner,the world's oceans will be bluer and greener thanks to a warming climate,according to a new study.At the heart of the phenomenon lie tiny marine microorganisms(海洋微生物)called phytoplankton. Because of the way light reflects off the organisms,these phytoplankton create colourful patterns at the ocean surface. Ocean colour varies from green to blue,depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton. Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas,while reducing it in other spots,leading to changes in the ocean's appearance.Phytoplankton live at the ocean surface,where they pull carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)into the ocean while giving off oxygen. When these organisms die,they bury carbon in the deep ocean,an important process that helps to regulate the global climate. But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean's warming trend. Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth,since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow,but also nutrients.Stephanie Dutkiewicz,a scientist in MIT's Center for Global Change Science,built a climate model that projects changes to the oceans throughout the century. In a world that warms up by 3℃,it found that multiple changes to the colour of the oceans would occur. The model projects that currently blue areas with little phytoplankton could become even bluer. But in some waters,such as those of the Arctic,a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton,and these areas will turn greener. “Not only are the quantities of phytoplankton in the ocean changing. ”she said,“but the type of phytoplankton is changing. ”42. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?A. The various patterns at the ocean surface.B. The cause of the changes in ocean colour.C. The way light reflects off marine organisms.D. The efforts to fuel the growth of phytoplankton.43. What does the underlined word “vulnerable”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Sensitive.B. BeneficialC. SignificantD. Unnoticeable44. What can we learn from the passage?A. Phytoplankton play a declining role in the marine ecosystem.B. Dutkiewicz's model aims to project phytoplankton changesC. Phytoplankton have been used to control global climateD. Oceans with more phytoplankton may appear greener.45. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To assess the consequences of ocean colour changesB. To analyse the composition of the ocean food chainC. To explain the effects of climate change on oceansD. To introduce a new method to study phytoplankton【语篇解读】本文为说明文。


北京林业大学的300名经过培训的学生担任了 此次的调查人员,他们按照种类和生长速度确 定杨柳树雌株的分布,并标记位置,为后续行 动做准备。
The survey found there were 284,000 female willows and poplars inside the Fifth Ring Road, with nearly 38 percent in the Chaoyang district. In some areas, there were about 10,000 such trees within one grid(网格), with the highest densities found in the southwest of the city, between the Fourth and Fifth ring roads.
The trees were planted in the 1960s and 1970s as a cheap, easy-to-maintain and quickgrowing way to make Beijing greener.
这些树木是在上世纪六七十年代种植的,因为 这种绿化树木对北京来说价格便宜、易于维护 而又生长快速。
Aerial photography(空中摄影) was used, with urban areas inside the Fifth Ring Road—where most of the city’s population lives—divided into 2,866 grids, each of 250,000 square meters, Qin Yongsheng, an official with the Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau, said.


玛丽安·柏克德尔(Marian Bechtel)独自坐在西棕榈滩(West Palm Beach)路易酒吧(Bar Louie)的柜台前,她一边等沙拉,一边静静地阅读着电子书。人家在读什么?你管不着!午餐时间是人家柏克德尔自己的时间。如今越来越多的美国人都是这个样子,她可不是什么另类。
A new report found 46 percent of meals are eaten alone in America. More than half (53 percent) have breakfast alone and nearly half(46 percent)havelunch by themselves. Only at dinner time are we eating together any more, 74 percent,according to statistics from the report.
A. To meet with her coworkers.B. To catch up with her work.
C. To have some time on her own.D. To collect data for her report.
30. What do we know about Mazoleny?
That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone. There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking fora table for one,but those days are over. Now,we have our smart phones to keep us company at the table. “It doesn't feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology,”said Laurie Demerit,whose company provided the statistics for the report.



2019年高考英语真题全国I卷阅读理解部分:全文英汉对照翻译+解析+重点词汇2019年高考英语真题全国I卷阅读理解部分:全文英汉对照翻译+解析+重点词汇适用地区:河南、河北、山西、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、福建、山东A篇一、原文部分Need aJob This Summer?要找暑期工作吗?Theprovincial government and its partners offer many programs to help studentsfind summer jobs. The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on theprogram.省政府及其合作伙伴提供了很多项目来帮助学生找到暑期工作。


Nota student? Go to the government website to learn about programs and onlinetools available to help people under 30 build skills, find a job or startbusinesses all year round.如果您不是学生,也可登录政府网站,了解政府所出台的用于常年帮助30岁以下的人培养技能、找工作或创业的相关项目和在线工具。

Jobsfor Youth青少年工作岗位Ifyou are a teenager living in certain parts of the province, you could beeligible (符合条件) for this program,which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training.如果你是居住在本省的青少年,则你可能符合本项目的申请条件;申请成功后,该项目会向你提供八周的带薪工作及相关的培训。


10、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天 真而不 幼稚, 勇敢而 鲁莽, 倔强而 有原则 ,热情 而不冲 动,乐 观而不 盲目。 ——马 克思
56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈Biblioteka 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左
全文翻译2019卷I高考 英语阅读理解朗读
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信念。 ——马 卡连柯
8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯


北京市林业工作总站副站长秦永胜说,调查人 员采用航拍技术,把五环内城区划分成2 866张 航片网格图。每个网格的范围是25万平方米。 北京市绝大多数市民都生活在五环内。
Three hundred students from Beijing Forestry University trained to identify the female varieties plotted the trees’ locations by species and growth,idaenndtifmy a[arkɪ'eddentthɪfeamɪ] for follow-up action ifvtr.e确qu认ir;ed鉴. 定;识别;辨认出

2.文章详细描写了林海音对台湾本土 作家钟 理和的 着意栽 培和慷 慨相助 ,不仅 能够表 现传主 的精神 品质, 而且有 力证明 了传主 是台湾 文学的 一道阳 光。

3.文章中引用了传主自己的一些语言 ,为作 者的观 点和看 法提供 有力的 论据, 增强了 说服力 ,具有 画龙点 睛之效 ,能够 升华主 题,增 强作品 语言感 染力。
Female trees look very similar to the males. The capital’s parks authority began a survey in 2017 to find out where female willows(杨柳) and poplars were planted so it could neutralize the catkins and go some way to sparing citizens weeks of sneezing
The trees were planted in the 1960s and 1970s as a cheap, easy-to-maintain and quickgrowing way to make Beijing greener.

英语流利阅读 莫斯科暖冬

英语流利阅读 莫斯科暖冬

2020,2,5流利阅读世界自然今日导读:前不久,莫斯科经历了一个世纪以来最温暖的12 月。





正文Moscow resorts to fake snow in warmest December since 1886Moscow has been so warm this December that the government has resorted to sending trucks filled with artificial snow to decorate a new year display in the city center.The Moscow region is in the throes of one of its warmest winters since temperatures began to be systematically recorded 140 years ago. The temperature in the Russian capital rose to 5.4°C on 18December, topping the previous record for the month set in 1886.Concerns are growing about the effects of global heating on Russia. Permafrost under the country’s northern towns is slowly melting, and the balmy December weather has interrupted hibernation at Moscow zoo.The most visible impact, however, has been the lack of snow, which usually begins blanketing Russia in October or November.City officials said the artificial snow had been brought in for a snowboarding demonstration that will begin on New Year’s Day. The snow was produced by cutting ice for a local skating rink, said Alexei Nemeryuk, the head of Moscow’s trade and services department.Russia is a signatory to the Paris Agreement to combat global heating, and Vladimir Putin said during a televised press conference last week that the crisis was a direct threat to Russia.At the same time, Russia recently abandoned plans to set greenhouse-gas emissions targets for business after lobbying by a powerful Russian industry association. In his remarks, Putin cast doubt on the science, however, and omitted any discussion of greenhouse gases."Nobody really knows the causes of climate change, at least global climate change," he said, adding that people should nevertheless make their "best efforts to prevent dramatic changes in the climate".全文翻译:莫斯科遇自1886 年以来最暖12 月:今冬只能靠“假雪”撑场面莫斯科2019 年12 月的天气十分暖和,以至于市政府不得不派出卡车,运来人造雪,以装饰市中心的新年表演。



Unit 4 Global warming听第1段材料,回答第1题。

1.What is the man complaining about?A.The hot climate. B.The pollution.C.The housing problems.答案:A听第2段材料,回答第2题。

2.What was the weather like during the woman's holidays?A.Warmer than she expected.B.Colder than she expected.C.It was too cold.答案:B听第3段材料,回答第3至5题。

3.Where was the man born?A.In Beijing. B.In Shanghai.C.In Scotland.答案:A4.How is the weather in Scotland in summer?A.Dry and cold. B.Cold and wet.C.Hot and wet.答案:B5.Which is their favorite season?A.Winter. B.Summer.C.Spring.答案:C【技巧点拨】在听力题中,一定要注意如:I'm sorry, I'm afraid或but等后的内容,往往这就是正确答案之所在。


Text 1M:It keeps getting hotter and hotter during the summer.W:That's because of the greenhouse effect. We should control the release of greenhouse gases.Text 2M:How was the weather during your holidays?W:Not bad, but it would have been better if it had been a little bit warmer.Text 3W:Michael, where are you from?M:I was born in Beijing, but I live in Shanghai now. How about you?W:I'm from Scotland.M:Oh? What's it like?W:Well, the weather is pretty cold there. Actually, most of Scotland is coldand often wet. I'm sure it's the coldest part of the British Isles.M:Beijing is very cold in winter too, although it's more of a dry cold, if you know what I mean. However, I like winter; it's my favorite season. Summer is justtoo hot!W:Well, I think you're lucky to have a hot summer. Scotland's summer is pretty miserable, wet and cold.M:Do you think people's personalities are defined by the climate they live in?W:Well, that's an interesting idea. I think there's definitely something init, because when the weather is hot, I easily lose my temper, but when it's cooler, I feel much calmer.M:If it's raining, I always feel depressed. I cry along with the weather!W:Spring always makes me feel happy; the birds are singing and the wholeatmosphere seems cheerful.M:Hmm, I agree. I think spring is my favorite season too.1.核心单词(1)quantity (n.) 量;数量→quality (n.) 质量(2)tend (vi.) 趋向;易于;照顾 (vt.) 照顾;护理→tendency (n.) 倾向;趋势(3)oppose (vt.) 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量→opposed (adj.) 反对的;对立的(4)state (vt.) 陈述;说明→statement (n.) 声明;陈述;表现(5)range (n.) 种类;范围 (v.) (在一定范围内)变动;变化;排列(6)glance (vi.) 看一下;扫视 (n.) 一瞥(7)steady (adj.) 平稳的;持续的;稳固的→steadily (adv.) 平稳地;持续地(8)widespread (adj.) 分布广的;普遍的(9)average (adj.) 平均的(10)circumstance (n.) 环境;情况2.阅读单词(1)consume (vt.) 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完(2)random (adj.) 胡乱的;任意的(3)phenomenon (n.) 现象 (phenomena pl.)(4)trend (n.) 趋势;倾向;走向(5)flood (n.) 洪水;水灾(6)mild (adj.) 温和的;温柔的;淡的(7)consequence (n.) 结果;后果;影响(8)existence (n.) 生存;存在(9)advocate (vt.) 拥护;提倡,主张(10)contribution (n.) 贡献(11)disagreement (n.) 分歧;不一致【即景活用】用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Many ________ (consume) complain about the high price of vegetables.答案:consumers2.Many people do not believe the ________ (exist) of the ghosts.答案:existence3.It was ________ (state) that the president would make a speech next week.答案:stated4.There is a variety of animals ________ (range) from rabbits to tigers in the park.答案:ranging5.The number of people having mobile phones is increasing ________ (steady).答案:steadily6.If something bad happens on a particular day, people have a ________ (tend) to associate that day with negative events.答案:tendency7.A group of children were ________ (random) divided into two classes.答案:randomly8.These experiments were to find the connection between the two ________ (phenomenon).答案:phenomena9.What newspapers and magazines do you ________ (subscribe) to?答案:subscribe10.They felt that it was wrong ________ (advocate) owning guns.答案:to advocate联想积累1.与“灾难”有关的名词集锦①flood 洪灾②drought 旱灾③disaster 灾难④catastrophe 大灾难⑤earthquake 地震⑥tsunami 海啸⑦survivor 幸存者⑧victim 受害者2.名词变复数的不规则变化小结①phenomenon→phenomena 现象②datum→data 数据③medium→media 媒体④criterion→criteria 标准⑤bacterium→bacteria 细菌1.come_about 发生;造成2.subscribe_to 同意;赞成;订购3.quantities_of 大量的4.go_up 上升;增长;升起5.result_in 导致6.be_opposed_to 反对7.even_if 即使8.keep on 继续9.on the whole 大体上;基本上10.on behalf of 代表……一方;作为……的代言人11.put up with 忍受;容忍12.so long as 只要13.and so on 等等【即景活用】用所给短语的适当形式填空and so on, result in, put up with, come about, go up, on behalf of1.________ all the guests here, I wish to thank you for giving us this warmreception.答案:On behalf of2.With the housing prices ________ , more and more people can't afford an apartment.答案:going up3.We a re still wondering how it ________ that the experiment ended in failure.答案:came about4.What I can't ________ is that he never cares about others' feelings.答案:put up with5.The traffic accident resulted from the driver's carelessness, ________ thedeath of three people.答案:resulting in6.The farm grows various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton________ .答案:and so on联想积累1.“动词+about”短语荟萃come about 发生;产生bring about 引起;导致;带来think about 考虑learn about 得知2.“动词短语+with”一览①end up with 以……结束②do away with 废除③get on/along with 和……融洽相处④be fed up with 对……感到厌烦⑤go on with 继续⑥catch up with 赶上⑦keep up with 跟上⑧put up w ith 忍受1.Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在未来几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。

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Chemicals pumped out by a chrome(铬) factory in Pervouralsk have been blamed for the phenomenon, the latest in a string of environmental concerns thought to be pump [pʌmp ] damaging Vladimir Putin’s popularity. a string of vt. 用抽水机抽…… 一系列,一串 由乌拉尔斯克的一家铬厂生产的化学品被指导 致了这种现象,这是一系列环境问题的最新消 息,这些担忧被认为会损害弗拉基米尔 · 普京 在民众中的受欢迎程度。
俄罗斯惊现 “绿色大雪”
Green snow has fallen on a Russian city, sparking an outcry over pollution. spark [spɑːk ] ['aʊtkraɪ] outcry vt. 发动;激发;引起 n. 强烈抗议;大声疾呼
俄罗斯一个城市下了绿色的雪,这引发了群众 对污染的强烈抗议。
Protests have also been held over a Siberian coal processing plant(煤炭加工厂) blamed for turning snow black, protest ['prəʊtest ] while residents of Sibai have launched n. 抗议legal action over smog which has blanketed the Southern Urals town since November. launch [lɔːntʃ] blanket blæŋkɪt] vt. [' 发起,发动 vt. 覆盖 西伯利亚的一家煤炭加工厂也遭到抗议,被指 责造成黑雪现象。而西贝的居民已经开始对烟 雾采取法律行动,该烟雾自去年11月以来一直 覆铬污染的水从管道溢出流到街道上,导致了 同样的现象。
Parents in Pervouralsk, a city in the central Russian Sverdlovsk region, told local media their children had fallen ill after green snow fell near their nursery. “They had a cough and their skin turned red, rashes( 发疹 ) on their face,” Natalya Solovey told ND nursery ['nɜːs(ə)rɪ ] News. n. 托儿所
俄罗斯斯维尔德洛夫斯克市中心城市乌拉尔斯 克的一对父母告诉当地媒体,他们的孩子在幼 儿园附近下绿雪之后生病了。“他们咳嗽,皮 肤变红,脸上出现皮疹,”纳塔利娅告诉 《ND 新闻》。
The chrome factory has denied the chemical poses a health risk. deny [dɪ'naɪ] pose [pəʊz] vt. 否定,否认 vt. 造成,形成
It is not the first time pollution from the factory turned snow green in the city. In 2016, the phenomenon was caused by an overflowing pipe spilling chromium-contaminated water on to streets. spill [spɪl] vt. 使溢出,使流出