
冶金工程专业英语词汇1. 冶金学冶金学是冶金工程专业的核心课程,主要讲授钢铁冶金和有色金属冶金过程的基本原理、工艺及装备,包括炼铁、炼钢、精炼、连铸、铝冶金、铜冶金、稀土冶金等内容。
中文英文冶金学metallurgy钢铁冶金iron and steel metallurgy有色金属冶金nonferrous metal metallurgy炼铁ironmaking炼钢steelmaking精炼refining连铸continuous casting铝冶金aluminum metallurgy铜冶金copper metallurgy稀土冶金rare earth metallurgy高炉blast furnace转炉converter电炉electric furnace真空精炼vacuum refining钢包ladle结晶器crystallizer铝电解槽aluminum electrolytic cell铜闪速熔炼copper flash smelting稀土萃取分离rare earth extraction and separation熔盐电解法molten salt electrolysis method冶炼产品smelting products生铁pig iron钢水molten steel铝锭aluminum ingot铜阳极泥copper anode slime稀土氧化物rare earth oxides冶炼渣smelting slag炉渣性质slag properties脱硫desulfurization脱磷dephosphorization脱氧deoxidation合金化alloying溅渣护炉splashing slag lining protection终点控制endpoint control中文英文出钢操作tapping operation凝固传热机制solidification heat transfer mechanism凝固结构与缺陷solidification structure and defects氧化还原反应oxidation-reduction reaction造渣反应与造渣制度slagging reaction and slagging system2. 冶金物理化学冶金物理化学是冶金工程专业的基础理论课程,主要讲授冶金过程中涉及的物理化学原理和方法,包括平衡与相图、溶液理论、电化学、表面与胶体化学、传递现象等内容。
Raw Material of Steelmaking 冶金专业英语教案

项目2 steelmaking任务1 Unit 6 Raw Material of Steelmaking授课班级授课时间第周/第次第周/第次第周/第次第周/第次授课地点公教楼主要教学方法Heuristic, discussional and explain课业内容 1. The raw material of steelmaking课型理实一体教学目标知识: Understand the rawmaterial of steelmaking andtheir functions.技能:Listening,speaking,reading, writing some simplewords of raw materials forsteelmaking.态度:get students interesting inEnglish for metallurgyengineering教学重点Special words 教学难点Listening,speaking 教学资源与工具Multimedia, network , library resource,textbook教学步骤教学设计(含教学内容梗概、方法、手段、活动、任务、资料、教具、评价等)时间分配(分钟)课前准备1 带领学生温习项目1的专业词汇,并随机抽查温习效果。
2 分5组讨论炼钢需要哪些原料,标准是怎样的,借助翻译工具,用英语表达,锻炼学生的“speaking” 的能力。
10讲授ⅠIntroduction总结学生对炼钢原料和原料标准的描述引入炼钢原料的分及其各类功能:The raw materials of steelmaking are the hot metal, steel scrap, sponge iron, slag formers, alloying agents and oxidizing agents.Large quantities of tramp elements within the hot metal still have to be removed,which is a most important task of steelmaking.Steel scrap and sponge iron can be used as iron supplier and cooling agent. Steelscrap may be classified circulating scrap, process scrap and capital scrap.Slag formers consist of lime, dolomite, fluorspar which produce a reactionable low viscosity (黏度) slag capable of absorbing undesired elements.Alloying agents do the hardening and tempering (调质)in order to obtain certain properties such as corrosion resistance, machinability. Deoxidizing agents bind the oxygen dissolved in the liquid steel.Ⅱ The Blast Furnace Plant随机抽点学生,让他们阅读课文,锻炼他们的“Reading"的能力。

Basic phrases冶金英语Metallurgical English 炼铁作)1 k 部iron-making operation departme nt 炼钢作业部steel-making operation departme nt 高炉车间blast furnace plant 出铁场cast house 冷风阀cold blast valve 热风炉hot blast stove 高炉blast furnace 转炉converter RH 炉RH furnace 直接还原铁Direct-reduced iron 生产工艺production process 转炉T艺converter process 脱磷dephosphorization 脱硫desulphurization 月兑氧deoxidization 月兑碳decarburization 精炼refining 炉夕卜精炼sec on dary refi ning 氧枪oxygen lance 副枪standby lance 浇注钢包pouring ladle 海绵铁sponge iron 投资费用capital cost 生铁Pig iron 熟铁Wrought iron 过跨车transfer car出钢口Tapping hole电弧炉electric-arc furnace 不锈钢stainless steel 普碳钢plain carb on steel 真空吹氯.法finkle process 真空处理vacuum treatment 真空循环脱气法RH process 真空脱气站The vacuum degassing station钢包转台ladle turret 弓I锭杆dummy bar 连铸系统continuous casting system 卸料车昆道车昆子discharge rollers 抗拉强度Tensile strength 冷拉拔cold drawing 成品车间finishing shop 轧机rolling mill 冷轧cold rolling 热轧Hot rolling 火焰切割机torch cutter 切割站Cut-off station 天车crane顶吹氧气炼钢工艺the LD process/the top・ blown oxygen steel-making processReading comprehensions(textl)In a typical plant” deoxidized steel from an electric furnace is run into a ladle, transported to the casting bay and brought to rest above the concast machine. A stopper rod or a slide gate is used to con trol the flow of steel into a tun dish reservoir. Once a predetermi ned steel level is attai ned in the tun dish, no zzles are ope ned and the molten steel feeds the open・ended mould set in a frame with internal water-cooling. At the start-up, a dummy bar; constructed of chain links, is fitted into the mould bottom, and rests between the arc formed by the machine roller guides. The molten in the mould meets the dummy bar and freezes to it and at a certain level of steel in the mould two operations are immediately initiated; the mould unit begins to reciprocate in a vertical direction and the dummy bar is withdrawn through and dow n the machine. At the horiz on tai plane it is supported by a series of rollers which are grouped into segments for operation and maintenanee and are cooled down by water spraying.At the exit of the straightening unit a roll is lowered which separates the dummy bar from the length of cast steel. The dummy bar is either lifted to one side of the machine or hoisted on to the ramp above the machine・The strand of cast metal continued traveling along the discharge rollers to a gas torch cut- off station. At predetermined dimensions this torch will automatically cut the strand to required len gths. Once the start-up complete the con cast machi ne continues to cast secti ons in accordanee with the volume of metal fed from the steel furnaces.Since the 1960s, continu ous casti ng has steadily displaced in got casti ng. The types of continuous casting machines, their listing likewise reflecting the historical development of this technique, are: vertical, bending and straightening, circular bow, and oval bow. The evolution from one form to the next has been accompanied by a considerable reduction in overall height・Questions:1- When has continuous casting displaced ingot casting?A.About sixty years agoB・ One hundred years agoC.About fifty years agoD.Since the 19602.How many types of continuous casting machines are mentioned in this passage?A.twoB. threeC. fourD. several3.Whe n does the dummy bar begi n to withdraw the in got?A.Before the mould starts to reciprocateB.After the mould unit begins to reciprocateC.While the moulcl reciprocating in a vertical directionD.While the mould unit reciprocati ng in a horiz ontal directi on.4.Only the slide gate is used to control the flow of the steel into the tundish? Trueor false?A.trueB. falseC. not mentioned5.What were the first continuous casting machines for steel like?A.It is vertical typeB. it's bending and straighteningC. It's circular bow and oval bowD・ Not mentioned(text2)The raw materials for the production of iron in the blast furnace can be grouped as follows: iron-bearing materials, fuels and flexes. The major iron-bearing materials are iron ores, sinter and pellets in the blast furnace. Their function is to supply the element iron, which is 93 to 94 per cent of the pig iron produce.The fuels enter the blast furnace as coke, coal, oil or gas. They are used for producing the heat required for smelting, and reducing the iron oxides into metallic iron and carburizing the iron (about 40 to 50 kilograms per ton of iron). In addition, because the coke retains its strength at high temperature, it provides the structural support that keeps the unmelted burden materials from falling into the hearth・At present, some of the coke in the blast furnace is usually replaced by coal. The blast furnace can inject hard coal soft coal and mixed coal. BF pulverized coal injection can dramatically reduce coke rate and the dependency on increasing shortage of coke resource, so it is the most effective approach to reducing the iron-making cost and has become an important part in BF iron-making technology advances・Fluxes in elude limestone, dolomite and lime mainly, whose major functions are to combine with the ash in the coke and the acid gangue in the ores to make a fluid slag that can be drained readily from the furnace hearth・ The ratio of basic oxides to acid oxides must be controlled carefully to preserve the sulphur-holding power of the slag as the fluidity.1.How many kinds of raw materials are mentioned for the production of iron at theblast furnace?A.TwoB. ThreeC. Four D・ Five2.What's the function of the fluxes?A. Its function is to supply the element iron, which is 93 to 94 per cent of the pig ironproduce・B・ Its function is to produce the heat required for smelting, and reducing the iron oxides into metallic iron and carburizing the iron.C.Its function is to combine with the ash in the coke and the acid gangue in the oresto make a fluid slag.D.Not mentioned.3.What coals can be injected in the blast furnace?A.Coke can be injected in the blast furnaceB.Hard coal can be injected in the blast furnaceC.Both hard coal and soft coal can be injected in the blast furnaceD.Hard coak soft coal and mixed coal4.How many major iron- bearing materials are there in the blast furnace?A. Two B・ Three C. Four D. five5.What are the functions of the fuels?A.Its function is to produce the heat required for smelting, and reducing the ironoxides into metallic iron and carburizing the iron.B.Its function is to supply the element iron, which is 93 to 94 per cent of the pigiron produce.C・ Not mentionedD. Its function is to combine with the ash in the coke and the acid gangue in the oresto make a fluid slag・(tex ⑶Steels may be rolled hot or cold. Hot rolling is carried out at an elevated rolling-stock temperature, and cold-roili ng is performed without heati ng. Hot-rolling mills are generally divided into the following zones: furnace area (for heat supply prior to deformati on), rolli ng area, and finishing area. Rolli ng stocks will be homogeneously preheated to defined temperature by socking pits in the furnace area・ The rolling area completes the rolling process. Rolling trains are normally adapted to the products to be rolled・Hence, there are many very different types of trains, such as roughing trains, intermediate and finishing trains. The most important tasks of finishing shop are: cutting, straightening, surface, protection stacking and retrieving, inspection, checking, sorting, marking, collecting, bundling, packing. The sequenee and extent of these jobs will depend on the nature of the product.Cold-roili ng mills generally in elude the followi ng areas: pickli ng area, rolli ng train, heat treatment, and finishing area. Steel is cold rolled mainly for producing flat products such as deep-drawing sheet, tin sheet and stainless sheet・Sectional steel products and tubes are also cold rolled・ The most wide-spread process is the cold rolling of strip. Strip is cold rolled on two-high, four-high or multiple-roll mills. In order to eliminate work hardening after cold rolling, heat-treatment by annealing is frequently applied・ A combination of cold forming and heat treatment permits specified tech no logical properties to be obtai ned.The advantage of hot rolling is that it can be reduced in thickness much more easily. But the surface finish and accuracy are not so good as those obtainable by cold rolling. The most general use of hot rolling, therefore, is for breaking down large ingots; cold rolling is to make smooth and accurate thin sheets of metal. As cold steel is harder than hot steel, cold steel mills need harder rolls, and the power required for cold rolling is greater than that for hot rolling.I.What zones are hot-rolling mills generally divided in to?A.Pickling area, rolling train, heat treatment, and finishing areaB.Furnace area, rolling area, and finishing area.C.Two-high, four-high or multiple-roll mills.D.Cutting, straightening, surface, protect!on stacking and retrieving, inspection,checking, sorting, marking, collecting, bundling, packing・2.What are the principle duties of the finishing shop?A.Its duties are roughing trains, intermediate and finishing trains.B.Its duties are cutting, straightening, surface, protection stacking and retrieving,inspection, checking, sortin氐markin氐collecting, bundling, and packi ng.C・ Not mentioned.D. Its duties are cutting, straightening, surface, protection stacking, checking, sorting,collecting, bundling, and packing.3.How many zones do cold-rolling mills involve?A. FiveB. ThreeC. FourD. Six4.What is the disadvantage of hot rolling comparing with cold-rolling?A.The advantage of hot rolling is that it can be reduced in thickness much moreeasily.rge ingots can be break down much more easily・C.The hot-rolling does not well in the surface finish and accuracy.D・ Rolli ng stocks can be made smoothly much more easily.5.What are two main groups of rolled steel products?A.Flat products and sectional steel products.B.Tubes and wires.C.Not mentionedD・ Tin sheet and stainless sheet.(text4)Formerly, steel produced in the ref ini ng processes of the converter or electric-arc furnace was considered finished and ready to be cast and rolled. Nowadays, sec on dary refi ning is gen erally applied after the refi ning process ・ The purpose of sec on dary refi ning is to produce clea n steel, which satisfies stri ngent requirem ents of surface, in ter nal and microclea nlin ess quality and of mecha nical properties. The tasks of sec on dary refi ning are: degassi ng (decreasi ng the concentration of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen in steel), decarburization, removing undesirable non-metallics (primarily oxides and sulphides), etc.Sec on dary refining processes have many methods. They are divided into two broad categories: secondary refining process in vacuum (vacuum treatment process) and secondary refining process in nonvacuum (nonvacuum treatment process). The corresponding techniques are: stirring gas treatment with porous lances, or with the aid of electromagnetic stirring; feeding・refining agent (lance injected solids, wire feeding); heating with cored wire and electric arc; vacuum degassing with the aid of various tech niques, etc. sec on dary refi ning processes can be carried out in the ladle, the ladle furnace, in some instances, even in the electric-arc furnace.1- What is the purpose of sec on dary refi ning?A.Its purpose is to produce clean steel, which satisfies stringent requirements of surface,in ter nal and microclea nlin ess quality and of mecha nical properties.B.Its purpose is degassing, decarburization, removing undesirable non-metallics(primarily oxides and sulphides), etc.C.Its purpose is decarburization and deoxidization.2.What are the tasks of sec on dary refi ning?A.The tasks of sec on dary refining are produci ng clean steel, which satisfies stringe ntrequirements of surface, in ter nal and microcleanli ness quality and of mechanical properties.B.The tasks of sec on dary refi ning are degassing decarburizati on, removi ngundesirable norvmetallics, etc.C・ The tasks of sec on dary refi ning are making high quality steel and gen erally applied after the refining process.3.How many methods of sec on dary refining are menti on ed?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four4.Where can sec on dary refi ning processes be carried out?A. in the ladleB・ in the ladle furnaceC・ in some instances and the electric-arc furnaceD.Above all.5.Sec on dary refi ning is gen erally applied before the refi ning process, true or false?A. True B・ FalseTranslation(1) Today, there are two fun dam en tai routes take n in the production of steel (1) blastfurnace・■一con verter ;) (2) electric-arc furnace .In the first process via, thepurpose of reducing the iron ore in blast furnace is to produce pig iron as rawmaterial of steelmaking stage・ In the second route, scrap or direct reduced iron (DRI) is melted into liquid steel. The steel produced in these ways is then finish refi ned by mea ns of sec on dary metallurgy processes ・目前,有两种主要的炼钢流程:(1)高炉•转炉流程;(2)电炉流程。
Unit 6 Raw materials of steelmaking_冶金专业英语

Raw Materials of Steelmaking
Raw materials of steelmaking
2 3
Blast furnace iron (Hot metal) Steel scrap and sponge iron Slag formers
Alloying agents and deoxidizing agents
• Table 6-1 typical analyses of lime, fluorspar
lime 93.0 Fluorspar CaO 1.7 CaF2 Al2O3 1.2 SiO2 MgO 0.7 CaF2
Per cent
10.0 maxi
1 .0maxi
4.Alloying Agents
Oxidizing agents
Text • 1. Blast furnace iron (Hot metal) • Consists: Iron Carbon(3.0 ~ 4.5) Manganese(0.15 ~2.5) Sulphur(0.02 ~ 0.06) Silicon(0.3 ~) Phosphorous
冶金机械专业英语Unit 1-11

ContentsUnit 1 Introducing to Working DrawingsUnit 2 The computer in Design and GraphicsUnit 3 LathesUnit 4 LubricationUnit 5 From the History Ironmaking and SteelmakingUnit 6 Raw Materials for the Production of IronUnit 7 The Blast Furnace PlantUnit 8 Raw Materials of SteelingUnit 9 LD PracticeUnit10 Continuous Casting of SteelUnit11 RollingUnit 1 Introducing to Working DrawingsWorking drawings are the drawings from which a design is implemented. All principles of orthographic projection and techniques of graphics can be used to communicate the details of a project in working drawings. A detail drawing is a working drawing of a single part (or detail) within the ser of working drawings.Specifications are the written instructions that accompany working drawings. When the design can be represented on a few sheets, the specifications are usually written on the drawings to consolidate the information into a single format.All parts must interact. with other parts to some degree to yield the desired function from a design. Before detail drawings of individual parts are made the designer must thoroughly analyze the working drawing to ensure that the parts fit property with mating parts, that the correct tolerances are applied, that the contact surfaces are properly finished, and that the proper motion is possible between the parts.Much of the work in preparing working drawings is done by the drafter, but the designer, who is usually an engineer, is responsible for their correctness. It is working drawings that bring products and systems into being.Working drawings are legal contracts that document the design details and specifications as directed by the engineer. Therefore drawings must be as clear, precise, and thorough as possible. Revisions and modifications of a project at the time of production or construction are much more expensive than when done in the preliminary design stages.Poorly executed working drawings result in wasted time and resources and increase implementation costs. To be economically competitive drawings must be as error-free as possible.The inch is the basic unit of the English system, and virtually all shop drawings in the U.S. are dimensioned in inches.The millimeter is the basic unit of the metric system, Metric abbreviation (mm) after the numerals is omitted from dimensions because the SI symbol near the title block indicates that all units are metric.Some working drawings carry both inch and millimeter dimensions, usually the dimensions in parentheses or brackets are millimeters. The units may also appear as millimeters first and then be converted and shown in brackets as inches. Converting from one unit to the other results infractional round-off errors. And explanation of the primary unit system for each drawing should be noted in the title block.Title Blocks In practice, title blocks usually contain the title or part name, drafter, date, scale, company, and sheet number. Other information, such as tolerances, checkers, and materials, also may be given. Any modifications or changes added after the first version to improve the design is shown in the revision blocks.Depending on the complexity of the project, a set of working drawings may contain from one to more than a hundred sheets. Therefore, giving the number of each sheet and the total number of sheets in the set on each sheet is important ( for example, sheet 2 of 6, sheet 3 of 6, and so on).Parts List The part numbers and part names in the parts list correspond to those given to each part depicted on the working drawings. In addition, the number of identical parts required is given along with the material used to make each part.If all working drawings in a set are the same scale, you need to indicate it only once in title block on each sheet. If several detail drawings on a working drawing are different scales, indicate them on the drawing under each set of views. In this case, indicate, "as shown" in the title block opposite scale. When a drawing is not to scale, place the abbreviation NTS (not to scale) in the title block.Part Names and Numbers Give each part a name and number, using letters and numbers l/8-in. (3 mm) high. Place part numbers inside circles, called balloons, having diameters approximately four times the height of the numbers,Place part numbers near the views to which they apply, so their association will be clear. On assembly drawings, balloons are especially important because the same parts numbers are used in the parts list.People who check drawings must have special qualifications that enable them to identify errors and to suggest revisions and modifications that result in a better product at a lower cost, A checker may be chief drafter experienced in drafting and manufacturing processes or the engineer or designer who originated the project. In large companies, personnel in the various shops involved in production review the drawings to ensure that the most efficient production methods are specified for each part.Checkers never check the original drawing; instead, they mark corrections with a colored pencil on a diazo (blue-line) print. They return the marked-up print to the drafter who revises the original and makes another print for final approval.Checkers inspect a working or detail drawing for correctness and soundness of design. In addition, they are responsible for the drawing's completeness, quality, readability, and clarity. Lettering and text quality is especially important because the shop person is guided by lettered notes and dimensions.In addition to the individual revision records, drafters should keep a log of all changes made during a project. As the project progresses, the drafter should record the changes, dates, and people involved. Such a log allows anyone reviewing the project in the future to understand easily and clearly the process used to arrive at the final design.Calculations often are made during a drawing's preparation. If they are lost or poorly done, they may have to be redone; therefore they should be a permanent part of the log.Unit 2 The computer in Design and GraphicsComputers are widely used in engineering and related fields and their use is expected to grow even more rapidly than in the past. Engineering and technology students must became computer literate, to understand the applications of computer and their advantages. Not to do so will place students at a serious disadvantage in pursuing their careers.Computer-aided design (CAD), involves solving design problems with the help of computer: to make graphic images on paper with a plotter or printer, analyze design data, and store design information for easy retrieval. Many CAD systems perform these functions in an integrated manner, greatly increasing the designer's productivity.Computer-aided design drafting (CADD), an offshoot of CAD, is the process of generating engineering drawings and other technical documents by computer and is more directly related to drafting than is CAD. The CADD user inputs data by keyboard and/or mouse to produce illustrations on the monitor screen that can be reproduced as paper copies with a plotter or printer.Engineers generally agree that the computer does not change the nature of the design process but is a significant tool that improves efficiency and productivity. The designer and the CAD system may be described as a design team: the designer provides knowledge, creativity, and control; the computer generates accurate, easily modifiable graphics, performs complex design analysis at great speed, and stores and recalls design information. Occasionally, the computer may augment or replace many of the engineer's other tools, but it cannot replace the design process, which is controlled by the designer.Depending on the nature of the problem and the sophistication of the computer system, computers offer the designer or drafter some or all of the following advantages.1. Easier creation and correction of drawings. Working drawings may be created more quickly than by hand and making changes and modifications is more efficient than correcting drawings made by hand.2. Better visualization of drawings. Many systems allow different views of the same object to be displayed and 3D pictorials to be rotated on the CRT screen.3. Database of drawing aids. Creation and maintenance of design databases (libraries of designs) permits storing designs and symbols for easy recall and application to the solution of new problems.4. Quick and convenient design analysis. Because the computer offers ease of analysis, the designer can evaluate alternative designs, thereby considering more possibilities while speeding up the process at the same time.5. Simulation and testing of designs. Some computer systems make possible the simulation of a product's operation, testing the design under a variety of conditions and stresses. Computer testing may improve on or replace construction of models and prototypes.6. Increased accuracy. The computer is capable of producing drawings with more accuracy than is possible by hand. Many CAD systems are even capable of detecting errors and informing the user of them.7. Improved filing. Drawings can be more conveniently filed, retrieved, and transmitted on disks and tapes.Computer graphics has an almost limitless number of applications in engineering and other technical fields. Most graphical solutions that are possible with a pencil can be done on a computer and usually more productively. Applications vary from 3D modeling and finite elementanalysis to 2D drawings and mathematical calculations.Once the domain of large computer systems advanced applications can now be done on microcomputers. An important extension of CAD is its application to manufacturing. Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems may be used to design a part or product, devise the essential production steps, and electronically communicate this information to and control the operation of manufacturing equipment, including robots. These systems offer many advantages over traditional design and manufacturing systems, including less design effort, more efficient material use, reduced lead time, greater accuracy, and improved inventory control.Unit 3 LathesLathes are widely used in industry to produce all kinds of machined parts. Some are general purpose machines, and others are used to perform highly specialized operations.Engine LathesEngine lathes, of course, are general-purpose machines used in production and maintenance shops all over the world. Sizes range from small bench models to huge heavy duty pieces of equipment. Many of the larger lathes come equipped with attachments not commonly found in the ordinary shop, such as automatic stops for the carriage.Tracer or Duplicating LathesThe tracer or duplicating lathe is designed to produce irregularly shaped parts automatically. The basic operation of this lathe is as follows. A template of either a flat or three-dimensional shape is placed in a holder. A guide or pointer then moves along this shape and its movement controls that of the cutting tool. The duplication may include a square or tapered shoulder, grooves, tapers, and contours. Work such as motor shafts, spindles, pistons, rods, car axles, turbine shafts, and a variety of other objects can be turned using this type of lathe.Turret LathesWhen machining a complex workpiece on a general-purpose lathe, a great deal of time is spent changing and adjusting the several tools that are needed to complete the work. One of the first adaptations of the engine lathe which made it more suitable to mass production was the addition of multi-tool turret in place of the tailstock. Although most turrets have six stations, some have as many as eight.High-production turret lathes are very complicated machines with a wide variety of power accessories. The principal feature of all turret lathes, however, is that the tools can perform a consecutive serials of operations in proper sequence. Once the tools have been set and adjusted, little skill is required to turn out duplicate parts.Automatic Screw MachinesScrew machines are similar in construction to turret lathes, except that their heads are designed to hold and feed long bars of stock, Otherwise, there is little difference between them. Both are designed for multiple tooling, and both have adaptations for identical work. Originally, the turret lathe was designed as a chucking lathe for machining small castings, forgings, and irregularly shaped workpieces.The first screw machines were designed to feed bar stock and wire used in making small screw parts. Today, however, the turret lathe is frequently used with a collet attachment, and theautomatic screw machine can be equipped with a chuck to hold castings.The single-spindle automatic screw machine, as its name implies, machines work on only one bar of stock at a time. A bar 16 to 20 feet long is fed through the headstock spindle and is held firmly by a collet. The machining operations arc done by cutting tools mounted on the turret and on the cross slide. When the machine is in operation, the spindle and the stock are rotated at selected speeds for different operations. If required, rapid reversal of spindle direction is also possible.In the single-spindle automatic screw machine, a specific length of stock is automatically fed through the spindle to a machining area. At this point, the turret and cross slide move into position and automatically perform whatever operations are required. After the machined piece is cut off, stock is again fed into the machining area and the entire cycle is repeated.Multiple-spindle automatic screw machines have from four to eight spindles located around a spindle carrier. Long bars of stock, supported at the rear of the machine, pass through these hollow spindles and are gripped by collets. With the single spindle machine, the turret indexes around the spindle, When one tool on the turret is working, the others are not. With a multiple spindle machine, however, the spindle itself indexes. Thus the bars of stock are carried to the various end working and side working tools. Each tool operates in only one position, but all tools operate simultaneouslv. Therefore, four to eight workpieces can be machined at the same time.Vertical Turret LathesA vertical turret lathe is basically a turret lathe that has been stood on its headstock end. It is designed to perform a variety of turning operations. It consists of a turret, a revolving table, and a side head with a square turret for holding additional tools. Operations performed by any of the tools mounted on the turret or side head can be controlled through the use of stops.Machining CentersMany of today's more sophisticated lathes are called machining centers since they are capable of performing, in addition to the normal turning operations, certain milling and drilling operations. Basically, a machining center can be thought of as being a combination turret lathe and milling machine. Additional features are sometimes included by manufacturers to increase the versatility of their machines.Unit 4 LubricationAlthough one of the main purposes of lubrication is to reduce friction, any substance-liquid, solid, or gaseous-capable of controlling friction and wear between sliding surfaces can be classed as a lubricant.Varieties of lubricationUnlubricated sliding. Metals that have been carefully treated to remove all foreign materials seize and weld to one another when slid together. In the absence of such a high degree of cleanliness, adsorbed gases, water vapor, oxides, and contaminants reduce friction and the tendency to seize but usually result in severe wear; this is called "unlubricated" or dry sliding.Fluid-film. lubrication.Interposing a fluid film that completely separates the sliding surfaces results in fluid-film lubrication.The fluid may be introduced intentionally as the oil in the main bearings of an automobile, or unintentionally, as in the case of water between a smoothrubber tire and a wet pavement. Although the fluid is usually a liquid such as oil, water, and a wide range of other materials, it may also be a gas. The gas most commonly employed is air.To keep the parts separated, it is necessary that. the pressure within the lubricating film balance the load on the sliding surfaces. If the lubricating film's pressure is supplied by an external source, the system is said to be lubricated hydrostatically. If the pressure between the surfaces is generated as a result of the shape and motion of the surfaces themselves, however, the system is hydrodynamically lubricated. This second type of lubrication depends upon the viscous properties of the lubricant.Boundary lubrication. A condition that lies between unlubricated sliding and fluid-film lubrication is referred to as boundary lubrication, also defined as that condition of lubrication in which the friction between surfaces is determined by the properties of the surfaces and properties of the lubricant other than viscosity. Boundary lubrication encompasses a significant portion of lubrication phenomena and commonly occurs during the starting and stopping of machines.Solid lubrication. Solids such as graphite and molybdenum disulfide are widely used when normal lubricants do not possess sufficient resistance to load or temperature extremes. But lubricants need not take only such familiar forms as fats, powders, and gases; even some metals commonly serve as sliding surfaces in some sophisticated machines.Functions of lubricantsAlthough a lubricant primarily controls friction and wear, it can and ordinarily does perform numerous other functions, which vary with the application and usually are interrelated.Friction control .The amount and character of the lubricant made available to sliding surfaces have a profound effect upon the friction that is encountered. For example, disregarding such related factors as heat and wear but considering friction alone between two oil-film lubricated surfaces, the friction can be 200 times less than that between the same surfaces with no lubricant. Under fluid-film conditions, friction is directly proportional to the viscosity of the fluid. Some lubricants, such as petroleum derivatives, are available in a great range of viscosities and thus can satisfy a broad spectrum of functional requirements. Under boundary lubrication conditions, the effect of viscosity on friction becomes less significant than the chemical nature of the lubricant.Wear control.Wear occurs on lubricated surfaces by abrasion, corrosion, and solid-to-solid contact. Proper lubricants will help combat each type. They reduce abrasive and solid-to-solid contact wear by providing a film that increases the distance between the sliding surfaces, thereby lessening the damage by abrasive contaminants and surface asperities.Temperature control. Lubricants assist in controlling temperature by reducing friction and carrying off the heat that is generated. Effectiveness depends upon the amount of lubricant supplied, the ambient temperature, and the provision for external cooling. To a lesser extent, the type of lubricant also affects surface temperature.Corrosion control. The role of a lubricant in controlling corrosion of the surfaces themselves is twofold. When machinery is idle, the lubricant acts as a preservative. When machinery is in use, the lubricant controls corrosion by coating lubricated parts with a protective film that may contain additives to neutralize corrosive materials, The ability of a lubricant to control corrosion is directly related to the thickness of the lubricant film remaining on the metal surfaces and the chemical composition of the lubricant.Other functionsLubricants are frequently used for purposes other than the reduction of friction. Some of these applications are described below.Power transmission.Lubricants are widely employed as hydraulic fluids in fluid transmission devices.Insulation.In specialized applications such as transformers and switchgear, lubricants with high dielectric constants act as electrical insulators. For maximum insulating properties, a lubricant must be kept free of contaminants and water.Shock dampening. Lubricants act as shock-dampening fluids in energy transferring devices such as shock absorbers and around machine parts such as gears that are subjected to high intermittent loads.Sealing. Lubricating grease frequently performs the special function of forming a seal to retain lubricants or to exclude contaminants.Unit 5 From the History Ironmaking and Steelmaking Worldwide, the iron and steel industry is one of the most significant and, in terms of tradition, one of the oldest sectors of industry. As early as 3, 000 years ago, iron was serving as a basis of human culture and civilization.The beginning of the extraction of iron from its ores dates back to prehistoric times. In early times, iron ore was heated in a charcoal fire( doubtless by chance at first) . When the fire went out, a piece of solid iron like a sponge was left. The spongy iron could be hammered into shape to make tools and weapons. Our metallurgical forefathers found that when they blew or fanned the flames, the fire became hotter and the iron was produced more rapidly, so bellows were used to increase the supply of air.The development of modern ironmaking production benefits from the application of several important techniques:(1) In 1709, Abraham Darby, a young man succeeded in smelting iron with coke. This innovation resulted in a steep rise in pig iron production.(2) After the year 1755, steam engines and large electric motor were used as blast momentum to force more air into the hearth increasing blast volume greatly.(3)In 1828, Nilson adopted the regenerative hot blast stove to heat air for blast furnace, reducing the coke ratio of blast furnace greatly.Before the Industrial Revolution, steel was an expensive material, produced in only small quantities for such articles as swords and springs, while structural components were made of cast iron or wrought ironIn August 1856, an Englishman, Henry Bessemer, made public the description of a process which eventually reduced the price of steel to about a seventh of its former cost and more important still, made it possible to produce steel in large quantities. Henry Bessemer's process consisted in blowing air from the bottom through the hot metal so that it could bum away impurities. This process was a mainstay of the steel industry.The first Bessemer converter was lined with silica bricks. The 'acid' Bessemer process, as the Victorian ironmasters discovered could not eliminate phosphor, which is harmful to steel, solow phosphoric pig irons had to be used. In 1878, two Englishmen, Sidney Thomas and Percy Gilchrist, contributed the improvement whereby they lined the converter with 'basic' refractory bricks, containing magnesia or dolomite. Lime was added to the bath to combine with the phosphor and silicon, and thus remove them from the iron in the form of slag containing calcium phosphate and calcium silicate. The basic lining of the converter provided conditions under which the reactions with the lime could take place without destroying the furnace lining. If silica brick were used, as in the acid process, the lime would attack it chemically.In 1865, another efficient process for steelmaking was introduced, this transformed the pig iron and/or scrap into regeneratively heated hearth-type furnace. After its inventors, it was also known as the Siemens-Martin process( or open hearth process) . The Siemens-Martin 'open-hearth' furnace was so called because the molten metal lies in a comparatively shallow pool on the furnace bottom or hearth as Fig. 1-1 show. This rather inefficient performance of the open-hearth compared with the enormous output of the blast furnace, justified the emergence of the highly productive oxygen process for steel.The idea of using pure oxygen to convert molten iron into steel was suggested in some of the Bessemer patents over l00years ago, but its use for steelmaking was long delayed by the cost of separating oxygen from air. After 1948, oxygen was becoming available at prices sufficiently low to make it attractive for use in steelmaking. Once the oxygen was no longer bottom-blown-as in. the Thomas or Bessemer methods-but instead of top-blown, the oxygen blowing technique became widely popular after the Second World War. Oxygen top-blowing process is called the LD process. This process combines the low capital cost and speed of operation of the Bessemer process with high quality of the open-hearth.As soon as electric energy could be supplied in sufficient quantities, electric heat was used for steelmaking. The electric-arc furnace process was first used extensively for the production of alloy steels during the 1914 ~ 1918 war. The rapid increases in demand for alloy steels during and after the Second World War led to the construction of larger furnace with lower power consumption per ton of metal. Today, Electric are furnace has a firm footing in the industry.After 1970s, Bessemer process and open-hearth process are losing their significance. As the demand for high quality steels increased, post-treatment became a routine step in the production of steel.Exercise: Translate the following English into Chinese.In the 100 elements available to us, about three quarters can be classified as metals. And, about half of these are of at least some industrial or commercial importance. Metals, be they pure or alloy, can be further defined as being ferrous or nonferrous in make up. Ferrous alloys are those in which the base or primary metal is iron, manganese, chromium. All other metallic materials automatically fall into the non-ferrous category(范畴).Unit 6 Raw Materials for the Production of IronThe raw materials for the production of iron in the blast furnace can be grouped as follows: Iron-bearing materials, fuels and fluxes.1.Iron-bearing materialsThe major iron-bearing materials are iron ores, sinter and pellets in the blast furnace. Their function is to supply the element iron, which is 93 to 94 per cent of the pig iron produce.Iron ores are classed by their chemical compositions, such as oxides, sulfides, carbonates, etc, as shown in the table 2-1.Hematite is one of the most widely used ores. If pure, it would give 70 per cent iron. The typical reddish color is caused by the iron( III) .In the case of red iron ore, the compound of iron and oxygen is not so "tight" that the hematite is regarded as "easily reducible" . Magnetite, a magnetic iron ore, is increasing in use for two reasons. Firstly, it can be separated from the rock by magnetic means, secondly, it has high iron content. Iron and oxygen atoms are very closely combined with each other in magnetite, thus making magnetite "difficult to reduce". Limonite is a brown iron ore and contains water, which means that the iron oxides have formed a stable compound with water (water of crystallization). Containing 30 to 40 per cent Fe, siderites are relatively easy to reduce. Most ores contain only 50 to 60 per cent iron because they contain 10 to 20 per cent gangue (which consists mostly of alumina and silica) . If the gangue contains mainly lime, the ore is "basic"; if silicon acid ( SiO2) predominates, the ore is "acid".The portion of the ore that is too fine to be charged directly into blast furnace is usually agglomerated. The most important processes are: sintering and pelletizing.The sintering process is in five stages: (1) mixing of the raw materials and fine coal/or coke, (2) placing the mixture on a grate, (3)igniting and sintering. Air drawn through the mixture burns the fuel at a temperature high enough to frit the small particles together into a cake so that they can be charged into the blast furnace satisfactorily, (4) cooling, (5) crushing and screening before charging to the furnaces. For best results, pulverized flux is added to the sinter mix to combine with the gangue of the ore in the sintering process. Sinter usually contains 50 to 60 per cent iron.During pelletizing, the mixtures made from ultrafine( minus 0.074mm or minus 200mesh) iron-ore concentrates and binders of grain sizes far less than 1mm are balled to form "green" pellets slightly larger than 6mm but smaller than 15mm in diameter. The green pellets are then hardened by firing in a shaft-type furnace or rotary kiln or on a traveling grate. Pellets usually contain from 60 to 67 per cent of iron.Compared with lump ores and sinter, the advantages of pellets are: a narrow size range, constant quality and good permeability during reduction. Furthermore, pellets are well suited for transport and storage. But, any swelling and sticking of pellets during the reduction phase must be avoided.2. FuelsThe fuels enter the blast furnace as coke, coal, oil or gas. They are used for producing the heat required for smelting, and reducing the iron oxides into metallic iron and carburizing the iron( about 40 to 50 kilograms per ton of iron). In addition, because the coke retains its strength at high temperature, it provides the structural support that keeps the unmelted burden materials from falling into the hearth.At present, some of the coke in the blast furnace is usually replaced by coal. The blast furnace can inject hard coal, soft coal and mixed coal. BF pulverized coal injection can。
钢铁冶金专业英语 教学大纲

课程名称:钢铁冶金专业英语英文名称:Professional English on Ferrous Metallurgy学时与学分:32/2(其中实验学时:,课内上机学时:)先修课程要求:钢铁冶金原理、烧结球团学、炼铁学、炼钢学适应专业:矿物加工工程、冶金工程参考教材:冶金专业英语,侯向东,冶金工业出版社,2008.2冶金工程专业英语,金焱,化学工业出版社,2008团矿专业英语,范晓慧,中南工业大学教材科,1992课程简介:本课程是面向矿物加工工程专业(团矿方向)高年级本科生的专业选修课程,对学生进行与专业知识相关的英语词汇、术语、写作、翻译等方面的知识和能力进行教育和培养。
三、课程的基本内容以及重点难点1.基本内容1)铁矿石造块学:烧结、球团理论、工艺及设备方面的专业英语;2)炼铁学:高炉冶炼和非高炉炼铁的理论、工艺及设备方面的专业英语;3)炼钢学:炼钢学基本原理、工艺及设备方面的专业英语;2.重点和难点本课程的重点是掌握钢铁冶金过程专业英语词汇及翻译技巧;难点是专业英语的翻译与写作技巧四、实验要求无五、课程学时分配1. Agglomeration of Iron1.1 Trends in Agglomeration (2学时)1.2 Agglomeration Practice (4学时)2. Iron Making2.1 Raw Materials for the Production of Iron (2学时)2.2 The Blast Furnace Plant(4学时)2.3 Hot Blast Stove (2学时)2.4 New Developments in Iron Making (2学时)3. Steel Making3.1 Raw Materials of Steelmaking (2学时)3.2 Principles of Modern Steelmaking (2学时)3.3 The LD、Basic Oxygen Furnace、Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking Processes (6学时)3.4 Secondary Refining (2学时)3.5 Continuous Casting of Steel (2学时)六、考核方式开卷考试。

iron and steel industry 钢铁工业ironworks 铁厂foundry 铸造车间steelworks, steel mill 钢厂coking plant 炼焦厂electrometallurgy 电冶金学powder metallurgy 粉末冶金学blast furnace 鼓风炉mouth, throat 炉口hopper, chute 料斗stack 炉身belly 炉腰bosh 炉腹crucible 炉缸slag tap 放渣口taphole 出铁口,出渣口pig bed 铸床mould 铸模(美作:mold)tuyere, nozzle 风口ingot mould 锭模(美作:ingot mold)floor 平台hearth 炉底charger 装料机ladle 铁水包,钢水包dust catcher 除尘器washer 洗涤塔converter 转炉hoist 卷扬机compressor 压缩机tilting mixer 可倾式混铁炉regenerator 蓄热室heat exchanger 热交换器gas purifier 煤气净化器turbocompressor 涡轮压缩机burner 烧嘴cupola 化铁炉,冲天炉emptier 排空装置trough 铁水沟,排渣沟skip 料车rolling mill 轧机,轧钢机blooming mill 初轧机roller 辊bed 底座rolling-mill housing 轧机机架drawbench 拔管机,拉丝机drawplate 拉模板shaft furnace 竖炉refining furnace 精炼炉reverberatory furnace 反射炉hearth furnace 床式反射炉firebrick lining 耐火砖衬retort 反应罐muffle 马弗炉roof, arch 炉顶forge 锻造press 压锻pile hammer 打桩锤drop hammer 落锤die 拉模blowlamp 吹炬(美作:blowtorch)crusher 破碎机iron ore 铁矿石coke 焦炭bauxite 铁钒土alumina 铝cryolite 冰晶石flux 熔剂limestone flux 石灰石溶剂haematite 赤铁矿(美作:hematite)gangue 脉石cast iron 铸铁cast iron ingot 铸铁锭slag 炉渣soft iron 软铁pig iron 生铁wrought iron 熟铁iron ingot 铁锭puddled iron 搅炼熟铁round iron 圆铁scrap iron 废铁steel 钢crude steel 粗钢mild steel, soft steel 软钢,低碳钢hard steel 硬钢cast steel 坩埚钢,铸钢stainless steel 不锈钢electric steel 电工钢,电炉钢high-speed steel 高速钢moulded steel 铸钢refractory steel 热强钢,耐热钢alloy steel 合金钢plate, sheet 薄板corrugated iron 瓦垅薄钢板tinplate, tin 马口铁finished product 成品,产品semifinished product 半成品,中间产品ferrous products 铁制品coiled sheet 带状薄板bloom 初轧方坯metal strip, metal band 铁带,钢带billet 坯锭,钢坯shavings 剃边profiled bar 异型钢材shape, section 型钢angle iron 角钢frit 烧结wire 线材ferronickel 镍铁elinvar 镍铬恒弹性钢ferrite 铁氧体,铁醇盐cementite 渗碳体,碳化铁pearlite 珠光体charging, loading 装料,炉料fusion, melting, smelting 熔炼remelting 再熔化,重熔refining 精炼casting 出铁to cast 出铁tapping 出渣,出钢,出铁to insufflate, to inject 注入heating 加热preheating 预热tempering 回火temper 回火hardening 淬水annealing 退火reduction 还原cooling 冷却decarbonization, decarburization 脱碳coking 炼焦slagging, scorification 造渣carburization 渗碳case hardening 表面硬化cementation 渗碳fritting, sintering 烧结puddling 搅炼pulverization 粉化,雾化nitriding 渗氮alloy 合金floatation, flotation 浮选patternmaking 制模moulding 成型(美作:molding)calcination 煅烧amalgamation 汞齐化rolling 轧制drawing 拉拔extrusion 挤压wiredrawing 拉丝stamping, pressing 冲压die casting 拉模铸造forging 锻造turning 车削milling 铣削machining, tooling 加工autogenous welding, fusion welding 氧炔焊arc welding 电弧焊electrolysis 电解trimming 清理焊缝blowhole 气孔weld 焊接采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining 采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing矿物工程mineral engineering冶金(学)metallurgy过程冶金(学)process metallurgy提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy金属学Metallkunde冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy 冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering冶金工程metallurgical engineering钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel 有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy铸造学foundry火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy电冶金(学)electrometallurgy氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineralresources中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China2 采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics3 选矿选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing plant 工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿run of mine, crude精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate最终精矿final concentrate尾矿tailings粉碎comminution破碎crushing磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration筛分screening, sieving分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation, gravity concentration 磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing 自然铜native copper铝土矿bauxite冰晶石cryolite磁铁矿magnetite赤铁矿hematite假象赤铁矿martite钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite 铁燧石taconite褐铁矿limonite菱铁矿siderite镜铁矿specularite硬锰矿psilomelane软锰矿pyrolusite铬铁矿chromite黄铁矿pyrite钛铁矿ilmennite金红石rutile萤石fluorite高岭石kaolinite菱镁矿magnesite重晶石barite石墨graphite石英quartz方解石calcite石灰石limestone白云石dolomite云母mica石膏gypsum硼砂borax石棉asbestos蛇纹石serpentine阶段破碎stage crushing粗碎primary crushing中碎secondary crushing细碎fine crushing对辊破碎机roll crusher粉磨机pulverizer震动筛vibrating screen筛网screen cloth筛孔screen opening筛上料oversize筛下料undersize粗磨coarse grinding细磨fine grinding球磨机ball mill衬板liner分级机classifier自由沉降free setting沉积sedimentation石灰lime松油pine oil硫化钠sodium sulfide硅酸钠(水玻璃)sodium silicate, water glass过滤filtration过滤机filter给矿,给料feeding给矿机feeder在线分析仪on line analyzer在线粒度分析仪on line size analyzer超声粒度计ultrasonic particle sizer, supersonic particle sizeroscillation摆动, 振动outlet 输出;出口;引出线,电源插座output 产量, 输出, 输出量out yawing外偏航oval nail椭圆钉over speed过速overaging超龄的;老朽的;旧式的over current protection过电流保护overhead-valve engine 顶阀发动机,预置气门发动机overheat加热过度使发展过快,使过热overlap重叠,覆盖overload 超载,过载,过负荷overpressure过压overproduction生产过剩overspeed 超速over voltage过电压oxidation氧化[作用];氧化层oxyacetylene welding氧乙炔焊风电词汇中英文对照表-IIsaddle. 鞍, 鞍状物safety 安全, 保险, 安全设备, 保险装置sample. 标本, 样品, 例子sand blasting沙暴sander 沙, 沙子, [pl. ] 沙滩, 沙地sandingsandpaper砂纸sandwich夹层,层状[夹心]结构satisfactory符合要求的;合适的saturate. 使饱和, 浸透, 使充满saw 锯sawing machinescaffolding 脚手架scale 刻度,标度;比例尺,标尺;尺度,规模;【动】定标;换算;【WIN,NT】数值,缩放(比例scalene trangle不等边的(三角形)scarringscraper刮器,擦具;鞋刮子;刮刀,刮漆刀scratch 划痕,刻痕;【动】擦除;【修】临时screen 屏(幕,面),荧光屏;筛选;屏蔽;网screw螺丝钉, 螺旋, 螺杆, 螺孔, 螺旋桨, screw callipersscrew clampscrew driverscrew extractor拉马screw jack 螺旋千斤顶screw pitch gaugescrew tap 螺丝攻screw thread. 螺纹screwdriver 螺丝刀,起子scriber划线器, 描绘标记的用具scribing block划线笔sealing密封seam welding接合焊seat座, 座位, 所在地, 场所, 席位secger plierrsecure安全,可靠,保密securedsecurity 安全(性),保密(性),安全措施segregation分离,分凝法self-starter自动点火装置;自动启动器self-tapping screw自攻螺丝sensitivity 敏感, 灵敏(度), 灵敏性sensor 传感器,检测器;读出器,感测器;敏感元件sentsequence 顺序,时序;数列;定序,排序,序列series connectionservice 服务,服务程序;业务;维修,维护set screwset squaresetting设置[定]值;设置settle稳定,固定;调整,调度shackle 手铐, 脚镣, 桎梏, 束缚物shaft 轴, 杆状物shank 胫, 腿骨shaping machineshaping toolsharpness锐利shears 剪, 修剪, 剪切sheartubeshicknessshield屏蔽,罩;防护,庇护shim 垫片;填隙片shimming 摇动,震颤,晃动shock 冲击;震动shock absorber 减震器,震动吸收器short circuit. 短路shovel 铲, 铁铲shrink缩小,收缩shutdown 停止系统运行,停工[机],关机shutter 遮挡板,光闸,光阀;快门shuttle 梭;航天飞机,宇宙飞船,空间渡船;往返空间sidelight侧面射进来的光线, 侧灯,舷灯, 拾零, 杂闻, 间接说明side-valve enginesight glasssimultaneous同时的, 同时发生的sine wave正弦波single phase单相singnalsink 散热器,接收器,转接器;吸收(电流等);沟(半导体耗尽层的);汇点,收点;宿,汇集sintering烧结siphon 虹吸管site-mixedskew wind 歪斜,偏斜,扭斜[曲,动];相位偏移;变形,时滞(同一脉冲通过不同电路的时差);不齐,不齐量,偏离;【修】歪,斜,扭skin-halveskip 跳跃(进位);跳行[越,过];空指令slag. 矿渣, 炉渣, 火山岩渣sledge hammer大锤, 有压服力的东西sleeve 套筒,套管slide 滑动触头;【动】使滑动slide caliperrslide rule计算尺slide valve滑阀sliding滑动,活动;可调整slight 轻微的, 微小的slipping clutchslope 斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜slot 插槽,存储槽,(页)槽;槽口;开缝,存取窗口;裂缝[口],切口,沟;时间段,时间片slow-running screwsmelting熔炼smooth平稳,平滑snips 剪断socket 插座[槽,孔,口];管座;套接字(报文包的);【SunOS】网络界面[接口];【网】报路[SK]socket spanner套筒扳手soft cut in软切入software软件,软设备soldering 焊料,焊锡;焊接,结合soldering iron 烙铁solenoid螺线管solenoid valve电磁阀solitary单独,唯一solvent溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法spacer. 取间隔的装置, 逆电流器,衬垫,衬套,衬片spade 铲, 铁锹spanner扳手;活络扳手;扳子sparking plug 火花塞spigot 插口;插头,塞子;(水)龙头spindle 主轴,心轴spinner 微调控制项spiral gear螺旋齿spirit level 水平仪spirit varnishsplash. 溅, 飞溅, 斑点spline方栓, 齿条, 止转楔, 花键splined shaftsplint夹板,托板split bearing分离轴承split pinspokeshave辐刀spot 斑点,点;地点;点焊spot welding点焊sprayer 喷出水沫者, 喷雾, 喷雾器sprig图钉spring 弹簧;【动】弹出spring balance弹簧秤spring washer弹垫spring-bow compasssprocket 链轮齿spur gear正齿轮spur wheel gear正齿轮square 平方;方块;【修】矩形[SQ],正方形的, 四方的,直角的, 正直的, 公平的, 结清的, 平方的, 彻底的square nut 四方螺母, 螺帽square thread矩形螺纹square-head bolt方头螺栓stabilizer稳定器;平衡器;安定剂stable稳定,稳态stage 级;阶段,程度;【动】登台,升级stain 着色,染色;着色剂;污点stainless 纯洁的, 无瑕疵的, 不锈的stall失速,使失速standard标准(型),规范,准则;【印】常身;正常体standing 直立的, 停滞的, 固定的, 常备的, 标准的, 常设的standstill静止状态;停顿star drillstart up 发动, 开动starter motor马达启动startup 启动steam engine 蒸汽机steam roller蒸汽压路机, 高压手段steam turbine 蒸汽轮机steel sheet scissorsteel wool钢丝线steering box舵盘steering gear方向齿steering wheel舵轮,方向盘step-down(up) transformer降压器stiffen 变粘, 变硬, 变猛烈stillson wrenchstipulate 规定, 保证stock 库存, 股票, 股份, 托盘, 祖先, 血统, 原料stoker 司炉, 烧炉工人, 加煤机stopcock管闩, 活塞, 活栓, 旋塞阀stoppage 中断, 填塞store 存储,存储器straight edge直刃strange陌生的, 生疏的, 前所未知的, 奇怪的, 奇异的, 不惯的strap 短接,跨接strap wrench绑扎带streak 条纹,拖尾strike 打, 打击, 罢工, 抓, 敲, 搏动, 打动, 穿透strip 条,带,(跨接)片;剥离,脱去,去除striplightstructure结构,构造,构件;structure结构,构造,构件;【C】(数据类型)结构,结构体[STRUC]stub axlestudstuffing box填充体sturdy 强健的, 坚定的, 毫不含糊的substantial 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的substation变电所,分站,支局subsynchronous 次[再]同步suck 吸, 吮, 吸取suction. 吸入, 吸力, 抽气, 抽气机, 抽水泵, 吸引summation 求和,总和,加法sump润滑油槽;油盘;机油箱superheated 过热supervise监控,监督support 支援,支持(程序,软件);配套[SU] surface 表面,曲面;【修】表面,外部surplus 过剩,余量surrounding 围绕物, 环境suspension 吊, 悬浮, 悬浮液, 暂停, 中止, 悬而未决, 延迟,挂起;暂停,中止suspension systemsweating. 出汗的, 吃力的swept planeswitch 开关,转[交,切]换,翻转;接线器switch box开关柜switch off 切断switch over 转变symmetry对称,对称性synchronous同时的, [物]同步的synthetic合成的, 人造的, 综合的Ttachometer转速计,转速器tacktailstocktamperproof 防止窜改,可防止乱摆弄tangent 正切;切线,接触的, 切线的, 相切的, 离题的tank 储能电路;槽,箱,容器;油箱tap 分接头,抽头,三通头,, 活栓, 水龙头tap extractortap wrenchtap-drilltapdrill extensiontape 磁带,纸带;【修】带状tape decktape recordertaper 圆锥;递减;【修】分等级tappet 梃杆, 凸子tarmac 停机坪telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头telescopic shaft伸缩轴television 电视, 电视机temperature 温度tempering 回火template样板,金属模片temporary暂时的, 临时的, 临时性tenon凸榫,雄榫,榫舌tenon sawtensile可拉长的, 可伸长的, [物]张力的, 拉力的tension压力, 张力, 牵力, 电压terminal point端子terminate 端接;终止test nipple测试嘴test piecetesthose for manomentert-head bolt T形头螺栓T-head bolt T型螺栓theodolite经纬仪thermal热的;热量的;热力的thermistor热敏电阻,热控管thermocouple温差电偶,热电偶thermograph温度记录器, 热录像仪thermometer . 温度计, 体温计thermostat自动调温器,恒温器thinner稀释剂,冲淡剂thread线, 细丝, 线索, 思路, 螺纹,线索;线程three way switch三路开关three-jaw chuckthrottle valve节流阀throttles节流阀;节流圈;风门thrust bearing推力轴承thyristor硅控整流器,半导体闸流管tie beamtime switch定时开关timing chain调速链timing gear调速齿tip尖头,技巧,端头,触点;忠告,提示toggle joint双态元件,触发器;(乒乓)开关;轮转,(来回)切换tolerance公差,容差[限,许],允许误差;容错度tolerate忍受, 容忍tommy bar撬棒,螺丝钻tongs钳子, 夹具tongue and groovetooqh强硬的tool box工具箱tool post工具站toolbox工具箱top dead-centretopmost最顶层,最高,最上面torch手电筒,火把;火炬torque arm力臂torque spanner力矩扳手torque wrench力矩扳手torsion扭(转);扭力;挠率;转矩torsion bar力矩杆torus 环形圆纹曲面,(圆)环面touch 触力;【动】按,揿,触toward. 向, 对于, 为了Towertower crane塔式吊车track rod磁棒tractor. 拖拉机, (履带式)输[进]纸器trailing (轨)迹;跟踪;【WIN】指针train 串,列,系列;链;列车trammel 拘束, 阻碍物, 束缚物transformer变压器transistor 晶体管transmission 传输,发送,传送TransmissionTransmitter发射器,变送器transport 运输;运输工具transverse横切的,横轴transverse engine水平机trapezium梯形travelling crane移动式吊车tread踩,踏treadle踏板trestle架,架柱triac 三端双向可控硅开关元件triangle三角(形)trigger触发trimming清理焊缝triple三层的,三倍的triple phase三相tripod三角架trowel泥刀, 小铲子try square曲尺, 检验角尺t-square丁字尺tubular管状的,管形的turbojet涡轮喷气飞机turbongeneratorturning 旋转, 转向, 转弯处turnstile 十字转门turntable转车, 转盘turret lathe 六角车床twist . 盘旋;缠绕twisting缠绕two-handed sawtwo-stroke engine二冲程发动机Uu-bolt U形螺栓ultrasonic超声波unbalance不平衡unconditional. 无条件地uncritical不加批判的, 无批判力的, 不严厉的under load switch底载荷开关under voltage低电压underfeed stokerundershot wheelundulate起伏uniform一样的union联合;联合会,团结unit单元,部件,单位(符号);装置,设备,器件universal coupling万向联轴节,万向连接器universal joint万向接头,万向节universal pliers万能手钳unloading卸,去载unscrew从...旋出螺丝, 旋开, 旋松unsymmetry不匀称untwisting拆开(搓合的绳,线等), 解开update更新;修改;校正;重新编辑upstairs楼上的upward向上的upwind迎风,顶风,上升气流Vvacuum真空, 空间vacuum brake真空制动闸vacuum gauge真空计vacuum pump真空泵,真空抽气机vacuum tube真空管,电子管value价值,值valve . 阀, [英] 电子管, 真空管vapour蒸汽, 水蒸气variable resistor可变电阻varistor可变电阻varnish清漆,上漆vat大桶,大槽veebelt V形皮带vehicle交通(运输)工具,飞船,车辆,机动车;步行机器人vencervenn diagram维恩图ventilation通风装置,通风venturi tube文氏管,文丘里管vernier calliper gauge游标尺vernier scale游标尺vertex顶点,角顶,台风转向点via . 道,通路,经过,经由viaduct高架桥vibration颤动,振动;摆动vibration switch0振动开关vice老虎钳,台钳vicinity附近,邻近viewfinder寻像器,取景器viscosity粘度, 粘性visible 可见的,显著的visual可视的,直观,图象,可见[视],视觉[象],形象化voltage电压,电位差voltmeter电压表,伏特计volume卷,册,体积,容量;音量v-thread V形螺纹Wwall-shuttering百叶窗wankel engine凡克尔发动机warp弯曲,翘曲,扭曲wash洗涤,冲刷,冲冼washer垫片,垫圈waspalloy瓦斯帕洛伊变形镍基耐热合金waste oil container废油容器watch表,值班water wheel水轮water-antioxidant抗氧化剂water-cooled engine水冷内燃机water-resistant水电阻wave band switch波段开关waveguide波导;波导管wavelength波长wax蜡;蜡状物weaving织;编,编法,摆动weft纬线weighbridge称量台,台秤,桥秤weighing machine称量器weights重量,砝码welding焊接,焊缝wet湿的,湿气,水分whctstonewheel湿的,湿气,水分wheel brace齿轮架wheelbarrow手推车wheelbase轴距whistling号笛,鸣笛,汽笛winch绞车,绞盘wind nut风机用螺母wind vane风向标winding线圈,绕组windscreen挡风玻璃,风挡windscreen wiper风档刮水器,风档雨雪刷windward风档刮水器,风档雨雪刷wing nut蝶型螺母wipe擦,消除wipe off擦掉,抹掉wire导线,电线,金属线wire brush电刷wire dowelwire gaugewire nail线卡wire wool线圈wiredrawing拉丝,拨丝,使延长wire-stripping pliers剥线钳wiring布线,接线wood screw木螺丝wooden block木块wording用语work scissor工作剪workbench工作台workshop车间,工厂worm gear蜗杆螺杆,蜗杆齿wrench扳手,扳子wristwatch手表Xx-axis X轴,横坐标轴xerox静电复印机Yyaw偏航,航偏角Yawy-axis纵坐标,Y轴yield成品;成品率,合格率;输出,产生,得到;屈服Zzink spray镀锌zoom lens 变焦镜头电力系统 power system发电机 generator 励磁 excitation励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current升压变压器 step-up transformer 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current 有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss输电系统 power transmission system高压侧 high side 输电线 transmission line高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 功角稳定 angle stability 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送power transfer交流 AC 直流 DC 电网 power system落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 调节 regulation高抗high voltage shunt reactor 并列的:apposable 裕度margin故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 分接头:tap切机generator triping 高顶值high limited value 静态static (state)动态 dynamic (state) 机端电压控制 AVR 电抗 reactance电阻 resistance 功角 power angle 有功(功率) active power 电容器:Capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 断路器:Breaker电动机:motor 功率因数:power-factor 定子:stator阻抗电压:阻抗:impedance 功角:power-angle 电压等级:voltage grade有功负载: active load PLoad 无功负载:reactive load 档位:tap position电阻:resistor 电抗:reactance 电导:conductance电纳:susceptance 上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance无功(功率) reactive power 功率因数 power factor 无功电流reactive current斜率 slope 额定 rating 变比 ratio参考值 reference value 电压互感器 PT 分接头 tap仿真分析 simulation analysis 下降率 droop rate 传递函数transfer function框图 block diagram 受端 receive-side 同步 synchronization 保护断路器 circuit breaker 摇摆 swing 阻尼 damping无刷直流电机:Brusless DC motor 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 机端 generator terminal变电站 transformer substation永磁同步电机:Permanent-magnet Synchronism Motor异步电机:Asynchronous Motor三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans双绕组变压器:douBLE-COLUMN TRANSFORMER DBLCLMNTRANS固定串联电容补偿FIXED SERIES CAPACITOR COMPENSATION双回同杆并架 DOUBLE-CIRCUIT LINES ON THE SAME TOWER单机无穷大系统 ONE MACHINE - INFINITY BUS SYSTEM励磁电流:MAGNETIZING CURRENT 补偿度 DEGREE OF COMPENSATION ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 电磁场失去同步LOSS OF SYNCHRONIZATION装机容量INSTALLED CAPACITY 无功补偿REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION故障切除时间 FAULT CLEARING TIME 极限切除时间 CRITICAL CLEARING TIME强行励磁 REINFORCED EXCITATION 并联电容器:SHUNT CAPACITOR < 下降特性 DROOP CHARACTERISTICS 线路补偿器 LDC(LINE DROP COMPENSATION)电机学 ELECTRICAL MACHINERY 自动控制理论 AUTOMATIC CONTROL THEORY电磁场 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD微机原理 PRINCIPLE OF MICROCOMPUTER电工学 ELECTROTECHNICS PRINCIPLE OF CIRCUITS 电路原理ELECTRICAL MACHINERY 电机学电力系统稳态分析 STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS OF POWER SYSTEM电力系统暂态分析 TRANSIENT-STATE ANALYSIS OF POWER SYSTEM 电力系统继电保护原理 PRINCIPLE OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM'S RELAY PROTECTION电力系统元件保护原理 PROTECTION PRINCIPLE OF POWER SYSTEM 'S ELEMENT电力系统内部过电压 PAST VOLTAGE WITHIN POWER SYSTEM模拟电子技术基础 BASIS OF ANALOGUE ELECTRONIC TECHNIQUE数字电子技术 DIGITAL ELECTRICAL TECHNIQUE电路原理实验LAB. OF PRINCIPLE OF CIRCUITS电气工程讲座 LECTURES ON ELECTRICAL POWER PRODUCTION电力电子基础BASIC FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER ELECTRONICS高电压工程HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING电子专题实践TOPICS ON EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT OF ELECTRONICS 电气工程概论INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING电子电机集成系统ELECTRONIC MACHINE SYSTEM电力传动与控制ELECTRICAL DRIVE AND CONTROL电力系统继电保护 POWER SYSTEM RELAYING PROTECTION NEUTRAL POINT EARTHING 中性点接地RESISTANCE EARTHING 电阻接地ARC EXTINCTION COILS 消弧线圈ELECTRIC NETWORK 电网REACTIVE COMPENSATION 无功补偿QUALITY OF POWER 电能质量WUHAN IRON & STEEL CROUP CO. 武汉钢铁集团POWER SUPPLY PLANT 供电厂POWER DIVISION 能源动力公司SUBSTATION 变电站EARTHING NETWORK 地网AIR COMPRESSOR 空压机MAIN DRIVING SYSTEM 主传动CONVERTER 转炉制氧 OXYGEN MAKING轧钢 STEEL ROLLING生产线 PRODUCTION LINE冷轧厂 COLD ROLLING PLANT上海冶金设计研究院SHANGHAI INSTITUTE OF METALLURGY DESIGNING RESEARCH高效节能 ENERGY SAVING OF HIGH EFFICIENCY循环冷却 CIRCULATION COOLING高炉鼓风机 BLAST FURNACE BLOWER汽轮机 TURBINE风机 BLOWER检修 MAINTENANCE基柱 FOUNDATION PILLAR立柱 VERTICAL POST煤气混合加压站 GAS MIXING AND PRESSURING STATION文档简写说明:DFT: DRY FILM THICKNESS干薄片厚度TOWDOC: TOWERDOC.VESTAS.CM网站名称NDT: NON-DESTRUCTIVE TEST非破坏性测试UT : ULTRASONIC INSPECTION超声波测试MT: MAGNETIC PARTICAL EXAMATION磁场微粒测试VMP: VESTAS MULTI-PROCESSOR CONTROLLER VESTAS多功能处理控制系统.VCS: VESTAS CONVERTER SYSTEM VESTAS变频系统F.S.造模法;流砂造模法 F.S. process(fluid sand mixture molding process)面板 face plate护面罩 face shield面心立方格子 face-centered cubic lattice粗晶面(铸疵) facet fracture上涂料 facing涂料 facing materials面砂 facing sand消退 fading消退时限 fading time华氏标度 Fahrenheit scale落砂(铸疵) fall1.合模记号2.假中间模箱 false cheek假上模箱 false cope假模箱 false part风扇 fan高黏土砂 fat sand疲劳 fatigue疲劳裂痕 fatigue crack疲劳破损 fatigue failure疲劳限界 fatigue limit疲劳强度 fatigue strength疲劳试验 fatigue test不良铸造 faulty casting飞边(铸件) feather1.补给2.进料3.补浇 feed冒口,补给头 feed head补给环 feed ring补给用冒口 feed riser补给口(冒口) feeder补给口套 feeder bush补给口效果 feeder effect冒口;补给头 feeder head缩颈冒口 feeder head with Washburn core 冒口捣棒;补给口捣棒 feeder rod补浇(冒口) feeding补给口发热剂(冒口) feeding compound补给距离 feeding distance冒口颈;补给颈 feeding neck冒口捣棒;补给口捣棒 feeding ro补给口带 feeding zone长石 feldspar1.肥粒铁2.肥粒体 ferrite肥粒铸铁 ferritic cast iron铸合金 ferro-alloy硼铁 ferro-boron铬铁 ferro-chromium锰铁 ferro-manganese钼铁 ferro-molybdenum磷铁 ferro-phosphorus矽铁 ferro-silicon铁水静压力 ferro-static pressure钛铁 ferro-titanium钨铁 ferro-tungsten二氧化铁(FeO2) ferrous oxide钒铁 ferro-vanadium清理(清砂,去毛边等) fettle打磨(磨毛边,打浇冒口等) fettle shagging 清理工 fettler清理 fettling清理门 fettling door清理场 fettling shop清理工具 fettling tool纤维状滑石 fibrous talc自然腐蚀试验 field test液面花纹 figure1.填隙料2.埋筋 filler1.填砂2.背砂 filler sand内圆角 fillet带铁 fillet iron灌模能力(浇铸) filling capacity埋入砂心 filling core填砂框 filling frame填砂 filling in填入口;浇口 filling port埋入法(砂心) filling up埋入砂心 filling up core过滤器 filter滤袋 filter bag滤层 filter bed滤布 filter cloth带色防护镜 filter glass滤纸 filter paper滤液 filtrate过滤 filtration过滤式集尘器 filtration dust collector 1.凸片 2.飞边 fin精密研光 fine lapping细密波来铁 fine pearlite细土粉;细泥 fine silt粒度 fineness粒度指数 fineness number砂粒度 fineness of sand指形进模口 finger gate最后加工 finish加工裕度 finish allowance成品铸件区 finished castings department 完工面 finished surface1.铸件清理2.最后加工 finishing加工裕度 finishing allowance细锉刀 finishing file细泥砂浆 finishing loam铸件修整 finishing of castings精轧辊 finishing of roll凸片气缸 finned cylinder凸片管 finned tube飞边现象(合模或模裂形成) finning固定磨轮机(法飞边) fioor grinder枞木 fir火箱 fire box耐火砖 fire brick耐火泥 fire clay粘土质耐火砖 fire clay brick炉栅;炉篦 fire grate炉条 fire grate bar燃点 fire point耐火砂 fire sand火铲 fire shovel耐火石 fire stone炉板(铸件) fireback炉板(铸件) fireback烧裂 fire-crack乾模 fired mold乾模砂 fired mold sand火星罩 fire-spark arrester点火 firing鱼油 fish oil鱼嘴栅 fishmouth gate固定碳 fixed carbon固定环 fixed collar固定模;固定压铸模 fixed die固定模板;固定压铸模板 fixed die plate 定盘式混砂机 fixed pan mill固定板 fixed plate片 flake片状石墨 flake graphite片状石墨铸铁 flake graphite cast iron 火焰退火 flame annealing火焰熔刮 flame gouging火焰硬化 flame hardening凸缘 flange凸缘抹片 flange sleeker表面烘乾砂模 flared mold1.飞边2.闪光 flash手电筒 flash light飞边清除 flash removal砂箱;模箱 flask砂箱隔条 flask bar砂箱夹 flask clamp砂箱手柄 flask handle有箱造模法 flask molding合箱销子 flask pins震箱清砂机 flask shanker无箱造模法 flaskless molding扁刷 flat brush扁凿 flat chisel扁形进模口 flat gate平木纹 flat grain平底舂;平底捣杆 flat rammer平头镘刀 flat trowel瑕疵 flaw瑕疵位置 flaw location瑕疵大小 flaw size击落浇冒口 flogging固定磨轮机(去飞边) floor grinder地模 floor mold地模法;地面造模法 floor molding1.地面砂2.背砂 floor sand1.上浮(石墨)2.浮悬法 flotation流程图 flow chart流通式冷却器 flow cooler溢放口 flow off溢流道 flow through铸砂流动性 flowability of sand流量计 flowmeter烟道气 flue gas流砂(造模用) fluid sand流砂造模法;F.S.造模法fluid sand mixture molding process(F.S. process)流动型自硬性砂模 fluid self-hardening mold sand流动性 fluidity流动性旋涡形试片 fluidity spiral流动性试验 fluidity test流动性直棒形试片 fluidity test bar piece流动性试模 fluidity test mold流体化床 fluidized bed流体化床上涂料 fluidized bed coating流体化床冷却器 fluidized bed cooler流砂(造模用) fluidized sand流砂造模法 fluidized sand molding助流剂 fluidizer萤光 fluorescence萤光探伤法 fluorescent crack detection氟(F) fluorine萤石(CaF2) fluorite萤光镜 fluoroscope萤光透视法(检查);萤光镜试) fluoroscopy萤石(CaF2) fluorspar出铁口熔渣 flush slag1.吹气2.通气处理(金属液)3.冲洗 flushing熔剂;助熔剂 flux熔剂覆盖法 flux-covering1.熔剂处理2.助熔 fluxing飞灰 fly ashF-M造模法;全模法 F-M process(full-mold process) 泡沫洗净器 foam scrubber泡沫塑胶模型 foamed plastic pattern喷雾淬火 fog quenching嵌合模型 follow board〔pattern〕压力通风 forced draft空吹(熔铁炉) fore blow(cupola)前炉 fore-hearth forge(receiver)1.鍜工场2.鍜造炉 forge鍜铁锈皮 forge scale1.鍜造2.鍜件 forging抬动浇桶 fork ladle堆高机 fork lift truck粒形 form of grain模样(砌炉衬用) former成形 forming成形性 forming property铸工 founder铸造 founding铸造方案 founding method1.铸造厂2.铸造 foundry黑色涂料 foundry blacking铸焦 foundry coke铸疵;铸造缺陷 foundry defects浇桶 foundry ladle铸损 foundry losses铸造从业员 foundry man铸造用钉 foundry nails铸造用生铁 foundry pig iron铸坑 foundry pit回炉料 foundry returns铸砂 foundry sand铸砂处理 foundry sand preparation铸砂处理工场 foundry sand preparation plant 铸造废料 foundry scrap断口金相检验 fractography1.破裂2.断口 fracture断口检验 fracture test1.框2.架 frame框架隔条 frame cross piece框架吊柄 frame lift框形砂心盒 framed core box翻转脱模式造模机 frame-rollover machine松扣 free单体碳 free carbon单体雪明碳铁 free cementite单体肥粒铁 free ferrite清水砂 free sand自由水 free water凝固 freezing1.凝固点2.冰点 freezing point凝固范围 freezing range频率变换器;周波变换器 frequency converter磨损;侵蚀 fretting熔砂;烧毁铸砂 fritted sand前端出渣 front slagging燃料 fuel燃料气 fuel gas燃料油 fuel oil燃料比 fuel ratio完全退火 full annealing足尺 full size全模法;F-M造模法 full-mold process(F-M process) 烟气(有害的) fume抽烟气设备 fume extraction equipment*喃系 furan*喃树脂 furan resin*喃树脂黏结剂 furan resin binder*喃(甲)糠醛 furfural糠醛酒精 furfuryl alcohol炉 furnace炉内蒙气 furnace atmosphere炉体 furnace body炉用铸件 furnace castings高炉焦 furnace coke炉内冷却 furnace cooling炉支架 furnace cradle炉气 furnace gas炉衬 furnace lining炉工(美语) furnace tender炉工 furnace-man熔成菱镁石 fused magnesite融砂;熔砂 fused sand1.可熔性2.熔度 fusibility易熔合金 fusible alloy熔锥 fusible cone填料熔接 fusion of packing materials融砂;熔砂 fusion of sand渗透融结(铸疵);渗透熔接 fusion penetration1.熔点2.软化点 fusion point。

冶金专业英语词汇(A)冶金专业英语词汇(A)冶金专业英语词汇(A)1 2 3 4 mill 二十辊轧机1 2 3 mill 十二辊轧机1 2 mill 六辊式轧机abichite 砷铜矿abnormal steel 反常钢abnormal structure 反常结构abnormality of steel 钢的反常性abradability 磨损性abradant 研磨剂abrading 研磨修整abraser 研磨剂abrasion 磨耗abrasion marks 研磨斑痕abrasion test 磨耗试验abrasion tester 磨耗试验机abrasion testing machine 磨耗试验机abrasive 研磨剂abrasive belt 磨光砂带abrasive cloth 砂布abrasive cutting off machine 砂轮切断机abrasive dust 磨屑abrasive grain 磨粒abrasive hardness 耐磨硬度abrasive paste 研磨膏abrasive powder 研磨粉abrasive wear 磨蚀abscess 气孔absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute zero 绝对零度absorbability 吸收性absorbed energy 吸收能量absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收体absorbing column 吸收塔absorbing medium 吸收介质absorbite 活性碳absorption 吸收absorption capacity 吸收能力absorption chromatography 吸收色谱法absorption edge 吸收端absorption extraction 吸收萃取absorption limit 吸收端absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorption tower 吸收塔absorptive power 吸收能力absorptivity 吸收性ac arc welder 交羚弧焊机ac arc welding 交羚弧焊ac electrode 交粮条acanthite 硫银矿accelerated cooling 加速冷却accelerated creep 加速蠕变accelerated diffusion 加速扩散accelerated leaching 加速浸出accelerated rolling 加速轧制acceptance inspection 接收检查acceptance test 验收试验accidental error 偶然误差accompanying element 伴生元素accretion 炉结accumulator 蓄电池;贮料塔accumulator metal 极板用合金accuracy 准确度accuracy of reproduction 再现精度acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸acetylene 乙炔acetylene burner 乙炔燃烧器acetylene cutting 氧乙炔焰切割acetylene cutting torch 乙炔截割吹管acetylene cylinder 乙炔瓶acetylene generator 乙炔发生器acetylene welding 氧乙炔焊acheson furnace 艾奇逊电炉acicular cast iron 针状结构铸铁acicular crystal 针状结晶acicular ferrite 针状铁素体acicular iron ore 针铁矿acicular martensite 针状马氏体acicular powder 针状粉末acicular structure 针状结构acid 酸acid bath 酸浴acid bessemer converter 酸性转炉acid bessemer process 酸性转炉炼钢法acid bessemer steel 酸性转炉钢acid bottom 酸性炉底acid brick 酸性砖acid brittleness 酸洗脆性acid bronze 耐酸青铜acid corrosion 酸腐蚀acid electric furnace 酸性电炉acid electrolyte 酸性电解液acid embrittlement 酸洗脆性acid extraction 酸性萃取acid furnace 酸性炉acid hearth 酸性炉底acid leaching 酸性浸出acid lined furnace 酸性炉acid lining 酸性内衬acid medium 酸性介质acid open hearth furnace 酸性平炉acid open hearth process 酸性平炉法acid open hearth steel 酸性平炉钢acid oxide 酸性氧化物acid process 酸性法acid pump 酸泵acid refractory 酸性耐火材料acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting cast iron 耐酸铸铁acid resisting casting 耐酸铸件acid resisting steel 耐酸钢acid slag 酸性渣acid solution 酸性溶液acid steel 酸性钢acid tank 酸性槽acidity 酸度acidproof alloy 耐酸合金acidproof brick 耐酸砖acidproof cast iron 耐酸铸铁acidproof casting 耐酸铸件acidulated bath 酸性化槽acierage 表面钢化acoustic absorbing material 吸音材料acoustic diagnosis 音响诊断acoustic emission 声发射acoustic fatigue 声波振动疲劳acoustic inspection 音响检查actinium 锕actinouranium 锕铀activated alumina 活性氧化铝activated carbon 活性碳activated chlorine 活性氯activated sintering 活化烧结activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析activation energy 活化能activation volume 活化容积activator 活化剂active material 放射性物质active mixer 预炼混铁炉active power 有效功率active solvent 活性溶剂active surface 活性表面activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数activity factor 活度系数activity probe 活度探示器actual load 有效负载actual solution 实际溶液actual stress 实际应力actual throat 实际角焊缝厚度adamite 水砷锌矿adamite roll 阿达迈特高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊adaptive mill control 轧机自适应控制addition 添加addition agent 添加剂addition compound 加成化合物addition element 加合金元素addition reaction 加成反应additive 添加剂additive deformation 附加变形additive efficient deformation rate 有效附加变形率additive property 加和性additivity rule 加成定则adherence 附着adherent slag 附着渣adhesion 附着adhesion force 附着力adhesion heat 粘附热adhesion test 附着力试验adhesive capacity 粘着能力adhesive force 附着力adiabatic calorimeter 绝热量热器adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adiabatic demagnetization 断热去磁adiabatic equilibrium 绝热平衡adiabatic exponent 绝热指数adiabatic process 绝热过程adjustable end stop 升降挡板adjustable mold 可担adjusting 蝶adjusting screw 第螺钉adjustment 蝶admiralty brass 海军黄铜admiralty gun metal 海军炮铜admissible concentration 容许浓度admissible error 容许误差admissible stress 容许应力admixture heat 混合热adobe 风干砖adsorbability 可吸附性adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorbing power 吸附能力adsorption 吸附adsorption chromatography 吸附色层法adsorption isotherm 吸附等温线adsorption overvoltage 吸附过电压adsorption surface area 吸附表面积adular 冰长石advance 艾德万斯康铜aeration 充气aeration corrosion 充气腐蚀aeration tank 充气槽aerosol 气溶胶aerospace material 宇航材料aerospace structural metal 宇航结构金属affinage 精炼affinity 亲和力afterblow 后吹aftercontraction 附加收缩aftercooler 后冷却器aftereffect 后效afterflow 残余塑性变形aftertreatment 后处理agate 玛瑙agc 自动厚度控制age hardening 时效硬化age hardening alloy 时效硬化合金aged steel 时效钢agent 试剂agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomerated cake 烧结块agglomerated charge 烧结料agglomerating machine 烧结机agglomerating plant 烧结装置agglomeration 烧结agglomeration roasting 烧结焙烧agglutination 凝集aggregate 集合体aggregation 聚集aggression 侵蚀aggressiveness 侵蚀性aging 时效aging crack 时效裂纹aging oven 时效炉aging resistance 抗时效性aging stability 时效稳定性aging steel 时效钢agitating vane 搅拌叶片agitation 搅拌agitation leach 搅拌浸出agitator 搅拌机agitator tank 搅拌槽air acetylene welding 空气乙炔焊接air arc cutting 电弧气割air bath 空气浴air blast quenching 气零火air blast temperature 鼓风温度air box 风箱air brick 不烧砖air bubble 空气泡air chamber 空气室air classification 风选air cleaner 空气净化器air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air conduit 空气导管air conveying 气龄送air cooled condenser 空气冷凝器air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air damper 风挡air distillation 常压蒸馏air exhauster 排气机air filter 空气过滤器air fuel mixture 空气燃料混合物air furnace 反射炉air gate 出气口air hammer 空气锤air hardening 空气淬火air hardening steel 空气硬化钢air hose 通风软管air inlet 进气口air jacket 空气套air manometer 空气压力计air mortar 气硬砂浆air oxidation 空气氧化air patenting 空气铅淬火air permeability 透气性air pipe 风管air port 空气喷口air preheater 空气预热器air pressure 空气压力air pump 空气泵;活塞泵air purification 空气净化air quenching 空气淬火air rammer 风动掉棒air regenerator 空气蓄热室air reservoir 储气罐air separation 气力分离air separator 气力分离器air test 气密试验air uptake 空气上升道air valve 空气阀airbond 自硬粘结剂airing 空气干燥;通风airtight joint 气密接头aisle 工段ajax northrup furnace 阿杰克斯诺斯拉普炉albion metal 阿尔比饵锡铅箔albite 钠长石albronze 铝青铜alchemy 炼金术alclad 阿尔克拉德包铝硬铝板;高强度铝合金alcohol 醇aldrey 阿尔德雷导线用铝合金alfenide 阿里费尼德锌白铜aligned composite material 取向复合材料aligned eutectic 取向共晶aligned structure 取向结构alignment 定心aliquation 偏析;层化alitizing 渗铝alkali 碱alkali battery 碱性蓄电池alkali metal 碱金属alkali reaction 碱性反应alkali resistance 耐碱性alkali salt 碱金属盐alkali solution 碱性液alkaline bath 碱浴alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkaline electrolyte 碱性电解液alkaline fusion 碱熔alkaline leaching 碱性浸出alkalinity 碱度allemontite 砷锑矿alligator effect 鳄皮效应alligator shears 杠杆式剪断机alligatoring 鳄嘴裂口allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allomorphy 同质异晶allopalladium 硒钯矿allotropic modification 同素变态allotropic transformation 同素异形变态allotropy 同素异形体allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负荷allowable pressure 容许压力allowable stress 容许应力allowable variation 容许偏差alloy 合金alloy addition 合金添加alloy hardening 合金硬化alloy pig iron 合金生铁alloy plating 合金镀覆alloy steel 合金钢alloy steel castings 合金钢铸件alloy system 合金系alloy tool steel 合金工具钢alloyage 合金化alloyed iron 合金铸铁alloyed scrap 合金废料alloying 合金化alloying constituent 合金成分alloying element 合金元素alloying metal 合金金属alloying power 合金化能力alluvial gold 砂金alni 阿尔尼alnico 阿尔尼科合金alpaca 阿尔帕克锌白铜alpakka 阿尔帕克锌白铜alpax 阿尔帕克斯铝硅合金alpha brass 黄铜alpha bronze 青铜alpha decay 衰变alpha disintegration 衰变alpha iron 铁alpha particle 粒子alpha rays 射线alpha region 相区域alpha solid solution 固溶体alphatizing 气化渗铬法alsifer 阿尔违尔硅铝铁合金altaite 碲铅矿alternate lay wire rope 混合捻钢丝绳alternate steel 代用钢alternate stress 交变应力alternating bending test 反复弯曲试验alternating current arc welder 交羚弧焊机alternating current arc welding 交羚弧焊alternating current arc welding machine 交羚弧焊机alternating load 应变载荷alternating stress amplitude 交变应力振幅aludel 梨坛aludur 阿鲁杜合金alum 茂alumel 阿卢梅镍铝合金alumina 氧化铝alumina brick 高铝砖aluminate 铝酸盐aluminate inclusion 铝酸盐夹杂物aluminic acid 铝酸aluminium castings 铝铸件aluminized coat 铝镀覆层aluminized screen 铝化荧光屏aluminizing 渗铝aluminosilicate 铝硅酸盐aluminosilicate refractory 硅酸铝耐火材料aluminothermic process 铝热法aluminothermic reduction 铝热还原aluminothermic welding 铝热焊aluminothermics 铝热法aluminothermy 铝热法aluminum 铝aluminum alloy 铝合金aluminum base alloy 铝基合金aluminum brass 铝黄铜aluminum bronze 铝青铜aluminum chloride 氯化铝aluminum copper alloy 铝铜合金aluminum fluoride 氟化铝aluminum foil 铝箔aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum iron alloy 铝铁合金aluminum leaf 铝箔aluminum magnesium alloy 铝镁合金aluminum nickel alloy 铝镍合金aluminum nitrate 硝酸铝aluminum nitride 氮化铝aluminum ore 铝矿aluminum oxide 氧化铝aluminum plating 镀铝aluminum powder 铝粉aluminum silicate 硅酸铝aluminum silicon alloy 铝硅合金aluminum solder 铝焊料aluminum wire 铝线alundum 人造刚玉alunite 茂石alunogen 毛矾石amalgam 汞齐amalgam process 混汞法amalgam test 汞齐试验amalgamated metal 混汞金属amalgamating bath 混汞化槽amalgamation 混汞amalgamator 混汞器ambient air 周围空气ambient temperature 周围温度amblygonite 磷铝石americium 镅amianthus 白丝状石棉ammonia 氨ammonia alum 铵铝矾ammonia leaching 氨浸出ammonia nitriding 氨氮化ammonia water 氨水ammonium 铵ammonium alum 铵铝矾ammonium chloride 氯化铵ammonium fluoride 氟化铵ammonium molybdate 钼酸铵ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵ammonium oxalate 草酸铵ammonium phosphate 磷酸铵ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵amorphism 非晶性amorphous alloy 非晶质合金amorphous body 非晶体amorphous carbon 无定形碳amorphous film 非晶体膜amorphous metal 非晶体金属amorphous phase 非晶形相amorphous state 非晶质状态amorphous substance 无定形物质amount of contraction 收缩量amount of shrinkage 收缩量ampangabeite 铌钛铁铀矿amperometric titration 电廖定amperometry 电廖定amphion 两性离子ampholyte 两性电解质amphoteric compound 两性化合物amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric element 两性元素amphoteric ion 两性离子amphoteric oxide 两性氧化物amphoterism 两性amplitude 振幅amplitude of oscillation 振荡振幅anaconda process 安那康达法analog computer 模拟计算机analysis 分析analytical balance 分析天平analytical chemistry 分析化学analytical sample 分析试样analyzer 分析器anatase 锐钛矿anatomical alloy 骨科用易熔合金anelastic behavior 滞弹行为anelasticity 滞弹性angle 角钢angle butt weld 斜口对接焊缝angle of bite 轧入角angle of lag 滞后角angle of lead 超前角angle of neutral plane 中性角angle of nip 咬入角angle of nonslip point 中性角angle of repose 休止角angle of rest 休止角angle pass 角钢孔型angle section 角钢angle steel 角钢anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular carbide 角形碳化物angular powder 角状粉angular velocity 角速度anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏animal charcoal 动物煤anion 阴离子anion catalyst 阴离子催化剂anion exchange 阴离子交换anion exchange resin 阴离子交换尸anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂anionite 阴离子交换剂anionite membrane 阴离子交换膜anisotropic material 蛤异性材料anisotropy 蛤异性annabergite 镍华annealed powder 退火粉annealed steel 退火钢annealing 退火annealing box 退火箱annealing cycle 退火周期annealing furnace 退火炉annealing of defects 缺陷退火annealing oven 退火炉annealing pot 退火箱annealing temperature 退火温度annealing twin 退火孪晶annerodite 铌钇铀矿annular furnace 环式窑annular kiln 环式窑anode 阳极anode alloy 阳极合金anode casting 阳极铸造anode chamber 阳极室anode compartment 阳极室anode copper 阳极铜anode drop 阳极降anode effect 阳极效应anode efficiency 阳极电璃率anode fall 阳极降anode furnace 阳极炉anode mud 阳极泥anode nickel 阳极镍anode pickling 阳极酸洗anode process 阳极法anode rays 阳极射线anode remnants 残阳极anode scrap 残阳极anode slime 阳极泥anode sludge 阳极泥anode voltage 阳极电压anodic brightening 阳极抛光anodic coating 阳极镀层anodic corrosion 阳极腐蚀anodic current 阳极电流anodic current density 阳极电淋度anodic current efficiency 阳极电璃率anodic dissolution 阳极溶解anodic overvoltage 阳极过电压anodic oxidation 阳极氧化anodic polarization 阳极极化anodic process 阳极法anodic protection 阳极保护anodic reaction 阳极反应anodic treatment 阳极处理anodizing 阳极处理anolyte 阳极电解液anomalous slip 反常滑移anorthic system 三斜晶系anorthite 钙长石anorthoclase 钠斜微长石anthracite 无烟煤anthracitic coal 无烟煤anticarburizer 渗碳防止剂anticathode 反阴极anticorodal 耐蚀铝合金anticorrodant 防腐剂anticorrosive agent 防腐剂anticorrosive paint 防腐涂料antiferromagnetism 反铁磁性antifoaming agent 防沫剂antifriction alloy 减磨合金antifriction bearing 抗摩轴承antifriction material 减摩材料antifriction metal 减磨合金antimonate 锑酸盐antimonial lead 锑铅antimonic acid 锑酸antimonic anhydride 锑酸酐antimonide 锑化物antimonite 辉锑矿antimonous acid 亚锑酸antimony 锑antimony bronze 锑青铜antimony glance 辉锑矿antimony sulfide 硫化锑antimony white 锑白antioxidant 反氧化剂antiphase domain 反相畴antiphase domain boundary 反相畴界antipiping compound 冒口保温剂anvil 铁砧anvil block 砧座aod 氩氧脱碳aod converter aod转炉aod process 氩氧脱碳法apatite 磷灰石aperture 口径apochromat 复消色差透镜apochromatic lens 复消色差透镜apparatus 仪器装置apparent density 表观密度apparent modulus of elasticity 表观弹性系数apparent particle density 颗粒表观密度apparent power 表观功率apparent specific gravity 表观比重apparent viscosity 表观粘度apparent volume 表观体积approach angle 拉模变形锥approach table 输入辊道approximate analysis 近似分析apron conveyor 板式运输机apron feeder 裙板加料机aqua regia 王水aquadag 胶体石墨润滑剂aqueous electrolysis 水溶液电解aqueous leach 水溶液浸出aqueous medium 水介质aqueous solution 水溶液aqueous vapour 水蒸汽ar transformation ar 转变arbitrary analysis 仲裁分析arbor 轴arborescent powder 师状粉arborescent structure 枝晶组织arc 弧arc air gouging 电弧空气气削arc blow 电弧磁偏吹arc blowout 熄弧arc brazing 电弧钎焊arc cutting 电弧切割arc discharge 电弧放电arc drop 电弧压降arc force 电弧力arc furnace 电弧炉arc furnace electrode 电弧炉电极arc gouging 电弧刨削arc heating 电弧加热arc image furnace 反射电弧炉arc length 弧长arc spraying 电弧喷镀arc stabilizer 电弧稳定装置arc start 起弧arc strike 起弧arc welding 电弧焊接arc welding alternator 电弧焊用交立电机arc welding electrode 电弧焊条arc welding generator 弧焊发电机arc welding machine 电弧焊接机arc welding set 电弧焊机组arc welding transformer 电焊变压器arch 拱arch brick 拱砖arcogen 气电焊arcos arc process 阿考斯二氧化碳保护弧焊法ardometer 光测高温计area reduction 断面收缩areometer 比重计argental mercury 银汞argentan 锌白铜argentiferous lead 含银铅argentite 辉银矿argentum 银argon 氩argon arc 氩气保护电弧argon arc welding 氩弧焊argon blowing in ladle 桶吹氩argon oxygen decarburization 氩氧脱碳argon oxygen decarburization converter aod转炉argon oxygen decarburization process 氩氧脱碳法argon rinsing treatment 氩清洗处理argon stirring 吹氩搅拌argyrodite 硫银锗矿arizonite 红钛铁矿arm mixer 桨叶式搅拌机armature wire 钢筋线材armco iron 阿姆克铁armor 装甲钢板armor plate 装甲板armor plate mill 装甲板轧机armor steel 装甲钢armored cast iron 钢筋铸铁arrangement 装置;配置array of dislocations 位错排列arrest point 临界点arsenate 砷酸盐arsenic 砷arsenic acid 砷酸arsenic anhydride 砷酸酐arsenic poisoning 砷中毒arsenical copper 砷铜arsenical nickel 红砷镍arsenical pyrite 砷黄铁矿arsenide 砷化物arsenite 亚砷酸盐arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsenous acid 亚砷酸arsenous anhydride 亚砷酸酐art bronze 艺术青铜art castings 艺术铸件artificial aging 人工时效artificial draught 人工通风artificial gas 人造气体as cast condition 铸态as cast metal 铸态金属as cast structure 铸造组织as rolled state 轧制状态asbestos 石棉asbestos packing 石棉垫料asbestos paper 石棉纸asbestos plate 石棉板asbestos wool 石棉绒asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿ascending tube 上升管ascension pipe 上升管asea skf process asea skf 法ash cellar 灰坑ash content 含灰量ash cooling 灰中冷却ash pan 灰盘asparagolite 黄绿磷灰石asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asperity 不平度aspirator 吸气器assay 试金;试料assay balance 试金天平assay furnace 试金炉assel elongator 阿塞尔三辊式轧管机assel mill 阿塞尔三辊式轧管机assemblage 装配assembling 装配astatine 砹asterism 星芒atacamite 氯铜矿athermal growth 绝热生长athermal nucleation 非热成核athermal solution 非热溶液athermal transformation 非热转变atmophile element 亲气元素atmosphere 大气atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric pressure 大气压力atmospheric rusting 大气锈蚀atom 原子atom fraction 原子分数atom magnetic moment 原子磁矩atomic absorption spectrometry 原子吸收光谱学atomic arrangement 原子排列atomic binding 原子键atomic bond 原子键atomic crystal 原子结晶atomic diameter 原子直径atomic displacement 原子位移atomic energy 原子能atomic group 原子团atomic heat 原子热atomic heat capacity 原子热容量atomic hydrogen 原子氢atomic lattice 原子晶格atomic mass 原子质量atomic model 原子模型atomic nucleus 原子核atomic number 原子序数atomic oxygen 原子氧atomic percent 原子百分比atomic pile 原子反应堆atomic plane 原子面atomic power 原子力atomic radius 原子半径atomic ratio 原子比atomic reactor 原子反应堆atomic size 原子大小atomic spectrum 原子光谱atomic structure 原子结构atomic volume 原子体积atomic weight 原子量atomic welding 氢原子焊atomization 喷雾atomized powder 喷雾粉atomizer 喷雾器atomizing 喷雾attached test coupon 附铸试棒attack 侵蚀attenuation 衰减attraction 吸引attractive force 引力attrition 磨损attritor grinding 磨碎机粉碎auric chloride 氯化金auric compound 正金化合物auric cyanide 氰化金aurous chloride 氯化亚金aurous compound 亚金化合物aurous cyanide 氰化亚金ausaging 沉淀硬化ausannealing 等温退火ausforming 过冷奥氏体形变热处理ausrolling 过冷奥氏体轧制形变热处理austempering 奥氏体等温淬火austenite 奥氏体austenite former 奥氏体形成元素austenite region 奥氏体区域austenite stabilization 奥氏体稳定化处理austenite structure 奥氏体组织austenitic electrode 奥氏体钢焊条austenitic grain size 奥氏体粒度austenitic iron 奥氏体铸铁austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢austenitic steel 奥氏体钢austenitic transformation 奥氏体转变austenitization 奥氏体化austenitizing 奥氏体化austenitizing temperature 奥氏体化温度austenoferritic steel 奥氏体铁素体钢austenomartensitic steel 奥氏体马氏体钢austrian test 焊缝抗弯试验autocatalysis 自动催化酌autoclave 高压釜autoclave leaching 加压浸出autocrucible melting 自成坩埚熔炼autodiffusion 自扩散autodiffusion coefficient 自扩散系数autogenous ignition 自发着火autoignition 自发着火automatic arc welding 自动电弧焊automatic arc welding machine 自动电焊机automatic control 自动控制automatic gage control 自动厚度控制automatic mill 自动轧机automatic size control 自动尺寸控制automatic spot welding 自动点焊automatic steel 易切钢automatic welding 自动焊接automatic welding machine 自动电焊机automobile body sheet 汽车车身钢板automobile steel 汽车钢automolite 铁锌尖晶石autoradiography 自射线照相法autunite 钙铀云毋auxiliaries 辅助设备auxiliary air 二次空气auxiliary anode 辅助阳极auxiliary electrode 辅助电极auxiliary pump 辅助泵average roll pressure 平均轧制压力average sample 平均试样avional 阿维奥纳尔铝合金avogadrite 氟硼砷石avogadro's number 阿弗加德罗数axial force 轴向力axial porosity 轴芯气孔率axial pressure 轴向压力axial ratio 轴比axial slip 轴向滑移axial stress 轴向应力axial vector 轴矢量axis 轴azeotrope 共沸混合物azeotropic distillation 共沸蒸馏azeotropic mixture 共沸混合物azeotropic solution 共沸溶液azeotropy 共沸azimuthal quantum number 方位量子数azotization 氮化azotizing 氮化azurite 蓝铜矿冶金专业英语词汇(A) 相关内容:41。

冶金专业英语词汇(P)冶金专业英语词汇(P)冶金专业英语词汇(P)p.s. converter 卧式转炉p/m forging 粉末冶金锻造p/m high speed steel 粉末冶金高速钢p/m superalloys 粉末冶金超级合金pack 板叠pack annealing 装箱退火pack boriding 填充渗硼pack hardening 固体渗碳pack rolling 叠轧package 捆packaging machine 打包机packed column 填充塔packed tower 填充塔packing 衬垫;打包packing machine 打包机packing material 填充料packing ring 密封环padding 填料paddle mixer 桨叶式混合机paddle wheel agitator 桨叶式搅拌机paint coat 涂漆palladium 钯palladium sponge 海绵钯pallet 台车pantal 潘塔尔铝合金parachor 等张比容parallel connection 并联parallel growth 平行生长parallel pore filter 平行孔过滤器paramagnetic material 顺磁性材料paramagnetic substance 顺磁性材料paramagnetism 顺磁性parameter 参数parameter ratio 轴率parametral plane 坐标轴晶面parametral ratio 轴率paramorphism 同质假象现象parent metal 基底金属;母体金属parent metal test specimen 母体金属试样parent phase 母相parent plate 母板parkerization 磷酸盐处理parkerized steel 磷酸盐处理钢parkerizing 磷酸盐处理parkes process 怕克斯炼铅法partial annealing 局部退火partial austenitizing 部分奥氏体化partial condensation 不完全冷凝partial dislocation 部分位错partial entropy 偏熵partial heat treatment 局部热处理partial pressure 分压力partial pyritic smelting 半自热熔炼partial quenching 局部淬火partial radiation pyrometer 部分辐射高温计partial roasting 部分焙烧partial solid solubility 有限固溶度partial solubility 有限溶解度partial volume 分容积partially alloyed powder 部分合金化粉particle 粒子particle shape 颗粒形状particle size 粒度particle size distribution 粒度分布particle size fraction 粒度级particle size range 粒度范围particle strengthening 颗粒强化parting line 分型线parting sand 分型砂parting saw 分切锯partition chromatography 分配色层法partition curve 分配曲线partition law 分配定律partition ratio 分配系数partition wall 隔墙pass 道pass contour 孔型外形pass height 孔型高度pass line 轧制线pass over mill 二辊不可逆式轧机pass schedule 轧制表pass sequence 轧制表passivating dip 钝化溶液passivation 钝化passivation potential 钝化电位passive film 钝化膜passive state 钝态passivity 钝态paste process 糊膏挤压成型法patching 炉底修补patented wire 铅淬火钢丝patenting 铅淬火patenting furnace 铅淬火炉patina 铜绿patina finish 表面绿锈处理patronite 绿硫钒矿pattern draft 拔模斜度pattern metal 制模金属pattern plate 模板patternmaking 制模pauli's exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理pay off reel 开卷机pea iron ore 豆状铁矿pearl spar 白云石peat 泥炭pebble mill 碎石磨机pebbles 桔皮表面pebbling 桔皮效应pectolite 针钠钙石peel 皮peel test 剥离试验peeling 剥落peeling and straightening machine 剥皮矫直机peeling machine 钢锭修整机床peening shot 喷丸用钢丸peg 钉peg rammer 手工捣锤peierls stress 佩尔斯应力pellet 球团矿pellet burden 粒状装料pelleted charge 粒状装料pelletization 成球pelletized ore 粒化矿石pelletizer 制粒机pelletizing 成球pelletizing plant 球团矿厂pencil gate 淋雨式浇口pencil glide 铅笔状滑移pencil gliding 铅笔状滑移pendulum impact tester 摆式冲辉验机pendulum impact testing machine 摆式冲辉验机pendulum saw 摆式锯penetration 焊透penetration depth 熔化层深度pentlandite 镍黄铁矿percent reduction 压缩率percentage of elongation 延伸率percentage reduction of area 断面收缩率perchloric acid 高氯酸percolation 渗滤percolation column 渗滤塔percolation leaching 渗滤浸出percolator 渗滤浸出器percussion cap copper 雷管用铜合金percussion welding 冲桓percussive welding 冲桓perfect black body 绝对黑体perfect combustion 完全燃烧perfect crystal 完整晶体perfect dislocation 完整位错perfect fluid 理想铃perfect gas 理想气体perfectly plastic body 完全塑性体perforated bottom 多孔底perforation 穿孔period 周期periodic law 周期律periodic pass 周期孔型periodic system 周期系periodic table 周期表periodic transformation 周期转变peripheral velocity 圆周速度peritectic 包晶peritectic horizontal 包晶线peritectic line 包晶线peritectic melting 包晶熔化peritectic point 包晶点peritectic reaction 包晶反应peritectic structure 包晶组织peritectic temperature 包晶温度peritectic transformation 包晶转变peritectoid 包析peritectoid point 包析点peritectoid reaction 包析反应perlite 珠光体perlite structure 珠光体组织perlitic cast iron 珠光体铁perlitic ferrite 珠光体型铁素体perlitic range 珠光体区域perlitic steel 珠光体钢perlitic transformation 珠光体转变permalloy 帕马洛依铁镍合金permanent deformation 永久变形permanent electrode 非自耗电极permanent elongation 永久伸长permanent magnet 永久磁铁permanent magnet steel 永久磁钢permanent mold 永久铸型permanent mold casting 金属型铸造permanent set 永久应变permanent strain 永久应变permanganate 高锰酸盐permanganic acid 高锰酸permeability 透过性permeability alloys 导磁合金permeability surface area 透过表面积permeameter 导磁率计permendur 坡曼德合金perminvar 帕眠铁镍钴恒磁合金permissible concentration 容许浓度perovskite 钙钛矿peroxide 过氧化物persistent band 持久滑移带petrographic analysis 岩相分析petrographic parameter 岩相学参数petroleum 石油petroleum burner 石油燃烧器petroleum coke 固体石油petroleum furnace 石油炉petroleum gas 石油气petroleum pitch 石油沥青pewter 白鑜pharmacosiderite 毒铁矿phase 相phase analysis 相分析phase boundary 相界phase change 相变化phase composition 相成分phase contrast 相位对比phase current 相电流phase difference 相位差phase equilibrium 相平衡phase equilibrium diagram 相图phase rule 相律phase transformation 相变phase voltage 相电压phenacite 似晶石phenolic resin 酚醛尸phlogopite 金云母phosgenite 角铅矿phosphate 磷酸盐phosphate coating 磷酸盐处理法phosphatic slag 含磷渣phosphide 磷化物phosphide inclusion 磷化物夹杂phosphor bronze 磷青铜phosphor copper 磷铜phosphoric acid 磷酸phosphoric anhydride 磷酸酐phosphoric pig iron 高磷生铁phosphorized copper 磷脱氧铜phosphorous acid 亚磷酸phosphorus 磷phosphorus bearing slag 含磷渣phosphorus trichloride 三氯化磷phosphuranylite 磷铀矿photochemical equivalence 光化学当量photochemical induction 光化学感应photoelastic method 光弹性法photoelastic stress 光弹性应力photoelasticity 光弹性photoelasticity test 光弹试验photoelectric pyrometer 光电高温计photoelectric spectrophotometer 光电分光计photoelectric spectrophotometry 光电子分光法photoelectricity 光电photomacrograph 宏观照片photomicrograph 显微照片photomicrographic apparatus 显微照相机photomicrography 显微照相术physical adsorption 物理吸附physical chemistry 物理化学physical metallurgy 物理冶金physical properties 物理性质physicochemical property 物理化学性质physics of metals 金属物理piano wire 钢琴丝pickle brittleness 酸洗脆性pickle stain 酸洗蚀斑pickle test 酸浸试验pickler 酸洗装置pickling 酸洗pickling agent 酸洗剂pickling bath 酸洗槽pickling crack 酸洗裂缝pickling division 酸洗埸pickling inhibitor 酸洗阻蚀剂pickling line 酸洗机组pickling machine 酸洗机pickling solution 酸洗液pickling tank 酸洗槽pickling unit 酸洗装置picnometer 比重瓶picotite 铬尖晶石piemontite 红帘石pierce smith converter 卧式转炉pierceability 穿孔性piercer 穿孔机piercer roll 穿孔机轧辊piercing 穿轧piercing die 冲孔模piercing mandrel 芯棒piercing mill 穿孔机piercing press 穿孔压力机pig 生铁块pig and ore process 生铁矿石法pig and scrap process 生铁废钢炼钢法pig breaker 铁块破碎机pig casting machine 铸铁机pig iron 生铁pig lead 粗铅锭pig metal 金属锭pig tin 锡锭pigging back 生铁增碳pigging up 生铁增碳pilbarite 硅铀铅钍矿pile 包piled plate cutting 垛板切断piler 堆垛机pilger mill 周期式轧管机pilger roll 周期式轧管机的轧辊pilger welding 跨步焊法pilgering 皮尔格式轧管pilgrim mill 周期式轧管机piling 堆垛piling bar 钢桩piling scrap 堆积废钢piling table 收集辊道piling up of dislocations 位错塞积pill press 团块压制机pillaring 炉中心冷料柱pilot pin 导销pilot plant 试验工厂pimpling 麻点的形成pin lift 顶杆起模pin metal 销钉用黄铜pin rammer 手工捣锤pinacoid 轴面pinch 折皱pinch effect 箍缩效应pinch pass mill 平整机pinch rolling 平整pinch rolls 张拉辊pinhead blister 细小泡疤pinholed surface 针孔表面pinholes 气孔pinion 传动齿轮pinion stand 齿轮座pinned dislocation 固定位错pipe 管pipe and tube production 管生产pipe bender 弯管机pipe diffusion 位错管扩散pipe expander 扩管装置pipe fittings 管附件pipe forming press 管成形压力机pipe line 管道pipe line steel 管道钢pipe mill machinery 轧管机械pipe rolling plant 轧管车间pipe stove 管式热风炉pipe threading machine 管螺纹机pipe wall 管壁pipe wall gage 管壁厚度测量仪pipe welder 焊管机pipe welding 焊管pipe welding machine 焊管机pipe workpiece 管材piping 管路piston 活塞piston compressor 活塞式压缩机pit 凹坑pit casting 坑铸pit crane 均热炉起重机pit furnace 均热炉pit soaking 均热炉中加热pitch 间距;沥青pitch circle diameter 电极圆直径pitch coke 沥青焦pitch line of groove 轧槽中线pitch of weld 焊缝间距pitch on metal 涂沥青薄钢板pitchblende 沥青铀矿pitot tube 皮托管pitted surface 麻面pitting corrosion 点蚀pitting limit 点蚀极限placer gold 砂金plain carbon steel 普通碳素钢plain cast iron 普通铸铁plain roll 平面轧辊plain specimen 无切口试样plane polarized light 平面偏光plane strain 平面应变plane stress 平面应力planeness 平直度planetary cross rolling mill 行星横轧机planetary mill 行星式轧机planetary rolling 行星轧制planimetric method 测面积法planishing mill 平整轧机plant 装置;厂plasma 等离子plasma arc cutting 等离子电弧切割plasma arc furnace 等离子电弧炉plasma arc remelting 等离子电弧重熔plasma arc welding 等离子电弧焊接plasma carburizing 等离子渗碳plasma cutting 等离子切割plasma electron beam remelting 等离子电子束重熔plasma furnace 等离子体炉plasma fusion cutting torch 等离子熔切火炬plasma heating 等离子加热plasma induction furnace 等离子感应炉plasma induction remelting 等离子感应重熔plasma jet remelting 等离子霖熔plasma melting 等离子熔炼plasma metallurgy 等离子冶金plasma refining 等离子精炼plasma slag remelting 等离子渣重熔plasma smelting reduction 等离子熔融还原plasma spraying 等离子体喷镀plasma torch 等离子枪plasmamelt process 等离子熔炼法plasmared process 等离子还原熔炼法plasmatron 等离子枪plaster molding 石膏铸型法plaster pattern 石膏模型plastic brittle transition 塑性脆性转变plastic bronze 塑性高铅轴承青铜plastic coat 塑料涂覆plastic deformation 塑性变形plastic flow 塑性怜plastic fracture 塑性断裂plastic limit 塑性极限plastic material 塑性材料plastic metal 锡基轴承合金plastic properties 塑性特性plastic state 塑性状态plastic working 塑性加工plasticity 塑性plasticity condition 塑性条件plasticizer 增塑剂plasticizing agent 增塑剂plate 厚板;片状粉末plate cooler 板式冷却器plate iron 铁板plate leveler 钢板矫正机plate leveling machine 钢板矫正机plate mill 厚板轧机plate molding 模板造型plate rolling 中厚钢板轧制plate shears 剪板机plate steel 中厚钢板plate thickness 金属板厚度plate turnover 翻板机platelet 薄片plating 电镀plating bath 电镀槽platinic chloride 氯化铂platinic compound 正铂化合物platiniridium 铂铱矿platinite 玻璃焊封铁镍合金platinized asbestos 铂石棉platinizing 镀铂platinous chloride 氯化亚铂platinous compound 亚铂化合物platinum 铂platinum black 铂黑platinum catalysts 铂催化剂platinum chloride 氯化铂platinum crucible 铂坩埚platinum iridium alloy 铂铱合金platinum metals 铂系金属platinum plating 镀铂platinum platinum rhodium thermocouple 铂铂铑合金热电偶platinum sponge 海绵铂platinum wire 铂丝plug changer 换顶头装置plug drawing 短芯棒拉拔plug lines 芯棒划痕plug mill 自动轧管机plug nose 尖头plug ramming machine 捣固机plug scratch 芯棒划痕plug welding 塞焊plugging 堵塞;加盖plugless rolling 无顶头轧管plumbago 粉状石墨plumbago crucible 石墨坩埚plumbeous compound 二价铅化合物plumber's solder 管工用焊料plumbic compound 四价铅化合物plus sieve 筛上物plutonium 钚ply steel 复合钢plymetal 涂金属层板pneumatic concentration 风选pneumatic conveying 气龄送pneumatic hammer 空气锤pneumatic rammer 风动捣锤pneumatic separation 风选pneumatic steelmaking process 空气转炉炼钢法point corrosion 点蚀point defect 点缺陷point graphite 点状石墨point group 点群point imperfection 点缺陷pointed end 压尖端pointing 轧尖poisson's ratio 泊松比polar solvent 极性溶剂polarimeter 偏光计polarimetry 测偏振术polariscope 偏振光镜polarity 极性polarizability 极化度polarization 偏光polarization capacity 极化容量polarization curve 极化曲线polarization effect 极化效应polarization plane 偏光面polarization potential 极化电势polarization resistance 极化电阻polarized light 偏光polarized light microscope 偏光显微镜polarizing microscope 偏光显微镜polarogram 极谱polarographic analysis 极谱分析法polarography 极谱法pole 极pole dislocation 极位错polianite 锰矿poling 插使原polish 研磨;抛光;研磨剂polish attack 抛光腐蚀polish etch 抛光腐蚀polished section 抛光磨片polishing 磨光polishing machine 磨光机polishing powder 抛光粉polishing roll 抛光轧辊pollucite 铯榴石polonium 钋polybasite 硫锑铜银矿polycrystal 多晶体polycrystalline material 多晶物质polycrystalline particle 多晶颗粒polydymite 辉铁镍矿polygonization 多边化polygonized structure 多边形结构polymorphic transformation 多晶转变polymorphic transition change 多晶转变polymorphism 多晶型现象polynary system 多元系polyphase alloy 多相合金polyphase structure 多相组织polysize powder 多尺寸粉末polysulfide 多硫化物polythionate 连多硫酸盐pony rougher 粗轧机架pony roughing mill 粗轧机架pool depth 熔池深度poor ore 贫矿pop gate 淋雨式浇口pop up 暗冒口porcelain 瓷器pore forming material 起泡剂porosimeter 孔隙计porosity 孔率porous bearing 多孔轴承porous brick 多孔砖porous chrome hardening 多孔性硬镀铬porous metal 多孔金属porous pellets 多孔球团矿porous structure 多孔构造porpezite 钯金矿port 平炉炉头portland cement 波特兰水泥positional entropy 配位熵positioner 定位器positive adsorption 正吸附positive bar 阳极母线positive catalyst 正催化剂positive edge dislocation 正刃型位错positive electrode 阳极positive element 阳性元素positive ion 阳离子positive pressure 正压力positive terminal 正极端子positive tolerance 正容差postheating 后热pot 桶pot furnace 坩埚炉pot melting process 坩埚炼钢法pot steel 坩埚钢potash feldspar 正长石potassium 钾potassium alum 钾盐茂potassium chloride 氯化钾potassium cyanide 氰化钾potassium oxide 氧化钾potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾potential 势potential barrier 位垒potential difference 电位差potential energy 位能potential gradient 电位梯度potential hill 位垒potential ph diagram ph 电位图potentiometer 电位差计potentiometric titration 电位滴定potentiometry 电位差测定法potentiostat 稳压器potter's clay 陶土pottery clay 陶土pouring 浇铸pouring aisle 浇注跨pouring ladle 浇铸桶pouring nozzle 浇钢水口pouring pit 浇注坑pouring platform 浇铸台pouring practice 浇铸法pouring reel 加勒特式线材卷取机pouring stand 浇铸台pouring temperature 浇注温度powder 粉powder coal 粉煤powder cutting 氧熔剂切割powder extraction metallurgy 粉末提取冶金powder extraction technique 粉末提取冶金powder forging 粉末锻造powder frictional material 粉末摩擦材料powder injection 喷粉powder material 粉状材料powder metallography 粉末金属学powder metallurgy 粉末冶金powder method 粉末法powder part 粉末零件powder rolling 粉末轧制powdered fuel 粉状燃料powdered lime 粉末石灰power consumption 动力消耗量power hammer 动力锤power source of electric welding 电源power supply 供电power yield 电璃率praseodymium 镨pre precipitation 预沉淀prealloyed powder 预制合金粉末precious metal 贵金属precipitant 沉淀剂precipitated copper 沉淀铜precipitated powder 沉淀粉precipitating agent 沉淀剂precipitation 析出;沉淀precipitation by electrolysis 电解沉淀precipitation hardening 沉淀硬化precipitation hardening alloy 沉淀硬化合金precipitation process 沉淀熔炼法precipitation tank 沉淀槽precipitator 沉淀剂precision casting 精密铸造precision ground tube 精密磨光管precision molding 精密造型precision welding 精密焊接preferential deformation 择优取向变形preferential orientation 优先定位preferred orientation 优先定位prefinishing diamond 精轧前菱孔型prefinishing oval 预精加工的椭圆prefinishing pass 精轧前孔型prefinishing stand 预精轧机座preform 预成型坯preforming 预成型preheat 预热preheat furnace 预热炉preheat temperature 预热温度preheated air 预热空气preheater 预热器preheating 预热preheating chamber 预热室preheating zone 预热区prehnite 葡萄石preliminary alloy 中间合金preliminary leaching 初步浸出preliminary reduction process 预还原法preliminary roasting 预焙烧preliminary sintering 初步烧结preliminary treatment 预处理premixed powder 预混合粉preparation 选矿prepared edge 坡口加工面prepared scrap 备好的废钢prereduced briquette 预还原团块prereduced burden 金属化炉料prereduced sinter 预还原烧结矿prereduction 预还原prereduction of iron ore 矿石预还原preroasting 预焙烧preselected scrap 备好的废钢presintering 初步烧结press 压机press forging 压锻press power 压制力press quenching 压力淬火pressed air 压缩空气pressed bar 压制棒坯pressed density 生跑度pressed electrode 机械压涂的焊条pressed scrap 压缩废钢pressed volume 压佩积pressing 压制pressing additive 压制添加剂pressing crack 夹层pressing disk 挤压垫pressing in method 压痕法pressing skin 压制壳层pressing with oblique punch 用倾斜压头挤压pressure 压力pressure blasting 加压鼓风pressure cast pattern 压铸模型pressure casting 压铸pressure die 压模pressure digestion 高压溶出pressure distribution 压力分布pressure drop 压力降pressure fall 压力降pressure filter 压滤机pressure filtration 可压过滤pressure gage 压力计pressure leaching 加压浸出pressure pad 挤压垫pressure pipe 高压管pressure plate 支架pressure pouring 压力浇注pressure precipitation 压力沉淀pressure reduction 加压还原pressure regulator 压力第器pressure resistance 压差阻力pressure screw 压下螺丝pressure sintering 加压烧结pressure test 压力试验pressure thermit welding 铝热压焊pressure tube 高压管pressure vessel steel 高压容浦pressure welding 加压焊接pressureless compacting 无压成形pressureless sintering 无压烧结prestrain 预应变prestressed forming 预应力成形prestressed mill stand 预应力机座prestressed wire 预应力钢丝pretreatment 预处理prewelding 预焊primary air 一次空气primary austenite 初生奥氏体primary carbide 初生碳化物primary cementite 初生渗碳体primary cooling 一次冷却primary creep 初蠕变primary crystal 初生晶体primary crystallization 初次结晶primary dislocation 一次位错primary grain 初生晶粒primary graphite 初生石墨primary mill 开毗机primary particle 初次颗粒primary pipe 初次缩孔primary reaction 知反应primary recrystallization 一次再结晶primary slag 一次渣primary sorbite 一次讼体primary structure 初生组织prime sheet 优质薄板principal direction 纸向principal reaction 知反应principal strain 枝变principal stress 枝力principle of similitude 相似法则printer's metal 印刷金属prior structure 初生组织prismatic dislocation 棱柱位错prismatic plane 棱柱面prismatic slip 棱柱状滑移probability 概率probe 探针process 程序process annealing 中间退火process computer 过程控制计算机process concatenation 工艺连锁process lubricant 工序润滑剂process metallurgy 冶金工艺学processing 加工processing properties 工艺性能producer 生产者;煤气发生炉producer gas 发生炉煤气product of roasting 焙烧产物production process 生产过程production program 生产计划productivity 生产率proeutectoid 先共析体proeutectoid cementite 先共析渗碳体proeutectoid ferrite 先共析铁泰体profile 轮廓profiled bar 型钢profiled roll 有槽轧辊profiled wire 异形钢丝profilometer 表面光度仪program control 程序控制program controlled heating 程序控制加热progressive aging 渐进时效progressive forming 顺次成形projection welding 凸焊prolong 延伸器promethium 钷promoted sintering 加速烧结prompt industrial scrap 工共过程废料prompt tempering 即速回火proof 验证proof bar 试杆proof bend test 抗弯试验proof stress 条件屈服极限proof test 验收试验propagation velocity 传播速度propeller agitator 螺旋桨搅拌器properties dispersion 特性分散proportion by weight 重量比proportional limit 比例极限proportionality range 比例范围protactinium 镤protecting film 保护膜protection film 保护膜protection tube 保护管protective alkali 保护碱protective atmosphere 保护气氛protective atmosphere annealing 保护气氛退火protective coat 保护涂层protective colloid 保护胶体protective film 保护膜protective gas 保护气体protective layer 保护层protective medium 保护介质protective potential 保护电位protoxide 低氧化物proustite 淡红银矿proximate analysis 近似分析prussiate 氰化物pseudo alloy 假合金pseudoalloy 假合金pseudobinary alloy 伪二元合金pseudobinary system 伪二元系pseudocarburizing 假渗炭pseudoeutectic 伪共晶体pseudonitriding 假氮化psilomelane 硬锰矿pucker 皱纹puddle ball 搅炼炉熟铁块puddle process 搅炼法pull 拉力pull crack 收缩裂缝pull test 拉伸试验pull test machine 拉伸试验机pullers 张力辊pulling reel 张力卷取机pulp 矿浆pulp density 矿浆浓度pulp feed line 泥浆供给管线pulp reservoir 矿浆槽pulp tank 矿浆槽pulp thickener 矿浆浓缩机pulsating bending stress 脉动弯曲应力pulsating mixing 脉动混合pulsating stress 脉动应力pulsation welding 脉冲焊接pulsator jig 脉动跳汰机pulse echo technique 脉冲反射探伤法pulse heating 脉冲加热pulsed arc welding 脉冲弧焊pulverization 粉碎;喷雾pulverized coal 粉煤pulverized powder 粉碎粉末pulverized silica 微粉状硅石pulverizer 喷雾器雾化器;粉碎器细粒磨碎机pump 泵punch 凸模;冲杆punch piercing 凸模穿孔punch press 穿孔机punching 冲孔punching bear 小型穿孔机pure iron 纯铁pure metal 纯金属pure shear 纯剪切purification 净化purified coke oven gas 洗净炼焦炉煤气purifier 净化器净化剂purifying agent 净化剂puring basin 浇口杯purity 纯度push bench 顶管机push mill 进给机座push rolls 送进辊pusher furnace 推送式炉pusher machine 推焦机pusher side 推焦侧pushing device 推料机putting in blast 开始送风pycnometer 比重瓶pyramidal slip 锥形滑移pyramidal system 锥体晶系pyrargyrite 深红银矿pyrite 黄铁矿pyrites cinder 黄铁矿烧渣pyritic smelting 自热熔炼pyrochlore 黄绿石pyrolusite 软锰矿pyrolysis 热解pyrolytic graphite 热解石墨pyrometallurgy 火法冶金pyrometer 高温计pyrometry 高温测定法pyromorphite 磷氯铅矿pyrophoric alloy 发火合金pyrophorisity 自燃性pyrophosphite 焦亚磷酸盐pyrorefining 火法精炼pyrrhosiderite 针铁矿pyrrhotite 磁黄铁矿冶金专业英语词汇(P) 相关内容:。

冶金专业英语词汇(A)1 2 3 4 mill 二十辊轧机1 2 3 mill 十二辊轧机1 2 mill 六辊式轧机abichite 砷铜矿abnormal steel 反常钢abnormal structure 反常结构abnormality of steel 钢的反常性abradability 磨损性abradant 研磨剂abrading 研磨修整abraser 研磨剂abrasion 磨耗abrasion marks 研磨斑痕abrasion test 磨耗试验abrasion tester 磨耗试验机abrasion testing machine 磨耗试验机abrasive 研磨剂abrasive belt 磨光砂带abrasive cloth 砂布abrasive cutting off machine 砂轮切断机abrasive dust 磨屑abrasive grain 磨粒abrasive hardness 耐磨硬度abrasive paste 研磨膏abrasive powder 研磨粉abrasive wear 磨蚀abscess 气孔absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute zero 绝对零度absorbability 吸收性absorbed energy 吸收能量absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收体absorbing column 吸收塔absorbing medium 吸收介质absorbite 活性碳absorption 吸收absorption capacity 吸收能力absorption chromatography 吸收色谱法absorption edge 吸收端absorption extraction 吸收萃取absorption limit 吸收端absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorption tower 吸收塔absorptive power 吸收能力absorptivity 吸收性ac arc welder 交羚弧焊机ac arc welding 交羚弧焊ac electrode 交粮条acanthite 硫银矿accelerated cooling 加速冷却accelerated creep 加速蠕变accelerated diffusion 加速扩散accelerated leaching 加速浸出accelerated rolling 加速轧制acceptance inspection 接收检查acceptance test 验收试验accidental error 偶然误差accompanying element 伴生元素accretion 炉结accumulator 蓄电池;贮料塔accumulator metal 极板用合金accuracy 准确度accuracy of reproduction 再现精度acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸acetylene 乙炔acetylene burner 乙炔燃烧器acetylene cutting 氧乙炔焰切割acetylene cutting torch 乙炔截割吹管acetylene cylinder 乙炔瓶acetylene generator 乙炔发生器acetylene welding 氧乙炔焊acheson furnace 艾奇逊电炉acicular cast iron 针状结构铸铁acicular crystal 针状结晶acicular ferrite 针状铁素体acicular iron ore 针铁矿acicular martensite 针状马氏体acicular powder 针状粉末acicular structure 针状结构acid 酸acid bath 酸浴acid bessemer converter 酸性转炉acid bessemer process 酸性转炉炼钢法acid bessemer steel 酸性转炉钢acid bottom 酸性炉底acid brick 酸性砖acid brittleness 酸洗脆性acid bronze 耐酸青铜acid corrosion 酸腐蚀acid electric furnace 酸性电炉acid electrolyte 酸性电解液acid embrittlement 酸洗脆性acid extraction 酸性萃取acid furnace 酸性炉acid hearth 酸性炉底acid leaching 酸性浸出acid lined furnace 酸性炉acid lining 酸性内衬acid medium 酸性介质acid open hearth furnace 酸性平炉acid open hearth process 酸性平炉法acid open hearth steel 酸性平炉钢acid oxide 酸性氧化物acid process 酸性法acid pump 酸泵acid refractory 酸性耐火材料acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting cast iron 耐酸铸铁acid resisting casting 耐酸铸件acid resisting steel 耐酸钢acid slag 酸性渣acid solution 酸性溶液acid steel 酸性钢acid tank 酸性槽acidity 酸度acidproof alloy 耐酸合金acidproof brick 耐酸砖acidproof cast iron 耐酸铸铁acidproof casting 耐酸铸件acidulated bath 酸性化槽acierage 表面钢化acoustic absorbing material 吸音材料acoustic diagnosis 音响诊断acoustic emission 声发射acoustic fatigue 声波振动疲劳acoustic inspection 音响检查actinium 锕actinouranium 锕铀activated alumina 活性氧化铝activated carbon 活性碳activated chlorine 活性氯activated sintering 活化烧结activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析activation energy 活化能activation volume 活化容积activator 活化剂active material 放射性物质active mixer 预炼混铁炉active power 有效功率active solvent 活性溶剂active surface 活性表面activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数activity factor 活度系数activity probe 活度探示器actual load 有效负载actual solution 实际溶液actual stress 实际应力actual throat 实际角焊缝厚度adamite 水砷锌矿adamite roll 阿达迈特高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊adaptive mill control 轧机自适应控制addition 添加addition agent 添加剂addition compound 加成化合物addition element 加合金元素addition reaction 加成反应additive 添加剂additive deformation 附加变形additive efficient deformation rate 有效附加变形率additive property 加和性additivity rule 加成定则adherence 附着adherent slag 附着渣adhesion 附着adhesion force 附着力adhesion heat 粘附热adhesion test 附着力试验adhesive capacity 粘着能力adhesive force 附着力adiabatic calorimeter 绝热量热器adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adiabatic demagnetization 断热去磁adiabatic equilibrium 绝热平衡adiabatic exponent 绝热指数adiabatic process 绝热过程adjustable end stop 升降挡板adjustable mold 可担adjusting 蝶adjusting screw 第螺钉adjustment 蝶admiralty brass 海军黄铜admiralty gun metal 海军炮铜admissible concentration 容许浓度admissible error 容许误差admissible stress 容许应力admixture heat 混合热adobe 风干砖adsorbability 可吸附性adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorbing power 吸附能力adsorption 吸附adsorption chromatography 吸附色层法adsorption isotherm 吸附等温线adsorption overvoltage 吸附过电压adsorption surface area 吸附表面积adular 冰长石advance 艾德万斯康铜aeration 充气aeration corrosion 充气腐蚀aeration tank 充气槽aerosol 气溶胶aerospace material 宇航材料aerospace structural metal 宇航结构金属affinage 精炼affinity 亲和力afterblow 后吹aftercontraction 附加收缩aftercooler 后冷却器aftereffect 后效afterflow 残余塑性变形aftertreatment 后处理agate 玛瑙agc 自动厚度控制age hardening 时效硬化age hardening alloy 时效硬化合金aged steel 时效钢agent 试剂agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomerated cake 烧结块agglomerated charge 烧结料agglomerating machine 烧结机agglomerating plant 烧结装置agglomeration 烧结agglomeration roasting 烧结焙烧agglutination 凝集aggregate 集合体aggregation 聚集aggression 侵蚀aggressiveness 侵蚀性aging 时效aging crack 时效裂纹aging oven 时效炉thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计aging resistance 抗时效性aging stability 时效稳定性aging steel 时效钢agitating vane 搅拌叶片agitation 搅拌agitation leach 搅拌浸出agitator 搅拌机agitator tank 搅拌槽air acetylene welding 空气乙炔焊接air arc cutting 电弧气割air bath 空气浴air blast quenching 气零火air blast temperature 鼓风温度air box 风箱air brick 不烧砖air bubble 空气泡air chamber 空气室air classification 风选air cleaner 空气净化器air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air conduit 空气导管air conveying 气龄送air cooled condenser 空气冷凝器air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air damper 风挡air distillation 常压蒸馏air exhauster 排气机air filter 空气过滤器air fuel mixture 空气燃料混合物air furnace 反射炉air gate 出气口air hammer 空气锤air hardening 空气淬火air hardening steel 空气硬化钢air hose 通风软管air inlet 进气口air jacket 空气套air manometer 空气压力计air mortar 气硬砂浆air oxidation 空气氧化air patenting 空气铅淬火air permeability 透气性air pipe 风管air port 空气喷口air preheater 空气预热器air pressure 空气压力air pump 空气泵;活塞泵air purification 空气净化air quenching 空气淬火air rammer 风动掉棒air regenerator 空气蓄热室air reservoir 储气罐air separation 气力分离air separator 气力分离器air test 气密试验air uptake 空气上升道air valve 空气阀airbond 自硬粘结剂airing 空气干燥;通风airtight joint 气密接头aisle 工段ajax northrup furnace 阿杰克斯诺斯拉普炉albion metal 阿尔比饵锡铅箔albite 钠长石albronze 铝青铜alchemy 炼金术alclad 阿尔克拉德包铝硬铝板;高强度铝合金alcohol 醇aldrey 阿尔德雷导线用铝合金alfenide 阿里费尼德锌白铜aligned composite material 取向复合材料aligned eutectic 取向共晶aligned structure 取向结构alignment 定心aliquation 偏析;层化alitizing 渗铝alkali 碱alkali battery 碱性蓄电池alkali metal 碱金属alkali reaction 碱性反应alkali resistance 耐碱性alkali salt 碱金属盐alkali solution 碱性液alkaline bath 碱浴alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkaline electrolyte 碱性电解液alkaline fusion 碱熔alkaline leaching 碱性浸出alkalinity 碱度allemontite 砷锑矿alligator effect 鳄皮效应alligator shears 杠杆式剪断机alligatoring 鳄嘴裂口allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allomorphy 同质异晶allopalladium 硒钯矿allotropic modification 同素变态allotropic transformation 同素异形变态allotropy 同素异形体allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负荷allowable pressure 容许压力allowable stress 容许应力allowable variation 容许偏差alloy 合金alloy addition 合金添加alloy hardening 合金硬化alloy pig iron 合金生铁alloy plating 合金镀覆alloy steel 合金钢alloy steel castings 合金钢铸件alloy system 合金系alloy tool steel 合金工具钢alloyage 合金化alloyed iron 合金铸铁alloyed scrap 合金废料alloying 合金化alloying constituent 合金成分alloying element 合金元素alloying metal 合金金属alloying power 合金化能力alluvial gold 砂金alni 阿尔尼alnico 阿尔尼科合金alpaca 阿尔帕克锌白铜alpakka 阿尔帕克锌白铜alpax 阿尔帕克斯铝硅合金alpha brass 黄铜alpha bronze 青铜alpha decay 衰变alpha disintegration 衰变alpha iron 铁alpha particle 粒子alpha rays 射线alpha region 相区域alpha solid solution 固溶体alphatizing 气化渗铬法alsifer 阿尔违尔硅铝铁合金altaite 碲铅矿alternate lay wire rope 混合捻钢丝绳alternate steel 代用钢alternate stress 交变应力alternating bending test 反复弯曲试验alternating current arc welder 交羚弧焊机alternating current arc welding 交羚弧焊alternating current arc welding machine 交羚弧焊机alternating load 应变载荷alternating stress amplitude 交变应力振幅aludel 梨坛aludur 阿鲁杜合金alum 茂alumel 阿卢梅镍铝合金alumina 氧化铝alumina brick 高铝砖aluminate 铝酸盐aluminate inclusion 铝酸盐夹杂物aluminic acid 铝酸aluminium castings 铝铸件aluminized coat 铝镀覆层aluminized screen 铝化荧光屏aluminizing 渗铝aluminosilicate 铝硅酸盐aluminosilicate refractory 硅酸铝耐火材料aluminothermic process 铝热法aluminothermic reduction 铝热还原aluminothermic welding 铝热焊aluminothermics 铝热法aluminothermy 铝热法aluminum 铝aluminum alloy 铝合金aluminum base alloy 铝基合金aluminum brass 铝黄铜aluminum bronze 铝青铜aluminum chloride 氯化铝aluminum copper alloy 铝铜合金aluminum fluoride 氟化铝aluminum foil 铝箔aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum iron alloy 铝铁合金aluminum leaf 铝箔aluminum magnesium alloy 铝镁合金aluminum nickel alloy 铝镍合金aluminum nitrate 硝酸铝aluminum nitride 氮化铝aluminum ore 铝矿aluminum oxide 氧化铝aluminum plating 镀铝aluminum powder 铝粉aluminum silicate 硅酸铝aluminum silicon alloy 铝硅合金aluminum solder 铝焊料aluminum wire 铝线alundum 人造刚玉alunite 茂石alunogen 毛矾石amalgam 汞齐amalgam process 混汞法amalgam test 汞齐试验amalgamated metal 混汞金属amalgamating bath 混汞化槽amalgamation 混汞amalgamator 混汞器ambient air 周围空气ambient temperature 周围温度amblygonite 磷铝石americium 镅amianthus 白丝状石棉ammonia 氨ammonia alum 铵铝矾ammonia leaching 氨浸出ammonia nitriding 氨氮化ammonia water 氨水ammonium 铵ammonium alum 铵铝矾ammonium chloride 氯化铵ammonium fluoride 氟化铵ammonium molybdate 钼酸铵ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵ammonium oxalate 草酸铵ammonium phosphate 磷酸铵ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵amorphism 非晶性amorphous alloy 非晶质合金amorphous body 非晶体amorphous carbon 无定形碳amorphous film 非晶体膜amorphous metal 非晶体金属amorphous phase 非晶形相amorphous state 非晶质状态amorphous substance 无定形物质amount of contraction 收缩量amount of shrinkage 收缩量ampangabeite 铌钛铁铀矿amperometric titration 电廖定amperometry 电廖定amphion 两性离子ampholyte 两性电解质amphoteric compound 两性化合物amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric element 两性元素amphoteric ion 两性离子amphoteric oxide 两性氧化物amphoterism 两性amplitude 振幅amplitude of oscillation 振荡振幅anaconda process 安那康达法analog computer 模拟计算机analysis 分析analytical balance 分析天平analytical chemistry 分析化学analytical sample 分析试样analyzer 分析器anatase 锐钛矿anatomical alloy 骨科用易熔合金anelastic behavior 滞弹行为anelasticity 滞弹性angle 角钢angle butt weld 斜口对接焊缝angle of bite 轧入角angle of lag 滞后角angle of lead 超前角angle of neutral plane 中性角angle of nip 咬入角angle of nonslip point 中性角angle of repose 休止角angle of rest 休止角angle pass 角钢孔型angle section 角钢angle steel 角钢anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular carbide 角形碳化物angular powder 角状粉angular velocity 角速度anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏animal charcoal 动物煤anion 阴离子anion catalyst 阴离子催化剂anion exchange 阴离子交换anion exchange resin 阴离子交换尸anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂anionite 阴离子交换剂anionite membrane 阴离子交换膜anisotropic material 蛤异性材料anisotropy 蛤异性annabergite 镍华annealed powder 退火粉annealed steel 退火钢annealing 退火annealing box 退火箱annealing cycle 退火周期annealing furnace 退火炉annealing of defects 缺陷退火annealing oven 退火炉annealing pot 退火箱annealing temperature 退火温度annealing twin 退火孪晶annerodite 铌钇铀矿annular furnace 环式窑annular kiln 环式窑anode 阳极anode alloy 阳极合金anode casting 阳极铸造anode chamber 阳极室anode compartment 阳极室anode copper 阳极铜anode drop 阳极降anode effect 阳极效应anode efficiency 阳极电璃率anode fall 阳极降anode furnace 阳极炉anode mud 阳极泥anode nickel 阳极镍anode pickling 阳极酸洗anode process 阳极法anode rays 阳极射线anode remnants 残阳极anode scrap 残阳极anode slime 阳极泥anode sludge 阳极泥anode voltage 阳极电压anodic brightening 阳极抛光anodic coating 阳极镀层anodic corrosion 阳极腐蚀anodic current 阳极电流anodic current density 阳极电淋度anodic current efficiency 阳极电璃率anodic dissolution 阳极溶解anodic overvoltage 阳极过电压anodic oxidation 阳极氧化anodic polarization 阳极极化anodic process 阳极法anodic protection 阳极保护anodic reaction 阳极反应anodic treatment 阳极处理anodizing 阳极处理anolyte 阳极电解液anomalous slip 反常滑移anorthic system 三斜晶系anorthite 钙长石anorthoclase 钠斜微长石anthracite 无烟煤anthracitic coal 无烟煤anticarburizer 渗碳防止剂anticathode 反阴极anticorodal 耐蚀铝合金anticorrodant 防腐剂anticorrosive agent 防腐剂anticorrosive paint 防腐涂料antiferromagnetism 反铁磁性antifoaming agent 防沫剂antifriction alloy 减磨合金antifriction bearing 抗摩轴承antifriction material 减摩材料antifriction metal 减磨合金antimonate 锑酸盐antimonial lead 锑铅antimonic acid 锑酸antimonic anhydride 锑酸酐antimonide 锑化物antimonite 辉锑矿antimonous acid 亚锑酸antimony 锑antimony bronze 锑青铜antimony glance 辉锑矿antimony sulfide 硫化锑antimony white 锑白antioxidant 反氧化剂antiphase domain 反相畴antiphase domain boundary 反相畴界antipiping compound 冒口保温剂anvil 铁砧anvil block 砧座aod 氩氧脱碳aod converter aod转炉aod process 氩氧脱碳法apatite 磷灰石aperture 口径apochromat 复消色差透镜apochromatic lens 复消色差透镜apparatus 仪器装置apparent density 表观密度apparent modulus of elasticity 表观弹性系数apparent particle density 颗粒表观密度apparent power 表观功率apparent specific gravity 表观比重apparent viscosity 表观粘度apparent volume 表观体积approach angle 拉模变形锥approach table 输入辊道approximate analysis 近似分析apron conveyor 板式运输机apron feeder 裙板加料机aqua regia 王水aquadag 胶体石墨润滑剂aqueous electrolysis 水溶液电解aqueous leach 水溶液浸出aqueous medium 水介质aqueous solution 水溶液aqueous vapour 水蒸汽ar transformation ar 转变arbitrary analysis 仲裁分析arbor 轴arborescent powder 师状粉arborescent structure 枝晶组织arc 弧arc air gouging 电弧空气气削arc blow 电弧磁偏吹arc blowout 熄弧arc brazing 电弧钎焊arc cutting 电弧切割arc discharge 电弧放电arc drop 电弧压降arc force 电弧力arc furnace 电弧炉arc furnace electrode 电弧炉电极arc gouging 电弧刨削arc heating 电弧加热arc image furnace 反射电弧炉arc length 弧长arc spraying 电弧喷镀arc stabilizer 电弧稳定装置arc start 起弧arc strike 起弧arc welding 电弧焊接arc welding alternator 电弧焊用交立电机arc welding electrode 电弧焊条arc welding generator 弧焊发电机arc welding machine 电弧焊接机arc welding set 电弧焊机组arc welding transformer 电焊变压器arch 拱arch brick 拱砖arcogen 气电焊arcos arc process 阿考斯二氧化碳保护弧焊法ardometer 光测高温计area reduction 断面收缩areometer 比重计argental mercury 银汞argentan 锌白铜argentiferous lead 含银铅argentite 辉银矿argentum 银argon 氩argon arc 氩气保护电弧argon arc welding 氩弧焊argon blowing in ladle 桶吹氩argon oxygen decarburization 氩氧脱碳argon oxygen decarburization converter aod转炉argon oxygen decarburization process 氩氧脱碳法argon rinsing treatment 氩清洗处理argon stirring 吹氩搅拌argyrodite 硫银锗矿arizonite 红钛铁矿arm mixer 桨叶式搅拌机armature wire 钢筋线材armco iron 阿姆克铁armor 装甲钢板armor plate 装甲板armor plate mill 装甲板轧机armor steel 装甲钢armored cast iron 钢筋铸铁arrangement 装置;配置array of dislocations 位错排列arrest point 临界点arsenate 砷酸盐arsenic 砷arsenic acid 砷酸arsenic anhydride 砷酸酐arsenic poisoning 砷中毒arsenical copper 砷铜arsenical nickel 红砷镍arsenical pyrite 砷黄铁矿arsenide 砷化物arsenite 亚砷酸盐arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsenous acid 亚砷酸arsenous anhydride 亚砷酸酐art bronze 艺术青铜art castings 艺术铸件artificial aging 人工时效artificial draught 人工通风artificial gas 人造气体as cast condition 铸态as cast metal 铸态金属as cast structure 铸造组织as rolled state 轧制状态asbestos 石棉asbestos packing 石棉垫料asbestos paper 石棉纸asbestos plate 石棉板asbestos wool 石棉绒asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿ascending tube 上升管ascension pipe 上升管asea skf process asea skf 法ash cellar 灰坑ash content 含灰量ash cooling 灰中冷却ash pan 灰盘asparagolite 黄绿磷灰石asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asperity 不平度aspirator 吸气器assay 试金;试料assay balance 试金天平assay furnace 试金炉assel elongator 阿塞尔三辊式轧管机assel mill 阿塞尔三辊式轧管机assemblage 装配assembling 装配astatine 砹asterism 星芒atacamite 氯铜矿athermal growth 绝热生长athermal nucleation 非热成核athermal solution 非热溶液athermal transformation 非热转变atmophile element 亲气元素atmosphere 大气atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric pressure 大气压力atmospheric rusting 大气锈蚀atom 原子atom fraction 原子分数atom magnetic moment 原子磁矩atomic absorption spectrometry 原子吸收光谱学atomic arrangement 原子排列atomic binding 原子键atomic bond 原子键atomic crystal 原子结晶atomic diameter 原子直径atomic displacement 原子位移atomic energy 原子能atomic group 原子团atomic heat 原子热atomic heat capacity 原子热容量atomic hydrogen 原子氢atomic lattice 原子晶格atomic mass 原子质量atomic model 原子模型atomic nucleus 原子核atomic number 原子序数atomic oxygen 原子氧atomic percent 原子百分比atomic pile 原子反应堆atomic plane 原子面atomic power 原子力atomic radius 原子半径atomic ratio 原子比atomic reactor 原子反应堆atomic size 原子大小atomic spectrum 原子光谱atomic structure 原子结构atomic volume 原子体积atomic weight 原子量atomic welding 氢原子焊atomization 喷雾atomized powder 喷雾粉atomizer 喷雾器atomizing 喷雾attached test coupon 附铸试棒attack 侵蚀attenuation 衰减attraction 吸引attractive force 引力attrition 磨损attritor grinding 磨碎机粉碎auric chloride 氯化金auric compound 正金化合物auric cyanide 氰化金aurous chloride 氯化亚金aurous compound 亚金化合物aurous cyanide 氰化亚金ausaging 沉淀硬化ausannealing 等温退火ausforming 过冷奥氏体形变热处理ausrolling 过冷奥氏体轧制形变热处理austempering 奥氏体等温淬火austenite 奥氏体austenite former 奥氏体形成元素austenite region 奥氏体区域austenite stabilization 奥氏体稳定化处理austenite structure 奥氏体组织austenitic electrode 奥氏体钢焊条austenitic grain size 奥氏体粒度austenitic iron 奥氏体铸铁austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢austenitic steel 奥氏体钢austenitic transformation 奥氏体转变austenitization 奥氏体化austenitizing 奥氏体化austenitizing temperature 奥氏体化温度thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计austenoferritic steel 奥氏体铁素体钢austenomartensitic steel 奥氏体马氏体钢austrian test 焊缝抗弯试验autocatalysis 自动催化酌autoclave 高压釜autoclave leaching 加压浸出autocrucible melting 自成坩埚熔炼autodiffusion 自扩散autodiffusion coefficient 自扩散系数autogenous ignition 自发着火autoignition 自发着火automatic arc welding 自动电弧焊automatic arc welding machine 自动电焊机automatic control 自动控制automatic gage control 自动厚度控制automatic mill 自动轧机automatic size control 自动尺寸控制automatic spot welding 自动点焊automatic steel 易切钢automatic welding 自动焊接automatic welding machine 自动电焊机automobile body sheet 汽车车身钢板automobile steel 汽车钢automolite 铁锌尖晶石autoradiography 自射线照相法autunite 钙铀云毋auxiliaries 辅助设备auxiliary air 二次空气auxiliary anode 辅助阳极auxiliary electrode 辅助电极auxiliary pump 辅助泵average roll pressure 平均轧制压力average sample 平均试样avional 阿维奥纳尔铝合金avogadrite 氟硼砷石avogadro's number 阿弗加德罗数axial force 轴向力axial porosity 轴芯气孔率axial pressure 轴向压力axial ratio 轴比axial slip 轴向滑移axial stress 轴向应力axial vector 轴矢量axis 轴azeotrope 共沸混合物azeotropic distillation 共沸蒸馏azeotropic mixture 共沸混合物azeotropic solution 共沸溶液azeotropy 共沸azimuthal quantum number 方位量子数azotization 氮化azotizing 氮化azurite 蓝铜矿。

钢铁冶金英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a raw material for steelmaking?A. Iron oreB. CokeC. LimestoneD. Sand2. The process of reducing iron ore to metallic iron is known as:A. SmeltingB. RefiningC. RoastingD. Annealing3. In the basic oxygen steelmaking process, the primary gas used is:A. NitrogenB. OxygenC. Carbon dioxideD. Hydrogen4. What is the main purpose of adding slag to the steelmaking process?A. To increase the temperatureB. To remove impuritiesC. To provide a protective atmosphereD. To add alloying elements5. Which of the following is not a method of steel casting?A. Continuous castingB. Ingot castingC. Powder metallurgyD. Die casting6. The term "alloy steel" refers to steel that contains:A. Only carbon and ironB. Carbon, iron, and other elementsC. Only ironD. Carbon, iron, and no other elements7. What is the role of a ladle in the steelmaking process?A. To transport molten steelB. To heat the steelC. To cool the steelD. To mix the steel8. The process of heating steel to a high temperature and then cooling it to increase its hardness is called:A. AnnealingB. QuenchingC. TemperingD. Forging9. Which of the following is a type of stainless steel?A. Low carbon steelB. High carbon steelC. Martensitic stainless steelD. Ferritic stainless steel10. The main difference between open-hearth steelmaking and electric arc furnace steelmaking is:A. The type of fuel usedB. The type of power source usedC. The type of raw materials usedD. The type of slag used二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The primary component of iron ore is ________.2. Coke is used in steelmaking primarily as a ________.3. The basic oxygen steelmaking process involves blowing________ into the molten iron.4. Slag is added to the steelmaking process to ________.5. Continuous casting is a method of steel casting that allows for the production of ________.6. Alloy steel is steel that contains ________.7. A ladle is used in the steelmaking process to ________.8. Quenching is a heat treatment process that involves heating steel and then ________.9. Martensitic stainless steel is a type of stainless steel that contains ________.10. Electric arc furnace steelmaking uses ________ as the power source.三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the role of limestone in the steelmaking process.2. Describe the differences between the basic oxygen steelmaking process and the electric arc furnace steelmaking process.3. What are the advantages of continuous casting compared to traditional ingot casting?4. Discuss the importance of heat treatment in the production of steel and give examples of common heat treatments.四、论述题(20分)Discuss the environmental impacts of steelmaking and propose possible solutions to mitigate these impacts.答案:一、选择题1. D2. A3. B4. B5. C6. B7. A8. B9. C 10. B二、填空题1. Iron oxide2. Reducing agent3. Oxygen4. To remove impurities5. Long lengths of steel6. Other elements7. To transport molten steel8. Rapidly cooling it9. Chromium10. Electricity三、简答题1. Limestone is used in the steelmaking process to remove impurities such as silica and other oxides from the iron ore. It reacts with these impurities to form a slag that can be easily separated from the molten iron.2. The basic oxygen steelmaking process uses oxygen blowninto the molten iron to reduce carbon content, while electric arc furnace steelmaking uses an electric arc to heat and melt the scrap steel. The former is more energy-efficient and produces less slag, but the latter can recycle scrap steel and is more flexible in terms of the types of steel it can produce.3. Continuous casting allows for the production of steel in a continuous, uninterrupted process, which is more efficient than traditional ingot casting. It also reduces the amount of waste and allows for the production of steel with a more uniform structure and fewer defects.4. Heat treatment is crucial in the production of steel as it allows for the control of the steel's mechanical properties. Common heat treatments include annealing, which。

冷却壁 cooling staves
耐火材料 refractory
真空处理 vacuum treatment
出钢温度 tapping temperatures
二次燃烧 post-combustion(认识) 燃烧 combustion(P16)
板坯 slab 小方坯 billet 大方坯 bloom
出钢口 taphole 出钢温度 tapping temperatures 粗钢 crude steel 催化剂 catalysts(复数) 淬火 quenching
大方坯 bloom 大夹杂物 macro-inclusions 带钢 strip(P10) 电弧炼钢 electric steelmaking 电弧炉 electric arc furnace 动力煤 thermal coal 动态轻压 dynamic soft reduction(认 识) 镀锌薄板 galvanized sheet(认识) 锻造 forging
动态轻压 dynamic soft reductio词汇—中文正序整理版 1
板坯 slab 半成品 semis(认识) 薄带连铸 direct strip casting(DSC) 比(A/B)ratio 扁平材 flat products 不完全退火 under-annealing 材 料 科 学 与 工 程 学 院 school of Materials Science and Engineering
炼铁 iron making 炼钢 steelmaking
钢水 liquid steel/molten steel/liquid 铁水 hot metal/molten iron 钢包 ladle(P9) 中间包 tundish(P9) 结晶器 mold(P9)

冶金专业英语5.6.12New developments in iron making 炼铁的新发展During the past century, many efforts were made to develop processes for producing iron for steelmaking that could serve as alternatives to the conventional blast furnace.在过去的一个多世纪里,为了找到能够取代传统高炉的炼铁技术人类做了许多努力。
This chapter presents a review of the alternativels processes that have achidved some measure of commercial success.本章将介绍成功商用于工业化炼铁体中的一些新工艺和新技术。
1.Direct reduction technology 1. 直接还原技术In the history of iron and steelmaking technology, the first process is the direct reduction process. 在钢铁冶炼技术的历史上,最早使用的就是直接还原法。
The blast furnace takes the place of the direct reduction process, which is the greteat imtronvement in the metallurgical technology. 高炉取代了直接还原法炼铁是冶金技术的重大进步。
With the development of iron and steel industry, coke, on which blast furnace have depended for over 200 years, is becoming more expensive every expensive every year, and supplies of suitable coking coals are becoming scarcer. 随着钢铁工业的发展,200多年以来高炉一直使用的焦炭,价格每年都在增加,合适的焦煤越来越少。

学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料专业英语词汇1 总论采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing 矿物工程mineral engineering冶金(学)metallurgy过程冶金(学)process metallurgy提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy金属学Metallkunde冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering冶金工程metallurgical engineering钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy铸造学foundry火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy电冶金(学)electrometallurgy氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China2 采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining 矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics3 选矿选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing plant 工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿run of mine, crude精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate最终精矿final concentrate尾矿tailings粉碎comminution破碎crushing磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration筛分screening, sieving分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation, gravity concentration 磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing自然铜native copper铝土矿bauxite冰晶石cryolite磁铁矿magnetite赤铁矿hematite假象赤铁矿martite钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite铁燧石taconite褐铁矿limonite菱铁矿siderite镜铁矿specularite硬锰矿psilomelane软锰矿pyrolusite铬铁矿chromite黄铁矿pyrite钛铁矿ilmennite金红石rutile萤石fluorite高岭石kaolinite菱镁矿magnesite重晶石barite石墨graphite石英quartz方解石calcite石灰石limestone白云石dolomite云母mica石膏gypsum硼砂borax 石棉asbestos蛇纹石serpentine阶段破碎stage crushing粗碎primary crushing中碎secondary crushing细碎fine crushing对辊破碎机roll crusher粉磨机pulverizer震动筛vibrating screen筛网screen cloth筛孔screen opening筛上料oversize筛下料undersize粗磨coarse grinding细磨fine grinding球磨机ball mill衬板liner分级机classifier自由沉降free setting沉积sedimentation石灰lime松油pine oil硫化钠sodium sulfide硅酸钠(水玻璃)sodium silicate, water glass过滤filtration过滤机filter给矿,给料feeding给矿机feeder在线分析仪on line analyzer在线粒度分析仪on line size analyzer超声粒度计ultrasonic particle sizer, supersonic particle sizer4 冶金过程物理化学冶金过程热力学thermodynamics of metallurgical processes 统计热力学statistical thermodynamics不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes 化学热力学chemical thernodynamics表面热力学surface thermodynamics合金热力学thermodynamics of alloys冶金热力学数据库thermodynamics databank in metallurgy 系system单元系single-componentsystem多元系multicomponent system均相系统homogeneous system广度性质extensive property强度性质intensive property过程process等温过程isothermal process等压过程isobaric process等容过程isochoric process学习资料绝热过程adiabatic process可逆过程reversible process不可逆过程irreversible process自发过程spontaneous process自理过程physical process化学过程chemical process冶金过程metallurgical process化学反应chemical reaction化合反应combination reaction分解反应decomposition reaction置换反应displacement reaction可逆反应reversible reaction不可逆反应irreversible reaction电化学反应electrochemical reaction多相反应multiphase reaction固态反应solid state reaction气一金(属)反应gas-metal reaction渣一金(属)反应slag-metal reaction 平衡equilibrium化学平衡chemical equilibrium相平衡phase equilibrium热力学平衡thermodynamic equilibrium 亚稳平衡metastable equilibrium热力学函数thermodynamic function偏摩尔量partial molar quantity总摩尔量integral molar quantity标准态standard state焓enthalpy生成焓enthalpy of formation反应焓enthalpy of reaction熵entropy吉布斯能Gibbs energy生成吉布斯能Gibbs energy of formation 反应吉布斯能Gibbs energy of reaction 溶解吉布斯能Gibbs energy of solution 吉布斯能函数Gibbs energy function化学位chemical potential热化学thermochemistry热效应heat effect热容heat capacity熔化热heat of fusion汽化热heat of vaporization升华热heat of sublimation相变热heat of phase transformation放热反应exothermic reaction吸热反应endothermic reaction赫斯定律Hess’s law相律phase rule相图phase diagram 一元相图single-component phase diagram二元相图binary-component phase diagram三元相图ternary-component phase diagram液相线liquidus固相线solidus共晶点eutectic point杠杆规则lever rule溶液solution溶质solute溶剂solvent固溶体solid solution溶液浓度concentration of solution摩尔分数mole fraction冶金熔体metallurgical melt金属熔体metal melt(炉)渣,熔渣slag熔盐molten salt, fused salt理想溶液ideal solution真实溶液real solution正规溶液regular solution活度activity活度系数activity coefficient拉乌尔定律Raoult’s law亨利定律Henry’s law纯物质标准态pure substance standard质量1%溶液标准(态)1 mass% solution standard无限稀溶液参考态reference state of infinityly dilute solution 相互作用系数interaction coefficient化学反应等温式chemical reaction isotherm吉布斯~亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmholtz equation质量作用定律law of mass action平衡常数equilibrium constant平衡值equilibrium value直接还原direct reduction间接还原indirect reduction金属热还原metallothermic reduction选择性氧化selective oxidation渣碱度basicity of slag光学破度optical basicity酸性氧化物acid oxide碱性氧化物basicoxide两性氧化物amphoteric泡沫渣foaming slag熔渣的分子理论molecular theory of slag熔渣的离子理论ionization theory of slag脱氧平衡deoxidation equilibrium脱氧常数deoxidation constant熔渣脱硫desulfurization by slag气态脱硫desulfurization in the gaseous state学习资料硫分配比sulfur partition ratio硫化物容量sulfide capacity氧化脱磷dephosphorization under oxidizing atmosphere磷分配比碳一氧平衡carbon-oxygen equilibrium真空脱碳vacuum decarburization去气degassing去除非金属夹杂(物)elimination of nonmetallic inclusion非金属夹杂(物)变形form modification of nonmetallic inclusion 脱硅desiliconization脱锰demanganization分配平衡distribution law化学气相沉积chemical vapor deposition(CVD)4.2 冶金过程动力学微观动力学microkinetics化学动力学chemical kinetics反应途径reaction path反应机理reaction mechanism基元反应elementary reaction平行反应parallel链反应chain reaction总反应overall reaction反应速率reaction rate反应速率常数reaction rate constant反应级数reaction order零级反应zero order reaction一级反应first order reaction二级反应second order reactionn级反应nth order reaction碰撞理论collision theory活化能activation energy表现活化能apparent activation energy阿伦尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation半衰期half-life宏观动力学macrokinetics冶金过程动力学kinetics of metallurgical process传输现象transport phenomena传质mass transfer传热heat transfer动量传输momentum transfer层流laminar flow湍流turbulent flow气泡gas bubble鼓泡bubbling射流jet液滴liquid droplet粘度viscosity边界层boundary layer流率flow rate通量flux 扩散diffusion菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 1st law of diffusion 菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion 扩散系数diffusion coefficient传质系数mass transfer coefficient热传导heat conduction热对流heat convection自然对流natural convection强制对流forced convection热辐射heat radiation导热率thermal conductivity传热系数heat transfer coefficient体内浓度bulk concentration未反应核模型unreacted core model扩散控制反应diffusion-controlled reaction化学控制反应chenical-controlled reaction混合控制反应mixed-controlled reaction相似原理priciple of similarity雷诺数Reynolds number固定床fiexed bed填充床packed bed移动床moving bed流态化床fluidized bed混合时间mixing time停留时间residence time, retention time催化catalysis催化剂catalyst表面能surface energy表面张力surface tension界面能interfacial energy界面张力interfacial tension润湿wetting表面活性物质surface-active substance吸收absorption吸附absorption4.3 冶金电化学冶金电化学metallurgical electrochemistry熔盐电化学electrochemistry of fused salts固态离子学solid state ionics电解质溶液electrolyte solution阳离子cation阴离子anion电导conductance电导率conductivity电阻resistance电极electrode阴极cathode阳极anode电镀electroplating学习资料固体电解质solid electrolyte稳定的氧化锆stablized zirconia氧传感器oxygen sensor硅传感器silicon sensor定氧测头oxygen probe定硅测头silicon probe4.4 冶金物理化学研究方法冶金物理化学研究方法research methods in metallurgical physical chemistry热电偶thermocouple量热计calorimeter热太平thermobalance热分析thermal analysis差热分析differential thermal analysis,DTA热重法thermogravimetry分子筛molecular sieve5 钢铁冶金 5.1 炼焦炼焦coking高温炭化high temperature carbonization塑性成焦机理plastic mechanism of coke formation中间相成焦机理mesophase mechanism of coke formation选煤coal preparation, coal washing配煤coal blending配煤试验coal blending test炼焦煤coking coal气煤gas coal肥煤fat coal瘦煤lean coal焦炉coke oven焦化室oven chamber焦饼coke cake结焦时间coking time周转时间cycle time装煤coal charging捣固装煤stamp charging推焦coke pushing焦炭熄火coke quenching干法熄焦dry quenching of coke焦台coke wharf装煤车larry car推焦机pushing machine拦焦机coke guide熄焦车quenching car焦炉焖炉banking for coke oven焦炭coke冶金焦metallurgical coke铸造焦foundry coke焦炭工业分析proximate analysis of coke焦炭元素分析ultimate analysis of coke 焦炭落下指数shatter index of coke焦炭转鼓指数drum index of coke焦炭热强度hot strength of coke焦炭反应性coke reactivity焦炭反应后强度post-reaction strength of coke 焦炭显微强度microstrength of coke焦炉煤气coke oven gas发热值calorific value煤焦油coal tar粗苯crude benzol苯benzene甲苯toluene二甲苯xylene苯并呋喃-茚树脂coumarone-indene resin精萘refined naphthalene精蒽refined anthracene煤[焦油]沥青coal tar pitch沥青焦pitch coke针状焦needle coke型焦formcoke5.2 耐火材料耐火材料refractory materials耐火粘土fireclay高岭土kaolin硬质粘土flint clay轻质粘土soft clay陶土pot clay蒙脱石montmorillonite叶蜡石pyrophyllite膨润土bentonite鳞石英tridymite方石英cristobalite砂岩sandstone耐火石firestone莫来石mullite氧化铝alumina烧结氧化铝sintered alumina电熔氧化铝fused alumina刚玉corundum红柱石andalusite蓝晶石kyanite,cyanite硅线石sillimanite橄榄石olivine方镁石periclase镁砂magnesia合成镁砂synthetic sintered magnesia电熔镁砂fused magnesia烧结白云石砂sintered dolomite clinker合成镁铬砂synthetic magnesia chromite clinker学习资料尖晶石spinel镁铬尖晶石magnesia chrome spinel,magnesiochromite 硅藻土diatomaceous earth, infusorial earth蛭石vermiculite珍珠岩perlite碳化硅silicon carbide氮化硅silicon nitride氮化硼boron nitride粘土熟料chamotte熟料grog轻烧light burning,soft burning死烧dead burning,hard burning成型模注shaping moulding机压成型mechanical pressing等静压成型isostatic pressing摩擦压砖机friction press液压压砖机hydraulic press捣打成型ramming process熔铸成型fusion cast process砖坯强度green strength,dry strength隧道窑tunnel kiln回转窑rotary kiln倒焰窑down draught kiln耐火砖refractory brick标准型耐火砖standard size refractory brick泡砂石quartzite sandstone酸性耐火材料acid refractory [material]硅质耐火材料siliceous refractory [material]硅砖silica brick,dinas brick熔融石英制品fused quartz product硅酸铝质耐火材料aluminosillicate refractory半硅砖semisilica brick粘土砖fireclay brick,chamotte brick石墨粘土砖graphite clay brick高铝砖high alumina brick硅线石砖sillimanite brick莫来石砖mullite brick刚玉砖corundum brick铝铬砖alumina chrome brick熔铸砖fused cast brick碱性耐火材料basic refractory [material]镁质耐火材料magnesia refractory [material]镁砖magnesia brick镁铝砖magnesia alumina brick镁铬砖magnesia chrome brick镁炭砖magnesia carbon brick中性耐火材料neutral refractory [material]复合砖composite brick铝炭砖alumina carbon brick 铝镁炭转alumina magnesia brick锆炭砖zirconia graphite brick镁钙炭砖magnesia clacia carbon brick长水口long nozzle浸入式水口immersion nozzle,submerged nozzle定径水口metering nozzle氧化铝-碳化硅-炭砖Al2O3-SiC-C brick透气砖gas permeable brick,porous brick滑动水口slide gate nozzle水口砖nozzle brick塞头砖stopper绝热耐火材料insulating refractory轻质耐火材料light weight refractory袖砖sleeve brick格子砖checker brick,chequer brick陶瓷纤维ceramic fiber耐火纤维refractory fiber耐火浇注料refractory castable耐火混凝土refractory concrete荷重耐火性refractoriness under load抗渣性slagging resistance耐磨损性abrasion resistance5.3 碳素材料[含]碳[元]素材料carbon materials无定形碳amorphous carbon金刚石diamond炭相[学]carbon micrography炭黑carbon black石油沥青petroleum pitch石油焦炭petroleum coke石墨化graphitization石墨化电阻炉electric resistance furnace for graphitization 石墨纯净化处理purification treatment of graphite炭砖carbon brick炭块carbon block碳化硅基炭块SiC-based carbon block炭电极carbon electrode连续自焙电极Soderberg electrode石墨电极graphite electrode超高功率石墨电极ultra-high power graphite electrode石墨电极接头graphite electrode nipple石墨电极接头孔graphite electrode socket plug电极糊electrode paste石墨坩埚graphite crucible石墨电阻棒graphite rod resistor炭刷carbon brush高纯石墨high purity graphite5.4 铁合金铁合金ferroalloy学习资料硅铁ferrosilicon硅钙calcium silicon金属硅silicon metal锰铁ferromangnanese低碳锰铁low carbon ferromanganese硅锰silicomanganese金属锰manganese metal铬铁ferrochromium低碳铬铁low carbon ferrochromium微碳铬铁extra low carbon ferrochromium硅铬silicochromium金属铬chromium metal钨铁ferrotunsten钼铁ferromolybdenum钛铁ferrotitanium硼铁ferroboron铌铁ferroniobium磷铁ferrophosphorus镍铁ferronickel锆铁ferrozirconium硅锆silicozirconium稀土硅铁rare earth ferrosilicon稀土镁硅铁rare earth ferrosilicomagnesium 成核剂nucleater孕育剂incubater,inoculant球化剂nodulizer蠕化剂vermiculizer中间铁合金master alloy复合铁合金complex ferroalloy电碳热法electro-carbothermic process电硅热法electro-silicothermic process铝热法aluminothermic process,thermit process 电铝热法electro-aluminothermic process开弧炉open arc furnace埋弧炉submerged arc furnace半封闭炉semiclosed furnace封闭炉closed furnace矮烟罩电炉electric furnace with low hood矮炉身电炉low-shaft electric furnace5.5 烧结与球团人造块矿ore agglomerates烧结矿sinter压块矿briquette球团[矿] pellet针铁矿goethite自熔性铁矿self-fluxed iron ore复合铁矿complex iron ore块矿lump ore粉矿ore fines 矿石混匀ore blending配矿ore proportioning矿石整粒ore size grading返矿return fines储矿场ore stockyard矿石堆料机ore stocker匀矿取料机ore reclaimer熔剂flux消石灰slaked lime活性石灰quickened lime有机粘结剂organic binder烧结混合料sinter mixture烧结铺底料hearth layer for sinter烧结sintering烧结热前沿heat front in sintering烧结火焰前沿flame front in sintering渣相粘结slag bonding扩散粘结diffusion bonding带式烧结机Dwight-Lloyd sintering machine环式烧结机circular travelling sintering machine烧结梭式布料机shuttle conveyer belt烧结点火料sintering ignition furnace烧结盘sintering pan烧结锅sintering pot烧结冷却机sinter cooler带式冷却机straight-line cooler环式冷却机circular cooler,annular cooler生球green pellet,ball生球长大聚合机理ball growth by coalescence生球长大成层机理ball growth by layering生球长大同化机理ball growth by assimilation精矿成球指数balling index for iron ore concentrates 生球转鼓强度drum strength of green pellet生球落下强度shatter strength of green pellet生球抗压强度compression strength of green pellet 生球爆裂温度cracking temperature of green pellet 圆筒造球机balling drum圆盘造球机balling disc竖炉陪烧球团shaft furnace for pellet firing带式机陪烧球团traveling grate for pellet firing链算机-回转窑陪烧球团grate-kiln for pellet firing 环式机陪烧球团circular gates for pellet firing冷固结球团cold bound pellet维式体wustite铁橄榄石fayalite铁尖晶石hercynite铁黄长石ferrogehlenite铁酸半钙calcium diferrite铁酸钙calcium ferrite学习资料铁酸二钙dicalcium ferrite锰铁橄榄石knebelite钙铁橄榄石kirschsteinite钙铁辉石hedenbergite钙铁榴石andradite钙长石anorthite钙镁橄榄石monticellite钙钛矿perovskite硅灰石wollastonite硅酸二钙dicalcium silicate硅酸三钙tricalcium silicate镁橄榄石forsterite镁黄长石akermanite镁蔷薇辉石manganolite钙铝黄长石gehlenite钛辉石titanaugite枪晶石cuspidine预还原球团pre-reduced pellet金属化球团metallized pellet转鼓试验drum test,tumbler test落下试验shatter test5.6 高炉炼铁炼铁iron making高炉炼铁[法] blast furnace process高炉blast furnace鼓风炉blast furnace炉料charge, burden矿料ore charge焦料coke charge炉料提升charge hoisting小车上料charge hoisting by skip吊罐上料charge hoisting by bucket皮带上料charge hoisting by belt conveyer 装料charging装料顺序charging sequence储料漏斗hopper双料钟式装料two-bells system charging 无料钟装料bell-less charging布料器distributor炉内料线stock line in the furnace探料尺gauge rod利用系数utilization coefficient冶炼强度combustion intensity鼓风blast风压blast pressure风温blast temperature鼓风量blast volume鼓风湿度blast humidity全风量操作full blast 慢风under blowing休风delay喷吹燃料fuel injection喷煤coal injection喷油oil injection富氧鼓风oxygen enriched blast,oxygen enrichment 置换比replacement ratio喷射器injector热补偿thermal compensation焦比coke ratio,coke rate燃料比fuel ratio,fuel rate氧化带oxidizing zone风口循环区raceway蒸汽鼓风humidified blast混合喷吹mixed injection脱湿鼓风dehumidified blast炉内压差pressure drop in furnace煤气分布gas distribution煤气利用率gas utilization rate炉况furnace condition顺行smooth running焦炭负荷coke load,ore to coke ratio软熔带cohesive zone,softening zone渣比slag to iron ratio,slag ratio上部[炉料]调节burden conditioning下部[鼓风]调节blast conditioning高炉作业率operation rate of blast furnace休风率delay ratio高炉寿命blast furnace campaign悬料hanging崩料slip沟流channeling结瘤scaffolding炉缸冻结hearth freeze-up开炉blow on停炉blow off积铁salamander炉型profile,furnace lines炉喉throat炉身shaft,stack炉腰belly炉腹bosh炉缸hearth炉底bottom炉腹角bosh angle炉身角stack angle有效容积effective volume工作容积working bolume铁口iron notch, slag notch学习资料渣口cinder notch, slag notch风口tuyere窥视孔peep hole风口水套tuyere cooler渣口水套slag notch cooler风口弯头tuyere stock热风围管bustle pipe堵渣机stopper泥炮mud gun,clay gun开铁口机iron notch drill铁水hot metal铁[水]罐iron ladle鱼雷车torpedo car主铁沟sow出铁沟casting house铁沟iron runner渣沟slag runner渣罐cinder ladle, slag ladle撇渣器skimmer冷却水箱cooling plate冷却壁cooling stave汽化冷却vaporization cooling热风炉hot blast stove燃烧室combustion chamber燃烧器burner热风阀hot blast valve烟道阀chimney valve冷风阀cold blast valve助燃风机burner blower切断阀burner shut-off valve旁通阀by-pass valve混风阀mixer selector valve送风期on blast of stove,on blast燃烧期on gas of stove, on gas换炉stove changing放散阀blow off valve内燃式热风炉Cowper stove外燃式燃烧炉outside combustion stove 顶燃式热风炉top combustion stove炉顶放散阀bleeding valve放散管bleeder上升管gas uptake放风阀snorting valve均压阀equalizing valve高压调节阀septum valve炉顶高压elevated top pressure铸铁机pig-casting machine铸铁模pig mold冲天炉cupola 水渣granulating slag水渣池granulating pit渣场slag disposal pit高炉煤气top gas,blast furnace gas高炉煤气回收topgas recovery,TGR非焦炭炼铁non-coke iron making直接还原炼铁[法]direct reduction iron making直接还原铁directly reduced iron,DRI竖炉直接炼铁direct reduction in shaft furnace流态化炼铁fluidized-bed iron making转底炉炼铁rotary hearth iron making米德雷克斯直接炼铁[法]Midrex processHYL直接炼铁[法] HYL process克虏伯回转窑炼铁[法] Krupp rotary kiln iron-making 熔态还原smelting reduction铁溶法iron-bath process科雷克斯法COREX process生铁pig iron海绵铁sponge iron镜铁spiegel iron清铁法H-rion process5.7 炼钢钢steel炼钢steelmaking钢水liquid steel,molten steel钢semisteel沸腾钢rimming steel,rimmed steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semikilled steel压盖沸腾钢capped steel坩埚炼钢法crucible steelmaking双联炼钢法duplex steelmaking process连续炼钢法continuous steelmaking process直接炼钢法direct steelmaking process混铁炉hot metal machine装料机charging machine装料期charging machine加热期heating period熔化期melting period造渣期slag forming period精炼期refining period熔清melting down脱氧deoxidation预脱氧preliminary dexidation还原渣reducing slag酸性渣acid slag碱性渣basic slag脱碳decarburization增碳recarburization学习资料脱磷dephosphorization回磷rephosphorization脱硫desulfurization回硫resulfurization脱氮denitrogenation过氧化overoxidation出钢tapping冶炼时间duration of heat出钢样tapping sample浇铸样casting sample不合格炉次off heat熔炼损耗melting loss铁损iron loss废钢scrap废钢打包baling of scrap造渣材料slag making materials添加剂addition reagent脱氧剂deoxidizer脱硫剂desulfurizer冷却剂coolant回炉渣return slag喷枪lance浸入式喷枪submerged lance钢包ladle出钢口top hole出钢槽pouring lining炉顶furnace roof炉衬furnace lining炉衬侵蚀lining erosion渣线slag line炉衬寿命lining life分区砌砖zoned lining补炉fettling热修hot repair喷补gunning火焰喷补flame gunning转炉converter底吹转炉bottom-blown converter酸性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown acid converter碱性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown basic converter侧吹转炉side-blown converter卡尔多转炉Kaldo converter氧气炼铁oxygen steelmaking氧气顶吹转炉top-blown oxygen converter,LI converter氧气底吹转炉bottom-blown oxygen converter quiet basic oxygen furnace,QBOF顶底复吹转炉top and bottom combined blown converter喷石灰粉顶吹氧气转炉法oxygen lime process底吹煤氧的复合吹炼法Klockner-Maxhutte steelmaking process,KMS住友复合吹炼法Sumitomo top and bottom blowing process,STB LBE复吹法lance bubbling equilibrium process,LBE顶枪喷煤粉炼钢法Arved lance carbon injection process,ALCI 蒂森复合吹炼法Thyssen Blassen Metallurgical process,TBM面吹surface blow软吹soft blow硬吹hard blow补吹reblow过吹overblow后吹after blow目标碳aim carbon终点碳end point carbon高拉碳操作catch carbon practice增碳操作recarburization practice单渣操作single-slag operation双渣操作double-slag operation渣乳化slag emulsion二次燃烧postcombustion吹氧时间oxygen blow duration吹炼终点blow end point倒炉turning down喷渣slopping喷溅spitting静态控制static control动态控制dynamic control氧枪oxygen lance氧枪喷孔nozzle of oxygen lance多孔喷枪multi-nozzle lance转炉炉体converter body炉帽upper cone炉口mouth,lip ring装料大面impact pad活动炉底removable bottom顶吹氧枪top blow oxygen lance副枪sublance多孔砖nozzle brick单环缝喷嘴single annular tuyere双环缝喷嘴double annular tuyere挡渣器slag stopper挡渣塞floating plug电磁测渣器electromagnetic slag detector废气控制系统off gas control system,OGCS平炉open-hearth furnace平炉炼钢open-hearth steelmaking冷装法cold charge practice热装法hot charge practice碳沸腾carbon boil石灰沸腾lime boil学习资料炉底沸腾bottom boil再沸腾reboil有效炉底面积effective hearth area酸性平炉acid open-hearth furnace碱性平炉basic open-hearth furnace固定式平炉stationary open-hearth furnace倾动式平炉tilting open-hearth furnace双床平炉twin-hearth furnace顶吹氧气平炉open-hearth furnace with roof oxygen lance蓄热室regenerator沉渣室slag pocket电炉炼钢electric steelmaking电弧炉electric arc furnace超高功率电弧炉ultra-high power electric arc furnace直流电弧炉direct current electric arc furnace双电极直流电弧炉double electrode direct current arc furnace 竖窑式电弧炉shaft arc furnace电阻炉electric resistance furnace工频感应炉line frequency induction furnace中频感应炉medium frequency induction furnace高频感应炉high frequency induction furnace电渣重熔electroslag remelting,ESR电渣熔铸electroslag casting,ESC电渣浇注Bohler electroslag tapping,BEST真空电弧炉重熔vacuum arc remelting,V AR真空感应炉熔炼vacuum induction melting,VIM电子束炉重熔electron beam remelting,EBR等离子炉重炼plasma-arc remelting,PAR水冷模电弧熔炼cold-mold arc melting等离子感应炉熔炼plasma induction melting,PIM等离子连续铸锭plasma progressive casting,PPC等离子凝壳铸造plasma skull casting,PSC能量优化炼钢炉energy optimizing furnace,EOF氧燃喷嘴oxygen-fuel burner氧煤助熔accelerated melting by coal-oxygen burner氧化期oxidation period还原期reduction period长弧泡沫渣操作弧长控制long arc foaming slag operation 白渣white slag电石渣carbide slag煤氧喷吹coal-oxygen injection炉壁热点hot spots on the furnace wall偏弧arc bias透气塞porous plug出钢到出钢时间tap-to-tap time虹吸出钢siphon tapping偏心炉底出钢eccentric bottom tapping,EBT中心炉底出钢centric bottom tapping,CBT侧面炉底出钢side bottom tapping,SBT 滑动水口出钢slide fate tapping5.8 精炼、浇铸及缺陷铁水预处理hot metal pretreatment机械搅拌铁水脱硫法KR process torpedo desulfurization鱼雷车铁水脱磷torpedo dephosphorization二次精炼secondary refining钢包精炼ladle refining合成渣synthetic slag微合金化microalloying成分微调trimming钢洁净度steel cleanness钢包炉ladle furnace,LF直流钢包炉DC ladle furnace真空钢包炉LF-vacuum真空脱气vacuum degassing真空电弧脱气vacuum arc degassing,V AD真空脱气炉vacuum degassing furnace,VDF真空精炼vacuum refining钢流脱气stream degassing提升式真空脱气法Dortmund Horder vacuum degassing process,DH循环式真空脱气法Ruhstahl-Hausen vacuum degassing process,RH 真空浇铸vacuum casting吹氧RH操作RH-oxygen blowing,RH-OB川崎顶吹氧RH操作RH-Kawasaki top blowing,RH-KTB喷粉RH操作RH-poowder blowing,TH-PB喷粉法powder injection process喷粉精炼injection refining蒂森钢包喷粉法Thyssen Niederhein process,TN瑞典喷粉法Scandinavian Lancer process,SL君津真空喷粉法vacuum Kimitsu injection process密封吹氩合金成分调整法composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling,CAS吹氧提温CAS法CAS-OB process脉冲搅拌法pulsating mixing process,PM电弧加热电磁搅拌钢包精炼法ASEA-SKF process真空吹氧脱碳法vacuum oxygen decarburization process ,VOD氩氧脱碳法argon-oxygen decarburization process,AOD蒸汽氧精炼法Creusot-Loire Uddelholm process,CLU无渣精炼slag free refining摇包法shaking ladle process铝弹脱氧法aluminium bullet shooting,ABS钢锭ingot铸锭ingot casting坑铸pit casting车铸car casting钢锭模ingot mold保温帽hot top下铸bottom casting学习资料上铸top casting补浇back pour,back feeding浇注速度pouring speed脱模ingot stripping发热渣exoslag防再氧化操作reoxidation protection连续浇注continuous casting连铸机continuous caster,CC,continuous casting machine,CCM 弧形连铸机bow-type continuous caster立弯式连铸机vertical-bending caster立式连铸机vertical caster水平连铸机horizontal caster小方坯连铸机billet caster大方坯连铸机bloom caster板坯连铸机slab caster薄板坯连铸机thin-slab casting薄带连铸机strip caster近终型浇铸near-net-shape casting单辊式连铸机single-roll caster单带式连铸机single-belt caster双带式连铸机twin-belt caster倾斜带式连铸机inclined conveyer type caster[连铸]流strand铸流间距strand distance注流对中控制stream centering control钢包回转台ladle turret中间包tundish回转式中间包swiveling tundish倾动式中间包tiltable tundish中间包挡墙weir and dam in tundish引锭杆dummy bar刚性引锭杆rigid dummy bar挠性引锭杆flexible dummy bar结晶器mold直型结晶器straight mold弧形结晶器curved mold组合式结晶器composite mold多级结晶器multi-stage mold调宽结晶器adjustable mold结晶器振动mold oscillation结晶器内钢液顶面meniscus,steel level钢液面控制技术steel level control technique保护渣casting powder,mold powder凝壳shell液芯liquid core空气隙air gap一次冷却区peimary cooling zone二次冷却区secondary cooling zone极限冷却速度critical cooling rate 浇铸半径casting radius渗漏bleeding拉坯速度casting speed拉漏breaking out振动波纹oscillation mark水口堵塞nozzle clogging气水喷雾冷却air mist spray cooling分离环separating ring拉辊withdrawal roll立式导辊vertical guide roll弯曲辊bending roll夹辊pinch roll矫直辊straightening roll驱动辊driving roll导向辊装置roller apron切割定尺装置cut-to-length device钢流保护浇注shielded casting practice多点矫直multipoint straightening电磁搅拌electromagnetic stirring,EMS浇注周期casting cycle多炉连浇sequence casting事故溢流槽emergercy launder菜花头cauliflower top钢锭缩头piped top表面缺陷surface defect内部缺陷internal defect缩孔shrinkage cavity中心缩孔center line shrinkage气孔blowhole表面气孔surface blowhole皮下气孔subskin blowhole针孔pinhole铸疤feather冷隔cold shut炼钢缺陷lamination发裂flake,hair crack纵裂longitudinal crack横裂transverse crack角部横向裂纹transverse corner crack角部纵向裂纹longitudinal corner crack收缩裂纹shrinkage crack热裂hot crack冷裂cold crack冷脆cold shortness热脆hot shortness夹渣slag inclusion皮下夹杂subsurface inclusion正偏析positive segregation负偏析negative segregation,inverse seregation学习资料。

冶金专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. The process of converting raw materials into metals is known as __________.A. SmeltingB. RefiningC. CastingD. Forging答案:A2. What is the primary purpose of a blast furnace in the steel industry?A. To produce electricityB. To produce raw materialsC. To reduce iron ore into pig ironD. To refine crude oil答案:C3. The term "slag" refers to __________.A. A type of metalB. A byproduct of the smelting processC. A type of oreD. A type of alloy答案:B4. Which of the following is not a method of metal extraction?A. HydrometallurgyB. PyrometallurgyC. BiometallurgyD. Electrometallurgy答案:C5. The process of converting pig iron into steel is known as__________.A. AnnealingB. TemperingC. SteelmakingD. Hardening答案:C6. What is the role of a ladle furnace in the steelmaking process?A. To melt the raw materialsB. To refine the molten steelC. To cast the steel into ingotsD. To cool the steel答案:B7. The term "alloy" refers to a substance that is __________.A. A mixture of two or more metalsB. A pure metalC. A non-metallic elementD. A mixture of a metal and a non-metallic element答案:A8. The process of removing impurities from a metal is known as __________.A. AlloyingB. AnnealingC. TemperingD. Purification答案:D9. The primary raw material for the production of aluminum is __________.A. BauxiteB. Iron oreC. Copper oreD. Manganese ore答案:A10. The process of shaping metal by applying force is known as __________.A. CastingB. ForgingC. ExtrusionD. Rolling答案:B二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The chemical symbol for iron is __________.答案:Fe12. The process of heating and cooling metal to alter its physical properties is known as __________.答案:Heat treatment13. In metallurgy, the term "phase" refers to a __________. 答案:Region of uniform composition14. The process of removing oxygen from molten steel is called __________.答案:Deoxidation15. The most common method of steel production is the__________ process.答案:Bessemer16. The chemical symbol for chromium is __________.答案:Cr17. The primary component of stainless steel is __________. 答案:Iron18. The process of rolling metal into thin sheets is known as __________.答案:Sheet rolling19. The term "carburizing" refers to the process of increasing the __________ content in steel.答案:Carbon20. The process of melting metal in a furnace to produce a uniform temperature is called __________.答案:Homogenization三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between "ferrous" and "non-ferrous" metals.答案:Ferrous metals are those that contain iron as a major component, such as steel and pig iron. Non-ferrous metals, on the other hand, do not contain significant amounts of iron and include metals like copper, aluminum, and lead.22. What are the main steps involved in the smelting of copper?答案:The main steps in copper smelting include: 1) Roasting the copper ore to remove moisture and sulfur, 2) Smelting the roasted ore in a furnace to produce crude copper, 3) Converting the crude copper to blister copper by oxidation, and 4) Refining the blister copper to produce pure copper.23. Describe the role of a slag in the steelmaking process. 答案:Slag plays a crucial role in the steelmaking process by acting as a flux to remove impurities such as silicon, phosphorus, and sulfur from the molten steel. It also helps to regulate the temperature of the furnace and provides a protective layer over the molten metal.24. What is the purpose of annealing in metalworking?答案:Annealing is a heat treatment process used to soften metal that has been hardened by。

钢铁冶金专业英语词汇目录1 总论 (1)2 采矿 (1)3 选矿 (1)4 冶金过程物理化学 (2)4.1 冶金过程热力学 (2)4.2 冶金过程动力学 (4)4.3 冶金电化学 (5)4.4 冶金物理化学研究方法 (5)5 钢铁冶金 (5)5.1 炼焦 (5)5.2 耐火材料 (6)5.3 碳素材料 (7)5.4 铁合金 (7)5.5 烧结与球团 (7)5.6 高炉炼铁 (8)5.7 炼钢 (10)5.8 精炼、浇铸及缺陷 (12)6 钢铁材料 (14)7 英译汉 (14)天天快乐1 总论采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing矿物工程mineral engineering冶金(学)metallurgy过程冶金(学)process metallurgy提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy金属学Metallkunde冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering 冶金工程metallurgical engineering钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy铸造学foundry火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy电冶金(学)electrometallurgy氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China2 采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials 矿床mineral deposit 特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics3 选矿选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing plant 工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿run of mine, crude天天快乐精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate最终精矿final concentrate尾矿tailings粉碎comminution破碎crushing磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration筛分screening, sieving分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation, gravity concentration 磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing自然铜native copper铝土矿bauxite冰晶石cryolite磁铁矿magnetite赤铁矿hematite假象赤铁矿martite钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite铁燧石taconite褐铁矿limonite菱铁矿siderite镜铁矿specularite硬锰矿psilomelane软锰矿pyrolusite铬铁矿chromite黄铁矿pyrite钛铁矿ilmennite金红石rutile萤石fluorite高岭石kaolinite菱镁矿magnesite重晶石barite石墨graphite石英quartz方解石calcite石灰石limestone白云石dolomite云母mica 石膏gypsum硼砂borax石棉asbestos蛇纹石serpentine阶段破碎stage crushing粗碎primary crushing中碎secondary crushing细碎fine crushing对辊破碎机roll crusher粉磨机pulverizer震动筛vibrating screen筛网screen cloth筛孔screen opening筛上料oversize筛下料undersize粗磨coarse grinding细磨fine grinding球磨机ball mill衬板liner分级机classifier自由沉降free setting沉积sedimentation石灰lime松油pine oil硫化钠sodium sulfide硅酸钠(水玻璃)sodium silicate, water glass过滤filtration过滤机filter给矿,给料feeding给矿机feeder在线分析仪on line analyzer在线粒度分析仪on line size analyzer超声粒度计ultrasonic particle sizer, supersonic particle sizer4 冶金过程物理化学4.1 冶金过程热力学冶金过程热力学thermodynamics of metallurgical processes统计热力学statistical thermodynamics不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes化学热力学chemical thernodynamics表面热力学surface thermodynamics合金热力学thermodynamics of alloys冶金热力学数据库thermodynamics databank in metallurgy天天快乐系system单元系single-componentsystem多元系multicomponent system均相系统homogeneous system广度性质extensive property强度性质intensive property过程process等温过程isothermal process等压过程isobaric process等容过程isochoric process绝热过程adiabatic process可逆过程reversible process不可逆过程irreversible process自发过程spontaneous process自理过程physical process化学过程chemical process冶金过程metallurgical process化学反应chemical reaction化合反应combination reaction分解反应decomposition reaction置换反应displacement reaction可逆反应reversible reaction不可逆反应irreversible reaction电化学反应electrochemical reaction多相反应multiphase reaction固态反应solid state reaction气一金(属)反应gas-metal reaction渣一金(属)反应slag-metal reaction 平衡equilibrium化学平衡chemical equilibrium相平衡phase equilibrium热力学平衡thermodynamic equilibrium 亚稳平衡metastable equilibrium热力学函数thermodynamic function偏摩尔量partial molar quantity总摩尔量integral molar quantity标准态standard state焓enthalpy生成焓enthalpy of formation反应焓enthalpy of reaction熵entropy吉布斯能Gibbs energy生成吉布斯能Gibbs energy of formation 反应吉布斯能Gibbs energy of reaction 溶解吉布斯能Gibbs energy of solution 吉布斯能函数Gibbs energy function 化学位chemical potential热化学thermochemistry热效应heat effect热容heat capacity熔化热heat of fusion汽化热heat of vaporization升华热heat of sublimation相变热heat of phase transformation放热反应exothermic reaction吸热反应endothermic reaction赫斯定律Hess’s law相律phase rule相图phase diagram一元相图single-component phase diagram二元相图binary-component phase diagram三元相图ternary-component phase diagram液相线liquidus固相线solidus共晶点eutectic point杠杆规则lever rule溶液solution溶质solute溶剂solvent固溶体solid solution溶液浓度concentration of solution摩尔分数mole fraction冶金熔体metallurgical melt金属熔体metal melt(炉)渣,熔渣slag熔盐molten salt, fused salt理想溶液ideal solution真实溶液real solution正规溶液regular solution活度activity活度系数activity coefficient拉乌尔定律Raoult’s law亨利定律Henry’s law纯物质标准态pure substance standard质量1%溶液标准(态)1 mass% solution standard 无限稀溶液参考态reference state of infinityly dilute solution相互作用系数interaction coefficient化学反应等温式chemical reaction isotherm吉布斯~亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmholtz equation 质量作用定律law of mass action平衡常数equilibrium constant天天快乐平衡值equilibrium value直接还原direct reduction间接还原indirect reduction金属热还原metallothermic reduction选择性氧化selective oxidation渣碱度basicity of slag光学破度optical basicity酸性氧化物acid oxide碱性氧化物basicoxide两性氧化物amphoteric泡沫渣foaming slag熔渣的分子理论molecular theory of slag熔渣的离子理论ionization theory of slag脱氧平衡deoxidation equilibrium脱氧常数deoxidation constant熔渣脱硫desulfurization by slag气态脱硫desulfurization in the gaseous state硫分配比sulfur partition ratio硫化物容量sulfide capacity氧化脱磷dephosphorization under oxidizing atmosphere磷分配比碳一氧平衡carbon-oxygen equilibrium真空脱碳vacuum decarburization去气degassing去除非金属夹杂(物)elimination of nonmetallic inclusion非金属夹杂(物)变形form modification of nonmetallic inclusion脱硅desiliconization脱锰demanganization分配平衡distribution law化学气相沉积chemical vapor deposition(CVD)4.2 冶金过程动力学微观动力学microkinetics化学动力学chemical kinetics反应途径reaction path反应机理reaction mechanism基元反应elementary reaction平行反应parallel链反应chain reaction总反应overall reaction反应速率reaction rate反应速率常数reaction rate constant反应级数reaction order零级反应zero order reaction一级反应first order reaction 二级反应second order reactionn级反应nth order reaction碰撞理论collision theory活化能activation energy表现活化能apparent activation energy阿伦尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation半衰期half-life宏观动力学macrokinetics冶金过程动力学kinetics of metallurgical process 传输现象transport phenomena传质mass transfer传热heat transfer动量传输momentum transfer层流laminar flow湍流turbulent flow气泡gas bubble鼓泡bubbling射流jet液滴liquid droplet粘度viscosity边界层boundary layer流率flow rate通量flux扩散diffusion菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 1st law of diffusion菲克第一扩散定律Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion扩散系数diffusion coefficient传质系数mass transfer coefficient热传导heat conduction热对流heat convection自然对流natural convection强制对流forced convection热辐射heat radiation导热率thermal conductivity传热系数heat transfer coefficient体内浓度bulk concentration未反应核模型unreacted core model扩散控制反应diffusion-controlled reaction化学控制反应chenical-controlled reaction混合控制反应mixed-controlled reaction相似原理priciple of similarity雷诺数Reynolds number固定床fiexed bed填充床packed bed移动床moving bed流态化床fluidized bed天天快乐混合时间mixing time停留时间residence time, retention time催化catalysis催化剂catalyst表面能surface energy表面张力surface tension界面能interfacial energy界面张力interfacial tension润湿wetting表面活性物质surface-active substance吸收absorption吸附absorption4.3 冶金电化学冶金电化学metallurgical electrochemistry熔盐电化学electrochemistry of fused salts固态离子学solid state ionics电解质溶液electrolyte solution阳离子cation阴离子anion电导conductance电导率conductivity电阻resistance电极electrode阴极cathode阳极anode电镀electroplating固体电解质solid electrolyte稳定的氧化锆stablized zirconia氧传感器oxygen sensor硅传感器silicon sensor定氧测头oxygen probe定硅测头silicon probe4.4 冶金物理化学研究方法冶金物理化学研究方法research methods in metallurgical physicalchemistry热电偶thermocouple量热计calorimeter热太平thermobalance热分析thermal analysis差热分析differential thermal analysis,DTA热重法thermogravimetry分子筛molecular sieve5 钢铁冶金5.1 炼焦炼焦coking 高温炭化high temperature carbonization塑性成焦机理plastic mechanism of coke formation 中间相成焦机理mesophase mechanism of coke formation选煤coal preparation, coal washing配煤coal blending配煤试验coal blending test炼焦煤coking coal气煤gas coal肥煤fat coal瘦煤lean coal焦炉coke oven焦化室oven chamber焦饼coke cake结焦时间coking time周转时间cycle time装煤coal charging捣固装煤stamp charging推焦coke pushing焦炭熄火coke quenching干法熄焦dry quenching of coke焦台coke wharf装煤车larry car推焦机pushing machine拦焦机coke guide熄焦车quenching car焦炉焖炉banking for coke oven焦炭coke冶金焦metallurgical coke铸造焦foundry coke焦炭工业分析proximate analysis of coke焦炭元素分析ultimate analysis of coke焦炭落下指数shatter index of coke焦炭转鼓指数drum index of coke焦炭热强度hot strength of coke焦炭反应性coke reactivity焦炭反应后强度post-reaction strength of coke焦炭显微强度microstrength of coke焦炉煤气coke oven gas发热值calorific value煤焦油coal tar粗苯crude benzol苯benzene甲苯toluene二甲苯xylene苯并呋喃-茚树脂coumarone-indene resin天天快乐精萘refined naphthalene精蒽refined anthracene煤[焦油]沥青coal tar pitch沥青焦pitch coke针状焦needle coke型焦formcoke5.2 耐火材料耐火材料refractory materials耐火粘土fireclay高岭土kaolin硬质粘土flint clay轻质粘土soft clay陶土pot clay蒙脱石montmorillonite叶蜡石pyrophyllite膨润土bentonite鳞石英tridymite方石英cristobalite砂岩sandstone耐火石firestone莫来石mullite氧化铝alumina烧结氧化铝sintered alumina电熔氧化铝fused alumina刚玉corundum红柱石andalusite蓝晶石kyanite,cyanite硅线石sillimanite橄榄石olivine方镁石periclase镁砂magnesia合成镁砂synthetic sintered magnesia电熔镁砂fused magnesia烧结白云石砂sintered dolomite clinker合成镁铬砂synthetic magnesia chromite clinker尖晶石spinel镁铬尖晶石magnesia chrome spinel,magnesiochromite硅藻土diatomaceous earth, infusorial earth蛭石vermiculite珍珠岩perlite碳化硅silicon carbide氮化硅silicon nitride氮化硼boron nitride粘土熟料chamotte熟料grog 轻烧light burning,soft burning死烧dead burning,hard burning成型模注shaping moulding机压成型mechanical pressing等静压成型isostatic pressing摩擦压砖机friction press液压压砖机hydraulic press捣打成型ramming process熔铸成型fusion cast process砖坯强度green strength,dry strength隧道窑tunnel kiln回转窑rotary kiln倒焰窑down draught kiln耐火砖refractory brick标准型耐火砖standard size refractory brick泡砂石quartzite sandstone酸性耐火材料acid refractory [material]硅质耐火材料siliceous refractory [material]硅砖silica brick,dinas brick熔融石英制品fused quartz product硅酸铝质耐火材料aluminosillicate refractory 半硅砖semisilica brick粘土砖fireclay brick,chamotte brick石墨粘土砖graphite clay brick高铝砖high alumina brick硅线石砖sillimanite brick莫来石砖mullite brick刚玉砖corundum brick铝铬砖alumina chrome brick熔铸砖fused cast brick碱性耐火材料basic refractory [material]镁质耐火材料magnesia refractory [material]镁砖magnesia brick镁铝砖magnesia alumina brick镁铬砖magnesia chrome brick镁炭砖magnesia carbon brick中性耐火材料neutral refractory [material]复合砖composite brick铝炭砖alumina carbon brick铝镁炭转alumina magnesia brick锆炭砖zirconia graphite brick镁钙炭砖magnesia clacia carbon brick长水口long nozzle浸入式水口immersion nozzle,submerged nozzle 定径水口metering nozzle氧化铝-碳化硅-炭砖Al2O3-SiC-C brick天天快乐透气砖gas permeable brick,porous brick滑动水口slide gate nozzle水口砖nozzle brick塞头砖stopper绝热耐火材料insulating refractory轻质耐火材料light weight refractory袖砖sleeve brick格子砖checker brick,chequer brick陶瓷纤维ceramic fiber耐火纤维refractory fiber耐火浇注料refractory castable耐火混凝土refractory concrete荷重耐火性refractoriness under load抗渣性slagging resistance耐磨损性abrasion resistance5.3 碳素材料[含]碳[元]素材料carbon materials无定形碳amorphous carbon金刚石diamond炭相[学]carbon micrography炭黑carbon black石油沥青petroleum pitch石油焦炭petroleum coke石墨化graphitization石墨化电阻炉electric resistance furnace for graphitization石墨纯净化处理purification treatment of graphite 炭砖carbon brick炭块carbon block碳化硅基炭块SiC-based carbon block炭电极carbon electrode连续自焙电极Soderberg electrode石墨电极graphite electrode超高功率石墨电极ultra-high power graphite electrode石墨电极接头graphite electrode nipple石墨电极接头孔graphite electrode socket plug电极糊electrode paste石墨坩埚graphite crucible石墨电阻棒graphite rod resistor炭刷carbon brush高纯石墨high purity graphite5.4 铁合金铁合金ferroalloy硅铁ferrosilicon硅钙calcium silicon 金属硅silicon metal锰铁ferromangnanese低碳锰铁low carbon ferromanganese硅锰silicomanganese金属锰manganese metal铬铁ferrochromium低碳铬铁low carbon ferrochromium微碳铬铁extra low carbon ferrochromium硅铬silicochromium金属铬chromium metal钨铁ferrotunsten钼铁ferromolybdenum钛铁ferrotitanium硼铁ferroboron铌铁ferroniobium磷铁ferrophosphorus镍铁ferronickel锆铁ferrozirconium硅锆silicozirconium稀土硅铁rare earth ferrosilicon稀土镁硅铁rare earth ferrosilicomagnesium成核剂nucleater孕育剂incubater,inoculant球化剂nodulizer蠕化剂vermiculizer中间铁合金master alloy复合铁合金complex ferroalloy电碳热法electro-carbothermic process电硅热法electro-silicothermic process铝热法aluminothermic process,thermit process 电铝热法electro-aluminothermic process开弧炉open arc furnace埋弧炉submerged arc furnace半封闭炉semiclosed furnace封闭炉closed furnace矮烟罩电炉electric furnace with low hood矮炉身电炉low-shaft electric furnace5.5 烧结与球团人造块矿ore agglomerates烧结矿sinter压块矿briquette球团[矿] pellet针铁矿goethite自熔性铁矿self-fluxed iron ore复合铁矿complex iron ore块矿lump ore天天快乐粉矿ore fines矿石混匀ore blending配矿ore proportioning矿石整粒ore size grading返矿return fines储矿场ore stockyard矿石堆料机ore stocker匀矿取料机ore reclaimer熔剂flux消石灰slaked lime活性石灰quickened lime有机粘结剂organic binder烧结混合料sinter mixture烧结铺底料hearth layer for sinter烧结sintering烧结热前沿heat front in sintering烧结火焰前沿flame front in sintering渣相粘结slag bonding扩散粘结diffusion bonding带式烧结机Dwight-Lloyd sintering machine环式烧结机circular travelling sintering machine烧结梭式布料机shuttle conveyer belt烧结点火料sintering ignition furnace烧结盘sintering pan烧结锅sintering pot烧结冷却机sinter cooler带式冷却机straight-line cooler环式冷却机circular cooler,annular cooler生球green pellet,ball生球长大聚合机理ball growth by coalescence生球长大成层机理ball growth by layering生球长大同化机理ball growth by assimilation精矿成球指数balling index for iron ore concentrates生球转鼓强度drum strength of green pellet生球落下强度shatter strength of green pellet生球抗压强度compression strength of green pellet 生球爆裂温度cracking temperature of green pellet 圆筒造球机balling drum圆盘造球机balling disc竖炉陪烧球团shaft furnace for pellet firing带式机陪烧球团traveling grate for pellet firing链算机-回转窑陪烧球团grate-kiln for pellet firing 环式机陪烧球团circular gates for pellet firing冷固结球团cold bound pellet维式体wustite 铁橄榄石fayalite铁尖晶石hercynite铁黄长石ferrogehlenite铁酸半钙calcium diferrite铁酸钙calcium ferrite铁酸二钙dicalcium ferrite锰铁橄榄石knebelite钙铁橄榄石kirschsteinite钙铁辉石hedenbergite钙铁榴石andradite钙长石anorthite钙镁橄榄石monticellite钙钛矿perovskite硅灰石wollastonite硅酸二钙dicalcium silicate硅酸三钙tricalcium silicate镁橄榄石forsterite镁黄长石akermanite镁蔷薇辉石manganolite钙铝黄长石gehlenite钛辉石titanaugite枪晶石cuspidine预还原球团pre-reduced pellet金属化球团metallized pellet转鼓试验drum test,tumbler test落下试验shatter test5.6 高炉炼铁炼铁iron making高炉炼铁[法] blast furnace process高炉blast furnace鼓风炉blast furnace炉料charge, burden矿料ore charge焦料coke charge炉料提升charge hoisting小车上料charge hoisting by skip吊罐上料charge hoisting by bucket皮带上料charge hoisting by belt conveyer 装料charging装料顺序charging sequence储料漏斗hopper双料钟式装料two-bells system charging 无料钟装料bell-less charging布料器distributor炉内料线stock line in the furnace探料尺gauge rod天天快乐利用系数utilization coefficient冶炼强度combustion intensity鼓风blast风压blast pressure风温blast temperature鼓风量blast volume鼓风湿度blast humidity全风量操作full blast慢风under blowing休风delay喷吹燃料fuel injection喷煤coal injection喷油oil injection富氧鼓风oxygen enriched blast,oxygen enrichment 置换比replacement ratio喷射器injector热补偿thermal compensation焦比coke ratio,coke rate燃料比fuel ratio,fuel rate氧化带oxidizing zone风口循环区raceway蒸汽鼓风humidified blast混合喷吹mixed injection脱湿鼓风dehumidified blast炉内压差pressure drop in furnace煤气分布gas distribution煤气利用率gas utilization rate炉况furnace condition顺行smooth running焦炭负荷coke load,ore to coke ratio软熔带cohesive zone,softening zone渣比slag to iron ratio,slag ratio上部[炉料]调节burden conditioning下部[鼓风]调节blast conditioning高炉作业率operation rate of blast furnace休风率delay ratio高炉寿命blast furnace campaign悬料hanging崩料slip沟流channeling结瘤scaffolding炉缸冻结hearth freeze-up开炉blow on停炉blow off积铁salamander炉型profile,furnace lines 炉喉throat炉身shaft,stack炉腰belly炉腹bosh炉缸hearth炉底bottom炉腹角bosh angle炉身角stack angle有效容积effective volume工作容积working bolume铁口iron notch, slag notch渣口cinder notch, slag notch风口tuyere窥视孔peep hole风口水套tuyere cooler渣口水套slag notch cooler风口弯头tuyere stock热风围管bustle pipe堵渣机stopper泥炮mud gun,clay gun开铁口机iron notch drill铁水hot metal铁[水]罐iron ladle鱼雷车torpedo car主铁沟sow出铁沟casting house铁沟iron runner渣沟slag runner渣罐cinder ladle, slag ladle撇渣器skimmer冷却水箱cooling plate冷却壁cooling stave汽化冷却vaporization cooling 热风炉hot blast stove燃烧室combustion chamber燃烧器burner热风阀hot blast valve烟道阀chimney valve冷风阀cold blast valve助燃风机burner blower切断阀burner shut-off valve旁通阀by-pass valve混风阀mixer selector valve送风期on blast of stove,on blast 燃烧期on gas of stove, on gas 换炉stove changing天天快乐放散阀blow off valve内燃式热风炉Cowper stove外燃式燃烧炉outside combustion stove顶燃式热风炉top combustion stove炉顶放散阀bleeding valve放散管bleeder上升管gas uptake放风阀snorting valve均压阀equalizing valve高压调节阀septum valve炉顶高压elevated top pressure铸铁机pig-casting machine铸铁模pig mold冲天炉cupola水渣granulating slag水渣池granulating pit渣场slag disposal pit高炉煤气top gas,blast furnace gas高炉煤气回收topgas recovery,TGR非焦炭炼铁non-coke iron making直接还原炼铁[法]direct reduction iron making直接还原铁directly reduced iron,DRI竖炉直接炼铁direct reduction in shaft furnace流态化炼铁fluidized-bed iron making转底炉炼铁rotary hearth iron making米德雷克斯直接炼铁[法]Midrex processHYL直接炼铁[法] HYL process克虏伯回转窑炼铁[法] Krupp rotary kiln iron-making熔态还原smelting reduction铁溶法iron-bath process科雷克斯法COREX process生铁pig iron海绵铁sponge iron镜铁spiegel iron清铁法H-rion process5.7 炼钢钢steel炼钢steelmaking钢水liquid steel,molten steel钢semisteel沸腾钢rimming steel,rimmed steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semikilled steel压盖沸腾钢capped steel坩埚炼钢法crucible steelmaking 双联炼钢法duplex steelmaking process连续炼钢法continuous steelmaking process 直接炼钢法direct steelmaking process混铁炉hot metal machine装料机charging machine装料期charging machine加热期heating period熔化期melting period造渣期slag forming period精炼期refining period熔清melting down脱氧deoxidation预脱氧preliminary dexidation还原渣reducing slag酸性渣acid slag碱性渣basic slag脱碳decarburization增碳recarburization脱磷dephosphorization回磷rephosphorization脱硫desulfurization回硫resulfurization脱氮denitrogenation过氧化overoxidation出钢tapping冶炼时间duration of heat出钢样tapping sample浇铸样casting sample不合格炉次off heat熔炼损耗melting loss铁损iron loss废钢scrap废钢打包baling of scrap造渣材料slag making materials添加剂addition reagent脱氧剂deoxidizer脱硫剂desulfurizer冷却剂coolant回炉渣return slag喷枪lance浸入式喷枪submerged lance钢包ladle出钢口top hole出钢槽pouring lining炉顶furnace roof炉衬furnace lining天天快乐炉衬侵蚀lining erosion渣线slag line炉衬寿命lining life分区砌砖zoned lining补炉fettling热修hot repair喷补gunning火焰喷补flame gunning转炉converter转炉炼钢converter steelmaking底吹转炉bottom-blown converter酸性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown acid converter碱性空气底吹转炉air bottom-blown basic converter侧吹转炉side-blown converter卡尔多转炉Kaldo converter氧气炼铁oxygen steelmaking氧气顶吹转炉top-blown oxygen converter,LI converter氧气底吹转炉bottom-blown oxygen converter quiet basic oxygen furnace,QBOF顶底复吹转炉top and bottom combined blown converter喷石灰粉顶吹氧气转炉法oxygen lime process底吹煤氧的复合吹炼法Klockner-Maxhutte steelmaking process,KMS住友复合吹炼法Sumitomo top and bottom blowing process,STBLBE复吹法lance bubbling equilibrium process,LBE顶枪喷煤粉炼钢法Arved lance carbon injection process,ALCI蒂森复合吹炼法Thyssen Blassen Metallurgical process,TBM面吹surface blow软吹soft blow硬吹hard blow补吹reblow过吹overblow后吹after blow目标碳aim carbon终点碳end point carbon高拉碳操作catch carbon practice增碳操作recarburization practice单渣操作single-slag operation 双渣操作double-slag operation渣乳化slag emulsion二次燃烧postcombustion吹氧时间oxygen blow duration吹炼终点blow end point倒炉turning down喷渣slopping喷溅spitting静态控制static control动态控制dynamic control氧枪oxygen lance氧枪喷孔nozzle of oxygen lance多孔喷枪multi-nozzle lance转炉炉体converter body炉帽upper cone炉口mouth,lip ring装料大面impact pad活动炉底removable bottom顶吹氧枪top blow oxygen lance副枪sublance多孔砖nozzle brick单环缝喷嘴single annular tuyere双环缝喷嘴double annular tuyere挡渣器slag stopper挡渣塞floating plug电磁测渣器electromagnetic slag detector废气控制系统off gas control system,OGCS平炉open-hearth furnace平炉炼钢open-hearth steelmaking冷装法cold charge practice热装法hot charge practice碳沸腾carbon boil石灰沸腾lime boil炉底沸腾bottom boil再沸腾reboil有效炉底面积effective hearth area酸性平炉acid open-hearth furnace碱性平炉basic open-hearth furnace固定式平炉stationary open-hearth furnace倾动式平炉tilting open-hearth furnace双床平炉twin-hearth furnace顶吹氧气平炉open-hearth furnace with roof oxygen lance蓄热室regenerator沉渣室slag pocket电炉炼钢electric steelmaking天天快乐电弧炉electric arc furnace超高功率电弧炉ultra-high power electric arc furnace直流电弧炉direct current electric arc furnace双电极直流电弧炉double electrode direct current arc furnace竖窑式电弧炉shaft arc furnace电阻炉electric resistance furnace工频感应炉line frequency induction furnace中频感应炉medium frequency induction furnace 高频感应炉high frequency induction furnace电渣重熔electroslag remelting,ESR电渣熔铸electroslag casting,ESC电渣浇注Bohler electroslag tapping,BEST真空电弧炉重熔vacuum arc remelting,V AR真空感应炉熔炼vacuum induction melting,VIM 电子束炉重熔electron beam remelting,EBR等离子炉重炼plasma-arc remelting,PAR水冷模电弧熔炼cold-mold arc melting等离子感应炉熔炼plasma induction melting,PIM 等离子连续铸锭plasma progressive casting,PPC 等离子凝壳铸造plasma skull casting,PSC能量优化炼钢炉energy optimizing furnace,EOF 氧燃喷嘴oxygen-fuel burner氧煤助熔accelerated melting by coal-oxygen burner氧化期oxidation period还原期reduction period长弧泡沫渣操作弧长控制long arc foaming slag operation白渣white slag电石渣carbide slag煤氧喷吹coal-oxygen injection炉壁热点hot spots on the furnace wall偏弧arc bias透气塞porous plug出钢到出钢时间tap-to-tap time虹吸出钢siphon tapping偏心炉底出钢eccentric bottom tapping,EBT中心炉底出钢centric bottom tapping,CBT侧面炉底出钢side bottom tapping,SBT滑动水口出钢slide fate tapping5.8 精炼、浇铸及缺陷铁水预处理hot metal pretreatment机械搅拌铁水脱硫法KR process torpedo desulfurization 鱼雷车铁水脱磷torpedo dephosphorization二次精炼secondary refining钢包精炼ladle refining合成渣synthetic slag微合金化microalloying成分微调trimming钢洁净度steel cleanness钢包炉ladle furnace,LF直流钢包炉DC ladle furnace真空钢包炉LF-vacuum真空脱气vacuum degassing真空电弧脱气vacuum arc degassing,V AD真空脱气炉vacuum degassing furnace,VDF真空精炼vacuum refining钢流脱气stream degassing提升式真空脱气法Dortmund Horder vacuum degassing process,DH循环式真空脱气法Ruhstahl-Hausen vacuum degassing process,RH真空浇铸vacuum casting吹氧RH操作RH-oxygen blowing,RH-OB川崎顶吹氧RH操作RH-Kawasaki top blowing,RH-KTB喷粉RH操作RH-poowder blowing,TH-PB喷粉法powder injection process喷粉精炼injection refining蒂森钢包喷粉法Thyssen Niederhein process,TN 瑞典喷粉法Scandinavian Lancer process,SL君津真空喷粉法vacuum Kimitsu injection process 密封吹氩合金成分调整法composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling,CAS吹氧提温CAS法CAS-OB process脉冲搅拌法pulsating mixing process,PM电弧加热电磁搅拌钢包精炼法ASEA-SKF process真空吹氧脱碳法vacuum oxygen decarburization process ,VOD氩氧脱碳法argon-oxygen decarburization process,AOD蒸汽氧精炼法Creusot-Loire Uddelholm process,CLU无渣精炼slag free refining摇包法shaking ladle process铝弹脱氧法aluminium bullet shooting,ABS钢锭ingot铸锭ingot casting天天快乐坑铸pit casting车铸car casting钢锭模ingot mold保温帽hot top下铸bottom casting上铸top casting补浇back pour,back feeding浇注速度pouring speed脱模ingot stripping发热渣exoslag防再氧化操作reoxidation protection连续浇注continuous casting,Continuous Steel Casting连铸机continuous caster,CC,continuous casting machine,CCM弧形连铸机bow-type continuous caster立弯式连铸机vertical-bending caster立式连铸机vertical caster水平连铸机horizontal caster小方坯连铸机billet caster大方坯连铸机bloom caster板坯连铸机slab caster薄板坯连铸机thin-slab casting薄带连铸机strip caster近终型浇铸near-net-shape casting单辊式连铸机single-roll caster单带式连铸机single-belt caster双带式连铸机twin-belt caster倾斜带式连铸机inclined conveyer type caster [连铸]流strand铸流间距strand distance注流对中控制stream centering control钢包回转台ladle turret中间包tundish回转式中间包swiveling tundish倾动式中间包tiltable tundish中间包挡墙weir and dam in tundish引锭杆dummy bar刚性引锭杆rigid dummy bar挠性引锭杆flexible dummy bar结晶器mold直型结晶器straight mold弧形结晶器curved mold组合式结晶器composite mold多级结晶器multi-stage mold调宽结晶器adjustable mold 结晶器振动mold oscillation结晶器内钢液顶面meniscus,steel level钢液面控制技术steel level control technique 保护渣casting powder,mold powder凝壳shell液芯liquid core空气隙air gap一次冷却区peimary cooling zone二次冷却区secondary cooling zone极限冷却速度critical cooling rate浇铸半径casting radius渗漏bleeding拉坯速度casting speed拉漏breaking out振动波纹oscillation mark水口堵塞nozzle clogging气水喷雾冷却air mist spray cooling分离环separating ring拉辊withdrawal roll立式导辊vertical guide roll弯曲辊bending roll夹辊pinch roll矫直辊straightening roll驱动辊driving roll导向辊装置roller apron切割定尺装置cut-to-length device钢流保护浇注shielded casting practice多点矫直multipoint straightening电磁搅拌electromagnetic stirring,EMS浇注周期casting cycle多炉连浇sequence casting事故溢流槽emergercy launder菜花头cauliflower top钢锭缩头piped top表面缺陷surface defect内部缺陷internal defect缩孔shrinkage cavity中心缩孔center line shrinkage气孔blowhole表面气孔surface blowhole皮下气孔subskin blowhole针孔pinhole铸疤feather冷隔cold shut炼钢缺陷lamination发裂flake,hair crack天天快乐。
冶金专业英语Unit 6

5.oxidizing agents Oxidizing agents consist of oxygen, iron ores and scale, etc. They play the most important role in the production of steel.
3.slag formers Just as in the case of the hot metal, the slag formers are used to produce a reactionable low viscosity slag capable of absorbing undesired elements. Slag formers are used at all stages of iron and steel production, such as refining, pretreatment, post-treatment, and in steel casting. Slag formers consist of lime, dolomite, fluorspar,etc. Lime (CaO) and dolomite (CaCO3, MgCO3) are the two primary fluxes.
The important alloying agents used in the production of steel are nickel, ferrochromium, ferrotitanium, ferrotungsten, ferrovanadium, ferrosilicon, and ferromolybdenum, etc. The deoxidizing agents- the additions for binding the oxygen dissolved in the liquid steel are often added immediately after the refining process. They are usually classified among the alloying additions.

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2. Steel scrap and sponge iron Scrap and sponge iron can be used as iron supplier and cooling agent. Worldwide, scrap participates 40 percent in steel production input and must therefore be considered as an important raw material. Its use in steelmaking varies, depending on the production process applied. In BOF, scrap accounts for about 20 percent, while in electric arc furnace, it may be 100 percent.
Large quantities of tramp elements within the hot metal still have to be removed partly or completely. In fact, this is a most important task of steelmaking.
Capital scrap This arises from scrapping manufactured goods and equipment. In some cases it may be returned to the works after three or four years’ use, or with heavy capital equipment the life may be fifty years or more, but the average appears to be about twenty years. Circulating and process scrap usually return to the steelmaker without contamination from undesirable elements, and heavy capital scrap is generally of the same quality.
Steel scrap may be classified according to its sources: Circulating scrap This arises during the steelmaking and rolling process in a given works. It consists of sheared ends and rejected materials which is normally returned immediately to the steelmaking vessel. Process scrap This arises at the customer’s works during the manufacture of finished articles. It is usually returned quickly to the steelmaking plants.
Much “short life” capital scrap, however, becomes contaminated with coatings of various kinds and is returned, without the complete separation of non-ferrous components in the form of pressed bundles. This gives a sharp increase in the residuals in the steel, which detracts from its properties for a number of applications.
Raw Materials of Steelmaking
The hot metal tapped from the blast furnace is the principal raw materials used for steelmaking. Besides hot metal,further charge materials are: steel scrap, sponge iron, slag formers, alloying agents and oxidizing agents.
1. Blast furnace iron (Hot metal) Blast furnace iron consists of the element iron combined with numerous other chemical elements, the most common of which are carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur, and silicon. Pig iron may contain 3.0 to 4.5 per cent of carbon, 0.15 to 2.5 per cent or more of manganese, 0.02 to 0.06 per cent of sulphur, 0.3 per cent or more silicon and small amount of phosphorous.
Unit 6
Raw materials of steelmaking
PartⅠ Reading and Comprehension text
background Language points Words & expressions
practice PartⅡ Translation Training 翻译技巧(六) 词类转译法(III)