
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------新视野大学英语第三版视听说教程第二册听力问题及答案U1 Short conversations1. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? B The woman should seek help from the writing center. 2 Q: Why does the woman choose to learn French? D She thinks speaking French is a must for cultured people. 3 Q: What did the man do last night? D He attended a speech. 4 Q: What made Melissa unhappy? C That she lost her chance to enter the contest. 5 Q: What does the man think of the woman’s op inion?A It is one-sided.Long conversation1 Q: How is the woman doin g in the man’s class? C She often fails to turn in her homework on time. 2 Q: What does the woman think of learning Spanish?D It presents difficulty for her. 3 Q: What do we know from this conversation about the man? A He has a good personal relationship with the woman. 4 Q: What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man? C Work harder in her Spanish class.11/ 17Passage 11 Q: What do you know about the speaker’s Spanish learning experience in high school? D She showed dissatisfaction with the slow pace of her class. 2 Q: What made the speaker feel more frustrated while learning Spanish in high school? A She had to learn the material that she already knew.3 Q: What did the speaker say about her study of Spanish literature in college? C It proved to be an unbalanced way to learn the language.4 Q: Which experience benefited the speaker most in terms of her use of Spanish? D She taught Spanish speakers how to speak English.Passage 21) alternative 2) numerous 3) traditional 4) academic 5) countryside 6) athletes 7) take advantage of 8) Secondary 9) in a collective effort 10) serve as2---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------U2 Short conversations1 Q: What does the woman say about a whole package tour? A It costs less money. 2 Q: What are the two speakers planning to do? D Have their daughter get to know such a life. 3 Q: What will the woman do? B Follow the Indian culture and customs. 4 Q: What does the woman feel uncertain about? C Whether it is possible to travel with her kid. 5 Q: What are the two speakers talking about? D The popularity of time travel stories.Long conversation1 Q: What does Emily say about the plants in the Amazon rainforest? A There are so many plants that it is hard to see the sky. 2 Q: What does Emily say about the local people? D They are separated from the world outside of the jungle . 3 Q: Why was the old woman in the village so excited?C Because Emily gave her an empty bottle. 4 Q: What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man? A Small and common things should also be valued.33/ 17Passage 11 Q: What may happen to children after watching nature programs on TV? D They may be more distant from the actual nature.2 Q: How should children get close to nature according to the speaker? A By experiencing it with the five senses.3 Q: What impression might the Discovery Channel leave on children? B Nature seems very far away from them.4 Q: What is the main idea of this passage? D Real nature experiences com from physical contact with nature.Passage 21) scared 2) perceive 3) negative 4) result in 5) lose faith in 6) goes down 7) depressed 8) preferably 9) adapt 10) reveal4---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------U3 Short conversations1 Q: What can we infer from this conversation about the woman? D She once wore high-heeled shoes during a long walk. 2 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? C Add flavor to the barbecue sauce with Coke. 3 Q: How much should the woman pay? D $55. 4 Q: What do we know from the conversation about the woman? B She is not very confident in her own figure. 5 Q: What does the woman mean? C She cannot save herself if she falls into water.Long conversation1 Q: What do we know about those people who are invited to the party? D They are likely to dress like people in the 1960s. 2 Q: What is particular about alien noodles? A They are brightly colored .3 Q: Why won’t they have regular noodles at the party? A Because regular noodles don’t fit the theme of the party.4 Q: What other arrangements do they have for the party? D They will make and have fancy mixed drinks.55/ 17Passage 11 Q: What do we know from this passage about the speaker?A He will soon graduate from school. 2 Q: What does the speaker like doing on weekends? A Going for long walks in the countryside. 3 Q: How do the speaker and his friends spend the day when they go canoeing? D Drifting down the river. 4 Q: What does the speaker most like doing when camping in the evening?D Cooking potatoes in the hot ashes.Passage 21) objectives 2) farthest 3) recognized 4) separated into 5) involves 6) is referred to 7) life-threatening 8) designed 9) endurance 10) putting themselves at risk6---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------U4Shor tconversations1 Q: How did the woman react to the fact that she got pregnant? B She was too happy to keep it a secret.2 Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Miley? B She was no longer admired by teenagers.3 Q: Why does the woman admire the couple? C Because they have made great efforts to achieve success.4 Q: What’s the man’s attitu de toward these media? D Critical.5 Q: What does the woman imply about the American swimmer? D He has more than once failed to meet public expectations.Long conversation1 Q: What did the man think of those famous actresses in Hollywood? A They are foolish. 2 Q: Why did the woman want to be famous? B She wanted to use her fame to help starving children in Africa. 3 Q: How did the man react to the woman’s reasons for wanting to be famous? B He had doubt about her real intentions. 4 Q: What can be infer about the woman?77/ 17D She will stick to her original plan and prove it to the man.Passage 11 Q: How did Bill Gates perform in school? B He did quite well in mathematics and science. 2 Q: Why was studying in a private school a very important decision in Bill’s life?D Because it was there he had his first contact with a computer.3 Q: How did Bill like Harvard University? A Harvard University made him feel bored.4 Q: What did Bill Gates do at Harvard University? C He spent many long nights in fro nt of the school’s computer.Passage 21) commentators 2) exaggerated 3) focus on 4) lead an active life 5) laid the foundation 6) annual 7) a series of 8) advocating 9) abolish 10) Influential8---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------U5Short conversations1 Q: What attracts the woman most in a big city? A Access to various forms of entertainment. 2 Q: What do we know from what the woman said? A She prefers outdoor parking.3 Q: What does the woman imply? B Big cities are now gradually losing their appeal.4 Q: What does the man say about the aging problem? A The aging problem emerges earlier than expected.5 Q: What does the woman think about the people living in big cities? D They are more likely to have mental problems.Long conversation1 Q: What is Emily going to do? A She is going to move to Santa Fe. 2 Q: What did Emily think life in Santa Fe would be like? A It is tedious. 3 Q: What is unique in Santa Fe according to the man? D Its history. 4 Q: What attracts artists around the world to Santa Fe?99/ 17B Its colorful scenery.Passage 11 Q: What shocked the speaker?B That parents buy their young kids expensive electronic products. 2 Q: What is appropriate for slightly older kids according to the speaker? D Old-fashioned paper books. 3 Q: What is the best thing about iPads according to the couple?C They keep children at different age levels occupied. 4 Q: What does the speaker think of buying iPads for kids after talking with the couple?D It is understandable.Passage 21) join up 2) reaction 3) makes increasing sense 4) sustainable 5) aims 6) monitored 7) access to 8) experimenting with 9) eye-catching 10) commuting10---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------U6Short conversations1 Q: What do we know from the conversation about Addison? B He changes jobs quite frequently. 2 Q: What does the man say about his job? D He works to support his family.3 Q: What does the woman think about her future? A She has no idea about her future plan.4 Q: What does the man say about his job? C His well-paid job requires a lot of hard work.5 Q: Why doesn’t the woman take the position? C Because it will take her along the wrong career path.Long conversation1 Q: How does the woman prepare for the working world? A She does not know where to start for her jobs. 2 Q: How did the man find his internship? D He got information from the Internet. 3 Q: What advice does the man give to the woman? B Seek help from the Career Center. 4 Q: What does the man think the woman needs most right now?1111/ 17B A good plan.Passage 11 Q: How has the number of working women with college degrees in the United States changed? B It has increased 200 percent since 1970. 2 Q: What is the current situation of working women in the United States? B Most women are engaged in lower-end jobs. 3 Q: What is the best-paying job for women? A A physician or a surgeon. 4 Q: What does the speaker think of the job prospects for women in the United States? D It is promising.Passage 21) evaluate 2) compensation 3) negotiating 4) confirm 5) schedule 6) circumstances 7) turn down 8) start over 9) work out 10) informed12---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------U7Short conversations1 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? B Search for information on the Internet. 2 Q: What do you think Mr. Johnson will most probably do? C He will tell his son not to take his phone to school. 3 Q: What does the woman say about people aged 50 to 65? D They are not very likely to get involved in online dating. 4 Q: What does Jennifer want to know?D Which online platform suits her needs. 5 Q: What does the woman imply? C The man’s personal information was leaked online.Long conversation1 Q: What did the man do for his grandmother? B He taught his grandmother how to use electronic gadgets. 2 Q: What problem does the man’s grandmother have? B She is unable to use her household electronic items. 3 Q: What do the man’s grandmother and the woman’s aunt have in common? A They are both reluctant to learn how to use electric items. 4 Q: What will the man do to help his grandmother?1313/ 17C Try to make her interested in electronic items.Passage 11 Q: What does the writer compare “wilfing” to?D Window shopping.2 Q: What websites are the most popular among wilfers? A Shopping websites.3 Q: What did the poll find out about wilfing?A People under 25 were more likely to wilf than those aged 55 and above. 4 Q: How do adult entertainment websites attract users? D By using pop-up technology and bulk emails.Passage 21)response 2)illegal 3)in charge of 4)consequently 5)relied heavily on 6)linked to 7)anticipate 8)familiar with 9)remedy 10)betraying14---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------U8Short conversations1 Q: What does the man mean? B He hopes that the woman can stay at this job for along time. 2 Q: What’s the relationship between Robert and Rose? C Half-brother and half-sister. 3 Q: How will identity thieves use the stolen personal information? C They will use the credit cards in your name without paying the bills. 4 Q: What does the woman think of her female boss? D She is considerate. 5 Q: Why didn’t the woman see Barry yesterday? A He has already changed his job.Long conversation1 Q: Why did Charlie feel stressed? C Because he had to make a crucial decision. 2 Q: What does Ms. Parker say about changing majors? D Most students change their major at least once. 3 Q: What kind of person is Charlie? A He is a big picture kind of guy. 4 Q: What major does Ms. Parker suggest that Charlie may choose?1515/ 17B Marketing.Passage 11 Q: How many differences between female and male managers are mentioned in the passage?C Four. 2 Q: How do the female bosses treat the individuals they work with?C Female bosses usually encourage them and guide them. 3 Q: What is the possible reason that female managers are more likely to get their work done on time? A Because they are more likely to be dismissed for poor work. 4 Q: What can we learn from the passage about women managers? B Women managers often face a double standard.Passage 21) infancy 2) assumed 3) inherited 4) rooted 5) fairs 6) compensate for 7) cement 8) witness 9) exposed to16---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 10) contributed to1717/ 17。
新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册 听力练习录音文本和答案

UNIT1II. Listening Skill1.B2.B3.D4.C5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Encore!1.F2.T3.F4.T5.FTask2: The Carpenters1. beautiful and clear2. blend well3. sister4. worry too much5. more important Task3: MozartD A B C CIV. Speaking OutModel 1 Do you like jazz?Laura: Do you like jazz, Bob?Bob: No, not much. Do you like it?Laura: Well, yes, I do. I’m crazy about Wynton Marsalis.Bob: Oh, he’s a piano player, isn’t he?Laura: No, he’s a trumpet player. So,what kind of music do you like?Bob: I like listening to rock.Laura: What group do you like best?Bob: Er, The Cranberries. They’re the greatest. What about you? Don’t you like them?Laura: Ugh! They make my stomach turn!Model 2 Do you like punk rock?I like different kinds.Any in particular?You don’t seem likeWhat about you? What’s your favorite music?. Would you like tothat sounds great.Model 3 It just sounds like noise to me.Turn down that noiseThey’re so cool.Turn down that noiseThey’re so cool.It just sounds like noise to me. I can’t stand it!What do you want to hear?How aboutHer music isn’t very hip any more. I think she is a bore..V. Let’s Talk1. teacher at a kindergarten2. Good Morning to All3. Happy Birthday to You4. Happy Birthday to You Good Morning to AllPossible Retelling for the Teacher’s ReferenceVI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Karaoke1. F2. F3.T4.T5.FTask 2: When was music first sent down a telephone line?5-4-2-1-3Task 3: Thank You for the Musicspecial, joke, talent, proud loudjoy honestlydancer talkwondered, capture fanUNIT2II. Listening Skills1. A2.D3.B4.C5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Waiting for the New Harry Potter Movieexcited/crazy book, Seven, Book Five. the trailer scary. the writing in blood. Task 2: A Great Acto1.D2.C3.D4.A5.BTask 3: Movie Reviews1. He likes to see movies and comment on them.2. Four.3. Three.IV. Speaking OutModel 1 Will you come with me?I am wondering if you’re free tomorrow night.I guess I am. Why?Will you come with me?Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me!It’s my pleasure.. I’m flattered you went through all this trouble just for me.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGModel 2 What did you think about the movie?what did you think about is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the previous ones.was incredible!one of the most spectacular things about it was State-of-the-art somany fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes,Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGModel 3 The plot is first-class.the plot was first-class. But I don’t think the character development was that strong. the casting was great; the acting was a little weak. They just didn’t have a lot of fModel 1 Will you come with me?I am wondering if you’re free tomorrow night.I guess I am. Why?Will you come with me?Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me!It’s my pleasure.. I’m flattered you went through all this trouble just for me.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGModel 2 What did you think about the movie?what did you think about is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the previous ones.was incredible!one of the most spectacular things about it was State-of-the-art somany fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes,Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGModel 3 The plot is first-class.the plot was first-class. But I don’t think the character development was that strong. the casting was great; the acting was a little weak. They just didn’t have a lot of funny or meaningful lines.. I can’t imagine anyone else playing that part.He’s soooo cute!Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGV. Let’s TalkAlfred Hitchcoc1. A2.C3.DVI. Furthering Listening and Speaking ListeningTask 1: Only One Line1. memorizing lines2. remember one line3. I hear the guns roar4. a loud boom5. his lineTask 2: An Interview with J.K. Rowling1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: The Secret of the Next Harry Potter Book1. D2.C3.A4.BUNIT3II. Listening Skill1.B2.C3.D4.A5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Don’t be a chicken!1. go out2. flaming red3. has a crush on4. a chicken5. likes6. the guts7. turn him down8. know9. keeping everything to himself10. how to tell herTask 2: Problem of Meeting People1.F2.F3.T4.T5.FTask 3: Long Distance Friendships1. A2.B3.C4.D1-3-7-5-4-2-6IV. Speaking OutModel 1 I just broke up with Alice!what’s wrong with you? You look so down!N o thing.. You must have a broken heart.I just broke up with Alice.I thought you two were made for each other.I want to settle down, she wants a careerit’s always difficult to choose between career and family.I don’t know what to say to comfort you, but try to cheer up!it’s hard to forget her at the moment.There’s lots more fish in the sea you’ll find your perfect match!Now Your TurnModel 2 Leo proposed to me.Leo proposed to me!Did you accept?I’m really robbing the cradle here.he’s mature for his age.I’m worried about the cultural differences,both of you have the same interests and personalities.Now Your TurnMaybe.what do you like about him?, there’s just something about him.What is this something?He’s certainly mature, but don’t you think he’s a little old for you?, age shouldn’t be something that comes in the way of a person’s marriage.It’s true that age isn’t the most important issue,: I don’t care what other people think.Now Your TurnV. Let’s TalkDatingTogether Americans acceptable“blind date”,Dating DescriptionCausal dating Early teensSteady dating Late teensMany partners e.g. a dance, a game, a picnicDouble dating Two couplesGroup dating Large groupsGo out for a long period Intention to marryAdult dating Men and women.e.g.ski, work, dine togetherCasual dating system Those who hardly know each otherBlind dating Those who have never met beforeVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Finding the Right Type of Girl1.B2.D3.C4.ATask 2: He thinks I’m God.1.F2.T3.F4.T5.TTask 3: LadyUNIT4II. Listening Skills1-i 2-a 3-f 4-b 5-c 6-d 7-h 8-g 9-eIII. Listening InTask 1: The Influence of Advertising1. shoes2. look kind of funny3. there is still a lot of life left4. ad5. give him extra spring6.as much money7. need extra spring8. millions of dollars9.wearing the shoes 10. wear 11. for nothing 12. reach the top13. because of 14. something lese 15. hard work and dedication16. focus/concentrate on his studies 17. forgetTask 2: I’ll get a camera.1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: Don’t even think about it!1. A2.D3.B4.C5.CIV. Speaking OutModel 1 Who pays?I think the Pepsi commercial is just as attractive:the competitors are just canceling out each other’s efforts.spend piles of money to increase their market shares,the extra costs of advertising will be passed on to the consumers.the advertising produces a good image of a product,What do you mean by consumer brand loyalty?It means consumers are loyal to a certain product, more sales mean lower production costs,more advertising means higher costs to the consumer.Now Your TurnModel 2 Beware of ads!Now Your TurnswitchJust do it! What a powerful product.A: This is what they want you to believe: use the product and you will get the same skin.B: You mean they are lying about the product? I don’t really think so.A: Advertisers now appeal to emotions, not reason. They want you to like their product.B: Well, I don’t really agree with you, but we can switch to another channel. Model 3 Are the free magazines freeNow Your TurnV. Let’s TalkA Job Ad for a Friendly EmployeeVI. Furthering Listening and Speaking Task1: Banning Cigarette Ads1. They have banned tobacco/cigarette ads completely.2. Advertisers are not allowed to show young people smoking cigarettes.3. They keep finding ways around the law.4. They must keep bringing in new customers, as the old ones are dying of lungcancer.5. IT should do some publicity against smoking on campus.Task 2: A Radio Commercial1.F2.F3.T4.F5.TTask 3: An Introduction to Advertising.1.A2.C3.B4.D5.DUNIT5II. Listening Skills1. A2. B3.B4.D5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: Dogs aren’t allowed here!1. allowed movie theater2. a ticket3. well trained intelligent human4.any problem leave the theater any other dog seen5. almost emptyTask 2: Put the cat out!4-1-3-5-2-6 D) She was ill-treated at home.Task 3: A Sudden Change in the Parrot’s Attitude1.C2.D3.B4.C5.AIV. Speaking OutModel 1 The dog will be company for her.John: Se-Jin, come shopping with me. I’m buying a present for my mother.Se-Jin: What are you getting her?John: I’ve got just the perfect idea. A dog.Se-Jin: A dog? Would she like that?John: She’ll love it. My dad works long hours each day, and I think with me away at school, she is a bit lonely. And I’ll just get a small one, a Pekinese.Se-Jin: Good idea! The dog will be company for her.Now Your TurnModel 2 Where to walk dogs?Bob: There’s some talk of a businessman building a dog park in Shanghai.Laura: Really, what on earth for?Bob: Apparently there is a law against having dogs on the streets.Laura: Does it mean that the dogs have to stay inside apartments at all times? Bob: It sounds pretty cruel, doesn’t it? Maybe the park is a good idea.Laura: Maybe they should just allow people to walk their dogs on the streets. Bob: But in many large cities where dogs can be walked, the streets are a mess. I heard Paris is the worst.Laura:Couldn’t people just clean up after their dogs?Bob:Would they?Now Your TurnModel 3 What does having a few fish do for you?Philip: Wow! I see you’ve bought an aquarium. Nice!Peter: You should get one too. I highly recommend it.Philip: Why? What does having a few fish do for you?Peter: I find it relaxing just to sit down and watch tropical fish at the end ofa tiring day.Philip: I can understand. I like to take it easy after work , too.Peter: There’s more than that. They’re really fascinating. They give you hours of entertainment, believe me.Philip: Perhaps I should give it a try.Peter: OK, I can lend you a couple of good reference books.Philip: Great! Any other tips on getting started?Now Your TurnV. Let’s TalkAn Intelligent DogVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: A Birthday PresentAfter David gave his mom a dog as a birthday present, she was very pleased, for the dog licked her hand and wagged its tail. She called it Brian after one of her friends. Mary read an article which says that dogs can be faithful to their owners/masters. David agreed, for he saw a TV interview which introduceda dog that could warn its master of an epileptic attack. He explained that thisability of the dog’s has something to do with its keen sense of smell.Jokingly, Mary said she wounded whether the dog Brian can foretell/predict when David’s mom is going to roast a chicken.Task 2: 100 Percent Polar Bear1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: An Introduction to Advertising1.D2.C3.B4.A5.DUNIT6II. Listening Skills1.D2. The first girl(The girl who suggests wearing the short skirt.)Dialog 21. B2. No, she hasn’t.III. Listening InTask 1: A Woman’s Funny Dress1. looks funny2. looks fine to her3. is behind the times4. went out5. looks good on her6. out-dated7. keeping herself in style8. no wonderTask 2: How is fashion decided?1. F2.F3.T4.T5.FFashion designers design fashionable clothes,begin trends and new styles,and their work is copied all over the world.Paris is the center of the world fashion, where the secrets of the new designs areguarded until they are shown to the publicPeople and manufacturers come to Paris to buy and copy new clothes, in Januaryand July. Then the clothes are copied and made up inlarge numbers, for which one does not have to pay ahigh price.Other manufacturers use Paris styles simply as a starting point for their own ideas. Still others adapt only a part of the French designTask 3: Dreaming of Being a Fashion Model1.D2.B3.A4.B5.CT op fashion models…..earning large salariesFuture models…..being at least 5’8”tallKimi…………..massaging one’s feetA part of the brain……producing growth hormones directlyCustomers…….buying KimiIV. Speaking OutModel 1 How did you like the fashion show?Laura: How did you like the fashion show last night?John: It was dumb. I think it’s stupid of women to wear clothes like that.Laura:I didn’t see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me.John:Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?Laura:Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.John:Well, I still think they’re dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.Now Your TurnModel 2 I’m looking for a light jacket.Salesman: What can I do for you?John:I’m looking for a light jacket.Salesman:Please come this way; they’re just over here. What size do you like? John:I’m not sure.Salesman:ok, I’ll measure you. Well, you are size 42. What color do you like? John:Light blue, please.Salesman:OK, try this one on.John:Yes, that’s comfortable. And the color goes well with my jeans. How much is it?Salesman:24.99.John:I’ll take it. Can I pay with a credit card?Salesman:Sure, we take both debit and major credit cards.Now Your TurnModel 3 Could you show me a pair of running shoes?Not yet, I’ll look around first…go on saleBut I think they are going to be on the small side., they’re all sold out. I’ll be glad to order a new pair of you.Now Your TurnV. Let’s TalkThe Miniskirt1.D2.D3.A4.C5.BVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Paying for the New ClothesThe daughter wants to buy new clothes, but the mother disagrees, saying she still has a lot of clothes in good condition and the parents have to pay for the university tuition. The daughter argues that she needs clothes in fashion, so as not to look as if she had come form the middle ages. The daughter then suggests getting a part-time job to cover the expenses. Not wanting to affect the daughter’s studies, the mother finally agrees to buy new clothes.Task 2: A Model’s Description of Her Work1.T2.F3.T4.F5.FTask 3: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini nervousafraidfirst timelockerb lank etcome outwore…UNIT7II. Listening Skills1.B2.A3.A4.D5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: It’s time to buy.9. a banker a loan10. saving save spend11. a mortgage property12. Property values13. risen/gone up/increased by 30 percentTask 2: Can I have my change please1. A2.B3.D4.C5.CTask 3: Why not just print money?1.T2.T3.F4.F5.FIV. Speaking OutModel 1 I want to blow it all.I want to blow it all.That sounds just like you,If you spend all that money on you won’t have any money left if I just save my money,You also need a financial advisor!Now Your TurnModel 2 Can money buy everything?If I could get my hands on a lot of money, I’ll be really happy.I’d be able to have anything I want.there are plenty of people who have a lot of money but aren’t happy.if I became a millionaire, I’d buy whatever I wanted.: So many people think like you do, . How do you explain that?Now Your TurnModel 3 I wonder if you could give me a loan.I was just on my way to find you.What’s up,I’m kind of broke, . I wonder if you could give me a loan.Dream on! I’m hard up myself.I’m just about a hundred short.Why not save up for it?I could save at least 30 percent!I’d lend you money if you were in a jam.Now Your Turn.V. Let’s TalkStory of a MiserModel 2 Can money buy everything?If I could get my hands on a lot of money, I’ll be really happy.I’d be able to have anything I want.there are plenty of people who have a lot of money but aren’t happy. if I became a millionaire, I’d buy whatever I wanted.: So many people think like you do, . How do you explain that?Now Your TurnModel 3 I wonder if you could give me a loan.I was just on my way to find you.What’s up,I’m kind of broke, . I wonder if you could give me a loan.Dream on! I’m hard up myself.I’m just about a hundred short.Why not save up for it?I could save at least 30 percent!I’d lend you money if you were in a jam.Now Your Turn.V. Let’s TalkStory of a Miser1. more than2. money casket3. promise4. in the casket5. sitting black6. next to/beside7. close8. a box9. away/off10. foolish all that money/the money11. a Christian on her word12. put the money13. a checkVI. Furthering Listening and Speaking Task 1: Giving Money to a Beggar1. the beggar2. as if3. help4. careful with/about5. a job6. people7. a hard time8. waste9. share10. good luckTask 2: Buying a Machine1.T2.F3.F4.T5.TTask 3: An Introduction to Credit Cards1.D2.C3.B4.C5.A。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案注:(期末考试考听力书1-7单元中每个单元的Listening In 中的Task3及Further Listening and Speaking这一部分中的Task2,这两部分详细答案如下,请详细核对,课后多加练习) Uint1III. Listening InPage 6Keys: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.DTask3: Memory-Improving TechniquesScriptThere are many techniques you can use to improve your memory. Some of them are introduced her.First and foremost, you need to stimulate your memory all the time. To put it simply, you should use your memory as much as possible. It is especially important to try to learn something new. If you work in an office, learn to dance; if you are a dancer, learn to deal with a computer, if you work with sales, and learn to play chess; if you are a programmer, learn to paint. These added activities stimulate the brain so that I t continues to function.Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with. Don‟t try to memorize everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important. For example, you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it. Think on its various characteristics: its material, its function, its color, and so on. Don‟t allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating in that pen.Another method that can be used is to relax yourself. It is impossible to remember things if you are tense or nervous.So, try holding your breath for ten seconds, and then release it slowly.Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory. For example, if you cannot remember a person‟s name, you can think about a special feature of his face and then link it with his mane.1.What‟s seems to be an especially important way to stimulate one‟s memory?2.What seems to be the best way to focus your memory?3.How can you concentrate on a pen?4.How can you relax yourself according to the passage?5.What is the main idea of the passage?VI.Further Listening and SpeakingPage 13Task 2: Where did the professor go?ScriptThis is a true story, while happened to friends of ours in a small town in South Africa. They were a hospitable couple who often entertained their neighbors for drinks, tea or dinner. On this particular spring night, they have invited a retired professor to super. During the evening, it began to pour with rain, and the heavens really opened. Because he had walked there, they offered to put him up for the night. They pointed out that by staying overnight, he did not need to go to out in the bad weather. He agreed on the soundness of that idea, thanked his hosts profusely, and the matter seemed to be settled. But while they were washing the dishes after supper, the forgetful professor disappeared. No one could find him anywhere. Eventually, after40 minutes, the front door bell rang. There was the professor, soaked to the skin. When he was asked what on earth he has been dong in the rain, he replied that because he was going to stay there overnight, he had gone home to get his pajamas and toothbrush.Uint2III. Listening InPage 20Keys: 1B 2.C3. D 4.A 5.DTask3: How to Get Straight A’sScriptIt is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers.First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes before recreation.Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. Then he posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the finalexamination.Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, “Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.”Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight A‟s, the secret of good reading is to be “an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author‟s message”.6.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super—achievers starting tostudy?7.What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam?8.What is the good thing all top students agree on?9.What does the speaker mean by “an active reader”?10.What is the main idea of the passage?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 29Task 2: The Final ExamScriptAt a university, there were four sophomores taking a chemistry course. They were doing so well on all the quizzes, midterms, labs, that each had “A”so far for the semester.These four friends were so confident that on the weekend before finals, they decided to go up to the University of Virginia and party with some friends there. They had a great time, but after all the hearty partying, they slept all day Sunday and didn‟t make it back to school until early Monday morning.Rather than taking the final then, they decided to find their professor after the final exam and explain to him why they missed it. They explained that they had planned to come back in time for the final exam, but, unfortunately, they had a flat tire on the way back, didn‟t have a spare, and couldn‟t get help for a long time. As a result, they missed the final.The professor thought it over and then agreed they could make up the final the following day. The guys were relieved and elated. The next day, the professor placed them in separate room, hand each of them a test booklet, and told them to begin.They took at the first problem, worth five points. It was a simple question on a chemical reaction. “Cool,”they thought at the same time, each one in his separate room, “This is going to be easy.” Each finished the problem and then turned the page. On the second page was a question worth 95 points: “Which of the tires was flat?”Uint3III. Listening InPage 35Keys: 1C 2.A3. B 4.B 5.BTask3: A Woman Who Chose Not to RemarryScriptAfter 17 years of marriage, my husband left me for my best friend, Monica. What I had feared most became reality: I became the single parent of two young children. My daughter grew increasingly unhappy. Seven-year-old Joanna had anxiety attacks when ever she was left alone for more than a few minutes. Five-year-old Sophie would vomit every meal. Under the psychological pressure, I thought about remarriage. My friends arranged dinner with single men and invited me to parties to meet the latest “someone special”.But later I changed my mind. A colleague of mine said, “Second marriages usually end in divorce, and children are destroyed by it.” There is some truth in his words. Research published in 2004 showed that children in blended families were no more emotionally healthy than those in single-parent families.Not long ago, my now-teenage daughter and I went to lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. While eating, we talked about a friend of ours who was divorcing her second husband. We were worried about how the break would harm her three children, two of whom were struggling to get free of drugs. Joanna put down her fork and looked at me. “Mom, I‟m glad you didn‟t remarry,”she said. “If you had divorced again, I might have tried drugs or even consider suicide.” At that moment, I realized, once again, that singleness was right choice for me.11.What was the speaker most afraid of?12.Which of the following is NOT true?13.What did the speaker‟s colleague say?14.Which of the following is true?15.If the speaker had divorced again, what might her daughter, Joanna, have done? VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 42Task 2: Nuclear Family Living PatternsScriptA nuclear family is typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20thcentury, the two-parent family known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they acquir e their own jobs and move into their own apartment or home.In the early mid-20th century, the family typically was the sole wage earner, and the mother was the children‟s principle care giver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States.Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, a company‟s arrangement of day care as well as government assistance to parents requiring day care is occurring.Uint4III. Listening InPage 49Keys: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DTask3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewScriptThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don‟t panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don‟t say, “I don‟t have any.” Everyone has weakness, and it takes something positive like, “I haven‟t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I‟m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” You should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in theadvertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, how” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.16.What is the passage mainly concerned with?17.What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why shouldwe choose you?”?18.What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?19.What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, “What are yourweaknesses?”20.What should you say when asked about your strong points?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 58Task 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewScriptWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want. It‟s not usually to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes it‟s this anxiety, not our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job.So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This often involves two factors: one mental and the other physica l. Mentally, it‟s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obsessing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won‟t be the end of the world if you don‟t get it. Tell yourself that the company would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it will be their loss. In essence, you need to build your self-confidence. Your ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certainly impress the interviewer.Now that you are mentally ready for any question that might be thrown your way, it‟s time to work on your physical presentation. No matter what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It‟s always a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn‟t have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example, don‟t wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like common sense, but you‟d be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it‟s not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your interview, make sure that your nail are well-manicured, and your hair is styled carefully and neatly.Uint5Page 64Keys: 1D 2.C3. C 4.A 5.CIII. Listening InTask3: Where to Start Your BusinessScriptYou have to consider the location when launching a business. You will be “planning your business tree” there and will have to maintain it for years to come. You have to keep in mind a few things when deciding on a place t open your business.First of all, you have to take the local economy into consideration. Is your local area growing and building? Are the market trends good? Even if you have to locate your business farther from your home, try to find a place that is building up and bringing people in. The worst thing you can do is to pick a place that is in the “bad area of town” because it is less expensive. Your address can be the first thing people will ask for, and it can say a lot about your business.The second thing you have to bear in mind is the job market. Since unemployment is low in most area in the Unites States, consider what type of employees you will need and find out if there are many in your area. The amount of money that you will have t o spend I the recruiting phase could be an indicator that you should or should not locate the business in an area with a different employee pool.Another factor people have to consider is whether you can integrate with the local community and get to love it. To make the community warm to you, you should become involved in it by joining the local Chamber of Commerce, Business Association, City Council Committees, or other local organization that could offer you help. Why plan on retiring “one day” to some great location? Why not move there now and start your dream business?21.What is the speaker mainly talking about?22.What must you find if you are going to locate a business at a distance from yourhome?23.According to the speaker, what is the worst thing you can do?24.What will the recruiting money tell you?25.What can you do the get on well with the locate people?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 73Task 2: What do you know about business?ScriptHistorically, the term business referred to activities or interests.By extension, the word became, as recently as the 18th century, synonymous with “an individualcommercial enterprise”. When referring to activities, the terms business and industry sometimes appear interchangeable. Thus a fisherman might say either that he is in the “fishing business”, which is a bit colloquial or that he works in the “fishing industry”, which sounds somewhat formal. The word “trade” may serve as an equivalent of both “business” and “industry”.People establish business in order to perform economic activities. With some exceptions, such as non-profit organizations and institutions of the government, businesses exist to product profit. In other words, the owners and operators of a business have receiving or generating a financial return for their time, effort and capital as one of their main objectives.One can classify businesses in many different ways.In recent years, service businesses have become increasingly popular. They offer intangible products and typically have different, usually smaller, capital requirements than manufacturers. Distributors need smaller funds than manufacturers.Most laws specify the forms that a business can take, and a body of commercial law has been developed for each type. Some common types include partnerships, corporations, also called limited liability companies, and sole ownerships.Unit 6Page 80Keys: 1D 2.A 3. B 4.C 5.III. Listening InTask3: Fighting Teen SmokingScriptThe percentage of teens who smoke cigarettes dropped to 28% in 2003, according to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. That was down from 36% in 1999 as measured by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. It‟s a triumph for many people across the nation who worked tirelessly to reverse the climb in teen smoking rates during the 1990s.An equal accomplishment many be discovery of what works to influence teens‟motivation and behavior. Success has come in communities with a comprehensive program to fight tobacco use by teens. The best school health classes won‟t have much effect on teen who already smoke. Many of them need professional help before they can quit. Another interesting finding is that nearly all first use of tobacco occurs before high school graduation. So if adolescents don‟t start smoking by age 18, odds are they never will. For those who do experiment with cigarettes, new research shows teens can get hooked on nicotine more quickly than adults and by extremely low levels of tobacco.Now the bad news: while the teen smoking rate is down to 28%, that still means morethan one in four teenagers still smoke. Public health and parents are not ready to abandon a quarter of today‟s young people to the damaging effects of tobacco. Obviously, it is still too early to celebrate a complete victory. There is still much room for improvement.26.What percentage did the teen smoking rate drop by?27.What happened in the 1990s, according to the speaker? Useful for reducing teensmoking according to the speaker?28.What is especially useful for reducing teen smoking according to the speaker?29.What is the bad news mentioned in the passage?30.What is the main idea of the passage?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 90Task 2: Drinking, Gambling and GolfScriptA man was walking in the city when he was accosted by a particularly dirty-looking bum, who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.The man took out his wallet, extracted two dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you take it and buy whiskey?”“No, I stopped drinking years ago,” the bum said.“Will you use it to gamble?”“I don‟t gamble. I need everything I can get just to stay alive?”“Will you spend the money on green fees at a golf course?””Are you nuts? I haven‟t played golf for 20 years!”The mad said, “Well, I‟m not going to give you two dollars. Instead, I‟m going to take you to my home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.”The bum was surprised, “Won‟t your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I …m dirty, and I probably smell pretty bad.”The man replied, “That‟s OK. I just want her to see what a man looks like who‟d given up drinking, gambling, and golf.”Uint7Page 97Keys: 1C 2.A3. D 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InTask3: A Mild EI NinoScriptThe EI Nino weather condition has returned. However, official at the United States National Weather Service say EI Nino is weaker than usual this year. EI Nino is a change in the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean. It happens every four or five years. Normally, water temperatures in the western Pacific Ocean increase near the end of the year. This cause more rainfall in Indonesia, Australia and other nearby place. At the same time, cold ocean water cause less rainfall in the eastern Pacific Ocean, near South America. The opposite happens during EI Nino. Pacific Ocean temperatures increase near South America, causing unusually high amounts of rainfall there. In contrast, EI Nino causes dry weather in Indonesia and Australia.A strong EI Nino can severely affect the weather all over the world. The last powerful EI Nino was in 1997 and 1998. It caused major floods in many places. EI Nino also led to extremely dry weather in some other areas. Reports say the weather caused the deaths of about 24,000 people.So experts say having a weaker EI Nino this year is good news. Meteorologists say rainfall has been higher than usual in South America. The experts say the effects of EI Nino will begin to show in November in the United States. The northern states may have a warmer winter. But, scientists say EI Nino will not be strong enough to prevent this year‟s powerful storms in the Atlantic Ocean.31.According to the passage, how often does EI Nino happen?32.What normally happens in the western Pacific Ocean?33.What did the EI Nino in 1997 and 1998 cause?34.What is NOT mentioned as a result of this year‟s EI Nino?35.What is the central idea of the passage?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 107Task 2: Mountain regions face a number of dangers. ScriptMountain people around the world are in great danger of the negative effects of the worsening environment, according to a UN report.As global warming and deforestation accelerate and technology makes wilder places more accessible, environmental and social pressures on the world‟s remotest regions increases.The UN has found that many mountainous regions—inhabited by one out of five of the world‟s people—are barely recognizable when they are compared to what they ere like 60 years ago. This is mostly because forests were cut to make way for cattle grazing and agriculture.The authors of the UN study expect 98 percent of its mountain areas to experience severe climate change by 2055.Biological losses are expected to be heavy. The mountains of Europe, part of California and the northwest Andes in South Americaare among the most threatened mountain areas in the world and should be given priority in conservation.The UN is anxious to raise awareness of the problem facing mountain areas because they are inhabited by some of the most vulnerable people. These people could lose their culture and their livelihood with even the smallest shifts in climate.At the same time, many mountain regions are losing people. Thousands of villages in Europe are deserted most of the year. In other areas like Nepal, people are drifting to the cities in search of work.。
新视野大学英语听说教程第2册听力原文及答案 (1)

II. Listening Skills1. W: From what I can remember, the director asked us to rehearse this a hundred times.M: One hundred times? Is the director out of his mind?Q: What does the man imply?2. M: Do you think we have made enough food for the party?W: The refrigerator is about to explode.Q: What does the woman imply?3. W: She said she might become a famous movie star.M: Yes, and pigs might fly.Q: What does the man mean?4. M: Although the man often plays a bad guy in movies, in real life he has a heart of gold.W: So does a hard-boiled egg.Q: What does the woman mean?5. W: What a beautiful sunset!M: Don‟t blink. You might just miss it.Q: What does the man mean?1. A2.D3.B4.C5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Waiting for the New Harry Potter MovieAmy: I‟m so excited about finally seeing this movie!Peter: Me too. I‟m crazy about Harry Potter. Have you heard that J.K. Rowling has added another book to the series?Amy: She‟s already written Book Seven? I‟m still waiting for Book Five…Peter: I know. Who isn‟t? At least we have the movies to watch in the meantime.Amy: By the way, have you seen the trailer yet?Peter: Yeah. It was great! I think the movie itself will be really scary.Amy: It surely will! All that writing on the wall in blood…It scares me to death just to think about it!Both the girl and the boy are excited/crazy about the movie and the hero Harry Potter. The boy heard that the writer J.K. Rowling has written the latest book, which is Book Seven, though the girl is still waiting for Book Five. The boy has been the trailer and believes the film will be scary. The girl shares that view because of the writing on the wall in blood.Task 2: A Great ActorThere was once a great actor who could no longer remember his lines. After several years of searching, he finally found a theater that was willing to give him a try. The director said, “This is the most important part, and it has only one line. At the opening you walk onto stage carrying a rose. You hold the rose to your nose with just one finger and thumb, smell it deeply and then say the line on praise of the rose: …Ah, the sweet smell of my love.‟” The actor was excited. All day long before the play he practiced his line over and over again. Finally, the time came. The curtain went up, the actor walked onto the stage, looked at the audience, and with great emotion said the line, “Ah, the sweet smell of my love.” The audience exploded in laughter. Only the director was furious! “Ahhhhhh! You damned fool!”he cried. “You‟ve ruined my play! You‟ve ruined me!”The actor was puzzled, “What happened? Did I forget my line?”“No!” shouted the director. “You forget the rose!”1.D2.C3.D4.A5.BTask 3: Movie ReviewsI love movies! And after I see them, I like to comment on them. These are movies I saw this year I would like to recommend: Among comedies I highly recommend “Monsoon Wedding”. It‟s an Indian movie. The story is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for the wedding bring out funny and sad situations touching on love and a past rape. This movie shows some of the wonderful customs of India, and the importance of family and love. It‟s great!Among dramas, I like “Adaptation”. It is an excellent movie! But for me the first part of the movie was too fast to follow. I hope to see it again on DVD with captions.“The Pianist” is set in the Second World War. It‟s about a young Polish-Jewish pianist, who lives in Warsaw with his family. The Nazis sent his family to die in the concentration camps. He was safe, but would have died without unusually good luck and the kindness of a few non-Jews. This is a powerful movie with thought-provoking themes.“Rabbit-Proof Fence” is set in the 1930s in Australia, and it‟s based on real events. It is about three native girls who are separated from their families by the racist police who send them to special centers. There the girls are taught practical skills, and the government tries to integrate them into white Australian society. They can away from the camp and walked 1,500 miles to find their mothers. This is a sad, touching story that you should not miss.1.He likes to see movies and comment on them.2.Four.3.Three.4.One.IV. Speaking OutModel 1 Will you come with me?John: Laura, I am wondering if you‟re free tomorrow night.Laura: Well, I guess I am. Why?John: I‟ve got two Star Wars premiere tickets. Will you come with me?Laura: Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me!John: It‟s my pleasure.Laura: I really wanted to see Star Wars on the opening night, but the tickets were sold out. How did you manage to get hold of them?John: A friend of mine works at the “Pepsi” headquarters, which is a major sponsor of the movie.So he was able to get the tickets for free.Laura: Wow, people are paying as much as $200 each on the black market. I‟m flattered you went through all this trouble just for me.John: You‟re welcome.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Hi, are you busy this weekend?B: Yes. What‟s on your mind?A: I‟ve got two tickets for the car exhibition. Would you like to go with me?B: Sure. Thanks for your invitation.A: It‟s nothing.B: I‟ve been wanting to see exhibition, but it was not at all easy to get a ticket. How did you manage to get two tickets?A: A friend of mine works at the exhibition center. She was able to get three free tickets.B: Wow, people are paying almost 100 yuan for a ticket on the black market. Thank you very much indeed for inviting me.A: No problem.Model 2 What did you think about the movie?John: So…what did you think about the movie?Laura: Well… I think this Star Wars episode is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the previous ones.John: Really? But I think this Star Wars episode was incredible!Laura: Why do you think so?John: Well, one of the most spectacular things about it was the special effects. State-of-the-art special effects were the main reason for the success of the previous episodes.Laura: You‟re right. The special effects were amazing! And I like the fact that they created so many fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes, weapons and creatures.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What did you think about The Lion King?B: Well… I think this cartoon was pretty good, but not as good as Beauty and the Beast. It‟s a killer flick.A: Really? But I think The Lion King was unbelievably good.B: I thought it was just OK. Why do you think so?A: Well, it‟s so interesting that the lives of the lions were similar to the lives of human beings. B: You‟re right. The murder in The Lion King was almost the same as the murder in the Shakespearean play Hamlet.Model 3 The plot is first-class.John: It‟s kind of cool that they still used the same Star Wars theme song for this movie. Laura: Yeah! It just reminds me of the previous Star Wars scenes.John: I know exactly what you mean! Hearing that song makes me think of the past.Laura: I think the plot was first-class. But I don‟t think the character development was that strong.John: Do you think that has anything to do with the casting of the movie?Laura: No, the casting was great; the actors are excellent, but I think the acting was a little weak.They just didn‟t have a lot of funny or meaningful lines.John: Well, maybe, but I liked the little kid that played “Skywalker”. I can‟t imagine anyone else playing that part.Laura: Yeah, I liked him too. He‟s soooo cute!Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What do you think about the movie?B: I think the plot was first-class. But I don‟t think the character development was so strong.A: Yes, the characterization was rather weak. Do you think it is because of the casting of themovie?B: No, the cast was strong. But the acting was rather poor. And the lines are not interesting at all. A: Well, maybe. But I liked the heroine of the movie. She is excellent.B: Yeah, I liked her too. She‟s adorable!V. Let‟s TalkAlfred HitchcockAlfred Hitchcock was a British director. His movies frequently show innocent people caught up in situations beyond their control or even understanding.Hitchcock preferred the use of suspense in his movies. In surprise, the director provides the viewer with frightening things. In suspense, the director tells or shows things to the audience which the characters in the movie do not know, and then skillfully builds up tension around what will happen when the characters finally learn the truth. Hitchcock had a great sense of humor. Once at a French airport, a suspicious customs official looked at Hitchcock‟s passport, which was marked simply PRODUCER. The curious official asked, “And what do you produce?”“Gooseflesh.”replied Hitchcock.Alfred Hitchcock always managed to make a brief appearance in his movies: He was sometimes getting on a bus, or crossing a street, pr walking in front of a store, or across the courtyard in an apartment. However, for the movie Lifeboat in 1944, he was faced with a difficult problem. The entire movie was set in a lifeboat out at sea, and there were only a few characters in the boat. Originally, he wanted to float by as a dead body, but he was afraid he‟d sink! His clever solution was to place a photograph of himself in a newspaper that one of the characters read during the course of the movie.1. A2.C3.DVI. Furthering Listening and Speaking ListeningTask 1: Only One LinePeter has always wanted to be an actor, but never succeeded because he had a hard time memorizing lines. A friend of his told him about a small part in a play. He promised Peter that he could do it because he‟s only have to remember one line. Peter decided to take the part. His only line was, “Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Peter practiced and practiced, “Listen, I hear the guns roar!” On the opening night of the play Peter was very nervous. Backstage, he practiced his line, over and over again, “Listen, I hear the guns roar! Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Finally came his turn, Peter went onto stage. He heard a loud BOOM and cried out in spite of himself, “WHAT THE HELL WAS THA T?”1.memorizing lines2.remember one line3.I hear the guns roar4. a loud boom5.his lineTask 2: An Interview with J.K. RowlingQ: How did you get the idea for Harry Potter?A: I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and the idea for Harry just fell into my head. At that point it was essentially the idea for a body who didn‟t know he was a wizard. Q: Did you always plan to write Harry‟s story in more than one book? If so, how many?A: I always conceived it as a seven-book series because I decided that it would take seven years, from age eleven to seventeen, inclusive, to train as a wizard, and each of the books would deal with one year of Harry‟s life at the school.Q: Any clues about the next book?A: I don‟t want to i\give anything away, but I tell you that the books are getting darker. Harry‟s going to have quite a bit to deal with as he gets older. Sorry if they get too scary!Q: Of the many things you must have heard people say about Harry Potter, what are some of your favorites?A: My very favorite was from a twelve-year-old Scottish girl who came to hear me read at the Edinburgh book festival. At the end of the festival, the queue for signing was very long. When the girl finally reached me, she said, “I didn‟t WANT there to be so many people here, because this is MY books!” That is exactly how I feel about my favorite books. Nobody else has a right to know them; let alone like them!1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: The Secret of the Next Harry Potter BookThe Harry Potter books rapidly became one of the most in-demand book series among young readers and have earned large sums of money. Movies based on the books won several Oscar nominations. Readers are now keen to know the plot of the next book.Harry Potter movie fans will get a long-awaited treat. The movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret is finally about to come out. This time around, Harry discovers a frightening secret at Hogwarts School. Eager readers of the first four Harry Potter books are also trying to discover a secret, the secret plot of the fifth book in the series. Because of the long wait since Book Four, they are guessing many things. Some think that Professor Lupin will die or that Harry and his friend Ron may be related!J.K. Rowling herself has only said that Book Five will be shorter and scarier than Book Four. To make sure her readers hear only rumors, she locks all her ideas for the books in a hidden place. Since the next book does not come out until 2003, for mow Harry‟s secret is safe with her!1. D2.C3.A4.BSpeakingViews on MoviesInterviewer: Hello, Robert and Richard, I‟d like to ask you something about movies. Do you prefer going to the theater or watching movies on video at home?Robert: I prefer, personally, going to the theater, because I believe there are certain movies that come over better when you see them in a large theater. The sound effect is muchbetter.Interviewer: What about you, Richard?Richard: Just the opposite. It‟s more comfortable to sit at home.Interviewer: There‟re many different movie genres, for example, science fiction, action, comedy, romance. What‟s your personal favorite?Robert: My favorite would be action movies.Richard: And mine would be nice movies that touch me deeply.Interviewer: How do you like the old black and white movies of the forties, and fifties compared with the modern blockbusters?Robert: For their time, the movies of the forties and fifties were excellent. But try to compare them with today‟s technology, and you‟ll find there isn‟t anything to compare. It‟s sosuperior today.Richard: I agree.。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册(第二版)听力原文及参考答案Unit1 Roll over, Beethoven!II. Listening Skills1.M: Why don’t we go to the concert today?W: I’ll go get the keys.Q: What does the woman imply?2.W: I can’t find my purse anywhere. The opera tickets are in it.M: Have you checked in the car?Q: What does the man imply?3.M: Are you going to buy that pirated CD?W: Do I look like a thief?Q: What does the woman imply?4.M: Do you think the singer is pretty?W: Let’s just say that I wouldn’t vote for her in the local beauty contest.Q: What does the woman imply about the singer?5.M: Have you seen Tom? I can’t find him anywhere.W: The light in his dorm was on just a few minutes ago.Q: What does the woman mean?1.B2.B3.D4.C5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Encore!As soon as the singer completed the song, the audience cried, “Encore! Encore!” The singer was delighted and sang the song again. She couldn’t believe it when the audience shouted for her to sing it again. The cycle of shouts and songs was repeated ten more times. The singer was overjoyed with the response from the audience. She talked them and asked them why they were so interested in hearing the same song again and again. One of the people in the audience replied, “We wanted you to improve it; now it is much better.”1 .F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.FTask 2: What are your favorite songs?W: Hi, Bob! Do you want to go to a concert with me?M: A concert? What’s it about?W: It features recent pop songs. Are you interested?M: Hmm, I was crazy about pop songs when I was i n high school, but now I’m no longer a big fan. op songs go out of fashion too quickly. ’m beginning to prefer old folk songs..W: Many older people find those songs cool, and my parents are hooked on them too. By the way, a program of golden oldies was on TV yesterday evening.M: Oh what a pity! I missed it.W: I have a DVD of oldies, I can lend it to you if you want.W:Oh, that would be great. I’m dying to hear them. Many thanks.Q1:What does the concert feature?B) Pop songsQ2: What did the man like when he was in high school?B) He liked pop songsQ3: What does the women say about older people?D) They like old folk songs.Q4: What does the women offer to do when she learns the man missed the program of golden oldies on TV?A)To lend him a DVDQ5: Which of the following can we infer from the dialog?C) A person’s musical taste may change.Task3 music and your moodMusic can influence our emotions, thoughts and behavior to a great degree. It can make us sad or happy, relaxed or full of energy.Slow music calm people. Ballads and some forms of classical music often create a peaceful atmosphere that is good for relaxing after a busy day. If the music is slowed below 50 beats per minute, it can create an atmosphere of sadness. This kind of slow music can be found in manytypes of music, such as jazz and blues. Many people listen to slow music. It suits their mood when they are alone at night.Faster music, such as rock, heavy metal and dance music, tend to give us energy and makes us feel full of life. This type of music is often played at sporting events to stir up the fans and the teams. Rock, pop music and rap are played at parties. They can provide energy to the gathering. Since most rock, pop, and rap songs are easy to listen to, they are suitable for parties. Rock music is sometimes used to accompany physical labor. Its heavy fast tempo speeds up the heart, and one almost works in time to the music, making the work more enjoyable.Some people think that rock music can cause road accidents .Drivers could become excited by the speed of the music and drive too fast. But there are so many things to distract a driver’s attention that it dose not make sense to blame rock music.1.classical2.peaceful3.relaxing4.Jazz5.sadness6.heavy metal7.energy8.sporting events9.physical labor10.road accidentsIV. Speaking OutModel 1 Do you like jazz?Laura: Hey!Bob: Hello!Laura: Do you like jazz, Bob?Bob: No, not much. Do you like it?Laura: Well, yes, I do. I’m crazy about Wynton Marsalis.Bob: Oh, he’s a piano player, isn’t he?Laura: No, he’s a trumpet player. So, what kind of music do you like?Bob: I like listening to rock.Laura: What group do you like best?Bob: Er, The Cranberries. They’re the greatest. What about you? Don’t you like them?Laura: Ugh! They make my stomach turn!Model 2 Do you like punk rock?Max: What kind of music do you like?Frannie: Well, I like different kinds.Max: Any in particular?Frannie: Er, I especially like punk rock.Max: Punk rock? You don’t seem like the punk rock type.Frannie: You should have seen me in high school. I had my hair dyed blue.Max: Wow, that must have been a sight!Frannie: It sure was. What about you? What’s your favorite music?Max: I guess I like jazz best. Hey, I’m going shopping for CDs tomorrow. Would you like to come along?Frannie: Sure, that sounds great.Model 3 It just sounds like noise to me.Philip: Turn down that noise! What on earth is it anyway!Laura: But dad…This is Metallica1 They’re so cool.They are one of the most famous heavy metal bands.Philip: I don’t care. It just sounds like noise to me. I can’t stand it!Laura: I love this kind of music, but if you really hate it that much, I’ll put on something else.What do you want to hear?Philip: How about some popular easy-listening music. Maybe something like Celine Dion? Laura: Not her again! Her music isn’t very hip any more. I think she is a bore.V. Let’s TalkThe Origin of the Song “Happy Birthday to You”The story of the song “Happy Birthday to You” began as a sweet one, but later became bitter. Two sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at a kindergarten, and Dr. Patty Hill, the principal of the same school, wrote a song together for the children, entitled “Good Morning to All”. When Mildred combined her musical talents with her sister’s knowledge i n the area of kindergarten education, ‘Good Morning to All” was sure to be a success. The sister s published the song in a collection entitled “Song Stories of the Kindergarten” in 1893. Thirty-one years later, after Dr. Patty Hill became the head of the De partment of Kindergarten Education at Columbia University’s Teachers College, a gentleman by the name Robert Coleman published the song, without the sisters’ permission. He added a second part, which is the familiar “Happy Birthday to You”. Mr. Coleman’s addition of the second part made the song popular and, finally, the sisters” original first part disappeared. “Happy Birthday to You” had altogether replaced the sisters’ original song “Good Morning to All”. In 1916 Patty took legal action against Mr. Colem an. In court, she succeeded in proving that they were the real owners of the song.1.Good Morning to All2.Success3.musical talents4.without5.second part6.replaced7.legal action8.real ownersVI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Thank You for the MusicI’m nothing special, in fact I’m a bit of a boreIf I tell a joke, you’re probably heard it beforeBut I have a talent, a wonderful thing‘Cause everyone listens when I start to singI’m so grateful and proudAll I want is to sing it out loudSo I sayThank you for the music, the songs I’m singingThanks for all the joy they’re bringingWho can live without it, I ask in all honestlyWhat would life beWithout a song or a dance what are weSo I say thank you for the musicFor giving it to meMother says I was a dancer before I could walkShe says I began to sing long before I could talkAnd I’ve often wondered, how did it all startWho found out that nothing can capture a heartLike a melody canWell, whoever it was, I’m a fanSo I sayThank you for th e music, the songs I’m singing…Task 2: MozartMozart was a great musician and composer whose fame continues to grow more than two centuries after his death. He was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Before the age of four, he was already showing great musical talent. His father then decided to let him start taking music lessons. The boy’s reputation as a musical prodigy grew fast. At five, he was composing music. Form that time on, Mozart was performing in concerts and writing music. By his early teens, he had mastered the piano and the violin, and was writing symphonies and operas. His first major opera was performed in Milan in 1770 when he was only 14. At fifteen, Mozart became the conductor for an orchestra in Salzburg. In 1781, he left for Vienna, where he was in great demand as both aperformer and a composition teacher, and his first opera was a success. But life was not easy because he was a poor businessman, and his finances were always in a bad state. His music from the next decade was not very popular, and he eventually fell back on his teaching jobs for a living. In 1788 he stopped performing in public, preferring only to compose. He died in 1791 at the age of thirty-five. Although he lived only a short life, he composed over 600 works.1. Which of the following is true of the four-year-old Mozart? B2. What could Mozart do at the age of six? A3. Which of the following is not mentioned as one of Mozart’s accomplishments while he was in his early teens? A4. Which of the following is true of Mozart? D5. Which of the following could be the most appropriate title for the passage? CTask 3: KaraokeDalin: It’s Mike’s birthday on Friday, so a bunch of us are going to go to the karaoke bar. Would you like to come with us?Laura: Karaoke bar? You have a special place just for singing? In America, bars sometimes havea karaoke night, where the customers can sing a song, but we haven’t special karaoke bars! Dalin: Really? In China, karaoke is a very popular way for friends to spend time together. We can select the music that our group enjoys. We mostly sing pop songs.Laura: Do you sing individually or in groups? Singing is not a very in thing, so I don’t sing very well.Dalin: I’m surprised that you don’t sing much in American. So many really cool groups come from thereLaura: Yeah, music is popular, but mostly we just listen to it.Dalin:If you just listen to it, you’ll miss out on a lot of fun.Laura: Well, we sometimes dance to the music.1. F2. F3.T4.T5.TUnit 2 What’s on at the cinema?II. Listening Skills1. W: From what I can remember, the director asked us to rehearse this a hundred times.M: A hundred times? Is the director out of his mind?Q: What does the man imply?2. M: What did you think about the movie you saw last night?W: I should have stayed at home. It was a complete waste of money.Q: What does the woman imply?3. W: She said she might become a famous movie star.M: Yes, and pigs might fly.Q: What does the man mean?4. M: So if you give me 20 dollars for three tickets, I can give you eight dollars change..W: Oh, that’s cheaper than I expected.Q: How much is a ticket?5. W: She’s the best woman director ever.I’ve seen all her movies.M: Are you sure? She’s never wo n any awards.Q: What does the man mean?1. A2.D3.B4.C5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Finally we’ve found something in commonAmy: What did you think of the movie Peter? Did you like it?Peter: Not really, Amy. It seemed that the director was just trying hard to impress us with strange close-ups and special sound effects, but he forgot to include a good story.Amy: The movie made you think. It was different from the superficial dialogs you usually see in films these days.Peter: But the movie seemed to be too dark and sad. Why does a movie have to be sad to be deep ?Amy: But it is better than some violent movies with nothing but gunfights and exploding cars. I prefer thought-provoking movies.Peter: Sometimes you don’t want to think. You jus t want light-hearted movies. By the way, did you see the new mystery movie shown at the local cinema yesterday?Amy: Oh, it was so suspenseful. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.Peter: I loved it too. The plot was great, and the acting was unbelievable.Amy: Now we have found something in common. I guess we can watch mysteries together in the future.1.director2.sound effects3.good story4.think5.sad6.violent7.light-hearted movies8.mystery movie9.in the futureTask 2: An actor forgetting his lineThere was once an actor who could no longer remember his lines. After several years of searching, he finally found a theater that was willing to give him a try. The director said, “This is the most important part, and it has only one line. At the opening you walk onto stage carrying a rose. You hold the rose to your nose with just one finger and thumb, smell it deeply and then say this line in praise of the rose: ‘Ah, the sweet smell of my love.’” The actor was excited. All day long before the play he practiced his line over and over again. Finally, the time came. The curtain went up, the actor walked onto the stage, looked at the audience, and with great emotion said the line, “Ah, the sweet smell of my love.” The audience exploded in laughter. Only the director was furious!” You damned fool!” he cried. “You’ve ruined my play! You’ve ruined me!” The actor was puzzled, “What happened? Did I forget my line?” “No!” shouted the director. “You forget the rose!”1. What was the problem with the actor? D2. What job did the director offer him? C3. What was the actor NOT expected to do with the rose? D4. What did the actor do after walked onto the stage? A5 . Why was the director extremely angry? BTask 3.The Academy AwardsThe Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are presented every year by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize excellent professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers.The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most important award ceremonies in the world. It is televised live in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and gathers large numbers of viewers elsewhere throughout the world. This year’s ceremony was watched by more than 40 million Americans. It is said that only the Super Bowl, the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, and the Football World Cup Final draw more viewers in the United States. However, the Academy Awards are not without criticism. It has been observed that several of the Academy Award winners have not stood the test of time. Critics claim that many films with artistic value, cultural influence and innovative qualities have not received enough attention. Since the 1980s, money-making blockbusters have often been Best Picture winners, but they are not necessarily great films with depth. The Academy Awards have also been criticized for favoring certain types of films and neglecting other types. The Best Picture Prize has rarely been given to an animated film or a science fiction film, with Avatar as an exception.1.film2. directors3. actors4. important5. the United Kingdom6. viewers7. 40 million 8. Olympic 9. World Cup10. time 11. artistic value 12. depth13. Best Picture 14. favor 15. science fictionIV. Speaking OutModel 1 Will you come with me?John: Laura, I am wondering if you’re free tomorrow night.Laura: Well, I guess I am. Why?John: I’ve got two Star Wars premiere tickets. Will you come with me?Laura: Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me!John: It’s my pleasure.Laura: I really wanted to see Star Wars on the opening night, but the tickets were sold out. How did you manage to get hold of them?John: A friend of mine works at the “Pepsi” headquarters, which is a m ajor sponsor of the movie.So he was able to get the tickets for free.Laura: Wow, people are paying as much as $200 each on the black market. I’m flattered you went through all this trouble just for me.John: You’re welcome.Model 2 What did you think about the movie?John: So… what did you think about the movie?Laura: Well… I think this Star Wars episode is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as theprevious ones.John: Really? But I think this Star Wars episode was incredible!Laura: Why do you think so?John: Well, one of the most spectacular things about it was the special effects. State-of-the-art special effects were the main reason for the success of the previous episodes.Laura: You’re right. The special effects were amazing! And I like the fact that they created so many fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes, weapons and creatures.Model 3 The plot is first-class.John: It’s kind of cool that they still used the same Star Wars theme song for this movie. Laura: Yeah! It just reminds me of the previous Star Wars scenes.John: I know exactly what you mean! Hearing that song makes me think of the past.Laura: I think the plot was first-class, b ut I don’t think the character development was that strong. John: Do you think that has anything to do with the casting of the movie?Laura: No, the casting was great; the actors are excellent, but I think the acting was a little weak.They just didn’t have a lot of funny or meaningful lines.John: Well, maybe, but I liked the little kid that played “Skywalker”. I can’t imagine anyone else playing that part.Laura: Yeah, I liked him too. He’s so cute.V. Let’s TalkAlfred HitchcockAlfred Hitchcock was a British director. His movies frequently show innocent people caught up in situations beyond their control or even understanding.Hitchcock preferred the use of suspense in his movies. In surprise, the director provides the viewer with frightening things. In suspense, the director tells or shows things to the audience which the characters in the movie do not know, and then skillfully builds up tension around what will happen when the characters finally learn the truth.Hitchcock had a great sense of humor. Once at a French airport, a suspicious customs official looked at Hitchcock’s passport, which wa s marked simply PRODUCER. The curious official asked, “And what do you produce?” “Gooseflesh.” replied Hitchcock.Alfred Hitchcock always managed to make a brief appearance in his movies: He was sometimes getting on a bus, or crossing a street, or walking in front of a store, or across the courtyard in an apartment. However, for the movie Lifeboat in 1944, he was faced with a difficult problem. The entire movie was set in a lifeboat out at sea, and there were only a few characters in the boat. Originally, h e wanted to float by as a dead body, but he was afraid he’d sink! His clever solution was to place a photograph of himself in a newspaper that one of the characters reads during the course of the movie.1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Hitchcock and his movies? A2. What does the passage say about suspense in a movie? B3. When Hitchcock told the customs official he produced” gooseflesh” ,what did he mean?nC4. Which of the following is not true of Alfred Hitchcock in his movies? D5. How did Hitchcock manage to make an appearance in the film Lifeboat? DVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: Only One LinePeter has always wanted to be an actor, but never succeeded because he had a hard time memorizing lines. A friend of his told him about a small part in a play. He promised Peter that he could do it because he’d only have to remember one line. Peter decided to take the part. His only line was, “Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Peter practiced and practiced, “Listen, I hear the guns roar!” On the opening night of the play Peter was very nervous. Backstage, he practiced his line, over and over again, “Listen, I hear the guns roar! Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Finally came his turn, Peter went onto stage. He heard a loud BOO M and cried out in spite of himself, “WHAT THE HELL WAS THA T?”1.memorizing lines2.remember one line3.I hear the guns roar4. a loud boom5.forgot his lineTask 2: Movie reviewsI love movies! And after I see them, I like to comment on them. These are movies I saw this year I would like to recommend: Among comedies I highly recommend Monsoon Wedding. It’s an Indian movie. The story is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for the wedding bring out funny and sad situations touching on love and a past rape. This movie shows some of the wonderful customs of India, and the importance of family and love. It’s great!Among dramas, I like Adaptation. It is an excellent movie! But for me the first part of the movie was too fast to follow. I hope to see it again on DVD with captions.The Pianist is set in the Second World War. It’s about a young Polish-Jewish pianist, who lives in Warsaw with his family. The Nazis sent his family to die in the concentration camps. He was safe, but would have died without unusually good luck and the kindness of a few non-Jews. This is a powerful movie with thought-provoking themes.Rabbit-Proof Fence is set in the 1930s in Australia, and it’s based on real events. It is about three native girls who are separated from their families by the racist police. After this happens, the police send them to special centers. There the girls are taught practical skills, and the governmenttries to integrate them into white Australian society. They can away from the camp and walked 1,500 miles to find their mothers. This is a sad, touching story that you should not miss.1.What does the speaker imply by saying he wants to see the movie Adaptation again on DVD?A) He wants to understand it better.2.What happened to the young Polish-Jewish pianist in the movie The Pianist?C)He narrowly escaped death thanks to a few non-Jews.3. Which of the following is true of the three native girls in the movie Rabbit-Proof Fence?C) They want to be with their mothers.4. How many comedies does the speaker recommend?A) One5. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?D) Movie RecommendationsTask 3: let’s go and see the movieLisa: What kind of movie do you want to see, Nick?Nick: I really want to see Monster Night, the horror movie advertised in newspapers.Lisa: Monster Night? It sounds scary. I don’t like horror films.Nick: OK. It’s not yet in theaters anyway. It won’t be coming out until next week. What movies are playing now?Lisa: Let me check. There’s an action film starring Jet Li, and… Monster N ight! It’s already in theaters.Nick: What? It is? Which theater is it playing at?Lisa: It’s showing at the theater in the mall. But I really don’t want to see it.Nick: All the critics have given Monster Night great reviews. What times is the next showing?Lisa: Well, if we hurry, we can make the three o’clock show. The show after that is at 4:30. But I’m too frightened to see this one.Nick: Come on, Lisa! Don’t be a chicken. Let’s go! We have to get tickets before they sell out!F T F T FUnit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!II. Listening Skills1.M: Will you love him, honor him, comfort him and keep him in sickness and in health, as longas you both shall live?W: I will.Q: Who is the woman?2.W: Mike, wake up1 It’s time to go to school. Hurry up or y ou’re going to be late!M: Don’t worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you forget today is Martin Luther King’s birthday?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?3. M: Could I see your driver’s license and registration, please?W: What’s the matter, off icer?Q: Who is the man?4. M: I’d like to ask you about the research paper you assigned that we have to do by the end ofthe semester.W: Ok. What would you like to know?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?5. W: I’ve cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, and folded the laundry. Is there anythingelse that you would like me to do before I cal lit a day?M: Did you do the living room yet?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?1.B2.C3.D4.A5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Don’t be a chicken!Gilbert: Hey, Henry, is Sarah coming with us?Henry: Yes. Why?Gilbert: Nothing. I’m just asking.Henry: Just asking? But why is your face flaming red? Ah-huh, someone has a crush on Sarah, doesn’t he?Gilbert: Who has a crush?!Henry: Come on, Gilbert, don’t be such a chicken. If you like her, just go and tell her. Maybe she likes you.Gilbert: But I don’t have the guts to ask her out.Henry: What are you so afraid of?Gilbert: I’d totally die if she turned me down.Henry: But that’s better than keeping everything to yourself. You’ve got to let her know. Come on!You’ve got to take a chance!Gilbert: I don’t know… Well, maybe you’re right, but how am I going to tell her I like her?1. go out2. flaming red3. crush4. chicken5. likes6. guts7. turn him down8. keeping everything9. tell herTask 2: Dating in AmericaBefore marriage, younger Americans date each other, that is, they often go out together. Casual dating usually begins in the early teens, and in the late teens a pattern of steady dating develops. There is a great possibility that one goes to a dance with one person, to a football game with another, and to a picnic with a third. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as “double dating.” Group dating is also popular among young people. Large groups of boys and girls may go around together. Young people may go out together for a long time, which is, in effect, a public statement of their intention to marry. Men and women go out together a great deal, especially those in cities. This is “adult dating.” They ski together, dine together, either at restaurants or in each other’s homes. The American dating system is a rather casual one. Often young Americans who hardly know each other go out on dates. It is also acceptable for them to arrange a “blind date”, that is, a date between two young people who have not met before.Task 3 An American weddingAmerican weddings are not always the same. I’d like to show you pictures of my wedding. When we got engaged, an announcement was published in the newspaper. The announcement typically includes the names of the bride, the bridegroom and their parents and when the wedding is expected to be held. About a month before the wedding, we sent out wedding invitations to relatives and friends. This is the church where we had the wedding. My father gave me away to my future husband. Then the minister started the wedding ceremony. He greeted the guests, and talked about the meaning of marriage. Next, we exchanged vows and gave each other rings. This is the main part of the wedding. After the vows, the minister prayed for us. Then the minister declared us husband and wife, and we kissed each other. Here is my sister, who was a bridesmaid. This is the bouquet I carried. Traditionally, the unmarried women gather after the wedding, and the bride throws her bouquet to them. The one who catches it will, according to tradition, be the next person to get married. At the reception, we cut the wedding cake and fed each other bites of the cake. Then we toasted each other with champagne. Finally the reception was over, and the minister signed the marriage certificate and we were legally married.3 2 1 5 9 7 64 8IV. Speaking OutModel 1 I just broke up with Alice!John: Hey, Se-Jin, what’s wrong with you? (1)You look so down!Se-Jin: Nothing.John: I know it’s not your studies, so it must be girl trouble. (2) You must have a broken heart. Se-Jin: Well, you’re right. I just broke up with Alice.John: Oh, I’m sorry. (3) I thought you two were made for each other.Se-Jin: Well, you never know. I want to settle down, but she wants a career while she’s still。

Unit One Time-Conscious AmericansUnderstanding WordsListening Task 11. She is so lazy that it is quite difficult to assess her ability.2. We spent a restless night in a roadside hotel.3. John always budgets his time very carefully.4. After supper, they often take a leisurely walk round the grounds.5. The significance of this project remains mostly unknown to us.6. It is a convention to use the right hand to shake hands.7. The airline decides to replace its small planes with Boeing 747s.8. Dogs are known to have all acute sense of smell.9. Tom has never had cheerful surroundings since his early years.10. Copper conducts electricity.Key: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (B)Listening Task 21. I regret we've run out of money.2. The government is firmly committed to helping low-income and unemployed citizens.3. His carelessness resulted in the forest fire.4. Everyone in Shanghai seems to be in a rush.5. You are supposed to sign this agreement in person.6. My success is entirely due to hard work.7. How can you account for your frequent lateness for class?8. We still fall behind our competitors in using new technology.9. He's nothing but a cheat.10. They communicate with each other through personal contacts rather than through phone calls. Key: 1.(B) 2.(A) 3. (C) 4.(A) 5.(A) 6.(C) 7.(C) 8.(B) 9.(D) 10.(D)UNDERSTANDING SHORT CONVERSATIONSListening Task 1I. W: What do you do in your leisure time?M: l spend my leisure time at the golf course.Question: What does the man do in his leisure time?2. M: If 1 lose this dictionary, how should 1 replace it?W: Go to a bookstore and obtain another copy.Question: What should the man do if he loses this dictionary?3. W: I'm thinking of using some labor-saving devices. What do you suggest?M: If I were you, I would prefer email to the telephone.Question: What labor-saving device does the man suggest?4. M: Do you know another word for "brief"?W: Yes, "short". For instance, when I come for a brief meeting, it's short.Question: Which word does the woman use in place of "brief'?5. W: What do you think about the telephone service in your area?M: I think it's superb here. However, the postal service is less efficient.Question: What does the man say about the telephone service in his area?6. M: How do you know if a doctor is competent?W: If he solves your problem, he's competent.Question: What does the woman say about a doctor who can solve problems?7. W: Stop for a minute. I'd like to look at this exhibition in the window.M: Why not go inside and see if we can get something on literature and sports?Question: Where are they standing?8. M: How about going to a fashionable party with me tonight, Jane?W: I'd really love to, but my parents expect me at home before 9:00 and we'll leave to visit my aunt early tomorrow.Question: Why didn't Jane accept the invitation?9. W: George says he'll return the book he borrowed as soon as he finishes reading it.M: Well, if George is reading it, I won't hold my breath.Question: What does the man imply about George?10. W: I surely enjoyed meeting your parents. I hope they liked me.M: Take it easy. My parents would like any girl I liked.Question: What's the likely relationship between the man and the woman?11. M: Hurry, another train for Shanghai is coming now.W: Why run? There will be another one in five or six minutes.Question: What does the woman mean?12. W: Prof. Wang's lecture yesterday evening was so dull!M: 1'11 say. I had one eye on the clock the whole time.Question: What can we infer from the man's reply?13. M: Do you think you can finish your assignment tomorrow morning?W: Will Thursday do?Question: What does the woman imply about her assignment?14. W: Are you looking forward to your move in September?M: You bet I am. The rooms here are too small, and there's no space to store things.Question: What will the man do?15. M: Tom is taking a language course this year.W: Should he be taking that course this year?Question: What does the woman imply that Tom should be doing?16. W: Did you and Jane really meet at exactly 6:30 p.m. in front of Shanghai Grand Theater?M: Yes, both of us were there on time.Question: What happened to the man and Jane?17. W: Dr. Xiao, when can we meet to discuss my research tomorrow morning?M: Will ten o'clock be all fight?Question: What does the man suggest?18. M: These figures have been all mixed up. Let's figure them out again.W: Yes, but why not do them tomorrow? It's very late now.Question: What does the woman suggest to the man?19. W: What time should I arrive at the celebration this evening?M: Oh, so you can come. What about 6:00 p.m.?Question: What did the man assume?20. W: John is going to play football this afternoon,M: Should he be doing that today, so soon after his injury?Question: What does the man imply?Key: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (C)10. (B)11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (D) 15. (D) 16. (C) 17. (C) 18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (B)UNDERSTANDING LONG CONVERSATIONSConversation 1W: How does time affect you?M: 1 actually spend time deciding how I will conduct my day.W: That sounds like a good way to budget some leisure time for you.M: Yes, 1 like the relaxed feeling of the surroundings at the golf course.W: Do you take your cell phone with you?M: No, I like to avoid such devices when I am at the golf course because if the phone tings,I will want to answer it.W: 1 spend my leisure time playing tennis.M: That's a superb way to stay in shape and also have a good time.W: I'm not a very good player; I just want to play for a brief time and make friends by playing tennis.M: I have met some interesting people at the golf course, too. And I can contact them by email when t don't have leisure time.W: I always like to meet people face-to-face because I am able to explore my questions more thoroughly than I can by email or electronic communication.M: Yes, I think face-to-face interaction is very important and should be used when possible.W: Well, I couldn't agree with you more. Also, playing tennis also allows me to get away from my work environment.M: Yes, I also enjoy getting away.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.I. What does the man think about the surroundings at the golf course?2. Does the man take his cell phone with him to the golf course?3. What does the woman do in her leisure time?4. How does the man contact his golf friends when he has no leisure time?5. What does the woman think about face to-face communication?Key: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (D)Conversation 2M: Today time has gone by so quickly! Do you estimate how long a job will take?W: Well, sometimes it's not productive for me to estimate how much time I will spend completing a job.M: That's true, but in order not to waste time, I always want to set a precise time to meet someone.W: Ill have an appointment, I try to figure it out how much travel time is involved.M: I find it really difficult to stay on a time plan when I go to a convention.W: Why is that?M: Because 1 meet so many new people, and I want to interact with them.W: A convention is a good place to enquire with them professionally.M: Yes, although 1 can communicate with many of my colleagues through email, I would prefer to chat with them face-to-face.W: That would fulfill my needs better because I wouldn't have to write out my questions or comments.M: Well, by the way I have noticed that many people in China travel to work by bicycle. W: Yes, it's convenient most of the time because the traffic is often very had.M: But it would net be possible for me to ride to work in the United States by bicycle because I live a long way from work.W: Of course not! Also, parking a car in Shanghai is a problem, so when I really need to get somewhere quickly, 1 sometimes take a taxi.M: In my city in file United States, you have to telephone a taxi if you need one. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the conversation you have just heard.6. What will the woman try to do when she has an appointment?7. Why does the man find it difficult to stick to a time plan when he goes to a convention?8. How does the man prefer to communicate with his colleagues?9. What has the man noticed about many people in China?10. What will the woman do when she really wants to get somewhere quickly?Key: 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (D)UNDERSTANDING PASSAGESPassage 1According to a recent survey, employees in many companies today work longer hours and take shorter vacations than employees did in 1979. It seems that Americans are working harder today than ever before. A management adviser, Bill Meyer, decided to find out the answer to the question. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday; the banker worked 80 hours a week. At the end of the three-day period, Meyer reviewed the banker's activities with him, and discovered that the man spent 80 percent of his time doing busy work.Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes. However, the connection between time and productivity is not always positive. In fact, many studies show that after a certain point, anyone's productivity and creativity begin to decrease. Furthermore, it's not always easy for individuals to realize that their performance is decreasing.Part of the problem is understandable. When employers evaluate employees, they often consider the amount of time on the job in addition to job performance. Employees know this.Consequently, they work longer hours and take less vacation time than they did nine years ago. Although many working people can do their job effectively during a regular 40-hour work week. They feel they have to spend more time on the job after normal working hours so that the people who can promote them see them.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.1. What happens to employees in many U.S. companies today?2. What did Bill Meyer do with an investment banker?3. What is the relationship between time and productivity?4. How much time did the banker spend doing busy work?5. How do employers evaluate employees?Key: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (C)Passage 2One observation made by many visitors to the United States is that Americans frequently prefer to answer with a brief "Yes", "No", "Sure", or the very popular "Yeah" rather than with a longer reply. But brief replies do not mean Americans are impolite or offensive. Very often, Americans are rushed and may greet you with a hurried "Hi”. Indeed, this is a greeting you will hear again and again during your stay in the United States. It is used by everyone, regardless of status, age or employment. However, those used to longer, beautifully formed statements may require a little more time before they feel comfortable with American "plain talk".Americans sometimes use plain talk when they are embarrassed. If people praise them or thank them in an especially polite way, they may become embarrassed and not know what to say in reply. They do not intend to be impolite or offensive; you can be sure that they liked what was said about them. Except for certain holidays, such as Christmas, Americans do not usually give gifts. Thus, you will find Americans embarrassed as they accept gifts, especially if they have nothing to give in return. They are generally a warm but easy-going or relaxed people.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.6. What does the fact that Americans do not waste words tell us?7. Which of the following is true of those who like using beautiful or quality language?8. Winch of the following is NOT true?9. How will the Americans feel if they are praised in a polite way?10. What did you learn about the American custom of giving gifts?Key: 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (B)Passage 3Those long lines at United States airports are not just on the runways. As the number of airline passengers increases to 614 million last year, up from 488 million in 1993 – and airports remain the same size, waiting in line has become a frustrating experience. The airlines, heating ~owing complaints and eager to cut costs, have begun adopting new techniques to speed people on their way.Continental Airlines and Alaska Airlines use a program with computer screens where passengers, using credit cards for identification, can check themselves in, answer security questions about who packed their bags and whether it has been under their control at all times, and obtain boarding passes.Alaska also has ticketing officers who walk about in airports carrying computers that can print out boarding passes.Airlines are also improving their computer networks, which will reduce the time it takes to issue tickets and boarding passes. TWA recently installed touch-screen computers, like those at ATM machines, that allow officers to issue boarding passes faster.Penny Thomas, United Airline's manager of in-airport service planning, said: "The most basic rule to reduce time in line is to arrive at the airport in travel-ready condition. That means you do not need to see anyone, to buy a ticket or to change a seat assignment. It means your only requirement is to get a boarding pass."Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. What causes the long lines at U.S. airports?12. What was the number of U.S. airline passengers in 1993713. Which new technique have Continental Airlines and Alaska Airlines adopted?14. What's the purpose of improving the U.S. airlines' computer networks?15. According to Penny Thomas. what is the most basic rule to reduce time in line?Key: .(A) 12.(C) 13.(A) 14.(A) 15.(A)Passage 4Although the relaxed American style is well known, many new visitors think that it shows a "lack of respect'. This is especially true in the business world. Americans often use first names upon meeting a stranger and do not always shake hands. They often just smile and say "Hi" or "Hello", rather than using a more formal handshake. It is good to remember that to an American such a relaxed greeting really means the same thing as a more official handshake somewhere else.In a similar way, Americans do not usually give a special "good-bye' or shake hands to each person when they leave a party or business meeting. They will often just wave good-bye to the whole group and perhaps say, "Well, so long everybody, I'll see you tomorrow." They then will leave. No handshakes.Americans seem either totally hurried and hard-working or totally relaxed and at ease. Often you will see men working at office desks without their chairs and even putting their feet up on the desk while they talk on the telephone. This is not meant to be offensive. Once Americans leave the busy streets, they are easy and relaxed.A visitor to the United States should, therefore, understand that being in a great hurry does not show unfriendliness, and being relaxed and being at ease does not show a lack of respect. Americans have a great range of customs and habits that at lust may seem strange to a visitor. In time you will learn these new ways.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. What do many visitors think about the relaxed American style?17. Why do Americans often use first- names upon meeting a stranger?18. To whom do Americans use "Hi" and "Hello" in greeting?19. Which of the following statements is NOT true?20. What is the subject of this passage?Key: 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (B)Unit Two Environment ProtectionUnderstanding StatementsListening Task 11. In most parts of the world, environmental awareness doesn't exist.2. Some of the countries around the world have already undertaken new environmental initiatives.3. The country has closed its waters to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species.4. Experts say that some species today have been so wasted that they may never recover.5. They have created an ambitious program to preserve the ecological diversity of their tropical rain forest.6. For decades, the government colonized the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disasters to the area and its people.7. They enjoyed many tax favors for their products could help to improve the environment.8. In his country, rivers, land, and forests are so contaminated that many are now biologically dead.9. The explosive population growth has led to the removal of forests in much of the country.10. The country is now struggling to provide enough food, shelter, and employment for its people. Key: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (A)Listening Task 21. A majority of nations concern themselves with economic development.2. The government will carry out its environmental protection programs regardless of their high costs.3. Signs of global warming have sprung up time and again around file world.4. This action was taken in response to the excessive use of the existing farmland.5. About 40,000 citizens are now unemployed as a result of the fishing bans.6. New environmental laws are aimed at protecting Costa Rica's remaining forests.7. In recent years, the government has waged a campaign for birth control on a large scale.8. Smoking is frowned upon at most public gatherings.9. A treaty hag been signed to serve as a model for protecting the rivers in the region.10. We must convert all the people to the idea of environmental protection.Key: I.(D) 2,(A) 3.(C) 4.(B) 5.(B) 6.(D) 7.(A) 8.(D) 9.(A) 10.(B)UNDERSTANDING SHORT CONVERSATIONSListening Task 11. M: Are you still planning to go hiking with us tomorrow?W: Well, I listened to the weather report. The pollution's going to be so bad that they advise staying indoors.Question: What does the woman imply?2. W: How is the National Nature Reserve Program going in your home province?M: The managers are enjoying united effort with the local villagers.Question: What does the man mean?3. W: Henry, are you doing anything special tonight?M: Not really, but there's supposed to be a documentary about environmental pollution on Channel Six.Question: What does the man mean?4. M: Sorry you missed the discussion on Man and Nature. I heard that you were not feeling wellenough, but how are you doing now?W: Thanks. I'm feeling much better now.Question: What does the woman suggest?5. W: Jane is not planning to visit the tropical rain forest again this summer.M: But with her new timetable, she could.Question: What does the man mean?6. M: Something must be done to improve the power plant.W: Yeah, the local government has set up special funds for it.Question: What does the woman mean?7. W: 1 found a mobile phone on the bathroom floor this afternoon.M: If I were you, I'd turn it in to the lost and found desk.Question: What does the man suggest the woman do?8. M: The lawn near your apartment house is beautiful.W: Yeah, and it's useful. It cuts down on the need for air conditioning.Question: What does the woman imply'?9. W: Guess what, the school's going to build another film theatre near the lake.M: Another film theatre! l just feel it's important to save some of the open spaces on the grounds.Question: What does the man imply about the new film theatre?10. M: This room is filled with smoke. I can hardly breathe.W: 1 agree. They should put up a sign not to permit smoking in this room at all.Question: What can be concluded from this conversation?I I. W: I'm going over to the recycling center this afternoon. Would you like me to take your waste paper along?M: Thanks for the offer.Question: What will the man probably do next?12. M: As usual, the lecture hall is a complete ruin this afternoon: newspapers, used paperhandkerchiefs, drink cans, thrown all over the floor.W: It's important to encourage young people's environmental awareness.Question: What does the woman imply?13. W: I can't even think with all that traffic on file street.M: Sounds like we should soundproof our house.Question: What does the man imply?14. M: What do you think of the environment of that district?W: There're no fish in the rivers there.Question: What does the woman mean?15. W: The media play an important role in environmental protection.M: Do you think so?Question: What does the man mean?16. M: There's an article in this magazine you might be interested in. It's about Brazil.W: Really? It's the home of the world's largest jungle forest.Question: What does the woman mean?17. W: I've taken a new job to promote environmental education.M: Me, too!Question: What does the man mean?18. M: I was expecting another hot day.W: But it's cooled off because of the wind.Question: What does the woman mean?19. W: Long time no see. How did you spend your summer vacation?M: I worked as a volunteer to protect wildlife at the wildlife protection center.Question: What did the man do during the summer vacation?20. M: I heard there's been a steady decrease in population in this city.W: lt's due to birth control.Question: What does the woman imply?Key: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10.(A)11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (A) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19.(A) 20. (B)UNDERSTANDING LONG CONVERSATIONSConversation 1M: Did you see that program on the environment last night? It was so interesting!W: Yeah, 1 know. The amazing Amazon! I never knew it was the biggest jungle in Brazil.M: Yeah, but I was so very shocked to learn from the program that the East European countries are so polluted.W: Heavy metals from coal mining have heavily contaminated much of the area's waters.M: They said that the rivers and plants and forests are so polluted that they are all dead. W: Yeah, biologically dead.M: l found the section on Ghana and Indonesia the most informative and amazing.W: Oh, I must have missed them because I was having dinner.M: It was quite alarming in some parts. They were talking about how the explosive population growth of Ghana has caused removal of the forests.W: How are they going to regenerate the land?M: The government has sponsored the growing of crops to make money and tree planting.W: What about Indonesia? Don't they have a population problem too?M: Yes. In fact a very bad one. They said it was because Islam frowns on birth control and most Indonesians are Muslims.W: What is the government doing to convert their thinking?M: They have massive advertisements everywhere offering free trips to Mecca, the birthplace of Islam.W: Free holidays! I'm sure it'll reach its targets soon with that initiative.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What did the woman think about the program on the environment?2. Which of the following areas is the most polluted?3. Which section did the man find the most informative and amazing?4. How is Ghana going to regenerate land?5. What did the woman think about the Indonesian government's effort to convert the thinking of its citizens?Key: 1.(B) 2.(D) 3.(A) 4.(B) 5.(A)Conversation 2W: What are you doing, Tom? You'll be late for class.M: Hi, Sarah. I'm not going today. We're campaigning against this company's products. We are trying to boycott them.W: Why? Maybe someone wants to buy this shampoo, or this skin cream.M: No, we are trying to persuade the students here net to buy these products because they use too much packaging.W: Do you think you will be able make a difference?M: Oh, no. There are universities all over the country taking part in this protest. Soon they'll have to take notice.W: But you can't exactly buy shampoo in a cardboard box! Also, the packing makes it look pleasing to the eye, which is important because of the competition.M: All this packaging is bad for the environment.W: But paper products nowadays are all produced from managed forests.M: That's not the problem, Sarah. The problem is waste. Where does all the packaging go? It goes in the trash.W: Some people recycle cans and paper.M: Yes, I know. But most people croft, and it's still expensive to recycle things. Therefore, all the waste gets everywhere. If it continues at the present rate, landfill sites will makea huge visual impact on our land.W: What? Big piles of rubbish everywhere?M: Yes, so all of us must do something. It's our job as students to start the fight against it. Here, have a printed sheet to read more about it. You'll be amazed by the facts.W: Yeah, thanks, Tom.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the conversation you have just heard.6. what does the man want to do?7. Why should the man try to persuade the students to boycott the products of this company?8. What kind of attitude does the woman take towards the packaging of the company?9. Where does the problem lie according to the man?10. What's the problem with the landfill sites?Key: 6. (B) 7. (D) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (B)UNDERSTANDING PASSAGESPassage 1Green space facilities are adding greatly to the quality of the urban environment. At present they are generally accepted, although not much on the basis of a closely reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importance of green spaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right path. However, this does not mean that enough details are known about the functions of green space in towns and about the way in which inhabitants are using these spaces.The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town and country planning, has resulted in unequal attention for forms of recreation far from home, at the same time there has been relatively little attention for improving recreation possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home. We have come to the conclusion that this is not right, because an important part of the time which we do not spend in sleeping or working, is used for activities at and around home. So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street door of the house. The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more required activities can also have a creative element.The very best standard of living is nothing if you only feel yourself at home after the street door of your house is closed after you.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.1. What does the speaker say about the importance of green spaces in the urban environment?2. What has the theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation led to?3. According to the speaker, how should green space facilities be designed?4. According to the speaker, what does the urban environment have to offer?5. What is the main idea of the talk?Key: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D)Passage 2The Chinese government's plan to put environmental concerns into national and local economic development planning is based on its confidence and strong commitment to the concept of managed development. While keeping a close eye and a heavy hand on existing polluters, the officials have put more attention on prevention.In addition to a recent official statement encouraging environmentally friendly technology and industries, the National Environmental Protection Agency issued a united order with Ministry of Supervision demanding that local officials immediately stop financing heavily polluting businesses. The move is to prevent township factories from further damaging t~ environment.But shutting down polluting factories is only part of the solution. There must be appropriate technological and financial instruments to facilitate environmentally friendly development.The United Nations General Assembly will hold a special meeting later this month to review the process of managed development worldwide. The Chinese hope to see stronger commitment from the world community for international working together in the fight to protect our common natural surroundings. No single country can save the environment alone.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the talk you have just heard.6. What is the speaker mainly discussing?7. What does the speaker say about the Chinese government's plan?8. According to the talk, what is demanded of local officials toward the polluting businesses?9. According to the talk, what is the purpose of the special meeting of the UN General Assembly?10. What is important to the world community in the fight for environmental protection? Key: 6. (C) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (B)Passage 3Inland waters may be grouped into two general classes: standing waters and flowing waters. As is often the case, the boundary between these two classes is not sharp and clear. A pond is an example of standing water. But most ponds are fed by springs or brooks and most have an exit. Thus, some current of changing water flows through them. On the other hand, a river is an example of flowing water. In some places, however, a river may have such a slow current that is very difficult to notice.。

U1Short conversations1. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?B The woman should seek help from the writing center.2 Q: Why does the woman choose to learn French?D She thinks speaking French is a must for cultured people.3 Q: What did the man do last night?D He attended a speech.4 Q: What made Melissa unhappy?C That she lost her chance to enter the contest.5 Q: What does the man think of the woman’s op inion?A It is one-sided.Long conversation1 Q: Ho w is the woman doin g in the man’s class?C She often fails to turn in her homework on time.2 Q: What does the woman think of learning Spanish?D It presents difficulty for her.3 Q: What do we know from this conversation about the man?A He has a good personal relationship with the woman.4 Q: What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man?C Work harder in her Spanish class.Passage 11 Q: What do you know about the speaker’s Spanish learning experience in high school?D She showed dissatisfaction with the slow pace of her class.2 Q: What made the speaker feel more frustrated while learning Spanish in high school?A She had to learn the material that she already knew.3 Q: What did the speaker say about her study of Spanish literature in college?C It proved to be an unbalanced way to learn the language.4 Q: Which experience benefited the speaker most in terms of her use of Spanish?D She taught Spanish speakers how to speak English.Passage 21) alternative2) numerous3) traditional4) academic5) countryside6) athletes7) take advantage of8) Secondary9) in a collective effort10) serve asU2Short conversations1 Q: What does the woman say about a whole package tour?A It costs less money.2 Q: What are the two speakers planning to do?D Have their daughter get to know such a life.3 Q: What will the woman do?B Follow the Indian culture and customs.4 Q: What does the woman feel uncertain about?C Whether it is possible to travel with her kid.5 Q: What are the two speakers talking about?D The popularity of time travel stories.Long conversation1 Q: What does Emily say about the plants in the Amazon rainforest?A There are so many plants that it is hard to see the sky.2 Q: What does Emily say about the local people?D They are separated from the world outside of the jungle .3 Q: Why was the old woman in the village so excited?C Because Emily gave her an empty bottle.4 Q: What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man?A Small and common things should also be valued.Passage 11 Q: What may happen to children after watching nature programs on TV?D They may be more distant from the actual nature.2 Q: How should children get close to nature according to the speaker?A By experiencing it with the five senses.3 Q: What impression might the Discovery Channel leave on children?B Nature seems very far away from them.4 Q: What is the main idea of this passage?D Real nature experiences com from physical contact with nature. Passage 21) scared2) perceive3) negative4) result in5) lose faith in6) goes down7) depressed8) preferably9) adapt10) revealU3Short conversations1 Q: What can we infer from this conversation about the woman?D She once wore high-heeled shoes during a long walk.2 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?C Add flavor to the barbecue sauce with Coke.3 Q: How much should the woman pay?D $55.4 Q: What do we know from the conversation about the woman?B She is not very confident in her own figure.5 Q: What does the woman mean?C She cannot save herself if she falls into water.Long conversation1 Q: What do we know about those people who are invited to the party?D They are likely to dress like people in the 1960s.2 Q: What is particular about alien noodles?A They are brightly colored .3 Q: Why won’t they have regular noodles at the party?A Because regular noodles don’t fit the theme of the party.4 Q: What other arrangements do they have for the party?D They will make and have fancy mixed drinks.Passage 11 Q: What do we know from this passage about the speaker?A He will soon graduate from school.2 Q: What does the speaker like doing on weekends?A Going for long walks in the countryside.3 Q: How do the speaker and his friends spend the day when they go canoeing?D Drifting down the river.4 Q: What does the speaker most like doing when camping in the evening?D Cooking potatoes in the hot ashes.Passage 21) objectives2) farthest3) recognized4) separated into5) involves6) is referred to7) life-threatening8) designed9) endurance10) putting themselves at riskU4Shor tconversations1 Q: How did the woman react to the fact that she got pregnant?B She was too happy to keep it a secret.2 Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Miley?B She was no longer admired by teenagers.3 Q: Why does the woman admire the couple?C Because they have made great efforts to achieve success.4 Q: What’s the man’s attitu de toward these media?D Critical.5 Q: What does the woman imply about the American swimmer?D He has more than once failed to meet public expectations.Long conversation1 Q: What did the man think of those famous actresses in Hollywood?A They are foolish.2 Q: Why did the woman want to be famous?B She wanted to use her fame to help starving children in Africa.3 Q: How did the man react to the woman’s reasons for wanting to be famous?B He had doubt about her real intentions.4 Q: What can be infer about the woman?D She will stick to her original plan and prove it to the man.Passage 11 Q: How did Bill Gates perform in school?B He did quite well in mathematics and science.2 Q: Why was studying in a private school a very important decision in Bill’s life?D Because it was there he had his first contact with a computer.3 Q: How did Bill like Harvard University?A Harvard University made him feel bored.4 Q: What did Bill Gates do at Harvard University?C He spent many long nights in fro nt of the school’s computer.Passage 21) commentators2) exaggerated3) focus on4) lead an active life5) laid the foundation6) annual7) a series of8) advocating9) abolish10) InfluentialU5Short conversations1 Q: What attracts the woman most in a big city?A Access to various forms of entertainment.2 Q: What do we know from what the woman said?A She prefers outdoor parking.3 Q: What does the woman imply?B Big cities are now gradually losing their appeal.4 Q: What does the man say about the aging problem?A The aging problem emerges earlier than expected.5 Q: What does the woman think about the people living in big cities?D They are more likely to have mental problems.Long conversation1 Q: What is Emily going to do?A She is going to move to Santa Fe.2 Q: What did Emily think life in Santa Fe would be like?A It is tedious.3 Q: What is unique in Santa Fe according to the man?D Its history.4 Q: What attracts artists around the world to Santa Fe?B Its colorful scenery.Passage 11 Q: What shocked the speaker?B That parents buy their young kids expensive electronic products.2 Q: What is appropriate for slightly older kids according to the speaker?D Old-fashioned paper books.3 Q: What is the best thing about iPads according to the couple?C They keep children at different age levels occupied.4 Q: What does the speaker think of buying iPads for kids after talking with the couple?D It is understandable.Passage 21) join up2) reaction3) makes increasing sense4) sustainable5) aims6) monitored7) access to8) experimenting with9) eye-catching10) commutingU6Short conversations1 Q: What do we know from the conversation about Addison?B He changes jobs quite frequently.2 Q: What does the man say about his job?D He works to support his family.3 Q: What does the woman think about her future?A She has no idea about her future plan.4 Q: What does the man say about his job?C His well-paid job requires a lot of hard work.5 Q: Why doesn’t the woman take the position?C Because it will take her along the wrong career path.Long conversation1 Q: How does the woman prepare for the working world?A She does not know where to start for her jobs.2 Q: How did the man find his internship?D He got information from the Internet.3 Q: What advice does the man give to the woman?B Seek help from the Career Center.4 Q: What does the man think the woman needs most right now?B A good plan.Passage 11 Q: How has the number of working women with college degrees in the United States changed?B It has increased 200 percent since 1970.2 Q: What is the current situation of working women in the United States?B Most women are engaged in lower-end jobs.3 Q: What is the best-paying job for women?A A physician or a surgeon.4 Q: What does the speaker think of the job prospects for women in the United States?D It is promising.Passage 21) evaluate2) compensation3) negotiating4) confirm5) schedule6) circumstances7) turn down8) start over9) work out10) informedU7Short conversations1 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?B Search for information on the Internet.2 Q: What do you think Mr. Johnson will most probably do?C He will tell his son not to take his phone to school.3 Q: What does the woman say about people aged 50 to 65?D They are not very likely to get involved in online dating.4 Q: What does Jennifer want to know?D Which online platform suits her needs.5 Q: What does the woman imply?C The man’s personal information was leaked online.Long conversation1 Q: What did the man do for his grandmother?B He taught his grandmother how to use electronic gadgets.2 Q: What problem does the man’s grandmother have?B She is unable to use her household electronic items.3 Q: What do the man’s grandmother and the woman’s aunt have in common?A They are both reluctant to learn how to use electric items.4 Q: What will the man do to help his grandmother?C Try to make her interested in electronic items.Passage 11 Q: What does the writer compare “wilfing” to?D Window shopping.2 Q: What websites are the most popular among wilfers?A Shopping websites.3 Q: What did the poll find out about wilfing?A People under 25 were more likely to wilf than those aged 55 and above.4 Q: How do adult entertainment websites attract users?D By using pop-up technology and bulk emails.Passage 21)response2)illegal3)in charge of4)consequently5)relied heavily on6)linked to7)anticipate8)familiar with9)remedy10)betrayingU8Short conversations1 Q: What does the man mean?B He hopes that the woman can stay at this job for along time.2 Q: What’s the relationship between Robert and Rose?C Half-brother and half-sister.3 Q: How will identity thieves use the stolen personal information?C They will use the credit cards in your name without paying the bills.4 Q: What does the woman think of her female boss?D She is considerate.5 Q: Why didn’t the woman see Barry yesterday?A He has already changed his job.Long conversation1 Q: Why did Charlie feel stressed?C Because he had to make a crucial decision.2 Q: What does Ms. Parker say about changing majors?D Most students change their major at least once.3 Q: What kind of person is Charlie?A He is a big picture kind of guy.4 Q: What major does Ms. Parker suggest that Charlie may choose?B Marketing.Passage 11 Q: How many differences between female and male managers are mentioned in the passage?C Four.2 Q: How do the female bosses treat the individuals they work with?C Female bosses usually encourage them and guide them.3 Q: What is the possible reason that female managers are more likely to get their work done on time?A Because they are more likely to be dismissed for poor work.4 Q: What can we learn from the passage about women managers?B Women managers often face a double standard.Passage 21) infancy2) assumed3) inherited4) rooted5) fairs6) compensate for7) cement8) witness9) exposed to10) contributed to。
新视野大学英语听说教程3册听力原文及答案 (5)

Unit 6II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Are those cigarettes yours? I thought you quit. If you go back to it, your teeth and fingers will be nicotine-stained; your breath and clothes will smell smoky.M: I didn‟t. I swear. Ads showing diseased lungs kept me from starting again. Believe me, I‟ll never again be a slave to smoking.Q: Why didn‟t the man go back to smoking?ScriptM: What‟s that noise? It‟s really loud! Sounds like gunshots!W: It‟s the local “youth” throwing firecrackers. Don‟t go out. They‟re likely to throw one at you or put one through the letterbox if you bother them.Q: What may the young people do?3. ScriptM: I wish I had left my wallet at home. But I‟m sure I put it in my back pocket.W: Oh, no, it‟s easy for a pickpocket to take it from there. You should out your money in your breast pocket.Q: What should the man do, according to the conversation?4. ScriptM:I hate that subway station. Whenever you come our, you‟re always plagued by beggars.W: I know, but the kids really get to me. I can‟t help but feel sorry for them. They look so miserable.Q: What do the man and woman think about the young beggars?5. ScriptM: The bank call me today: they wanted to know if I spent 3,000 dollars in a furniture shop this morning! Of course I didn‟t!W: Someone must‟ve made a copy of your credit card. It‟s easily done. You‟ll have to cancel it at once and get a new one. Hopefully, the bank will cover the damage. Q: What does the woman recommend the man to do?Keys: 1.C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: How to Solve Unemployment ProblemScriptAlan: I have a meeting with my accountant tomorrow morning. She‟s preparing my income tax return, and I need to go over some of the receipts with her. Pamela:Income tax return! Don‟t you think the government just squanders our hard-earned tax on some unnecessary projects?Alan: Sure, someone they do, but we are living pretty well and, to be honest, I don‟t mind paying taxes. If I‟m paying income tax, it means I‟m earningwould be much lower.Pamela: If the poor would just get jobs, our taxes would be much lower.Alan: Most people would rather work than receive charity, but the situation is complex: sometimes there are no jobs that they are trained for.Pamela: Then they should take the needed training—upgrade their skills and knowledge to become more employable.Alan:Training and upgrading cost money. Some government tax dollars are directed to programs that help the poor get jobs.Pamela:But even when jobs are available, some of the unemployed don‟t want to work. They would rather have a handout.Alan: It‟s partly a matter of education. Some people have to be educated to realize how much fuller their life would be if they were not dependent oncharity.Pamela: I think the government should attack unemployment by reducing the tax rate.That would put more money into people‟s pockets, then they would spendmore, and the spending would create more jobs for the poor.Alan:Many people would agree with you.Alan‟s accountant is preparing his income tax return, so he needs to go over some of the receipts wit her. Pamela complains that the government just squanders people‟s hard-earned tax money on some unnecessary projects. But Alan does not mind paying taxes, saying it means he is earning money, which is better than living on charity. Pamela insists that if the poor would just get jobs, taxes would bee much lower. Alan disagrees, saying most people would rather work than receive charity, but sometimes there are no jobs that they are trained for. But Pamela asserts that the jobless people should take the needed training to upgrade their skills and knowledge to become more employable. Alan believes that some of the government tax dollars are already directed to training and upgrading programs that help the poor to get jobs.When Pamela says some of the unemployed don‟t want to work, preferring to have handouts, Alan points out that some people have to be educated to realize how much fuller their life would be if they ere not dependent on charity. Pamela is, however, more down-to-earth, thinking the government should attack unemployment by reducing the tax rate. That would give people more money; then, they would spend more, which would create more jobs for the poor.Task 2: A Professional GamblerScriptIn a bar a guy told the bartender, “I‟m a professional gambler; I‟ve made of lots of money from gambling.”The bartender answered, “I can hardly believe it. Your odds are fifty-fifty at best, right?”“Well, I only bet on sure things,” said the guy.“Like what?” asked the bartender.The bartender thought about it, “Okay,” he said.So the guy pulled out his false right eye and bit it, “Ah, you screwed me,” said the bartender, and paid the guy fifty dollars.“I‟ll give you another chance. I‟ll bet you another fifty dollars that I can bite my left eye,” said the stranger.The bartender thought it over again and said, “Well, I can see you‟re not blind. I‟ll take that bet.”So, the guy pulled out his false teeth and bit his left eye. And the bartender had to pay him another fifty dollars.Then the guy went to the back room to play cards with some of the locals. After many hours of drinking and card playing, he stumbles up to the bartender and said, “Bartender, I‟ll give you one last chance. I‟ll bet you 500 dollars that I can dump tomato juice into that whiskey bottle three foot away without spilling a drop.”The bartender thought the guy must be drunk now, “Okay, you‟re on,” he said.The guy began dumping tomato juice all over the bartender, but no a drop fell into the whiskey bottle.The bartender was overjoyed. Laughing, the bartender said, “Hey, pal, you owe me five hundred dollars!”The guy said, “That‟s okay. I just bet the guys in the card room1, 000 bucks each, that I could dump tomato juice all over you but you still laugh!”Keys: TFTFTFor Reference1.Because not a drop tomato juice fell into the whiskey bottle, and he was to win thebet of 500 dollars.2.Because he just bet the guys in card room1, 000 buck each that he could dumptomato juice all over the bartender and still make him laugh.Task3: Fighting Teen SmokingScriptThe percentage of teens who smoke cigarettes dropped to 28% in 2003, according to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. That was down from 36% in 1999 as measured by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. It‟s a triumph for many people across the nation who worked tirelessly to reverse the climb in teen smoking rates during the 1990s.An equal accomplishment many be discovery of what works to influence teens‟motivation and behavior. Success has come in communities with a comprehensive program to fight tobacco use by teens. The best school health classes won‟t have much effect on teen who already smoke. Many of them need professional help before they can quit. Another interesting finding is that nearly all first use of tobacco occurs before high school graduation. So if adolescents don‟t start smoking by age 18, odds are they never will. For those who do experiment with cigarettes, new research shows teens can get hooked on nicotine more quickly than adults and by extremely low levels of tobacco.Now the bad news: while the teen smoking rate is down to 28%, that still means more than one in four teenagers still smoke. Public health and parents are not ready to abandon a quarter of today‟s young people to the damaging effects of tobacco. Obviously, it is still too early to celebrate a complete victory. There is still much room for improvement.1.What percentage did the teen smoking rate drop by?2.What happened in the 1990s, according to the speaker? Useful for reducing teensmoking according to the speaker?3.What is especially useful for reducing teen smoking according to the speaker?4.What is the bad news mentioned in the passage?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Kes: 1D 2.A 3. B 4.C 5.For ReferenceBefore the age of 18. According to the passage, if adolescents don‟t start smoking by age 18, odds are they never will.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Nursing home abuse is a national epidemic. John: Nora, what are you doing? What are these notes about?Nora: Well, they are for a 1,000 word essay on abuse on the elderly, due Monday. John: That‟s a big topic. What made you decide to write about that subject?Nora: G ranny‟s going into a nursing home. And this essay is driving me crazy. John: Narrow down the topic. Pick one aspect, like nursing home. Do an outline. Nora: You mean list the ideas under headings: Introduction, Body, and the Conclusion?John: Yes. In the Introduction, say people live longer now, crowing nursing homes. Nora: Then maybe in the Body I can explain how the owners try to save money on food and care.John: Right. Here I see a good quotation: “Nursing home abuse is a national epidemic.”Nora:I have statistics: 500 homes inspected; in one-third, care was substandard. John:Mention government offices and lawyers who‟ll help in cases of abuse. Nora: Then, I think I can summarize the main ideas about the helpless elderly in the Conclusion.John: Good. When you‟ve written a first draft, read it aloud to eliminate awkward spots.Nora: I‟m feeling a lot better about this essay and a lot less worried about Granny now.John: The essay is a piece of cake; but ensuring Granny‟s OK is a lot harder.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Oh, Bobby, so you‟ve come to see me again.B: How are you doing? Hope everyone is OK here.A: My God, I can hardly bear the life here. This nursing home is driving crazy.B: What‟s wrong?>A: You see, there are to many old people here, but far too small a staff.B: Yeah, that‟s probably because people live longer now, crowding nursing homes. A: So we can hardily get attention. The owner tries to save money on food and care. B: I see, nursing home abuse is now a very common problem. I heard of one survey with statistics: 300 homes were inspects, and in nearly half of them care was substandard.A: Sometimes they even beat me. I don‟t know where and how I can get help.B: I n theory government offices and lawyers can help you in cases of abuse.A: But it is inconvenient for me to contact government offices again and again, and I‟m too poor to hire a lawyer.B: OK, aunt, since it‟s hard to ensure you‟re Ok here, I‟ll take you home. Mary and I will take care of you.A: Are you sure Mary thinks in the same way as you do?MODEL2 This beauty battled the bottle.Chris: Hey Nora.Nora: Hey Chris. How is it going?Chris:Not too bad. Sit down. Sit down. Hey, who was that food-looking girl you were talking to near the auditorium?Nora: “The Drunken Doctor”, Dr Doyle, who gave dynamite Ladies Only lecture. Chris: No, no. I mean the blonds, healthy-looking, the twenty-something girl in blue. Nora: Yeah, exactly. She‟s a doctor, but she used to be a drunk. Now she tells women the dangers of drinking.Chris:I can‟t imagine some one as pretty as she is to be a drunk. And a doctor, too! Nora: She says there are alcoholics all over the world, 16 million plus just in the U.S. Chris: I‟m surprised that there are so many people who lack the will-power to stop. Nora: It‟s a disease that strikes young and old, rich and poor, and al walks of life. Chris: Drunks are often dirty old men begging for money. How did Dr. Doyle get hooked?Nora: She was an intern in a big hospital: long hours, little sleep, and constant stress.Chris: I suppose at first alcohol helped her to relax, but she realized.Nora: First it was a drink at night, then two, then a bottle, then drinks to wake up. Chris: That‟s a sad story.Nora: More inspiring than sad. She got help and stopped. Now she helps others. Isn‟t that wonderful?Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Hi, John, I‟m so glad to see you are back!B: It‟s nice to be home again, Mom.A: Oh, you smell terribly of alcohol and tobacco. You didn‟t smoke or drink before you left home a year ago. How did you get hooked?B: As an assistant engineer, I had to work might shifts often. I felt lonely and began to drink and smoke. That helped me to relax.A: So gradually you drank more and more?B: Yeah, first it was a drink at night, then two, then a bottle, and then I drank to wake up.A: Oh, I simply can‟t imagine my handsome son to be a drunk and a heavy smoker now. Can‟t you stop?B: It‟s difficult. I lack the will-power to stop.A: But remember the dangers of heavy drinking and smoking. Sooner or later you‟ll develop high blood pressure, heart trouble, or liver trouble.B: There are alcoholics all over the world, and they are still living.A:I‟m sorry that drinking and smoking ate diseases that strike young and old, rich and [poor, and all walks of life. Young must get help and stop.B: OK, I‟ll try my best.MODEL3 There are high risks with games of chance.ScriptSusan: Hey, Chris. Why so you look so depressed?Chris: Oh, it‟s my brother. You know, he has got a gambling problem. You can‟t understand gambling as an addiction unless you‟ve been hooked.Susan: Apparently it‟s like being addicted to drugs or alcohol. You just want more and more.Chris: It‟s exactly like alcoholism; it takes over you life. It‟s on your mind constantly. Susan: Yeah, like some horrible disease. But you can get help.Chris: My brother tried to stop, but he felt restless…bad tempered. His nerves were always on edge.Susan: Did he try Gamblers Anonymous? It‟s a self-help group with experience just like his.Chris: Yeah, he‟s not alone. It‟s estimated there are 10 million addicts in America. Susan: I don‟t want to nag him, but isn‟t it a question of taking control of his life? Chris: I see your point, but he‟s a compulsive gambler.Susan: I know. But if he gets help, maybe he‟ll get better.Chris: No doubt. It‟ll be tough. Though but worth it.Susan: Remember the proverb “Better medicine has wholesome effects.”Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Good morning, Mr. Brown, I‟m a correspondent with the magazine Health. I heat you‟ve overcome your gambling problem. First of all, could you describe your problems in the past?B: Yeah, I did have serious gambling problems. You can‟t understand gambling as an addiction till you‟ve been hooked.A: Could you tell me your feeling at the time?B: There was a sensation like the one that comes with drugs or alcohol, and I wanted more and more.A: How do you compare it with alcoholism?B: It‟s like alcoholism; it takes over your life. It‟s on your mind constantly.A: Did you try to get help?B: At first I didn‟t. I tried to stop on my own, but I felt restless and bad-tempered. My nerves were on edge.A: I see it‟s difficult for a compulsive gambler to overcome the problem. But how did you finally get rid of it?B: I went to a doctor for help. He made me realize that it was a question of getting hold of my life. He told me that if I thought of it as a disease, I would probably be cured. He also gave me some medicine.A: I guess it was a thought fight.B: Yes, though but worth it. Anyway, “Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.”V. Let’s TalkScriptToday I‟ll be presenting a report on our findings on the condition of the world‟s population. It may be a surprise to you that half the people in the world live on less than two dollars a day, and one billion people live on less than one dollar a day.I‟m going to look at poverty and its relationship to population issues. We must work fast if we hope to reduce poverty by half, by the year 2015.Our survey shows that the first step should be to improve health-care systems. In the world‟ poorest countries, people are expected to live just 49 years. One in ten children doesn‟t reach his or her first birthday. According to our study, poor health and poverty are linked. Women are affected most by poor-care systems, especially pregnant women.The second job we have to do, as many of you can guess, is to reduce birth rates. We have found that when given a choice, poor people in developing countries have fewer children than their parents dis. A possible reason for this is probably that smaller families have fewer expenses and more chances of increasing their earnings and savings.Since the 1970s, developing countries with lower birth rates have had faster economic growth. They have had higher productivity, more savings and more investment.Obviously we must encourage family planning and lower birth rates.Now, here is the third measure we must take: promote education in developing countries. Investing in education, especially for women, can reduce poverty. Educated women have more opportunities to work and a chance to live better. Moreover, they tend to send their children to food schools so that they can climb the social ladder. Well, any questions? None? OK. Now I‟ll talk about the fourth step we need to take…DiscussionSAMPLEA:To reduce poverty, it is very important to lower birth rates, as the speaker suggested in his lecture.B:True. Smaller families have fewer expenses and more chances to increase their earning and savings.A:Moreover, developing countries with lower birth rates have had faster economicgrowth.B: It‟s equally important to popularize education.A: Yes, investing in education, especially for women, can reduce poverty. Educated women, you know, have more opportunities to work and a chance to live better. B: Moreover, they tend to send their children to food school s so that they will climb the social ladder.A: The speaker also mentions the necessity to improve the health-care system. In fact, poor health and poverty are linked.B: I agree. If you are not in good health, you can‟t work well to get good pay. What‟s more, you have to spend lots of money on seeing doctors.A: Some countries are economically backward, so they try to develop a powerful tourism industry, and in this way they earn a lot of money.B: I think it is more important for them to develop their national economy. With fast economic growth, many people will shake off poverty.A: Poverty can be alleviated further by economic aid from rich countries.B: But I think technological aid from advanced countries can be more significant.With better technology, poor countries can develop faster on their on,. As the Chinese saying goes, it is better to teach someone how to fish than to give him fish.A: If less developed countries are allowed to export more of their workforce, they can earn more foreign currency.B: This requires developed nations to lower their tariff barriers.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Held Back Because I Speak SpanishScriptI was raised speaking English, but I also spoke Spanish at home. When I went to school for the first time, I was enrolled in ESL classes—classes of English as a Second Language. I was also put in the Limited English Proficiency Program. In all these classes, I always got the highest grades. I was the best reader and speaker. There as no reason for me to be in any of those classes.When my parents discovered that I was in those classes instead of in regular classes with other English-speaking students, they went to the school administration to complain about the discrimination. The school had nothing to say. My parents tried to get me out of the ESL classes, but the school fought it very hard to keep me there. And then we found out why—for every student the school had in the ESL and Limited English Proficiency Program, they would receive$400. This was pretty devastating. The school‟s only excuse for keeping me there was because I lived in aSpanish-speaking household, and that I was influenced by the way my parents spoke. My parents were outraged, but I remained in the ESL and Limited English Proficiency Program until I was in the fifth grade.Then parents transferred me to another school where they had friends. The new school gave me an English proficiency test. I aced it. SO I didn‟t have to attend those programs for non-native English speakers. I was finally on the right track and back at the head of the class. The first school I had would have never let me out of those programs or even let me take the test. I was too “Spanish” for tem.1.What kind of class does the speaker think he should attend?2.What was the real reason the speaker was placed in a Limited English Proficiencyclass?3.What was the excuse the school used to put the speaker in an ESL class?4.How did the speaker perform in the regular English class?5.When the speaker described his first school, what were his feeling?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.ATask 2: Drinking, Gambling and GolfScriptA man was walking in the city when he was accosted by a particularly dirty-looking bum, who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.The man took out his wallet, extracted two dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you take it and buy whiskey?”“No, I stopped drinking years ago,” the bum said.“Will you use it to gamble?”“I don‟t gamble. I need everything I can get just to stay alive?”“Will you spend the money on green fees at a golf course?””Are you nuts? I haven‟t played golf for 20 years!”The mad said, “Well, I‟m not going to give you two dollars. Instead, I‟m going to take you to my home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.”The bum was surprised, “Won‟t your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I …m dirty, and I probably smell pretty bad.”The man replied, “That‟s OK. I just want her to see what a man looks like who‟d given up drinking, gambling, and golf.”Task3: Why buy lottery tickets?ScriptCharles: Did you hear? Next week‟s lottery will be 28 million dollars! You got your ticket yet?Joan:I didn‟t buy lottery tickets, and I don‟t gamble on other ways, either.Lottery tickets ate just another way of taxing the poor.Charles: What do you mean by that?Joan:Many of the big spenders on lottery tickets ate poor. They are spending money they can‟t afford to spend.Charles: I just buy lottery tickets for fun. You know…the first prize is a huge amount, and if would be exciting.Joan: But you don‟t need the money to enjoy life, so for you it‟s a game. But when the poor buy lottery tickets, it is often out of desperation.Charles: You must be right. Casinos are opening everywhere, and many people go on gambling holiday—you can even take a gambling cruise.Joan:Imagine being on an ocean cruise and spending all your time indoors bent over a card table or a roulette wheel.Charles:Maybe there should be some programs to help people overcome their gambling addictions something similar to Alcoholics Anonymous.Joan:There‟s indeed an online program that can help. But nobody can force gamblers to join it. They must first want to be cured themselves.For Reference1.She thinks many (of the) big spenders on lottery are poor, spending money theycan‟t afford to spend.2.He just buys lottery tickets foe fun. He thinks if he won a huge amount, it wouldbe exciting.3.They buy lottery tickets out of desperation. And the thrill of a win, of somethingfor nothing, is addictive.4.Casinos are opening everywhere, many people go on gambling holidays, and onecan even take a gambling cruise.5.It will be helpful to habitual gamblers only when they want to be curedthemselves.News ReportHumanity is indivisible.ScriptKofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations:Peace must be sought above all because it is a condition for every member of the human family to live a life of dignity and security.We have entered the third millennium through a gate of fire. If today, after the horror of 11 September, we see better and we see farther, we will realize that humanity is indivisible.New threats make no distinction between races, nations, or regions. A new insecurity has entered every mind, regardless of wealth or status. A deeper awareness of the bonds that bind us all, in pain and in prosperity, has gripped young and old…because beneath the surface of state and nations, ideas and language, lies the fate of individual human beings in needed. Answering their needs will be the mission of the United Nations in the century to come. Thank you very much.。
新视野大学英语视听说教程第一册听力练习录音文本和答案 (全)

Task 3: Learning to speak English
Hello, how are you? When most people learn English as a second language, they learn formal English. Unfortunately, learning it like this tends to make you feel distant and bored. The truth is, most people in English-speaking countries don’t speak to each other in such a formal way. They speak in a casual way to their friends and families. When speaking casually, people tend to use a lot of informal or colloquial words, and also shorten and connect their phrases. They say things like “Hey, what’s up?” or “Hey! Whatcha been dion’?” These expressions are both common and natural, and make you seem like a native speaker. Using them may make people more interested in talking to you. This type of English is more like what you will hear in movies and TV shows. Speaking this way makes native speakers feel more relaxed and you will sound like a friendly person who speaks English well. You got that, buddy?

新视野大学英语视听说教程第3册答案及听力原文(全)新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案Uint1- Uint10Uint1II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptW: Ok. It‘s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.M: your creditcard failed; so I ended up paying! It‘Q: What is true according to the conversation?2. ScriptM: I‘‘t memorize allthe vocabulary.W: I guess we just have to keep readingthe texts over and over.Q: 3. ScriptW: Oh look! There‘s we saw last week, playing football in the park! HeM: Him? I don‘‘ve got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard‘ve been introduced to.Q: ‘s problem?Dkeys‖?W: ‘s to remind me to take my keys when I go out because I‘m always lockingmyself out by accident! It doesn‘t help enough. Now I just forget to read the sign. Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door?5. ScriptM: That history exam was really hard. The essay question was terrible!W: I know, I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. Howuseful that would be!Q: What is true of DavidKeys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InScriptM: Tell me your secret. You‘re suddenly getting excellentmarks in every subject, andyou used to be a bottom-of Cclass student just like me.W: Simple enough. I read an article in a scientific journal that remembering, based on recent research into the brain.M: Aw, that stuff‘W: Not so fast, wise guy. I‘m talking about principles like D‖,creating a picture in your mind of what is to be remembered.M: Ok, that dies sound different. Id DAssociation‖ a you know, youW: Righ t on! Consolidation‖ is another. I review right after class andconsolidate―or absorb―‘ve already learned.M: You‘‘m going toW: Whoa, big guy. That‘DDistributes Practice‖.M:‘ve got a good memory. But what aboutme? I‘W: You‘‘t forget it., she on studying and remembering. It talks about like D‖, that is, creating in one‘s mind of This reminds the man of the principle of D‖, which means . Then D‖, or reviewing one‘s notes after class absorbing the l into. When the man promise to study hours a day, the woman recommends the principle of D‖, whichfavors study sessions distributed over . Finally, the woman tells the man that memory is like , and that it needs .Task 2: You forget my toast!ScriptAn 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decide to go to their doctor to see what was wrong with them. They explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checking the couple over, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might need to start writing things down to help them remember. The couple thanked the doctor and left.Later that night while watching TV, the old woman said to the old man, DHoney, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dis h of ice cream?‖Before the man left, she added, DWhy don‘t you write that down so you ‘t forget?‖DNonsense,‖ said the husband, DI can remember a dish of ice cream!‖DWell,‖ said the wife, DI‘d like some strawberries on it. You‘because I know your memory is failing.‖DDon‘t be silly,‖ replied the husband. DThere‘and somestrawberries. I can surely remember that!‖kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs.DHey, you forget the toast!‖Keys: FTFFFScriptintroduced her.learn If you work in an office, learn to dance; if you are a dancer, need to pay attention to things they are dealing with. Don‘t try to everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important. For example, you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it. Think on its various characteristics: its material, its function, its color, and so on. Don‘t allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating in that pen.Another method that can be used is to relax yourself. It is impossible to remember things if you are tense or nervous.So, try holding your breath for ten seconds, and then release it slowly.Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory. For example, if youcan not remember a person‘s name, you can think about aspecial feature of his face and then link it with his mane.1. What‘s seems to be an especially important way to stimulate one‘s memory?2. What seems to be the best way to focus your memory?3. How can you concentrate on a pen?4. How can you relax yourself according to the passage?5. What is the main idea of the passage?Kes: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 It slipped my mind!Amy: I sent out the invitations to the dinner party.Bill: That‘s good. Now what should we do?Amy: We‘ve got to plan the menu.Bill: Oh, that‘Amy: I think I‘m going to make the chicken had at the Christmas party.Bill:Amy‘ll bemad at me.Bill: Well, everyone forgets It‘s not too late yet. I‘ll make aphone call. Don‘t worry.Amy: Thanks! You see, I‘‘m getting old!Bill:Now YA: I‘to throw a party, and I‘ve sent out the invitations to my friends ands good. But don‘t forget to invite everyon e you should invite.A:‘ve invited everyone. Do you have anybody in mind?B: Did you invite John? He‘s lost his job after recent quarrel with his boss.A: Oh, my gosh! I forgot to invite him! He‘ll be sad, thinking we look down on him.He just slipped my mind.B: Well, everyone forgets something sometimes. Don‘t worry. It‘s not too late. Makea phone call right away.A: Did I forget anybody else that I should incite?B: There‘s yet another person you should invite―Julia. She‘s just moved to the cityand feels lonely.A: Oh, good heavens, I forgot all about her. She‘s our new friend. You see, I‘m gettingforgetful. I think I‘m getting old!B: Looks like you are, buddy. You‘d better start writing things down if t hey‘reimportant.MODEL2 I can’t think of it off the top of my head.ScriptJohn: Hey, Sue. ?Susan: I don‘and I don‘t have my mobile phone with me, either.John: That‘s too bad! I‘ve got to find him now. It‘s urgent! If I can‘tI‘ll be dead!Susan: You might want to look it up in the phone book.John: I‘Susan: Maybe it‘s under his roommate‘s name.John: Well, I guess so.Susan: Well, John: I‘ve tried, but no one answered!Susan:John: I‘ve already tried. She won‘‘s private.Susan: Oh, that‘s right. .John: It‘s a pity. You usually, but you can‘t help today.What‘Susan: It‘, but aNow YA:you remember when is the lecture on the value of information byB:‘t think of it off the top of my head. Maybe we can look it up in our notebook,but I don‘t have mine with me.A: That‘s too bas! I don‘t have it with me, either. Do you remember the number of thelecture hail?B: Sorry, I can‘t think of it off my head.A: I‘m terribly interested in the lecture. I can‘t miss it!B: Well, why don‘t you call the dean who arranged the lecture?A: I‘m afraid it‘s not very wise to ask the dean directly.B: Then maybe you can call the office if the department and ask the secretary.A: I‘v e already tried, but no one answered.B: Oh!A: You usually have a powerful memory, but you can‘t help today. You memoryseems to be fading early.B: It‘s nit that my memory is fading. I do have a good memory for faces and names, but a poor one for numbers and dates.MODEL3 What‘s wrong with your memory?ScriptBill: Hi, honey! My trip to London was wonderful.Amy: Tell me what thrilled you most.[The telephone rings and Bill answers it....He hangs up.]Bill: Er, where was I?Amy: You were talking about your tour in London.Bill: Oh, yeah.Amy: I bet you had a great time.Bill: Amy:Bill: Let me see。

II. Listening SkillsMaking Calculations1.W: It sounds expensive. Why did they charge you so much for repairing the computer?M:Well, it’s $25 for labor to start with. A new modern cost another 50 bucks. On top of that I needed a new battery, and it cost $17.Q: How much did the man spend altogether fixing his computer?2.W: How long are you on the Internet every day?M:About three hours a day. I promised Dad to cut that in half, but the Internet is so slow.Q: How much time has the man promised to spend on the Net every day.3.W: Where did you get all these e-mails?M:I got ten messages from classmates, one about an assignment and one from my brother. Five were spam, the annoying stuff that comes at all times.Q: How many e-mail messages did the woman get altogether?4.W: It takes twice as long to open my Hotmail now. I need over a minute to see my mail. Is theproblem Hotmail or the ISP?M:Forget Hotmail. I get e-mail through a local provider in ten seconds. Try it.Q: How long did it use to take the man to get his mail?5.W: Talking about computer, what’s the meaning of Pentium 4 and clock speed?M:Imagine the processor of a computer as a bus. The higher the Pentium number, the larger the the bus and the more information it can carry. Clock speed tells how fast data are processed.A clock speed of 100 is half as fast as a speed of 200.Q: How much faster is a clock speed of 200 than a clock speed of 100?1.D2. C3.A4.B5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: The Internet on CampusThe Internet, a worldwide information network, is used at universities mainly as an information supply source. Staff supply information via the Internet and students may access it or any other publicly available information. The Internet is also useful for students to communicate with staff. Teachers may present lecture materials in lecture halls, and at the same time, they can distribute the materials for students to access from any location at any time via their computer. Such materials are preesented mainly in the form of text, still pictures and hypertext links. Students find this valuable and relevant to their needs. If they must miss a lecture, students can still keep up to date. Staff users may put up notices of conferences, maintain professional contacts, and communicate and conduct discussions with their colleagues or students. Students, on the other hand, are taught haow to use the Internet as an individual productivity tool in several courses.1. A2. D3. A4. A5. CTask 2: Surfing the NetW: Hi Bryan. Hare you doing? You look tired.M:Oh, I’m a little burnt out. I’ve been surfing the Net for the last few hours.W: Were you doing schoolwork, or was it just for pleasure?M:Well, I wanted to get some information on South America for a project I have, but I found a really interesting chat site with people from there and started chatting.W: Well, did you get the information you needed?M:Yes, but then we spent lots of time chatting about other interests.W: I see. The Internet is a wonderful place. There is so much information available. I completely understand how you can get distracted. Sometimes I find myself looking for one piece of information, but by the time I am finished I have a lot more than I started off looking for.M:I know. One thing I really don’t like about it, though, is it takes so much longer to find things, because many sites are useless.W: Yes, there’s that, and also, I often find the same site over and over again in a search. That definitely wastes lots of my time.M:And, of course, there are sites that offer little to no relevant information on the topic you are searching for. In my search today, I found quite a few sites that were nothing more than old local news archives and event calendars.W: Well, I’m sure they were useful to someone at some time, but they should be removed when they’re no longer of use to anyone.M:I agree. With all the time I spnd on it, I still find it to be the best source of information available.And speaking of information, I really should read through what I got on the Internet and start working on my project.W: Okay. Good luck. It’s funny we had this chat, as I was just on my way home to surf the Net myself.M:Well, it was nice talking to you, and maybe I’ll meet you in a chat room later tonight.1.Surfing the Internet for the last few hours.2.Some information on South America for a project he had.3.Because there is so much information available.4.It takes so much longer to find things because many sites are useless.5.She thinks they were useful to someone at some time, but they sgould be removed when they’reno longer of use to anyone.Task 3: Internet AddictionOver the years, studies have shown that it’s possible to become addicted to the Internet. Actually, college students are most likely to have the addiction because of many factors. Difficulty in adapting to life away from home, and certain psychological problems like depression or social anxiety are among the main reasons. College students have lots free time to spend and many of them are supplied with free Internet access and a computer in their doorms. It’s really easy to get addicted. Walking through the computer labs, you are most likely to find students chatting or surfing on the Internet. There are not just some, but many students not really doing anything related to schoolwork. They are spending far too much time online, which may do harm to their schoolwork and other activities. As a result, some have been academically dismissed, and others are even in the danger zone for developing an addiction needs to be addressed now as a serious problem on college campuses.likely adapting psychological access dorms chatting related dismissed gamblingTask 4: A Brief Introductionhonored as our guest computer hacking protect books and articles misuse New Threats to Security wake your interestIV. Speaking OutFocusing AttentionModel 1 As far as I’m concerned, …Now Your TurnNicole:Hi, Chris! What’s up?Christopher: The damned Internet is down again. Seems like it’s always down. What do you think I should do?Nicole:If uou ask me, you just need to have your connection checked.Christopher: Maybe you’re right. But, to tell the truth, what I really need is to have my own computer.Nicole:Why? As far as I’m concerned, that’s not necessary when you’re living on campus.Model 2 In my opinionAshley: Hey Mike, what are you doing online?Michael: Well, I’m getting some ideas for my term paper.Ashley: Ideas? Well, I personally think we should think for ourselves.Michael:It’s easier said than done! Working with the Internet is much faster , you know.Ashley: But, in my opinion, that’s a form of plagiarism.Michael: Come on, Ashley. I never quote the passages; I just use their ideas.Model 3 As I See it, …Maria: I’ve got to do two assignments this week, but the Internet is not always a timer saver. Jessica: Searching on the Internet? Don't’t you think it’s hard to find the right information for your assignments?Maria:No, just the opposite. There’s too much information. I start looking for one thing, and see something else. Before I know it, I’m completely off topic.Jessica: Well, as I see it, you should focus on what you are doing and not get distracted.Maria:But, the point is that it’s very hard to stay on one topic when other topics keep flashing and jumping out at you!V. Let’s TalkAnne: John! You’re playing computer games again?John: Hi, darling. I’m just surfing the Net.Anne: Oh, my gosh! You’re becoming a Net-addict!John: Come on, Anne. I find the Internet very useful—I can find anything. Want me to search for the number of Net-addicts in America?Anne: John, you spend more time on the Net than with me. It’s kind of unhealthy!John: Unhealthy? Here, just feel my muscles. I like Atlas—I can lift the world with the Net. Anne: Stop joking, John. You spend hours closed up in your room, with just your computer for company, like a recluse. It is as if you lived in a computer!John: Not really. I am in touch with the world through the Web.Anne: But it is not the same. You need to interact with people, play real games, and enjoy nature.Your virtual world is a form of… of… escapism.John: The real world could use some escaping form, don’t you think?Anne: You know, John, it is not just you; most young people—even children—spend so much time on the Net that it is not only affecting their eyesight but also their personalities. They arebecoming unsociable…John: Anyway, look at the positive side: the amount of useful information available on the Web is amazing.Anne: I know that. As long as the Internet is only a virtual girlfriend, I won’t have to worry about it.John:2,4,6,8Anne:1,3,5,7For ReferenceaA, say hello to B and ask what he is doing online.Hi,Brian. You’re online again! Searching for something?B, respond to A’s greeting and answer his /her question.Hello, Vivian. I’m playing games. It’s thrilling!A, show your concern for B by listening some dia=sadvantages of Net addiction.Come on, Brian. You’ve spent too much time online. Haven’t you ever worried about yourstudy? Your addiction to the Net will spoil you!B, account for your Net addiction by listing some conveniences and excitement the Internet brings to you.Don’t be joking, Vivian. The Internet is so convenient, and you can do everything on it. I enjoy playing games online. It’s really exciting!bA, greet B and ask what he is doing.Hi, Dave. What’re you doing? Seems you’re doing editing work.B, respond to A.Well, I just downloaded an essay from the Net, and have got to make some changes for my literature class.A, make comments on B’s practice.What? Downloaded an essay? Are you crazy? We’re supposed to write papers by ourselves.B, try to justify your act.Sounds easy! But I don’t have the time. Besides, I’m not into literature, you know.VI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: The Origin of the InternetThe story of the Internet begins in the late 1950s. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957. ThePentagon set up a research team in 1958 to create a computer network to operate during disasterslike a nuclear war. The resulting network linked U.S. scientific and academic researchers. It grewinto the World Wide Web or the Internet that became the network system of the Information Age. In1985, the National Science Foundation created a network which provided a free national service toany U.S. research and education institution. Later, large corporations began to build their ownnetworks. All those networks finally joined the Pentagon’s network to form the Internet. By the1990s, anyone with a computer, a modern, and Internet software could link up to the Internet. In thefuture, the Internet will probably grow more complex and become part of a larger network called the information highway. With that people could bank, shop, watch TV, and perform many otheractivities online.Task2: The Internet—A Small TownThe Internet is a global network, but in many ways it’s like a small town with similar services to of fer. There are electronic post offices to send and receive e-mail, functioning somewhat more efficiently than the Post Office we know. There are libraries of information that stay open 24 hours a day with millions of books and documents to browse or search through on the World Wide Web or WWW. You can also enjoy real-time text-based communication, using written or printed material to communicate with others immediately and almost “face to face”. Local coffee shops are seen in the guise of chat room, with pe ople dropping by at all hours of the day and night to socialize. Online education and training is available just as it is in a “bricks and mortar” university or school. Online banking offers you all the services available at your local bank, without fearing to be mugged at an ATM. You can buy almost anything, listen to your local radio station or do your grocery shopping. Indeed, the Internet is your town in a box!Task3: If only life could be like a computer!To get your daily exercise, just click on “run”!If you need a break from life, click on “suspend”.Hit “any key” to continue life when ready.To “add/remove” someone in your life, click settings.To improve your appearance, just adjust the display settings.When you lose your car keys, click on “find”.You could click on “send” and the kids would go to bed immediately.To feel like a person, click on “refresh”.Click on “close” to shut up the noises.To undo a mistake, click on “back”.Is your furniture getting old? Click “update”.If you messed up y our life, you could press “Alt, Ctrl, Delete” and start all over!Speaking1. F2. T3.T4.F5.T。

1Listening1. A. They both took a language class on the Internet.B. They both saw an ad on the Internet.C. They both looked for information on online language learning.D. They both wrote a note about their online studies2. A. Some are too difficult for children.B. Some only accept young people.C. Some require that students be of a certain age.D. Some have only 18-year-old students.3. A. Because she wants to study at home.B. Because she wants to finish her studies.C. Because she wants to study in a different way unlike others.D. Because she wants to learn how to study.4. A. Studying online is more effective.B. Studying online continually offers something new.C. Studying online offers a new way to make friends.D. Studying online allows her more free time.5. A. To make classes easier.B. To give students more work.C. To be nice to students.D. To improve the class.6. A. It could be so cheap.B. It was harder.C. It could help so much.D. It wasn’t working.7. A. Prepares for testsB. Chats with friends.C. Solves homework problems.D. E-mails the teacher.8. A. It’s not perfect.B. It takes more time.C. It’s easier.D. Traveling to school isn’t a problem.9. A. They are changing how they feel about classes.B. They are studying differently than before.C. They are excited about their studies.D. They are, one by one, becoming surer of themselves.10. A. That she study more.B. That she go to class more often.C. That she finish her homework online.D. That she take an online class.1.B2. C3. A4.C5.D6.C7. C8.A9.B 10.D1. A. Stay with his mom.B. Make new friends.C. Go out with his friends.D. See his friends out.2. A. Understand how her mother feltB. Try to like the music her son likes.C. Leave her son alone about his music.D. Tell her son to go away on his own.3. A. Because his mother doesn’t like him sleeping very much.B. Because his mother doesn’t know today is a weekend.C. Because his mother lets him sleep in only on weekends.D. Because his mother prefers him not to sleep late ever.4. A. Because her son’s rebellion might not end.B. Because her son’s actions might ruin his own life.C. Because her son’s teenage life is not normalD. Because her son’s life is ruining his father.5. A. Because she is sure her parents would lose face.B. Because she is afraid her parents would be upset.C. Because she is upset about getting a nose piercing.D. Because she is fearful of losing her own face.6. A. Because she leans over the table.B. Because her eating habits are very messy.C. Because she stands up when she eats.D. Because she eats too fast.7. A. Her fault was too great.B. She gave them too much.C. They are too giving to her.D. Her children are entitled.8. A. Not to get a tattoo.B. Not to be out late.C. Not to go out with Mike.D. Not to be late again.9. A. Let her become a writer.B. Want her to enter banking.C. Choose which bank she uses.D. Pick her career for her.10. A. Because she can’t make any choices.B. Because she can’t do things for herself.C. Because she never watches cartoons.D. Because she watches cartoons all day.1.C2. C3. D4.B5.B6.D7. B8.C9.D 10.D1.A. Being ready for life.B. Being agreeable.C. Having a meaningful life.D. Having a good memory.2. A. Help them as little as possible.B. Think of what to do.C. Give them aid.D. Do no less than others.3. A. His baseball coach.B. His parents.C. An unusual person.D. Someone he believes.4. A. Because the woman pushes her away.B. Because he clings to her.C. Because her parents died.D. Because he refused to push her away.5. A. Having a family.B. Learning.C. Being a mother.D. Having so much work to do.6. A. Because her father wants to meet him.B. Because her father has a lot to share.C. Because her father is very kind.D. Because her father is handicapped.7. A. Because her mother makes time to talk to her.B. Because her mother talks to her at dusk.C. Because her mother’s always busy.D. Because her mother has a lot of time.8. A. He doesn’t like to go too often.B. He doesn’t have time for it.C. He wants to go more often.D. He likes going there every evening.9. A. Because she only needs help, not worry.B. Because she cannot get help from her friends.C. Because the first person will help her.D. Because friends will help her.10. A. She interrupted her.B. She told her problems.C. She taught her the best way.D. She listened to her problems.1.C2. C3. A4.C5.D6.B7. A8.C9.D 10.D1.A. By not having problems.B. By not staying so long.C. By really liking the class.D. By paying attention.2. A. Make himself great.B. Make a good impression.C. Get some rest.D. Get a new attitude.3. A. Because she is becoming mature.B. Because she is wearing nice clothes.C. Because she is growing up.D. Because she is cating like a child.4. A. Smile during her meeting.B. Calm down and look relaxed.C. Meet her new boss.D. Go to a meeting.5. A. Notice from her boss.B. A better job at the company.C. Confidence in herself.D. The skills to get a better job.6. A. Being surer of himself.B. Wearing better clothing.C. Buying expensive clothes.D. Being right more often.7. A. By improving the tone of his voice.B. By making others believe in him.C. By increasing his status.D. By believing in other people.8. A. She should do very well.B. She should go to the interview.C. She should get the job.D. She should be positive.9. A. Because she met him for the first time.B. Because she was so bad to him.C. Because she took a liking to him.D. Because she had little time.10. A. By changing his feelings.B. By knowing more things.C. By not looking so nervous.D. By not changing his ways.1.D2. B3. B4.A5.C6.B7. A8.D9.B 10.C1.A. By talking with people.B. By teaching classes on AIDS.C. By showing a movie on AIDS.D. By learning more about AIDS.2. A. AIDS will be cured in ten years.B. The battle against AIDS should continue.C.People should stop the battle against AIDS.D. Stopping AIDS is a battle.3. A. To tell people that 8,000 people die every day.B. To keep more people from dying of AIDS.C. To ask for research to be supportedD. To see if their leaders know what to do.4. A. To improve efficiency.B. To join together.C. To form a new group.D. To increase togetherness.5. A. To do something people haven’t tried.B. To explore ways to fight AIDS.C. To write a publication.D. To ask people to think about it.6. A. When people have education about it.B. When people find a cure.C. When people become confident.D. When people help each other.7. A. Whether to like the man.B. Which group is better.C. Which education is better.D. Which group to join..8. A. The group would have more resources.B. The group could force more people to help.C. The group would be much more giving.D. The group would print more literature.9. A. Because thinking too much is not good.B. Because an organization asks for help.C. Because AIDS is a world crisis.D. Because graduation is very near.10. A. Because she wanted to work with lots of people.B. Because she had many different reasons.C. Because she found out she had AIDS.D. Because she discovered infected people.1.B2.A3. C4.A5.C6.B7.D8.A9.C 10.C1. A. That we should work harder for status in our jobs.B. That we should change our beliefs about status.C. That we should consider our thoughts about job status.D. That we should think about the color of our collars with care.2. A. It isn’t worth money and respect.B. It isn’t worth time away from his kids.C. It gives him all the respect and money.D. It allows him to give his children money.3. A. That the aunt became a plumber.B. That the aunt listened to them.C. That girl listened to the aunt.D. That girl worked in offices.4. A. Because the vice-president might have a heart attack.B. Because the job killed the last vice-president.C. Because the man had already had one heart attack.D. Because the woman does not want him to take it.5. A. That the woman respect herself.B. That the woman cleans the city.C. That the woman works hard.D. That the woman admires laborers.6. A. Because he didn’t have another choice.B. Because he didn’t finish college.C. Because he likes to be high up.D. Because he likes tall buildings.7. A. Finishing the proposal.B. Getting some sleep.C. Crying for a while.D. Playing a bit of golf.8. A. Trash men aren’t all dirty.B. Trash men aren’t very clean.C. Trash men have a good job.D. Trash men have a good image.9. A. Nice clothes.B. Clothes like Frank’s.C. A suit.D. A T-shirt.10. A. Know his work is important.B. Do something that matters.C. Become a garbage man.D. Ignore rude comments.1.C2.B3.C4.B5.D6.C7.D8.A9.D 10.D1.A. To cuase trouble.B. To protect his home.C. To play sports.D. To defend himself.2. A. It’s against the policeB. It’s against other people’s rights.C. It’s against the law.D. It’s against other people’s safety.3. A. Because she doesn’t go out late at night.B. Because she doesn’t see anyone out late at night.C. Because she carries a gun with her.D. Because someone carries a gun for her.4. A. The school wasn’t safe.B. The gun wasn’t safe.C. The man brought a pistol.D. The daufgter was arrested.5. A. Because they have many problems.B. Because they don’t know why.C. Because they possess a more violent nature.D. Because they often cause trouble.6. A. Because she does n’t worry.B. Because she doen’t trouble others.C. Because she continues to stay out.D. Because she is always very careful.7. A. Because they started shooting.B. Because they wore masks.C. Because she was so scaredD. Because she was shot.8. A. Because he didn’t know how to be careful.B. Because he didn’t know how to handle it.C. Because he saw a robber.D. Because he shot it by accident.9. A. Whether he means well in advocating for gun laws.B. Whether he thought about what he was doing.C. Whether the son would want him to advocate for gun laws.D. Whether the son would be tougher on current gun laws.10. A. Because gun violence is too difficult.B. Because gun violence is so simple.C. Because they will have a meeting.D. Because they will need more time.1. B2.C3.C4.D5.C,6.D7.B8.D9. C 10.D1.A. Becoming a great painter.B. Believing the woman is right.C. Racking his brainD. Solving a problem.2. A. Rest a mind a lotB. Think before workingC. Do her workD. Start creative jobs.3. A. He solved it mathematically.B. He asked for a miracle.C. He worked out the answer.D. He got the answer in a dream.4. A. When she’s inventing things.B. When she’s sleeping.C. When she has come suddenlyD. When she’s had a good rest.5. A. While he is parking his car.B. While he is taking a walkC. While he is reading a novel.D. While he is learning bursts.6. A. Do some exercises.B. Help other people.C. Think of new ideas.D. Clear her mind.7. A. The strangest thingB. Stories like the woman’sC. something unusualD. A mystery8. A. To pass the testB. To save it before it leavesC. To give other people hope.D. To help other people develop ideas.9. A. Whether there are great works in the church.B. Whether great artists work for the church.C. Whether religion helps people be creative.D. Whether musicians should work for a religion.10. A. Study psychologyB. Create new ideasC. See a psychologistD. Help herself.1.A2.B3.D4.D5.B6.A7.B8.B9.C 10.CUnit91.D2.D3.B4.A5.A6.C7.D8.B9.C 10.A10Listening1. A. Because he is aware that others lie and cheat.B. Because he believes that honesty is more difficult.C. Because he thinks that lying and cheating is part of life.D. Because he feels that she is not aware of the truth.2. A.Because he felt she wasn’t telling him the truth.B. Because he thought she was an honest person.C. Because he knew she could tell her the truth.D. Because he believed she knew the truth.3. A. Because her parents wanted her to get caught.B. Because her parents heard she wouldn’t pass.C. Because her parents put a lot of pressure on her.D. Because her parents told her cheating was OK.4. A. Because she found they were fake.B. Because her father found they were fake.C. Because she didn’t like them.D. Because he her father didn’t like them.5. A. She won’t let her conscie nce bother herself.B. She won’t steal from work again.C. She will return the money right away.D. She will get more sleep at night.6. A. Because she can write better essays herself.B. Because she has never tried it before.C. Because she will be caught by the teacher.D. Because she has never caught when she tries.7. A. Because she fired all of the thieves.B. Because she will fire anyone she catches stealing.C. Because she is good at catching thieves.D. Because she feel very strongly about stealing.8. A. It’s very cynical.B. It’s completely untrue.C. It’s like other people’s.D. It’s not getting her ahead.9. A. Because he has no other friends.B. Because she is always around.C. Because she can be trustedD. Because she trusts him.10. A. Being honest all the time.B. Hiding the truth.C. Assuring him the truth is best.D. Starting to lie often..1.B2.A3.C4.B5.C6.C7.B8.A9.C 10.A。
新视野大学英语听说教程3册听力原文及答案 (2)

Uint3II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to separate.W: What! Are you crazy? You can’t do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family.Q: What is the girl saying?2.ScriptM: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. The manager sent you these roses and his best wishes to you both for a happy anniversary.W: Thank you. We like the room and the service here, and we especially appreciate the manager’s consideration/Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. ScriptW: While I’m scrambling the eggs, could you put the flour into the bowl?M: You bet, darling. I’ll also turn the oven on so that it gets warmed up.Q: Where does this conversation probable take place?4. ScriptW: I have a very important meeting tonight, and I’m afraid I can’t miss it.M: But this evening is the parent s’meeting at school, and I was expecting you’d come to it. OK, I’ll phone Dad, maybe he and his girlfriend will come.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?5. ScriptW1: So you’re still single? If you’d listen to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.W2: I did use the Internet. I posted an ad that read “Husband Wanted”. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But they all said pretty much the same thing: You can have mine.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?Keys: 1.C 2.A3.B 4.C 5.DIII. Listening InTask1: Reasons for a DivorceScriptW: I’m divorcing my husband.M: How long have you been married?W: Thirteen years.M: Do you have children?W:Yes, and I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband’s irresponsibilityM: So, what are your grounds for divorce?W: Well, first of all, he keeps changing jobs. We’ve had moved four times in thirteen years!M: And, you believe that will be good grounds for divorce?W: I do have a right to stability for my children and myself, don’t I?M: Aren’t they his children, too?W: But my husband isn’t fulfilling his duties!M: Is he paying the bills?W: Well, yes, but we just live around the poverty line. Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can’t dress them in good clothes! We have to live in a small department and drive an old car!M: Does the car run?W: Yes, but it looks OLD!M: Do you yell at him and call him names?W: Well, he yells at me!M: So, those are the reasons to not honor your husband. Are you going to give him joint custody in this divorce?W: No, just visitation rights.M: Why?W: Because the law permits me to.M: And, what about the financial demands of this divorce?W: I’m demanding half of all we have, which isn’t much, and large support payments. After thirteen years marriage, the woman wants to divorce her husband, claiming he is irresponsible. When asked for the specific grounds for divorce, she gives these reasons: First, he keeps changing jobs, and the family has had to move four times in thirteen years, but she wants stability for her children and herself. Second, although he is paying the bills, they just live around the poverty line. Her children are being teased by other children for not dressing good clothes. Also, they had to live in a small apartment and drive an old car, though it still runs. Worse still, the husband yells ather, though she admits she also yell at him and calls him names. As for the divorce arrangements, the woman will give the husband only visitation rights instead of joint custody. Moreover, the woman will demand half of all they have and large support payments.Task 2: What four-letter words?ScriptDorothy was the only child of her family, born when her parents were mid-aged. They spoiled her badly. At the age of 33 she still lived at home. Her mother and father treat her like a princess. She seemed perfectly content with that situation, so her friends were surprised when she announced she would soon get married. People who knew her well said the marriage wouldn’t last long. But for the present, she and her new husband approached happy.As soon as the newly couple returned from their honeymoon, the bride called her mother.“How does everything go?” her mother asked.“Oh, Mom,”she began, “the honeymoon was lovely! So romantic! We had a wonderful time. But on our back, Bob started using terrible language. Stuff I’d never heard before. Really awful four-letter words. You’ve got to come get me and take me home. Please, Mom!” the new bride sobbed over the telephone.“But, honey,” the mother asked, “What four-letter words?”“I can’t tell you, Mom. They’re too awful! Come get me, please!”“Darling, you must tell me what has upset you so much. Tell me what four-letter words he used.”Still sobbing, the bride said, “Mom, words like dust, wash, iron, and cook.”Keys: FTFFTTask3: A Woman Who Chose Not to RemarryScriptAfter 17 years of marriage, my husband left me for my best friend, Monica. What I had feared most became reality: I became the single parent of two young children. My daughter grew increasingly unhappy. Seven-year-old Joanna had anxiety attacks when ever she was left alone for more than a few minutes. Five-year-old Sophie would vomit every meal. Under the psychological pressure, I thought about remarriage. Myfriends arranged dinner with single men and invited me to parties to meet the latest “someone special”.But later I changed my mind. A colleague of mine said, “Second marriages usually end in divorce, and children are destroyed by it.” There is some truth in his words. Research published in 2004 showed that children in blended families were no more emotionally healthy than those in single-parent families.Not long ago, my now-teenage daughter and I went to lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. While eating, we talked about a friend of ours who was divorcing her second husband. We were worried about how the break would harm her three children, two of whom were struggling to get free of drugs. Joanna put down her fork and looked at me. “Mom, I’m glad you didn’t remarry,”she said. “If you had divorced again, I might have tried drugs or even consider suicide.” At that moment, I realized, once again, that singleness was right choice for me.1.What was the speaker most afraid of?2.Which of the following is NOT true?3.What did the speaker’s colleague say?4.Which of the following is true?5.If the speaker had divorced again, what might her daughter, Joanna, have done? Kes: 1C 2.A3. B 4.B 5.BIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Is youth wasted on the young?Amy: I’d like to talk to you, so stop what you’re doing for a minute.Bill:What is it, Amy? I’m having a hectic time working on this report for tomorrow’s meeting.Amy: Well, you’re always pretty busy, and it’s been more five years, almost six, since we were married.Bill:Yes, time has gone so fast, but they’ve been good years.Amy: I know, but I want to have a baby—I want us to have a baby.Bill:I know you do. But remember, we said we’d wait until we could afford it. Amy: But five years is a long time to wait. Anyway, it’s long enough.Bill:I’m this close to getting a promotion.Amy:What has that got to do with it? We could wait forever if we wait for the “perfect” moment. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoying having a baby.Bill:You know,you have a good point. This report can wait. I’ll do it tomorrow morning. Let’s open a bottle of wine and enjoy ourselves.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: I’ve got something important to tell you: I’m pregnant.B: What? You’re pregnant? Wow, I’d love to have a baby.A: Well, I understand you want to be a father. It’s been more than three years, almost four, since we were married.B: Yes, time has passed so quickly, but we still didn’t have a baby.A: I know, but we can’t afford to have one now. If I leave my job for more than two weeks, I’ll lose it forever.B: I know you will. But remember, if we don’t have one now, it’ll be too late. We’ll be busier in future.A: There is something in what you said. Four years is a long time to wait. But I really like my job. What’s more, I’m very close to getting promotion.B: But a baby borne by a woman in her 30s may be physically and intellectually less healthy. If we wanted to hold onto your job, we would wait forever. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoy a baby.A: You really have a point. I’ll choose the baby over the job.B: Good, I’ll try harder to make both ends meetMODEL2 So many people in the United States get divorced! ScriptKim: Hi Amy.Amy: Hi! Look at this headline, Kim.Kim: Wow! So many people in the United States get divorced!Amy: But this is not uncommon in west. In some places, the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent.Kim: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly, if not at first sight; but they also leave each other quickly.Amy:Is it the same in your country?Kim: I don’t think so. In my country, some marriages break up, but most couples stay together.Amy:Do people get married young?Kim: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 20.Amy:Hmm. Do woman usually work after they get married?Kim: No, a lot of women stay home to take care of their families. But more women work now.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly, but they also leave each other quickly.B: Is it the same where you live?A: I don’t think so. In my country, most couples stay together.B: What is the divorce rate in your homeland?A: The divorce rate can be as low as 10 percent.B: That’s quite lower than in our country.A: Well, what’s the divorce rate in your country?B: About 50 percent, if I’m not mistaken.A: Oh, that’s really high!B: Do people get married young?A: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 22.B: Many of our young people get married before 20. Is it common for women in your country to work after they marry?A: Yes, most wives work even after they’ve got a baby.B: In my country, a lot of wives stay home to look after their families.MODEL3 Why not have both our parents here for Christmas? ScriptAmy: You know, Christmas is coming. And I haven’t seen Dad for ages—he always has such great stories to tell.Bill: I know we went t my folks’last year, but my Mom’s been pretty sick. This might be her last Christmas.Amy: She’s been ill, but don’t exaggerate. You just don’t like my mother. That’s why you don’t want to go to my parentsBill:She’s never liked me. Never thought I was good enough for you.Amy: Well, you’re not… But seriously, Mom’s not so sad. She’s just got a thick skin and likes to hide her feelingsBill:I don’t think so.Amy: Why not have our both families here for Christmas?Bill: That would make twenty-two of us if we invited everybody.Amy: Why not just have our parents here for Christmas?Bill: Good idea. Just don’t sit me next to your mother.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: You know, the Spring Festive is coming, and we have to consider where to have the Spring Festive Eve dinner.B: What have you got in mind?A: Since I’ve been busy, I haven’t seen mom for quite some time—she’s always been so kind to us.B: I know we went t my folks’ last year, but my mom’s been sick. She needs comfort. A: My parents also need company. If I don’t have the Spring Festive Eve dinner with them for two years running, they will be extremely disappointed. As a matter of fact, my mom is already blaming me for neglecting them.B: What can we do then?A: Let me think. Why not invite our parents here for the dinner?B: But they live so far away from us. It’s inconvenient for old people.A: Then we can invite four of them to a restaurant near them.B: Good, idea. On the next morning we can visit both our parents.A: And don’t forget to bring gifts.V. Let’s TalkScriptIf you want me to tell you why I remarried, that’s my story.Remarried is the last thing I’d consider for two years after my divorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failure. More importantly, I wondered how remarrying would affect my 10-year-old son. My heart ached when I saw my son draw a picture of himself, my ex-wife and me holding hands, with sadness on our faces. Since my parents have married and divorce eight times altogether, I hope my son would not have to go through the same pain I had experienced. As a result, my primary focus after divorce was my relationship with my son John, not finding a wife. As time went by, my son gradually grew up, and he became of my loneliness and anxiety. One day he asked me to consider dating. The first timer he said this, I ignored him. The second time he brought it up, I reconsidered my reservations about dating. I began to date Maria. As our relationship developed over the following year, I was concerned about my son would actually respond to her. At first, John’s affection for Maria was lukewarm. For instance, he would hug her, but the act seemed mechanical. But after several times, he warmed up to her. Seeing that the time was ripe, I asked Maria to marry me. She accepted, so our family of two smoothly became a family of three. Thinking back, I believe my remarrying was the right choice.Some single-parents are still besitant about remarrying. Now that you’ve heard my story, I hope you won’t hesitate and let golden opportunities slip through your fingers.DebateSAMPLEA: On the whole I don’t support remarriage. Too many remarriages have turned out to be unsuccessful and end in divorce.B:If you say many remarriages have failed, that means other remarriages have survived, or even bloomed. We should not only look at the dark of the issue.A: But ther e’re too many factors contribute to the failure of a second marriage. For example, as you become older, you may find it increasingly difficult to adjust to a different pattern of life with a new mate. Once there’s a conflict neither is willingto give in.B: There’re conflicts everywhere, but you should not neglect that an adult has psychological and physical needs. Without a companion, one may feel lonely and anxious.A: In a new family the husband tends to compare his new wife’s weak point with his ex-wife’s strong point. And the wife does the same.B: I wish you’d seen the film The Sound of Music. The governess Maria blended so smoothly into the Captain’s family.A:It is not easy for children to accept the new mother or father. It is simply impossible for them to forget their birth-mother’s loving care and the happy moments in their childhood.B: But how happy are the Captain’s seven children with their adopted mother Maria! If the new mother shows genuine care for the kids, they will gradually warm to her. On the other hand, many children in a single-parent family are under psychological pressure and suffer from anxiety attack. So, the single life is not the right choice. VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Early MarriageScriptAt the age of 12, Lisa has been married for three years to a young man she met just after finishing secondary school. He treated her well. She almost died during the birth of their first child, born a year after their marriage. The second child, born 18 months later, was also a girl. Lately she and her husband quarrel frequently. She wants to go to vocational school to learn skills to add to the family income, but his mother insists she stay home and produce a son.This example is by no means exceptional. Early marriage is common in many parts of the world. Early marriage leads to early motherhood. In some developing countries, 20 percent or over half of the women give birth to their first child before the age of 18.Expectations from parents, in-laws and society are to produce a child as soon as possible. Many young wives feel pressure to bear son. This typically results in early and frequent pregnancies.In developing countries, more than half a million women die every year from causes related to pregnancy. There are four important reasons for these deaths. Birth are either “too soon, too close, too many, or to late”. According to statistics, it is young women who most die during pregnancy.1.At what age did Lisa give birth to her first child?2.What does Lisa want?3.Why do women in some developing countries have babies early?4.What are the reasons women die from childbirth?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Keys: 1.B 2.D3.A 4.D 5.CTask 2: Nuclear Family Living PatternsScriptA nuclear family is typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they acquir e their own jobs and move into their own apartment or home.In the early mid-20th century, the family typically was the sole wage earner, and the mother was the children’s principle care giver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States.Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, a company’s arrangement of day care as well as government assistance to parents requiring day care is occurring.Task3: They are coming for Christmas,ScriptA man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the day before Christmas and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mom and I are divorcing, Forty-five years of misery is enough..”“Dad, what are you talking about?” the son screams.“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the father says. “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her.”Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.“Oh, heck, they’re getting divorced,” she shouts. “I’ll take care of this.”Losing no time, she call her father and screams at him, “You are not getting divorced. Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do anything! DO YOU HEAR ME?”Then she quickly hangs up.The old man hangs up his phone and heaves a sigh of relief. He turns to his wife and says merrily, “Okay, they are coming back for Christmas and paying their own way.”For Reference:1. He and the boy’s mother are divorcing.2. Forty-five years of misery is enough. They can’t stand the sight of each other any longer. They’re sick of each other.3. He gets frantic and calls his sister.4. They will come back home and stop the parents from divorcing.5. He is happy, for his son and daughter will come back for Christmas and pave their own way.News ReportPrince More Precious Than the DiamondScriptPeople have long known the saying ’s best friend.” But this may be changing. There’s a new stone market, tanzanite, and it is giving diamonds some serious competition.Tanzanite was one of a number of gems discovered in East Africa in the 1960s. The new colors and varieties changed the gem market. But the real gem among these stones was tanzanite, discovered in 1967 in Tanzania. The stone was named after its country of origin by New York’s Tiffany and Co. which introduced it to the world. It draws one’s attention quickly with its color—blue, purple or bronze, depending on the direction it is viewed from.More important for its value, though, is its rarity. Tanzanite has been found in only one small area, near Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. And its supply will probably befully mined in the next two decades.As one mining official puts it, “It should never have really occurred in the first place. It did occur. And only this one deposit on this entire planet that is known…makes it more than a thousand times rarer than diamonds. And certainly within the next 15 to 20 years, there will be no more tanzanite to be mined.”The current value of the tanzanite market, at U.S. $10 billion, is equivalent to that of diamonds. And so another saying “Diamonds are forever”may lose some of its meaning.。

UNIT 1 With Alzheimer's, you meet a lot of new people.Ⅰ. Lead-inWork in pairs, discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(√) 1. What factors may weaken one's memory?(√) 2. Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?(√) 3. What can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guest list for your birthday party?(√) 4. How do you ensure important phone numbers are always at your fingertips?Ⅱ. Basic Listening PracticeListen to the short dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1. A) The man is offering to pay.B) The woman is offering to pay.C) The man paid last time.D) The woman paid last time.2. A) Memorizing the words.B) Memorizing the texts.C) Learning the texts by heart.D) Reading the texts time and again.3. A) He can't remember people by sight.B) He can't remember people by name.C) He has a terrible memory for football.D) He has a hard time recognizing names.4. A) To remind the woman to lock the door when going out.B) To remind the woman to take her keys when going out.C) To remind guests to close the door after them.D) To prevent visitors from having an accident.5. A) He set a difficult essay question.B) He found the history exam difficult.C) He has a good memory.D) His memory is declining.Word TipsKit:(运动队的)服装(a set of clothes and equipment that you use when playing a sport) photographic memory:准确得惊人的记忆力(the ability to remember in exact detail of something one has seen)Ⅲ. Listening InTask 1: Is your memory in good shape?Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.While the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly ______, she says she read _____ on studying and remembering. It tells about ______ like "Mental Visualization", that is, creating ______ in one's mind of ______. This reminds the man of the principle of "______", which means connecting what one wants to remember with something one is ______. Then the woman adds theprinciple of "_____", or reviewing one's notes after class and absorbing the ______ into _____. When the man promises to study ______ hours a day, the woman recommends the principle of "______", which favors ______ study sessions distributed over ______. Finally, the woman tells the man that memory is like _______ and it needs ______.Word Tipsmental visualization: 头脑中形成图像、意象association: 联想(a feeling or memory that is connected with a particular place, event, word, etc.)consolidation: 巩固,加强(the act of making something strong and secure)sieve: 筛子(a wire tool for separating small objects from large objects)Task 2: Y ou forgot my toast!Listen to the passage and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). If the statement is false, explain why.1. The couple went to their doctor to have a complete physical checkup.A) TB) F2. At first the wife asked the husband to get her only ice cream.A) TB) F3. The husband refused to write a note, for he believed he could remember the toast.A) TB) F4. Finally, the husband brought the wife both ice cream and strawberries.A) TB) F5. The wife blamed the husband for forgetting to bring her ice cream and strawberries.A) TB) FWord Tipstoast: 烤面包,吐司(bread that has been heated and browned in a toaster or an oven)check over:检查(examine; inspect)bacon: 咸肉,熏肉(salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig, often served in narrow thin pieces)Listen to the passage again and answer the questions.1. Why did the husband refuse to write down the wife's instructions?_______________2. When the husband brought the wife a plate of bacon and eggs, what was her reaction?_______________Task 3: Memory-Improving TechniquesListen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1. A) Learning different things.B) Learning to dance.C) Learning to use a computer.D) Learning to play chess.2. A) Noticing even a small object like a pen.B) Memorizing anything that catches your attention.C) Concentrating only on what is important.D) Both A) and B).3. A) Y ou can focus only on its color.B) Y ou can focus on one of its characteristics.C) Y ou can associate it with other objects.D) Y ou can focus on its features.4. A) Y ou can stop breathing in for a minute and then breathe out.B) Y ou can stop breathing in for a short time, and then breathe out slowly.C) Y ou can breathe hard for ten seconds.D) Y ou can hold your breath and count to ten.5. A) The importance of stimulating one's memory.B) The relationship between stimulation and association.C) The importance of improving one's memory.D) Memory-developing skills.Word Tipsstimulate: 刺激;促进(encourage an activity to begin or develop further)memorize: 记住;熟记(learn words, music, etc.)characteristic: 特征,特性(a quality or feature of something or somebody that is typical of them and easy to recognize)Listen to the passage again and answer the question.What are the four memory-developing techniques introduced in the passage?______________Ⅳ. Speaking OutDescribing Good and Poor Memory; Expressing Sympathy; Resuming Interrupted Speech MODEL 1 It slipped my mind!Listen to the dialog. If you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the boxes of useful expressions.Amy: I sent out the invitations to the dinner party.Bill: That's good. Now what should we do?Amy: We've got to plan the menu.Bill: Oh, that's right. ______?Amy: I think I'm going to make the chicken salad we had at the Christmas party. ______? Bill: Y eah, but ______?Amy: Linda? Oh, my gosh! ______! ______. She'll be mad at me.Bill: Well, ______. It's not too late yet. I'll make a phone call. Don't worry.Amy: Thanks! Y ou see, ______. I think I'm getting old!Bill: Looks like you are, sweetheart.Word Tipschef: 厨师(a skilled cook who manages the kitchen)recipe:食谱,配方(a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food)Listen to the dialog again, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs.Now Y our Turnin the boxes if necessary.A wants to have a party and asksB to suggest some guests. B names John, who has just lost his job and is feeling low. B then mentions Julia, who has just moved to the city. (B can add more.) A admits to being forgetful and thanks B.Useful ExpressionsDo you have anything in mind?Are you thinking about anything in particular?Remember I asked the chef for the recipe?Don't you remember I asked the chef for the recipe?...did you forget that Linda doesn't eat chicken?Don't you remember Linda doesn't care for chicken?I forgot to invite Linda!I forgot Linda. I should have invited her.It just slipped my mind.I just forgot it....everyone forgets something sometimes.Everyone forgets one thing or another from time to time....I'm getting forgetful.My memory is going/failing/fading.MODEL 2 I can't think of it off the top of my head.Listen to the dialog. If you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the boxes of useful expressions.Language and Culture Tipoff the top of one's head (informal) without taking time to think or prepare, oneself properly John: Hey, Sue. ______?Susan: ______. I don't have my address book on me, and I don't have my mobile phone with me, either.John: That's too bad! I've got to find him now. It's urgent! If I can't find him today, I'll be dead! Susan: Y ou might want to look it up in the phone book.John: I've checked already, but it seems that his phone number is unlisted.Susan: Maybe it's under his roommate's name.John: Well, I guess so.Susan: Well, _______? She has his phone number.John: I've tried, but no one answered!Susan: Maybe call his office and ask his secretary.John: I've already tried. She won't tell me. She says it's private.Susan: Oh, that's right. ______.John: It's a pity. Y ou usually ______, but you can't help today. What's wrong with you? Y our memory seems to be fading early.Susan: It's not that my memory is fading. ______, but ______.Listen to the dialog again, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs.Now Y our Turnin the boxes if necessary.A wants to attend a lecture given by a visiting professor but cannot remember the time. A asksB for help. B doesn't remember, either, so B suggests looking at the notebooks and calling the dean or secretary of the department for information.Useful ExpressionsDo you know what Jack's home phone number is?Do you know Jack's phone number?I can't think of it off the top of my head.I can't think of it off hand.... why don't you call Jane?Y ou might as well call Jane.They usually don't release private information over the phone.It is against the company's policy to give out someone's personal information on the phone to a stranger....have a powerful memory......have a(n) good/reliable/retentive/photographic/ unfailing memory...I do have a good memory for faces and names...I (can) remember faces and names well.... a poor one for numbers and dates.I forget numbers and dates easily.MODEL 3 What's wrong with your memory?Listen to the dialog. If you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the boxes of useful expressions.Bill: Hi, honey! My trip to London was wonderful.Amy: Tell me what thrilled you most.[The telephone rings and Bill answers it....He hangs up.]Bill: Er, ______?Amy: ______.Bill: Oh, yeah.Amy: I bet you had a great time.Bill: Y es, I particularly enjoyed visiting the Tower of London.Amy: How did you get there? By bus or underground?Bill: _______....Sorry, ______.Amy: _______?Bill: I hope it's not Alzheimer's disease. ______.Amy: I don't think so. Perhaps _______. Y ou'll be all right after a good sleep.Bill: I hope so. But as this is happening so often recently, I think I must go to see a doctor and get some pills.Amy: It's not as serious as that. Anyway, I wish you had a good memory for happy events, and a bad one for unhappy things.Word TipAlzheimer's disease: 阿耳茨海默氏病,早老性痴呆病(a condition in which a person's brain and body gradually stop working properly)Listen to the dialog again, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs.Now Y our TurnCreate a dialog with your partner according to the instructions, referring to the useful expressions in the boxes if necessary.Y ou are telling your partner about your trip to Beijing when the door bell rings. After answering the door, you forget where you left off. With your partner's help, you continue to talk favorably about your Beijing trip. On the other hand you complain about the high admission fees at some historical and scenic sites. But when asked about the exact fees, you do not remember them. Useful Expressions...where was I?Where did I leave off?What was I saying?Let's back up.Y ou were talking about your tour in London.Y ou were telling me about your trip to London.We got as far as your trip to London.Let me see.Let me think.Just a moment....I can't remember any more.My mind has gone blank.I've forgotten it all.What's wrong with your memory?What's the matter with your memory?Is there anything wrong with your memory?I don't want to forget my own name.I don't want to lose my memory (before long/too soon)....it's just temporary forgetfulness.Y ou only forget things momentarily.Y our memory just isn't working for the time: being.Y our memory is having a little time out.Questions for Discussion1. Can you guess why some famous scientists and professors are forgetful in their daily life?2. A computer has a memory far better than man's. But why can't the computer replace human beings?3. What is your earliest memory?4. What did you have as a child that today's children do not have?Ⅴ. Let's TalkHow to Improve Our MemoryListen to the dialog and complete the table with the information you hear.Ways of Improving One's Memory: Creating imagesExamples: To remember the items to buy at the grocery store such as ______Examples: Images that may help:1. _______2. _______3. _______Ways of Improving One's Memory: Establishing associationsExamples: To find your _______Examples: Associations with the sound and touch that may help:1. _______2. _______Word Tipcarton: 硬纸盒,纸板箱(a box or container usually made of paperboard)DiscussionThe following seven techniques are considered important in promoting a good memory. Select two of them, then work with a partner, and take turns giving examples to illustrate the techniques you've selected.associating creating imagesdeveloping an interest in the subjectreorganizing the facts into meaningful groupsslowing down in learningintensive practice or repentinghaving breaks or restNotes_______________________________________Ⅵ. Further Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeListen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1. A) Factors related to memory development.B) The importance of food in memorization.C) The important role of a good memory.D) The misery caused by a poor memory.2. A) They contain protein.B) They contain vitamins.C) They contain water.D) A full stomach leads to a good sleep.3. A) Babies.B) Teens.C) Adults.D) Older people.4. A) A weak memory.B) Confusion.C) Difficulty in thinking.D) All of the above.5. A) Sleep can control the senses.B) Sleep promotes rest.C) Sleep helps the brain to revise and store information.D) Sleep reduces tiredness.Word Tipscereal: 谷类食物(如麦片等) (a breakfast food made from grain and usually eaten with milk) synthesize: 合成(make something by combining different things or substances)Task 2: Where did the professor go?Compound Dictation: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.This is a ______ story, which happened ______ friends of ours in a small town in South Africa. They were a hospitable couple who often _______ their neighbors for drinks, tea or dinner. On this ______ spring night they had invited a _____ professor to supper. During the evening, it began to _____ with rain, and the heavens really _____. Because he had walked there, they offered to put him up for the night. They pointed out that _______. He agreed on the soundness of that idea, thanked his hosts profusely, and the matter seemed to be settled. But while they were ______. No one could find him anywhere. Eventually, after about 40 minutes, the front door bell rang. There was the professor, soaked to the skin. When he was asked what on earth he had been doing in the rain, he replied that ______.Word Tipsprofusely: 丰富地(exhibiting great abundance)pajamas: 睡衣(soft and loose clothes that you wear in bed)Task 3: How to Remember NamesListen to the passage and answer the questions.1. According to the passage, what may happen after we hear a name on the phone?______________2. What does the speaker advise us to do to remember the name mentioned on the phone?______________3. What are the two things the speaker advises us to do to remember the name of somebody we meet in person?______________4. What does the speaker advise us to write on a card?______________5. According to the passage, how can we use a card to remember names?______________Word Tipsimplant: 灌输(strongly fix an idea, feeling, or way of behavior in someone's mind) visualize: 设想;想像(form a picture of someone or something in one's mind; imagine) proficient: 精通(well advanced in an art, occupation, or a branch of knowledge)News ReportA Dolphin ExhibitionWatch the news report and fill in the blanks with the missing words.A recent art exhibition in Florida honored the animal often seen as man's most ______ friend, the dolphin.The "Dolphins on Parade" exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized decorateddolphin ______ made of wood and other materials. The dolphins were ______ at area businesses and along the beach. Sponsors paid U.S.$750 to ______ the artists' fee and the cost of materials.There were more than 100 dolphin themes, _____ a beer-belly dolphin. They showed the work of _____ artists, as well as the beach _______ the Keys are famous for.Probably the most _____ was special because of its artist, Pandora. Pandora the dolphin ______ is a real dolphin, at the Dolphin Research Center, in Marathon, Florida. The playful artist streaks colors across a dolphin painting, holding a brush in its ______.The exhibition was held by the Monroe [Florida] Council of the Arts as part of a plan to make the Keys an international arts center. The paintings were to be auctioned off in March, with the money earned going to community art programs.Word Tipsdolphin: 海豚theme: 主题(a subject of artistic representation)streak: 划条纹;划线(mark with lines)auction: 拍卖(a public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder)Language and Culture TipsFlorida Keys the chain of smell islands running southwest from the U.S. Stale of Floridaarea businesses businesses such as stores and hotels in the areaQuestions for Discussion1. Search the Internet for information about dolphins, and give some examples to show the dolphin's good memory or high intelligence. Share your information with your partners.2. On the basis of the news report you've seen and the following story, do you think a dolphin is more intelligent than a monkey or a three-year-old child?"At Marine World, U.S.A., a group of dolphins were taught to pick up the trash in their pool and bring it to their trainer for a fish reward. One dolphin seemed to be getting more trash than the others. It was discovered that the dolphin had hidden trash and would tear a piece off for his reward, and then return and tear off another piece for another reward."UNIT 2 This is going to be a great semester!Ⅰ. Lead-inWork in pairs, discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(√) 1. What subject do you like best? What made you like it: your personal interests, the teacher, the practical applications of the course in future, etc.?(√) 2. Do you think it is necessary for some Chinese children to do a lot of difficult math problems for the Olympic Math Competition?(√) 3. What study habits seem to be common among successful students?(√) 4. How to prevent students' cheating in examinations?Ⅱ. Basic Listening PracticeListen to the short dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1. A) English writing.B) French writing.C) Marketing.D) Economics.2. A) She wants to borrow his notes and advises him to attend the lecture.B) She wants to borrow his notes and advises him to attend the seminar.C) She can lend him her notes right now and advises him to attend the lecture.D) She can't lend him her notes right now and advises him to attend the seminar.3. A) To study fashion designing.B) To look at pretty girls.C) To review lessons for an exam.D) To collect material for a classroom presentation4. A) Steven works hard, but Suzie does not.B) Suzie works hard, but Steven does not.C) Both work hard.D) Neither works hard.5. A) The teaching is very practical.B) The teaching is highly theoretical.C) The teaching is given by famous Harvard professors only.D) The teaching is supported mainly by law cases.Word Tipselective: 选修课(a course of study that you choose to do, rather than one that you must do) compulsory: 义务的,强制的(that must be done because of a rule or law)statistics: 统计学(the science of using numbers to represent facts and to describe situations) case: 事例,实例(an example of a particular situation, problem, etc.)Language and Culture Tippull one's weight make one's contributionsⅢ. Listening InTask 1: On the First DayListen to the dialog and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.Seeing that Jenny has bought ______ for the biology c lass, Harrison says nobody does much on _____ because it's still add-drop, which means students are ______ from class to class. Jenny knows the professor is ______, but Harrison warns her that the professor is good only if students are ______, for he expects ______.After class, Jenny admits that ______ of what the professor said went _____, and Harrison ______ her that a lot of what the professor said is ______. When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison's ______, he says "no problem", for they don't ______ until Wednesday. Finally, Harrison says ______ at the seminar is an important part of the education there.Task 2: Money for CollegeListen to the passage and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). If the statement is false, explain why.1. Robert was short of money because he had spent a lot on fun.A) TB) F2. Robert asked his mother for money, saying he had no more money for food.A) TB) F3. The mother sent Robert two books and two checks.A) TB) F4. The father was against sending Robert a lot of money, for they were poor.A) TB) F5. The mother doubted whether her son could find the larger check, for she suspected that he would not read the calculus book.A) TB) FWord Tipscalculus: 微积分tape: 用胶带粘上(stick something onto something else using tape)Listen to the passage again and answer the questions.1. Why did the father object to sending Robert $1,100?______________2. Where did the mother put the $1,000 check?______________Task 3: How to Get Straight A'sListen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1. A) They won't eat snacks.B) They won't play computer games.C) They won't answer phone calls.D) They won't watch TV.2. A) He worked out every day.B) To save time he did not even brush his teeth.C) He used his spare time to memorize new terms.D) He read actively and thought deeply.3. A) Sitting up late.B) Getting up early.C) Reviewing immediately after class.D) Leaving a certain period of time everyday for studying.4. A) One who asks many questions for full understanding.B) One who focuses on the most difficult parts of a book.C) One who reads extensively.D) One who reads fast and understands everything.5. A) How do bottom students become top students?B) How to educate super-achievers.C) The strong and weak points of some top students.D) Secrets of successful students.Word Tipsstraight A's: 全优的(all A's)super-achiever: 超级成功者(one who achieves far more than others)priority: 优先考虑的事(the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else)intrusion: 干扰,侵扰(an unwanted event or person in a situation that is private)snack: 点心;小吃(a small amount of food, eaten between meals)consistency: 连贯性,一致性(the quality of always being the same or always being good) Listen to the passage again and answer the question.What are the four good qualities of super-achievers mentioned in the passage?________________Ⅳ. Speaking OutTalking About V arious Aspects of School Life; Making and Replying to Suggestions; Using ExaggerationsMODEL 1 Y ou're just going to have to study hard.Listen to the dialog. If you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the boxes of useful expressions.Language and Culture Tipsup to my ears in homework fully occupied with homework; having a lot of homework to dohit the books study hardrub off on somebody give somebody an example to followNora: Only our first day back at school, and ______.Chris: Only our first day back at school, and ______.Nora: Y ou're going to _____ if you want to keep your grades up.Chris: ______! I already have two reports, two book reports, a composition, an oral report, and a research project—all due before midterms.Nora: We could study together. Maybe some of my organized study habits would ______. Chris: Better yet, maybe you could do my homework for me.Nora: Forget it! That would be cheating.Chris: All right, all right. I have yet to write a term paper. ______? Y ou'd better give me the exact pages where I can find what I want.Nora: Y ou could borrow ideas from those references, but ______.Chris: ______. If you don't help me, I'll have to prepare some study sheets and hide them in my hand when I take the test.Nora: Oh, no! If you're caught, the professor will definitely give you an F. _____. Y ou're just going to have to study hard.Chris: All right. I'll take your advice. The library is going to be my new home, and in the dorm ______.Word Tipsplagiarize: 剽窃;抄袭(use another person's idea or work and pretend that it is your own)a study sheet: 作弊用的小纸片(a piece of paper with information on it, prepared to allow cheating in an exam)Listen to the dialog again, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs.Now Y our TurnCreate a dialog with your partner according to the instructions, referring to the useful expressions in the boxes if necessary.A worries about his/her term paper and a test and mentions ways of cheating (such as askingB to write a term paper for him/her, downloading articles from the Internet, preparing a cheat-sheet).B promises to help but warns against any forms of cheating, and finally A promises to study hard.Useful Expressions...already I feel like I've learned a lot.I feel I've learned a great deal.I feel as if I've learned a great deal....I already feel like I'm up to my ears in homework.I'm already up to my neck in (my) homework.I already have my hands full with assignments....have to hit the books......must do some serious studying/study hard......have to buckle down to work...Tell me about it!Tell me what to do.Give me some advice....rub off on you....give you a model/set an example for you....show you how to get ahead.Can you recommend any articles and books?Could you suggest some articles and books?Can you tell me where to look for information?...if you quote without giving the sources, you're plagiarizing.If you quote something without citing the sources, you'll be criticized/punished for plagiarism /you're plagiarizing.If you copy straight from a text, show where it's from, or you'll be accused of plagiarism.The quiz next week will be a headache.I'm worried about the next quiz.Next week's quiz is killing me.Probably, you'll have to repeat the year.Maybe you'll have to repeat the grade.Y ou'll probably have to do the year again....I'll be burning the midnight oil.I'll be sitting up/staying up late.I'll be working like a slave.MODEL 2 Which class do you prefer?Listen to the dialog. If you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the boxes of useful expressions.Chris: First period is math with Mr. Woods. I don't know ______?Nora: I like Mr. Woods. He's interesting.Chris: He's boring! ______! Who do you have for economics?Nora: Mrs. Jenkins. ______. Students really learn a lot from her.。
新视野大学英语听说教程第2册听力原文及答案 (3)

II. Listening Skills1-i 2-a 3-f 4-b 5-c 6-d 7-h 8-g 9-eIII. Listening InTask 1: The Influence of AdvertisingRichard: Dad, I need a pair of new shoes for an important basketball game. My old ones look kind of funny.Father: Funny! We just bought those last spring. There’s a lot of life left in them.Richard: But look at this ad with Yao Ming. He says these shoes give him extra spring. Father: Yao Ming is so tall that he doesn’t need extra spring. Anyway, he makes money than I do. And they probably give him millions of dollars to wear those shoes.Richard: But if you bought me the shoes, I’d wear them for nothing. And I’d have that extra spring.Father: Do you think Yao Ming reached the top just because of the shoes he wears? Or was it something else?Richard: You mean like hard work, dedication, that sort of thing?Father: Exactly. Just focus on your studies and forget the shoes.1. shoes2. look kind of funny3. there is still a lot of life left4. ad5. give him extra spring6.as much money7. need extra spring8. millions of dollars9.wearing the shoes 10. wear 11. for nothing 12. reach the top13. because of 14. something lese 15. hard work and dedication16. focus/concentrate on his studies 17. forgetTask 2: I’ll get a camera.One day just before closing time, John rushed into a TV store to buy a color TV set with the money he had saved for three months. The friendly shop assistant was waiting for the day’s last and 100th customer to reach his sales target for his bonus, so he warmly greeted John and showed him the various models on display. He asked John to see how sharp and colorful the imagine on the screen was. At that moment, a new commercial came onto the screen, introducing a popular brand of camera as well as some beautiful pictures it had taken. The camera and pictures attracted John. He suddenly changed his mind and told the shop assistant: “Thank you for the TV commercial. Now I have to hurry to the camera store to get that camera.”1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: Don’t even think about it!“Don’t even think about it!”is a phrase commonly used in the United States when a person emphatically denies or refuse something.In 1995, Shaquille O’ Neal, a popular basketball player, made a Pepsi commercial in which this phrase was used. The commercial begins with Shaq playing basketball, and a little kid is watching him. Then the boy cries out the name of this basketball star. Shaq turns to see the kid with a Pepsi n his hand. He walks over to the boy and says, “Hey, can I have it?” He bends over, supposing thathis admirer will give him the Pepsi. But then the kid says, “Don’t even think about it!”This commercial was rather popular, and it had been shown on TV for about three years. The commercial seems to have a more dramatic effect than that produced by the Coca-Cola company in the 1970s. In the Coke ad a young boy meets football star “Mean” Joe Green as he is leaving the field a game. The boy gives his hero a bottle of Coke, and in exchange for the drink, the football player throws to the boy, who excitedly catches the souvenir.The phrase “Don’t even think about it!” is used on many other occasions. Visitors to New York City are often amused to see a road sign with these words: “Don’t even think about parking here.”This road sign means that people are strictly prohibited from parking there.1. A2.D3.B4.C5.CIV. Speaking OutModel 1 Who pays?Laura: Hey!Bob: Hey! Look, this is a cool TV commercial. “Things go better with Coke!”Laura: I think the Pepsi commercial is just as attractive: “The choice of a new generation!”Bob: Yeah, but the competitors are just canceling out each other’s efforts.Laura: That’s quite true. They both spend piles of money to increase their market shares, but neither gains.Bob: I’m afraid the extra costs of advertising will be passed on to the consumers.Laura: I hear that the advertising produces a good image of a product, and that leads to consumer brand loyalty.Bob: What do you mean by consumer brand loyalty?Laura: It means consumers are loyal to a certain product and keep buying it. Also, they’re willing to pay more.Bob: It seems contradictory. In other words, more sales mean lower production costs, but more advertising means higher costs to the consumer.In the end the winner is of course the company.Laura: That’s true!Now Your TurnA: Look, “Make yourself heard!” The Ericsson’s TV commercial is so cool.B: I think the Nokia’s commercial is just as fascinating: “Connecting People.”A: I’m afraid consumers will have to pay for the advertising.B: I hear that the advertisements create as a favorable on\mage of a product, and that leads to consumer brand loyalty.A: Could you explain “consumer brand loyalty”?B: I mean consumers identify with the product and keep buying it. Sometimes they’re even willing to pay more.A: It is contradictory that increases sales lead to a lower production cost per unit, but more advertising results in greater costs for consumers. The winner is always the company.B: I agree.Model 2 Beware of ads!Peter: Mind if I switch channels? Those TV commercials are killing me.Jane: How can you say that? Watch: “Take Toshiba, take the world.” Fantastic! There’s a product you can depend on. A powerful product.Peter: If I were you, I wouldn’t trust those commercials.Jane: Now, look at this McDonald’s commercials! Aren’t those little kids cute? Oh, and there’s such a warm family feeling.Peter: Just how an advertising agency wants you to see McDonald’s. you’re the target audience.When they make TV commercials, they use scientific methods to learn what you’ll like and buy.Jane: Are you telling me those darling little children biting into Big Macs are part of a scientific project to get me into McDonald’s?Peter: Advertises don’t bother with facts more. Instead they want the end-user—that’s you—to fall in love with their product.Jane: I see. So what you’re saying is, “Watch out, or commercials will take over your life.”Now Your TurnA: Shall we switch to another channel? I don’t like those TV commercials.B: Why do you think so? Look: Just do it! What a powerful product.A: I doubt it.B: Now, look at this L’Oreal commercial. The model’s skin is so smooth.A: This is what they want you to believe: use the product and you will get the same skin.B: You mean they are lying about the product? I don’t really think so.A: Advertisers now appeal to emotions, not reason. They want you to like their product.B: Well, I don’t really agree with you, but we can switch to another channel.Model 3 Are the free magazines free?Peter: Jane, what’s that magazine you’re reading?Jane: It’s one of those free magazine you can pick up around town. It’s got some pretty interesting articles in it.Peter: Wake up, Jane! It’s not free at all. Look at it: It’s all advertising.Jane: Maybe so, but if the advertising pays for the magazine, then I don’t have to.Peter: Sure you do. The cost of the ads is built into the products.Jane: Still, I think advertising serves a useful purpose. It tells me about new products.Peter: A lot of companies spend more money on advertising than on making quality products. Jane: But some commercials are really fascinating. Besides, you have the freedom to choose not to look at the ads.Peter: Well, it’s time to cook dinner.Now Your TurnA: What’s that brochure you’re reading?B: It’s a giveaway brochure you can easily find here and there. It’s got some pretty interesting things in it.A: Do you really think so? It’s not really free. Look at all the ads in it.B: Could be, but I don’t have to pay for it.A: You bet you do. The cost6oof the ads is included in the products.B: Still, I think advertising tells me about new products. It helps me in choosing what to buy.A: This is just what the advertisers want you to do.B: But some commercials are really fascinating. Besides, you’re didn’t have to believe all the ads. A: Well, let’s go swimming.V. Let’s TalkA Job Ad for a Friendly EmployeeA firm advertising for a “friendly”employee has been asked to change its wording because it discriminates against unfriendly people.Travelco, a travel agency, put in a request for a “Friendly employee” to provide food for its staff. But the Job Center in Bristol told managing director Harry Smith that he would have to remove the word “friendly” before the advertisement could be accepted.Mr. Smith said he could not believe the decision and thought it was “ridiculous.” He said: “We were told we could not use that particular word because it was discriminatory against people who looked unfriendly. We thought it was ridiculous. It’s only too natural for us to specify what kind of people we want.” He added, “The people at the center have since said they thought they had been a little over the top.”The center had made it a rule that certain words were nor allowed in ads and the words “motivated” and “enthusiastic” had been banned in the past.An official of the center said: “We do have guidelines of not using personality characteristics in advertisements to ensure that there is no discrimination in the process.”She added: “We should leave the dispute to the local judges. They’ll make the final decision. It’sVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Banning Cigarette AdsNancy: Hey, Robert, what do you think about cigarette ads?Robert: They’re disgusting. Many countries have banned tobacco ads completely.Nancy: I heard in the States advertises are not allowed to show young people smoking cigarettes, neither are ads targeted at youth allowed.Robert: But advertises keep finding ways around the law. Some years ago one cigarette ad showed a deer smoking, but it was dressed in a university sweater. Obviously the ad is trying to attract young people.Nancy: In order to increase sales, they have to make smoking appealing to young people. Make them think it’s cool.Robert: Right. Cigarette manufacturers need to keep bringing in new customers. The old ones are dying of lung cancer.Nancy: Good point. Our Student Union should do some publicity against smoking in campus. Robert: I couldn’t agree more.1.They have banned tobacco/cigarette ads completely.2.Advertisers are not allowed to show young people smoking cigarettes.3.They keep finding ways around the law.4.They must keep bringing in new customers, as the old ones are dying of lung cancer.5.IT should do some publicity against smoking on campus.Task 2: A Radio CommercialAre you looking for appliances or furniture to give new life to your home?Look no further! Here at Frontier Furniture, we have everything you need to give your home a new look and feel. Stereos, video machines, refrigerators, dining tables, washers and dryers. You name it; we have it! Low on cash? We have an easy rent-to-own plan that will put you on your favorite sofa tonight. Big color TVs cost only two hundred and twenty-five dollars; digital pianos staring at three ninety-nine ($399); king size beds from two hundred and fifty dollars. Free delivery on all major appliances.So come on down to Frontier Furniture. Located downtown two blocks east of city hall, across from Union Square. We’re open daily from 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM. So, come on in, and let us make your dream home a reality.1.F2.F3.T4.F5.TTask 3: An Introduction to AdvertisingAdvertising has become increasingly specialized in modern times. In today’s business world, supply usually outnumbers demand. There is great competition among different manufacturers of the same kind of product to attract customers to their product. They always have to remind the consumer of the name and the qualities of their product. They do this by advertising. The manufacturers advertise in the newspapers and on posters. They sometimes pay for songs about their product in commercial radio programs. They employ attractive salesgirls to distribute samples. They organizes competitions, with prizes for the winners. They often advertise on the screens of local cinemas. Most important of all, in countries that have television, they have advertisements put into programs that will accept them. Manufacturers often spend large sums of money on advertisements. Sometimes they even spend more on ads than on the products themselves. We usually think so because of the advertisements that say so. Some people never pause to ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth.1.A2.C3.B4.D5.DSpeakingInfluence of a High-Profile StarJill: Hey, isn’t that the same jacket the soccer star Roberto wears in that magazine ad? Robert: The very same one indeed. Even the same color.Jill: But his would have bigger pockets to hold all the money the company pays him to wear it. Robert: You’re just jealous. Wait a sec. I’m going to try it on. It seems to fit me pretty well.Jill: You make me sick. You fall for every ad you see.Robert: Not at all. I want to buy it just because I like it.Jill: Sure you do. It and Roberto.。

新视野大学英语2第二版听说教程听力原文+答案(在原文后面)Book 2 听力原文整理 Unit 1 ListeningUnderstanding Short ConversationsNow you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. 1 W: It’s time for “International Clock Talk”(国际时间交谈)! Time to discuss how you feel about time!M: Well, since we all come from the same country, I think our views will be similar1. Q: Why does the man believe the people will have similar views? 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是针对某件事情的原因提问2 W: It annoys me the way my foreign friends treat time.M: I just read a book about this problem! It’s entitled2 International Clock Talk. Q: Which problem is the book about?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主题3 M: Australians are so relaxed about time! It drives me mad!W: That’s the way they are. While you’re here, you’ll have to get used3 to it. Q: What advice does the woman give the man?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是对整个对话的理解4 M: Have you noticed differences between our cultures?W: Sure. In my country, people don’t care about time very much. Here, you take it seri ously4. Q: How do people in the woman’s country feel about time?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中they对待时间的态度5 W: Can you explain why you’re always five minutes late for conferences (会议)? M: Oh, I’m sorry. In my country, people are often late. Q: Why is the man late for conferences?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中he的某种行为或态度的原因6 W: What do you appreciate most about life in Germany?M: German people are rarely late for meetings. I never have to deal with latecomers. Q: What does the man like best about life in Germany?解析:A B俩个选项涉及对话中he的态度,C D俩个选项涉及对话中Germans对待迟到的态度态度,注意听懂对话和问题才能进行选择7 M: I’v heard that Chinese people are very relaxed about time.W: That used to be true. Nowadays, people are increasingly bothered by lateness. Q: According to the woman, how have Chinese people changed?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主体对时间或迟到的观点8 M: Why did you walk out of the restaurant abruptly(粗鲁地,突然地)? We had just started1talking5.W: Just started? We were there for two hours! In my country, meals take 15 minutes! Q: Why did the woman walk out of the restaurant so abruptly?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问对话中she 做某件事情的原因9 W: What did Mon think about her trip to Russia? I’m so looking forward to6 hearing about it. M: She didn’t say much. When I picked her up7 at the airport this morning, she was just eager to get home to see Dad. She just said the food was great there. Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问两个对话者的关系10 M: It’s only 6:30, and you’re done! I won’t finish work till 10. You are very efficient.W: Well, Tom finished two hours earlier than me. That’s a sign of efficiency(效率) in my country.Q: How many hours earlier did the woman finish her work than the man? 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问时间,学生在听时应注意各个时间所涉及的行为及各个时间之间的关联注释:1 similar:相似的 be similar to2 entitle:1) 给(书、剧本等)提名;定名;e.g. The author entitled his book On Poetry. 作者把自己的书定名为《论诗》2) 使有权做,给予?的资格;entitle sb. to doe.g. This ticket entitled you to a free seat at the concert.凭这张票你可以免费听音乐会 3 use to1) 过去经常;e.g. I used to stay up late when I was single. 我单身时经常熬夜 2)习惯于;be/get used to doing/sth.e.g. While you are in China, you will have to get used to Chinese custom.你既然在中国,就得习惯中国的习俗4 take sb. or sth. seriously 认为某人或某物很重要,认真对待某人或某物 e.g. It’s no kidding. You need to take it seriously.这不是玩笑,你要认真对待5 start start to do sth. or start doing sth.开始做某事, start 后面接不定式和动名词没有明显的区别6 look forward to 中的to 是介词,后面需跟动名词,即 look forward to doing7 pick up1) pick sb. up 用汽车搭载或接某人e.g. I’ll be at the North Railway Station,10 o’clock tomorrow morning, would you please pick me up then. 我将于明天早上10点钟抵达火车北站,届时你能接我一下吗 2)a. pick sb./sth. up 举起或抬起某人或某物,拿起,拾起e.g. My husband picked up my son and put him on his shoulders. 我丈夫抱起孩子并把他放到肩膀上2b. pick sb./sth. up 见到,听到(尤指借助仪器)e.g. Could the equipment pick up the signal from the satellite?这设备能收到卫星发射的信号吗? 3)pick sth. up 通过实践学会(外语,技术等);得,染(疾病);听到、打听到(消息), e.g. It natural for child to pick up parents’ accent.孩子很自然就会学到父母的口音 He is interested in picking up rumors.他乐于打听各种谣言Understanding a Long ConversationNow you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.M: You travel a lot. Which people do you think are the most time-conscious? W: I think it’s probably the Swedes. M: Really, what makes you say that?W: Well, on my last trip to Sweden, I ordered a taxi to pick me up at my hotel at 6:25 am. I got to the street at 6:27, but the taxi had already left. M: That’s a little hard to believe. Is it true?W: Absolutely, everything runs on time there. The re’s no room for mistakes. Everyone is very time-conscious!M: They must seem very stiff and serious!W: Sure, but once you get to know them, you find kind, caring peoplebehind their serious faces. M: This is very different from my experiences traveling in South America. Of course, people there are very kind, but they don’t care much about time.W: I agree. South Americans don’t put very much stress on time. They’re always late for everything, but no one seems to mind. Questions:1 What does the woman think about Swedish people?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问they具备什么样的特质2 How long did the taxi driver wait for the woman? 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是关于时间,学生在听时应注意各个时间所涉及的行为及各个时间之间的关联3 Why does the woman say �Dthere’s no room for mistakes‖ in Sweden? 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某件事情或某种现象的原因4 According to the woman, what are Swedes usually like? 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某人的性格5 What do the man and the woman say about people in South America?解析:该题可从常识进行判断:A和B选项不符合逻辑常识,如果有压力,就不应该经常迟到,D选项中的different(冷漠的) 和kind(友好的)语义上相互矛盾,所以C才是正确答案3Understanding a PassageNow you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.The biggest problem in my company has to do with culture, in particular our different ways of looking at time. People from some countries think it is OK to show up1 late for a meeting and some people even don’t think they need to come at all! As president of the company, however, it is my responsibility to tell them that this is not acceptable. Whereas2 in some other countries attending meetings is not considered very important, in this country, and especially in this company, meetings must be attended on time. Not being on time causes inefficiency. I spent all night thinking about the exact wordsthat I would use to explain my feelings. I even wrote my words down. I planned to discuss this problem at the meeting today, and entitled my speech�DInternational Clock Talk‖. Unfortunately, I have a problem---no one came to the meeting! Questions:1 What is the company’s greatest problem?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某些人对待开会的态度2 Which of the following does the speaker consider is his duty as president of the company? 解析:通过浏览该题四个选项,同学在听时应该注意抓住某人要做什么3 Why does lateness cause a decrease in efficiency?解析:该题四个选项都是涉及原因,听时应该理解全文,把握全局4 What did the company president do the previous night?解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及的对象是he,而且是he做了某件事5 Why couldn’t the president do what he had planned?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某个现象或某件事的原因注释: 1 show up1) 到来,出现e.g. The president of the company had a problem to explain his feeling about late for meeting because there were only two employees showed up in the meeting.公司总裁没法向员工解释他关于开会迟到现象的看法,因为只有两个员工出席会议 2) show sb. upa. 因举止失当使某人羞与为伍e.g. He showed me up by saying such foolish words. 他居然说出如此愚蠢的话,使我羞于与之为伍(弄的我很难堪) b. 显露某人不诚实后不名誉等e.g. Jim showed him up as being greedy in face of money. 在金钱面前Jim显露出他贪婪的面目2 whereas 然而(经常用于介绍与主句观点相反的看法或观点)e.g. She prefers to spend income on clothing, whereas I’d rather spend on booking buying. 她总是把工资花在卖服装上,而我却宁愿把钱用来买书4whereas 可用while 来替换e.g. Asian countries have large populations, whereas/while Africancountries have a few.亚洲国家人口众多,而非洲国家却人口稀少HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 1 Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.W: I always thought that culture shock was something that would happen to other people, not to me.M: Actually, I’m not totally certain what the words �Dculture shock‖ refer to.W: Culture shock is the anxiety that occurs when a person moves to completely new surroundings. M: Does it include a lack of direction and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate? W: It sure does. And, it generally sets in a few weeks after arriving in a new place. M: Is it a physical or mental discomfort?W: It’s both. Most people suffer stress in their body and mind. It can result in feeling very tired, getting sick, becoming depressed and doing things you might otherwise think are wrong. M: I think I’v exp erienced all of the symptoms(症状).W: It’s only natural. When you first arrive, you don’t speak the language, don’t know how to use banking machines, don’t know how to use the telephone and so forth. M: At the same time it can also be an opportunity.W: I agree. It can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and encourage a sense of creativity. Questions:1 What did the woman first think about culture shock? 解析:该题四个选项并没有给我们提供太多的有用信息,因此学生要认真听懂该对话和问题后才能解答2 Which of the following statements is NOT true about people experiencing culture shock?3 How may culture shock affect people’s lives?4 When the woman talks about the newcomer’s inability, which of the following is NOT mentioned?5 How can culture shock also be an opportunity?Task 2 Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.Even though you may not be able to eliminate1 culture shock, there are ways to ease the stress. The following are some activities that can help:Get out of your room or apartment, so you are able to experience first-hand what Americans are doing.Make friends so you can talk to them and ask about what you don’t understand. Read to learn about the cu lture of the country you’re in.5感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。