
AA/D abbr. Analog-to-Digital 模数转换16, 17AC abbr. alternating current 交流电5AC analysis 交流分析5 accumulator [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪtə] n.累加器17 accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsi] n.精度6 acquisition time 采集时间16 activate [ˈæktɪveɪt] vt. 激活3active [ˈæktɪv] adj.有源的4, 18 actuator [ˈæktjʊeɪtə] n.激励器4ADC abbr. analog-to-digital converter 模数转换器6, 18 addition [əˈdɪʃən] n. 加法3 address generator 地址产生器17 address latch 地址锁存器3 address pointer 地址指针2 addressing mode 寻址模式26 ADSL abbr. Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop 非对称数字用户线21AFG abbr. Arbitrary Function Generator 任意函数发生器28 algorithm ['ælgərɪðəm] n. 算法27 aliasing ['eɪlɪəsiŋ] n.混叠16ALU abbr. Arithmetic Logic Unit 算术逻辑单元3 amplifier [ˈæmplɪˌfaɪə] n. 放大器4 analog interfacing模拟接口(技术)6 angular [ˈæŋɡjələ] adj.角度的5 angular frequency 角频率5 annotation [ænə'teɪʃən] n.标注15 antenna [ænˈtenə] n.天线10anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器6, 16 array [ə'reɪ] n.数组26ASIC abbr. Application-Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路13, 14, 15, 16, 25专用集成电路assembler [əˈsemblə] n. 汇编器3 assembly language 汇编语言3 ASSP abbr. Application-Specific Standard Part 专用标准部件14, 25 asynchronous [ə'sɪŋkrənəs] adj.异步的13 attenuator [ə'tenjʊeɪtə] n. 衰减器29 audio [ˈɔːdiəʊ] adj.音频的6 automatic variable 自动变量26AWG abbr. Arbitrary Waveform Generator 任意波形发生器28axis [ˈæksɪs] n. 坐标轴5Bbackplane [ˈbækˌpleɪn] n. 背板;底板9 backward compatible 向下兼容21 bandwidth ['bændˌwɪdθ] n.带宽6第 1 页共15 页bar graph 柱图22base band 基带6base station 基站10, 21battery [ˈbætəri] n. 电池7, 12baud [bɔːd] n.波特21Bessel filter 贝塞耳滤波器19biased [ˈbaɪəst] adj.加偏压的7bill of materials 材料单25binary number 二进制数3BIOS [ˈbaɪɒs] abbr. Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统3bipolar [baɪˈpəʊlə] adj.双极性的2bit pattern 位模式3bit vector 位向量26block diagram 方框图6block diagram 框图19BNC abbr. bayonet Neill–Concelman BNC连接器9Bode plot 伯德图5bond [bɒnd] n.接头9boot sector 引导扇区3branch instruction 分支指令26缓存器;;缓存区3, 10 buffer [ˈbʌfə] n. 缓存器bunching ['bʌntʃiŋ] n.聚束19bus interface 总线接口16Ccable ['keɪbl] n.电缆12cache [kæʃ] n.高速缓存2CAD abbr. Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计13, 18calculation-intensive algorithm 运算密集型算法17CAM [kæm] abbr. Content Addressable Memory 内容寻址存储器2capacitance [kəˈpæsɪtəns] n. 电容(值)5capacitive [kəˈpæsɪtɪv] adj. 容性的9capacitor [kəˈpæsɪtə] n.电容器2, 5capacity [kə'pæsɪtɪ ] n.容量10capture ['kæptʃə] vt. 输入,记录13carrier wave 载波24carry bit 进位位3cascade [kæsˈkeɪd] n.级联5cathode ['kæθəʊd] n. 阴极29CB abbr. Citizen's Band 民用波段10CCD abbr. Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件18, 23CD abbr. Compact Disc 光盘12, 13cellular [ˈseljʊlə] n.使用蜂窝技术的6channel [ˈtʃænəl] n.信道6第 2 页共15 页characteristic frequency 特征频率5 charge pump 电荷泵8 Chebyshev Type 1 filter 契比雪夫I型滤波器18 chip [tʃɪp] n. 芯片1 chip rate 码片速率21 chrominance [ˈkrəʊmɪnəns] n.色度24 circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 电路1 circuit board 电路板1 circuitry [ˈsɜːkɪtri] n. 电路2, 4, 6 circular [ˈsɜːkjʊlə] adj. 圆形的5 circular buffer 循环缓冲区17 class [klɑːs] n.类26 clock cycle 时钟周期3 clock generator 时钟发生器8 clock rate 时钟速率9 CMOS abbr. complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体2, 9, 12, 23 coding theory 编码理论11 comparator [kəmˈpærətə] n.比较器2, 6 compatibility [kəmˌpætɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] n. 兼容性16 compiler [kəmˈpaɪlə] n.编译器3, 26 complex plane 复平面5 component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] n. 元器件;组件;部件1 concurrent [kən'kʌrənt] adj.并发的15 concurrent process 并发进程26 conductivity [kɒndʌkˈtɪvɪti] n.导电性7 conjugate [ˈkɒndʒʊɡeɪt] adj.共轭的5 converter [kənˈvɜːtə] n. 整流器7 converter resolution 转换器分辨率6 coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪnət] n. 坐标5 cordless phone 无绳电话10 counter [ˈkaʊntə] n. 计数器3 coupling [ˈkʌplɪŋ] n.耦合9 CPU abbr. central processing unit中央处理器1, 12程序))25, 27交叉编译器((程序cross-compiler 交叉编译器crosstalk [ˈkrɒsˌtɔːk] n.串扰9 crowbar [ˈkrəʊˌbɑː] n. 短路器7 CRT abbr. Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管29 cryptography [krɪp'tɒgrəfɪ] n. 密码学14 crystal [ˈkrɪstəl] n.晶体8, 18 CT abbr. Computed Tomography 计算机层析成像22 current source 电流源4 cutoff [ˈkʌtɒf] n.截止7 cutoff frequency 截止频率18第 3 页共15 页DD/A abbr. Digital-to-Analog 数模转换16, 17 DAC abbr. Digital-to-Analog Converter 数模转换器18 damping [ˈdæmpɪŋ] n.幅度衰减5 data acquisition 数据采集30 data compression 数据压缩18 data converter 数据转换器6 data processing 数据处理14 data rate 数据率19 data sheet 数据手册4, 6 dB abbr. decibel [ˈdesɪˌbel] 分贝5 DC abbr. direct current 直流电5 DCT abbr. Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换22 debug [diː'bʌg] vt.调试28 debugger [diː'bʌgə] n. 调试程序27 decimation [desɪ'meɪʃən] n.抽取6 declaration [deklə'reɪʃən] n.声明15 decoder [diːˈkəʊdə] n. 译码器3 delta modulation 增量调制(∆调制)11 denominator [dɪˈnɒmɪˌneɪtə] n.分母5 density [ˈdensəti] n. 密度2 design flow 设计流程13 design specification 设计规格28 desired signal 期望信号28 detector [dɪˈtektə] n.检波器8 deviation [ˌdiːviˈeɪʃən] n. 偏差8 device driver 设备驱动程序27 DG abbr. Data Generator 数据发生器28 dial tone 拨号音10 differentiation [ˌdɪfərenʃiˈeɪʃən] n. 微分4 digital [ˈdɪdʒɪtəl] adj.数字的1 digital cellular phone 数字蜂窝电话6 digital circuit 数字电路2 digital filtering 数字滤波6 digitization [ˌdɪdʒɪtɪ'zeʃən] n. 数字化16 diode [ˈdaɪəʊd] n. 二极管7 discrete [dɪ'skriːt] adj.离散的,分立的1, 13 discrete component 分立元件3 disk drive head 磁盘驱动器磁头18 dissipate [ˈdɪsɪˌpeɪt] vi.耗散7 distortion [dɪ'stɔːʃən] n.畸变28 division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 除法3 DMM abbr. digital multimeter 数字多用表28第 4 页共15 页Dolby Stereo 杜比立体声19 don't care 无关项15 downstream ['daʊn'striːm] n.下行比特流11 DRAM abbr. Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器2 drive [draɪv] n.驱动器2, 12 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理14, 18 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器16, 17 DSSS abbr. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 直序扩频21 duty cycle 占空比7, 8 DVD abbr. Digital Video Disk 数字视盘12 DVI abbr. Digital Video Interactive 交互式数字视频系统12 dynamic range 动态范围16 E合逻辑2, 9 ECL abbr. emitter coupled logic 射极耦射极耦合逻辑EDA abbr. Electronic Design Automation 电子设计自动化13, 15 edge detection 边缘检测22 EEPROM [ˈi:prɒm] abbr. Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 电可擦除可编程只读存储器2 electrical power 电能7 electricity [ˌilekˈtrɪsəti] n. 电1 electron beam 电子束29 electronics [ˌilekˈtrɒnɪks] n. 电子学, 电子电路1, 7 embedded system 嵌入式系统13 emulation [ˌemjʊ'leɪʃən] n. 仿真16 encoding [ɪn'kəʊdɪŋ] n.编码19 end office 端局10 end product 最终产品16 erasable [ɪˈreɪzəbl] adj.可擦除的2 ethernet[ˈiːθənet] n. 以太网9, 12 even field 偶数场24 execute [ˈeksɪˌkjuːt] vt. 执行3 execution time 执行时间27 exponent [ɪk'spəʊnənt] n.指数17 exponential [ˌekspəˈnenʃəl] adj. 指数的5 expression [ɪk'spreʃən] n. 表达式26 external compensation 外部补偿4 FFCC abbr. Federal Communications Commission 联邦通信委员会10 FDM abbr. Frequency-division multiplexing 频分复用11 feature size 特征尺寸19 feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] n.反馈4 feedback component 反馈元件4 ferroelectric [ˌferəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.铁电的2 FFT abbr. Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换6, 18第 5 页共15 页field [fiːld] n. 字段26 field operation 现场运行4 filter ['fɪltə] n.滤波器6 filtering [ˈfɪltərɪŋ] n.滤波9, 18 flash memory 闪存23 flip flop 触发器2 floating point processor 浮点处理器3 flux [flʌks] n.通量7 flyback [ˈflaɪbæk] n.回扫7 foundry ['faʊndri] n. 晶圆代工厂16 FPGA abbr. Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列13, 15, 16 frame grabber 帧采集器24 frequency conflict 频率冲突11 frequency masking 频率掩蔽20 frequency response 频率响应9 frequency reuse 频率复用10 frequency synthesizer 频率合成器8full range 满量程28 full scale 满幅度;满量程6full scale range 满量程范围16 functional accelerator 性能加速器16 fundamental frequency 基频29Ggain drift 增益漂移4 GBW abbr. Gain × Bandwidth 增益带宽积4 global data 全局数据26 GPP abbr. General Purpose Processor 通用处理器16 gray scale level 灰度级22 GSM abbr. Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统6 guided missile 导弹28 gyro ['dʒaɪrəʊ] n.陀螺仪28 handoff [hændɒf] n. 越区切换21 handset ['hænset] n. 手持设备10 Harvard architecture 哈佛结构17 HDL abbr. Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言13, 15 HDMI abbr. High-Definition Multimedia Interface 高清晰度多媒体接口12 headroom [ˈhedˌruːm] n.净空,活动空间7 heatsink [ˈhiːt ˈsɪŋk] n.散热片7, 12 high impedance 高阻15 high-powered [ˌhaɪ ˈpaʊəd] adj. 大功率的10 histogram ['hɪstəgræm] n.直方图22 histogram equalization 直方图均衡22 Huffman encoding 哈夫曼编码22第 6 页共15 页IIC abbr. integrated circuit 集成电路1, 4 IDE [aɪd] abbr. Integrated Drive Electronics 集成驱动器电路12 IEEE abbr. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师学会15 image contrast 图像对比度22 image sensor 图像传感器23 imaginary part 虚部5 impedance [ɪmˈpiːdəns] n. 阻抗5, 15, 30 inbound ['ɪnbaʊnd] adj.输入的10 inductance [ɪnˈdʌktəns] n. 电感(值)5 inductive [ɪnˈdʌktɪv] adj.感性的9 inductor [ɪnˈdʌktə] n. 电感器5, 7 infinity [ɪnˈfɪnəti] n.无穷大5in-phase 同相28 input offset voltage 输入偏置电压4 instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃən] n. 指令3 instruction decoder 地址译码器3 instrumentation [ˌɪnstrʊmen'teɪʃən] n.仪器28 insulate [ˈɪnsjuleɪt] vt.绝缘1 integrated development tool 集成开发工具27集成;;积分4, 7 integration [ˌɪntəˈɡreɪʃən] n. 集成integrator [ˈɪntɪgreɪtə] n. 积分器5 interconnect [ˌɪntəkəˈnekt] n. 互连9 interface [ˈɪntəˌfeɪs] n. 接口电路2, 4 interference [ɪntə'fɪərəns] n. 干扰10 interpolation [ɪntɜːpəʊ'leɪʃən] n.插值6 interrupt latency 中断等待时间27 interval [ˈɪntəvəl] n. 间歇2IP abbr. Intellectual Property 知识产权25 IP abbr. Internet Protocol 互联网协议21 IP packet IP分组21 ISO abbr. International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织26 ISP abbr. in-system programmable 在系统可编程14 ISR abbr. Interrupt Service Routine 中断服务程序27Jjack [dʒæk] n.音频插口12 jitter ['dʒɪtə] n.抖动28 jitters [ˈdʒɪtəz] n. 时钟抖动8 JPEG abbr. Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图象专家组23 JTAG abbr. Joint Test Action Group 联合测试行动组25Kkernel ['kɜːnəl] n.内核程序27 lagging [ˈlæɡɪŋ] adj.滞后的8第7 页共15 页laptop ['læptɒp] n.膝上型轻便电脑12 laser ['leɪzə] abbr. light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光19 latency ['leɪtənsɪ] n. 反应时间27 LLCD abbr. Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器23 lead [liːd] n.引线9 leading [ˈliːdɪŋ] adj.超前的8 leakage [ˈli:kɪdʒ] n.泄露2 learning curve 学习曲线15 licensing agreement 专利使用权转让协定17 linear ramp 线性斜坡5 linear regulator 线性稳压器7 linearity [ˌlɪnɪˈærɪtɪ] n. 线性28 lithographic [ˌlɪθəˈɡræfɪk] adj. 平版印刷的2 load [ləʊd] n. 负载7 load current 负载电流7 loading ['ləʊdɪŋ] n.负载30 log [lɒɡ] abbr. logarithm [ˈlɒɡərɪðəm] 对数4 logic [ˈlɒdʒɪk] n. 逻辑1 logic analyzer 逻辑分析仪28 logical channel 逻辑通道21 look-up table 查找表2, 19 loop filter 环路滤波器8 looping scheme 循环机制17 loss [lɒs] n. 损耗7 LP abbr. Long Playing 密纹唱片13 LSI abbr. large-scale integration 大规模集成1 luminance ['luːmɪnəns] n.亮度24 MMAC abbr. Multiplication and Accumulation 乘法累加运算18 machine instruction 机器指令3 magnetic [mæɡˈnetɪk] adj.有磁性的2, 7 magnitude spectrum 幅度谱22 mantissa [mæn'tɪsə ] n.尾数17 m-commerce 移动商务21 memory [ˈmeməri] n.存储器2 memory location 存储器位置3 metallization [ˌmetəlaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.金属化13 microcell [ˈmaɪkrəʊˌsel] n.微蜂窝10 microcontroller [maɪkrəkən'trəʊlə] n.微控器2 micron [ˈmaɪkrɒn] n. 微米;10-6米3 microphone ['maɪkrəfəʊn] n.扩音器18 microprocessor [maɪkrəʊ'prəʊsesə] n. 微处理器1, 3第8 页共15 页miniaturization [ˈmɪnɪətʃəˌraɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 缩微化1 MIPS [mɪps] abbr. Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令数3, 18 MMX abbr. Multi-Media Extension多媒体增强指令集17 mnemonics [nɪ'mɒnɪks] n. 助记符30 modem ['məʊdem] n.调制解调器12 monotonicity [mɒnətəˈnɪsɪtɪ] n. 单调性28µP abbr. microprocessor 微处理器14 MPEG abbr. Motion Picture Experts Group 运动图象专家组20 MRI abbr. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 核磁共振成像22 MSC abbr. Mobile Switching Center 移动电话交换中心10 MSPS abbr. million samples per second 每秒百万样本数6 MTSO abbr. Mobile Telephone Switching Office 移动电话交换局10 multiframe n.复帧11 multiplexer ['mʌltɪˌpleksə] n.多路复用器28 multiplication [ˌmʌltəplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 乘法3 multiplier [ˈmʌltɪˌplaɪə] n.乘法器3, 17 Nnetwork operator 网络运营商21 network router 网络路由器2 next state 次态13 noise shaping 噪声整形6 nominal [ˈnɒmɪnəl] adj.标称的8 NRE abbr. nonrecurring engineering 一次性工程14 NTSC abbr. National Television Systems Committee 国家电视系统委员会24 Nyquist theorem 奈奎斯特定理16 Oobject recognition 目标识别22 odd field 奇数场24 one's complement 二进制反码11 op amp abbr. operational amplifier 运算放大器4, 18 opcode [ˈɒpkəʊd] abbr. operation code 操作码3 open loop gain 开环增益4 operand ['ɒpərænd] n.操作数26 operating system 操作系统3 optical [ˈɒptɪkəl] adj.光学的2 order of magnitude 数量级10 OS abbr. Operating System 操作系统12 oscillation [ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃən] n. 振荡4 oscillator [ˈɒsɪˌleɪtə] n.振荡器8 oscilloscope [əˈsɪləˌskəʊp] n.示波器20, 28 OTP abbr. one-time programmable 一次性编程14 outbound ['aʊtbaʊnd] adj.输出的10 outlet ['aʊtlet] n.电源插座12第9 页共15 页overload [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] n.过载10 overvoltage [ˈəʊvəˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n.过压7Ppackage ['pækɪdʒ] n.封装形式; 程序包4, 15 packet ['pækɪt] n.信息分组21 packet switching 分组交换10 pad [pæd] n.焊盘9 PAL [pæl] abbr. Phase Alternation by Line 逐行倒相24 parallel [ˈpærəlel] adj.并联的8 parallel architecture 并行结构17 parallel resonant 并联谐振8 parallelism ['pærəlelɪzəm] n. 并行度14 passband ['pæsbænd] n.通带5, 18 passive [ˈpæsɪv] adj.无源的4, 7, 18 payload [ˈpeɪˌləʊd] n.有效载荷11 PCB abbr. printed circuit board 印制电路板9, 18 PCM abbr. Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制11 PCS abbr. Personal Communication Service 个人通信业务11 perceptual coding 知觉编码20 performance specification 性能指标6 peripheral [pə'rɪfərəl] n.外设12 PGA abbr. Programmable Gain Amplifier 可编程增益放大器18 phase spectrum 相位谱22 phone service 电话业务4 piezoelectric [ɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的piezoelectric [paɪzəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的8, 18 piezoelectric crystal 压电晶体18 pipelining [ˈpaɪpˌlaɪnɪŋ] n. 流水线技术3 pixel ['pɪksəl] n.像素22 PLA abbr. Programmable Logic Array 可编程逻辑阵列13 playback ['pleɪbæk] n.重放19 PLCC abbr. plastic leadless chip carrier 塑料无引线芯片承载封装9 PLD abbr. Programmable Logic Device 可编程逻辑器件13, 14, 15 PLL abbr. phase locked loop 锁相环8 pointer ['pɒɪntə] n.指针26 pole [pəʊl] n. 极点5 pole [pəʊl] n.极点18 POST [pəʊst] abbr. power-on self-test 开机自检12 power [ˈpaʊə] n. 功率1 power consumption 功耗1, 6 power dissipation 功耗16 power loss 功率损耗9 power supply voltage 电源电压4第10 页共15 页power supply 电源12 ppm abbr. parts per million 百万分之一8 predictive encoding 预测编码11 present state 现态13 price/performance ratio 性价比16 probe [prəʊb] n.探头30 processing gain 处理增益6 program call 程序调用26 program counter 程序计数器3, 26 programmable [ˈprəʊɡræməbl] adj.可编程的2 propagate [ˈprɒpəɡeɪt] vi.传播8 propagation delay 传输延迟8, 30 prototype ['prəʊtətaɪp] n. 样机14 PSTN abbr. Public Switched Telephone Network 公共交换电话网10 psychoacoustics [ˌsaɪkəʊə'kuːstɪks] n.心理声学20 PTT abbr. Post Telephone and Telegraph Administration 邮政电话电报管理局10 pulse [pʌls] n.脉冲3 pulse width 脉冲宽度30 QoS abbr. quality-of-service 服务质量21 quality factor 品质因数5 quantization error (noise) 量化误差(噪声)6 quantization level 量化电平16 quartz [kwɒts] n. 石英8 RRAM [ræm] abbr. random-access memory 随机存取存储器3, 12 random noise 随机噪声11 raster ['ræstə] n.光栅29 RC abbr. Reconfigurable Computing 可重配计算14 RC abbr. resistor capacitor 电阻电容5 RCA abbr. Radio Corporation of America 美国无线电公司12 real part 实部5 real time 实时16 rectifier [ˈrektɪfaɪə]n.整流器7 redundancy [rɪ'dʌndənsɪ] n.冗余20 Reed-Solomon coding 里德-索罗蒙编码(RS编码)19 reference voltage 参考电压6 refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] vt.刷新2 register [ˈredʒɪstə] n.寄存器2 regulator [ˈreɡjʊˌleɪtə] n.稳压器7 resistor [rɪˈzɪstə] n. 电阻器6 resolution [rezə'luːʃən] n.分辨率6, 23 resolution function 判决函数26 resonant [ˈrezənənt] adj. 谐振的8第11 页共15 页resonating frequency 谐振频率8 ribbon cable 带状电缆;扁平柔性电缆9 ringing [ˈrɪŋɪŋ] n. 振铃振荡5 ripple ['rɪpl] n.波纹18 RISC abbr. Reduced Instruction-Set Computer 精简指令集计算机25 roll off 滚降18 ROM [rɒm] abbr. read-only memory 只读存储器3 router [ˈruːtə] n. 路由器2 rpm abbr. revolutions per minute 每分钟转数19 RTL abbr. Register Transfer Level 寄存器传输级13 RTOS abbr. Real-Time Operating System 实时操作系统26, 27 run-length encoding 行程编码22Ssample and hold circuit 采样保持电路16 sampling interval 采样间隔16 sampling rate 采样率6 SATA abbr.. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 串行高级技术附件12 scanning velocity 扫描速度19 scheduler ['ʃedjuːələ] n. 调度程序27 schematic [skiːˈmætɪk] n.原理图7, 13 scientific notation 科学记数法17 SCR abbr. silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器7 SDR abbr. Software-defined Radio 软件无线电14 SECAM ['siːkæm] abbr. SEquential Couleur Avec Memoire 顺序与存储彩色电视系统24 selective [sɪˈlektɪv] adj. 选择性的5 semiconductor [ˌsemɪkənˈdʌktə] n. 半导体1, 7 sequence[ˈsiːkwəns] n. 序列3 sequential [sɪ'kwenʃəl] adj.时序的13 series [ˈsɪəriːz] n. 串联7, 8 series resonant 串联谐振8 shade [ʃeɪd] n.明暗度22 shielding [ˈʃiːldɪŋ] n.屏蔽9 shifter ['ʃɪftə] n. 移位器17 signal conditioning 信号调理4 signal conditioning circuit 信号调理电路18 signal integrity 信号完整性9 signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比16, 20 silicon [ˈsɪlɪkən] n.硅1 simplex ['sɪmpleks] n.单工,单向通信11 simulation [ˌsɪmjʊˈleɪʃən] n.模拟9, 13, 16 sinc correction 抽样函数校正19 sine wave 正弦波6 single-shot 单脉冲29第12 页共15 页skew[skjuː] n.相位偏移8 slew [sluː] n. 摆率8 slope [sləʊp] n. 斜率5 smallest resolvable difference 最小可分辨值17 smoothing ['smu:ðiŋ] n. 平滑(滤波)16 SMS abbr. Short Message Service 短信业务21 SNR abbr. signal to noise ratio 信噪比6 SoC abbr. System-on-Chip 片上系统14 socket [ˈsɒkɪt] n.插座9 soldering [ˈsɒldərɪŋ] n.焊接9 solid state 固态1 sound card 声卡20 source [sɔːs] n. 信号源2 source and load impedances 源阻抗和负载阻抗9 source code 源代码27 spec [spek] abbr. specification 性能指标; 规格8, 12 specification [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 性能指标; 规格4 spectral inversion 频谱反转16 spectral resolution 频率分辨率20 spectrum ['spektrəm] n.频谱6, 16 spread spectrum communication 扩频通信11 SPS abbr. Sample Per Second 每秒样本数18 SRAM abbr. Static Random Access Memory 静态随机存取存储器2 stability [stə'bɪlɪti] n. 稳定性4 stack [stæk] n.堆栈26 startup cost 启动成本27 state machine 状态机14 statement ['steɪtmənt] n.语句15 steady state 稳态8 step function 阶跃函数5 stimuli ['stɪmjʊlaɪ] n.激励源15 stimulus signal 激励信号28 stopband ['stɒpbænd] n.阻带18 strain gage 应力计18 string [strɪŋ] n. 字符串26 structure ['strʌktʃə] n. 结构体26 subassembly [ˌsʌbəˈsembli] n.部件9 subsystem ['sʌbsɪstəm] n.子系统28 subtraction [səbˈtrækʃən] n. 减法3 SUT abbr. System Under Test 被测系统30 switch [swɪtʃ] n. 开关1 switched-capacitor filter 开关电容滤波器5 switching [ˈswɪtʃɪŋ] n.交换,切换7第13 页共15 页synchronization [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.同步11, 21 synchronous ['sɪŋkrənəs] adj.同步的13 synthesis ['sɪnθɪsɪs] n. 综合13 synthesizer [ˈsɪnθəsaɪzə] n.合成器8 system call 系统调用27 TTCXO abbr. temperature compensated crystal oscillator 温度补偿晶体振荡器8 TDM abbr. Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用11 telepresence [ˈtelɪˌprezəns] n. 远程在位21 template ['templeɪt] n. 模板26 temporal masking 暂时掩蔽20 termination [ˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən] n.端接9 termination characteristics 端接特性9 test bench 测试台15 test register 测试寄存器3 thermocouple [θɜːməʊˈkʌpəl] n.热电偶18 third party developer 第三方开发商17 thread [θred] n.线程26 TIFF abbr. Tagged Image File Format 标签图像文件格式23 time base 时基30 time constant 时间常数5 time slot 时隙21 time to market 上市时间16 timing [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] n.时序9, 15 timing diagram 时序图30 top-down approach “自顶而下”设计法15 transducer [trænzˈdjuːsə] n. 传感器4, 29 transfer function 传递函数4, 5 transient ['trænzɪənt] n.暂态过程28 transient response 暂态响应5 transistor [trænˈsɪstə] n. 晶体管1 transmission bandwidth 传输带宽20 transmission power 发射功率11 trench capacitor 沟道式电容器2 trigger ['trɪgə] vt.触发13 truth table 真值表26 TTL abbr. transisitor-transisitor logic晶体管晶体管逻辑9 tuning ['tjuːnɪŋ] n.调谐8 type conversion 类型转换15 Uupstream ['ʌpstriːm] n.上行比特流11 USB abbr. Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线12 UUT abbr. Unit Under Test 被测单元28第14 页共15 页UV abbr. ultraviolet 紫外线2 Vvacuum tube 真空管4 VCO abbr. voltage controlled oscillator 压控振荡器8 vector [ˈvektə] n. 向量5 vertical resolution 垂直分辨率28 VGA abbr. Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列12 VHS abbr. Video Home System 家用录像系统21 video conference 视频会议21 viewfinder ['vjuːfaɪndə] n. 取景器23 virtual memory 虚拟内存3 VLSI abbr. very large-scale integration 超大规模集成1 vocoder ['vəʊˌkəʊdə ] n.声码器11 volt[vəʊlt] n. 伏特8 voltage [ˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n. 电压;伏特数7 voltage reference 参考电压18 voltage swing 电压摆幅8 volume [ˈvɒljuːm] n. 音量4 Von Neumann architecture 冯·诺依曼结构17 VSWR abbr. voltage standing wave ratio 电压驻波比9 Wwatt [wɒt] n.瓦特10 waveform [ˈweɪvˌfɔːm] n.信号波形7 waveform coding 波形编码20 webcam ['webkæm] n.网络摄像头12 wideband ['waɪd'bænd] adj.宽频带的21 wild card 通配符15 wireless infrastructure 无线基础设施16 XYZzero order hold 零阶保持器16第15 页共15 页。

Hacker 黑客,最初是指发现网络系统安全漏洞并进行修补的人,而现在多指利用系统安全漏洞对网络进行攻击破坏或窃取资料的人HomePage 主页,通过万维网(Web)进行信息查询的起始信息页HTML Hypertext Markup Language超文本链接语言HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议ICP Internet Content Provider Internet内容提供商ICQ I seek you网上寻呼Internet国际互联网,因特网internet 互联网,泛指由多个计算机网络相互连接而成的一个网络I Phone Internet Phone一种通过Internet进行语音通讯的技术IP电话利用Internet技术传输话音信号的一种电话IRC Internet Relay Chat Internet实时网上交谈系统ISP Internet Service Provider Internet服务提供商MUD Multi-User Dungeon多用户网络游戏NII National InformationInfrastructure国家信息基础结构,俗称信息高速公路POP Post Office Protocol邮局协议Proxy Server 代理服务器,一种代表客户机转送服务请求的服务器,它也可以通过在送出信息内容前对其进行审查,从而在因特网和专用网之间提供防火墙安全性PSP Platform Service Provider平台服务供应商Telnet远程登录UNINET中国联通互联网URL Uniform Resource Locator网站地址VST Virtual Space Teleconferencing虚拟空间会议Web环球网WWW World Wide Web万维网技术标准Big5台湾流行的汉字内码标准CMM Capacity Maturity Model 软件过程能力成熟度模型,一种评测软件开发能力与质量的方法DES Data Encryption Standard数据加密标准GB国家标准汉字内码GMT Greenwich Mean Time格林威治时间IEEE Institution of Electrical andElectronics电气和电子工程师学会(美国)ISO International StandardizationOrganization国际标准化组织ISO 9000一种质量管理标准JPEG Joint Photographic ExpertsGroup联合图象专家组规范,一种图象压缩标准MP3MPEGAudioLayer3一种音乐格式,它能够将CD品质的数字录音压缩成原来的1/12大小,令其容易存储和在网上传输MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group 一种活动图象和声音的压缩标准,其中MPEG1是最常用的,为VCD所采用,MPEG2则为DVD所采用Open System Interconnect 开放系统互连,用于各种型号计算机OSI Reference Model之间通讯的国际标准PCMCIA Personal Computer MemoryCard International Association个人计算机存储卡国际协会PnP Plug and Play即插即用PPP Peer-Peer Protocol端对端协议SMTP Simple Message TransferProtocol用于电子邮件的传输协议TCP/IP Transfer ControlProtocol/Internet Protocol传输控制协议/Internet协议,目前Internet上正使用着的、最流行的网际互联协议WAP Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议,使移动电话能访问Internet的协议X.25用于计算机接入分组交换网的标准X.400用于国际电子函件分布系统的标准X.500Internet上一种目录服务标准,用于查询检索信息方面多媒体AOD Audial-On-Demand音频点播CD Compact Disk光盘DAB数字音频广播DVB,DVB-T数字视频广播,地面数字视频广播DVD Digital Video Disk数字化视频光盘LD Laser Disc激光视盘VCD Video Compact Disk视频高密光盘VOD Video-On-Demand视频点播技术应用BOM Bill of Material 物料清单--指用数据格式来描述产品结构的文件BPI Business ProcessImprovement业务流程改进BPR Business ProcessReengineering企业流程再造CAD Computer Aided Design计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Education计算机辅助教育CAI Computer Aided Instruction计算机辅助教育CAM Computer Aided Management计算机辅助管理CAPP Computer Aided Processplanning计算机工艺辅助设计CAQ computer Aided Quality计算机辅助质量管理CE Concurrent Engineering 并行工程--是对产品及其相关过程(包括制造过程和支持过程)进行并行、集成设计的一种系统化工作模式CIMS Computer IntegratedManufacture System计算机集成制造系统EAI Enterprise ApplicationIntegrated企业应用集成DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统--是围绕着决策行动主体进行的支持管理人员进行非程序性决策的一种信息系统EAM Enterprise Asset Management企业资产管理EMS Electronic MailService/Express Mail Service电子邮件服务/邮政特快专递FMS Flexible Manufacturing System柔性制造系统GIS Geographic Information 地理信息系统SystemGT Group Technology 成组技术--成组技术的核心原理是把尺寸、形状、工艺相近似的零件组成一个零件组,按零件组制订工艺进行生产制造,这样就扩大了批量,减少了品种,便于采用高效率的生产方法,从而提高了劳动生产率。

100个信息工程专业术语中英文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Information engineering is a vast field that covers a wide range of knowledge and skills. In this article, we will introduce 100 important terms and concepts in information engineering, both in English and Chinese.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - 人工智能2. Machine Learning - 机器学习3. Deep Learning - 深度学习4. Natural Language Processing (NLP) - 自然语言处理5. Computer Vision - 计算机视觉6. Data Mining - 数据挖掘7. Big Data - 大数据8. Internet of Things (IoT) - 物联网9. Cloud Computing - 云计算10. Virtual Reality (VR) - 虚拟现实11. Augmented Reality (AR) - 增强现实12. Cybersecurity - 网络安全13. Cryptography - 密码学14. Blockchain - 区块链15. Information System - 信息系统16. Database Management System (DBMS) - 数据库管理系统17. Relational Database - 关系数据库18. NoSQL - 非关系型数据库19. SQL (Structured Query Language) - 结构化查询语言20. Data Warehouse - 数据仓库21. Data Mart - 数据集市22. Data Lake - 数据湖23. Data Modeling - 数据建模24. Data Cleansing - 数据清洗25. Data Visualization - 数据可视化26. Hadoop - 分布式存储和计算框架27. Spark - 大数据处理框架28. Kafka - 流数据处理平台29. Elasticsearch - 开源搜索引擎30. Cyber-Physical System (CPS) - 嵌入式系统31. System Integration - 系统集成32. Network Architecture - 网络架构33. Network Protocol - 网络协议34. TCP/IP - 传输控制协议/互联网协议35. OSI Model - 开放系统互连参考模型36. Router - 路由器37. Switch - 交换机38. Firewall - 防火墙39. Load Balancer - 负载均衡器40. VPN (Virtual Private Network) - 虚拟专用网络41. SDN (Software-Defined Networking) - 软件定义网络42. CDN (Content Delivery Network) - 内容分发网络43. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) - 互联网语音44. Unified Communications - 统一通信45. Mobile Computing - 移动计算46. Mobile Application Development - 移动应用开发47. Responsive Web Design - 响应式网页设计48. UX/UI Design - 用户体验/用户界面设计49. Agile Development - 敏捷开发50. DevOps - 开发与运维51. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) - 持续集成/持续部署52. Software Testing - 软件测试53. Bug Tracking - 缺陷跟踪54. Version Control - 版本控制55. Git - 分布式版本控制系统56. Agile Project Management - 敏捷项目管理57. Scrum - 敏捷开发框架58. Kanban - 看板管理法59. Waterfall Model - 瀑布模型60. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - 软件开发生命周期61. Requirements Engineering - 需求工程62. Software Architecture - 软件架构63. Software Design Patterns - 软件设计模式64. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - 面向对象编程65. Functional Programming - 函数式编程66. Procedural Programming - 过程式编程67. Dynamic Programming - 动态规划68. Static Analysis - 静态分析69. Code Refactoring - 代码重构70. Code Review - 代码审查71. Code Optimization - 代码优化72. Software Development Tools - 软件开发工具73. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - 集成开发环境74. Version Control System - 版本控制系统75. Bug Tracking System - 缺陷跟踪系统76. Code Repository - 代码仓库77. Build Automation - 构建自动化78. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) - 持续集成/持续部署79. Code Coverage - 代码覆盖率80. Code Review - 代码审查81. Software Development Methodologies - 软件开发方法论82. Waterfall Model - 瀑布模型83. Agile Development - 敏捷开发84. Scrum - 看板管理法85. Kanban - 看板管理法86. Lean Development - 精益开发87. Extreme Programming (XP) - 极限编程88. Test-Driven Development (TDD) - 测试驱动开发89. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) - 行为驱动开发90. Model-Driven Development (MDD) - 模型驱动开发91. Design Patterns - 设计模式92. Creational Patterns - 创建型模式93. Structural Patterns - 结构型模式94. Behavioral Patterns - 行为型模式95. Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) - 软件开发生命周期96. Requirement Analysis - 需求分析97. System Design - 系统设计98. Implementation - 实施99. Testing - 测试100. Deployment - 部署These terms are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to information engineering. As technology continues to advance, new terms and concepts will emerge, shaping the future of this dynamic field. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just someone interested in technology, familiarizing yourself with these terms will help you navigate the complex world of information engineering.篇2100 Information Engineering Professional Terms in English1. Algorithm - a set of instructions for solving a problem or performing a task2. Computer Science - the study of computers and their applications3. Data Structures - the way data is organized in a computer system4. Networking - the practice of linking computers together to share resources5. Cybersecurity - measures taken to protect computer systems from unauthorized access or damage6. Software Engineering - the application of engineering principles to software development7. Artificial Intelligence - the simulation of human intelligence by machines8. Machine Learning - a type of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn from data9. Big Data - large and complex sets of data that require specialized tools to process10. Internet of Things (IoT) - the network of physical devices connected through the internet11. Cloud Computing - the delivery of computing services over the internet12. Virtual Reality - a computer-generated simulation of a real or imagined environment13. Augmented Reality - the integration of digital information with the user's environment14. Data Mining - the process of discovering patterns in large data sets15. Quantum Computing - the use of quantum-mechanical phenomena to perform computation16. Cryptography - the practice of securing communication by encoding it17. Data Analytics - the process of analyzing data to extract meaningful insights18. Information Retrieval - the process of finding relevant information in a large dataset19. Web Development - the process of creating websites and web applications20. Mobile Development - the process of creating mobile applications21. User Experience (UX) - the overall experience of a user interacting with a product22. User Interface (UI) - the visual and interactive aspects of a product that a user interacts with23. Software Architecture - the design and organization of software components24. Systems Analysis - the process of studying a system's requirements to improve its efficiency25. Computer Graphics - the creation of visual content using computer software26. Embedded Systems - systems designed to perform a specific function within a larger system27. Information Security - measures taken to protect information from unauthorized access28. Database Management - the process of organizing and storing data in a database29. Cloud Security - measures taken to protect data stored in cloud computing environments30. Agile Development - a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and adaptability31. DevOps - a set of practices that combine software development and IT operations to improve efficiency32. Continuous Integration - the practice of integrating code changes into a shared repository frequently33. Machine Vision - the use of cameras and computers to process visual information34. Predictive Analytics - the use of data and statistical algorithms to predict future outcomes35. Information Systems - the study of how information is used in organizations36. Data Visualization - the representation of data in visual formats to make it easier to understand37. Edge Computing - the practice of processing data closer to its source rather than in a centralized data center38. Natural Language Processing - the ability of computers to understand and generate human language39. Cyber Physical Systems - systems that integrate physical and computational elements40. Computer Vision - the ability of computers to interpret and understand visual information41. Information Architecture - the structural design of information systems42. Information Technology - the use of computer systems to manage and process information43. Computational Thinking - a problem-solving approach that uses computer science concepts44. Embedded Software - software that controls hardware devices in an embedded system45. Data Engineering - the process of collecting, processing, and analyzing data46. Software Development Life Cycle - the process of developing software from conception to deployment47. Internet Security - measures taken to protectinternet-connected systems from cyber threats48. Application Development - the process of creating software applications for specific platforms49. Network Security - measures taken to protect computer networks from unauthorized access50. Artificial Neural Networks - computational models inspired by the biological brain's neural networks51. Systems Engineering - the discipline that focuses on designing and managing complex systems52. Information Management - the process of collecting, storing, and managing information within an organization53. Sensor Networks - networks of sensors that collect and transmit data for monitoring and control purposes54. Data Leakage - the unauthorized transmission of data to an external source55. Software Testing - the process of evaluating software to ensure it meets requirements and functions correctly56. Internet Protocol (IP) - a set of rules for sending data over a network57. Machine Translation - the automated translation of text from one language to another58. Cryptocurrency - a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security59. Software Deployment - the process of making software available for use by end-users60. Computer Forensics - the process of analyzing digital evidence for legal or investigative purposes61. Virtual Private Network (VPN) - a secure connection that allows users to access a private network over a public network62. Internet Service Provider (ISP) - a company that provides access to the internet63. Data Center - a facility that houses computing and networking equipment for processing and storing data64. Network Protocol - a set of rules for communication between devices on a network65. Project Management - the practice of planning, organizing, and overseeing a project to achieve its goals66. Data Privacy - measures taken to protect personal data from unauthorized access or disclosure67. Software License - a legal agreement that governs the use of software68. Information Ethics - the study of ethical issues related to the use of information technology69. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - the process of optimizing websites to rank higher in search engine results70. Internet of Everything (IoE) - the concept of connecting all physical and digital objects to the internet71. Software as a Service (SaaS) - a software delivery model in which applications are hosted by a provider and accessed over the internet72. Data Warehousing - the process of collecting and storing data from various sources for analysis and reporting73. Cloud Storage - the practice of storing data online in remote servers74. Mobile Security - measures taken to protect mobile devices from security threats75. Web Hosting - the service of providing storage space and access for websites on the internet76. Malware - software designed to harm a computer system or its users77. Information Governance - the process of managing information to meet legal, regulatory, and business requirements78. Enterprise Architecture - the practice of aligning an organization's IT infrastructure with its business goals79. Data Backup - the process of making copies of data to protect against loss or corruption80. Data Encryption - the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access81. Social Engineering - the manipulation of individuals to disclose confidential information82. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) - the network of medical devices connected through the internet83. Content Management System (CMS) - software used to create and manage digital content84. Blockchain - a decentralized digital ledger used to record transactions85. Open Source - software that is publicly accessible for modification and distribution86. Network Monitoring - the process of monitoring and managing network performance and security87. Data Governance - the process of managing data to ensure its quality, availability, and security88. Software Patch - a piece of code used to fix a software vulnerability or add new features89. Zero-Day Exploit - a security vulnerability that is exploited before the vendor has a chance to patch it90. Data Migration - the process of moving data from one system to another91. Business Intelligence - the use of data analysis tools to gain insights into business operations92. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) - a protocol that encrypts data transmitted over the internet93. Mobile Device Management (MDM) - the practice of managing and securing mobile devices in an organization94. Dark Web - the part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and often used for illegal activities95. Knowledge Management - the process of capturing, organizing, and sharing knowledge within an organization96. Data Cleansing - the process of detecting and correcting errors in a dataset97. Software Documentation - written information that describes how software works98. Open Data - data that is freely available for anyone to use and redistribute99. Predictive Maintenance - the use of data analytics to predict when equipment will need maintenance100. Software Licensing - the legal terms and conditions that govern the use and distribution of softwareThis list of 100 Information Engineering Professional Terms in English provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts and technologies in the field of information technology. These terms cover a wide range of topics, including computer science, data analysis, network security, and software development. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can better understand and communicate about the complex and rapidly evolving world of information engineering.篇3100 Information Engineering Professional Terms1. Algorithm - 算法2. Artificial Intelligence - 人工智能3. Big Data - 大数据4. Cloud Computing - 云计算5. Cryptography - 密码学6. Data Mining - 数据挖掘7. Database - 数据库8. Deep Learning - 深度学习9. Digital Signal Processing - 数字信号处理10. Internet of Things - 物联网11. Machine Learning - 机器学习12. Network Security - 网络安全13. Object-Oriented Programming - 面向对象编程14. Operating System - 操作系统15. Programming Language - 编程语言16. Software Engineering - 软件工程17. Web Development - 网页开发18. Agile Development - 敏捷开发19. Cybersecurity - 网络安全20. Data Analytics - 数据分析21. Network Protocol - 网络协议22. Artificial Neural Network - 人工神经网络23. Cloud Security - 云安全24. Data Visualization - 数据可视化25. Distributed Computing - 分布式计算26. Information Retrieval - 信息检索27. IoT Security - 物联网安全28. Machine Translation - 机器翻译29. Mobile App Development - 移动应用开发30. Software Architecture - 软件架构31. Data Warehousing - 数据仓库32. Network Architecture - 网络架构33. Robotics - 机器人技术34. Virtual Reality - 虚拟现实35. Web Application - 网页应用36. Biometrics - 生物识别技术37. Computer Graphics - 计算机图形学38. Cyber Attack - 网络攻击39. Data Compression - 数据压缩40. Network Management - 网络管理41. Operating System Security - 操作系统安全42. Real-Time Systems - 实时系统43. Social Media Analytics - 社交媒体分析44. Blockchain Technology - 区块链技术45. Computer Vision - 计算机视觉46. Data Integration - 数据集成47. Game Development - 游戏开发48. IoT Devices - 物联网设备49. Multimedia Systems - 多媒体系统50. Software Quality Assurance - 软件质量保证51. Data Science - 数据科学52. Information Security - 信息安全53. Machine Vision - 机器视觉54. Natural Language Processing - 自然语言处理55. Software Testing - 软件测试56. Chatbot - 聊天机器人57. Computer Networks - 计算机网络58. Cyber Defense - 网络防御60. Image Processing - 图像处理61. IoT Sensors - 物联网传感器62. Neural Network - 神经网络63. Network Traffic Analysis - 网络流量分析64. Software Development Life Cycle - 软件开发周期65. Data Governance - 数据治理66. Information Technology - 信息技术67. Malware Analysis - 恶意软件分析68. Online Privacy - 在线隐私69. Speech Recognition - 语音识别70. Cyber Forensics - 网络取证71. Data Anonymization - 数据匿名化72. IoT Platform - 物联网平台73. Network Infrastructure - 网络基础设施74. Predictive Analytics - 预测分析75. Software Development Tools - 软件开发工具77. Information Security Management - 信息安全管理78. Network Monitoring - 网络监控79. Software Deployment - 软件部署80. Data Encryption - 数据加密81. IoT Gateway - 物联网网关82. Network Topology - 网络拓扑结构83. Quantum Computing - 量子计算84. Software Configuration Management - 软件配置管理85. Data Lakes - 数据湖86. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - 基础设施即服务87. Network Virtualization - 网络虚拟化88. Robotic Process Automation - 机器人流程自动化89. Software as a Service (SaaS) - 软件即服务90. Data Governance - 数据治理91. Information Security Policy - 信息安全政策92. Network Security Risk Assessment - 网络安全风险评估93. Secure Software Development - 安全软件开发94. Internet Security - 互联网安全95. Secure Coding Practices - 安全编码实践96. Secure Network Design - 安全网络设计97. Software Security Testing - 软件安全测试98. IoT Security Standards - 物联网安全标准99. Network Security Monitoring - 网络安全监控100. Vulnerability Management - 漏洞管理These terms cover a wide range of topics within the field of Information Engineering, and are essential in understanding and discussing the various aspects of this discipline. It is important for professionals in this field to be familiar with these terms in order to effectively communicate and collaborate with others in the industry.。

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信息工程专业术语(17)implication 蕴含操作implication gate 隐含门implicator 隐含门implicit address 隐地址implicit addressing 隐式寻址implicit computation 隐式计算implicit declaration 隐式声明implicit knowledge 隐性知识implicit opening 隐式打开implied operand 隐操import list 输入表improper character 非法字符improper command check 非法命令校验impulse 脉冲impulse code 脉冲编码impulse recorder 脉冲记录器impurity 杂质ims 信息管理系统in circuit emulator 集中仿效程序in core compiler 内存常驻编译程序in gate 输入门in house line 内部线路in house programming 自用程序设计in house software 内部软件in line check 直接插入检查in line code 直接插入代码in line coding 直接插入编码in line procedure 联机程序in line processing 直接插入处理in line subroutine 直接插入子程序in line subroutine expansion 直接插入子程序展开in out parameter 写入读出参数in parameter 写入参数in stream procedure 输入撂序inaccessibility 不可存取性inactive file 待用文件inactive program 待用程序inactive station 不活动站inbuilt function 内在功能inches per second 英寸/秒incidence matrix 关联矩阵incident vertex 关联顶点inclusion 包含inclusion relation 包含关系inclusive disjunction 或inclusive or 或inclusive or function 或功能inclusive or operation 或操作含或操作inclusive reference 相容引用inclusive segments 相容段inclusive tree 相容树incoming check 输入检测incoming flow 输入流incoming group 输入组incoming inspection 输入检验incoming line 引入线incompatibility 不兼容性incomplete data 不完全数据incomplete information 不完全信息incompleteness 不完全性inconsistency 不一致性inconsistent compilation 非一致编译incorrect length 不正确长度increment 增大increment size 增量大小incremental compiler 可增编译程序incremental computer 增量计算机incremental coordinates 增量坐标incremental display 增量显示incremental garbage collection 增量无用单元收集incremental integrator 增量积分器incremental refinement 逐步求精incremental representation 增量表示incremental system 增量系统incremental vector 增量向量incrementer 增量机indentation 锯齿形缺口independent control 独立控制independent program 独立程序independent utility 独立使用independent variable 自变量index 她index and base register addressing 双寄存瓢址index card 她卡index entry 附标入口index file 她文件index mode 她方式index register 变址寄存器index word 下标字indexed access 变址存取indexed address 变址地址indexed addressing 变址indexed file 加她文件indexed method 变址方式indexed organization 她组织indexed sequential access 她顺序存取indexed sequential access method 加下标顺序访问法indexed sequential data set 加下标顺序数据集indexed sequential file 她顺序文件indexed sequential organization 她顺序编制indexing 标引indexing hole 她孔indexing unit 变址单元indicating device 指示部件indication error 显示误差indicative data 指示性数据indicator 指示器indicator diagram 指示图indicator dial 指示迫盘indicator tube 指示管indirect action 间接酌indirect address 间接地址indirect addressing 间接寻址indirect control 间接控制indirect file 间接文件indirect input 间接输入indirect instruction 间接指令indirect method 间接法indirection 间接indirection operator 间接算符indirectly controlled system 间接被控系统induced failure 诱发故障induction 感应inductive load 电感负载industrial computer 工业控制用计算机industrial control 工业控制industrial data processing 工业数据处理industrial instruments 工业仪表industry robot 工业机扑ineffective time 无效时间inequivalence 异inexact reasoning 不严密推理infancy failure 早期故障inference 推理inference chain 推理链inference engine 推理机构inference machine 推理机构inference method 推理方法inference net 推理网inference operation 推论操作inference rule 推理规则infinite looping 循环infinity 无穷大infix notation 插入表示法infix operator 插入算符informatics 信息学information bit 信息位information center 信息中心information channel 信息通道information character 信息字符information circuit 信息传送线路information collector 信息收集者information content 信息量information content unit 信息量单位information density 信息密度information display speed 信息显示速度information economy 信息经济information feedback system 信息反馈系统information flow 信息流information format 信息格式information graph 信息图information hiding 信息隐藏information item 情报单元information loss 信息丢失information management system 信息管理系统information market 情报市场information medium 信息媒体information message 信息报文information organization 情报组织information output 信息输出information pollution 信息污染information processing 信息处理information processing system 信息处理系统information processing technology 信息处理技术information product 信息商品information read wire 信息读出线information resources 信息资源information retrieval 情报检索information retrieval problem 情报检耸题information retrieval system 情报检说统information retrieval time 情报检吮间information separator 信息分隔符information system 信息系统information technology 信息技术information theory 信息论information transfer 信息传送information unit 情报单元information wire 信息线information word 信息字information write wire 信息写入线informational needs 信息需要informationism 信息论informatization 信息化informatology 情报工程学informetrics 情报计量学infrared keyboard 红外线键盘inherent addressing 固有寻址inherent characteristic 固有特性inherent error 固有误差inherent regulation 自动第inherent stability 固有稳定性inheritance 继承inheritance hierarchy 继承层次inherited error 原有错误inhibit circuit 禁止电路inhibit current 禁止电流inhibit pulse 禁止脉冲inhibit winding 禁止绕组inhibit wire 禁止线inhibiting input 禁止输入inhibiting signal 禁止信号inhibition 禁止inhibitory gate 禁止门inhibitory pulse 禁止脉冲initial address 起始地址initial condition 初始条件initial order 起始指令initial program loader 初始程序装入程序initial program loading 初始程序装入initial test routine 初始测试程序initial value 初值initial value problem 初值问题initial vertex 初始顶点initialization 初始化initialization routine 启动程序initiating pulse 启动脉冲initiating task 启动任务initiation 启动initiator 启动程序initiator terminator 启动终止程序injection luminescence diode 发光二极管ink 墨水ink jet 墨水喷射ink jet printer 喷墨印刷机ink jet printing 喷墨印刷ink ribbon 墨带inker 油墨印码器印字机inking 墨迹式画图inner loop 内循环inner macro instruction 内部宏指令inner vertex 内顶点input 输入input action 输入动作input area 输入区input block 输入块input buffer 输入缓冲器输入缓冲区input capacitance 输入电容input card 输入卡片input channel 输入通道input check 输入检测input command 输入命令input computer 输入计算机input control 输入控制input data 输入数据input device 输入装置input equipment 输入装置input file 输入文件input format 输入格式input instruction 入口指令input job queue 输入椎排队input job stream 输入椎流input language 输入语言input line 输入行input list 输入表input load 输入负载input message 输入信息input mode 输入方式input noise 输入噪声input operation 输入操作input pointer 输入指示器input port 输入口input primitive 输入图元input process 输入过程input program 输入程序input quantity 输入量input queue 输入队列input rate 输入速率input reader 输入阅读器input record 输入记录input register 输入寄存器input routine 输入程序input signal 输入信号input state 输入状态input station 输入站input storage 输入存储器input stream 输入流input terminal 输入终端input unit 输入装置input variable 输入变量input winding 输入绕组input/output 输入输出input/output buffer 输入输出缓冲器input/output bus 输入输出总线input/output channel 输入输出通道input/output control 输入输出控制input/output control system 输入输出控制系统input/output controller 输入输出控制器input/output data 输入输出数据input/output device 输入输出设备input/output interface 输入输出接口input/output interrupt 输入输出中断input/output library 输入输出程序库input/output limited system 输入输出受限系统input/output list 输入输出表input/output operation 输入输出操作input/output port 输入输出口input/output processor 输入输出处理机input/output register 输入输出寄存器input/output request 输入输出请求input/output routine 输入输出程序input/output section 输入输出存储区input/output specification 输入输出说明input/output supervisor 输入输出管理程序input/output unit 输入输出装置inquiry 询问inquiry character 询问字符inquiry processing 查问处理inquiry station 询问台inquiry terminal 询问终端inquiry unit 询问装置insert mode 插入方式insert subroutine 插入子程序insertion 插入insertion point 插入点installation 安装installation instructions 安装说明装配规定installation plan 布置图installation time 安装时间instance 实例instantaneous access 立即存取instantaneous frequency 瞬时频率instantaneous storage 立即存取存储器instantaneous value 瞬时值instruction 空操赘令instruction address 指令地址instruction address register 指令地址寄存器instruction area 指令存储区instruction buffer 指令缓冲器instruction classification 指令分类instruction code 指令码instruction control unit 命令控制器instruction counter 指令计数器instruction cycle 指令周期instruction decoder 指令译码器instruction element 指令元件instruction fetch cycle 取指令周期instruction fetching 取指令instruction field 指令字段instruction format 指令格式instruction group 指令组instruction interpretation 指令解释instruction length 指令长度instruction list 指令集合instruction logic 指令逻辑instruction mix 指令混合比instruction modification 指令修改instruction modifier 指令修改量instruction processor 指令处理机instruction record 指令集合instruction register 指令寄存器instruction sequence 指令序列instruction set 指令集合instruction stack 指令栈instruction stream 指令流instruction suppression 指令抑制instruction tape 指令带instruction termination 指令终结instruction time 指令时间instruction unpack 指令打开instruction word 指令字instrument 仪器仪表instrument for absolute measurements 绝对测量仪表instrument lag 工具延迟instrument range 测量范围instrument table 测量台instrument transformer 仪表变压器instrumental error 仪表错误instrumentation 仪表化insulation 隔离度integer 整数integer arithmetic 整数运算integer attribute 整数属性integer constant 整常数integer division 整数除法integer number conversion 整数转换integer operation 整数操作integer part 整数部分integer programming 整数规划integer type 整数型integer variable 整数变量integral 积分integral action 积分动作integral action coefficient 积分酌系数integral action time 积分动妆间integral boundary 整数界线integral control 积分控制integral control factor 积分控制因数integral equation 积分方程式integral error 积分误差integral number 整数integrand 被积函数integrated circuit 集成电路integrated circuit package 集成电路组装integrated communication adapter 整体通信适配器integrated data processing 集中数据处理integrated database 综合数据库integrated digital network 综合数字网integrated electronics 集成电子学integrated emulator 集中仿效程序integrated emulator program 集中仿效程序integrated environment 综合环境integrated file adapter 整体文件存储衔接器integrated function 内在功能integrated information system 综合信息系统integrated injection logic 集成注入逻辑integrated modem 集成灯解调integrated monolithic circuit 集成单片电路integrated package 集成组件integrated service digital network 综合服务数字网络integrated software 组合软件integrated system 综合系统integrated transmission adapter 整体通信适配器integrating amplifier 积分放大器integrating circuit 积分电路integrating unit 积分装置integrator 积分器integrity 完整性intellectual property 知识产权intelligence 智能intelligent controller 智能控制器intelligent database 智能数据库intelligent keyboard 智能键盘intelligent memory 有智能的存储器intelligent subsystem 智能子系统intelligent system switching 智能系统开关intelligent terminal 智能终端intelligent trouble diagnosis 智能故障诊断intelligible crosstalk 可懂串话intelsat 国际电信卫星intension 内涵intensity level 亮度电平intentional error 意图错误inter block gap 块间隙interaction 相互酌interaction time 相互酌时间interactive computer 交互式计算机interactive control 交互式控制interactive data processing 对话式数据处理interactive debugger 交互翟程序interactive editor 交互编辑程序interactive environment 交互式环境interactive graphics 交互式图形学interactive language 交互式语言interactive mode 对话方式。

信息工程专业术语摘抄信息工程专业术语摘抄offset ratio 偏移比率offset stacker 分选接卡机offspring task 子辈任务ohmic resistance 欧姆电阻ohmmeter 欧姆计olap 联机分析技术omr 光学标志读出器光学指示读出器on bit 一值位on chip redundancy 芯片级冗余on hook 挂机on line 在线的on line adapter 联机转接器on line analytical processing 联机分析技术on line closed loop 联机闭环on line computing 联机计算on line control 联机控制on line data 联机数据on line data processing 联机数据处理on line data reduction 联机数据简化on line database 联机数据库on line debugging 联机翟on line diagnosis 联机诊断法on line diagnostics 联机诊断法on line dialog 联机对话on line entry 联机数据录入on line equipment 联机设备on line file 联机文件on line information retrieval 联机情报检索on line mode 联机方式on line open loop 联机开环on line operation 联机操作on line processing 联机处理on line programming 联机程序设计on line storage 联机存储器on line system 联机系统on line tutorial 联机辅导资料on line typewriter 联机打字机on line unit 联机设备on line/networked journal 联机/网络化杂志on off action 通断酌on off control 起停控制on off controller 开关式控制器启停控制器on off servosystem 开关伺服方式on position 闭合位置on screen formatting 幕上格式化on screen graphics 幕上图形处理on screen menu 在屏幕上的菜单on the fly printer 飞唤打印机on time 接通时间on unit 接通单元onboard computer 机载计算机one address code 单地址码one address computer 单地址计算机one address instruction 单地址码one chip computer 单片计算机one chip microcomputer 单片微计算机one chip microprocessor 单片微处理器one digit number 一位数one dimensional array 一维数组one for one translation 一对一翻译one input 1输入one level address 一级地址one level code 绝对代码one line assembler 单行汇编程序one out of ten code 十中取一码one output 1输出one pass compiler 一遍编译程序one plus one address instruction 一加一地址指令one plus one instruction 一加一指令one shot job 一步椎one shot multivibrator 单稳多谐振荡器one shot operation 单步操作one sided 单面的one state 1状态one step operation 单步操作one to one assembler 一对一汇镝程序one to one translator 一对一汇镝程序one to zero ratio 1与 0的比one way 单面的.one way data communication 单向数据通信one way interaction 单向交互酌one way only channel 只单向通道one word instruction 单字指令one's complement 二进制反码op amp 运算放大器op code 运算码opcode register 操纂寄存器open architecture 开式结构open circuit 开路open circuit fault 断路故障open ended library 可扩展库open ended system 可扩充系统open lead 开断的引出线open loop 开环open loop control 开环控制open loop control system 开环控制系统open loop system 开环系统open routine 开型程序open shop 开放式计算站open subprogram 开型辅程序open subroutine 开型子程序open system 开系统open system interconnection 开放式系统互连open systems architecture 开放式系统总体结构operand 操?operand address 操?地址operand fetching 取操?operand field 操?段operand register 操?寄存器operand sublist 操?子表operand vector 操?向量operate mode 计算方式operating delay 操子迟operating guide 操赘南operating life 工踪命operating method 操捉法operating mode 操捉式operating position 闭合位置operating ratio 运行率operating speed 操踪率operating state 操状态operating system 操椎统operating system generation 操椎统生成operating system kernel 操椎统核心operating system residence 操椎统驻留operating system resident 操椎统常驻部分operating temperature 工茁度operating time 工妆间operation 操作运算;运行operation card 操专片operation code 运算码operation control 操棕制operation cycle 运行周期operation decoder 操纂码器operation environment 操追境operation field 操字段operation keyboard 操?盘operation loop 操篆环operation manual 操字册operation mode 操捉式operation number 操?;操着码operation part 操纂部分operation register 操啄存器operation test 操自验operation time 工妆间operational address instruction 功能地址指令operational amplifier 运算放大器operational characteristics 操棕性operational cycle 运行周期operational device 运算掐operational label 操钻号operational reliability 工咨靠性operational semantics 运算语义operational sequence 操壮序operational sign 运算符号operational testing 测试operational unit 操卓件operations analysis 操自能分析operations manager 操总理员operations research 运筹学operator 算符operator command 操妆命令operator communication 操妆通信operator console 操棕制台operator control panel 控制板operator control station 操妆控制站operator error 操妆错误operator interrupt 操妆中断operator message 操妆信息operator part 操纂部分operator response 操妆应答operator station 操妆站opposite logic value 逆逻辑值optical cable 光纤电览optical character reader 光学符号阅读器optical character recognition 光符识别optical communication 光通信optical computer 光计算机optical coupler 光耦合器optical density 光密度optical disk 光盘optical fiber 光导纤维optical mark reader 光学标志读出器光学指示读出器optical memory 光存储器optical modulator 光灯器信息工程专业术语--64parameter passing 变元传递parameter passing by name 按名字参数传递parameter passing by reference 按参考参数传递parameter passing by value 按值参数传递parameter qualifier 参数限定词parameter register 参数寄存器parameter section 参数段parameter setting instruction 参数置放指令parameter specification 参数说明parameter word 参数字parameterized object 参数化对象parameters pack 参数压缩parametric programming 参数规划parametron 参数器参变元件parent child relation 父子关系parent group 父组parent offspring tasking 父子辈任务分配parent process 亲体过程parenthesis 括弧parenthesis free notation 无括号表示法parity 奇偶性parity bit 奇偶性校验位parity check 奇偶检验parity checking code 奇偶校验码parity error 奇偶错误parity interrupt 奇偶校验中断parse command 句法分析指令parser 句法分析程序parsing 句法分析parsing automaton 句法分析自动机partial carry 部分进位partial function 部分函数partial matching 部分匹配partial one output signal 干扰1输出信号partial order relation 部分序关系partial pathname 部分路径名partial program 部分程序partial read pulse 半读脉冲partial solution 部分解partial sum 部分和partial sum gate 异门partial sum register 部分和寄存器partial write pulse 半写脉冲partial zero output signal 干扰0输出信号partially defined function 部分函数partition 子部分partitioned access method 分区存取方法partitioned dataset 分区数据集partitioned mode 分区方式partitioning 分块party line 合用钱party line technique 合用线路技术pass 传送pass key 传送键passage 传送passing time 通过时间passive component 无源元件passive element 无源元件passive graphics 被动型制图学passive redundancy 被动冗余passive star network 无源星网passive transducer 无源转换器password 传送键password authentification 密码验证password protection 密码保护password request 密码请求paste buffer 已用原文一时缓冲域patch 插入码patchboard 插接板patchboard programming 插线板程序设计patchcord 插入线patchhole 插入孔patching 修补法patching a program 修补程序patching error 修补程序错误path 路由path control 路径控制pathlength 通路长度pathname 通路名pattern 图案pattern generation 模式生成pattern generator 模式发生器图形发生器pattern matching 模式匹配pattern recognition 模式识别pattern sensitive fault 特定模式故障pbx 专用交换机pc network 个人计算机网络pcm 脉冲编码灯pcp 重制程序pdl 页面描述语言pdm 脉冲持续时间灯pdp 程控数据处理机pds 分区数据集pe 处理部件peak a boo check 同位穿孔检验peak discriminator 峰值鉴别器peak factor 峰值因子peak flux density 峰值磁通量密度peak magnetizing force 最大磁化力pecker 读出针peep hole optimization 窥孔优化peer code review 同等代码复查pen plotter 笔式绘图机pen type plotter 笔式绘图机pending interrupt 推迟中断pending job 未定椎pending request 未决请求per 程序事件记录percentage error 出错百分数perception 感知perceptron 感知器感知机perforation 穿孔perforation rate 穿孔速度performance 性能performance measurement 性能测量performance specification 性能说明period 周期periodic quantity 周期定变量peripheral adapter 外围接口适配器peripheral bound program 受外围设备速度限制的程序peripheral buffer 外围缓冲器peripheral control unit 外围设备控制器peripheral controller 外围设备控制器peripheral device 外围设备peripheral equipment 外围设备peripheral interface adapter 外围接口适配器peripheral interrupt 外部中断peripheral processor 辅助处理机peripheral slot 外围插槽peripheral storage 后备存储器peripheral transfer 外设信号传送peripheral unit 外围设备permanent action 持续性动作permanent error 永久误差permanent failure 永久失效permanent fault 常发故障permanent file 永久文件permanent lag 固定延迟permanent memory 固定存储器permanent retention 永久保持permanent storage 固定存储器永久性存储器permeability 磁导率permutation 排列permutation code 置换码perpendicular 正交的persistent screen 余辉屏幕personal computer 个人计算机personal computer network 个人计算机网络personal computing 个人计算personal database 个人用数据库personal equation 个人误错personal error 个人误差personal library 个人用库personal system 个人系统perturbance 干扰perturbation 干扰perturbation action 扰动酌petri net 皮特里网pfm 脉冲频率灯pgt 页面表phantastron 幻象延迟线路phantom circuit 幻像电路phantom load 等效负载phase 段phase address 段地址phase angle 相角phase angle error 相位移误差phase comparator 相位比较器phase control 相位控制phase delay 相位滞后信息工程专业术语--63p code p代码p operation p运算p type constant p型常数p type semiconductor p型半导体pabx 专用自动电话交换机pack 压缩pack initialization 信包初始化package 程序包package body 程序包体package of program 程序包package specification 程序包规格说明packaging 组装packed data 紧缩数据packed decimal 压缩十进制数packed decimal format 压缩十进制格式packed decimal number 压缩十进制数packed format 压缩格式packed format record 压缩格式记录packet 包packet assembly 包装配packet delay 包延迟packet disassembly 拆包packet mode terminal 包方式终端packet protocol 包协议packet switched network 包交换网络packet switching 包交换packet switching system 包交换系统packet switching technology 包交换技术packet transmission 包传输packetization 信息分包packing 压缩packing density 数据密度pad 焊接点pad character 填充字符padding 填充page 页page addressing 页面寻址page at a time printer 页式打印机page data set 页数据集page description language 页面描述语言page entry 页面入口page exit 页面出口page fault 页面出错page fault interrupt 缺页中断page fixing 页面固定化page frame 页面帧page header 页标题page in 页入page locking 页面锁定page migration 页面迁移page mode 页面方式page numbering 页编号page out 页出page pool 页面池page printer 页式打印机page printing 页式印刷page protection 页面保护page reader 页式阅读器page reclamation 页面收复page register 页面寄存器page replacement 页面替换page table 页面表page teleprinter 页式电传印刷机page turning 页面祷page waiting 页面等待page zero 第零页面pageable partitioning 可党分区pageable region 可分页区paged machine 页面存取计算机paged memory 页式存储器pager 页面等程序pagination 编页paging 党paging algorithm 分页算法paging area 党区paging device 页式设备paging rate 分页速率paging supervisor 党管理程序painting 涂色palette 但板pan 分区存取方法panel 配电盘panning 移镜头paper advance mechanism 走纸机构paper copy 打印输出paper deformation 纸带损失paper feed 送纸paper guide 导纸机构paper roller 卷纸轮paper sheet 纸张paper skip 走纸paper slew 超行距走纸paper tape 纸带paper tape code 穿孔纸带码paper tape coil 纸带卷paper tape converter 纸带到卡片转换paper tape loop 纸带环paper tape punch 纸带穿孔机paper tape puncher 纸带穿孔机paper tape reader 纸带阅读机paper tape to card converter 纸带到卡片转换paper throw 超行距走纸paper transportation 纸传送paperless office 无纸办公室paragraph 段节paragraph header 段头paragraph name 段名paragraphing 分段parallel 并行的parallel access 并行存取parallel adder 并行加法器parallel algorithms 并行算法parallel arithmetic 并行运算parallel computer 并行计算机parallel connection 并联连接parallel control 并联控制parallel digital computer 并行数字计算机parallel interface 并行接口parallel memory 并行存储器parallel multiplier 并行乘法器parallel operation 并行操作parallel parallel operation 并行并行运算parallel port 并联通道parallel printer 并行打印机parallel processing 并行处理parallel run 并行处理parallel search 并行检索并行查找parallel search memory 并寻存储parallel serial conversion 并串行转换parallel serial operation 并串行操作parallel storage 并行存储器parallel subtracter 并行减法器parallel transfer 并行传输parallel transmission 并行传输paralleling 并行parallelism 并行性parameter 参数parameter descriptor 参数描述符parameter error 参数错误parameter input 参数输入parameter line 参数行parameter list 变元表parameter mismatch 参数失配信息工程专业术语--62optical scanner 光扫描器optical wand 光学读取棒optimal control 最佳控制optimal parameter 最佳参数optimal strategy 最优策略optimalizing controller 最佳化控制器optimalizing system 最佳系optimally coded program 最佳码程序optimization 最佳化optimized program 最佳码程序optimizer 优化程序optimizing compiler 优化编译程序optimizing control 最佳化控制optimizing of distributed data base 分布数据库的最优化optimum coding 最佳编码optimum control 最佳控制optimum coupling 最佳藕合optimum process 最佳过程optimum system 最佳系option 任选option switch 选择开关optional feature 附加设备optional halt instruction 可选停机指令optional label 可选标号optional member 可选成分optional parameter 任选参数optional pause instruction 可选停机指令optional retention 选择保持optional stop instruction 可选停机指令optional word 选择字optoelectronic device 光电装置optoelectronics 光电学or 或or element 或元件or gate 或门or not gate 或非门or operation 或order element 指令元件order range 阶范围order register 指令寄存器ordered pair 有序对偶ordering 排序ordering relation 排序关系orderly close down 有序关闭ordinal type 顺序类型organization 组织orientation 定向oriented graph 有向图origin 起点original equipment manufacturer 初始设备厂家oring 或操作或运算orphan 孤行orthogonal 正交的oscillation 振荡oscillator 振荡器oscillator circuit 振荡回路oscillogram 波形图oscillograph 示波器oscilloscope 示波器osi 开放式系统互连out of service time 非服务时间outcome 结果outer macro instruction 处部宏指令outer tape face 磁带的外面outgoing flow 输出流outgoing line 引出线outline 外形outline processor 文本处理机output 输出output area 输出区output block 输出块output bound task 受输出限制的任务output buffer 输出缓冲器output channel 输出通道output circuit 输出电路output class 输出种类output code 输出代码output data 输出数据output data set 输出数据集output device 输出设备output equipment 输出设备output file 输出文件output format 输出格式output instruction 输出指令output language 输出语言output parameter 输出参数output port 输出端口output primitive 输出图元output program 输出程序output quantity 输出量output queue 输出排队output record 输出记录output register 输出寄存器output resolution 输出分辨力output routine 输出程序output routine generator 输出程序的生成程序output signal 输出信号output state 输出状态output storage 输出存储器output stream 输出流output table 输出表output time 输出时间output typewriter 输出打字机output unit 输出设备output work queue 输出工子列output writer 输出记录程序overall maximum 整体最大值overall optimization 全局优化overflow 溢出overflow area 溢出区overflow bit 溢出位overflow check 溢出检查overflow error 溢出错误overflow indicator 溢出指示器overflow pointer 溢出指针overflow position 溢出位置overflow pulse 溢出脉冲overflow record 溢出记录overflow status 溢出状态overhead 开销overhead operation 内务操作overlap 重叠overlap action 重叠动作overlap processing 并行处理overlapped access 重叠存取overlapping 重叠操作overlapping events 重叠事件overlapping fields 重叠字段overlay 覆盖overlay file 覆盖文件overlay load module 覆盖装入程序模块overlay module 覆盖模块overlay program 覆盖程序overlay region 覆盖区overlay segment 覆盖段overlay supervisor 覆盖管理程序overlay tree 覆盖树overload 过载overload current 过载电流过负荷电流overload light 过载指示灯overload protection 过载保护overloading 过载overpunch 附加穿孔overrun 超限运行overshoot 过冲overspeed limiter 超速限制器overvoltage protection 过压保护overwriting 重写overwriting error 重写错误own code 扩充工纂owner 所有者owner member relation 钟关系owner record 智录owner type 所有者类型ownership 所有权p c board 印制电路板信息工程专业术语--60number generator 数字发生number notation 记数法number of characters 字符数number period 数字周期number range 数值范围number register 数寄存器number representation 数表示法number representation system 数制number sign 数字符号number system 数系numbering 编号numbering area 编号区numbering plan 编号方案numeral 数码numeral system 数系numeral value 数值numeration 命数法numeration system 数系numerator register 分子寄存器被除数寄存器numeric 数字的numeric character 数字符号numeric character set 数值字符集numeric code 数字代码numeric coding 数字编码numeric constant 数字常数numeric data code 数字数据码numeric display 数字显示numeric field 数值字段numeric item 数字项numeric keyboard 数字键盘numeric keypad 数字键盘numeric literal 数值文字numeric pad 数值小键盘numeric string 数字串numeric type 数字型numeric value 数值numerical address 数字地址numerical analysis 数字分析numerical computer 数字计算机numerical control 数值控制numerical control engineering 数字控制工学numerical control machine 数控机床numerical control system 数字控制系统numerical controlled machine 数字控制机numerical data 数字数据numerical expression 数式numerical integration 数值积分numerical keyboard 数值小键盘numerical method 数值方法numerical order 数值次序numerical positioning control 数字定位控制numerical result 数值结果numerical sorting 数字分类numerical tape 数字带numerical value 数值numerical word 数字字nyquist diagram 尼奎斯特线图o analysis mi 中档计算机object 目标object code 目标代码object command 目标命令object computer 目标计算机object file 目标文件object function 目标函数object instruction 目标指令object language 目标语言object library 目标库object listing 目标程序列表object machine 目标机object module 目标模块object module library 目标模块库object oriented architecture 面向目标的结构object oriented language 面向对象语言object oriented programming 面向目标程序设计object phase 目标阶段object program 目标程序object routine 目标程序objective function 目标函数observation error 观测误差occurrence 具体值ocr 光符识别ocr reader 光学符号阅读器ocra font ocr a型字符octal digit 八进制数字符octal notation 八进制记数法octal number 八进制数octal system 八进制记数法octant 八分圆octave analyzer 倍频程分析器octet 八位字节octtree 八进树odd check 奇数校验odd even check 奇偶校验odd function 奇函数odd harmonic 奇次谐波odd parity 奇数奇偶性odd parity check 奇数奇偶性较验oddness 奇数性oem 初始设备厂家oem hardware oem硬件off 断开off bit 零值位off hook 离钩off line 脱机的off line control 脱机控制off line data processing 脱机数据处理off line diagnosis 脱机诊断off line equipment 脱机设备off line mode 脱机方式off line operation 脱机操作off line output 脱机输出off line plotter 脱机绘图机off line processing 脱机处理off line storage 脱机存储器off line system 脱机系统off position 断路位置off screen memory 屏幕外存储器off the shelf software 现用软件off time 关机时间office 电话交换office automation 办公自动化office computer 办公用计算机office network 办公室网络offset 偏移offset address 偏移地址信息工程专业术语--59no signal 无信号no wait memory 无等待存储器立即存储器node 节点node computer 节点计算机node processor 节点处理器node splitting 节点划分noise 杂乱信号noise channel 噪声信道noise factor 噪声系数noise filter 噪声虑波器noise generation 噪声发生noise generator 噪声发生器noise immunity 抗扰度noise level 噪声电平noise margin 噪声容限noise voltage 噪声电压noiseless channel 无噪声信道noisy channel 噪声信道noisy digit 噪声数字nominal frequency 额定频率nominal speed 额定速度nominal transformation ratio 额定变换率nominal value 标称值non addressable memory 不可编址存储器non return to zero 不归零制non von neumann architecture 非冯诺依曼计算机总体结构non von neumann computer 非冯诺依曼型计算机nonarithmetic shift 非算术移位nonburst device 非脉冲串装置nonconjunction 与非noncontact recording 非触式记录noncontiguous constant 非邻接常数noncontiguous item 非连续项nondestructive backspace 非破坏回退nondestructive cursor 非破坏性光标nondestructive memory 非破坏性存储器nondestructive read 非破坏读出nondestructive storage 非破坏性存储器nondisjunction 或非nonequivalence 非等价nonequivalence element 异门nonerasable memory 只读存储器固定存储器nonerasable storage 只读存储器固定存储器nonexecutable statement 非执行语句nonformatted data 非格式化数据nonimpact printer 非或式印刷机nonimpact printing 非或式印刷noninterruption discipline 非中断规定nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear control theory 非线性控制理沦nonlinear coupling 非线性联结nonlinear distortion 非线性失真nonlinear multivariable control 非线性多变量控制nonlinear potentiometer 非线性电位计nonlinear programming 非线性规划nonlinear resistor 非线性电阻器nonlinear scale 非线性标度nonlocking 非锁定nonlocking escape 非锁定换码nonmaskable interrupt 非屏蔽中断nonmonotonic reasoning 非单灯理nonnumeric literal 非数值文字常数nonnumeric machine 非数值计算机nonpacked format 非包装格式nonpageable partition 非分页划分nonpageable region 不可分页区nonpersistent screen 无余辉屏幕nonpolarized return to zero recording 非极性归零记录制nonprimitive operation 非本元运算nonprint code 非打印码nonprintable character 不可印字符nonpriority interrupt 非优先中断nonprivileged instruction 非特权指令nonprocedural language 非过程语言nonproductive operations 辅助操作nonprogrammable action 不可编程序的动作nonprogrammer user 非程序员用户nonredundancy 非冗余性nonreproducing code 非复制代码nonreserved word 非预定字nonresident part 非常驻部分nonresident portion 非常驻部分nonresident program 非常驻程序nonresident routine 非常驻程序nonreturn to zero change recording 异码变化不归零记录nonreturn to zero recording 不归零记录nonrusable routine 不可重用程序nonscheduled maintenance time 非预定维修时间nonsensitivity 无灵敏度nonshared subchannel 非公用子通道nonsignificant digit 无效数字nonsignificant zero 无效零nonsingular matrix 非奇异矩阵nonstandard label 非标准标号nonstorage display 非存储显示nonswitched line 非交换线路nontemporary dataset 永久数据集nonterminal symbol 非终结符号nonuniform network 不均匀网络nonvolatile memory 非易失存储器nonvolatile storage 非易失存储器nonvolatile store 非易失存储器nonzero digit 非零位nop 空操赘令nor circuit 或非电路nor element 或非元件nor gate 或非门nor operation 或非运算norm 基准normal band 正常能带normal distribution 高斯分布normal form 正规形式normalization 标准化normalization transformation 规范变换normalized device coordinates 规格化设备坐标normalized form 正规形normalizing 标准化not 非not carry 非进位not circuit 非电路not element 非元件not function 非逻辑操作非功能not gate 非门not if then 禁止not if then operation 禁止运算not operation 非操作notation 记法notion 概念noughts complement 补码novice user 无经验利用者np code 非打印码npt 网络规划技术nrz 不归零制nucleus 核nucleus initialization program 核心初始化程序nul 空null 空null attribute 空属性null character 空字符null character string 空字符串null device 空设备null hypothesis 零假设null indicator 空指示符null instruction 空操赘令null method 零点法null set 空集null statement 空语句null string 空串number 数;号码number card 编号卡number cruncher 数字捣弄机。

信息技术常用术语中英文对照表1. 互联网 (Internet)2. 网络安全 (Cybersecurity)3. 云计算 (Cloud Computing)5. 大数据 (Big Data)6. 机器学习 (Machine Learning)7. 物联网 (Internet of Things)8. 虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality)9. 增强现实 (Augmented Reality)10. 数字化转型 (Digital Transformation)11. 数据挖掘 (Data Mining)12. 信息安全 (Information Security)13. 信息技术 (Information Technology)15. 服务器 (Server)16. 客户端 (Client)17. 网络协议 (Network Protocol)18. 软件开发 (Software Development)19. 数据库 (Database)20. 编程语言 (Programming Language)21. 操作系统 (Operating System)22. 硬件 (Hardware)23. 软件 (Software)24. 网络基础设施 (Network Infrastructure)26. 数字营销 (Digital Marketing)27. 网络攻击 (Cyber Attack)28. 数据加密 (Data Encryption)29. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)30. 网络安全漏洞 (Cybersecurity Vulnerability)31. 信息系统 (Information System)32. 网络安全策略 (Cybersecurity Strategy)33. 网络安全意识 (Cybersecurity Awareness)34. 数字化战略 (Digital Strategy)35. 网络安全法规 (Cybersecurity Regulation)36. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)37. 网络安全解决方案 (Cybersecurity Solution)38. 网络安全威胁 (Cybersecurity Threat)39. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)40. 网络安全审计 (Cybersecurity Audit)41. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)42. 网络安全监控 (Cybersecurity Monitoring)43. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)44. 网络安全事件响应 (Cybersecurity Incident Response)45. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)46. 网络安全评估 (Cybersecurity Assessment)47. 信息安全意识提升 (Information Security Awareness)48. 网络安全培训 (Cybersecurity Training)49. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)50. 网络安全管理体系 (Cybersecurity Management System)信息技术常用术语中英文对照表51. 网络服务 (Network Service)52. 数据传输 (Data Transmission)53. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)54. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)55. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)56. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)57. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)58. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)59. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)60. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)61. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)62. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)63. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)64. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)65. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)66. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)67. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)68. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)69. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)70. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)71. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)72. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)73. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)74. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)75. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)76. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)77. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)78. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)79. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)80. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)81. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)82. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)83. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)84. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)85. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification). 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)87. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)88. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)89. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)Management)91. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)92. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)93. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)94. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)95. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)96. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)97. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)98. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)99. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)100. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)信息技术常用术语中英文对照表51. 网络服务 (Network Service)52. 数据传输 (Data Transmission)53. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)54. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)55. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)56. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)57. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)58. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)59. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)Management)61. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)62. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)63. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)64. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)65. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)66. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)67. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)68. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)69. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)70. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)71. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)72. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)73. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)74. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)75. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)76. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)77. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)78. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)79. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)80. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)81. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)82. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)83. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)84. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)85. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification). 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)87. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)88. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)89. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)90. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)91. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)92. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)93. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)94. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)95. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)96. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)97. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)98. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)99. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)100. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification) 101. 数据库管理系统 (Database Management System)102. 编程语言 (Programming Language)103. 硬件 (Hardware)104. 软件 (Software)105. 操作系统 (Operating System) 106. 服务器 (Server)107. 客户端 (Client)108. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 109. 软件开发 (Software Development) 110. 数据库 (Database)111. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 112. 操作系统 (Operating System) 113. 硬件 (Hardware)114. 软件 (Software)115. 服务器 (Server)116. 客户端 (Client)117. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 118. 软件开发 (Software Development) 119. 数据库 (Database)120. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 121. 操作系统 (Operating System) 122. 硬件 (Hardware)123. 软件 (Software)124. 服务器 (Server)125. 客户端 (Client)126. 网络协议 (Network Protocol)127. 软件开发 (Software Development) 128. 数据库 (Database)129. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 130. 操作系统 (Operating System) 131. 硬件 (Hardware)132. 软件 (Software)133. 服务器 (Server)134. 客户端 (Client)135. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 136. 软件开发 (Software Development) 137. 数据库 (Database)138. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 139. 操作系统 (Operating System) 140. 硬件 (Hardware)141. 软件 (Software)142. 服务器 (Server)143. 客户端 (Client)144. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 145. 软件开发 (Software Development) 146. 数据库 (Database)147. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 148. 操作系统 (Operating System) 149. 硬件 (Hardware)150. 软件 (Software)。

信息技术常用术语中英文对照表1. 计算机网络 Computer Network2. 互联网 Internet3. 局域网 Local Area Network (LAN)4. 带宽 Bandwidth5. 路由器 Router6. 交换机 Switch7. 防火墙 Firewall8. 病毒 Virus9. 木马 Trojan10. 黑客 Hacker11. 中央处理器 Central Processing Unit (CPU)12. 内存 Random Access Memory (RAM)13. 硬盘 Hard Disk Drive (HDD)14. 固态硬盘 Solid State Drive (SSD)15. 显卡 Graphics Card16. 主板 Motherboard17. BIOS Basic Input/Output System18. 操作系统 Operating System19. 应用程序 Application20. 编程语言 Programming Language21. 数据库 Database22. 服务器 Server23. 客户端 Client24. 云计算 Cloud Computing25. 大数据 Big Data27. 机器学习 Machine Learning28. 深度学习 Deep Learning29. 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality (VR)30. 增强现实 Augmented Reality (AR)31. 网络安全 Network Security32. 数据加密 Data Encryption33. 数字签名 Digital Signature34. 身份验证 Authentication35. 访问控制 Access Control36. 数据备份 Data Backup37. 数据恢复 Data Recovery38. 系统升级 System Upgrade39. 系统优化 System Optimization40. 技术支持 Technical Support当然,让我们继续丰富这个信息技术常用术语的中英文对照表:41. 网络协议 Network Protocol42. IP地址 Internet Protocol Address43. 域名系统 Domain Name System (DNS)44. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol45. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure46. FTP File Transfer Protocol47. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol48. POP3 Post Office Protocol 349. IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol50. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol51. 无线局域网 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)52. 蓝牙 Bluetooth53. 无线保真 WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)54. 4G Fourth Generation55. 5G Fifth Generation56. 物联网 Internet of Things (IoT)57. 云服务 Cloud Service58. 网络存储 Network Attached Storage (NAS)59. 分布式文件系统 Distributed File System60. 数据中心 Data Center61. 系统分析 Systems Analysis62. 系统设计 Systems Design63. 软件开发 Software Development64. 系统集成 Systems Integration65. 软件测试 Software Testing66. 质量保证 Quality Assurance67. 项目管理 Project Management68. 技术文档 Technical Documentation69. 用户手册 User Manual70. 知识库 Knowledge Base71. 网络拓扑 Network Topology72. 星型网络 Star Network73. 环形网络 Ring Network74. 总线型网络 Bus Network75. 树形网络 Tree Network76. 点对点网络 PeertoPeer Network77. 宽带接入 Broadband Access78. DSL Digital Subscriber Line79. 光纤到户 Fiber To The Home (FTTH)80. VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol通过这份对照表,希望您能更加轻松地理解和应用信息技术领域的专业术语。

transistor n 晶体管 diode n 二极管semiconductor n 半导体 resistor n 电阻器capacitor n 电容器 alternating adj 交互的amplifier n 扩音器,放大器 integrated circuit 集成电路linear time invariant systems 线性时不变系统 voltage n 电压,伏特数 tolerance n 公差;宽容;容忍 condenser n 电容器;冷凝器 dielectric n 绝缘体;电解质 electromagnetic adj 电磁的 adj 非传导性的deflection n偏斜;偏转;偏差 linear device 线性器件 the insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 anode n 阳极,正极 cathode n 阴极 breakdown n 故障;崩溃terminal n 终点站;终端,接线端 emitter n 发射器collect v 收集,集聚,集中 insulator n 绝缘体,绝热器 oscilloscope n 示波镜;示波器 gain n 增益,放大倍数 forward biased 正向偏置reverse biased 反向偏置 P-N junction PN结MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor)金属氧化物半导体enhancement and exhausted 增强型和耗尽型integrated circuits 集成电路 analog n 模拟digital adj 数字的,数位的 horizontal adj, 水平的,地平线的 vertical adj 垂直的,顶点的 amplitude n 振幅,广阔,丰富 attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀薄化 multimeter n 万用表 frequency n 频率,周率the cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管 dual-trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器 signal generating device 信号发生器peak-to-peak output voltage 输出电压峰峰值 sine wave 正弦波 triangle wave 三角波 square wave 方波amplifier 放大器,扩音器 oscillator n 振荡器feedback n 反馈,回应 phase n 相,阶段,状态filter n 滤波器,过滤器 rectifier n整流器;纠正者band-stop filter 带阻滤波器 band-pass filter 带通滤波器decimal adj 十进制的,小数的 hexadecimal adj/n十六进制的binary adj 二进制的;二元的 octal adj 八进制的domain n 域;领域 code n代码,密码,编码v编码 the Fourier transform 傅里叶变换 Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换 microcontroller n 微处理器;微控制器 assembly language instrucions n 汇编语言指令chip n 芯片,碎片 modular adj 模块化的;模数的 sensor n 传感器plug vt堵,塞,插上n塞子,插头,插销 coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的 fiber n 光纤 relay contact 继电接触器single instruction programmer 单指令编程器 dedicated manufactures programming unit 专供制造厂用的编程单元beam n (光线的)束,柱,梁 polarize v(使)偏振,(使)极化Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)阴极射线管 neuron n神经元;神经细胞 fuzzy adj 模糊的Artificial Intelligence Shell 人工智能外壳程序 Expert Systems 专家系统Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 Perceptive Systems 感知系统 neural network 神经网络 fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑 intelligent agent 智能代理electromagnetic adj 电磁的 coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的 microwave n 微波 charge v 充电,使充电insulator n 绝缘体,绝缘物 nonconductive adj非导体的,绝缘的 antenna n天线;触角 modeling n建模,造型simulation n 仿真;模拟 prototype n 原型array n 排队,编队 vector n 向量,矢量wavelet n 微波,小浪 sine 正弦 cosine 余弦inverse adj倒转的,反转的n反面;相反v倒转high-performance 高精确性,高性能 two-dimensional 二维的;缺乏深度的three-dimensional 三维的;立体的;真实的 object-oriented programming面向对象的程序设计spectral adj 光谱的attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀释 distortion n 失真,扭曲,变形 wavelength n 波长 refractive adj 折射的ATM 异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer ModeADSL非对称用户数字线Asymmetric digital subscriber lineVDSL甚高速数字用户线very high data rate digital subscriber lineHDSL高速数据用户线 high rate digital subscriber lineFDMA频分多址(Frequency Division Multiple Access)TDMA时分多址(Time Division Multiple Access) CDMA同步码分多址方式(Code Division Multiple Access)WCDMA宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)TD-SCDMA(Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)时分同步码分多址 SDLC(synchronous data link control)同步数据链路控制HDLC(high-level data link control)高级数据链路控制IP/TCP(internet protocol /transfer Control Protocol)网络传输控制协议ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟ISO国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization);OSI开放式系统互联参考模型(Open System Interconnect)GSM全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)GPRS通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service) FDD(frequency division duplex)频分双工 TDD(time division duplex)时分双工VPI虚路径标识符(Virtual Path Identifier); ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)综合业务数字网IDN综合数字网(integrated digital network) HDTV (high definition television)高清晰度电视 DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)离散余弦变换 VCI(virtual circuit address)虚通路标识 MAN城域网Metropolitan area networks LAN局域网local area network WAN广域网wide area network 同步时分复用STDM Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing统计时分复用STDM Statistical Time Division Multiplexing单工传输simplex transmission半双工传输half-duplex transmission 全双工传输full-duplex transmission 交换矩阵Switching Matrix 电路交换 circuit switching 分组交换packet switching 报文交换message switching 奇偶校验parity checking循环冗余校验CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 虚过滤Virtual filter数字滤波digital filtering伪随机比特Quasi Random Bit 带宽分配 Bandwidth allocation 信源information source信宿destination 数字化digitalize数字传输技术Digital transmission technology 灰度图像Grey scale images 灰度级Grey scale level幅度谱Magnitude spectrum 相位谱Phase spectrum 频谱frequency spectrum 智能设备Smart Device 软切换Soft handover 硬切换 Hard Handover相干检测Coherent detection 边缘检测Edge detection 冲突检测collision detection 业务集合service integration业务分离/综合service separation/ integration 网络集合network integration 环形网Ring networks令牌环网Token Ring network 网络终端Network Terminal 用户终端user terminal 用户电路line circuit电路利用率channel utilization(通道利用率)相关性coherence 相干解调coherent demodulation数字图像压缩digital image compression 图像编码image encoding有损/无损压缩lossy/lossless compression 解压decompression 呼叫控制Call Control 误差控制error control存储程序控制stored program control 存储转发方式store-and-forward manner 语音\视频传输voice\video transmission 视频点播video-on-demand(VOD) 会议电视Video Conference 有线电视cable television 量化quantization 吞吐量throughput 话务量traffic多径分集Multipath diversity多媒体通信MDM Multimedia Communication 多址干扰Multiple Access Interference 人机交互man machine interface交互式会话Conversational interaction。

电子信息工程专业常用词汇Aabbreviation n. 缩写accelerator n. 加速者,加速器accommodate v. 使适应,使调节accumulate v. 积聚, 堆积accumulator n. 累加器acquisition n. 获得,采集acquisition time 采集时间Activate a. 激活的active circuit 有源电路address line 地址线aforementioned a. 上述的,前述的algebra n.代数学alphanumeric a. 字母数字的alternating current 交流电流amber n.琥珀色analog n.模拟量analogous a.类似的,模拟的analog-to-digital converter(ADC)模数转换器analytical a. 分析的,解析的anode n. 阳极appropriate a. 合适的approximation n. 近似值assemblage n. 集合assembly language 汇编语言asymmetry n. 不对称attenuate v. 削弱,减弱,衰减attenuator n.衰减器Bband-gap energy 带隙能band-reject 带阻base n. 基极base 2 以2 为基数base-emitter current 基射电流bead n. 珠型bi-directional 双向的binary a. 二进位的bipolar a. 双极性的bipolar power 双极性电源block v. 阻塞Boolean n. 布尔Boolean algebra 布尔代数breadboard n.试验板breakdown voltage 击穿电压bridge arm 桥臂bridge circuit 桥路bulk n.大块,大批,体积;v. 越来越大,使更大Ccalibration n. 刻度calibration n.标度, 刻度, 校准canonical n. 牧师礼服,法服;a. 依教规的,权威的capacitance n.电容量cascade adj.级联的cathode n. 阴极Celsius a. 摄氏的Celsius a. 摄氏的channel n.通道characteristic n. 特性charge n. 电荷v.充电Choke v. 窒息,阻塞circuit n.电路circuitry n. 电路,线路cobalt n. 钴coefficients n. 系数collector n. 集电极common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比common mode voltage 共模电压comparator n. 比较器compatible a.兼容的compensation n. 补偿, 赔偿complement n. 补充物compromise n.;v. 妥协,折中concession n. 让步,妥协conditioning n. 调节,调理conduct n.导体conduction band 传导带conductivity n. 传导性,传导率configuration n.配置constant n. 常数,恒量contiguous a. 邻近的,接近的control line 控制线control-oriented 控制方向conversion time 转换时间, 变换时间coulomb n. 库仑counter n. 计数器criterion n. 标准critical frequency 临界频率, 截止频率crocodile n. 鳄鱼cumbersome a. 麻烦的cumbersome a. 笨重的cursor n. 光标Cycle n. 循环, 周期Ddata line 数据线deactivate a. 非激活的decimal a. 十进位的, 小数的decimal a. 十进位的,小数的decode v. 解码,译解deduce v. 推论, 演绎出delicate a. 细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的deposit vt.存放, 堆积designate v. 指定desktop n. 桌面deterioration n. 恶化,退化dielectric n. 电介质dielectric strength 电介质强度, 绝缘强度differential amplifier 差动放大器differentiator n. 微分器diffuse v. 散播,使(光线)漫射digital a. 数字的digital-to-analog converter(DAC)数模转换器diode n.二极管direct current 直流电流disc n. 圆盘型discharge v.放电discrete adj.不连续的, 离散的dispatch v. 分发,派遣dissipate v. 使⋯⋯消散(浪费)divert v. 转移divide v. 分开,分类divider circuit 分压电路drift n. 漂流物, 漂流;v. 漂流Dual-Slope Ramp ADC 双积分ADCEelectrode n.电极electrolytic capacitor 电解电容electrolytic lead 电解铅electromotive a. 电的,电动的electromotive force 电势electron n. 电子emitter n. 发射极encapsulation n. 封装,包装encase v. 包围,装入箱内,把⋯⋯装入箱中,包起encode v. 编码entanglement n. 纠缠牵累epoxy n. 环氧基树脂equate vt. 等同,使相等equilibrium n. 平衡, 均衡erroneous a. 错误的,不正确的establish vt. 建立evaluate v. 评估,评价evolve v. 进展,进化execute v. 执行exemplify v. 例证,例示expansion slot 扩展槽exponential a.指数的exponential decay 指数式衰减Ffabricate v. 制造,装配factor n.因子Fahrenheit a. 华氏的;n. 华氏温度计farad n. 法拉feedback n.反馈ferrite n. 铁氧体filter n. 滤波器fine-tuning 调整finite open loop gain 有限开环增益first order system 一阶系统flowchart n.流程图fluctuation n. 波动,起伏flux line 磁通线follower n. 跟随器forward voltage 正向电压fraction n. 分数, 小部分, 破片fractional a.分数的full-duplex 全双工Ggalvanometer n.检流计gauge n. 标准度量,计量器generic a. 一般性的,标准样本应用程序Germanium n. 锗gyration n. 回旋,回转,旋转Hhardware n.硬件hard-wired 硬件线路Henry n. 亨,亨利hexadecimal n. 十六进制,十六进制的high-performance 高性能Hole n.空穴hysteresis 滞后作用,磁滞现象Iideal inverting amplifier 理想反向放大器impedance n. 阻抗impede v. 妨碍,阻碍,阻止impurity n. 杂质incandescent a. 白热的,发白热光的increment n.增量increment n. 增加(增加物,增量,余差) induce v.感应inductance n. 电感,感应系数inductor n.电感器inequality n. 不等式inevitably ad. 不可避免地infrared a. 红外线的initialization values 初始值initiate v. 开始,初始instantaneous a. 瞬间的,即刻的instrumentation amplifier 仪器放大器insulate v. 使⋯⋯绝缘,隔insulator n.绝缘体,绝热器integral n. 积分integrated circuit 集成电路integrator n.积分器interpret n.解释interrupt n. 中断interval n. 间隔inverter n. 变换器inverting input 反向输入isolation n. 隔离,孤立issue v. 发出Llatch v. 锁存lead compensation 导线补偿leakage n. 泄漏linkage n. 联系,连锁,结合logarithm n.对数loop n.循环lower-lying energy state 低电能态low-ripple source 低纹波源low-ripple 低纹波Mmacro a. 巨大的,突出的;n. 宏指令magnetic field 磁场magnitude n.大小, 数量mainline glue 主流程综述maneuver n. 演习,调遣,策略;v. 调遣,演习,用计策measurement junction 测量点megohm n.兆欧(姆)memory n. 存储器memory-read instruction 读存储器指令metallic a. 金属的microwave band 微波带宽microwave oven 微波炉millivolt n.毫伏misuse vt.&n. 误用,滥用mnemonic a. 助记的,记忆的modulo n. 模数;按模计算molecule n. 分子multimeter n. 万用表multiplexer n.多路器multiplication n. 乘法,增加Multiply v.乘, 增加multivibrator n. 多谐振荡器Nnegligible a. 可以忽略的, 微不足道的nibble n. 轻咬,啃;v. 咬,一点点地咬,慢慢啃nickel n.镍nonideal adj.非理想的noninverting input 同向输入nonlinear a. 非线性的non-page-oriented 面向非页面的nonsymmetrical a. 不对称的nonvolatile a. 永久的,长存的,不挥发的,非挥发性的notch filter 槽型滤波器null n.零, 空numerator n.分子Oobsolete a. 已废弃的,过时的obstacle n. 障碍octal a.八进制的offset n. 偏移offset current 偏移电流ohm n.欧姆omega n. 希腊字母的最后一个字Ωopcode(operand code) 操作码open-collector 集电极开路operational amplifier 运算放大器optimize v. 使⋯⋯完美,使⋯⋯完善;v.优化overlap n.(数)交迭,相交Pparallel a. 并行的parity n. 同等,同格,同位passive band-pass filter 无源带通滤波器pedestrian n.行人Peltier effect 珀耳帖效应peripheral a.外设的, n. 外设peripheral a.外围的peruse v. 熟读,精读,阅读pictorial a. 绘画的n. 画报pinout 管脚引出platinum n. 白金plumb n. 测水锤,垂直;a. 垂直的;v. 探测,了解pointless a.无意义的polarise vt. 极化polyester n.聚酯polystyrene n. 聚苯乙烯potential n.电位,电势potential drop 电位降,势能落差precautions n. 预防,保护prefix n. 前缀prescaler n. 预换算装置,预定标器printed circuit board 印制电路板procedure n. 程序,步骤processor 处理器program n. 编程,程序Program Status Word(PSW) 程序状态字prolong v. 延长,拖延propagation n. 增殖,繁殖,传播proportionately ad. 相称地,成比例地pull-up 上拉Qquadrature n.正交,九十度相位差quote n. 引用;v. 引述, 举证, 报价Rradial a. 光线的,光线状的,放射状的ramp voltage 斜坡电压range n.幅度, 范围ratings n. 额定值capacitor [k__p_sit_] n.电容器recipient n. 接受者rectangular wave 矩形波rectifier diode 整流二极管reference n. 参考reference junction 参考点register n. 寄存器relay n. 继电器reliability n. 可靠性remedial a. 治疗的,补救的,矫正的repeatable a. 可重复的reposition n. 新位置;v. 改变⋯⋯的位置resistance coefficient 电阻系数resistive a. 电阻的resistor n.电阻restrict v.限制reverse voltage 反向电压rising (or falling) edge 上升(下降)沿rod n. 棒型rudimentary a. 基本的,初步的,起码的,根本的Ssample-and-hold 采样保持saturate vt.使饱和scheme n. 方案,蓝图,框架Seebeck effect 塞贝克效应self-nulling 自回零semiconductor n. 半导体semiconductor n. 半导体sensitivity n. 灵敏度sequence n. 序列,顺序sequential a. 连续的shaft n.轴sheath n. 鞘,叶鞘, 翅鞘shorthand n.速记shunt vt. 分流(器)siblings n. 兄弟signal diode 信号二极管silicon n. 硅sinusoidal a. 正弦曲线的slope n.斜率Socket n. 插座software n.软件soldering n. 焊接,锡焊,低温焊接span n. 跨距square wave 方波Stack Pointer (SP) 堆栈指针stipulate v.规定stipulation n. 约束,约定,规定strobe n. 闸门(频闪观测器,频闪放电管);v. 闸(选通,发出选通脉冲)stuff n. 材料,原料,东西;v. 填满,塞满subroutine n. 子程序subscript n.下标,标记Successive Approximation ADC 逐次逼近ADCsuffix n. 后缀superimpose vt. 重叠(安装, 添加)supplier n. 供应商Ttally n. 标签(手执计数器,对应物);v. 计算(记录) tantalum n.钽(金属元素)Teflon n. 聚四氟乙烯theoretical a. 理论上的thermal a. 热的,热量的thermal a. 热的,热量的thermistor n. 热敏电阻thermocouple n. 热电偶thermoelectric a. 热电的thermometer n. 温度计thermostat n. 恒温器thermostatic a. 温度调节装置的Thévenin equivalent circuit 戴维南等效电路timer n. 计时器,定时器tolerance n.容限,公差,允许误差traffic table 切换表;交通图transient response 暂态响应transistor n. 晶体管transparent a. 可为某种射线所透射的,透明的trigger n.触发器trimmer adj. 可变的tri-state buffer 三态缓冲器truncate v. 截去tube n.电子管tune v. 调谐twin-T filter 双T 滤波器twist n. 扭曲;v. 拧,扭曲Uultraviolet-Erasable 紫外线可擦除的uncertainty n. 不确定unidirectional n.单向性的unipolar a. 单极性的USART (Universal Serial Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter)通用串行异步收发器VVacuum n. 真空,空间,真空吸尘器valence n. 化合价valence band 价(电子)带valence band 价(电子)带valence electron 价电子valve n.阀variation n. 变化, 变动versus n.对抗vibrate v. (使)振动,(使)摇摆;摇动,震动vibration n. 震动,颤动voltage detector 电压侦测器voltage follower 电压跟随器voltage regulator 稳压器,电压调节器WWheatstone bridge 惠斯登电桥Zzener diode 稳压二极管,齐纳二极管zener voltage 齐纳电压zeroing n. 零位调整电子信息工程专业常用词组Aabbreviated dialing 快速呼叫,缩位拨号acquisition time 采集时间active circuit 有源电路address space 地址空间alternating current 交流电流amplitude modulation 调幅,波幅调制anti-alias 抗锯齿,平滑API(Application Programming Interface)应用编程接口assembly language 汇编语言automatic call re-routing 自动呼叫转移BBackward and Binary Compatibility向后二进制方式兼容backward compatibility 向后兼容;反向兼容性band-gap energy 带隙能band-reject 带阻bi-directional 双向的bi-directional 双向的bipolar power 双极性电源biquad (a stage containing two poles and up to two zeros)两象限bluetooth 蓝牙技术board-level assemblies 板级装配bottleneck 瓶颈breakdown voltage 击穿电压bridge arm 桥臂bridge circuit 桥路Ccarrier wave 载波cellular telephone 移动电话circuit switched 电路切换co-axial cable 同轴电缆coaxial cables 同轴电缆common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比common mode voltage 共模电压conduction band 传导带connection-oriented 面向连接的control-oriented 控制方向conversion time 转换时间, 变换时间critical frequency 临界频率, 截止频率critical region 临界代码段Ddetailed billing 详细话单dielectric strength 电介质强度, 绝缘强度differential amplifier 差动放大器direct current 直流电流divider circuit 分压电路Eelectrical impulse 电磁脉冲,电脉冲electrolytic capacitor 电解电容electrolytic lead 电解铅electromagnetic energy 电磁能electromotive force 电势embedded system 嵌入式系统executable code 可执行代码expansion slot 扩展槽exponential decay 指数式衰减FFeature compatibility 特征兼容性fiber optic cable 光导纤维电缆fibre optic cable 光缆;光纤电缆FIFO(First-In First-Out)先入先出file system 文件系统finite open loop gain 有限开环增益first order system 一阶系统fixed-point 定点flip-flop 触发器floating point operation 浮点操作,浮点运算floating-point 浮点floppy disk 柔性塑料磁盘,(软)塑料磁盘,软盘flux line 磁通线forward voltage 正向电压Fourier Transform 傅立叶变换frequency modulation 调频FTP(File Transfer Protocol)文件传输协议full-duplex 全双工fundamental frequency 基波频率Ggeneral-purpose 通用的GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) 通用分组无线业务Hhard-wired 硬件线路hifi (High Fidelity) 高保真度high level programming language 高级编程语言high-fidelity 高保真high-performance 高性能HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)WWW 服务程序所用的协议Iideal inverting amplifier 理想反向放大器initialization values 初始值instantaneous power consumptions 瞬时功率耗散instrumentation amplifier 仪器放大器integrated circuit 集成电路interface equipment 接口设备interprocess communication 进程间通信interrupt-off 中断隔离inverting input 反向输入Llead compensation 导线补偿linux 一种可免费使用的UNIX 操作系统,运行于普通PC 机上little-endian 小端模式lower-lying energy state 低电能态Mmagnetic field 磁场measurement junction 测量点memory access 存储器存取memory mapping 存储器映射microwave band 微波带宽microwave oven 微波炉MIPS(Million Instructions Per Second)每秒百万条指令MMU(Memory Management Unit)存储器管理单元monopole antenna 磁单极子,单极天线Moore’s law 摩尔定律Nnoninverting input 同向输入non-page-oriented 面向非页面的notch filter 槽型滤波器numerically-intensive 高强度数字运算Oobject code 目标代码OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)初始设备制造厂家offset current 偏移电流opcode(operand code) 操作码operating system 操作系统operational amplifier 运算放大器optical fiber 光缆OS compatibility 操作系统兼容性Ppacket switched 包交换paging system 分页系统parallel communication 并行通信passive band-pass filter 无源带通滤波器PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)个人数字助理Peltier effect 珀耳帖效应phase modulation 调相, 相位调制pinout 管脚引出pocket PC 与Palm 齐名的掌上电脑平台point-of-sale 销售点系统potential drop 电位降,势能落差power consumption 功耗,消耗Power PC IBM 和Apple 公司联合生产的个人台式机PPP(Peer.Peer Protocol)端对端协议printed circuit board 印制电路板Program Status Word(PSW) 程序状态字Rramp voltage 斜坡电压rectifier diode 整流二极管reference junction 参考点resistance coefficient 电阻系数reverse voltage 反向电压RF connector 射频连接器ROM(read only memory)只读存储器round-off 舍入round-robin scheduling 轮式调度;循环调度RTOS(Real-Time Operating System)实时操作系统rule of thumb 经验法则SSeebeck effect 塞贝克效应seismic vibrations 地震颤动self-nulling 自回零serial communication 串行通信signal diode 信号二极管single precision floating point 单精度浮点数source code 源代码Source compatibility 源代码兼容性spinlock 旋转锁spread-sheet 总分析表,棋盘式对照表Stack Pointer (SP) 堆栈指针Ttear down 拆除,拆毁Thévenin equivalent circuit 戴维南等效电路Tool compatibility 开发工具兼容性trade-off 权衡(折中,换位,比较评定,放弃,交换) traffic table 切换表;交通图transient response 暂态响应troubleshooting 发现并修理故障,解决纷争twin-T filter 双T 滤波器Uultraviolet-Erasable 紫外线可擦除的USART (Universal Serial Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter)通用串行异步收发器Vvalence band 价(电子)带valence band 价(电子)带valence electron 价电子virtual memory 虚拟内存voltage detector 电压侦测器voltage follower 电压跟随器voltage regulator 稳压器,电压调节器WWheatstone bridge 惠斯登电桥Zzener diode 稳压二极管,齐纳二极管zener voltage 齐纳电压专业术语常用名词缩写中英文对照表AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制置AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格BAC:Building Automation & Control net建筑物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector大口式光纤连接器BUL:Back up lighting备用照明C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting电话自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader )卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 控制字D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准协会FAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data Interface光纤缆分布式数据接口。

接下来小编为大家整理了信息工程专业术语中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!no signal 无信号no wait memory 无等待存储器立即存储器node 节点node computer 节点计算机node processor 节点处理器node splitting 节点划分noise 杂乱信号noise channel 噪声信道noise factor 噪声系数noise filter 噪声虑波器noise generation 噪声发生noise generator 噪声发生器noise immunity 抗扰度noise level 噪声电平noise margin 噪声容限noise voltage 噪声电压noiseless channel 无噪声信道noisy channel 噪声信道noisy digit 噪声数字nominal frequency 额定频率nominal speed 额定速度nominal transformation ratio 额定变换率nominal value 标称值non addressable memory 不可编址存储器non return to zero 不归零制non von neumann architecture 非冯诺依曼计算机总体结构non von neumann computer 非冯诺依曼型计算机nonarithmetic shift 非算术移位nonburst device 非脉冲串装置nonconjunction 与非noncontact recording 非触式记录noncontiguous constant 非邻接常数noncontiguous item 非连续项nondestructive backspace 非破坏回退nondestructive cursor 非破坏性光标nondestructive memory 非破坏性存储器nondestructive read 非破坏读出nondestructive storage 非破坏性存储器nondisjunction 或非nonequivalence 非等价nonequivalence element 异门nonerasable memory 只读存储器固定存储器nonerasable storage 只读存储器固定存储器nonexecutable statement 非执行语句nonformatted data 非格式化数据nonimpact printer 非或式印刷机nonimpact printing 非或式印刷noninterruption discipline 非中断规定nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear control theory 非线性控制理沦nonlinear coupling 非线性联结nonlinear distortion 非线性失真nonlinear multivariable control 非线性多变量控制nonlinear potentiometer 非线性电位计nonlinear programming 非线性规划nonlinear resistor 非线性电阻器nonlinear scale 非线性标度nonlocking 非锁定nonlocking escape 非锁定换码nonmaskable interrupt 非屏蔽中断nonmonotonic reasoning 非单灯理nonnumeric literal 非数值文字常数nonnumeric machine 非数值计算机nonpacked format 非包装格式nonpageable partition 非分页划分nonpageable region 不可分页区nonpersistent screen 无余辉屏幕priority level 优先级priority logic 优先逻辑priority network 优先网络priority number 优先数priority ordering 优先排序priority processing 优先级处理priority queue 优先排队priority resolution 确定优先权priority routine 优先程序optical scanner 光扫描器optical wand 光学读取棒optimal control 最佳控制optimal parameter 最佳参数optimal strategy 最优策略optimalizing controller 最佳化控制器optimalizing system 最佳系optimally coded program 最佳码程序optimization 最佳化optimized program 最佳码程序optimizer 优化程序optimizing compiler 优化编译程序optimizing control 最佳化控制optimizing of distributed data base 分布数据库的最优化optimum coding 最佳编码optimum control 最佳控制optimum coupling 最佳藕合optimum process 最佳过程optimum system 最佳系option 任选option switch 选择开关optional feature 附加设备optional halt instruction 可选停机指令optional label 可选标号optional member 可选成分optional parameter 任选参数optional pause instruction 可选停机指令optional retention 选择保持optional stop instruction 可选停机指令optional word 选择字optoelectronic device 光电装置optoelectronics 光电学or 或or element 或元件or gate 或门or not gate 或非门or operation 或order element 指令元件order range 阶范围order register 指令寄存器ordered pair 有序对偶ordering 排序ordering relation 排序关系orderly close down 有序关闭ordinal type 顺序类型organization 组织orientation 定向oriented graph 有向图origin 起点original equipment manufacturer 初始设备厂家oring 或操作或运算orphan 孤行orthogonal 正交的oscillation 振荡oscillator 振荡器oscillator circuit 振荡回路oscillogram 波形图oscillograph 示波器oscilloscope 示波器osi 开放式系统互连out of service time 非服务时间priority scheduler 优先等程序priority scheduling 优先等priority scheduling system 优先等系统priority selection 优先选择priorization 优先化privacy 秘密privacy lock 保密锁privacy protection 秘密性保护private automatic branch exchange 专用自动电话交换机private circuit 专用线路private code 专用码private data 专用数据private database 专用数据库private exchange 专用交换机private key 私人密钥private library 专用库private line 专线private line service 专用线路业务private type 专用类型private volume 私有卷privilege 特权privilege violation 特权扰乱privileged instruction 特许指令privileged mode 特权状态privileged operation 特权操作privileged user 特许用户probabilistic logic 概率逻辑probability 概率probability curve 概率曲线probability density 概率密度probability density distribution 溉率蜜度分布probability distribution 概率分布probability distribution function 溉率分布函数probability theory 概率论probability value 概率值probable error 概率误差probe 探针problem analysis 问题分析problem area 解题区problem data 问题数据problem definition 问题定义problem description 问题描述problem diagnosis 问题诊断problem file 题目文件problem mode 解题拷problem oriented language 面向用题语言problem program 问题程序problem programmer 解题程序员problem reformulation 问题重组phase discrimination 相位鉴别phase distortion 相位失真phase encoding 相位编码phase error 相位误差phase frequency distortion 相位频率失真phase indicator 相位指示器相位计phase lag 相位滞后phase locked loop 锁相环路phase margin 相位冗phase meter 相位计phase modulation 相位灯phase modulation recording 掂记录phase of program 程序阶段phase pulse modulation 脉冲相位灯phase sequence indicator 相序指示器phase shift 相移phase shifting transformer 移相变换器相位第器phase voltage 相电压phaser 移相器相移器phone channel 电话信道phone system 电话系统phonometer 声响度计phosphorescence 磷光photocell 光电池photocomposition 照相排版photodetector 光电检测器photodiode 光电二极管photoelectric control 光电子控制photoelectric current 光电流photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric reader 光电阅读器光电输入机photoelectric receiver 收光机photoelectric scanner 光电扫描器photoelectric tape reader 光电穿孔带阅读器photoelectron 光电子photoeletric scanning 光电扫描photoetching 光刻photographic memory 照相存储器photographic storage 照相存储器photomask 光掩模photomask set 光掩模组photomasking 光掩模photometer 光度计photomultiplier 光电倍增器photon computer 光子计算机photoreader 光电阅读器光电输入机photoreceiver 收光机photoresistor 光敏电阻photosensing mark 光读标记photosensor 光敏掐phototelegraphy 传真电报phototransistor 光敏晶体管phototypesetting 照相排版photovoltaic cellphotocell 光电伏打电池phrase structure grammar 短语结构文法phrase structure language 短语结构语言phrase structure tree 短语结构树physical address 物理地址physical block 物理块。

信息工程专业术语中英译文信息工程专业术语中英译文p code p代码p operation p运算p type constant p型常数p type semiconductor p型半导体pabx 专用自动电话交换机pack 压缩pack initialization 信包初始化package 程序包package body 程序包体package of program 程序包package specification 程序包规格说明packaging 组装packed data 紧缩数据packed decimal 压缩十进制数packed decimal format 压缩十进制格式packed decimal number 压缩十进制数packed format 压缩格式packed format record 压缩格式记录packet 包packet assembly 包装配packet delay 包延迟packet disassembly 拆包packet mode terminal 包方式终端packet protocol 包协议packet switched network 包交换网络packet switching 包交换packet switching system 包交换系统packet switching technology 包交换技术packet transmission 包传输packetization 信息分包packing 压缩packing density 数据密度pad 焊接pad character 填充字符padding 填充page 页page addressing 页面寻址page at a time printer 页式打印机page data set 页数据集page description language 页面描述语言page entry 页面入口page exit 页面出口page fault 页面出错page fault interrupt 缺页中断page fixing 页面固定化page frame 页面帧page header 页标题page in 页入page locking 页面锁定page migration 页面迁移page mode 页面方式page numbering 页编号page out 页出page pool 页面池page printer 页式打印机page printing 页式印刷page protection 页面保护page reader 页式阅读器page reclamation 页面收复page register 页面寄存器page replacement 页面替换page table 页面表page teleprinter 页式电传印刷机page turning 页面祷page waiting 页面等待page zero 第零页面pageable partitioning 可党分区pageable region 可分页区paged machine 页面存取计算机paged memory 页式存储器pager 页面等程序pagination 编页paging 党paging algorithm 分页算法paging area 党区paging device 页式设备paging rate 分页速率paging supervisor 党管理程序painting 涂色palette 但板pan 分区存取方法panel 配电盘panning 移镜头paper advance mechanism 走纸机构paper copy 打印输出paper deformation 纸带损失paper feed 送纸paper guide 导纸机构paper roller 卷纸轮paper sheet 纸张paper skip 走纸paper slew 超行距走纸paper tape 纸带paper tape code 穿孔纸带码paper tape coil 纸带卷paper tape converter 纸带到卡片转换paper tape loop 纸带环paper tape punch 纸带穿孔机paper tape puncher 纸带穿孔机paper tape reader 纸带阅读机paper tape to card converter 纸带到卡片转换paper throw 超行距走纸paper transportation 纸传送paperless office 无纸办公室paragraph 段节paragraph header 段头paragraph name 段名paragraphing 分段parallel 并行的parallel access 并行存取parallel adder 并行加法器parallel algorithms 并行算法parallel arithmetic 并行运算parallel computer 并行计算机parallel connection 并联连接parallel control 并联控制parallel digital computer 并行数字计算机parallel interface 并行接口parallel memory 并行存储器parallel multiplier 并行乘法器parallel operation 并行操作parallel parallel operation 并行并行运算parallel port 并联通道parallel printer 并行打印机parallel processing 并行处理parallel run 并行处理parallel search 并行检索并行查找parallel search memory 并寻存储parallel serial conversion 并串行转换parallel serial operation 并串行操作parallel storage 并行存储器parallel subtracter 并行减法器parallel transfer 并行传输parallel transmission 并行传输paralleling 并行parallelism 并行性parameter 参数parameter descriptor 参数描述符parameter error 参数错误parameter input 参数输入parameter line 参数行parameter list 变元表parameter mismatch 参数失配信息工程专业术语--66pixel 像素pixel bus 像素母线pixel data 像素数据pl/1 程序设计语言1pla 可编程序逻辑阵列place value 位值plaintext 媚plait 交织线planar diode 平面二极管planar epitaxial technique 平面外延技术planar graph 平面图planar magnetic film memory 平面磁膜存储器planar technique 平面技术planar technology 平面技术planar transistor 平面晶体管planimeter 测面仪plant 插置plasma 等离子体plasma display 等离子体显示器plasma display panel 等离子显示板plasma panel display 等离子显示器plastic package 塑料封装plated wire memory 镀线存储器platform 平台platinum resistance thermometer 铂电阻温度计playback 复演playback head 读出头playback mode 读出方式plc 可编程序逻辑控制器plot 绘图plotted output 图形输出plotter 绘图机plotter step size 绘图机步长plotting board 图形显示幕plotting device 绘图仪plotting head 绘图头plug 插头plug adaptor 插塞式接合器plug and socket 接插件plug compatible equipment 插接兼容设备plug compatible unit 插接兼容部件plug connection 插头连接plug in card 插件板plug in unit 插入单元plug to plug compatibility 播座式兼容plugboard 插接板plugboard chart 插接图plugging chart 插接图plus sign 正符号pm 相位灯pms 灵活加工系统pneumatic controller 气动控制器pneumatic positioning relay 气动祷继电器pneumatic servomotor 气动伺服电动机pocket 卡片匣pocket calculator 手提式计算器pocket instrument 袖珍仪表point alignment 小数蝶point contact diode 接触型二极管point of discontinuity 断point of invocation 得point of sale terminal 出售终端point of sales 销售point to point circuit 到通信point to point communication 到通信point to point connection 到连接point to point control 到控制point to point line 对线路point to point link 到通信point to point route 对的线路point to point transmission 两间传输point to point wiring 到布线pointer 指针pointer arithmetic 指示字运算pointer array 指针阵列pointer instrument 指针式仪表pointer qualifier 指示字限定符pointer register 指示字寄存器pointer variable 指示字变量pointing 指pointing device 指示设备poisson distribution 泊松分布polar relay 极化继电器polar transmission 双极性传输polarity 极性polarity indicator 极性指示器polarized return to zero recording 极化归零制记录polarograph 极谱记录仪pole changing control 变极蒂polish notation 波兰表示polled network 轮询网络polling 轮询polling character 轮询字符polling interrupt 轮询中断polling interval 轮询间隔polling list 轮询表polling mode 轮询方式polling program 轮询程序polygon surface 多边形表面polyhedron 多面体polyline 多叉线polymarker 多标记polymorphic system 多形系统polynomial 多项式polynomial code 多项式码pool 储集场pop 出pop up menu 上托项目单population 兑体port 端子线对port a punch 便携式穿孔器port page 端口页portability 可移植性portable computer 便携式计算机portable instrument 便携式设备portable software 可移植软件portable standard meter 便携标准仪表portrait display 肖像显示器pos 销售pos terminal 销售终端position 数位position control 位置控制position encoder 位置编码器position feedback 位置反馈position mark 定位标记position regulator 位置第器position sensor 位置传感器position transducer 位置转换器positional code 位置代码positional notation 位置记数法positional operand 定位操?positional parameter 定位参数positional representation system 位置记数法positioning 定位positioning action 定位酌positioning device 定位设备positioning time 定位时间positive acknowledgement 肯定应答positive feedback 正反馈positive jump 正号转移positive logic 正逻辑positive photoresist 正性胶positive sign 正号positive zero 正零post 邮政post mortem dump 算后转储post mortem routine 算后检查程序postcondition 后置条件postdecrement addressing 后减量定址postedit 算后编辑postediting 算后编辑postfix notation 后缀表示法postfix operation 后缀操作后缀运算postindexing 后她posting 更新postnormalization 后规格化postprocessing 后加工postprocessor 后外理程序potential correction 电势校正potential divider 分压器potential regulator 稳压器倒器potential transformer 变压器potential value 平衡值potentiometer 电位器补偿器potentiometer method 补偿方法power consumption 功率损耗power control 电源控制信息工程专业术语--65phase discrimination 相位鉴别phase distortion 相位失真phase encoding 相位编码phase error 相位误差phase frequency distortion 相位频率失真phase indicator 相位指示器相位计phase lag 相位滞后phase locked loop 锁相环路phase margin 相位冗phase meter 相位计phase modulation 相位灯phase modulation recording 掂记录phase of program 程序阶段phase pulse modulation 脉冲相位灯phase sequence indicator 相序指示器phase shift 相移phase shifting transformer 移相变换器相位第器phase voltage 相电压phaser 移相器相移器phone channel 电话信道phone system 电话系统phonometer 声响度计phosphorescence 磷光photocell 光电池photocomposition 照相排版photodetector 光电检测器photodiode 光电二极管photoelectric control 光电子控制photoelectric current 光电流photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric reader 光电阅读器光电输入机photoelectric receiver 收光机photoelectric scanner 光电扫描器photoelectric tape reader 光电穿孔带阅读器photoelectron 光电子photoeletric scanning 光电扫描photoetching 光刻photographic memory 照相存储器photographic storage 照相存储器photomask 光掩模photomask set 光掩模组photomasking 光掩模photometer 光度计photomultiplier 光电倍增器photon computer 光子计算机photoreader 光电阅读器光电输入机photoreceiver 收光机photoresistor 光敏电阻photosensing mark 光读标记photosensor 光敏掐phototelegraphy 传真电报phototransistor 光敏晶体管phototypesetting 照相排版photovoltaic cellphotocell 光电伏打电池phrase structure grammar 短语结构文法phrase structure language 短语结构语言phrase structure tree 短语结构树physical address 物理地址physical block 物理块physical block number 物理块编号physical database 物理数据库physical device 实际设备physical i/o control system 实际输入输出控制系统physical interface 物理接口physical iocs 实际输入输出控制系统physical layer 物理层physical layer protocol 物理协议physical layout 物理布局physical level 物理级physical link 物理链路physical photometer 物理光度计physical record 实际记录physical storage 物理存储器physical unit 物理部件pi controller 比例积分控制器pia 外围接口适配器pick device 定位装置pick identifier 挑检标识符picker 定位装置picking 拾取picoprocessor 微微处理机picoprogramming 微微程序设计picosecond 微微秒picture 模像picture black 黑图像picture element 像素picture frequency 图像频覃picture generation 图象生成picture representation 图象表示picture telegraphy 传真电报picture transmission 视频传输pid control 比例积分微分控制pid controller 比例积分微分控制器piezoelectric effect 压电效应piezoelectric manometer 压电压力计piezoelectric pressure gauge 压电压力计piezoelectric strain gauge 压电应变仪pigeon hole 接收箱piggyback acknowledgement 捎带应答piggyback card 机载插件板pilot brush 控制刷pilot card 控制卡片pilot circuit 导频电路pilot survey 事先甸pilot system 选导系统pilot wire 控制线pin 插头pin compatibility 插头兼容性pin configuration 引线结构pin connector 插头连接器pin count 引线数pin feed paper 针孔馈送纸pin jack 管脚插孔pinboard 插接板pinch roller 压轮pinout 引出线pipeline 廉线pipeline chip 廉线芯片pipeline mode 廉线方式pipeline multiplier 廉线乘法器pipeline organization 廉线结构pipeline processing 廉线处理pipeline register 廉线寄存器pipeline system 廉线系统pipelined architecture 廉线结构pipelined processor 廉线处理机pipelining 廉线技术pipelining of data 廉线数据处理pitch 节矩pivot 暂时代码信息工程专业术语--64parameter passing 变元传递parameter passing by name 按名字参数传递parameter passing by reference 按参考参数传递parameter passing by value 按值参数传递parameter qualifier 参数限定词parameter register 参数寄存器parameter section 参数段parameter setting instruction 参数置放指令parameter specification 参数说明parameter word 参数字parameterized object 参数化对象parameters pack 参数压缩parametric programming 参数规划parametron 参数器参变元件parent child relation 父子关系parent group 父组parent offspring tasking 父子辈任务分配parent process 亲体过程parenthesis 括弧parenthesis free notation 无括号表示法parity 奇偶性parity bit 奇偶性校验位parity check 奇偶检验parity checking code 奇偶校验码parity error 奇偶错误parity interrupt 奇偶校验中断parse command 句法分析指令parser 句法分析程序parsing 句法分析parsing automaton 句法分析自动机partial carry 部分进位partial function 部分函数partial matching 部分匹配partial one output signal 干扰1输出信号partial order relation 部分序关系partial pathname 部分路径名partial program 部分程序partial read pulse 半读脉冲partial solution 部分解partial sum 部分和partial sum gate 异门partial sum register 部分和寄存器partial write pulse 半写脉冲partial zero output signal 干扰0输出信号partially defined function 部分函数partition 子部分partitioned access method 分区存取方法partitioned dataset 分区数据集partitioned mode 分区方式partitioning 分块party line 合用钱party line technique 合用线路技术pass 传送pass key 传送键passage 传送passing time 通过时间passive component 无源元件passive element 无源元件passive graphics 被动型制图学passive redundancy 被动冗余passive star network 无源星网passive transducer 无源转换器password 传送键password authentification 密码验证password protection 密码保护password request 密码请求paste buffer 已用原文一时缓冲域patch 插入码patchboard 插接板patchboard programming 插线板程序设计patchcord 插入线patchhole 插入孔patching 修补法patching a program 修补程序patching error 修补程序错误。

信息工程专业术语中英译文信息工程专业术语中英译文汇总menu 选单menu bar 菜单条menu dialog 选项单式对话menu formet 项目单格式menu selection 项目单选择menu technique 菜单技术mercury delay line 水银延迟线mercury memory 水银存储器mercury storage 水银存储器merge 归并merge exchange sort 归并交换分类merge order 归并次序merge program 归并程序merge sort 归并分类merging 归并mesh 网格mesh connected array 网状连接阵列mesh network 网状网铬mesh of cells 细胞网meshed network 网状网铬message 信息message block 信息块message buffer 消息缓冲区message circuit 报文线路message compression 报文压缩message control program 信息控制程序message exchange 信息交换message formet 消息格式message handler 报文处理程序message header 报文标头message passing 信息传递message processing 报文处理message processing program 信息控制程序message queue 信息排队message routing 消息路由选择message segment 报文段message switching 数据交换message switching center 信息转接中心message switching computer 报文转接计算机message text 报文正文message trailer 报文尾message transport 信息转送messaging 报文发送metacompiler 元编译程序metadata 元数据metaknowledge 元知识metal oxide semiconductor 金属氧化物半导体metalanguage 元语言metalinguistic variable 元语言变量metaprogram 元程序metarule 元规则metasymbol 元符号meter case 仪其mf 中频mft 任务固定的'多道程序设计系统mh 报文处理程序mhz 兆赫micr 磁墨水字符识别microammeter 微安计microanalysis 微量分析microassembler 微汇编程序microbrain 微脑microchip 微型芯片microcircuit 微电路microcode 微指令microcode memory 微编码存储器microcoding 微程序设计microcommend 微命令microcomputer 微计算机microcomputer software 微计算机软件microcomputer system 微计算机系统microcontroller 微控制器microelectronics 微电子学microfiche 缩微胶片microfloppy disk 缩微型软磁盘microfloppy disk drive 微型软磁盘驱动器microimege 缩微图像microinstruction 微指令micrologic 微逻辑micromeinframe 微型助microminiaturization 超小型化micromodule 微型组件microoperation 微操作microoptoelectronics 微光电子学microorder 微命令microphone 传声器话筒microprinter 微型印刷机microprocessing 微信息处理microprocessor 微处理机microprocessor based system 基于微处理机系统microprocessor chip 微处理机芯片microprocessor exerciser 微处理机试验器microprocessor set 微处理机集microprocessor system 微处理机系统microprocessor unit 微处理机部件microprogram 微程序microprogram memory 微程序存储器microprogram unit 微程序部件microprogrammeble computer 微程序控制计算机microprogrammeble instruction 微程序指令microprogrammed control 微程序控制microprogramming 微程序设计microprogramming control 微程序控制microroutine 微例行程序microsecond 微秒microvoltmeter 微伏计mid frequency 中频middle frequency 中频middleware 中间软件migration 迁移milliammeter 毫安计million instruction per second 百万条指令/秒millivoltmeter 毫伏特计mimd archictecture 多指令多数据玲构mimd mechine 多指令多数据龙mini laser 小型激光器miniassembler 小型汇编程序miniature electronic brain 微型电脑miniaturization 小型化miniaturization of components 元件小型化miniaturized circuit 小型电路minicassette 小型卡型盒式磁带minicomputer 小型计算机minidisc 小型磁盘minification 微小minifloppy 小软盘minimizing of commend language 指令语言的最小化minimum access coding 最快存取编码minimum access programming 最快存取程序设计minimum access routine 最佳程序minimum delay coding 最小延迟编码minimum distance code 最小距离码minimum latency 最小等待时间minimum length tree 最小长度树minimum scale value 最小刻度值minor control change 次要控制改变minor cycle 小周期minor failure 次要故障minor structure 子结构minor time slice 小时间片minor total 小计minterm 最小项minuend 被减数minus zone 负区mips 百万条指令/秒mirror imege 镜象mirroring 镜面反射mis 管理信息系统miscalculation 计算错误miscellaneous time 杂项时间misd architecture 多指令单数据系结构misfeed 误传送mismetching 失配misoperation 误操作misphasing 相移miss 失误missing page 缺页missing page interrupt 缺页。

Aa multitude of…种种的,众多的abbreviate缩略,简写成abbreviate缩写,缩略abrupt突然的accelerate 力口速accessible可访问的,可用的accounting会计学,记帐acquire 获取active device有源器件adapt适应additive相加的,加性的adept熟练的,老练的administer 管理administration 行政,管理advent到来,来临adversary对手,敌手advocate提倡者,拥护者adware 广告软件aeronautical 航空的aerosol 烟,雾affiliate会员,分支机构aftermath灾难后的时期,后果agent代理album照相簿,歌曲集alchemist 点金术士alert使警觉alertness 警觉algebraic代数的algorithm 算法aliasing 混叠alignment 对准alleviate 减轻allocate分配,指派allocation分配,指定allot分配alternate 交替altimeter高度计amass聚集,堆积amateur业余爱好,业余的ambient周围的ambiguous模糊的,混淆的amplify 放大amplitude幅度,广阔analogous类比的,相似的analytical 分析的anatomical解剖学的animation 动画annex附件annotation注释,评注anonymity 匿名antenna 天线anticipatory system 预知系统aperture孔径,光圈apparatus设备,装置,仪器appliance用具,器具application-specific integratedcircui t专用集成电路(ASIC)application-specific 面向应用的arbitrarily 任意地architecture 建筑,结构arguably可争辩地,有争议地arithmetic 算术artifact人工制品artificial intelligence 人工智能artificial 人工的aspersion诽谤,中伤Assessment 评估assurance保障,保险astounding令人惊骇的astronaut宇航员asymmetric非对称的asynchronous非同步的,异步的at will随心所欲atom原子attachment添加,附加attain 达至Uattenuate 衰减attenuation 衰减attest表明,作证Auditing审计,查账authentication 认证,确认authenticity 真实性authoritative权威性的autocorrelation 自相关automate使自动autonomous自治的,自主的autoregressive model 自回归模型avalanche 雪崩Bbackbone骨干,基干back-end 后端backprojection 反向投影backup备份,后备ballistic motion 冲击运动bandlimited 限带的barricade 路障base die 基底baseband 基带base基极baud波特BCD二一十进制beam 发送,传送,光束beat-note差拍信号Benefit利益,福利benign良好的,有利的bias current偏置电流bias偏置bibliography参考书目bicyclepedal自行车的脚蹬子bidirectional 双向的bifurcation 分叉bilinear双线性binary二进制的binocular望远镜biomass生物量biomedical生物特征的biometrics生物统计学biosignal生物医学信号bipolar有两极的,双极的bitcode比特字,比特码bitrate比特率black holes黑洞blend混合blending混合,混合物blessing赐福,祝福block diagram 方框图block阻止,阻塞bluetooth 蓝牙boardroom会议室bold黑体的,粗体的bolt用螺栓固定住bonfire 篝火bookkeeping 簿记borehole 钻孑L boron 硼bottleneck 瓶颈boundary边界,分界线bounded有界的brand品牌breach破坏,违反breadboard 面包板breakneck极快的,很危险的breakthrough 突破browser浏览器buffer缓冲器bulkhead船的舱壁bundle捆,包扎burst爆发bus总线by virtue of…凭借…CCaller电话接听者camcorder手持摄像机canal运河,沟渠capacitance 电容capture捕获,获取cardiology 心脏病学caregiver护理人员carrier 载波carry进位Cartesian迪卡尔(坐标)的casually随便地catastrophe大灾难,大祸categorize 分类causal因果关系的cavity空腔celestial天空的cell phone蜂窝式电话cell-size蜂窝大小cellular蜂窝状的census人口普查cepstrum 倒谱ceramic 陶瓷cerebrospinal 脑脊髓的channel capacity 信道容量character 个性characterize描绘,刻画性质charge电荷checkers 跳棋chew咀嚼chip码片choke窒息,阻气门chronic disease 慢性病cipher密码,暗号circa (c., ca., cir.circ.)大约circulation循环,流传cite引述,引用cladding光纤包层clarify 澄清classification 分类classified information 机密信息clear input 清零端clearance许可,清除client/server客户/服务器clinical临床的clock pulse时钟脉冲clog up阻塞closed-loop gain 闭环增益clout权力,影响,力量clump 簇,团clutter 杂乱coachman 教练coax cable同轴电缆cockpit驾驶舱codec编解码器coefficient 系数cognitive认知的coherent相干的coin创造,杜撰collaborate合作,勾结collector集电极co-located位于同一地方的color burst色同步信号color space颜色空间combat抗击commercial商业的,商品的,广告comparable 可比的compartment 船舱compatibility兼容性compatible 兼容compelling 强制的competitive有竞争力的competitor竞争对手complacency自鸣得意complementary互补的,补充的complexity复杂性,复杂度component成分,组成部分compound 复合comprehensible可理解的compression 压缩computer aidedtomography (CAT)计算机断层扫描concatenate连在一起,级联concentric 同心的concrete具体的condemn宣告,宣判conducive有益的,有助的conferencing举行会议confidentiality 机密性configuration 酉己置configure酉己置confinement 限制conformable适合的,顺从的connectivity 互联性conservative 保守的consistent 一致的console控制台consonant 辅音constellation星座图,星罗棋布constituent成分constraint约束,限制constrict 收缩construct构造,构造物construct构成物consultation 咨询contend斗争,争辩content(v.)满足,满意context上下文,背景contiguous 邻接的contour等高线convection 对流converge收敛,汇集于一点conveyance运送,运输conveyer传输带convolution 卷积convolutional coding 卷积编码coordinate 坐标coordination 协调cordlessphone 无绳电话Core核心corporate公司的,合伙的correlate相关,作相关处理correspondence 通信,信件corrupt使腐烂,腐败的corruption腐败,毁坏corrupt 毁坏cost effective经济的,合算的counter计数器counterpart对等物,对等的角色courier信使,送急件的人cover-up 掩盖cracker破译者,攻击者crack使爆裂crash崩溃credit归功于,相信cross-correlation 互相关cross-sectional断面的,截面的cross-talk窜音,干扰cryptanalysis 密码分析cryptography密码学,密码术crystal 晶体culpability有过失,有罪curse诅咒,咒语curve-fitting 曲线拟合customization 专用化customize 定制cybernetics 控制论cyberspace网上空间cylinder柱体,圆柱cylindrical圆柱形的DD flip-flop D 触发器data sheet技术规格表data traffic 数据流Database数据库dBi (decibel isotropic)全向性分贝deceive 欺骗decimal十进制的decimate 抽取dedicated researcher 奉献于事业的研究者dedicated专用的,奉献的deficiency 缺陷degrade 退化,降级delay spread 延迟扩展deliberation深思熟虑dematrix求矩阵反变换demilitarized解除武装的demltiplexer解复用器demodulate 解调demodulation 解调Denial否认,拒绝deploy部署deployment 部署deposit存放,堆积derivative导数,微商derive 推导dermatology皮肤病学descriptive描述性的desirability可取性,值得despread解除扩频destine 注定destructive破坏性的detector检测器,检波器deviant不正常的deviation偏移,偏差diagnose 诊断diagnosis 诊断diagnostic 诊断的dialup拨号diameter 直径dictate 口授,说明die骰子dielectric介电的,电介质dielectric介电的,电介质的die 印模,模子difference equation 差分方程differential equation 微分方程differentiate 区分diffract衍射,绕射diffuse 扩散digest消化,理解digitization 数字化digitizer 数字化仪Diligence 勤奋dimension 维,尺度diode二极管dipole偶极子directionality 方向性disastrous灾难性的discern辨别,看清楚discharge 放电discipline学科,纪律disclosure 披露discontinuity 不连续性discrepancy 差异discrepancy偏差,偏离discrete离散的discretion慎重,斟酌处理权discretization 离散化discriminator鉴别器,鉴频器dispatch 派遣dispersion 色散disruption瓦解,扰乱disseminate散布,传播dissipation ^消耗distributed分布式的,分散的distribution 分发disturbance扰动,干扰diverge 发散diverse多变化的,多元的diversion 转移diversity多样,差异性DJ (disk jockey)播音员,节目主持dominate支配,占优势doom注定doped掺杂质的doping掺杂(质) Doppler shift多普勒频移dotproduct点积,标量积doughnut油炸圆饼dour阴沉的,严厉的downfall衰败,跌落drainage 排水drain漏极drastically激烈地,彻底地drawback 缺点dreaded可怕的drift漂移duct管道Due应得的duration持续时间dynamic binding 动态绑定dynamic range 动态范围dynamics动力学dynamo发电机EEarth-orbiting绕地球轨道运转的e-health电子保健eject喷射,强制离开electrodynamics 电动力学elevate 提升elevation contour 海拔等高线eliminate消除,淘汰elliptical orbit 椭圆轨道elliptical 椭圆的embed嵌入embrace拥抱,包含emerge出现,浮现emergence 出现emission发射,散发emit放射,射出emitter发射极empirical凭经验的,经验性的emulate效法,模仿emulation仿真,仿效encapsulate 封装encompass包含,包围,完成encrypt 力口密encryption 力口密endeavor努力,尽力endoscope内窥镜,内诊镜engineer设计,策划enhancement 增强entail需要,使必须,引起entity实体entropy熵,平均信息量envelope function 包络函数envelope 包络equalization 均衡equivalent等效的,相当的erbium 铒erosion腐蚀,侵蚀err犯错误erroneous错误的erudition 博学escalation扩大,增大eschew避开etch蚀刻eternal永恒的,不灭的Ethernet以太网ethical伦理的,道德的Euclidean distance欧几里德距离eustatic (全球)海面升降的evanescent 渐逝的evasion 逃避excitation 激励exclusively无例外地executive执行的,执行者exemplify 例证exhaust 耗尽experiential凭经验的expertise 专长explicit明确的,清楚的explicit显的,明白的exponent 指数extrapolate推断,夕卜延extravaganza发狂言行,异乎寻常Ffabricate制造,伪造facilitate使容易,促进fading衰落Faith新任,忠实faithfully如实地,正确地falling edge (脉冲的)下降沿fatality灾祸,死亡事故fault故障favor支持feasibility可行性,可能性feature size 特征尺寸feature-filled富有特色的feed horn馈送电波的喇叭天线feed line 馈线femtosecond 毫微微秒(1015sec)ferrite core memory 铁磁芯存储器fertilize施肥,滋养fiber纤维,光纤fidelity保真度,逼真field-effect 场效应field-programmable gate arrays现场可编程门阵列field-programmablegate array (FPG A)现场可编程门阵列field-test现场测试,实地测试filtering 滤波fingerprint 指纹finite set有限的集FIR (finite impulseresponse filter)有限冲击响应滤波器firewall防火墙fixed-point arithmetic 定点运算,整数运算flair天赋,资质,潇洒flaw缺陷,瑕疵flexible柔顺的,灵活的flip-flop双稳态触发器floating point 浮点floodlight 泛光灯fluctuate 起伏fluctuation波动,起伏flywheel 飞轮Focused training 强化训练forensic法医的,司法取证forensic司法,法医(取证)的Forensics司法,法医,取证formant语音的共振峰formulate 表述,用公式表达forward转发,转送fraction小部分,分数fractional部分的,分数的fraction片断,小数fragment碎片,分成碎片frame 帧free-to-airTV不加密不收费电视friction 摩擦,摩擦力frightening 可怕的fringe加边饰,条纹fruition结果实,成就frustrating令人沮丧的fuel燃起,燃料functionality 功能function 函数fur-bearinganimal 毛皮动物furrow沟,皱纹,辙Ggain增益gamble赌博,投机garble篡改,歪曲,使混乱gateway通道,网关gate栅极gating用门电路作逻辑运算gauge测量,使…符合标准general practitioner 全科医生generalization普遍化,推广,概括generalized 通用化genesis 起源genetics遗传学genre流派,类型Genuine 真的geostationary orbit对地静止轨道geosynchronous地球同步的germanium 锗gigahertz 吉赫(109Hz)glean收集获得glider滑翔机graded-index渐变(梯度)折射率gradient梯度,渐变的grandmaster 大师granular颗粒状grating 光栅gravitational 重力的gross product总产值,总产量guard interval 保护间隔gynecology 妇科学gyroscope陀螺仪gyrotron振动陀螺仪Hhabitat栖息地handoff切换,移交handshaking 握手hardware description language(HDL)硬件描述语言hatch孵化,舱口headend数据转发器headway进展,前进heliograph 日光仪helium氦气herein在此,如此heritage世袭财产,遗产heuristic启发的,启发程序hexadecimal 16 进制的hexagon六边形hifi (high fidelity)高保真(音乐)highlight突出,突显,强调hindsight事后聪明histogram直方图holding circuit 保持电路homodyne零差式的host主机hub中心,网络集线器Hubble telescope哈勃望远镜hue色调Huffman encoding Huffman 编码hull外壳,船身hunch预感,直觉的想法hybrid混合,混合物hydrologic 水文的hydrology水文学hydrophone 水听器hype广告,人为刺激hypothesis 假设Iignition燃烧,点火IIR (infinite impulse responsefilter)无限冲击响应滤波器image registration 图像配准imagery像,图像imagingradiometer 辐射成像仪imitator仿冒者immune免疫的,不受影响的immutable不可变更的impartial公正的,不偏不倚的impedance 阻抗impede妨碍,阻止imperative势在必行的impinge撞击,射到impose施加impress印,铭刻,加载in absentia 缺席的In agreement with …与--- 一致/不冲突In nature性质上in series 串接inadequacy不够,不足inadequate 不够的inadvertently漫不经心地in-building建筑物内的incident入射的incompetence 无能increment 增量incur招致,蒙受,引起index of refraction 折射率indexing mechanism 索弓|机制indistinguishable 难以分辨的induce感应,遭致inductance 电感infection 传染inference 推论inferior差的,处于劣势的infinity无穷大inflation 通货膨胀informatics信息科学information hiding 信息隐藏informative提供信息的informed 有知识的,有见闻的infrared红外线,红外的infra-red红外线的,红外线infrastructure 基础设施ingredient成分,因素inherently内在地,本质上inheritance遗产,遗传inhibition 禁止,压制inhomogeneity 不均匀性initiative主动的行动insane 有精神病的,愚蠢的instantaneously 瞬时地instantaneous 瞬时的insulate 绝缘insulate绝缘,隔离intact完好的,完整的integer 整数integral 积分integrate求积分integrated circuits 集成电路integrator 积分机integrity完整性intelligence 智能,情报intelligent 智能的Intensity 强度interact交互作用interactivity 交互interactivity 交互性interchangeably可互换地,不区分地interconnected 互联的interdisciplinary 跨学科的interface 接口interlace相间,隔行扫描interleave 交织interleaving 交叉,交织interleaving 交织,交错intermediary中间的,媒介的interminable无限的,冗长的intermittently 间歇地internal medicine 内科学interoperability 互操作性interpolate 内插interrogator询问者,质询者interrupt 中断intersection 交叉点intertwining 缠绕在一起interval 间隔intervene插入,干预intervening 期间的intrigue引起兴趣,吸引introductory介绍性的,引导性的intrusion 入侵intuitive直觉的inundation洪水,大水invasive入侵的,侵略性的inverse反转的,逆irrefutable不能反驳的irregular不规则的,无规律的irrevocable不可变更的isotope同位素ISP互联网业务供应商Jjaggedness起伏不平,不规则jamming 干扰jitter抖动,颤抖Julius Caesar朱利叶斯•恺撒junk垃圾justify证明是必要的Kkeep pace with…与…保持一致步伐kernel核,核心keying键控(法) kink扭结,绞缠klystron速调管Llaptop computer膝上电脑/笔记本电脑laser激光latch锁存(器)latency等待时间,时间延迟latency延迟,潜伏期law suit司法诉讼lax宽松的,不严格的layout布局,布线leading edge (脉冲的)前沿legacy祖先遗留之物legible可识别的,清楚的legion军团,众多的人lend itself to…有助于,适合于lend oneself to有助于,适宜于levee大堤lidar激光雷达likelihood可能性,似然性limelight众人注目的中心linearity 线性line-of-sight 视线linkage联合,结合lithographic平板印刷的litigious好诉讼的,好争论的live concert实况音乐会live multimedia实时多媒体load leveling负载平衡logarithm 对数logarithmic 对数的login登录lookup table 查找表lossless无损的lossy有损耗的loudspeaker 扬声器lump块,使…成块lumpedelement 集总元件lumped system集总系统Mmachine vision 机器视觉magneticresonance 磁共振magneticresonanceimaging (MRI)磁共振成像magnetron磁电管,磁控管magnitude大小,数量maiden name婚前的姓/娘家的姓mainframe大型计算机mainstream 主流maintainability可维护性Malicious恶意的malignant恶性的malware恶意软件mandatory命令的,必须的mangrove 红树manifestation 显示,证明manipulate处理,操作manipulation 操作,处理mantissa 尾数map映射marginally有限度地Marital婚姻的maritime航海的market share市场份额Mars火星marsh沼泽,湿地marvel奇异之事maser迈泽massive巨大的matrix矩阵mature成熟mean均值measure测度,度量mechanism 机制median filter中值滤波mediocre不好不坏的,通常medium access control (MAC)媒体访问控制megabyte兆字节megaphone扩音器melt熔化mental精神的,智力的merge合并metabolism新陈代谢metallic金属的metallization 金属化metamorphose使变形,变态meteorological 气象的methodical有方法的,有系统的metropolitan 都市的micrometer 微米(10 6 m)micron微米microstrip antenna 微带天线middleware 中间件mill作坊,工厂millennium 千年mimic模仿mimic模仿miniature小型的miniaturization 小型化minority 少数minutia 细节(minutiae)misfiring误触发mismatch失配,不匹配mitigate 使缓和,减轻mixer混频器mobility移动性modality形态,式样modem调制解调器modular-2 模2 的module模块modulo模,取模的moisture湿气,水份moment 矩mono单一,单声道monochromatic 单色的monochrome 单色的monotypic 单型的moral道德,寓意morbidity发病率Morse code莫尔斯电码mortal人的,不免一死的mosaic马赛克,拼图motherboard 母板motion blur运动模糊motivation动机,推动力MRI磁共振成像multi-carrier 多载波multicast组播,多播multimedia authoring 多媒体制作multimode fibers 多模光纤multipath fading 多径衰落multipath 多径multiplex多样的,多路复用multiplex 复用multiplication 乘法multiply 相乘multiprocessor 多处理器multi-spectral 多光谱的multitude多数,大众mutual information 互信息Nnand与非nanometer 纳米(10 9 m)narration叙述,解说navigate 航行negligence疏忽,玩忽行为negligible可忽略的netlist电子设计中的联接性network traffic网络数据流neurobiology神经生物学neurology神经病学neuron神经元,神经细胞niche有利可图的专门市场non-field programmable非现场可编程的nonlinearity 非线性normal垂直的,法线的normalize归一化,标准化normative规范的,标准的nor或非notion概念novelty新奇,新鲜事物number base 数制numerical数值的nutrient 营养Oobjective 目的object-oriented面向对象的oblique倾斜的obsolete过时的,陈旧的obstetrics 产科obviate避免,使成为不必要oceanographer 海洋学家offline离线的,非实时的offset voltage drift补偿电压的漂移offset偏移量olfactory嗅觉的,嗅觉器官onboard logic (电路)板上逻辑ongoing进行中的Ongoing正在进行的op amp运放的简写opaque不透明的operationalamplifier 运算放大器operator算子,算符optical fiber 光纤orientation 方向originate 发源originate来源于orthogonal 正交的orthogonality 正交性orthomode transducer 直接式收发转换器oscillate 振荡oscillator 振荡器otology耳科学out of focus未聚焦,聚焦不良的outbound向外的outdated过时的outpace赶过,超越output swing输出电压变化范围outset开头,最初outward 向外overconfidence 过分自信overhead 开销overlap 重叠overlook忽视,俯视ozone臭氧Ppacket (数据)包pager寻呼机paging寻呼pan-tilt-zoom平摇、俯仰、变焦parabolic抛物线的paradigm范例,样式parallel logic circuitry 并行逻辑电路parallel 并行parallel并行,平行parameter 参数parameters 参数parasitic寄生的parity奇偶性partition分割,分区passive被动的,无源的patch 片pathology病理学pattern 模式payroll工资单,员工清单pediatrics 小儿科penetrate穿透,渗透Penetration穿透,入侵perception感觉,感知,领悟perceptual 感官的peripheral外围的,外围设备perpendicular 垂直的perspective透视图,透视的pertinent相关的,切题的perusal精读,细读pervade弥漫于,流行于phase相位,相角Phenomenal显著的,异常的phosphorous 磷的photoelectric effect 光电效应photomask光掩模photometrically在摄影光度方面photon光子physician内科医生physiology 生理学pico-cell微微蜂窝pilot signal导频信号pilot引导,试用pinpoint准确地定位pitch音调,程度pixel像素placement 放置plasma等离子体platform 平台platitude陈词滥调,老生常谈plausible貌似合理的plea请求,恳求plug插入polar极坐标的polarization 极化,偏振polarization 偏振,极化polymorphism 多形态polysilicon 多层硅pool把…集中使用popularization大众化,流行portability 便携性portrayal描绘,肖像pose摆放,提出,陈述potential 潜力power of two 2的幂power 幂precision精度,精确的predominant占主导地位的prefix 前缀preform预制品prelude 序言premature未成熟的premise 前提premises (经营)场地premise 前提presampling 预采样prescribed 预定的presentation layer 表示层preset预置presetable可预置的prevalent流行的prior to…在•…之前priority queueing按优先级的排序prism 棱镜privilege 特权procure获得,取得product 乘积productivity生产力,工作效率Profession 职业professional field 专业领域Professional专业人员professionally 专业地profile轮廓,姿态programmable controller (PC)可编程控制器programmable可编程的projection 投影proliferate 激增proliferation 激增promote推销,促进prompt提示,激励propagation delay 传播延迟propagation 传播proportion 比例protocol协议,规约prototype原型,样机protrude 突出provably可证明地proximity接近,亲近proxy server代理服务器pseudo random noise 伪随机噪声psychiatry精神病学psycho-acoustic心理声学的PTZcameraPTZ 摄像机punch card穿孔卡片purchase 购买purpose-designed针对目的设计的pursue追求,从事Qquadrangle 四边形quadrature正交,90 相位差quantify量度,表示数量quantitatively 定量地quantization量化quantum量子,量化quest追求,探索queue排队,队列Rradiant辐射的radio astronomy 射电天文学radiograph 射线图radiographic射线图像radioisotope放射性同位素radiology放射学radiometer 辐射计rain fade降雨衰减raster光栅rationality合理性,理性reactive ion etching反应离子刻蚀reactive反应的,反动的real number 实数reasoning 推理reassessment重新评估recipient接收者reconfigurable可重新设置的reconnaissance 侦察reconstruction 重建rectangular 矩形的recur复发,再发生recurrence 重复recurring循环的redundancy 冗余,多余redundant冗余的,多余的reflected反射的reflection 反射reflective 反射的reflex反射,映像refractive index 折射率refractive 折射的regime政权,体制,情态regions-of-interest 感兴趣区register寄存器registration 对准regulations规则,条例regulatory调整的,控制的rehabilitation 康复reinforcement 力口强relaxation松弛,弛豫relay中继,接力release发布,版本relevance有关,适当relief texture凹凸的纹理rematrix重新进行矩阵变换render表示,表现,再现render表现,渲染rendition表现,渲染repeater中继器,转发器replica复制品replication 复制Requisite必需品,必要条件researchinstallation 研究机构reside驻留resistance 电阻resolution 分辨率resonance谐振,共振resonant谐振的resonator谐振器responsive应答的,回答的retrospective 回顾的reveal披露,显示revenue收入,税收revision 修正ridge 脊rigid坚硬的,刚性的rigorous严格的rip撕,拉,劈ripple carry adder纹波进位加法器ripple波纹,波动,飘动rival对手RMS (root mean square)均方根RMS: Royal Mail Ship 皇家邮轮roam漫游robot机器人robotic surgery机器人外科robust牢固,稳健robust稳健的,鲁棒的robustness稳健性,鲁棒性rock-solid磐石般坚固的roll out 展开round robin循环(复用)round四舍五入router路由器routing路由,联线royalty版税,庄严,王权rubric题目,标题Ssalinity 盐度sampler 样品sampling 采样sanitize消毒,使无害saturate 饱和saturation 饱和度scapegoat替罪羊scatter 散射scatterometer 散射计scenario情节,方案scenario情节,剧本,方案scenario情节,方案scenery风景,景物scope范围score得分scramble打乱,使混杂screening筛选,普查sediment沉淀物,沉积seismic地震的seismology 地震学semaphore 旗语seminal开创性的sensitivity敏感性,灵敏度sensor array传感器阵列sensor 传感器,感光器sensory感觉的,传递感觉的serial串行serial-in parallel-out 串进并出serial-in serial-out 串进串出Server服务器shading阴影,明暗shed放射,摆脱shift register移位寄存器shim填片shop floor车间现场shutter 快门signature签字,标识signify表示,象征signify告知,预示silicon 硅simulated annealing 模拟退火simultaneous 同时的single mode fiber 单模光纤sinusoid正弦曲线sinusoidal 正弦的skew歪斜slab厚片,板层sledgehammer 大锤slew rate转换率,斜率slideshow幻灯放映SoC (System onChip)片上系统software title 软件产品solder焊接,焊料sonar声呐sophistication 复杂(性)sophistication 复杂性source源极space shuttle 航天飞机space-borne repeater 天空转发器spacer定位架子sparse稀疏,稀少spatial domain 空间域spatial空间的speaker identification 说话人辨认speaker recognition 说话人识另ijspeaker verification 说话人确认special-purpose 专用species 种,类specification 指标speckle散斑,斑点spectacular 惊人的spectrometer分光光度计spectroradiometer 分光光谱仪speech recognition 语音识另ijspell拼写,迷住splice结合,焊接spoke轮辐sponsor支持,赞助,资助spreadsheet电子表格spur刺激,激励spurious假的,伪造的spurt冲刺,喷射spyware间谍软件squawk box聊天室,论坛stack堆栈standalone独立的,可独立存在的standard deviation 标准差state of the art 最新的static electric 静电的stationary静止的,不变的statute法令,成文法律stem阻止,堵住step-index阶跃(突变)折射率stereo vision 立体视觉stereo立体声stimulus (pl. stimuli)刺激stimulus 刺激strain应力strategy 策略streak条纹striking惊人的,醒目的striking显著的,引人注目的strip剥离stumbling笨手笨脚的sub-carrier 子载波sub-field分领域,子领域submarine海底的,潜水艇sub-pixel亚像素subscription 订购subset子集substantial实质性的,重要的substitute 代替substrate 基底subtle细微的,微妙的subtraction 减法supercomputer超级计算机superheterodyne超夕卜差的superimpose叠加,重叠superior优越的superposition 叠力口superset 超集supply rails电源供给线suppress 抑制surf冲浪,浏览网络surveillance 监视survivability存活,存活可能性susceptible易受影响的swamp沼泽,进退两难之地sweepgenerator扫描发生器switch交换器,交换switching rate 切换速度syllable 音节syllogism三段论,推演synchronization 同步synchronize使同步,同时发生synchronous同步的synchrony 同步(性)syntactical 句法的syntax句法synthesis合成,综合synthesizer合成器Ttactile触觉(的)tamper损害,篡改tape library 磁带库tap-proof防窃听的telehealth远程保健telemedicine远程医疗telemetry遥测^ tele-otoscope 远程耳镜teleradiology远程放射学tele-stethoscope 远程听诊器teletype电传打字机telnet远程登录template模板,样板terahertz 特赫,1012 赫兹terminate 终止terminology 术语terms of contract 合同条款terrestrial地面的,地球上的terrorism恐怖主义tether拴,束缚the literature 文献(总称)thematic题目的,主旋律的theorem 定理theorize使…成为理论threshold 门限,阈值thresholding用阈值分割图像throughput 吞吐量time and attendance station 考勤系统time budget时间限制time slot 时隙time-critical对时间要求苛刻的time-invariant 时不变的timing diagram 时序图tint色彩tolerance偏差,容差,宽容度tomography 断层成像术 underestimate 低估 vowel 元音tooling 工具作业underestimation 低估 voxel 体(像)素topographic 地形的,地形学的 undergo 经历voyager 旅行者,探索者 topology 拓扑,布局universal 普遍的,宇宙的 vulnerable 易受攻击的towed streamer 拖曳飘带式水听器 阵unjustified 不可验证的 unmanned 无人的Wtrace 痕迹、微量 unpack 解开wafer 晶片,薄酥饼 track 跟踪unprecedented 前所未有的,空前 wagon 四轮马车tradeoff 折中,妥协 的Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报 trailing edge 后沿,下降沿 unquoted 未注明的waveform 波形 transact 处理,交易 unsigned band 未签约的乐队 waveguide 波导transaction 办理,交割 untie 解开,松开wavelet 小波 transceiver 收发器up converter 上变频器wee 微小的transducer 传感器,变换器 up-down counter 可逆计数器 weighted coding 加权编码 transferfunctions 传递函数 useability 可用性weighted 加权的 transfer 迁移,传递 used up 竭尽全力的,用尽了 well-suited 很适合于 transient 瞬态的utilization 利用wetland 湿地transistor 晶体管 translation 平移 Vwhereby (关系副词)靠那个 wide-ranging 范围广的 transmission line 传输线 vacuum tube 真空管,电子管 wiretapping 搭线窃听 transmission 透射vacuum 真空,真空的 woofer 低音喇叭transmitted 透射的,发射的 valve 阀word of data 数据中的“字” transparent 透明的,可透过的 van 货车,篷车word processor 文字处理软件 transponder 应答器,转发器 vapor deposition 汽相淀积,蒸镀 worm 蠕虫transverse 横向的 vapor 汽,蒸汽 worst-case value 最不利的数值trash 垃圾,废弃traveling wave tube 行波管 variable 变量 variation 变种 ZTriad 三个一组,三合一vegetation 植物 zero-crossing 过零点 tricky 机敏的,狡猾的 trigger 触发 trimming 微调Trojan horse 特洛伊木马Trojan 特洛伊(木马) tTerahertz 特赫(1012Hz ) tumble 摔跤 tunable 可调节的 tune 调谐 turnaround 周转,转向UUHF (ultra-high frequency )特高频 ultraviolet 紫外线,紫外的 umbrella term 有多种含义的名词 unambiguous 不模糊的,不含糊的 unary 元的 unauthorized 未被授权的 uncertainty 不确定性uncommitted 未指定的,不受约束underappreciated 认识不足的,被低估的vendor 供应商 verification 确认versatility 多用途,多样性 version 版本 veterinarian 兽医 vice versa 反之亦然 vicinity 邻近,附近video conferencing 视频(电视)会 议video stream 视频(数据)流video-conferencing 视频会议 virtualshorting plane 虚拟短路平 面virtual system 虚拟系统 virtual 虚拟的,实际起作用的 virtually 事实上,几乎是 virus 病毒 visual perception 视觉 visualization 可视化,形象化 viz.(拉丁语 videlicet )就是说volume 音量voluntary 自发的,自愿的zonation 成带,分区。

a priori probability 先验概率a programming language apl 语言a r wire 地址读出线a register 累加寄存器a type address constant a型地址常数a. c. power supply 交羚源a/d conversion 模拟数字转换a/d converter 模拟数字转换器模数转换器a/m switch 自动手控开关abacus 算盘accounting machine 会计计算机accounting problem 会计问题accounting routine 费用计算程序accounting system 会计制度accounting task 会计任务accumulating register 累加寄存器accumulator 累加器accumulator instruction 累加聘令accumulator register 累加寄存器accuracy 精确度accuracy class 准度等级accuracy control character 准度控制符号accuracy control system 准度控制系统accuracy of reading 读数精度ace 自动呼叫设备ack 肯定字符acknowledge 肯定acknowledge character 肯定字符acknowledgement 肯定acknowledgement key 应答键acknowledgement signal 应答信号acknowledgement switch 认收开关acoustic coupler 声耦合器acoustic delay line 声延迟线acoustic filter 滤声器acoustic frequency 声频acoustic hologram 声全息照相图acoustic memory 声存储器acoustic modem 声灯解调acoustic storage 声存储器acoustic transducer 声能转换器acoustical holography 声全息摄影acquisition 采集acronym 首字母组缩略词action 动作action code 操纂action directive 动赘令action frame 动昨架action spot 动足activate button 启动按钮activate key 启动键activation 激化activation of block 分程序动用activation record 激活记录active bank 现用数据库active block 有源组件active card 现用卡片active circuit 有源电路active component 有效元件active computer 现用计算机active data station 现役数据站active domain 有效域active element 有源元件active file 现用文件active filter 有源滤波器active high signal 高态有效信号active job 活动椎active line 工走active low signal 低态有效信号active page 活动页active page queue 活动页队列active program 现用程序active ratio 活动率active redundancy 织冗余active star 活动星active state 活动状态active station 活动栈active storage 活动存储器active task 活动任务active value 活跃值activity 活动性activity file 活动文件activity graph 活动图activity loading 活动装入法activity name 活动名activity ratio 活动率actual address 实际地址actual argument 实际变元actual decimal point 实际小数点actual derived data item 实际导出数据项actual device number 实际设备坐号actual instruction 实际指令actual key 实际关键字actual parameter 实在参数actual parameter list 实在参数表actual parameter part 实在参数部分actual result 实际结果actual result data item 实际结果数据项actual run time 实际运行时间actual source 实源actual source data item 实源数据项actual state 现实状态actual storage 实际存储器actual time 实际时间actual value 实际值actuation 动作actuator 传动机构acu 运算控制器acyclic graph 无圈图acyclic process 非循环过程ada ada语言adaptation 自适应adapter 适配器衔接器adapter plug 衔接棋头adaptive channel allocation 自适应信道分配adaptive control 自适应控制adaptive control action 自适应控制动作adaptive control system 自适应控制系统adaptive dialog 自适应对话adaptive routing 自适应路径选择add 加法add gate 加法门add in 插入add in memory 插入存储器add in module 内插式模块add instruction 加法指令add key 加法键add on 插入add on memory 插入存储器add on module 内插式模块add operation 加法操作加法运算add output 加法输出add overflow 加法溢出add table 加法表add time 加法时间add without carry gate 异门addend 加数addend register 加数寄存器adder 加法机adder subtracter 加减器adding machine 加法机adding operator 加法运算符addition 加法addition file 添加文件addition item 补充项addition record 附加记录addition without carry 按位加additional 附加的additional area 补充区additional bit 附加位additional character 特殊符号additional dialing 附加拔号additional equipment 辅助设备additional record 附加记录additive 附加的additive attribute 附加属性additive operator 加法算符address 地址address alignment 地址蝶address arithmetic 地址运算address assignment 地址分配address bit 地址位address blank 空地址address bus 地址总线address calculation 地址计算address change 地址变更address check 地址校验address code 地址码address comparator 地址比较器address component 地址部分address computation 地址计算address constant 地址常数address conversion 地址转换abbreviated dialing 缩位拨号abend 任务异常结束abnormal end of task 任务异常结束abnormal function 异常功能abnormal termination 异常结束abort routine 异常终止程序abortion 中止abridged division 简略除法abs 绝对值abs function 绝对函数abscissa axis 横轴absolute address 绝对地址absolute addressing 绝对编址absolute addressing mode 绝对编码方式absolute assembler 绝对汇编程序absolute code 绝对代码absolute coding 绝对编码absolute command 绝对坐标命令absolute coordinates 绝对坐标absolute data 绝对数据absolute element 绝对元素absolute error 绝对误差absolute execution area 绝对执行区absolute expression 绝对表达式absolute function 绝对函数absolute instructionm 绝对指令absolute language 机骑言absolute loader 二进装入程序absolute loader routine 绝对地址装入程序absolute measurements 绝对测量absolute name 绝对名absolute order 绝对坐标命令absolute program 绝对程序absolute program loader 绝对程序的装入程序absolute programming 绝对程序设计absolute sensitivity 绝对灵敏度absolute symbol 绝对符号absolute term 绝对项absolute value 绝对值absolute vector 绝对向量absorber 吸收器吸收装置absorbing barrier 吸收壁垒absorption attenuation 吸收损耗absorption loss 吸收损耗abstract 摘录abstract data type 抽象数据型abstract machine 抽象计算机abstract object 抽象客体abstract semantic network 抽象语义网络abstract symbol 抽象符号abstraction 抽象ac 交流ac fault 动态故障ac servomechanism 交僚服机构ac servomotor 交僚服电动机ac voltage 交羚压acceleration 加速度acceleration period 加速期acceleration time 加速时间accent 重音accept 接受accept statement 接收语句acceptance gauge 检收量规acceptance inspection 接收检验acceptance sampling 验收取样acceptance specification 验收说瞄acceptance test 接收测试accepting 接受accepting station 接收站acceptor 接收器受主acceptor of data 数据接收器access 存取access address 存取地址access arm 存取臂access authorization 存取授权access by key 键控存取access code 存取代码access control 存取控制access control bits 存取控制位access control key 存取控制键access control mechanism 存取控制机构access cycle 存取周期access function 存取函数access hole 取数孔access interval 存取间隔access key 存取关键字access line 存取线路access management 存取管理access matrix 存取矩阵access mechanism 存取机构access method 存取方法access mode 存取方式access oriented method 面向存取法access path 存取路径access restriction 存取限制access right 存取权access routine 存取程序access scan 存取扫描access speed 存取速度access time 存取时间access window 存取窗口accessibility 可存取性accessible vertex 可达顶点accidental error 偶然性差错accidental merge 偶发归并account number 帐号accounting 会计accounting file 会计文件accounting information 会计信息address counter 地址计数器address couple 地址对address decoder 地址译码器address driver 地址驱动器address error 地址错误address field 地址字段address file 地址文件address format 地址格式address generation 地址产生address generator 地址生成程序address incrementation 地址增量address incrementer 地址渐增机address input 地址输入address latch 地址锁存器address line 地址线address mapping 地址映射address mark 地址标记address marker 地址标记address matrix 地址矩阵address mode byte 地址方式字节address modification 地址修改address modifier 地址修改量address operand 地址操?address parameter 地址参数address part 地址部分address path 地址通路address pattern 地址模式address program counter 程序地址计数器address read wire 地址读出线address reference 地址引用address register 地址寄存器address relocation 地址再定位address search 地址检索address selection 地址选择address selection switch 地址选择开关address size 地址位数address space 地址空间address stop 地址符合停机address substitution 地址替换address system 地址系统address table 地址表address track 地址道address transition detector 地址变换检测器address translation 地址转换address translator 地址转换器address wire 地址线address word 地址语address write wire 地址写入线addressability 可寻址能力addressable 可寻址的addressable area 可寻址区addressable byte 可寻址字节addressable cursor 可寻址光标addressable memory 可寻址存储器addressable point 可寻址点addressable register 可寻址寄存器可编址寄存器addressed memory 编址存储器addressee 收报人addressing 寻址addressing capability 编址能力addressing capacity 编址容量addressing character 寻址字符addressing error 寻址错误addressing exception 寻址故障addressing level 定址级数addressing mode 寻址方式addressing system 编址系统addressless instruction 无地址指令addressless instruction format 无地址指令格式addressness 地址性ade 自动设计工程adjacency 邻接adjacency matrix 邻接矩阵adjacent channel 邻近信道adjacent frequency 相邻频率adjust instruction 凋整指令adjustable array 可谍组adjustable parameter 可滴数adjustable point 可点adjusting 蝶adjustment 蝶administration program 管理程序administrative data processing 管理数据处理administrative terminal system 行政管理终端系统administrative time 管理时间administrator 管理员admissible character 容许字符adp 自动数据处理adpe 自动数据处理装置adps 自动数据处理系统adt 抽象数据型aerogram 无线电报af 声频afc 自动频率控制after look journal 改后录像日志afterglow screen 余辉屏幕afterpunching 重复穿孔agc 自动增益控制agenda 基本运算方案aggregate 聚集体aggregate expression 聚集表达式aggregate type 聚集类型aggregated data 聚合数据ai 人工智能ai language 人工智能语言ai system 人工智能系统aid 辅助程序aids 工具aiming symbol 目标符号alarm 报警alarm display 报警显示alarm equipment 报警器alert manager 报警管理程序algebraic adder 代数加法器algebraic equation 代数方程algebraic expression 代数表达式algebraic function 代数函数algebraic language 代数语言algebraic sign 代数符号algebraic specification 代数规格说明algol algol 语言algorithm 算法algorithm convergence 算法收敛algorithm processor 算法处理程序algorithm structure 算法结构algorithm validation 算法证实algorithmic method 计算方法alias 别名alias section 别名段aliasing 假信号alignment 对齐alignment mark 对准标记all channel decoder 全通道译码器all point addressable display 全点可寻址显示装置all purpose computer 通用计算机allcator 分配程序allocate statement 分配语句allocated variable 已分配变量allocation 分配allocation map 分配图allocation plan 分配方案allocation problem 分配问题allocation program 分配程序allotment 分配allotter 呼叫分配器alpha format 字母格式alpha node 节点alpha test 测试alphabet 字母alphabetic character 字母符号alphabetic character set 字母字符集alphabetic code 字母码alphabetic data code 字母数据码alphabetic interpreter 字母的翻择机alphabetic item 字母项alphabetic order 字母表次序alphabetic sort 字母分类alphabetic sorting 字母分类alphabetic string 字母串alphabetic word 字母字alphabetical collator 字母的校对机alphageometric graphics 字图图解图形学alphameric keyboard 字数键盘alphameric optical reader 字母的光输入机alphamosaic graphics 字图镶嵌图形学alphanumeric character 字数字符alphanumeric character set 字数字符集alphanumeric code 字数码alphanumeric coding 字数编码alphanumeric data 字数数据alphanumeric display 字数显示器alphanumeric field 字数字段alphanumeric generator 字数生成程序alphanumeric keys 字数键盘alphanumeric printer 字数打印机alphanumeric tabulator 字数制表机alphanumeric terminal 字数终端设备alteration 改变alteration switch 变换开关altering 修改altering error 修改差错alternate acknowledge 交替应答alternate coding 更换编码alternate collating sequence 另外排序序列alternate console 更替控制台alternate device 辅助设备alternate file 替换文件alternate input library 交替输入库alternate memory 交替存储器alternate mode 交替方式alternate path retry 替换通路再试alternate routing 更替通路alternate statement 交替语句alternate track 更换磁道alternating current 交流alternation 交替alternation switch 变更开关alternative attribute 择一属性alternative denial gate 与非门alternative module 交替模件alu 算术逻辑运算部件ambient temperature 环境温度ambiguity 歧义性ambiguity error 歧义性错误ambiguous definition 歧义定义ambiguous grammar 歧义性文法ambiguous reference 歧义引用ambiguous solution 歧义解amendment 修正amendment record 改正记录amendment tape 改正带amendments file 改正文件ammeter 安培计ampere turn 安匝ampersand 和号amplifier 放大器amplitude 振幅amplitude calibration unit 振幅校准器振幅测量器amplitude measuring instrument 振幅测试仪analog adder 模拟加法器analog channel 模拟通道analog chip 模拟芯片analog circuit 模拟电路analog computation 模拟计算analog computer 模拟计算机analog control 模拟控制analog data 模拟数据analog device 模拟装置analog feedback 模拟反馈analog form 模拟形式analog input 模拟输入analog input expander 模拟输入扩展器analog multiplier 模拟乘法器analog output 模拟输出analog plotter 模拟绘图机analog quantity 模拟量analog representation 模拟表示analog simulator 模拟仿真器analog to digital conversion 模拟数字转换analog to digital converter 模拟数字转换器模数转换器analogue signal 模拟信号analogy 类推analyser 分析机analysis 分析analysis method 解析法analysis of variance 方差分析analyst 分析员analytic form 解析形式analytical engine 分析机analytical function generator 解析函数发生器analyzer 分析机ancestor node 先辈节点and circuit 与电路and conjunction 与连接and element 与元件and function 与酌and gate 与门and instruction 与指令and not gate 禁止门and not operation 与非操作and operation 与操作and operator 与操?and or circuit 与或电路and/or tree 与或树animated image 动画影象animation 动画animation processing 动画处理anisochronous 非同步的annex memory 相联存储器annex storage 相联存储器annunciator 信号器【信息工程专业字母A开头的专业术语】。

信息技术常用术语中英文对照表一、基础概念1. 信息(Information)数据经过处理、分析、解释后形成的知识或见解。
2. 数据(Data)未经过处理或解释的原始事实、数字、文字等。
3. 硬件(Hardware)计算机系统的物理组成部分,如中央处理器、内存、硬盘等。
4. 软件(Software)计算机系统中的程序、数据及相关文档的集合。
5. 系统软件(System Software)管理计算机硬件资源、提供用户与硬件交互界面的软件,如操作系统、驱动程序等。
6. 应用软件(Application Software)为特定任务或目的而设计的软件,如文字处理软件、电子表格软件等。
7. 操作系统(Operating System)管理计算机硬件和软件资源的系统软件,提供用户与计算机硬件交互的界面。
8. 数据库(Database)有组织地存储、管理和检索数据的系统。
9. 编程语言(Programming Language)用于编写计算机程序的语言,如Python、Java、C++等。
10. 算法(Algorithm)解决特定问题的一系列步骤或规则。
二、网络与通信11. 互联网(Internet)全球性的计算机网络,连接了世界各地的计算机。
12. 局域网(Local Area Network,LAN)在较小范围内(如家庭、办公室、学校等)连接计算机的网络。
13. 广域网(Wide Area Network,WAN)覆盖较大地理范围的网络,如互联网。
14. 无线网络(Wireless Network)使用无线电波传输数据的网络,如WiFi。
15. 互联网协议(Internet Protocol,IP)定义了数据在互联网输的规则。
16. 传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol,TCP)确保数据在互联网上可靠传输的协议。
17. 用户数据报协议(User Datagram Protocol,UDP)提供无连接的、不可靠的数据传输服务。

信息工程英语专业术语及翻译信息工程英语专业术语及翻译信息工程专业术语--64parameter passing 变元传递parameter passing by name 按名字参数传递parameter passing by reference 按参考参数传递parameter passing by value 按值参数传递parameter qualifier 参数限定词parameter register 参数寄存器parameter section 参数段parameter setting instruction 参数置放指令parameter specification 参数说明parameter word 参数字parameterized object 参数化对象parameters pack 参数压缩parametric programming 参数规划parametron 参数器参变元件parent child relation 父子关系parent group 父组parent offspring tasking 父子辈任务分配parent process 亲体过程parenthesis 括弧parenthesis free notation 无括号表示法parity 奇偶性parity bit 奇偶性校验位parity check 奇偶检验parity checking code 奇偶校验码parity error 奇偶错误parity interrupt 奇偶校验中断parse command 句法分析指令parser 句法分析程序parsing 句法分析parsing automaton 句法分析自动机partial carry 部分进位partial function 部分函数partial matching 部分匹配partial one output signal 干扰1输出信号partial order relation 部分序关系partial pathname 部分路径名partial program 部分程序partial read pulse 半读脉冲partial solution 部分解partial sum 部分和partial sum gate 异门partial sum register 部分和寄存器partial write pulse 半写脉冲partial zero output signal 干扰0输出信号partially defined function 部分函数partition 子部分partitioned access method 分区存取方法partitioned dataset 分区数据集partitioned mode 分区方式partitioning 分块party line 合用钱party line technique 合用线路技术pass 传送pass key 传送键passage 传送passing time 通过时间passive component 无源元件passive element 无源元件passive graphics 被动型制图学passive redundancy 被动冗余passive star network 无源星网passive transducer 无源转换器password 传送键password authentification 密码验证password protection 密码保护password request 密码请求paste buffer 已用原文一时缓冲域patch 插入码patchboard 插接板patchboard programming 插线板程序设计patchcord 插入线patchhole 插入孔patching 修补法patching a program 修补程序patching error 修补程序错误path 路由path control 路径控制pathlength 通路长度pathname 通路名pattern 图案pattern generation 模式生成pattern generator 模式发生器图形发生器pattern matching 模式匹配pattern recognition 模式识别pattern sensitive fault 特定模式故障pbx 专用交换机pc network 个人计算机网络pcm 脉冲编码灯pcp 重制程序pdl 页面描述语言pdm 脉冲持续时间灯pdp 程控数据处理机pds 分区数据集pe 处理部件peak a boo check 同位穿孔检验peak discriminator 峰值鉴别器peak factor 峰值因子peak flux density 峰值磁通量密度peak magnetizing force 最大磁化力pecker 读出针peep hole optimization 窥孔优化peer code review 同等代码复查pen plotter 笔式绘图机pen type plotter 笔式绘图机pending interrupt 推迟中断pending job 未定椎pending request 未决请求per 程序事件记录percentage error 出错百分数perception 感知perceptron 感知器感知机perforation 穿孔perforation rate 穿孔速度performance 性能performance measurement 性能测量performance specification 性能说明period 周期periodic quantity 周期定变量peripheral adapter 外围接口适配器peripheral bound program 受外围设备速度限制的程序peripheral buffer 外围缓冲器peripheral control unit 外围设备控制器peripheral controller 外围设备控制器peripheral device 外围设备peripheral equipment 外围设备peripheral interface adapter 外围接口适配器peripheral interrupt 外部中断peripheral processor 辅助处理机peripheral slot 外围插槽peripheral storage 后备存储器peripheral transfer 外设信号传送peripheral unit 外围设备permanent action 持续性动作permanent error 永久误差permanent failure 永久失效permanent fault 常发故障permanent file 永久文件permanent lag 固定延迟permanent memory 固定存储器permanent retention 永久保持permanent storage 固定存储器永久性存储器permeability 磁导率permutation 排列permutation code 置换码perpendicular 正交的persistent screen 余辉屏幕personal computer 个人计算机personal computer network 个人计算机网络personal computing 个人计算personal database 个人用数据库personal equation 个人误错personal error 个人误差personal library 个人用库personal system 个人系统perturbance 干扰perturbation 干扰perturbation action 扰动酌petri net 皮特里网pfm 脉冲频率灯pgt 页面表phantastron 幻象延迟线路phantom circuit 幻像电路phantom load 等效负载phase 段phase address 段地址phase angle 相角phase angle error 相位移误差phase comparator 相位比较器phase control 相位控制phase delay 相位滞后。

m out of n code n中取m码 machinable medium 机粕读的存储媒体 machine 计算机 machine address 绝对地址 machine check 机旗查 machine check analysis and recording 机旗查分析与记录 machine check handler 机旗查处理程序 machine check recording and recovery 机旗查记录与恢复程序 machine code 机弃码 machine configuration 机其置 machine cycle 机栖期 machine dependent 与机凄关的 machine dependent language 与计算机相关的语⾔ machine element 计算机部件 machine equation 运算⽅程 machine error 机祈误 machine independent 独⽴于机颇 machine independent language 机妻关的语⾔ machine instruction 机聘令 machine intelligence 机魄能 machine language 机骑⾔ machine language coding 机骑⾔程序设计 machine language progrmamming 机骑⾔程序设计 machine learning 机僻习 machine logic 机七辑 machine operation 机瀑作 machine operator 机瀑姿员 machine oriented language ⾯向机颇语⾔ machine processing of remotely sensed data 遥感数据的计算机处理 machine readable 机粕读的 machine readable character 机粕读字符 machine readable data 机粕读数据 machine readable document 机粕读⽂档 machine readable form 机粕读形式 machine register 机颇存器 machine ringing 机械振铃 machine run 机扑⾏ machine script 机粕读数据 machine sensible 机粕读的 machine sensible information 机粕读信息 machine time 机票间 machine time scheduling 机票间⽇程计划 machine translation 机骗译 machine unit 机匹位 machine vision 计算机视觉 machine word 机浦 machine word length 机浦长 macro 宏指令 macro command 宏指令 macroanalysis 宏观分析 macroassembler 宏汇编程序 macroassembly program 宏汇编程序 macrocall 宏呼叫 macrocell 宏单元 macrocode 宏代码 macrocoding 宏编码 macrocommand 宏命令 macrocommand generator 宏命令⽣成 macrodeclaration 宏说明 macrodefinition 宏定义 macroexpansion 宏观展开 macrofunction 宏功能 macrogenerating program 宏功能⽣成程序 macrogeneration 宏⽣成 macrogenerator 宏⽣成程序 macroinstruction 宏命令 macroinstruction generator 宏命令⽣成 macroinstruction language 宏指令语⾔ macrolanguage 宏语⾔ macrolibrary 宏程序库 macroname 宏功能名字 macroparameter 宏观参数 macroprocessor 宏预处理程序 macroprogram 宏程序 macroprogramming 宏程序设计 macroprototype 宏指令记录原型 macroprototype statement 宏原型语句 macros 宏命令 macroskeleton 宏⾻架 macrosubstitution 宏替换 macrotracer 宏追踪程序 magazine 箱 magnet 磁铁 magnetic band device 磁带机 magnetic bubble 磁泡 magnetic bubble domain 磁泡畴 magnetic bubble memory 磁泡存储器 magnetic card 磁卡 magnetic card memory 磁卡⽚存储器 magnetic card storage 磁卡⽚存储器 magnetic cell 磁元件 magnetic character 磁性字符 magnetic character printer 磁字符打印机 magnetic character reader 磁字符阅读器 magnetic core 磁⼼ magnetic core memory 磁⼼存储器 magnetic core storage 磁⼼存储器 magnetic core store 磁⼼存储器 magnetic damping 磁阻尼 magnetic delay line 磁延迟线 magnetic disk 磁盘 magnetic disk drive 磁盘驱动器 magnetic disk pack 磁盘组 magnetic disk storage 磁盘存储器 magnetic document 磁性⽂件 magnetic domain 磁畴 magnetic drum memory 磁⿎存储器 magnetic drum storage 磁⿎存储器 magnetic field 磁场 magnetic film 磁膜 magnetic film storage 磁膜存储器 magnetic head 磁头 magnetic head assembly 磁头组装块 magnetic induction 磁感应 magnetic ink 磁墨⽔ magnetic ink character recognition 磁墨⽔字符识别 magnetic ink font 磁墨⽔字体 magnetic ink reader 磁墨⽔阅读器 magnetic medium 磁性媒体 magnetic memory 磁存储器 magnetic needle 磁针 magnetic pick up 磁性读出传感器 magnetic plate memory 磁板存储器 magnetic plate storage 磁板存储器 magnetic potentiometer 磁位差计 magnetic printing 磁印刷 magnetic recording 磁记录 magnetic saturation 磁饱和 magnetic screen 磁屏幕 magnetic shield 磁屏蔽 magnetic shift register 磁位寄存器 magnetic shunt 磁分路 magnetic spectrograph 磁摄谱仪 magnetic standard 磁铁标准器 magnetic stripe card 磁条卡⽚ magnetic stripe storage 磁条存储器 magnetic tape 磁带 magnetic tape cartridge 盒式磁带 magnetic tape cassette 卡型盒式磁带机 magnetic tape drive 磁带驱动设备 magnetic tape head 磁带磁头 magnetic tape label 磁带标号 magnetic tape memory 磁带存储器 magnetic tape output 磁带输出 magnetic tape storage 磁带存储器 magnetic tape subsystem 磁带⼦系统 magnetic tape transport 磁带传送机 magnetic tape unit 磁带机 magnetic track 磁道 magnetic wire 磁线 magnetic wire storage 磁线存储器 magnetization 磁化 magnetizing coil 磁化线圈 magneto optical disk 磁光盘 magnetomechanical damping 磁⼒阻尼 magnetoscope 验磁器 magnetostriction delay line 磁致伸缩延迟线 magnetron 磁控管 magnitude 绝对值 magnitude relation 量关系 mail 邮政 mail system 电⼦邮件系统 mailbox 邮箱 main distributing frame 咒线板 main file 帜件 main group 趾 main index 铸 main line 诌 main line structure 诌结构 main loop 汁环 main memory address 宙地址 main memory layout 宙分配 main menu 炙单 main path 吱路 main processor 枝理机 main program 痔序 main record 智录 main routine 痔序 main station 志 main storage 宙储器 main storage partition 宙储浦区 main storage region 宙储区 main task 治务 mainframe 助 mainframe computer 制算机 mainframer 通⽤计算机制造⼚家 mains 电源 mains connections 电源接头 mains failure 停电 mains frequency 电源频率 maintainability 可维护性 maintenance 维护 maintenance charge 维护费⽤ maintenance data 运⽤数据 maintenance panel 维护⾯板 maintenance service 维护服务 maintenance standby 维修准备 maintenance test 维护试验 maintenance time 维护时间 major cycle 汁环 major feedback 重授 major key 贮 major structure 轴构 major time slice 直间⽚ majority 多数 majority carrier 多数载劣 majority circuit 多数电路 majority element 多数决定元件 majority function 多数定警数 majority logic 多数逻辑 majority operation 多数决定运算 majority principle 多数原则 make contact 闭合接点 makeup time 补算时间 malfunction 故障 malfunction diagnosis 故障诊断 malfunction routine 定错程序 man hours ⼈时 man machine communication ⼈机通信 man machine dialog ⼈机对话 man machine interface ⼈机联系 man machine system ⼈机系统 management 管理 management information 管理信息 management information system 管理信息系统 management problem 管理问题 management science 管理科学 manager 管理员 mandatory retention 必须保持 manipulated variable 被控变量 manipulation 操纵 manipulator 处理程序 manometer 压⼒计 mantissa 定点部分 manual ⼿册 manual calling ⼈⼯呼叶 manual control ⼈⼯控制 manual controller ⼈⼯控制器 manual entry ⼈⼯送⼊ manual input ⼈⼯送⼊ manual input organization ⼿⼯输⼊机构 manual input unit ⼈⼯输⼊设备 manual key punch ⼿⼯馈送穿孔机 manual operation ⼈⼯操作 manual operation device ⼿操纵装置 manual program ⼿⼯程序 manual reset ⼿动回复 manual ringing ⼈⼯呼叶 manual switch 半⾃动开关 manual telephone system ⼈⼯电话系统 manual word generator ⼈⼯输⼊设备 manufacturer 制造者 manufacturers software 制造⼚家软件 manufacturing 制造 manuscript 底稿 map 地图;映像 mapping 映像 mapping device 变换装置 mapping domain 映像区域 mapping mode 变换⽅式 mar 存储地址寄存器 margin 余量 margin notched card 边缘切⼝卡⽚ margin punched card 边缘切咔⽚ marginal check 边界检验 marginal error 容限误差 marginal testing 容限校验 mark 标记 mark hold 传号保持 mark label 标记标号 mark reader 标记读出器 mark scan 标记扫描 mark sense reader 标记读出器 mark sensing 符号读出 mark space ratio 线圈间隙因数 marker 标志 marketing information system 市场信息系统 marking 打标记 marking pulse 标记脉冲 markov chain 马尔可夫链 maser 脉泽 mask 屏蔽码 mask bit 屏蔽位 mask programmable logic array 掩模程控逻辑阵列 mask programming 掩模编程序 mask register 屏蔽寄存器 mask topography 掩模构形 maskable interrupt 可屏蔽中断 masked interrupt 隐蔽中断 masking 屏蔽 mass data ⼤量数据 mass memory ⼤容量存储器 mass storage ⼤容量存储器 master card 吱⽚ master cell 芝元 master chip 志⽚ master clock 直钟 master computer 制算机 master console 重制台 master control program 重程序 master controller 重制器 master copy 原版拷贝 master data 基本数据 master file 帜件 master frequency 基准频率 master group 趾 master mode 纸式 master on off 总开关 master password 周码 master processor 枝理机 master program 痔序 master pulse 嘱冲 master record 智录 master routine 痔序 master scheduler 秩程序 master scheduler task 秩任务 master slave configuration 钟配置 master slave flip flop 钟触发器 master slave interface 钟界⾯ master slave mode 钟⽅式 master slave system 钟系统 master slice 母⽚ master station 重站 master tape 峙带 master unit 挚件 match all pattern 全符合图象 match all symbol 全符合符号 match circuit 匹配电路 match operation 匹配运算 matched filter 匹配波器 matching 匹配 matching components 匹配元件 matching operation 匹配运算 matching parentheses 匹配括号 matching word 符合字 math processor 数学处理机 mathematical check 数学检验 mathematical logic 数理逻辑 mathematical model 数学模型 mathematical programming 数学规划 matrix calculus 矩阵演算 matrix circuit 矩阵电路 matrix commutator 矩阵电路 matrix display 矩阵型显⽰器 matrix dot 矩阵点 matrix encoder 矩阵编码器 matrix font 点阵字形 matrix impact printer 矩阵或式打印机 matrix interconnection 矩阵电路 matrix inversion 矩阵求逆 matrix memory 矩阵存储器 matrix printer 点阵打印机 matrix printing 点打印 matrix rank 矩阵秩 matrix storage 矩阵存储器 maximum configuration 设备配置 maximum demand indicator 需量指⽰器 maximum error 误差 maximum likelihood estimator 似然估计值 maximum likelihood method 相似法 maximum pointer 值指⽰器峰值指⽰器 maximum recording attachment 值记录器 maximum scale value 刻度值 maximum usable frequency 可⽤频率 maxterm 项 mbm 磁泡存储器 mbyte 兆字节 mch 机旗查处理程序 mcr 磁字符阅读器 mcrr 机旗查记录与恢复程序 mdf 咒线板 me 微电⼦学 mean 平均 mean access time 平均存取时间 mean deviation 平均偏差 mean error 平均误差 mean information content 平均信息量 mean life 平均寿命 mean time between failures 平均故障间隔时间 mean time between maintenance 平均维护间隔时间 mean time to failure 平均故障时间 mean time to repair 平均修复时间 mean value 平均值 measurable variable 可测变量 measured value 测量值 measurement 测量 measurement device 测量设备 measurement error 量度误差 measurement range 测量范围 measurement system 测量系统 measuring accuracy 测量准确度 measuring amplifier 测量放⼤器 measuring data 测量数据 measuring device 测量设备 measuring instrument 测量仪器测量仪表 measuring point 测量点 measuring range 测量范围 measuring unit 测量装置 mechanical control system 机械第系统 mechanical counter 机械计数器 mechanical drive 机械驱动 mechanical life 机械寿命 mechanical translation 机械翻译 mechanical zero 机械零点 mechanization 机械化 media 媒体 media access control 媒体存取控制 media ecology 传播媒介⽣态学 median 中值 medium 媒体 medium frequency 中频 medium scale integrated circuit 中规模集成电路 medium scale integration 中规模集成 megabit 兆位 megabyte 兆字节 megacycle 兆周 megahertz 兆赫 megaword 百万字 megohmmeter 兆欧表 member 构件 member name 成员名字 member record 成员记录 member type 成员类型 membership 会员资格 membership function 属籍函数 memory 存储 memory access 存储奇取 memory address 存储地址 memory address register 存储地址寄存器 memory allocating 存储浦配 memory area 存储区 memory array 存储企列 memory attaching 存储附属 memory bank 存储体 memory bit 存储位 memory block 存储区 memory board 存储板 memory bus 存储栖线 memory byte 存储字节 memory cabinet 存储弃架 memory capacity 存储容量 memory card 存储插件 memory cell 存储单元 memory chip 存储凭⽚ memory clearing 存储汽除 memory collision 存储泼问冲突 memory compaction 存储启致 memory content 存储内容 memory contention 存储泼问冲突 memory control 存储曝制 memory core 存储磁⼼ memory cycle 存储栖期 memory cycle stealing 存储栖期挪⽤ memory cycle time 存储栖期时间 memory data register 存储寄存器 memory density 存储密度 memory depth 存储祁度 memory device 存储 memory driver 存储驱动器 memory dump 存储婆息转储 memory expansion 存储譬充 memory fill 存储祁充 memory guard 存储保护 memory hierarchy 存储浦级 memory interleaving 存储苹叉存取 memory key 存储泣 memory limitation 存储限制 memory location 存储单元。
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接下来为大家整理了信息工程专业术语中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!no signal 无信号no wait memory 无等待存储器立即存储器node 节点node computer 节点计算机node processor 节点处理器node splitting 节点划分noise 杂乱信号noise channel 噪声信道noise factor 噪声系数noise filter 噪声虑波器noise generation 噪声发生noise generator 噪声发生器noise immunity 抗扰度noise level 噪声电平noise margin 噪声容限noise voltage 噪声电压noiseless channel 无噪声信道noisy channel 噪声信道noisy digit 噪声数字nominal frequency 额定频率nominal speed 额定速度nominal transformation ratio 额定变换率nominal value 标称值non addressable memory 不可编址存储器non return to zero 不归零制non von neumann architecture 非冯诺依曼计算机总体结构non von neumann computer 非冯诺依曼型计算机nonarithmetic shift 非算术移位nonburst device 非脉冲串装置nonconjunction 与非noncontact recording 非触式记录noncontiguous constant 非邻接常数noncontiguous item 非连续项nondestructive backspace 非破坏回退nondestructive cursor 非破坏性光标nondestructive memory 非破坏性存储器nondestructive read 非破坏读出nondestructive storage 非破坏性存储器nondisjunction 或非nonequivalence 非等价nonequivalence element 异门nonerasable memory 只读存储器固定存储器nonerasable storage 只读存储器固定存储器nonexecutable statement 非执行语句nonformatted data 非格式化数据nonimpact printer 非或式印刷机nonimpact printing 非或式印刷noninterruption discipline 非中断规定nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear control theory 非线性控制理沦nonlinear coupling 非线性联结nonlinear distortion 非线性失真nonlinear multivariable control 非线性多变量控制nonlinear potentiometer 非线性电位计nonlinear programming 非线性规划nonlinear resistor 非线性电阻器nonlinear scale 非线性标度nonlocking 非锁定nonlocking escape 非锁定换码nonmaskable interrupt 非屏蔽中断nonmonotonic reasoning 非单灯理nonnumeric literal 非数值文字常数nonnumeric machine 非数值计算机nonpacked format 非包装格式nonpageable partition 非分页划分nonpageable region 不可分页区nonpersistent screen 无余辉屏幕priority level 优先级priority logic 优先逻辑priority network 优先网络priority number 优先数priority ordering 优先排序priority processing 优先级处理priority queue 优先排队priority resolution 确定优先权priority routine 优先程序optical scanner 光扫描器optical wand 光学读取棒optimal control 最佳控制optimal parameter 最佳参数optimal strategy 最优策略optimalizing controller 最佳化控制器optimalizing system 最佳系optimally coded program 最佳码程序optimization 最佳化optimized program 最佳码程序optimizer 优化程序optimizing compiler 优化编译程序optimizing control 最佳化控制optimizing of distributed data base 分布数据库的最优化optimum coding 最佳编码optimum control 最佳控制optimum coupling 最佳藕合optimum process 最佳过程optimum system 最佳系option 任选option switch 选择开关optional feature 附加设备optional halt instruction 可选停机指令optional label 可选标号optional member 可选成分optional parameter 任选参数optional pause instruction 可选停机指令optional retention 选择保持optional stop instruction 可选停机指令optional word 选择字optoelectronic device 光电装置optoelectronics 光电学or 或or element 或元件or gate 或门or not gate 或非门or operation 或order element 指令元件order range 阶范围order register 指令寄存器ordered pair 有序对偶ordering 排序ordering relation 排序关系orderly close down 有序关闭ordinal type 顺序类型organization 组织orientation 定向oriented graph 有向图origin 起点original equipment manufacturer 初始设备厂家oring 或操作或运算orphan 孤行orthogonal 正交的oscillation 振荡oscillator 振荡器oscillator circuit 振荡回路oscillogram 波形图oscillograph 示波器oscilloscope 示波器osi 开放式系统互连out of service time 非服务时间priority scheduler 优先等程序priority scheduling 优先等priority scheduling system 优先等系统priority selection 优先选择priorization 优先化privacy 秘密privacy lock 保密锁privacy protection 秘密性保护private automatic branch exchange 专用自动电话交换机private circuit 专用线路private code 专用码private data 专用数据private database 专用数据库private exchange 专用交换机private key 私人密钥private library 专用库private line 专线private line service 专用线路业务private type 专用类型private volume 私有卷privilege 特权privilege violation 特权扰乱privileged instruction 特许指令privileged mode 特权状态privileged operation 特权操作privileged user 特许用户probabilistic logic 概率逻辑probability 概率probability curve 概率曲线probability density 概率密度probability density distribution 溉率蜜度分布probability distribution 概率分布probability distribution function 溉率分布函数probability theory 概率论probability value 概率值probable error 概率误差probe 探针problem analysis 问题分析problem area 解题区problem data 问题数据problem definition 问题定义problem description 问题描述problem diagnosis 问题诊断problem file 题目文件problem mode 解题拷problem oriented language 面向用题语言problem program 问题程序problem programmer 解题程序员problem reformulation 问题重组phase discrimination 相位鉴别phase distortion 相位失真phase encoding 相位编码phase error 相位误差phase frequency distortion 相位频率失真phase indicator 相位指示器相位计phase lag 相位滞后phase locked loop 锁相环路phase margin 相位冗phase meter 相位计phase modulation 相位灯phase modulation recording 掂记录phase of program 程序阶段phase pulse modulation 脉冲相位灯phase sequence indicator 相序指示器phase shift 相移phase shifting transformer 移相变换器相位第器phase voltage 相电压phaser 移相器相移器phone channel 电话信道phone system 电话系统phonometer 声响度计phosphorescence 磷光photocell 光电池photocomposition 照相排版photodetector 光电检测器photodiode 光电二极管photoelectric control 光电子控制photoelectric current 光电流photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric reader 光电阅读器光电输入机photoelectric receiver 收光机photoelectric scanner 光电扫描器photoelectric tape reader 光电穿孔带阅读器photoelectron 光电子photoeletric scanning 光电扫描photoetching 光刻photographic memory 照相存储器photographic storage 照相存储器photomask 光掩模photomask set 光掩模组photomasking 光掩模photometer 光度计photomultiplier 光电倍增器photon computer 光子计算机photoreader 光电阅读器光电输入机photoreceiver 收光机photoresistor 光敏电阻photosensing mark 光读标记photosensor 光敏掐phototelegraphy 传真电报phototransistor 光敏晶体管phototypesetting 照相排版photovoltaic cellphotocell 光电伏打电池phrase structure grammar 短语结构文法phrase structure language 短语结构语言phrase structure tree 短语结构树physical address 物理地址physical block 物理块。