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ACM Word Template for SIG Site1st Author1st author's affiliation1st line of address2nd line of address Telephone number, incl. country code 1st author's E-mail address2nd Author2nd author's affiliation1st line of address2nd line of addressTelephone number, incl. country code2nd E-mail3rd Author3rd author's affiliation1st line of address2nd line of addressTelephone number, incl. country code3rd E-mailABSTRACTA s network speed continues to grow, new challenges of network processing is emerging. In this paper we first studied the progress of network processing from a hardware perspective and showed that I/O and memory systems become the main bottlenecks of performance promotion. Basing on the analysis, we get the conclusion that conventional solutions for reducing I/O and memory accessing latencies are insufficient for addressing the problems.Motivated by the studies, we proposed an improved DCA combined with INIC solution which has creations in optimized architectures, innovative I/O data transferring schemes and improved cache policies. Experimental results show that our solution reduces 52.3% and 14.3% cycles on average for receiving and transmitting respectively. Also I/O and memory traffics are significantly decreased. Moreover, an investigation to the behaviors of I/O and cache systems for network processing is performed. And some conclusions about the DCA method are also presented.KeywordsKeywords are your own designated keywords.1.INTRODUCTIONRecently, many researchers found that I/O system becomes the bottleneck of network performance promotion in modern computer systems [1][2][3]. Aim to support computing intensive applications, conventional I/O system has obvious disadvantages for fast network processing in which bulk data transfer is performed. The lack of locality support and high latency are the two main problems for conventional I/O system, which have been wildly discussed before [2][4].To overcome the limitations, an effective solution called Direct Cache Access (DCA) is suggested by INTEL [1]. It delivers network packages from Network Interface Card (NIC) into cache instead of memory, to reduce the data accessing latency. Although the solution is promising, it is proved that DCA is insufficient to reduce the accessing latency and memory traffic due to many limitations [3][5]. Another effective solution to solve the problem is Integrated Network Interface Card (INIC), which is used in many academic and industrial processor designs [6][7]. INIC is introduced to reduce the heavy burden for I/O registers access in Network Drivers and interruption handling. But recent report [8] shows that the benefit of INIC is insignificant for the state of the art 10GbE network system.In this paper, we focus on the high efficient I/O system design for network processing in general-purpose-processor (GPP). Basing on the analysis of existing methods, we proposed an improved DCA combined with INIC solution to reduce the I/O related data transfer latency.The key contributions of this paper are as follows:▪Review the network processing progress from a hardware perspective and point out that I/O and related last level memory systems have became the obstacle for performance promotion.▪Propose an improved DCA combined with INIC solution for I/O subsystem design to address the inefficient problem of a conventional I/O system.▪Give a framework of the improved I/O system architecture and evaluate the proposed solution with micro-benchmarks.▪Investigate I/O and Cache behaviors in the network processing progress basing on the proposed I/O system.The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the background and motivation. In Section 3, we describe the improved DCA combined INIC solution and give a framework of the proposed I/O system implementation. In Section 4, firstly we give the experiment environment and methods, and then analyze the experiment results. In Section 5, we show some related works. Finally, in Section 6, we carefully discuss our solutions with many existing technologies, and then draw some conclusions.2.Background and MotivationIn this section, firstly we revise the progress of network processing and the main network performance improvement bottlenecks nowadays. Then from the perspective of computer architecture, a deep analysis of network system is given. Also the motivation of this paper is presented.2.1Network processing reviewFigure 1 illustrates the progress of network processing. Packages from physical line are sampled by Network Interface Card (NIC). NIC performs the address filtering and stream control operations, then send the frames to the socket buffer and notifies OS to invoke network stack processing by interruptions. When OS receives the interruptions, the network stack accesses the data in socket buffer and calculates the checksum. Protocol specific operations are performed layer by layer in stack processing. Finally, data is transferred from socket buffer to the user buffer depended on applications. Commonly this operation is done by memcpy, a system function in OS.Figure 1. Network Processing FlowThe time cost of network processing can be mainly broke down into following parts: Interruption handling, NIC driver, stack processing, kernel routine, data copy, checksum calculation and other overheads. The first 4 parts are considered as packet cost, which means the cost scales with the number of network packets. The rests are considered as bit cost (also called data touch cost), which means the cost is in proportion to the total I/O data size. The proportion of the costs highly depends on the hardware platform and the nature of applications. There are many measurements and analyses about network processing costs [9][10]. Generally, the kernel routine cost ranges from 10% - 30% of the total cycles; the driver and interruption handling costs range from 15% - 35%; the stack processing cost ranges from 7% - 15%; and data touch cost takes up 20% - 35%. With the development of high speed network (e.g. 10/40 Gbps Ethernet), an increasing tendency for kernel routines, driver and interruption handling costs is observed [3].2.2 MotivationTo reveal the relationship among each parts of network processing, we investigate the corresponding hardware operations. From the perspective of computerhardware architecture, network system performance is determined by three domains: CPU speed, Memory speed and I/O speed. Figure 2 depicts the relationship.Figure 2. Network xxxxObviously, the network subsystem can achieve its maximal performance only when the three domains above are in balance. It means that the throughput or bandwidth ofeach hardware domain should be equal with others. Actually this is hard for hardware designers, because the characteristics and physical implementation technologies are different for CPU, Memory and I/O system (chipsets) fabrication. The speed gap between memory and CPU – a.k.a “the memory wall” – has been paid special attention for more than ten years, but still it is not well addressed. Also the disparity between the data throughput in I/O system and the computing capacity provided by CPU has been reported in recent years [1][2].Meanwhile, it is obvious that the major time costs of network processing mentioned above are associated with I/O and Memory speeds, e.g. driver processing, interruption handling, and memory copy costs. The most important nature of network processing is the “producer -consumer locality” between every two consecutive steps of the processing flow. That means the data produced in one hardware unit will be immediately accessed by another unit, e.g. the data in memory which transported from NIC will be accessed by CPU soon. However for conventional I/O and memory systems, the data transfer latency is high and the locality is not exploited.Basing on the analysis discussed above, we get the observation that the I/O and Memory systems are the limitations for network processing. Conventional DCA or INIC cannot successfully address this problem, because it is in-efficient in either I/O transfer latency or I/O data locality utilization (discussed in section 5). To diminish these limitations, we present a combined DCA with INIC solution. The solution not only takes the advantages of both method but also makes many improvements in memory system polices and software strategies.3. Design MethodologiesIn this section, we describe the proposed DCA combined with INIC solution and give a framework of the implementation. Firstly, we present the improved DCA technology and discuss the key points of incorporating it into I/O and Memory systems design. Then, the important software data structures and the details of DCA scheme are given. Finally, we introduce the system interconnection architecture and the integration of NIC.3.1 Improved DCAIn the purpose of reducing data transfer latency and memory traffic in system, we present an improved Direct Cache Access solution. Different with conventional DCA scheme, our solution carefully consider the following points. The first one is cache coherence. Conventionally, data sent from device by DMA is stored in memory only. And for the same address, a different copy of data is stored in cache which usually needs additional coherent unit to perform snoop operation [11]; but when DCA is used, I/O data and CPU data are both stored in cache with one copy for one memory address, shown in figure 4. So our solution modifies the cache policy, which eliminated the snoopingoperations. Coherent operation can be performed by software when needed. This will reduce much memory traffic for the systems with coherence hardware [12].I/O write *(addr) = bCPU write *(addr) = aCacheCPU write *(addr) = a I/O write with DCA*(addr) = bCache(a) cache coherance withconventional I/O(b) cache coherance withDCA I/OFigure 3. xxxxThe second one is cache pollution. DCA is a mixed blessing to CPU: On one side, it accelerates the data transfer; on the other side, it harms the locality of other programs executed in CPU and causes cache pollution. Cache pollution is highly depended on the I/O data size, which is always quite large. E.g. one Ethernet package contains a maximal 1492 bytes normal payload and a maximal 65536 bytes large payload for Large Segment Offload (LSO). That means for a common network buffer (usually 50 ~ 400 packages size), a maximal size range from 400KB to 16MB data is sent to cache. Such big size of data will cause cache performance drop dramatically. In this paper, we carefully investigate the relationship between the size of I/O data sent by DCA and the size of cache system. To achieve the best cache performance, a scheme of DCA is also suggested in section 4. Scheduling of the data sent with DCA is an effective way to improve performance, but it is beyond the scope of this paper.The third one is DCA policy. DCA policy refers the determination of when and which part of the data is transferred with DCA. Obviously, the scheme is application specific and varies with different user targets. In this paper, we make a specific memory address space in system to receive the data transferred with DCA. The addresses of the data should be remapped to that area by user or compilers.3.2 DCA Scheme and detailsTo accelerate network processing, many important software structures used in NIC driver and the stack are coupled with DCA. NIC Descriptors and the associated data buffers are paid special attention in our solution. The former is the data transfer interface between DMA and CPU, and the later contains the packages. For farther research, each package stored in buffer is divided into the header and the payload. Normally the headers are accessed by protocols frequently, but the payload is accessed only once or twice (usually performed as memcpy) in modern network stack and OS. The details of the related software data structures and the network processing progress can be found in previous works [13].The progress of transfer one package from NIC to the stack with the proposed solution is illustrated in Table 1. All the accessing latency parameters in Table 1 are based on a state of the art multi-core processor system [3]. One thing should be noticed is that the cache accessing latency from I/O is nearly the same with that from CPU. But the memory accessing latency from I/O is about 2/3 of that from CPU due to the complex hardware hierarchy above the main memory.Table 1. Table captions should be placed above the tabletransfer.We can see that DCA with INIC solution saves above 95% CPU cycles in theoretical and avoid all the traffic to memory controller. In this paper, we transfer the NIC Descriptors and the data buffers including the headers and payload with DCA to achieve the best performance. But when cache size is small, only transfer the Descriptors and the headers with DCA is an alternative solution.DCA performance is highly depended on system cache policy. Obviously for cache system, write-back with write-allocate policy can help DCA achieves better performance than write-through with write non-allocate policy. Basing on the analysis in section 3.1, we do not use the snooping cache technology to maintain the coherence with memory. Cache coherence for other non-DCA I/O data transfer is guaranteed by software.3.3 On-chip network and integrated NICFootnotes should be Times New Roman 9-point, and justified to the full width of the column.Use the “ACM Reference format” for references – that is, a numbered list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically and formatted accordingly. See examples of some typical reference types, in the new “ACM Reference format”, at the end of this document. Within this template, use the style named referencesfor the text. Acceptable abbreviations, for journal names, can be found here: /reference/abbreviations/. Word may try to automatically ‘underline’ hotlinks in your references, the correct style is NO underlining.The references are also in 9 pt., but that section (see Section 7) is ragged right. References should be published materials accessible to the public. 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ACM(五篇范例)第一篇:ACMDijkstra 模板/*************************************** * About:有向图的Dijkstra算法实现 * Author:Tanky Woo * Blog:t=0;if(flag == 0){printf(“Non”);}else{for(int i=min;i<=max;++i){if(mark[i]==1 && arr[i]==0)cnt++;}}if(cnt==1)printf(“Yesn”);elseprintf(“Non”);}} return 0;搜索算法模板BFS:1.#include2.#include3.#include4.#includeing namespace std;6.const int maxn=100;7.bool vst[maxn][maxn];// 访问标记 dir[4][2]={0,1,0,-1,1,0,-1,0};// 方向向量9.10.struct State // BFS 队列中的状态数据结构 11.{ x,y;// 坐标位置 Step_Counter;// 搜索步数统计器14.};15.16.State a[maxn];17.18.boolCheckState(State s)// 约束条件检验19.{ 20.if(!vst[s.x][s.y] &&...)// 满足条件 1: 21.return 1;22.else // 约束条件冲突 23.return 0;24.} 25.26.void bfs(State st)27.{ 28.queue q;// BFS 队列29.State now,next;// 定义 2 个状态,当前和下一个;// 计数器清零 31.q.push(st);// 入队32.vst[st.x][st.y]=1;// 访问标记33.while(!q.empty())34.{;// 取队首元素进行扩展36.if(now==G)// 出现目标态,此时为Step_Counter 的最小值,可以退出即可37.{ 38.......// 做相关处理39.return;40.} 41.for(int i=0;i<4;i++)42.{[i][0];// 按照规则生成下一个状态[i][1]; ter+1;// 计数器加1 46.if(CheckState(next))// 如果状态满足约束条件则入队 47.{ 48.q.push(next);49.vst[next.x][next.y]=1;//访问标记 50.} 51.} 52.q.pop();// 队首元素出队53.} 54.return;55.} main()58.{ 59.......60.return 0;61.}代码:胜利大逃亡Ignatius被魔王抓走了,有一天魔王出差去了,这可是Ignatius逃亡的好机会.魔王住在一个城堡里,城堡是一个A*B*C的立方体,可以被表示成A个B*C的矩阵,刚开始Ignatius被关在(0,0,0)的位置,离开城堡的门在(A-1,B-1,C-1)的位置,现在知道魔王将在T分钟后回到城堡,Ignatius每分钟能从一个坐标走到相邻的六个坐标中的其中一个.现在给你城堡的地图,请你计算出Ignatius能否在魔王回来前离开城堡(只要走到出口就算离开城堡,如果走到出口的时候魔王刚好回来也算逃亡成功),如果可以请输出需要多少分钟才能离开,如果不能则输出-1.Input 输入数据的第一行是一个正整数K,表明测试数据的数量.每组测试数据的第一行是四个正整数A,B,C和T(1<=A,B,C<=50,1<=T<=1000),它们分别代表城堡的大小和魔王回来的时间.然后是A块输入数据(先是第0块,然后是第1块,第2块......),每块输入数据有B行,每行有C个正整数,代表迷宫的布局,其中0代表路,1代表墙.(如果对输入描述不清楚,可以参考Sample Input中的迷宫描述,它表示的就是上图中的迷宫) 特别注意:本题的测试数据非常大,请使用scanf输入,我不能保证使用cin能不超时.在本OJ上请使用Visual C++提交.Output 对于每组测试数据,如果Ignatius能够在魔王回来前离开城堡,那么请输出他最少需要多少分钟,否则输出-1.Sample Input 1 3 3 4 20 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0Sample Output 11代码:#include #include #include #include #includeusing namespace std;int tx[] = {0,1,-1,0,0,0,0};int ty[] = {0,0,0,1,-1,0,0};int tz[] = {0,0,0,0,0,1,-1};int arr[55][55][55];int known[55][55][55];// 访问标记int a,b,c,d;struct state{int x,y,z;// 所在的坐标int step_count;//统计搜索步数。

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ACM Word Template for SIG Site1st Author1st author's affiliation1st line of address2nd line of address Telephone number, incl. country code 1st author's E-mail address2nd Author2nd author's affiliation1st line of address2nd line of addressTelephone number, incl. country code2nd E-mail3rd Author3rd author's affiliation1st line of address2nd line of addressTelephone number, incl. country code3rd E-mailABSTRACTA s network speed continues to grow, new challenges of network processing is emerging. In this paper we first studied the progress of network processing from a hardware perspective and showed that I/O and memory systems become the main bottlenecks of performance promotion. Basing on the analysis, we get the conclusion that conventional solutions for reducing I/O and memory accessing latencies are insufficient for addressing the problems.Motivated by the studies, we proposed an improved DCA combined with INIC solution which has creations in optimized architectures, innovative I/O data transferring schemes and improved cache policies. Experimental results show that our solution reduces 52.3% and 14.3% cycles on average for receiving and transmitting respectively. Also I/O and memory traffics are significantly decreased. Moreover, an investigation to the behaviors of I/O and cache systems for network processing is performed. And some conclusions about the DCA method are also presented.KeywordsKeywords are your own designated keywords.1.INTRODUCTIONRecently, many researchers found that I/O system becomes the bottleneck of network performance promotion in modern computer systems [1][2][3]. Aim to support computing intensive applications, conventional I/O system has obvious disadvantages for fast network processing in which bulk data transfer is performed. The lack of locality support and high latency are the two main problems for conventional I/O system, which have been wildly discussed before [2][4].To overcome the limitations, an effective solution called Direct Cache Access (DCA) is suggested by INTEL [1]. It delivers network packages from Network Interface Card (NIC) into cache instead of memory, to reduce the data accessing latency. Although the solution is promising, it is proved that DCA is insufficient to reduce the accessing latency and memory traffic due to many limitations [3][5]. Another effective solution to solve the problem is Integrated Network Interface Card (INIC), which is used in many academic and industrial processor designs [6][7]. INIC is introduced to reduce the heavy burden for I/O registers access in Network Drivers and interruption handling. But recent report [8] shows that the benefit of INIC is insignificant for the state of the art 10GbE network system.In this paper, we focus on the high efficient I/O system design for network processing in general-purpose-processor (GPP). Basing on the analysis of existing methods, we proposed an improved DCA combined with INIC solution to reduce the I/O related data transfer latency.The key contributions of this paper are as follows:▪Review the network processing progress from a hardware perspective and point out that I/O and related last level memory systems have became the obstacle for performance promotion.▪Propose an improved DCA combined with INIC solution for I/O subsystem design to address the inefficient problem of a conventional I/O system.▪Give a framework of the improved I/O system architecture and evaluate the proposed solution with micro-benchmarks.▪Investigate I/O and Cache behaviors in the network processing progress basing on the proposed I/O system.The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the background and motivation. In Section 3, we describe the improved DCA combined INIC solution and give a framework of the proposed I/O system implementation. In Section 4, firstly we give the experiment environment and methods, and then analyze the experiment results. In Section 5, we show some related works. Finally, in Section 6, we carefully discuss our solutions with many existing technologies, and then draw some conclusions.2.Background and MotivationIn this section, firstly we revise the progress of network processing and the main network performance improvement bottlenecks nowadays. Then from the perspective of computer architecture, a deep analysis of network system is given. Also the motivation of this paper is presented.2.1Network processing reviewFigure 1 illustrates the progress of network processing. Packages from physical line are sampled by Network Interface Card (NIC). NIC performs the address filtering and stream control operations, then send the frames to the socket buffer and notifies OS to invoke network stack processing by interruptions. When OS receives the interruptions, the network stack accesses the data in socket buffer and calculates the checksum. Protocol specific operations are performed layer by layer in stack processing. Finally, data is transferred from socket buffer to the user buffer depended on applications. Commonly this operation is done by memcpy, a system function in OS.Figure 1. Network Processing FlowThe time cost of network processing can be mainly broke down into following parts: Interruption handling, NIC driver, stack processing, kernel routine, data copy, checksum calculation and other overheads. The first 4 parts are considered as packet cost, which means the cost scales with the number of network packets. The rests are considered as bit cost (also called data touch cost), which means the cost is in proportion to the total I/O data size. The proportion of the costs highly depends on the hardware platform and the nature of applications. There are many measurements and analyses about network processing costs [9][10]. Generally, the kernel routine cost ranges from 10% - 30% of the total cycles; the driver and interruption handling costs range from 15% - 35%; the stack processing cost ranges from 7% - 15%; and data touch cost takes up 20% - 35%. With the development of high speed network (e.g. 10/40 Gbps Ethernet), an increasing tendency for kernel routines, driver and interruption handling costs is observed [3].2.2 MotivationTo reveal the relationship among each parts of network processing, we investigate the corresponding hardware operations. From the perspective of computerhardware architecture, network system performance is determined by three domains: CPU speed, Memory speed and I/O speed. Figure 2 depicts the relationship.Figure 2. Network xxxxObviously, the network subsystem can achieve its maximal performance only when the three domains above are in balance. It means that the throughput or bandwidth ofeach hardware domain should be equal with others. Actually this is hard for hardware designers, because the characteristics and physical implementation technologies are different for CPU, Memory and I/O system (chipsets) fabrication. The speed gap between memory and CPU – a.k.a “the memory wall” – has been paid special attention for more than ten years, but still it is not well addressed. Also the disparity between the data throughput in I/O system and the computing capacity provided by CPU has been reported in recent years [1][2].Meanwhile, it is obvious that the major time costs of network processing mentioned above are associated with I/O and Memory speeds, e.g. driver processing, interruption handling, and memory copy costs. The most important nature of network processing is the “producer -consumer locality” between every two consecutive steps of the processing flow. That means the data produced in one hardware unit will be immediately accessed by another unit, e.g. the data in memory which transported from NIC will be accessed by CPU soon. However for conventional I/O and memory systems, the data transfer latency is high and the locality is not exploited.Basing on the analysis discussed above, we get the observation that the I/O and Memory systems are the limitations for network processing. Conventional DCA or INIC cannot successfully address this problem, because it is in-efficient in either I/O transfer latency or I/O data locality utilization (discussed in section 5). To diminish these limitations, we present a combined DCA with INIC solution. The solution not only takes the advantages of both method but also makes many improvements in memory system polices and software strategies.3. Design MethodologiesIn this section, we describe the proposed DCA combined with INIC solution and give a framework of the implementation. Firstly, we present the improved DCA technology and discuss the key points of incorporating it into I/O and Memory systems design. Then, the important software data structures and the details of DCA scheme are given. Finally, we introduce the system interconnection architecture and the integration of NIC.3.1 Improved DCAIn the purpose of reducing data transfer latency and memory traffic in system, we present an improved Direct Cache Access solution. Different with conventional DCA scheme, our solution carefully consider the following points. The first one is cache coherence. Conventionally, data sent from device by DMA is stored in memory only. And for the same address, a different copy of data is stored in cache which usually needs additional coherent unit to perform snoop operation [11]; but when DCA is used, I/O data and CPU data are both stored in cache with one copy for one memory address, shown in figure 4. So our solution modifies the cache policy, which eliminated the snoopingoperations. Coherent operation can be performed by software when needed. This will reduce much memory traffic for the systems with coherence hardware [12].I/O write *(addr) = bCPU write *(addr) = aCacheCPU write *(addr) = a I/O write with DCA*(addr) = bCache(a) cache coherance withconventional I/O(b) cache coherance withDCA I/OFigure 3. xxxxThe second one is cache pollution. DCA is a mixed blessing to CPU: On one side, it accelerates the data transfer; on the other side, it harms the locality of other programs executed in CPU and causes cache pollution. Cache pollution is highly depended on the I/O data size, which is always quite large. E.g. one Ethernet package contains a maximal 1492 bytes normal payload and a maximal 65536 bytes large payload for Large Segment Offload (LSO). That means for a common network buffer (usually 50 ~ 400 packages size), a maximal size range from 400KB to 16MB data is sent to cache. Such big size of data will cause cache performance drop dramatically. In this paper, we carefully investigate the relationship between the size of I/O data sent by DCA and the size of cache system. To achieve the best cache performance, a scheme of DCA is also suggested in section 4. Scheduling of the data sent with DCA is an effective way to improve performance, but it is beyond the scope of this paper.The third one is DCA policy. DCA policy refers the determination of when and which part of the data is transferred with DCA. Obviously, the scheme is application specific and varies with different user targets. In this paper, we make a specific memory address space in system to receive the data transferred with DCA. The addresses of the data should be remapped to that area by user or compilers.3.2 DCA Scheme and detailsTo accelerate network processing, many important software structures used in NIC driver and the stack are coupled with DCA. NIC Descriptors and the associated data buffers are paid special attention in our solution. The former is the data transfer interface between DMA and CPU, and the later contains the packages. For farther research, each package stored in buffer is divided into the header and the payload. Normally the headers are accessed by protocols frequently, but the payload is accessed only once or twice (usually performed as memcpy) in modern network stack and OS. The details of the related software data structures and the network processing progress can be found in previous works [13].The progress of transfer one package from NIC to the stack with the proposed solution is illustrated in Table 1. All the accessing latency parameters in Table 1 are based on a state of the art multi-core processor system [3]. One thing should be noticed is that the cache accessing latency from I/O is nearly the same with that from CPU. But the memory accessing latency from I/O is about 2/3 of that from CPU due to the complex hardware hierarchy above the main memory.Table 1. Table captions should be placed above the tabletransfer.We can see that DCA with INIC solution saves above 95% CPU cycles in theoretical and avoid all the traffic to memory controller. In this paper, we transfer the NIC Descriptors and the data buffers including the headers and payload with DCA to achieve the best performance. But when cache size is small, only transfer the Descriptors and the headers with DCA is an alternative solution.DCA performance is highly depended on system cache policy. Obviously for cache system, write-back with write-allocate policy can help DCA achieves better performance than write-through with write non-allocate policy. Basing on the analysis in section 3.1, we do not use the snooping cache technology to maintain the coherence with memory. Cache coherence for other non-DCA I/O data transfer is guaranteed by software.3.3 On-chip network and integrated NICFootnotes should be Times New Roman 9-point, and justified to the full width of the column.Use the “ACM Reference format” for references – that is, a numbered list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically and formatted accordingly. See examples of some typical reference types, in the new “ACM Reference format”, at the end of this document. Within this template, use the style named referencesfor the text. Acceptable abbreviations, for journal names, can be found here: /reference/abbreviations/. Word may try to automatically ‘underline’ hotlinks in your references, the correct style is NO underlining.The references are also in 9 pt., but that section (see Section 7) is ragged right. References should be published materials accessible to the public. 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