

张延《中级宏观经济学》课后习题详解(9第九章 索洛经济增长模型)

张延《中级宏观经济学》课后习题详解(9第九章  索洛经济增长模型)

张延《中级宏观经济学》第四篇 长期经济增长理论第九章 索洛经济增长模型跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题解析资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题,经济学考研参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是宝贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路,躲开一些陷阱。





答:(1)在没有技术进步的情况下,考虑只有劳动和资本两种投入要素的情况下,现在的生产函数可以简化为:()()()Y t F K t L t =⎡⎤⎣⎦,。

同时假设该生产函数规模报酬不变,定义每个人平均产出Yy L=,每个人平均资本K k L =,每个人平均消费C c L =,则可求得此时的密集形式的效用函数:()y f k =。

根据()()()K t sY t K t δ=-可得()()k sf k n k δ=-+。

假设经济在初始时处于平衡增长路径上,即满足()()***0k sf k n k δ=-+=,如图9-1所示,所形成的稳态时的人均资本为*k ,当人口增长率由n 减少为1n 时,形成新的稳态人均资本为*1k 。

图9-1 人口增长率降低时的稳态水平处于平衡增长路径上的每个人平均资本随着人口增长率的降低而增加,但在长期人均资本趋于稳定;平均产量;平均消费随着人口增长率的降低而增加,在长期将趋于稳定。

曼昆《宏观经济学》(第6、7版)课后习题详解(第9章 经济波动导论)

曼昆《宏观经济学》(第6、7版)课后习题详解(第9章  经济波动导论)

第4篇 经济周期理论:短期中的经济第9章 经济波动导论课后习题详解跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题解析资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题,经济学考研参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是宝贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路,躲开一些陷阱。


一、概念题1.奥肯定律(Okun ’s law )答:奥肯定律是表示失业率与实际国民收入增长率之间关系的经验统计规律,由美国经济学家奥肯在20世纪60年代初提出。

其主要内容是:失业率每高于自然失业率1个百分点,实际GDP 将低于潜在GDP 2个百分点。

奥肯定律的一个重要结论是:实际GDP 必须保持与潜在GDP 同样快的增长,以防止失业率的上升。

如果政府想让失业率下降,那么,该经济社会的实际GDP 的增长必须快于潜在GDP 的增长。




2.领先指标(leading indicators )答:领先指标是指一般先于整体经济变动的变量,可以帮助经济学家预测短期经济波动。



3.总需求(aggregate demand )答:总需求是指整个经济社会在任何一个给定的价格水平下对产品和劳务的需求总量。



第9章 通货膨胀、经济活动和名义货币增长一、名词解释1.奥肯定理(Okun's law )(厦门大学807经济学2006研)答:奥肯定律是由美国经济学家奥肯于1962年提出的一种说明经济周期中产出变化与失业变化之间数量关系的理论。

奥肯定律可用公式写为:()y y a u u **-=--式中,y 代表现时的实际GDP 的增长率,y *代表潜在GDP 的增长率,u 代表现时的实际失业率,u *代表自然失业率,a 代表由现时的实际失业率相对于自然失业率的变动而引起的实际产出增长率对潜在产出增长率的变化系数。





2.卢卡斯批判(Lucas Critique )答:卢卡斯批判又称卢卡斯批评,是卢卡斯提出的一种认为传统政策分析没有充分考虑到政策变动对人们预期影响的观点。





3.牺牲率(sacrifice ratio)答:牺牲率是指通货膨胀率每下降1%而带来的每年产出百分比下降的幅度。



Chapter 9Aggregate Demand and Aggregate SupplyMULTIPLE CHOICE1. Which of the following explains why production rises in most years?a. increases in the labor forceb. increases in the capital stockc. increases in technologyd. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. All of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.02. On average over the past 50 years, the U.S. economy has grown at the rate of abouta. 1 percent per year.b. 3 percent per year.c. 4 percent per year.d. 6 percent per year.ANSWER: b. 3 percent per year.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.03. A short period of falling incomes and rising unemployment is called aa. depression.b. recession.c. expansion.d. business cycle.ANSWER: b. recession.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.04. During recessionsa. workers are laid off.b. factories are idle.c. firms may find they are unable to sell all they produce.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. All of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.15. During a recession the economy experiencesa. rising employment and income.b. rising employment and falling income.c. rising income and falling employment.d. falling employment and income.ANSWER: d. falling employment and income.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.16. Business cyclesa. are easily predicted by competent economists.b. have never occurred very close together.c. can only be seen as changes in real GDP.d. None of the above is correct.ANSWER: d. None of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.1537538 Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply7. Business cyclesa. are explained mostly by fluctuations in consumption.b. no longer are very important due to government policy.c. are fluctuations in real GDP and related variables over time.d. are easily predicted by competent economists.ANSWER: c. are fluctuations in real GDP and related variables over time.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.18. During recessionsa. sales and profits fall.b. sales and profits rise.c. sales rise, profits fall.d. profits fall, sales rise.ANSWER: a. sales and profits fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.19. The decrease in real GDP during a recession isa. mostly a decrease in investment spending.b. mostly a decrease in consumption spending.c. about equally divided between consumption and investment spending.d. sometimes mostly a decrease in consumption and sometimes mostly a decrease in investment.ANSWER: a. mostly a decrease in investment spending.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.110. Which of the following typically rises during a recession?a. garbage collectionb. unemploymentc. corporate profitsd. automobile salesANSWER: b. unemploymentTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.111. Most economists use the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model primarily to analyzea. short-run fluctuations in the economy.b. the effects of macroeconomic policy on the prices of individual goods.c. the long-run effects of international trade policies.d. productivity and economic growthANSWER: a. short-run fluctuations in the economy.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.112. Real GDPa. is the dollar value of all goods produced by the citizens of an economy within a given time measured in currentyear prices.b. measures economic activity and income.c. is used primarily to measure long-run trends in the economy.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: b. measures economic activity and income.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.113. Real GDPa. moves in the same direction as unemployment.b. is not adjusted for inflation.c. also measures income.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: c. also measures income.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.1Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 53914. In a recession, compared to the percentage decline in GDP, investment spendinga. falls by a larger percentage.b. falls by about the same percentage as GDP.c. falls by a smaller percentage than GDP.d. falls but the percentage change is sometimes much larger and sometimes much smaller.ANSWER: a. falls by a larger percentage.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.115. Which part of real GDP fluctuates most over the course of the business cycle?a. consumptionb. government expendituresc. investmentd. net exportsANSWER: c. investmentTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.116. In 2001, the United States was in recession. Which of the following things would you expect not to have happened?a. layoffs and firingsb. a higher rate of bankruptcyc. increased claims for unemployment insuranced. increased investment spendingANSWER: d. increased investment spendingTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.117. Investment is aa. small part of real GDP, so it accounts for a small share of the fluctuation in real GDP.b. small part of real GDP, yet it accounts for a large share of the fluctuation in real GDP.c. large part of real GDP, so it accounts for a large share of the fluctuation in real GDP.d. large part of real GDP, yet it accounts for a small share of the fluctuation in real GDP.ANSWER: b. small part of real GDP, yet it accounts for a large share of the fluctuation in real GDP.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.118. Below are pairs of GDP growth rates and unemployment rates. Economists would be shocked to see most of thesepairs. Which pair of GDP growth rates and unemployment rates is realistic?a. 6 percent, 0 percentb. 3 percent, 10 percentc. –1 percent, 6 percentd. –3 percent, 2 percentANSWER: c. –1 percent, 6 percentTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.119. In the last half of 1999, the U.S. unemployment rate was about 4 percent. Historical experience suggests that this isa. above the natural rate, so that real GDP growth was likely low.b. above the natural rate, so that real GDP growth was likely low.c. equal to the natural rate, so that real GDP growth was likely average.d. below the natural rate, so that real GDP growth was likely high.ANSWER: d. below the natural rate, so that real GDP growth was likely high.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.120. As recessions begin productiona. and unemployment both rise.b. rises and unemployment falls.c. falls and unemployment rises.d. and unemployment both fall.ANSWER: c. falls and unemployment rises.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.1540 Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply21. Which of the following is incorrect concerning the long run?a. Higher money supply growth leads to higher output growth.b. An unemployment rate of zero is unobtainable.c. Per-capita real GDP depends on productivity.d. An increase in the money supply raises the price level.ANSWER: a. Higher money supply growth leads to higher output growth.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.222. Theory concerning long-run economic performancea. is less controversial than theory concerning short-run economic fluctuations.b. and short-run economic fluctuations are equally controversial.c. is more controversial than theory concerning short-run economic fluctuations.d. and short-run economic fluctuations are not controversial.ANSWER: a. is less controversial than theory concerning short-run economic fluctuations. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.223. The classical dichotomy refers to the separation ofa. variables that move with the business cycle and variables that do not.b. changes in money and changes in government expenditures.c. endogenous and exogenous variables.d. real and nominal variables.ANSWER: d. real and nominal variables.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.224. According to classical economic theory, changes in the money supply affecta. nominal variables and real variables.b. nominal variables, but not real variables.c. real variables, but not nominal variables.d. neither nominal nor real variables.ANSWER: b. nominal variables, but not real variables.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.225. According to classical economic theory, changes in the money supply affecta. real GDP.b. real interest rates.c. the price level.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: c. the price level.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.226. Most economists believe that classical economic theory is a good description of the worlda. in neither the short nor long run.b. in the short run and in the long run.c. in the short run, but not in the long run.d. in the long run, but not in the short run.ANSWER: d. in the long run, but not in the short run.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.227. A model of short-run fluctuations focuses on the price level anda. real GDP.b. economic growth.c. the neutrality of money.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. real GDP.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.2Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 54128. The overall price level is measured by thea. price of some particular commodity or service.b. rate of inflation.c. rate of deflation.d. CPI or the GDP deflator.ANSWER: d. CPI or the GDP deflator.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.229. The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship betweena. the price and quantity of a particular good.b. unemployment and output.c. wages and employment.d. real GDP and the price level.ANSWER: d. real GDP and the price level.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.230. The variables on the vertical and horizontal axes of the aggregate supply and demand curve area. the price level, real output.b. real output, employment.c. employment, the inflation rate.d. the value of money, the price level.ANSWER: a. the price level, real output.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.231. Which of the sentences concerning the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model is correct?a. The aggregate demand and supply model is nothing more than a large version of the model of market demandand supply.b. The price level adjusts to bring aggregate demand and supply into balance.c. The aggregate supply curve shows the quantity of goods and services that households, firms, and thegovernment want to buy at each price.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: b. The price level adjusts to bring aggregate demand and supply into balance.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.232. Which of the following adjusts to bring aggregate supply and demand into balance?a. the price levelb. the real rate of interestc. the money supplyd. technologyANSWER: a. the price levelTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.233. The aggregate demand curvea. slopes downward for the same reasons that market demand curves slope downward.b. is vertical in the long run.c. shows an inverse relation between the price level and the quantity of all goods and services demanded.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: c. shows an inverse relation between the price level and the quantity of all goods and services demanded. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.334. A fall in the economy's overall level of prices tends toa. raise both the quantity demanded and supplied of goods and services.b. raise the quantity demanded of goods and services, but lower the quantity supplied.c. lower the quantity demanded of goods and services, but raise the quantity supplied.d. lower both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of goods and services.ANSWER: b. raise the quantity demanded of goods and services, but lower the quantity supplied.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.3542 Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply35. A rise in the economy's overall level of prices tends toa. raise both the quantity demanded and supplied of goods and services.b. raise the quantity demanded of goods and services, but lower the quantity supplied.c. lower the quantity demanded of goods and services, but raise the quantity supplied.d. lower both the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied of goods and services. ANSWER: c. lower the quantity demanded of goods and services, but raise the quantity supplied. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.336. Which of the following is included in the aggregate demand for goods and services?a. consumption demandb. investment demandc. net exportsd. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. All of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.337. Which of the following is not included in aggregate demand?a. purchases of stock and bondsb. purchases of services such as visits to the doctorc. purchases of capital goods such as equipment in a factoryd. purchases by foreigners of consumer goods produced in the United StatesANSWER: a. purchases of stock and bondsTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.338. The effect of an increase in the price level is represented by aa. shift to the right of the aggregate demand curve.b. shift to the left of the aggregate demand curve.c. movement to the left along a given aggregate demand curve.d. movement to the right along a given aggregate demand curve.ANSWER: c. movement to the left along a given aggregate demand curve.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.339. The downward slope of the aggregate demand curve shows that an increase in thea. money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.b. money supply causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease.c. price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase.d. price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease. ANSWER: d. price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.340. Ceteris paribus, as the price level falls,a. the money supply falls.b. interest rate rise.c. dollars become more valuable.d. the aggregate demand curve shifts right.ANSWER: c. dollars become more valuable.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.341. Ceteris paribus, as the price level rises, dollars becomea. more valuable, and interest rates rise.b. more valuable, and interest rates fall.c. less valuable, and interest rates rise.d. less valuable, and interest rates fall.ANSWER: c. less valuable, and interest rates rise.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.3Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 54342. Ceteris paribus, as the price level falls, dollars becomea. more valuable, and interest rates rise.b. more valuable, and interest rates fall.c. less valuable, and interest rates rise.d. less valuable, and interest rates fall.ANSWER: b. more valuable, and interest rates fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.343. Ceteris paribus,as the price level falls, a country’s exchange ratea. and interest rates rise.b. and interest rates fall.c. fall and interest rates rise.d. rise and interest rates fall.ANSWER: b. and interest rates fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.344. Ceteris paribus, as the price level rises, exchange ratesa. and interest rates rise.b. and interest rates fall.c. fall and interest rates rise.d. rise and interest rates fall.ANSWER: a. and interest rates rise.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.345. Ceteris paribus, as the price level rises, the real value of moneya. and the exchange rate rise.b. and the exchange rate fall.c. rises and the exchange rate falls.d. falls and the exchange rate rises.ANSWER: d. falls and the exchange rate rises.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.346. An increase in the price level makes consumers feel less wealthy. As a result,a. aggregate demand shifts right.b. aggregate demand shifts left.c. there is a movement to right along a given aggregate demand curve.d. there is a movement to the left along a given aggregate demand curve.ANSWER: d. there is a movement to the left along a given aggregate demand curve.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.347. A decrease in the price level makes the dollars people hold wortha. more, so they spend more.b. more, so they spend less.c. less, so they spend more.d. less, so they spend less.ANSWER: a. more, so they spend more.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.348. An increase in the price level makes the dollars people hold wortha. more, so they spend more.b. more, so they spend less.c. less, so they spend more.d. less, so they spend less.ANSWER: d. less, so they spend less.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.3544 Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply49. People will spend more if the price levela. rises, making the dollars they hold worth more.b. rises, making the dollars they hold worth less.c. falls, making the dollars they hold worth more.d. falls, making the dollars they hold worth less.ANSWER: c. falls, making the dollars they hold worth more.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.350. People will spend more if real wealtha. and interest rates rise.b. rises and interest rates fall.c. falls and interest rates rise.d. and interest rates fall.ANSWER: b. rises and interest rates fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.351. If the price level rises, the value of moneya. rises while foreign exchange rates and interest rates rise.b. rises while foreign exchanger rates and interest rates fall.c. falls while foreign exchange rates and interest rate rise.d. falls while foreign exchange rates and interest rates fall.ANSWER: c. falls while foreign exchange rates and interest rate rise.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.352. If the price level falls, householdsa. increase foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange increases.b. increase foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchangedecreases.c. decrease foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in market for foreign-currency exchange increases.d. decrease foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchangedecreases.ANSWER: a. increase foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange increases.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 20.353. If the price level rises, householdsa. increase foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange increase.b. increase foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchangedecreases.c. decrease foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange increase.d. decrease foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchangedecreases.ANSWER: d. decrease foreign bond purchases, and the supply of dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange decreases.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 20.354. The aggregate quantity of goods demanded increases ifa. real wealth falls.b. the interest rate rises.c. the dollar depreciates.d. None of the above is correct.ANSWER: c. the dollar depreciates.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.355. The aggregate quantity of goods demanded increases ifa. real wealth rises.b. the interest rate rises.c. the dollar appreciates.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. real wealth rises.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.3Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 54556. The aggregate quantity of goods demanded decreases ifa. real wealth falls.b. the interest rate rises.c. the dollar appreciates.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. All of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.357. A decrease in the price level induces people to holda. less money, so they lend less, and the interest rate rises.b. less money, so they lend more, and the interest rate falls.c. more money, so they lend more, and the interest rate rises.d. more money, so they lend less, and the interest rate falls.ANSWER: b. less money, so they lend more, and the interest rate falls.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.358. An increase in the price level induces people to holda. less money, so they lend less, and the interest rate rises.b. less money, so they lend more, and the interest rate falls.c. more money, so they lend more, and the interest rate falls.d. more money, so they lend less, and the interest rate rises.ANSWER: d. more money, so they lend less, and the interest rate rises.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.359. When the price level rises,a. interest rates rise, so firms increase investment.b. interest rates rise, so firms decrease investment.c. interest rates fall, so firms increase investment.d. interest rates fall, so firms decrease investment.ANSWER: b. interest rates rise, so firms decrease investment.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.360. When the price level falls interest ratesa. rise, so firms increase investment.b. rise, so firms decrease investment.c. fall, so firms increase investment.d. fall, so firms decrease investment.ANSWER: c. fall, so firms increase investment.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.361. Investment spending increases when the price levela. rises causing interest rates to rise.b. rises causing interest rates to fall.c. falls causing interest rates to rise.d. falls causing interest rates to fall.ANSWER: d. falls causing interest rates to fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.362. Investment spending decreases when the price levela. rises causing interest rates to rise.b. rises causing interest rates to fall.c. falls causing interest rates to rise.d. falls causing interest rates to fall.ANSWER: a. rises causing interest rates to rise.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.3546 Chapter 09/Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply63. A decrease in the price level causes real wealth toa. fall, people to lend less, interest rates to fall, and the dollar to appreciate.b. fall, people to lend less, interest rates to rise, and the dollar to depreciate.c. rise, people to lend more, interest rates to rise, and the dollar to appreciate.d. rise, people to lend more, interest rates to fall, and the dollar to depreciate. ANSWER: d. rise, people to lend more, interest rates to fall, and the dollar to depreciate. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.364. A decrease in the price level causes the interest rate toa. increase, the dollar to appreciate, and net exports to increase.b. increase, the dollar to depreciate, and net exports to decrease.c. decrease, the dollar to depreciate, and net exports to increase.d. decrease, the dollar to appreciate, and net exports to decrease.ANSWER: c. decrease, the dollar to depreciate, and net exports to increase.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.365. An increase in the price level causes the interest rate toa. increase, the dollar to depreciate, and net exports to increase.b. increase, the dollar to appreciate, and net exports to decrease.c. decrease, the dollar to depreciate, and net exports to increase.d. decrease, the dollar to appreciate, and net exports to decrease.ANSWER: b. increase, the dollar to appreciate, and net exports to decrease.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.366. When the dollar depreciates, U.S.a. exports and imports increase.b. exports increase, while imports decrease.c. exports decrease, while imports increase.d. exports and imports decrease.ANSWER: b. exports increase, while imports decrease.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.367. When the dollar appreciates, U.S.a. exports decrease, while imports increase.b. exports and imports decrease.c. exports and imports increase.d. exports increase, while imports decrease.ANSWER: a. exports decrease, while imports increase.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.368. When the dollar depreciates, each dollar buysa. more foreign currency, and so buys more foreign goods.b. more foreign currency, and so buys fewer foreign goods.c. less foreign currency, and so buys more foreign goods.d. less foreign currency, and so buys fewer foreign goods.ANSWER: d. less foreign currency, and so buys fewer foreign goods.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.369. A decrease in U.S. interest rates leads toa. a depreciation of the dollar that leads to greater net exports.b. a depreciation of the dollar that leads to smaller net exports.c. an appreciation of the dollar that leads to greater net exports.d. an appreciation of the dollar that leads to smaller net exports.ANSWER: a. a depreciation of the dollar that leads to greater net exports.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.370. An increase in the interest rate causes investment toa. rise and the exchange rate to appreciate.b. fall and the exchange rate to depreciate.c. rise and the exchange rate to depreciate.d. fall and the exchange rate to appreciate.ANSWER: d. fall and the exchange rate to appreciate.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 20.371. The aggregate demand curve slopesa. downward because higher prices cause the exchange rate to depreciate.b. downward because higher prices cause real wealth to decrease and interest rates to increase.c. upward because higher prices cause people to increase their production.d. upward because higher prices cause real wealth to increase and interest rates to decrease.ANSWER: b. downward because higher prices cause real wealth to decrease and interest rates to increase. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.372. The aggregate demand curve slopes downward because as the U.S. price level increasesa. the dollar depreciates.b. the interest rate falls.c. people feel less wealthy.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: c. people feel less wealthy.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.373. A decrease in the price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to increase becausea. wealth falls, interest rates rise, and the dollar appreciates.b. wealth falls, interest rates rise, and the dollar depreciates.c. wealth rises, interest rates rise, and the dollar appreciates.d. wealth rises, interest rates fall, and the dollar depreciates.ANSWER: d. wealth rises, interest rates fall, and the dollar depreciates.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.374. An increase in the price level causes the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded to decrease becausea. wealth rises, interest rates rise, and the dollar appreciates.b. wealth rises, interest rates fall, and the dollar depreciates.c. wealth falls, interest rates rise, and the dollar appreciates.d. wealth falls, interest rates fall, and the dollar depreciates.ANSWER: c. wealth falls, interest rates rise, and the dollar appreciates.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.375. Changes in the price level affect which components of aggregate demand?a. only consumption and investmentb. only consumption and net exportsc. only consumptiond. consumption, investment, and net exportsANSWER: d. consumption, investment, and net exportsTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 20.376. Suppose a stock market boom makes people feel wealthier. The increase in wealth would cause people to desirea. increased consumption, which shifts the aggregate demand curve right.b. increased consumption, which shifts the aggregate demand curve left.c. decreased consumption, which shifts the aggregate demand curve right.d. decreased consumption, which shifts the aggregate demand curve left.ANSWER: a. increased consumption, which shifts the aggregate demand curve right.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 20.3。














2、如果甲乙两国并成一个国家,对GDP 总和会有什么影响(假定两国产出不变)?【解答】如果甲乙两国合并成一个国家,对GDP 总和会有影响。

因为甲乙两国未合并成一个国家时,双方可能有贸易往来,但这种贸易只会影响甲国或乙国的GDP,对两国GDP 总和不会有影响。

萨缪尔森《宏观经济学》(第19版)习题详解(含考研真题)(第9章 货币和金融体系)

萨缪尔森《宏观经济学》(第19版)习题详解(含考研真题)(第9章  货币和金融体系)



一、概念题1.金融系统,金融市场,金融中介(financial system,financial markets,financial intermediareies)答:金融与金融系统是现代经济的重要组成部分。












3.主要金融资产或工具(The mainly financial assets or instruments)答:金融资产主要由以货币衡量的资产和有价证券(其价值代表的是所占有的实体资产的价值)组成。



第一章宏观经济学的科学一、选择题1.下列哪一项不是宏观经济学家研究的主要问题( B )A.经济增长B.供需的价格弹性C.通货膨胀D.充分就业2.下列不正确的是 ( A )A.经济模型是对经济的精确描述B.经济模型是对经济现象的抽象C.经济模型往往是用数学术语说明变量之间的关系D.经济模型有助于解释经济变量3.经济模型要解释的变量是( C )A.内生变量和外生变量B.外生变量C.内生变量D.既不是内生变量也不是外生变量4.存量是( A )A.某个时点现存的经济量值B.某个时点上的流动价值C.流量的固体等价物D.某个时期内发生的经济量值5.下列各项中哪一个属于存量( C )A.国内生产总值B.投资C.失业人数D.人均收入6.宏观经济学的创始人是( C )A.斯密B.马歇尔C.凯恩斯D.萨缪尔森7.在凯恩斯看来,造成资本主义经济萧条的根源是( B )A.资源短缺B.有效需求不足C.资源配置不当D.技术落后8.下列哪一本著作对现代宏观经济学的产生起了最为重要的作用( C )。



































2、如果甲乙两国并成一个国家,对GDP 总和会有什么影响(假定两国产出不变)?【解答】如果甲乙两国合并成一个国家,对GDP 总和会有影响。

因为甲乙两国未合并成一个国家时,双方可能有贸易往来,但这种贸易只会影响甲国或乙国的GDP,对两国GDP 总和不会有影响。


































()三、单项选择1.下列哪种情况增加货币供给不会影响均衡国民收入?()A. IS曲线陡峭而LM曲线平缓B. IS曲线垂直而LM曲线平缓C. IS曲线平缓而LM曲线陡峭D. IS曲线和LM曲线一样平缓2.下列哪种情况"挤出效应"可能会很大?()A. 货币需求对利率不敏感,私人部门支出对利率也不敏感B. 货币需求对利率不敏感,而私人部门支出对利率敏感C. 货币需求对利率敏感,而私人部门支出对利率不敏感D. 货币需求对利率敏感,私人部门支出对利率也敏感3.挤出效应发生于下列哪种情况?()A. 私人部门增税,减少了私人部门的可支配收入和支出B. 减少政府支出,引起消费支出下降C. 增加政府支出,使利率提高,挤出了对利率敏感的私人部门支出D. 货币供给增加,引起消费支出增加4.政府支出增加使IS曲线右移,若要使均衡国民收入变动接近于IS曲线的移动量,则必须是()A. IS曲线陡峭而LM曲线陡峭B. IS曲线陡峭而LM曲线平缓C. IS曲线平缓而LM曲线陡峭D. IS曲线和LM曲线一样平缓5.货币供给变动如果对均衡国民收入有较大的影响,是因为()A. 私人部门支出对利率不敏感B. 支出系数小C. 私人部门支出对利率敏感D. 货币需求对利率敏感6.下列()不属于扩张性财政政策。



Answers to Textbook Questions and ProblemsCHAPTER 9 Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and PolicyQuestions for Review1. In the Solow model, we find that only technological progress can affect the steady-state rate of growthin income per worker. Growth in the capital stock (through high saving) has no effect on the steady-state growth rate of income per worker; neither does population growth. But technological progress can lead to sustained growth.2. In the steady state, output per person in the Solow model grows at the rate of technological progress g.Capital per person also grows at rate g. Note that this implies that output and capital per effectiveworker are constant in steady state. In the U.S. data, output and capital per worker have both grown at about 2 percent per year for the past half-century.3. To decide whether an economy has more or less capital than the Golden Rule, we need to compare themarginal product of capital net of depreciation (MPK –δ) with the growth rate of total output (n + g).The growth rate of GDP is readily available. Estimating the net marginal product of capital requires a little more work but, as shown in the text, can be backed out of available data on the capital stock relative to GDP, the total amount o f depreciation relative to GDP, and capital’s share in GDP.4. Economic policy can influence the saving rate by either increasing public saving or providingincentives to stimulate private saving. Public saving is the difference between government revenue and government spending. If spending exceeds revenue, the government runs a budget deficit, which is negative saving. Policies that decrease the deficit (such as reductions in government purchases or increases in taxes) increase public saving, whereas policies that increase the deficit decrease saving. A variety of government policies affect private saving. The decision by a household to save may depend on the rate of return; the greater the return to saving, the more attractive saving becomes. Taxincentives such as tax-exempt retirement accounts for individuals and investment tax credits forcorporations increase the rate of return and encourage private saving.5. The legal system is an example of an institutional difference between countries that might explaindifferences in income per person. Countries that have adopted the English style common law system tend to have better developed capital markets, and this leads to more rapid growth because it is easier for businesses to obtain financing. The quality of government is also important. Countries with more government corruption tend to have lower levels of income per person.6. Endogenous growth theories attempt to explain the rate of technological progress by explaining thedecisions that determine the creation of knowledge through research and development. By contrast, the Solow model simply took this rate as exogenous. In the Solow model, the saving rate affects growth temporarily, but diminishing returns to capital eventually force the economy to approach a steady state in which growth depends only on exogenous technological progress. By contrast, many endogenous growth models in essence assume that there are constant (rather than diminishing) returns to capital, interpreted to include knowledge. Hence, changes in the saving rate can lead to persistent growth. Problems and Applications1. a. In the Solow model with technological progress, y is defined as output per effective worker, and kis defined as capital per effective worker. The number of effective workers is defined as L E (or LE), where L is the number of workers, and E measures the efficiency of each worker. To findoutput per effective worker y, divide total output by the number of effective workers:Y LE =K12(LE)12LEY LE =K12L12E12LEY LE =K12 L1E1Y LE =KLE æèççöø÷÷12y=k12b. To solve for the steady-state value of y as a function of s, n, g, and δ, we begin with the equationfor the change in the capital stock in the steady state:Δk = sf(k) –(δ + n + g)k = 0.The production function ycan also be rewritten as y2 = k. Plugging this production functioninto the equation for the change in the capital stock, we find that in the steady state:sy –(δ + n + g)y2 = 0.Solving this, we find the steady-state value of y:y* = s/(δ + n + g).c. The question provides us with the following information about each country:Atlantis: s = 0.28 Xanadu: s = 0.10n = 0.01 n = 0.04g = 0.02 g = 0.02δ = 0.04δ = 0.04Using the equation for y* that we derived in part (a), we can calculate the steady-state values of yfor each country.Developed country: y* = 0.28/(0.04 + 0.01 + 0.02) = 4Less-developed country: y* = 0.10/(0.04 + 0.04 + 0.02) = 12. a. In the steady state, capital per effective worker is constant, and this leads to a constant level ofoutput per effective worker. Given that the growth rate of output per effective worker is zero, this means the growth rate of output is equal to the growth rate of effective workers (LE). We know labor grows at the rate of population growth n and the efficiency of labor (E) grows at rate g. Therefore, output grows at rate n+g. Given output grows at rate n+g and labor grows at rate n, output perworker must grow at rate g. This follows from the rule that the growth rate of Y/L is equal to thegrowth rate of Y minus the growth rate of L.b. First find the output per effective worker production function by dividing both sides of theproduction function by the number of effective workers LE:Y LE =K 13(LE )23LE YLE =K 13L 23E 23LEY LE =K 13L 13E 13Y LE =K LE æèçöø÷13y =k 13To solve for capital per effective worker, we start with the steady state condition:Δk = sf (k ) – (δ + n + g )k = 0.Now substitute in the given parameter values and solve for capital per effective worker (k ):Substitute the value for k back into the per effective worker production function to find output per effective worker is equal to 2. The marginal product of capital is given bySubstitute the value for capital per effective worker to find the marginal product of capital is equal to 1/12.c. According to the Golden Rule, the marginal product of capital is equal to (δ + n + g) or 0.06. In the current steady state, the marginal product of capital is equal to 1/12 or 0.083. Therefore, we have less capital per effective worker in comparison to the Golden Rule. As the level of capital per effective worker rises, the marginal product of capital will fall until it is equal to 0.06. To increase capital per effective worker, there must be an increase in the saving rate.d. During the transition to the Golden Rule steady state, the growth rate of output per worker will increase. In the steady state, output per worker grows at rate g . The increase in the saving rate will increase output per effective worker, and this will increase output per effective worker. In the new steady state, output per effective worker is constant at a new higher level, and output per worker is growing at rate g . During the transition, the growth rate of output per worker jumps up, and then transitions back down to rate g .3. To solve this problem, it is useful to establish what we know about the U.S. economy: • A Cobb –Douglas production function has the form y = k α, where α is capital’s share of income.The question tells us that α = 0.3, so we know that the production function is y = k 0.3.• In the steady state, we know that the growth rate of output equals 3 percent, so we know that (n +g ) = 0.03.• The deprec iation rate δ = 0.04. • The capital –output ratio K/Y = 2.5. Because k/y = [K /(LE )]/[Y /(LE )] = K/Y , we also know that k/y =2.5. (That is, the capital –output ratio is the same in terms of effective workers as it is in levels.)a. Begin with the steady-state condition, sy = (δ + n + g)k. Rewriting this equation leads to a formulafor saving in the steady state:s = (δ + n + g)(k/y).Plugging in the values established above:s = (0.04 + 0.03)(2.5) = 0.175.The initial saving rate is 17.5 percent.b. We know from Chapter 3 that with a Cobb–Douglas production function, capital’s share ofincome α = MPK(K/Y). Rewriting, we haveMPK = α/(K/Y).Plugging in the values established above, we findMPK = 0.3/2.5 = 0.12.c. We know that at the Golden Rule steady state:MPK = (n + g + δ).Plugging in the values established above:MPK = (0.03 + 0.04) = 0.07.At the Golden Rule steady state, the marginal product of capital is 7 percent, whereas it is 12 percent in the initial steady state. Hence, from the initial steady state we need to increase k to achieve the Golden Rule steady state.d. We know from Chapter 3 that for a Cobb–Douglas production function, MPK = α (Y/K). Solvingthis for the capital–output ratio, we findK/Y = α/MPK.We can solve for the Golden Rule capital–output ratio using this equation. If we plug in the value0.07 for the Golden Rule steady-state marginal product of capital, and the value 0.3 for α, we findK/Y = 0.3/0.07 = 4.29.In the Golden Rule steady state, the capital–output ratio equals 4.29, compared to the current capital–output ratio of 2.5.e. We know from part (a) that in the steady states = (δ + n + g)(k/y),where k/y is the steady-state capital–output ratio. In the introduction to this answer, we showed that k/y = K/Y, and in part (d) we found that the Golden Rule K/Y = 4.29. Plugging in this value and those established above:s = (0.04 + 0.03)(4.29) = 0.30.To reach the Golden Rule steady state, the saving rate must rise from 17.5 to 30 percent. Thisresult implies that if we set the saving rate equal to the share going to capital (30 percent), we will achieve the Golden Rule steady state.4. a. In the steady state, we know that sy = (δ + n + g)k. This implies thatk/y = s/(δ + n + g).Since s, δ, n, and g are constant, this means that the ratio k/y is also constant. Since k/y =[K/(LE)]/[Y/(LE)] = K/Y, we can conclude that in the steady state, the capital–output ratio isconstant.b. We know that capital’s share of income = MPK ⨯ (K/Y). In the steady state, we know from part (a)that the capital–output ratio K/Y is constant. We also know from the hint that the MPK is afunction of k, which is constant in the steady state; therefore the MPK itself must be constant.Thus, capital’s share of income is constant. Labor’s share of income is 1 – [C apital’s Share].Hence, if capital’s share is constant, we see that labor’s share of income is also constant.c. We know that in the steady state, total income grows at n + g, defined as the rate of populationgrowth plus the rate of technological change. In part (b) we showed that labor’s and capital’s share of income is constant. If the shares are constant, and total income grows at the rate n + g, thenlabor income and capital income must also grow at the rate n + g.d. Define the real rental price of capital R asR = Total Capital Income/Capital Stock= (MPK ⨯K)/K= MPK.We know that in the steady state, the MPK is constant because capital per effective worker k isconstant. Therefore, we can conclude that the real rental price of capital is constant in the steadystate.To show that the real wage w grows at the rate of technological progress g, defineTLI = Total Labor IncomeL = Labor ForceUsing the hint that the real wage equals total labor income divided by the labor force:w = TLI/L.Equivalently,wL = TLI.In terms of percentage changes, we can write this asΔw/w + ΔL/L = ΔTLI/TLI.This equation says that the growth rate of the real wage plus the growth rate of the labor forceequals the growth rate of total labor income. We know that the labor force grows at rate n, and,from part (c), we know that total labor income grows at rate n + g. We, therefore, conclude that the real wage grows at rate g.5. a. The per worker production function is F (K, L )/L = AK α L 1–α/L = A (K/L )α = Ak α b. In the steady state, Δk = sf (k ) – (δ + n + g )k = 0. Hence, sAk α = (δ + n + g )k , or, after rearranging:k *=sA d +n +g éëêêùûúúa 1-a æèççöø÷÷.Plugging into the per-worker production function from part (a) givesy *=A a 1-a æèççöø÷÷s d +n +g éëêêùûúúa 1-a æèççöø÷÷.Thus, the ratio of steady-state income per worker in Richland to Poorland isy *Richland/y *Poorland ()=s Richland d +n Richland +g /s Poorlandd +n Poorland +g éëêêùûúúa1-a =0.320.05+0.01+0.02/0.100.05+0.03+0.02éëêêùûúúa1-c. If α equals 1/3, then Richland should be 41/2, or two times, richer than Poorland.d. If 4a 1-a æèççöø÷÷= 16, then it must be the case that a 1-a æèççöø÷÷, which in turn requires that α equals 2/3.Hence, if the Cobb –Douglas production function puts 2/3 of the weight on capital and only 1/3 on labor, then we can explain a 16-fold difference in levels of income per worker. One way to justify this might be to think about capital more broadly to include human capital —which must also be accumulated through investment, much in the way one accumulates physical capital.6. How do differences in education across countries affect the Solow model? Education is one factoraffecting the efficiency of labor , which we denoted by E . (Other factors affecting the efficiency of labor include levels of health, skill, and knowledge.) Since country 1 has a more highly educated labor force than country 2, each worker in country 1 is more efficient. That is, E 1 > E 2. We will assume that both countries are in steady state. a. In the Solow growth model, the rate of growth of total income is equal to n + g , which isindependent of the work force’s level of education. The two countries will, thus, have the same rate of growth of total income because they have the same rate of population growth and the same rate of technological progress.b. Because both countries have the same saving rate, the same population growth rate, and the samerate of technological progress, we know that the two countries will converge to the same steady-state level of capital per effective worker k *. This is shown in Figure 9-1.Hence, output per effective worker in the steady state, which is y* = f(k*), is the same in bothcountries. But y* = Y/(L E) or Y/L = y*E. We know that y* will be the same in both countries, but that E1 > E2. Therefore, y*E1 > y*E2. This implies that (Y/L)1 > (Y/L)2. Thus, the level of incomeper worker will be higher in the country with the more educated labor force.c. We know that the real rental price of capital R equals the marginal product of capital (MPK). Butthe MPK depends on the capital stock per efficiency unit of labor. In the steady state, bothcountries have k*1= k*2= k* because both countries have the same saving rate, the same population growth rate, and the same rate of technological progress. Therefore, it must be true that R1 = R2 = MPK. Thus, the real rental price of capital is identical in both countries.d. Output is divided between capital income and labor income. Therefore, the wage per effectiveworker can be expressed asw = f(k) –MPK • k.As discussed in parts (b) and (c), both countries have the same steady-state capital stock k and the same MPK. Therefore, the wage per effective worker in the two countries is equal.Workers, however, care about the wage per unit of labor, not the wage per effective worker.Also, we can observe the wage per unit of labor but not the wage per effective worker. The wageper unit of labor is related to the wage per effective worker by the equationWage per Unit of L = wE.Thus, the wage per unit of labor is higher in the country with the more educated labor force.7. a. In the two-sector endogenous growth model in the text, the production function for manufacturedgoods isY = F [K,(1 –u) EL].We assumed in this model that this function has constant returns to scale. As in Section 3-1,constant returns means that for any positive number z, zY = F(zK, z(1 –u) EL). Setting z = 1/EL,we obtainY EL =FKEL,(1-u)æèççöø÷÷.Using our standard definitions of y as output per effective worker and k as capital per effective worker, we can write this asy = F[k,(1 –u)]b. To begin, note that from the production function in research universities, the growth rate of laborefficiency, ΔE/E, equals g(u). We can now follow the logic of Section 9-1, substituting thefunction g(u) for the constant growth rate g. In order to keep capital per effective worker (K/EL) constant, break-even investment includes three terms: δk is needed to replace depreciating capital, nk is needed to provide capital for new workers, and g(u) is needed to provide capital for thegreater stock of knowledge E created by research universities. That is, break-even investment is [δ + n + g(u)]k.c. Again following the logic of Section 9-1, the growth of capital per effective worker is thedifference between saving per effective worker and break-even investment per effective worker.We now substitute the per-effective-worker production function from part (a) and the function g(u) for the constant growth rate g, to obtainΔk = sF [k,(1 –u)] – [δ + n + g(u)]kIn the steady state, Δk = 0, so we can rewrite the equation above assF [k,(1 –u)] = [δ + n + g(u)]k.As in our analysis of the Solow model, for a given value of u, we can plot the left and right sides of this equationThe steady state is given by the intersection of the two curves.d. The steady state has constant capital per effective worker k as given by Figure 9-2 above. We alsoassume that in the steady state, there is a constant share of time spent in research universities, so u is constant. (After all, if u were not constant, it wouldn’t be a ―steady‖ state!). Hence, output per effective worker y is also constant. Output per worker equals yE, and E grows at rate g(u).Therefore, output per worker grows at rate g(u). The saving rate does not affect this growth rate.However, the amount of time spent in research universities does affect this rate: as more time is spent in research universities, the steady-state growth rate rises.e. An increase in u shifts both lines in our figure. Output per effective worker falls for any givenlevel of capital per effective worker, since less of each worker’s time is spent producingmanufactured goods. This is the immediate effect of the change, since at the time u rises, thecapital stock K and the efficiency of each worker E are constant. Since output per effective worker falls, the curve showing saving per effective worker shifts down.At the same time, the increase in time spent in research universities increases the growth rate of labor efficiency g(u). Hence, break-even investment [which we found above in part (b)] rises at any given level of k, so the line showing breakeven investment also shifts up.Figure 9-3 shows these shifts.In the new steady state, capital per effective worker falls from k1 to k2. Output per effective worker also falls.f. In the short run, the increase in u unambiguously decreases consumption. After all, we argued inpart (e) that the immediate effect is to decrease output, since workers spend less time producingmanufacturing goods and more time in research universities expanding the stock of knowledge.For a given saving rate, the decrease in output implies a decrease in consumption.The long-run steady-state effect is more subtle. We found in part (e) that output per effective worker falls in the steady state. But welfare depends on output (and consumption) per worker, not per effective worker. The increase in time spent in research universities implies that E grows faster.That is, output per worker equals yE. Although steady-state y falls, in the long run the fastergrowth rate of E necessarily dominates. That is, in the long run, consumption unambiguously rises.Nevertheless, because of the initial decline in consumption, the increase in u is not unambiguously a good thing. That is, a policymaker who cares more about current generationsthan about future generations may decide not to pursue a policy of increasing u. (This is analogous to the question considered in Chapter 8 of whether a policymaker should try to reach the GoldenRule level of capital per effective worker if k is currently below the Golden Rule level.)8. On the World Bank Web site (), click on the data tab and then the indicators tab.This brings up a large list of data indicators that allows you to compare the level of growth anddevelopment across countries. To explain differences in income per person across countries, you might look at gross saving as a percentage of GDP, gross capital formation as a percentage of GDP, literacy rate, life expectancy, and population growth rate. From the Solow model, we learned that (all else the same) a higher rate of saving will lead to higher income per person, a lower population growth rate will lead to higher income per person, a higher level of capital per worker will lead to a higher level of income per person, and more efficient or productive labor will lead to higher income per person. The selected data indicators offer explanations as to why one country might have a higher level of income per person. However, although we might speculate about which factor is most responsible for thedifference in income per person across countries, it is not possible to say for certain given the largenumber of other variables that also affect income per person. For example, some countries may have more developed capital markets, less government corruption, and better access to foreign directinvestment. The Solow model allows us to understand some of the reasons why income per person differs across countries, but given it is a simplified model, it cannot explain all of the reasons why income per person may differ.More Problems and Applications to Chapter 91. a. The growth in total output (Y) depends on the growth rates of labor (L), capital (K), and totalfactor productivity (A), as summarized by the equationΔY/Y = αΔK/K + (1 –α)ΔL/L + ΔA/A,where α is capital’s share of output. We can look at the effect on output of a 5-percent increase in labor by setting ΔK/K = ΔA/A = 0. Since α = 2/3, this gives usΔY/Y = (1/3)(5%)= 1.67%.A 5-percent increase in labor input increases output by 1.67 percent.Labor productivity is Y/L. We can write the growth rate in labor productivity asD Y Y =D(Y/L)Y/L-D LL.Substituting for the growth in output and the growth in labor, we findΔ(Y/L)/(Y/L) = 1.67% – 5.0%= –3.34%.Labor productivity falls by 3.34 percent.To find the change in total factor productivity, we use the equationΔA/A = ΔY/Y –αΔK/K – (1 –α)ΔL/L.For this problem, we findΔA/A = 1.67% – 0 – (1/3)(5%)= 0.Total factor productivity is the amount of output growth that remains after we have accounted for the determinants of growth that we can measure. In this case, there is no change in technology, so all of the output growth is attributable to measured input growth. That is, total factorproductivity growth is zero, as expected.b. Between years 1 and 2, the capital stock grows by 1/6, labor input grows by 1/3, and output growsby 1/6. We know that the growth in total factor productivity is given byΔA/A = ΔY/Y –αΔK/K – (1 –α)ΔL/L.Substituting the numbers above, and setting α = 2/3, we findΔA/A = (1/6) – (2/3)(1/6) – (1/3)(1/3)= 3/18 – 2/18 – 2/18= – 1/18= –0.056.Total factor productivity falls by 1/18, or approximately 5.6 percent.2. By definition, output Y equals labor productivity Y/L multiplied by the labor force L:Y = (Y/L)L.Using the mathematical trick in the hint, we can rewrite this asD Y Y =D(Y/L)Y/L+D LL.We can rearrange this asD Y Y =D YY-D LL.Substituting for ΔY/Y from the text, we findD(Y/L) Y/L =D AA+aD KK+(1-a)D LL-D LL =D AA+aD KK-aD LL=D AA+aD KK-D LLéëêêùûúúUsing the same trick we used above, we can express the term in brackets asΔK/K –ΔL/L = Δ(K/L)/(K/L)Making this substitution in the equation for labor productivity growth, we conclude thatD(Y/L) Y/L =D AA+aD(K/L)K/L.3. We know the following:ΔY/Y = n + g = 3.6%ΔK/K = n + g = 3.6%ΔL/L = n = 1.8%Capital’s Share = α = 1/3Labor’s Share = 1 –α = 2/3Using these facts, we can easily find the contributions of each of the factors, and then find the contribution of total factor productivity growth, using the following equations:Output = Capital’s+ Labor’s+ Total FactorGrowth Contribution Contribution ProductivityD Y Y =aD KK+(1-a)D LL+D AA3.6% = (1/3)(3.6%) + (2/3)(1.8%) + ΔA/A.We can easily solve this for ΔA/A, to find that3.6% = 1.2% + 1.2% + 1.2%Chapter 9—Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy 81We conclude that the contribution of capital is 1.2 percent per year, the contribution of labor is 1.2 percent per year, and the contribution of total factor productivity growth is 1.2 percent per year. These numbers match the ones in Table 9-3 in the text for the United States from 1948–2002.Chapter 9—Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy 82。









定义每个人平均产出y=Y/L,每个人平均资本k=K/L, 每个人平均消费c=C/L,则可求得此时的密集形式的效用函数:y=f(k).并且该密集形式的生产函数满足:f(0)=0,f′(k)>0,f″(k)<0,l i m k→0f′(k)=∞,l i m k→∞f′(k)=0.根据K˙(t) = s Y(t) -δK(t),我们可以求得此时的关键方程:(1) k˙=sf(k)-(n+σ)k假设经济在初始时处于平衡增长路径上,即满足k*˙=sf(k*)-(n+σ)k*=0.此时,经济中的实际投资等于持平投资,两条线相交于(k*,y*)。

在t0时刻,当人口增长率由n下降到n new后,实际投资线不变,持平投资线发生偏转,此时,k*˙=sf(k*)-(n new+σ)k*>0,实际投资超过持平投资,每个人平均资本开始增加。



在t1时刻之后,经济重新达到平衡增长路径后,k*new˙=sf(k*new)-(n+σ)k* new =0, 每个人实际投资等处持平投资,两条线相交于(k* new,y* new)。

k* new、,y* new、c* new 均维持不变,且k* new>k*,y* new>y*, c* new>c*.y=f(k)y=sf(k)(n+σ)kkk n e wk*y n e wy*y(n new+σ)k在t 0时刻到t 1时刻之间,由于k ˙>0,所以每个人平均资本逐步增长。

巴罗《宏观经济学:现代观点》课后习题详解 第9章 资本的利用和失业【圣才出品】

巴罗《宏观经济学:现代观点》课后习题详解  第9章 资本的利用和失业【圣才出品】

第9章资本的利用和失业一、概念题1.资本利用率(capital utilization rate)答:资本利用率是指资本存量在生产中被利用的份额,资本折旧率是资本利用率κ的增函数,资本利用率越高,资本折旧越快,记为()δδκ=。


由于实际租赁价格/R P的上升鼓励人们选择更高的资本利用率κ,在给定资本存量K的条件下,资本供给增加,因此资本供给是关于实际租赁价格的增函数,资本供给曲线向上倾斜。


2.灰心的工人(discouraged workers)答:灰心的工人又称沮丧的工人,是指失业一段时期后离开劳动力队伍的工人。


3.失业的持续时间(duration of unemployment)答:失业的持续时间是指预期失业要持续的时间长度。








4.就业率(employment rate)答:就业率与失业率相对,是指一定时期内就业人数与劳动年龄人口数的比率,即就业率=1-失业率。




曼昆 宏观经济经济学第九版 英文原版答案9(完整资料).doc

曼昆 宏观经济经济学第九版 英文原版答案9(完整资料).doc

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】Answers to Textbook Questions and ProblemsCHAPTER 9 Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy Questions for Review1. In the Solow model, we find that only technological progress canaffect the steady-state rate of growth in income per worker. Growth in the capital stock (through high saving) has no effect on the steady-state growth rate of income per worker; neither does population growth.But technological progress can lead to sustained growth.2. In the steady state, output per person in the Solow model grows at the rate of technological progress g. Capital per person also grows at rate g. Note that this implies that output and capital per effective worker are constant in steady state. In the U.S. data, output and capital per worker have both grown at about 2 percent per year for the past half-century.3. To decide whether an economy has more or less capital than theGolden Rule, we need to compare the marginal product of capital net of depreciation (MPK –δ) with the growt h rate of total output (n + g). The growth rate of GDP is readily available. Estimating the netmarginal product of capital requires a little more work but, as shown in the text, can be backed out of available data on the capital stockrelative to GDP, the total amount of depreciation relative to GDP, and capital’s share in GDP.4. Economic policy can influence the saving rate by either increasingpublic saving or providing incentives to stimulate private saving. Public saving is the difference between government revenue and government spending. If spending exceeds revenue, the government runs a budget deficit, which is negative saving. Policies that decrease the deficit (such as reductions in government purchases or increases in taxes) increase public saving, whereas policies that increase the deficit decrease saving.A variety of government policies affect private saving. The decision bya household to save may depend on the rate of return; the greater thereturn to saving, the more attractive saving becomes. Tax incentives such as tax-exempt retirement accounts for individuals and investment tax credits for corporations increase the rate of return and encourage private saving.5. The legal system is an example of an institutional difference betweencountries that might explain differences in income per person.Countries that have adopted the English style common law systemtend to have better developed capital markets, and this leads to more rapid growth because it is easier for businesses to obtain financing. The quality of government is also important. Countries with moregovernment corruption tend to have lower levels of income per person.6. Endogenous growth theories attempt to explain the rate oftechnological progress by explaining the decisions that determine the creation of knowledge through research and development. By contrast, the Solow model simply took this rate as exogenous. In the Solowmodel, the saving rate affects growth temporarily, but diminishingreturns to capital eventually force the economy to approach a steady state in which growth depends only on exogenous technologicalprogress. By contrast, many endogenous growth models in essenceassume that there are constant (rather than diminishing) returns tocapital, interpreted to include knowledge. Hence, changes in the saving rate can lead to persistent growth.Problems and Applications1. a. In the Solow model with technological progress, y is defined asoutput per effective worker, and k is defined as capital per effective worker. The number of effective workers is defined as L E (orLE), where L is the number of workers, and E measures theefficiency of each worker. To find output per effective worker y,divide total output by the number of effective workers:Y LE =K12(LE)12LEY LE =K12L12E12LEY LE =K12 L12E12Y LE =KLE æèççöø÷÷12y=k1b. To solve for the steady-state value of y as a function of s, n, g, andδ, we begin with the equation for the change in the capital stock in the steady state:Δk = sf(k) –(δ + n + g)k = 0.The production function ycan also be rewritten as y2 = k.Plugging this production function into the equation for the changein the capital stock, we find that in the steady state:sy –(δ + n + g)y2 = 0.Solving this, we find the steady-state value of y:y* = s/(δ + n + g).c. The question provides us with the following information about each country:Atlantis: s = 0.28 Xanadu: s = 0.10n = 0.01 n = 0.04g = 0.02 g = 0.02δ = 0.04δ = 0.04Using the equation for y* that we derived in part (a), we cancalculate the steady-state values of y for each country.Developed country: y* = 0.28/(0.04 + 0.01 + 0.02) = 4Less-developed country: y* = 0.10/(0.04 + 0.04 + 0.02) = 1 2. a. In the steady state, capital per effective worker is constant, and thisleads to a constant level of output per effective worker. Given that the growth rate of output per effective worker is zero, this means the growth rate of output is equal to the growth rate of effective workers (LE). We know labor grows at the rate of population growth n and the efficiency of labor (E) grows at rate g. Therefore, output grows at rate n+g. Given output grows at rate n+g and labor grows at rate n,output per worker must grow at rate g. This follows from the rule that the growth rate of Y/L is equal to the growth rate of Y minus the growth rate of L.b. First find the output per effective worker production function by dividing both sides of the production function by the number of effective workers LE:Y LE =K13(LE)23LEYLE=K13L23E23LEYLE=K13L13E13YLE=KLEæèçöø÷13y=k13To solve for capital per effective worker, we start with the steady state condition:Δk = sf(k) –(δ + n + g)k = 0.Now substitute in the given parameter values and solve for capital per effective worker (k):Substitute the value for k back into the per effective workerproduction function to find output per effective worker is equal to2. The marginal product of capital is given bySubstitute the value for capital per effective worker to find themarginal product of capital is equal to 1/12.c. According to the Golden Rule, the marginal product of capital isequal to (δ + n + g) or 0.06. In the current steady state, the marginal product of capital is equal to 1/12 or 0.083. Therefore, we have less capital per effective worker in comparison to the Golden Rule. Asthe level of capital per effective worker rises, the marginal product of capital will fall until it is equal to 0.06. To increase capital pereffective worker, there must be an increase in the saving rate.d. During the transition to the Golden Rule steady state, the growth rateof output per worker will increase. In the steady state, output perworker grows at rate g. The increase in the saving rate will increaseoutput per effective worker, and this will increase output pereffective worker. In the new steady state, output per effective worker is constant at a new higher level, and output per worker is growing at rate g. During the transition, the growth rate of output per workerjumps up, and then transitions back down to rate g.3. To solve this problem, it is useful to establish what we know about the U.S. economy:• A Cobb–Douglas production function has the form y = kα, where α is capital’s share of income. The question tells us that α = 0.3,so we know that the production function is y = k0.3.•In the steady state, we know that the growth rate of output equals 3 percent, so we know that (n + g) = 0.03.•The deprec iation rate δ = 0.04.•The capital–output ratio K/Y = 2.5. Because k/y =[K/(LE)]/[Y/(LE)] = K/Y, we also know that k/y = 2.5. (That is, the capital–output ratio is the same in terms of effective workers as it is in levels.)a. Begin with the steady-state condition, sy = (δ + n + g)k. Rewritingthis equation leads to a formula for saving in the steady state:s = (δ + n + g)(k/y).Plugging in the values established above:s = (0.04 + 0.03)(2.5) = 0.175.The initial saving rate is 17.5 percent.b. We know from Chapter 3 that with a Cobb–Douglas production function, capital’s share of income α = MPK(K/Y). Rewriting, we haveMPK = α/(K/Y).Plugging in the values established above, we findMPK = 0.3/2.5 = 0.12.c. We know that at the Golden Rule steady state:MPK = (n + g + δ).Plugging in the values established above:MPK = (0.03 + 0.04) = 0.07.At the Golden Rule steady state, the marginal product of capital is 7 percent, whereas it is 12 percent in the initial steady state. Hence, from the initial steady state we need to increase k to achieve theGolden Rule steady state.d. We know from Chapter 3 that for a Cobb–Douglas production function, MPK = α (Y/K). Solving this for the capital–outputratio, we findK/Y = α/MPK.We can solve for the Golden Rule capital–output ratio using this equation. If we plug in the value 0.07 for the Golden Rule steady-state marginal product of capital, and the value 0.3 for α, we findK/Y = 0.3/0.07 = 4.29.In the Golden Rule steady state, the capital–output ratio equals4.29, compared to the current capital–output ratio of 2.5.e. We know from part (a) that in the steady states = (δ + n + g)(k/y),where k/y is the steady-state capital–output ratio. In theintroduction to this answer, we showed that k/y = K/Y, and in part(d) we found that the Golden Rule K/Y = 4.29. Plugging in thisvalue and those established above:s = (0.04 + 0.03)(4.29) = 0.30.To reach the Golden Rule steady state, the saving rate must risefrom 17.5 to 30 percent. This result implies that if we set the saving rate equal to the share going to capital (30 percent), we will achieve the Golden Rule steady state.4. a. In the steady state, we know that sy = (δ + n + g)k. This implies thatk/y = s/(δ + n + g).Since s, δ, n, and g are constant, this means that the ratio k/y is also constant. Since k/y = [K/(LE)]/[Y/(LE)] = K/Y, we can conclude that in the steady state, the capital–output ratio is constant.b. We know that capital’s share of income = MPK (K/Y). In thesteady state, we know from part (a) that the capital–output ratioK/Y is constant. We also know from the hint that the MPK is afunction of k, which is constant in the steady state; therefore theMPK itself must be constant. Thus, capital’s share of income isconstant. Labor’s share of income is 1 – [C apital’s Share].Hence, if capital’s share is constant, we see that labor’s share of income is also constant.c. We know that in the steady state, total income grows at n + g,defined as the rate of population growth plus the rate oftechnological change. In part (b) we showed that labor’s andcapital’s share of income is constant. If the shares are constant,and total income grows at the rate n + g, then labor income andcapital income must also grow at the rate n + g.d. Define the real rental price of capital R asR = Total Capital Income/Capital Stock= (MPK K)/K= MPK.We know that in the steady state, the MPK is constant becausecapital per effective worker k is constant. Therefore, we canconclude that the real rental price of capital is constant in the steady state.To show that the real wage w grows at the rate of technological progress g, defineTLI = Total Labor IncomeL = Labor ForceUsing the hint that the real wage equals total labor income divided by the labor force:w = TLI/L.Equivalently,wL = TLI.In terms of percentage changes, we can write this asΔw/w + ΔL/L = ΔTLI/TLI.This equation says that the growth rate of the real wage plus thegrowth rate of the labor force equals the growth rate of total labor income. We know that the labor force grows at rate n, and, frompart (c), we know that total labor income grows at rate n + g. We, therefore, conclude that the real wage grows at rate g.5. a. The per worker production function isF(K, L)/L = AKαL1–α/L = A(K/L)α = Akαb. In the steady state, Δk = sf(k) –(δ + n + g)k = 0. Hence, sAkα = (δ + n + g)k, or, after rearranging:k*=sAd+n+géëêêùûúúa1-aæèççöø÷÷.Plugging into the per-worker production function from part (a) givesy *=A a 1-a æèççöø÷÷s d +n +g éëêêùûúúa 1-a æèççöø÷÷.Thus, the ratio of steady-state income per worker in Richland to Poorland isy *Richland /y *Poorland ()=s Richland d +n Richland +g /s Poorland d +n Poorland +g éëêêùûúúa 1-a=0.320.05+0.01+0.02/0.100.05+0.03+0.02éëêêùûúúa 1-ac. If α equals 1/3, then Richland should be 41/2, or two times, richer than Poorland.d. If 4a 1-æèççöø÷÷= 16, then it must be the case that a 1-a æèççöø÷÷, which in turnrequires that α equals 2/3. Hence, if the Cobb –Douglasproduction function puts 2/3 of the weight on capital and only 1/3 on labor, then we can explain a 16-fold difference in levels ofincome per worker. One way to justify this might be to think about capital more broadly to include human capital —which must also be accumulated through investment, much in the way one accumulates physical capital.6. How do differences in education across countries affect the Solowmodel? Education is one factor affecting the efficiency of labor , which we denoted by E . (Other factors affecting the efficiency of laborinclude levels of health, skill, and knowledge.) Since country 1 has amore highly educated labor force than country 2, each worker in country 1 is more efficient. That is, E1 > E2. We will assume that both countries are in steady state.a. In the Solow growth model, the rate of growth of total income is equal to n + g, which is independent of the work force’s level of education. The two countries will, thus, have the same rate ofgrowth of total income because they have the same rate ofpopulation growth and the same rate of technological progress. b. Because both countries have the same saving rate, the samepopulation growth rate, and the same rate of technological progress, we know that the two countries will converge to the same steady-state level of capital per effective worker k*. This is shown in Figure 9-1.Hence, output per effective worker in the steady state, which is y* = f(k*), is the same in both countries. But y* = Y/(L E) or Y/L = y* E. We know that y* will be the same in both countries, but that E1> E2. Therefore, y*E1 > y*E2. This implies that (Y/L)1 > (Y/L)2.Thus, the level of income per worker will be higher in the countrywith the more educated labor force.c. We know that the real rental price of capital R equals the marginalproduct of capital (MPK). But the MPK depends on the capitalstock per efficiency unit of labor. In the steady state, both countries have k*1= k*2= k* because both countries have the same saving rate, the same population growth rate, and the same rate of technological progress. Therefore, it must be true that R1 = R2 = MPK. Thus, the real rental price of capital is identical in both countries.d. Output is divided between capital income and labor income.Therefore, the wage per effective worker can be expressed asw = f(k) –MPK • k.As discussed in parts (b) and (c), both countries have the samesteady-state capital stock k and the same MPK. Therefore, the wage per effective worker in the two countries is equal.Workers, however, care about the wage per unit of labor, not the wage per effective worker. Also, we can observe the wage per unitof labor but not the wage per effective worker. The wage per unitof labor is related to the wage per effective worker by the equationWage per Unit of L = wE.Thus, the wage per unit of labor is higher in the country with the more educated labor force.7. a. In the two-sector endogenous growth model in the text, theproduction function for manufactured goods isY = F [K,(1 –u) EL].We assumed in this model that this function has constant returns to scale. As in Section 3-1, constant returns means that for anypositive number z, zY = F(zK, z(1 –u) EL). Setting z = 1/EL, we obtainY EL =FKEL,(1-u)æèççöø÷÷.Using our standard definitions of y as output per effective worker and k as capital per effective worker, we can write this asy = F[k,(1 –u)]b. To begin, note that from the production function in research universities, the growth rate of labor efficiency, ΔE/E, equals g(u).We can now follow the logic of Section 9-1, substituting the function g(u) for the constant growth rate g. In order to keep capital per effective worker (K/EL) constant, break-even investment includes three terms: δk is needed to replace depreciating capital, nk is needed to provide capital for new workers, and g(u) is needed to provide capital for the greater stock of knowledge E created by research universities. That is, break-even investment is [δ +n + g(u)]k.c. Again following the logic of Section 9-1, the growth of capital pereffective worker is the difference between saving per effectiveworker and break-even investment per effective worker. We now substitute the per-effective-worker production function from part (a) and the function g(u) for the constant growth rate g, to obtainΔk = sF [k,(1 –u)] – [δ + n + g(u)]kIn the steady state, Δk = 0, so we can rewrite the equation above assF [k,(1 –u)] = [δ + n + g(u)]k.As in our analysis of the Solow model, for a given value of u, we can plot the left and right sides of this equationThe steady state is given by the intersection of the two curves. d. The steady state has constant capital per effective worker k as givenby Figure 9-2 above. We also assume that in the steady state, there is a constant share of time spent in research universities, so u is constant. (After all, if u were not constant, it wouldn’t be a“steady” state!). Hence, output per effective worker y is also constant. Output per worker equals yE, and E grows at rate g(u). Therefore, output per worker grows at rate g(u). The saving ratedoes not affect this growth rate. However, the amount of timespent in research universities does affect this rate: as more time is spent in research universities, the steady-state growth rate rises.e. An increase in u shifts both lines in our figure. Output per effectiveworker falls for any given level of capital per effective worker, since less of each worker’s time is spent producing manufactured goods. This is the immediate effect of the change, since at the time u rises, the capital stock K and the efficiency of each worker E are constant.Since output per effective worker falls, the curve showing savingper effective worker shifts down.At the same time, the increase in time spent in research universities increases the growth rate of labor efficiency g(u). Hence, break-even investment [which we found above in part (b)] rises at any given level of k, so the line showing breakeven investment also shifts up.Figure 9-3 shows these shifts.In the new steady state, capital per effective worker falls from k1 to k2. Output per effective worker also falls.f. In the short run, the increase in u unambiguously decreasesconsumption. After all, we argued in part (e) that the immediateeffect is to decrease output, since workers spend less timeproducing manufacturing goods and more time in researchuniversities expanding the stock of knowledge. For a given saving rate, the decrease in output implies a decrease in consumption.The long-run steady-state effect is more subtle. We found in part(e) that output per effective worker falls in the steady state. But welfare depends on output (and consumption) per worker, not per effective worker. The increase in time spent in research universities implies that E grows faster. That is, output per worker equals yE. Although steady-state y falls, in the long run the faster growth rate of E necessarily dominates. That is, in the long run, consumption unambiguously rises.Nevertheless, because of the initial decline in consumption, theincrease in u is not unambiguously a good thing. That is, apolicymaker who cares more about current generations than aboutfuture generations may decide not to pursue a policy of increasing u.(This is analogous to the question considered in Chapter 8 ofwhether a policymaker should try to reach the Golden Rule level ofcapital per effective worker if k is currently below the Golden Rulelevel.)8. On the World Bank Web site (), click on the datatab and then the indicators tab. This brings up a large list of dataindicators that allows you to compare the level of growth anddevelopment across countries. To explain differences in income per person across countries, you might look at gross saving as a percentage of GDP, gross capital formation as a percentage of GDP, literacy rate, life expectancy, and population growth rate. From the Solow model, we learned that (all else the same) a higher rate of saving will lead to higher income per person, a lower population growth rate will lead to higher income per person, a higher level of capital per worker will lead to a higher level of income per person, and more efficient orproductive labor will lead to higher income per person. The selected data indicators offer explanations as to why one country might have a higher level of income per person. However, although we mightspeculate about which factor is most responsible for the difference in income per person across countries, it is not possible to say for certain given the large number of other variables that also affect income per person. For example, some countries may have more developed capital markets, less government corruption, and better access to foreigndirect investment. The Solow model allows us to understand some of the reasons why income per person differs across countries, but givenit is a simplified model, it cannot explain all of the reasons why income per person may differ.More Problems and Applications to Chapter 91. a. The growth in total output (Y) depends on the growth rates oflabor (L), capital (K), and total factor productivity (A), assummarized by the equationΔY/Y = αΔK/K + (1 –α)ΔL/L + ΔA/A, where α is capital’s share of output. We can look at the effect onoutput of a 5-percent increase in labor by setting ΔK/K = ΔA/A =0. Since α = 2/3, this gives usΔY/Y = (1/3)(5%)= 1.67%.A 5-percent increase in labor input increases output by 1.67 percent.Labor productivity is Y/L. We can write the growth rate in labor productivity asD Y Y =D(Y/L)Y/L-D LL.Substituting for the growth in output and the growth in labor, we findΔ(Y/L)/(Y/L) = 1.67% – 5.0%= –3.34%.Labor productivity falls by 3.34 percent.To find the change in total factor productivity, we use the equationΔA/A = ΔY/Y –αΔK/K – (1 –α)ΔL/L.For this problem, we findΔA/A = 1.67% – 0 – (1/3)(5%)= 0.Total factor productivity is the amount of output growth that remains after we have accounted for the determinants of growththat we can measure. In this case, there is no change in technology, so all of the output growth is attributable to measured input growth.That is, total factor productivity growth is zero, as expected.b. Between years 1 and 2, the capital stock grows by 1/6, labor inputgrows by 1/3, and output grows by 1/6. We know that the growthin total factor productivity is given byΔA/A = ΔY/Y –αΔK/K – (1 –α)ΔL/L.Substituting the numbers above, and setting α = 2/3, we findΔA/A = (1/6) – (2/3)(1/6) – (1/3)(1/3)= 3/18 – 2/18 – 2/18= – 1/18= –0.056.Total factor productivity falls by 1/18, or approximately 5.6 percent.2. By definition, output Y equals labor productivity Y/L multiplied by the labor force L:Y = (Y/L)L.Using the mathematical trick in the hint, we can rewrite this asD Y Y =D(Y/L)Y/L+D LL.We can rearrange this asD Y Y =D YY-D LL.Substituting for ΔY/Y from the text, we findD(Y/L) Y/L =D AA+aD KK+(1-a)D LL-D LL =D AA+aD KK-aD LL=D AA+aD KK-D LLéëêêùûúúUsing the same trick we used above, we can express the term in brackets asΔK/K –ΔL/L = Δ(K/L)/(K/L) Making this substitution in the equation for labor productivity growth, we conclude thatD(Y/L) Y/L =D AA+aD(K/L)K/L.3. We know the following:ΔY/Y = n + g = 3.6%ΔK/K = n + g = 3.6%ΔL/L = n = 1.8%Capital’s Share = α = 1/3Labor’s Share = 1 –α = 2/3Using these facts, we can easily find the contributions of each of the factors, and then find the contribution of total factor productivitygrowth, using the following equations:Output = Capital’s+ Labor’s+ Total FactorGrowth Contribution ContributionProductivityD Y Y = aD KK+ (1-a)D LL+ D AA3.6% = (1/3)(3.6%) + (2/3)(1.8%) +ΔA/A.We can easily solve this for ΔA/A, to find that3.6% = 1.2% + 1.2% + 1.2%We conclude that the contribution of capital is 1.2 percent per year, the contribution of labor is 1.2 percent per year, and the contribution of total factor productivity growth is 1.2 percent per year. These numbers match the ones in Table 9-3 in the text for the United States from 1948–2002.。

曼昆《宏观经济学》(第6、7版)习题精编详解(第9章 经济波动导论

曼昆《宏观经济学》(第6、7版)习题精编详解(第9章  经济波动导论





























将上述四部门支出项目加总,用Y表示GDP,则支出法核算GDP 的国民收入核算恒等式为:Y=C+I+G+NX。



GDP 高低或人均GDP高低并不能说明一个经济体中的收入分配状况是否理想或良好。



2.金融系统的功能 答:金融系统是现代经济中的重要部门,它的功能主要体现在以 下四方面:①在不同时间、部门和地区间转移资源;②控制风险;③根 据单个储蓄者或投资者的需求吸收和发放资金;④充当票据交换所。
3. 主 要 金 融 资 产 或 工 具 ( The mainly financial assets or instruments)
答:(1)商品货币也称实值或实质货币,它是指商品价值与货币价 值相等的货币。
(2)纸币是由国家依法发行的、作为法定流通手段的货币符号。它 本身没有价值,而是代替金属货币来执行流通手段的职能,充当商品 交换的媒介。商品流通中所需要的纸币数量,相当于所需要的金属货 币数量。如果纸币发行过量,将会使其贬值,导致物价上涨。
11.普通股票(公司股权)[common stocks(corporate equities)] 答:普通股票是“优先股”的对称,指股东享有平等权利和义务、不 加特别限制、股利不固定的股票。其股息随公司盈利多少而变动。它 是股份公司发行股票时采用最多的一种形式。普通股股金构成股份公 司资金的基础。普通股持有人是公司的基本股东,享有广泛的权利,如 表决权、选举与被选举权、优先认股权、资产分配权、参与经营权等。 但普通股股东也比优先股股东承担更多的义务和更大的风险。普通股 的股息必须在先支付债券利息、优先股股息后才能分配。普通股的收 益无充分保障,公司盈利多时,分到的股利便多;公司盈利少时,分到 的股利便少,甚至没有股利。在公司清算时,普通股对公司剩余资产 的索取权排在债权人和优先股之后。
以保证储户提款,其余的存款才能用于放贷或投资,这部分提留的存 款称之为银行准备金。
9.部分准备金银行(fractional reserve banking) 答:部分准备金银行指银行只把它们的部分存款作为准备金的制 度。在这种制度下,银行将部分存款作为准备金,而将其余存款用于 向企业或个人发放贷款或者投资。若得到贷款的人再将贷款存入其他 银行,从而使其他银行增加了发放贷款或者投资的资金,这一过程持 续下去,使得更多的货币被创造出来了。因此,部分准备金的银行制 度是银行能够进行多倍货币创造的前提条件,在百分之百准备金银行 制度下,银行不能进行多倍货币创造。
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Macroeconomics, 8e (Parkin) Testbank 1Chapter 9 Money, the Price Level, and Inflation9.1 What is Money?1) T he functions of money areA) m edium of exchange and the ability to buy goods and services.B) m edium of exchange, unit of account, and means of payment.C) p ricing, contracts, and means of payment.D) m edium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value.Answer: DTopic: W hat is Money?Skill: R ecognition*2) W hich of the following does NOT describe a function of money?A) a unit of accountB) a hedge against inflationC) a medium of exchangeD) a store of valueAnswer: BTopic: W hat is Money?Skill: R ecognition3) W hich of the following is a primary function of money?A) t o serve as a unit of accountB) t o serve as an encouragement to workC) t o reduce the burden of excessive importsD) t o raise funds for the governmentAnswer: ATopic: W hat is Money?Skill: R ecognition4) B arter isA) a nother type of money.B) p rinting too much money.C) t he exchange of goods and services directly for other goods and services.D) t he exchange of goods and services for any type of money.Answer: CTopic: M edium of ExchangeSkill: R ecognition*5) T he most direct way in which money replaces barter is through its use as aA) m edium of exchange.B) r ecording device.C) s tore of value.D) u nit of account.Answer: ATopic: M edium of ExchangeSkill: R ecognition*6) T he most direct way in which money eliminates the need for a double coincidence of wants isthrough its use as aA) m edium of exchange.B) s tandard of deferred payment.C) s tore of value.D) u nit of account.Answer: ATopic: M edium of ExchangeSkill: R ecognition7) I n a barter system, we would seeA) m any different units of money.B) m oney and goods exchanged for each other.C) w ide-spread depository institutions.D) g oods traded directly for other goods and services.Answer: DTopic: M edium of ExchangeSkill: C onceptual8) W hen you buy a hamburger for lunch, you are using money as aA) s tore of value.B) s tandard of deferred payment.C) m edium of exchange.D) u nit of accounting.Answer: CTopic: M edium of ExchangeSkill: C onceptual9) T he unit of account function occurs when money serves as aA) m eans of payment.B) m edium of exchange.C) p ricing mechanism.D) d ouble coincidence of wants.Answer: CTopic: U nit of AccountSkill: R ecognition*10) W hich of the following applies to the use of money as a unit of account?I. A unit of account is an agreed measure for stating the prices of goods and services.II. Using money as a unit of account creates a simplified pricing system.III. Economies choose many goods as units of account.A) I onlyB) I I onlyC) I and IIID) I and IIAnswer: DTopic: U nit of AccountSkill: C onceptual11) A $25,000 price tag on a new car is an example of money asA) m edium of exchange.B) a unit of account.C) a store of value.D) a time deposit.Answer: BTopic: U nit of AccountSkill: C onceptual12) I n a world with no money, costs are expressed in terms of other goods. If one video gamecosts two hamburgers, and a hamburger costs three sodas, how many sodas would it take to buy a video game?A) 6B) 5C) 3D) 3/2Answer: ATopic: U nit of AccountSkill: A nalytical*13) W hich of the following is an example of using money as a store of value?A) p aying for a new dress with a credit cardB) p aying cash for a new automobileC) p aying rent with a check on a demand depositD) k eeping $200 on hand for an emergencyAnswer: DTopic: S tore of ValueSkill: C onceptual14) W hen you keep money in a change jar to be used later, what function is it fulfilling?A) m edium of exchange.B) r ecording device.C) s tore of value.D) u nit of account.Answer: CTopic: S tore of ValueSkill: C onceptual*15) I n the United States today, money consists ofA) c urrency only.B) d eposits at banks only.C) c oins only.D) c urrency and deposits at banks.Answer: DTopic: M oney in the United States TodaySkill: R ecognition*16) W hich of the following correctly completes this statement? Money in the United StatesincludesA) t he sum of all money incomes.B) t he cash in banks plus the sum of all checks written.C) t he currency and bank deposits outside of banks.D) t he sum of currency, deposits, and bonds held by the public and by the bankingindustry.Answer: CTopic: M oney in the United States TodaySkill: R ecognition17) C hecking deposits at banks areA) m oney.B) n ot money because they are an intangible.C) m oney only because they are insured by the FDIC.D) n ot money until they are converted into currency.Answer: ATopic: M oney in the United States TodaySkill: R ecognition*18) M1 is a measure ofA) m oney and includes both currency and checking deposits.B) l iquidity and in which the most liquid asset is money.C) m oney and includes both savings deposits and currency.D) m oney and includes both savings deposits and money market mutual funds.Answer: ATopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1Skill: R ecognition*19) W hich of the following is NOT included in the M1 definition of money?A) c urrency held outside banksB) t ime depositsC) t raveler's checksD) c hecking deposits at savings and loansAnswer: BTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1Skill: R ecognition20) T he largest component of M1 isA) c urrency.B) c hecking deposits.C) c oins.D) s avings deposits.Answer: BTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1Skill: R ecognition*21) T he definition of M2 includesA) M1.B) s avings deposits.C) t ime deposits.D) a ll of the aboveAnswer: DTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M2Skill: R ecognition22) W hich of the following is NOT included in the M2 definition of money?A) c urrency held by banksB) m oney market mutual fund balancesC) s avings depositsD) c heckable depositsAnswer: ATopic: M oney in the United States Today, M2Skill: C onceptual23) T he largest component of M2 isA) d epositsB) c urrencyC) m oney market mutual fundsD) t ravelers checksAnswer: ATopic: M oney in the United States Today, M2Skill: R ecognition*24) W hich of the following is part of M2?A) c hecksB) c redit cardsC) c urrency held inside a bankD) n one of these are part of M1 or M2Answer: DTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M2Skill: R ecognition*25) C omparing M1 and M2 we know thatA) M1 is larger because it contains currency.B) M2 is approximately equal to M1.C) M2 is larger because it contains M1 and other assets.D) M2 is larger because it contains more liquid assets than does M1.Answer: CTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1 and M2Skill: C onceptual*26) I f you use $500 of currency to purchase a saving deposit,A) M1 decreases, but M2 is unchangedB) M1 decreases and M2 increasesC) M1 is unchanged, but M2 increasesD) M1 and M2 both increaseAnswer: ATopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1 and M2Skill: C onceptual*27) L iquidity is theA) s peed with which the price of an asset changes as its intrinsic value changes.B) i nverse of the velocity of money.C) s ame as the velocity of money.D) e ase with which an asset can be converted into money.Answer: DTopic: L iquiditySkill: R ecognition28) L iquidity is theA) d egree to which an asset acts as money without a loss of value.B) e ase with which an asset can be converted into a means of payment with little loss ofvalue.C) d egree to which money can be converted into an asset with little loss of value.D) e ase with which credit cards are accepted as a means of payment.Answer: BTopic: L iquiditySkill: R ecognition*29) A n individual wanting the most liquid asset possible will holdA) c urrency.B) a savings account.C) c heckable deposits at a bank.D) U.S government bonds.Answer: ATopic: L iquiditySkill: R ecognition30) G iven the list of assets below, which is the most liquid?A) $500 worth of General Motors common stockB) $500 worth of General Motors bondsC) a $500 traveler's checkD) a one-ounce gold coinAnswer: CTopic: L iquiditySkill: R ecognition31) C hecks areA) m oney, as are credit cards.B) n ot money, but credit cards are.C) m oney, but credit cards are not.D) n ot money, and neither are credit cards.Answer: DTopic: C hecks Are Not MoneySkill: C onceptual32) C hecks areA) t he largest component of the money supply.B) n ot money.C) o nly part of M2 but not part of M1.D) p art of M1 but not part of M2.Answer: BTopic: C hecks Are Not MoneySkill: C onceptual*33) C hecks ________ money and checking deposits ________ money.A) a re; areB) a re; are notC) a re not; areD) a re not; are notAnswer: CTopic: C redit Cards Are Not MoneySkill: C onceptual*34) C hecks are NOT money because theyA) a re issued by banks, not by the government.B) a re merely instructions to transfer money.C) h ave value in exchange but little intrinsic value.D) a re not backed by either gold or silver.Answer: BTopic: C hecks Are Not MoneySkill: C onceptual35) C redit cards areA) m oney but are not a large part of the money supply.B) n ot money.C) m oney and are the largest part of the money supply.D) n ot money because they are not made of paper.Answer: BTopic: C redit Cards Are Not MoneySkill: C onceptual*36) U sing a credit card can best be likened toA) t aking out a loan.B) a barter exchange.C) u sing any other form of money because you immediately get to take the goods home.D) w riting a check on your demand deposit account.Answer: ATopic: C redit Cards Are Not MoneySkill: C onceptual37) C redit cards are NOT money because theyA) h ave a value in exchange but little intrinsic value.B) a re not issued by the government.C) d o not serve as a unit of account.D) a re ID cards that make borrowing easier.Answer: DTopic: C redit Cards Are Not MoneySkill: C onceptual38) W hich of the following is NOT a function of money?A) m edium of exchangeB) b arterC) u nit of accountD) s tore of valueAnswer: BTopic: S tudy Guide Question, BarterSkill: C onceptual39) T he fact that money can be exchanged for goods reflects money's role as aA) c ause of inflation.B) m edium of exchange.C) u nit of account.D) s tore of value.Answer: BTopic: S tudy Guide Question, Medium of ExchangeSkill: C onceptualA) i s always composed of coins and paperB) l oses its value as it becomes olderC) r equires a double coincidence of wantsD) i s any commodity that is generally acceptable as a means of paymentAnswer: DTopic: W hat is Money?Skill: R ecognition41) I f an economy has no money, then all transactions must be conducted through the use of________.A) c redit cardsB) b arterC) d ebit cardsD) t obacco or wampumAnswer: BTopic: M edium of ExchangeSkill: C onceptual42) U.S. currency ________.A) i s less efficient than barterB) i ncludes tobaccoC) i s the sum of M1 and M2D) i s composed of the bills and coins that we use todayAnswer: DTopic: M oney in the United States TodaySkill: R ecognition43) M1 includes all the following items except ________.A) c hecking deposits owned by individuals and businessesB) t raveler's checksC) d eposits in money market mutual fundsD) c urrency owned by individuals and businessesAnswer: CTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1Skill: R ecognition44) M2 ________.A) d oes not include currencyB) d oes not include traveler's checksC) i s a broader measure of money than M1D) d oes not include checking deposits held at credit unionsAnswer: CTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M2Skill: R ecognitionA) i ncreases when a country owns goldB) i ncreases when a consumer has more credit cardsC) i s how quickly an asset loses its worthD) i s the property of being instantly convertible into moneyAnswer: DTopic: L iquiditySkill: R ecognition46) I n an economy, there is $200 million in currency held outside banks, $100 million in traveler'schecks, $250 million in currency held inside the banks, $300 million in checking deposits, and $600 million in savings deposits. The value of M1 is ________.A) $750 millionB) $1,200 millionC) $1,150 millionD) $600 millionAnswer: DTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1Skill: A nalytical47) S am has $500 in traveler's checks. He cashes a $100 traveler check, deposits $150 into hischecking account at a Savings and Loan Association, and deposits the remaining $250 into asavings account at a credit union. Immediately, ________.A) M1 decreases by $250 and M2 does not changeB) M1 decreases by $400 and M2 increases by $250C) M1 does not change and M2 increases by $250D) M1 and M2 do not changeAnswer: ATopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1 and M2Skill: A nalytical48) A new financial innovation results in people switching their funds from checking deposits tosavings accounts. The quantity of M1 ________ and the quantity of M2 ________.A) d ecreases; decreasesB) i ncreases; decreasesC) d ecreases; does not changeD) d ecreases; increasesAnswer: CTopic: M oney in the United States Today, M1 and M2Skill: C onceptual9.2 Depository Institutions1) W hich of the following institutions is NOT a depository institution?A) t he U.S. TreasuryB) a commercial bankC) a money market mutual fundD) a thrift institution, such as a savings and loan associationAnswer: ATopic: D epository InstitutionsSkill: R ecognition2) A firm that takes deposits from households and firms and makes loans to other householdsand firms is aA) u surer.B) d epository institution.C) c redit company.D) s tockbroker.Answer: BTopic: D epository InstitutionsSkill: R ecognition3) A depository institution is best defined asA) a s the lender of last resort.B) a n insurance agency, such as the FDIC.C) t he most powerful body within the Federal Reserve.D) a s an institution that accepts deposits and makes loans.Answer: DTopic: D epository InstitutionsSkill: R ecognition*4) D epository institutionsA) m ake profit from the spread between the interest rate they pay on deposits and theinterest rate they receive on loans.B) e arn profit according to how much the Federal Reserve pays them.C) e arn money by charging the government for their services.D) e arn zero profit but receive compensation by the government because their services areso valuable.Answer: ATopic: T he Economic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition*5) T he major role of a commercial bank is toA) m ake mortgage loans.B) s ell shares and use the proceeds to buy stocks.C) r eceive deposits and make loans.D) r estrain the growth of the quantity of money.Answer: CTopic: C ommercial BanksSkill: R ecognition6) C ommercial banks do notA) b uy U.S. government Treasury bills.B) a ccept deposits from their customers.C) m ake loans to creditworthy individuals and businesses.D) d etermine what assets are money.Answer: DTopic: C ommercial BanksSkill: C onceptual7) B anks are in businessA) b ecause they keep all their assets as reserves.B) t o maximize their reserves.C) t o make a profit.D) t o make as many loans as possible.Answer: CTopic: C ommercial BanksSkill: R ecognition8) F or a commercial bank, the term "reserves" refers toA) a banker's concern ("reservation") in making loans to an individual without a job.B) t he profit that the bank retains at the end of the year.C) t he cash in its vaults and its deposits at the Federal Reserve.D) t he net interest that it earns on loans.Answer: CTopic: C ommercial BanksSkill: R ecognition9) A bank's reserves includeA) t he cash in its vault plus the value of its depositors' accounts.B) t he cash in its vault plus its deposits held at a Federal Reserve bank.C) t he cash in its vault plus any gold held for the bank at Fort Knox.D) i ts common stock holdings, the cash in its vault, and any deposits at a Federal Reservebank.Answer: BTopic: B anks' ReservesSkill: C onceptual10) B ank reserves includeI. the cash in the bank's vaultII. the bank's deposits at the Federal ReserveA) O nly I.B) O nly II.C) B oth I and II.D) N either I nor II.Answer: CTopic: B anks' ReservesSkill: C onceptual*11) B ank managers lend excess reserves because they want toA) m ake a profitB) c reate new money in the economyC) c urry favor with borrowersD) b orrow money from the Federal ReserveAnswer: ATopic: B anks' ReservesSkill: C onceptual*12) O f the following, the riskiest assets held by commercial banks areA) r eserves.B) U.S. government bonds.C) U.S. government Treasury bills.D) c ommercial loans.Answer: DTopic: C ommercial BanksSkill: C onceptual13) A n asset category that caries the highest interest rate isA) c heckable deposit accounts.B) l oans.C) c ash in the bank vault.D) s avings deposits.Answer: BTopic: C ommercial BanksSkill: C onceptual14) W hich of the following statements concerning commercial banks is true?A) B anks need to maintain cash reserves equal to their deposits.B) M ost banks maintain cash reserves equal to a fraction of deposits.C) C ash reserves earn the highest rate of return of any asset for a bank.D) S ince the advent of the Federal Reserve, banks do not need to maintain cash reserves.Answer: BTopic: B anks' ReservesSkill: C onceptual15) E xamples of thrift institutions includeA) s avings deposits and checking deposits.B) c ommercial banks, savings and loan associations, and insurance companies.C) s avings and loan associations, savings banks, and credit unions.D) m oney market mutual funds, commercial banks, and credit unions.Answer: CTopic: T hrift InstitutionsSkill: R ecognition*16) A credit union isA) a combination of credit card corporations.B) a n depository institution owned by depositors who are members of a particular group.C) a thrift institution that issues credit cards.D) a commercial bank owned by its depositors.Answer: BTopic: C redit UnionSkill: R ecognition*17) M oney market mutual funds invest inA) r esidential mortgages.B) c ommercial real estate.C) l ong-term government securities.D) h ighly liquid assets.Answer: DTopic: M oney Market Mutual FundsSkill: R ecognition18) A money market mutual fund isA) e ssentially the same as a demand deposit account.B) a time deposit of $100,000 or less.C) a time deposit of more than $100,000.D) a depository institution that sells shares and buys securities such as U.S. Treasury bills.Answer: DTopic: M oney Market Mutual FundsSkill: C onceptual19) W hich of the following is NOT a service of depository institutions?A) m inimizing the cost of obtaining fundsB) a ccepting reserve account depositsC) p ooling riskD) c reating liquidityAnswer: BTopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: C onceptual20) D epository institutions do all of the following EXCEPTA) s et required reserve ratioB) c reate liquidityC) p ool risksD) m inimize the cost of obtaining fundsAnswer: ATopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: C onceptual*21) L iquidity canA) n ot be created.B) b e created by borrowing short and lending long.C) o nly be created by the government.D) b e created by borrowing long and lending short.Answer: BTopic: T he Economic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition*22) T he practice of borrowing short and lending longA) p ools risk.B) m inimizes the cost of monitoring borrowers.C) c reates liquidity.D) A ll of the above answers are correct.Answer: CTopic: T he Economic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition23) W hich of the following is NOT an economic benefit of depository institutions?A) T hey borrow long and lend shortB) T hey create liquidityC) T hey pool riskD) T hey reduce the cost of monitoring borrowersAnswer: ATopic: T he Economic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition24) L iquidity isA) t he property of an asset being instantly convertible into a means of payment with littleloss in value.B) t he degree of movement in an asset's interest rate.C) t he same thing as a checking deposit.D) t he net flow of gold into the U.S. Treasury.Answer: ATopic: T he Economic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition25) D epository institution create liquidity when theyA) b uy assets that are liquid.B) b orrow short and lend long.C) h ave liabilities that are illiquid.D) b orrow long and lend short.Answer: BTopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: C onceptual26) W hich of the following allow banks to minimize the cost to a business of borrowing?I. Borrowing long and lending short.II. Raising funds from a large number of depositors.III. Creating money by lending all their reserves.A) I onlyB) I I onlyC) I and IIID) I I and IIIAnswer: BTopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: C onceptual27) W hen banks use specialized resources to monitor borrowers, they areA) p ooling risk.B) l owering the cost of creating liquidity.C) m inimizing the cost of assessing borrowers' creditworthiness.D) l ending to only high-risk borrowers.Answer: CTopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: C onceptual28) T he risk of making a loan isA) e arning profits that are too high and cause higher taxes.B) t he risk that lender does not pay.C) t he risk that the borrower does not pay.D) c alled "default risk" when taxes are not paid.Answer: CTopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition*29) P ooling of risk occurs when depository institutionsA) m ake assets more liquid.B) s pecialize in loaning only to good borrowers.C) b ring lenders together.D) l end to a variety of different borrowers.Answer: DTopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition30) W hen a depository institution pools risk, itA) b uys short and lends long.B) b orrows reserves from the Federal Reserve.C) s preads loan losses across many depositors so that no one depositor faces a high degreeof risk.D) m akes loans to just one firm.Answer: CTopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition31) B y borrowing money from many depositors and lending money to a variety of borrowers,depository institutionsA) s pread risk efficiently.B) c an expose themselves to a great deal of risk.C) d ecrease the quantity of money.D) m ove money from M1 to M2.Answer: ATopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: C onceptual32) F inancial innovation isA) t he process of turning assets into a more liquid form.B) t he development of new financial products and services.C) r esponsible for credit cards being included as part of money.D) c ausing a decrease in bank profits.Answer: BTopic: F inancial InnovationSkill: R ecognition33) T he development of new financial products has been spurred by all of the following EXCEPTA) h igh inflation and high interest rates.B) n ew technology in long-distance communication.C) a ttempts to circumvent bank regulations such as Regulation Q.D) d ecreasing competition from nonbank depository institutions.Answer: DTopic: F inancial InnovationSkill: C onceptual34) A s a result of financial innovation, which of the following is TRUE?I. Variable interest rate mortgages were created.II. The use of credit cards increased.III. Many money market mutual funds collapsed.A) I and IIB) I I and IIIC) I and IIID) I, II, and IIIAnswer: ATopic: F inancial InnovationSkill: C onceptual35) D epository institutions do all the following EXCEPTA) m inimize the cost of obtaining funds.B) c reate liquidity.C) p ool risks.D) c reate required reserve ratios.Answer: DTopic: S tudy Guide Question, Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition36) A savings bank is a depository institution that ________.A) s ells shares which it uses to purchase shares in U.S. Treasury billsB) m akes mostly mortgage loansC) i s owned by a social or economic groupD) m akes mostly consumer loansAnswer: BTopic: S avings BanksSkill: R ecognition37) A depository institution is a firm that takes deposits from ________ and makes loans to________.A) h ouseholds and firms; other households and firmsB) f irms; householdsC) h ouseholds; firmsD) f irms; other firmsAnswer: ATopic: D epository InstitutionsSkill: R ecognition38) R eserves are ________.A) g old in a bank's vault plus its gold at Federal Reserve banksB) c ash in a bank's vault plus its deposits at Federal Reserve banksC) c ash in a bank's vault plus its gold at Federal Reserve banksD) c ash in a bank's vault plus the cash carried by its customersAnswer: BTopic: R eservesSkill: R ecognition39) D epository institutions undertake all the following activities except they do not ________.A) p rint moneyB) m inimize the cost of monitoring borrowersC) p ool riskD) c reate liquidityAnswer: ATopic: E conomic Functions of Depository institutionsSkill: R ecognition40) S arah buys shares from a financial institution that uses her funds together with other funds topurchase U.S. treasury bills. Sarah has deposited her money into a ________.A) s avings bankB) c redit unionC) m oney market mutual fundD) s avings and loan associationAnswer: CTopic: M oney Market Mutual FundsSkill: R ecognition41) T he main influences on financial innovation include all of the following except ________.A) e conomic environmentB) a decrease in the inflation rateC) t echnologyD) r egulationAnswer: BTopic: F inancial InnovationSkill: R ecognition9.3 The Federal Reserve System1) T he "Fed" is the abbreviation forA) C ongress, the President, and the Supreme Court.B) t he U.S. Treasury.C) t he Federal Council on Economic Activity.D) t he Federal Reserve System.Answer: DTopic: T he Federal Reserve SystemSkill: R ecognition2) T he U.S. central bank is formally called theA) F ederal Central Bank.B) F ederal Reserve System.C) O pen Market Committee.D) U.S. Treasury.Answer: BTopic: T he Federal Reserve SystemSkill: R ecognition3) W hich of the following is the central bank of the United States?A) C omptroller of the CurrencyB) T reasury DepartmentC) F ederal Reserve SystemD) O ffice of the BudgetAnswer: CTopic: T he Federal Reserve SystemSkill: R ecognition4) T he Federal Reserve SystemA) r egulates the nation's financial institutions.B) c onducts the nation's monetary policy.C) B oth answers A and B are correct.D) N either answer A nor B is correct.Answer: CTopic: T he Federal Reserve SystemSkill: R ecognition5) T he Bank of Japan is Japan's central bank. As part of its duties, the Bank of Japan wouldA) p rovide banking services to Japan's citizens and firms.B) p rovide banking services to foreigners.C) c ontrol the quantity of money in circulation in Japan.D) c hange tax rates.Answer: CTopic: T he Federal Reserve SystemSkill: R ecognition。
