
• 报名参加(考试) • 获胜
• Lesson 9 • w_________________n.欢迎 v.欢迎 • c_________________ n.人群 • g_________________v.聚集
• h_________________ n.(表或机器的) 指针 • s_________________v.喊叫 • r_________________ v.拒绝
• 律师事务所 • 向……借 • 偿还 • 为……付钱
• l_________________ n.运气,幸运
• c_________________n.船长
• s_________________v.航行 • h_________________ n.港口 • p_________________ a.自豪 • i_________________ a.重要的
• 5 r_________________ ad.最近
• 6 d_________________v.损坏
• 7 k_________________ n.琴键
• 8 s_________________ n.(乐器的)弦
• 9 s_________________v.使不悦或生气,
• 10 a_________________ v.允许,让
• a _________________ a.生气的
• a_________________ad.生气地
• a_________________ n.注意
• b_________________v.容忍 • b________________ n.事 • r _________________ ad.无礼地,粗鲁地

新概念二单词总结Lesson 11 private ['praivit] a.私人的2 conversation [kɔnvə'seiʃən] n.谈话3 theatre ['θiətə] n.剧场,戏院4 seat [si:t] n.座位5 play [plei] n.戏6 loudly ['laudli] ad.大声地7 angry ['æŋgri] a.生气的8 angrily ['æŋgrili] ad.生气地9 attention [ə'tenʃən] n.注意10 bear [beə] v.容忍11 business ['biznis] n.事12 rudely ['ru:dli] ad.无礼地,粗鲁地Lesson 21 until [ən'til, ʌn'til] prep.直到2 outside [aut'said] ad.外面3 ring [riŋ] v.(铃、电话等)响4 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈5 repeat [ri'pi:t] v.重复Lesson 31 send [send] v.寄,送2 postcard ['pəustkɑ:d] n.明信片3 spoil [spɔil] v.使索然无味,损坏4 museum[mju:'ziəm] n.博物馆5 public ['pʌblik] a.公共的6 friendly ['frendli] a.友好的7 waiter ['weitə] n.服务员,招待员8 lend [lend] v.借给9 decision [di'siʒən] n.决定10 whole [həul] a.整个的11 single ['siŋgəl] a.唯一的,单一的Lesson 41 exciting [ik'saitiŋ] a.令人兴奋的2 receive [ri'si:v] v.接受,收到3 firm [fə:m] n.商行,公司4 different ['difrənt] a.不同的5 centre ['sentə] n.中心6 abroad [ə'brɔ:d] ad.在国外Lesson 51 pigeon [pidʒin] n.鸽子2 message ['mesidʒ] n.信息3 over ['əuvə] v.越过4 distance ['distəns] n.距离5 request [ri'kwest] n.要求,请求6 spare [speə] 备件7 service ['sə:vis] n.业务,服务Lesson 61 beggar ['begə] n.乞丐2 food [fu:d] n.食物3 pocket ['pɔkit] n.衣服口袋4 call [kɔ:l] v.拜访,光顾Lesson 71 detective [di'tektiv] n.侦探2 airport ['eəpɔ:t] n.机场3 expect [ik'spekt] v.期待,等待4 valuable ['væljuəbəl, -jubəl] a.贵重的5 parcel ['pɑ:sl] n.包裹6 diamond ['daiəmənd] n.钻石7 steal [sti:l] v.偷8 main [mein] a.主要的9 airfield ['eəfi:ld] n.飞机起落的场地10 guard [gɑ:d] n.警戒,守卫11 precious ['preʃəs] a.珍贵的12 stone [stəun] n.石子13 sand [sænd] n.沙子Lesson 81 competition [ˌkɔmpi'tiʃən] n.比赛,竞赛2 neat [ni:t] a.整齐的,整洁的3 path [pɑ:θ] n.小路,小径4 wooden ['wudn] a.木头的5 pool [pu:l] n.水池Lesson 91 welcome ['welkəm] n.欢迎v.欢迎2 crowd [kraud] n.人群3 gather ['gæeə] v.聚集4 hand [hænd] n.(表或机器的)指针5 shout [ʃaut] v.喊叫6 refuse [ri'fju:z, ri'fju:s] v.拒绝7 laugh [lɑ:f] v.笑Lesson 101 jazz [dʒæz] n.爵士音乐2 musical ['mju:zikəl] a.音乐的3 instrument ['instrumənt] n.乐器4 clavichord ['klævikɔ:d] n.古钢琴5 recently ['ri:səntli] ad.最近6 damage ['dæmidʒ] v.损坏7 key [ki:] n.琴键8 string [striŋ] n.(乐器的)弦9 shock [ʃɔk, ʃɑk] v.使不悦或生气,震惊10 allow [ə'lau] v.允许,让11 touch [tʌtʃ] v.触摸Lesson 111 turn [tə:n] n.行为,举止2 deserve [di'zə:v] v.应得到,值得3 lawyer ['lɔ:jə] n.律师4 bank [bæŋk] n.银行5 salary ['sæləri] n.工资6 immediately [i'mi:diətli] ad.立刻Lesson 121 luck [lʌk] n.运气,幸运2 captain ['kæptin] n.船长3 sail [seil] v.航行4 harbour ['ha:bə] n.港口5 proud [praud] a.自豪6 important [im'pɔ:tənt] a.重要的Lesson 131 group [gru:p] n.小组,团体2 pop singer 流行歌手3 club [klʌb] n.俱乐部4 performance [pə'fɔ:məns] n.演出5 occasion [ə'keiʒən] n.场合Lesson 141 amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ] a.好笑的,有趣的2 experience [ik'spiəriəns] n.经历3 wave [weiv] v.招手4 lift [lift] n.搭便车5 reply [ri'plai] v.回答6 language ['læŋgwidʒ] n.语言7 journey ['dʒə:ni] n.旅行Lesson 151 secretary ['sekrətəri, -teri] n.秘书2 nervous ['nə:vəs] a.精神紧张的3 afford [ə'fɔ:d] v.负担得起4 weak [wi:k] a.弱的5 interrupt [ˌintə'rʌpt] v.插话,打断Lesson 161 park [pɑ:k] v.停放(汽车)2 traffic ['træfik] n.交通3 ticket ['tikit] n.交通法规罚款单4 note [nəut] n.便条5 area ['eəriə] n.地点6 sign [sain] n.指示牌7 reminder [ri'maində] n.指示8 fail [feil] v.无视,忘记9 obey [ə'bei] v.服从Lesson 171 appear [ə'piə] v.登场,扮演2 stage [steidʒ] n.舞台3 bright [brait] a.鲜艳的4 stocking ['stɔkiŋ] n.(女用)长筒袜5 sock [sɔk] n.短袜Lesson 181 pub [pʌb] n.小酒店2 landlord ['lændlɔ:d] n.店主3 bill [bil] n.帐单Lesson 191 hurry ['hʌri] v.匆忙2 ticket office 售票处3 pity['piti] n.令人遗憾的事4 exclaim [ik'skleim] v.大声说5 return [ri'tə:n] v.退回6 sadly ['sædli] ad.悲哀地,丧气地Lesson 201catch [kætʃ] v.抓到2fisherman['fiʃəmən] n.钓鱼人,渔民3boot [bu:t] n.靴子4waste [weist] n.浪费5realize ['riəlaiz] v.意识到Lesson 211 mad [mæd] a.发疯2 reason ['ri:zən] n.原因3 sum[sʌm] n.量4 determined [di'tə:mind] a.坚定的,下决心的Lesson 221 dream [dri:m] v.做梦,梦想2 age[eidʒ] n.年龄3 channel ['tʃænəl] n.海峡4 throw [θrəu] v.扔,抛Lesson 231 complete[kəm'pli:t] v.完成2 modern ['mɔdən] a.新式的,与以往不同的3 strange [streindʒ] a.奇怪的4 district ['distrikt] n.地区Lesson 241 manager ['mænidʒə] n.经理2 upset [ʌp'set] a.不安3 sympathetic [ˌsimpə'θetik] a.表示同情的4 complain [kəm'plein] v.抱怨5 wicked ['wikid] a.很坏的,邪恶的6 contain [kən'tein] v.包含,内装7 honesty ['ɔnisti] n.诚实Lesson 251 railway ['reilwei] n.铁路2 porter ['pɔ:tə] n.搬运工3 several ['sevərəl] 几个4 foreigner['fɔrinə] n.外国人5 wonder ['wʌndə] v.感到奇怪Lesson 261 art[ɑ:t] n.艺术2 critic ['kritik] n.评论家3 paint [peint] v.画4 pretend [pri'tend] v.假装5 pattern ['pætn] n.图案6 curtain ['kə:tən] n.窗帘,幕布7 material[mə'tiəriəl] n.材料8 appreciate[ə'pri:ʃieit] v.鉴赏9 notice ['nəutis] v.注意到10 whether['weeə] conj.是否11 hang [hæŋ] v.悬挂,吊12 critically['kritikəli] ad.批评地13 upside['ʌpsaid] 上下颠倒地Lesson 271 tent[tent] n.帐篷2 field[fi:ld] n.田地,田野3 smell [smel] v.闻起来4 wonderful['wʌndəful] a.极好的5 campfire['kæmpˌfaiə] n.营火,篝火6 creep [kri:p] v.爬行7 sleeping bag['sli:piŋ] 睡袋8 comfortable['kʌmfətəbəl] a.舒适的,安逸的9 soundly['sʌundli] ad.香甜地10 leap [li:p] v.跳跃,跳起11 heavily['hevili] ad.大量地12 stream[stri:m] n.小溪13 form [fɔ:m] v.形成14 wind [wind, waind] v.蜿蜒15 right [rait] ad.正好Lesson 281 rare[reə] a.罕见的2 ancient ['einʃənt] a.古代的,古老的3 myth [miθ] n.神话故事4 trouble ['trʌbəl] n.麻烦5 effect [i'fekt] n.结果,效果6 Medusa [mi'dju:zə] n.美杜莎(古希腊神话中3位蛇发女怪之一)7 Gorgon ['gɔ:gən] n.(古希腊神话中的) 3位蛇发女怪之一Lesson 291 taxi['tæksi] n.出租汽车2 Pilatus Porter皮勒特斯·波特(飞机机名)3 land[lænd] v.着陆4 plough[plau] v.耕地5 lonely['ləunli] a.偏僻的,人迹罕至的6 Welsh[welʃ] a.威尔士的7 roof[ru:f] n.楼顶8 block[blɔk] n.一座大楼9 flat[flæt] n.公寓房10 desert ['dezət] v.废弃Lesson 301 polo['pəuləu] n.水球2 cut[kʌt] v.穿过3 row[rəu, rou] v.划(船)4 kick[kik] v.踢5 towards[tə'wɔ:dz] prep.朝,向6 nearly ['niəli] ad.几乎7 sight[sait] n.眼界,视域Lesson 311 retire [ri'taiə] v.退休2 company['kʌmpəni] n.公司3 bicycle ['baisik(ə)l] n.自行车4 save[seiv] v.积蓄5 workshop['wə:kʃɔp] n.车间6 helper ['helpə] n.帮手,助手7 employ [im'plɔi] v.雇佣8 grandson['grænsʌn] n.孙子Lesson 321 once [wʌns] ad.曾经,以前2 temptation[temp'teiʃən] n.诱惑3 article ['ɑ:tikəl] n.物品,东西4 wrap[ræp] v.包裹5 simply ['simpli] ad.仅仅6 arrest[ə'rest] v.逮捕Lesson 331 darkness['dɑ:knis] n.黑暗2 explain [ik'splein] v.解释,叙述3 coast [kəust] n.海岸4 storm [stɔ:m] n.暴风雨5 towards[tə'wɔ:dz] prep.接近6 rock[rɔk] n.岩石,礁石7 shore [ʃɔ:] n.海岸8 light[lait] n.灯光9 ahead [ə'hed] ad.在前面10 cliff[klif] n.峭壁11 struggle['strʌgl] v.挣扎12 hospital['hɔspitl] n.医院Lesson 341 station ['steiʃən] n.(警察)局2 most [məust] ad.相当,非常Lesson 351 while [wail] n.一段时间2 regret [ri'gret] v.后悔3 far [fɑ:] ad.非常4 rush [rʌʃ] v.冲5 act [ækt] v.行动6 straight [streit] ad.径直7 fright [frait] n.害怕8 battered ['bætəd] a.撞坏的9 shortly ['ʃɔ:tli] ad.很快,不久10 afterwards['a:ftəwədz] ad.以后Lesson 361 record ['rekɔ:d, ri'kɔ:d] n.记录2 strong [strɔŋ] a.强壮的3 swimmer['swimə] n.游泳运动员4 succeed[sək'si:d] v.成功5 train[trein] v.训练6 anxiously['æŋkʃəsli] ad.焦急地7 intend [in'tend] v.打算8 solid['sɔlid] a.固体的,硬的Lesson 371 Olympic[ə'limpik] a.奥林匹克的2 hold[həuld] v.召开3 government['gʌvənmənt] n.政府4 immense[i'mens] a.巨大的5stadium['steidiəm] n.露天体育场6 standard['stændəd] n.标准7 capital ['kæpitl] n.首都8 fantastic[fæn'tæstik] a.巨大的9 design [di'zain] v.设计Lesson 381 except [ik'sept] prep.除了Mediterranean[ˌmeditə'reiniən] n.(the~)地中海3 complain [kəm'plein] v.抱怨4 continually [kən'tinjuəli] ad.不断地5 bitterly ['bitəli] ad.刺骨地6 sunshine ['sʌnʃain] n.阳光Lesson 391 operation [ˌɔpə'reiʃən] n.手术2 successful [sək'sesfəl] a.成功的3 following['fɔləuiŋ] a.下一个4 patient ['peiʃənt] n.病人5 alone [ə'ləun] a.独自的6 exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ] n.(电话的)交换台7 inquire [in'kwaiə] v.询问,打听8 certain ['sə:tən] a.某个9 caller ['kɔ:lə] n.打电话的人10 relative['relətiv] n.亲戚Lesson 401 hostess ['həustis] n.女主人2 unsmiling ['ʌn'smailiŋ] a不笑的,严肃的3 tight [tait] a.紧身的4 fix[fiks] v.疑视5 globe [gləub] n.地球6 despair [di'speə] n.绝望Lesson 411 rude [ru:d] a.无礼的2 mirror ['mirə] n.镜子3 hole [həul] n.孔4 remark [ri'mɑ:k] v.评说5 remind [ri'maind] v.提醒6 lighthouse ['laithaus] n.灯塔Lesson 421 musical ['mju:zikəl] a.精通音乐的2 market ['mɑ:kit] n.市场,集市3 snake [sneik]玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制)4 pipe [paip] n.(吹奏地)管乐器5 tune [tju:n, tu:n] n.曲调6 glimpse [glimps] n.一瞥7 snake [sneik] n.蛇8 movement['mu:vmənt] n.动作9 continue[kən'tinju:] v.继续10 dance [dɑ:ns] v.跳舞11 obviously ['ɔbviəsli] ad.显然12 difference ['difrəns] n.差别13 Indian ['indiən] a.印度的Lesson 431 pole[pəul] n.(地球的)极2 flight[flait] n.飞行3 explorer[ik'splɔ:rə] n.探险家4 lie[lai] v.处于5 serious ['siəriəs] a.严重的6 point[pɔint] n.地点7 seem[si:m] v.似乎,好像8 crash[kræʃ] v.坠毁9 sack[sæk] n.袋子10 clear[kliə] v.越过11 aircraft['eəkrɑ:ft] n.飞机12 endless['endlis] a.无尽的13 plain [plein] n.平原Lesson 441 forest ['fɔrist] n.森林2 risk [risk] n.危险,冒险3 picnic ['piknik] n.野餐4 edge [edʒ] n.边缘5 strap [stræp] n.带,皮带6 possession [pə'zeʃən] n.所有7 breath [breθ] n.呼吸8 contents['kɔ:ntents] n.(常用复数)内有的物品9 mend [mend] v.修理Lesson 451 clear [kliə] a.无罪的,不亏心的2 conscience ['kɔnʃəns] n.良心,道德心3 wallet ['wɑ:lit] n.皮夹,钱夹4 savings ['seiviŋz] n.存款5 villager ['vilidʒə] n.村民6 per cent [pə'sent] 百分之…Lesson 461 unload [ʌn'ləud] v.卸(货)2 wooden ['wudn] a.木制的3 extremely [ik'stri:mli] ad.非常,极其4 occur [ə'kə:] v.发生5 astonish [ə'stɔniʃ] v.使惊讶6 pile [pail] n.堆7 woollen ['wulən] n.羊毛的8 goods [gudz] n.(常用复数)货物,商品9 discover[dis'kʌvə] v.发现10 admit [əd'mit] v.承认11 confine [kən'fain] v.关在(一个狭小的空间里)12 normal ['nɔ:məl] a.正常的,通常的Lesson 471 thirsty ['θə:sti] a.贪杯的2 ghost [gəust] n.鬼魂3 haunt [hɔ:nt] v.(鬼)来访,闹鬼4 block [blɔk] v.堵5 furniture ['fə:nitʃə] n.家具6 whisky ['wiski] n.威士忌酒7 suggest [sə'dʒest] v.暗示8 shake [ʃeik] v.摇动9 accept [ək'sept] v.接受Lesson 481 pull [pul] v.拔2 cotton ['kɔtn] 药棉3 collect [kə'lekt] v.搜集4 collection [kə'lekʃən] n.收藏品,收集品5 nod [nɔd] v.点头6 meanwhile ['mi:n'wail] ad.同时Lesson 491 tired ['taiəd] a.厌烦的2 real [riəl] a.真正的3 owner ['əunə] n.主人4 spring [spriŋ] n.弹簧5 mattress ['mætris] n.床垫6 gust [gʌst] n.一阵风7 sweep [swi:p] v.扫,刮8 courtyard ['kɔ:tjɑ:d] n.院子9 smash [smæʃ] v.碰碎,摔碎10 miraculously [mi'rækjuləsli]ad.奇迹般地11 unhurt [ʌn'hə:t] a.没有受伤的12 glance [glɑ:ns] v.扫视13 promptly['prɔmptli] ad. 迅速地Lesson 501 ride [raid] n.旅行2 excursion [ik'skə:ʃən] n.远足3 conductor [kən'dʌktə] n.售票员4 view [vju:] n.景色Lesson 511 reward [ri'wɔ:d] n.报偿2 virtue ['və:tʃu:] n.美德3 diet ['daiət] n.节食4 forbid [fə'bid] v.禁止5 hurriedly ['hʌridli] ad.匆忙地6 embarrass [im'bærəs] v.使尴尬7 guiltily ['giltili] ad.内疚地8 strict [strikt] a.严格的9 reward [ri'wɔ:d] v.给奖赏10 occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli] ad.偶尔地Lesson 521 temporarily['tempərərili] ad.暂时地2 inch [intʃ] n.英寸(度量单位)3 space [speis] n.空间4 actually ['æktʃuəli] ad.实际上Lesson 531 hot [hɔt] a.带电的,充电的2 fireman ['faiəmən] n.消防队员3 cause [kɔ:z] v.引起n.原因4 examine [ig'zæmin] v.检查5a ccidentally [ˌæksi'dentəli]ad.意外地,偶然地6 remains [ri'meinz] n.尸体,残骸7 wire['waiə] n.电线8 volt[vəult] n.伏特(电压单位)9 power line电力线10 solve [sɔlv] v.解决11 mystery ['mistəri] n.谜12 snatch [snætʃ] v.抓住13spark [spɑ:k] n.电火花Lesson 541 sticky ['stiki] a.粘的2 finger ['fiŋgə] n.手指3 pie [pai] n.馅饼4 mix [miks] v.混合,拌和5 pastry ['peistri] n.面糊6 annoying [ə'nɔiiŋ] a.恼人的7 receiver [ri'si:və] n.电话的话筒8 dismay [dis'mei] v.失望,泄气9 recognize['rekəgnaiz] v.认出,听出10 persuade [pə'sweid] v.说服,劝说11 mess [mes] n.乱七八糟12 doorknob ['dɔ:nɔb] n.门把手13 sign [sain] v.签字14 register ['redʒistə] v.挂号邮寄Lesson 551 gold [gəuld] n.金子2 mine [main] n.矿3 treasure['treʒə] n.财宝4 revealer [ri'vi:lə] n.探测器5 invent [in'vent] v.发明6 detect [di'tekt] v.探测7 bury ['beri] v.埋藏8 cave [keiv] n.山洞9 seashore ['si:ʃɔ:] n.海岸10 pirate ['paiərət] n.海盗11arm [ɑ:m] v.武装12 soil [sɔil] n.泥土13 entrance ['entrəns] n.入口14 finally ['fainəli] ad.最后15 worthless ['wə:θləs] a.毫无价值的16 thoroughly ['θʌrəli] ad.彻底地17 trunk [trʌŋk] n.行李箱18 confident ['kɔnfidənt] a.有信心的19 value ['vælju:] n.价值Lesson 561 sound [saund] n.声音2 excitement [ik'saitmənt] n.激动,兴奋3 handsome ['hændsəm] a.漂亮的,美观的4 Rolls-Royce['rəʊlz'rɔis] 罗尔斯—罗伊斯5 Benz n.奔驰6 wheel [wi:l] n.轮子7 explosion[ik'spləuʒən] n.爆炸,轰响8 course [kɔ:s] n.跑道;行程9 rival['raivəl] n.对手10 speed [spi:d] v.疾驶11 downhill [ˌdaun'hil] ad.下坡Lesson 57madam['mædəm] n.(对妇女的尊称)太太,夫人2 jeans[dʒi:nz] n.牛仔裤3 hesitate['heziteit] v.犹豫,迟疑4 serve [sə:v] v.接待(顾客)5 scornfully ['skɔ:nfuli] ad.轻蔑地6 punish ['pʌniʃ] v.惩罚7 fur [fə:] n.裘皮8 eager ['i:gə] a.热切的,热情的Lesson 581 blessing ['blesiŋ] n.福分,福气2 disguise [dis'gaiz] n.伪装3 tiny ['taini] a.极小的4 possess [pə'zes] v.拥有5 cursed ['kə:sid] a.可恨的6 increase [in'kri:s, 'inkri:s] v.增加7 plant [plɑ:nt] v.种值8 church [tʃə:tʃ] n.教堂9 evil ['i:vəl] a.坏的10 reputation[repju'teiʃən] n.名声11 claim [kleim] v.以…为其后果12 victim ['viktim] n.受害者,牺牲品13 vicar ['vikə] n.教区牧师14 source [sɔ:s] n.来源15 income ['inkʌm] n.收入16 trunk [trʌŋk] n.树干Lesson 591 bark [bɑ:k] v.狗叫2 press [pres] v.按压3 paw [pɔ:] n.脚爪4 latch [lætʃ] n.门闩5 expert ['ekspə:t] n.专家6 develop[di'veləp] v.养成7 habit ['hæbit] n.习惯8 remove [ri'mu:v] v.拆掉,取下Lesson 601 future ['fju:tʃə] n.未来,前途2 fair [feə] n.集市3 fortune-teller['fɔ:tʃən'telə] n.算命人4 crystal ['kristəl] n.水晶5 relation [ri'leiʃən] n.亲属6impatiently[im'peiʃəntli] ad.不耐烦地Lesson 611 Hubble ['hʌbl] n.哈勃2 telescope['teliskəup] n.望远镜3 launch [lɔ:ntʃ] v.发射4 space [speis] n.空间5 NASA ['næsə] 国家航空和宇宙航行局6 billion ['biljən] n.10亿7 faulty ['fɔ:lti] a.有错误的8 astronaut ['æstrənɔ:t] n.宇航员9 shuttle ['ʃʌtl] n.宇航飞机10 Endeavour[in'devə] n.“奋进”号11 robot-arm n.机器手12 grab [græb] v.抓13 atmosphere ['ætməsfiə] n.大气层14 distant ['distənt] a.遥远的15 galaxy ['gæləkəsi] n.星系16 universe ['ju:nivə:s] n.宇宙17 eagle eye鹰眼Lesson 621 control [kən'trəul] n.控制2 smoke [sməuk] n.烟3 desolate['desəleit] a.荒凉的4 threaten ['θretn] v.威胁5 surrounding [sə'raundiŋ] a.周围的6 destruction [di'strʌkʃən] n.破坏,毁灭7 flood [flʌd] n.洪水,水灾8 authority [ɔ:'θɔriti] n.(常用复数)当局9 grass-seed ['gra:s'si:d] n.草籽10 spray [sprei] v.喷撒11 quantity ['kwɔntəti] n.量12 root[ru:t] n.根13 century['sentʃəri] n.世纪14 patch [pætʃ] n.小片15 blacken['blækən] v.变黑,发暗Lesson 631 circle ['sə:kəl] n.圈子2 admire [əd'maiə] v.赞美,钦佩3 close [kləuz] a.亲密的4 wedding ['wediŋ] n.婚礼5 reception [ri'sepʃən] n.执行会6 sort [sɔ:t] n.种类Lesson 641 tunnel ['tʌnl] n.隧道2 port [pɔ:t] n.港口3 ventilate ['ventileit] v.通风4 chimney ['tʃimni] n.烟囱5sea level 海平面6 double ['dʌbəl] a.双的7 ventilation [ˌventi'leiʃən] n.通风8 fear [fiə] v.害怕9 invasion [in'veiʒən] n.入侵,侵略10 officially [ə'fiʃəli] ad.正式地11 connect [kə'nekt] v.连接12 European [juərə'pi:ən] a.欧洲的13 continent['kɔntinənt] n.大陆Lesson 651 versus ['və:səs] prep.对2 Christmas ['krisməs] n.圣诞节3 circus ['sə:kəs] n.马戏团4 present [pri'zent, 'prezənt] n.礼物5 accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] v.陪伴,随行6 approach [ə'prəutʃ] v.走近7 ought [ɔ:t] modal verb 应该8 weigh [wei] v.重9 fortunate ['fɔ:tʃənət] a.幸运的Lesson 661 Lancaster ['læŋkəstə] n.兰开斯特2 bomber ['bɔmə] n.轰炸机3 remote [ri'məut] a.偏僻的4 Pacific [pə'sifik] n.太平洋5 damage ['dæmidʒ] v.毁坏6 wreck [rek] n.残骸7 rediscover [ri:di'skʌvə] v.重新发现8 aerial ['eəriəl] a.航空的9 survey ['sə:vei] n.调查10 rescue ['reskju:] v.营救11package ['pækidʒ] v.把…打包12 enthusiast[in'θju:ziæst] n.热心人13 restore[ri'stɔ:] v.修复14 imagine[i'mædʒin] v.想像15 packing ['pækiŋ] 包装箱16 colony ['kɔləni] n.群17 bee [bi:] n.蜂18 hive [haiv] n.蜂房19 preserve [pri'zə:v] v.保护20 beeswax ['bi:zwæks] n.蜂蜡Lesson 671 volcano [vɔl'keinəu] n.火山2 active ['æktiv] a.活动的3 Kivun. 基伍湖4 Congo ['kɔŋgou] n.(the~)刚果5 Kituro n.基图罗6 erupt [i'rʌpt] v.(火山)喷发7 violently ['vaiələntli] ad.猛烈地,剧烈地8 manage ['mænidʒ] v.设法9 brilliant ['briliənt] a.精彩的10 liquid ['likwid] a.液态的11 escape [i'skeip] v.逃脱12 alive [ə'laiv] a.活着的Lesson 681 persistent [pə'sistənt] a.坚持的,固执的2 avoid [ə'vɔid] v.避开3 insist [in'sist] v.坚持做Lesson 691 murder ['mə:də] n.谋杀2 instruct [in'strʌkt] v.命令,指示3 acquire [ə'kwaiə] v.取得,获得4 confidence ['kɔnfidəns] n.信心5 examiner [ig'zæminə] n.主考人6 suppose [sə'pəuz] v.假设7 tap [tæp] v.轻敲8 react [ri'ækt] v.反应9 brake [breik] n.刹车10 pedal ['pedəl] n.踏板11 mournful ['mɔ:nful] a.悲哀的Lesson 701 bullfight ['bulfait] n.斗牛2 drunk [drʌŋk] n.醉汉3 wander ['wɔndə, 'wɑ:n:dər] v.溜达,乱走4 ring [riŋ] n.圆形竞技场地5 unaware [ˌʌnə'weə] a.不知道的,示觉察的6 bull [bul] n.公牛7 matador ['mætədɔ:] n.斗牛士8 remark [ri'mɑ:k] n.评论;言语9 apparently [ə'pærəntli] ad.明显地10 sensitive ['sensitiv] a.敏感的11 criticism ['kritisizəm] n.批评12 charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] v.冲上去13 clumsily ['klʌmzili] ad.笨拙地14 bow [bau] v.鞠躬15 safety ['seifti] n.安全地带16 sympathetically [ˌsimpə'θetikəli] ad.同情地Lesson 711 parliament ['pɑ:ləmənt] n.议会,国会2 erect [i'rekt] v.建起3 accurate ['ækjurət] a.准确的4 official [ə'fiʃəl] n.官员,行政人员5 Greenwich ['grinidʒ] n.格林威治6 observatory [əb'zə:vətəri] n.天文台7 check [tʃek] v.检查8 microphone['maikrəfəun] n.扩音器,麦克风9 tower ['tauə] n.塔Lesson 721 racing ['reisiŋ] n.竞赛2 per [pə:] prep.每3 Utah ['ju:tɑ:] n.犹他(美国州名)4 horsepower['hɔ:sˌpauə] n.马力5 burst [bə:st] v.爆裂6 average ['ævəridʒ] a.平均的7 footstep ['futstep] n.足迹Lesson 731 record-holder ['rekɔ:d'həuldə] 纪录保持者2 truant ['tru:ənt] n.逃学的孩子unimaginative[ˌʌni'mædʒinətiv] a.缺乏想象力的4 shame [ʃeim] n.惭愧,羞耻5 hitchhike ['hitʃhaik] v.搭便车旅行6 meantime ['mi:ntaim] n.其间7 lorry ['lɔri] n.卡车8 border ['bɔ:də] n.边界9 evade [i'veid] v.逃避,逃离Lesson 741 limelight ['laimlait] n.舞台灯光2 precaution [pri'kɔ:ʃən] n.预防措施3 fan [fæn] n.狂热者,迷4 shady ['ʃeidi] a.遮荫的5 sheriff ['ʃerif] n.司法长官6 notice ['nəutis] n.告示7 sneer [sniə] n.冷笑Lesson 751 thick[θik] a.厚的2 signal ['signəl] n.信号3 stamp [stæmp] v.跺,踩4 helicopter ['helikɔptə] n.直升飞机5 scene [si:n] n.现场6 survivor [sə'vaivə] n.幸存者Lesson 761 fool [fu:l] n.傻瓜2 bulletin ['bulətin] n.亲闻简报3 announcer [ə'naunsə]n.(电视、电台)播音员4 macaroni [ˌmækə'rəuni]n.通心面,空心面条5 leading ['li:diŋ] a.主要的6 grower ['grəuə] n.种植者7 splendid ['splendid] a.极好的8 stalk[stɔ:k] n.梗9 gather ['gæeə] v.收庄稼10 thresh [θreʃ] v.打(庄稼)11 process['prəuses] v.加工12 signor ['si:njɔ:] n.(意大利语)先生13 present [pri'zent, 'prezənt]a目前的14 champion ['tʃæmpiən] n.冠军15 studio ['stju:diəu] n.播音室Lesson 771 mummy ['mʌmi] n.木乃伊2 Egyptian [i'dʒipʃən] a.埃及的3 temple ['tempəl] n.庙4 mark [mɑ:k] n.斑点5plate [pleit] n.(照相)底片6 disease [di'zi:z] n.疾病7 last [lɑ:st] v.持续8 prove [pru:v] v.显示出9 resin ['rezin] n.树脂10 skin [skin] n.皮,皮肤11 section['sekʃən] n.切片12 figure ['figə] n.(人的)体形;人像13 normally ['nɔ:məli] ad.通常地14 survive [sə'vaiv] v.幸免于Lesson 781 entitle [in'taitl] v.以…为名2 calm [kɑ:m] v.使镇定3 nerve [nə:v] n.神经4 concentration[ˌkɔnsən'treiʃən] n.集中,专心5 suffer ['sʌfə] v.受苦,受害6 symptom ['simptəm] n.症状7 temper ['tempə] n.脾气8 appetite ['æpitait] n.胃口,食欲9 produce [prə'dju:s, 'prɔdju:s] v.拿出10 urge [ə:dʒ] v.力劝,怂恿11 satisfaction [ˌsætis'fækʃən] n.满意,满足12 delighted [di'laitid] a.欣喜的Lesson 791 parent ['peərənt] n.父(母)亲2 flight attendant['flait əˌtendənt] 空中乘务员3 frightened['fraitnd] a.害怕,担惊4 curious ['kjuəriəs] a.急于了解,好奇的5 bomb [bɔm] n.炸弹6plant[plɑ:nt] v.安放Lesson 801 palace ['pælis] n.宫殿e xtraordinary [ik'strɔ:dinəri] a.不平常的.非凡的3 exhibition [eksi'biʃ(ə)n] n.展览4 iron ['aiən] n.铁5 various ['veəriəs] a.各种各样的6 machinery [mə'ʃi:nəri] n.机器7 display [di'splei] n.展览8 steam [sti:m] n.蒸汽9 profit ['prɔfit] n.利润10college ['kɔlidʒ] n.学院Lesson 811 prisoner ['prizənə] n.囚犯2 bush [buʃ] n.灌木丛3 rapidly ['ræpidli] ad.迅速地4 uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m] n.制服5 rifle ['raifl] n.来福枪,步枪6 shoulder ['ʃəuldə] n.肩7 march [mɑ:tʃ] v.行进8 boldly ['bəuldli] ad.大胆地9 blaze [bleiz] v.闪耀10 salute [sə'lu:t] v.行礼11 elderly ['eldəli] a.上了年纪的12 grey [grei] a.灰白的13 sharp [ʃɑ:p] a.猛烈的14 blow [bləu] n.打击Lesson 821 monster ['mɔnstə] n.怪物2 sailor ['seilə] n.海员3 sight [sait] v.见到4 creature ['kri:tʃə] n.动物,生物5 peculiar [pi'kju:liə] a.奇怪的,不寻常的6 shining ['ʃainiŋ] a.闪闪发光的7 oarfish ['ɔ:fiʃ] n.桨鱼Lesson 831 election [i'lekʃən] n.选举2 former ['fɔ:mə] a.从前的3 defeat [di'fi:t] v.打败4 fanatical [fə'nætikəl] a.狂热的5 opponent [ə'pəunənt] n.反对者,对手6 radical ['rædikəl] a.激进的7 progressive [prə'gresiv] a.进步的8 ex- prefix.(前缀,用于名词前)前…9 suspicious [sə'spiʃəs] a.怀疑的Lesson 841 strike [straik] n.罢工2 busman ['bʌsmən] n.公共汽车司机3 state [steit] v.正式提出,宣布4 agreement[ə'gri:mənt] n.协议5 relieve [ri'li:v] v.减轻6 pressure ['preʃə] n.压力,麻烦7 extent [ik'stent] n.程度8 volunteer [ˌvɔlən'tiə] v.自动提出,自愿9 gratitude ['grætitju:d] n.感激10 Press [pres] n.新闻界11 object ['ɔbdʒiktˌ əb'dʒekt]v.不赞成,反对Lesson 851 inform [in'fɔ:m] v.告诉,通知2 headmaster [ˌhed'mɑ:stə] n.校长3 contribute [kən'tribju:t] v.捐助,援助4 gift [gift] n.礼物,赠品5 album ['ælbəm] n.签名簿,相册6 patience ['peiʃəns] n.耐心7 encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt]n鼓励8 farewell [feə'wel] n.告别9 honour ['ɔnə] n.敬意10 coincidence [kəu'insidəns] n.巧合11 total ['təutl] n.总数12 devote [di'vəut] v.致力于13 gardening ['gɑ:dəniŋ] n.园艺14 hobby ['hɔbi] n.爱好,嗜好Lesson 861 swing [swiŋ] v.转向2 speedboat ['spi:dbəut] n.快艇3 desperately ['despəritli] ad.绝望地4 companion [kəm'pæniən] n.同伙,同伴5 water ski (由快艇牵引水橇)滑水6 buoy [bɔi] n.浮标7 dismay [dis'mei] n.沮丧8 tremendous [tri'mendəs] a.巨大的9 petrol ['petrəl] n.汽油10 drift [drift] v.漂动,漂流11 gently ['dʒentli] ad.缓慢地,轻轻地Lesson 871 alibi ['ælibai] n.不在犯罪现场2 commit [kə'mit] v.犯(罪、错)3 inspector [in'spektə] n.探长4 employer [im'plɔiə] n.雇主5 confirm [kən'fə:m] v.确认,证实6 suggest [sə'dʒest] v.提醒7 truth [tru:θ] n.真相Lesson 881 trap [træp] v.陷入,使陷于困境2 surface ['sə:fis] n.地面,表面3 explosive [ik'spləusiv] n.炸药4 vibration [vai'breiʃən] n.震动5 collapse [kə'læps] v.坍塌6 drill [dril] v.钻孔7 capsule ['kæpsju:l] n.容器8 layer ['leiə] n.层9 beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep.在…之下10 lower ['ləuə] v.放下,降低11 progress ['prəugres, prə'gres] v.进展,进行12 smoothly ['smu:eli] ad.顺利地Lesson 891 slip [slip] n.小错误2 comedy ['kɔmidi] n.喜剧present[pri'zent, 'prezənt] v.演出 a.出席,到场的4 queue [kju:] v.排队5 dull [dʌl] a.枯燥,无味6 artiste [ɑ:'ti:st] n.艺人7 advertiser ['ædvətaizə] n.报幕员Lesson 901 chip [tʃip] n.油煎豆片2 overfish [əuvə'fiʃ] v.过度捕捞3 giant ['dʒaiənt] a.巨大的4 terrify ['terifai] v.吓,使恐怖5 diver ['daivə] n.潜水员6 oil rig ['ɔil ˌrig] 石油钻塔7 wit[wit] n.(复数)理智,头脑8 cage [keidʒ] n.笼9 shark [ʃɑ:k] n.鲨鱼10 whale [weil] n.鲸11 variety[və'raiəti] n.品种12 cod [kɔd] n.鳕13 skate [skeit] n.鳐14 factor ['fæktə] n.因素15 crew [kru:] n.全体工作人员Lesson 911 balloon [bə'lu:n] n.气球2 royal ['rɔiəl] a.皇家3 spy [spai] v.侦察4 track [træk] n.轨迹,踪迹5 binoculars [bi'nɔkjuləz] n.望远镜Lesson 921 fast [fɑ:st] ad.熟(睡)2 ladder ['lædə] n.梯子3 shed [ʃed] n.棚子4 sarcastic [sɑ:'kæstik, sɑr-] a.讽刺的,讥笑的5 tone [təun] n.语气,腔调Lesson 931 noble ['nəubəl] a.高尚的,壮丽的2 monument ['mɔnjumənt] n.纪念碑3 statue ['stætʃu:] n.雕像4 liberty ['libəti] n.自由5 present [pri'zent, 'prezənt] v.赠送6 sculptor ['skʌlptə] n.雕刻家7 actual ['æktʃuəl] a.实际的,真实的8 copper ['kɔpə] n.铜9 support [sə'pɔ:t] v.支持,支撑10 framework ['freimwə:k] n.构架,框架11 transport [træn'spɔ:t] v.运送12 site [sait] n.场地13 pedestal ['pedistl] n.底座Lesson 941 instruct [in'strʌkt] v.指导,传授2 Los Angeles [lɔs'ændʒili:z] 洛杉矶3 reluctant [ri'lʌktənt] a.勉强的,不愿意的4 weight [weit] n.重物5 underwater [ˌʌndə'wɔ:tə] a.水下的6 tricycle ['traisikəl] n.三轮车7 compete [kəm'pi:t] v.比赛,对抗8 yard [jɑ:d] n.码9 gasp [gɑ:sp] v.喘气Lesson 951 fantasy ['fæntəsi] n.幻想故事2 ambassador [æm'bæsədə] n.大使3 frightful ['fraitfəl] a.可怕的,令人吃惊的4 fire extinguisher 灭火器5 drily ['draili] ad.冷淡地,枯燥无味地6 embassy ['embəsi] n.大使馆7 heaven ['hevən] n.天,天堂8 basement[ 'beismənt] n.地下室9 definitely ['definitli] ad.肯定地10 post [pəust] v.派任11 shot [ʃɔt] n.子弹Lesson 961f estival ['festivəl] n.节日2 lantern ['læntən] n.灯笼3 spectacle ['spektəkəl] n.景象,壮观,场面新概念第二册短语词组Lessons1-2常用词组和语言点1.go to the theatre 去看戏go to the film/movie 去看电影2.interesting 令人感兴趣的(表示主动)。

Lessons1-2一、常用词组和语言点1.go to the theatre 去看戏go to the film/movie 去看电影2.interesting 令人感兴趣的(表示主动)Interested 对……感到有趣的(表示被动)3.get angry 生气get为系动词。
如:I got bored at thelecture.4.turn round 转过身round/around 指在周围如:look round/around 向四周看5.angrily adv. 生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly,成为副词。
)如:happy→happily6.pay attention 注意(后常接介词to)如:You should pay attention to yourhandwriting.7.in the end 最后(近义词:at last,finally)8.none of your business 不关你的事9.get up 起床10.stay in bed 呆在床上11.until 直到not…un til 直到……才……12.What a day! W对名词感叹,How对形容词、副词感叹。
13.just then 就在那时(just now刚才)Lessons3-4一、常用词组和语言点1.visit:go tu see 拜访,参观2.public gardens 公园3.teach sb .sth 教某人某事(teach接双宾语)lend sb.sth 借给某人某物4.send…to寄给……(比较:send of:派人去请)5.on the last night 在最后一天晚上(具体日期前用介词on)6.make a decision 做出决定decide(V)7.receive/get a letter from sb;hear收到某人的来信from sb8.a great number of:many 许多(后加可数名词)9.fly to:go to…by planetake a plane to…飞往Lessons7-8一、常用词组和语言点1.at the aiport 在机场(at强调“点”)2.t ry to do…设法做(不一定成功)3.while 当……时候(常与进行时连用)4.keep guard 守卫5.to one’s surprise令某人惊讶的是(如:to my surprise)to one’s relief令人长舒一口气的是to one’s excitement令人兴奋的是to one’s disappointment令人失望的是6.be full of 装满(近义词组be filled with)7.enter for 报名参加(考试等)8.win+比赛/战斗…获胜Lessons5-6一、常用词组和语言点1.be five miles from+地点离……5英里2. cover (1)覆盖,经常用作be covered with由……覆盖(2)+距离,相当于travelWe cavered 15 miles yesterday.昨天我们走了15英里。

单词:private (title) adj. 个人的angry adj. 生气的conversation n. 讲话angrily adv. 生气地theatre n. 剧场,剧场attention n. 注意seat n. 座位bear (bore, borne) v.容忍play n. 戏business n. 事loudly adv. 高声地rudely adv. 无礼地,鲁莽地until prep. 直到outside adv. 外面ring v. (铃、电话等 )响aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母repeat v. 重复send (sent,sent) v. 寄,送 postcard n. 明信片spoil v. (spoiled or spoilt) v.使枯燥无味,破坏museum n. 博物馆 public adj. 公共的 friendly adj.友善的 waiter n. 服务员,款待员 lend (lent, lent) v. 借给 decision n.决定 whole adj. 整个的single adj. 独一的,单调的exciting adj. 令人喜悦的receive v. 接受,收到 firm n. 商行,企业 different adj. 不一样的 centre n. 中心abroad adv. 在外国pigeon n. 鸽子message n. 信息cover v. 超出distance n. 距离request n. 要求,恳求 spare part 备件service n. 业务,服务beggar n. 乞丐food n. 食品pocket n. 衣服口袋 call v.拜见,光临 competition n.比赛,比赛 neat adj. 齐整的,整齐的 path n. 小道,小径 wooden adj. 木头的pool n. 水池jazz n.爵士音乐musical a.音乐的instrument n.用具call vt. 叫做clavichord n.击弦古钢琴Germany n.德国keep vt.保留living-room n. 客堂belong vi.属于recently ad.近来damage vt.破坏play vt.弹奏key n.琴键strike vt.敲hard ad.重重地string n.弦break vt.弄断shock vt.震撼touch vt.碰allow vt. 同意repair vt.维修turn n. 行为,举止deserve v. 应获取,值得lawyer n. 律师bank n. 银行 salary n.薪资 immediately adv.马上 luck n. 运气,好运 captain n. 船长sail v. 航行harbour n. 港口proud adj. 骄傲的important adj. 重要的group n. 小组,集体pop singer 流行歌手club n. 俱乐部performance n. 演出occasion n. 场合amusing adj. 可笑的,风趣的experience n. 经历wave v. 挥手 lift n. 搭便车 reply v. 回答language n. 语言journey n. 旅游secretary n. 秘书nervous adj. 精神紧张的afford v. 负担得起 weakadj. 弱的 interrupt v. 插话,打断 park v 停放(汽车 ) traffic n. 交通ticket n. 交通违规罚款单note n. 条子area n. 地段sign n. 指示牌reminder n. 提示fail v. 忽视,忘掉obey v. 听从appear v. 登场,饰演stage n. 舞台bright adj. 明丽的stocking n. (女用 )长筒袜sock n. 短袜pub n. 小酒店landlord n. 店东 billn. 账单 hurry v. 仓促ticket office 售票处pity n. 令人遗憾的事exclaim v. 高声说return v. 退回sadly adv. 悲痛地,丧气地catch (caught, caught) v. 抓到 fisherman n. 垂钓人,渔民boot n. 靴子waste n. 浪费realize v. 意识到mad adj. 发狂reason n. 原由sum n. 量determined adj. 坚定的,下信心的dream v. 做梦,梦想age n. 年龄1 / 19channel n. 海峡throw v. 扔,抛complete v. 达成modern adj. 新式的,与过去不一样的strange adj. 奇异的district n. 地域manager n. 经理upset adj. 不安sympathetic adj. 表示怜悯的complain v. 诉苦wicked adj. 很坏的,险恶的contain v. 包含,内装honesty n. 诚实railway n. 铁路porter n. 搬运工foreigner n. 外国人wonder v. 感觉奇异art n. 艺术critic n. 议论家paint v. 画pretend v. 假装pattern n. 图案curtain n. 窗帘,幕布material n. 资料appreciate v. 鉴赏notice v. 注意到whether conj. 能否hang v. 悬挂,吊critically adv. 责备地upside down 上下颠倒地tent n. 帐篷field n. 田地,野外smell v. 闻起来wonderful adj. 极好的campfire n. 营火,篝火creep v. 爬行sleeping bag 睡袋comfortable adj. 舒坦的,安适的soundly adv. 甜美地leap v. 跳跃,跳起heavily adv. 大批地stream n. 小溪form v. 形成 wind v.曲折 right adv. 正好rare adj. 稀有的ancient adj. 古代的,古老的myth n. 神话故事 trouble n.麻烦effect n. 结果,成效Medusa n. 美杜莎 (古希腊神话中 3 位蛇发女怪这一 )Gorgon n. (古希腊神话中的 )3 位蛇发女怪这一 (凡见其貌者都会变为石头 )taxi n. 出租车Pilatus Porter 皮勒特斯 ?波特land v. 着陆plough v. 耕地lonely adj. 荒僻的,人迹罕至的Welsh adj. 威尔士的roof n. 楼顶block n. 一座大楼flat n. 公寓房desert v废.弃polo n. 水球Wayle n. 威尔 (河名 )cut v. 穿过row v. 划(船)kick v. 踢towards prep. 朝,向nearly adv. 几乎sight n. 眼界,视域retire v. 退休company n. 企业bicycle n. 自行车save v. 储存workshop n. 车间helper n. 帮手,助手employ v. 雇用grandson n. 孙子once adv. 以前,以前temptation n. 迷惑article n. 物件,东西wrap v. 包裹simply adv. 不过arrest v. 拘捕darkness n黑.暗explain v. 解说,说明coast n.海岸storm n. 暴风雨towards prep. 朝,向,靠近rock n.岩石shore n.海岸 light n.灯光 ahead adv在.前方 cliff n. 峭壁struggle v.挣扎hospital n. 医院station n. (警察 )局most adv. 相当,特别while n. 一段时间regret v. 懊悔 far adv.特别rush v. 冲act v. 行动straight adv. 径直fright n. 惧怕battered adj. 撞坏的shortly adv. 很快,不久afterwards adv. 此后record n. 记录 strongadj. 强健的 swimmer n.游泳运动员 succeed v.成功train v. 训练 anxiouslyadv. 焦虑地 intend v.打算solid adj. 固体的,硬的Olympic adj. 奥林匹克的hold v. 召开government n. 政府immense adj. 巨大的stadium n. 露天体育场standard n. 标准capital n. 国都fantastic adj. 巨大的design v. 设计 exceptprep. 除了Mediterranean n. 地中海complain v. 诉苦continually adv. 不停地bitterly adv. 透骨地sunshine n. 阳光operation n. 手术successful adj. 成功的following adj. 下一个2 / 19patient n. 病人 alone adj.独自的 exchange n. 电(话的 )互换台 inquire v. 咨询,探询 certain adj. 某个caller n. 打电话的人relative n. 亲戚hostess n. 女主人unsmiling adj. 不笑的,严肃的tight adj. 紧身的fix v. 凝望globe n. 地球despair n. 无望rude adj. 无礼的mirror n. 镜子hole n. 孔remark v. 评说remind v. 提示lighthouse n. 灯塔musical adj. 精晓音乐的market n. 市场,市集snake charmer 玩蛇者 (平时借音乐控制 )pipe n. (演奏的 )管乐器 tune n. 曲调glimpse n. 一瞥 snaken. 蛇 movement n. 动作 continue v. 连续dance v. 跳舞obviously adv. 明显difference n. 差异Indian adj. 印度的pole n. (地球的 )极flight n. 飞翔 explorern. 探险家lie v. 处于serious adj. 严重的point n. 地址 seemv. 仿佛 crash v. 坠毁 sack n. 袋子clear v. 超出aircraft n. 飞机endless adj. 无尽的 plain n. 平原forest n. 丛林risk n. 危险,冒险picnic n. 野餐edge n. 边沿strap n. 带,皮带possession n. 所有breath n. 呼吸contents n. (常用复数 )内有的物件mend v. 维修 unload v. 卸(货) wooden adj. 木制的extremely adv. 特别,极其occur v. 发生astonish v. 使惊讶pile n. 堆woollen n. 羊毛的goods n. (常用复数 )货物,商品 discover v. 发现admit v. 认可confine v. 关在 (一个狭窄的空间里)normal adj. 正常的,平时的thirsty adj. 贪酒的ghost n. 鬼魂haunt v. (鬼)来访,闹鬼 block v. 堵furniture n. 家具whisky n. 威士忌酒suggest v. 示意shake v. 摇动accept v. 接受pull v. 拔cotton wool 药棉collect v. 采集collection n. 珍藏品,采集品nod v. 点头meanwhile adv. 同时spring n.弹簧 mattressn床.垫 gust n.一阵暴风sweep v扫.,刮courtyard n.院子 smashv碰.碎,摔碎miraculous adj.奇观般的 glance v.审视promptly adv.快速地 ride n. 旅游excursion n. 远足conductor n. 售票员view n. 风景 shockn.震撼case n情.况,事例reward n. 报偿virtue n. 美德diet n. 节食forbid v. 严禁hurriedly adv. 仓促地embarrass v. 使难堪guiltily adv. 愧疚地strict adj. 严格的reward v. 给奖励occasionally adv. 有时地temporarily adv.临时地inch n.寸carpet n.地毯gaze vi.盯着,凝视着 (后加 at)add v.加,增补spare adj备.用的,空暇的,安闲的hot adj. 带电的,充电的fireman n. 消防队员cause v. 惹起 ; n. 原由examine v. 检查accidentally adv. 不测处,有时地 remains n. 尸体,残骸 wire n.电线volt n. 伏特 (电压单位 )power line 电力线solve v. 解决 mystery n.谜snatch v. 抓住spark n. 电火花sticky adj. 粘的finger n. 手指pie n. 馅饼mix v. 混淆,拌和pastry n. 面糊 annoyingadj. 烦人的 receiver n.电话的话筒 dismay v.绝望,灰心 recognize v.认出,听出3 / 19persuade v. 说服,劝告 mess n. 乌七八糟doorknob n. 门把手sign v. 署名register v. 挂号邮寄gold n. 金子 mine n.矿 treasure n. 财宝revealer n. 探测器invent v. 发明detect v. 探测 buryv. 埋藏 cave n. 山洞 seashore n. 海岸 pirate n. 海盗arm v. 武装soil n. 泥土entrance n. 进口finally adv. 最后worthless adj. 毫无价值的thoroughly adv. 完全地trunk n. 行李箱confident adj. 有信心的value n. 价值sound n. 声音excitement n. 激动,喜悦handsome adj. 漂亮的 ;雅观的Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯 --罗伊斯Benz n. 奔驰 wheel n.轮子 explosion n. 爆炸,轰响 course n. 跑道 ;行程 rival n. 敌手speed v. 疾驶downhill adv. 下坡madam n.(对妇女的尊称 )太太,夫人jeans n.牛仔裤hesitate v犹.豫,狐疑 serve v.招待 (顾客 ) scornful adj.轻视地 punish v.处罚fur n.裘皮eager adj热.切的,热忱的 blessing n. 福分,福分 disguise n. 假装tiny adj.极小的possess v拥.有cursed adj.可恨的increase v增.加 plantv.栽种 church n.教堂evil adj.坏的reputation n.名望claim v.以......为后来果victim n. 受害者,牲牺品 vicar n.教区牧师source n.根源 income n.收入trunk n.树干bark v. 狗叫,吠press v. 按,压paw n. 脚爪latch n. 门闩expert n. 专家develop v. 养成habit n. 习惯remove v. 拆掉,取下future n. 未来,前程fair n. 市集fortune-teller n. 算命人crystal n. 水晶relation n. 家属impatiently adv. 不耐烦地Hubble n. 哈勃telescope n. 望远镜launch v. 发射space n. 空间NASA n.(National Aeronauticsand Space Administration) 国家航空和航天局billion n. 10 亿faulty adj. 有错误的astronaut n. 宇航员shuttle n. 航天飞机Endeavour n. 奋“进”号robot-arm n. 机器手grab v. 抓atmosphere n. 大气层distant adj. 遥远的galaxy n. 星系universe n. 宇宙eagle eye 鹰眼control n. 控制smoke n. 烟desolate adj. 荒芜的threaten v. 威迫surrounding adj. 四周的destruction n. 破坏,破坏flood n. 洪水,水灾authority n. (常用复数 )当局grass-seed n. 草籽spray v. 喷撒quantity n. 量root n. 根century n. 世纪patch n. 小片blacken v. 变黑,发暗circle n. 圈子admire v. 赞叹,敬佩close adj. 亲近的wedding n. 婚礼reception n. 款待会sort n. 种类tunnel n. 地道port n. 港口ventilate v. 通风chimney n. 烟囱sea level 海平面double adj. 双的ventilation n. 通风fear v. 惧怕invasion n. 入侵,侵略officially adv. 正式地connect v. 连结European adj. 欧洲的continent n. 大陆versus prep. 对 (抗衡的观点 )Christmas n. 圣诞节circus n. 马戏团 presentn. 礼品 accompany v. 陪同 , 随行 approach v. 走近ought modal verb. 应当weigh v. 重fortunate adj. 好运的Lancaster n. 兰开斯特bomber n. 轰炸机4 / 19remote adj. 荒僻的bullfight n. 斗牛shady adj. 遮荫的Pacific n. 太平洋drunk n. 醉汉sheriff n. 司法长官damage v. 破坏wander v. 漫步,乱走notice n. 通告wreck n. 残骸ring n. 圆形竞技场所sneer n. 冷笑rediscover v. 从头发现unaware adj. 不知道的,未察觉thick adj. 厚的aerial adj. 航空的的signal n. 信号survey n. 检查bull n. 公牛stamp v. 跺,踩rescue v. 救援 (=save) matador n. 斗牛士helicopter n. 直升飞机package v. 把打包remark n. 议论 ;语言scene n. 现场enthusiast n. 热情人apparently adv. 明显地survivor n. 幸存者restore v. 修复 (修并且还原 ,如对sensitive adj. 敏感的fool n. 傻瓜艺术品的修复 ) imagine v. criticism n. 责备bulletin n. 新闻简报想像charge v. 冲上去announcer n. (电视、之声 )播音员packing case 包装箱clumsily adv. 蠢笨地macaroni n. 通心面,空心面条colony n. 群bow v. 鞠躬leading adj. 主要的bee n. 蜂safety n. 安全地带grower n. 栽种者hive n. 蜂房sympathetically adv. 怜悯地splendid adj. 极好的preserve v. 保护parliament n. 议会,国会stalk n. 梗beeswax n. 蜂蜡erect v. 建起gather v. 收庄稼volcano n. 火山accurate adj. 正确的thresh v. 打 (庄稼 )active adj. 活动的official n. 官员,行政人员process v. 加工Kivu n. 基伍湖Greenwich n. 格林尼治Signor n. (意大利语 )先生Congo n. 刚果observatory n. 天文台present adj. 当前的Kituro n. 基图罗check v. 检查champion n. 冠军erupt v. (火山 )喷发microphone n. 扩音器,麦克风studio n. 播音室violently adv. 剧烈地,强烈地tower n. 塔mummy n. 木乃伊manage v. 想法racing n. 比赛Egyptian adj. 埃及的brilliant adj. 出色的per prep. 每temple n. 庙liquid [5likwid] adj. 液态的 ;n. Utah n. 犹他 (美国州名 ) mark n. 斑点液体horsepower n. 马力plate n. (照相 )底片escape v. 逃走burst v. 爆裂disease n. 疾病alive adj. 活着的average adj. 均匀的last v. 连续persistent adj. 坚持的,执拗的footstep n. 踪影prove v. 显示出avoid v. 避开record-holder 纪录保持者resin n. 树脂insist v. 坚持做truant n. 逃学的孩子skin n. 皮肤murder n. 谋杀unimaginative adj. 缺少想像力section n. 切片instruct v. 命令,指示的figure n. (人的 )体形 ;人像acquire v. 获得,获取shame n. 愧疚,羞愧normally adv. 平时地confidence n. 信心hitchhike v. 搭便车旅游survive v. 幸免于examiner n. 主考人meantime n. 此间entitle v. 以 ......为名suppose v. 假定lorry n. 卡车calm v. 使镇定tap v. 轻敲border n. 界限nerve n. 神经react v. 反响evade v. 躲避,逃离concentration n. 集中,专心brake n. 刹车limelight n. 舞台灯光suffer v. 受累,受害pedal n. 踏板precaution n. 预防举措symptom n. 症状mournful adj. 悲痛的fan n. 狂热者,迷temper n. 性情5 / 19appetite n. 胃口,食欲produce v. 取出 urge v.力劝,鼓动 satisfaction n.满意,知足 delighted adj.惊喜的 parent n. 父(母)亲flight attendant 空中乘务员frightened adj. 惧怕,担惊curious adj. 急于认识,好奇的bomb n. 炸弹plant v. 安置palace n. 宫殿extraordinary adj. 不平时的,非凡的exhibition n. 展览iron n. 铁various adj. 各种各种的machinery n. 机器display n. 展览 steam n.蒸汽profit n. 收益college n. 学院prisoner n. 监犯bush n. 灌木丛rapidly adv. 快速地uniform n. 制服rifle n. 来福枪,步枪shoulder n. 肩march v. 前进boldly adv. 勇敢地blaze v. 闪烁salute v. 行礼elderly adj. 上了年龄的grey adj. 灰白的sharp adj. 剧烈的blow n. 打击monster n. 怪物sailor n. 船员sight v. 见到creature n. 动物,生物peculiar adj. 奇异的,不平时的shining adj. 闪闪发光的 oarfish n. 桨鱼former adj. 以前的defeat v. 战胜fanatical adj. 狂热的opponent n. 反对者,敌手radical adj. 激进的progressive adj. 进步的ex- prefix ( 前缀,用于名词前 )前......suspicious adj. 思疑的strike n. 停工busman n. 公共汽车司机state v. 正式提出,宣告agreement n. 协议relieve v. 减少pressure n. 压力,麻烦extent n. 程度volunteer v. 自动提出,自发gratitude n. 感谢Press n. 新闻界object v. 不同意,反对inform v. 告诉,通知headmaster n. 校长contribute v. 捐助,救助gift n. 礼品,赠品 albumn. 署名簿,相册patience n. 耐心encouragement n. 鼓舞farewell n. 辞别 honourn. 敬意 coincidence n.偶合 total n. 总数devote v. 致力于gardening n. 园艺 hobbyn. 喜好,喜好 swing v. 转向 speedboat n. 快艇desperately adv. 无望地companion n. 同伙,伙伴water ski (由快艇牵引水橇 )滑水buoy n. 浮标dismay n. 丧气tremendous adj. 巨大的 petrol n. 汽油drift v. 漂动,漂流gently adv. 迟缓地,轻轻地alibi n. 不在犯法现场commit v. 犯(罪、错 )inspector n. 探长 employern. 雇主confirm v. 确认,证明suggest v. 提示 truthn. 实情trap v. 堕入,使陷于窘境surface n. 地面,表面explosive n. 炸药vibration n. 震动 collapsev. 坍塌drill v. 钻孔capsule n. 容器layer n. 层beneath prep. 在......之下lower v. 放下,降低progress v. 进展,进行 smoothly adv. 顺利地 slip n. 小错误comedy n. 喜剧present v. 演出 ;adj. 列席,列席的queue v. 排队dull adj. 乏味,无味artiste n. 艺人advertiser n. 报幕员chip n. 油煎土豆片overfish v. 过分捕捞giant adj. 巨大的terrify v. 吓,使恐惧diver n. 潜小员 oilrig 石油钻塔wit n. ( 复数 )理智,脑筋 cage n. 笼shark n. 鲨鱼whale n. 鲸variety n. 品种cod n. 鳕[w]skate n. 鳐factor n. 要素crew n. 全体工作人员balloon n. 气球 royaladj. 皇家 spy v. 侦探track n. 轨迹,踪影binoculars n. 双筒望远镱fast adv. 熟 (睡)ladder n. 梯子shed n. 棚子6 / 19sarcastic adj. 嘲讽的,耻笑的tone n. 语气,声调noble adj. 崇高的,壮丽的monument n. 纪念碑statue n. 塑像liberty n. 自由present v. 赠予sculptor n. 雕琢家actual adj. 实质的,真切的copper n. 铜support v. 支持,支撑framework n. 构架,框架transport v. 运送site n. 场所pedestal n. 底座instruct v. 指导,教授Los Angeles洛杉矶reluctant adj. 牵强的,不肯意的weight n. 重物underwater adj. 水下的tricycle n. 三轮车compete v. 比赛,抗衡yard n. 码gasp v. 喘息fantasy n. 想象故事ambassador n. 大使Escalopia n. 艾斯卡罗比亚 (虚假的国名 )frightful adj.可怕的,令人惊讶的fire extinguisher 灭火器drily adv. 冷漠地,乏味无味地embassy n. 大使馆heaven n. 天,天堂basement n. 地下室definitely adv. 必定地post v. 派任shot n. 子弹festival n. 节日lantern n. 灯笼spectacle n. 情景,壮观,场面词组:Lessons1-2常用词组和语言点1.go to the theatre去看戏go to the film/movie 去看电影2.interesting 令人感兴趣的(表示主动)Interested 对感觉风趣的(表示被动)3.get angry 生气 get 为系动词。

Lesson 1一、默写以下词组1. 上周2. 去剧院3. 有一个好座位4. 喜欢这部喜剧5. 大声谈话6. 变得生气7. 听到男演员说话8. 转过身来9. 注意10. 对……注意11. 吸引某人的注意12. 在最后13. 在……的最后14. 无法容忍某事15. 听到一句话16. 生气地说17. 不关你的事二、默写以下知识点简单句各部分的顺序L esson 2 一、默写一下短语或句子起床很早躺在床上直到午餐时间望着窗外外面一片昏暗多么糟糕的一天!正在这时〔过〕露西阿姨来看你那么晚天哪!我刚下火车.二、默写时态提示词1、一般现在时:2、正在进行时:3、一般将来时:4、一般过去时:5、现在完成时:6、过去进行时:L esson 3 一、默写以下短语1.寄给我一张贺卡2.搅得我的假期不得安宁3.去年夏天4.去了意大利5.在公园里6.一位好客的服务员7.几句意大利语8.借我一本书9.想着10.过得真快11.做出一项重要的决定12.决定做某事13.度过一整天14.唯一一张明信片15.看到那起事故16.撞到柱子上17.穿过马路18.试着做某事19.避免做某事20.朝我来21.爬上了人行道22.撞到23.害怕24.出来25.对某人喊叫26.对......生气27.一束花二、默写以下知识点1、借:2、花:3、唯一:4、破坏:5、try:Lesson 4 一、默写以下短语1.激动人心的旅行2.收到一封来自…..的信3.为……而工作4.一家大公司5.很多6.一辆澳大利亚小汽车7.在……的中部8.飞往9.不久将要做某事10.出国11.觉得旅行非常激动人心12.非常成功13.至今二、默写以下知识点1)很多:2)中间:3)number:Lesson 5 一、翻译下列短语1.无错号之虞2.有一个汽车修理部3.另一个修理部4.离某地……公里远5.带来第一封信6.完成全程7.到目前为止8.大量的请求9.零部件10.其它紧急的信函11.从一个到另一个12.就这样13.他自己的私人服务14.赢了五个奖15.远离二、默写以下知识点1)Other:2)way:Lesson 6 一、默写以下短语1.搬进2.一个可怜的乞丐3.敲门4.要求得到5.作为回报6.头顶倒立7.放进口袋8.离开9.告诉某人某事10.每个月一次11.非常提神12.一包面粉13.在食品店14.朝我走来15.带了一个包16.一盒烟丝17.一些布料18.两瓶啤酒19.每年夏天二、默写以下知识点1〕knock〔5〕:2〕put〔7〕:3〕look〔9〕:4〕take〔5〕:5〕拜访:Lesson 7 一、默写以下短语1. 在机场2. 整整一上午3. 期待某事4. 期待做某事5. 一包贵重的……6. 数小时以前7. 主楼8. 在停机坪9. 把某物拿下飞机10. 带进11. 海关12. 把守门13. 令某人吃惊14. 珍贵的包裹15. 装满16. 引起麻烦二、默写以下知识点1、动介短语与动副短语2、翻译以下短语,在动介短语后打√赠送〔〕叫醒〔〕寻找〔〕砍下〔〕归还〔〕举起〔〕脱下〔〕穿上〔〕送走〔〕推倒〔〕下决心〔〕请求允许〔〕扔掉〔〕Lesson 8一、默写以下短语1.参加比赛2.赢得比赛3.修筑了一条整洁的小路4.池塘上5.努力工作6.最佳花园竞赛7.赢了一个小奖8.最美的花园9. 每年10.每年11. 种植更多的花卉12.一座木头桥13.最差的书写14.电影明星15.影集16.允许做某事17.填词比赛二、默写以下知识点1. 比较级、最高级提示词2. +er/est的方法3. 不规则:Lesson 9 一、默写以下短语1. 冷遇2. 在星期三的晚上3. 市政厅4. 一大群人5. 聚集在一起6. 再过二十分钟7. 敲了十二下8. 分针9. 拒绝做某事10. 就在那时11. 就在那时12. 开始做某事13. 第二次世界大战14. 很多游客15. 夜里二、默写以下知识点1.修饰时间的介词2.in/on/at的区别:in:on:at:3.no/notLesson 10一、默写以下短语1. 一件老乐器2. 德国制造3. 属于4. 很久5. 很多年前6. 被……弄坏了7. 努力做某事8. 用力敲击9. 大为吃惊10. 允许某人做某事11. 我父亲的一位朋友12. 他的一位朋友13. 正在被修理14.送某物给某人15. 逮捕小偷16.处罚那个男孩二、默写以下知识点1〕被动语态〔一般现在时、正在进行时、一般过去时〕2〕makeLesson 11 一、默写以下短语1. 一个好的回报2. 在一家饭店3. 进来4. 在一家银行工作5. 薪水很高6. 向某人借某物7. 归还8. 坐在同一张桌子旁9. 借给某人某物10. 过一会儿11. 到目前为止12. 在黑板上13.到黑板前面来14.皇家访客15. 很多专家16.建造圆屋顶17.装修房子18.花大价钱19.世界上很多的地方20.直到今天21.数以百万二、默写以下知识点1〕现在2〕工资3〕被动语态〔现在完成时、过去完成时〕Lesson 12 一、默写以下短语1.从……起航2.为某人送行3.在港口4.一大清早5.一艘非常著名的小船6.因……而著名7.多次8.出发9.充足的时间10.和某人告别11.离开12.参加比赛13.查尔斯船长14.我们的邻居15.横渡大西洋16.为……感到自豪17. 一次重大的的比赛二、默写以下知识点1〕set2〕be+副词3〕一般将来时结构Lesson 13 一、默写以下短语一个流行歌曲演唱团目前全国各地大部分昨晚今晚明晚在工人俱乐部逗留5天在此期间演出5场同往常一样日子不好过维持秩序每逢这种场合二、默写以下知识点1〕所有格2〕将来进行时Lesson 14 一、默写以下短语一次有趣的经历离开某地离开去某地在……的南部继续驶往途中向……招手提出要求搭车一……就……问早上好同样用法语回答我除了个别几个单词一点儿也不谁也没有旅途中我很快了解到二、默写以下知识点1〕除了2〕不定代词+of3〕过去完成时Lesson 15 一、默写以下短语1.一个好秘书2.感到非常紧张3.走进他的办公室4.抬头5.生意不景气6.承担不起7.这么庞大的的工资开支8.轮到某人了9.用很弱的声音10.额外1000英镑的收入11.买得起这种型号12.没时间13.租用一周14.发脾气15.一个易发怒的人二、默写以下知识点1〕紧张、担心2〕直接引语、间接引语Lesson 16 一、默写以下短语1.彬彬有礼的要求2.在错误的地方3.一位交警4.非常幸运5.让某人不要做某事6.没有罚单7.欢迎某人去某地8.在这个区域9.注意10.收到一份请求11.不遵守12.打扰他13.写信给某人14.犯错误15.订正错误16.新欢音乐会17.赶快二、默写以下知识点1〕if / whether2> remind/remember3> findLesson 17 一、默写以下知识点1.一定是2.至少3.最多4.除了5.扮演6.在舞台上7.参加8.一个17岁的女孩9.穿一身鲜红的裙子10.黑色长筒袜11.在另一部剧里12.做某事很可怕13.长大二、默写以下知识点1〕必须2〕asLesson 18 一、默写以下短语1.在一家乡村小酒店2.把某物放在椅子上3.店主4.吃得好5.付账6.立刻7.出去8.一会功夫后9.某人带着某物回来了10.将某物归还某人11.洗澡12.一段很长的谈话13.对某人有耐心14.戒烟二、默写以下知识点1〕有2〕give〔8个〕3〕have〔12个〕Lesson 19一、默写以下短语1.在任何时候2.冲向3.冲向4.售完5.真遗憾6.售票处7.下周三的演出8.某人大声说9.还是…….好,不妨10.在任何时候11.应该,被期望二、默写以下知识点Must、can、could、may、might用法:Lesson 20 一、默写以下短语1.我最喜欢的运动2.〔持续〕几个小时3.没有做某事4.某人为某事烦恼5.代替做某事6.更不幸7.完成后8.在河边渡过了整个早上9.和……回家10.放弃做某事11.浪费时间12.无所事事13.认识到重要的一点14.对……感兴趣15.我最喜欢的业余爱好16.喜欢17.害怕18.能胜任19.道歉二、默写以下知识点合并句子:Lesson 21 一、默写以下短语1.逼某人发疯2.过往的飞机3.日日夜夜4.由于某种原因5.开始使用6.100多人7.赶走8.被逼做某事9.少数留下来的人中的一个10.撞倒11.一大笔12. 给某人提供某物13. 也许是对的14.决定做某事二、默写以下知识点1>情态动词完成时:2〕drive:Lesson 22 一、默写以下短语1.想过2.接到来信3.同龄姑娘4.横渡5.英吉利海峡6.扔进7.想8.对面9.定期通信10.决定做某事11.行驶得更快一些12.一张有她名字的纸二、默写以下含有of短语搭配1.控告2.赞成3.让……放心4.谨防5.夸耀6.埋怨7.由……组成8.使信服9.治愈10.丧失……希望11.幻想12.期望13.听到……消息14.摆脱15.闻到16.对……猜疑17.思考18.对……感到厌烦19.警告……有危险Lesson 23一、默写以下短语1.收到了姐姐的一封信2.住在尼日利亚3.感到非常惊奇4.在乡间5.动工6.房屋竣工7.完成某事8.和我们住在一起9.一栋非常现代化的住宅10.在某些人看来很古怪11.在这个地区二、默写以下含有from的短语1.从……借2.保护……使免于3.向……要求4.有别于5.解雇6.从……中得出7.从……出现8.从……逃出9.允许不……10.阻止、妨碍11.不准许12.向……提抗议13.接到14.把……分开15.忍受,受难三、默写以下含有IN 的短语1.信仰2.因…而高兴3.从事4.鼓励5.使…从事于,正在6.有…的经验7.包括8.向…讲授…,教9.对…感兴趣10.投资于Lesson 24一、默写以下短语1.走进饭店经理的办公室2.感到非常烦恼3.对……深表同情4.开始做某事5.抱怨某事6.这个邪恶的世道7.被……打断了8.一阵敲门声9.包含某物10.一些诚实可信二、默写以下含有on的短语1.遵守2.在…基础上3.拜访4.评论5.集中于6.祝贺7.商量8.依靠9.对…作出决定10.依靠11.节约12.从事13.尝试14.坚持15.依靠于…16.靠…生活17.起作用18.扮演19.为…而感到自豪20.依赖21.对...表决;投…的票22.写…的事Lesson 25一、默写以下短语1.火车站2.去……的路3.英语说得非常小心4.重复我的问题5.几次6.最后7.既不……也不……8.一个外国人9.互相看着10.像那样说英语11.一种不同的语言二、默写以下连词1.和2.或者3.但是4.因为5.所以6.尽管7.因此8.如果、是否9.是否10.除非11.不但……而且12.两者……都13.要么……要么14.两者……都不15.无论什么16.无论如何17.无论哪儿18.无论谁19.如此……以至于20.如此……以至于21.太……而不能22.足够23.即使24.即使25.好像26.好像27.只要……就28.一……就29.既……又30.尽可能31.尽可能Lesson26一、默写以下短语1.一个学艺术的学生2.画了很多画3.装成4.懂现代艺术5.好看的图案6.同样的7.漂亮的窗帘布8.欣赏现代绘画9.观察到的东西更多10.悬挂11.颠倒过来12.用挑剔的目光看13.一会儿14.围绕15.古典音乐16.清楚地记得17.前几天18.一个平盘子二、默写以下知识点1、标点:2、书信格式:Lesson 27 一、默写以下短语1.雨夜2.傍晚时分3.搭起了帐篷4.在田野中央5.一……就……6.在篝火上7.闻起来很香8.在美味的晚餐后9.在营火旁10.一会以后11.扑灭了篝火12.钻进帐篷13.冲出来14.既暖和又舒服15.睡得很香16.跳出17.雨下得很大18.形成了一条小溪19.弯弯曲曲穿过田野20.从他们的帐篷底下流过去二、默写以下知识点1、put2、beginLesson 28 一、默写以下短语1.……的之一2.少有的人3.相信4.古代神话5.在城里6.自从搬进去7.发生了磨擦8.车主们9.回到家10.把车停在他家大门外11.甚至一次12.为此13.能14.把自己的车开进车库15.有效果16.放在了大门上边17.一个丑陋的石雕头像18.最丑陋的头像之一19.我见过的20.变成21.没有一个Lesson 29一、默写以下短语1.一辆与众不同的出租车2.开始一项新的服务3.这架奇妙的飞机4.带七位乘客5.最令人惊奇的事6.任何地方降落7.甚至刚耕过的田里8.第一名乘客9.一个偏僻的村庄10.在威尔士山区11.从那时开始12.许多不寻常的地方13.降落14.一栋公寓楼的屋顶上15.还有一次16.一个废弃的停车场上17.拒绝一个奇怪的要求18.一位商人19.一个孤岛20.在大西洋上二、默写以下知识点Lesson 30一、默写以下短语二、默写以下知识点1. a small river cuts across the park2. on fine afternoons3. last Sunday4. on the river bank5. as usual6. play games7. row on the river8. kick a ball hard9. go towards sb10. a passing boat11. call out sb12. struck sb so hard13. fall into the river14. turn to do15. in sight16. run away17. throw sth back to…L311. success story2. yesterday afternoon3. as a young man4. the head of a pany5. a business pany6. used to do7. it is one’s job to do sth8. work 14 hours a day9. some money10. for years11. a workshop of one’s own12. in one’s twenties13. spare parts14. in a few years15. two helpers16. the factory employs how many people17. one’s hard early years18. the long road to successL321. shopping made easy2. people are not so honest as they once were3. the temptation to do sth4. than ever before5. in large shops/stores6. a well-dressed woman7. on Monday mornings8. than usual9. watch sb10. small articles11. after a little time12. expensive dresses13. hand sth to sb14. wrap sth up15. as quickly as possible17. without paying18. a free dress19. once a weekL331. happen to sb2. set out from3. be caught in the storm4. towards evening5. strike a rock6. jump into…7. swam to the shore8. the whole night9. cover a distance of…10. early next morning11. be high up on the cliffs12. on arriving at the shore13. struggle up the cliff14. find sb in hospital/doing/n:/adjL341. all week2. the local police3. call at the police station4. be wanted by the police5. a smiling policeman6. pick up a bicycle7. a village four hundred miles away8. send sth to one’s home9. be most surprised10. be amused11. never expect sth to happen12. a boy of fifteenL351. a short while ago2. find sth far more exciting3. drive along the street4. see sb do5. rush out of6. run towards7. a waiting car8. carry a bag9. act quickly10. drive sth at sb11. get such a fright12. drop the bag13. get away15. the back of the car16. a battered car17. move away18. be badly damaged19. be easy to recognize20. shortly afterwardsL361. swim across the channel2. set out from3. the French coast4. set up a world record5. a strong swimmer6. be sure to do sth.7. watch sb. anxiously8. swim the long distance to9. intend to do10. take short rests11. every two ours12. have something to drink13. solid food14. school friends15. on the English coastL371. the Olympic games2. in four years’ time3. a great many4. an immense stadium5. an Olympic-standard swimming pool6. a special railway line7. outside the capital8. plete the new road9. by the end of the next year10. work on the stadium11. a fantastic modern building12. watch sth. anxiously13. the buildings go up14. look forward to do sth.L381. return to England2. dream of3. retire in England4. settle down5. plan to do6. no sooner … than7. plain about9. rain continually10. bitterly cold11. many years of sun shine12. get a shock13. act as if14. in the end15. it is more than I can bear16. hardly when17. the dream ended18. think of everything exceptL391. the following day2. ask for sth.3. a bedside telephone4. the hospital exchange5. inquire about6. allow sb. to do sth.7. for another two weeksL401. at a dinner party2. sit next to sb.3. a large unsmiling lady4. in a tight dress5. look up6. take one’s seat7. one’s eyes are fixed on sth.8. in a short time9. be busy eating10. make conversation11. a play is ing to12. see a play13. will you be doing /seeing/spending/staying14. in despair15. enjoy one’s dinner16. eat more and talk lessL 421. have a log walk through the market2. stop at a square3. have a rest4. after a time5. a snake charmer6. large baskets7. at the other side of the square8. have a look at sb9. as soon as11. play a tune12. have the first glimps of sth13. rise out of sth14. follow the movement of the pipe15. be very surprised16. play jazz and pop songs17. tell the difference between……and….. L 431. American explorer2. fly over the south pole3. at first4. take photographs of5. a great many6. lie below7. run into trouble8. at one point9. it seems certain that10. get over the mountain11. rise to …feet12. at once13. order his men to do sth14. throw out15. food sacks16. clear the mountain17. reach the north pole18. be……miles away19. in sight20. the endless white plains21. without difficultyL 441. think of sth2. take the risk of3. run through the forest4. run after sb5. rush up to do6. have a piic7. at the edge of a forest8. in the struggle9. the strap breaks10. with sth in one’s possession11. start running through the trees12. get so angry13. be out of breath14. catch up with sb15. go through sth17. run straight at them18. get such a fright19. drop the bag20. need doing sthL 451. the whole village2. soon learn sth3. a large sum of money4. one’s savings5. post office6. be sure that7. must have done8. return to sb9. find sth outside the front door10. wrap sth up in a newspaper11. half the money12. together with13. a note which says14. in time15. pay sth back16. 100 percent honestL 461. at the airport2. unload sth3. a number of +可数名词4. wooden boxes5. account for the fact that…6. extremely heavy7. sth occurs to do sb8. open up sth9. be astonished at sth10. on top of sth11. a pile of12. woolen goods13. be surprised at14. admit doing sth15. be confined to16. pay forL 471. a public house2. be up for sale3. someplace is haunted4. hear sth ing from5. block the doors6. turn the light off8. the night before9. a free drink10. shake one’s head11. Give sth awayL 481. It’s impossible for sb to do2. Pull out teeth3. For a while4. Cotton wool5. Collect stamps6. match boxes7. sb’s collection is growing8. How sb is9. In answer to sth10. either or11. make strange noises12. Mean while13. be busy doing14. Search out15. feel worried16. remove sth fromL 491. be tired of2. on the floor3. save up4. for years5. for the first time6. the proud owner of sth7. springs and mattress8. carry sth on to the roof9. for the first 2 nights10. a storm blows up11. a gust of wind12. sweep sth off13. crash into courtyard below14. send sth doing15. strike the ground16. smash to pieces17. miraculously unhurt18. glance at sth19. the bits of wood and metal20. lay around21. promptly do sthL 501. take for a ride3. go on an excursion4. the trip takes sb some time5. get on the bus6. conductor7. tell sb where to8. get off9. in the front of the bus10. get a good view of11. after some time12. look around13. realize with a shock14. the only passenger left on the bus15. this is as far as we go16. put sb off17. it doesn’t matter18. go back19. in that case20. stay on the busL 511. things get so bad2. go on a diet3. first of all4. write out sth5. pay sb a visit6. ring the bell7. as fat as ever8. led sb into the room9. a large parcel10. smile guiltily11. strict diet12. reward sb occasionally13. the contents of the parcelL 521. move into a new house2. have been working3. all morning4. get sth in order5. to make matters worse6. at the moment7. temporarily do sth8. floor space9. walk on sth10. a short while ago11. carry sth up the stairs12. get a big surprise14. for some time15. in o ne’s spare timeL 531. put out a fire2. forest fire3. since then4. find out5. how the fire begins6. broken glass7. cigarette ends8. throw sth away9. examine sth carefully10. be quite sure that11. sth start the fire12. accidentally discover sth13. the remains of the snake14. wind around15. electric wires16. power line17. solve the mystery18. snatch up sth19. drop sth on to20. wind oneself round21. send sparks down toL 541. send sb to school2. return home3. be at school4. return home5.be at work6.make some food7meat pies8in a short time9mix butter and flour10be covered with11sticky pastry12at exactly that moment13the telephone rings14Nothing could have been more annoying 15pick up the receiver16be dismayed17recognized the voice of sb18it takes sb some time to do sth19ring back later20hung up the receiver22on the doorknobs23no sooner… than24loud enough to wake the dead 25sign for sth26a registered letterL551lost treasure2e true3detect sth4be buried in the ground5near the seashore6used to do sth7be armed with…8a search party9buried treasure10near the entrance to the cave 11search sth thoroughly12tin trunk13in spite of sth14be confident that15sth of value16fairly soon17dig a hole two deep18fail to do sthL5611. once a year2hold a race3enter for the race4a great deal of excitement5take part <in>6a great many7loud explosions8break down9on the course10plete the race11the winning car12reach a speed of…13speed downhill14at the end of the race15have a lot of trouble doing sth 16a great deal of pleasure17car races18no less excitingL57in jeans2an expensive shop3hesitate for a moment4a dress in the window5serve sb6the way sb dresses7glance at sth scornfully8walk out of the shop9return to the shop10the following morning11be dressed ih12a fur coat13in one hand and in the other14seek out15ask for sth16not realizing17be eager to do sth18with great difficulty19climb into the shop window20as soon as …21enjoy sb doing22. make sb do sth23. buy the dress she has first asked for L581a blessing in disguise2a tiny village3the village of Frinley4sb/sth is said to do5a cursed tree6the number of sth increased7it is … that…8gain an evil reputation9pick a leaf10claim victims11a number of …12have sth cut down13so far14point out ..15a source of ine16from all parts of the country17cut one’s name on the tree-trunk18not one of them19strike down20sudden deathL591used to do sth2sit outside the gate3the front gate4plain of sth5spend time doing sth6press his paw on the latch7let sb ih8an expert at sth9go out shopping10develop a bad habit11from the outside123the door shuts13remove the gate14get so annoyed15have not seen sb sinceL601at a village fair2a fortune-teller3look into …4a crystal ball5a relation of sb’s6is ing to do sth7intend to do8Th e moment…9get a big surprise10rush towards sb11lead sb away from12as soon as13go outside14forget all about15must be at the station16walk away17follow sb out of the fairL611 .launch a telescope into space2 a t a cost of …3right from the start4there is trouble with…5send pictures to sb6disappointing pictures7faulty main mirror8put sth right9send up astronauts10the shuttle takes sb to …11a robot arm12grab and hold sth13make repairs14above the earth’s atmosphere15distant galaxies16a great dealL621fight the fire2get sth under control3a short time before4for miles around5smoke rises up from…6over the desolate hills7winter is ing on8threaten the surrounding villages 9with destruction10heavy rain11wash away the soil12as well13put out the fire14forest authorities15a special type of …16spray seeds17in huge quantities18plant seeds19by then20take root21in place of sth22patches of green23in the blackened soilL631a large circle of friends2be popular at parties3admire sb for4a great sense of humour5that is6the closest friends7make a speech8at a wedding reception9prepare the speech10a large number of11include sth in the speech12a great success13enjoy the speech14to one’s surpriseL641the English channel2in the centre of3serve as4well-ventilated5build chimneys6above sea level7put forward a better plan8a double railway – tunnel9solve the problem10enter the tunnel11draw in fresh air12wait another 100 years for 13be officially opened14connect sth to sthL651a circus owner2take presents to …3be dressed up as…4father Christmas5acpany sb6a guard of honour7set off down the main street 8ride a baby elephant9allow this sort of thing10go along the side street11hold up the traffic12push hard13get sb off the main street 14have a difficult time15be most amused16afterwards17have a good record18let sb off…L661crash on the island2a remote place3in the south pacific4a long way west of Samoa 5be badly damaged6over the years7sth remains undisturbed8be accidentally discovered9an aerial survey10in reasonable condition11be worth rescuing12the French authorities13have sth packaged14move back to15in parts16a group of enthusiasts17have the plane restored18have sth rebuilt19imagine one’s surprise20break open21the packing case22in perfect condition23a colony of bees24turn into sth25be totally preservedL671spend one’s lifetime do ing2active volcanoes3all parts of the world4observe a volcano5name sth sth6set up a camp7be close to …8erupt violently9a number of10brilliant pictures11stay near … for very long24. a river of liquid rock25. e towards sb26. threaten to do sth27. surround sb pletely28. just in time29. quiet volcano30. climb into the mounth of the volcano31. measure temperatures32. risk one’s life33. any man aliveL6834. cross the street35. avoid doing sth36. e running towards sb37. it is no use doing sth38. wave to sb39. enjoy meeting sb40. never have anything to do41. no matter how42. insist on doing sth43. think of a way of doing44. prevent sb from doing sth45. follow sb around46. all morning47. fancy meeting sb48. sb is wondering…49. would you mind doing50. in the waiting roomL691. be tested for sth2. a driving licence3. in heavy traffic4. have done successfully5. instruct sb to do6. drive out of town7. acquire confidence8. be pleased with sth9. let us suppose10. cross the road11. tap on the window12. continue doing sth13. after some time14. tap loudly15. take sb a long time to react16. press the brake pedal hard17. be thrown forward18. in a mournful voiceL701. a bullfight2.wander into3.in the middle of the ring4.be unaware of sth5.be busy with …6.at the time7.catch sight of sth8.shout rude remarks9.wave a red cap10.be sensitive to criticism11.forget all about12.charge at13.the crowd grow quite14.be quite sure of15.get close to sb16.clumsily step aside17.let sb pass18.drag sb to safety19.feel sorry for sb20.look on sympathetically21.be out of the way22.turn one’s attentionL712. all over the world3. on the BBC4. the Houses of Parliament5. burn down6. erect a clock7. take one’s name from8. be responsible for9. make the clock10. be of immense size11. extremely accurate12. the Greenwich Observatory13. have sth done/checked14. the clock strikes the hours15. the clock tower16. rarely go wrong17. fail to do sth18. give the correct time19. work on the tower20. hang sth on21. a pot of paint22. the hands of the clock23. slow sth downL721. racing driver2. the first …to do3. drive at…miles per hour4. set up a new world record5. be specially built for sb6. 30 feet in length7. reach a speed of8. have great difficulty in doing sth9. a tyre burst10.durning the first run11.be disappointed to learn12.average speed13.follow in sb’s footstepsL731. play truant from school2. unimaginative boys3. a day’s fishing4. see a film5. over and over again6. as far as they get7. put sb to shame8. travel…miles10. towards evening11. in the meanwhile12. creep off13. a few biscuits14. leave sb outside the city15. the next car16. stop a car17. the centre of Paris18. on the French Spanish border19. be picked up by the police20. send sb back to21. the local authorities22. evade schoolL741. out of the limelight2. an ancient bus3. a dry river bed4. a party of5. get off6. be dressed in dark glasses7. take special precautions to8. recognize sb9. as they soon discover10. perfect disguise11. it couldn’t be better12. newspaper men13. film fans14. why don’t we e more often15. meanwhile16. food sacks/baskets17. a shadey spot18. make oneself fortable19. look angry20. get out of here21. all of you22. the notice says23. no camping24. in case25. be hard on sb26. say with a sneer27. my other name isL751.a light passenger plane2.fly off course3.some time ago4.crash in the mountains5.a pilot is killed6.baby daughter7.it is the middle of winter8.snow lies thick on the ground9.be miles away10.it grows dark11.turn sth into12.put sb inside13.cover sb with14.it gets terribly cold15.keep to the baby as near as she could16.get into the case17.early next morning18.hear planes passing overhead19.send a signal20.stamp out21.in the snow22.send a message by radio23.it is not long before24.arrive on the scene25.rescue the survivors26.plane crashL761. to end our news bulletin2. says the voice of the television announcer3. go over to4. the field of5. grow sth in an area6. leading growers7. a splendid crop8. harvesting has begun9. between them10. a cartloads of11. golden brown12. the whole village13. work day and night14. gather and thresh the crops15. the September rains16. on the right17. process the crop18. the last scene shows19. at the end of the harvest20. macaroni-eating petition21. the present champion22. won sth23. that ends our special bulletin for today L771. have an operation2. the mummy is that of3. in the temple of Thebes4. on the X-ray plate5. take X-ray plate of sb6. have been trying to do7. die of8. a rare disease9. the only way to do10. be to do sth11. prove to do12. hard resin13. remove a section of sth14. the X-ray plate shows15. a wax figure16. be placed inside sth17. have not yet decided18. sb fears that19. fall to pieces20. cut sth open21. survive the operationL781. an article entitled2. a cigarette smoking3. light a cigarette4. calm my nerves5. with concentration6. with {pleasuresatisfaction7. be sure that8. for a whole week9. sb suffer terribly10. the usual symptoms of11. give up smoking12. a bad temper13. an erormous appetite14. keep on doing sth15. offer sb sth16. make {no effort to doevery17. hide one’s amusement18. produce sth from19. a packet of sweets20. after seven days of this。

新概念第2册词组汇总lesson 11go to the theatre 去剧院2have a very good seat有一个好的座位3sit behind me坐我身后4talk loudly大声地说话5get very angry很生气6turn round 转过身7look at the man and the woman angrily生气的看男的和女的8pay attention to doing 注意9in the end= at last 最后10say angrily 生气的说11It's none of your business.与你无关12a private conversation私人谈话13bear=stand=put up with 忍受Lesson 21get up early 起床早2stay in bed 呆在床上3get up very late 起床很晚4look out of the window看窗外5What a day!多么糟糕的一天啊6just then 就在那时7arrive by train 坐火车到达8come to see you 来看你lesson 31spoil my holidays荒废我的假期2last summer去年夏天3sit in public gardens坐在公园里4a friendly waiter一个友好的服务员5a few words of Italian 几句意大利语6lend me a book=lend a book to me借我一本书7think about=think of…思考、考虑8send cards to my friends=send my friends cards给我朋友邮寄贺卡9on the last day在最后一天10make a big decision做了一个重大决定11spend the whole day度过一整天lesson 41receive a letter from…收到…的一封信2has been there for six months已经在那待了六个月3work for a big firm为一家大公司工作4a great number of different places许多不同的地方5in the centre of Australia澳大利亚中心6fly to Perth.= go to Perth by plane/air飞往Perth7has never been abroad before以前从未出过国8find this trip very exciting觉得旅行很兴奋lesson 51only five miles from…只有5英里远2get a telephone for…为…搞到一部电话3carry the first message传递第一个信息4cover the distance in three minutes用了三分钟飞跃这段距离5up to now到现在为止6a great many requests大量的要求7from one garage to the other从一个车库到另一个8in this way以这种方式9his own private telephone service他自己的私人的电话业务lesson 61move to a house搬家2knock at my door敲我的房门3ask me for a meal乞讨一顿饭4in return for this 作为回报5stand on one's head倒立6put a piece of cheese in his pocket放一块奶酪在兜里7tell me about him告诉我关于他的事8call at every house拜访每一户9once a month一个月一次lesson 71at the airport在机场2a valuable parcel of diamonds一个装钻石的贵重包裹3a few hours earlier几小时前4try to steal试图偷窃5inside the main building在主楼内6on the airfield在停机坪上7take the parcel off the plane把包裹从飞机上拿下8carry it into the Customs House带进海关9keep guard at the door守门10to their surprise使他们吃惊的是11be full of stones and sand装满了沙子和石头lesson 81the most beautiful garden最美丽的花园2enter for报名参加3each year每一年4work harder努力工作5grow more flowers and vegetables种植更多的花和蔬菜6build a wooden bridge over a pool在水池上建立一个木桥7win a little p rize for…为…赢得一个小奖lesson 91on Wednesday evening在周三的晚上2the last day of the year一年中的最后一天3a large crowd of people一大群人4strike twelve in twenty minutes' time20分后敲12下5fifteen minutes passed15分过后6at five to twelve11:557the big minute hand大分针8refuse to welcome the new year拒绝欢迎新年9at that moment在那时10begin to laugh and sing开始大笑和唱歌lesson 101an old musical instrument一个古乐器2was made in Germany德国制造3is kept in the living room保存在客厅里4belonged to our family属于我们家5for a long time很长时间6many years ago许多年前7was damaged by a visitor 被客人损坏了8try to play jazz on it试图演奏爵士音乐9struck the keys too hard使劲按琴键10was shocked震惊了11are not allowed to touch it 不允许摸它12is being repaired by 正在被修理13a friend of my father's我爸爸的一个朋友。

新概念英语第二册单词Lesson 1angril.adv.生气地angr.adj.生气的attentio.n.注.bea.v.容忍busines.n.事get very angry, 非常生气go to, 去……look atloudl.adv.大声地none of,pay attention , 注意pla.n.戏privat.adj.私人的private conversation, 私人的谈话rudel.adv.无礼地, 粗鲁地sea.n.座位theatr.n.剧场turn round, 转身, 也可用turn around Lesson 2aun.n.姑, 姨, 婶, 舅母Dear me! 天哪。
I'.comin.to...表近期计划或安排just then 刚才loo.ou.of...向外看on Sundays 每个星期天outside adv.外面repeat v.重复ring v.(铃, 等)响stay in bed 躺在床上until prep.直到Lesson 3a single 唯一的, 单一的decision 决定friendly 友好的lend 借出make a big decision 做一个重大决定museum 博物馆postcard 明信片public 公共的, 公开的send 寄, 送send to 寄给single 唯一的spoil 损坏, 使索然无味the whole 整个的think about 考虑waiter 服务员whole 整个的Lesson 4a great number of 许多, 大量center / centre 中心different 不同的firm 公司have been there 去过那里have been to 去过receive 收到receive...fro.从….收到, 收到Lesson 5carr....t.把….带到……cover 超过cover the distance 本课指飞完全程distance 距离in this way 这样, 用这种方法message 信息pigeon 鸽子request 请求, 要求service 业务, 服务spare part 备件up to now 到目前为止Lesson 6beggar 乞丐call 光顾, 拜访call at 拜访call on 号召, 访问go away 走开in/ on the street 在街道上in return for 做为回报knock at 敲move to 搬到……stand on his head 倒立Lesson 7airfield 飞机起落的场地all morning 整个早上at the door 在门口be expecting 在等待be fulll of 装满be late 迟到carry into 把……带进, 把……搬进detective 侦探diamond 钻石expect 期待guard 警戒, 守卫keep guard 守卫main 主要的parcel 包裹precious 珍贵的sand 沙子some of the ……当中的一些steal 偷stone 石头take off 拿走, 脱下to one's surprise 使某人惊奇的是try to 试着valuable 贵重的Lesson 8competition 比赛, 竞赛enter for 报名参加every time 每次neat 整齐的, 整洁的path 小路pool 水池wooden 大头的Lesson 9a large crowd of 一大群gather 聚集hand 指针laugh 笑refuse 拒绝refuse to (do ) 拒绝做某事shout 喊叫welcome 欢迎Lesson 10allow 允许clavichord 古钢琴damage 破坏instrument 乐器jazz 爵士音乐key 琴键musical 音乐的recently 最近shock 震惊string 乐器的弦touch 触摸Lesson 11bank n.银行deserve v.应得到, 值得get a good salary 得到很高的薪水lawye.n.律师pay for 付款pay back 偿还salar.n.薪. to my surprise 使某人惊讶的是tur.n.举止, 行.years ago 几年前Lesson 12b.prou.o.对...感到自豪captai.n.船.good luck 好运harbou.n.港.plent.n.大量.许.importan.a.重要.luc.n.运气,幸.prou.a.自豪的sai.v.航.say goodbye to 和某人说再见set off 启程,出发set out 出发take part in 参加Lesson 13a group of 一组at present 目前clu.n.俱乐.give performance 表演group n.组,队keep order 维持秩序occasio.n.场.on these occasions 在这种场合performanc.n.表.pop singer 流行歌手Lesson 14amusin.a.好笑的.有趣.apart from 除了ask for a lift 要求搭车drive on 继续开车experienc.n.经.,经.in French 用法语journe.n.旅.languag.n.语.lift n 搭便车repl.v.回.wav.v.挥手Lesson 15feel nervous 感到紧张i.....voic.用……的语调, interrupt 打断, 插话nervous 紧张, 精神紧张的secretary 秘书weak 弱的Lesson 16are.n.地.can'.fai.t.d.不会不做….fai.v.忘记, 无.not.n.便.obe.v.服从Lesson 17appea.v.登场, 扮.appear on the stage as 在舞台上扮演brigh.a.鲜艳.in spite of 尽管Lesson 18bil.n.账.give back to 归还have a good meal 吃得好, 吃得愉快landlor.n.店.pu.n.小酒店Lesson 19at any moment 随时explai.v.解.hurr.v.匆.hurry to ( do ) 匆忙去做may have (done ) 可能已经做Lesson 20Lesson 21be determined to do 决定做某事be driven away 被赶走be knocked down 被撞倒come into use 启用determine.a.坚定.drive sb mad 使某人发疯for some reason 因为某种原因ma.a.发疯. must be 一定是night and day 日夜reason n.原因su.n.量Lesson 22a little more 更多一点ag.n.年.channe.n.海.decide to (do ) 决定去做drea.v.做梦.梦想.n.梦.梦. dream of 梦到each other 彼此pu.int.把...放进...think of 考虑writ.t.给...写信Lesson 23complet.v.完.distric.n.地.have a letter 收到来信look strange to 对....来说看上去奇怪moder.adj.新式的,与以往不同的strange a.奇怪Lesson 24can do nothing ( to help )无能为力complai.v.报.complain about 报怨.... contai.v.包含,内.feel upset 感到不安honesty n.诚实sympatheti.a.表示同情. wicke.a.很坏的.邪恶的wicked world 可怕的世界Lesson 25arrive in 到达at last 最后foreigner 外国人neithe....no.既不……也.no.onl....but....a.wel.不但……而. porter 搬运工railway 铁路several 几个several times 几次the way to 去……的路wonder 感到奇怪Lesson 26a lot of 许多appreciate 鉴赏art 艺术be upside down 放倒了critic 评论家critically 批评地curtain 窗帘hang 悬挂in the same way 同样 , 用同样的方法meterial 材料notice 注意到paint 画, 画画pattern 图案pretend 假装upside down 上下颠倒地whether 是否whethe....o.no.是否Lesson 27a wonderful meal 美美地吃一顿campfire 营火comfortable 舒服的creep 爬, 爬行feel tired 感觉累了field 田地form 形成heavily 大量地leap 跳跃put out 熄灭put up 搭起, 建起right 正好sleep soundly 睡得香sleeping bag 睡袋smell 闻起来some time later 一段时间之后sound 香甜的stream 小溪tent 帐篷wake up 醒来wind 蜿蜒wind its way to 蜿蜒而行wonderful 精彩的Lesson 28ancient 古老的be able to 能, 会because of 因为believe in 相信, 信仰effect 效果ever since 自从那时起get into 进入Gorgon (古希腊神话中的)3位蛇发女怪之一(凡见其貌者都会变成石头)have any effect 有效果have trouble with 在……方面有麻烦Medusa 美杜莎(古希腊神话中的)3位蛇发女怪之一myth 神话rare 罕见的trouble 麻烦Lesson 29a block of 一栋block 一座大楼desert 废弃flat 公寓房land 着陆land on 降落在lonely 偏僻的, 人迹罕至的on another occasion 还有一次Pilastu.Porte.皮勒特斯.波特(飞机机名)plough 犁, 耕地roof 楼顶taxi 出租车Welsh 威尔士的Lesson 30be in sight 看见call out to 向……大喊cut 穿过cut across 横穿过kick 踢play games 做游戏polo 水球row 划船run away 逃跑, 跑掉sight 眼界, 视域throw back to 扔回turn to 转身Wayle 威尔Lesson 31bicycle 自行车by the end of 到……末为止employ 雇佣for years 好几年grandson 孙子helper 帮手, 助手long road to success 漫长的成功之路of his own 他自己的save 积蓄used to 过去常常workshop 车间Lesson 32arrest 逮捕article 物品, 东西as quickly as possible 尽可能快地find out 查出, 找出hand to 把……递给not so 不则(通常用在not so +形容词+as 句式中, 表示不如……那样)once 曾经, 以前simply 仅仅temptation 诱惑than usual 比平常wrap 包裹wrap up 包起来Lesson 33ahead 在前面be caught in the storm 遇上了暴风雨be high up 高高的在上面be near 接近cliff 峭壁coast 海岸cover a distance of 游了……的距离darkness 黑暗explain 解释hospital 医院light 灯光on arriving 一到……相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句rock 岩石, 礁石shore 海岸storm 暴风雨strike a rock 撞到岩石上struggle 挣扎struggle up 挣扎向上爬what happened to ……怎么了Lesson 34any more (通常用于否定句中)(不)再be most surprised 很惊讶be amused 感到好笑be wanted 被叫, 被要求be worried 担心most 很, 相当, 非常pick up 意外地找到station 车站Lesson 35a short while ago 不久前act 行为afterwards 以后battered 撞坏far 非常far more 很, 非常, 大大地fright 害怕get away 逃跑get such a fright that 如此害怕以致……be finding 觉得move away 搬走regret 后悔rush 冲shortly 很快, 不久shortly afterwards 没过多久straight 径直straight at 径直向while 一段时间Lesson 36anxiously 焦急的be sure to 确信intend 打算intend to 打算record 纪录solid 固体的.硬的strong 强壮的succeed 成功swimmer 游泳运动员take a short rest 稍稍休息一下train 训练Lesson 37be excited 令人兴奋capital 首都design 设计fantastic 巨大的go up 上涨, 升高government 政府hold 召开immense 巨大的look forward to 期待Olympic 奥林匹克的stadium 露天体育场standard 标准work on 从事 , 演算Lesson 38almost immediately 随即, 紧接着as if 似乎bitterly 刺骨的continually 不断地end there (本文)从此破灭even though 即使get a shock 震惊Mediterranean 地中海settle down 安置, 安顿下来sunshine 阳光Lesson 39alone 独自的ask for 请求, 索要be alone 独自caller 打的人certain 某个exchange 交换台following 下一个inquire 询问, 打听inquire about 打听关于operation 手术patient 病人Lesson 40be busy doing 忙于做某事despair 绝望eyes are fixed on 眼睛盯着fix 凝视globe 地球hostess 女主人in despair 绝望地look up 抬头看make conversation 说话, 聊天take my seat 坐下tight 紧身的unsmiling 不笑的, 严肃的Lesson 41almost at once 立刻, 马上b.rud.abou.somethin.对...粗鲁, 无礼be rude to sb 对某人无礼have been in 呆在(某个地方)hole 孔lighthouse 灯塔mirror 镜子needn't have done 表示本来用不着做某事, 而实际上已经做了remark 评说remind 提醒remind you of something 提醒你想起某事rude 粗鲁的, 无礼的say to 和……说Lesson 42after a time 过了一会儿at the other side of 在……的另一面, 在(河)的对岸be surprised 吃惊continue 继续dance 跳舞difference 差别glimps 一瞥have a long walk 走很长一段路have a look at 看一看have a rest 休息一下have a glimps of 看一下Indian 印度market 集市, 市场movement 动作musical 音乐的, 精通音乐的obviously 显然pick up 拾起pipe 管乐器play a tune 演奏一曲snake 蛇snake charmer 玩蛇者tell the difference between 辨别……之间的不同tune 曲调Lesson 43a great many 许多, 大量aircraft 飞机at first 起初, 首先clear 越过crash 坠毁endless 无尽的explorer 探险家flight 飞行, 航班fly over 飞过for the first time 首次, 第一次get over 越过it seems certain that 似乎肯定……lie 处于lie below 在……下面order somebody to (do)命令某人做某事plain 平原point 地点, 点pole 极(地球)run into trouble 遇到麻烦rise to 升到(一定的高度)sack 袋子seem 似乎serious 严重的take photographs 照相throw out 把……扔出去, 扔掉Lesson 44at the edge of 在……的边缘be out of breath 喘不上气, 上气不接下气breath 呼吸catch up with 追上, 赶上contents(常用复数)内有的物品edge 边缘forest 森林get a fright 吓了一跳get angry 生气go through 浏览, 翻看have a picnic 野餐in one's possession 为……所有mend 修理picnic 野餐possession 所有, 拥有risk 危险, 冒险run at 向……跑去, 向……冲去rush up 向……冲去strap 带, 皮带take the risk 冒……风险Lesson 45a large sum of 大量的clear 无罪的,不亏心的conscience 良心,道德心in time 最后 ,终于per cent 百分之……savings 存款, 积蓄the post office 邮局villager 村民wallet 钱包, 钱夹Lesson 46acount foradmitastonish 惊讶,使惊讶b.astonis.a.对...感到惊讶be confine to 被关在(一个狭小的空间里)confine 关在(一个狭小的空间里) discover 发现extremel.adv.非常,极.good.n.货物,商.have a trip 旅行norma.adj.正常的,通常的occur v.发生(occur to 想起)on top of 在...之上open up 打开pil.n..unload 卸(货)woollen 羊毛的Lesson 47accept 接受be haunted 闹鬼be on 开着, 亮着be up for sale 供出售block 堵furniture 家具ghost 鬼give away 捐赠, 送给别人haunt 闹鬼shake 摇动suggest 暗示thirsty 贪杯的turn off 关掉whisky 威士忌酒Lesson 48collect 搜集collection 收藏品cotton wool 药棉feel worried 感到担心for a while 一会儿, 片刻in answer to 作为……的答复make noise 吵闹meanwhile 同时nod 点头pull 拔pull out 拔出来remove from 把……从……取出search out 搜寻Lesson 49a gust of 一阵(风)be tired of 对……感到厌倦blow up 刮起courtyard 院子fail to 失败glance 扫视glance at 扫视……gust 一阵风lie around 在……周围到处是……mattress 床垫miraculously 奇迹般地owner 主人promptly 迅速地real 真正的save up 攒钱smash 碰碎spring 弹簧sweep off 刮掉tired 厌烦的unhurt 没有受伤的Lesson 50as far as 到…程度excursion 远足get a good view of 能看到好的风景go on an excursion 作一次短距离的旅行in front of 在……前面lose one's way 迷路ride 旅行view 景色Lesson 51as ...as ever 和以往一样be embarrassed 感到尴尬be forbidden 被禁止be not surprised to see 看到……不感到惊讶diet 节食embarrass 使尴尬first of all 首先forbid 禁止go on a diet 实行节食guiltly 内疚地it's obvious that ……是很显然的occasionally 偶尔地pay sb a visit 拜访某人reward 给奖赏strict 严格的virtue 美德Lesson 52actually 实际上for some time 一段时间gaze at 盯着get a big surprise 大吃一惊get ....in order 把……整理的井然有序have not been easy 不容易in one's spare time 在某人的空闲时间inch 英寸space 空间temporarily 暂时地make the matter worse 更糟糕的是up the stairs (搬)到楼上Lesson 53accidently 意外地, 偶然地cause 原因, 引起dro....o.t.把……扔到……. examine 检查fireman 消防队员hot 充电的, 带电的mystery 谜power line 电力线remains 尸体, 残骸since then 自从那时起snatch 抓住snatch up 抓起来solve 解决spark 电火花throw away 扔掉volt 伏特wind round 缠绕wire 电线Lesson 54annoying 恼人的at that moment 在那时be at school 在上学be at work 在上班be dismayed 失望dismay 失望, 泄气doorknob 门把手finger 手指get back to 回到……hang up 挂mix 混合, 拌和pastry 面糊persuade 说服, 劝说pie 馅饼receiver 的听筒register 挂号邮寄ring back 回send...t.把……送., 寄. sign 签字sticky 粘的Lesson 55arm 武装be confident 有信心bury 埋藏cave 山洞come true 实现confident 有信心的detect 探测entrance 入口fairly soon 很快finally 最后gold 金子invent 发明it is said 据说mine 矿pirate 海盗revealer 探测器seashore 海岸soil 泥土the entrance to ……的入口thoroughly 彻底地treasure 财宝trunk 行李箱value 价值worthless 毫无价值的Lesson 56at the end of 在……结束时be different from 与……不同Benz 奔驰(车名)break down 抛锚, 出故障course 跑道, 行程downhill 下坡excitemnet 激动, 兴奋explosion 爆炸, 轰响handsome 漂亮的, 美观的have a lot of trouble 有很多麻烦, 费很大劲on the course 在跑道上reach its speed of 达到……速度rival 对手Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯-罗伊斯sound 声音speed 速度take part 参加wheel 车轮, 轮子Lesson 57as soon as 一……就……be eager to 盼望, 渴望eager 热切的, 热情的fur 裘皮hesitate 犹豫, 迟疑jeans 牛仔裤punish 惩罚scornfully 轻蔑地seek out 找出, 认出serve 接待(顾客)the way 方式Lesson 58be struck down 被击倒blessing 福气, 福分claim 以……为其后果cursed 可恨的disguise 伪装evil 坏的income 收入increase 增加plant 种植point out 指出possess 拥有reputation 名声so far 到目前为止source 来源tiny 极小的trunk 树干vicar 教区牧师victim 受害者, 牺牲品Lesson 59an expert at 一个……的能手bark 狗叫develop 养成develop a habit of 养成……的习惯get annoyed 很生气go shopping 去购物habit 习惯latch 门闩paw 脚爪press 按, 压press hand on 把手按在……上remove 拆掉, 取下Lesson 60crystal 水晶fair 集市forget all about把...忘得一干二净fortune-teller 算命人get a surprise 惊讶,吃惊hurry towards 匆忙地向...走去impatiently 不耐烦地less than 少于,不到relation 亲属rus.towrd.向....冲过来Lesson 61a great deal about 许多关于……astronaut 宇航员atmosphere 大气层billion 10亿by the time 到……时distant 遥远的eagle eye 鹰眼Endeavour “奋进" 号faulty 有错误的galaxy 星系grab 抓Hubble 哈勃launch 发射robot-arm 机器手send up 发射shuttle 航天飞机telescope 望远镜universe 宇宙Lesson 62authority (通常用复数)当局blacken 变黑century 世纪control 控制desolate 荒凉的destruction 破坏, 毁灭flood 洪水, 水灾for centuries 几个世纪来get under control 控制住, 得到控制grass-seed 草籽in huge quantities 大量的in place of 代替patch 小片quantity 量rise up (烟雾)升腾, 上升root 根smoke 烟spray 喷撒spray over 喷撒到……上surrounding 周围的take root 生根threaten 威胁threaten …with 有……的威胁wash away 冲走Lesson 63a large circle of friends 交际很广a large number of 许多, 大量a success 成功admire 赞美, 钦佩admire ...for 钦佩某人的……be dissappointed 失望be popular 受欢迎circle 圈子close 亲密的laugh at 嘲笑make a speech 演讲, 做演讲recepetion 招待会sense of humour 幽默感sort 种类the sort of thing 那种事情wedding 婚礼Lesson 64chimney 烟囱connect 连接continent 大陆double 双的draw in 抽进European 欧洲的fear 害怕in the centre of 在中央invasion 入侵officially 正式的port 港口put forward 提出sea level 海平面serve as 作为tunnel 隧道ventilate v.通风ventilatio.n.通风Lesson 65accompany 陪伴, 随行agree to 同意……approach 走近be dressed up 打扮, (穿上盛装)打扮Christmas 圣诞节circus 马戏团Father Christmas 圣诞老人fortunate 幸运的get...off 把……推离……, guard of honour 仪仗队have a difficult time 过得艰难, have a good record (表现)一贯很好hold up 阻碍let...off 饶恕某人main street 主要街道ought 应该this sort of thing 这样的事情this time 这次versus 对……, 与……相对weigh 重Lesson 66a colony of 一群aerial 航空的bee 蜜蜂beeswax 蜂蜡bomber 轰炸机by this time 到此时colony 群enthusiast 热心人hive 蜂房imagine 想像Lancaster 兰开斯特Pacific 太平洋package 把……打包packing case 包装箱preserve 保护rediscover 重新发现remote 偏僻的rescue 营救restore 修复survey 调查wreck 残骸Lesson 67active 活动的active volcano 活火山alive 活着的be close to 靠近become quiet 变得平静brilliant 精彩的Congo 刚果erupt 喷发escape 逃脱Kituro 基图罗Kivu 基伍湖liquid 液态的man alive 活人, 在世的人manage 设法manage to (do ) 设法去做set up 搭建threaten to 即将要……violently 猛烈地, 剧烈地volcano 火山Lesson 68avoid 避免避开follow around 到处跟随insist 坚持insist on 坚持no matter how 无论如何persistent 坚持的, 固执的preven....fro.阻止……做……there be plenty 有足够的wave to 向……挥手Lesson 69Lesson 70apparently 明显地be busy with 忙于做某事be out of the way 不碍事, 不挡路be sensitive to 对……敏感be unaware of 不知道, 没有觉察bow 鞠躬break into cheers 突然喝起彩来bull 公牛bullfight 斗牛catch sight of 突然看到charge 冲上去charge at 向……攻击clumsily 笨拙地criticism 批语drunk 醉汉feel sorry for 对……感到遗憾get close to 靠近grow quiet 变得宁静look on 旁观matador 斗牛士once more 再, 又remark 评论, 言语ring 圆形竞技场地safety 安全地带seem sure of 似乎对……有把握sensitive 敏感的sympathetically 同情地to safety 到安全地带turn attention to 把注意力转移到unaware 不知道的, 未觉察到的wander 乱走, 溜达wander into 溜达到……里Lesson 71accurate 准确的all over the world 全世界be connected with 与……有联系be immense size 外型巨大be responsible for 对……负责任burn down 烧毁check 检查erect 建起give time 报时go wrong 出错Greenwich 格林尼治microphone 麦克风observatory 天文台official 官员, 行政人员parliament 议会, 国会Lesson 72average 平均的be disappointed to learn 得知……感到失望burst 爆裂following one's footstep 踏着某人的足迹footstep 足迹have difficulty in (doing ) 在做……方面有困难horsepower 马力per 每racing 竞赛set up a record 创造纪录Utah 犹他(美国州名)Lesson 73as far as one get 到某人达到的程度border 边界creep off 爬出来evade 逃避, 逃离hitchhike 搭便车旅行hitchhike to 搭便车旅行到……lorry 卡车meantime 其间over and over again 反复地, 一遍又一遍地pick up 拾起play traunt 逃学put ...to shame 使某人感到羞愧, 使……黯然失色record holder 纪录保持者send …back to 把……送回到shame 惭愧, 羞耻truant 逃学的孩子unimaginative 缺乏想像力的Lesson 74a party of 一群be hard on (sb ) 对……过于严厉dress in 穿上, 戴上fan 狂热者, 迷get out of 从……走开in case 除非, 万一it couldn't be better 它再好不过了limelight 舞台灯光make oneself comfortable 使某人自己舒服notice 告示precaution 预防措施shady 遮荫的sheriff 司法长官sneer 冷笑take special precaution采取特别的预防措施with a sneer 带着冷笑Lesson 75fly off course 飞行偏离航线get cold 变冷grow dark 变黑have an idea 有了个主意helicopter 直升飞机passenger plane 客机scence 现场signal 信号stamp 踩, 跺stamp out 踩出survivor 幸存者thick 厚的turn ...into 把……变成……a splendid crop 大丰收Lesson 76announcer (电台, 电视)播音员bulletin 新闻简报champion 冠军day and night 日日夜夜earlier than usual 比平时早fool 傻瓜gather 收庄稼grower 种植者leading 主要的macaroni 通心面, 空心面条present 目前的process 加工special news bulletin 特别新闻简报Signor (意大利语)先生splendid 极好的stalk 梗, 茎studio 播音室thresh 打(庄稼)Lesson 77die of 因……而死disease 疾病Egyptian 埃与的figure 体形, 人像have an operation 做手术last 持续mark 斑点mummy 木乃伊normally 通常地plate (相片)底片prove 显示出rare disease 罕见的疾病resin 树脂section 切片skin 皮肤, 皮survive 幸免于temple 庙宇Lesson 78a.articl.entitle....题名为……的文章appetite 胃口, 食欲be delighted to (do ) 做……很高兴be more than one could bear 再也忍不住了,calm 使镇定concentration 集中, 专心delighted 欣喜的enormous appetite 食欲旺盛entitle 以……为名keep on 持续不断做……lots of times 许多次make no effort to 根本不努力去做nerve 神经produce 拿出return to normal 恢复正常satisfaction 满意, 满足suffer 受苦, 受害suffer terribly 吃尽苦头sympton 症状temper 脾气urge 怂恿, 力劝with concentration 集中精力地, 聚精会神地with satisfaction 心满意足地Lesson 79be curious to 对什么好奇Be gaining height 增重Bomb 炸弹Curious 好奇的feel frightened 感到害怕Frightened 害怕的Frighten 害怕Have an experience 有一段经历in holidays 在假期里keep calm 保持冷静on one occasion 在这个情景中Parent 父母Plant 安放take charge of 管理Lesson 80be made of 由……制成, 用……制造college 学院display 展览exhibition 展览extraordinery 不平常的in all 总共in those days 在那时, 在当时iron 铁machinary 机器on display 展览palace 宫殿profit 利润steam 蒸汽the Great Exhibition 世界博览会thousands of 成千上万的various 各种各样的various parts of the world 世界各地的Lesson 81blaze 闪耀blow 打击boldly 大胆地bush 灌木丛change into 换上……(衣服), 变成drive off 开走elderly 上了年纪的feel sorry for 对……感到惋惜get out 出去, 出来here and there 到处march 行进prisoner 囚犯prisoner of war 战俘rapidly 迅速地rifle 步枪, 来福枪salute 行礼sharp 猛烈的shoulder 肩stand attention 立正站好uniform 制服up and down 来回, 前后Lesson 82at the depth of 以……的深度at times 有时be carried to 被抬到……claim to have (done) 声称(做过……)creature 生物, 动物in any way 无论如何,make every effort to 千方百计地monster 怪物no ordinary 不普通oarfish 桨鱼peculiar 奇怪的, 不寻常的pull on (本文指)咬在……上, 咬住sailor 海员shining 闪闪发光的sight 见到Lesson 83defeat 打败election 选举fanatical 狂热的former 从前的lose one's temper 发脾气on duty 值日, 值班on the following day 在第二天opponent 对手, 反对者progressive 进步的radical 激进的retire from 从……退休suspicious 怀疑的Prime Minister 首相Lesson 84agreement 协议, 同意be due to (do)定于(某时)做某事busman 公共汽车司机express one's gratitude 表达某人的感激之情extent 程度get to work 上班go on strike 举行罢工gratitude 感激object 不赞成, 反对Press 新闻界pressure 压力, 麻烦relieve 减轻relieve pressure on 减轻对……的压力state 正式提出, 宣布strike 罢工take the test 参加测试, 参加考试, 接受测试to some extent 在某种程度上volunteer 自动提出, 自愿volunteer to (do ) 自愿做……Lesson 85a curious coincidence 奇妙的巧合album 相册, 签名簿coincidence 巧合contribute 捐助, 援助contribute towards 为……捐助devote 致力于devote oneself to 致力于……do not matter 没有关系encouragement 鼓励farewell 告别for a total of 总计gardening 园艺gift 礼物, 赠品headmaster 校长hobby 爱好, 嗜好honour 敬意in one's honour 为向……表示敬意inform 通知, 告诉mark the occasion 纪念这个日子patience 耐心total 总数Lesson 86be used to (doing)习惯做某事before long 不久以后buoy 浮标come away 脱落, 离开companion 同伙, 伙伴desperately 绝望地dismay 沮丧drift 漂动, 漂流gently 缓慢地, 轻轻地move across 在……上行驶move in a circle 转着圈行驶on this occasion 在这种情况下petrol 汽油roar past 呼啸而过speedboat 快艇swing 转向swing something around 让……转弯tremendous 巨大的water ski (由快艇牵引水橇)滑水with dismay 沮丧地Lesson 87alibi 不在犯罪的现场at the time 在当时, 在那时at work 在上班be taken off the line (本文指)取消车次,break down 出故障commit 犯(罪, 错)confirm 确认, 证实employer 雇主inspector 探长tell you the truth 说老实话Lesson 88as it is 事实上, 实际上be running out of 用尽, 用完beneath 在……之下capsule 容器cause ...to 导致……(使…处于……的结果)collapse 坍塌drill 钻孔explosive 炸药keep in touch with 与……保持联系layer 层lose heart 失望, 丧失信心lower 放下, 降低progress 进展, 进行smoothly 顺利地surface 表面trap 陷入, 使……陷于困境vibration 震动Lesson 89advertiser 报幕员artiste 艺人be presented 上演burst out laughing 哄堂大笑, 突然大笑comedy 喜剧dull 枯燥, 无味even if 即使feel disappointed 感到失望for hours 几个小时get in 进场get around 四处传遍present 演出, 出席的, 到场的queue 排队rush to 急忙做should have (done ) 本来应该做而实际上未做的事slip 小错误There must have been (there be 表示推测的句式)will do anything to 想方设法去Lesson 90cage 笼chip 油煎土豆片cod 鳕鱼crew 一队工作人员diver 潜水员factor 因素giant 巨大的more and more 越来越……, 越来越多oil rig 石油钻塔overfish 过度捕捞protec....fro.阻.……免受……shark 鲨鱼skate 鳐terrify 吓, 使恐怖variety 品种whale 鲸wit (复数)理智, 头脑Lesson 91a great danger to 对……造成极大的危害balloon 气球binoculars 望远镜keep track of 跟踪make for 向……行驶, 向……走去make out 看出, 辨认出royral 皇家spy 侦察spy on 侦察……track 轨迹, 踪迹Lesson 92be fast sleep 睡熟fast 熟(睡)fall off 从……掉下来hate to do something 讨厌做ladder 梯子prefer to (do) 宁愿做……sarcastic 讽刺的, 讥笑的shed 棚子tone 语气, 腔调Lesson 93actual 实际的, 真实的be presented to 被赠送给be put together 把……放在一起be taken to pieces 被拆卸成小块copper 铜framework 构架, 框架liberty 自由make one's homes 安家monument 纪念碑noble 高尚的, 壮丽的pass through 通过pedestal 底座present 赠送sculptor 雕塑家site 场地statue 雕像support 支持, 支撑transport 运送Lesson 94at a very early age 在很小的年纪be accustomed to do 适应做be lined up 并排放be popular with 受……的欢迎be reluctant to 不愿意做become expert at 在……方面成为能手compete 比赛, 对抗compete against 与……竞争,与……抗衡cover the whole length of 跑完……的全长gasp 喘气gasp for 喘气hold one's breath 屏住呼吸Los Angeles 洛杉矶reluctant 勉强的, 不愿意的tricycle 三轮车underwater 水下的weight 重物yard 码Lesson 95aim …at 用……瞄准ambassador 大使basement 地下室be in a frightful state 处于惊吓状态break out 爆发definitely 肯定地drily 冷淡地, 枯燥无味地embassy 大使馆Escalopia (虚构的国名)fantasy 幻想故事fire extinguisher 灭火器frightful 可怕的, 令人吃惊的get into such a mess 搞得一片狼籍, 一塌糊涂get sb posted 把某人派走Good heavens 天哪!heaven 天, 天堂on fire 起火post 派任set on fire 放火, 纵火shot 子弹Lesson 96all night long 整夜be laid out 摆开, 展示, 摆设be thrown into 被扔进crowds of 成群的festival 节日lantern 灯笼on this day 在这一天spectacle 景象, 壮观, 场面the dead 死人。

lesson 11go to the theatre去剧院2have a very good seat有一个好的座位3sit behind me坐我身后4talk loudly大声地说话5get very angry很生气6turn round转过身7look at the man and the woman angrily生气的看男的和女的8pay attention to doing注意9in the end= at last最后10say angrily生气的说11It's none of your business.与你无关12a private conversation私人谈话13bear=stand=put up with忍受Lesson 21get up early起床早2stay in bed呆在床上3get up very late起床很晚4look out of the window看窗外5What a day!多么糟糕的一天啊6just then就在那时7arrive by train坐火车到达8come to see you来看你lesson 31spoil my holidays荒废我的假期2last summer去年夏天3sit in public gardens坐在公园里4a friendly waiter一个友好的服务员5a few words of Italian几句意大利语6lend me a book=lend a book to me借我一本书7think about=think of…思考、考虑8send cards to my friends=send my friends cards给我朋友邮寄贺卡9on the last day在最后一天10make a big decision做了一个重大决定11spend the whole day度过一整天lesson 41receive a letter from…收到…的一封信2has been there for six months已经在那待了六个月3work for a big firm为一家大公司工作4a great number of different places许多不同的地方5in the centre of Australia澳大利亚中心6fly to Perth.= go to Perth by plane/air飞往Perth7has never been abroad before以前从未出过国8find this trip very exciting觉得旅行很兴奋lesson 51only five miles from…只有5英里远2get a telephone for…为…搞到一部电话3carry the first message传递第一个信息4cover the distance in three minutes用了三分钟飞跃这段距离5up to now到现在为止6a great many requests大量的要求7from one garage to the other从一个车库到另一个8in this way以这种方式9his own private telephone service他自己的私人的电话业务lesson 61move to a house搬家2knock at my door敲我的房门3ask me for a meal乞讨一顿饭4in return for this作为回报5stand on one's head倒立6put a piece of cheese in his pocket放一块奶酪在兜里7tell me about him告诉我关于他的事8call at every house拜访每一户9once a month一个月一次lesson 71at the airport在机场2a valuable parcel of diamonds一个装钻石的贵重包裹3a few hours earlier几小时前4try to steal试图偷窃5inside the main building在主楼内6on the airfield在停机坪上7take the parcel off the plane把包裹从飞机上拿下8carry it into the Customs House带进海关9keep guard at the door守门10to their surprise使他们吃惊的是11be full of stones and sand装满了沙子和石头lesson 81the most beautiful garden最美丽的花园2enter for报名参加3each year每一年4work harder努力工作5grow more flowers and vegetables种植更多的花和蔬菜6build a wooden bridge over a pool在水池上建立一个木桥7win a little prize for…为…赢得一个小奖lesson 91on Wednesday evening在周三的晚上2the last day of the year一年中的最后一天3a large crowd of people一大群人4strike twelve in twenty minutes' time20分后敲12下5fifteen minutes passed15分过后6at five to twelve11:557the big minute hand大分针8refuse to welcome the new year拒绝欢迎新年9at that moment在那时10begin to laugh and sing开始大笑和唱歌lesson 101an old musical instrument一个古乐器2was made in Germany德国制造3is kept in the living room保存在客厅里4belonged to our family属于我们家5for a long time很长时间6many years ago许多年前7was damaged by a visitor被客人损坏了8try to play jazz on it试图演奏爵士音乐9struck the keys too hard使劲按琴键10was shocked震惊了11are not allowed to touch it不允许摸它12is being repaired by正在被修理13a friend of my father's我爸爸的一个朋友。

一、学习与教育take a course - 参加一门课程go through - 仔细检查;经历make a mistake - 犯错误learn by heart - 记住be good at - 擅长be interested in - 对...感兴趣take notes - 记笔记do one's homework - 做家庭作业二、日常生活make a cup of tea - 沏一杯茶go shopping - 购物go out for a walk - 出去散步have a good time - 玩得愉快take a shower - 淋浴get up early - 早起go to bed late - 晚睡三、工作与职业take up a new job - 开始一份新工作be in charge of - 负责work hard - 努力工作be on holiday - 在度假be promoted - 被提升be employed - 被雇佣四、旅行与交通go on a trip - 去旅行take a taxi - 坐出租车catch a train - 赶火车be on the way - 在路上get lost - 迷路arrive at/in - 到达五、情感与态度be pleased with - 对...感到满意be angry with - 对...生气be worried about - 担心be afraid of - 害怕be surprised at - 对...感到惊讶be proud of - 为...感到骄傲六、时间与空间at the moment - 此刻in the future - 在将来at the same time - 同时in a hurry - 匆忙地for a while - 一会儿from time to time - 偶尔七、社交与交流make friends with - 与...交朋友talk with/ to - 与...交谈write to - 写信给listen to - 听agree with - 同意argue with - 与...争论八、健康与医疗catch a cold - 感冒have a headache - 头痛take medicine - 服药feel sick - 感到恶心be in hospital - 住院recover from - 从...中恢复九、经济与金融make money - 赚钱save money - 存钱spend money on - 在...上花钱be in debt - 负债pay for - 支付be worth - 值得十、文化与娱乐go to the cinema - 去电影院enjoy oneself - 自得其乐watch TV - 看电视listen to music - 听音乐read a book - 读书take part in - 参加十一、总结与建议in conclusion - 总之in summary - 总的来说to sum up - 总结起来it is suggested that - 建议it is recommended that - 建议it is advised that - 建议十二、结语《新概念英语第二册》中的词组丰富多彩,涵盖了日常生活的各个方面。

新概念英语第二册单词accident n. 事故;意外之事。
accord n. 调和;一致;协定。
act v. 表演;行动。
action n. 行动;动作。
activity n. 活动;行动;积极性。
actor n. 男演员。
add v. 加;增添。
address n. 地址。
adjective n. 形容词。
admire v. 羡慕;钦佩。
adult n. 成年人。
advantage n. 优势;有利条件。
adventure n. 冒险;奇遇。
advice n. 忠告;劝告。
afford v. 买得起;担负得起。
afraid adj. 害怕;担心。
afternoon n. 下午;午后。
again adv. 再一次;又一次。
age n. 年龄;时期。
ago adv. 以前;从前。
agree v. 同意;赞成。
agriculture n. 农业;农艺。
air n. 空气;大气。
aircraft n. 飞机;航空器。
alarm n. 警报;警钟。
alcohol n. 酒精;酒精饮料。
alive adj. 活着的;有生命的。
allow v. 允许;准许。
alphabet n. 字母表;阿尔法。
altitude n. 高度;海拔。
amaze v. 使惊愕;使惊讶。
ambition n. 野心;雄心。
among prep. 在…中;在…之中。

Lesson11、private ['praivit] a.私人的2、conversation [kɔnvə'seiʃən] n.谈话3、theatre['θiətə] n.剧场,戏院4、seat [si:t] n.座位5、play [plei] n.戏6、loudly ['laudli] ad.大声地7、angry ['æŋgri] a.生气的 8、angrily ['æŋgrili] ad.生气地9、attention [ə'tenʃən] n.注意 10、bear [beə] v.容忍11、business ['biznis] n.事12、rudely ['ru:dli] ad.无礼地,粗鲁地1.一次私人谈话 a private conversation2.private对应词------- public3.在公共场所 in public = in the public place4.若可能的话,请小心不要造公共场所大声喧哗。
If (it’s )possible ,please take care not to speak loudly in public 。
5.和某人做对话 have a conversation6.去戏院 go to the theater7.和某人生气 be angry with sb8.由于某人而生气be angry at sth9.生气做某事 be angry to do sth10.注意 pay attention to 没注意 pay no attention11.更多地注意 pay more attention 几乎不注意pay little attention注意些pay some attention 注意许多pay much attention12.为……付钱 pay for 13.公事 on business14.此事与你无关 It‘s none of your business 。

新概念英语第二册重点词组新概念英语第二册重点词组(1—48)1.go to the XXX2.go to the movie3.interesting adj.4.interested adj.5.get angry6.turn round=turn around7.angrily adv.8.pay attention to9.notice vt.10.in the end=at last=finally11.none of your business12.get up13.stay in bed14.not…until15.What a day!16.just then17.visit vt.18.public gardens19.XXX.20.XXX.21.on the last night22.make a decision23.receivealetterfromsb.=hear from sb.24.a great number of=many25.fly to26.XXX27.be five miles from+地址28.cover vt.29.in three minutes30.up to now31.a great many32.spare part33.one…the other34.in this way35.XXX to36.knock at37.ask for38.a glass of39.in return for40.stand on one’s head41.go away42.call at+地点43.call on sb.44.once a month45.twice a month46.three times a month47.at XXX48.try to do49.try doing50.while51.keep guard52.to one’s surpriseXXX54.be full of=be filled with55.enter for56.XXX.57.on XXX58.a crowd of59.the minute hand60.the hour hand61.the second hand62.refuse to doXXXXXX65.allow sb. to do66.a friend of my XXX’s67.XXX’s officeXXX.69.pay back70.pay for71.across the Atlantic72.set out73.plenty of+可数/不可数XXX.75.XXX76.be proud of77.take part in78.a group of79.at present80.at XXX81.during this time82.give a performance83.as usual84.have a difficult time85.keep orderXXX87.drive on88.on the way89.wave to…90.ask for a lift91.as soon as92.say good morning to93.apart from94.a few+可数名词95.few+可数名词96.XXX97.feel nervous98.look upXXXdictionaryafford to do101.in a weak voice 102.a XXXXXX104.fail to do105.No parking! 106.at least107.in spite of 108.in a dress109.grow up110.look for111.have a good meal 112.pay the bill 113.give back toXXX115.XXX…116.sell out117.What a pity!118.at once119.might/may as well do120.instead of121.give up doing122.a waste of time123.be interested in124.drive sb. mad125.night and day126.for some e into use 128.drive away129.knock down130.a sum of money131.a large sum of money132.be determined to do133.dread of/about134.a piece of135.think of136.ten months later 137.write to sb. 138.each other 139.decide to doXXX.141.next year 142.get a surprise 143.in the country 144.It looks strange. 145.feel upset plain about 147.XXXXXXtoXXXend=finally150.the way to (XXX)XXXonly…but also152.XXX153.a lot of=lots of+可数名词/不成数名词154.in the same way 155.of course156.better thanXXXXXXwhile159.upside down160.put up161.in the middle ofXXX as163.smell good164.tell a story165.sing a song166.by the campfire 167.put out168.sleep soundly169.wake up170.wind its way171.believe in172.because of+名词/代词173.have an effect 174.turn…to/intoXXX.176.from…to177.since then178.on the roof ofXXX180.as usual181.call out toXXX183.fall into184.in sight185.out of sight186.run away187.throw back toXXX.ed to do190.be used to doing/sth. 191.at that time192.make spare parts 193.employ vt.194.the long road to success 195.in his XXXXXX197.not as…as=not so…as 198.than ever before 199.a well-dressed woman 200.hand XXX.201.wrap up202.than usual203.as…as possible204.find out205.be able to do206.set outXXX208.XXX209.not…any more 210.pick up a stone XXX212.XXXaccent213.call at+地点214.call on sb.215.the local police 216.be worried217.mostsurprised=very surprised218.wake up219.wake sb. up220.a short while ago 221.regret to do222.regret doing 223.see sb. do224.XXX225.drive at…226.such+ n. that227.shortly afterwards 228.setupanewworld record229.set out230.be sure to doXXXto do232.every two hours 233.on the coasturyears’time=in four years235.a great many+可数名词236.by the end of237.look forward to238.return to239.dream of240.play to do241.settle down242.noXXX…。

Lesson 1 A private conversationgo to the theatre 去剧场看戏 go to the cinema 去看电影go to the dairy 去牛奶店go to the doctor’s 去看病 go to the butcher's 买肉 go to school 去上学go to church 去做礼拜 go to hospital(医院)去看病 go to bed 上床,睡觉take / have a seat请坐 enjoy oneself 玩得开心enjoy doing sth。
享受做某事的乐趣It'.non.o.you.business. 不关你的....d.business.做生意go to some place on business: 因公出差 bear =stand =put up with 忍受…pay attention to …对……注意 pay a little attention 稍加注意pay much attention 多加注意 pay more attention 更多注意pay no attention 不用注意 pay close attention 特别注意private life 私生活 private school 私立学校 private citizen 普通公民public school 公立学校 public letter公开信 public place 公共场所lesson 2 Breakfast or lunchon Sundays 每逢星期天 just then 就在那时by air 乘飞机by bicycle/bike 骑自行车 by boat 乘船by bus 乘公共汽车by car 乘小汽车 by land由陆路 by plane 乘飞机by sea由海路 by ship 乘船by train 乘火车dear me = oh, my = oh , my god 天啊lesson 3 Please send a cardsen..lette. 寄.. sen.sth.t.sb./sen.sb.sth. 给某人送(寄)什么东西credit card 信用卡 cash card现金卡, 储蓄卡, 工资卡(不能透支的那种)len.to(借出): len.sth.t.sb/len.sb.sth.borro.from(借进):borro.sth.fro.sb..borro.sth.make /take a decision作出决定 make a big / great decision 做出重大决定giv.sb.st.给某人某.. brin.s.st.带给某人某.. teac.s.st.教给某人某..sho.s.st.向某人展示某.. sel.s.st.卖给某人某.. offe.s.st.给某人提供某. pas.s.st.递给某人某..leav.s.st.留给某人某..bu.s.st.给某人买某.lesson 4 An exciting tripgo abroad去国外 live abroad 国外定居 study abroad 国外学习work for 在……上班/任职,强调work work in 强调地点(在哪个地方上班)work at 上班 a number of +可数名词复数许多…has gone to 去了某地没回来 has been to 曾经去过某地, 现在不在那个地方fly to Perth = go to Perth by air 飞往波斯it’s the first time(第一次)so far(到目前为止) so far this morning(到上午为止) up to now(直到现在)up to the present(直到目前) receive … from …从…收到…lesson 5 No wrong numbersthe other 两个之中的另外一个one…the other… 一个…另一个…A is +距离+(away) fromB 从甲地到乙地的距离A great many + 可数名词复数 , 许多,大量A great number of + 可数名词复数,许多, 大量in this way 以这种方式 in a way 从某种意义上说 in the way 挡路out of the way 让路 by the way 顺便说说/问问(转移话题)on the way (to)在去…的途中 in the family way 怀孕了(have a baby )at your service 愿意为您效劳 request sb to do sth = ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事at sb.'s request 应某人的要求 keep distance 保持距离front cover(封面) back cover (封底) from cover to cover(从头到尾) cove.gir.(封面女郎.. leav.s..messag..给某人留便.lesson 6 Percy Buttonsask for 请求得到… beg for 乞求得到…inner pocket 内口袋 pocket money 零花钱 pocket book 袖珍书pocket pick 车上的小偷 call sb / call up sb 给某人打电话 call back 给某人回电话call on sb 拜访某人 call at + place 拜访某地call out = shout大喊 call in sb 召集/邀请某人knock at 敲(门、窗等) knock out 把某人打昏 knock off 打折,下班in return for this作为回报, 作为交换lesson 7 Too latea few hours earlier 几个小时以前 air conditioner 空调 air force 空军air line 航空公司 life guard 救生员 body guard 保镖keep guard 守望,警戒 stand guard 站岗, 放哨 diamond ring 钻石戒指preciou.ston. 宝.....expec.so./.thin.so..我希望如此[口语]lesson 8 The best and the worstcar race 赛车比赛 football match 足球比赛 beauty contest 选美比赛enter for报名参加(各种竞赛, 考试等活动) win a prize 赢得了一个奖win a prize for… 因为……而获奖lesson 9 A cold welcomea cold welcome 冷遇 welcome to+地点欢迎…welcome to China welcome to my home welcome home welcome backin the crowd 在人群中 a crowd of people 一群人, 没有次序的人群,a group of people 一群人, 有次序的人群 a large crowd of people一大群人crowds of people 许多人, 人山人海 minute hand分针 second hand秒针 hour hand 时针 second hand二手的, 旧的, 秒针by hand 用手 give sb a hand / do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙hand down 传下来,给 hand out 分发 hand in 交上来 hand over 移交cold fish 冷漠的人 lucky dog 幸运的人 Town Hall 市政厅at that moment = just then 就在那时at the moment = now 现在, 此刻, 在此时lesson 10 Not for jazzbe made in +产地产于… be made of +(可见原料)由…制成be made from + (不可见原料)由…制成 be made into + 成品被制成…b.mad.b..动作发出..由…。

新概念第二册重点词组总结助你掌握重点知识Lessons1-2一、常用词组和语言点1.go to the theatre 去看戏go to the film/movie 去看电影2.interesting 令人感兴趣的(表示主动)Interested 对……感到有趣的(表示被动)3.get angry 生气get为系动词。
如:I got bored at the lecture.4.turn round 转过身round/around 指在周围如:look round/around 向四周看5.angrily adv. 生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly,成为副词。
)如:happy→happily6.pay attention 注意(后常接介词to)如:You should pay attention to your handwriting.7.in the end 最后(近义词:at last,finally)8.none of your business 不关你的事9.get up 起床10.stay in bed 呆在床上11.until 直到not…until直到……才……12.What a day! W对名词感叹,How对形容词、副词感叹。
13.just then 就在那时(just now刚才)Lessons3-4一、常用词组和语言点1.visit:go tu see 拜访,参观2.public gardens 公园3.teach sb .sth 教某人某事(teach接双宾语)lend sb.sth 借给某人某物4.send…to寄给……(比较:send of:派人去请)5.on the last night 在最后一天晚上(具体日期前用介词on)6.make a decision 做出决定decide(V)7.receive/get a letter from sb;hear收到某人的来信from sb8.a great number of:many 许多(后加可数名词)9.fly to:go to…by planetake a plane to…飞往Lessons7-8一、常用词组和语言点1.at the aiport 在机场(at强调“点”)2.try to do…设法做(不一定成功)3.while 当……时候(常与进行时连用)4.keep guard 守卫5.to one’s surprise令某人惊讶的是(如:to my surprise)to one’s relief令人长舒一口气的是to one’s excitement令人兴奋的是to one’s disappointment令人失望的是6.be full of 装满(近义词组be filled with)7.enter for 报名参加(考试等)8.win+比赛/战斗…获胜Lessons5-6一、常用词组和语言点1.be five miles from+地点离……5英里2. cover (1)覆盖,经常用作be covered with由……覆盖(2)+距离,相当于travelWe covered 15 miles yesterday.昨天我们走了15英里。
新概念二词组1-10 (1)


Lesson11、private ['praivit] a.私人的2、conversation [kɔnvə'seiʃən] n.谈话3、theatre['θiətə] n.剧场,戏院4、seat [si:t] n.座位5、play [plei] n.戏6、loudly ['laudli] ad.大声地7、angry ['æŋgri] a.生气的8、angrily ['æŋgrili] ad.生气地9、attention [ə'tenʃən] n.注意10、bear [beə] v.容忍11、business ['biznis] n.事12、rudely ['ru:dli] ad.无礼地,粗鲁地1.一次私人谈话 a private conversation2.private对应词------- public3.在公共场所in public = in the public place4.若可能的话,请小心不要造公共场所大声喧哗。
If (it’s )possible ,please take care not to speak loudly in public 。
5.和某人做对话have a conversation6.去戏院go to the theater7.和某人生气be angry with sb8.由于某人而生气be angry at sth9.生气做某事be angry to do sth10.注意pay attention to 没注意pay no attention11.更多地注意pay more attention 几乎不注意pay little attention注意些pay some attention 注意许多pay much attention 12.为……付钱pay for 13.公事on business14.此事与你无关It‘s none of your business 。

12 91 harbour 92 proud 93 important 94 group 95 pop singer
13 96 club 97 performance 98 occasion 99 amusing 100 experience 101 wave
14 102 lift 103 reply 104 language 105 journey 106 secretary 107 nervous
15 108 afford 109 weak 110 interrupt 111 park 112 traffic 113 ticket 114 note
16 115 area 116 sign 117 reminder 118 fail 119 obey 120 appear 121 stage
17 122 bright 123 stocking 124 sock 125 pub
26 169 material 170 appreciate 171 notice 172 whether 173 hang 174 critically 175 upside down 176 tent 177 field 178 smell 179 wonderful 180 campfire 181 creep 182 sleeping bag
/kɔːl/ /dɪˈtektɪv/ /ˈeəpɔːt/ /ɪkˈspekt/ /ˈvæljuəbəl/ /ˈpɑːsəl/ /ˈdaɪəmənd/ /stiːl/ /meɪn/ /ˈeəfiːld/ /ɡɑːd/ /ˈpreʃəs/ /stəʊn/ /sæ nd/ /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃə n/ /niːt/ /pɑːθ/ /ˈwʊdn/ /puːl/ /ˈwelkəm/ /kraʊd/ /ˈɡæðə/ /hæ nd/ /ʃaʊt/ /rɪˈfjuːz/ /lɑːf/ /dʒæz/ /ˈmjuːzɪkə l/ /ˈɪnstrʊmənt/ /ˈklævɪkɔːd/ /ˈriːsə ntli/ /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ /kiː/ /strɪŋ/ /ʃɒk/ /əˈlaʊ/ /tʌtʃ/ /tɜːn/ /dɪˈzɜːv/ /ˈlɔːjə/ /bæŋk/ /ˈsæləri/ /ɪˈmiːdiətli/ /lʌk/ /ˈkæptən/ /seɪl/
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新概念第二册短语词组Lessons1-2常用词组和语言点to the theatre去看戏go to the film/movie去看电影令人感兴趣的(表示主动)Interested对……感到有趣的(表示被动)angry生气get为系动词。
如:I got bored at the lecture.round转过身round/around指在周围如:look round/around 向四周看 adv.生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly,成为副词。
)如:happy→happilyattention注意(后常接介词to)如:You should pay attention to your handwriting.the end最后(近义词:at last,finally)of your business不关你的事up起床in bed呆在床上直到not…until直到……才……a day!W对名词感叹,How对形容词、副词感叹。
then就在那时(just now刚才)Lessons3-4常用词组和语言点:go tu see拜访,参观gardens公园sb .sth教某人某事(teach接双宾语)lend 借给某人某物…to寄给……(比较:send of:派人去请) the last night在最后一天晚上(具体日期前用介词on) a decision做出决定 decide(V)get a letter from sb;hear from sb收到某人的来信great number of:many许多(后加可数名词)to:go to…by planeLessons5-6常用词组和语言点five miles from+地点离……5英里2. cover(1)覆盖,经常用作be covered with由……覆盖(2)+距离,相当于travelWe cavered 15 miles yesterday.昨天我们走了15英里。
three minutes=in three用3分钟时间minutes’timeto now到现在为止great many+可数名词许多,大量part零部件,备件,the other一个,另一个(共两者)this way以这种方式,用这种方法to搬到at敲……for要……(注意区别ask“问”) glass of一杯……return for…做为……的回报on one’s head倒立away走开at光顾,拜访a month每月一次twice a month每月两次three times a month每月三次take a plane to…飞往Lessons7-8常用词组和语言点the aiport在机场(at强调“点”)to do…设法做(不一定成功)当……时候(常与进行时连用) guard守卫one’s surprise令某人惊讶的是(如:to my surprise)to one’s relief令人长舒一口气的是to one’s excitement令人兴奋的是to one’s disappointment令人失望的是full of装满(近义词组be filled with)for报名参加(考试等)+比赛/战斗…获胜Lessons9-10常用词组和语言点Wednesday evening在星期三晚上morning,afternoon,evening等词前有具体的限定词时,一般用介词on;如果限定词为this,that,last,next等时不用介词。
如::on a fine morn-ing;that morningcrowd of一群a large crowd of一大群minute hand分针the hour hand时针The second hand秒针to do拒绝做……that moment在那一刻,那时to属于to do设法做do…允许某人做friend of my father’s(双重所有格)我父亲的一位朋友Lessons11-12常用词组和语言点lawyer’s office律师事务所…from向…借(lend…to借给back偿还(pay off还清)for为…付钱the Atlantic横渡大西洋out出发,启程7. plenty of 可数/不可数许多,大量(指足够或超出所需要的量)goodbye to…向…告别away离开proud of以…为自豪part in参加Lessons13-14常用词组和语言点group of一群present目前the station在火车站this time在此期间a performance演出usual像往常一样a difficult time日子不好过(近义表达法:have a hard time)order维持秩序…occasion在……场合on继续行驶the way在路上to…向……招手for a lift要求搭车soon as一……就……(引导时间状语从句)good morning to向……问早上好from除……之外few+可数名词几个(表肯定)few+可数名词没几个(表否定)(两者之中的)任何一个不……(后接单数)Lesson15-16常用词组和语言点nervous感到紧张(feel系动词)up抬头看could afford to do负担得起做某事a weak voice无力地说In…voice用……声音traffic policeman交警…to欢迎到……来attention to注意to do没能做parking不许停车No talking.不许说话。
No smoking.不许吸烟。
No littering.不许乱扔杂物。
Lesson17-18常用词组和语言点least至少(反义词组at most最多) spite of尽管(近义词despite)part in参加a dress穿一条裙子up长大for寻找a good meal吃得好the bill付帐单back to还给……Lesson19-20常用词组和语言点any moment在任何时候,随时to…勿忙赶往out售完a pity!真遗憾!真可惜!then就在那时(注意区别:just now刚才) once立刻,马上(近义词:immediately)may as well+动原还是……好of代替(注意区别:instead。
Instead of往用于句中,而instead往往用于句尾) up放弃waste of浪费……interested in对……感兴趣Lesson21-22常用词组和语言点sb. mad逼疯and day日日夜夜some reason由于某种原因into use开始使用(类似表达法:come into )away赶走down撞倒sum of money一笔钱a large sum of money一大笔钱determined to do决心做某事of/about…梦想……a letter from sb./hear收到某人的来信from sb.piece of一张,一片of想……months later十个月后to sb.给某人写信other互相(指两者之间,三者以上用one another) to do决心做某事Lesson23-24常用词组和语言点收到某人的来信a letter from sb.receive a letter from sb.year明年have a surprise惊讶the country在乡下looks strange它看起来古怪(look为系动词)upset感到烦恼,感到难受(feel为系动词)about…抱怨……knock at the door一阵敲门声(knock为名词)Lesson25-26常用词组和语言点in+大地点到达arrive at+小地点get to / reachlast终于,最后way to…去……的路only…but…as well不仅……而且not only…but…not only…but also……nor…既不……也不……other互相(指两者)lot of=lots of许多,大量course当然the same way以同样的方式than胜过…or…是否……还是……a moment /for a while一会down弄倒了,挂倒了Lesson27-28常用词组和语言点up搭起,建起the middle of在……中间soon as……一……就……good闻着香(smell为系动词)a story讲故事tell storiesa songsing songs唱歌the campfire在营火旁(by:在…旁边,如by the window在窗户旁边)out熄灭soundly睡得香(也可以用have a sound sleep表示) up醒来full of…装满……its way蜿蜒而过(类似表达:fight one’s way杀过去feel one’s way摸索行进shoulder one’s way用肩膀撞着过去) in信任of+名词/代词由于(because+句子)an effect起作用…to/into把变成Lesson29-30常用词组和语言点不同寻常的(反义词:usual)…to…从……到……then自那时起the roof of在……的顶上another occasion还有一次,另一次usual象往事一样out to…向……高喊+形容词/副词that+句子如此……以至于into掉入sight在视线中,看得见(反义词组:out of sight看不见)away跑开back to扔回Lesson31-32常用词组和语言点sth告诉某人某事to do sth过去常常做某事be used to sth/be used to doing sth习惯做某事that time在那时spare parts制作零部件在那时雇(employment名词;employee雇员;employer雇主)long road to seccess漫长的成功之路his twenties在他20多岁的时候(如:in her seventies在她70多岁的时候)+adj/adv原级+as像……一样not as…as=not so…as不像……一样ever before比以往任何时候well-dressed woman一个穿着讲究的妇女(注意dress用过去分词,类似的表达方式还有:a warm-hearted man一个热心肠的人a white-haired man 一个白发的人sb把某物递给某人(也可用hand .)up包起来usual比平常…as possible尽可能……out发现a week每周一次Lesson33-34常用词组和语言点able to do…能做……out出发,启程caught in a storm遇上了风暴be caught in a rain淋雨arriving at the shore一到岸上(on+动名词=as soon as+句子。