AS 系列快速入门手册说明书

AS系列快速入门手冊绵密网络 专业服务中达电通已建立了70余个分支机构及服务网点,并塑建训练有素的专业团队,提供客户最满意的服务,公司技术人员能在2小时内回应您的问题,并在48小时内提供所需服务。
中达电通公司版权所有如有改动,恕不另行通知400 - 820 - 9595扫一扫,关注官方微信沈阳电话:(024)2334-1160哈尔滨电话:(0451)5366-5568长春电话:(0431)8892-5060呼和浩特电话:(0471)6297-808北京电话:(010)8225-3225天津电话:(022)2301-5082济南电话:(0531)8690-6277太原电话:(0351)4039-485郑州电话:(0371)6384-2772石家庄电话:(0311)8666-7337上海电话:(021)6301-2827南京电话:(025)8334-6585杭州电话:(0571)8882-0610合肥电话 :(0551)6281-6777武汉电话:(027)8544-8475南昌电话:(0791)8625-5010成都电话:(028)8434-2075长沙电话:(0731)8549-9156重庆电话:(023)8806-0306 昆明电话:(0871)6313-7362广州电话:(020)3879-2175厦门电话:(0592)5313-601南宁电话:(0771)2621-501乌鲁木齐电话:(0991)4678-141兰州电话:(0931)6406-725西安电话:(029)8836-0780贵阳电话:(0851)8690-1374福州电话:(0591)8755-1305地址:上海市浦东新区民夏路238号邮编:201209电话:( 021 )5863-5678传真:( 021 )5863-0003网址: AS-0249310-032022/06/13AS系列快速入门手册版本修订一览表版本变更内容发行日期第一版第一版发行2016/07/15第二版1.第2.2.1节增加挡板安装说明2.第2.3.1节更新电源模块配线说明3.第2.8节更新”新增功能块”软件画面4.第2.9节更新”新增程序”软件画面5.第3.3.1节更新”新增装置监控表”软件画面2017/01/20第三版1.由于AS系列硬件手册及AS系列操作手册已合并为AS系列硬件及操作手册,故更新其相关信息2.增加DIADes igner软件相关信息及第3章DIADes igner程序规划撰写与下载监视3.第1.2节更新AS系统架构最大限制信息4.原第2章及第3章合并为第2章5.第2.1.3.1节更电源端配线信息6.第2.1.5节更新ISPSoft软件开启路径7.第2.2.1.1节更新CO MMG R软件开启路径2022/06/13AS系列快速入门手册目录第1章简介1.1 手册内容简介......................................................................... 1-2 1.2 系统架构简介......................................................................... 1-3 1.3 主机运作介绍......................................................................... 1-4第2章ISPSoft程序规划撰写与下载监视2.1 程序规划编写......................................................................... 2-32.1.1 准备工作........................................................................ 2- 硬件......................................................................... 2- 软件......................................................................... 2- 工具与材料 ................................................................ 2-42.1.2 安装.............................................................................. 2- 安装模块................................................................... 2- 安装脱落式端子........................................................... 2-72.1.3 配线.............................................................................. 2- 电源模块配线.............................................................. 2- 数字输入模块配线........................................................ 2- 数字输出模块配线........................................................ 2- 模拟输入与输出模块配线.............................................. 2- 送电....................................................................... 2-112.1.4 范例说明...................................................................... 2-112.1.5 建立项目...................................................................... 2-122.1.6 规划硬件架构 ................................................................ 2-152.1.7 建立全局符号 ................................................................ 2-202.1.8 建立功能块 ................................................................... 2-222.1.9 建立主要程序 ................................................................ 2-29 2.2 程序下载与监视.................................................................... 2-352.2.1 COMMGR设定.............................................................. 2-382.2.1.1 启动COMMGR ......................................................... 2-38i2.2.1.2 开启COMMGR ......................................................... 2-382.2.1.3 设定COMMGR ......................................................... 2-382.2.2 专案下载...................................................................... 2-402.2.2.1 设定项目通讯........................................................... 2-402.2.2.2 下载硬件配置........................................................... 2-412.2.2.3 下载程序内容........................................................... 2-422.2.3 程序监视与除错 ............................................................. 2-442.2.3.1 程序监视................................................................. 2-442.2.3.2 程序与系统除错 ........................................................ 2-48第3章DIADesigner程序规划撰写与下载监视3.1 程序规划编写 ........................................................................ 3-33.1.1 准备工作........................................................................ 3- 硬件 ........................................................................ 3- 软件 ........................................................................ 3- 工具与材料................................................................ 3-43.1.2 安装............................................................................. 3- 安装模块................................................................... 3- 安装脱落式端子 .......................................................... 3-73.1.3 配线............................................................................. 3- 电源模块配线............................................................. 3- 数字输入模块配线........................................................ 3- 数字输出模块配线........................................................ 3- 模拟输入与输出模块配线 ............................................. 3- 送电 ...................................................................... 3-113.1.4 范例说明...................................................................... 3-113.1.5 建立项目...................................................................... 3-133.1.6 规划硬件架构................................................................ 3-153.1.7 建立全局变量................................................................ 3-193.1.8 建立功能块................................................................... 3-213.1.9 建立主要程序................................................................ 3-293.2 程序下载与监视.................................................................... 3-343.2.1 COMMGR设定.............................................................. 3-34 ii3.2.1.1 启动COMMGR ......................................................... 3-34 开启COMMGR ......................................................... 3-34 设定COMMGR ......................................................... 3-35 3.2.2 专案下载...................................................................... 3-36 设定项目通讯............................................................ 3-36 下载项目-硬件配置与程序 ............................................ 3-37 3.2.3 程序监视与除错.............................................................. 3-38 程序监视................................................................. 3-38 程序与系统除错......................................................... 3-43 3.2.4 既有ISPSoft项目转移..................................................... 3-44iiiMEMO iv1第1章简介目录1.1 手册内容简介 .................................................................................. 1-2 1.2 系统架构简介 .................................................................................. 1-3 1.3 主机运行介绍 .................................................................................. 1-41-1AS系列快速入门手册1.1手册内容简介针对AS系列PLC的产品,台达依照不同的应用需求,分别为用户准备了不同的说明手册。
Poly CCX 400 商务多媒体电话说明书

• 符合 IEEE802.3-2005(第 40 条)的物理媒 体附件
• 符合 IEEE802.3-2002(第 28 条)的连接对 端自动协商
• 语音活动检测
• 手动或动态主机配置协议 (DHCP) 网络设
• 舒适噪声生成
• DTMF 信号音生成(RFC 2833和带内管理) • 基于 SNTP 的时间和日期同步
• Poly HD Voice 高清语音技术可为每个音 • RJ-9 头戴式耳机专用插口
频路径提供逼真的音质:听筒、免提扬声器 • 助听器兼容性,符合 ITU-T P.370 和 TIA
504A 标准
• 802.1X 认证和 EAPOL
• UL 62368-1
• 通过 SRTP 进行媒体加密(包含 AES-256) • CAN/CSA C22.2 No.62368-1-14
• 传输层的安全性 (TLS)
• EN 62368-1
• 加密配置文件
• Poly HD Voice 高清语音技术确保对话 始终不间断。
• 配备简洁触摸屏,助您轻松掌控对话。 • Poly NoiseBlockAI 人工智能噪声屏蔽
技术和 Acoustic Fence 拾音魔墙技术, 从源头消除背景噪音干扰。
有的时候,您需要的只是一部可靠的触屏电话,一部值得信赖且始终保持连接、随时 可用的电话。Poly CCX 400 是一款便捷易用的入门级商务多媒体电话。该款电话的 界面简单直观,只需在彩色触摸屏上轻轻一扫或一点即可轻松接通联系人和会议。
CAD GXLD2QM数字频率灵活无线微电话系统所属说明书

1. ON/OFF Switch2. Antenna3.Charge indicator, Red charging, Green charged4. DC 5V charging port1.ON/OFF switch2.Frequency Selection Button3.Frequency Display4.Battery Compartment34Digital Frequency Agile Dual Channel Wireless Microphone SystemThe GXLD2QM™ Digital frequency agile w ireless system includes the following features:GXLD2QM Wireless Specifications:Frequency Response 20Hz – 20kHz Modulation High Definition Digital QPSK Transmitting Power 10mW Sensitivity -43 dBV (6.8mV ) @ 1Pa Battery Life >10Hrs Frequency Band 500Mhz – 599MhzReceiverTransmitter• Digital High Definition Audio • Frequency Agile Design • Dual Handheld System• QuickMic™ connection to your mixing board via integrated ¼” jack• QuickMic™ is supplied with USB and TRS 3.5mm adapters for added flexibility • Handheld transmitters feature the CADLive Style Neodymium capsules • Handheld transmitters and receiver feature low battery indicators• Handheld transmitters utilize AA Batteries with > 8 Hrs of operation•2 Year Warranty 55. Low battery indicator, Blue on, Red needs charged6. RF indicator, Red Ch A, Green Ch B6AdaptersUSB adapter3.5mm TRS adapterHow to use the GXLD2QM system:1.Turn the receiver ON/OFF switch to ON, the LED indicator will illuminate, insert the 1/4” (6.3mm) input jackinto the audio input jack of your audio mixer.2.Insert (2) AA batteries into the battery compartment of the transmitter, make sure the polarity is correct.3.Turn the transmitter on, the frequency display will illuminate, you can now use this system.4.When the receiver battery gets low, please use the rechargeable cable to recharge the built in battery.Please note:1.If there is any noise, distortion or audio dropouts when using the system it may be caused by a low battery,please replace the transmitter batteries or charge the receiver battery.2.Remember to turn the switches to the OFF position when not in use.3.If you won’t be using the system for a long time, please take the batteries out of the transmitter.Frequency Matching:If there are multiple sets of units in the same environment, crosstalk may occur (same frequency and ID) it can be resolved by the matching procedure below:1. Turn both transmitters and receiver OFF2. First Transmitter: Press and hold the ON/OFF switch and the frequency select buttons for about 4 seconds, the display will flash.3. Receiver: Turn the power switch ON, the RF indicator will flash 4 times.5. A short press on the frequency select button on each transmitter will complete the setup.4. Second Transmitter: Press and hold the ON/OFF switch and the frequency select buttons for about 4 seconds, the display will flash.1. ON/OFF Switch2. Antenna3.Charge indicator, Red charging, Green charged4. DC 5V charging port1.ON/OFF switch2.Frequency Selection Button3.Frequency Display4.Battery Compartment34ReceiverTransmitter55. Low battery indicator, Blue on, Red needs charged PowerUSB 5V6. RF indicator, Red Ch A, Green Ch B6Individuals with cardiac pacemakers and other similar medical devices should consultwith their physician before using any RF devices. Though the output level of this wirelesssystem is below 50 milliwatts, the proximity of the transmitter to the implant device couldpose a threat.As with any wireless product, environmental conditions can reduce or in some casesprohibit a successful connection between the transmitter and the receiver.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Most users of CAD Audio wirelessproducts in the United States do not need a license for operation. However, the rules forunlicensed operation state that this device must not operate in excess of 50 milliwattsand it must not cause harmful interference to other wireless devices, and must acceptinterference received from other devices. Wireless products meeting CAD factorystandards adhere to these rules. The FCC reserves the right to change these rules at anytime. For more information contact the FCC at 1-888-CALL-FCC (TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC) orvisit the FCC’s wireless microphone website at:/cgb/wirelessmicrophonesTwo-Year Limited WarrantyCAD Audio hereby warrants that this product will be free of defects in material and workmanship fora period of two years from the date of purchase. In the unlikely event that a defect occurs CAD Audio will, at its option, either repair or replace with a new unit of equal or greater value. Retain proof of purchase to validate the purchase date and return it with any warranty claim.This warranty excludes exterior finish or appearance, damage from abuse, misuse of the product,use contrary to CAD Audio’s instructions or unauthorized repair. All implied warranties, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose is hereby disclaimed and CAD Audio hereby disclaims liability for incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from the use or unavailability of this product. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights that vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. Note: No other warranty, written or oral is authorized by CAD Audio.CAD Audio Corporate Offices6573 Cochran Rd., Bldg. I Solon, OH 44139 U.S.A.Tel: (440) 349-4900 Fax: (440) 248-4904Distributed Worldwide by American Music and Sound925 Broadbeck Drive, Suite 220Newbury Park, CA 91320 U.S.A.Tel: (800) 431-2609 Fax: (800) 431-3129。

杭州亿利通信器材有限公司Hangzhou YILI Telecommunication Com.目录0.系统编程说明 (1)1.进入系统编程状态......................................................1-2 2.退出编程 (2)3.系统编程内容总清......................................................2-3 4.更换遥控编程密码 (3)5.最大分机长度设置 (4)6.查询台设置...............................................................4-5 7.转接方式设置............................................................5-6 8.语音录制及播放.........................................................6-8 9.第四、六段语音开启/关闭 (8)10.放音结束时“嘟”声指示关闭/开启...........................8-9 11.遇忙处理方式......................................................9-10 12.信号音检测电平选择 (10)13.启动无人接听告示 (11)14.无人接听处理方式 (12)15.交换机收号类型(脉冲/双音频) (13)16.交换机类型 (13)17.虚号(首号)设置 (14)18.外线不拨号处理...................................................14-15 19.分机首号限制 (15)20.等待拨号时长 (16)21.双音频收号灵敏度 (16)22.被叫占线允许/禁止外线再次拨号选择 (17)23.忙音滞后时间......................................................17-18 24.二次脉冲拨号处理 (18)25.自测拍叉返回外线次数开启 (19)26.自动测试拍叉时间开启 (19)27.2/3声忙音检测选择 (20)28.确认振铃时间 (20)29.双音频发号强度调整 (21)30.综合举例……………………………………………………21-22 31.常见问题及解决方法………………………………………23-24系统编程说明1、本系统共有29条编程指令。

加强版400电话网络呼叫中心系统用户使用手册本文档由广州雅亮贸易有限公司400电话呼叫中心销售部上传 QQ:4006761761电话:4006-761-761目录一、系统登录:.................................................................................................................. - 3 -二、坐席首页基本功能说明:.......................................................................................... - 3 -1、企业公告...................................................................................................................... - 3 -2、系统公告...................................................................................................................... - 3 -3、修改密码...................................................................................................................... - 4 -4、安全退出系统.............................................................................................................. - 4 -三、产品功能说明:.......................................................................................................... - 5 -1、我的坐席.................................................................................................................. - 5 -1)我的坐席-我的信息............................................................................................ - 5 -2)我的坐席-我的通话............................................................................................ - 5 -3)我的坐席-我的留言............................................................................................ - 6 -4)我的坐席-我的传真............................................................................................ - 6 -5)我的坐席-我的报表............................................................................................ - 7 -6)我的坐席-我的表单............................................................................................ - 7 -2、质量检查.................................................................................................................. - 8 -1)质量检查-总计通话记录 ................................................................................ - 8 -2)质量检查-总计通话记录 ................................................................................ - 9 -3)质量检查-通话录音........................................................................................ - 9 -4)留言记录........................................................................................................ - 10 -5)传真接收........................................................................................................ - 10 -6)坐席分机监控................................................................................................ - 11 -3、坐席报表................................................................................................................ - 11 -1)坐席报表-坐席详细数据统计 ...................................................................... - 11 -2)坐席报表-电话接通率统计 .......................................................................... - 12 -3)坐席报表-坐席服务时长统计 ...................................................................... - 12 -4)坐席报表-电话接通时长统计 ...................................................................... - 13 -5)坐席报表-用户来电等待统计 ...................................................................... - 13 -6)坐席报表-数据导出任务管理 ...................................................................... - 14 -4、网呼管理................................................................................................................ - 14 -1)网呼管理-总机接听设置 .................................................................................. - 14 -2)网呼管理-欢迎词编辑: .................................................................................. - 18 -3)网呼管理-欢迎词时间设置: .......................................................................... - 20 -4)网呼管理-彩铃管理: ...................................................................................... - 20 -5)网呼管理-坐席分机管理 .................................................................................. - 21 -6)网呼管理-坐席分机组管理 .............................................................................. - 22 -7)网呼管理-区域转接设置: .............................................................................. - 23 -8)网呼管理-黑白名单设置: .............................................................................. - 24 -9)网呼管理-弹屏参数设置: .............................................................................. - 25 -5、系统管理............................................................................................................ - 25 -1)系统管理-员工管理: .................................................................................. - 25 -2)系统管理-角色管理: .................................................................................. - 26 -3)系统管理-企业信息: .................................................................................. - 27 -一、系统登录:在浏览器中输入在出现的页面中,选择呼叫中心,输入用户名(邮箱格式)、密码和网站验证码后点击“登录”,进入业务管理页面。
Philips D200电话系统用户手册说明书

Standby Access the main menu Phonebook Call log Make and receive calls Make intercom call Lock/unlock the keypad Make and receive calls through the speaker
Record an announcement (for D205 only)
1 Press . 2 Select [Answ. Machine] > [Announcement]. 3 Follow on-screen instructions.
Register additional handsets
Call log
Call from the call log 1 Press . 2 Select a record and press . Add record 1 Press > > [Save number]. 2 Follow on-screen instructions. Delete record 1 Press > > [Delete]. 2 Follow on-screen instructions.
The ringer is off. (for D205 only) Answering machine: it flashes when there is a new message. It remains steadily on when the telephone answering machine is turned on. Voice messages indicator: flashes for new messages, is steady for reviewed messages. * This is network dependent It displays when you scroll up/down a list or increase and decrease the volume. There are more digits on the right. Press to read. ECO+ The ECO+ mode is activated.
Poly CCX 505 商业媒体电话说明书

DATA SHEET POLY CCX 505Meet the new standard in desktop touch screen phones with integrated WiFi. The Poly CCX 505 Business Media Phone has workers feeling confident they’ll sound professional on every call. No word or inflection is missed, thanks to legendary audio quality, Poly HD Voice, and Poly Acoustic Clarity. And let’s hear it for Poly Acoustic Fence technology. It eliminates background noise to keep calls quiet wherever it’s noisy — from home offices to call centers. By design, the phone is simple and intuitive to use — with one-touch-access to your contacts and meetings. So users can get right to work. IT will be a fan too. Robust provisioning and management capabilities take the headache out of telephony deployment and support.• Models choices supporting Open SIP or native Microsoft Teams.• Easy to install anywhere with integrated WiFi.• Color touchscreen operation with 5-inch multi-touch LCD display.• Hear every nuance with Poly HD Voice and Poly Acoustic Clarity.• Eliminate distracting background noise with Poly Acoustic Fence technology.• Full duplex speakerphone operation with world-class echo cancellationand Poly NoiseBlockAI technology.• Powerful chipsets to support next-generation features.• Headset options to suit any style (Bluetooth®, USB, RJ9).SIMPLE. INTUITIVE. POWERFUL.BENEFITS• Conversations stay on track. Hear every nuance with the industry-leading sound quality, featuring Poly HD Voice. • Eliminate distracting background noise at the source with Poly Acoustic Fence and NoiseBlockAI technologies.• Easy to install in home offices or hard to cable office locations with integrated WiFi.• Contacts and meetings are easily accessible, one tap away on a color touchscreen.• Easy for IT to manage with robust provisioning and management of telephony deployment and support.SPECIFICATIONSUSER INTERFACE FEATURES• Gesture-based, multitouch-capable touchscreen• 5-inch color LCD (720 x 1280 pixel)• 9:16 aspect ratio• Screensaver• On-screen virtual keyboard• Voicemail support• Adjustable base height• One USB type-A port (2.0 compliant) for media and storage applications • One USB Type-C port (2.0 compliant) for media and storage applications • Integrated Bluetooth 4.2• Unicode UTF-8 character support • Adjustable font size selection (regular, medium, large)• Normal and dark mode• Multilingual user interface1 including Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English (Canada/US/UK), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, and SwedishAUDIO FEATURES• Poly HD Voice technology delivers lifelike voice quality for eachaudio path: handset, hands-free speakerphone, and optional headset • Poly Acoustic Clarity technology provides full duplex conversations, acoustic echo cancellation, and background noise suppression• Poly Acoustic Fence technology eliminates background noise when using a handset or wired headset • Poly NoiseBlockAI technology removes most background noise when using the speakerphoneeven while you are talking• TIA-920 wideband audio, type 1 compliant (IEEE 1329 full duplex) • Frequency response—100 Hz–20 kHzfor handset, optional headset, andhandsfree speakerphone modes• Codecs: G.711 (A-law and μ-law),G.729AB, G.722 (HD Voice), G.722.1iLBC, OPUS• Individual volume settings with visualfeedback for each audio path• Voice activity detection• Comfort noise generation• DTMF tone generation (RFC 2833 andin-band)• Low delay audio packet transmission• Adaptive jitter buffers• Packet loss concealment• OPUS supportHEADSET AND HANDSET COMPATIBILITY• Dedicated RJ-9 headset port• Hearing aid compatibility to ITU-T P.370and TIA 504A standards• Compliant with ADA Section 508Subpart B 1194.23 (all)• Hearing aid compatible (HAC) handsetfor magnetic coupling to hearing aids• Compatible with commercially availableTTY adapter equipment• USB headset support• Bluetooth headset supportNETWORK AND PROVISIONING• SIP protocol support• SDP• IETF SIP (RFC 3261 and companion RFCs)• Two-port gigabit Ethernet switch• Wi-Fi network connectivity- 2.4-2.4835 GHz (802.11b, 802.11g,802.11n HT-20)- 5.15-5.825 GHz (802.11a, 802.11n,HT-20, 802.11n HT-40)• 10/100/1000Base-TX across LAN andPC ports• Conforms to IEEE802.3-2005 (Clause40) for physical media attachment• Conforms to IEEE802.3-2002 (Clause28) for link partner auto-negotiation• Manual or dynamic host configurationprotocol (DHCP) network setup• Time and date synchronizationusing SNTP• FTP/TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS server-based central provisioning for massdeployments• Provisioning and call server redundancysupported1• QoS Support—IEEE 802.1p/Q tagging• (VLAN), Layer 3 TOS, and DHCP• VLAN—CDP, DHCP VLAN discovery,LLDP-MED for VLAN discovery -Network address translation support forstatic configuration and “keep-alive”• SIP signaling• RTCP and RTP support• Event logging• Syslog• Hardware diagnostics• Status and statistics reporting• IPv4 and IPv6• TCP• UDP• DNS-SRVSECURITY• 802.1X authentication• SRTP media encryption using AES-256• Transport layer security (TLS)• Encrypted configuration files• Digest authentication• Password login• Support for URL syntax with passwordfor boot server address• HTTPS secure provisioning• Support for signed software executables• Wi-Fi encryption: WEP, WPA-Personal,WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise with802.1X (EAP-TLS, PEAP-MSCHAPv2)POWER• Built-in auto sensing IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet (Class 0) 13 W (Max)• External universal AC/DC adapter (optional)***********(25W)• ENERGY STAR® ratedREGULATORY APPROVALS2• Argentina ENACOM• Australia RCM• Brazil ANATEL• Canada ICES and NRTLC• China SRRC• China RoHS 2.0• EEA CE Mark• Eurasian Customs Union EAC• India WPC• Indonesia SDPPI• Israel MOC• Japan MIC and VCCI• Malaysia SIRIM• Mexico IFETEL and NYCE• NZ Telepermit• Saudi Arabia CITC• Singapore IMDA• South Africa ICASA• South Korea KC• Taiwan NCC• UAE TRA• USA FCC and NRTLRADIO• USA–FCC Part 15.247 & FCC Part 15.407 • Canada–RSS 247 Issue2• EU–ETSI EN 300 328 & ETSI EN 301 893 • Japan–Article 2.1 Item 19-2 and 19-3 • Australia–AS/NZ4268SAFETY• UL 62368-1• CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1-14• EN 62368-1• IEC 60950-1 and IEC 62368-1• AS/NZS 62368-1EMC• FCC Part 15 Class B• ICES-003 Class B• EN 55032 Class B• EN 55024• EN 301 489-1 and EN 301 489-3 andEN 301 489-17• CISPR32 Class B• VCCI Class BOPERATING CONDITIONS• Temperature: 0 to 40 °C (+32 to 104 °F)• Relative humidity: 5% to 95%,noncondensingSTORAGE TEMPERATURE• -40 to +70 °C (-40 to +160 °F)POLY CCX 505 BUSINESS MEDIA PHONESHIPS WITH• Console• Handset with handset cord• Network (LAN) cable—CAT-5E• Desk stand• Setup sheetSIZE• 17.8 cm x 21.6 cm x 5.2 cm WxHxD(7.0 in x 8.5 in x 2.0 in WxHxD)PART NUMBERS• 2200-49735-025 CCX 505 BusinessMedia Phone. Open SIP. PoE. Shipswithout power supply• 2200-49735-019 CCX 505 BusinessMedia Phone. Microsoft Teams. PoE.Ships without power supply• 2200-49713-001 CCX 500 wallmount Kit (also fits CCX 505)WEIGHT• 1.28 kg (2.82 lbs)MASTER CARTON QUANTITY• Ten (10)WARRANTY• One (1) year1 Planned localization2 Planned compliance3 Wi-Fi operation requires phone be poweredb y optional power adapter when not poweredby PoE©2023 Poly. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The Bluetooth trademark is owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.and any use of the mark by Poly is under license. 3.23 1367992LEARN MOREFor more information on CCX 505 visit /ccx。
KDTELE3.5电话委托系统安装手册(东进板卡)修订历史目录1硬件安装 (2)1.1推荐配置 (2)1.2安装语音卡 (2)2操作系统安装 (2)2.1系统环境 (2)2.2安装操作系统 (2)3语音卡驱动安装 (2)3.1下载语音卡驱动 (2)3.2安装语音卡驱动 (3)4电话委托程序安装 (8)4.1电话委托程序下载 (8)4.2目录结构介绍 (8)4.3配置电话委托程序 (9)4.4常用配置说明 (11)5程序运行 (14)5.1电话委托程序备份 (14)5.2运行电话委托程序 (14)5.3电话委托序列码申请(仅限电话委托程序32版本) (16)6电话委托常见问题 (17)1硬件安装1.1 推荐配置1G内存的工控机;1.2 安装语音卡将语音卡插入工控机的插槽中,如果一台工控机安装两块或以上语音卡或传真卡,则所有卡必须使用卡间连线串连(将语音卡/传真卡上方的金手指依次插入配套的数据线接口),并且设置语音卡/传真卡的SW1地址(边角处带有数字的红色开关,共4个),令每块卡的SW1地址不同;2操作系统安装2.1 系统环境支持NT4.0、WIN2000 SERVER、WIN2000 ;2.2 安装操作系统3语音卡驱动安装3.1 下载语音卡驱动下载地址:/qudong/old.htm(东进公司网站-下载专区-旧驱动下载)驱动版本:DJDBDK V3.3.1(图1 东进语音卡驱动下载界面)3.2 安装语音卡驱动1)将东进语音卡驱动程序的压缩包解压缩,并运行目录SDK下的setup.exe程序安装驱动;(图2 安装东进语音卡驱动程序)2)在[设备管理器]中检查语音卡等设备是否已安装好;若尚未安装东进语音卡驱动程序,则语音卡安装状态会显示为不正常,在设备管理器中可看到带黄色问号的“PCI DEVICE”图标。
卸载完成后,点击快捷工具栏上的“扫描检测硬件改动”按钮,使用硬件更新向导,选中“从列表或指定位置安装”,在目录DJDBDK V3.3.1\Win2000下选择文件djcpci.inf进行加载。


用户基本操作指南………………………………………………………(1) 1.1 基本结构和端口连接………………………………………………(2)
系统编程 2.1 编程须知……………………………………………………………(3) 2.2 系统初始化…………………………………………………………(3) 2.3 出局方式设置………………………………………………………(3) 2.4 自录语音设置………………………………………………………(4) 2.5 更改系统密码………………………………………………………(4) 2.6 更改帐号密码………………………………………………………(4) 2.7 特服与本地网字头设置及清除……………………………………(4) 2.8 代挂长途权限 …………………………………………………… (5) 2.9 外线转外线权限设置及其密码更改………………………………(5) 2.10 设置虚拟总机……………………………………………………(5)
3.4 特服权限设置
● 设置某账号有特服权:*21*Z6#
● 取消某账号的特服权:*21*Z7#
● 设置某分机有特服权:*22*F6#
● 取消某分机的特服权:*22*F7#
F为分机物理号(1~8)源自3.5 出局限时 说明: 初始为不限时。当给某分机设置好限时后,该分机出局与外线 用户通话,至限时时刻的前20秒,有几声忙音提示,20秒后, 中继自动断开。 ● 设置限时: *3F*SS# F为分机物理号 SS为(05~60分钟) ● 取消限时: *3F*00#
2.2 系统初始化 说明: 当刚装机时,要用此命令,将系统参数恢复到出厂初始状态。 ● 初始化命令: *00*321#(外线优先:**00*321#)。 注:此命令必须由1号分机输入而不必先输入系统密码。
NEC Aspila EX 专用电话用户指南

当信息等待时,绿灯闪亮,当 电话振铃时,红灯闪亮。
内线键 (CALL1/CALL2)
用于内线呼出和应答。如果已 占用了一个内线 – 可以使用 另一个。
按 CALL1 键和 DIAL 键,拨存储 码用于缩位拨号。
在通话中,按 FLASH 键挂机或 暂断。
当您的工作不想被打断时,勿 打扰功能锁断您的电话。当呼 叫前转时,该键也闪亮。
可以设置可编程功能键为“中继线”键和 / 或其他功能键。不用拨服务码,您只需要按功能键就可以激活设置的 功能。
服务码 + 附加数据
功能键分为两种。(一般功能键:用 851 设置,线路键:用 852 设置)。 线路键具有优先权。可以将一般功能键改为线路键。 如果要将线路键改为一般功能键,在设置一般功能键之前,您必须先拨“852 + 000”删除线路键。 在缺省设置中,可编程功能键 No. 1 到 12 是“中继线”键。如果您要将无用的中继线键改为功能键(一般), 必须先用“852 + 000”删除这个无用的中继线键。 可编程功能键可以用服务码“852 + 000”或“851 + 00”删除。
专用电话机 快速参考指南
感谢您购买 NEC Infrontia “Aspila EX” 集团电话系统
由于灵活的系统设置,您的拨码和功能可能与本手册有所不同。请与您的供货商或系统管理人员联系,注 明不同的部分。
使用电话机 <专用电话机>

目录一、目录 (1)二、前言 (2)三、安装及联接 (3)四、系统编程 (5)五、功能使用方法 (11)六、功能使用代码表 (15)七、系统编程代码表 (16)八、系统初始值 (18)九、技术参数 (19)十、故障处理 (20)前言欢迎您使用泳翔POTELEL集团电话系统。
Polycom VVX 500 商务媒体电话快速用户指南说明书

Tap to select and highlight screen items. To scroll, touchthe screen, and swipe your finger up, down, right, or left.To go back to a previous screen, tap Back.Your phone has four main Views: Home, Calls, ActiveCall, and Lines View (the default).To change Views:For Home View, press .From Home View, press to display either Lines,Calls, or Active Call View.To switch between Lines View and either Calls orActive Call View, swipe the screen.Home View displays icons you can tap to access phonefunctions.Touch and hold to display fewer icons. Touch andhold or swipe the screen to display more icons.From Home View, tap the phone Line to display yourphone Lines and Favorites—contacts you can dial bytapping their name. To go back, tap Close.Lines View displays phone Lines, Favorites, and soft keys.If your phone is idle, you can:Tap the phone Line to access the Dialer.Swipe to switch between Lines View and the Browser(if applicable).Calls View displays a list of all your calls.Call color indicates status:Dark green Active call.Dark blue Incoming and held calls.Bright green Active call is highlighted.Bright blue Incoming or held call is highlighted.Tap a call to highlight it. The soft keys apply to thehighlighted call.If a phone Line has only one callcan access Active Call View.Use the onscreen keyboard or the dialpad keys to enterinformation. To backspace, tap .To use the onscreen keyboard, tap .To type with the dialpad keys, press a key repeatedly toOnly one call can be active at one time.You can use the handset, speakerphone, or headset forcalls. During a call, you can change modes by picking upthe handset, or by pressing or .Tip: Returning to Your CallsIf you navigate away from your call(s), tapto see Active Call or Calls View again.Pick up the handset, or press or . Enter the phone number, and tap .From Lines View: Tap the phone Line, enter the phone number, and tap .From Home View: Tap New Call , enter the phone number, and tap .Timesaver: Placing Calls QuicklyTap a recent call or Favorite, or tapphone number in the Contact Directory.Press or tap Answer, pick up the handset, or press .To answer a new call while on an active call, tap Answer . The current call will be held.To end an active call, replace the handset, press , or press . Or, tap End Call.To end a held call, navigate to Calls View and highlight the held call. TapFrom Lines, Calls, or Active Call View, tapin Calls View, remember to highlight the call first.To resume a held call, tapCalls View.From Lines, Calls, or Active Call View, tapcall the other party. When you hear the ringback sound, or after you talk with the other party, tap To enable call forwarding, tapand tap Features > Forwardenable, type a forwarding number, and tapTo disable call forwarding, tapCall the first party. From Lines, Calls, or Active Call View,tap Confrnc. Dial and connect with the other party, andtap Confrnc.From Lines or Calls View, you can:Timesaver: Placing Conference CallsIf you have an active and held call, tapup a conference.Favorites are contacts you call most often. Favoritesdisplay in your Favorites list and Lines View. They alsodisplay when you tap the phone Line in Home View.To view your Favorites listHome View, and tapTo view your Recent Calls list, tapHome View, and tap Recent.From the Recent Calls list, tap to sort and order calls,tap to display only certain calls, or tap a call recordto call the person.Timesaver: Viewing Recent CallsTap from Lines, Calls, or Active Call View.Tip: Saving Recent Callers to Your DirectoryFrom your Recent Calls list, tap next to thecall, and tap Save. Enter additional informationand tap Save.To view your DirectoryView. If a Corporate Directory is on your phone, tapContact Directory on the Directory screen.To add a contact Navigate to your Contact Directoryand tap . Type the contact’s information, and tapSave. To make a contact a Favorite, enter aFavorite Index number.To update contact information Navigate to yourContact Directory and tap the contact. Tap ,update the contact’s information, and tap Save.To delete a contact Navigate to your ContactDirectory and tap the contact. Tap , and tap Yes toconfirm.To search for a contact Navigate to yourTip: What Does a Green Star Mean?A green star, , indicates a Favorite.Tap Messages from Home View, and tapMessage Center. Tap ConnectTimesaver: Accessing Your Message CenterTap from Lines, Calls, or Active Call View.During a call, press so other parties can’t hear you.To disable Mute, press again.To disable ringing, tap SettingsFeatures > Do Not Disturb.To change call volume, press during a call. Tochange the ringer volume, press when thephone is idle or ringing.To change the incoming call ringtone, tapHome View, and tap Basicyou want.To set a ringtone for a contact, navigate to yourContact Directory and tap the contact. Tap , updatethe contact’s ring type, and tap Save.。

DESCRIPTIONThe System Board provides A+ switching to all boards in the MDR, MTD, MVS, TMX-8810, and TMX-8825 Mobile Radio Assemblies. Main power for the radio is routed through J1 to the System Board where it is distributed throughout the radio. A power distribution block diagram is provided in the service manual.All options for the radio are routed through the System Board and may be interconnected to the radio through option connector J905. A slotted opening is provided for the option cable at the rear of the radio adjacent to the power cable.The System Board is equipped with a public address microphone amplifier for use with the public address option when applicable (not used in MDR, MTD, TMX). This ampli-fier provides typically +20dB gain. A FET audio gate allows muting of the public address audio when the option is disabled.Speaker audio is routed through the System Board and connects to the speaker in the Front Cap Assembly via J904. An alternate speaker connection is provided on the Control Board.CIRCUIT ANALYSISPOWER DISTRIBUTIONMain power to the radio is supplied by the System Board and is interconnected to the radio by J1. An ignition sense lead provides a means for applying or removing power from the radio with the ignition switch of the vehicle. Refer to the Installation Manual for a detailed description of power con-nections.The A+ switching circuitry consists of a digital logic circuit and a power MOSFET. The low current logic circuit receives power continuously from the A+ lead from the battery to "remember" if the radio was left on or off when controlled by the ignition sense lead. C901 provides several minutes of memory when A+ is completely removed or when A+ dips to a low voltage while starting the vehicle engine.The power switch input line J902-13 is normally at 13 volts and is momentarily grounded when the power switch is pressed. This ground turns on Q901 which supplies 13 volts to the clock lead of U901. The Q output of the D-type flip-flop U901-1 alternately toggles high or low each time the clock lead goes high. R906 and C904 provide a time delay to debounce the power switch.To turn the radio on, 13 volts must be present on the ignition sense lead of J1. The power switch must toggle the Q output of U901 to the high state to prevent grounding the ignition sense voltage through D902-A. The voltage is then able to forward bias D902-B and turns on Q902. Q902 grounds the gate of MOSFET Q903. Q903 turns on, supplying switched A+ through fuse F901 to the other boards in the radio. The 3 amp fuse protects the radio and any options from high current failures.Switched A+ also feeds 8 volt regulator U902 which pro-vides voltage for the public address microphone amplifier (not used in MDR, MTD, and TMX). U903B provides a low noise 4.4 volt bias voltage to the mic amplifier U903A. The amplifier has a gain of 10 (20dB). Receiver audio from the Audio Board is attenuated 12dB by R918 and R919 and leaves the System Board on the attenuated RX audio output. When the Public Address option is turned on and the microphone is keyed, FET Q904 turns on and passes the amplified mic audio from U903A to the attenuated RX audio output. This output feeds the volume control and 3 watt audio PA on the Control Board in the Front Cap Assembly.Copyright© March 1988, General Electric CompanySYSTEM MAINTENANCE MANUALSYSTEM BOARD19D901891G1LBI-31924GOUTLINE DIAGRAM(19D901891, Sh. 1, Rev. 7)COMPONENT SIDE(19D901891, Sh. 1, Rev. 7)SOLDER SIDESYSTEM BOARD 19D901891G1LBI-31924LBI-31924 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSYSTEMSYSTEM BOARD19D901891G1(19D901982, Rev. 9)PARTS LISTSYMBOL PART NO.DESCRIPTIONR91019B800607P822Metal film: 8.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R911and R91219B800607P103Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R91319B800607P104Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R91419B800607P103Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R91519B800607P104Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R91619B800607P103Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R91719B800607P104Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R91819B800607P103Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R91919B800607P472Metal film: 4.7K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.- - - - - INTEGRA TED CIRCUITS - - - - -U90119A700029P9Digital: Dual Data Flip-Flop; sim to 4013B.U90219A704073P2Linear: 8 Volt Regulator; sim to MC78L08CP .U90319A700086P2Linear: Dual Op Amp; sim to 1458.- - - - - - - - - - - CABLES - - - - - - - - - -W90119C851585P1Cable.SYMBOL PART NO.DESCRIPTION- - - - - - CAP ACITORS - - - - - - - -C90119A701534P7T antalum: 10 µF ±20%, 16 VDCW.C90219A701534P4T antalum: 1 µF ±20%, 35 VDCW.C90319A702052P26Ceramic: 0.1 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.C90419A701534P7T antalum: 10 µF ±20%, 16 VDCW.C90519A702052P14Ceramic: 0.01 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.C90619A702052P26Ceramic: 0.1 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.C90719A701534P4T antalum: 1 µF ± 20%, 35 VDCW.C908and C90919A700121P106Ceramic: 0.1 µF ±20%, 50 VDCW.C91019A702061P61Ceramic: 100 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 PPM.C91119A701534P4T antalum: 1 µF ±20%, 35 VDCW.C91219A702052P26Ceramic: 0.1 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.C913thru C92419A702061P77Ceramic: 470 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 PPM.C925and C92619A702061P99Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW,temp coef 0 ±30 PPM/°C.C927and C92819A702061P77Ceramic: 470 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 PPM.- - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - -D901and D90219A703561P2Silicon, fast recovery (2 diodes in series).D903T324ADP1041Silicon: Rectifier; sim to 1N4004.D90419A703588P3Zener, transient suppressor: sim to 1N6278A.- - - - - - - - - - - FUSES - - - - - - - - - - -F90119A702169P9Enclosed link: rated 3 amps @ 125 v;sim to Littelfuse 255003.- - - - - - - - - - - JACKS - - - - - - - - - - -J90219A703248P11Post: Gold Plated, 10 mm length.J90319A705245P1Printed wire: 6 contacts, sim to Molex 10-02-1062.J904and J90519A703248P11Post: Gold Plated, 10 mm length.- - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - --Q90119A700022P2Silicon, PNP: sim to 2N3906.Q90219A700023P2Silicon, NPN: sim to 2N3904.Q90319A705325P1MOSFET , P-Channel: sim to Seimens BUZ171.Q90419A134137P7N-type, field effect.- - - - - - - - - - RESISTORS - - - - - - - - - -R90319B800607P473Metal film: 47K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R90419B800607P682Metal film: 6.8K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R90519B800607P104Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R90619B800607P154Metal film: 150K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R90719B800607P334Metal film: 330K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.R90919B800607P223Metal film: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.SYSTEM BOARD 19D901891G1ISSUE 5PRODUCTION CHANGESChanges in the equipment to improve performance or to simplify circuits are identified by a "Revision Letter", which is stamped after the model number of the unit. The revision stamped on the unit includes all previous revisions. Refer to the Parts List for the descriptions of parts affected by these revisions.REV . A - SYSTEM BOARD 19D901891G1 Included in initial shipment.REV . B - SYSTEM BOARD 19D901891G1T o eliminate RF interference, added C927 and C928, relocated R903 and R906 and eliminated ground from printed wire board edge.REV . C - SYSTEM BOARD 19D901891G1T o provide transient protection, added D903. T o provide for Data Option added holes in RFCTS line.REV . D - SYSTEM BOARD 19D901891G1T o provide transient protection, added D904.*COMPONENTS, ADDED, DELETED, OR CHANGED BY PRODUCTION CHANGESLBI-31924IC DATASYSTEM LBI-31924Printed in U.S.A.。

A1X(W) IP 电话用户手册说明书

A1X(W) IP电话用户手册Version: 2.02017-02-16目录联系 ATCOM (5)1、A1X(W)简介 (6)1.1、接口 (7)1.2、硬件 (7)1.3、软件 (7)1.4、网络 (8)1.5、管理和维护 (9)1.6、协议 (9)1.7、兼容和认证标准 (10)1.8、产品包装 (10)1.9、安装 (11)2、通话功能 (19)2.1、接听电话 (19)2.2、拨打电话 (19)2.3、预拨号 (21)2.4、多线通话 (21)2.5、通话保持 (21)2.6、通话转移 (21)2.7、静音 (22)2.8、三方会议 (22)2.9、结束通话 (24)2.10、语音邮件 (24)3、话机界面 (25)3.1、话机面板 (25)3.2、启动界面 (27)3.3、待机界面 (28)3.4、话机配置 (30)3.4.1、状态信息 (31)3.4.2 、呼叫功能 (33)3.4.3、电话簿 (43)3.4.4、远程电话簿 (48)3.4.5、LDAP (48)3.4.6、历史记录 (50)3.4.7、信息 (53)3.4.8、设置 (54)3.4.9、显示 (75)4、高级功能 (76)4.1、选用编解码 (76)4.2、抓包、升级 (77)4.3、自动更新 (79)4.4、导入、导入配置文件 (81)4.4.1、导出配置文件 (81)4.4.2、导入配置文件 (82)4.5、导入、导出CFG文件 (83)4.6、导出系统日志 (83)4.7、拨号规则 (84)4.7.1、替换规则 (84)4.7.2、立即呼出 (85)4.7.3、地区代码 (86)4.7.4、呼出限制 (87)4.8、TR069 (83)4.9、Action URL (83)4.10、远程控制 (83)5、WI-FI(仅A10W) (88)5.1、 LCD配置 (92)5.2、 WEB界面中配置WIFI (92)5.3、企业WIFI (92)6、常见问题 (94)6.1、如何恢复出厂设置 (94)6.2、在安全模式下升级软件 (95)6.3、如何进行IP拨号 (96)7、故障排除 (97)7.1、话机不能注册到SIP服务器 (97)7.2、话机不能获得IP地址 (97)7.3、通话中只有一方听到声音 (97)8、话机缩略词说明 (98)联系ATCOM公司简介ATCOM是全球领先的VOIP解决方案供应商。

Coral数字话机使用手册目录前言 (3)指南中使用的标识 (4)音频和扬声器调节 (5)振铃调节(Ring Adjustment) (5)保留(Hold) (6)自动应答(Auto Answer) (6)三方通话(Three-Way Conference) (7)最后号码重拨(Last Number Redial) (8)预约回叫(Camp On) (8)会议电话(Conference,Multiparty) (9)呼叫转移(Call Forward) (10)跟随电话(Follow Me) (11)编程(Programming) (12)静音(Mute) (12)免打扰(Don’t Disturb) (13)保密通话(Security) (13)提醒(Reminder) (14)留言(Message) (15)代答(Pick Up) (16)驻留(Park) (16)语音寻呼(V oice Page) (17)区域寻呼(Zone Page) (17)缩位拨号(Speed Dial) (18)灵活呼叫(FlexiCall) (18)转向呼叫(Divert Call) (19)Softkey按键的功能定义 (20)编程号码索引 (23)前言欢迎使用Tadiran的Coral数字程控交换系统及其终端设备FlexSet、DKT系列数字话机。
该系列话机采用ISDN 2B+D接口标准,通过软按键的功能选择或按键编程设置,使系统更灵活,更易于使用。
Allworx 24x 小型企业通信系统说明书

Allworx® 24x OverviewCommunication systems designed exclusively for small businessesVisit Page 2, Allworx 24x OverviewThe Allworx 24x System, shown with Allworx 9112 and 9102 phones.Allworx 24x Overview, Page 3Call 1-866-ALLWORXMany companies make the claim that they are thebest or the easiest, but few can back up these claims. Allworx makes it easy to see why we are the only right choice for your business.More savings for youAllworx is the absolute lowest installed cost ofany fully-featured VoIP and PC network system! You’ll see the savings immediately:Best priceThe Allworx 24x is already priced for small businesses. Without a need for gateways, expansion cards or other third party products,we can truly state that we are the lowest installed cost in the industry.No hidden chargesAllworx pricing is straightforward and uncomplicated.Free multi-site and Internet callingWith our Internet Call Access™ option, calling between sites is free and saves additional money by switching to an Internet Telephony Service Provider for your telephone service.1Instant remote accessRemote users connect instantly without additional hardware, software or cost.No per-seat software chargesSoftware options are sold as one-time feeswith unlimited use.No compromising on featuresThe Allworx system is the only analog, VoIP and PC network solution available with a complete set of features designed exclusively for the small business. Moving to this system can be accomplished with absolutely no disruption to your business. You get all the features you have, plus more.Same features, same operationCalls will continue to work like your traditional phone system, and appear in the same way —so, switching to an Allworx system is transparentto users.Anal og and VoIPKeep your analog lines for 911 use, backup and some incoming calls, while instantly connectingto Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSPs) to take advantage of low cost long distance charges. New featuresTake advantage of new functionality such as extensive voicemail storage, unifi ed messaging, follow me calling, group calendaring and much more. Enhanced conference cal l ingThe Allworx 24x comes with four (4) built-in eight-seat conference bridges. Imagine the productivity and cost savings!Maximum flexibility — voice and data accessNo other company offers built-in connections to all three communication delivery methods — traditional phone lines, T1/PRI, and Ethernet or T1 for ISP data service!Page 4, Allworx 24x OverviewAllworx 24x Overview, Page 5Move at your own paceNew technology can be daunting. That’s why Allworx gives you the largest set of traditional telephone capabilities of any VoIP solution in its class! Now you can simultaneously use bothanalog and VoIP phone connections as you control the pace of your transition to new technology. You control when to use VoIPThe T1/PRI and analog port capabilities in thebase confi guration allow you to control when and how you move to VoIP — so you can do so without disrupting your business operations.You control when to use featuresAll features are activated via software keys so you can take advantage of them as your business needs them — such as VPN, multi-site calling, follow-me calling, live answer position, call queuing.It’s got to be easyWhether you are installing a single site or linking together multiple offi ces and remote users, no other system comes close to providing the simplicity and speed of installation.Easiest to useOur customers and resellers have repeatedly told us that our intuitive interface makes the Allworx system the easiest to use and administer. Easiest to installThe Allworx system includes a complete installation checklist — a customer is up and running in hours, not days. Simpl e transitionSince your current features (and their appearance) are the same, it’s easy for your employees and customers to use the new system without skipping a beat. Only two steps for multi-site/remote users There is only a two-step process for multi-site calling or remote users. Other systems require additional investment in time, hardware and software. Easiest access to Internet calling Allworx is certifi ed by more Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSPs) than any othermanufacturer making it easier to access Internet telephone calling. With multiple ITSPs to choose from, you can select the right service provider for your needs or preferences.Call 1-866-ALLWORXPage 6, Allworx 24x Overviewfeatures from both PBX and Key systems. This means you can keep what you have and incorporate higher end featureswithout disruption to your business operations.VoIP (Voice over Internet). Save big money on long distance calling by utilizing the built-in VoIP functionality, but still keep your standard telephone lines as backup.Multiple incoming lines. With 3 built-in Central Offi ce (CO) incoming line ports and T1/PRI circuit (23 lines), Allworx can support up to 26 voice lines, expandable up to 50 lines.2Multi-site calling. Each Allworx 24x can connect to other units, up to 100 sites, using VoIP. So calling between sites is free, eliminating call charges and keeping connectivity high.Remote users. Using an Allworx phone, remote users can have the same functionality as local users and are instantly connected to the Allworx system.Auto attendants. Create up to nine auto attendants, with unique corporate and time-specifi c greetings. Conference calling. Four (4) eight-seat conference bridges built in and each Allworx phone can support its own 3-way conference call.100 user extensions. Allworx 24x supports up to 100 users with voicemail boxes and 100 system extensions for common areas such as conference rooms or lobbies (no voicemail boxes).hard disk. Up to 16 callers can access voicemail simultaneously.Unifi ed messaging. Allworx simplifi es voicemail and email communications. You can review, retrieve and respond to all your messages from a single Inbox.Presence management. Allworx gives you seven unique phone presences (At A Meeting, At Home, Away, Busy, In Offi ce, On Business Trip, On Vacation). Each presence setting forwards calls to you the way you choose, and lets co-workers know your status.Customized call routing. Route your calls to follow you orforward to co-workers — the call moves as designated until it is answered.Direct Inward Dialing. DID allows each extension to have a direct number so callers can contact individuals directly, bypassing the auto attendant.4Dialing plans. Programmable dialing plans can easily route calls through your lowest-cost telephone provider, whether via ITSP using VoIP, traditional CO lines or T1/PRI wire circuits. Call tracking. Access and analyze a detailed telephone log; export data to Microsoft Excel or any standard spreadsheet program.Visit Allworx 24x Overview, Page 7browser-based system administrator tool which lets you setup, change or adjust key features — both on-site and remotely via a secure connection.LAN management.Manages a fully secured LAN subnet,supporting your connected PCs, phones, printers, fax machines and other peripherals. Stores shared and network specifi c data on the internal hard disk.WAN/Internet access. Provides public WAN interfaces to external networks. Built-in NAPT/NAT protocols provide powerful protection from hackers.Firewall SPI security. Enterprise-class packet handling technology maximizes network security.Email server. Manages receipt and distribution of user’s email, supporting both POP3 and SMTP Internet email standards. Compatible with any POP3 Client.Intranet sites. At installation, Allworx automatically launches two Intranet sites: a corporate Intranet site giving access to shared calendars, fi les and corporate info; and a password-protected administrative site for managing system settings.network infrastructure linked to Allworx, or let Allworx run everything. You can use as much Allworx functionality as you need.Spam blocker. The Allworx administrator can connect to third party spam blocking services to recognize spam and isolate spurious messages.Automated backup. Allworx Offi ceSafe™ is included with your system, enabling automated, scheduled backup of your contacts, voicemail and system fi les. Additional back-up options — such as a mirrored disk — are available.Fax support. Plug a fax machine into the Allworx unit tocreate a dedicated fax line. When the line is free the system automatically utilizes it (as needed) for outgoing calls.Website hosting. Supports Intranet and Internet sites with full HTTP and FTP functionality.Call 1-866-ALLWORXPage 8, Allworx 24x OverviewFor more detailed information, call 1-866-ALLWORX and request the Allworx 24x Product Specifi cation Sheet.Internet1) Contact Allworx or your authorized reseller for a list of Allworx certifi ed ITSPs, fees may apply.2) Sold as a third-party add-on. Third-party products may be purchased separately.3) VPN feature standard for System Administrator but is sold as an option for users.4) Customer’s ITSP needs to support this function.Toll Free 1-866-ALLWORX • 585-421-3850 • © 2006 InSciTek Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Allworx is a registered trademark of InSciTek Microsystems. All other names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.P/N: 8520099.1。
Poly CCX 500业务媒体电话发布说明书

RELEASE NOTES | April 2020 | 3725-49738-003B Poly CCX Business Media PhonesContentsWhat’s New (1)Download the Distribution Files (4)Understanding the Split ZIP Files (4)Version History (5)Security Updates (5)Installation (5)Supported Headsets (5)System Constraints and Limitations (6)Language Support (6)Resolved Issues (7)Known Issues (7)Getting Help and Copyright Information (9)What’s NewPoly CCX a release for Poly CCX business media phones. This release supports Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business. These release notes provide important information on software updates, phone features, and known issues.Introducing Poly CCX 500 Business Media PhonesPoly introduces the CCX 500 business media phone, featuring the ability to access the speed and simplicity of a native Microsoft Teams interface or use Skype for Business.Poly CCX 500 business media phoneGeneral Features and CapabilitiesPoly CCX 500 business media phones provide the following features and capabilities:●Native Microsoft Teams experience●Skype for Business support●Legendary sound quality●5-inch multi-touch LCD display●Integrated BluetoothPoly CCX 500 HardwareThe following figure displays the hardware features on Poly CCX 500 business media phones. The table lists each feature numbered in the figure.Poly CCX 500 phone hardware featuresPoly CCX 500 Phone Hardware Feature DescriptionsReference Number Feature Feature Description1 Reversible tab Secures the handset in the cradle when your phone standis positioned at a high angle. To secure the handset,remove the tab, reverse it so the protrusion points up, andre-insert it. Position the handset so the protrusion on thetab fits into the slot on the handset.2 Message waitingFlashes red to indicate when you have new messages.indicator3 Touchscreen Enables you to select items and navigate menus on thetouch-sensitive screen.4,5 Volume keys Adjusts the volume of the handset, headset, speaker, andringer.6 USB port(s) Enables you to attach a USB flash drive or USB headset.CCX 500 phones contain one USB-A port and one USB-Cport.7 Headset indicator Displays when the phone is powered on. The icon glowsgreen or blue when a headset is connected and activated.8 Speakerphoneindicator Displays when the phone is powered on. The icon glows green when activated.9 Speaker Provides ringer and speakerphone audio output.10 Mute key Mutes local audio during calls and conferences.Download the Distribution FilesPoly recommends using the distribution file that corresponds to the phone model for your deployment. To match the correct software resource file to your phone model, see the table below titled “Understanding the Split ZIP Files”. If you are provisioning your phones centrally using configuration files, download the corresponding resource file and extract the configuration files to the provisioning server, maintaining the folder hierarchy in the ZIP file.The current build ID for the sip.ld and resource files is Understanding the Split ZIP FilesTo understand the files distributed in the ZIP file, refer to the following table.Distributed Files File Purpose and Application3111-49710-001.sip.ld SIP application executable for Poly CCX 500 business media phones.sip.ver Text file detailing build-identifications for the release.000000000000.cfg Master configuration template file.000000000000-directory~.xml Local contact directory template file. To apply for each phone, replace the(zeroes) with the MAC address of the phone and remove the ~ (tilde) fromthe file name.Welcome.wav Startup welcome sound effect.LoudRing.wav Sample loud ringer sound effect.Polycom-hold.wav Sample ringer sound effect.Warble.wav Sample ringer sound effect.polycomConfig.xsd Master configuration file that contains the parameters and its values.Version HistoryThis following table includes the release history of Poly CCX business media phones.Note: Poly CCX software releases now align with UC Software version nomenclature. The current Poly CCX software release is This version number indicates that this is the second( release built on UC Software 5.9 ( HistoryRelease Release Date Features5.9.12.1122 February 2020 Release for CCX 500 business media phones.1.0.0 December 2019 Initial release for CCX 500 business media phones. Security UpdatesThis release includes important security fixes.Refer to the Poly Security Center for information about known and resolved security vulnerabilities. InstallationYou can install updates a few different ways. For more information, see the Poly CCX Business Media Phones with Microsoft Administrator Guide on the Polycom Documentation Library. Supported HeadsetsPoly CCX 500 business media phones support the following headsets:●Plantronics Voyager 8200 UC Bluetooth headset●Plantronics Voyager 8200 UC USB headset●Plantronics Voyager Focus UC B825 USB Headset & BT headest●Plantronics Savi 8245 Office Wirelses Dect Headset System●Plantronics Blackwire 710 corded headset●Plantronics Blackwire 5220 USB headset●Plantronics Blackwire 3225 USB headset●Plantronics Encorepro 510D (Adaptor DA90)●Plantronics EncorePro HW720 (Adaptor DA80 and DA70)●Plantronics EncorePro HW510 (Adaptor DA80 and DA70)●Plantronics EncorePro 520 (only RJ9 support)●Plantronics Savi 740 headset●Plantronics Savi 420 headset (supports only Microsoft Teams)●Plantronics Blackwire 725 USB headset●Plantronics CS530 wireless headset●Plantronics MDA220 headset switch●Plantronics MDA100 QDSystem Constraints and LimitationsThis section provides information on constraints and limitations when using Poly CCX business media phones.•Better Together over Ethernet 4.3.0 is only supported with Poly CCX business media phones provisioned for Skype for Business.Language SupportThe Poly CCX business media phone user interface includes native support for the following languages: •Arabic, UAE•Chinese, Traditional•Chinese, Simplified•Danish, Denmark•Dutch, Netherlands•English, Canada•English, United Kingdom•English, United States•French, Canada•French, France•German, Germany•Italian, Italy•Japanese, Japan•Korean, Korea•Norwegian, Norway•Polish, Poland•Portuguese, Brazil•Russian, Russia•Slovenian, Slovenia•Spanish, Spain•Swedish, SwedenResolved IssuesThe following table lists known issues for Poly CCX business media phones.Resolved IssuesCategory Issue ID DescriptionApplication EN-162417 You can update the software from the USB flash drive without performing thefactory reset in the Microsoft Teams profile.Application EN-162682 The dark theme is not retained by the phone when you upgrade the software to5.9.12.1122.Device Management EN-160569 When you sign in to Skype for Business on your phone using web sign in, the phone doesn't wake up from sleep mode when you tap the screen.Device Management EN-160868 In the Skype for Business profile, factory reset is not supported when you pair a phone with BToE and set it as the default audio playback device.Device Management EN-161061 In the Skype for Business profile, all-day events are labeled MultiDay on the Meetings screen.Network EN-149585 In the Skype for Business profile, layer2 QoS doesn’t distinguish RTP packets fordifferent services.Known IssuesThe following table lists known issues in for Poly CCX business media phones.Note: These release notes do not provide a complete listing of all known issues that are included in the software. Issues not expected to significantly impact customers with standard voice and videoconferencing environments may not be included. In addition, the information in these release notesis provided as-is at the time of release and is subject to change without notice.Known IssuesCategory Issue ID Release Description Workaround Configuration EN-142548 If you send a REST API request to sign into Skype of Business on the phone usingweb sign in and the user sends anothersign-in request, the phone can’t processmultiple REST API requests and sends a403 Forbidden message.No workaround.Device Management EN-156323 When using a Plantronics Voyager 4210-UC Bluetooth headset or PlantronicsVoyager 5200 Bluetooth headset in theMicrosoft Teams profile, Mute doesn’tsync between the headset and the phone.No workaround.Messages EN-160289 Poly CCX business media phones displayan Update is failed message after afactory reset.No workaround.Network EN-143072 Using diags.pcap.enabled anddiags.pcap.remote.enabledparameters to capture wireshark tracesfrom a CCX phone may lead to the phonerebooting during a call. Use port mirroring to capture wireshark traces from CCX phones.Getting Help and Copyright InformationPatent InformationThe accompanying product may be protected by one or more U.S. or foreign patents and/or pending patent applications held by Polycom, Inc.DisclaimerThis software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness and fitness for purpose.GETTING HELPFor more information about installing, configuring, andadministering Poly products or services, go to Poly Support .Plantronics, Inc. (Poly – formerly Plantronics and Polycom)345 Encinal StreetSanta Cruz, California95060© 2020 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Poly, the propeller design, and the Poly logo are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。