五、合作方式:1. 甲方负责提供项目所需的科研设施、实验设备和实验材料;2. 乙方负责提供项目所需的科研技术、人才支持和实验设计;3. 双方共同承担项目的科研任务,共享科研成果。
六、知识产权:1. 项目成果的知识产权归双方共有;2.双方在项目实施过程中产生的发明、专利、论文等知识产权成果,应按照双方国家的法律法规和国际惯例进行归属和处理。
七、资金投入:1. 甲方负责承担项目所需的资金投入;2. 乙方负责承担项目所需的资金投入;3. 双方按照各自承担的资金投入比例分享项目成果的收益。
八、保密条款:1. 双方在项目实施过程中所涉及的技术、数据、信息等保密内容,应予以严格保密;2. 双方应对项目成果的保密内容予以保密,未经对方同意不得向第三方泄露。
九、争议解决:1. 双方在项目实施过程中如发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;2. 如协商无果,可提交双方所在国家有管辖权的法院进行诉讼。
十、其他事项:1. 本协议自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效;2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份;3. 本协议未尽事宜,可由双方另行协商补充。
英文版 国际合作科研项目协议书
International Cooperative Research Project Agreement (Sample) This International Cooperative Research Project Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Institution Name], located at [Institution Address] ("Party A"), and [Institution Name], located at [Institution Address] ("Party B"). The parties agree to collaborate on the research project titled "[Project Title]" ("Project").1. PurposeThe purpose of this Agreement is to outline the terms and conditions under which Party A and Party B will cooperate in the conduct of the Project.2. Scope of WorkEach party shall contribute resources, expertise, and personnel as detailed in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof.3. TermThe term of this Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.4. Financial ArrangementsThe financial aspects of the Project, including funding, budget, and payment terms, shall be as specified in Appendix B.5. Intellectual PropertyAny intellectual property developed as a result of the Projectshall be jointly owned by Party A and Party B, with rights and obligations as set forth in Appendix C.6. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information shared during the Project, as outlined in Appendix D.7. Publications and PublicityThe parties shall agree on the terms for authorship and publication of research findings resulting from the Project, as detailed in Appendix E.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiation between the parties. If unresolved, disputes shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Association].erning LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State].10. AmendmentsThis Agreement may only be amended or modified by a written agreement duly executed by authorized representatives of both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.For Party A: ___________________________ [Name], [Title]For Party B: ___________________________ [Name], [Title]Appendix A: Contributions of Each Party Appendix B: Financial ArrangementsAppendix C: Intellectual Property Rights Appendix D: Confidentiality Agreement Appendix E: Publications and Publicity Rights。
研究协议合同范本双语合同编号:_______全称:____________________地址:____________________全称:____________________地址:____________________第一条合同主体1.1 甲方为项目的研究发起方,负责项目的整体策划和监督。
1.2 乙方为项目的合作研究方,负责具体研究任务的执行。
第二条项目内容2.1 项目名称:____________________2.2 项目目标:____________________2.3 研究周期:自____年__月__日至____年__月__日。
第三条权利与义务3.1 甲方的权利与义务:3.1.1 甲方负责提供项目所需的资金、设备、资料等资源。
3.1.2 甲方有权对乙方的研究进度和质量进行监督。
3.1.3 甲方应按照约定支付乙方报酬。
3.2 乙方的权利与义务:3.2.1 乙方应按照项目要求,认真完成研究任务。
3.2.2 乙方应保证研究成果的保密性,未经甲方同意不得对外泄露。
3.2.3 乙方有权按照约定获得报酬。
第四条报酬与支付4.1 乙方的报酬为人民币(大写):____元整(小写):¥____元。
4.2 甲方应在乙方完成研究任务并通过验收后____个工作日内支付报酬。
第五条知识产权5.1 本项目中产生的知识产权归甲方所有,乙方应协助甲方办理相关知识产权手续。
5.2 乙方在项目研究过程中所形成的非专利技术成果,归乙方所有。
第六条违约责任6.1 任何一方违反合同规定,导致项目无法按期完成,应承担违约责任,向对方支付违约金,具体金额双方协商确定。
6.2 乙方违反保密义务,导致甲方损失,应承担相应的赔偿责任。
第七条争议解决7.1 双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决。
7.2 若协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。
第八条其他8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
第一条合作内容1.1 甲方同意为乙方提供科研所需的设备、设施、实验材料等支持;1.2 乙方同意在甲方的支持下,进行相关科研项目的研发工作;1.3 双方同意共同对科研项目进行评估、监督和协调,确保项目顺利进行。
第三条甲方权利与义务3.1 甲方应按照本协议约定,为乙方提供科研支持;3.2 甲方应保证所提供设备的正常运行,确保乙方科研工作的顺利进行;3.3 甲方应对乙方提供的科研成果保密,不得泄露给第三方;3.4 甲方应按照约定时间,向乙方支付科研经费。
第四条乙方权利与义务4.1 乙方应按照本协议约定,在甲方的支持下进行科研项目研发;4.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求,使用甲方提供的设备、设施和实验材料;4.3 乙方应对甲方提供的科研成果保密,不得泄露给第三方;4.4 乙方应按照约定时间,向甲方报告科研项目进展情况。
第五条保密条款5.1 双方在履行本协议过程中所获悉的对方的商业秘密、技术秘密、科研成果等,应予以严格保密;5.2 保密期限自本协议签字之日起算,至协议终止或履行完毕之日止;5.3 双方违反保密义务的,应承担违约责任,赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
第六条争议解决6.1 双方在履行本协议过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;6.2 如协商不成,任何一方均有权向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
第七条其他条款7.1 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份;7.2 本协议自甲乙双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效;7.3 本协议未尽事宜,可由双方另行签订补充协议。
甲方(盖章):__________乙方(盖章):__________甲方代表(签名):__________乙方代表(签名):__________签订日期:____年__月__日一、附件列表:1. 科研合作协议书2. 项目研究报告3. 科研成果证明文件4. 设备、设施使用说明书5. 实验材料清单6. 保密协议7. 补充协议二、违约行为及认定:1. 甲方未按约定时间为乙方提供科研支持,包括设备、设施、实验材料等。
国际科研合作协议范本4篇全文共4篇示例,供读者参考篇1International Research Cooperation Agreement TemplateThis International Research Cooperation Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of ____________ (the "Effective Date"), by and between __________________, a company organized and existing under the laws of ____________, with its principal place of business at ____________ ("Company"), and__________________, a company organized and existing under the laws of ____________, with its principal place of business at____________ ("Partner").WHEREAS, Company and Partner desire to establish a cooperative relationship for the purpose of conducting research in the fields of ____________ ("Research Areas"); andWHEREAS, Company and Partner desire to define their respective roles, responsibilities, and expectations with respect to the research collaboration.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Research Collaboration1.1 Scope of Collaboration. The parties shall collaborate on research projects in the Research Areas specified in Schedule A. Each research project shall be governed by a separate research plan to be agreed upon by the parties.1.2 Responsibilities of Company. Company shall be responsible for providing funding, equipment, facilities, and personnel necessary for the research projects, as specified in Schedule B.1.3 Responsibilities of Partner. Partner shall be responsible for providing expertise, personnel, materials, and other resources necessary for the research projects, as specified in Schedule C.2. Intellectual Property2.1 Ownership of Intellectual Property. Any intellectual property arising from the research collaboration shall be owned jointly by the parties, unless otherwise agreed in writing.2.2 Protection of Intellectual Property. The parties shall cooperate in securing and maintaining intellectual property rights in the jointly owned intellectual property.3. Publications and Presentations3.1 Publications. The parties agree to collaborate on the preparation and submission of research papers and other publications resulting from the research collaboration.3.2 Presentations. The parties agree to present the results of the research collaboration at conferences and other public forums.4. Confidentiality4.1 Confidential Information. The parties shall keep confidential all information, data, and materials provided by the other party that is designated as confidential.4.2 Non-Disclosure Agreement. The parties shall enter into a separate non-disclosure agreement to protect any confidential information disclosed during the research collaboration.5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution5.1 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ____________.5.2 Dispute Resolution. Any disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved through good-faith negotiations between the parties. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, it shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce.6. Term and Termination6.1 Term. This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of ____________, unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement of the parties.6.2 Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach of the terms of this Agreement.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.COMPANY: ____________________By: ____________________Title: ____________________PARTNER: ____________________By: ____________________Title: ____________________SCHEDULE A – Research AreasSCHEDULE B – Company ResponsibilitiesSCHEDULE C – Partner ResponsibilitiesThis International Research Cooperation Agreement is hereby accepted and agreed to by the parties as of the Effective Date.____________________COMPANYBy: ____________________Title: ________________________________________PARTNERBy: ____________________Title: ____________________篇2国际科研合作协议为加强国际科研合作,促进科学技术的进步与发展,各合作方本着平等、合作、互利、共赢的原则,达成如下协议:一、合作目的本协议旨在促进世界各国之间的科研合作,推动科学技术的共享和交流,促进世界科学事业的繁荣发展。
1. 甲乙双方同意共同开展(填写具体研究项目名称)。
2. 合作的主要目标是(填写合作目标)。
3. 双方将共享研究成果,包括但不限于数据、论文发表等。
1. 甲方负责提供(填写具体资金或资源)。
2. 乙方负责提供(填写具体资金或资源)。
3. 所有费用支出必须事先得到双方书面同意。
1. 所有在合作期间产生的知识产权归双方共有,除非另有约定。
2. 任何一方未经另一方书面同意,不得擅自使用或转让相关知识产权。
1. 双方应对合作过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和技术信息予以保密。
2. 保密义务在本协议终止后仍然有效。
1. 本协议的任何修改和补充均需双方书面同意。
2. 若一方严重违反协议条款,另一方有权提前终止协议。
1. 本协议自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效。
2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
第二章:目标与原则1. 目标本协议的目标是促进科学研究的国际合作,推动科学技术的创新与发展,共同解决全球性科学难题,提供可持续发展的解决方案,促进人类社会的进步与发展。
2. 原则(1)平等互利:各缔约方在科研合作中应本着平等互利的原则,共同分享合作成果;(2)开放透明:科研合作应开放透明,交流合作的过程、结果应共享和公开;(3)遵守法律法规和伦理:科研合作应遵守相关的国际和国内法律法规,重视科研伦理和道德规范;(4)保护知识产权:在科研合作过程中应尊重知识产权,保护合作方的合法权益;(5)可持续发展:科研合作应促进可持续发展,关注环境保护、资源利用和社会责任等方面的问题。
第三章:合作机构与责任1. 合作机构本协议的合作机构包括各国科研机构、大学、实验室和企业等,通过签署合作协议共同组建研究团队开展合作项目。
2. 责任(1)各缔约方应共同遵守协议约定,履行合作项目责任;(2)各合作机构应按照协议约定,提供必要的研究设施和资源,支持合作项目的顺利开展;(3)合作机构应派遣合适的科研人员参与合作项目,并按照合作计划和时间节点履行科研任务;(4)合作机构应确保科研人员的权益,提供必要的保障和福利待遇。
第四章:合作项目1. 项目立项各缔约方或合作机构可提出合作项目的申请,并提交相关研究计划和预算。
2. 科研人员交流与合作(1)双方可以派遣科研人员进行交流和短期合作,通过合作交流,增进相互了解,提高科研水平。
研究协议合同范本双语甲方(研究发起方):_____________________地址:___________________________________法定代表人:___________________________职务:___________________________________乙方(研究执行方):_____________________地址:___________________________________法定代表人:___________________________职务:___________________________________鉴于甲方希望委托乙方进行特定的研究工作,乙方同意接受委托并按照甲方的要求完成研究任务,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条研究内容1.1 乙方应根据甲方提供的研究方向和目标,开展以下研究工作: - 研究题目:________________________- 研究范围:________________________- 研究方法:________________________- 预期成果:________________________1.2 研究工作应符合相关法律法规和行业标准。
第二条研究期限2.1 本协议项下的研究工作应自本协议生效之日起至____年____月____日止。
第三条甲方的权利与义务3.1 甲方有权监督乙方的研究进度,并要求乙方提供研究进展报告。
3.2 甲方应按时支付乙方研究费用,并提供必要的研究资料和条件。
第四条乙方的权利与义务4.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求和本协议的规定,独立完成研究任务。
4.2 乙方应保证研究工作的质量和成果的原创性,不得抄袭或侵犯他人知识产权。
第五条知识产权5.1 研究产生的知识产权,包括但不限于专利权、著作权、商标权等,归甲方所有。
5.2 乙方在研究过程中发现的任何新技术、新方法或其他知识产权,应及时通知甲方,并协助甲方完成知识产权的申请和登记工作。
合作研究协议书撰写说明及范本基本内容(但不仅限于如下部分):1. 合作研究题目2. 双方主持人和主要参加者包括合作双方主持人和主要参加者的列表。
3. 合作研究计划、分工和进度简述研究课题的内容,清楚阐明合作双方分别承担的研究工作和相应责任,必要时需提出时间表。
4. 经费来源和使用简述双方合作研究的经费来源和如何使用,必要时外国合作方需提供相关证明或书面承诺5. 知识产权归属、使用和转移阐述合作研究成果的归属、使用或共享等有关约定;6. 研究期限、变更和退出写明合作研究的起止日期,如何处理项目结题前项目主持人和主要参加人的变更等。
7. 协议法律效力的约定协议生效、有效期、中止等的有关约定8. 双方项目主持人签字及协议的签署时间与地点协议请用含有国外合作方所在大学或机构抬头和相关信息(地址、电话、传真、电子邮件)的稿纸打印。
Collaborative Research AgreementBasic parts (but not limited to these parts):1.Collaborative Research Title2.Principle Investigators and Main Participants from Both SidesList principle investigators and participants of each side3. Research Plan, Division of Labor and TimetableBriefly describe the scientific objectives, methodologies and approaches of the re search. State clearly which part is “Partner A”’s work and which part is “Partner B”’s. Include time frames in this part if necessary.4. Sources of Funding and Its UseDescribe sources of funding for the collaborative research and the mechanism to use it. Provide certificates or written commitment of the foreign collaborator if necessary.5. Ownership, Use and Transfer of the Intellectual PropertyClearly state who shall own the intellectual property and how to use or share it. 6. Duration, Amendament and WithdrawalClearly state the specific dates that the collaborative research starts and ends and the process to deal with changes concerning principle investigators and main participants before the research terminates.7. Legal ValidityEffective date, period and termination.8. Signature by Principle Investigators of Both Parties, Date and PlaceThe Agreement shall be printed on paper that contains the name of the foreign collaborator’s institution and contact information (address, telephone, fax and email).Sample Agreement:Agreement on Joint ResearchI.Collaborative Research TitleThe title of the collaborative research is ***.II.III.L eading ScientistsParty A:Principle Investigator: Prof. Dr. Zhao YiE-mail:Tel.:Fax:Address:Main Participants (Participating Universities/Institutes and other Institutions):Prof. Dr. Qian ErProf. Dr. Sun SanDr. Li SiParty B:Principle Investigator: Prof. John DoeE-mail:Tel.:Fax:Address:Main Participants (Participating Universities/Institutes and other Institutions):Prof. Dr. Jeo BloggsIV.V.Research Plan, Division of Labor and TimetableThe project aims to design a ***for ***. It will focus on *** and will be developed in the following units:Unit A: Title:***, Investigators: Prof. Dr. Qian ErThe goal of this group is to deepen our understanding of ***. The research work is closely connected to ***.With ***, this group is going to *** and address the question of ***.Unit B: Title:***, Investigators: Prof. Dr. Sun San and Prof. LI SiUnit C: Title:***, Investigators: Prof. Dr. John Doe…VI.Sources of Funding and Its UseA will apply for 2 million yuan RMB from NSFC, in more detail:Small EquipmentGraduate StudentsWorkshopsConsumablesEnergyAdministrationTravelThe use of funding obeys NSFC’s regulations and requirements.B will apply for xxx US dollars form X, in more detail:…VII.Ownership, Use and Transfer of the Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights of the project cover all results obtained within the project. The IPR of common results will be shared by all parties concerned. The IPR of results obtained independently by one party without any assistance from the other party or obtained before or after the collaboration will belong to the respective party.Authorship and acknowlegement in papers should be based on contribution to the project and decided in discussions involving all parties concerned.Before submitting any application for realted intellectual property rights, one party should first consult with the other party and may proceed only after the other party has agreed without objection on the ownership of the IPR.Without the written consent of both parties, none of the project’s common IPR may be transferred to any third-party.VIII.Duration, Amendament and WithdrawalThe project will terminate upon completion of all research activities, which is agreed on the date of ***. A research partner who decides to withdraw from the project before the above-mentioned date shoold notice other members of the collaborative research at least three months before the change happens. Any amendament to this agreement should be agreed by both parties.IX.Legal ValidityThis agreement comes into effect on *** and terminates on ***. It is made in two counterpart originals and two counterpart copies, with one of the originals to be retained by each of the two parties and one of the copies to be retained by NSFC and X respectively.X.Signature:Party A:Time:Place:Party B: Time: Place:。
科研国际合作协议书范本甲方:____________(科研机构或高校)乙方:____________(国际科研机构或高校)鉴于甲方和乙方均致力于科研事业的发展,为了共同开展国际合作研究项目,共享科研资源,提高科研水平,现经甲乙双方友好协商,达成以下协议:一、合作领域和目标1. 甲方和乙方同意在____________(研究领域)开展合作研究,共同解决该领域内的关键科学问题。
2. 双方合作的研究目标为:____________(研究目标),以期达到国际领先水平。
二、合作内容1. 甲方和乙方将共同承担研究任务,分工合作,定期交流研究进展,共同撰写科研报告和论文。
2. 甲方将提供____________(设备、实验室、资金等)支持,乙方将提供____________(设备、实验室、资金等)支持。
3. 甲方和乙方将共同培养科研人才,甲方提供____________(奖学金、科研经费等)支持乙方研究人员来甲方进行访问研究。
四、知识产权和成果分享1. 双方合作研究的成果(包括论文、专利、技术等)将由甲方和乙方共同拥有。
2. 双方在合作研究过程中产生的知识产权和成果,应按照双方的约定进行分享。
五、保密条款1. 双方在合作过程中获得的商业秘密、技术秘密和其他敏感信息,应予以严格保密。
2. 未经对方同意,任何一方不得将合作过程中的任何信息泄露给第三方。
七、其他1. 本协议未尽事宜,可由双方另行签订补充协议。
2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
研究协议合同范本双语Research Agreement Contract Model in Bilingual甲方(投资方):Party A (Investor):地址:Address:电话:Telephone:法定代表人:Legal Representative:乙方(研究方):Party B (Researcher):地址:Address:电话:Telephone:法定代表人:Legal Representative:鉴于甲方拥有一定的资金实力和投资需求,乙方拥有专业的研究团队和丰富的研究经验,双方本着平等互利、优势互补的原则,就甲方委托乙方进行投资研究事宜达成如下协议:This Agreement is entered into between Party A, which has certn capital strength and investment needs, and Party B, which has a professional research team and extensive research experience. Both parties, in the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, and mutual advantage, have agreed to entrust Party B with conducting investment research for Party A, as follows:第一条合作内容Article 1: Cooperation Scope1. 甲方委托乙方进行投资研究,包括但不限于宏观经济、行业分析、公司研究等。
1. Party A entrusts Party B to conduct investment research, including but not limited to macroeconomics, industry analysis, and pany research.2. 乙方将根据甲方的要求,提供投资研究报告及相关建议。
第二条合作方式1. 甲方负责提供[XXXXX]方面的专业知识和技术指导,以及[XXXXX]方面的支持。
2. 乙方负责提供国际资源和经验,以及[XXXXX]方面的支持。
3. 双方共同制定项目计划,明确各自的责任和义务,确保项目的顺利进行。
第二章双方责任与义务第四条甲方的责任与义务1. 提供[XXXXX]方面的专业知识和技术指导,确保项目的顺利进行。
2. 协助乙方解决项目实施过程中遇到的技术问题。
3. 按照协议约定,及时支付应承担的费用。
第五条乙方的责任与义务1. 提供国际资源和经验,为项目的成功实施提供保障。
2. 协助甲方解决项目实施过程中遇到的国际合作问题。
3. 按照协议约定,及时支付应承担的费用。
第三章资金管理与使用第六条资金管理1. 双方共同设立项目资金账户,用于管理项目资金。
2. 甲方和乙方应按照协议约定的比例和方式,及时将应承担的费用存入项目资金账户。
3. 项目资金应专款专用,不得挪作他用。
第七条资金使用1. 项目资金主要用于支付[XXXXX]费用、[XXXXX]费用以及[XXXXX]费用等。
2. 双方应共同制定项目预算,明确各项费用的具体支出比例和方式。
3. 在项目实施过程中,如需调整预算,应由双方协商一致后执行。
国际合作协议中英文完整版doc(二)国际合作协议中英文完整版doc(二)国际合作协议International Cooperation Agreement协议各方:第一章协议目的与原则1.1 本协议的目的是为甲乙双方提供开展合作的框架和指导,促进双方在经济、科技、文化等领域的交流与发展。
1.2 本协议的原则是平等互利、友好协商、共同发展、互利共赢。
2.2 上述合作领域及范围并不限于上述列举,双方可在协商一致的前提下进行扩展或调整。
第三章责任与权利3.1 甲方和乙方在合作过程中各自有如下责任:(1)提供必要的资源和支持,确保合作项目的顺利进行;(2)妥善处理合作过程中的问题和争议,保持合作的稳定和良好关系;(3)保护对方的合法权益,遵守协议的约定。
3.2 甲方和乙方在合作中各自享有如下权利:(1)根据合作协议的规定,获得对方提供的资源和支持;(2)根据合作协议的规定,参与对方组织的活动和项目;(3)享受合作过程中的成果和利益。
第四章合作机制与流程4.1 甲方和乙方将建立合作机制,包括但不限于:(1)双方设立合作协调小组,负责协调、监督和评估合作项目的实施;(2)定期举行合作机构间的会议,交流合作进展和问题解决。
第五章终止与变更5.1 如无特殊原因,本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为(具体年限)。
5.2 在协议有效期内,如果甲方或乙方希望终止合作关系,应提前(具体时间)书面通知对方。
合约方:甲方:(机构名称/学术机构/研究中心)地址:联系人:电话:邮箱:乙方:(机构名称/学术机构/研究中心)地址:联系人:电话:邮箱:为促进科技创新、推动国际科研合作与交流,甲乙双方达成如下协议:第一条目标与原则1.1 本协议的目标是为甲乙双方提供开展科学研究的合作机会,促进双方在科技创新、学术交流等方面的合作与发展。
1.2 本协议的原则是平等互利、自愿合作、互学互鉴。
第二条合作领域2.1 双方将就下列领域进行科学研究合作:(列出具体的合作领域,包括但不限于:生物科学、物理科学、化学科学、环境科学、工程科学等)2.2 双方可以共同确定或增加合作领域,协议生效后,应签订补充协议。
第三条合作方式3.1 双方可以通过以下方式展开合作:(列出具体的合作方式,包括但不限于:共同研究项目、学术交流、人员互访、共同申请科研项目等)3.2 合作方式的具体安排将由双方协商确定,签署补充协议后执行。
第四条经费和知识产权4.1 合作项目的经费由双方共同承担,具体经费安排由双方协商确定。
4.2 合作项目所涉及的知识产权归属原则为公平分配,双方共享合作成果。
第五条机构交流5.1 甲乙双方可以通过互派人员进行学术交流、参访与合作研究。
5.2 机构交流的安排和费用由双方协商确定,双方应提供必要的支持和便利。
第六条信息共享6.1 双方在合作过程中应保持及时、有效的沟通和信息共享。
6.2 双方可以通过邮件、会议、研讨会等方式进行信息共享。
第七条保密条款7.1 双方承诺在合作过程中保守对方的商业秘密和机密信息,并采取措施防止信息泄漏或滥用。
7.2 本协议签署后双方可以共同讨论并签署保密协议以保护涉及商业秘密和机密信息的内容和文件。
第八条协议期限与终止8.1 本协议自双方代表签字之日起生效,并持续有效期为三年。
国自然国际合作协议 模板
国自然国际合作协议 模板国家自然科学基金国际合作协议是用于规范基金委与国际合作伙伴之间合作项目的框架性文件。
合作项目:项目名称: [合作项目名称]项目目的: [明确项目的科研目的]合作方案: [详细描述项目的合作方案,包括任务分工、预期成果等]经费与资源: [明确经费、设备、材料等方面的支持和分配]合作期限:本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为[具体年限]。
协议签署:甲方签字:____________________ 日期:____________________乙方签字:____________________ 日期:____________________请注意,此为一个简化模板,实际的合作协议应根据具体情况和涉及的国家法规进行详细调整。
基金委国际合作研究协议书撰写说明及范本(英文)7篇篇1一、撰写说明在撰写基金委国际合作研究协议书时,需遵循以下原则和要求:1. 明确协议目的和背景:协议书应明确双方的合作目的和背景,包括合作的共同目标和预期成果。
2. 详细描述合作内容和方式:协议书应详细描述双方的合作内容和方式,包括研究领域、具体项目、合作模式等。
3. 明确双方的权利和义务:协议书应明确双方的权利和义务,包括各自的责任、权利分配、合作期限等。
4. 确保协议的合法性和有效性:协议书应在符合法律法规的前提下制定,并确保双方均能遵守协议内容。
此外,在撰写协议书时,还需注意以下几点:* 语言表达要清晰、准确,避免使用模糊或容易产生歧义的词汇。
* 格式要规范、美观,便于阅读和审核。
* 内容要全面、详细,能够充分反映双方的权益和合作需求。
二、范本以下是一个基金委国际合作研究协议书的范本,供您参考:International Cooperation Research AgreementParty A: [Name of Party A]Party B: [Name of Party B]I. Purpose and BackgroundThis agreement is made between Party A and Party B for the purpose of promoting international cooperation in scientific research. The parties agree to pool their resources and expertise to address global challenges and advance scientific knowledge.II. Cooperation Content and Mode1. Research Area: The parties will collaborate in the field of [Specify research area], focusing on [Specify specific project].2. Cooperation Mode: Party A and Party B will work together in a joint research team, sharing resources and expertise. Each party will contribute to the project according to its own strengths and capacity.3. Project Management: A joint project management committee will be established to oversee the progress and direction of the project. The committee will consist of representatives from both parties, who will meet regularly to review project progress and make decisions on any necessary adjustments.III. Rights and Obligations1. Intellectual Property Rights: All intellectual property generated during the course of the project will be jointly owned by Party A and Party B. Each party retains its own copyright and patent rights to any prior or separately funded research used in the project. The parties will jointly decide on any patent applications or publications arising from the project.2. Funding: Party A and Party B will each contribute to the project funding based on their respective financial capabilities and research needs. The specific funding amounts and payment schedules will be agreed upon by the parties prior to the start ofthe project. All funds must be used solely for the purposes specified in this agreement.3. Responsibilities: Each party is responsible for providing its own personnel, equipment, and other necessary resources to carry out its obligations under this agreement. The parties will work together to ensure the smooth operation of the project and achieve the agreed research objectives.4. Duration: This agreement shall come into effect upon signing and shall continue for a period of [Specify duration], unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement of the parties. Either party may terminate this agreement with a three-month notice period, provided that such termination does not adversely affect the other party's interests.IV. Legal Effectiveness and JurisdictionThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Specify jurisdiction], which shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising from or related to this agreement. The parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of such courts without reservation. All terms and conditions of this agreement shall be legally binding on the parties hereto.Signed by: [Name and Position of Signatory] from Party A [Date] [Name and Position of Signatory] from Party B [Date]希望以上范本能满足您的需求。
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Collaborative Research Agreement
Basic parts (but not limited to these parts):
The Agreement shall be printed on paper that contains the name of the either collaborator’s institution and contact information (address, telephone, fax and email).
Sample Agreement:
Agreement on Joint Research
I.Collaborative Research Title
The title of the collaborative research is ***.
II.Leading Scientists
Party A:
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Cai Yuanqi
Main Participants (Participating Universities/Institutes and other Institutions): Prof. Dr. Qian Er
Prof. Dr. Sun San
Dr. Li Si
Party B:
Principal Investigator: Prof. John Doe
Main Participants (Participating Universities/Institutes and other Institutions): Prof. Dr. Jeo Bloggs
III.R esearch Plan, Division of Labor and Timetable
The project aims to design a ***for ***. It will focus on *** and will be developed in the following units:
Unit A: Title:***, Investigators: Prof. Dr. Qian Er
The goal of this group is to deepen our understanding of ***. The research work is closely connected to ***.With ***, this group is going to *** and address the question of ***.
Unit B: Title:***, Investigators: Prof. Dr. Sun San and Prof. LI Si
Unit C: Title:***, Investigators: Prof. Dr. John Doe
IV.Sources of Funding and Its Use
A will apply for 2 million yuan RM
B from NSFC, in more detail:
The use of funding obeys NSFC’s regulations and requirements.
B will apply for xxx US dollars form X, in more detail:
V.Ownership, Use and Transfer of the Intellectual Property
Intellectual property rights of the project cover all results obtained within the project. The IPR of common results will be shared by all parties concerned. The IPR of results obtained independently by one party without any assistance from the other party or obtained before or after the collaboration will belong to the respective party.
Authorship and acknowlegement in papers should be based on contribution to the project and decided in discussions involving all parties concerned.
Before submitting any application for realted intellectual property rights, one party should first consult with the other party and may proceed only after the other party has agreed without objection on the ownership of the IPR.
Without the written consent of both parties, none of the project’s common IPR may be transferred to any third-party.
VI.Duration, Amendament and Withdrawal
The project will terminate upon completion of all research activities, which is agreed on the date of ***. A research partner who decides to withdraw from the project before the above-mentioned date shoold notice other members of the collaborative research at least three months before the change happens. Any amendament to this agreement should be agreed by both parties.
VII.Legal Validity
This agreement comes into effect on *** and terminates on ***. It is made in two counterpart originals and two counterpart copies, with one of the originals to be retained by each of the two parties and one of the copies to be retained by NSFC and X respectively.
Party A:
Party B: