高中英语完型常用词汇集锦与拓展 1

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ignore sb./ sth.忽视某人、事 be ignorant of / about不知道,忽视
8.calm adj.(心情)平静,(天气)无风
eg. She calmed the baby down by giving him some milk.
calm down镇静下来
apply for 申请
apply sth. to 把……应用于 be applied to适用于,与……接触 apply oneself to 致力于…… application n.
21.contribute v.捐献,贡献,投稿
contribute …to…把…贡献于…
12.command v./ n.命令,掌握,指挥,精通
command sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事
command that句子(虚拟语气) have a good command of精通 at / by one’s command听某人命令 under one’s command
qualify v.使合格
qualification n.资格 qualified adj.有资格的 of low / poor quality质量差的 of real/ good/ high quality质量好的,优秀的
quantity n.数量,数目
a large quantity of = quantities of +可数名词复数、 不可数名词,许多大量
常用词汇集锦与拓展(一) 1.complain v.抱怨,不满,发牢骚 complain (to sb.) about/ of…(向某人)抱怨…… complain (to sb. )that从句(向某人)抱怨…… complaint n. 抱怨,申诉,投诉
a complain about / of / against抱怨,投诉
= under the command of 由……指挥
take command of控制 in command of指挥,统帅
13.request n./ v.请求,要求
request that 句子(虚拟语气)
request sb. to do请求某人做某事 request sth. of sb.向……要求某事 on request 一经要求 be in request需要
eg. I would keep my distance from that dog, if I were you.
at (from) a distance在远处
in the distance在远处
keep one’s distance保持一定距离
6.upset adj.心烦意乱,不安的 vt.使不安,使心烦
a letter of complaint一封投诉信
eg. She often complain to her boss of/ about getting paid too little.
eg. Why don’t you make a complaint against your noisy neighbout?
19.attend v.出席,看护,照料
at attendance出席,出席的人数
attendant服务员 attend by 伴着 attend to专心,注意,照顾 attend on 伺候
attend up on服侍
attend a lecture听讲座
20.apply v.申请,应用于,适用
be upset about为……烦恼
be upset that为……感到心烦 upset sth.使某事失败 upset sb.使某人烦恼 upset oneself about为……烦恼
upset the plan打乱计划
upset the cup打翻杯子
7.ignore v.不理睬,忽视
eg. You had better ignore his insults.
eg. They reduced the price by 20%.
eg. The expense has been reduced to 1,000 yuan. reduce… to …把…降低到…,把…减少到… reduce … by…把…降低了…,把…减少了… reduction. n. 减少,减价
present sb. with sth.把某物赠给某人
present sth. to sb.把某物赠给某人
Biblioteka Baidu
16.equal vt.等于,与……相等 n.和自己相当的人 和事 be equal to sth. / doing sth.等于某物,能胜任某事 be equal with 与……相等
eg. We consider ourselves equal.
reduce的反义词increase,增加到与to搭配,增加了 要与by搭配
4.diet n.日常饮食 v.节食,
eg. It’s important to have a balanced diet.
go on a diet.节食(表动作) be on a diet节食(表状态)
5.distance n.距离
make a contribution to …对……做出贡献
on the point of doing sth正要做某事
there is no point in doing sth.做……没意义
11.base v.以……为根据 n.基部,基地,基础
base sth. on/ upon
以……为根据,基础,把…建立在… be based on以……为根据,基础 bese sth. in / at把(总部,基地)设在…… at the base of在……底部
recognize one’s voice分辨出某人声音
15.present adj.当场的,在场的,出席的
at present目前
at the present time= for the present眼前,暂时 be present at meeting出席会议 be present to mind 放在心里 be present to出现在……上
10.point vt.指,对着,瞄准 n.点,分
point sth. at sb. / sth.用某物对着某人、物
point sth. out at sb.向某人指出 boiling / freezing/ melting point沸点,冰点,融点 off/ beside the point离体 to the point切题
2.stress v.强调,着重 n.压力,紧张,重音
eg. He stressed that we should be punctual.
eg. He is under a lot of stress because his wife is very ill.
3.reduce vt.减少,使降级
keep/ be calm保持镇定 keep calm别慌, keep still别动, keep quiet别吵
9.concern v.涉及,关系到 n.担心,关心,关系
concern oneself about / for / over担心,关心
concern oneself with关心,参与 be concerned about / for . over关心,挂念 be concerned with关心,参与
at one’s request= at the quest of应某人的要求
make a request for请求 make sb a request= make a request of 请求某人
14.recognize v.辨认出,承认 recognize … as… 把…认为… recognize sb./sth. to be认为某人、物是 recognize that+句子承认
17.confident adj.有信心的,确认的
be confident of 确信=be sure/ certain of
be confident that确信 be confident in = have a confidence in对……有信心 confidence n.自信,信任
18.quality n.质量,特质,品质
show/ express concern about/ for 对表示关心
have a concern with和……有利害关系
as / so far as… be concerned就……而言 with concern关切地 eg. The story is concerned with a russian family.